Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 11 2017


I wish someone told me how undecided I might be

And that it's likely To cause me

To have a break down.

Wish someone had told me that around The time of leaving high school you will make

huge decisions Based on the provisions

You have, maybe you go to college.

Decide to gather all the knowledge You can,

But you planned To major in one thing but got accepted to

another, Or you had a pre-program and your grades didn't

cover You getting in.

Now you have to take extra classes so when You reapply your GPA will be high enough,

Then after going through all this stuff You don't use your degree.

Or maybe You decide to go straight to work.

Do whatever job you can find but wonder if it's worth

It to leave, undecided once again.

Or maybe you decide to be an entrepreneur, a businessman,

But can't decide to keep on or give up, To strive for better or live up

To the standard American plan.

Work so many years under another man Just to get out the game.

You'll have some days the choices make you think you'll go insane

Because each decision weighs a thousand pounds, And just when you think you found

The direction you want to go, you second guess, Because it was your initial decision that

got you into the mess In the first place.

The End.

For more infomation >> Undecided | Spoken Word Poetry | By: Poetic Daisy - Duration: 1:28.



what's going on everybody on YouTube this Tony tornado if you follow me on

Twitter you would know that I've been bitching all morning about this crap

with YouTube and I'm pissed guys let me tell you I'm pissed and it doesn't it

takes a lot for me to get pissed so let me just start off by saying that I just

counted them all up and I received a hundred and thirty nine videos being

demonetised from YouTube absolutely no fucking excuse for that okay I'm gonna

try to make this videos I'm netted as possible I don't want to really edit

this I just want to put it up and get my fucking feelings out I need to voice my

opinion this has been going on since the ad pocalypse in March on my channel and

a lot of other people's channels but I'm telling you I've been hit extremely

extremely hard so let me tell you what's been going on in the channel okay I'm

gonna start there we can start there in March everyone knows about the ad

pocalypse okay since the month of March most of my videos had advertisements and

we're doing pretty good actually I wasn't really complaining too much about

it but then it went like this my revenue was cut by about 75% okay and as all the

bigger youtubers that watch this will will find out and they'll know because

you know compare my paycheck to theirs how much do you really think I'm not

going to say but how much do you really think I'm gonna I'm getting paid before

all this happened and then they took 75% of that so I don't know what the fuck's

their problem so and then I thought oh then they said okay well we're gonna

start fixing the issues we're gonna start we're gonna start fixing all this

stuff that happened because you know all the main advertisers left and I just

couldn't help but think to myself I just wondered if this was like all

premeditated by YouTube to kind of clean house and I really just feel like to a

degree that's kind of true because they've been telling us month after

month after month or they're gonna fix it and they don't fix it and then this

whole crap with the Las Vegas shooting for everyone who doesn't know what's

happening about that Jimmy Kimmel got all these ads on his videos when he was

he's not even a fucking youtuber like all these all these TV companies they

have YouTube channels and they're not being

he'll accountable for the same fucking rules that we have to apply to all the

youtubers all the youtubers have a different set of rules and it's not like

every youtuber but it's most of them like for example Jake Paul and Luke and

Paul you you know all the violent shit that they do on their vlog videos do you

think that they're gonna get advertisement pulled off their videos no

because of the hardest training thing on YouTube right now like I'm so sick of it

I need to voice my fucking opinion guys okay I'm sorry I was being so nice all

along I just had the utmost faith in YouTube I said you know what they're

gonna fix this they're gonna just fix it and everything's gonna be okay in a few

months well guess what guys it's October how many months it went by six seven

months and nothing has changed and then I wake up this morning and I could not

believe it a hundred and thirty nine videos all demonetised all at the same

time all at the same time not one one after the other after the other over a

couple days I had 139 videos demonetised of 290 uploads all at one fucking time

okay now I sent the screenshots over to Twitter I'll show them here and I'll

also show you guys a screenshot I show you the street the screenshots that were

posted on Twitter and there was a response I got actually got a response

from YouTube team YouTube when they fucking responded to me after they

didn't respond to me until I posted I tweeted them three times and I was only

expecting a response from Team YouTube because I kind of expect that from them

you know what I mean because you know they're the ones creating this mess in

my opinion they should at least respond to the people they're affecting and they

finally responded I think it was like the third or fourth tweet I sent at them

because I put the screenshots in it and I just you know I'm gonna show it in the

video but I'm just trying to make this video real quick so I apologize if it

looks really bad it says hey Tony this is a new system and we know it's per

it's not perfect please review every appeal helps us make it better you know

what fuck you why the fuck should I have to stay here and spend my time why

should I have to spend my time appeal and everyone

videos when most of these videos have been up for almost two years now

and now all the site you're telling me that they're not advertiser friendly

fuck that this is bullshit you know what you you know what the youtubers need to

do to start fixing you know what all the youtubers need to do start fixing this

shit I'm gonna tell you what all the youtubers need you start fixing this

shit you know all the small advertisers you know the ones that they're paying us

like pennies pennies like the shit that doesn't even matter that the small

companies all that really small shit the stuff that when I post a video I might

get 10 cents on because it's only receiving it's only receiving ads from

these small last companies well if they have a right if all these companies have

a right to pick and choose what they're at what they want to advertise on well

then guess what I should have a right to choose if I

don't want those small YouTube the small advertisers beat advertising my videos

who thinks that that should be a thing I do because why the hell should they be

allowed to advertise on my videos and they're not paying me dick and then all

the big companies pull out and then they're you know it's bullshit that I

don't you know if the if it really was an option if it was an option for

creators to pick and choose what ads they wanted on their videos this shit

wouldn't be happening because you wouldn't have all these people being

nitpicky because they would be there be in their position it'd be in their

position to make it better okay they'd be like oh well you know we

got to get advertising put on these videos because now they have the power

no we got to stop giving the power back to them I'm so sick of this shit I'm so

fucking sick of this shit you guys have no idea I'm so fucking tired of this

fucking shit like I said guys I'm really fucking mad okay I'm just pissed because

this is coming from someone that worked very very hard and spent a lot of time

and a lot of money and a lot of effort into YouTube I fucking did everything I

was supposed to do now one copyright strike not one Community Guidelines on

my channel in two years so tell me YouTube what have I done

that's so wrong what have I done now I'll tell you what it is

is always for everyone on in the fucking YouTube community to cut fucking corners

