Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 17 2017

Few Hollywood films have caused as much controversy as The Exorcist.

Its theatrical release in 1973 terrified and outraged audiences with a grotesque tale of

demonic possession, and despite barely escaping an adult rating, it made history by becoming the

first horror film to earn a Best Picture Oscar nomination.

It's still considered one of the scariest movies ever made, but the intrigue surrounding

The Exorcist isn't limited to its shock value.

In fact, some of the most compelling aspects of the movie come from behind the scenes.

Here are some lesser-known facts about the classic that's been "turning heads" for over

40 years.


Real life basis

Believe it or not, some of the aspects of The Exorcist were inspired by real events.

The film is based on William Peter Blatty's novel of the same name, which drew from accounts

of an actual exorcism.

According to the New York Post, most of the source material for the book was culled from

the journals of Jesuit priests who documented an exhausting battery of rituals they performed

on a young boy named "Roland Doe" in 1949.

These priests claimed to have witnessed the boy speaking in tongues, mysterious skin markings

spelling the words "hell" and "evil," the violent shaking of the boy's mattress, and

the breaking of hospital restraints and a priest's nose, to name a few.

Some of the claims are admittedly embellished in Blatty's novel and the film adaptation

— nobody spewed a bunch of green vomit, for example — but still, that's pretty creepy.

Church support

It may come as a surprise that many officials of the Catholic Church were completely behind

the film's release.

Not only did it drum up plenty of interest in Catholic tradition, it highlighted Catholic

priests as heroes performing a time-honored ritual, even if that ritual got a little repetitive.

"The power of Christ compels you!

The power of Christ compels you!

The power of…"

The story goes that one official even dug up some classified documents for The Exorcist.

While doing research for the film, director William Friedkin met with the president of

the Jesuit Georgetown University, who supposedly handed him a folder containing eyewitness

accounts of the 1949 exorcism.

Cursed production

The production of The Exorcist was riddled with complications and tragedy.

Early in production, the set depicting the home of the MacNeill family mysteriously caught

fire, delaying filming.

Even more mysterious: the set for Regan's room, in which the exorcisms would be filmed,

remained completely undamaged.

Many of the cast and crew experienced tragedies, too.

Linda Blair's grandmother, Max Von Sydow's brother, and two of the film's actors passed away

suddenly during the course of production, and Jason Miller's son was nearly killed in

a freak motorcycle accident.

And then there were the accidents on set.

Ellen Burstyn sustained a spinal injury while filming a violent possession scene, which

reportedly still bothers her today.

As the unexpected problems piled up, the production extended well past its projected deadline.

Friedkin even had the set blessed by a priest.

Maybe he should have gone for an exorcism while he was at it.

Wild release

You'd have to be pretty crazy to send threats to a teenage girl, but that's exactly

what some religious folks did to Linda Blair.

After the film was released in theaters, hate mail poured in accusing Blair of "glorifying


Warner Bros. had go so far as to hire bodyguards to protect her after the film was released.

And that's not the only bizarre incident surrounding the theatrical release of the film.

A man fell and broke his jaw during a screening, claiming the film's subliminal effects caused

him to faint.

He sued the studio and they settled out of court.

This was just one of countless reports of paramedics being called to theaters to treat

terrified moviegoers for hysterics.

Anonymous demon

The demon that possesses Regan is called Pazuzu, but that name is never mentioned in the original

film, despite being in both the book and the production script.

Pazuzu is a real-ish demon — he's based on a mythological Babylonian figure, a king

of demon winds, comprised of human and animal parts.

Father Merrin finds an artifact in the desert at the beginning of the film that is supposed

to be a portion of a Pazuzu statue.

While the demon is seen, it wouldn't be named outright until the 1977 sequel The Exorcist

II: The Heretic.

Low-budget effects

The Exorcist may have been unlike anything ever seen at the time, but Friedkin had to

rely on some pretty everyday effects to create the movie.

He reportedly fired a gun before takes to terrify the cast.

Many scenes were shot in freezing temperatures to maximize the effect of actors' breath and

discomfort on film.

That vomit?

Thick split pea soup.

The sound of Regan projectile vomiting was produced by a demonic voice actress, who regurgitated

mushy apple and raw egg.

And the creepy sound of Regan's head turning was nothing more than the sound of a leather

wallet being twisted in front of a microphone.

