Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 14 2017

Air Fryer Cheesecake?! | Testing 'As Seen on TV' Products. Guys ready one two three go is still too wobbly all my parchment paper maybe it

wouldn't it are you tired of wasting your hard-earned money on sh***y kitchen

gadgets that don't work Vivian calls the BS with Vivian tries you just sit

back and enjoy just like hanging in your kitchen with a good over end he'll love

you guys and welcome back to another vivian tries today I'm Minnie Mouse it's

a one thing these are just easy clothes too I thought I'd be comfortable in this

one what do I have for you today do you guys remember the video that I did

months back with the new air Fryer I thought it was a fail a lot of you

guys said I didn't usually correctly my mother has one and she absolutely loves

it so I thought let me give this thing another chance

I went with the power air fryer XL I believe it's endorsed by the same chef

that endorses the copper chef I'm pretty sure he's on that box I've had it for a

little over a week and I have been using it I've cooked pork chops I've cooked

chicken I've cooked sweet potato fries and guess what I got it to work right

why do I have it here for you guys today by now that it's working properly this

thing not only makes chicken and pork chops and chicken wings but it also says

it can bake so I thought that I will test with you guys to see if it works my

box came with this cute little baking pan that today we are gonna make

cheesecake in I think you just put it in the basket and you bake away I'm pretty

sure because I read the directions believe it or not because I definitely

want this thing to make cheesecake for me let me show you what came in the box

obviously the Machine baking pan this divider at least two device a big basket

that's in here so if you wanted to do like chicken and fries I guess on this

little spritzer and then it came with this Secrets Revealed recipe book i

meani a pound of cream cheese two large eggs half a cup of sugar half a teaspoon

of vanilla one cup of graham crackers tablespoons of butter I have that ready

here's our mixture in the instructions it also says to cut out a circle of

parchment paper to put at the bottom of your baking sheet I'm not sure why mmm

it's nonstick well I also cut out those two strips and this my idea a little

life hack for you I was wondering how the hell am I gonna pull out a

cheesecake out of this thing about having to flip it over

if you cut two strips of parchment paper like that you can just use those to pull

the Cheesecake out of here and you don't have to flip it over use welcome I'm

excited I'm getting a dessert for the instructions you're gonna take a cup of

brand crackers remember we're not a cooking show I should just put that at

the bottom of the screen like that like on the stock market when they run that

little banner at the bottom this is not a cooking show even though she looks

like she's cooking it's not a cooking show she's just demonstrating and what

the product is promising so there is one cup of graham cracker you know let me go

get my melted butter we're going to mix that first just to bake the crust four

minutes 350 degrees pour that in to make a yummy crust win that together now

we're gonna press it into our pan I think it needs more butter but okay

let's just press it in here and stop talking top two damn months pregnant

paper and bread crumbs got it Oh cutting press that in there

like so see it's not harder this is easy oh I messed up I messed up I gotta shoot

let's turn it I forgot to put my things in how am I gonna pull it out put that

in there first so I'm putting two of these like that

that makes sense and then you're just use these to pull it out the brown part

in the paper next voila wait Sam you just put it back in

there Todd again

easy pop them again okay I'm saying that that's good enough right so we're gonna

bake this and here open our machine we're gonna place basket in there like

that it says to go to manual mode find the roast oh I passed the roast then

four minutes on the roast it's done now we put in the cream cheese mixture see

what the crust looks like now okay should we take that thing out of there

this is what I'm gonna use to pull it out of here

smart my gloves just get your gloves dum-dum come on - now we're gonna pour

in our mixture which is cream cheese vanilla eggs and sugar easy-peasy

everybody knows that not everybody but you know what I mean now we pour in the

liquid gold look at that beautiful liquid gold

let me help it along here don't waste any of this luminous this works you can

just make little baby size cheesecakes he's gonna be the best the cheesecake

ever easy-peasy now I'm wondering my part is met with a

good idea or not I've seen this on the Food Network where they bang it against

the counter to even out the batter saying I'll watch the Food Network okay

let's put it back in the machine okay back in the machine now we're gonna put

it in here to bake for 15 minutes let's do this down to 15 minutes if it start

here in a second we'll check back in 15 minutes

go your house is gonna smell amazing because you got a little fan there

blowing that stuff all over your house all right are you guys ready for the big

reveal this better work because I want some dessert we've waited 15 minutes for

a dessert better be done guys ready 1 2 3 go is still too wobbly one part of my

paper I wonder if it tells me to let it sit

for a minute I mean it says they should be done just seems a little too wobbly

for me no okay I'm gonna say it's done let's take it out I can't take it out

yet because it's too it's not ready it's too soft for me to take it out but I do

want to take the basket out of there okay here's my glove grab the basket

yeah take it out I'm pretty impressed with that look how nice and brown that

is on the top now my parchment paper is not making it look that cute but once we

take it out of here I think it's gonna be not see I'm gonna use the part of its

paper to pull it up from all four sides guys it's too soft so I think I'm gonna

have to come back to this one once I put it in the fridge for a little while so I

can show you the results still too soft oh I suppose like a oh my god this is

genius this worked this machine is gonna be amazing I'm gonna say this worked

that cheesecake smells divine and it looks very nice I just have to

chill it in the refrigerator for a few hours and then it is ready for me to

take out of here but right now I can't take it out because it's still too soft

based on me trying it this past week and based on this amazing looking cheesecake

that we just made I'm officially gonna give this specific air fryer the new

wave I still stand by that video I was not accursed with that machine but this

machine is a winner and I'm definitely keeping it for those of you guys who

left me a comment on my last video I'm gonna say you were partially right the

machine is amazing I think I found the brand that I'm going to stick with so

I'm gonna give this guy 5 vivianne heads are you guys that is it

for another baby and rise I hope that you have enjoyed this video if you have

give it a big fat thumbs up once this thing cools down I might add a clip at

the end of this video just to show you guys me pulling it out of here so watch

the video all the way to the end there might be a surprise if you are new to my

channel subscribe by putting out one to two videos every week

just like this for your entertainment if you've seen a cool kitchen or food

product that you'd like for me to try leave that in the comments down below

and it might be featured in an upcoming episode the question of the day is what

is your favorite thing to make in your air fryer I'd like to hear about it

maybe I'll give it a try so far my favorite thing to make in here are pork

chops but it might be cheesecake after I pull this thing out all right guys that

is all that I have for you today I'll see you in the next one bye all right

you guys but now it has been four hours since I put the cheesecake in the

refrigerator so it's chilled all the way through now I'm gonna use my little

parchment paper here and try to pull it out that's what it looks like looks

delicious he's nice and chilled so let's see if this is gonna work come on here

we go let me just loosen it up from all areas

okay here are you gonna come out right now I need another pair of hands let's

see here we go here we go oh no I broke it oh damn it here we go it's out kind

of broke a little bit there it is my cheesecake let me take the parchment

paper out come on you guys I kind of mess it up pulling it out of there but

pretty good right for being for my air fryer not bad now let's cut it to it and

see what it looks like inside yummy cheesecake I'm so impressed I'm gonna

have this after dinner

For more infomation >> Air Fryer Cheesecake?! | Testing 'As Seen on TV' Products - Duration: 10:05.


Listening to your Silent Voice | GR Anime Review - Duration: 11:21.

Oh man, finally!

You want to know how long I've been wanting to talk about A Silent Voice.

Well the film came out in like last September in Japan so... It's been over a year now.

Thankfully though before the end of this month there will be multiple showings of the film across the

US, and if you're interested in watching it there will be a link in the description so

that you can find a showing near you.

No showings in Canada though unfortunately, which kind of sucks.

This is not a paid advertisement by the way, this is just me who really loves this film

wanting to make sure that you have a chance to watch it if you can.

I recommend watching it because A Silent Voice does something that I love anime for doing.

It tells me a story that I don't see in other places.

In this case it's a story that revolves around a young girl who is deaf.

We don't usually see the deaf represented in anime, at least to this extinct.

But this film isn't even really about being deaf, but more so a much greater problem

that comes to light as a result of it.

How this is all told, is why you should watch it.

So ladies, Gentlemen and others my name is Arkada and welcome to Glass Reflection.

Today the 2016 anime film directed by Naoko Yamada and produced by Kyoto Animation:

A Silent Voice.

Let's Jam.

The very rough synopsis for this film can be said in just a few sentences.

Film follows around a young boy Ishida who as a child becomes the class bully to the new

deaf girl named Shoko, eventually he goes a step too far in his bullying and becomes

a target from the rest of his class.

Flash forward to his teenage years and instead of the outgoing charismatic child that he

was, he's now a quiet withdrawn introvert.

He meets up again with Shoko and over the course of the film needs to come to accept

what he did, and re-build a relationship with this girl who just wanted to be his friend.

That's the film in a nutshell, but of course in this case I find the deeper meanings, and

the kinds of things that the film implies, to be far more interesting.

Take Ishida's bullying for example.

For a good while his bullying was tolerated, his friends laughed and agreed with him, his

teachers turned a blind eye to his actions, but as soon as he went one step too far the

whole dynamic changed in an instant.

Suddenly the same people who were laughing along with him are denying that they were

even involved.

"Why would I do something so horrible?"

It's a cultural response to the problem that's like an elastic band.

When the elastic is loose that's when everything is "normal", start stretching it and

it's fine, it's still allowable this is the bullying.

But take it just a tiny bit too far, society snaps back into place.

and that hurts.

Society likes things to be "normal" and anything it views as abnormal it likes to

poke and prod into becoming normal.

Unfortunately no matter how much you poke and prod a deaf person they will not suddenly

gain the ability to hear.

But children don't get that, they see the problem but don't know what they should

do about it, and clearly they didn't get any guidance from the adults in school, possibly

because the adults don't know what to do either.

So Shouko was ostracized.

