Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 16 2017

Choerry: Well, this is..

Choerry: The first day of our music video shooting!

JinSoul: We're waiting in the car!

(Kim Lip started to shooting first in LA downtown!)

#NowPlaying 'LOOΠΔ/ODD EYE CIRCLE - Girl Front'

JinSoul: Now shall we follow Lip?

Choerry: Do you want to go?

JinSoul: Let's go!

(The girls look excited to walk in a street of LA!)

JinSoul: You know,

JinSoul: This kind of place reminds me of like... a gangster.

JInSoul: You have to hold your head up.

Choerry: Booboobooboom~


(It's her rap part of 'Girl Front')

(What is this...)

Choerry: Don't make fun of me.

Choerry: Because I'm young~

(She feels embarrassed even more because of the camera!)

Choerry: I'm sorry...!

For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐구 #194 (LOONA TV #194) - Duration: 0:44.


Fear the Walking Dead: 'Wrapping Up Season 3' Behind the Scenes - Duration: 4:54.




Let's go!


Everything's going to hell.

Hurd: I love everything about Season 3.

The characters, the complexities...

are so powerful.

We've seen all of our characters change.

They found Nick. He's here.

From a story perspective, we wanted to define

mother, son, and daughter separately, as individuals.

And when we separated Madison from the kids,

that was with an intention

of forcing Madison to try to ask the question,

"In respective of my children,

what do I want to do to survive."


The other brother is not an option.

Are you prepared to handle him?

If it comes to that.

We see Madison in Season 3

really come into her own as the leader.

We want to secure a back-up supply of water

in case it's a hot summer.

We'll only be gone a couple of days.

She takes a lot of risks, a lot of gambles.

She understands the currency

is now sometimes, brutality and violence.

You trust the journey or you go back empty-handed.

In her absence, it falls on Nick and Alicia

to define their own philosophy in this world

and their own emotional connection to it,

and I think you see that in Alicia's rejection of Madison.

I can't just let you walk.

I'm not asking you, Mom. I'm telling you.

You can't force me on that truck.

This season, we really seen her go

from the Alicia that was a really competent girl

to going through some severe emotional trauma,

breaking her down, destroying her,

and then coming out the other side as her own person.

I need to find a way to live for myself.

So, where's it stop?

'Cause I think you might kill me if you didn't have a choice.

Erickson: And I think you see that

in Nicks' rejection in the finale.

One day, you'll have no choice.

You may have no choice...

with me.

Eagle 1 to base!

Eagle 1 to base! W--


We've had the most seminal losses this season.

[Beeping] Alicia: Travis, what are you doing?!


I really miss these actors

because we created this family.

[Exhales raggedly]


Dickens: The loss of Travis was devastating to Madison,

and I think you can see that

she carries it through the entire season.

Thank you.

This is my business to manage.

Dayton Callie brought Jeremiah Otto to life

in such a unique and powerful way.

All civilizations are born of violence

Even though you knew he was a bad guy,

there's something about that portrayal

that made you sort of understand him

and not want to see him go.

[Gunshot, shell clatters]

[Breathing heavily] You put me down.

Ophelia was a huge loss, for us as a cast, as well.

[Strained] Tell him I was really...

looking forward to getting to know him.

Ophelia would, if things had gone differently,

had an opportunity to reconnect with her father.

He's here.

No, no.

No. No!

Daniel Sharman created a riveting, layered,

complex character.

Debnam-Carey: Troy, even though he was a little psycho...

[Chuckles] a cast, we miss him. [Chuckles]


The losses are a part of this much bigger painting.

And then you have to, like, let it go.


We're going to see who's made it through

the destruction of the dam.

We know that Madison has made it.


I have no idea where this is going.

The ranch is gone.

Walker and Crazy Dog -- They're going north.


Strand and Alicia --

They're in that boat.



Season 3 -- I think it's been epic.

We've had a great time. We've been challenged to no end.

And Season 4, I think, is only gonna get better.

We're gonna up the game even more.


For more infomation >> Fear the Walking Dead: 'Wrapping Up Season 3' Behind the Scenes - Duration: 4:54.


Fear the Walking Dead: 'You're Not a Killer' Season Finale Talked About Scene - Duration: 1:29.

John: As for you, young Nick,

you're bluffing.

I can see it in your eyes.

You're not a killer.

And your family's not far enough away yet.

Let's find out, shall we?


