Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 15 2017

[Hellsing Abridged clip]


Fine, so in the past year or so since it's announcement, I admit, I've been a bit of

a... "negative nancy" let's say when it comes to the Switch.

But despite that, over the past few months, my desire to own one has been skyrocketing,

so obviously it's doing something right, right?

So with this video, I wanna look at all the reasons I was initially hesitant, and see

if they've improved any.

My main concern was that I was worried the Switch would just be another Wii U.

Now when I say that I mean several things, because the Wii U failed in a lot of ways.

The Wii U was a console without an identity or purpose, and all it's gimmicks only made

things worse.

Back when it was released, it was just about equivalent in power to the PS3 and Xbox 360,

both of which were less than a year away from being superseded by their successors, so AAA

devs soon found the system to be too lacking in power to port anything to.

If you wanted to make anything releasing around that time like Tomb Raider, GTA 5 or Advanced

Warfare run on the Wii U, it would've required massive visual downgrades, and not only does

that make buying the game on that console less appealing, but making those lower res

textures and figuring out that specific systems optimization takes time that most devs didn't

want to spend.

And so, the system got next to no AAA games.

As for indies, I can't speak for why the Wii U didn't get many of those, but the

potential reasons are as numerous as they are varied, from Nintendo's past issues

working with 3rd party companies, to the system never getting a big enough install base to

make porting their games worth it, to it just being difficult to get their games running

on the Wii U's hardware for whatever reasons.

I don't know, not a game dev, but suffice it to say, whatever its specific failings,

the system barely got any indie games, which left only the Nintendo developed first party

titles as the system sellers.

And we got a few of those.

Bayonetta 2, Splatoon... uh... that's literally it.

The only two other things I can think of are Smash which also came out on 3DS, and Breath

of the WIld which also came out on Switch.

Which uh... wow, that's actually kinda sad.'

The Wii U also had marketability problems.

It's infamously awful name is partly to blame, with a lot of people thinking it was

just an attachment for their long forgotten Wii, and those issues were only confounded

by the inclusion of the tablet controller which was inventing solutions for problems

that didn't exist.

But beyond the marketing, it's biggest issue was its image.

What was the benefit of buying a Wii U over a PS4 or XBOX One?

Aside from specific first party IP, there was nothing that it allow you to do that you

couldn't get elsewhere and probably better.

So Nintendo's inability to woo 3rd party developers with their underpowered console

resulted in precious few games, and that combined with basically no exclusives worth spending

the $300 for and a lack of clear focus, the console was dead in the water the second it

hit store shelves.

Which brings me to the Switch.

Now as I said, when it was announced I was worried it was falling into a lot of the same


The complete portability aspect was interesting, but brought with it a whole minefield of issues.

Now you had concerns about battery life, weight, and whether anyone even wanted to play a longform

game on the go?

Also, because it was portable console, it was by necessity even less powerful than the

already underpowered Wii U.

To me this was a clear indication that no AAA games of note would ever be released on

it, an impression not helped by the fact that all the had to boast about in that regard

for the longest time was Skyrim, a 5 year old game.

Now, I do still think I'm right about that.

Granted we have gotten port announcements of DOOM 2016 and more notably the currently

unreleased Wolfenstein The New Colossus, but outside of whatever backroom deal Nintendo

and Bethesda have going on, I don't think we should expect to see that trend continue.

I very much doubt that the Switch will be the console of the choice for the next Call

of Duty game, for example.

It's still underpowered which means porting the hottest newest shiniest things to it is

still a massive pain in the ass.

But recently I've had a revelation that's massively changed my outlook on the Switch:

Nintendo is no longer interested in competing in the console wars.

I don't think Nintendo gives a shit that the next Call of Duty game won't be on the

Switch, because they've turned their attention in a different direction.

You see, I think Nintendo realized that while they were messing about with the Wii, Sony

and Microsoft were busy stealing the hardcore audience out from under them.

The Wii U then was their attempt to reclaim that lost audience, and as we saw it failed


My problem was that I was looking at the Switch as another attempt to recapture that audience,

and in that light it fails miserably.

But in reality I think that the Switch is actually Nintendo throwing up their hands

in defeat.

Rather than weakly attempting to compete with Sony and Microsoft anymore, I think Nintendo

is redoubling their efforts to focus on what they've always been the best at: handheld

gaming, with a system that technically counts as a home console but is really just a fancy

portable system.

They're now positioning the Switch as a companion device to the PS4, XBOX One, and

PC, rather than as a competitor to them.

To me, that completely recontextualizes how I view the Switch.

Suddenly, not having big AAA's doesn't matter anymore, and any one's that you do

get are just icing on the cake.

What really matters for a mobile gaming device, is having games that you would want to play

in short bursts while on a bus or in a car, and that brings us to the best thing about

the Switch currently, the indie games.

Over the past few months, we've been drowned in an ongoing tidal wave of indy port announcements,

and that doesn't show any sign of slowing down.

From Stardew Valley, Enter The Gungeon, Hollow Knight, Rocket League, Shovel Knight, and

many more.

And this is just the beginning.

I honestly think the Switch is gonna become a haven for indie games in the coming years,

partially because I've been told it's generally easier to port games to the Switch,

but mostly because of the portability aspect.

If you think about it, the portability factor alone is a huge selling point, and indie games

are both generally shorter and snappier than AAA games, and aren't prone to pushing the

boundaries of graphics hardware in the same ways.

To indie devs, releasing your game for the Switch means that a lot of your customers

have a reason to buy your game twice.

The console is also a natural fit for local multiplayer games because of the portability,

and the two controllers you're guaranteed to have with you at all times, which means

that great couch-co-op games like Lovers in A Dangerous Spacetime or Overcooked which

did terribly on PC, finally have a chance to shine!

And along with the indie stuff, you also have Nintendo's usual main series games, and

practically all of their big franchises are already confirmed to have new games coming

to it.

All of that combined means that recently, my interest in owning a Switch has skyrocketed

Of course I still have my reservations.

At the moment it seems pretty lacking on the software side of things.

I can't believe a console in #CurrentYear launched without YouTube or Netflix built


Think about that.

There are refrigerators and blenders that are more ahead of the curve than Nintendo

right now.

And on that topic, Splatoon 2 resorting to using a phone app for voice chat might be

the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.

I admit, I don't particularly care about voice chat myself because if I wanted to hear

nonstop racial slurs mixed in with video game sounds I would just go watch PewDiePie, but

the fact that they had to resort to this to do something that consoles had mastered back

in the days of the Dreamcast, shows' just how behind the times Nintendo as a company

really are.

There's also general concerns about battery life.

Yeah it seems like what it's got is perfectly fine for general use, but for long car rides,

flying, or if you're like me and just routinely forget to plug your shit in, you run the risk

of it dying pretty fast.

Now I can understand them wanting to stick with the bare necessities to keep the cost

low, but if that was the case, I would have expected them to let you switch the battery

out for a better one if you so chose, but you can't actually do that.

It angers me enough that my phone that lasts for 2 days without charging doesn't have

a hot swappable battery, let alone something that can die after 2 hours.