on fucking on youtubers you know because it's different if you have a rule in

place okay if you have a rule in place everyone's supposed to abide by it it's

just that simple and yeah I know we live it on planet Earth and that doesn't

happen but at the same time you have to understand that if all the bigger

channels like I'm not saying bigger youtubers I'm saying bigger channel as

in like the TV channels TV network channels and like Logan Paul and Jake

Paul maybe a couple others if they're the only ones that are getting full

blown-out CPM and good advertisements every single time someone clicks on a

fucking video there's a problem they're like how does someone how does someone

go from making a good living on YouTube to not even getting a paycheck

consistently every single month I want to know I want to know you too how is

that possible how is that possible I want to know anyway guys I don't know if

I'm gonna make another video about this or not I don't know I'm gonna keep you

guys advised of the situation as it continues if you want to keep up to date

on this story follow me on twitter stony tornado 24 links down below in the

description follow me on twitter follow me on instagram follow me on everything

else but fucking youtube okay because let me tell you something i'm starting

to get really pissed and i have a big audience and I'll take my audience

elsewhere everyone needs to start everyone needs to start standing up to

this bullshit because I won't tolerate it I won't tolerate it okay I am NOT

gonna sit here and allow myself to get so upset every single day over something

I'm trying to fuckin work on and their asses are over there in San Bruno

California wherever it's called manipulating the algorithm and that's

exactly what it is it's manipulation of an algorithm to try to make it to where

videos don't show up in search and you know they try to say that you know

people you know we've hacked the system they bought views

baan subscribers and you know what that stuff does happen I'm not faulting them

for that okay there's nothing wrong with going after

those kind of people okay but let me tell you something okay right here okay

I've seen people do that stuff I've seen people do that stuff and they get away

with it and nothing happens to them you can't be punishing people that had

nothing to do with that okay and this whole system is bullshit it's an

automated learning algorithm it is bullshit it's intelligent learning

algorithm and it basically it doesn't do anything it doesn't it doesn't it

doesn't know anything it's like artificial intelligence it's

stupid it's stupid you're trying to tell me with all those people working over

there that not one person can go in there and you know say oh hey you know

let's change up the keywords so it doesn't pull back so many videos and

pull back ads like come on don't bullshit me

I'm just I'm sorry guys this is this is turning to a big ass rambling video but

I appreciate the support that I have from all of you guys I appreciate

everyone's everyone's opinion that you guys give me everything you said on

Twitter Instagram leave comments down below tell me what you think about this

mess I'm gonna keep like I said I'm gonna keep you guys up to date on this

situation as it continues I guess I have to spend the rest of my day fucking

filling out reviews for each and every one hundred thirty nine videos that were

all flag all at once this morning so I'm gonna try to enjoy the rest of my day

with what I can my name is Tony tornado ladies and gentleman don't forget follow

on Twitter and Instagram links are all down below twitch everything my name is

Tony tornado no matter what I love my subscriberss

For more infomation >> YOUTUBE DEMONITIZED 139 OF MY VIDEOS AT ONCE! - Duration: 10:41.


Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood - Again (Jap) | Acoustic Version - Piano & Vocals (Paulo Cuevas) - Duration: 6:05.

Hi there YouTube friends!

Thanx for watching this video

If you liked it don't forget to give it a thumbs up

and if you want to see more videos like this don't forget to subscribe

Well, I owed you an acoustic anime song

so I bring you this song from FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood

called Again

It's the first opening and it brings back many memories

I hope you it reminds you of the series too

and if you haven't watched it

I highly recommend it

it's one of the best anime I've seen

A lot of memorable stuff happens in this first part of the series

As always remember this song will be available the digital platforms

like iTunes, Google Play, Amazon...

also Deezer and Spotify so you can support me

by buying it or listening via streaming

you really support me a lot every time you buy them or listen to them

It really is a great support for the channel

so thank you so much to those who keep buying the songs and supporting me

and in case you want to support in a more direct way

you can do that through my Patreon page

the links are always in the description

Once again you can leave your suggestions in the comments

for acoustic songs you wanna hear, either anime or...

I don't know... something more rock

that you want to hear with the piano

That's all for now so don't forget to subscribe to the channel

and activate the notification bell

see you in the next video

Matta ne! (See you next time)

For more infomation >> Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood - Again (Jap) | Acoustic Version - Piano & Vocals (Paulo Cuevas) - Duration: 6:05.


Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle In Bangla - Duration: 22:16.

Ops mistakenly said velocity. It will be momentum.

For more infomation >> Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle In Bangla - Duration: 22:16.


Trump defends actions on North Korea, teases health care MSNBC - Duration: 12:17.

For more infomation >> Trump defends actions on North Korea, teases health care MSNBC - Duration: 12:17.


Abuse of power a recurrent theme in accusations against Weinstein MSNBC - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Abuse of power a recurrent theme in accusations against Weinstein MSNBC - Duration: 5:43.



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He's an honnest construction businessman. He loves Africa and mobile phones.

According to him, everything is not about money.

Ain't nothing better to say.


He's a telecoms enthusiast and has a limitless, and even carnal passion for the Minitel.

His comany is Elise Lucet's favorite playground (investigative journalist).


He sells Rafales like hot cakes and he's an amateur stamp collector.

He likes to send thick envelopes to voters.

Oh, I forgot! He's also a politician.

Instead of breaking the law, he writes it!

Bernard Arnault

He's a fan of the documentary film "Thank You Boss!".

He dreams of conquering the luxury goods industry and the heart of Donald Trump...

who also loves democracy.


Like his friend Martin, he loves Africa.

He fancies himself writing sketches for 'Spitting Image'

and supports Cyril Hanouna for president in 2022 (controversial television personality).


He's stubbornly in debt, and he likes English football and poor network coverage.

He deserves more public attention but it's still hard to get him on the phone.


He's not exactly a thug.

He likes to walk on the terraces of Renne's football stadium drinking Chateau Latour

and is concerned with Bernard Arnault's ambition.

The rich have problems too.


He lives life to the fullest, fools around with guns and shares them with his friends.

He's a generous person just the way we like them.


She's a newcomer to the club and the heiress of the heiress.

She takes enormous quantities of vitamine C, but to be fair, inheriting is exhausting.

They are 9.

On next October 11th, we will show you who the 10th is.

We hope a lot of you will be here, because if you don't, he or she won't come.

Sign the manifesto on

On Wednesday 11th October, watch the launch of the channel on Facebook and Youtube.

For more infomation >> THE MEDIA: FRANCE'S BRAND NEW INDEPENDENT TV CHANNEL - Duration: 1:57.


New Details Emerging In Pitt Student's Murder - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> New Details Emerging In Pitt Student's Murder - Duration: 3:16.


Camera Inspection Garden Grove CA 800-538-4537 Garden Grove Camera Inspection - Duration: 1:09.

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For more infomation >> Camera Inspection Garden Grove CA 800-538-4537 Garden Grove Camera Inspection - Duration: 1:09.


Learn Colours with Cars Open Surprise Toys Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:31.

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Boy Scouts Allow Girls To Join, Expand Programs For Older Girls - Duration: 1:57.

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【Rock TV】 Pokémon Tretta 37 第8彈U2 神秘的紅三角 會是誰呢?順利捕捉? 【基隆廟口】 - Duration: 3:28.

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Thần Dược Ngăn Ngừa 7 Loại Ung Thư Giá Rất Hạt Dẻ 100 Người Thì 99 Người Chưa Biết - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> Thần Dược Ngăn Ngừa 7 Loại Ung Thư Giá Rất Hạt Dẻ 100 Người Thì 99 Người Chưa Biết - Duration: 10:11.


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Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

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For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...



