Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 17 2017

You're messing with the wrong guy, pal.

Ah, violence.

Now we're getting somewhere interesting.

He's so into you.

You're joking?

Single malt cappuccino?

Single malt latte?

Ask yourself, what would Lucifer do?

For more infomation >> Lucifer 3x04 Promo "What Would Lucifer Do?" (HD) Season 3 Episode 4 Promo - Duration: 0:21.


(SFM Ponies) Free-Form Jazz - Duration: 0:11.

Now you must acquire a taste for

free-form jazz.


For more infomation >> (SFM Ponies) Free-Form Jazz - Duration: 0:11.


How 21-Year-Old Arrested For Public Intoxication Explains Her Behavior - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> How 21-Year-Old Arrested For Public Intoxication Explains Her Behavior - Duration: 5:06.


Trading Gaps for Daily Profit - Duration: 11:40.

hey my friend thank you for watching this video on trading gaps for daily

profit this is Barry burns with top dog trading and let's jump right into it so

training gaps is one of those classic techniques that everybody learns

normally right at the beginning of their trading career and it's a very very

popular way of trading it's very appealing in the sense that it looks

easy at first glance and it also is one of those things that doesn't work as

well as it used to and it doesn't work the same way as it used to work but

that's not surprising because it is so popular

anytime anything becomes popular guess what that's raid about the time it stops

working everybody knows about it everybody starts trading it and guess

what most people lose money so once everyone starts doing something it stops

working you've got to have an edge by that I

mean you can't be doing the same thing everyone else does so here's the classic

pattern that people are always looking for so we've got one day here by the way

these are California times down here and this is a daily no it's a three-minute

stock chart and so you've got your open way down here and the previous day

closed way up there in the easy way for trading gap trades gapped reading

strategies gap trading intraday gap trading rules whatever is to just say

okay I'm going to trade it back into the close of the previous day in Japanese

candlestick patterns by the way they also traded gaps and they call it

closing the window so it's really nothing new to the Western world the

Japanese were way ahead of us on that so they said okay windows open and now it's

going to close all righty that's great any yep that's fun when it happens but

it's not the way it normally happens anymore I'm sorry they never make it

easy for us to do it do they okay but obviously it's still that happens

sometimes and there is an example now let me show you what happens most of the

time these days here's another example and if you were

you say alrighty we closed here this day and we opened down here this day and I'm

just going to trade the gap clothes right away

you'd be a sad little puppy because it didn't close right away in fact let's

watch this whole day see how it closes when it closes all right so we think

well okay I'll just treat it later in the day and the day ends there's the end

of the day and it still didn't reach the gap close there's the line right there

so one of the questions when it comes to technically how to trade this is alright

