Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 15 2017

10 Indian Personalities Who Deserve A Bollywood Biopic

For more infomation >> 10 Indian Personalities Who Deserve A Bollywood Biopic - Duration: 7:09.


Naruto Characters: Nara Shikamaru's Evolution「2017」 - Duration: 11:41.


What is it?

I don't want to fight my friend.

No, this isn't about hitting.

Sensei, you can put me down for going out of bounds.

Please move on to the next ones up.

You might call this training or whatever, but if there's going to be a winner, it's got to be a match.

Since that's the case, wouldn't it save you trouble by just deciding who wins at the start?

He really has no motivation. He'll never make chunin.

No, not necessarily.

If you don't come, I'll go!

Hey! Haven't started yet...

Man, that girl is so gung ho.

Shadow Possession Jutsu is a success!

Good grief...I give up!

How many times do I have to tell you?!

If you're going to be late coming back from a mission, let me know!

I made dinner for nothing,

- Marriage is such a drag. - and you kept me waiting.

I think I'll pass.


What are you smiling about?

Who said I was smiling?

Whatever...Men go to wedding receptions to meet the friends of the bride, don't they?

That's not it. What a drag! Let's go over there.

At least show me the steps.

Idiot. Figuring out for yourself is a valuable part of training.

That just makes it more of a drag!

Don't make too much trouble for Lord Seventh.

The Hokage is under a lot of pressure...

And that goes for me, his adviser.

Shikadai, go and get Lord Seventh's shadow clone.

Huh? Why me?

Then will you take over here?

This is such a drag.

Seems like we're alike too.

It's a drag for me too.

Now, get going!

For more infomation >> Naruto Characters: Nara Shikamaru's Evolution「2017」 - Duration: 11:41.


Chocolate Paste out of NOTHING??? YES YES!!! You will be shocked!!! - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Chocolate Paste out of NOTHING??? YES YES!!! You will be shocked!!! - Duration: 1:28.


Things I've Been Sent #3 | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 10:12.

It's October! and time for another selection of wondrous items I've received through the


So let's dive in, first up a little package containing a Lemmings: The Tribes CD by SFX.


This CD has the 7" Lemmings mix, Bebop extended, Hamster Jam and I Think You'd Better Do What

He Says tracks.

Let's pop it on.

Less well known than the Super Mario Land and Tetris releases, these tracks are by the

guys who worked with KLF and although released in 1993 to promote Lemmings: The Tribes, it

pretty much went by un-noticed.


Thank you to David Blackman for sending that in.

Alright, next a package direct from Amazon, and a note from Joseph.

"I couldn't resist having maple syrup we discussed on discord mailed out to you.

By the time you get this a copy of IBM DOS should be on it's way hopefully.

From Joe / Garoninja".

Heh, this is from a chat we had in my Patreon discord room.

So inside we find out that although many wouldn't, Buck certainly Would.

Awesome stuff, thanks Joe, I shall enjoy slopping this over every dish I have for the next week

or so.

Nice bottle as well, better than the cheap stuff I usually buy.

Another small bubble wrap envelope.

This time containing two little floppy disk cases, which I completely and utterly remember

having myself.

These are from a PD distributor I used back in the day, and you had these little individual

cases with different artwork depending on the category.

These disks both contain WAV files, so they have the Music label.

Yup there we go, Public Domain Nationwide.

So much nostalgia in these disks.

These were from Edward Hale I believe, so thanks very much!

Next up is an incredibly light box, sent over by air-mail.

I'd considered it was just an empty box, but no, this is actually a DreamBlaster S2, sent

by Serge Defever (apologies if I don't pronounce your name correctly there).

This little beauty can connect to an FM Synthesis soundcard and essentially convert it to some

high class wavetable sound.

I'll definitely be doing a proper video about this in the near future.

Thanks Serge.

So, another small box, and immediately I know what this is.


It's a tiny Starfox 2 for the Super Nintendo Classic Mini, in it's own box and everything,

it's even got an inner sleeve.

This was sent to me by twitter user @Make_Me_A, and of course it's not a real cartridge.

It's actually a 3D printed fake cartridge that you can pull apart and plonk on top of

your SNES Classic.

Look at it!

It's so cute.

There's no real point to it other than the aesthetic, but I find it highly pleasing.

It's actually a lot more solid than I'd imagined as-well for a 3D printed item, wasn't expecting


Be sure to follow this outstanding fellow on Twitter for future 3D printed wonders.

Now we move onto the slightly larger boxes, and my oh my, this looks filled with wonder.

Not only if there a freakin' Sinclair Flat Screen Pocket TV which is making me moister

than the Titanic, but there's one of the 1980s Polaroid cameras.

Let's have a look at the TV first.

I've never seen one of these boxed, especially in this condition.


Inside we've got a manual giving us some essential operating guidelines, and the original sales


Arena Electronics, sold on the 6th April 1985 at a cost of £104.95.

Roughly £300 in today's money.

The TV itself is stowed in this felt bag, and oh yes, look at this wondrous piece of

Sinclair innovation.

On the back is the battery compartment, it's actually a flat lithium 6V Power Pack.

You don't often see these nowdays, it just slots in there and probably gave minutes of

power back when it was new.

Of course, at the moment there is no charge, and there probably never will be.

But you can power it from the mains, so stay tuned and we'll take a closer look at this

in the near future.