Ishida's problem is that he crossed the line from being one among many, to the

one who stands out.

Its sounds stupid when I say it like that but welcome to society.

Because he suddenly becomes abnormal in the amount and kind of bullying that he does,

This makes the group snap back against him, and he doesn't know how to handle it.

His world gets turned upside down and he becomes the withdrawn introvert that we see throughout

the latter half of the film.

That's the beauty about this plot though, it's not about society.

On the surface it's about this kid who now as almost an adult has to learn to take responsibility

for his actions, he just doesn't know precisely how to do that.

But really it is about society because it's society that's constantly telling him that

what he's doing is wrong while at the same time doing the exact same thing.

Just on a smaller scale.

Which is what makes this film special.

Like, older Ishida on his own is almost kind of a stereotypical protagonist, he's an archetype

that we've seen before in drama shows like with Kosei in Your Lie in April or even Yuri from

Yuri on Ice to a point, but it's his history as this little brat of a kid that ties him


It brings about this idea of passive vs active bullying that makes the audience reconsider what makes

a good or bad person.

Let's take another character for example, Ueno, a girl from Ishida and Shouko's class who was one of

the many who joined Ishida with the bullying of Shouko early on.

Difference being that she was not affected by the same snap back that Ishida was, so

she went on and grew up thinking that she never did anything wrong in the first place.

Fast forward to when they all meet up later and her first instinct is to once again bully


Sure not in very obvious or malicious ways, she keeps to societal norms, but continues

it when really you'd like to think she would have grown out of it.

Shoko's deafness ended up shining a spotlight on some of the aspects that they as children

and even as young adults communicated with one another, but couldn't really address.

They get faced with the problem of "well this girl can't hear anything" and instead

of listening in other ways and learning how to work around the problem they start to shift

blame onto more tangible things, such as the actions of others without really understanding

how they think.

They aren't listening to their SILENT VOICE. [/RollCredits]

The film's title can be attached to many different things.

It's a description of the conscience, it's the desires of the characters.

Its Shoko's entire being that she can't quite communicate properly with the rest of

the cast, and by extension, the film doesn't always communicate with the audience.

As an adaptation of a source material there are things that the film cannot explain or

adapt properly and it just sort of fits in with how the show is being presented.

There are several characters and minor events that occur or in some cases don't occur

that lead to some confusing interactions, if you haven't read the source material,

but largely they don't distract too much from the overall story.

Now people, myself included, will praise the visuals of this film.

The visuals play a very important part in the story itself, they have more significance

in this film about not being able to listen to others.

There are a lot of flashbacks and moments that felt like they were edited in the vein

of a music video.

Courtesy of Naoko Yamada who worked on Kyoto-Ani's music focused series K-ON! and developed a

knack for Music videos.

Of course that's not to say that the visuals are the be all and end all, and the audio

can go off and cry quietly in a corner or something.

No, even the music is very concept driven, the concept of perceiving sound presented

with the films odd approach to recording and mixing.

Really though the thing about the visuals and the score and sound mixing in this film

is that you get a lesser idea of it when someone like me is trying to explain it to you so honestly the

best way to experience it is to just go watch the film and take it all in yourself.

After which you can have someone explain some things in more depth.

Which I'm not going to, because

a good friend and part-time editor of mine Abhi has a full video on this very subject so I recommend

you to go check that out when you have the time



Now for a while before I actually watched this film I was worried about the constant

comparisons that were made between it and and another film from the same year Your Name,

comparisons made by people trying to determine which film was "objectively" better.

Having been a fan of the source material I worried that it wouldn't hold up, and while

there are...some bumps in the road, perfection being difficult and all, this did

end up being a far better adaptation of the original material then I expected.

And really?

Not to knock Your Name or anything because that on it's own is a fantastic film, I think

I prefer this one.

There are just particular ways that the story moves along that I enjoy, various things about

its characters that I can relate to, and just the whole package was wonderfully enjoyable.

So, as such I'd like to present A Silent Voice with the Glass Reflection rating of Certified

Frosty, a rating for only the best of the best and those anime too important to ignore.

It's a fantastic film that really reminds me why I love Kyoto Animation as a studio,

and why I enjoyed the original material so much.

As I mentioned at the start there are a number of showings happening shortly after this video

will be released so check that out.

Especially since there's no solid word on a home video or streaming release of the film.

Anime Limited has it up on Itunes in the UK, and Madman has picked it up for Australia

and New Zealand but I haven't found anything for North America besides this Theatrical

run done by Eleven Arts, so if this video has made you at all interested in it, and I hope it has,

please go and check it out.

Now, for alternate anime recommendations!

Well first off because the two keep getting intrinsically linked the first one should

be fairly obvious due to it notoriety as another big anime film of that year and that

is Your Name, again another fantastic film that's worth checking out and thankfully

that'll be out on Home Video next month for you to pick up if you haven't seen it yet.

Second recommendation if you are in the mood for a romance series that has

less of a personal anxiety bent of it's main protagonist then try

Ore Monogatari, it's a romance so sweet and delicious it might just

kill you.

With love.

Really though watch it it's really good.

Hopefully between those two you should find something to your liking.

and that's it from me, thank you for taking the time to watch this video, I hope you enjoyed it!

Again, please go and watch A Silent Voice! It is a really REALLY good film and I want more people to see it.

As always I'd like to thank my patreons for supporting these videos as without you

they would not be possible.

In particular I'd like to thank Robert Chumsae, Calhounboy, Siri Yamiko, Viktor Ekmark, Joshua

Garcia, and Yunru Dovaqueen for being especially awesome.

So until next time ladies, gentlemen and others, stay frosty.

For more infomation >> Listening to your Silent Voice | GR Anime Review - Duration: 11:21.


Age of Sigmar: What are the Warherds? - Duration: 9:32.

Lorn had never considered himself a coward. When he first discovered his gift

for magic, he proudly walked up to the Collegiate arcane. He remembered staring

up to the headmaster and proclaiming how he would tear apart the enemies of Sigmar

off the very winds of magic at his command. The headmaster nodded knowingly,

used to the arrogance of youth. As he grew it, came as no surprise to him that

he excelled in pyromancy. The magics of the winds of fire called to him and made

him believe he was invincible. He imagined himself burning corrupted

monsters of chaos and laying low the beastial forces of destruction. When

he came of age and completed his initial assessments, he demanded to immediately

be sent out to the field. To finally have his gifts be used as they should. As

Sigmar willed it. Despite his youth, the war council agreed. Assured that his

natural gift for spellcraft would compensate for his lack of experience. He

was tasked with accompanying a force of freeguild patrolling a wooded section

of Aqshy. The ash trees there a valuable commodity in a realm lacking

abundance of forests. When he arrived after traveling through several realmgates,

he joined in march proudly with the freeguild. Hoping every day to fight

a worthy enemy and unleash his fire upon them. And, every day the forest was quiet

and peaceful. As the men and women of the Freeguild thanked the stars for the lack

of action, the young battle mage prayed to Sigmar to send something for him to

burn. He was on the second day of the third week that he received his wish. A

horn bellowed across the air as the freeguild were performing combat drills in

the middle of the day. The deep and disturbing sound seemed to give the very

air of malignant presence. From the surrounding trees came the

sound of hooves crashing through the brush, followed quickly by the beasts of

chaos those sounds belong too. A war herd. Muscle-bound horn monster screamed out

with a blood of their enemies. Their eyes colored red with blood greed. The

insatiable urge for flesh that turned these creatures into raging berserkers.

An urge that could only be satisfied by taking out the ill prepared humans before

them. While most around him felt fear, Lorn felt joy. Now was his moment. Now

was his chance to show the Freeguild the power he would give for Sigmar. As he

raised up his hands to unleash fire upon the beasts, a giant creature stepped

through the trees and made Lorn's heart stop. It was a Cygor. A massive bull

creature with one cyclopean blind eye. A white twitchy orb that was staring

directly at him. Lorn knew of cygors. Effectively blind, their sight only

allowed them to see powerful sources of magic. like, for example, a young and eager

battle mage bursting with energy. Frozen in fear, Lorn realized too late as that

same cygor flung a giant rune covered boulder in his direction.

Lorn ran into the freeguild forces behind him. Shoving past gunners trying

to acquire shots as he heard the whistle the Cygors boulder coming closer. He

barely made it before the boulder crashed down, crushing his soldiers

underneath it into a wet meaty paste. Shocking the rest of the Freeguild in the

army. Before the freeguild could rally, the Warherd was upon them. Gunners tried

to aim but the shock of the assault threw them off. Any shots that hit barely

slowed the creatures down as they continued slaughtering all around them.

Bullgore's went to greatsword companies, chopping those soldiers in

half with giant axes and, in some cases, ripping off arms and legs with their

bare hands. The officer in command tried to rally those under him, yelling out

unheeded commands into the air. All it did was attract a Doombull. The war

leader of this warherd, it was clad in battered armor and had the skulls of

various races on ropes across its body. To his credit, the officer did not back

down. He raised up his sword arm and began to speak, the first words of a

challenge on his lips. The doom bull didn't let him finish. Not even bothering

to use his axe, the doom bull simply kicked the man, toppling him on the

ground and making him spit out a torrent of blood. Before the officer could get

back up, the doom bull began stomping on him. Raising his hoof into the air before

bringing it down over and over again. At that point, Lorn had already fled into

the forest, hearing the screams of those he was sworn to protect lessen behind

him as he moved further away. Several hours later, as night approached, Lorn

finally decided to sit down. He was exhausted. He had traveled as far as he

could from the massacre that had happened behind him. As he laid his head

on his hands and wondered what he would do next,

he heard familiar hoofs steps behind him. The hoofsteps of a monster that had

chased him down despite the easier pickings in the previous battlefield.