where do we put the line so if we're looking for the gap to close now

technically you would say we should do it at the previous day's close because

that is literally closing the gap it closed at one price one day and then it

opens at another price another day and you're waiting for it to close or get

back to the close of the previous day that's not the best way to do it the

best way to do it in my opinion is to look for the little low there and that's

just a more conservative way to trade it because I've seen many times where if

you put it at the close or the last bar could be a green bar and it may be the

close would be up there then and the markets are not that perfectly neat and

tidy and so they're kind of messy and they're messy because you've got

millions of people all over the globe trading and teen different things

different time frames and so forth so don't expect it get to the exact penny

pip tick or pixel on your chart that you wanted to get to allow for that

messiness would be conservative and place it at the lowest low there and

wait for it to come back into that level ok so now that we have established that

technique here's the other thing that I want to share with you after at the

market gaps quite often what happens is it goes kind of sideways for most of the

day in fact yeah so what happens there you go big move

down with our nice gap boom okay and goes all the way on actually

goes all the way down to there in the first three minutes so from there to

there in the first three minutes what happens the rest of the day not a whole

heck of a lot of anything alright it just kind of goes sideways that is what

normally happens now that is the norm that is what you will see more days than

not and remember trading is about trading probabilities and we never know

what's going to happen there are no certainties so we're trading

probabilities and this is the probability scenario and part of the

reason logically is because after the market has a big move down and remember

this is not showing any pre or post market data because if you show pre and

post-market data you won't see the gap so there's been trading that's going on

over an eighth day or early in the morning before New York opens and now so

what's happened is a bunch of people shorted and when the market opens open

outcry and most people are looking at their charts they're saying hmm dang I

don't know I've already missed out on that big of a move so whatever I want to

do do I want to go short now I mean the dominant direction is down but I already

missed out on all that so psychologically the Masters are saying

I'm getting in too late on the other hand the sentiment is bearish so some

people are thinking gap and ghost some are gonna buy thinking that the gaps

gonna close and you've got this conflict so you've got people on both sides in

the bottom result is that after gaps quite typically on a daily or a intraday

chart the market really just doesn't go anywhere just kind of goes flat for the

rest of they it's usually not a great trading market for the rest of the day

so here we go and it's a several days down the the pike here about three days

later and we get another gap so from there to there do we get a gap close if

you're gonna trade the gap closed maybe you even wait for the peak there to come

back down nope sorry you are not going to get it the whole day goes by and they

does not ever close so what does happen well just what I said

gaps up and now we've got conflicting views in so therefore the market goes

sideways for most of the day it finally does go up but again goes up in the

afternoon after lunch actually so if you are going to look for a market move

after a gap usually it's going to be after lunch and that's exactly what this

is this is one o'clock New York time ten o'clock California time and where does

it go it goes back to this blue line hey wait a minute what's that blue line well

that blue line if we scroll back that's where this gap started so the gap does

close eventually this gap that we just showed but it closes not the same day

there's day one and I'm gonna scroll through faster the two nope

day three yes yes so it took three days for that gap to close therefore what I

recommend is that you do put these levels on your chart and make them

something unique like a different color or whatever color you want that you know

means something to you but just that you don't use for anything else so you might

use something that stands out you're not gonna use it for other support

resistance levels so let's say when they use goldenrod okay and we're going to

make it a little thicker so it really stands out and that whenever I see that

line with that thickness I know oh wait that's where a gap close would occur and

it is acting like almost like a magnet really that yes the markets are very

aware of gaps the masses are aware of gaps no question about it and for that

reason they do tend to have a self-fulfilling prophecy so I put it on

there but I don't expect us necessarily going to fill in the first day or even

two might take three I take more oh in fact what the heck let's look further

let's take that puppy off of there and let's look in some further examples here

so here we get another gap from there to there that's the open and that doesn't

close there's your gap from the previous day okay so that one doesn't

close and we do not close that day let me just put the line on there again make

this clear for you so there I would put it there see now this day we closed here

but I wouldn't put my line there I'm gonna put it down here just to be

conservative right so then now look what happens this is cool let me ask if

that's all in one chart you can see this so we gapped down this day we don't fill

that gap that day again notice how the market kind of just goes sideways for

you know most of the day then the next day the gap fills but you don't really

have a chance to take the trade for the gap fill because it gapped up into the

gap fill so it gets down and then it gets back up into the gap fill well

great no opportunity to take that trade unless you were treating overnight again

we get the same dynamic here that I was talking about a pretty good gap up okay

goes up and then what's it do for the rest of the day just kind of go sideways

sorry not really anything exciting to do if you didn't want to do something and

be in the afternoon take that little move there so now this level it's not

only a gap closed but it is a support levels the market bounces off of it

comes back again as support in bounces back off of it alright goes back on up

and let's see there we go get another one good fact we got two more so let's

look at these real quick I've got a gap up market again it doesn't really go up

much from there it goes kind of sideways does not fill the gap next day gaps up

it's a gap and go goes up but again what most of the day after reaches its high

it's just going sideways the afternoon you get your movement where it breaks

out alright well if you like this video please understand that yep it's free but

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encouraged me as well and I'm giving away one of my favourite trade

strategies called the rubberband trade which has a very very high win-loss

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the video to you with the rubberband trade strategy


For more infomation >> Trading Gaps for Daily Profit - Duration: 11:40.