And also as I've brought up before, I would still like to see Nintendo slowly phase out

the DS's and just merge their usual two consoles into the one.

That means twice as many games, not having to lug around two devices, and also means

that you'd only have to spend $300 to play Nintendo games as opposed to $500.

Obviously we'll still be getting 3DS games for a few more years yet, but I really do

hope that this current iteration of the 3DS is the last one before we permanently hop

aboard the Switch train.

But all that's pretty small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, and if they can

get it ironed out, I think Nintendo will have finally carved themselves a comfy little niche

in mainstream gaming for the first time since the Nintendo 64.

Not as a direct competitor to the current triforce of PC, PS4, and XBOX, but as a companion

device that capitalizes on offering an experience none of the others can.

So congratulations must be given to Nintendo for having successfully Switched things up....

Ahhhh, I'm so clever.

Ayyyy, recomendations time!

So if you want to see why I'm so excited to reply indie games on this thing, go check

out some of my videos on them, like "The Most Interesting Thing About Enter The Gungeon",

or "How Hollow Knight Captured The Magic Of Dark Souls".

Alternatively, I made a video speculating about what that new Switch Pokemon game might

be like, and what we can expect from it - all linked below.

Finally, I wanna give a special thanks to my wonderful Patreon patrons...

For more infomation >> What I Didn't Realize About The Switch - Duration: 12:26.


i filmed myself swimming during earthquake.. - Duration: 10:40.


You think in the which is our oldest car thinking something weddings are shallow


Okay, so rather than rescue Dientes, Grandpa takes pension no

Jerricans can I hold that for you I?

Couldn't resist. I said Brandy of pictures that only your son hmM

Where's sounds worse? We have a a a truck for a reason. I tried pulling him out before really no

I mean, I just tried pulling him out mmM

Mmm. Just don't pull hard on him. You can't you can't choke no if he won't pull don't pull

Like a tight pressuring can you find his foot down there?

Okay, his other foot was stuck, honey. Kingdom wasn't no bad

Yeah, just noted don't take a shoe off yet, because I want to just hold his hand or something to keep himself a balance

Our dramatic rescue that make it many parents pause when they send their kids outside to play

Seattle children horsing around the mud found to their horror that they were being sucked down into quicksand

They were pulled to safety. Thanks to one little boy's quick thinking Clayton, Sandell has their story

These young adventurers didn't have to go very far to find danger

We're exploring

Seven-Year-Old Katy Hyatt and her brother carl met up last Saturday with brothers Andrew and Caleb hummel we came down here

And we saw the mud and we started playing in it the kids had no idea this pit was filled with dangerous

Quicksand my shoe got stuck and I pulled it out by that time, Katie and carl

We're sinking I couldn't get myself out. Were you scared no?

Katie and Andrew were trapped Caleb ran for help and larry pilcher called 9-1-1. I've got two kids in what seems to be

Quicksand they're sinking and can't get out

The more the kids struggled the faster. They were sinking show me how far the mud came up here

By the time fire fighter John Merrick arrived Little Katie was freezing

Well, she was shivering really bad

So I climbed in the mud with her to start digging her out after a rescue that lasted 30 minutes

The kids were finally pulled free to give you an idea of just how strong

this quicksand mud can be you can step on it here and the more you move the

more stuck you become and

it's nearly impossible to

Pull yourself out this mixture of sand clay and water may appear solid but walk on it and it liquefies

That's what happened to this ten-year-old boy trapped just a few days ago in England

This mud pit has now been burton gravel and less

I learned Katie Carl Andrew and Caleb are finally getting back to just being kids now

I better stay in line. I'm not scared of my life

Why yes? I am

How do we save him?

Oh my God really bad. You should probably start coming out of that

Why not get out watch never as well got him later for surface area lay down

Singing is nothing

It's about six feet down

Let's happened

I need to do this

Oh my gosh, oh


Oh my gosh

Harry are you okay?

Can you breathe harry?

Hold it hold it

For more infomation >> i filmed myself swimming during earthquake.. - Duration: 10:40.


Este Remédio é um Assassino de PULGAS e CARRAPATOS, Você Não Vai se Arrepender de Usá-lo! - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Este Remédio é um Assassino de PULGAS e CARRAPATOS, Você Não Vai se Arrepender de Usá-lo! - Duration: 2:54.


Top 10 Chuck Norris "Facts" - Duration: 1:59.

He's a master of kicking ass with a black belt in bravery and now...

He's the Emperor of memes he's the one and only

Chuck Norris, and what better way to honor his legacy than with the top ten Chuck Norris facts!

I don't step on toes...

I step on necks. Coming in at number ten: Chuck Norris doesn't worry about high gas prices.

His vehicles run on fear.

Number nine: Chuck Norris doesn't have good aim. His bullets just know better than to miss.

Damn, right! Number eight: Bigfoot claims he once saw Chuck Norris.

Number seven: Chuck Norris's calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd no one Falls Chuck Norris.

Number six: Chuck Norris wears sunglasses... so that his eyes won't hurt the sun.

Chuck Norris doesn't breathe air

He holds air hostage. Number four: When the boogeyman goes to sleep at night. He checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

Number three: when Chuck Norris was born he drove his mom home from the hospital

Number two: death once had a near Chuck experience.

And finally coming in at number one and Chuck Norris's own personal favorite. They wanted to put Chuck Norris's face on Mount Rushmore

But my granite wasn't hard enough for his beard

Make sure to subscribe and comment below with your favorite Chuck Norris quote

You are every bit as tough as your reputation.

You don't know anything about me

For more infomation >> Top 10 Chuck Norris "Facts" - Duration: 1:59.


Ryan Phillippe Is A Crutch Master | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:19.






























For more infomation >> Ryan Phillippe Is A Crutch Master | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:19.


Gabriele Grunewald - I Am Beautiful | Episode 6 | Cosmopolitan - Duration: 3:20.

I had a small bump underneath my ear on the left side of my neck.

I had gone in to see the ENT doctor.

They did the biopsy that day and it was cancerous.

I've been a life-long Minnesota runner and have been excited to continue my career here,

training in Minneapolis with Team USA Minnesota.

I grew up in Perham, Minnesota.

It's a town about about 3,000 people.

When I got to high school, running became a little bit more serious for me, getting

to higher levels of competition and setting new goals.

I knew that running was something that was going to be a lifestyle for me.

Before I got diagnosed, I ran on the track teams at the University of Minnesota.

I would compete in cross country in the fall,

and indoor track and outdoor track in the spring.

I found out at a track meet at Arizona State, sitting in the lobby with my teammates just

working on homework and that's when I got a call from my doctor.

She told me that the tumor on my neck was indeed cancer.

In that moment, I had a swirl of different thoughts, but as a 22-year-old, I think I

mainly thought I was gonna get through it.

I was getting some of my follow up scans done from my first diagnosis,

and they found thyroid cancer.

I was not prepared to become a two-time cancer survivor so quickly.

I recovered from the surgery and I did the treatment and I started running again.

I think the third time was the worst by far.