Through the trees walked the Cygor. It's cyclopean eye still staring, once

again, at Lorn. Lorn was too tired to run and even he had the energy, he knew

he would not. He had failed those under his command and worse, he had shamed

himself in the eyes of his god. Sigmar. He would end this creature here and

enact penance by destroying the warherd after. Raising his hands, he unleashed a

firestorm. Every iota of power within him was unleashed on the cygor. All his

rage and shame and pain coalescing into a flame that burned brighter than any

fire he had ever made before. This torrent of burning emotion continued

until the Cygors hand passed through it and grasped lorn around his

waist. Trapping his arms in the process. Screaming out in pain, he felt his insides

insides being crushed as the beast massive fists began to squeeze. Breaking bones

and rupturing his organs. A wave of pain that mercifully ended, when the Cygor

replaced a former battle mage into its maw

and began to chew. Consuming his flesh and feasting on his soul.

Beasts and monsters, the creatures of the warherds have one overriding urge, to

feast on the flesh of their enemies. This urge, known as bloodgreed, lead them to

travel the realms in search of new flesh. Always willing to fight for new bodies

to consume. An urge abused by the chaotic champions they encounter. More than

willing to use the brutal chaotic creatures as shock troops in their own

wars. A use the warherds have no problem with, as it will simply mean more flesh

to consume. At the height of this blood greed, when the war herd sees the enemy

in front of them, all of its members see nothing before them but their next meal.

Pain becomes a useless sensation and fear is an emotion that becomes foreign to

their psyche. All that is left is to fill their need for battle and to rip off the

flesh of their enemies corpses. The largest of the bullGore's, The doom

bulls are the main leaders of any war herd. Although it doesn't lead through

charisma or even the less subtle posturings of the orruks. It leads through

instinct, calling his horde like an alpha predator leading his forces to prey.

Charging from the front to be the first a rip apart his enemies with his giant

weapons or massive horns. Below the doom bull are the bull Gore's. The main bulk

of the war herd forces, they're each massive beasts of muscle and hunger.

Always willing to follow their doombull to their next meal. It is said that while

most large bullgors become doombulls and take up the mantle of leadership

amongst its kin, a rare few have an even deeper connection to their blood greed.

Mad with Bestial hunger, they feast on their lesser Kin in an orgy of

violence that ends a tribe but births a monster. This bulgor becomes a Ghorgon. The

consumed flesh of his kin turning into a massive beast of war. Multi-armed larger

and more powerful than any bullgor and only controlled by its hunger. Willing to

eat anything, including its own war herd brethren, to sate it.

As large as the Gorgon, but after a very different prey, are the Cygors. Cursed

to blindness when it comes to mundane sights, they could only see the magic

that flows in the very air. A state that inevitably drives them mad as the demons

of chaos constantly flicker in and out of its senses. Both to cause it pain but

also to lead it towards areas that would suit their own dark purposes. Such

sight also allows it to see mages like bright beacons in a sea of darkness.

Unleashing a hunger in them that nothing can stop. Crashing into obstacles they

can't see to get to its prey, it will stop at nothing to catch the magic user.

Once it catches an unlucky mage, it immediately devours him or her, eating

the flesh and consuming the poor mages soul. Trying to fill a magical hunger

that can never be sated. To be a member of the war herd is to be a beast of pure

rage and chaos. To rip apart your enemies with the wrath of a predator and consume

their flesh to fill an insatiable hunger. Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the story

about the warherd, who in age of sigmar are just terrible terrible scary

powerful monsters. If you liked it, please consider subscribing, liking or

commenting and if you really really liked it, please consider joining my

patreon. With the extra money, it helps give me the time I need to work on these

writing projects of mine that I'd love to do. Anyway, thanks for listening and

see you next time.

For more infomation >> Age of Sigmar: What are the Warherds? - Duration: 9:32.


Farming Simulator 17 Fertilize With Old Iron Mods - Duration: 11:23.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some Old iron mods You can use to fertilize your fields.

CASE 2670 TRACTOR 2 Wheel Setup 243Hp 29Km/h Top Speed

CASE 70 SERIES 8 Engine Setup 2 Wheel Setup 34Km/h Top Speed

1970 Yellow 1974 White

MOD PACK FERTILIZER Includes Py-1000 Py-600 Bredal MVU-8

Bredal MVU-8 8.000l Capacity 10m Working Width 18Km/h Working Speed

Py-1000 1.000l Capacity 26m Working Width 20Km/h Working Speed

Py-600 800l Capacity 20m Working Width 20Km/h Working Speed

In this video I will only use the Bredal MVU-8 And Py-1000 Spreaders I will fill the m with my own production fertilizer using the Case Farmlift 735 And The Fortuna Trailer

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Fertilize With Old Iron Mods - Duration: 11:23.



For more infomation >> LILDAMI i MACLOPEZ - VERSACE PHYTON RMX - Duration: 3:22.


Japanese AUTUMN Snacks & Treats - Duration: 18:44.

For more infomation >> Japanese AUTUMN Snacks & Treats - Duration: 18:44.


Nuclear Fire Noodle Challenge - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Nuclear Fire Noodle Challenge - Duration: 4:53.


நீ அதுக்கு சரிபட்டு வரமாட்ட அனுஷ்காவை காரி துப்பிய இயக்குனர் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood Gossips - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> நீ அதுக்கு சரிபட்டு வரமாட்ட அனுஷ்காவை காரி துப்பிய இயக்குனர் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood Gossips - Duration: 1:52.


Prague Vlog 2 | Dronom až na Signal festival | With drone to Signal festival - Duration: 5:01.

Hello in Prague diary nr. 2

It's like small vlogs from Prague delivered to you quite often

we are in Letná park

wearing this hat makes people looking and smiling on me :)

and we're going for a walk

colorful autumn for real

we're gonna fly a drone it's beautiful view on Prague here

and evening we're going to

SIGNALfestival of lights

stay tuned for a VLOG

my wife took me to the park today

because of wonderful autmn atmosphere

I find some chestnuts

thinking about old times

school chestnuts challenge yea?

so lets fly

still testing still not a PRO user

in park is allowed to fly but you must be careful

safety first

our friend Nivi is at home

she arrived saftely to Washington D.C.

after Prague she visited Wien and Budapest

her words: "Prague is the best" :)

and she left her <3 in Europe

and she will come back somedays :)

so Kaťuša we have a good flight

are you still so excited about it?

it's DOPE, very addictive I really love it!

but I must admit that I don't know every functions and modes

and all the stuff about it

it's still quite a unknown for me

flying just a small distance

I must say that it's still adrenaline

flying and filming

it's so intense

where we get arrested :D

btw. great place to sit in Prague

this is the right spot

in 30 minutes Signal festival is starting

Katka don't have time to eat after work

so we're going to dinner

after that we're going to Namestí Míru where the show begins

two possible roads there

and just our tram arrived nr. 22

my lucky number

now we gonna take you to our favourite Vietnamese restaurant

I mean small bistro

where the best Pho soup in whole Prague is cooked

and also very nice people working here

I'm so excited everytime I go there :D

let's go

the green screen behind you fascinates me everytime

so good on creating special effect

we're in BAOBAO our favourite bistro

I ordered beef Pho

because I love the flavour

that beefstock with noodles

love it

We are ending the day in Václavské náměstí

going home sleep because of work tomorrow


interesting thing about Prague is

when I'm in city centre

no matter if it's weekend or weekday

if it's hot or freaking cold

horde of people everytime everywhere

despite of fact that I'm living here for 4.5 year

Prague still have magic atmosphere still feeling like tourist

For more infomation >> Prague Vlog 2 | Dronom až na Signal festival | With drone to Signal festival - Duration: 5:01.


Why Are Disney Traffic Signs Purple? - Duration: 3:48.

Subscriber Philip asks

Great question Philip!

Let's talk about those famous purple signs.

So if you've never been to Walt Disney World, the signs Philip is referring to aren't

signs around the parks themselves, but the road signs scattered all along Walt Disney

World property.

These signs are the work of Sussman/Prejza & Co, a Los Angeles design firm that was hired

in 1989 to tackle the design for the wayfinding and traffic signs of Walt Disney World and EuroDisney.

As for the colors, according to the firm, they drew inspiration from the mouse himself,


The black, red, and yellow colors used on the signs were chosen to mimic the color palette

of Mickey Mouse.

The signs were further fleshed out with complimentary colors which are colors that lie on the opposite

side of the color wheel.

Red's complementary color is green, and yellow's complementary color?


"Yeah, but if that's the case why not leave out the complementary color and just

use the Mickey colors?"

Well, this part is just a guess, but I'd wager it's because a traffic sign that primarily

used yellow would be too hard to read, a traffic sign that primarily used black would cause

issues at night, and a traffic sign that primarily used red would… well it'd be ugly.

On top of that, it's worth pointing out that these bold and vibrant colors used in

the signs are nothing new for designer Deborah Sussman.

The firm up until that point was most well known for their work on the design and signage

for the 1984 Olympics in LA, which featured similarly bold color palettes.

So know we know why the Disney traffic signs are purple, red, yellow, and black, but how

are they those colors?

How could Disney control the colors of road signs outside of the parks?

Well the answer to that is that Disney has their own governing jurisdiction at Walt Disney

World, and it's called the Reedy Creek Improvement District.

The district is responsible for overseeing the public services of the property, including

the fire department, EMS, water treatment, electric and roadways and bridges.

The Reedy Creek Improvement district is a fascinating part of Disney World's history

and a crucial element in what allowed the resort to become what it is today.

So there you have it.

As odd as it may sound, Disney World's traffic signs are purple because of Mickey Mouse.

It would have been easy for Disney to just stick with the status quo and throw up signs

that were the same green and white we're all used to seeing on the roads, but part

of what makes Disney so special is that no detail is too small to make unique.

