Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 12 2017




Is all there is.

Stop yearning for a once in a lifetime experience.

Every moment is golden.

Defeat your greatest enemy.

That is – yourself.

Discover your greatest master.

That is – yourself.

Embrace your courage.

It's a storm

setting all worlds on fire.

It's your mind

that drives all gravity

and all grace.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz: IRONMAN 2017 – Enlarging the ambition - Duration: 1:32.


Renault Clio 1.5 DCI ECO EXPRESSION , NAVI , CR CONTR , MISTL V , LMV , AIRCO , - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio 1.5 DCI ECO EXPRESSION , NAVI , CR CONTR , MISTL V , LMV , AIRCO , - Duration: 0:54.


நடிகர் திலகம் சிவாஜி மரணத்தில் அஜித் செய்த காரியத்தை கேட்டால் ஷாக் ஆயிடுவிங்க | Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> நடிகர் திலகம் சிவாஜி மரணத்தில் அஜித் செய்த காரியத்தை கேட்டால் ஷாக் ஆயிடுவிங்க | Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 1:13.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 12 EKİM 2017 | KIRMIZI ÇİZGİ GS GÜNDEMİ | MEHMET AYAN & SERDAR ALİ ÇELİKLER | Youtube - Duration: 10:20.


domace zivotinje za decu / zvuci domacich zivotinja / zvukovi zivotinja za decu - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> domace zivotinje za decu / zvuci domacich zivotinja / zvukovi zivotinja za decu - Duration: 4:36.


GALATASARAY | Taner KARAMAN: "Gomis'in Oynadığı Takımda Yasin Olmaz" | Youtube - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Taner KARAMAN: "Gomis'in Oynadığı Takımda Yasin Olmaz" | Youtube - Duration: 10:08.


[BlackSurvival]Positron Rifle Aya - Duration: 17:45.

This is a video of Aya requested by VanishingShade and will be going for Positron

Rif… what the hell is happening?!

I was wondering why I was at the lobby when a game just started for a while. If you get disconnected, you get either reconnected to the game or blown up by Mr. Meiji.

But the match history was not updated and my RP was still the same, so I tried to guess what happened.

The train of thought led me to believing that my Aya is already in Lumia Island but I was having out-of-body expereince. So I rebooted my app.

And I was right :)

I came back at 2:15 so I lost first 45 seconds of the game XD I will explain the route real simple as I have no time.

1. Start at the Port : Tuna, Long Rifle, Bullets, Whetstone and Magazine 2. Factory : Build FR F2

3. Hospital : Doctor's Gown, few health items 4. Alley : Chang Pao, TV, make Sashimi

5. Fire Station : Battery, Hammer 6. Archery Range or Lighthouse : Sports Drink to make Positron Rifle.

I made my explanation very simple, but you will realize why the route is like that after looking up the Index.

You have to be always flexible about what items you aim for. This time, I ran away after looking at Sylvia's weapon and clothing.

There were two Zahirs in this game, so I wasn't able to kill off many people. I decided to farm as much mastery points as I could.

Luckily, I found two Mithrils so I don't have to worry about armors. Normally I would steal items after killing others, but as I said, there are two Zahirs in this game.

Nooooo My Veritas :(

Thank you very much for Sureka made by Eng subs. All feedbacks, music recommendation, character suggestions and questions are welcome :)

For more infomation >> [BlackSurvival]Positron Rifle Aya - Duration: 17:45.


Деньги в жизни человека✦Почему в партнерских отношениях денег становится меньше✦Как увеличить доходы - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Деньги в жизни человека✦Почему в партнерских отношениях денег становится меньше✦Как увеличить доходы - Duration: 1:28.


Wrong Heads Funny | Disney Frozen Anna Doc McStuffins Moana | Finger Family song - Duration: 2:28.

Wrong Heads Funny | Disney Frozen Anna Doc McStuffins Moana | Finger Family song

For more infomation >> Wrong Heads Funny | Disney Frozen Anna Doc McStuffins Moana | Finger Family song - Duration: 2:28.