Jutti Kasuri | Punjabi Song | Niharika Yadav | USP TV - Duration: 3:40.

Jutti kasoori

Paeri na poori

Haaye rabba ve sanu turna peya, haaye

Haaye rabba ve sanu turna peya


Jutti kasoori, paeri na poori

Haaye rabba ve sanu turna peya, haaye

Haaye rabba ve sanu turna peya

Jina rahaan di main, saar na jaana

Ohni raaheen ve mainu murhna peya, haaye

Ohni raaheen ve saahnu murhna peya

Saure pind diyan lamiyan vattan

Bada pavaada pae gaya

Saure pind diyan lamiyan vattan

Bada pavaada pae gaya, haaye

Yaka te baarhe koi na keeta

Mahiya paidal le gaya haaye

Mahiya paidal le gaya

Jutti kasoori, paeri na poori

Haaye rabba ve sanu turna peya, haaye

Haaye rabba ve sanu turna peya

Le mera muklaava dhola

Sadke sadke javada

Le mera muklaava dhola

Sadke sadke javada, haaye

Kadeya ghund kuj, keh na sakdi

Dil mera ghabhrawanda haaye

Dil mera ghabhrawanda

Jutti kasoori, paeri na poori

Haaye rabba ve sanu turna peya, haaye

Haaye rabba ve sanu turna peya

For more infomation >> Jutti Kasuri | Punjabi Song | Niharika Yadav | USP TV - Duration: 3:40.


'I'm Like A Demon,' Says Woman Who Admits She Rages - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 'I'm Like A Demon,' Says Woman Who Admits She Rages - Duration: 5:01.


Why A Man Claims His Daughter Is 'A Ticking Time Bomb' - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Why A Man Claims His Daughter Is 'A Ticking Time Bomb' - Duration: 1:45.


Chuyện kinh dị: Bí mật khủng khiếp bên trong căn nhà gây chấn động - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Chuyện kinh dị: Bí mật khủng khiếp bên trong căn nhà gây chấn động - Duration: 5:03.


Kilonova GW 170817 Update 10/16/2017 - Duration: 3:25.

In what was likely one of the most thoroughly observed astronomical events in history -- there

were over 70 observatories involved and one of the papers on it has literally thousands

of co-authors, scientists in the US and Europe jointly announced today that they caught a

neutron star merger in the act.

Known as GW 170817 it should simultaneously solve, or at least shed light on a number

of mysteries within astronomy, but ultimately creates a new one in the process.

Because so many observatories dropped everything and looked at this object, we have numerous

observations of the aftermath of the collision across the electromagnetic spectrum, but also

something very new and cutting edge, the LIGO/VIRGO collaboration saw the gravitational waves

from the incident.

Gravitational waves were predicted by General Relativity, but had not been seen until 2015,

and publicly announced only last year.

Essentially, they are ripples in space time created by major gravitational events, such

as the merger of two black holes.

All detections to date had been black holes merging, but GW170817 changed that.

It was a merger of neutron stars, and that seems to have resulted in an event known as

a kilonova.

The gravitational wave signal was very different than that of a black hole signal.

Firstly, it lasted way longer, about 100 seconds as opposed to the few seconds of black hole


Secondly, its frequency increased across the detection.

This will have implications on studying the behavior of gravity itself, such as confirming

that gravity propagates at the speed of light, another prediction of Einstein.

Another implication here is on the subject of gamma ray bursts.

Associated with this event was a short gamma ray burst, GRB 170817A, which appeared about

1.7 seconds after the gravitational wave event.

Up until now, the source of short gamma ray bursts was not well understood, though merging

neutron stars were thought to be a strong candidate, but now the association is on much

more solid footing.