Fine. I'm bored.

Kill him.





Go! Go!

Over there near the Sherpa Rail Pass.

Got gunmen spotted. Close the...dam down.


[Breathing heavily]

[Both groan]


Go, Nick.


[Gunfire, men groaning]

[Man shouting indistinctly]


For more infomation >> Fear the Walking Dead: 'You're Not a Killer' Season Finale Talked About Scene - Duration: 1:29.


Learn Colours with Pencil Bottles Colorful Pop Cake Finger Family Colors Learn Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:19.

Learn Colours with Pencil Bottles Colorful Pop Cake Finger Family Colors

For more infomation >> Learn Colours with Pencil Bottles Colorful Pop Cake Finger Family Colors Learn Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:19.


What happened in Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium? (RECAPitation) - Duration: 18:15.

Released by Sega in 1993 on the Genesis, Phantasy Star IV: The end of the Millenium continues

the events of the Phantasy Star franchise.

Directed by Reiko Kodama, who would later produce Skies of Arcadia, and written by Akinori

Nishiyama, the game would be greatly assisted in direction, writing, and art by Toru Yoshida.

For story, the game takes place chronologically between the second and third games, though

this would be the last main installment made for the series.

For characters, the party changes roster along the story across 11 characters, though only

5 are ever fielded at once, and mainly features Chaz as the protagonist.

For gameplay, the party explores an open world across 3 planets, with the assistance of a

variety of vehicles while battles are random encounters.

Battles are standard turn based faires, though players have the ability to form macros, which

are preset commands for each character to execute in a turn, the result of which can

result in combo attacks while easing micromanagment.

The story only gets larger from here, so let's cut it down to size with a RECAPitation.

The story begins by recapping the cliffhanger ending of Phantasy Star II wherein the Algo

solar system, a peaceful system rife with civilization advancing the arts and sciences,

was governed and maintained by a system-wide management AI called 'Mother Brain.

However, after Mother Brain was taken down and the planets were no longer sustained by

it, Society everywhere crumbled, and one of the planets blew up.

As another 1000 years pass and the Algo system has learned to live on its own, some of the

old knowledge from better times is being rediscovered.

In the year 2284 AW, on the planet of Motavia, we now see Chaz, a rookie in the Hunter's

guild, with his partner Alys moving out to their mission.

The planet Parma is gone, and so life mostly exists on Motavia and Dezolis, though dangerous

monster populations have grown to such levels that professional hunters have become a necessity.

As such, Alys accepts their next mission, which is monster extermination in the basement

of the local academy.

Alys finds the headmaster awfully suspicious when dodging questions about the monsters,

and when they are about to enter the basement, a concerned academic named Hahn volunteers

to go, as he too has questions.

Deep within, they discover a monster breeding lab and a few of its subjects that have escaped.

After clearing the area, Hahn is surprised to find all this and wonders if there's a

connection to this and the disappearance of his teacher that the headmaster also refuses

to comment on.

Exposing the headmaster, he reveals Hahn's teacher, professor Holt, discovered the source

of the recent outbreak of monsters to be from Birth Valley where ruins of ancient civilizations


They recovered the breeding tanks and began experimenting alongside revisiting the ruins,

but professor Holt never came back.

He was going to send a rescue team, but a mysterious black magician named Zio appeared

threatening his life with pretrification if he sent anyone else to Birth Valley.

Hahn refuses to back down, and instead hires Chaz and Alys to accompany him to rescue Professor


Along the way they find a town where all its residents are indeed turned to stone, with

the professor among them.

Alys can't believe anyone knows how to cast such strong magic these days, but says she's

heard of a remedy, though of course is still mercenary about helping out.

Looking for the remedy, Alys runs into an old wizard acquaintance named Rune, who is

also after Zio and joins their journey.

Rune shows off his powerful magic as well, allowing them to the village where they can

find the petrification remedy.

A local of the village named Gryz is offered to help them to the exact spot and Rune takes

his leave for his personal business, warning Chaz not to get hotheaded around Zio.

With Gryz's help, they find the remedy, return to the petrified village, and restore everyone.

When Professor Holt comes to, he seems unaware he was turned to stone, but it doesn't faze

him, as he sends Hahn back to the academy to report what happened, and moves to continue

on his investigation of the Birth Valley ruins.

After killing some fresh monsters emerging from the ruins, they check in on the Professor,

and find within the ruins advanced technology and guardians that they've never seen before.