Как узнать своего ангела хранителя/духовного наставника. Молитва ангелу хранителю о помощи✦Медитация - Duration: 9:45.

For more infomation >> Как узнать своего ангела хранителя/духовного наставника. Молитва ангелу хранителю о помощи✦Медитация - Duration: 9:45.


GALATASARAY | 12 EKİM 2017 | SON SAYFA GS GÜNDEMİ Part 1 | ILGAZ ÇINAR & HALDUN DOMAÇ | Youtube - Duration: 12:05.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 12 EKİM 2017 | SON SAYFA GS GÜNDEMİ Part 1 | ILGAZ ÇINAR & HALDUN DOMAÇ | Youtube - Duration: 12:05.


(Dates) 2 New South Hindi Dubbed Movie Coming This October In Cinema | Lie, Dj, Orange | Goldmines - Duration: 1:35.

2 New South Hindi Dubbed Movie Coming This October

For more infomation >> (Dates) 2 New South Hindi Dubbed Movie Coming This October In Cinema | Lie, Dj, Orange | Goldmines - Duration: 1:35.


GALATASARAY | Altan AKSOY: "Bu Performansı Devam Ederse..." | Youtube - Duration: 11:47.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Altan AKSOY: "Bu Performansı Devam Ederse..." | Youtube - Duration: 11:47.


Snake in the Grass - Duration: 42:35.

For more infomation >> Snake in the Grass - Duration: 42:35.


The Robin Hood of Pirates - Duration: 21:03.

For more infomation >> The Robin Hood of Pirates - Duration: 21:03.


Wenn der Traum vom Fliegen wahr wird - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Wenn der Traum vom Fliegen wahr wird - Duration: 2:54.


EXPO REAL 2017 - Real Estate Innovation Network feiert Premiere - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> EXPO REAL 2017 - Real Estate Innovation Network feiert Premiere - Duration: 2:42.


पर्युषण पर्व भाग 2 - Paryushan Parv Part 2 - Duration: 21:38.

Om Shanti !

The topic for today is,' the solution for family problems,'

the influence of western culture in our families,

it has not only entered but, has created a home for itself,

now when the home has been created, its natural, that she is also one of the members of the family,

so, now that she is one of the members, of the family, so, now for every issue, we have to face struggle,

now a days, parents are not able, to make the children understand, that by spending time on computer, mobile,

how far, you are moving away, from the family,

you are staying alone and a time will come,

when, you will get separated, from the family and become so lonely,

when like a current,you will remember, each member, of the family like a flash,

and it will make you yearn or torment you,

now there is a feeling, that I do not need anyone,

because Google has become their parents,

our religious heads, our favourite deities have become side scenes,

and whenever the children wanted anything, they used to run and come,

to the parents, & used to demand from the mother & father,

that I want this and that, and the parents too, to fulfil the desires and wishes of their children,

they used to be ready even before the children asked,

even before they asked, their desires and wishes were fulfilled,

and had this hope on the children, is there even today,

those children, whom we brought up, by holding their fingers,

we showed them the path, we made them progress,

we made them sit in a position,

but, the same child, today, is not prepared to hold the finger,of the parents,

not ready to keep the parents along with them,

why is there a need to make old age homes?

What is the need for Old Age Homes?

But, children, today, want to stay independent, in their own terms & conditions,

they want to lead a free life,

first, this was the tradition, that, whatever business was done by the parents,

children, also, used to move ahead in the same business,

if the parents are jewellers, then the child will also learn the same business,

if the parents are doing some other business, there are many kinds of business,

but, children of today, whatever business is done by the parents,

they are not interested in that,

they feel, that, there is not enough earnings, in that business,

but, their earnings is in other business,

so they choose a differnt path and the reason for choosing a different path,

they have this feeling, that, when we do the business independently,

then we will get the name, respect and status,

in the olden days, the children,

boys/girls, they had this feeling, that, whatever action I do,

where ever I go whatever business I do,

I should bring fame to my parents' name,

make the name of my parents famous, so, there was this feeling to make the parents proud.

