Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 14 2017

Jim! Come on, Jim!

Just stay low!

The coast seems to be clear, Jim

Our uncle sneaky Jim would be really proud of us.

It's a wonderland of evidence in here!

Safari hunt gone wrong,

Colonel, Colonel, Colonel, Colonel- Ooh!

A picture!

We can only surmise that the evidence here portrays the portrayal of the death of whoever the hell died

in this manor.

Ah, See- R! I wonder what 'R' did to produce that much disdain

Who could've done this?

Who could've made this?

Ah. Now I have imprinted this all in my brain

I can recreate this to the best of my ability the body may be gone

But we have a dummy to reenact my assumption stands as thus

Dummy Jim here, will portray the murdered beloved


Dead from a fall maybe, or strangled, by his own cord

Or he was thrown into the bathtub and then stomped on, 'till his shins splintered!

Or mayhaps, a lover's embrace squoozed too deeply

In his orgasmic delight, did perish thusly! UH! And then, when he was trying to flee from

Whoever the murderer was,

Mayhaps, he took a loping gait to try to dissuage the attacker!

And that, OH No,


But, we can't stay here long, (smooch) we have to keep moving, stay low!

Sneaky Jim!

Sneaky Jim!!

Come with me!

Run, run!

Save yourself (smooch)



For more infomation >> DUMMY JIM REENACTS GRISLY SCENE! - Duration: 2:04.


DEMONS JIM, DEMONS!! - Duration: 1:53.

Jim, here, we managed to steal the secret seer's- mystical deviii-

Just going to the dark place, near where he was killed.

The man in the manor, ♪ whoever he was ♪...

We will find the answer to this puzzle, Jim

but be very Jim

we have to be (careful indeed)

there are unknown (sound trails off)

lurking amongst us- Look at that face!

on the wall

You see the demons within us

(very faintly)You see the demons without us

(Inaudible speaking)

I feel the spirits working up a storm in here, Jim


Come Jim

There's not much time

We have to lay out


what we need to be able to summon an answer

to this puh-zzle

SPIRITS! of this world

Speak through me!

I'm Jim! This is Jim!

Jim is our family name!

And Jim MUST get an answer!

Where is--






"C," "R," "I"

"B," "E"



"M," "A," "R," "K," "I," "P," "L," "I," "E," "R"


For more infomation >> DEMONS JIM, DEMONS!! - Duration: 1:53.


SUSPECT WITH A SHOOTY?! - Duration: 3:22.

Jim, we've managed to sneak into the premises of the house.

As we can see,

death, definitely

reigns supreme.

There's no sense of morals anywhere here, Jim. If there was, then surely

we would know that there was-- police, justice, crime in the city, oh--

*loud huffing, with slight background squeaking*


I've got eyes on the murderer!

Maybe not, though. But we can't be sure of anything after this point.


It is entirely possible, Jim, that this is the Detective who is gathering clues,

But little does he know, we have been doing some clue gathering of our own.

Take, for example:

The stray pattern of the fecal matter on this turret, hasn't been cleaned for a while.

The Butler may be neglecting his du-tees.

What is...

Ooh, not good...

That must be his firearm, right.

I can only imagine that her name is Sasha, named after his former lover that he lost 23 years ago to this day.

And that's the...

Look at the way he handles Sasha.

Only a man experienced as a lover could use such a thing!

But need we forget that we also found some stray hairs that may have been animal related.

But I suspect that they were part of this insidious plot to murder whoever the hell

lives in this goddamn home.

But WE will get to the bottom of it.

I swear that on you, Jim and Jim and Jim-back-at-home and our Mother, Jim.

Wait! A development!

I'm gonna get a better look!

What do you see, Jim?

Could it be the pictures of his victims?

Or mayhaps... something.. more sinister!

His family members' parents,

or even...


It's a portable DVD player.. filled with sad movies.

Oh, what a tragedy to do to yourself!

Remember our cousin Jim, Jim?

He would often flay himself alive to sad movies, such as "The Passion of the Christ".

Jim, some new development, Jim.

Something has changed in his...

I think he sees us, Jim!

We're losing him...we... we gotta go, Jim, we gotta go! C'mon!


[here we see jim in his natural habitat]

[watch as he dances]

Stay low!

(( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

For more infomation >> SUSPECT WITH A SHOOTY?! - Duration: 3:22.


10 YouTubers who FAKED their *OWN* FIFA 18 Packs! - Duration: 10:24.

For more infomation >> 10 YouTubers who FAKED their *OWN* FIFA 18 Packs! - Duration: 10:24.


Hashtags: #FallSongs with P!nk - Duration: 6:51.

-Now I thought I'd share some of my favorite Fall songs

from you guys, and here to help me out and sing them

is one of our guests tonight.

As I said, her new album, "Beautiful Trauma,"

comes out tomorrow.

Ladies and gentlemen, Pink!

-Yeah! [ Cheers and applause ]


-Oh, my! -I love you, I love you!

Pink, thank you for being here.

We -- We love you.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Come on. That's what I'm talking about.

Uh... [ Cheering continues ]

All right, these are Fall-themed songs.

Pink, are you ready for this? -I think so.

-All right, here we go.

This first one is from @rockatbrock.

-Rocket Brock. -Not Rocket Brock.

RockAtBrock. -Oh, he's at Brock.

-Not Rocket Brock. -Oh, 'cause I know Rocket Brock.

-That's like a term -- -Yeah, "Hey, rock it, Brock!"

-"Yo, rock it, Brock."

-No, this is RockAtBrock. -Okay.

-He says...


-♪ Fall is here ♪

♪ To remind you ♪

♪ Of the allergies you thought went away ♪

♪ Fall don't care ♪

♪ If it's colder ♪

♪ 'Cause you've got to breathe that Autumn air ♪

♪ Ahh, ah-choo ♪

♪ Blow your nose ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-What?! -Come on!

-What's going on?

-Whoa! -What are you doing?

That's unbelievable!

The Roots and Pink have to release that.

-They rock it, Brock. -Oh, I love it.

Rock it, Brock.

This one is from @JWittle87, and she says...


-1, 2, 3...

-♪ Ain't no blower strong enough ♪

♪ Ain't no rake sturdy enough ♪

♪ Ain't no trash bag big enough ♪

♪ To keep me from jumping in leaves, babe ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-♪ Keep me from jumping in leaves, babe ♪

Man, you are so good. Oh, my gosh.

This one is from @carec11carec. She says...


-♪ Every branch you shake ♪

♪ Every leaf you rake ♪

♪ Every pie you bake, every punt you fake ♪

♪ I'll be lovin' Fall ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-I can't take it. I can't take it.

-It's like a concert. -I could do this the whole show.

-This is unbelievable. I'm freaking out right now.

-Oh, my God! -This is so great.

[ Cheers and applause ] You are so good.

All right, this one -- This is from @LyshaaG.


-Yeah, there's, like, a couple A's there.

-Not Lysha G.

-So it's like Lyshaa... -G.

-G. -Like, "What's up, G?"

-It's like, "Rock it, Brock." [ Laughter ]

But instead of "Rock it, Brock," you say...

-Rock it. -Lyshaa, G.

[ Laughter ]

-Lyshaa, G.

-Lyshaa, G.

This one's from @LyshaaG. -Rock it, Brock.

-She says...


-♪ Oh, I got friends in corn mazes ♪

♪ Where the cider drowns, and the candy chases ♪

♪ My blues away ♪

♪ I'll jump in hay ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-[ Laughs ] I love it!

I would -- You have to do these songs!

I love every one of these songs. -Come on!