When they meet the professor, they see he is already safe thanks to a nonhuman girl

named Rika.

Rika explains this facilty is a bioplant from 1000 years ago, and one of many that barely

function today and are responsible for maintaining the ecosystem for what little society there

is on this planet.

However, the system is beginning to break down, causing errors like the erratic weather

outside and breeding new, dangerous monsters.

Alys says to shut down the system and thus the monsters, but Hahn points out this system

is what's keeping them all alive.

The rest of the group sides with Alys and so Rika then reveals they can travel to the

Nurvus center of the system and shut everything down there with the aide of a robot named

Demi, whom is being held hostage by Zio.

She also informs them of where Zio's castle is, and offers to come along.

As it turns out, Rika is an artificial life form the AI here named Seed made after thousands

of years of genetic refinement of a prototype from before the Great Collapse.

She's technically only about a year old, but is imparted with great knowledge of the ancient

world, though is very curious about the current outside world.

As the group accepts and leaves with Rika, Seed then begins a new protocol for itself,

self destructing after having given the world its final hope.

As they gather strength and work the best information spots in towns they find a crashed

ship from the planet Parma that exploded 1000 years ago, and Rika explains in 1284 AW its

artificial satellite Gaira crashed into the planet, reducing it to an asteroid belt.

Some people were able to escape before the planet exploded, but this ship was damaged,

and got trapped in orbit around Motavia.

The doomed passengers all died, but the computer was able to still operate to today.

Though, this isn't the only Parmanian ship to escape, and many sucessfully landed on

Motavia or Dezolis, though a few dozen left the Algo system entirely.

Traveling and reaching Zio's castle fort, they find there is a town outside it where

the citizens worship Zio and his vision of purging the world and building a utopia with

only the chosen few.

Breaking into Zio's fort, they find the captured Demi.

Freeing her, she heals the party, but this is right as Zio now enters the scene.

Gryz calls Zio out on the destruction of his home village which Zio shrugs off.

Zio declares his god demands the eradication of all life on Algo, and so Demi cannot be

allowed to fix or shut off the Nurvus system.

He calls out to his god, Dark Force, and the party is powerless to stop him.

He fires a beam of dark energy at Chaz, and Alys shields him, taking the devastating blow

and forcing the party to retreat for now.

Back in town, no treatment seems to be helping Alys, and worse yet, Zio built his fort on

top of Nurvus, so they have to go through him to shut it down and stop the monsters.

Alys urges them to find Rune, who may be able to use his magic to counter Zio's barrier

blocking the way to Nurvus.

Gryz remembers Rune left with his village elder for a tower beyond the quicksand desert,

and Demi says they can use an ancient vehicle called a Land Rover to cross safely to the


Leaving Hahn to tend to Alys, Chaz now leads the group to find Rune.

As Demi shows them an underground bunker for the land rover, she explains Zio isn't directly

causing the system to be defective, rather, the command system Zelan had been issuing

abnormal commands.

Zelan is the orbital central command for the entire Algo system's environmental systems.

With no way of reaching Zelan for now, they choose to focus on Zio instead.

As they travel, a noticable earthquake shakes them and Demi notes this is also the work

of another system, the Plate system, controlling the tectonic movement of Motavia, and likely


Learning this, the group decides to head to the nearby control facility for it and turn

it off, helping with the earthquakes, but the overall problem won't be solved until

they deal with Nurvus and Zelan, and by proxy Zio.

In the next town, they see its dedicated to the heroine of the first millenium, Alis Landale,

protagonist of the original game, and beyond is the tower where Rune is supposed to be.

They quickly find Rune, who is here for the Psycho-Wand which can break Zio's barrier,

and after they obtain the wand and return to Alys, they find her condition has worsened.

Unfortunately , the evil energy Zio used is more potent than Rune's ability to cure, and

as she asks Rune to help Chaz, she sees off Chaz with some words of confidence and dies.

That night, Chaz wonders how to move forward with his life, while Rune reminds him to think

of how Alys lived, and Rika gives him some words of comfort as the two grow closer.

The next day, Hahn announces his intention to return to the academy, as the rest of the

group treks back to take on Zio and reach Nurvus.

With the psycho wand, they are able to neutralize Zio's barriers and personal defenses, allowing

them to take him on, even as he draws power from a strange and dark force.