Disney might need a special government jurisdiction to hang up their own signs, but luckily you


This week's video was sponsored by Ye Olde Proppe Shoppe, an online storefront where

you can find recreations of Disney's most iconic signs from around the parks, including

the Haunted Mansion, Tower of Terror, and the famous Main Street entranceway plaques

of Disney World and Disneyland.

They also offer coasters and ornaments!

I'm picking up the Club 33 sign myself for my office door because, let's be real, it's

probably the closest I'll come to being in Club 33.

If you want to learn more and check out the signs they have to offer, I'll have a link

to their shop in my description or you can look them up under Ye Olde Proppe Shoppe on Etsy!

For more infomation >> Why Are Disney Traffic Signs Purple? - Duration: 3:48.


Mercedes S Class 2018 Review S560 by AutoTopNL - Duration: 7:15.

The Mercedes S class has been renewed

A mid cycle update



according to the CEO of Mercedes

More than 6500 parts have been changed

counting every engine as just one part

and today

I'm going to let you see, hear

and feel..

What has been changed..

We're driving the new S560 4Matic

a new engine


It's the engine from the AMG C63

the 4.0 V8 BiTurbo


The turbo's in the V

and the special exhaust manifold

It means it's very reactive

In this model

it has 469HP

and 700NM

So it has 7 HP less

than a C63 AMG

but 50NM more!

So you have more torque

to do stuff like this

and even though it weighs 2 tons

It goes in 4.6s to 100km/h

and it's limited at 250 km/h

of course..

What's cool

is that you get an AMG engine

But it has no similarities to the C63

It's completely dampened

This is full throttle..

totally silent..

Far in the background

there is some V8 rumble


Not even close to an AMG

Which is a good thing!

This is why this engine was developed

It's so versatile

It's not just a screamer..

An amazing engine

for a big car like this

for high speed cruising

The new S class has different headlights

It now has three LED strips


The E class has two

and the C class one

The new S class has a new steering wheel

which looks gorgeous

with aluminium

and aluminium buttons

a nice shape..


really nice

worthy of the S class

And it also has the new touch buttons

so you can swipe through the menu's

of both screens

Because we have two 12.3" screens

But they are covered

by one piece of glass

So you don't have the plastic seperation anymore

I also have to mention this spec of this car

This is as an S class should be

dark blue

Canvasite blue

with 20" AMG line wheels

An exclusive interior

So cross stitching

soft leather and wood

It's super nice!

The only thing..

I noticed

or Martijn noticed..

Here's a nice piece of leather

But it's such a contrast with the plastic piece

So that's not S class level..

Just like with the pre-facelift

there are three lines

Mercedes Benz

Mercedes AMG

and Mercedes Maybach

The Mercedes Benz models

have this S560

and the S350d

and S400d

we have no V6 petrol engines

in the Netherlands

So everyone with a V8!


the Mercedes AMG models

the S63

crazy 612HP

nearly the same engine

different turbo's

and the S65



The Mercedes Maybach models

There's this one

the S560 Maybach

with this engine

and the S650 Maybach

with the S65 engine

the V12 with 630HP

and 1000NM!

A while ago

we drove the pre-facelift

Mercedes Maybach S600

Which had the older setup

with 530HP

So A LOT has been changed


some details

Which was all that needed changing..

It's such a great car

this generation S class

The entry of this new engine

the S560

is the best new thing

I think..

It's a lovely engine

suits the S class perfectly

The power is nice



and does everything without a sound..

So I think this is the S class you should go for

But here's a tip:

if you buy it..

If you say the model name very fast

I think you can pull it off..







<i>they sound the same in Dutch ;)</i>

For more infomation >> Mercedes S Class 2018 Review S560 by AutoTopNL - Duration: 7:15.


Judge Judy Rules on Weinstein | TMZ TV - Duration: 2:09.


























































For more infomation >> Judge Judy Rules on Weinstein | TMZ TV - Duration: 2:09.


Today Kids TV |wrong henchman | PJ MASKS Disney masha Spiderman | Finger family song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:08.

Today Kids TV |wrong henchman | PJ MASKS Disney masha Spiderman | Finger famil

For more infomation >> Today Kids TV |wrong henchman | PJ MASKS Disney masha Spiderman | Finger family song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:08.

------------------------------------------- - Acquaintance - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> - Acquaintance - Duration: 8:07.


9 Things Poor People DO That The Rich DON'T! - Duration: 10:04.

9 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Don't


"Sleep-In"- The saying goes "the early bird catches the worm" and this couldn't

be more true as a 5 year study by Thomas Corley has shown that 50% of self-made millionaires

wake up at least 3 hours before they go to work.

Many of these millionaires use the extra hours in order to workout, plan their days so they

are more efficient, and to brainstorm new ideas.

People on the poorer end of the spectrum have a tendency to sleep until the last minute

and go into their days less prepared.

Also, forcing yourself to wake up when you don't want to can have the added benefit

of giving you more energy, as having a strict and consistent regimen allows your body to

function at a higher capacity.

Consistently waking up early allows you to take charge of your day, just think of an

alarm clock as the bell in a boxing match.

However, a lot of poor people don't have the option of waking up early as they are

forced to work long hours, night shifts, and shifts that constantly fluctuate making it

harder for them to lock into a healthy circadian rhythm.


"Eat Poorly"- The phrase "You are what you eat" could not fit more appropriately

when speaking of this big difference between the rich and poor.

Getting past the notion that poor people sometimes get stuck eating bad food because for the

most part healthier food is more expensive or that poor people find it harder to find

the time to cook from home, there is a huge link between success and a healthy diet.

Eating fast food and unhealthy snacks can drain your body and mind.

If you have ever eaten McDonald's breakfast, you will know that instead of feeling full

of energy and ready to attack the day it usually just makes you want to go back to sleep.

Though it can be tough getting into the habit of planning meals, shopping for the right

kind of groceries and weaning off sugar, salt and fatty foods the end results are always

worth it.

Most rich people, though their are exceptions, have figured out early that they won't be

able to sustain success without the proper food fueling their days.

This is one improvement that doesn't require having a personal chef either, as just attempting

to consistently eat better foods or eating on a healthy schedule can have instant results.


"Skip Exercise"- A recent study shows that 76% of rich people exercise half an hour

or more everyday.

This fact goes hand in hand with the other topics of rich people being all-around healthier.

One of the main reasons that more successful people exercise more is because they know

that in order to be fully focused and ready for the day the body and mind have to cooperate.

Exercising can also help you to deal with stress and solve problems with the full working

capacity of your body.

If you are feeling sleepy or sluggish exercise can wake you up and help you to continue on

at full-strength.

Access to Gym memberships, personal equipment and the ability to take part in leisure activities

that may be too expensive for the poor does play into the rich being able to stay in better

shape, but anyone can workout without those things and doing it can work wonders.

Adding daily exercise of even just half an hour can increase your productivity and help

you to stick to your schedule and reach your goals.


"Watch T.V."-According to Thomas Corley's book Rich Habits, 67% of wealthy people watch

less than an hour of television a day as opposed to 23% of poor people.

This could be do to the fact that successful people know that television is a distraction

from achieving goals and replace the time with more productive habits.

It could also be a result of the fact that rich people tend to have their hands in more

than one business, so they don't have time to watch television.

The study also shows that poor people tend to watch less quality television than poor

people as there is a significant amount of poor people that watch reality shows.

Dedicated sports fandom and video games are another type of escapism that the rich don't

necessarily participate in on the levels that the poor do.

As the rich usually have easy going lifestyles where they can meet success in real life one

can see why they don't feel the need to hang on to the hopes of their team winning

or beating a level in a videogame to feel a sense of accomplishment.

But no one can blame those who haven't reached financial success for enjoying sports, television

and video games because sometimes it is impossible to climb the ladder with so many obstacles

(some that are put in place by the rich) in everyday life.

Poor people may need to take refuge in these things to distract them from their everyday

struggles and avoid depression.


"Dwell on Problems"- One of the biggest differences between mindsets of financially

successful people and those that aren't is that successful people don't dwell on

their problems.

When a person who is strong of mind and a go-getter comes upon an obstacle instead of

trying to avoid it or sulking in their misfortune--they attack it head on.

Some of the most successful people have faced some intensely adverse situations in their

lives and the way they dealt with them through innovation and positivity left them as better

equipped to handle seemingly less important situations in business.

Sometimes a problem that comes into a person's life can even be the moment that sparks the

successful person's rise to glory.

There are many stories of rich people who started off broke or who had terrible events

in their lives that forced them to become great or crumble under the pressure.

Less successful people have a tendency towards being self-defeating and drown themselves

in negativity this a big reason why alcoholism and addiction is more common among the poorer


Procrastination is a common affliction of those who have the capacity for financial


Putting something off can lead to a snowball effect of problems that becomes insurmountable

whereas successful people try to stay ahead of the game and even plan for problems that

may occur in the future.


"Don't Read"- Financially successful people are found trying to constantly improve

themselves and one of the biggest ways a person can do this is by reading.

Surveys of the rich vs. poor have shown a dramatic difference in their reading habits.

Whereas the poor spend more time in aforementioned escapist hobbies such as television the rich

devour books by the truckload.

Take for instance Warren Buffett who will spend up to 80% of his day reading and Bill

Gates who makes a point to read at least fifty books a year.

Though these two extreme examples might have a little more time now that they have already

achieved such resounding success and no longer have to do hard labor, they probably developed

these habits before success and there is still a lesson to be learned from them.

Reading can help to focus your mind, upgrade communication skills and help you to learn

from the mistakes of others whether fictional or non.

Two of the most popular types of books that are read by rich people are biographies and

self-help books.

Reading biographies is way to live vicariously through another and help deal with one's

one tribulations by learning how they did, or where they failed.

Self-help books are just another testament to how successful people are constantly looking

inward and trying to improve themselves instead of being satisfied with their current status.