It's like a concert. -Your voice is amazing!

I would buy every one of these.

I love all of these. [ Light laughter ]

This one's from @radiogurlmel, and she says...

-1, 2...

-♪ Big trees are made of leaves ♪

♪ Who am I to disagree? ♪

♪ I travel the world for the pumpkin seeds ♪

♪ Everybody's just waiting for Santa ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Ooh! Ooh!

-Rock it, Brock! -I love that one, too!

I love that one, too.

This one is from @Amymeck.

She says...


♪ I'm a tricker, I'm a treater ♪

♪ I'm a Reese's eater ♪

♪ I get my candy on the run ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ooh ooh ♪

[ Cheers and applause ] -Oh!

Come on. -Come on!

Come on! -She is fantastic.

-Those harmonies were tight. -That was good.

Those harmonies were good on that one.

I know, exactly.

You know, some people call me Maurice.

-Whoo-hoo! [ Light laughter ]

This one is from @caromontesquieu.


-Yeah, it is Montesquieu.

-Isn't it? Like, old-timey.

I've only heard that in old-timey comics.

-But how would you know that that's how it was spelled?

I mean, you can't see it from there.

-I saw it on the cue card over there.

[ Laughter ]

Right over there. -I forget we have cue cards.

[ Laughter ]

I was like... -Got the jump on you, dude.

-"How did he even guess that -- Yeah, you're right.

-I rocked it, Brock. -It is spelled Montesquieu.

[ Laughter ]

-Lyshaa, G.

-This one here is from @caromontesquieu.

-Oh, good. [ Laughter ]

I love her.

Love her. -And she says...


♪ Lil' witch ♪

♪ You can't trick with me if you wanted to ♪

♪ These expensive, these is orange bottoms ♪

♪ These is pumpkin shoes ♪

[ Cheers and applause ] -Wow!

[ Laughing ]

-Come on. These bottoms.

Oh, my gosh. This is great.

This last one is from -- -Oh.

-Is a song from Pink, and it is from @rassmusenkandi.

She says...


♪ Just give me Fall season ♪

♪ Just a little bit of fun ♪

♪ Just a second to enjoy this weather ♪

♪ Before it's wintertime again ♪

[ Cheers and applause ] -There you have it.

There you have it!

Those are our "Tonight Show Hashtags"!

[ Cheers and applause ]

My thanks to Pink!

We are talking to her a little later in the show.

You are the best.

To check out more of our favorites,

go to

For more infomation >> Hashtags: #FallSongs with P!nk - Duration: 6:51.


Why Do Dogs Shake to Dry Off? - Duration: 3:19.

Who doesn't love a slow motion video of a dog shaking to dry off, skin folds flapping

every which way as it showers everyone nearby?

But did you ever wonder about the science behind the wet dog shake?

Getting dry quickly can be a life-or-death problem, because an animal's fur only works

as insulation when it's dry and able to trap a layer of air next to the animal's body.

So being wet in cold weather can lead to hypothermia.

And it turns out evolution has honed that wild shake into the perfect quick-dry method

for furry animals.

For a study published in 2012, scientists filmed 16 mammal species at Zoo Atlanta shaking

themselves dry, using a high-speed video camera to get slow-motion footage.

The animals they looked at included mice, goats, tigers, and bears, as well as five

dog breeds in all shapes and sizes.

Analyzing their videos, the researchers counted each species' skin oscillations per second

to see how they compared.

They also built a robotic wet dog simulator in a lab to study how water droplets are thrown

off a shaking animal in detail.

Or, I guess, it was more of a wet deer simulator: picture a rotating panel with white-tailed

deer fur glued to it that the scientists could get wet and spin at different speeds.

Not as cute as the real thing.

The study found that each particular species shakes at a particular frequency, to balance

how dry it gets with how much energy it's using.

Shaking animals need to generate enough force to overcome surface tension, a property that's

a result of water molecules sticking together, and to surfaces like fur.

And force just depends on how much mass something has, as well as its acceleration.

If you don't have as much mass, that means you need more acceleration to generate the

same amount of force, so small animals need to shake the fastest.

While mice shake as many as 27 times a second, larger animals like giant pandas can get just

as dry with a slower shake, doing a lazy 4 or 5 oscillations each second.

And all that loose, flapping skin plays a role too.

The way it whips around helps throw the water off quickly, sometimes generating so much

force that animals instinctively close their eyes while they shake to protect them.

The scientists behind this project think that understanding the wet dog shake could help

us figure out how to quickly shed water from sensitive equipment, or even build better

washers and dryers.

But why don't humans shake when we get out of the shower?

Well, biologists think we never evolved to use that quick-dry technique because we don't

have a layer of fur that we need to keep dry.

Our skin doesn't trap nearly as much water as fur does, so it doesn't take as much

body heat to evaporate it.

And other hairless mammals don't shake themselves dry, either: the researchers filmed hairless

guinea pigs along with all those dogs and mice, but the wet guinea pigs didn't shake

— they only shivered.

Luckily for us, what we lack in fur, we make up for with towels.

Thanks to our Patreon patrons for asking!

If you want more videos explaining cute doggo behavior, check out our video where we explain

why pups tilt their heads.

For more infomation >> Why Do Dogs Shake to Dry Off? - Duration: 3:19.


Top 15 Scariest Things Found in Basements - Duration: 20:22.


A Burial Ground What happens when your home actually was built

over an ancient burial ground?

Helen Weisensel of Wisconsin found out while doing a remodeling project in her old home.

When she dug into the basement, she hit upon something hard.

That's when she made a most gruesome discovery: a child was buried there.

Don't worry, the finding didn't have a particularly heinous backstory.

But to come across this buried beneath the basement was certainly on the creepy side.

The child wasn't the only one beneath Helen's basement.

Archeologists found a centuries-old cemetery buried there.

Local historians said that it was likely one of the earliest cemeteries in Jefferson County.

We're talking 170+ years old.

This puts those buried there back in eras of unrest in America, so the house must have

been haunted, right?

"Everybody asks me ... 'Did you have weird things happen in your home?'"

Helen said.

"I say, 'No, my house is just fine.'"

Helen is a lucky lady.

She really came close to a terrifying haunting.


The Ring Redditor Colintendo has come to terms with

something he dislikes about his home: the sinister well dug into his basement floor.

"I have The Ring in my basement," he writes and, with three photographs (,

he provides proof of this haunting discovery: a cavernous hole beneath a hatch.

The thing seems to go on forever, reaching the deepest depths of darkness, into the great

and terrifying unknown.

I know it's just a film.

But the last thing I'd want to discover in my home was a creepy well in the basement.

No doubt in my mind that a tunnel into the darkness wouldn't lead to anything good.

Most of Reddit agrees, calling it a "gate to hell" and advising the OP to fill it

with cement.


Old Lady Demon Doll Redditor socksandpants listed this doll as

one of the creepiest things the OP has ever found in a basement.

The old lady demon doll was uncovered in the basement of an estate sale, where it probably

should have been left to rot.

I mean, look at the thing – it's obviously possessed.

Absolutely no question about it.

What child picks out an old lady doll with brittle bones, pasty skin, rotting teeth,

vacant eyes, and broken fingers anyway?

Who wants this as a plaything?

Additional details by the OP include that a name was carved into the back of the doll's

neck, perhaps by the doll's owner or whoever made the nightmare toy.

One Redditor suggested to speak the name fast three times in front of a mirror.

Another Redditor joined in, saying that the doll only needed two additional souls to be

"fully restored."

Another "fun fact": the doll was discovered in a black box that had been secured shut

with some string.

