Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 14 2017

We live in a really crazy world, in which there are many creatures and apparitions that

can not be fully explained by us.

Many say it's just legends and tales.. but others swear that they actually came eye to

eye with one of these eerie beings, that are not human.

In todays episode, we ant to check out 10 Strange Creatures People Caught on Camera.

This being was recorded by a surveillance camera in Great Britain, in 2007.

Several sightings of a creature had been reported in this area.

It looks pretty similar to the rake.

This clip was recorded during a tsunami in Japan in 2011.

It shows a mysterious looking being, that seemingly glides out of the tides, and afterwards

disappearing into thin air.

What was it?

A cctv camera in Mexico captured this strange shape, that seems to be able to run over water,

without any problems . Wsee a man, dragging something out of a large

hall, which is covered by an heavy iron gate.

When he drives off with his car, something pretty strange could be captured on the CCTV


Some friends were driving home after visiting family.

Suddenly, out of nowhere.. a creature causes some creepy disturbance.

Every new years eve people celebrated the sky is filled with lights and fire.

But what this man captured, looks like something out of another world.

This man was filming an apartment of a recently deceased elderly man.

After he checked his footage, he was scared to death.

This video shows some environmental recordings.

An unexplained creature can be seen, sitting behind the rock.

It looks pretty sinister.

A couple of friends often times hang out in the evening and enjoy a little bonfire.

After hearing unexplained noises in the fields around them, this weird entity was caught

on tape.

Just a simpel dashcam recording.

Can you see the odd looking figure standing on the

right ?

Thank you guys for watching.

I hope you liked today's episode.

Please leave a like and subscribe to my channel.

Stay frosty!

For more infomation >> 10 Strange Creatures People Caught on Camera - Duration: 10:20.


Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse 250d XL 190pk Automaat Avantgarde Comand- Leer-Nav-Camera - Hartman tunning - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse 250d XL 190pk Automaat Avantgarde Comand- Leer-Nav-Camera - Hartman tunning - Duration: 1:01.


IIT H holds meet on technologies - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> IIT H holds meet on technologies - Duration: 2:25.


The RP English Accent – What is it, how does it sound, and who uses it? - Duration: 9:14.

Hi there. I'm going to be talking to you today about Received Pronunciation, often shortened

to "RP", which is an accent of Great Britain, probably most widely taught as the accent

that you're meant to learn in language schools around the world. So I'm going to be talking

about the relevance, the place of RP who actually speaks with an RP accent in Britain.

Okay, so RP is defined as the regionally neutral middle-class accent of England. Regionally

neutral. What that means is by hearing this accent I don't know where in the UK the speaker

is from. So they might be from Devon, Wales, London, Yorkshire, anywhere. This accent is

not from a particular place. Now, it has also been called over the last 50-100 years the

Queen's English because people assume that the Queen speaks with Received Pronunciation.

She actually doesn't. The Queen speaks in a very unique accent, which differs from Received

Pronunciation. She has a very smart accent. It's not quite the same.

BBC English, yes there did used to be a time when most of the news presenters on the BBC

were required to have a Received Pronunciation accent, but now society has changed and it

is more inclusive, so people from different parts of the United Kingdom, people who have

gone to less privileged schools are able to get jobs in the BBC and all other sectors

and industries.

It's also referred to as Oxford English. So there was a time 30-40 years ago when all

the professors at Oxford and when all the students at Oxford and Cambridge would speak

with RP. But again, that's changed and there is a drive in schools to try and get the best

school... The best students from the government schools into these top universities.

What is it, Benjamin? It's an accent. Okay? It's used with Standard English. So if someone

is using a lot of slang, a lot of abbreviation, mixing where their words are from, from rap

music and stuff, that wouldn't be Standard English. It avoids slang and dialect. Dialect

is the language particular to a certain place. For example, a West Country dialect would

be particular words from that place.

This accent reveals, shows someone's background. Okay? So it shows what kind of life they have

had so far. It doesn't show where they are from in the United Kingdom. In fact, only

2 to 3% of the UK population have this accent. You might be wondering: "Do you have this

accent, Benjamin?" and the answer to that is: To some degree, but not entirely. So my

accent has influences from some Estuary English, and it sort of depends who I am speaking to

as to how... How my accent is placed. I'm from Devon and sometimes I will veer towards

a Devonian sound, but most of the time I will sound like someone from the southeast of England

because that is where I have lived most.