The Polaroid camera is almost identical to a model my cousin had in the 80s, and it's

even got some power, although it'll need some new Polaroid photo paper to print on.

I'd forgotten how bulky these things were, but again, this is worthy of it's own video

at the very least.

Thank you very much to Peter Barker for those items, they're very much appreciated.

So last, but by no means least, is this mammoth sized both, and if I can get it open, you

can see it contains wonder upon wonder of nostalgic excitement.

There's really no other way to approach this than by running through each item, most of

which are Amiga games, but there's some PC titles in here as well.

First Caesar Deluxe, with it's deluxe manual and double density disk.

It still staggers me that most games fitted in 880KB, in the Amiga's case at least.

Pinball Fantasies for the A1200 next, followed by, Civilization, King's Quest I (Quest for

the Crown), Wonderland with its sublime box art, The Destiny Knight Clue Book for the

Bard's Tale II, which is really everything I want from a book.

Quartz and Mega Traveller 1, International Championship Athletics, Cadaver (a brilliant

isometric Bitmap Brothers title), F-16 Combat Pilot, The classic that is Speedball...

What's this?


What a beauty.

I've been meaning to play this for a while now.

The Monsters, PowerMonger by the favourable Bullfrog Productions, Archipelagos, The Wheels

of Fire compilation containing some of my favourite driving games, Star Trek 2th Anniversary

(which I'll definitely be playing), A somewhat flattened Gold of the Realm, One of my favourite

games of all time; Railroad Tycoon (the disks and manual are here aswell), International

Karate+, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Fusion, The Bards Tale II (to go with the clue book).

Turbo Cad for Windows.

9 times out of 10, I often get more excited about applications like this than actual games.

It just feels so damn productive and creative.

Then we have Pagan Ultima 8, which is actually for PC.

Check out those specifications.

Fields of Glory, again for PC.

Then this, the Complete Universal Military Simulator.

This looks like it could take a lifetime to learn alone.

Which is great.

You can't beat deep software like this.

I mean, check out the box.

Pinball Dreams, Conflicts in Civilization for Civ 2, a Sound Blaster 32 manual which

is essentially night time reading for me, along with some other CDs.

Then there's this sealed copy of the Bitmap Brothers Compilation for PC, which is amazing,

but leaves me tormented as to break the seal or not!

Prince of Persia 3D with a 3DFX sticker on the box for added elation..

"It's good to be the Prince".

Civ, Call to Power.

Colonization, again for the PC, before we're thrown back to the Amiga classic, Loom, which

is terribly exciting.

Then we have various other CDs, manuals, things.

A Matrox Mystique manual which intensifies my excitement further.

A 586 motherboard manual.

I mean, this is all stuff directly from the era of PC gaming I love the most.

Any of this could have been mine back in the 90s, even this Know How CD-ROM, which I definitely

had at one point.

I can feel the nostalgia just looking at it.

More disks, some loose, some boxed, all amazing.

Followed by Evolution from the Discovery Channel.

The COSMI Forms Maker & Filler which looks compelling - to my eye at least, and then

another box of CDs, including this Special Edition 4 Pack of Gremlin games which I owned


I think I picked it up for a tenner at Woolworths, and I played all these games to death.

There's also some sealed Microsoft titles, such as Microsoft Golf, and jut to confirm

this is my era, a copy of Star Trek TNG, A Final Unity.

I really need to get back to completing that.

I could go through all these other items individually, but we'll be here all night, so I'll just

stack them up here and say a massive thank you to Colin Smith for sending it to me, I

am blown away by your generosity.

In fact, I'm blown away by the generosity of everyone who has sent things in this month,

and you can be sure that there will be many videos made from your wares.

That's all for this month's collection, so hopefully we can do this again in November.

Until next time, thanks for watching, and have a great evening!

For more infomation >> Things I've Been Sent #3 | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 10:12.


[MV] Jung Dong Ha(정동하) _ Your Season(너의 계절) - Duration: 4:43.

The cold wind

is hitting my empty heart

The hot

summer rainy season

became dry fallen leaves

In a corner of my mind

they are left as a bookmark

In this year as always

your season has come

I can't forget your face

when you left me I am here again

I can't delete you even if I avoid you

I go back to you

Your season that I have missed so much

How could I forget you?

In the wind

only the name of you is left

In the fallen leaves

the season has come

If the early snow

falls and cover the world white

It was not colder

than our autumn

I can't forget your face

when you left me I am here again

I can't delete you even if I avoid you

I go back to you

Your season that I have missed so much

How could I forget you?

Tears are falling as I miss you

The image of your back when you left me

is going far away even if I'm trying to catch you

Your warmth of hugging me

I can't stop thinking about it

My memory of you keeps growing bigger

How could I forget you?

For more infomation >> [MV] Jung Dong Ha(정동하) _ Your Season(너의 계절) - Duration: 4:43.


[Five #2] ~ Le cookies d'anniversaire ! - Duration: 4:57.


aaah why ?

why we should get up early ?

aah... What time is it ?

aaah What's happening ?!?

What's happening ?!?

we can know what's going on ?

yes we too would like his

And well today we are October 15 and what happens on October 15 ?

It is the day of vidéo games !

No ! it is the day oh food !

I would say that it is the day of the fools

It is the birthday of Wouaf Lps

Exactly ! and we need to make him a birthday cake !

to drop I want to do the shopping but not to cook !

and if we cook two !