Together, the group of 5 overwhlem the dark magician, much to his surpise, and acting

quickly, Demi connects herself directly to Nurvus to shut it down.

Physcially merging with the machine, Demi halts all systems maintaining Motavia, which

does stop the monsters, but now nothing will stop Motavia from becomming barren.

The abnormal orders are coming from Zelan, and if those are fixed, the Motavian systems

can go back to normal.

Fortunately, she reveals a space shuttle that can get them to Zelan stored away in this


She explains up there they will meet Wren, a unit whose communication has been cut off

for the last few months mysteriously, who can help them in her stead as she will stay

here and handle Nurvus.

Gryz also stays behind to check in on his little sister, leaving Chaz, Rika, and Rune

to move ahead to the artifical satillite Zelan.

Inside, they meet the towering android Wren, supervisor of the facility, though he affirms

Zelan is not the cause of Motavia's system malfunctions.

Reason being, this facility is actually losing power and doesn't have control, and instead,

its sister satillite, Kuran, has gone rogue causing the problems.

Originally, Kuran was a support system, but someone has entered it and stolen control

from Zelan.

He offers to join the group and help them investigate Kuran, and Rika is glad to have

him along as Wren was one of her teachers while she was in Seed.

As they move out, a stowaway agent of Dark Force attacks them, and admist the battle,

their ship is damaged, forcing them to crash land on Dezolis, now an ice planet.

Landing safely after colliding with a temple, their first contact with a Dezolisian is with

Raja, a comical and quirky priest, mad at their landing.

Their ship is unrepairable, but Raja says there is another ship he knows of that can

fly, and joins the party to show them the way.

He mentions refugees from Parma landed here ages ago, and there is still a ship among

their descendants here.

(Why does he say How on EARTH!?")

As they travel, Raja notes the snowstorms are harder and longer than normal, and Wren

conjectures that the climate control system of Dezolis must also be awry.

After following a lead, they find the hidden ship, named after the legendary heroine, the


Finding it in pristine condition, they blast back into space to the Kuran, landing safely

on the satellite.

Investigating within, Rune is shocked to see Dark Force melded into the facility.

Chaz and Wren jump into fighting it while Rune advises caution, and as the group pours

everything into destroying it, Rune is hesitant to celebrate their success.

As Wren starts fixing Kuran, Chaz wonders how Rune knew what Dark Force was at a glance,

and Rune admits he's seen Dark Force before though declines commenting more.

Rika notices the snowstorms are still rampaging on Dezolis, and Raja has an idea why.

Wren reveals an ice digger transport and along the way to the Garuberk Tower Raja suspects,

they encounter a tribe of talking Musk Cats.

The chief of the village, who gets a familiar feeling from seeing Chaz, gives him a treasure

and sees them off.

They pass another vil lage, ruined and overcome by zombies, and another village of espers

overcome by a strange illness.

When Raja collapses suddenly, Rune and Rika note they sense the presence of the Black

Energy Wave, expecially from the Garuberk towar Raja warned them about.

They now hear of a headstrong Esper named Kyra who has ventured to Garuberk tower, and

the group decides to go support her.

Rescuing the Esper from a crowd of killer trees, she thanks them all and introduces


She explains she has an idea on how to get past, and references how Lutz, a legendary

wizard alongside the heroine Alis 2000 years ago, is still alive in the Esper Mansion in

her village, and he would know a way.

As they approach, the espers within recognize and make way for Rune, and within Lutz's room,

they see it's empty.

Rune now steps forward and states Lutz left this world years ago, but only physically.

He left his will and memory inside the Telepathy ball to be transferred to his next incarnation,

who happens to Rune himself.

He is actually the 5th generation Lutz, and he has been returning because Dark Force is

a calamity that is resurrected every thousand years.

While he's sure Dark Force has been destroyed in Kuran, he suspects the true root of evil

has not yet been destroyed, and chooses to believe in Chaz as the hero who will be the

one to emerge victorious.

After fighting an enemy from Lutz's past, who hints at a greater power, they storm Garuberk

Tower, suprised to discover a second Dark Force within, also interfering with the entire

Algo system.

After teaming up and destroying this Dark Force, they see the Stormy skies of Dezolis

clear up immediately.

Glad to help resolve all this, Kyra bids farewell to the group, though they see fire erupt into

the sky from a nearby temple.

Investigating, they find the entire temple gone, and the bishop within explaining that

while the Dark forces have been beaten, the Profound Darkness still exists.