Hey YouTube fam. It's your girl Lia back again with another video and as you can

tell from the wig cap it is another wig review Wednesday. And today's wig it is

the new born free magic lace hand tied closure u-shape lace wig in the style

magic u-shape and the item number mlu08. Now that's the last time

I'm gonna say that full name. Sambeauty was so amazing to have sent me this

wig for my reviewing pleasure and I was so happy to review it. I saw this

wig going around and I was like it's so different. It's so unique. It's something

I've never done before. I need to see how this wig will look on me and so I have

it. So this is the packaging. I don't need to show you guys that. This is the

first time I've ever tried a New born free wig so I'm very interested to see

how this looks. This is what she looks like. You can't even see the top of it

because it goes and goes and goes and goes and goes. So it's a very long long

wig. I have it in the color 4. On the camera is showing up to be a little bit

darker to me it looks a little bit darker than a four but in person it does

I can see the four color in it. If you guys don't know recently I've gotten

into this whole hand-sewn wig phase of my life. So I've been really enjoying

hand-sewn wigs and it feels so different. They feel so different. The lace is always

I love the lace on them. This lace if you guys can see goes from ear to ear which

again you guys know I love ear to ear lace. You guys know I love lace where I

can pretty much the hairline also goes ear to ear it's not like a little bit of

lace or a little bit of parting space if you guys can see. You have this much. This

is the u-shape they talk about in terms of parting space. It has two combs on the

side. It has one back comb it does have the adjustable straps which is perfect for

me because I have a little head. Now and one of my lovely supporters said

they wanted to see how I cut my lace on camera so I'm gonna do that for you guys

right now. So I just start from the ear and I cut and don't be you don't have to

be scared if you're gonna cut into the hairline sometimes I even cut into the

hairline and that's totally okay. So that's how I cut the lace and then this

is kind of what you're left with. Some of course of them the hair so as you can

already see are falling off so sometimes when you experience shedding with some

hairs you don't know whether it's the hair itself or the lace that's why I

normally get all my brushes out the first day that I wear a wig and then

gonna wear later on if I see it sheds more than it's really the hair and it's

just not the fact that I cut the lace off this is Flatiron safe that's what

the card is telling me and you can also of course wash these I've never watched

a synthetic wig before but I recently watched a video of somebody who did and

they hook that thing up so I'm like okay so now I'm just adjusting the straps to

put it on the tightest for my little head so this is how it looks

first plopped on your head let me put the combs in so the hair feels a lot

more secure um on the tightest one it feels very snugly on my head so I

definitely say it's small head friendly let me just brush out the hair to get

all the hair shedding because I know it's gonna shed some initially just from

the simple fact that like I said I cut into some of the lace at the front so

I'm gonna brush this bad boy out know I've gotten done brushing it and I

brushed all of the hair through I would say minimal shedding I did experience

some shedding but it wasn't a catastrophe I experienced machete that

was outside of the realm of this normal part right here I'm experiencing side

and back shutting the one thing I did notice I'm brushing through it though

I'm gonna kind of not stand up but kind of raise up a little bit so you guys can

kind of see where this hair lands because if I keep going up the steps

don't mind me I wear tops in my videos but keep those sweatpants on at the

bottom this is where the hair kind of falls

so it's down past my butt butt area but it's hard to brush down here I don't

know what it is but it was been hard in I just some boxes it's been hard for me

to brush so I wasn't spending a lot of time trying to brush down here and it

maybe just because of how long there is but yeah it was a little harder to brush

it down at the bottom area so and it feels a little bit different too whereas

this is a little bit silkier the bottom is a little bit more you would think it

was a little bit like it had been worn a few times you would think that I had

worn this wig a few times the way this kind of feels a little bit different

than the top area but yeah it claims to be 40 inches and I might would say it is

I mean a normal 26 inch wig would hit me maybe right around here I'd say if it's

not exactly 40 it might be 30-something but it's a very very long wig it's kind

of reminiscent of what Nicki Minaj has been doing recently with her super super

long hair I would say in terms of the hairline on it it's not the most

realistic looking airline if you guys can see I mean of course you can hook

this bad boy up but initially the hairline does kind of look unless you

pull some of your hair out and which I'm probably gonna do or kind of push it

back a little bit to blend with the hairline the hairline isn't the most

natural looking you're like but I do love that year to ear lace you can part

it in that you area if you guys wouldn't want to so you can have a middle part

going on when I think this hair is kind of meant to be the way the layers fall

kind of meant to be worn in the middle this is what the parting kind of looks

like it goes back this far I say a little bit that it's supposed to be worn

in the middle just because if you guys can see I don't know if you guys can

just showing us but the front layers fall this way

the bottom layers of colors go that way so it makes me feel as though and the

way the model has it it's a middle part as well it makes me feel as though this

is supposed to be a middle part more in type of wig

although you can wear it the way I had just a minute ago kind of off to the

side type of a feel I think the way that the model has it style it's a kind of a

middle part just because this hair is maybe about 20 inches and then it falls

and keeps falling until it ultimately reaches that 40 inch mark and I think

the part is very realistic-looking of course you could tweeze it if you were

gonna always wear it in the same position

every single time I'd say I don't know I'm not gonna go upstairs and tweeze

this wig just because of what if I want to wear it a little bit over to the side

a little bit then it looks weird and the tweezing is kind of hindered the way you

can wear the wig it is very much so a cute cute kind of different look if you

guys are going for a different kind of a feel like I said if you guys want a

40-inch bad I'm hooking this thing up look this is it I think I'm gonna keep

continuing the video from the top step just so you guys can see the fool and

thinking the full measure of how this wig looks so if I didn't mention before

this week is $44.99 on Sam's Rudy calm density wise I'd say it's it's what I

would think a very straight wig would be it's not then it's not too sitting at

all if you guys know the body box Misha wig was one of my favorite wigs

it's a little bit thicker I'd say than Misha but also it's a lot more hair

length wise I would say cap size it's perfect for my head size I think the cap

is an average sized cap of course you guys can adjust the straps however you

choose once this week of course you can cut the straps out if you even want to

or if you guys need to has those combs there for you um and yeah I'd say it's

so different I had reservations about when I picked out this wig how I would

feel about this week can I wear this every single day

absolutely not as I have to go to the bathroom I'm scared I'm gonna sit on it

how do you hold your hair when you're using the bathroom type of a deal but do

I think it's definitely unique for a definite special occasion a look that

you're trying to achieve specifically a long haired 40 inches look I say and yes

it's a and then go for me I'm so like I said I

got this from Sam cootie calm a link to this hair and all of Sam Beauty here

will be down below in the description box

Fisher you follow them on social media I always follow their Instagram I've been

following their experience before I had a channel to get my hair inspiration

make sure you follow me on instagram at Leah LaVon 89 which you follow me on

snapchat and miss Thalia 89 give this video a thumbs up if you enjoy these wig

reviews and you like me to get them out make sure you subscribe if you haven't

already and yes I will see you in my next video thank you guys so much for






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For more infomation >> McCormick invests $1M into rebranding and revitalizing county, joins Economic Development Partnershi - Duration: 2:26.


BMW X6 xDrive40dA High Executive M Sport | Head-Up Display | M-pakket | Adaptief M onderstel | El.we - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW X6 xDrive40dA High Executive M Sport | Head-Up Display | M-pakket | Adaptief M onderstel | El.we - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 250 BLUETEC AMG LINE Rijassistentiepakket Plus, Trekhaak met ESP, Comand navi - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 250 BLUETEC AMG LINE Rijassistentiepakket Plus, Trekhaak met ESP, Comand navi - Duration: 0:54.