I'm not sure it's a good idea.

we could give them a chance.

yes, it's true

Go there boys and you come back

did not eat all the cakes before coming back

no problem chief

we are badly gone I tell you...

And "bah" say so they take time to just make cookies

If it should be an hour !

pff I'm hungry !!!

do not worry I think it will soon arrive

we are back !!

so good day today ?

heu yes... But where is the cookie ?

Yes, we would not have taken all this time otherwise

Come Jess !

and you go on the sofa

it's good we are ready

Jess come !!

I arrive but it's heavy !

and here is the cookie !!

b-b-but what it is so big ?

we are five so we must share it

I start to taste !

It's very good !!!

then you have more ? I find it super good !

yes it's very good ! very good

but we do not hace a little worry there ?

normally the cookie was the cake for Wouaf Lps

not for us and we would eat it

heu yes...

I did not think about it


Suscribe :3

For more infomation >> [Five #2] ~ Le cookies d'anniversaire ! - Duration: 4:57.


Carlos Finds out Jane is Leaving - Part 2B - Descendants Race Choose Your Adventure Disney - Duration: 10:41.

Disney Doll Story

You are right.

We should finish this together.



We are so going to win this race.

I will tell Carlos to go with Evie.

Jane, we practiced so hard all year.

We have to win this.


Are you at home?


I heard your father used to enter the Seven Kingdom's race.

He did.

Not anymore.

As you know, villains can enter the race this year and I don't have a Speeder.

Oh, borrow my father's Speeder.

He wouldn't mind.


This is awesome.

We are using both pixie dust and wind power.

We are going to win this race for sure with your new design.

There is no way you can beat my Speeder.


I am a returning champion.

I have a reputation to keep.

Wanna race?

You are on.

Let's go.

Oh, this thing was a beauty and it still is.

Does it still work?

there is a bit of rust here and there, but this is in perfect condition.

Thanks for letting me borrow it.

I will let you borrow it if you can convince my daughter to enter the race.


I don't like getting all muddy.

Audrey, everybody's going.

Mal, Ben, Lonnie, Evie.

It'll be fun.

Carlos, you are getting really good at it already.

I need more practice.

Sorry I can't be much help.

That's ok.

I'm just glad you are here.





You are doing it all wrong.

How is it going?

Prince Phillip's Speeder is a little old.

It's breaking down a lot.

Don't blame the machine.

My father won several races with this Speeder.

Can I take a look?

Evie, can we go for another run while they fix up Jay's Speeder?





You are entering the race too?


She designed the Speeder all by herself.

Are you planning on winning the race?

Oh no.

I think finishing the race is a big accomplishment.

Are you all ready?

First kingdom is Corona, right?

Rapunzel's kingdom?


We will wait for you at the next stop.

The race is about to start.


All contenstants get ready to start your engine.

I bet it's going to be Kristoff and Anna winning again this year.

Don't bet on that.

My Speeder is pretty good too.

We better go.

See you during the race.

If you need any help, call us.

we will be there in minutes on my magic carpet.


Let's hope nothing bad happens.

Let the race begin.

Harbi's Cave.

We are going to take the shortcut.


Come with us.

But isn't that cave kind of dangerous?

I heard some weird creatures live in there.

No one in history of Seven Kingdoms race has ever won the race by taking the safe routes.


Come with us.

Carlos and Jay are both new to driving the Speeder.

I think the cave is too dangerous for them.

Carlos, let's take the safe route.


I'm taking the safe route.

I'll see all of you at the finish line.

Jane, hold on.

We have to drive really fast in here or Harbis will catch up to us.


Just like we practiced.

Hold on.

What are those things?


I can drive faster.

I think that's Lonnie in front of us.

Go faster.


Hold on.

What are those bugs?

They are Harbis.

They don't bite people.

Go away, you little bugs.


That's Uma and CJ right behind us.

We are faster.

Oh no, you are not.

I'll race you all the way to Corona.

We should've taken the shortcut with Lonnie.


There is another shortcut here on the map.

Let me see.

It doesn't look like there is road here.

Who needs a road when we have a Speeder.

This thing flies.

Where is Carlos going?


I am going to take the shortcut.


Travel safely.

See you at Rapunzel's castle.



Can you try again?


We are stuck.

Oh no.

We should've followed Ben and Mal.

Jane probably reached Rapunzel's castle by now.

It's too bad Jane is leaving soon.

What do you mean?

Oh, didn't you know?

She got accepted into the Elite Fairy School.

She's leaving Auradon.

Welcome to Corona.

As per the rule, you must stay and rest at each stop for at least 8 hours before you

leave again.

Here is your badge.


You have successfully passed the first kingdom.

She didn't tell me that.

She dreams of becoming a Fairy Godmother one day.

She deserves the best school.


Why does she have to go?

You should be happy for her.



They want to help us.



You finally got here.

Where is Carlos?

He didn't make it?

He took the shortcut.

Oh no.

He should've arrived hours ago.

Something must have happened.

Jordan and I will look for Carlos.

You guys go on and get some rest.

Jane, we need to leave.

But Carlos didn't get here yet.


Most people don't finish the race.

Carlos is new to all this.

But but.

We need to leave now to reach Arendelle in time.


You can't wait for someone forever.


We are almost out.

Carlos, run as fast as you can when I say go.

Three Two One.