If that doesn't say demon doll, right there, I don't know what does.

If only we knew who the doll's original owner was, we could finally unravel this mystery.


The Secret Roommate Have you ever wondered if there was a stranger

living in your basement?

Probably not.

No one could pull that off without anyone noticing, right?

But in September 2013, some university students at Ohio State answered in the affirmative

to that very question, when they discovered a secret room in the basement of their shared

house…a secret room that showed every sign of having been occupied.

The house in question had three floors and a basement.

The first floor was leased to five roomies, while the upper floors were leased to ten


That's fifteen people, total.

But, as it turns out, there were actually sixteen people living there.

The students had assumed the locked door in the basement led to a utility closet.

But when the door was knocked down by maintenance workers, they discovered a room with framed

photographs all over the walls and textbooks flung across the floor.

To put it simply, it looked like your average college dorm room.

Only, this roommate had been living there without anyone knowing.

At least one of the residents had encountered the secret roommate.

One student recalled heading downstairs into the basement when he crossed paths with the

guy, who avoided answering when questioned about whether he lived on the first floor

of the house.

The roomies changed the locks the night of the scary discovery and placed a note on their

door telling their secret roommate to give them a call.

Jeremy, a stranger to the home's other residents, did just that.

And when he was confronted about living there, rent-free, he was completely chill about it

and left without causing an uproar.

The residents blame the leasing company for this incident, with one of the residents,

Hartman, saying, "They hadn't changed the locks from the year before, and the keys

don't say 'do not duplicate.'

There could be hundreds of people with keys to the house."

Who knows?

Perhaps there are hundreds of other secret roommates living in hidden chambers in basements

across the world.


Meat Hooks A Redditor by the name of anthropology_nerd

shared a story about the scariest thing his family had ever found in their basement.

The OP's family had bought a century-old house in upstate New Hampshire and describes

the basement as already creepy, dark, dingy, with a dirt floor, and half stone-lined.

There were few lightbulbs down there and large spaces in between, so that when you turned

the lights off to head upstairs, you'd probably run for your life, out of fear for what might

try and reach out at you from the darkness.

Anthropology_nerd paints a rather awful picture of the rest: "Combine this part of the basement

with the other half (tucked around a corner under a newer addition to the house) built

to sanitation code with white plastic walls, concrete floor, temperature control, a walk-in

freezer (for some reason with no door handle if you were locked inside), and meat hooks

hanging from the ceiling."

Come to find out, the home's last owner was a German man who loved sausage.

In fact, he used to make it and sell it out of his home.

So the old house's basement was a sausage factory and its front parlor served as the


Needless to say, after the OP and his brother had explored the frightening meat-hooked basement

once, they never went back down there.

With meat hooks hanging in the ceiling, I wouldn't either.

I'd probably always wonder if a more human type of meat had hung there…


The Duffel Bag Redditor dailydishabille can top those meat


When the OP was sharing a house with friends, one night, they all decided to go investigate

the basement, as they hadn't been down there much yet.

It was a half-finished basement with a dirt crawlspace that wound its way out under the

home's porch.

And what the group was about to find out in that crawlspace will send chills down your


As the OP tells it: "My roommate scurries under there with a flashlight and takes a

look around.

We hear him yell that he's found something, and [a] minute or so later, he emerges with

a black canvas duffel bag clutched in his hand."

What was in the duffel bag?

You don't want to know…

But we'll tell you anyway.

The duffel bag contained a 4.5 inch hunting knife, two black ski masks, and one black

leather glove.

The group called police detectives to see if they should bring the shady duffel bag

in to authorities, they said they weren't interested.

So, together, the group burned up all the contents of the duffel bag…except, of course,

the knife, which the OP claims is in his possession to this day.


A Live Artillery Shell While most of the things on this list are

scary, but aren't particularly dangerous, this entry definitely counts as both.

Linda DeForest, a resident of Indiana, was rummaging through her basement's contents,

when she came upon a heavy green foot-long object that looked just like a bomb…because

that's exactly what it was.

She told her husband that she'd found a torpedo in the basement and, when he went

to check it out, he saw that she wasn't at all joking.

Instead of leaving the bomb to specialists to handle with care, Mr. DeForest manhandled

the device, observing, "I knew it was official, because it was so heavy."

The couple went to their army vet friend, Joshua Blankenship, for advice.

He told the DeForests that it was one of two things: an anti-tank weapon or a round for

a mortar.

He also told them that it didn't appear to be disarmed or disassembled, and they probably

shouldn't touch it, for obvious reasons.

Once the DeForests called upon the proper authorities, they were soon free and clear

of the device.

That is, after the unit had evacuated the whole street.

The real question is why was this even in a basement in Indiana in the first place?


Tank When the authorities suspected that a wealthy

German man owned illegal possessions, police were sent to search his villa.

What they found there was a full arsenal, including a torpedo, much like what was found

in the DeForests' home and, best of all, a massive WWII tank in the basement.

The tank in question was a 1943 Panther.

The Panther was a German medium tank deployed on Europe's Eastern and Western Fronts.

At 22 feet and 45 tons, as you can imagine, this massive tank in the basement was problematic

for authorities when it came to removal.

Police ended up employing another tank that was specifically designed to lug disabled

tanks from the battlefield.

So what happens when you get caught with this in your basement?

Well, in this man's case, his lawyer argued that the client's possession of the tank

wasn't breaking any laws, as it is no longer able to fire.

This argument may not hold up though, unless it's in a museum or for academic purposes.


200-Pound Alligator If you think a tank is bad, why don't you

make your way down into the basement of Charles Price, a crazy man who lives in Michigan,

and the proud owner of an illegal pet alligator.

Price had been keeping a six-foot alligator in his basement for more than twenty years

– that's most of the 26-year-old alligator's life.

The exotic pet was kept in a cage in the basement, presumably to get rid of the house's mouse


That's what pet alligator's do, right?

According to Sgt.

Bill Shannon, the owner "put it out periodically in his back yard," although no one had ever

seen it.

An appliance repairman alerted authorities to the matter, when he discovered the scary

creature lurking in the basement during some home repair work.

He said he'd seen something moving in a container that was covered in a dark corner

of the basement.

When he pulled the cover off, he found the great alligator.

Most people would have run for their lives, but not this repairman.

He stuck around, photographed the illegal pet, and called animal control.

An alligator specialist was called in, as was the conservation police officer, Roberto

Macias, and the 200-pound alligator was rescued from his basement dwelling.

Hopefully, reunited with his long lost family in a swamp somewhere.

"In 25 years, I've never had anything like it," Police Chief Dennis Murrin Jr. said.

Neither have we, Dennis.

Neither have we.


Demon Statue This scary demon statue was discovered by

Redditor probably_a_wizard in the basement of a relative.

The demon statue is holding a cord that seems to be leading right to its brain.

Perhaps it turns the demon's mind on for possession.

Or perhaps it makes the statue come alive.

The resulting Reddit discussion of the demon statue revolved around what, in the heck,

the thing was, with some suggesting it was a kewpie doll, a Halloween decoration, a lamp,

or even art.

Fellow Redditors urged the OP to plug the demon in, but others, like cyclefreaksix,

thought better of it, saying, "That's a warning to stay out of the basement."


Dolls Last Supper Perhaps dolls are the creepiest things to

find in basements, because like so many doll entries, this one certainly quickens the pulse.

This scene was discovered in the basement of a restaurant where the OP, gravityboi,

had dinner.

The OP said the restaurant was Hanny's in downtown Phoenix.