But, now, the parents have become dwarfs and they have become big,

they have made the parents small.

Paryushan, teaches us all these things,

makes us understand, that, how much we discipline ourselves,

the more we become humble,

so, that much we will become great. If we are not disciplined,

if we are not humble and being humble, lovingly, as is said friendship,

brotherhood, these feelings are absent,

then we cannot give love to anyone, nor can we attain love from anyone,

and the family, also has, like, there are rules, laws and morals of action,

similarly the family also has its own laws, rules and decorum,

it has three forms, personal, for the family and from social point of view too,

and every individual has to follow it,

if from among, them, if even one member does not follow them,

then immediately, in the house, there is peacelessness due to that,

if inside the house one person gets angry,

or uses harsh words, then, the atmosphere in the entire house, is one of peacelessness,

that, the peace which existed in the house is gone, and

the peace in everyone's heart, that too is gone,

and in that atmosphere of anger, his wisdom and reasoning is lost,

the strength to take decision, is not present, to identify what is truth & false, is also absent,

but, the family is engrossed, so much in his problems, nature, sanskaar,

that, the family too, is troubled, unhappy & peaceless with that person,

so now what to do? If we go to describe the problems,

there are so many problems in every house,

from small children to elders,

the diseases due to addictions, today, children are so attracted to drugs,

they lie to their parents, children, used to never lie to their parents.

They will lie to everyone, but, with parents, they will always speak the truth,

do right interactions and also do good deeds.

But, now children will first lie to the parents,

later among the friends or with the friends circle,

there, they will speak the truth. Their life style has changed so much,

the way the parents want them to become,

they are not able to make them like that,

they are unable to tell them, that, this is our desire or wish for you,

to tell the desire, too, is an offence for them,

so all these situations, which are created,

whether it is son or from daughters, we feel, that once the girl is married, our worries are over,

only one burden is reduced, that, we have married the girl, in a nice house or in a reputed family,

we have given the daughter, in a recognised family, where she will remain well protected,

but, in that environment what the girl undergoes or does not undergo,

this is a cause for worry, continuously for parents,

if the daughter tells something, then it is fine,

if she does give information, then her request, is not to tell anything in the inlaws house,

or else the issue will worsen,

so we have to see the sorrow of the girl and also teach her to tolerate the unhappiness,

we have to also take and bear the sorrow of the girl,

so there are many problems of the girls, which come before the parents or the family,

and many sorrow, pain, problems of sons,

according to the present times, do come before us,

now the problems are there for sons, daughters, parents and for the entire family,

in the daily chorus of our life, while doing many activities,

the laws, rules, decorum of the society and the traditional family,

which have been determined and are being followed,

and want others to follow it,

and to follow it, is essential and also advantageous,

but neither are they able to follow it, nor make others follow it, or are able to bear, others breaking the laws, rules & decorum,

nor are they able to tolerate it or able to change them,

so what is to be done? Such problems can be resolved through these religious festivals,

which keep coming in between and come every year,

when they come every year they teach us many things,

they enrich us with many powers,

and once again they make us follow the promises made,

and once again, when we are moving on the wrong path,

we get blocked and also understand what is right and what is wrong,

but, understand, think, but there is no strength,

then what to do? Everyone desire,that, during this festival of Paryushan whatever is done,

fasting for 8 days, the penance which is undertaken during these days of Paryushan,

whether physical or spiritual or subtle or from within or from outside,

both kinds of penance, is taught to us by this spiritual austerity,

Paryushan also, teaches us penance, sacrifice, to change,

by individually following the laws, rules, decorum

all this is being taught to us. How to have love for each other, how to develop friendship,

to move ahead with the feeling of brotherhood,

how to not give sorrow to anyone, not to indulge in subtle violence also,

physical violence, is present, which is visible,

beating or killing someone,

to kill someone, that is violence which can be seen,

but, invisible, subtle, violence by hurting someone from inside, how much we do?

how much being slave to anger, greed, pride,

how much we give sorrow, how much inside humans,

even among small children, today, there is ego problem,

even a small child, is not free, from it today,

so, how many bondages, are there, in which we are bound,

so all these bondages are problems for us,

now to liberate the self from all these problems, comes,

this Paryushan, religious festival and other religious festivals,

so this Paryushan, once again reminds us,

that what does our religion tell us?