They told me I had a large lesion on my liver, and it turned out to be cancer.

I had a surgery to remove half of my liver,

and I have about a 12-inch scar across my abdomen.

It's unknown territory.

I am not sure how many healthy years I have left, so right now my biggest focus is living

the best life that I can today.

I know it does't look like a lot with my performance, but it's like, it just means a lot to still

stay connected to the sport.

My husband has been around since the very beginning of my cancer journey and I would

be lying if I said it was 100% a smooth ride.

Shake it, shake it!


We're at a life phase where people are, our friends are getting married and having kids

and I think the hardest thing for us is just the uncertainty of, are we going to start

a family, or am I going to be here in five or 10 years?

It's definitely changed our perspective on how to plan for our future, but it also makes

us appreciate each day.

When I think about the future, I am definitely scared about

what it holds in terms of my health.

I worked really hard in those years after my first two bouts with cancer to try to

have my running be bigger than my cancer, so that people would ask me about my running

and my racing rather than my cancer.

I'm not going to fight this label.

I'm just gonna do my best to be the best cancer surviving runner that I can be.

I'm Gabriele Grunewald.

I'm 31 years old, and I am beautiful.

For more infomation >> Gabriele Grunewald - I Am Beautiful | Episode 6 | Cosmopolitan - Duration: 3:20.


【LenKa Fandubs】 Kimi No Na Wa OST - Nandemonaiya 『Fandub Español』 + MP3 - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> 【LenKa Fandubs】 Kimi No Na Wa OST - Nandemonaiya 『Fandub Español』 + MP3 - Duration: 2:32.


Wheels on The Bus go Round and Round Songs Compilation for Kids, Color Bus for Children with Songs - Duration: 10:06.

Wheels on The Bus go Round and round Songs Compilation for Kids, Color Bus for Children with Songs

For more infomation >> Wheels on The Bus go Round and Round Songs Compilation for Kids, Color Bus for Children with Songs - Duration: 10:06.


Nipple Piercing UPDATE || My Dad Found Out - Duration: 6:21.

Nipple Piercing UPDATE || My Dad Found Out by Victoria X Rave

hi guys its Victoria X Rave here what's up I'm gonna follow up video on my

nipple piercing an update on my nipple piercing because a lot of people have

been asking me how it's bad how are you how's your nipple I'm like thanks for

asking my nipples fine I asked on Twitter for you guys to send me in some

questions it's been about two weeks since I've gotten it done I feel like it

it's fine it is the easiest piercing I have ever had and I could say that with

all honesty not that I'm not honest before but and to be honest in all

honesty honestly literally quite frankly look palm-trees I'm so Kelly I'm so

Kelly I went in on a day where they're having a special on piercings

I got it pierced for like $25 it was really easy you can see the video I

actually filmed the whole entire process like it didn't even hurt that bad it was

kind of like a pinch I was more awkwarded out because it was flashing

all my flashing my friends I'll just wing it in the tattoo artist so like

well we're all bonded now and we are bonded now oh I got it pierced I was

able to wear clothes I can still work out with it I don't really need to wear

bras that much because like my boobs aren't huge or anything so like I can

get away with it perks of having small boobs vu and I Jason are you gonna do

the other the answer is I can't afford it

I'm gonna be starting a donation fund it's really serious cause gets

victoria's other nipple pierced it's all lonely over there with just one now

probably not I just gonna keep the one done I don't need to why do I do - why

do I need one I was gonna take it out afterwards because I'm just gonna make a

video about it and then take it out it's kind of like a relationship you kind of

like go in test it out a little bit is it worth it is it convenient does it

hurt too much if not yes okay sure let's continue with this do you think people

will think you're more sexual for having it or do you think it's like any other

not piercing non-sexual I people always have their judgments they already judge

me and also no one really knows that I have it unless there's like super super

intimate with me which is not a lot of people and the people that are are like

really close to me so they're not gonna judge me in that way so really well you

know what I did put it out on the internet so kind of everybody kind of

does know they're probably gonna judge me even more so for it but people have

been pretty nice about it they haven't been too judgmental and I appreciate

that Thanks I'm already getting judged

anyways so what does it matter Cody asks how big do your nipples have

to be for to get them because I have really small

nipples I hope you don't mind Cody but I'm gonna like put you on camera here

just to show that the nipples he's allowed to show his but guess what

you're in luck I don't think it matters the size I'm not a nipple piercing

expert I'm not certified sorry but I think that you could you could do it you

could pull it off so you should try it go for it is it really that big in

fashion nowadays to have nipple piercings I don't think so

I I don't follow fashion trends so I'm just kind of over here doing my own

little thing like what the fuck true yeah good question um what I don't know

why do you have them well I just have one basically just for YouTube views

whoa I'm sorry yeah you're a sellout sellout on YouTube views well you're

right I didn't even think about it like that you're horrible

you're an awful human being you should die oh okay well I'm gonna go jump off


gotcha do you regret it and how is the healing process no I don't regret it

it's just one of those things I really honestly don't think about haven't

thought about but healing process super super easy hasn't hurt me at all so I

just got caught once on like an edit shirt but other than that I haven't

gotten a caught on anything and it's been totally fine hasn't really caused

me any problems at all low risk type of piercing you know I

mean this is my my favorite question what was your dad's reaction well you

know what I I wish I could say that my dad didn't know about it I wish I could

say that but my dad lives back in Pennsylvania and he's very conservative

and I posted it on my Facebook page which I you normally don't normally

never even use Facebook but if you guys want to go follow it's victorious rave

go look it up and follow my facebook page

father friendly its father friendly I didn't know he could even knew how to

look up that page so he saw the video of me getting it pierced and I don't think

I can go home now but my dad's reaction was Sodom and Gomorrah he thinks I'm an

evil person I think I don't know I don't really talk to my dad much anyways but I

will let you know what he has to say to me whatever I see him it's gonna be oh

it's gonna be a lot of fun it's so much fun you know

yeah what reminds you it's they're the most demands your attention to it oh

it's an interesting question good good job I am what I take my shirt off of

like oh hi - I see it I'm like oh yeah I mean I don't see it nobody else sees it

it's kind of just a hidden thing which I never get hit in piercings or tattoos

I have very minimal hidden tattoos and I don't have any other hidden piercings

just you know besides that one though I don't like to hide things as you guys

know I'm very you go that is for what it is and there you have it healing healing

process it's already pretty much all good all the way healed didn't have any

problems it bled a tiny bit but other than that that's all there really is to

say about it it's pretty easy like for someone who goes to the gym a lot

sometimes wears tight sports bras and whatever hasn't been a problem I hope

you enjoyed talking about my nipples it was it's really weird for me because

I like to keep it class and keep it modest but I feel like since everybody

has nipples everybody can relate and I I don't feel like it's a it's a trashy

thing to talk about is it comment below what do you think that it can be classy

or trashy or just neither it's just there let me know in the comments below

any pure scenes you think that would look good on me because you know I'm

open coming below I always read all your comments and a comment right back let's

try to get this video to a lot of likes because I'm gonna watch your

affirmations for the Los Angeles everyone here the fake and a flake and

they don't like me sorry yeah can we get up to 500 likes

maybe I don't know makes you subscribe right here I upload almost daily whoa

good job Victoria you know play hide and seek real quick alright got this sucker

in game it's Ella got Nancy look familiar

Nipple Piercing UPDATE || My Dad Found Out by Victoria X Rave

For more infomation >> Nipple Piercing UPDATE || My Dad Found Out - Duration: 6:21.