So, a history of this accent. In the... Up until the 20th century this accent was associated

with wealth and power, but then after World War II society changed in the United Kingdom.

We had a Labour Government for the first time, the NHS was created, and people started getting

different types of jobs. They started getting better jobs, you started getting a mix of

people. And with that, regional accents have become more important. In fact, some people

like to disguise an RP accent, so they'll start trying to speak a little bit like this,

and start dropping their t's, and say: "Lil" and "innit" and stuff. I'm exaggerating, but

it does have negative connotations, the RP accent so some people try to change their

voice to fit in.

Still not sure what it is? Well, it's speaking in clipped, precise tones. Okay? It sounds

quite a sort of serious accent. Maybe some people feel that it sounds quite cold.

How has it evolved? It's not the same accent, Received Pronunciation, that it was a hundred

years ago. Okay? The accent changes, just as an accent from Yorkshire, or from Wales,

and Ireland will change over time. It's not a fixed: This is the accent.

How it's been changed recently? The long vowel sounds have become shortened. Why is that?

To... As a feeling of self-protection. You don't want to expose yourself by speaking

in this ridiculous manner. So, a diphthong which is a double vowel sound, for example:

"poo-er" would now be pronounced: "poor". A poor person rather than a poo-er person.

"Come here" rather than: "Come heeere", "here", "here". Okay? So these diphthongs are being

shortened. It's now a flatter accent in its pronunciation.

Who speaks with an RP accent? Prince Charles with a traditional RP accent, an old-fashioned

one. His daughter-in-law, Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge. Whereas... So she has come from

a different background to her husband, Prince William, but she's really taken on this sort

of traditional accent in the way she speaks, whereas William, and... Prince William and

Prince Harry who come from the most privileged backgrounds slightly disguise the way they

speak by flattening some of their vowel sounds. You'll also hear this accent from Jeremy Paxman

who is wonderful to listen to, a highly-intelligent man; Joanna Lumley, another wonderful TV presenter

who makes fascinating travel documentaries; and Boris Johnson, make of him what you will.

So, how do we know...? I just want to give you a couple more examples of these diphthongs

so you can start to tell whether it's a modern RP accent or an old one. Remember the old

one takes that double vowel sound. So if you ask for a glass of beer, that would be modern,

whereas the old-fashioned would be a "be-er, "be-er, please". If something is near, near.

Is it near? Is the shop near? Okay? That's the modern sound. "Nee-uh", "Is it Nee-uh?"

Okay? It's a slightly more formal sound. It's more sort of, I don't know, up to you how

you find it. If something is "eweld", "eweld", okay, that's the traditional way, as opposed

to if something is "old". So it's more natural, the modern way.

So, let's put this accent in its place. Yeah? Remember 2% of the United Kingdom. Most people

speak more with the regional accent. Okay? The north of England, the Midlands, and it

has very much become a part... An accent of England. You go to Wales, you go to Scotland,

you go to Ireland - you're not going to hear RP. People take more pride in their accent

from where they are from.

I hope this has been informative for you. So why not now start watching some British

television? Can you start to place...? Can you hear this accent at all? How are people

talking, and what does it show about them? Thank you. See you next time.

For more infomation >> The RP English Accent – What is it, how does it sound, and who uses it? - Duration: 9:14.


Gen. Barry McCaffrey: Donald Trump Could Lead U.S. To War With North Korea | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Gen. Barry McCaffrey: Donald Trump Could Lead U.S. To War With North Korea | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 3:18.


Emergency Vehicles | Rhymes For Toddlers | Fire Truck Video For Kids | Learn Color Red - Duration: 1:03:28.

Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he had some chicks,E-I-E-I-O.

With a chick chick here and a chick chick there, Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick chick,

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some dog. E-I-E-I-O

With a Woof Woof here and a Woof Woof there. Here a Woof,there a Woof,everywhere a Woof Woof!

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had a pigs. E-I-E-I-O

With an Oink Oink here and an Oink Oink there. Here an Oink,there an Oink,everywhere an Oink Oink!