"Forget to Invest"-Now investing is hard if you don't have any money to begin with,

but some of the richest people in the world weren't always able to put aside large chunks

of dough like they can now.

Many successful people began investing little by little, whether it was just investing in

themselves by putting any extra money into their ideas---- or not spending unless the

purchases they made were working to their advantage.

One of the biggest reasons that the poor remain poor is by overspending in the moment and

hoping for a future bail-out that never comes.

Credit cards can be a dangerous trap and may even exist only to further the gap between

the rich and poor.

The instant gratification of being able to pay for something now with 'future money'

can be a hard thing to overcome--especially in the materialistic world we live in.

This aspect is what credit card companies thrive off of--and the interest rates of a

credit card that is incorrectly managed--can lead to devastating future hardships and the

inability to get loans when a person really needs it.

Rich people tend to only use a credit card when the card is working for them and they

know they already have the money to pay it off.

In fact, studies show that most rich people carry an average of one credit card whereas

poor people tend to carry multiple.

Poor people also involve themselves with less responsible investments such as gambling or

the lottery--hoping for the improbable prospect of instant riches via luck-- instead of slowly

cultivating long-term wealth.


"Live in Chronic Pain"- Kaiser Health News reported in 2010 that the percentage

of people who experience daily pain is doubled in those living below the poverty line.

This may be due to holding more physically demanding jobs and harsher living conditions.

Living in chronic pain can be a catch-22 in which those who want to get better jobs and

be more successful are unable to do so because of their pain and the inability to function

at full strength, which in turn relegates them to being stuck in the same physical jobs

that cause the pain, health insurance that doesn't cover the help they need, or a wage

that isn't enough to sustain a healthy life.

In opposition to the aesthetic mirage that the rich take better care of themselves, is

our paradoxical culture where the higher earning jobs usually involve less physical labor,

so it's no wonder that the rich are generally more pain-free.

That being said, another place where successful people invest where unsuccessful people don't

is in personal healthcare.

To make sure that unforeseen physical problems and the medical expenses that come with them

don't put them in the red, rich people put money aside for worst-case scenarios.

Statistically, rich people also visit their physician more frequently for check-ups.

Where a poor person might avoid going to the doctor to avoid bills until they have serious

medical issues, the rich have the foresight and luxury of grabbing the bull by the horns

and making sure they are in peak condition in order to prevent ailments.

In addition, the lower class has an especially hard time paying for specialists that the

rich take for granted, such as chiropractors and psychologists, which only perpetuates

the cyclic trap of pain and depression in the poor.

Untreated medical conditions can result in people turning to drugs or alcohol--and addiction

is one of the quickest ways to the poor house.


"Resent Teamwork"- Most of the richest people in the world didn't get there on

their own, they networked and teamed up with other very successful people in order to achieve

something great.

As easy as teamwork sounds, many people find it difficult to put aside their own ideals

in favor of what could be a better idea or the direction others want to move in.

A common link between self-made millionaires is their ability to mesh the ideas of others

into innovation and keeping a positive work environment where everyone's voice can be


Studies have shown that a high percentage of poor people, if given a choice to work

alone or with a team, will choose to work alone.

This stubborn independence is a major factor in some poor people's ability to be leaders

or to move up in a workplace.

People who would rather work independently are less efficient if working in management

roles because they either try to do everything themselves or they view any work or idea by

their employees to be inadequate.

The financially unsuccessful people also have a propensity towards blaming others for their

problems or things that were their fault.

On the flipside, some of the most successful people take responsibility for their actions

and admit when they've made a mistake, showing time and time again that the secret to self

growth is being able to look at oneself objectively.

For more infomation >> 9 Things Poor People DO That The Rich DON'T! - Duration: 10:04.


Farming Simulator 17 MOD PACK JOHN DEERE + HORSCH JOKER CULTIVATORS - Duration: 13:54.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some new mods you can use to cultivate your fields.


JOHN DEERE 8R Old 2 Front Attacher Setup 7 Engine Setup 6 Wheel Setup 3 Design Setup 50Km/h Top Speed


JOHN DEERE 9730 3 Engine Setup 53Km/h Top Speed

JOHN DEERE 8R New Makes game Crash Do not use it

HORSCH JOKER 6 CT Slurry Spreader Ready option 6m Working Width 17Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 180Hp

HORSCH JOKER 8 RT 8.3m Working Width 17Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 330Hp

Almost forgot

Homemade weight Papageno Inc. 11 Front Attacher Setup 3 Each Green Red Black Colorable 3 Design Setup

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 MOD PACK JOHN DEERE + HORSCH JOKER CULTIVATORS - Duration: 13:54.





Devin Nunes Signs New Subpoenas – Look Who Will Finally Answer For What They Did To Trump - Duration: 19:10.

Devin Nunes Signs New Subpoenas – Look Who Will Finally Answer For What They Did To Trump

Congressman Devin Nunes of California leads the House intelligence committee and he's

a smart individual.

Nunes is a hard worker who just keeps slogging even as he continues to turn up major wrongdoing

by the Obama Administration instead of supposed Russian spies everywhere.

Now CNN is reporting on a bombshell new subpoena that Nunes just issued.

This is not going to make the Clintons and Obamas happy, because this subpoena is for

Fusion GPS, a research firm that put out a falsified dossier on Trump about supposed

perverted behavior in Russia.


Nunes stepped aside from the Russia investigation earlier this year, but he's still looking

for the truth from the outside because Nunes still has ultimate authority as head of the

committee to sign off on subpoenas or not, and the truth isn't leading back to Russian

spies, it's leading to corrupt Obama officials.

The Democrats say "the subpoenas were issued unilaterally by the majority, without the

minority's agreement and despite good faith engagement thus far by the witnesses on the

potential terms for voluntary cooperation."

Some on the committee are pissed off, saying Nunes is still trying to steer the Russia

investigation away from Trump.

In fact, what he's doing is pushing it towards the important aspects also known as the truth.

"He's sitting outside the investigation and pushing it in a political direction,"

said a Democratic committee member.


When he was asked why he put out these subpoenas by CNN Nunes shut down the leak-loving, anti-Trump

lying media, saying "you're not going to get a response."

This past June Nunes made it clear that him stepping away from the Russia investigation

didn't mean he was done for good.

"When I temporarily stepped aside from leading the investigation, that's exactly what it

means: It doesn't mean I wasn't going to be involved, it doesn't mean I wasn't

going to be fully read in," he said.

For its part Fusion GPS has a lawyer Joshua Levy who claims the dossier has some parts

that are true and Nunes is trying to undermine it.

"This is a blatant attempt to undermine the reporting of the so-called 'dossier,'

even as its core conclusion of a broad campaign by the Russian government to influence the

outcome of the 2016 presidential election has been confirmed by the US intelligence

community and is now widely accepted as fact," Levy said.

Fact check: no it's not "widely accepted" as fact at all.

"Rep. Nunes recused himself, but now appears to be running a parallel investigation outside

of the official (House intelligence) investigation run by Reps. Conaway and (California Rep.

Adam) Schiff.

His actions undermine the House, its investigation and the public's ability to learn the truth.

As we evaluate these subpoenas, we have serious concerns about their legitimacy," Levy added.

This past summer Nunes helped issue subpoenas to the FBI, CIA and NSA about widescale and

potentially illegal unmasking done by corrupt Obama Admin officials such as Susan Rice and

Samantha Power.

Nunes was accused of revealing classified info and agreed to temporarily step aside

from the Russia investigation, but as chairman of the committee he still has power although

he doesn't have access anymore to all classified briefings.

However, Nunes is required to sign off on all subpoenas and so he can still make sure

this doesn't go way off the rails.

"His recusal is basically entirely up to his discretion," an unnamed committee member


"When you talk about the unmasking situation, people don't see that as separate, but they

don't really have a way of stopping it."

In other words the current heads of the Russia probe California Democrat Adam Schiff and

Texas Republican Mike Conaway need Nunes to sign off on what they want done so they basically

have to go along with what he wants done.

This could turn up some more shocking dirt.

There's no doubt Democrats were up to funny business during the election, spying on Trump

and his campaign members and getting a research firm to write a sensational bogus report.

What do you think



find out?

For more infomation >> Devin Nunes Signs New Subpoenas – Look Who Will Finally Answer For What They Did To Trump - Duration: 19:10.


The Most Beautiful Antero Park Model Tiny House By Eco Cabnins - Duration: 5:26.


For more infomation >> The Most Beautiful Antero Park Model Tiny House By Eco Cabnins - Duration: 5:26.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI *Park Assist*Navi*Bluetooth* - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI *Park Assist*Navi*Bluetooth* - Duration: 0:55.


EVGA 1080 TI FTW3 | Unboxing Review y características | EVGA iCX - Duration: 11:06.

This little box brings no other than

that the new video card

EVGA GTX 1080 Ti FTW3, For The Win, that's right!

For more infomation >> EVGA 1080 TI FTW3 | Unboxing Review y características | EVGA iCX - Duration: 11:06.


Five Times KARD Upped The Wow Factor During "WILD KARD" Part 2 In San Francisco - Duration: 4:22.

Five Times KARD Upped The Wow Factor During "WILD KARD" Part 2 In San Francisco

Before I begin, I must be honest – I attended WILD KARD Part 1 in Los Angeles earlier this year.

I was blown away and I really thought that they wouldnt be able to top the first part of the tour during part 2. I was oh so wrong, of course!.

Part 2 of the tour kicked off shortly after KARDs official debut with HOLA HOLA and KARD was propelled from monster trainees (thats right, this whole time theyve been trainees) to finally being monster rookies.

They brought that same graduation to their tour – performing new unit performances and showing off more of how multi-faceted they are as performers. Lets jump into the 5 moments that made the tour more memorable than part 1:.

This might be too obvious… but, finally seeing HOLA HOLA live was pretty much life-changing. It remains a perfect summer jam and, though it may be Fall, the whole venue was transported into that summery mood as they cheered and sand along.