Dharma iti darayati ,

'Dharma' is the other name for inculcation,

to imbibe, to inculcate it in life, is called as to follow the Dharma,

or religious, but, we have taken the meaning of Dharma to be,

I belong to the Jain religion and daily visit the Derasar or Apasray,

follow the ritual of Pratikraman or whatever the rules for doing penance,

which I follow, daily once I do it,

and I consider myself to be a Jain,

or I am an Hindu or belong to this or that,

but Dharma, says, what you imbibe, then you belong to that Dharma,

whatever Jain religion has given information to you

the rules which Jain religion has given you,

the decorum which is given to you by Jain religion,

the penance taught to us by Jain religion,

whatever instructions and commands we have got, do we follow them?

If we are following them, then we can call ourselves as Jain.

But, if we are not following,

then we have no right, to defame, the name of Jain religion,

so, we have to minutely and deeply,

understand the Jain religion, which is very essential,

that our Jain religion, which I propogate to belong to,

so, what has been told to me by the religious texts of Jain religion,

what have I been instructed to follow in my life?

What kind of penance have I been asked to follow?

If we rearrange the word 'tap' to,'pat,' it means to keep the honour,

so how much do we honour the Jain religion,

now daily, we need to see in the mirror,

in the mirror of my heart, that, whatever, be the instructions and commands of the Jain religion, do I follow it?

If I do not follow it, then I am not a Jain.

So, then what do I do? Paryushan says,

that, the eight days which you get,

some follow ten days, the seven days are for disciplined and dedicated spiritual practice,(sadhana)

and the eighth day is for purification,

for seven days, we follow disciplined and dedicated spiritual practice, which means,

we do penance, make efforts,

this is disciplined and dedicated spiritual practice, means, whatever be the daily routine,

more than that, when we follow certain rules,

do some special penance,

so after doing this, is called as disciplined and dedicated spiritual practice,

disciplined and dedicated spiritual practice, which we need to win, meaning till the time we do not achieve success,

with complete determination and tirelessly,

not to become tired, tirelessly, we continue to do it,

and by doing this, we achieve success,

and the one who attains success,

that successful person is praised,

if you do not attain success,

if the disciplined and dedicated spiritual practice, is left in between,

then this unaccomplished efforts, do not allow us to become anyone,

we come down from how much we have gained,

so, this Paryushan, for our spiritual progress and for us to make progress in our life,

helps and teaches us and in these days of Paryushan,

we have to have a firm thought, of doing this, dedicated spiritual practice for seven days,

with a determined thought and firmness,

we need to continue it tirelessly,

if I do not go daily to Derasar or Apashray,

or whatever be the commands of Jain religion, daily,

if I do not follow it, then I should follow them,

while following them, there will be many kinds of obstacles,

problems, I should fight them and face them,

by facing them, I need to be victorious.

So, today, is the first day and on this first day,

you are invited, that whatever changes, you want in your life,

Paryushan is that blessing, those who, in the days of Paryushan,

with a determined thought, whoever, for penance, dedicated spiritual practice or efforts,

and those who follow the penance, rules, laws of decorum,

for seven days regularly, then, it will be included in your disciplined efforts made,

your penance will be rewarded and on the last day, of attaining success, by asking for forgiveness,

you ask everyone to forgive, because,

as we want to forget the past unhappy incidents,

and the happy incidents which happened, why did it happen?

By remembering them, we do the same things,

through which we are happy and other souls, too are happy,

whatever sinful actions and mistakes have happened with each other,

we by asking for forgiveness to each other,

the burden of sins over us,

we liberate the self from this burden,

and also liberate others.