BMW 1 Serie 118dA High Executive M-Sport Xenon | 18 inch | Schuif-/ Kanteldak | Nav. Professional | - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 118dA High Executive M-Sport Xenon | 18 inch | Schuif-/ Kanteldak | Nav. Professional | - Duration: 0:59.


Why I Started My Channel - Duration: 2:40.

hi everyone I wanted to explain today why I'm starting a YouTube channel three

reasons why I am creating a YouTube channel first of all I wanted to use it

as a way of communicating with creators and used YouTube and YouTube videos as a

way of connecting with the Creator community whenever I go to a new country

I always try to meet with creators in that country I love meeting them and

hearing their stories about how they became youtubers getting their feedback

and having a dialogue about YouTube recently I went on a trip and I was in

Warsaw I was in Paris I was in Berlin and I was in London and I met with

creators in every single one of those cities and when I came back I thought

wow that was so productive I really enjoyed meeting all those youtubers but

there's so many more out there how do I build a really scalable way to enable

creators all over the world to have a conversation with them about what's on

their mind and simulate that experience and I thought why don't we do videos I

can get questions from the community and do regular updates based on the

questions that I'm getting from creators that's the first reason why I was

excited to create a YouTube channel and then there's a second reason I also feel

really lucky that we have so many amazing creators that come to YouTube a

lot of times they're asking me questions and I'm asking them questions or having

a conversation that's behind-the-scenes and I thought we can have a conversation

and we can make that available why don't I do a series where they ask me two

questions and I asked him two questions yeah we can post that on YouTube my idea

was to call it two by two at HQ and the third reason why I wanted to start a

YouTube channel was to test and to use all of these creator features myself

I've been using YouTube since the very beginning as a viewer

and I've been uploading private videos but when your Creator it's a different

experience you're thinking about thumbnails the title the descriptions

analytics associated with it there are many features that our Creator facing

only and I really wanted to use them to make sure that I understood the Creator

experience we have lots of teams who are dedicated to working with creators they

spend a lot of time trying to understand the perspective from creators and

figuring out how they can build a better product for creators but I also wanted

the opportunity to be a creator so I can use these products and test them out so

that I also could think about how we could build an even better platform for

creators all over the world so those are the three reasons as to why I decided to

start my YouTube I am reading the comments I can't answer

all of them I will do my best to find the themes and to answer them in future

videos thank you everyone for watching I look forward to hearing from you on my

channel bye

For more infomation >> Why I Started My Channel - Duration: 2:40.


What Does the Industry Think About the Ugly Sneaker Trend? - Duration: 2:31.

What's up, guys?

Beija Velez here for Complex News.

As recently as just a year ago, you wouldn't have seen many sneakerheads wearing big chunky

sneakers on their feet.

But there has been a shift in sneaker culture as of late with more and more people latching

onto the so-called dad sneaker trend and wearing sneakers that are big and bulky.

Models like the New Balance 990v4 and Balenciaga Triple S have started to pop up everywhere,

and it doesn't seem as though this is just a passing fad anymore.

High Snobiety just ran a long feature on the dad sneaker trend to try and get a better

idea of what those inside of the sneaker industry think about it.

And while there doesn't seem to be a clear-cut consensus as far as why this trend has suddenly

presented itself, some insiders like Crepe City's Morgan Weekes have theories.

"I think it's backlash from some of the flamboyant silhouettes that were popular a

few years back, like the Nike Air Yeezy range, Buscemis, and Balenciaga Arenas."

But the dad sneakers that have pushed their way to forefront of sneaker culture are a

dramatic departure from the light, sock-like shoes that have dominated the sneaker business

for a few years now.

So why then are the same people who have been wearing those light sneakers suddenly turning

to bulkier options?

As it turns out, most people probably aren't turning their backs on the lighter shoes.

They're simply embracing the other end of the spectrum by checking out larger options,


Niche's Dennis Todisco, for example, has love for all size sneakers.

Niche's Dennis Todisco via High Snobiety "Right now, I'm finding myself putting

on lighter and more breathable silhouettes like the Vaporfly or Mars Yard.

However, I still have a lot of love for retro silhouettes.

Perhaps not as chunky as the Triple S, but the Jordan III and IV are always a staple

for me and will still be relevant long after this conversation looks dated.

Also, shout out Air Monarchs—I see you, dad."

Are Air Monarchs really going to become a thing soon?

Probably not.

And while the dad sneaker trend is offering a welcomed change to many people, insiders

like Todisco don't think it's going to last too long.

Niche's Dennis Todisco via High Snobiety "As of today, this trend is hitting its

stride with early adopters and influencers, and of course, on your Instagram explore page.

Trends rise and fall on an accelerated timetable now more than ever.

Mainstream and fast-fashion brands are just now starting to have their own versions hit

the shelves…and consumers will be over it within six months or two years, depending

on how trend conscious they are."

Are you on board with this trend?

Either way, it's clear that enough people out there are feeling the bigger, bulkier

shoes like the YEEZY Wave Runner and looking to work them into their regular sneaker rotations.

For Complex News, I'm Beija Velez and coming November 4th and 5th is the Second Annual

Complex Con, where we bring all things Complex to life.

Catch live performances, score some exclusive fits, take in informative panels, and crush

some delicious grub.

Cop your tickets at now.

For more infomation >> What Does the Industry Think About the Ugly Sneaker Trend? - Duration: 2:31.



For many years now, 9 billionaires have made the media happy thanks to their generous contribution.

They're friendly, easy-going and kindly people, so we wanted to introduce them to you.


He's an honnest construction businessman. He loves Africa and mobile phones.

According to him, everything is not about money.

Ain't nothing better to say.


He's a telecoms enthusiast and has a limitless, and even carnal passion for the Minitel.

His comany is Elise Lucet's favorite playground (investigative journalist).


He sells Rafales like hot cakes and he's an amateur stamp collector.

He likes to send thick envelopes to voters.

Oh, I forgot! He's also a politician.

Instead of breaking the law, he writes it!

Bernard Arnault

He's a fan of the documentary film "Thank You Boss!".

He dreams of conquering the luxury goods industry and the heart of Donald Trump...

who also loves democracy.


Like his friend Martin, he loves Africa.

He fancies himself writing sketches for 'Spitting Image'

and supports Cyril Hanouna for president in 2022 (controversial television personality).


He's stubbornly in debt, and he likes English football and poor network coverage.

He deserves more public attention but it's still hard to get him on the phone.


He's not exactly a thug.

He likes to walk on the terraces of Renne's football stadium drinking Chateau Latour

and is concerned with Bernard Arnault's ambition.

The rich have problems too.


He lives life to the fullest, fools around with guns and shares them with his friends.

He's a generous person just the way we like them.


She's a newcomer to the club and the heiress of the heiress.

She takes enormous quantities of vitamine C, but to be fair, inheriting is exhausting.

They are 9.

On next October 11th, we will show you who the 10th is.

We hope a lot of you will be here, because if you don't, he or she won't come.

Sign the manifesto on

On Wednesday 11th October, watch the launch of the channel on Facebook and Youtube.

For more infomation >> THE MEDIA: FRANCE'S BRAND NEW INDEPENDENT TV CHANNEL - Duration: 1:57.