For more infomation >> YOU WILL MAKE THOUSANDS OF FIFA 18 COINS BY DOING THIS TODAY... 🔥 - Duration: 14:09.


Gianluca - Habitación del Tiempo (prod. Rehm) - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Gianluca - Habitación del Tiempo (prod. Rehm) - Duration: 1:55.


Protecting your plants from the seasonal chill - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Protecting your plants from the seasonal chill - Duration: 1:40.


Symphony for a New Earth - Episode 5 (French & English Subtitles) - Duration: 16:23.

We got out of this strange sleep, thanks to Iouri and his friends.

Let's have the girl's ship repaired !



She's right, Iouri.

You'll be able to discover other worlds...

Meet other people.

I am Iouri.

Hey Greenblood, if you dare sell that kind of junk,

I send you Kenda to chop off the small stuff you have in your pants.

D'you realize who you're speaking to, you maggot ?

Your crown has no power here.

On this rock,

you're as important as a Krokek egg !

You're lucky I have no more weapons, otherwise,

I would have cut you from here to there,

and I would have made a necklace out of your guts !

Yes !

Of course, Little Prince !

Excuse me.

Who are you ?

I'm Iouri.

And I thought I was the only one who spoke this language.

Where do you come from ?

From there.

Oswara, that hellhole ?

I thought there was nothing there but farmers...

Actually, I live there.

But I come from Planet Earth.

Planet Earth ?

You're a human ?

Yes, well, I think so.

If that's the way they're called.

That's the best one I've ever heard !

You're human too, aren't you ?

We have things in common, but no. I'm not.

Planet Earth was the cradle of many ethnic origins.

It has often been visited by different species.

On Eden Prime, where I'm from,

we've got plenty of documents and books about your planet.

For thousand of years, we have studied your civilization,

and learned your language.

Why us ?

We have the technology but you had a culture

and many more interresting arts.

All the Eden Prime's families speak your language.

You, just leave the others out of it.

Or I'll break your nose.

In my clan, well,

let's say we've got some... misunderstandings

with the other families.

Iouri, I'll buy you and your friend

a drink, if you tell me your story.

Me..I must go back to Eden Prime.

I will tell my brother about you.

He will probably come and see you soon.


I hope this will be a kind visit.

Sure, everybody knows he's much friendlier than I am...

For sure !


Let's sort this out later.

See ya Iouri. It has been nice to meet you.

Yeah, me too.

I guess...

Did you resell your trifle ?

Yes, 25 credits !

Not bad.

Well Iouri, your story...

is an unusual one !

What about your friend's planet, then ?

Eden Prime, is that right ?

Paul ? Oh he's not my friend !

He's just a pretentious Prince and a pushy.

He's the youngest of the Greenblood's heirs.

Eden Prime belongs to three families who share the lands

but they are fighting for the same thing.

What thing ?

An old ruin, they call "The Arch"

which was built by a lost civilization.

I heard that it has some

magic powers, but I don't believe it.

They're old legends.


I'm gonna start a little skill game,

very soon

into the asteroid's core.

The winner gets an oxyom necklace.

If you wanna take part in it, you're welcome.

Okay, but what the hell should I do with a necklace ?

Perhaps you could offer it to your friend...

Why not. It's a good idea.

Okay !

Well.. Come on ! I'll sign you up.

I'll be back.

He's coming back soon.

The rules are simple.

One target.

Five shots. Five levels.

The first is the simple target.

Ach step makes you a harder difficulty

to shoot in the center.

If you miss the shot,

you'll be paralyzed by a light beam.

If you don't shoot before the end of the countdown,

same way.

Ladies & Gentlemen !

Let the game begins !

Step one.


Three to the end !

Good ! Let's go to the second step !


Four to the end !


One of you will sleep a few minutes !

Step three.


Four to the end !

Step four.

Hold your nerves !


Three to the end !

What ?

Are you serious ?

Oh shit.

Iouri, my dear, hurry up !

Shut up...

Well, well, well...

Ready for the last one ?

An oxyom necklace is not easy to win !

For sure...

So let's go !


Two to the end !



You have it...

Well done !

Well done man !

I think he likes you a lot...

Thank you, Iouri.

Where do you wanna go ?

You're a quick learner !


We could just fly over my planet ?

Fly ?

Over Oswara !

Oh ! Yes ok !

Why did you kiss me earlier ?

Kiss ?

You don't know why ?

I don't know what that means to you...


It doesn't matter...

You and I...


And I.


If you want to.


Just tell me if you want to...

To land ?

Yeah !

Right there !

Look ! I've never seen so much water !

You won't understand what I'm about to say but...


Since the crash on this planet

in the escape pod that was carrying me

my mother

and the ship's engineer, I've never seen anything

but the village, and the camp.

I've never met someone like you.

You make me discover new feelings.

Everything is new for me.

You, your ship,

the people we met, even this water.

All of this, I owe this.

I don"t know if...

this word my mother used towards my father

is what I feel for you...

But I love you...

For more infomation >> Symphony for a New Earth - Episode 5 (French & English Subtitles) - Duration: 16:23.


Htop Music Live | edm, Gaming music | Live Sub Counts - Duration: 11:55:01.

Htop Music Live | edm, Gaming music | Live Sub Counts

For more infomation >> Htop Music Live | edm, Gaming music | Live Sub Counts - Duration: 11:55:01.


7 Rarest Animals In The World - Duration: 6:09.

7 Rarest Animals In The World.

Number 7.

Named after the famous scientist Charles Darwin, who discovered the species in 1834, Darwin's

fox is found only in Chile in two places: the Nahuelbuta National Park and the island

of Chiloe.

Dark in color with short legs, this carnivorous creature is active mostly at twilight and


These carnivores creatures are considered an "umbrella species," which means that protecting

them and their temperate forest homes helps preserve the entire ecosystem.

These foxes are threatened by habitat loss, hunting, and non-native species, particularly

domestic dogs.

Number 6.

Ili pika is a small mammal (only 7-8 inches long) that's native to the Tianshan mountain

range of the remote Xinjiang region of China.

Living on sloping bare rock faces and feeding on grasses at high elevations, this little

creature is very rare, there are less than 1,000 left.

The species was only discovered in 1983, but its numbers have declined by almost 70% since


This is because its habitat is being drastically affected by climate change.

Rising temperatures have forced the pikas to retreat up into the mountain tops.

In addition, grazing pressure from livestock and air pollution have likely contributed

to their decline.

Number 5.

First discovered in 1958, the vaquita, also known as the Gulf of California harbor porpoise,

is the smallest cetacean, an order of animals that include whales, dolphins, and porpoises.