According to him, the place seemed upscale, but when he saw the spiral staircase leading

downstairs, he just had to see what the basement had in store.

He probably wished he'd never gone, because this one will most certainly haunt his dreams.

The photo shows a group of a dozen dolls sitting along a table with loads of coins scattered

before them.

And judging by the thread of comments from Reddit users, dolls are about as scary as

clowns to most people.

Some called the dolls "angry."

Some claimed they wouldn't be able to sleep at night, while others warned gravityboi that

his soul was in danger.

Mostly everyone found the scene more than a little creepy.


A Leg What is scarier than finding a whole person

in your basement?

Finding just one limb.

Blogger, Karen, was cleaning out her basement before the centipede exterminator came to

visit, when she came upon something she'd long forgotten was down there: a vintage prosthetic


The leg is fitted with a sock and shoe and, although it's not as creepy as finding an

actual human body part in your basement, it is creepy to think someone has lost their

artificial one.

Most of Karen's followers find the discovery to be rather strange and unsettling.

Other followers suggest that Karen adapt the prosthetic or donate it to be reused by someone

who needs it.


A Spine Now, for real parts discovered in basements:

Redditor Haplessru tells about a girl he once knew that discovered a spine in the ceiling

of the basement of an old rental home.

What would you do if you found something so spine-tingling – pardon the pun – in your


This girl called up her landlord, who claimed the spine belonged to a dog.

He confiscated the scary discovery and split.

On another occasion, the girl heard a noise in the attic and, upon opening the attic hatch,

was showered with crayons.

Are the two somehow related?

Most Redditors following the thread thought the girl should have called the police.

They suspected the landlord may have had something to do with that spine…and no one believed

for a minute that it was a dog spine.

Let's all hope that the demonic spirit of Fido didn't haunt this young girl.

Not sure what a dog haunting would entail, but the image of Kujo comes to mind.


Toxic Chemicals Redditor JimDixon knows a thing or two about

scary things found in basements.

His mother was part of an evacuation, because something was discovered in the basement of

an area resident…something absolutely toxic.

According to JimDixon, the police cleared his mother's neighborhood for evacuation

for several hours, with city buses loading residents and taking them to safety.

All because a would-be chemist had stored loads of toxic chemicals in his basement up

the street.

When the chemist passed away, the treasure trove of unstable chemicals was discovered.

With the potential for leakage or explosion imminent, the police quickly cleared the area,

and a truck loaded up the chemicals and hauled them off.

The evacuation was just a safety precaution, but the idea of a possible explosion or poisoning

at any moment was scary nonetheless.

Another Redditor on the thread, Trudor, says this is not as unusual an incident as we may


He said one of his high school classmates passed from a chemical explosion and "nearly

took out his whole family with him," he writes.

"He was a self-taught, self-proclaimed genius chemist, specializing in making fireworks

and other nasty stuff and was regularly [taking] chemicals from our school's stash."

According to Trudor, the poor kid had been so interested in chemicals that he decided

to fill a tube with nitric acid, which ended up leaking in his backpack at one point.

This isn't what took him out.

Rather, a water main busted at his house one night, flooding the flat, and disturbing his

chemical trove.

The result was an explosion, a fire, and an entire house burned to the ground.

His family and neighbors escaped, but the kid did not.

One of the many reasons not to keep toxic chemicals in an unsafe environment without


Better yet, if you're not a chemistry genius, don't mess with them in the first place.

Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you're enjoying the video so


If you've ever been curious as to what I look like in real life, then follow me on Instagram

@dylan_is_chillin_yt, with underscores instead of spaces.

I also have Twitter @YT_Chills where I post video updates.

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Strange and Otherworldly Specimens One of the coolest and creepiest discoveries

on this list is that of an eccentric Crypto-naturalist, Xenoarcheologist, and Fringe Zoologist called

Thomas Theodore Merrylin.

He was born in 1782 in England, and as a wealthy aristocrat and biologist, he turned to studying

his abominable specimens, which are likely fake…at least, we hope.

Merrylin left behind a freakish array of cryptic items in the sealed basement of an old orphanage

in London.

The items were rediscovered in 2006, when hundreds of big crates were unearthed, having

been buried in the basement.

What was inside them?

You really don't want to know.

But you're about to.

Numerous diaries detailing strange and unnatural entities.

Specimens of creatures that are not of this world and thousands of chilling artifacts

were boxed up for the unfortunate archeologists to find.

I say "unfortunate," because these things surely made their stomach turn.

The collection is now called the Merrylin Cryptid Collection.

Officials still don't know what this collection means, why it was contrived, and what we should

make of it.

Are these things real?

Do we want them to be?

But all we do know is, once you've taken a look at Merrylin's collection, it's

something you'll never forget…no matter how hard you try.

For more infomation >> Top 15 Scariest Things Found in Basements - Duration: 20:22.


كيفية القضاء علي الأزهر | (How to dismantle Al-Azhar institution (Translated - Duration: 16:59.

For more infomation >> كيفية القضاء علي الأزهر | (How to dismantle Al-Azhar institution (Translated - Duration: 16:59.


El desierto y la naturaleza humana - Charles Spurgeon - Duration: 1:06:40.

For more infomation >> El desierto y la naturaleza humana - Charles Spurgeon - Duration: 1:06:40.


Anastacia "betrunken" prankt bei Interview | Verstehen Sie Spaß? - Duration: 11:57.

For more infomation >> Anastacia "betrunken" prankt bei Interview | Verstehen Sie Spaß? - Duration: 11:57.


Conan O'Brien Wants To Show The World That Americans Aren't So Bad - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Conan O'Brien Wants To Show The World That Americans Aren't So Bad - Duration: 5:15.


Zlatara hiruski celik 061/291-4321 - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Zlatara hiruski celik 061/291-4321 - Duration: 0:43.


Putin: Russia Rejects Double Standards, Hidden Agendas, Discriminatory Restrictions & Sanction Lists - Duration: 8:26.

Mr President,

ladies and gentlemen,


I am sincerely glad to welcome you to Russia.

We are greatly honoured to host the Assembly

of the Inter-Parliamentary Union –

the oldest international parliamentary organisation –

here in Russia, at our home.

I would like to stress that this forum gathered

the biggest number of people

in the Union's 128-year history:

more than 160 delegations,

with 96 speakers among them,

and 2,400 participants.

The agenda is very rich as well.

You will discuss such relevant topics as protection

of human rights and freedoms,

the fight against terrorism,

sustainable global development,

and the role of women and young people

in politics and economy.

I am aware that the work has already started,

in fact.

It is symbolic that your meeting takes place

in St Petersburg.

It was here,

in this city,

that the first Russian parliament –

the State Duma – started its work at the beginning

of last century;

where parliamentary traditions,

law-making practice

and parliamentary culture

were formed.

This legacy,

historical lessons are important for us today too

as well as the experience of our foreign colleagues

in law-making, party building,

your experience, ladies and gentlemen, friends.

In contemporary Russia,

the parliament's high status and key powers

are stipulated in the fundamental law –

the Constitution,

which will mark its 25th anniversary next year.

At the same time,

we will gradually move towards developing democratic,

representative institutions of power

and enhancing the legislative branch's authority

and importance.


all over the world,

parliaments express the will of the people

and in doing so play a landmark,

and in doing so play a landmark,

in devising national development models and,

of course,

in searching for efficient answers to modern challenges

and threats that are common to all of us.

I believe one of such threats is the erosion

of the system of international law

and the culture of inter-state dialogue.


this is true, this is today's practice.

Like nobody else,

you know the value of the law,

dialogue and free discussion,

as these are the fundamentals of parliamentary work.