My favorite TV shows (Legendado) - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> My favorite TV shows (Legendado) - Duration: 3:44.


Seiryu-ji Temple - Aomori - 全佛山 青龍寺 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 3:09.

Just 30 minutes away from Aomori City, in Aomori prefecture (Tohoku) north of Japan you will find the beautiful Seiryu-Ji temple.

Founded just recently, in 1928, Seiryu-ji offers some of Japan's and Tohoku's tallest constructions with:

Tohoku tallest five-storey pagoda (39m) and Japan's largest bronze seated Daibutsu (Big Buddha)

at a height of 21.35m and a width of 15m, its bigger than the Kamakura or Nara Bronze Seated Buddha.

For more infomation >> Seiryu-ji Temple - Aomori - 全佛山 青龍寺 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 3:09.



what's going on everybody on YouTube this Tony tornado if you follow me on

Twitter you would know that I've been bitching all morning about this crap

with YouTube and I'm pissed guys let me tell you I'm pissed and it doesn't it

takes a lot for me to get pissed so let me just start off by saying that I just

counted them all up and I received a hundred and thirty nine videos being

demonetised from YouTube absolutely no fucking excuse for that okay I'm gonna

try to make this videos I'm netted as possible I don't want to really edit

this I just want to put it up and get my fucking feelings out I need to voice my

opinion this has been going on since the ad pocalypse in March on my channel and

a lot of other people's channels but I'm telling you I've been hit extremely

extremely hard so let me tell you what's been going on in the channel okay I'm

gonna start there we can start there in March everyone knows about the ad

pocalypse okay since the month of March most of my videos had advertisements and

we're doing pretty good actually I wasn't really complaining too much about

it but then it went like this my revenue was cut by about 75% okay and as all the

bigger youtubers that watch this will will find out and they'll know because

you know compare my paycheck to theirs how much do you really think I'm not

going to say but how much do you really think I'm gonna I'm getting paid before

all this happened and then they took 75% of that so I don't know what the fuck's

their problem so and then I thought oh then they said okay well we're gonna

start fixing the issues we're gonna start we're gonna start fixing all this

stuff that happened because you know all the main advertisers left and I just

couldn't help but think to myself I just wondered if this was like all

premeditated by YouTube to kind of clean house and I really just feel like to a

degree that's kind of true because they've been telling us month after

month after month or they're gonna fix it and they don't fix it and then this

whole crap with the Las Vegas shooting for everyone who doesn't know what's

happening about that Jimmy Kimmel got all these ads on his videos when he was

he's not even a fucking youtuber like all these all these TV companies they

have YouTube channels and they're not being

he'll accountable for the same fucking rules that we have to apply to all the

youtubers all the youtubers have a different set of rules and it's not like

every youtuber but it's most of them like for example Jake Paul and Luke and

Paul you you know all the violent shit that they do on their vlog videos do you

think that they're gonna get advertisement pulled off their videos no

because of the hardest training thing on YouTube right now like I'm so sick of it

I need to voice my fucking opinion guys okay I'm sorry I was being so nice all

along I just had the utmost faith in YouTube I said you know what they're

gonna fix this they're gonna just fix it and everything's gonna be okay in a few

months well guess what guys it's October how many months it went by six seven

months and nothing has changed and then I wake up this morning and I could not

believe it a hundred and thirty nine videos all demonetised all at the same

time all at the same time not one one after the other after the other over a

couple days I had 139 videos demonetised of 290 uploads all at one fucking time

okay now I sent the screenshots over to Twitter I'll show them here and I'll

also show you guys a screenshot I show you the street the screenshots that were

posted on Twitter and there was a response I got actually got a response

from YouTube team YouTube when they fucking responded to me after they

didn't respond to me until I posted I tweeted them three times and I was only

expecting a response from Team YouTube because I kind of expect that from them

you know what I mean because you know they're the ones creating this mess in

my opinion they should at least respond to the people they're affecting and they

finally responded I think it was like the third or fourth tweet I sent at them

because I put the screenshots in it and I just you know I'm gonna show it in the

video but I'm just trying to make this video real quick so I apologize if it

looks really bad it says hey Tony this is a new system and we know it's per

it's not perfect please review every appeal helps us make it better you know

what fuck you why the fuck should I have to stay here and spend my time why

should I have to spend my time appeal and everyone

videos when most of these videos have been up for almost two years now

and now all the site you're telling me that they're not advertiser friendly

fuck that this is bullshit you know what you you know what the youtubers need to

do to start fixing you know what all the youtubers need to do start fixing this

shit I'm gonna tell you what all the youtubers need you start fixing this

shit you know all the small advertisers you know the ones that they're paying us

like pennies pennies like the shit that doesn't even matter that the small

companies all that really small shit the stuff that when I post a video I might

get 10 cents on because it's only receiving it's only receiving ads from

these small last companies well if they have a right if all these companies have

a right to pick and choose what they're at what they want to advertise on well

then guess what I should have a right to choose if I

don't want those small YouTube the small advertisers beat advertising my videos

who thinks that that should be a thing I do because why the hell should they be

allowed to advertise on my videos and they're not paying me dick and then all

the big companies pull out and then they're you know it's bullshit that I

don't you know if the if it really was an option if it was an option for

creators to pick and choose what ads they wanted on their videos this shit

wouldn't be happening because you wouldn't have all these people being

nitpicky because they would be there be in their position it'd be in their

position to make it better okay they'd be like oh well you know we

got to get advertising put on these videos because now they have the power

no we got to stop giving the power back to them I'm so sick of this shit I'm so

fucking sick of this shit you guys have no idea I'm so fucking tired of this

fucking shit like I said guys I'm really fucking mad okay I'm just pissed because

this is coming from someone that worked very very hard and spent a lot of time

and a lot of money and a lot of effort into YouTube I fucking did everything I

was supposed to do now one copyright strike not one Community Guidelines on

my channel in two years so tell me YouTube what have I done

that's so wrong what have I done now I'll tell you what it is

is always for everyone on in the fucking YouTube community to cut fucking corners