Only about five feet long, this porpoise has a gray body, a pale gray or white belly, a

dark patch around its eyes, and dark patches forming a line from its mouth to its pectoral


As the world's rarest marine mammal, the vaquita is on the edge of extinction, only about 60

of these animals remain.

This marks a 40% decrease in their population since 2014.

These little porpoises are often caught and drowned in gill-nets used by illegal fishing

operations within Mexico's Gulf of California.

Because there are so few left and they are confined to such a small region, they may

also be vulnerable to climate change, as warming temperatures could affect their food availability

and habitat conditions.

Number 4.

The solitary and nocturnal Amur leopard is one of the world's most endangered wild cats.

It has a thick yellow or rusty orange coat with long dense hair, and can weigh up to

120 pounds.

It can leap more than 19 feet, and it can run at speeds up to 37 miles per hour.

Today, it is found only in the Amur River basin of eastern Russia, having already gone

extinct from China and the Korean Peninsula.

There are around 60 amur leopards left in the wild.

The wild cat faces numerous threats to its survival, including encroaching human populations,

poaching, and climate change.

Number 3.

As the only Asian rhino with two horns, the Sumatran rhinoceros is the smallest of the

rhino family, living in isolated pockets of dense mountain forests in Malaysia, Indonesia

and possibly Myanmar (Burma).

They are recognizable because they are covered in long hair, which helps keep mud caked to

their body to cool them and protect them from insects.

They are one of the most endangered rhinos in the world, along with the Javan rhino,

with maybe only 220-275 Sumatran rhinos left in the world.

Greatly threatened by poaching, they are, like other rhinos, hunted for their horns.

There is no indication that the population is stable and only two captive females have

reproduced in the last 15 years.

Number 2.

This adorable rodent, red-crested tree rat, only known because of the existence of two

specimens captured in Colombia in 1898, hadn't been seen for over a century and was feared


That is until one simply ambled up to a pair of biologists in May 2011 while they were

camping in the field.

The creature even stuck around for a photo shoot before wandering back into the dark


Distinctive for a fiery-red patch of fur on its head, the red-crested tree rat is as cute

as it gets.

One can only hope that it will not disappear again for another 100 years.

It's impossible to say from this single finding how many individuals exist, but given that

extensive searches for the animal have turned up nothing until now, it's safe to say that

it's extremely rare.

Where there's one, there are probably others.

Number 1.

First discovered in May 1992, the saola is often called the "Asian unicorn."

It is a rarely-seen, critically endangered mammal.

In fact, it is so rare (and so elusive) that scientists have only seen it in the wild four

times, causing us to know very little about the creature.

Both male and female saolas have two parallel horns on their heads, they have white markings

on their face, and they sort of look like antelopes (though they are actually cousins

of cattle).

They live only in the the forests of Annamite mountains in Vietnam and Laos.

Saolas are threatened by hunting and the continued fragmentation of their habitat as a result

of human activities, such as the building of roads.

For more infomation >> 7 Rarest Animals In The World - Duration: 6:09.


Vlog 006/// FIRST SNOW - Duration: 11:52.

good morning

now is 5pm. just woke up

now we gooing to airport

travel starts again

and then i will Norway

i will be flying alone because my teammates are already there

there we will be skiing , so iam so excited (ye, right)

just came to airport

now i need go to line

we will fly to Oslo

there is line

i dont know why people standing there for so long

came to Oslo

fly was ok, almost slept for all time

all goood

now i will go to Lillehamer

i just need to find train and buy tickets

so let's do it

found train station, bought ticket, cost 300 krons , i don't know how much is it

now i'm in track 1

and we leaving in 7 minutes

found my seat

at first i went to wrong place and said him that this is my seat

what a fail

it's ok, now i found and 1hour to go

arrived to Lillehamer

now 20 km more to sjusjoen where we live

with mom, she came for me (aww)

just arrived to our new home

same place where i was last year

here where i will live with Modestas

not biggest room, but ok

anyway i think most of the time we will spend in living room

here is room of three

i wear this because my leg hurts

almost ready for workout

now all i need is to make drink

made drink with honey and minerals

you already ready Deividas?


so you will be skiing or roller skiing?

i will be skiiing

so wait, i allso need inventory

here is when you haven't charged your watch before workout

the you do it with powerbank

here is our room of skis

there is everything you need , skis, poles....

we have skis, poles, let's go

now we need roller skis

i will take free style roller skis

and we going to do both

this one goes here

it will charge till we go

that don't need much

not often you can see sun here, so we lucky that sun is shining today

now we roller sking because it's pretty far till track

and our boots wont wear out so soon

faster and more economic

when reach hights in sport, in this case 3 times Olympic champion

then you can live ir ur own truck

just need to arive to track

and here is snow beeing made

even at PLUS degrees they makin snow

sick, right?

last year i also were here, so track was in this place

and now it's in other place

came to track

now wr going to stand on skis

watch is charged (not much needed)

let's unpack skis

now iam ready to ski

this thing is making track here for us

it's pooling snow and stuff..

here is biathletes shooting

yesterday here was less snow, right?

ye, they did it today

ok, let's go ski

For more infomation >> Vlog 006/// FIRST SNOW - Duration: 11:52.


#Chelsea transfer news: MK Dons defender Callum Brittain chased by Blues and Tottenham - Duration: 3:13.

Chelsea transfer news: MK Dons defender Callum Brittain chased by Blues and Tottenham

CHELSEA and Tottenham are set to battle it out for teenage MK Dons defender Callum Brittain.

The highly-rated young full-back has been tracked by the London rivals as he has turned in a series of impressive displays in League One.

MK Dons defender Callum Brittain is being tracked by Chelsea and Tottenham.

The 19-year-old has become a permanent fixture in the MK Dons side since making the breakthrough into the first team last season.

And his displays have caught the attention of both Chelsea and Spurs, who have sent scouts to watch him in action several times this season, according to the Mail.

Brittains performances have also caught the eye of the England set-up, and he has been called up to the under-20 squad this season.

He set up two goals in an impressive display in the 5-1 win over Italy earlier this month, and then came on as substitute in the 4-0 victory over Czech Republic.

Callum Brittain has impressed since making his debut at MK Dons last year.

MK Dons manager Robbie Neilson is keen to keep the youngster at his club.

But his progress since making the first team at MK Dons has caused the club some problems, with his existing deal due to run out at the end of the season.

The League One club would love to tie him down to a longer term contract in an effort to ward off interest from clubs in higher divisions.

But they are aware they are vulnerable to him being snatched from them as a free agent at the end of the season.

Because he is under the age of 24, any club looking to sign him would have to pay a compensation fee - but that will not frighten off Premier League clubs.

And with Spurs and Chelsea both showing a big interest, Brittain knows he has other options open to him on top of staying with MK Dons.

Tottenham have had success taking a player from the club in recent years, having picked up Dele Alli from there at a similar stage in his career.

Tottenham signed Dele Alli from MK Dons.

And the progress Alli has made since making the switch to the North London club is evidence they are willing to give opportunities to young players.