So, Paryushan asks us to do disciplined and dedicated efforts for seven days,

bring about change and on the eighth day of success, celebrate the day of forgiveness,

ask for forgiveness to everyone and do not raise the ego problem,

by being humble and by asking forgiveness to everyone,

from the heart and honestly, not that, as it is day of forgiveness, I have to ask everyone to forgive,

no, from the heart and honestly ask them to forgive us,

and once again that mistake or sin should not be done by me,

we should have a firm determination in our mind.

So, the one who is determined, he is always victorious,

and so, Paryushan, is a festival to make us win,

it is believed to be King of all festivals,

as the King has his kingdom,

similarly, in your life, the empire of peace and happiness,

you by taking this empire in your hands,

you by being the King can lead your life in happiness and peace.

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> पर्युषण पर्व भाग 2 - Paryushan Parv Part 2 - Duration: 21:38.


Ford B-MAX 1.6 TI-VCT TITANIUM AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.6 TI-VCT TITANIUM AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:54.


The Recipe For A Potent Solution,That Is 3,500 Years Old And Can Treat Almost Any Disease! - Duration: 2:40.


The Recipe For A Potent Solution, Called God's Remedy That Is 3,500 Years Old And Can Treat

Almost Any Disease!

If you were considering about giving the ghost pepper a try, you should first see the reactions

of 20 people to it and afterwards think twice before you actually try it.

In the Bible, the olive tree is referred to over a thousand times.

Regardless of the fact that the only know fruit of the tree is the olive itself, many

people aren't aware of the fact that the leaves of the olive tree have hidden healing


The most important compound in the olive leaf is oleuropein, which has powerful anti-bacterial


Olive leaves have the ability to better the health condition in numerous illnesses caused

by microbes.

It likewise assists in treating meningitis, the flu, hepatitis B, gonorrhea, herpes and


It likewise assists with surgical infections, as well as infections of the urinary tract.

Olive leaves have the ability to prevent the appearance of infection triggered by fungi.

The consumption of tea made from olive leaves can assist in the treating of the following

illnesses: gonorrhea, pneumonia, influenza, tuberculosis, hepatitis B, meningitis, chronic

fatigue, herpes, atherosclerosis, malaria, botulism, diphtheria, ulcers, encephalitis

and urinary tract infections.

The consumption of olive leaves can aid restore the entire immune system, and it can also

be used for bettering the energy of your body, for instance following chemotherapy.

Olive leaves are very healing as they have antiparasitic, antifungal, antiviral and anti-bacterial

properties, through which it is possible to entirely treat numerous illnesses.

Tea Recipe:

You are going to need 15 or 20 dried olive leaves to make a cup of 2 to 3 dl.

Bring the water to a boil and put the leaves in it.

Cook them for about 2 to 3 minutes.

Let the leaves settle in the water for about ten minutes and afterwards remove them.

You can drink this tea either warm or cold with lemon, honey or just plain.

The tea should be consumed on a daily bases in order to feel some kind of an improvement.

It is recommended to consume the tea as a prevention for all the above listed illnesses.

It is best to pick the tea leaves in spring as the leaves are young during that period,

which you then can clean and dry them.

They should be stored in a closed container where they are going to be protected from

the sunlight.

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For more infomation >> The Recipe For A Potent Solution,That Is 3,500 Years Old And Can Treat Almost Any Disease! - Duration: 2:40.


Qué Es Un Blog y Qué Hace Un Bloguero? - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> Qué Es Un Blog y Qué Hace Un Bloguero? - Duration: 10:54.


Как приготовить гречаники в мультиварке. Рецепты для мультиварки. - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Как приготовить гречаники в мультиварке. Рецепты для мультиварки. - Duration: 2:33.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Peugeot 207 1.4 VTI COOL 'N BLUE / 5 DEURS / AIRCO / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET / TREKHAAK / RADIO-C - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTI COOL 'N BLUE / 5 DEURS / AIRCO / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET / TREKHAAK / RADIO-C - Duration: 0:58.


For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTI COOL 'N BLUE / 5 DEURS / AIRCO / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET / TREKHAAK / RADIO-C - Duration: 0:58.


HOWITT TALK RADIO/people choose what they want to talk about tonight - Duration: 44:16.