on fucking on youtubers you know because it's different if you have a rule in

place okay if you have a rule in place everyone's supposed to abide by it it's

just that simple and yeah I know we live it on planet Earth and that doesn't

happen but at the same time you have to understand that if all the bigger

channels like I'm not saying bigger youtubers I'm saying bigger channel as

in like the TV channels TV network channels and like Logan Paul and Jake

Paul maybe a couple others if they're the only ones that are getting full

blown-out CPM and good advertisements every single time someone clicks on a

fucking video there's a problem they're like how does someone how does someone

go from making a good living on YouTube to not even getting a paycheck

consistently every single month I want to know I want to know you too how is

that possible how is that possible I want to know anyway guys I don't know if

I'm gonna make another video about this or not I don't know I'm gonna keep you

guys advised of the situation as it continues if you want to keep up to date

on this story follow me on twitter stony tornado 24 links down below in the

description follow me on twitter follow me on instagram follow me on everything

else but fucking youtube okay because let me tell you something i'm starting

to get really pissed and i have a big audience and I'll take my audience

elsewhere everyone needs to start everyone needs to start standing up to

this bullshit because I won't tolerate it I won't tolerate it okay I am NOT

gonna sit here and allow myself to get so upset every single day over something

I'm trying to fuckin work on and their asses are over there in San Bruno

California wherever it's called manipulating the algorithm and that's

exactly what it is it's manipulation of an algorithm to try to make it to where

videos don't show up in search and you know they try to say that you know

people you know we've hacked the system they bought views

baan subscribers and you know what that stuff does happen I'm not faulting them

for that okay there's nothing wrong with going after

those kind of people okay but let me tell you something okay right here okay

I've seen people do that stuff I've seen people do that stuff and they get away

with it and nothing happens to them you can't be punishing people that had

nothing to do with that okay and this whole system is bullshit it's an

automated learning algorithm it is bullshit it's intelligent learning

algorithm and it basically it doesn't do anything it doesn't it doesn't it

doesn't know anything it's like artificial intelligence it's

stupid it's stupid you're trying to tell me with all those people working over

there that not one person can go in there and you know say oh hey you know

let's change up the keywords so it doesn't pull back so many videos and

pull back ads like come on don't bullshit me

I'm just I'm sorry guys this is this is turning to a big ass rambling video but

I appreciate the support that I have from all of you guys I appreciate

everyone's everyone's opinion that you guys give me everything you said on

Twitter Instagram leave comments down below tell me what you think about this

mess I'm gonna keep like I said I'm gonna keep you guys up to date on this

situation as it continues I guess I have to spend the rest of my day fucking

filling out reviews for each and every one hundred thirty nine videos that were

all flag all at once this morning so I'm gonna try to enjoy the rest of my day

with what I can my name is Tony tornado ladies and gentleman don't forget follow

on Twitter and Instagram links are all down below twitch everything my name is

Tony tornado no matter what I love my subscriberss

For more infomation >> YOUTUBE DEMONITIZED 139 OF MY VIDEOS AT ONCE! - Duration: 10:41.


Black Republican Mia Love Takes Public Swing Michelle Obama That Leaves Her Furious - Duration: 24:43.

Black Republican Mia Love Takes Public Swing Michelle Obama That Leaves Her Furious

Recently, former First Lady Michelle Obama made some rather obtuse comments about the

Republican Party while giving a speech at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women.

Speaking on what she observed during State of the Union addresses her husband gave, Michelle

Obama said, "When you are in the room, what you can see is this real dichotomy.

It's a feeling of color almost.

On one side of the room it is literally gray and white.

Literally, that is the color palette on one side of the room.

On the other side of the room, there are yellows and blues and whites and greens.

Physically there's a difference in color, in the tone, because on one side all men,

all white, on the other side some women, some people of color."

In other words, Republicans are all old white men.

Never mind that during the 2016 Presidential election and during the Republican Primary,

we saw Hispanic candidates, women candidates, and Dr. Ben Carson, an African-American.

Conversely, the Democratic ticket had Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Jim Webb.

Seems like the Democrats need to take a hard look in the mirror.

Michelle Obama's comments are a perfect example of how the Left attempts to paint

the Democratic Party as the all-knowing and all-tolerant ones whom Americans should trust.

Mrs. Obama's assertion that people distrust the political process because of old white

men in the Republican Party is racist and asinine.

The Left can't accept the fact that among the Republican representatives in Washington

D.C., we see women, African-Americans, and Hispanics.

Perhaps the distrust Americans have of the political system stems from all the broken

promises politicians from both sides of the aisle have made.

Mrs. Obama also believes that, "As far as I'm concerned, any woman who voted against

Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice in a way."

I'm sure the 42 percent of females in America who voted for Donald Trump did so because

they preferred to vote for someone who was not under FBI investigation, got Americans

killed in Benghazi, or has been involved in destroying the lives of all the women Hillary's

philandering husband, former President Bill Clinton, has been accused of sexually assaulting.

In response to Michelle Obama's racist comments, Representative Mia Love (R-UT) had a reply

for the former First Lady.

"I don't know if she noticed, but I am not white, and I am not a male.

This is the way that Democrats try to win elections instead of winning on the policies

that actually help the American people and unite us.

This is absolutely divisive language."

Representative Mia Love (R-UT) hit the nail square on the head and described very plainly

how Democrats attempt to hold on to their base which is done not through substantive

policies that actually make a difference, but rather the left and the Democratic machine

creates fear, chaos, and anger toward another group based on the color of their skin.

The tactics that the Democrats have been using against President Trump and his supporters

follow the same modus operandi when it was the Democratic Party who started the Ku Klux


Representative Love went on to let Michelle Obama and her minions know that she can think

for herself and does not fit into someone else's definition of what she should think

or do.

"I don't fit into a box.

I am a wife; I'm a mother; I'm a Utahan; I am a Black Republican who cares about America

and cares about all people."

What Representative Love and other Black Republicans represent scares the Democrats more than a

30-round magazine for an AR-15.

Perhaps Michelle Obama forgot that it was the Democratic National Committee who rigged

the Democratic Primary in favor of Hillary Clinton and subverted the Democratic process

for all those who voted for Bernie Sanders.

Michelle Obama's endorsement of a criminal who has a sordid past with a trail of bodies

to follow, speaks volumes about how the Left thinks and what their priorities are.

Sure, President Trump might be abrasive and even juvenile when it comes to Twitter, but

as we have seen in recent events, despite all his grandstanding and Twitter feuds, President

Trump cares about America and Americans, a concept which evades the Left and Michelle


H/T [The Federalist, Independent Journal Review, The Conservative Fighters]

For more infomation >> Black Republican Mia Love Takes Public Swing Michelle Obama That Leaves Her Furious - Duration: 24:43.


7 Up-And-Coming Taiwanese And Chinese Actors Of 2017 To Keep On Your Radar - Duration: 13:11.

7 Up-And-Coming Taiwanese And Chinese Actors Of 2017 To Keep On Your Radar

Theres been a recent growth in popularity of Chinese and Taiwanese dramas among international fans.

Popular dramas from the last two years include Love Me If You Dare, Surgeons, and Ode to Joy from China, as well as Bromance and Refresh Man from Taiwan.

With such large numbers of dramas being released every year, there are tons of fresh faces that are constantly being introduced, making it difficult to keep up with who is who.

This is exactly why I created this list of the hottest rising Chinese and Taiwanese actors in 2017 that you should keep your eye on. Enjoy!. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.

There is no doubt that Dylan Xiong is one of the breakout stars of 2017 in China after starring in the recently concluded My Mr Mermaid as the charming and hard-working swimmer Tang Yi Bai.

After the drama ended, Dylan virtually went from being unknown to gaining a mass following, jumping from 700 thousand to an astounding 4.6 million followers on Weibo. It wasnt hard to become a fan of Dylan.

Standing at 188 centimeters tall, with boyish good looks, a bright smile, and shining eyes, whats not to love? My Mr Mermaid is his first leading role, and you can see that he has a lot of potential for his acting career because he emotes so well with his eyes.

Having debuted last year, Dylan doesnt have an extensive list of work, but you can catch him in a supporting role in Men With Swords starring alongside some of his idol group mates from SpeXial.

His next upcoming drama Pretty Man, also starring Sierra Li, will air sometime this year but is yet to have a confirmed air date. Currently, hes filming the romantic-comedy drama One and Another Him with Zhang Zi Feng.