Chelsea have less recent history for bringing youngsters into their first team squad, but they do have an excellent reputation for training teenagers on.

For more infomation >> #Chelsea transfer news: MK Dons defender Callum Brittain chased by Blues and Tottenham - Duration: 3:13.





👑👑 [Afro-House] - Vany-Fox Beat'z - Kikuxi - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 👑👑 [Afro-House] - Vany-Fox Beat'z - Kikuxi - Duration: 3:16.


Auf Buchmesse: Patrica Blanco greift Vater Roberto an! - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Auf Buchmesse: Patrica Blanco greift Vater Roberto an! - Duration: 2:04.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Wheels on The Bus go Round and Round Songs Compilation for Kids, Color Bus for Children with Songs - Duration: 10:06.

Wheels on The Bus go Round and round Songs Compilation for Kids, Color Bus for Children with Songs

For more infomation >> Wheels on The Bus go Round and Round Songs Compilation for Kids, Color Bus for Children with Songs - Duration: 10:06.


For more infomation >> Wheels on The Bus go Round and Round Songs Compilation for Kids, Color Bus for Children with Songs - Duration: 10:06.


Clip Cheba Warda Charlomanté - Jamais La Yfoutni Live Khaima Des Andalouses 2017 © By Kamel Patchika - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Clip Cheba Warda Charlomanté - Jamais La Yfoutni Live Khaima Des Andalouses 2017 © By Kamel Patchika - Duration: 5:10.


For more infomation >> Clip Cheba Warda Charlomanté - Jamais La Yfoutni Live Khaima Des Andalouses 2017 © By Kamel Patchika - Duration: 5:10.


TwitchCon event will be strea...

For more infomation >> TwitchCon event will be strea...


Wilbur Sargunaraj: MIGRANTS المهاجرين - Feat Tamman 'Syrian Refugee Rapper' - Duration: 4:57.

Stop for a minute and listen to me now!

So many of us dying you ask me really how?

We're crossing over oceans leaving everything behind

Drifting in our Dinghies new lands of peace to find

Throw me a lifejacket I'm crossing sea

I'm running from a war just want to be free

I am not a migrant a human can't you see

Break the walls let me in together you and me

Ma Ma Ma Migrants I'm crossing sea

Ma Ma Ma Migrants want to be free

Ma Ma Ma Migrants I'm human can't you see

Ma Ma Ma Migrants together you and me

You compare us to some candy some sweet but some that kill

It's time to face your bias we're not terrorists! Hey chill!

You get so sad and teary when we wash upon your shore

It's time to take some action the world needs to do much more

Throw me a lifejacket I'm crossing sea

I'm running from a war just want to be free

I am not a migrant a human can't you see?

Break the walls let me in together you and me!

Ma Ma Ma Migrants I'm crossing sea

Ma Ma Ma Migrants want to be free

Ma Ma Ma Migrants I'm human can't you see

Ma Ma Ma Migrants together you and me

Yo Syrian Refugee Rapper! Lets Break Some down!

Throw me a lifejacket I'm crossing sea

I'm running from a war just want to be free

I am not a migrant a human can't you see

Break the walls let me in together you and me

Ma Ma Ma Migrants I'm crossing sea

Ma Ma Ma Migrants want to be free

Ma Ma Ma Migrants I'm human can't you see

Ma Ma Ma Migrants together you and me

Ma Ma Ma Migrants I'm crossing sea

Ma Ma Ma Migrants want to be free

Ma Ma Ma Migrants I'm human can't you see

Ma Ma Ma Migrants together you and me!

For more infomation >> Wilbur Sargunaraj: MIGRANTS المهاجرين - Feat Tamman 'Syrian Refugee Rapper' - Duration: 4:57.


What I Didn't Realize About The Switch - Duration: 12:26.

[Hellsing Abridged clip]


Fine, so in the past year or so since it's announcement, I admit, I've been a bit of

a... "negative nancy" let's say when it comes to the Switch.

But despite that, over the past few months, my desire to own one has been skyrocketing,

so obviously it's doing something right, right?

So with this video, I wanna look at all the reasons I was initially hesitant, and see

if they've improved any.

My main concern was that I was worried the Switch would just be another Wii U.

Now when I say that I mean several things, because the Wii U failed in a lot of ways.

The Wii U was a console without an identity or purpose, and all it's gimmicks only made

things worse.

Back when it was released, it was just about equivalent in power to the PS3 and Xbox 360,

both of which were less than a year away from being superseded by their successors, so AAA

devs soon found the system to be too lacking in power to port anything to.

If you wanted to make anything releasing around that time like Tomb Raider, GTA 5 or Advanced

Warfare run on the Wii U, it would've required massive visual downgrades, and not only does

that make buying the game on that console less appealing, but making those lower res

textures and figuring out that specific systems optimization takes time that most devs didn't

want to spend.

And so, the system got next to no AAA games.

As for indies, I can't speak for why the Wii U didn't get many of those, but the

potential reasons are as numerous as they are varied, from Nintendo's past issues

working with 3rd party companies, to the system never getting a big enough install base to

make porting their games worth it, to it just being difficult to get their games running

on the Wii U's hardware for whatever reasons.

I don't know, not a game dev, but suffice it to say, whatever its specific failings,

the system barely got any indie games, which left only the Nintendo developed first party

titles as the system sellers.

And we got a few of those.

Bayonetta 2, Splatoon... uh... that's literally it.

The only two other things I can think of are Smash which also came out on 3DS, and Breath

of the WIld which also came out on Switch.

Which uh... wow, that's actually kinda sad.'

The Wii U also had marketability problems.

It's infamously awful name is partly to blame, with a lot of people thinking it was

just an attachment for their long forgotten Wii, and those issues were only confounded

by the inclusion of the tablet controller which was inventing solutions for problems

that didn't exist.

But beyond the marketing, it's biggest issue was its image.

What was the benefit of buying a Wii U over a PS4 or XBOX One?

Aside from specific first party IP, there was nothing that it allow you to do that you

couldn't get elsewhere and probably better.

So Nintendo's inability to woo 3rd party developers with their underpowered console

resulted in precious few games, and that combined with basically no exclusives worth spending

the $300 for and a lack of clear focus, the console was dead in the water the second it

hit store shelves.

Which brings me to the Switch.

Now as I said, when it was announced I was worried it was falling into a lot of the same


The complete portability aspect was interesting, but brought with it a whole minefield of issues.

Now you had concerns about battery life, weight, and whether anyone even wanted to play a longform

game on the go?

Also, because it was portable console, it was by necessity even less powerful than the

already underpowered Wii U.

To me this was a clear indication that no AAA games of note would ever be released on

it, an impression not helped by the fact that all the had to boast about in that regard

for the longest time was Skyrim, a 5 year old game.

Now, I do still think I'm right about that.

Granted we have gotten port announcements of DOOM 2016 and more notably the currently

unreleased Wolfenstein The New Colossus, but outside of whatever backroom deal Nintendo

and Bethesda have going on, I don't think we should expect to see that trend continue.