This is why,

against the current backdrop, parliamentary diplomacy

is in such high demand,

as it can consolidate trust between states

and nations and help find compromise solutions

to pressing international and regional problems.


we are seeing increasingly active attempts

to limit direct contacts

and communication among law-makers.

I am referring to the practice of imposing

discriminatory limitations and sanctions,

often extending to parliamentarians as well.

We consider such practice unacceptable,

harmful and misguided.

It is even more counter-productive when rights

of entire delegations are infringed upon as part

of inter-parliamentary institutions –

this happens, unfortunately, too.

In our opinion,

this contradicts the principle

of free inter-parliamentary cooperation,

the sovereign right of each state to express

and stand for its point of view in a civilised

and open manner.

There are no and can be no unified,

template development models in the modern world.

Each state has a natural and undisputable right

to shape its destiny as stipulated in the UN Charter.

Attempts to interfere in the lives of sovereign countries,

without understanding or taking

into account their national specifics,

brings nothing but chaos.

Such ill-considered external interference resulted

in the destabilisation of the situation

in the Middle East and North Africa,

escalation of tensions in this region,

and growth of the terrorist threat.

We are convinced that terrorism should be fought

without double standards,

without hidden agendas,

without using radicals

in anyone else's political interests,

and of course this should be done

only by joining efforts,

only in cooperation.

Russia has repeatedly urged others

to create a wide international coalition

to this end and still believes that building

a real partnership

to fight terror is critically important.

You are aware of the efforts our country undertakes

to stabilise the military and political situation in Syria.

In two years,

the area under the control of terrorists has halved,

a number of large cities have been liberated,

and substantial damage has been dealt

to terrorists' infrastructure.

I would like to stress:

in Syria,

we act in coordination with the country's government

and strictly in compliance with international law.


agreements were concluded in the Astana format

in Kazakhstan creating four de-escalation zones

in Syria.

These agreements were reached with the participation

of guarantor countries – Russia, Iran and Turkey

and with the support of very many other states.

These agreements lay the groundwork for implementing

UN Security Council Resolution 2254

based on a direct dialogue between the government

and the opposition,

uniting their efforts in the interest

of the quickest possible eradication

of this hotbed of terrorism,

and establishment of peace and preservation

of Syria's unity.

I believe it is time for the international community

to think about post-war restoration of the state.

In what forms and volumes must aid be rendered

to this and other countries in the region,

how can we contribute

to their socioeconomic development more efficiently,

to the consolidation of state institutions,

including the legislative branch.

I am sure you will agree that such tasks

are worth being discussed at the parliamentary

and inter-parliamentary levels.


it is in our shared interest to promote a peaceful,

creative and balanced agenda,

to aspire to reduce strife,

prevent the emergence of new separating lines,

including ethnic and religious ones,

jointly move towards shaping a more just and solid

architecture of international relations.

I am convinced that the overwhelming majority

of parliamentarians share this approach.

I wish success and all the best

to the Inter-Parliamentary Union and its participants.

Thank you for your attention,

ladies and gentlemen.

I declare the Assembly's 137th session open.

For more infomation >> Putin: Russia Rejects Double Standards, Hidden Agendas, Discriminatory Restrictions & Sanction Lists - Duration: 8:26.


La fe y el Amor - Charles Spurgeon - Duration: 1:01:55.

For more infomation >> La fe y el Amor - Charles Spurgeon - Duration: 1:01:55.


Sie ist mit Jack Donnelly verlobt! - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Sie ist mit Jack Donnelly verlobt! - Duration: 2:10.


NFL Investigates Disturbing Video of Panther Fan Repeatedly Punching a Man - Duration: 2:13.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

It's no surprise that football games can get pretty rowdy amongst fans but, a recent video

that surfaced online showed a fight that escalated to a whole other level.

Because of it, the NFL is investigating saying that they take the incident very seriously.

The fight broke out between two fans at Thursday night's Panthers vs. Eagles game.

A panthers fan in a Cam Newton jersery can be seen sucker punching a 62 year old man

in the face who was sitting behind him.

He throws several more punches before he and a woman, who's believed to be his girlfriend,

flee the stands... just as a warning the following video is very graphic.

You don't see what leads up to the punches being thrown, but according to the person

who posted the video on Instagram, it started when the man repeatedly asked the fan in the

Newton jersey to sit down after he spent the majority of the game standing.

There was a child present for the first half of the game, but when the child and his parent

left things got tense between the two fans and ultimately led to the violence.

The instagram user captioned the video with more details saying,

"the victim telling the dude bro how they're being jerks and how rude they are for not


the dude bro turns around and calls the victim a "geriatric fuck", "faggot", and "hick".

then sucker punches him right in the face.

i don't know if he got away or left in handcuffs, but i hope it's the latter."

The IG user then shared the exact seats the assailant was sitting in.

According to NFL Network's Ian Rapoport the NFL is aware of the situation.

".@NFL says it's in contact with #Panthers security regarding that punch shown by @CrossingBroad."

"We take all of these [incidents] very seriously"

According to the Washington Post the man, has not been publicly identified by police.

However he evaded authorities at the time of the altercation and was able to leave the

stadium on Thursday.

It's not clear is the assailant has been arrested or charged.

That's your news for now, for more of today's stories subscribe to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> NFL Investigates Disturbing Video of Panther Fan Repeatedly Punching a Man - Duration: 2:13.


How to Drive in the Autumn on Long Trips through the Mountains :: Driving Smart - Duration: 5:36.

[TITLE: Autumn Driving - MUSIC]

Hi there smart drivers. Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you today about

driving in the fall and driving in the mountains, which can present you with

very different challenges in a very short space of time. So just before we get started here be

sure to hit that subscribe button. That way you'll get access to all of the

great information for those of you working towards a license or starting a

career as a truck or bus driver. And be sure to hit that bell where you'll get

access to all of the great information here on the channel as I get it

available for you. So yesterday I drove from Vernon British Columbia to to

Wasson British Columbia which is about a five hour drive through the mountains

and to us and you get on the ferry there and then come across to Victoria British

Columbia as you can see here on the map for those of you that may or may not

know Victoria British Columbia is the capital of our province and it is on the

island of it's on Vancouver Island here in the province of British Columbia

which is the Gulf Islands and the Salish Sea here just a little bit of geography

for you there and it is the 7th of October I believe 2017 and as of the 1st

of October here in British Columbia you had to have snow tires on your vehicle

now it's not snow tires per se you have to have either M and ass tires which is

mud and snow and that has to be on the sidewall of the tire or you have to have

the snowflake symbol on the tires on your vehicle to drive in on mountain

roads and other highways here in the province so I left yesterday morning

early about six o'clock out of Vernon it's about an hour's drive up to

Kamloops and then it's another hour across to Merritt and there's a couple

of high mountain passes as you're driving from Kamloops to Merritt and

there was ice on the top of the mountain now some would say it's black ice I

don't subscribe to the term black ice it's just ice it's cold at the top of

the mountains it's near freezing and overnight you're going to get ice on the

roads and it's frost and it's probably more dangerous because it's just a thin

layer and it doesn't take very much pressure from the vehicles to turn the

top of that ice into water which is going to lubricate the ice and make it

more slippery and unfortunately as you can see here in the footage there were a

couple of rollovers and was driving now a couple of tips for

dealing with ice in the fall when you're not expecting it but you should be

expecting it when the temperature is around freezing know that there is going

to be ice and the ice is going to form at high elevations it's going to form in

low-lying areas it's going to form on the roadway where the roadway lies in

shop shadow and as well it's going to form when the roadway goes near bodies

of water and I'll put a video up here for you in the corner in the complete

video on black ice and the fact that it's just ice and so take note of the

temperature in the winter time and particularly in the fall and know that

there's probably going to be ice on the roads when the temperature is around

freezing as well driving through the mountains we hit some rain heavy rain

light rank up and down through the mountains making the road slippery and

as well sunshine and blue skies you can all see all of this different type of

weather that I hit in a five-hour period in the mountains now one other thing for

long trips this is Canadian Thanksgiving here in our great country and the United