From visible light, which was detected about 11 hours after the gravitational waves, they

were able to determine where this merger occurred, which turned out to be the galaxy NGC 4993,

which is not that far away as far as galaxies go, about 130 million light-years.

But something else was detected that you might not expect in association with the kilonova.

The creation of elements in the universe heavier than iron were thought to be linked, at least

partially, with kilonovas.

That was not confirmed until now however.

In this case, the aftermath of the kilnova was an expanding cloud of heavy elements including

an estimated 10,000 earth masses of gold and platinum.

But now to the mystery this event created.

Scientists know what the masses of these neutron stars were, and post merger there should be

something left.

But it's not clear just what this object would be.

It would either be the heaviest known neutron star, or a very light black hole.

Thanks for listening!

I am futurist and science fiction author John Michael Godier and if you would like to help

support the channel, check out my patreon page, link in the description below or check

out my books at your favorite online book retailer and subscribe to my channel for regular,

in-depth explorations into the interesting, weird and unknown aspects of this amazing

universe in which we live.

For more infomation >> Kilonova GW 170817 Update 10/16/2017 - Duration: 3:25.


Pumpkin Pie in a Sheet Pan | Food Network - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Pumpkin Pie in a Sheet Pan | Food Network - Duration: 1:09.


Kendall Jenner Joins Blake Griffin On A Boys' Night Out | TMZ TV - Duration: 2:01.

TMZ girl table presents how do you know

it's true love starring kendall Jenner

and Blake Griffin

first you appear on social media

together then you match outfits you go

out to dinner with his guy friends in

are totally bored but you don't care cuz

it's obviously totes love oh

kendall Jenner and Blake Griffin is

dating for a couple months now they went

out with the three of brings friends to

ocean prime at Beverly Hills one girl


she looks really into it you guys she's

just sitting there like this I think

she's got a sad face but if you ever met

somebody who can be happy but they show

a head and sad face she's totally having

so much fun on her insides

anyway so Blake's got his bros there and

then you got Kendall and what are you

gonna talk about because she honestly do

you think she's in sports maybe they

talking about it every year everyone's

having a baby but me if you're Blake are

you stocking up on condoms right now is

there such a thing as family fertility

where all of a sudden everybody gets

fertile at the same time oh yeah like

synchronized synchronized eggs

TMZ Girl Talk has officially been

hijacked by guys who don't know about

girls well you got all these sisters

knocked up if women who live together

somehow can sync up period somehow way

Cosmo Cosmo says they do think is

donated $50 a Planned Parenthood as we

sat here

cut out the middleman nice enjoy boys

nice Kendall find out

For more infomation >> Kendall Jenner Joins Blake Griffin On A Boys' Night Out | TMZ TV - Duration: 2:01.


Woman Claims Marijuana Helps Her Anxiety - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Woman Claims Marijuana Helps Her Anxiety - Duration: 3:43.


Black Forest Melt ~ Sandwiches You Will Love ~ Oktoberfest ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 8:39.

Hi everyone welcome back to my kitchen today, we have another sandwich

You will love this is a black forest melt. It's got

Layers of black forest ham sweet and sour cabbage

Havarti cheese

All rested on top of a beautiful thick piece of pumpernickel bread

That's spread with grainy horseradish mustard in honor of Oktoberfest. Let's go see how this all comes together

We're gonna get started making our black forest melt and this is another in this series that I'm calling

Sandwiches you will love and if you saw my last Sandwich video where I made the smoky turkey Chipotle stack

that is absolutely delicious, but in the

information box below the video I

Explained why I am calling this series sandwiches you will love and it is really my tribute to the documentary artist

named Ric say back

He's from Pittsburgh

And he is amazing and he has made several of my very favorite PBS

documentaries all surrounded on regional food and things like that he did a

A show called sandwiches you will like where he actually went all across the country

Regionally to find favorite sandwiches that you know people have enjoyed for many years

Depending on where they live we're gonna be making a black forest melt today, and this is super simple