We are free.



Get on.

Let's get out of here.

We wasted a lot of time there.

Oh no.

Speeder is damaged.

Can you fix it?


I don't know how to fix this.

I will call Ally and Jordan for help.

There is no way we can win this race now.


Don't give up just yet.

Welcome to Corona.


Where have you been?

What happened to your Speeder?

Did you find out?

I checked.

They are all too busy.

No one can fix your Speeder for at least two days.

Can take a look?

I'm really good with machines.

Oh please.

Oh, I can fix this.

I need a few hours.

But what about the race?

We need to leave soon.

Yeah, Ben.

We have to leave for Arendelle too.

Carlos, Evie.

Sorry to leave you behind but I need to go.

See you at Arendelle.

Everybody left.

We are the last.

What do you want to do?

If you want me to fix it, I'll stay behind with you.

It's only the first kingdom.

You never know.

You might still win.

Carlos, don't give up.

Jane is probably waiting for you to catch up to her.

But how could I ask Camryn to stay behind for me.

I don't want them to lose the race because of me.

It's decision time.

What should I do?

If you think I should quit, go to Part 3C.

If you think I should keep going even though I'm in the last place, go to part 3D.

thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Carlos Finds out Jane is Leaving - Part 2B - Descendants Race Choose Your Adventure Disney - Duration: 10:41.


Carrioner ogląda: BOXDEL 👊 "POJEDYNEK w MMA... GUZIK" - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Carrioner ogląda: BOXDEL 👊 "POJEDYNEK w MMA... GUZIK" - Duration: 2:50.


ポーランドでコスプレ&アニメ祭り 2017 Anime Festival In Warsaw, Poland! - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> ポーランドでコスプレ&アニメ祭り 2017 Anime Festival In Warsaw, Poland! - Duration: 11:01.


Condoleezza Rice Came Out Of The Closet And Said THIS To NFL Protests(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 4:48.

Condoleezza Rice Came Out Of The Closet And Said THIS To NFL Protests

joining me now is Condoleezza Rice I told you at the beginning of the show

she would be here and she is former Secretary of State under President

George W Bush and she's the author of her new book is democracy stories from

the long road to freedom and there's not as a power-packed book and Secretary

Rice thank you for being here thank you very much great to be with you so book

democracy that you talk about how we're imperfect unions there's flash points

along the way and in our country but to you pointed out where the civil war and

then the civil rights movement and do you think today when we're dealing with

the sort of after-effects of those when you have the controversy about

Confederate statues and memorials but also the controversy with the NFL and

the question of whether players should and should stand for the national anthem

and in fact if I could just really right before we came on Roger Goodell of the

NFL put out this statement he said like many of our fans we believe that

everyone should stand for the national anthem it is an important moment in our

game we want to honor our flag in our country and our fans expect that of us a

controversy over the anthem is a barrier to having honest conversations and

making real progress on the underlying issues we need to move past this

controversy and we want to do that together with our players I know you

love in FL I know you love the country is that statement sort of a wait for

them everybody to sort of get past I can hope so because we have we had this

birth defect of slavery we've had a long history of racial injustice and trying

to come to terms with it no human society is perfect and that's what the

book was intended to say that democracies are imperfect at birth and

they continue to be imperfect you just have to keep working at them I think

this controversy we do need to get over this controversy whatever the players

were trying to do in drawing attention to these issues it's gone another way

now and that people have stopped listening to each other when you want to

lead on an issue you want to bring as many people to your side as possible and

so I hope the players find a way to make their concerns known to talk about them

honestly what do you mean by social justice what how are we going to get

there but to do it in a way that brings people to your side that doesn't a lien

people and since I personally believe very strongly that the American flag

stands for the millions of people who have sacrificed over the years either

with their lives or with their their willingness to protest and to to be

really really tough until we got better it represents those people too and

that's the reason it needs to be respected not because America is perfect

America is imperfect but as citizens of a democracy you have an obligation to

work toward that perfection and the flag is simply a symbol of the fact that we

have greater freedoms than any peoples in the world and so I would I would

prefer to see it respected before we let you go what about talking about those

freedoms and those issues on campus so you are at the at Stanford University

where you you also attended and now you were there so from your vantage point

you know even as a speaker you've run into situations like a Rutgers

University saying maybe it's better if she doesn't come does it bother you are

you worried about current students and their inability to sort of be willing to

have back and forth well universities have to be places have

opened this course I do tell my students from time to time it's not my job to

make you comfortable actually it's my job to make you uncomfortable because

you're only learning when you're stretching yourself and you're not with

people exactly like you are and sometimes somebody will say something

stupid or maybe you'll run into a jerk and you're insulted but in fact you

don't have a constitutional right not to be insulted and so we've got to somehow

get to the place that we can have these tough conversations in a way that is

that is honorable in a way that is respectful

recognizing we've got a long difficult history that's behind us that's still

affecting our presence our present but I don't believe in silence and debate and

when people want to shout down the speaker or they want to disinvite a

speaker they're trying to silence debate that's not how democracies get strong

and that's not what our founding fathers intended the first amendment being the

most of the most cherished all right a circuit form of Secretary of State

Condoleezza Rice and you're here at the bush center at the pink ribbon red

ribbon board meeting I know you do a lot continuing your public service after

serving in the Bush administration thank you well write me with you thank you so

much thank you god bless you and God bless america

For more infomation >> Condoleezza Rice Came Out Of The Closet And Said THIS To NFL Protests(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 4:48.