I very much doubt that the Switch will be the console of the choice for the next Call

of Duty game, for example.

It's still underpowered which means porting the hottest newest shiniest things to it is

still a massive pain in the ass.

But recently I've had a revelation that's massively changed my outlook on the Switch:

Nintendo is no longer interested in competing in the console wars.

I don't think Nintendo gives a shit that the next Call of Duty game won't be on the

Switch, because they've turned their attention in a different direction.

You see, I think Nintendo realized that while they were messing about with the Wii, Sony

and Microsoft were busy stealing the hardcore audience out from under them.

The Wii U then was their attempt to reclaim that lost audience, and as we saw it failed


My problem was that I was looking at the Switch as another attempt to recapture that audience,

and in that light it fails miserably.

But in reality I think that the Switch is actually Nintendo throwing up their hands

in defeat.

Rather than weakly attempting to compete with Sony and Microsoft anymore, I think Nintendo

is redoubling their efforts to focus on what they've always been the best at: handheld

gaming, with a system that technically counts as a home console but is really just a fancy

portable system.

They're now positioning the Switch as a companion device to the PS4, XBOX One, and

PC, rather than as a competitor to them.

To me, that completely recontextualizes how I view the Switch.

Suddenly, not having big AAA's doesn't matter anymore, and any one's that you do

get are just icing on the cake.

What really matters for a mobile gaming device, is having games that you would want to play

in short bursts while on a bus or in a car, and that brings us to the best thing about

the Switch currently, the indie games.

Over the past few months, we've been drowned in an ongoing tidal wave of indy port announcements,

and that doesn't show any sign of slowing down.

From Stardew Valley, Enter The Gungeon, Hollow Knight, Rocket League, Shovel Knight, and

many more.

And this is just the beginning.

I honestly think the Switch is gonna become a haven for indie games in the coming years,

partially because I've been told it's generally easier to port games to the Switch,

but mostly because of the portability aspect.

If you think about it, the portability factor alone is a huge selling point, and indie games

are both generally shorter and snappier than AAA games, and aren't prone to pushing the

boundaries of graphics hardware in the same ways.

To indie devs, releasing your game for the Switch means that a lot of your customers

have a reason to buy your game twice.

The console is also a natural fit for local multiplayer games because of the portability,

and the two controllers you're guaranteed to have with you at all times, which means

that great couch-co-op games like Lovers in A Dangerous Spacetime or Overcooked which

did terribly on PC, finally have a chance to shine!

And along with the indie stuff, you also have Nintendo's usual main series games, and

practically all of their big franchises are already confirmed to have new games coming

to it.

All of that combined means that recently, my interest in owning a Switch has skyrocketed

Of course I still have my reservations.

At the moment it seems pretty lacking on the software side of things.

I can't believe a console in #CurrentYear launched without YouTube or Netflix built


Think about that.

There are refrigerators and blenders that are more ahead of the curve than Nintendo

right now.

And on that topic, Splatoon 2 resorting to using a phone app for voice chat might be

the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.

I admit, I don't particularly care about voice chat myself because if I wanted to hear

nonstop racial slurs mixed in with video game sounds I would just go watch PewDiePie, but

the fact that they had to resort to this to do something that consoles had mastered back

in the days of the Dreamcast, shows' just how behind the times Nintendo as a company

really are.

There's also general concerns about battery life.

Yeah it seems like what it's got is perfectly fine for general use, but for long car rides,

flying, or if you're like me and just routinely forget to plug your shit in, you run the risk

of it dying pretty fast.

Now I can understand them wanting to stick with the bare necessities to keep the cost

low, but if that was the case, I would have expected them to let you switch the battery

out for a better one if you so chose, but you can't actually do that.

It angers me enough that my phone that lasts for 2 days without charging doesn't have

a hot swappable battery, let alone something that can die after 2 hours.

And also as I've brought up before, I would still like to see Nintendo slowly phase out

the DS's and just merge their usual two consoles into the one.

That means twice as many games, not having to lug around two devices, and also means

that you'd only have to spend $300 to play Nintendo games as opposed to $500.

Obviously we'll still be getting 3DS games for a few more years yet, but I really do

hope that this current iteration of the 3DS is the last one before we permanently hop

aboard the Switch train.

But all that's pretty small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, and if they can

get it ironed out, I think Nintendo will have finally carved themselves a comfy little niche

in mainstream gaming for the first time since the Nintendo 64.

Not as a direct competitor to the current triforce of PC, PS4, and XBOX, but as a companion

device that capitalizes on offering an experience none of the others can.

So congratulations must be given to Nintendo for having successfully Switched things up....

Ahhhh, I'm so clever.

Ayyyy, recomendations time!

So if you want to see why I'm so excited to reply indie games on this thing, go check

out some of my videos on them, like "The Most Interesting Thing About Enter The Gungeon",

or "How Hollow Knight Captured The Magic Of Dark Souls".

Alternatively, I made a video speculating about what that new Switch Pokemon game might

be like, and what we can expect from it - all linked below.

Finally, I wanna give a special thanks to my wonderful Patreon patrons...

For more infomation >> What I Didn't Realize About The Switch - Duration: 12:26.


Inktober starting to get hard... - Weekly Art Vlog #3 - Duration: 13:51.

Hello! It's Monday morning and have to go to the post office to send all of these pins.

I just realized I'm not even sure I've shown you the pins from up close

In my vlog. I mean, I took so many pictures that maybe I thought I did.

Do you have a favorite? I think my favorite is the Fox one but I really

love how the otter turned out. I mean I loved the others as well, but I don't

know... So, so happy that they look good

I am working on my Inktober piece of the day, as usual, and I kinda like this one but I

think it's very difficult to give the impression that she is bending over.

I think I missed something and honestly I think that's because of the cape. Without the

Cape, I think it was working better.

But anyway, I'm gonna let it dry a little bit, erase the pencil lines, then scan it and then color it.

I don't think you've seen, but this is the drawing that I made yesterday.

And this is the drawing for today.

I've been quite bad at vlogging today it's already

10:00 p.m. but I'm just gonna show you a bit of progress. So those are all the

good pins. This is what I need to review that my sisters and my mom put in cards

and plastic bags for me. Those are the pins that still need to be pinned down on

cards and those are the one with slight flaws or spots that I need to remove

with my acetone free nail polish remover. I tried it on one of mine and this

worked really well. Now I know it's safe and I'm gonna use it on the others

because some are in those boxes but could be in those ones. They just have one or two spots.

Also, I'm going to do my Inktober piece I haven't started yet

but I thought it would be nice to have a look at all my drawings for Inktober so far.

And the theme for today is 'Gigantic', so I need to find an idea and do it in less than 2 hours.

This is the drawing that I have so far.I ended up doing a very big witch and I added

some little people, in little houses for the scale.

It's midnight and I'm done. This one is definitely a bit more rushed than other days.

I still think it's kind of cute and at least I made something. That's the most important

thing for me in Inktober, is that I get to draw everyday. So, it might not be the best

but it's okay.

I've got my little sketch for the created a doodle.