Special Love For HIDDEN KARD.

KARD also debuted a new ending song – Living Good.

The song, a special thanks to all of the fans who have brought KARD to international fame, was an especially fitting way to end the show and kept the fans leaving the venue filled with warm and fuzzy feelings.

Right Now Performed by BM and J. Seph.

At the first WILD KARD tour, the main units were J.Seph and Jiwoo, then BM and Somin.

This time around – the boys formed a unit! They brought the fire in a slick rendition of Right Now – and everyones hands went up and stayed there for the entire song. Versace on the Floor Performed by Somin and Jiwoo.

This time the ladies took center stage to wow the crowd with a flawless rendition of Versace on the Floor – stealing hearts and bringing an almost reverent silence to the crowd.

Truly, all the Hidden KARD make these tours memorable! In San Francisco the fans who were lucky enough to get up onto the stage to place the Dice Game with KARD were so adorable and fun that the entire venue was cheering for them.

I, personally, lost it when Jiwoo had to record a wake-up call for her lucky fan and the most important one was yelling WAKE UP YOURE LATE because the fan was always late to class. Id like a copy of that, please.

Danny Lim was the MC for both part 1 and part 2 of the tour – but you can tell that he was much closer with KARD this time around.

They had inside jokes – like Somin begging him to lay off the sexy dance for part 2 of the tour, which spectacularly backfired because Somin was chosen to dance solo in San Francisco – as well as a ton of chemistry on stage.

J.Seph did manage to get some revenge though; when Danny asked him to speak louder he instead spoke in much harder Korean – but loudly. And of course, Danny handled it like a pro – only exclaiming I hate you so much right now before translating it all.

Did you attend WILD KARD in USA Part 2? What was your favorite part?.

For more infomation >> Five Times KARD Upped The Wow Factor During "WILD KARD" Part 2 In San Francisco - Duration: 4:22.


QUICK CHIC GRUNGE MAKEUP 퀵, 시크 그런지 메이크업 | 안녕이쁜씨 - Duration: 2:19.

Hello, Pretty. Welcome back, I'm Subin

We're gonna create this quick, easy

effortless grunge makeup look today

It's all about one eyeshadow - statement teal green eyes

It's kinda cool and relaxed

I didn't plan on anything

I just used minimal products from my makeup bag

When I do such a statement color on the lids,

I'd go really sheer on the skin

Otherwise, it would look too much of effort

I'm applying Estee Lauder Cushion Stick

It's my latest makeup bag essential

Then, my new favorite, Clio Airy Fit Concealer

On any spots and shadows

I'm using my Cushion Stick as an applicator

Lightly penciled in my brows,

Move onto Benefit Gimme Brow

To give my brows volume and set them in place

I've never been a fan of colored brow mascara

before I met Gimme Brow!

It really looks like my own hair

Just swipe through the brows

Now it's the fun part

To give it more subtle, chromatic, metallic effect

I'm using red cream eyeshadow as a base Banilla Eyecrush Shimmer Foil in Lost Red

The texture is simply amazing

Just use your fingers to apply and it glides on beautifully

And for a matchy match look with my sweatshirt,

I'm using Innisfree My Eyeshadow Glitter in 19

Again using my fingers only

Give lashes a good curl, and lots and lots of mascara

It's my 3rd bottle of this Peri Pera mascara

in this Black Espresso shade only

I love all Peri Pera mascaras. They're so good

Stain my lips and cheeks with

Clinique Pop Liquid Matte, Cake Pop

Sometimes I'd just use a lip product on the cheeks, too

This teal green look has really completed my whole look

Even a simple sweatshirt looks cool and chic

and how easy it is!

Find me on Instagram as well

and subscribe to be prettier

See you!

For more infomation >> QUICK CHIC GRUNGE MAKEUP 퀵, 시크 그런지 메이크업 | 안녕이쁜씨 - Duration: 2:19.


20 Insane Pictures Our World Spewed Out - Duration: 2:50.

20 Insane Pictures Our World Spewed Out 20 Insane Pictures Our World Spewed Out

20 Insane Pictures Our World Spewed Out 20 Insane Pictures Our World Spewed Out

20 Insane Pictures Our World Spewed Out

For more infomation >> 20 Insane Pictures Our World Spewed Out - Duration: 2:50.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D ACTIVE AIRCO -USB. - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D ACTIVE AIRCO -USB. - Duration: 0:59.


La enorme ciudad subterránea de la 'Gente Lagarto' hallada en Los Ángeles - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> La enorme ciudad subterránea de la 'Gente Lagarto' hallada en Los Ángeles - Duration: 6:01.



For more infomation >> ĐIỂM MẶT 3 LOẠI SẢN PHẨM BỔ SUNG "KHÔNG CẦN THIẾT" PHẢI SỬ DỤNG - Duration: 10:01.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-CONNECTA * BTW-auto - achteruitrijcamera - Navigatie - halfleder etc.* - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-CONNECTA * BTW-auto - achteruitrijcamera - Navigatie - halfleder etc.* - Duration: 1:02.


For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-CONNECTA * BTW-auto - achteruitrijcamera - Navigatie - halfleder etc.* - Duration: 1:02.


Raven & Kreyn - Call Me Again - Duration: 2:40.

Raven & Kreyn - Call Me Again

Raven & Kreyn - Call Me Again

Raven & Kreyn - Call Me Again

Raven & Kreyn - Call Me Again

Raven & Kreyn - Call Me Again

Raven & Kreyn - Call Me Again

Raven & Kreyn - Call Me Again

Raven & Kreyn - Call Me Again

Raven & Kreyn - Call Me Again

Raven & Kreyn - Call Me Again

Raven & Kreyn - Call Me Again

For more infomation >> Raven & Kreyn - Call Me Again - Duration: 2:40.


For more infomation >> Raven & Kreyn - Call Me Again - Duration: 2:40.


Computer Repair Maple Grove MN 763-324-9560 Computer Repair Maple Grove MN - Duration: 1:05.

Computer Repair Maple Grove MN. Has your phone seen better days?

Did your tablet take a tumble, and is clutching to life by a thread?

Unfortunately, the smallest of accidents can have the biggest of consequences

for your precious devices.

The good news?

These seemingly "dire" consequences are merely temporary...thanks

to our quick, easy and efficient mobile and tablet repair services!

We're equipped with the team and tools needed to fix damage

cause by liquids, charging faults, software faults, LCD

replacement and so much more.

We're able to use both original AND generic parts to save you a few bucks.

Our record-breaking turnaround times get you back in action without


Whether you need help for your iPhone, Samsung, LG, Nokia,

Lenovo, Acer – whatever.

You've got the broken device, now let US make it a happy device once again.

Get in touch with us today and restore your precious device to its former


For more infomation >> Computer Repair Maple Grove MN 763-324-9560 Computer Repair Maple Grove MN - Duration: 1:05.


For more infomation >> Computer Repair Maple Grove MN 763-324-9560 Computer Repair Maple Grove MN - Duration: 1:05.


Переходы Хэллоуин Transitions Halloween Proshow Producer - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Переходы Хэллоуин Transitions Halloween Proshow Producer - Duration: 3:10.


For more infomation >> Переходы Хэллоуин Transitions Halloween Proshow Producer - Duration: 3:10.


Autour du travail : Annonce ITW #3, Anna Livart, le métier de "balayeur"/éboueur - [Engl. Subs.] - Duration: 2:03.

Serie : Behind the work

Visible Human collective

Are you ready for a new interactive experience ?

What if we travelled a bit more together...

In search of 'the Other' ?

Sharing our experiences From the familiar to the seemingly strange…

Your own stories are welcome !

In the past Anna worked two years at the local service responsible for cleaning and keeping neat and tidy the capital's streets. Her time there was rich with experiences of all kinds and particulary with human encounters…

A book of 400 pages was born from her desire to share those precious moments and her longstanding love for creative writing.

The whole experience has reinforced her conviction that cultulral and individual diversity is an infinite source of wealth. Each and every human has a story to tell…

Anna now lives in the French region of Occitanie, and goes from one temp job to another, yet to find a line of work meaningful to her…

Let's plan this interview together…

What is our view on cleaning technicians ?

Let's meet on Facebook / YouTube

The interview will take place the XXth of XX 2017. Until the 13th, you can leave your questions in the comments section or on our Facebook page !

Since we'd like all of you to understand and share this french project (and since our English is perfectible... !) We're looking for some people who could kindly help us to translate our interviews and reports ! THANK YOU !!

For more infomation >> Autour du travail : Annonce ITW #3, Anna Livart, le métier de "balayeur"/éboueur - [Engl. Subs.] - Duration: 2:03.


For more infomation >> Autour du travail : Annonce ITW #3, Anna Livart, le métier de "balayeur"/éboueur - [Engl. Subs.] - Duration: 2:03.


TwitchCon event will be strea...

For more infomation >> TwitchCon event will be strea...


BMW X3 3.5d xDrive M sportpakket vol leer zwart/panoramadak/xenon/navi pro/hifi/dynamic damper contr - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 3.5d xDrive M sportpakket vol leer zwart/panoramadak/xenon/navi pro/hifi/dynamic damper contr - Duration: 1:01.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI Bl.M. Comfl. - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI Bl.M. Comfl. - Duration: 0:55.


Air Fryer Cheesecake?! | Testing 'As Seen on TV' Products - Duration: 10:05.