But it's just a different way to put your sandwich together

This is gonna be an open-faced hot sandwich that you can either eat with your hands or with a knife and fork

It's gonna be great with a dill pickle on the side and everybody

Who likes these flavors blended together is just gonna. Love it. This is really an honour of Oktoberfest

We have a couple of thick slices of this wonderful pumpernickel bread that I got at Trader Joe's

But any pumpernickel bread will do and I have some thinly sliced

black forest ham from the deli and

some Havarti cheese from the deli, and then we're gonna really kick up the flavor by using a grainy horseradish mustard and

This is a sweet-and-sour red cabbage

And I love this so it's kind of reminiscent of a Reuben, but we're not using sauerkraut

We're gonna use the sweet-and-sour red cabbage, and I think all these flavors are gonna meld together. Just wonderfully

So basically all you're gonna do is

Build the sandwich super simple we're gonna take some of this mustard now. I'm gonna say

Don't be stingy with it okay, and if this is something you just don't enjoy then

These are some pretty strong flavors

But you know I grew up with a German grandmother and frankly German cuisine has pretty strong flavors, so

But I think all these flavors are gonna go together

And if you you are hip to this kind of flavor blend then I think you're really gonna love this

So let's just slather on this horseradish mustard if you don't have horseradish mustard. Don't worry

You can just use whatever mustard you have on hand I think if you had like a Dijon mustard or brown mustard

and if you had

Horseradish on hand mix them together. It'll be great

But you can find horseradish mustard even at Walmart now, and they even have it under their own label I

Don't think Mayo would belong on this image. That's just me. I just don't think you would okay, so now we're gonna go ahead hmm

Maybe maybe I'm gonna layer on

My black forest ham now I like to get my deli meat sliced on

0.5. So if you go into your deli and sometimes in some places they're gonna have a little chart to tell you this is the

thickness chart so when you're ordering make sure you understand how thick your meats gonna be I

Order my ham and my chicken in my turkey sliced on a point five which is just the low one

but sometimes it's easier to ask for it thin, but not shaped so that's

My best suggestion to you next up we're gonna put on this

Sweet-and-sour cabbage you put as much as little of that as you like but the more you put on it the less

Your sandwich is gonna be

Now Havarti is like a combination flavor-wise a Swiss and muenster

It's very mild and very buttery

I don't really care for Swiss cheese that much, but this is a Danish cheese

And it's really really delicious if you've never tried it. I highly recommend it. I'm just gonna pop this over here

Just like that. I have my oven preheated to 350 degrees


We are just gonna go ahead and pop our

Our Black Forest melts in the oven for about five minutes or just until

the cheese is melted and looks really easy and

You know your sandwich is going to be warmed through it's not necessary for your sandwich to be hot

But you're gonna want it to be warmed through

I'm gonna put some cabbage on this one

And make sure you kind of

Press it ass on the side of the jar so you don't get a lot of the liquid

because that's gonna make your sandwich soggy and

If you wanted to you could even toast your bread

Before you built your sandwich so that it would already be crisped up on the bottom

But I'm not too worried about that you think it's gonna be fine

And there we go and

There is our

Sandwiches ready to go in the oven this is our lunch today

so I'm gonna pop these in a 350 degree oven for about five minutes or until the cheese is melted and

When we come back we're gonna show you what this looks like and give it a taste

And there you have it our delicious Black Forest melt all ready to enjoy for lunch

I don't know about you, but that to me is a beautiful sandwich because we eat with our eyes first

Definitely it's nourishing that need so it smells fantastic. It looks beautiful, and now we're gonna give it a taste

I'm sure that it tastes great, so I'm gonna let Rick give this a taste

you do

What do you think

He really liked her hmm, oh my gosh oh

That's wonderful hmm

You guys

If we had it set up in our kitchen differently you would be able to see us tasting this it is off-the-chain good. Oh