Ah, our Wolf Prince Derek Chang! Hes most famous for his role as Ze Ming in the Taiwanese drama Prince of Wolf. Its hard to believe that Prince of Wolf is his first drama as well as his first leading role.

He did an incredible job in his portrayal of Ze Ming, who went from a sweetly innocent and childlike guy to a more mature, yet adorably loving man.

He was especially great during his emotional scenes and Im sure a lot of us cried and felt heartbroken for him, too.

Derek debuted last year in 2016, and hes a promising actor who impressed all of us with his debut drama and first leading role.

To see more of Derek, you can catch him in the romantic comedy Stay With Me starring Wang Kai and Joe Chen.

His newest time-travel drama (which recently started airing) is The Man from the Future along with Chen Yu Xi, and hes currently filming a romantic-comedy drama with Ruby Lin called My Dear Boy..

Chinese actor Zhang Ruo Yun has been in the industry for several years now, but it wasnt until last year that he gained more recognition and popularity in China after starring in Fifteen Years of Waiting for Migratory Birds, Sparrow, Novoland: The Castle in the Sky, and Medical Examiner Dr.

Qin. As a graduate from the prestigious Beijing Film Academy (famous alumni include: Huang Xiao Ming and Liu Yi Fei), its not surprising that Zhang Ruo Yun is an impressive actor. You can tell from his wide range of diverse roles; from a hot-headed teenager, a cold and aloof forensics doctor, to a hypnotizing and fiery winged-god.

With his growing popularity, Zhang Ruo Yuns workload has been endless. He recently completed the historical drama The Fated General as the titular role of General Huo Qu Bing.

Hes currently filming the modern drama The Evolution of Our Love with Zhang Ai Tan, and he has also been confirmed for the period drama Joy of Life..

Although its been an open secret for a long time, Zhang Ruo Yun recently went public about his relationship with actress Tang Yi Xin on Weibo. The pair have been dating for seven years.

Does it seem like we might be hearing wedding bells in the near future? The two have since been seen attending events together as a couple such as the Harper Bazaar Charity Night and doing couple magazine photoshoots.

Wang Zi (Qiu Sheng Yi) isnt new to the industry, having debuted 11 years ago; however, hes more well known for being in the group JPM and as a former member of the Taiwanese idol group Lollipop.

Throughout the years, Wang Zi has filmed a few select dramas and films, but mainly in supporting roles.

It wasnt until this year that Wang Zi landed his first major leading role in the current hit Taiwanese romance drama Attention, Love! Drama fans quickly fell in love with Wang Zis sweet but confused character, Yan Li Zheng.

Viewers have been anticipating new episodes of Attention, Love! every week to see the relationship development between him and his leading lady Joanne Tseng.

Due to the drama, Wang Zi is experiencing a bigger boost in popularity and has become more well-known among international fans.

Endorsement deals have been overflowing for Wang Zi, some of them include: Puma, Calvin Klein, LOreal, SK-II, and Sulwhasoo, just to name a few. Wang Zi also has his clothing line called P.Star which is focused on more casual street wear.

Chinese actor Deng Lun is still a relatively new face to the industry, having debuted in the 2013 drama Flower in Fog. Deng Lun is a graduate of the renowned Shanghai Theatre Academy (famous alumni include Hu Ge, Lin Geng Xin and Dilraba Dilmurat).

He started to gain recognition after starring in Fifteen Years of Waiting for Migratory Birds as Liu Qian Ren, the evil stepbrother turned sweetheart.

However, it wasnt until this year that Deng Lun gained widespread popularity after starring in Because of Meeting You. The drama placed No.1 throughout its broadcast and is one of the highest rated dramas of 2017.

Viewers couldnt help but fall in love with Deng Luns character Li Yun Kai who is the dream boyfriend/husband everyone wishes to have.

You can also catch Deng Lun in supporting roles in two popular 2017 dramas Princess Agents and Ode to Joy (Season 2). Deng Lun also filmed a drama with f(x)s Krystal called Graduation Season, however due to THAAD, the drama has not been able to air.

His next major work is the historical drama Hai Tangs Rouge Shines Through in the Rain also starring Li Yi Tong, although with no confirmed air date. Deng Lun has also been recently confirmed for the modern drama Sweet Dreams with Dilraba Dilmurat.

34-year-old Taiwanese actor Marcus Chang can be considered to have started his career rather late compared to most of his peers in the industry. Marcus is a graduate of University of Auckland with a major in Performance Arts.

He debuted in the 2014 romantic-comedy film Café.Waiting.Love starring alongside Vivian Sung and Megan Lai.

In 2015, he starred in two dramas To the Dearest Intruder and Happy Together. However, it wasnt until last year, when Marcus got his first leading role in the popular time-travel drama Back to 1989, that fans fell in love with the cool and handsome Chen Che.

He then went on to star in the revenge-melo drama Behind Your Smile.. Marcus Chang also has his own YouTube channel, Marcourageous, which he started seven years ago where he occasionally uploads his own covers of various songs.

Be sure to check out his original self-written English song Ill Be There. Its also interesting to note that Marcus has an unconfirmed romantic relationship with his Back to 1989 co-star Ivy Shao.

The two have been seen holding hands and going on dates which have been captured by various media outlets.

This list would not be complete if I didnt include hot rising star Zhang Bin Bin (Vin Zhang).

Zhang Bin Bin is also a graduate from the famous Shanghai Theatre Academy and made his acting debut 2015 in the drama V-Love. Most people first took notice of him after he starred in last years hit drama Love O2O as the genius hacker KO as well as his supporting roles in Chronicle of Life and Eternal Love. He gained further popularity after starring as the second lead Lin Yi Mu in Pretty Li Hui Zhen (remake of She Was Pretty).

Viewers have been enchanted by his handsome looks, deep sexy voice, expressive charismatic eyes, and great acting talent.

  Hes currently starring in his first leading role as Ying Zheng in the popular historical drama The Kings Woman alongside his Pretty Li Hui Zhen co-star Dilraba Dilmurat.

Fun fact: Zhang Bin Bin and Dilraba Dilmurat are both managed under Jay Walk Studio, an agency established by popular Chinese actress Yang Mi.

Hey Soompiers, who is your favorite rising Chinese/Taiwanese actor? Who else would you add to this list? Let me know in the comments below!.

blacksesame88 is an Asian drama and entertainment addict. She enjoys discussing her favorite dramas, and sharing her knowledge of Asian entertainment.

Follow her on Twitter and join her for recaps of the current dramas she's watching, also feel free to say Hi and have a chat!.

For more infomation >> 7 Up-And-Coming Taiwanese And Chinese Actors Of 2017 To Keep On Your Radar - Duration: 13:11.


Level 42 : Hot Water (HQ) TOTP - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Level 42 : Hot Water (HQ) TOTP - Duration: 3:20.


Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood - Again (Jap) | Acoustic Version - Piano & Vocals (Paulo Cuevas) - Duration: 6:05.