For more infomation >> HOWITT TALK RADIO/people choose what they want to talk about tonight - Duration: 44:16.


For more infomation >> HOWITT TALK RADIO/people choose what they want to talk about tonight - Duration: 44:16.


[BlackSurvival]Barrett M82A1 Aya - Duration: 13:09.

This is a video of Barrett rush Aya requested by VanishingShade.

Counterattack is one of the greatest Aptitude of the game, but you run out of stamina real fast when you try to kill off people fast, so I used acceleration.

For body armor, if I get any other armor from supply, I go for the items that uses it. If not, I go for battle suit.

Luckly for this game, I got Leather Jacket. I'll make Rocker's Jacket with one leftover Iron Sheet.

My preparation for rushing is finish making weapon and body armor during the first 3 minutes and gathering health items from hospital.

Rest of the game I just keep on shooting, shooting and shooting until one dies, then I steal items from them.

There are only three people left, so I will be skipping some parts. Or else this video will be 21 minutes long.

To summerize what happened, three people together played hide and seek, and I made another petal pill with Tree of Life that I found from Jackie's dead body.

So to sum up this game's play style, it would be make body armor and weapon during the first 3 minutes, gather some health items from hospital, then kill people and steal items.

I will be skipping parts when I play hide and seek. But please check how I use health items

when I fight with Jackie in the end. The tip is to eat health item that recovers a lot after enemy hits you.

Thank you very much for Sureka made by Eng subs. All feedbacks, music recommendation, character suggestions and questions are welcome :)

For more infomation >> [BlackSurvival]Barrett M82A1 Aya - Duration: 13:09.


For more infomation >> [BlackSurvival]Barrett M82A1 Aya - Duration: 13:09.



For more infomation >> LOI TRAVAIL = BAISSE DU CHÔMAGE ? C'EST FAUX, DIT LA SCIENCE - Duration: 5:01.


For more infomation >> LOI TRAVAIL = BAISSE DU CHÔMAGE ? C'EST FAUX, DIT LA SCIENCE - Duration: 5:01.


Cómo cambiar amortiguadores delanteros VW LUPO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 9:58.

Use a socket №18 and an open-end wrench №18

Use a socket №21 and an end bit №7

Using a special tool take out the spring

Use a socket №21 and an end bit №7

Before installing new shock absorbers it is strongly recommended to pump them over for 3-5 times manually

For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar amortiguadores delanteros VW LUPO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 9:58.


For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar amortiguadores delanteros VW LUPO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 9:58.


Voici une méthode rapide et efficace pour perdre 2 kilos en une semaine seulement ! - Duration: 8:34.

For more infomation >> Voici une méthode rapide et efficace pour perdre 2 kilos en une semaine seulement ! - Duration: 8:34.


For more infomation >> Voici une méthode rapide et efficace pour perdre 2 kilos en une semaine seulement ! - Duration: 8:34.


TEAM Arizona Riding Tip Braking Fidelity | How To Stop Your Motorcycle Quickly In An Emergency - Duration: 2:57.

When it comes to avoiding hazards on the street, stopping your motorcycle quickly is a critical

tool to have in your toolbox.

Do you have the braking fidelity to stop your motorcycle in an emergency?

Maybe you've never heard the term braking fidelity.

Essentially, it is the exactness with which a rider can perform their braking.

For this video, we're talking about max performance braking and we're going to relate specifically

to front brake usage.

Now I mentioned max performance braking.

You may also know it as threshold braking, and it is the ability for a rider to stop

their vehicle in the shortest distance possible with out engaging the ABS and without losing traction.

There are an infinite number of variables that can affect how quickly we can stop our


From tires to brakes to motorcycle type to surface, they can all affect how quickly we

can get stopped.

For a max performance stop, we want to work on a precise, progressive squeeze to help us

come to our quick stop.

A couple elements come into play here.

How fast we squeeze that brake lever and how far we squeeze that brake lever.

If we go too far, too fast, we can lock up that front tire causing a skid and a loss

of traction.

Too slow and not enough brake pressure and we can extend our stop risking running into

that hazard we're trying to avoid.