All those flavors marry together so beautifully

Outstanding it's so perfect

You totally got to try this oh, and it's so simple all these things are available in your regular grocery store

You don't have to go anywhere special to get them

I think that would be awesome. Oh

Give this a try. I really hope you do

I hope you enjoyed today's video, and if you liked it, please consider giving me a thumbs up if you're new to my kitchen

Welcome it's always a fantastic to welcome new friends in and meet you, please leave me a comment below and say hi

I'm new here, and I really like what you did, and if you did please hit that subscribe button

I want to thank you for joining me today, and if you are a tried and true member of the Noreen's kitchen family

Please be sure and hit that Bell notification button because we don't want you to miss out on all the real food for real people

Real easy recipes that we present all the time right here on our YouTube channel and straight from our kitchen

This is definitely a sandwich you will love this black for smell is fantastic

And I hope you give it a try soon, and I hope you love it and until next time. I'll see ya

For more infomation >> Black Forest Melt ~ Sandwiches You Will Love ~ Oktoberfest ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 8:39.


'The View' Asked Charley Pride How It Is to Be the First Black Country Singer, His Answer Left Them - Duration: 22:30.

'The View' Asked Charley Pride How It Is to Be the First Black Country Singer, His

Answer Left Them Without Words

Following other distinct persons of the black color, country singer Charly Pride made a

motivating statement in which he described where he comes from and what his way to the

top looked like.

As the malignant tendency for abuse of the subject of inequality based on the color of

ones skin (for gaining political points), more and more African-American celebrities

take up to themselves to address the issue of the mainstream media blowing things out

of proportion, in relation to this.

The View has been getting quite the reputation for being a Trump hating show.

So many times we have done articles on how these women simply make up stuff in order

to attack him and his administration.

The vast majority of the time what they are talking about is total bogus.

And as a result, conservatives around the country have stopped watching altogether.

But they recently got lucky with one of their interviews.

After doing a live performance for those in the audience, Charly Pride was asked the question:

what's it like to be the first black country music man in the nation?

They might not have expected how he responded.

Pride grew up working the cotton fields with his father.

They were working hard for very little and he was determined to have a better life.

When he saw Jackie Robinson finally join the major league baseball arena, he decided he

wanted to be just like that.

He was determine to do whatever he could to be a professional athlete.

But then something changed.

He decided that he also wanted to learn the guitar.

"When I saw Jackie Robinson go to the major leagues, I'm picking cotton alongside my

dad and I said, 'boy this is going to be my way out of the cotton fields,'" Pride


"When I bought the guitar, I bought it from Sears, Roebuck, and I left it out in the wagon

and it rained that night and it was only taped together.

I never could keep it in tune.

I'm still leaving a lot of things."

He then responded to the question.

"Before I answer that.

I told my wife I wasn't going to get long-winded.

I'm going to have to condense this down.

You just mentioned 'of color'.

When I first started in this business, one reporter said, 'Charlie, how does it feel

to be the Jackie Robinson of country music?

Charlie how does it feel to be the first colored country singer?

Charlie how does it feel to be the first Negro country singer?

Charlie how does it feel to be the first African-American country singer?

I said I feel the same way I did when I was colored."

H/T dailylightify

Opposing the opinion that insuccess comes solely from ones color of skin, Pride made

his point.

He's a living proof of how leading by example gives good results.

We encourage you



this news!!!

For more infomation >> 'The View' Asked Charley Pride How It Is to Be the First Black Country Singer, His Answer Left Them - Duration: 22:30.


Funniest Cornell Ross (nellyvidz) Vine Compilation October 2017 PT#02 - Try not to laugh impossible - Duration: 11:20.


We're now we're now what hand me the remote don't wait and yet no more here



Guess you don't wanna claim my kids, Oh y'all, Texas, huh?

You say what?