It's so simple it's evil.

Not a horror movie

According to Friedkin, all these years of terror might have been a case of mistaken


He told The Hollywood Reporter:

"I thought it was a film about the mystery of faith...but I didn't set out to make a

horror film...but by now, I have accepted that it is."

That's a noble point of view, but the Exorcist sequels and prequels have kept the franchise

pretty squarely in genre film territory.

That's all fine as long we we don't have to watch anymore vomit geysers.


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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of The Exorcist - Duration: 5:10.


Miro ŠPAK v kampani 2017, KOŠICE I, ČÍSLO 50 - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Miro ŠPAK v kampani 2017, KOŠICE I, ČÍSLO 50 - Duration: 3:28.


EMBARRASSING PARENTS | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:36.

• From cowboy sing-a-longs to being ambushed at lunchtime, the Planet Dolan crew re-enact

some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the most embarrassing thing our parents

have ever done.

I'm Nixxiom and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by Mote-of-Lobross Pringle

When Pringle was 12, his dad took him to a restaurant called 'The Magic Time Machine'.

It was this weird goofy restaurant, which had different themes such as 'Muppets',

'Star Wars', and superheroes.

Even the wait staff would dress up in costumes.

Pringle had to use the restroom, but couldn't find it anywhere, so he asked his dad if he


He gave Pringle a knowing smirk and told him to ask one of the wait staff, so he did...

Big mistake.

Pringle asked a waitress dressed as Princess Leia, who shouted in reply, "WE GOT SOMEONE

WHO NEEDS TO PEE!!!" and she pointed him to the restroom and a bunch of the wait staff

formed a conga line behind him as he headed there.

Number 9 was submitted by Super_Nova_Nebula Ramona

Ramona was at the store with her mom and they were finishing up, when she remembered she

needed some pads.

Ramona told her mom and they headed to the women's hygiene products aisle.

Ramona then needed to use the bathroom, so she started to walk further down the aisle,

until her mom started screaming from the other end, " SWEET HEART!!


Everyone in the aisle and those passing by stared at them, and began laughing.

Ramona couldn't look at her mom for the rest of the day and didn't talk to her for a week.

Number 8 was submitted by ThePigThatCriedRii Spinalpalm

Spinalpalm was on a cruise ship in the Galapagos and the staff and tourists were having a party.

After a cheesy play, they played some music and people were dancing.

Spinalpalm then saw his mom dancing with a pirate wearing an eye patch.

They were doing the stupidest dance he had ever seen.

She then yelled for him and his little brother to come and dance with her.

Unfortunately, there was a really cute girl on the boat.

Spinalpalm only got up and danced because he didn't want the girl to think he was a


Number 7 was submitted by Elk810 Doopie

When Doopie was in high school her friend's parents showed up to her school to put on

a cowboy theatre show.

It was just those two in the show, and the whole school had to watch.

They both dressed like cowboy characters and sang a bunch of the corniest, most juvenile

cowboy songs ever in front of the all the students and teachers.

The kids were silent the whole time.

Doopie could see pre-schoolers being entertained by the show, but she couldn't understand why

someone though it was a good idea for high school students?

She was just glad it wasn't her parents.

Number 6 was submitted by FloRidaCartoon21 Sweetcommando

Sweetcommando was being really bad at home one day so his parents decided to devise some

cruel and unusual punishment.

At school that day, during lunch, his parents showed up dressed in really weird clothing:

His mom was in a tiny dress and was wearing weird boots; his dad was wearing short shorts

with a tucked in tank top.

They sat next to him and talked really loudly and everyone in the cafeteria looked at them.

People laughed at Sweetcommando until eventually he ran in to the bathroom and stayed there

until lunch was over.

Number 5 was submitted by Dkmainman Ghost Toast

Ghost Toast was in 5th grade, and at the time, the "Happy" dance was everywhere.

Nobody in the school liked it except some of the girls.

One day, on their annual Friday assembly, the principal announced that they had exceeded

a fundraiser goal by 375%.

Because of this, about 5 moms ran to the front of the school.

Ghost Toast was suddenly paralysed.

Four of the moms nobody knew but his mom, who helped in the art room, ran up to the

front with them.

The music played, and she started dancing the "Happy" dance.

It was terrible.