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Well, I owed you an acoustic anime song

so I bring you this song from FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood

called Again

It's the first opening and it brings back many memories

I hope you it reminds you of the series too

and if you haven't watched it

I highly recommend it

it's one of the best anime I've seen

A lot of memorable stuff happens in this first part of the series

As always remember this song will be available the digital platforms

like iTunes, Google Play, Amazon...

also Deezer and Spotify so you can support me

by buying it or listening via streaming

you really support me a lot every time you buy them or listen to them

It really is a great support for the channel

so thank you so much to those who keep buying the songs and supporting me

and in case you want to support in a more direct way

you can do that through my Patreon page

the links are always in the description

Once again you can leave your suggestions in the comments

for acoustic songs you wanna hear, either anime or...

I don't know... something more rock

that you want to hear with the piano

That's all for now so don't forget to subscribe to the channel

and activate the notification bell

see you in the next video

Matta ne! (See you next time)

For more infomation >> Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood - Again (Jap) | Acoustic Version - Piano & Vocals (Paulo Cuevas) - Duration: 6:05.


Hooman Melamed, MD #1 US Spine Surgeon Dr Travis Stork - Duration: 8:12.

As doctors, we do all we can to stay healthy

But we can't control everything and for the past two years our own Doctor Travis has been

living with debilitating pain both on the camera and off the camera

I've been active as long as I can remember a year ago, I started to notice back spasms

and neck spasms

And I had a big trip to Europe plan to ride through the Alps

And I rode, I rode and I got in great shape but I was wrecking my back.

The second week of season eight I woke up in the middle of the night and my arm was


I would go lay down during briefings, massage all day long with rollers.

I was doing

acupuncture chiropractic massage and rehab exercises three times a week.


No, I

couldn't fly in a plane and that's when I knew something wasn't right.

Doctor Melamed was on the show, and I just said look, I don't want to be an alarmist, but

my arm has been numb so Travis don't be stupid you need to get an MRI.

Just ignoring this isn't gonna heal it.

It's all blocking here.

There was impingement on my right c7 nerve root and that's the nerve that of course right

where I was feeling all the numbness

Then there's a little fragments that's basically looks like it pushed out.

And that's explains the tricep weakness.

We can do in microsurgery, clean up that area, you know it takes about an hour to do it.

Not necessarily what I wanted to hear today.

Hopefully, conservative treatments work.

If not I'll be going under the knife.

It's nice having you on as a guest.

Well, thank you, Sir.

Thank you, Sir

You know, you and I are connected at the hip we've been doing this for 10 years, and I've

been with you every step of the way through this.

I know difficult

God bless you

Well you have been a pain in the...

But, legitimately I mean you had a real issue

And it really was taking over your life.

The last three months, I couldn't even lay down to sleep at night

I couldn't get through a day hosting the show without being in pain

And that's what made me realize earlier this season when we started taping

I just couldn't do it anymore because it just I was at the point where I call it my dagger

The pain would just go down through my back, and then weakness,numbness and the arm, and

it just

I mean every time I look at you you were trying to work it out some way either

stretching or turning a certain way or trying to open things up.

What what was the final breaking point for you because it seems like you tried everything

I did not want to have surgery because the truth is I don't think anyone wants to

be put to sleep, to have surgery, to go with through the recovery but it was on this stage

I remember sitting here, and the pain was there just like it'd been there two years


I'm thinking you know what I'm 45.

I don't want to live like this anymore and so when I made that decision there was no

turning back.

I guess it was pretty easy because Doctor Melamed has become such a close colleague and friend

of ours.

We know the kind of work he did.

I got to tell you when I went back to see Doctor Melamed and

finally made the decision, what's interesting is the surgery I wanted was the least invasive

one possible and when he opened up the book where he wrote a chapter on this

particular surgery, I knew I had my guy.

Yeah, he's written a chapter.

It's a good thing.

While clearly our own Doctor Travis was experiencing intense pain

and we taped our first shows of the season he had to head into surgery

almost immediately, so we're gonna take you inside the operating room with Doctor Travis

We are back and joining us now is board-certified orthopedic spine surgeon our friend colleague,

Doctor Hooman Melamed.

And before you find out how Doctor Travis did

Doctor Melamed, you're gonna

take us through the operation right here, and show us exactly what you did for Travis.

We're looking at the spine model,this is the head here, the pelvis here

and there's seven vertebrae in the neck.

Number one two three four five six seven, the problem was on the right side

between the sixth and seventh vertebrae where the seventh nerve root was getting trapped

in here and you can see how the nerve

comes from the spinal cord starts going out and there was a little piece of a bone spur

that was growing and I was digging

into the nerve and that's the area that needed to be cleaned up

and you had the disc from the bottom pushing a little bit

and the nerve was getting sandwiched so we basically want to clean up the spur, allow

more room for the nerve to go through.

You're in there with your loops doing this under microscope, and so I haven't seen any

of this

But what I'm amazed by is how small the incision was to get in there and then open it up, and

do what you did

So here's the surgery we started the incision the whole thing is done under the microscope

so we were carefully

separating the soft tissue.

We're getting down basically finding to the bone to the area

I was talking about and now we're identifying the area, and we put a little retractor there

which is very small, it's less than half an inch and now we're going to take extra

you can see the size of the incision

it's about a 3/4 of an inch

Yes, under the microscope and now we

identify you have to know you're at the right level so we have the instruments in we're

at the right level we took the x-rays

Oh you make it sound so simple and I got a tell you

Look we're drilling.

We're drilling basically you can see the drill is a tip of a pen

It's very small, so we're drilling getting down to the spur right there

And we identify and now I'm biting where I was showing the little biting

This is what you're really happy that your doctor knows what he or she is doing

So now we're removing the pieces of the bone there you can see I'm removing the little

remaining of the fleck of the bone and now we're going underneath

Identifying where the disc is so we're identifying the plane the spinal cord is right there,

and the nerve root is right there

We were working in about a two millimeter area, so I'm sweeping under the nerve looking

at the disc right now making sure nothing is pressing

So you're basically freeing up that nerve

I have to say even though that's my neck and my spinal cord

it's fascinating to watch and the one thing I

So, we're just putting in, stopping the bleeding and we're done

Do you have some of that left?

Can I put it on a necklace or something?

So, these are the instruments, how small it is basically

this is what we're doing

The term bone spurs, it's for the viewers out there

just really means an overgrowth of bone

Is that related to wear and tear?

Yes, it's an overgrowth of the bone.

Why does that happen and he was talking about it

I mean nobody knows why.

Why didn't happen at the level above?

Why did it happen here?

It was my five years before I came on the doctors as a Chippendales dancer.

They had me doing all these.

Alright the truth comes out.

How are you feeling?

Look, I am just a few weeks out from this and obviously post-op you dissect those neck

muscles a lot of spasms

But I got to tell you it's amazing I can actually lay down with my head on a pillow at night

and not be in

the pre-op pain, and it is a remarkable feeling.

I'm so full of hope again.

Obviously, I can't get back to doing the things I want to do yet

You've told me I got a you know

recover and then get back to biking and hopefully all the things

Three weeks away, three more weeks you're done

Because for me the hardest part of this has been I

can't do the things I love to do so beyond the numbness, the pain

You not being able to do the things you love to do in life there comes a point

where enough is enough so thank you, Sir

Thank you.

Congrats to both of the you.

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