States our friends to the south there are going to have their Thanksgiving

coming up soon in November one of the things that I suggest to you is to go to

the library if you've got these long trips and especially if you're taking

the family go to the library and get audio books those will help you on your

long trips and you know use your imagination gives you something to

listen to and for the kids you can get books that have audio CDs that come with

them I'm sure they also have these for podcasts and those types of things that

you can use your phone and whatnot if you have a newer cart than I do

but the CDs the kids can look along in the books and you can put the CD in the

CD player and those are really great as well for long trips so know that that in

the winter time be prepared have all your driving skills for all the seasons

together because as I said you're gonna go from blue skies to rain to ice and

snow on the top of the mountain question for my smart drivers are you planning on

any long trips between now and Christmas during the holidays and are you driving

in mountain areas leave a comment down in the comment section there all of that

helps out the new drivers getting experience after they get their license

if you like what you see here share subscribe leave a comment down in the

comment section as well hit that thumbs up on check out all the

videos here on the channel if you're working towards license or starting a

career as a truck or bus driver lots of great information here as well head over

to the smart drive test website more great information over there

and passion road test first-time guaranteed it's a course for new drivers

getting their license first time I guarantee that you're going to pass your

road test after you take the course and look down in the description there

there's a coupon for 30% off the course the course is usually about thirty eight

ninety five you can get it for about twenty bucks

I'm Rick with smart drive test thanks very much for watching good luck in your

road test and remember pick the best answer not necessarily the right answer

have a great day bye now

For more infomation >> How to Drive in the Autumn on Long Trips through the Mountains :: Driving Smart - Duration: 5:36.


Coast pike fishing in proven locations! baits, tactics Fishing - Duration: 26:22.

And here is the pike!

And here is the pike - Top !!!

Go upstairs, dear !!!

Fishing with Yuriem Petrashem

Several days ago the invitation of his friend

Daniel, I was the first time this suburban lake.

Despite the fact that I am here lived a very long time, I've never

no attention to him.

The lake is really interesting, oddly enough,

Fish, on the after the first time, there was

natural desire to come here again.

One of the observations that It was last fishing trip,

this is what we have with Daniel, caught fish on a radically

Different lures.

If he has a favorite bylvibrohvost classic violet

008, then I had a twister in orange color 023.

That is absolutely a bait well, nothing to each other are not similar.

There are soft plastic bait - there twister.

There violet - there is orange.

And so it was ... oh ... this is the first poklovochka ours!

and, behold, he pecked on the bait - I have this,

similar way to a perch, yes, it's bass you are now

You will be surprised at that He pecked and moreover very


In his mouth is orange soft plastic bait

color, that is not very Okuneva color in my opinion,

but nonetheless a fact.

So I wanted to tell you right now why this bait

I flew in water.

Now we let this handsome and I will continue

his story.

But for today's fishing I have prepared a basic 4


This soft plastic bait that He is shown itself well on

last fishing violet color and since I lovilos

on orange twister I have prepared a more soft plastic bait


So I took the orange twister color and purple twister

color because pecked on purple soft plastic bait


That is, in my arsenal 4 is the main lure:

2 soft plastic bait - Orange and purple, and 2 twister

- orange and purple.

And during fishing I will change them.

If my theory is confirmed, I think we have successfully floors.

If not, will have to select using the key

other color or other types of lures because

bait that catches anytime, anywhere - it does not exist.

Each fishing - a new history, and each fishing

- this is a new recipe that you pick to coax


So, we did some casting an orange soft plastic bait,

and now should change bait because bass

here I said - rather all there and other fish.

So, here is a kit that I have prepared for today


Soft plastic bait, which today we have brought the fish.

Soft plastic bait that brought fish on the last fishing trip.

Twister, which brought fish on the last fishing trip.

And that's the same color twister, I think also today

well it shows itself.

I really hope that it Now change these baits

will bring today good results.

Now we are sexually to orange soft plastic bait, and here I go

on radically different bait - a twister in dramatically

another color.

Who were the first to score made sailing bait

on the near distance 5 grams.

Twister flies further and there will be more weight.

I can fishing on a far zone, the one to which

soft plastic bait I throw could not.

As always, I tell when we check

the place we came, checked coastal curb when

we have quality fishing on it, then we go to the maximum

long distance.

When fishing for pike especially, in these very waters

it is important to control the bait immediately after its splashdown,

because it is very often, when the bait more

flies, pike sees it on sky and attacks immediately

after its fall.

Many fishermen, particularly beginners without knowing it

moment very often intersect the fish because

usually - dropped bait, ready, he began to pull.

And you have to be always ready.

she just splashed - you just have to be ready

make cutting.

Here change to Twister 008 color brought us such


It has long been in my arsenal is not was such trophies, but the fact

the fact remains!

How are you poor?

Many people like this try take under his jaw.


In the course of another okunok.

This of course bigger!

Oh, the grass started a ...

They pulled out of the grass.

This one good!

This is a good, but rather Dad all the previous


And look how greedily I took!

Pleasant okunok.

The most interesting thing that came of pike - perch third


To be honest a little lucky, because I have

It is quite large double for this bait

and when the fish went into the grass due to the fact that both

hook in its mouth were able to her to pull out of the grass.

If at least one hook was out - then it was

I have been a problem.

Here it should be noted a feature that is observed

for the second fishing here.

All fish that have been caught and especially fishing and now

- a lead weight of 5-6 grams.

What's unusual?

Nearly all fish bite on near the edge, where

perhaps to make comfortable enough wiring

It was 2 grams.

Well, for some reason, that's the 5-6 grams and pike ... here!

And here is the pickerel !!

up ... go upstairs dear ...

That pike ...

Here and pickerel.

I pecked here in the place I was talking about.

It pecked at close brow and these 5-6 grams,

they make more briskly the lure.

Here again, our load tvisterok in 008 colors.

Means of wiring that would be desirable to tell.

Here it is this fast energetic wiring on

near the edge, which located

probably 7-8 meters, makes fish bite.

Here we can see, pike stuffed belly.

Clearly it shows that she is recently someone

I ate.

Let her go and I I continue my story.

Here is the weight of 5-6 grams gives Now this energetic wiring,

which is like a predator.

I'm personally a big fan heavier weights and each

again I want to say 'Do not catch more than 1-2 grams

never catch like this weight, which flies, which

It gives an energetic wiring. "

There are certainly fans very light weights, but I

all the same would recommend put the weight a little bit more,

than necessary.

fishing with Yuriem Petrashem

The first throw he is usually effective.

But we must not seek to throw How far can I

I say almost every transfer on catching a predator from the shore.

First you need to do 2 short casting, preferably

not even be approached very close, but this I know,

It goes a long grass on the fish is placed in

literally 7-8 meters.

That is a short throw 10 meters and check

predator, which can to stand in the very feet.

Many anglers more there is a problem that

when they see under my feet grass, and when the bait

up to her - they start quickly exhausting.

In my opinion - this is a big error, because often

especially pike, it is worth the very grass and waiting for this


A fisherman begins exhausting m 3, and fish are often not

It manages.