Air Fryer Cheesecake?! | Testing 'As Seen on TV' Products. Guys ready one two three go is still too wobbly all my parchment paper maybe it

wouldn't it are you tired of wasting your hard-earned money on sh***y kitchen

gadgets that don't work Vivian calls the BS with Vivian tries you just sit

back and enjoy just like hanging in your kitchen with a good over end he'll love

you guys and welcome back to another vivian tries today I'm Minnie Mouse it's

a one thing these are just easy clothes too I thought I'd be comfortable in this

one what do I have for you today do you guys remember the video that I did

months back with the new air Fryer I thought it was a fail a lot of you

guys said I didn't usually correctly my mother has one and she absolutely loves

it so I thought let me give this thing another chance

I went with the power air fryer XL I believe it's endorsed by the same chef

that endorses the copper chef I'm pretty sure he's on that box I've had it for a

little over a week and I have been using it I've cooked pork chops I've cooked

chicken I've cooked sweet potato fries and guess what I got it to work right

why do I have it here for you guys today by now that it's working properly this

thing not only makes chicken and pork chops and chicken wings but it also says

it can bake so I thought that I will test with you guys to see if it works my

box came with this cute little baking pan that today we are gonna make

cheesecake in I think you just put it in the basket and you bake away I'm pretty

sure because I read the directions believe it or not because I definitely

want this thing to make cheesecake for me let me show you what came in the box

obviously the Machine baking pan this divider at least two device a big basket

that's in here so if you wanted to do like chicken and fries I guess on this

little spritzer and then it came with this Secrets Revealed recipe book i

meani a pound of cream cheese two large eggs half a cup of sugar half a teaspoon

of vanilla one cup of graham crackers tablespoons of butter I have that ready

here's our mixture in the instructions it also says to cut out a circle of

parchment paper to put at the bottom of your baking sheet I'm not sure why mmm

it's nonstick well I also cut out those two strips and this my idea a little

life hack for you I was wondering how the hell am I gonna pull out a

cheesecake out of this thing about having to flip it over

if you cut two strips of parchment paper like that you can just use those to pull

the Cheesecake out of here and you don't have to flip it over use welcome I'm

excited I'm getting a dessert for the instructions you're gonna take a cup of

brand crackers remember we're not a cooking show I should just put that at

the bottom of the screen like that like on the stock market when they run that

little banner at the bottom this is not a cooking show even though she looks

like she's cooking it's not a cooking show she's just demonstrating and what

the product is promising so there is one cup of graham cracker you know let me go

get my melted butter we're going to mix that first just to bake the crust four

minutes 350 degrees pour that in to make a yummy crust win that together now

we're gonna press it into our pan I think it needs more butter but okay

let's just press it in here and stop talking top two damn months pregnant

paper and bread crumbs got it Oh cutting press that in there

like so see it's not harder this is easy oh I messed up I messed up I gotta shoot

let's turn it I forgot to put my things in how am I gonna pull it out put that

in there first so I'm putting two of these like that

that makes sense and then you're just use these to pull it out the brown part

in the paper next voila wait Sam you just put it back in

there Todd again

easy pop them again okay I'm saying that that's good enough right so we're gonna

bake this and here open our machine we're gonna place basket in there like

that it says to go to manual mode find the roast oh I passed the roast then

four minutes on the roast it's done now we put in the cream cheese mixture see

what the crust looks like now okay should we take that thing out of there

this is what I'm gonna use to pull it out of here

smart my gloves just get your gloves dum-dum come on - now we're gonna pour

in our mixture which is cream cheese vanilla eggs and sugar easy-peasy

everybody knows that not everybody but you know what I mean now we pour in the

liquid gold look at that beautiful liquid gold

let me help it along here don't waste any of this luminous this works you can

just make little baby size cheesecakes he's gonna be the best the cheesecake

ever easy-peasy now I'm wondering my part is met with a

good idea or not I've seen this on the Food Network where they bang it against

the counter to even out the batter saying I'll watch the Food Network okay

let's put it back in the machine okay back in the machine now we're gonna put

it in here to bake for 15 minutes let's do this down to 15 minutes if it start

here in a second we'll check back in 15 minutes

go your house is gonna smell amazing because you got a little fan there

blowing that stuff all over your house all right are you guys ready for the big

reveal this better work because I want some dessert we've waited 15 minutes for

a dessert better be done guys ready 1 2 3 go is still too wobbly one part of my

paper I wonder if it tells me to let it sit

for a minute I mean it says they should be done just seems a little too wobbly

for me no okay I'm gonna say it's done let's take it out I can't take it out

yet because it's too it's not ready it's too soft for me to take it out but I do

want to take the basket out of there okay here's my glove grab the basket

yeah take it out I'm pretty impressed with that look how nice and brown that

is on the top now my parchment paper is not making it look that cute but once we

take it out of here I think it's gonna be not see I'm gonna use the part of its

paper to pull it up from all four sides guys it's too soft so I think I'm gonna

have to come back to this one once I put it in the fridge for a little while so I

can show you the results still too soft oh I suppose like a oh my god this is

genius this worked this machine is gonna be amazing I'm gonna say this worked

that cheesecake smells divine and it looks very nice I just have to

chill it in the refrigerator for a few hours and then it is ready for me to

take out of here but right now I can't take it out because it's still too soft

based on me trying it this past week and based on this amazing looking cheesecake

that we just made I'm officially gonna give this specific air fryer the new

wave I still stand by that video I was not accursed with that machine but this

machine is a winner and I'm definitely keeping it for those of you guys who

left me a comment on my last video I'm gonna say you were partially right the

machine is amazing I think I found the brand that I'm going to stick with so

I'm gonna give this guy 5 vivianne heads are you guys that is it

for another baby and rise I hope that you have enjoyed this video if you have

give it a big fat thumbs up once this thing cools down I might add a clip at

the end of this video just to show you guys me pulling it out of here so watch

the video all the way to the end there might be a surprise if you are new to my

channel subscribe by putting out one to two videos every week

just like this for your entertainment if you've seen a cool kitchen or food

product that you'd like for me to try leave that in the comments down below

and it might be featured in an upcoming episode the question of the day is what

is your favorite thing to make in your air fryer I'd like to hear about it

maybe I'll give it a try so far my favorite thing to make in here are pork

chops but it might be cheesecake after I pull this thing out all right guys that

is all that I have for you today I'll see you in the next one bye all right

you guys but now it has been four hours since I put the cheesecake in the

refrigerator so it's chilled all the way through now I'm gonna use my little

parchment paper here and try to pull it out that's what it looks like looks

delicious he's nice and chilled so let's see if this is gonna work come on here

we go let me just loosen it up from all areas

okay here are you gonna come out right now I need another pair of hands let's

see here we go here we go oh no I broke it oh damn it here we go it's out kind

of broke a little bit there it is my cheesecake let me take the parchment

paper out come on you guys I kind of mess it up pulling it out of there but

pretty good right for being for my air fryer not bad now let's cut it to it and

see what it looks like inside yummy cheesecake I'm so impressed I'm gonna

have this after dinner

For more infomation >> Air Fryer Cheesecake?! | Testing 'As Seen on TV' Products - Duration: 10:05.


Farming Simulator 17 Fertilize With Old Iron Mods - Duration: 11:23.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some Old iron mods You can use to fertilize your fields.

CASE 2670 TRACTOR 2 Wheel Setup 243Hp 29Km/h Top Speed

CASE 70 SERIES 8 Engine Setup 2 Wheel Setup 34Km/h Top Speed

1970 Yellow 1974 White

MOD PACK FERTILIZER Includes Py-1000 Py-600 Bredal MVU-8

Bredal MVU-8 8.000l Capacity 10m Working Width 18Km/h Working Speed

Py-1000 1.000l Capacity 26m Working Width 20Km/h Working Speed

Py-600 800l Capacity 20m Working Width 20Km/h Working Speed

In this video I will only use the Bredal MVU-8 And Py-1000 Spreaders I will fill the m with my own production fertilizer using the Case Farmlift 735 And The Fortuna Trailer

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Fertilize With Old Iron Mods - Duration: 11:23.


❝내가 숨쉬고 있는 소리들,너 나 움직일 수있어❞JIKOOK(동영상이 좋지 않아서 죄송합니다) - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> ❝내가 숨쉬고 있는 소리들,너 나 움직일 수있어❞JIKOOK(동영상이 좋지 않아서 죄송합니다) - Duration: 2:27.


Farming Simulator 17 MOD PACK JOHN DEERE + HORSCH JOKER CULTIVATORS - Duration: 13:54.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some new mods you can use to cultivate your fields.


JOHN DEERE 8R Old 2 Front Attacher Setup 7 Engine Setup 6 Wheel Setup 3 Design Setup 50Km/h Top Speed


JOHN DEERE 9730 3 Engine Setup 53Km/h Top Speed

JOHN DEERE 8R New Makes game Crash Do not use it

HORSCH JOKER 6 CT Slurry Spreader Ready option 6m Working Width 17Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 180Hp

HORSCH JOKER 8 RT 8.3m Working Width 17Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 330Hp

Almost forgot

Homemade weight Papageno Inc. 11 Front Attacher Setup 3 Each Green Red Black Colorable 3 Design Setup

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 MOD PACK JOHN DEERE + HORSCH JOKER CULTIVATORS - Duration: 13:54.