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some horses, E-I-E-I-O

With a "neigh, neigh" here and a "neigh, neigh" there here a "neigh" there a "neigh" everywhere a "neigh, neigh"

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some cow. E-I-E-I-O

With a Moo Moo here and a Moo Moo there. Here A Moo there a Moo everywhere a Moo Moo!

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some ducks. E-I-E-I-O

With a Quack Quack here and a Quack Quack there. Here a Quack there a Quack,everywhere a Quack Quack!

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

"Do you know your ABCs?"



Now I know my ABCs Next time won't you sing with me?



Now I know my ABCs 26 letters from A to Z

26 letters from A to Z

For more infomation >> Emergency Vehicles | Rhymes For Toddlers | Fire Truck Video For Kids | Learn Color Red - Duration: 1:03:28.


Trump Overrules UN, Fires Shot Heard Loud And Clear In Israel - Duration: 15:06.

Trump Overrules UN, Fires Shot Heard Loud And Clear In Israel

President Trump has made it very clear that he stands with Israel.

America and Israel are close allies who share an interest in peace in the Middle East and

upholding democratic values.

Now Trump just showed the world that he means what he says, after the State Department announced

that the United States will be withdrawing from the United Nations Educational, Scientific

and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

UNESCO is involved in heritage preservation at environmentally and culturally sensitive

sites around the world.

It is highly disliked by Israel because Israel says UNESCO caters to the viewpoints and agendas

of Arab countries who are against the Jewish state.

Trump agrees.


"On October 12, 2017, the Department of State notified UNESCO Director-General Irina

Bokova of the U.S. decision to withdraw from the organization and to seek to establish

a permanent observer mission to UNESCO.

This decision was not taken lightly, and reflects U.S. concerns with mounting arrears at UNESCO,

the need for fundamental reform in the organization, and continuing anti-Israel bias at UNESCO,"

the State Department statement reads.

The withdrawal won't be complete by Dec. 31, 2018, but this decision is very important

as it shows that America is taking Israel's side in a big way and leaving the lies and

hypocrisy of the UN in the dust.

The US will still serve as a "non-member observer state" to UNESCO where it can help

share the US perspective on "some of the important issues undertaken by the organization,

including the protection of world heritage, advocating for press freedoms, and promoting

scientific collaboration and education," according to the State Department.

UNESCO is currently voting to choose a new leader of its organization.

Its decision to include Palestine recently was seen by many as proof that UNESCO is anti-Israel.

The decision to withdraw comes as UNESCO is voting to choose a new director this week

amid funding troubles and divisions over Palestinian membership.

Trump has reportedly been planning to ditch UNESCO for months but didn't make it official

until now.


During the reign of Obama the US cut $80 million per year in aid to UNESCO due to it letting

Palestine in as a member.

Last year Israel withdrew its own UNESCO ambassador when UNESCO had the nerve to say that one

of Jerusalem's most sacred sites — including to Jews — is only a "Muslim holy site

of worship."

The US also left UNESCO for a period of time during the Cold War under President Reagan.

This is another example of how Trump is more and more like the second-coming of Reagan.

The US rejoined UNESCO in 2003 but now it's leaving again.

The message is very clear: stop being unfair to our friends in Israel or we're not going

anywhere near participating in your charade.

What do you think of this story from the New York Post?

Is POTUS on the right track or do you disagree

with his decision?

For more infomation >> Trump Overrules UN, Fires Shot Heard Loud And Clear In Israel - Duration: 15:06.


w-inds / Time Has Gone Music Video Reaction - Duration: 4:18.

Apologies to Earbuds/Headphone users...

"We don't need to talk anymore!"

S: *too excited*

A: Close my eyes...

A: Yessss!!

S: They're so SUAVE!

**reaction audio is quieter than the MV, sorry guys!**

S: Keita....

S: Awww! // A: Oh my gosh!

S: See, we love W-inds because they're so, smooth?

A: Right?!

A: OUU! His voi--

A: His voice?!

S: Time has gone!

S: His high notes!!!!

A: Hold UP! Hold the DOOR!

S: They look so GOOOOOODDDD!

S: I like the way that sounds

A: YES!! Killing the choreography!