The profound darkness is the true root of evil, of which, Dark Force is but a tool.

The Dark Force on Dezolis came to find out about Rykros, said to house ancient secrets,

to which, an Aero-Prism will show the way.

Rune recalls Lutz had an Aero-Prism stowed in a temple on Motavia, and with the help

of Demi, they secure a water vessel to deliver them there.

Along the way, they discover Daughter, an abandoned prototype adminsitrative AI like

Seed, that has sent endroids to disrupt all other systems not under her control, including

Wren when his communications were blacked out.

Under the misunderstanding of establishing peace and order per her protocols, she again

attacks Wren, and the group is forced to shut her down completely.

Arriving at the island temple where the Aero-Prism is, they meet a man outside the temple who

introduces himself as Seth, an Archaeologist, and while Chaz allows him in their group,

Rune senses something off.

As they travel, Seth seems star-struck by Chaz, who enjoys the attention.

Though, as they claim the prism and it reveals the way to Rykros, Seth suddenly transforms

into a Dark Force, alarming them all that it can disguise itself as a human so well.

Now hurrying to Rykros before the minions of darkness get there first, they find the

beacon not only leads to space, but to a 4th planet in the Algo system that has somehow

evaded all of their sensors, the planet Rykros.

As they land, they are hailed telepathically by a person named Le Roof, who explains the

4th planet has an invisible barrier, and with its highly elliptical orbit, it only swings

close to the other planets of the Algo system once every thousand years.

He greets them as the protectors, but demands they meet the guardians of the Tower of Strength

and Tower of Courage before he reveals the answers to their questions.

Going out and rising to the combat challenges of each guardian, who each impart rings of

power, they return to Le Roof, who is ready to reveal the secret of Algo's creation.

Billions of years ago, a spiritual being split into two halves that fought amongst themselves.

Eventually there was a winner, the great light, who banished the loser, the profound darkness,

to another dimension, for fear of its resurgence.

The seal itself being the Algo Solar system, with protectors on each planet.

Once every thousand years the seal would weaken drastically, and sp the Great light created

Rykros, a planet serving as a warning system, meant to come around every thousand years,

as well as Le Roof himself.

Like a clock, its arrival would remind the Protectors of their mission, as at this time,

the seal is so weak, the Darkness is able to come to Algo in physical form as Dark Force.

Each time, a Hero has expelled Dark Force, bringing peace for another millenium.

However, this time, when Parma was destroyed last millenium, thus part of the seal itself

was destroyed, and The Profound Darkness now has a chance to break free completely.

Chaz and group are the chosen protectors who must stop the darkness before it destroys

the entire system, and to do that, they must cross over into its dimension and defeat it


With the rings of power they just gained, they can survive against the raw power of

darkness, and so the task falls to them.

Unexpectedly, Chaz throws all of that back, questioning why the Great Light doesn't do

anything in all this, and why they have to fight for something that doesn't have anything

to do with them, not to mention suddenly burdening them with all this.

He admits all this is over his head, but asserts he wants to live on his own terms, pointing

out that being blind champions of the Great Light makes them no different from Zio, who

still weighs on him since Alys's death.

Rune understands and takes Chaz back to the Esper mansion.

There he shows him the sacred blade Elsydeon, said to be able to defeat the Profound Darkness.

As Chaz approaches the sword alone, he hears the voice of the legendary hero Alis, who

says the spirits of the past heroes who fought the darkness, now reside in the sword.

Heeding it's command, Chaz claims the sword, and it floods him with memories of the past

battles of the heroes who found and defeated the darkness.

Alis tells Chaz to believe in himself, as their spirit now goes with him, and bolstered

by this, Chaz now sees hope, and emerges before his allies ready to fight for the future.

Wren now gets a transmission that disasters are erupting around Motavia, and moving out,

they are surprised to be met by all their old allies, who are ready to finish the fight

with them all.

Demi explains that a massive hole has opened up in Motavia and is killing all life forms

nearby, and Rune has no doubt this is the Black Energy Wave, more specifically, the

Profound Darkness breaking through the other dimension.

Clear that the final battle draws near, Chaz selects his final team to take into the dark


Taking time to conquer his emotions and turn that into power, Chaz leads the team across

the literal edge, as team observes the new shape of the Profound Darkness as a giant

nightmarish maw of hatred and destruction.