Was out with the boy, we like I don't know boy, I trust the one who turns away to me when I wish you would

I guarantee you won't

You calm down go get some

Nice shoes


Chill man

Normally, I'm gonna take my shoes wait. No I meant I'll give you a parking validation, and you talk back there

Let's move we noticed your shoes

My bad I deal with him like the grin you did with mr.. Murder, too

Don't fit gonna let it breathe go

Hurry up

Yeah, will you get off of my hand I wish you would here because I need a check

We don't put your scissor on here that

I'm tired of all this traffic. Oh

Hello yo is you fucking my girl oh god here we go with this answer the question is you fucking my bed

What's your girl name her name Ashley Ashley Ashley? Oh with the big TVs? Yeah, that's her. Yeah it fucking before a couple months

What's up, Nikki were you a month come beat your ass whoa?

You need to calm down what you want to fight me fo Nikki what you it's a fake you fucking my bitch what I'm not

Supposed to be mad you want to fight me cuz yogurt cheated on you. Yep

Okay, so have you talked to your girl yet? You know the person you're actually in a relationship with nah. I called you


And that was your man apparently he want to fight cause he found out we was fucking what?

Oh, I'm single now people ain't she I sweat

Now you know you ain't going you bit 20 better pity

You got this hand

Draw to

Draw another to finish it off with that

I'm good

You could die

All right, thanks man appreciate that

Give me, what do you walk? I was just gonna see if you look Lange got no money on me. I'm sorry

I can't help you I

Didn't want money. I was just gonna ask for some day

So what some day?

Don't judge me

Mommy I'm hungry. Oh my dad

I know you not having thick ain't my name if you got my money for I tell you I don't pay about my mommy

Get off my mommy

She's my daddy

That's you in the first place of Santa you always fuckin dues

And my niggas like that smile on your face because you not the man she fat you think you the man

Could you pour there?

No, you fucking the fat girl so set the fuck and she's not even - ain't got nothin against fat girls

But my mommy ugly and fat

So get the fuck off over and mom you should be a sanyo

So I'm in here starving, and you were getting fucked bitch get out the bed and make me some food right now peel you

Fat beat

Yo, my god, Oh, where's my mother did you touch my tennis?

Well, I can't find them. We're so milk 50 pairs. No don't go everything I got

Yo Cornell

So baby, you'll get ass you drugged my water. Don't you drunk a little bit?

I bought some more yo come on. You wouldn't have to buy some in the first place, and you won't have drunk my water. Oh

Yes son you'll be in it up did ask you deep

Words of my mother there's some good eyes dude come on man. Can you chill can you more like a regular woman?

You didn't yes, I'm dead ass stop, okay

Yeah, you like that don't you thanks man again

Come on hey take this shit, no you're really muscley

Yo, you bug in

Sochi I'm just tired of he's doing they don't know how to treat me

The big new champ and let me hit that you'll be good


I'm just proving a point

For more infomation >> Funniest Cornell Ross (nellyvidz) Vine Compilation October 2017 PT#02 - Try not to laugh impossible - Duration: 11:20.


Retired Police Captain Gives Back Game 2 Home Run Ball To Justin Turner - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Retired Police Captain Gives Back Game 2 Home Run Ball To Justin Turner - Duration: 1:05.


Donald Trump Presents United Front With Sen. Mitch McConnell | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Presents United Front With Sen. Mitch McConnell | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:13.


Crews Sift Through Ashes In Search Of Missing People - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Crews Sift Through Ashes In Search Of Missing People - Duration: 2:07.


Bodak Yellow (Money Moves) - Cardi B - Duration: 4:00.

Please SUBSCRIBE To My Channel

For more infomation >> Bodak Yellow (Money Moves) - Cardi B - Duration: 4:00.


Vimage Channel Updates - Duration: 1:55.

Before we start i want to say a HUGE thank you to Mike and Leda.

First for the incredible Gift they send me.

Second for for the priceless support they give me in every dumb project that i am doing,

and to my youtube videos and of course for being awesome Friends!!!