So how do we gain braking fidelity?

When an emergency situation pops up, do we want to rely on a hope, a wish, a prayer?

We'd rather rely upon what we already know.

And we gain that knowledge through training.

In training, you can learn how to max brake your motorcycle.

You'll be able to understand how to stop your bike safely and quickly.

Thank you for watching this video.

At TEAM Arizona, we're here for you, and we hope to be on Your Road To Ride For Life!

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The inside of hospital ship

Internal medicine department

I haven't seen something like this as a internist

What is it?

It look like nordic design

Nordic design? Is it the roe deer?

Nordic design is moving a roe deer

Because roe deer is moving


This is real nordic design

I will take a close look at IMETEC as a internist!

Pure cotton is so soft

It is good for kids

It's a relieve that atopics can use it

This is as light as a feather

Look at this!

I think everybody can carry around

folding is so comfortable

There is no sewing line

How can it be possible to be perfect!

I think this is the best one in my life!

I love it!

Doctor! coffee!

Oh no...

It is okay

I read a manual

This is okay to hand-wash


What is it? is it electromagnetic waves?

I felt something

Oh no. Does he know my love?

I have to read a manual

IMETEC passed electromagnetic field test in Germany,Italy,Korea

How's feeling?

It is very comfortable and fleecy

Really? Can you move for me?

I want to check if this move or not

Like this?

Why doesn't it move?

It is amazing!

Amazing. It doesn't move

It doesn't move

How's feeing ? Warm?

As soon as I turn this on, it got warm

You just turn it on. it is so warm!

I love it so much. It is soft

Do you want to try?

Should I?

Is it really that good?

Are you sleeping?

Doctor! How can you fall asleep right away?

You can't sleep here!

Wake up!

Extreme comfortable IMETEC

It is good!

I like it!

I love it!

For more infomation >> MBC DRAMA 'HOSPITAL SHIP' PARODY / IMETEC ad - Duration: 3:02.


How to Make a Pumpkin Roll // Halloween Dessert! - Duration: 4:28.

Hey guys! I've got a bonus video for you this week! Last week I posted the

pilot episode of the Keep It Quirky podcast.

Thank you so much for all of your comments and feedback. I want you guys to

know that I will continue to do these fun QKatie videos, the ones that you know

and love that I've been doing for years: short form food and travel videos. The

podcast is just something I would be doing in addition. But today it's all

about the celebration of autumn and this incredible season that we're sauntering

into. So, it's pumpkin roll time! Recently a video game company actually reached

out to me about this simulation game they have called Home Street. Okay, so

they have this Halloween event in the app they asked me to show the users of

the app how to cook with pumpkin! I'm not really a gamer, but I was like alright!

There's food involved in this simulation game, so I'm interested! You guys have

seen me cook with pumpkin with Erica Von Trapp on her YouTube channel Bubble Child.

Pumpkin is a squash, right, so you can cook it just like you would any

other squash, you can blend it up and make it into a puree. I like to put it in

my oatmeal -- or porridge as they would say here -- all kinds of things: cookies and

cakes and all that kind of stuff. You can totally cheat and just buy the canned

puree stuff, that'll work just as well. Okay, let's make it! Let's make the cake

first. You'll need three eggs and mix those together with one cup of

granulated sugar. You'll want 170 grams, or 6 ounces, of

cream cheese, and 275 grams of canned pumpkin, which is about a cup. One time, I

totally spaced out and added the cream cheese, which is supposed to be reserved

for the frosting, I added it to the cake mixture. And I was like, oh no what have I

done?! And then it turned into the most delicious, moist pumpkin cake I have ever it's actually perfect for this pumpkin roll, which can crack when you

roll it up. It's not as likely to crack. So mistake turned into success! Now let's

get to our dry ingredients. Whisk together 3/4 cup of all-purpose flour,

that's 100 grams, 1 teaspoon of ground ginger,

1/2 teaspoon of kosher salt, 1 teaspoon of baking powder and 2 teaspoons of

ground cinnamon. Then mix your pumpkin puree mixture into the flour mixture

until well combined. Then spread it on greased parchment paper on a

jelly-roll pan put it in the oven at 190 degrees Celsius or 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

Let it cool in the pan for about 5 minutes.