Standing firm against the rising forms of the root of the galactic, perennial menace,

Chaz, mercenary turned hero strikes down the Profound Darkness.

As the gap in space they're in begins to collapse, the Elsydeon dissolves into a light that protects

them all and warps them all to safety.

As the nine see the dawn of new day, they're satisfied of their victory and begin to part


Wren and Demi intend to return as administrators to Zelan, and deliver Raja and Kyra back to

Dezolis, though Rika is hesistant.

Wren understands her and says the life she chooses will be difficult, but as the hope

for the future, she must carry forward with pride and strength.

Parting on their own, Gryz and Hahn both go back to their respective villages, bidding

farewell to their companions.

Rune now says he must continue Lutz's mission to watch over all of Algo, even though they

defeated their greatest foe, and says goodbye, positive this will be the last they see of


As the game ends, Wren swings back the ship, and Rika leaps overboard, falling into Chaz's

arms, as they now understand their feelings for each other, as the final chapter of this

adventure closes.

Though no original sales data can be found, Phantasy Star IV reprints inside other collections

have enjoyed the success of selling over 3.5 million copies worldwide.

This RECAPitation was chosen by Dave.

Thank you so much for supporting the show as a patron, it's much appreciated.

If you would like to support the show yourself, please follow the patreon link in the description


Thanks for Watching and I'll see you on the next battlefield.

For more infomation >> What happened in Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium? (RECAPitation) - Duration: 18:15.


Wolverine Cage Fight | X-Men (2000) Movie Clip - Duration: 1:57.

Gentlemen, in all my years I've never seen anything like this.

Are you gonna let this man walk away with your money?


I'll fight him!

Ladies and gentlemen,

our saviour!

Whatever you do, don't hit him in the balls.

- You said anything goes. - Anything goes, but he'll take it personal.

You idiot!

Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's winner and still King of the Cage,

the Wolverine.

For more infomation >> Wolverine Cage Fight | X-Men (2000) Movie Clip - Duration: 1:57.


Were Ryosuke and the RedSuns Real?【日本語字幕あり】| DRIFT HUNTER NIGHTS - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> Were Ryosuke and the RedSuns Real?【日本語字幕あり】| DRIFT HUNTER NIGHTS - Duration: 10:06.


A lot of Disney Racer Cars 2 Shu Todoroki Lightning McQueen Carbon Raoul Caroule Plane Cars Stairway - Duration: 10:05.

A lot of Disney Racer Cars 2 Shu Todoroki Lightning McQueen Carbon Raoul Caroule Plane Cars Stairway

For more infomation >> A lot of Disney Racer Cars 2 Shu Todoroki Lightning McQueen Carbon Raoul Caroule Plane Cars Stairway - Duration: 10:05.


Kahaaniyon wali Diwali with Amazon Prime Video - Duration: 2:44.

Kahaaniyon wali Diwali with Amazon Prime Video

Kahaaniyon wali Diwali with Amazon Prime Video

Kahaaniyon wali Diwali with Amazon Prime Video

For more infomation >> Kahaaniyon wali Diwali with Amazon Prime Video - Duration: 2:44.


Así vivieron Paco Jémez y Miguel Herrera el Clásico Joven - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Así vivieron Paco Jémez y Miguel Herrera el Clásico Joven - Duration: 2:58.


Hero SAS squad wipe out 15 ISIS jihadis SECONDS before they decapitate Christian family - Duration: 2:44.

Hero SAS squad wipe out 15 ISIS jihadis SECONDS before they decapitate Christian family

The crack snipers struck as crazed executioners held knives to the throats of a father and son near Mosul.

Both men, from a family of eight, had refused to convert to Islam and were about to be executed when the Isis killers were blasted in their heads.

The operation was carried out following the fall of Mosul last July and but has only just been made public, the Star on Sunday reported.

British troops were informed a black-clad death squad of Islamic extremists were targeting Christian civilians near the war-torn city and set out to investigate.

Using L115 rifles and loaded with .338 Lapua Magnum bullets, the snipers shot dead two fighters from 1,000m away. Then then turned their weapons on another pair of fighters.

As more jihadis tried to flee in a truck, they were taken out in a firefight that lasted around half an hour.

The family were led to safety before another 80 fighters drove up to collect the bodies of the fallen terrorists. A source told the paper it was "a great day for the SAS". They said: "It was a chance encounter. .