S: They're just so precise! // A: On point!

A: Ouu, yes! The shadows! Look at their shadows guys!

A: Fleeky, fleeky.

A: OHMG your hair is FLEEKY! // S: I love it.

S: I can't! The on-point dance moves

S: This sounds weird but, even though it's in black white

S: I felt like I was watching this in colour?!

A: That's trippy!

S: It's building up!

A: Trying to be precise as well

S: They're so good!

S: Keita I love you!!

A: Woah! Do you see that?!

A: That was like a-- // S: That was trippy too!

S: Like when the lights shone on one side, and the other side disappeared?

A: That's how the sun tells the time you know?

A: With the shadows?

S: TIME HAS GONE?!?!?!??!


A: Thank you guys for watching

A: We'll see you guys in the next video!

A: Don't forget to LIKE!

S: And go listen to some W-inds // A: And COMMENT

A: And comment down below because we like to talk to y'all in the comments!


For more infomation >> w-inds / Time Has Gone Music Video Reaction - Duration: 4:18.


Breaking news: 'Mueller team interviewed Reince Priebus' - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> Breaking news: 'Mueller team interviewed Reince Priebus' - Duration: 6:49.


Hawaii Five-0 - Good Cop/Bad Cop - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Hawaii Five-0 - Good Cop/Bad Cop - Duration: 1:09.


Hyundai Matrix 1.6I GLS (104pk) Airco/ Elektr.Pakket/ C.V. Afstand/ LMV/ Km: 59.000 NAP!!/ DB riem v - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Matrix 1.6I GLS (104pk) Airco/ Elektr.Pakket/ C.V. Afstand/ LMV/ Km: 59.000 NAP!!/ DB riem v - Duration: 0:58.


Me Doing some PVP N-Nani??!! | Come & Chill | Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing - Duration: 2:11:23.

For more infomation >> Me Doing some PVP N-Nani??!! | Come & Chill | Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing - Duration: 2:11:23.


Cách trị nám tàn nhang tại nhà bằng trứng gà da sần sùi đen sạm cũng phải trắng hồng căng mịn - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> Cách trị nám tàn nhang tại nhà bằng trứng gà da sần sùi đen sạm cũng phải trắng hồng căng mịn - Duration: 10:42.


Anaheim Hills Realtor Lost Her Home To Fire But Not Her Generous Spirit - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Anaheim Hills Realtor Lost Her Home To Fire But Not Her Generous Spirit - Duration: 3:17.


Hawaii Five-0 - Waiting For Dinner - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Hawaii Five-0 - Waiting For Dinner - Duration: 1:56.


Extreme Weight loss in 2 Weeks || Fast and Easy Weight loss - Duration: 2:39.

weight loss diet plan for two weeks this diet plan is unique which you don't have

to give up all carbs and fats to lose weight this that plan and precise on

high-fiber foods - cup gorings and keep the extra pounds and bay all

your life this plan is flexible for everyone and can be followed as long as

you want week one weight loss diet early morning

1 Apple plus 3 to 4 so 4 almonds breakfast - egg omelets with the - whole

grain bread slices or whole play to visit able salad + 1 glass of vegetable

juice of your choice make money for walnuts and - dates or fruit of your

choice free lunch one plate of preferred salad

with the vinegar dressing lunch - multigrain roti +1 bowel brown rice + 1

ball dal and one bowel low fat curd mid-evening

mint tea mixed with honey snack one ball sprouts bell dinner one bound rice with

chicken curry plus one bound low fat curd or two multigrain wrote his class

fruit salad for dinner four to five pieces of nuts or one glass warm low-fat

milk break - weight loss diet early morning 10 ml wheatgrass juice plus 3 to

4 wallets breakfast one ball mixed fruits flax seeds and oats porridge or 1

bowel brown rice with pulses + 1 glass cuckoo matures mid-morning

one glass protein shake with milk free lunch 1 bowel mindstrong soup with more

veggies and Alice pasta lunch - Mel chicken roti + 1 ball vegetable curry or

one ball brown rice + 1 ball mix - vegetable salad snack 1 fruit of your

choice + 1 cup green tea Jinnah one vowel brown rice with the 1 bowel

vegetable or chicken sorry +1 bowel salad of choice or - multigrain roti

plus one ball mix - pulses curry + 2 fish curry plus one ball curd post Gina

one glass of warm milk almond eye to work out also plays a major role in way

set your workout time after or before early morning died while following these

14-day weight loss diet plan thank you for watching this video

like and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Extreme Weight loss in 2 Weeks || Fast and Easy Weight loss - Duration: 2:39.