By this it is not necessary to be afraid of the fact that your bait

you are rested in the grass.

You will spend literally a few seconds by removing the grass

with bait but chances poklovku will be much higher.

Here in the grass if you catch an open hook, better

just always shows itself jig head.

Now clearly visible, when the hook at the top,

first what rests bait - is the head itself,

for this it is easily cleared.

And very often the case that due to the fact that the hook

very often on top, bait just slip on the grass.

Oh, it has pitch.

Here now it was very accurate poklovka, well, if you can

so to speak, that it was Pike 100% here she pushed

bait, that's how little She pulled.

What it says - it says that it is something not like it.

We have orange soft plastic bait, this should be put

or orange twister or other soft plastic bait


Here I'll try first One bait, then

the other, well, maybe we get this fish.

Here we should dvoynichok.

Grass he collects well, but sechot well.

Pike never misses.

It was poklovka, sweeps!

Rested and Eeeh .... And ... that's a fact, I threw the soft plastic bait,

was a jolt, moved to Orange Twister - nothing.

On the soft plastic bait a different color - nothing.

I returned to the soft plastic bait - Well poklovka already uhhh!

Worth it!

It is, nose twists.

Good morning!

Well, poklovyvaet?

It was then when the lad I am standing, throwing in different directions,

but there are mainly Thrust.

There is little grass.

Well, when I stretched out 3 pieces.

Well, such is average, small.

I came last night Linochka stretched.

Near the shore.

There will be more and more and more. I have 4 cat 4 cat

and the little cat.

And the cat is, but the cat comes sometimes eat cereal.

Today's walk, Basil.

But the village is very reckless pickerel.

Here he attacked with our grass soft plastic bait.

And here's another poklovochka.

Poklovka was feeling - giant.

Pickerel small, but again, load we vibrohvostik.

Another baby was tempted our soft plastic bait, with

I want to note here that the pike small very

bright bite.

That is, she is very angry poklovki, this is

poklovka here brings maximum pleasure.

And now let go.

ah, I took the pike and started.

Worth's wand, one only.

And here we have it, and withdrew.

Withdrew because he took she greedily our bait.

Little greedy pike.

Again load classic 2.9 in color 008.

This actress is sent in a theater.

Coastal fishing we in most cases it is associated

with catching perch.

And I want to tell you - in spite of not very high resolution,

given that it's catching from the shore, a wild pond

- getting pleasure much as possible.

Here it should be noted a feeling that brings

like fishing, these are, who often catch a medium-sized

Pike knows that catching pike Now the weight of 200-700 grams of different

Here pronounced sonorous poklovkoy, that even perch


Here you're just straight waiting waiting, and that's ding, eh straight - cool


But the village is another pike, Oh well, good ...

good fighter.

Again, we can say the medium-sized, but she is fighting so

bite, oh!

a real pleasure!

Here's a beauty, is sent.

Poklovki amazing!

focus goes well, in the feeling at least one and a half kilos!

Here I do not tire of repeating, Here's how each poklovka

for the first time, loud, nice, emphasis and vyvazhivanie!


but closer to the dinner more one fish at a very near


It came to an end today Our fishing, let's summarize.

Last managed fishing find potential parking

fish and find out its approximate preferences.

Meaning the color and style bait.

And since I knew where she was catching and that its catch, I was able to

achieve relatively good result.

At the coast as well as many types of fishing has its

fans think about this, that fans of coastal

spinning for himself necessarily something here stressed.

Well, you were Yuri Petras, see you next


Oh yes, they loved - put the Huskies, make

Census and who are not subscribed be sure to sign up!

For more infomation >> Coast pike fishing in proven locations! baits, tactics Fishing - Duration: 26:22.


Tardà y Rufián se tragan el orgullo al ver peligrar sus nóminas de 8.000 euros - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Tardà y Rufián se tragan el orgullo al ver peligrar sus nóminas de 8.000 euros - Duration: 4:00.


Odd Things About The 'Fixer Upper' Couple's Marriage - Duration: 4:49.

Fixer Upper stars Chip and Joanna Gaines have one of the most relatable and enduring marriages

in Hollywood — or Waco, Texas, where the pair work real estate magic for HGTV.

But like every couple, they've had their fair share of hiccups.

"You're so…"


From a money problems to divorce rumors, here are all the times Chip and Joanna's relationship

looked like it might be built on shaky foundations.

It wasn't love at first sight

Although they have incredible chemistry on Fixer Upper, Chip and Joanna's first date

was marred by a late arrival, too much talking, and a possible case of rosacea.

In the couple's memoir, Joanna wrote: "I liked stability.

I liked safety.

I liked traditional and I liked being on time.

And this Chip with the beet-red face wasn't any of those things.

I did think he was kind of fascinating, though."

Chip wasn't any more gung ho, writing, "It wasn't exactly a love at first sight for me,


It was a fun date, but I'd been on lots of fun dates."

But despite their initial reservations, both knew that something was different — and

according to Joanna, even though she wasn't head-over-heels, her gut told her that this

guy would end up being her husband.

Money troubles and jail time

Despite their incredible HGTV success, Chip and Joanna's marriage got off to a rocky start

in more ways than one.

According to Joanna, the two were basically broke for their first few years of marriage,

which made it hard to pay for a lot of things — including Chip's bail money.

"That was so dumb."

According to their book, The Magnolia Story, Chip and Joanna got into hot water with animal

control after they let their three dogs roam outside their house, racking up about $2,500

worth of fines that they couldn't pay — and therefore didn't.

When the cops eventually came calling, Chip went to jail — for, like, an afternoon.

Still, his $800 bail bond was a hit the couple couldn't afford.

A controversial church

In November 2016, the Gaines found themselves in hot water after BuzzFeed discovered that

they belonged to a very conservative church whose pastor preaches that being gay is a

sin and a lifestyle choice.

The revelation led to backlash and questions about why no same-sex couples had yet been

featured on Fixer Upper.

HGTV responded within days, saying, "We don't discriminate against members of the LGBT community

in any of our shows.

HGTV is proud to have a crystal clear, consistent record of including people from all walks

of life in its series."

But most of the controversy centered on the Gaines themselves, and whether they agreed

with their pastor's views — an issue the couple didn't comment on until two months

later, when Chip finally addressed the controversy in a blog post in January 2017.

He wrote: "Joanna and I have personal convictions.

One of them is this: we care about you for the simple fact that you are a person, our

neighbor on planet earth.

It's not about what color your skin is, how much money you have in the bank, your political

affiliation, sexual orientation, gender, nationality or faith."

Some fans were satisfied, but for others, it was too little too late — and the Gaines

were clearly shaken by this aspect of life in the public eye.

Lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits

Like any celebrity couple, the Gaines' fame came with fortune — and lawsuits.

In the last few years alone, Chip and Joanna have been taken to court over everything from

alleged injuries at Magnolia Silos to disputes over unpaid property taxes.

But the biggest blow came in April 2017, when Chip was sued for more than $1 million by

two former partners of Magnolia Realty who accused him of fraud.

Chip responded with a tweet suggesting that the lawsuit was frivolous and opportunistic,

but considering what happened next, it seems like being sued may have hit the couple harder

than they're letting on.

They called it quits on Fixer Upper

Despite having one of the most successful shows on HGTV, in September 2017 Chip and

Joanna abruptly announced that Fixer Upper's fifth season would be its last.

In a blog post, they wrote, "Our family has grown up alongside yours, and we have felt

you rooting us on from the other side of the screen.