"The SAS patrol just happened to be in the right place at the right time. "The killers were moving around the area executing villagers.

Muslim families were accused of being spies and Christians who refused to convert to Islam were beheaded. "When the snipers opened fire everyone just froze.

But after four terrorists were dropped the rest of the gunmen tried to run and began firing in all directions. Only the family stood still.

"The Isis fighters tried to escape in a truck, but the driver was shot dead and those who had climbed on board were also killed.".

For more infomation >> Hero SAS squad wipe out 15 ISIS jihadis SECONDS before they decapitate Christian family - Duration: 2:44.


'North Korea does NOT grasp what is to come' Trump's top advisor warns of ANNIHILATION - Duration: 2:27.

'North Korea does NOT grasp what is to come' Trump's top advisor warns of ANNIHILATION

McMaster issued the provocative warning as tensions on the Korean peninsula continues to escalate. White House national security adviser said that the does not truly understand how serious we are when it comes to all-out war.

Speaking on Fox News, the US General said that President Trumps in North Korea are the best way to send a message to Kim Jong-Un.

Kim Jong-Un recently renewed his threat to in the Pacific Ocean.  General McMaster told Fox News: Our president has been really clear, hes not going to permit this regime and Kim Jong Un to threaten the United States with a nuclear weapon.

Hes going to do anything necessary to prevent that from happening. What Kim Jong Un should recognize is that if he thinks the development of this nuclear capability is keeping him safer, its actually the opposite..

He added: Our military leaders are refining, improving plans every day. We hope we don't have to use them, but we are ready.

All of our officers are at a high, high state of readiness  The real danger is in terms of communicating with Kim Jong Un is that he doesn't understand how serious we are about his behaviour and the behaviour of the regime.

The president has been very clear on that. North Korea will be shocked by how serious we are. US and South Korean experts believe, according to satellite images, that North Korea is preparing for a new.

This preparation comes ahead of planned naval military drills between the US and South Korean forces. .

For more infomation >> 'North Korea does NOT grasp what is to come' Trump's top advisor warns of ANNIHILATION - Duration: 2:27.


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Fear the Walking Dead: 'A Macabre Christmas Party' Season Finale Behind the Scenes - Duration: 4:23.


Domingo: For the last episode of the season,

we're shooting this very surreal scene.


It's wild, it's weird, it's bloody, it's gory.

We really go into a whole other dimension of the series.


Dickens: Madison is preparing Christmas dinner

in her mind's imagination.

We're all dressed up.

The men are in suits and ties. They look all dashing.

The Christmas party takes a harsh turn

when Madison is about to reveal the turkey

and it ends up being the head of Jeremiah Otto.


It's just a wonderful, macabre vision

of all that haunts Madison Clark.

Bernstein: And...action!

It was a real bloodfest. We try to be very strategic

with how much blood we show and where we show it,

and this was sort of just us being insanely gratuitous.


The special-effects team will be adding

a tube around the back of the head,

and that's how we pump real blood on set.


There's a very careful camera-tracking move

that begins with the revealing of Otto's head

and moves backwards.

As Jake reaches out to place the head back onto the torso,

his arm is cut off promptly by Walker.

Visual effects was asked to help out with putting the cleaver in

in virtual space.

Nice, Mike. Down.

The arm will come crashing to the table. Bam!

It's a virtual arm that we will be severing in midair.

You've got so many variables --

the flow of the blood, where it's gonna go,

the splatter.

Bernstein: We designed a rig.

All the little pieces of china and everything on the table

were hooked to monofilament,

so as the blood came down, we were pulling them off

as if the blood was pulling everything off the table.


After the blood splatters, it's gonna be a long reset.

Are we really resetting?

Are we resetting, really?

We have to give props to our prop department,

wardrobe, special-effects makeup, set dressing.

Richard: There's a lot of moving pieces,

and I think everybody did an amazing job.

[ Laughter ] Cheers.

It was definitely a bloody Christmas.


Bernstein: All right! Here we go!

[ Shouts indistinctly ]

This is a very serious episode.

There are hazmat suits. There's dirt.

There are people getting into graves.

It's out of control.

Dickens: The scene we're shooting here today --

it's a moment of Madison being on the brink of death.


In the flash-forward fantasy,

she finds herself in this massive graveyard.

And one of the devices that Andrew wanted to use

was a 360 pan around Kim.

We used two camera choreographies,

and we marry those together as we come around the back of her.