[MV] MeloMance(멜로망스) _ Deepen(짙어져) (Yellow OST part.2) - Duration: 2:47.

Now spending the time when I am left alone

became something I am really afraid of

You would not know it

I am afraid of the night when I dream of you

Now I am afraid of the night

You would not know it

Even if I try

because of you

my memory of you is

getting deepening

As I keep missing you

and trying, you will

just keep growing in my mind

As I hold

my deepening memory of you

and think about you you will

just keep growing in my mind

For more infomation >> [MV] MeloMance(멜로망스) _ Deepen(짙어져) (Yellow OST part.2) - Duration: 2:47.


Puppy Dog Pals Cute Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 106 - Grace Turner - Duration: 18:32.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Grace Turner Channel

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Cute Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 106 - Grace Turner - Duration: 18:32.


RAJIV DIXIT | Diarrhea, Loose Motion Treatment - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> RAJIV DIXIT | Diarrhea, Loose Motion Treatment - Duration: 2:13.


3 TÉCNICAS para Separar a Tu PERRO si se PELÉA (Incluido RAZAS de PRESA) - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> 3 TÉCNICAS para Separar a Tu PERRO si se PELÉA (Incluido RAZAS de PRESA) - Duration: 6:35.


Shameless Ekibi ile 8.Sezon Hakkında Sohbet ve 8.Sezon #Hashtag'i - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Shameless Ekibi ile 8.Sezon Hakkında Sohbet ve 8.Sezon #Hashtag'i - Duration: 3:00.


(코난쇼) 이스라엘, 예루살렘 & 트럼프 평화 계획 #2 (cc) - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> (코난쇼) 이스라엘, 예루살렘 & 트럼프 평화 계획 #2 (cc) - Duration: 3:32.


Cats Diary Komugi & Daizu 2017.10.13 - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> Cats Diary Komugi & Daizu 2017.10.13 - Duration: 10:33.


The House of the Lucky Gander! - Duration: 22:38.

For more infomation >> The House of the Lucky Gander! - Duration: 22:38.


Wie ein echter Märchenprinz: So weckt Domi seine Sarah Nowak - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Wie ein echter Märchenprinz: So weckt Domi seine Sarah Nowak - Duration: 1:47.


Sam Smith - Too Good At Goodbyes | DiVàl Cover - Duration: 2:41.

hi guys! I'm DiVàl

if you enjoyed watching this video, then please don't forget to give it a thumps up

leave your comments and suggestions

for the next cover you'd love to see me do!

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel

and push the notification bell button,

so you can be updated whenever i upload a new music video!

You can also share this video on your Social Media accounts!

See you on the next one!

Bye Bye! ;)

For more infomation >> Sam Smith - Too Good At Goodbyes | DiVàl Cover - Duration: 2:41.


Things I like about Czechia - Duration: 9:03.

So today I want to talk about some of the things that I really like about the

Czech Republic and living in the Czech Republic now for just over two years I

got here in 2015 I'm originally from South Africa as some of you know so I've

written them down on my phone to kind of help me remember them so the first thing

I think I like about the Czech Republic especially when I got here from South

Africa was the transportation system they have a very good transportation

system I think I don't know about their rankings but I think here in Central

Europe or in the entire Europe, it's probably one of the best transportation systems

they have and compared to, you know, South Africa, I think anyone who knows anything

about South Africa, our transportation system is not as good. So when I got here

they have like the trams, we don't have trams back in South Africa and actually

it was my first time seeing a tram, I didn't really know what it was. Anyway the tram system I think is the

best system I normally use trams to get around and one of the things that I

really like is the universal transportation card that they have here

so you have a card that we use for transport you use it for trams and

different kind of different kinds of buses and you can take the tram or the

bus as many times as you want in a day depending on how how long what's the

duration of the period of your card mine I usually buy the three months so during

that period I can take the buses and trams as many times as I want so that's

kind of like something that I really like and the transport system the

transport here is like really reliable. Always.. err..l I don't want to say always on

time but you know it's it's it's more reliable than South African one so

because in South Africa we use taxis and the taxis only go for example when the taxi

is full and it's like mini bus taxis that carry like 15 16 people and have to

wait until it's full and with the buses and the trams it goes whenever like

just it uses time I don't know how to explain this but it goes with time when

it when it's like time for maybe it's gonna come in two minutes it's

usually ten minutes in between I think the tram will come in ten minutes and it

goes and another ten minutes and it goes like we don't have isn't such a

thing as we're gonna wait and take full just about anything so don't forget

that's the minibus Texas system we do have like the passes as well but I just

find the system here especially using this Universal card that I'm mentioning

it's really effective more effective than in South Africa so the second thing

anyway I'm not trying to shut that down here the second thing that I really like

about the Czech Republic is the cost of hitting no I lived in Cape Town and if

you know anything about Cape Town is it's not so even if here student it's

still expensive so living here in I'm living in Luna

which is the second letter second largest city in Czech Republic and one

of the most one of the cities that it has the most of the largest population

of students in central so if you're living here expect to see

and quite a lot of Erasmus students exchange students that's what you don't

really have the system at Erasmus so anyway yeah the cost of living is

relatively low compared to other European countries and this is a very

like the standard of living is very good with a very low cost of living so that's