Aand for the Spanakopita :P . and for everything else :)

Two big changes are happening this period to my youtube channel

as you already saw this video is filmed in Greek, and for

that reason i want to apologize to non Greek viewers because of limited time i cant film

the videos in English, a language that i am not so comfortable as u have already seen

from previous videos!

This was the first Change and the second one is that from now on instead of every Monday

my videos will be uploaded every Wednesday.

Thank you very much watching, See ya next time!

For more infomation >> Vimage Channel Updates - Duration: 1:55.


Top 10 Incredible Sound Phenomena - Duration: 1:17.

Top 10 Incredible Sound Phenomena

For more infomation >> Top 10 Incredible Sound Phenomena - Duration: 1:17.


Entertainment News 247 - スペインの名指導者から苦言。「日本のダブルボランチは動きすぎだ」 - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Entertainment News 247 - スペインの名指導者から苦言。「日本のダブルボランチは動きすぎだ」 - Duration: 4:49.


TwitchCon event will be strea...

For more infomation >> TwitchCon event will be strea...


'I'm Like A Demon,' Says Woman Who Admits She Rages - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 'I'm Like A Demon,' Says Woman Who Admits She Rages - Duration: 5:01.


HSN | M. Asam Beauty Anniversary 10.16.2017 - 05 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | M. Asam Beauty Anniversary 10.16.2017 - 05 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


'The View' Asked Charley Pride How It Is to Be the First Black Country Singer, His Answer Left Them - Duration: 22:30.

'The View' Asked Charley Pride How It Is to Be the First Black Country Singer, His

Answer Left Them Without Words

Following other distinct persons of the black color, country singer Charly Pride made a

motivating statement in which he described where he comes from and what his way to the

top looked like.

As the malignant tendency for abuse of the subject of inequality based on the color of

ones skin (for gaining political points), more and more African-American celebrities

take up to themselves to address the issue of the mainstream media blowing things out

of proportion, in relation to this.

The View has been getting quite the reputation for being a Trump hating show.

So many times we have done articles on how these women simply make up stuff in order

to attack him and his administration.

The vast majority of the time what they are talking about is total bogus.

And as a result, conservatives around the country have stopped watching altogether.

But they recently got lucky with one of their interviews.

After doing a live performance for those in the audience, Charly Pride was asked the question:

what's it like to be the first black country music man in the nation?

They might not have expected how he responded.

Pride grew up working the cotton fields with his father.

They were working hard for very little and he was determined to have a better life.

When he saw Jackie Robinson finally join the major league baseball arena, he decided he

wanted to be just like that.

He was determine to do whatever he could to be a professional athlete.

But then something changed.

He decided that he also wanted to learn the guitar.

"When I saw Jackie Robinson go to the major leagues, I'm picking cotton alongside my

dad and I said, 'boy this is going to be my way out of the cotton fields,'" Pride


"When I bought the guitar, I bought it from Sears, Roebuck, and I left it out in the wagon

and it rained that night and it was only taped together.

I never could keep it in tune.

I'm still leaving a lot of things."

He then responded to the question.

"Before I answer that.

I told my wife I wasn't going to get long-winded.

I'm going to have to condense this down.

You just mentioned 'of color'.

When I first started in this business, one reporter said, 'Charlie, how does it feel

to be the Jackie Robinson of country music?

Charlie how does it feel to be the first colored country singer?

Charlie how does it feel to be the first Negro country singer?

Charlie how does it feel to be the first African-American country singer?

I said I feel the same way I did when I was colored."

H/T dailylightify

Opposing the opinion that insuccess comes solely from ones color of skin, Pride made

his point.

He's a living proof of how leading by example gives good results.

We encourage you



this news!!!

For more infomation >> 'The View' Asked Charley Pride How It Is to Be the First Black Country Singer, His Answer Left Them - Duration: 22:30.


Monster Truck Racing - Racing Games - Android Gameplay FHD - Duration: 12:20.

Monster Truck Racing

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