What Adoption Expenses Count? Qualified Adoption Expenses - 2017 Adoption Tax Credit - Duration: 8:49.

so what do you need to know about adoption expenses what counts and what

doesn't count that's what we're going to talk about today coming up right now

what's up YouTube Mike and Sarah here are back

and of course chipper hey don't forget that about me can't forget the bird

alright guys thanks for joining us if you have not seen part one of this

adoption tax credit video series make sure to go check it out I'm gonna leave

a link in the video's description down below and I'm also gonna leave a link to

that video in the comment section down below and that video is gonna give you a

full more comprehensive overview of how the adoption Tax Credit works and how

the exclusion benefit works as well make sure to check that out if you have not

already in this video Sarah and I are gonna go over the most common adoption

expense questions that are out there so you guys can know when you're going

through the process of adopting what's gonna count and what's not going to

count the important thing for you guys to remember is that regardless of the

expenses you're incurring is make sure and I cannot emphasize this enough but

make sure you're keeping good records without good records you're not gonna be

able to substantiate your expenses if you were to ever be audited let's go

ahead and get started so you know what exhausting expenses count I'm

questioning my if my attorney is helping me with the adoption process

does that count or is it a qualified expense it is so if you're working with

your attorney that's anything related to adopting every one of those expenses are

gonna count just make sure when the attorney sends the invoice to you make

sure you keep it in a separate file so you know exactly you know how much you

were spending I didn't know this until I actually started to research this but

there's some people out there they figure if they're gonna get married they

learn about in this person they're Marian has kids they learn that oh

there's this whole adoption tax credit I wonder if I adopt their kids if I can

get us a big tax credit well you can't you can't adopt if you're getting

married and the person you're marrying has kids unfortunately you cannot adopt

their kids and expect to take an expense deduction do all adoption fees

yes as far as I know of they do when I was looking into this there wasn't a

single expense that I came across that was not deductible I think as long as it

is truly related to adopt the adoption that's it's gonna count and you should

be fine what if I get help from the state or local government to help pay

for every bit up yeah so I know I know there's a lot of programs out there to

help with this because unfortunately there's a lot of kids who need homes and

who need to be adopted whether domestically or for you know from a

foreign country so if you're getting help from the state the way the IRS

views that is they say well this person's trying to adopt but they're

already getting free money from the state or local government so if you're

getting free money from your local government or the state in which you

live then you cannot take an expense deduction for that because that would

kind of be like getting a double benefit you can't get free income and an expense

to that's known as double dipping what if I have to go to court

what expenses count yeah so adoptions can get pretty messy sometimes

unfortunately sometimes there's a court cases involved and you have to step into

a courtroom luckily even though it's a pain if you

have to step into a courtroom and the case revolves around this adoption that

you're in process of doing all of those expenses are gonna count now what if I

have to travel and stay in a motel this one's pretty cool because a lot of times

now I know family members who actually had to do this they adopted somebody

domestically in the US and they had to travel from California and I believe to

Colorado you know to adopt their little girl well

all of those travel expenses the airfare so tell the money they spent on meals

all that kind of stuff because it's related to the adoption all of its gonna

count so even even if you're going to like let's say you want to adopt a child

in India or another country that would count as well so just make sure you keep

lighting set good records and it should be fine what about the cost of a

surrogate arranged oh the surrogate arrangement yeah so they the IRS views

that as its own separate thing so any money you spend in a surrogate parent

arrangement is not gonna help you with your adoption tax credit or exclusion

benefit so those expenses would not count what about if I had to read off

that child what the expenses count yes so for some reason you you know you

adopt a child one time and then circumstances change but later on in

that child's life you have the opportunity to adopt them again anything

you you know go anything spin to readapt them is gonna count what other aspects

of adoption are crucial to know that's a really interesting question because I

learned a lot when I was going through this process of you know studying and

putting this information together that I didn't know so there's the IRS of course

never like to make things easy and the tax code is just complicated so what

they do is they've kind of broken it down into three layers of complexity

when you're thinking about qualified adoption expenses where I would start

with is the first thing is are you good trying to do a domestic adoption or a

foreign adoption that's number one start there because that's gonna impact when

you can deduct those expenses the second thing to look at is to know what stage

in the adoption or you're in so as you guys can probably imagine there's

there's three stages to the adoption process when you first start that's the

beginning stage you know that's before the adoption is final that stage number

one stage number two is is actually win the adoption is final and stage number

three is when you incur expenses after the adoption is final so you can incur

expenses at all those stages and it's just important to know

what says you're at because that's gonna impact when you can actually deduct it

the third and final thing to remember about adoption expenses is you have to

kind of separately break it out in your mind are you or are you going to try to

use those set of expenses to claim the credit or are you gonna try to use those

set of expenses to claim your being exclusion benefit like the money you

would get from your employer so you kind of have to break it down into those

buckets luckily chipper has an awesome chart for

us I'm gonna put up on screen right now

and I'm gonna leave a link on my website on money in life or you can come

and download this information and directly your your computer I'm also

gonna link up several articles and publications directly to the IRS website

so you can find all of this research for yourself if if for some reason guys I

did not answer your question or if you know Sarah didn't ask it on on this list

of questions let me know I'm happy to answer any questions you may have and to

the best of my ability I will answer your questions so please do not hesitate

to ask alright guys well thank you so much for hanging out with Sarah and I

today we really appreciate you taking the time to watch this video if you're

new to this channel please highly consider subscribing our mission and

goal of this channel is to help you improve your financial position your

career and your life and we do that by teaching things like personal finances

investing taxes and things that are gonna help you in your career and your

everyday life so make sure you subscribe for our future weekly uploads alright

you too but if you like the video smash that like button let us know that you

liked it especially if you want to see more content like this and Sarah you did

an awesome job I'm so glad that you're able to be on the show this week thank

you thank you for being a part of the channel and for supporting me thus far I

really appreciate it with that being said we love you guys thank you for

watching and we hope you have a great week and also we wish you the best of

luck in the adoption process bye YouTube we love you live life uncaged! Peace!

For more infomation >> What Adoption Expenses Count? Qualified Adoption Expenses - 2017 Adoption Tax Credit - Duration: 8:49.


New Skull Island Kong 8th Wonder Of The World 2005 Universal Studios Playmates Unboxing - Duration: 15:42.

Wow take a look at all the Kong's we're gonna go ahead and check out today and

place them in Skull Island Wow keep watching Wow okay it's great to see

Skull Island Kong The 8th Wonder Of The World The Movie Plush Toy 2005 Universal Studios Playmates

you guys this is the Universal Studios roaring Kong plush so this guy's like

part plush part action but he is awesome he's made by playmates toys for

Universal Studios so we're gonna go ahead and start looking at him from the

head here I do apologize guys for my voice I am running low here so I am

pretty sick but hey I wanted to go ahead and make okay so anyways going ahead and

taking a look at this guy it's really cool how he's got like the fuzzy head

with like the rubber face because it makes it look a lot more authentic

really nice his mouth opens all the way up so you could fit like action

to make scars on his face really people's eyes and then moving on to his

arms his arms have like a wire in here so you can bend it and put him into

different positions like here before his arms off or if you just go ahead and put

them down for each side and also he does make so there is his roar his chest here

is all rubber you can see he's got like several wounds here and here is where

they build in the speakers so it's nice how they built it in it almost looks

very natural and then his legs also have the metal in it so you could put him

into different positions so here you could have them doing like a ballerina

dance or something okay Kong is not a ballerina so let's forget you ever seen

that then you could open him close his arms and then looking at the back the

back he is all like Flurry's plush except down here you could open it and

that's where you would put in the back baroque era says Universal Studios and

also Universal Studios down here on his foot okay guys we're gonna go ahead and

take a look at several different Kong's I got and then when we're done we're

gonna go ahead and set them up on this vintage Skull Island place and Wow keep

watching and the majority of these cons I showed you I have done food reviews

and battles up so wait till the video ends and check out my column playlist

okay so it's time to set these guys up in this ball aisle in place that I do do

a full unboxing and review of this vintage playset so that is really cool I

was able to find this one brand-new on eBay so that was a lot of fun check out

my Kong playlists but anyways we're gonna put this big Kong back here and I

also a second big Kong because I like that guy so much I bought two of them I

fall over smash the whole place set and then this big King Kong here 8th wonder

of the world that I bought from China we're gonna go ahead and place up like

he's the world and this other big one we're gonna go at our plush one that we

did today we're gonna go ahead and pull him here like he's climbing up on the

log and then our roaring Kong is gonna go right in there right between the

walls this scary-looking calm we're gonna go ahead and place right here

right outside the front and then cyborg Kong is gonna go over here just roaring

his head off Big Jim I'm gonna place out to the side here that gets kind of weird

look and then our to 2005 Kong's I'm gonna place one right up here and the

other one is gonna be swinging on this rope

okay then we have the bolted on out here and the fear X right up there so guys

these are all the calls we checked out today okay so here is all the Cong

figures we checked out today ah set up in Skull Island you guys enjoyed the

video please go ahead and click like drop me comments and like I said please

forgive me for how I sound and this video might be kind of rough because I

do got the flu guys so I really appreciate you guys understanding ah

like I said if you did enjoy it please go ahead and subscribe click like let me

know what other videos you want to see also let me know in the comments section

if you guys want me to set up a live video that way if you guys check in with

me whatever toys you want to see that I

have reviewed I could go ahead and get them for you and show them to you

because I do have pretty much all of the toys I've reviewed on my channel I've

got over $20,000 of Tori's so quite a bit

okay you guys are balsam and I will see you click the subscribe button below for

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For more infomation >> New Skull Island Kong 8th Wonder Of The World 2005 Universal Studios Playmates Unboxing - Duration: 15:42.


Minecraft: Redstone Play | Ep: 1 | Automatic Bridge - Duration: 2:04.

Hello Guys! This is Cross Swords Minecraft with my very first video!

I am starting a series I call "Redstone Play", where I show off some cool little redstone things while I am working on bigger projects.

For example, say you come to a long trench too dangerous to cross.

Especially with your valuable items!

Well, I have a fairly simple solution!

An automatic bridge machine!

Start by building this basic structure out of 8 cobblestone blocks and 2 regular pistons.

Now, place two buckets of water, on each end of the inside.

Then, build a cobblestone barrier around and above the two central water blocks.

And fill it with lava!

Now, place repeaters going into the pistons, and connect them with redstone.

Now for the repeater clock!

Place two repeaters side by side, facing different directions. Then connect them on both ends with redstone.

Set them to three ticks.

Place a redstone torch in one corner, quickly break it and replace it with redstone dust.

And finally connect it to the pistons!

Tada! It's working!

It may be a little glitchy.

There, that's better!

And now you can get across with much less danger.

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