The prompt is 'haunted house' and I'm going to do this quickly while I'm waiting for my drawing

to be able to dry and then I'm gonna take picture, post them on my Instagram

and go to bed.

Hello everyone! It's Wednesday and I'm starting the day by

sketching all my ideas for the 'create day challenge', not sure I'm gonna keep

everything but at least it will help me move faster.

And I'm done with my inktober sketch as well. This one I struggled to do so much because I don't

think I've ever really drew a running person. I'm not sure it works...

But yeah... at least I tried. I think what I'm bothered about is that her waist

looks really thin compared to what I usually draw.

Hello everyone, It's thurday. It's already 4:00 p.m. and I honestly completely

forgot about vlogging this morning. I went to the bank to open a account just

for my business. And I have to draw, I have to do my inktober like every day so

the theme today is 'shattered'

I was getting ready to shoot my picture of the day and look who I found.

Nym... [makes noises with mouth]

Hello, it's Saturday! So yesterday I completely forgot to vlog and besides it

wasn't even a good day for me. So this should have been drawn on

Thursday and this yesterday on Friday. I didn't do any of those so I'm gonna

combine them and post them today. And I'm not gonna draw this today but

I'm gonna combine with this one and post it tomorrow, basically I'm gonna combine

now every time two prompts and post it on one day like every two days

I do think it's harder and harder to find ideas and sometime to find the time to draw.

I love using those little flakies to decorate but the hard part is

always putting them back in the bag.

This is completely unrelated to my art but

basically I went to a shop in Paris, a anime and manga shop, and they add this

Sailor Moon lottery thingy. So I bought 5 tickets and those are all the prizes

that I got. So I had this one twice so I left it there for them to try and switch

with somebody else. But yes this is what I got. I think it's

so cute! Yep and on that note I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow!

Hello everyone it's Sunday! So I took out some of my drawings from July, August and September.

So those are out because I'm gonna film a video for a sketchbook/Art folder tour, the third

of the year. I'm a bit late but I'm gonna film this, this is going on my channel on

Wednesday. I'm gonna film this this afternoon.

And now I'm gonna sketch my inktober drawing of the day.

Uh... yeah. I'm probably gonna work a bit more today, and I will show you the result in

my next vlog, because I'm gonna end this weekly vlog here. Thank you for watching

and I will see you next time, bye!

For more infomation >> Inktober starting to get hard... - Weekly Art Vlog #3 - Duration: 13:51.


Jose Mourinho: Man Utd manager says he will not finish his career at the club - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Jose Mourinho: Man Utd manager says he will not finish his career at the club - Duration: 1:19.


Symphony for a New Earth - Episode 5 (French & English Subtitles) - Duration: 16:23.

We got out of this strange sleep, thanks to Iouri and his friends.

Let's have the girl's ship repaired !



She's right, Iouri.

You'll be able to discover other worlds...

Meet other people.

I am Iouri.

Hey Greenblood, if you dare sell that kind of junk,

I send you Kenda to chop off the small stuff you have in your pants.

D'you realize who you're speaking to, you maggot ?

Your crown has no power here.

On this rock,

you're as important as a Krokek egg !

You're lucky I have no more weapons, otherwise,

I would have cut you from here to there,

and I would have made a necklace out of your guts !

Yes !

Of course, Little Prince !

Excuse me.

Who are you ?

I'm Iouri.

And I thought I was the only one who spoke this language.

Where do you come from ?

From there.

Oswara, that hellhole ?

I thought there was nothing there but farmers...

Actually, I live there.

But I come from Planet Earth.

Planet Earth ?

You're a human ?

Yes, well, I think so.

If that's the way they're called.

That's the best one I've ever heard !

You're human too, aren't you ?

We have things in common, but no. I'm not.

Planet Earth was the cradle of many ethnic origins.

It has often been visited by different species.

On Eden Prime, where I'm from,

we've got plenty of documents and books about your planet.

For thousand of years, we have studied your civilization,

and learned your language.

Why us ?

We have the technology but you had a culture

and many more interresting arts.

All the Eden Prime's families speak your language.

You, just leave the others out of it.

Or I'll break your nose.

In my clan, well,

let's say we've got some... misunderstandings

with the other families.

Iouri, I'll buy you and your friend

a drink, if you tell me your story.

Me..I must go back to Eden Prime.

I will tell my brother about you.

He will probably come and see you soon.


I hope this will be a kind visit.

Sure, everybody knows he's much friendlier than I am...

For sure !


Let's sort this out later.

See ya Iouri. It has been nice to meet you.

Yeah, me too.

I guess...

Did you resell your trifle ?

Yes, 25 credits !

Not bad.

Well Iouri, your story...

is an unusual one !

What about your friend's planet, then ?

Eden Prime, is that right ?

Paul ? Oh he's not my friend !

He's just a pretentious Prince and a pushy.

He's the youngest of the Greenblood's heirs.

Eden Prime belongs to three families who share the lands

but they are fighting for the same thing.

What thing ?

An old ruin, they call "The Arch"

which was built by a lost civilization.

I heard that it has some

magic powers, but I don't believe it.

They're old legends.


I'm gonna start a little skill game,

very soon

into the asteroid's core.

The winner gets an oxyom necklace.

If you wanna take part in it, you're welcome.

Okay, but what the hell should I do with a necklace ?

Perhaps you could offer it to your friend...

Why not. It's a good idea.

Okay !

Well.. Come on ! I'll sign you up.

I'll be back.

He's coming back soon.

The rules are simple.

One target.

Five shots. Five levels.

The first is the simple target.

Ach step makes you a harder difficulty

to shoot in the center.

If you miss the shot,

you'll be paralyzed by a light beam.

If you don't shoot before the end of the countdown,

same way.

Ladies & Gentlemen !

Let the game begins !

Step one.


Three to the end !

Good ! Let's go to the second step !


Four to the end !


One of you will sleep a few minutes !

Step three.


Four to the end !

Step four.

Hold your nerves !


Three to the end !

What ?

Are you serious ?

Oh shit.

Iouri, my dear, hurry up !

Shut up...

Well, well, well...

Ready for the last one ?

An oxyom necklace is not easy to win !

For sure...

So let's go !


Two to the end !



You have it...

Well done !

Well done man !

I think he likes you a lot...

Thank you, Iouri.

Where do you wanna go ?

You're a quick learner !


We could just fly over my planet ?

Fly ?

Over Oswara !

Oh ! Yes ok !

Why did you kiss me earlier ?

Kiss ?

You don't know why ?

I don't know what that means to you...


It doesn't matter...

You and I...


And I.


If you want to.


Just tell me if you want to...

To land ?

Yeah !

Right there !

Look ! I've never seen so much water !

You won't understand what I'm about to say but...


Since the crash on this planet

in the escape pod that was carrying me

my mother

and the ship's engineer, I've never seen anything

but the village, and the camp.

I've never met someone like you.

You make me discover new feelings.

Everything is new for me.

You, your ship,

the people we met, even this water.

All of this, I owe this.

I don"t know if...

this word my mother used towards my father

is what I feel for you...

But I love you...

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