A classic zombie trope

over Jeremiah Otto's grave.

Hand comes out and starts to draw her down.

Bernstein: And...action!

Ohh. No. No.

They have this whole rig

that will just sort of pull me through.

[ Grunting ]

You're going in!

We built a set -- basically a big hole.

Is whiskey down there?

And we built platforms underneath it.

Then we put dirt on top of that

so we could pull Kim down to a safe area through the ground.

There's dirt that is created out of something safe.

Our effects people actually make dirt out of food products,

so you can actually eat the dirt.

Dickens: It's gonna be a dirty job.

Bernstein: And then her hand reaches

back up out of the grave,

and we see another hand grab her hand to help pull her out.

Turns out it's Travis.

[ Gasps ]

Yes. I'm back.

For us, you know, the one person who Madison has missed the most,

it seemed apt that that would be the person

that came to her in that moment.

Bernstein: Struggling!

It's always a pleasure to do a meaningful scene with Kim.


Bernstein: The ambition and the scope of the last episode

have been indicative of this season in general.

We swung for the fences this year and hopefully succeeded

in showing the audience some really amazing

big-scope elements.

This is the way you end a season.

For more infomation >> Fear the Walking Dead: 'A Macabre Christmas Party' Season Finale Behind the Scenes - Duration: 4:23.


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Shinedown - Second Chance HQ Audio + (CC Lyric) - Duration: 3:51.

Second Chance - Shinedown

my eyes are open wide

by the way

i made it through the day

i watch the world outside

bye the way

i am leaving out today

i just saw halley's comet shooting

said why you always running in place?

even the man in the moon disappears

somewhere in the stratosphere

tell my mother,

tell my father

i've done the best i can

to make them realise

this is my life

i hope they understand

i'm not angry, i'm just saying...

sometimes goodbye

is a second chance

please don't cry one tear for me

i'm not afraid of

what i have to say

this is my one and only voice

so listen close,

it's only for today

i just saw hailey's comet shooting

said why you always running in place?

even the man in the moon disappears

somewhere in the stratosphere

tell my mother,

tell my father

i've done the best i can

to make them realise

this is my life

i hope they understand

i'm not angry, i'm just saying...

sometimes goodbye

is a second chance

here's my chance

this is my chance

tell my mother,

tell my father

i've done the best i can

to make them realise

this is my life

i hope they understand

i'm not angry, i'm just saying...

sometimes goodbye

is a second chance

sometimes goodbye

is a second chance

sometimes goodbye

is a second chance

For more infomation >> Shinedown - Second Chance HQ Audio + (CC Lyric) - Duration: 3:51.


Were Ryosuke and the RedSuns Real?【日本語字幕あり】| DRIFT HUNTER NIGHTS - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> Were Ryosuke and the RedSuns Real?【日本語字幕あり】| DRIFT HUNTER NIGHTS - Duration: 10:06.


John Levingston - Duration: 1:05.

Hello, John Levingston here from Miles Real Estate

Just with a quick update for you

as you are aware spring is well underway

and it is peak selling season in Banyule.

Across the board the clearance rates since September the first have been quite good.

Just referring to my notes,

Melbourne's running at 73%, Banyule's running at 71%,

and Miles were running at 92%.

On average were seeing 40 people through the campaigns with 3-4 bidders.

We continue to stay strong leading the market with 1/3 of the sales

and over the $1,000,000 mark were running at actually at 40%.

There's still plenty of time this year to buy and sell real estate.

So, for further information

please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for watching, I'm John Levingston.

For more infomation >> John Levingston - Duration: 1:05.


Anime - Drawing an elf girl's face. (Real-time quick tutorial) [TURN ON SUBTITLES FOR INSTRUCTIONS] - Duration: 6:21.

First, draw a circle.

Next draw your head shape.

You'll want it to look something like mine.

Next, the long pointed ear. This makes the elf.

Now the other side.

Now, begin your eyes.

My eyes tend to be large.

Make a small point for the nose.

Make one slightly larger for the mouth.

Put in eye details

Now You begin the hair.

Put it basic guidelines for the bangs.

Now start from the top of the head and work your way down.

Now i'll draw a quick body.

I also like giving them big eyelashes :D

Now i'll detail the hair.

So now i'll just quickly detail the rest of the drawing.

Welp, there you go. I hope you enjoyed this video!

And if so, please like and subscribe!

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