How bittersweet to say goodbye to the very thing that introduced us all in the first


The couple did their best to get out in front of the inevitable rumor mill, writing that

all was well on the home front and that they were looking forward to spending time with

their kids — but between continued divorce rumors, the million-dollar lawsuit, and...

whatever's going on with Chip's grooming habits, fans are definitely wondering if something

weird is going on behind the scenes.

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For more infomation >> Odd Things About The 'Fixer Upper' Couple's Marriage - Duration: 4:49.


Can a computer be creative? - Duration: 4:48.

Think about the Mona Lisa, Beethoven's 7th symphony, the light bulb and much more.

All of these shape our lives, and are a result of human creativity.

And yet, even in the scientific literature, there is no clear definition of what creativity is.

Luckily, this unclarity did not hold researches from exploring the field of computational creativity.

The two concepts, of machine and creativity don't seem to work together at first thought.

A machine is doing precise calculations and works in a predictable way while creativity

is a still not even fully understood.

Nevertheless, AIs have already produced images, songs and even simple languages

And although we don't have a full and clear definition, we do expect the creative process

to include some characteristics.

These include thinking outside the box, flexibility, novelty, analogy, self-improvement, human

emotions, aesthetics and autonomy.

The last three are particularly interesting.

The need to include human emotions shows two things.

First, we want a proof that the machine is not just another computer program.

Second, we expect the computers creativity to mimic, at least in some way, human creativity.

We can see this as bravery and curiosity are the most common emotions, and the two play

a major role in human creativity.

The requirement for the machine to judge the quality and discern good artifacts from bad ones

is more than reasonable.

In the creative process, there are many creations that do not hold up to the standards that

we want them to.

As humans, we have ourselves and others to do this "quality check"

And we still want machines to show us much less banal creations than we show ourselves.

Not by chance, alongside research that aims to produce creative art, music, poetry and


There is extensive research and ongoing progress in evaluating of machines their own creations

And lastly, autonomy – the independent thought and the lack of predefined rules.

This is the top priority among skeptical who question computational creativity.

But how can a machine be autonomous?

It's difficult to give the credit for the creativity to the machine, and not its creators.

This is because, unlike humans, who learn from their parents and teachers,

the programmer not only teaches the machine, but also architectures the way it thinks.

For example, a vital part of the way a neural network behaves is the amounts of the influence

of neurons on one another.

These are determined when training the network, and in many cases, are not understood afterwards.

So, a good criterion for autonomy might be exceeding the intent of the programmers or

creating something they could not.

But before we try evaluating and measuring creativity,

We must remember that we imagine creativity with respect to the world we perceive,

And this leads to two problems:

One – our world is, frankly, very complicated,

And getting a computer to comprehend it is out of our current ability.

We need to acknowledge this and to get to our goal,

we should go step by step and look at the artefacts as an output in the world perceived

by the machine, which is its input.

Two – if we test and measure the creativity of any system we risk constraining it to what

we think to be creative.

To tackle this, we can ask for the ability to explain the acts and decisions from the machine.

Not only will help to understand the machines' intentions, and back up the artifacts,

But also, be a creative output of its own.

The Field of computational creativity has far more to it

From researching the deep structures and implementing them,

creating systems designed for co-creativity with humans,

to building steadier foundations for future research

If you look, even briefly, on the recent developments,

You'll find that a lot of creative minds are working

on creating the next creative mind.

For more infomation >> Can a computer be creative? - Duration: 4:48.


Bị chồng đánh, ôm gối ngủ rồi tử vong - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Bị chồng đánh, ôm gối ngủ rồi tử vong - Duration: 5:01.


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For more infomation >> Voici pourquoi vous devriez arrêter immédiatement de porter des soutien-gorge - France 365 - Duration: 5:12.


For more infomation >> Voici pourquoi vous devriez arrêter immédiatement de porter des soutien-gorge - France 365 - Duration: 5:12.


Nhiều nữ sinh, phụ nữ đi đường bị tấn công bằng kim tiêm, dao lam - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Nhiều nữ sinh, phụ nữ đi đường bị tấn công bằng kim tiêm, dao lam - Duration: 5:01.


For more infomation >> Nhiều nữ sinh, phụ nữ đi đường bị tấn công bằng kim tiêm, dao lam - Duration: 5:01.


TwitchCon event will be strea...

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nathin - i'm nothing without her~ - Duration: 2:21.

nathin - i'm nothing without her~

For more infomation >> nathin - i'm nothing without her~ - Duration: 2:21.


BMW 1 Serie 118i 143 PK M-sport Pakket 3 drs Airco/Nav/18"/ 76.954 KM!! NAP - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 118i 143 PK M-sport Pakket 3 drs Airco/Nav/18"/ 76.954 KM!! NAP - Duration: 1:01.


Welcome To My Youtube Channel | Channel Trailer - Duration: 3:22.

Hello, What's up Guys It's Me Hamza

First of all, My name is Hamza

And Welcome To My Youtube Channel

So as you can see Guys I've Decided To Create This new Youtube Channel

And I'm So Happy to talk to you guys today and i'm so happy to be here with you guys

So This is gonna be my FIRST FIRST VIDEO on my Youtube Channel

And i hope you all having a GREAT DAY TODAY by the way guys

And YEAAH !!!


So as you can see guys i'm really really happy

Do you Know WHY ?

First of all make sure giving a Thumbs UP for this VIDEO SUBSCRIBE for more Videos

make sure guys you know subscribe

SUBSCRIBE for more videos and stay updated with me

You know what i'm saying ?


I Speak English and ARABIC I was born here in Morocco i'm from morocco

I was born here because my first language is ARABIC and I speak ENGLISH Too


So this is gonna be my first first video on my youtube channel and subscribe for more videos to stay updated with me guys I love you so so much guys

I've decided to create this new youtube channel That aim to inspire people

I love Inspire people and make this world better place for humanity and show you know show the real message of positivity

And send a message of peace and hope Spread Love Spread Peace and YEAH That's it

Also guys i'm gonna be showing you THE BEST WAYS To start making MONEY ONLINE on the internet

i'm gonna be showing you ways to start making money online

And yeah That's it


you will find Motivational Videos Inspirational Videos and i just want to help people with my work

So Yeah make sure giving a thumbs up for this video

Smash that like button if you know what i'm saying

And SUBSCRIBE for more videos and stay updated with me guys thank you so so much guys for the love and support

And yeah may be i see you guys soon or next time


Everything it's done peace love unity and i see you guys later

Take care guys and PEACE


For more infomation >> Welcome To My Youtube Channel | Channel Trailer - Duration: 3:22.


ECHO - Lucid Night (Live Looper Version) - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> ECHO - Lucid Night (Live Looper Version) - Duration: 6:40.


funny hamster is dyson - Duration: 1:02.

"Hamson" surprise attraction

Please look closer

This can not be absorbed sufficiently by common hamsters

It is big pellet which becomes a source of a large amount of dried vegetables and energy.

"Hamson"'s new technology.

Two cheek pockets and dexterous both hands.

And by strong appetite that exceeds others.

He will catch a larger amount of food.

"Hamson"surprise attraction.

It surely sucks the food more than any other hamsters.

For more infomation >> funny hamster is dyson - Duration: 1:02.


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Giả danh công an ép nữ sinh lên xe rồi chở ra nghĩa trang hiếp dâm - Duration: 5:01.

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Tired - ( COVER J.Fla ) - Những bài hát COVER hay nhất của J.Fla năm 2017 - Duration: 2:59.

The club isn't the best place to find a lover

So the bar is where I go

Me and my friends at the table doing shots

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