Ewangeliarz OP - 14 października 2017 - (Łk 11, 27-28) - Duration: 1:51.


According to Freud,

a human has a desire to return to their mother's womb,

and the desire is a regress, going backward.

It's fleeing from facing life, its problems and difficulties;

Just hide in this warm, safe place, and be required to do absolutely nothing.

Well, neither the womb of the God's Word works like that,

nor the breast of the God's Word.

These are bold metaphors, I did not invent them, they are present in today's Gospel.

Jesus says: "The word of God is like a mother's womb, like a mother's breast."

But not ones that infantilize you,

make you run away from the challenges of the world. Not.

It womb of the Word of God, when you read It,

you are being born , it brings you out of the narrowness

to the spaces, to the great spaces of life.

And the breast of the Word are feeding to let you grow,

to become a grown-up human

facing all grown-up challenges.


For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 14 października 2017 - (Łk 11, 27-28) - Duration: 1:51.


3 loại mặt nạ trị nám tàn nhang tại nhà khiến cả triệu người việt mê mẩn - Duration: 12:56.

For more infomation >> 3 loại mặt nạ trị nám tàn nhang tại nhà khiến cả triệu người việt mê mẩn - Duration: 12:56.


East China Sea, Taiwan. Rockfishing diversity, micro softbaits, . 2017/09. - Duration: 17:38.

For more infomation >> East China Sea, Taiwan. Rockfishing diversity, micro softbaits, . 2017/09. - Duration: 17:38.


[ENG SUB] JustBeJoyful - 'Enjoy JBJ' EP 2 (Part 8) - Duration: 4:13.

[Although she rejected, they are polite] Thank you.

[We're doomed]

[He's smiling. Whom did he meet?] - Wow. Hello. - Hello.

[It's Sunday] Why are you in school today?

[What a coincidence] - I left something in school. - Really? - I told you.

[He predicted this situation 30 minutes ago] I wish for 100 students to have left their books.

[With the kindest smile, leader asks them] We have to take a picture.

Could you do this posture?

[Will they be able to get some help?]

We will help you.

[They got +2 members] Thank you.

[Ideas sparkling] Wait.

There were two people inside. Wait.

[Going back to the teachers' room]

[Feeling urgent, he proposes a mask] Your face won't be on it. You can wear this.

[Giving her the desperate look again] OK.

[Acting frivolously] Thank you.

- Thank you very much. - Thank you.

[They are quite different] Thank you very much.

[To make sure that she doesn't run away, he's explaining in a kind voice] Could you lie down like this and make "J?"

[I don't care about the shoes]

[Very cool]

[The true teacher of our time who throws away her shoes] Lie down now. Lie down.

[Moving along] Is it JBJ? Can you see that?

[Making small b, Taehyun & Donghan's team succeeded]

- Thank you for helping us with the mission. - Thank you.

[As a reward] - Shall we sing "Shape of You" for a bit? Do you have the song? - Up till that part.

We were on PRODUCE 101.

[They performed together and that video had 2.4 million view] We were on the same team.

[Legendary "Shape of You"] We will perform for you.

[They will use tissue instead] We practiced with this instead.

- Because there was no scarf. - We didn't have a scarf.

[They're performing their best for the four people]

[In perfect unison]

[But feeling embarrassed, Donghan burst in laughter] Focus.

[Taehyun's solo part]

[Is it my turn? Girls are you watching?]

[Looking super cool]

[His dance moves are beyond shock]

[I'm Taehyun, the king of crump dance]

[Finally, it's the highlight part of Shape of You]

[Today, they're biting the tissue]

[How does it look like with a tissue?]

[Laughing hard]

[Their passion for dance is still hot even in the classroom]

[A rousing cheer of the audience for the two members]

[Feeling embarrassed now] I feel embarrassed.