Sprinkle icing sugar / confectioner's sugar on a tea towel and put your cake

on that. Now slowly and gently roll this up and let it cool in the refrigerator

for about 45 minutes. Meanwhile, make your frosting.

Time for a quick public service announcement!

In America, we say "powdered sugar" or "confectioner's sugar" to mean what

they call here in the UK "icing sugar." Now that we've got that little vocab word

settled, let's continue!

225 grams of unsalted butter (one 1/2 cup stick), 3 cups of

icing or confectioner's sugar -- that's going to be about 390 grams -- 3 tablespoons of

cream cheese, 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Chop about 1 cup or 80 grams of pecans and fold in those pecans. If you're not a

fan of nuts, just leave them out. No biggie. Some recipes don't include them,

some recipes will say to add it to the cake batter; I like to fold it in with

the frosting because I really like that texture combination.

Now you'll unroll the rolled cake and spread the frosting on top, then re-roll

it, wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate until you're ready to serve.

When it's ready to serve, dust it with a bit of icing or

confectioner's sugar and slice.

It's so good! So if you're one of the people watching this from the Home Street

game, I hope that you learned how to pumpkin --

How to pumpkin! *laughter*

A game that incorporates cooking with pumpkin and Halloween, I think I could get behind!

Alright guys, happy fall and, as always, keep it quirky!

For more infomation >> How to Make a Pumpkin Roll // Halloween Dessert! - Duration: 4:28.


Mom Sees Daughter'S Post On Instagram-But After A Closer Look, Her Heart Wants To 'Explode' - Duration: 2:49.

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Mom Sees Daughter'S Post On Instagram-But After A Closer Look, Her Heart Wants To 'Explode'

When it comes to kids and their siblings, they typically don't always get along.

And the bigger the age gap, the worse it tends to be.

But sometimes, the age gap is what helps them bond and become even closer.

And this mom, Candice Curry, just found that out in the sweetest way after seeing her daughters

Instagram post!

It was just any ordinary day for Curry and her husband Brandon.

All their children were in school, and everything was going as planned, when they received news

about a family emergency.

The hopped into the car, and began to deal with the issue at hand.

But what they didn't think about, was their 3-year-old son, James, who was going to need

to be picked up soon.

Without thinking twice, they immediately asked their 17-year-old daughter, Stiles Parish,

to go pick him up and take him home.

"This was a one time event; we have never had her get him from school other than this


But it was an emergency.

I figured she had gone to get him and taken him home," said Curry.

But instead, Stiles had another idea.

She didn't want to miss school, as she is studying to become a nurse.

So her solution?

Bring James to school with her.

Stiles didn't want to be counted as absent while in her clinical-rotations class, so

she brought her baby brother in.

And luckily, the teacher gladly welcomed him.

"She was in her clinical-rotations class, and the teacher gladly welcomed her little

brother in.

He was so tired from [his] school that he passed out on her and slept most of the class.

She not only helped our family out but returned to her responsibility at school," said Curry.

She also added that the school was very supportive, and didn't mind him being there.

And that if he had become an issue, she would have taken him out to ensure he wouldn't

disrupt the other students.

But thankfully, that was not the case.

"When I saw the Instagram post it made my heart want to explode.

The tenderness in it is just the sweetest.

The fact that he is sleeping so comfortably on her in the middle of a class full of teenagers

tells me how much he trusts her.

As a mom, it makes me so thankful that they have this kind of relationship, and I pray

it will always stay this way," said Curry.

And we couldn't agree with her more.

This is absolutely touching, and more siblings should act this way towards one another.

I know from personal experience, me being 10 years older than my brother has made our

relationship stronger.

And I'm so glad to see that happen with others as well!

For more infomation >> Mom Sees Daughter'S Post On Instagram-But After A Closer Look, Her Heart Wants To 'Explode' - Duration: 2:49.



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