one of things that I just like about the Czech Republic so the price of food you

know the ranch is not too high so compared to other places that you would

want to go live in here in Europe I think Czech Republic is one of the best

in terms of you know the cost of living and they said thing now anyone who

doesn't know this Czech Republic is one of the best purchases of yeah so they

could ebo so if you have never been to Czech Republic one thing you should know

I think the Czechs really love the idea and if you we are here you probably want

to try it this is I mean bruna the common beer here is Sarah Brunner it's

being produced locally and also in Prague I think they have their own brand

which is startup romance I don't know if every region has its own the other

that's kind of like it not just probably the trend but they have a lot of the

only drug Latvia and vanilla before coming here I didn't really like

beer a lot actually I almost didn't drink yeah and

now now I like when I go out like bi is like one of those things that I have to

have on my table thanks to you check about it but anyway

another thing that I like about the Czech Republic is the fact then its

location it's the fact that it's a central it's very easy to travel like

for someone like me who likes traveling to other countries if you enjoy

traveling you definitely you know like the location of the Czech Republic easy

the recent country I went to man I have gone to almost all of these countries

around here so I went to Austria I want to put a pass they went to Poland I went

to quite a lot of countries because it's funny enough I didn't go to Slovakia yet

I haven't gone to Slovakia but I'm planning to go this soon but anyway if

you like travelling it is really easy to like navigate Central Europe because of

this position and the last thing you probably want to mention that I like

about the Czech Republic I mean the quite a lot of things like about the

Czech Republic I probably should next time please don't thank me but I

probably should do the stuff that I don't like about the shape of it such as

because Czech Republic yeah I think in Europe in general you guys eat a lot of

pork and and I can't even speak to a check well I speak Czech like a little

so sometimes I especially on my first year on my first year I used to find

myself eating pork and I'm allergic and like everything is

almost all talk no not all but there's just poking evidence anyway that's not

what I'm talking about I'm talking about stuff that I like so the last thing I

said I want to mention is that I actually should have been the first

thing I mentioned so I love shack women anyway I'm single now by the way so

don't think someone I commented something on my previous video that's it

I'm here for the check like for the Czech girl

I wouldn't travel from so I figure for Czech girls but they are they're really

beautiful if you ask me anyway let me know what you think about the things

that I've just mentioned that I like about the Czech Republic and I will be

posting here more now I've decided to kind of play dedicate my time to my

channel I don't really I don't really have like time to work on it when I came

to check up it's funny enough I thought you know what I'm gonna be working on my

YouTube channel and I don't know I thought I was going to be uploading

weekly but now I have time to such graduated I'm working

stress so yeah anyway please subscribe and wait for another video that will

make tomorrow

For more infomation >> Things I like about Czechia - Duration: 9:03.


VW T3 SYNCRO 16", a weekend kayaking around the Como lake. - Duration: 5:41.

Do not film me like this!

Oh no, that sucks! a chinch is inside.

What do we have to eat today?


- we are going to have the typical english breakfast... - HORSES STUFF!

- no, come on, it's delicious, there are even chocolates chops.. - let me see ...


Do we have only this?!?

Nooo, there's also bread

- only thi... - Yes of course. - it's only one portion...

No, it's a double portion, it's only seems to you less...

{typical italian gestures for asking god's help} - We are gonna starve to death!

Then we have this...

... and the jam.

Have you ever seen an original "Tupperware"?

An original Tupperware.

This is indeed an original Tupperware.

This is not like your poor quality container! (sorry, in this moment I proudly realized to own a Tupperware)


For more infomation >> VW T3 SYNCRO 16", a weekend kayaking around the Como lake. - Duration: 5:41.


九個月超40億次觀看,神曲Despacito領銜,YouTube點閱率最高觀看次數最多的50首歌曲 截止:2017/10/14 - Duration: 12:20.

For more infomation >> 九個月超40億次觀看,神曲Despacito領銜,YouTube點閱率最高觀看次數最多的50首歌曲 截止:2017/10/14 - Duration: 12:20.


Msp - Separation Prank - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Msp - Separation Prank - Duration: 2:35.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Georgia - Un paese sorprendente nel cuore del Caucaso - Episodio n. 8 - Duration: 13:40.

For more infomation >> Georgia - Un paese sorprendente nel cuore del Caucaso - Episodio n. 8 - Duration: 13:40.


For more infomation >> Georgia - Un paese sorprendente nel cuore del Caucaso - Episodio n. 8 - Duration: 13:40.


Secret Story 11 : Kamila n'est pas bête, Cassandre ne la dupera jamais ! |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Secret Story 11 : Kamila n'est pas bête, Cassandre ne la dupera jamais ! |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 3:03.


For more infomation >> Secret Story 11 : Kamila n'est pas bête, Cassandre ne la dupera jamais ! |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 3:03.


[Five #2] ~ Le cookies d'anniversaire ! - Duration: 4:57.


aaah why ?

why we should get up early ?

aah... What time is it ?

aaah What's happening ?!?

What's happening ?!?

we can know what's going on ?

yes we too would like his

And well today we are October 15 and what happens on October 15 ?

It is the day of vidéo games !

No ! it is the day oh food !

I would say that it is the day of the fools

It is the birthday of Wouaf Lps

Exactly ! and we need to make him a birthday cake !

to drop I want to do the shopping but not to cook !

and if we cook two !