Thank you very much for today.

[Revealed his age without intention] I'm meeting a teacher after 5 years.

Thank you.

[Taehyun & Donghan's team mission is complete] Thank you.

[Hyunbin & Yongguk's team arrived at the Washington Monument] Raise your left hand.


[Passionately taking pictures using two cameras] [This one's off]

[Sweet] - Wait. Don't move. - OK.

[I'm sweating] - OK. - It's difficult to strike this posture.

[The final picture, Sydney] One last one, Sydney.

[Our team] It's a part of "I Know You Know"dance in Sydney.

The level of difficulty is super high.

[Clapping with their feet on air at the Sydney Opera House]

[Like this?] You have to kick it in the air.

[Flying in the air] You have to get this posture.

[Let's jump high]

[What?] Is the producer going to take this?

We have to do it together.

[They need some help] Since we can't take the picture on our own,

we will have to ask someone.

[Hyunbin's know-how] We shouldn't ask a couple.

[They're on a date] They might hate it because we're wasting their time.

[In this case...] - Let's play rock-paper-scissors. - OK.

[Yongguk won, scissors vs. rock]

[Found a family who is likely to do it for them] Let's ask them.

[Let's try using your look] - Since you lost, you have to ask them. - OK.

Hello. Have you seen "PRODUCE 101?"

[Thankfully she knows them] - We're from... - Yes, I have. You have a very small face.

We're making a debut, and before that, we have to take a picture.

We were told that we will be going overseas,

but then we were deceived, and we ended up here.

[Hyunbin accuses the staff] And we have to do a mission by taking this picture.

Since both of us have to do this posture, could you take a picture of us? - Yes.

[Got a photographer] Thank you.

Let's jump after 1, 2, 3.

[Checking the picture again] You're to jump from and I'm to jump here.

[What are you doing?] Let us take a picture.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] JustBeJoyful - 'Enjoy JBJ' EP 2 (Part 8) - Duration: 4:13.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 TURBO ECC/CRUISE/LMV/NAVI - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 TURBO ECC/CRUISE/LMV/NAVI - Duration: 0:57.


Huntley Project beats Shepherd in key Eastern B battle - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Huntley Project beats Shepherd in key Eastern B battle - Duration: 0:49.


Townsend outlasts Jefferson - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Townsend outlasts Jefferson - Duration: 0:57.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


10 Erreurs Dans Les FILMS D'HORREUR Que Vous N'avez Jamais Remarquées - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> 10 Erreurs Dans Les FILMS D'HORREUR Que Vous N'avez Jamais Remarquées - Duration: 4:56.


For more infomation >> 10 Erreurs Dans Les FILMS D'HORREUR Que Vous N'avez Jamais Remarquées - Duration: 4:56.


Me Doing some PVP N-Nani??!! | Come & Chill | Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing - Duration: 2:11:23.

For more infomation >> Me Doing some PVP N-Nani??!! | Come & Chill | Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing - Duration: 2:11:23.


For more infomation >> Me Doing some PVP N-Nani??!! | Come & Chill | Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing - Duration: 2:11:23.


Peugeot 406 Break 1.8-16V SRX (116pk) Airco/ Cruise/ Elektr.Pakket/ Dakrail/ Multie-stuur/ Trekh./ N - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 406 Break 1.8-16V SRX (116pk) Airco/ Cruise/ Elektr.Pakket/ Dakrail/ Multie-stuur/ Trekh./ N - Duration: 0:59.


For more infomation >> Peugeot 406 Break 1.8-16V SRX (116pk) Airco/ Cruise/ Elektr.Pakket/ Dakrail/ Multie-stuur/ Trekh./ N - Duration: 0:59.


Le Répulsif 100 % Naturel, Efficace Contre les Moustiques. - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Le Répulsif 100 % Naturel, Efficace Contre les Moustiques. - Duration: 2:34.


For more infomation >> Le Répulsif 100 % Naturel, Efficace Contre les Moustiques. - Duration: 2:34.


Cabinerit Trein Schiphol Airport - Amsterdam CS (2017) - Duration: 16:41.

Station Schiphol Airport

Station Amsterdam Lelylaan

Station Amsterdam Sloterdijk

Amsterdam Central Station

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