I'm not sure it's a good idea.

we could give them a chance.

yes, it's true

Go there boys and you come back

did not eat all the cakes before coming back

no problem chief

we are badly gone I tell you...

And "bah" say so they take time to just make cookies

If it should be an hour !

pff I'm hungry !!!

do not worry I think it will soon arrive

we are back !!

so good day today ?

heu yes... But where is the cookie ?

Yes, we would not have taken all this time otherwise

Come Jess !

and you go on the sofa

it's good we are ready

Jess come !!

I arrive but it's heavy !

and here is the cookie !!

b-b-but what it is so big ?

we are five so we must share it

I start to taste !

It's very good !!!

then you have more ? I find it super good !

yes it's very good ! very good

but we do not hace a little worry there ?

normally the cookie was the cake for Wouaf Lps

not for us and we would eat it

heu yes...

I did not think about it


Suscribe :3

For more infomation >> [Five #2] ~ Le cookies d'anniversaire ! - Duration: 4:57.


For more infomation >> [Five #2] ~ Le cookies d'anniversaire ! - Duration: 4:57.


Ce bébé est entrain de mourir, mais quand l'infirmière a mis elle a eu le choc de sa vie - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> Ce bébé est entrain de mourir, mais quand l'infirmière a mis elle a eu le choc de sa vie - Duration: 6:42.


For more infomation >> Ce bébé est entrain de mourir, mais quand l'infirmière a mis elle a eu le choc de sa vie - Duration: 6:42.


VW T3 SYNCRO 16", a weekend kayaking around the Como lake. - Duration: 5:41.

Do not film me like this!

Oh no, that sucks! a chinch is inside.

What do we have to eat today?


- we are going to have the typical english breakfast... - HORSES STUFF!

- no, come on, it's delicious, there are even chocolates chops.. - let me see ...


Do we have only this?!?

Nooo, there's also bread

- only thi... - Yes of course. - it's only one portion...

No, it's a double portion, it's only seems to you less...

{typical italian gestures for asking god's help} - We are gonna starve to death!

Then we have this...

... and the jam.

Have you ever seen an original "Tupperware"?

An original Tupperware.

This is indeed an original Tupperware.

This is not like your poor quality container! (sorry, in this moment I proudly realized to own a Tupperware)


For more infomation >> VW T3 SYNCRO 16", a weekend kayaking around the Como lake. - Duration: 5:41.


For more infomation >> VW T3 SYNCRO 16", a weekend kayaking around the Como lake. - Duration: 5:41.


PHOTOS – Louis Sarkozy, heureux à New York avec sa petite amie et sa - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> PHOTOS – Louis Sarkozy, heureux à New York avec sa petite amie et sa - Duration: 2:25.


For more infomation >> PHOTOS – Louis Sarkozy, heureux à New York avec sa petite amie et sa - Duration: 2:25.


Eclosion : Des centaines de Bébés Mantes !!!! - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Eclosion : Des centaines de Bébés Mantes !!!! - Duration: 3:36.


For more infomation >> Eclosion : Des centaines de Bébés Mantes !!!! - Duration: 3:36.


TwitchCon event will be strea...

For more infomation >> TwitchCon event will be strea...


Trial 2- Grey Foam, 0.0281m thickness - Duration: 1:34.


I'm Carmen and Nina's Filming

So this is the grey foam that we've used previously.

It has a thickness of *correction* 2.8cm on each side as well as a density of 23.6 kg/m3.

We're just going to drop it again at 1 metre's height.

Today's date is 14th of October 2017.

We're dropping it again to see if the egg will crack this time around.

Because it did in the first time.

Let's have a look.

The egg survived.


We'll do the 2 metres one now?

And now on the 2 metre mark.

It definitely cracked.

*nervous laughter*



For more infomation >> Trial 2- Grey Foam, 0.0281m thickness - Duration: 1:34.


Trial 1- Grey Foam, 0.0281m thickness - Duration: 1:29.

Hi, my name is Carmen.

I'm Nina.

We're doing the egg-drop experiment for our mech3301 laboratory report.

This is the grey foam, dropping at *correction* 1 metre.

That's the date today.

It doesn't fall uniformly.

Egg's still good at 1 metre.

We've measured different dropping heights on the wall beforehand.

And that's where the 2 metre mark is.

And the egg is cracked.

For more infomation >> Trial 1- Grey Foam, 0.0281m thickness - Duration: 1:29.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 4MATIC 272PK AUT. / SCHUIFDAK / NAVI / LEDER / AIRCO-ECC / PDC / LM-VELGE - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 4MATIC 272PK AUT. / SCHUIFDAK / NAVI / LEDER / AIRCO-ECC / PDC / LM-VELGE - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 AUTOMAAT 272PK / SCHUIFDAK / NAVI / LEDER / AIRCO-ECC / LM-VELGEN - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 AUTOMAAT 272PK / SCHUIFDAK / NAVI / LEDER / AIRCO-ECC / LM-VELGEN - Duration: 0:55.


Running Diary about Marathon Training Challenges and Cross Training - Duration: 11:49.

Even a short run 20 to 30 minutes already kickstart your metabolism, and you already feel a lot better

Hey, what's up guys my name is Flores gehrman from extra my list and this week. I'm going to test a new video format

it's more gonna be a running diary with some of my thoughts before during or after my training runs and so my

Cross-training as well. I'm just gonna share some of my thoughts

some of the challenges the good bad some of the opportunities and some of the things that I'm learning and

Hopefully you can learn a few things along the way as well

Saturday night, I haven't really worked out in a

Full week ear drum got


Of a hole in it when I went surfing lost where he could fell in the water kind of out of it this week out

Of balance was just having a hard time hearing so took it very easy

Focused on sleep focused on resting and now after like a full week off

Excited to go out for a slow little jog tonight. I don't know ever not a race until April

2018 so I've got plenty of time he's gonna slowly start building up the miles again

That's the full moon not sure if you can see it

It was a nice mellow three-mile 5k run

it's funny how much better you can feel after just going out for a mellow run I

Didn't work out all week both of the kids were sick had a fever. I got my own

cold going home this week as well so that in combination with my leg my ear just really took it easy and

Started feeling slow in the head a little bit down and even this just a three-mile run 5k

Your stress hormones your cortisol levels go down

your serotonin your happiness hormones increase and

yeah, this is why I enjoy running going back and

We just got the key to the new house we got the key to the new house

Nice and warm out. It's a

Good weather to go for a joke without a shirt on it's an extra vitamin D going

I always start out at a few minutes of just walking just to kind of get the heart rate up slowly

Normally the heart rate and rest is about mid-40s so once I start walking and stop walking a bit faster

It will go up to probably 70 80 beats and from there

The leg is actually starting to feel better, it's been two weeks since my slam, and yeah those are

Coming off. I'm not sure we can see it


Lag is uh pretty much better now the only thing that still needs to get sorted out is my ear the ear

Should get back in the next few weeks over here

So lucky right now I did it October you can still go outside running

Try to always run against traffic

Like off the curb so at least you see the cars coming

It's always hit, or miss over here with the high water if it's high tide from the ocean coming into the back bay

The path definitely gets really narrow


I've stack all right

Well uh, we'll go back backtrack a little bit over here, it was like this trail


No one out here super metla, it's a lot of birds flying so I kind of like to come here

Nice for miles

jog done and done

Felt good. It's so nice to go out there by the Back Bay. I live in

Orange County

And Costa Mesa gonna be here for another few weeks before I move to her vine

But it's so nice to go to your local running trail over here

And actually see some of the wildlife, so we had a hawk a few Hawks come by pretty close

It was probably face to face with it within 10 foot and I just stopped running

And I just look for a minute, and I just enjoy the vibe. I think it's all about having fun out there and

If you see something cool, and just actually fully be present and enjoy it so

Yeah nice

For miler at seven miles total for the week not much at all, but at least happy to be out there running

Here's a little cross cross-training a two-mile skate where my daughter have to drop her off to school

Daddy's gonna work in a new house right gonna say any last words


We do fluency marketing this

photo of when we had

DJ cascade at Irvine Spectrum in California, we had about 500 people show up

We start did rat

No running, tonight's but some go-karting which is the prospect?

There's Tuesday night, I was planning on going for a run tonight, but it's already 10 o'clock

Still gotta catch up on email so no run again today. Good morning, but 6:30

And the days are getting shorter

You're gonna go up to LA again today for a conference busy days

Today I only have about 30 minutes to go for Ronda

That's all right even a short run 20 to 30 minutes already kick start your metabolism

Such a good way wake up

Nice morning run

3.6 miles in 30 minutes

8 17 minute mile pace

Kept it nice and mellow get the Hardrada 130 135

Not in any hurry. No. That was a good beginning of the day

All right

I just got in a little car accident got hit from behind to go in about 20 miles an hour

Really didn't see that coming so I did got a little

Jam called the neck hopefully everything is good typically. You don't feel these things until the next day

So I'll probably be a bit sore tomorrow gonna keep an eye out for it went over to the side of the road

Luckily the damage is pretty minimal. We exchanged insurance, so now I'm on the road again

I'm waiting for my watch

to get ready

It's taking a while today

Yeah, we're ready let's go

It's very nice that the temperatures are getting lower again

Definitely makes running easier two miles in

nice get warmed up right now, and I can run actually pretty fast at a

decent heart rate seven-minute mile set

Low 140 s in heart rate nice to get a little pasture policy on the back side of the Back Bay

No lights over here except for the light on my phone, and there's absolutely no one

every now and then

You're a little coyote

or another wild animal making some noise but

so nice

Five miles in 37 minutes 38 731 minute mile

It was a nice five mile air to my alarm up and a few miles a little bit faster

With a little bit faster. I was actually still at meth heart rate of 145

The miles are definitely very low this week, but it's alright. There's a lot of other things happening at this point

moving into a new place remodeling I

Got in a car accident this week, and I'm very happy that I don't feel anything so it was very minor

But still I was somewhat worried that I was gonna have some slight whiplash or something going on

But overall all good and well a lot on my mind didn't even have enough time to meditate this week only

Meditated it's two times, and then I already noticed that I have a bit more chaos going on in the mind

So then going outside for a run definitely feels very good

This is just a test of a new video formats purely

Whatever I run into on the day to give you a bit of a 360 view of my daily life

And my training and my adjustments to training as well

I'm very curious to hear what you think of the new format. Would you like to see more of these videos?

Obviously there's gonna be more running involved as I pick up my training miles again, sir, or would you like to see other videos?

Please let me know in the comments below alright you guys. Have a good one later

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