The other kids were laughing, whispering, jeering…

Ghost Toast was in shock.

After that assembly, he was picked on for the rest of the year.

Number 4 was submitted by squidbear_eyeballs Grgak

On Halloween, when Grgak was thirteen, his mom picked him up from school like she did

everyday, except this time she was dressed up as a crazy cat lady.

She had on pink paw print pyjamas, fuzzy slippers with cat faces on them, pink cat-eye glasses,

curlers in her hair, and was carrying a bunch of plush cats.

She made a big deal of showing everyone her costume and by the time they left Grgak wanted

to die.

His friends wouldn't let him forget it either.

Number 3 was submitted by Was2Dog Tolop

One day Tolop was playing Call of Duty online with his friends.

He hit a trick shot and started screaming in celebration.

It was the first trick shot he hit online.

His dad heard the screaming and came upstairs to check on Tolop.

His dad came to his room and said, "Oh you're just playing your little "shooty" game,

make sure to get off soon its almost your bedtime.

Love you, buddy."

Tolop was wearing a headset so all his friends could hear what his dad was saying.

A day doesn't go by without his friends reminding him.

Number 2 was submitted by lil_pyrp0830 Civil Spider

When Civil Spider was a kid his mom would take pictures of him every day.

What he didn't know was that his mom would post them on her Facebook with the most cringe

worthy, embarrassing captions ever.

When he got a Facebook he was tagged on all of the pictures so all his friends could see,

including the girl he had a crush on.

One day his mom took a picture of him and this girl talking to each other and she posted

the picture with the caption: "my little baby growing up, talking to the love of his life."

Civil Spider was made fun of for a year after, and he deleted all his social media accounts.

His crush never talked to him after that either.

Number 1 – What's the most embarrassing thing my parents have ever done?

One thing that always embarrassed me was my father had this tendency to always refer to

me in third person when we were out in public.

So, for example, if we were going to the movies together, the cashier would ask: "How many?"

and my father would reply "Oh, it's just me and Nixxiom today going to see this movie."

Or if we went out to eat together he would say something like "Oh, can me and Nixxiom

get some bread as an appetizer to start?"

It was always really weird and embarrassing just having him throw my name out to everyone

in public like that; I didn't like it.

For more infomation >> EMBARRASSING PARENTS | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:36.


Foo Fighters - The Pretender | Acoustic Version - Piano & Vocals (Paulo Cuevas) - Duration: 5:40.

Hi there YouTube friends! Thanks for watching this video

If you liked it don't forget to give it a thumbs up

and if you want to see more videos subscribe to the channel

Well I hope you enjoyed this version of The Pretender by Foo Fighters

It's actually a bit difficult to play

and it takes a lot of energy and focus but...

I hope you enjoyed the version

and if you liked it leave a comment below

telling me if you're interested in this kind of versions

of more energetic songs

I hope you enjoyed it and if you'd like to hear more songs

in a similar style, you can leave a comment below

As always this song is available on digital platforms

iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Spotify and Deezer

so you can support me by buying it or listening via streaming

and if you're interested a more direct support

you can go to my Patreon page. Links are always in the description

Thar's all for now so don't forget to subscribe

and activate the notification bell

See you in the next video

Matta ne! (See you next time)

For more infomation >> Foo Fighters - The Pretender | Acoustic Version - Piano & Vocals (Paulo Cuevas) - Duration: 5:40.


Turning a Comfort Ring Core | Woodturning Project - Duration: 7:15.

Hi I'm Mike with Craft Supplies USA and today we're going to show you how to

make a custom turned ring.

Almost everyone owns a ring, but seeing one made from wood is a rarity that gets a lot of attention and they've been a big hit

with the team here at Craft Supplies USA.

Today we're going to turn a ring using the Artisan Comfort Fit Ring Core.

These ring cores are made from highly polished solid stainless steel that won't tarnish or stain

and the interior edges have a rounded profile, making them very comfortable to wear.

There are a full range of sizes and widths available to suit everyone's taste.

We're going to turn an 8mm wide ring for this project, but first I need to take a blank

that's a 1/16" wider than our ring.

Blank selection is very important for this project. As you can see there is very little material here, so wood

movement must be kept to an absolute minimum or it could crack in half.

The blank needs to be very dry, or better yet a stabilized blank.

stabilized blanks have resin drawn in through the pores, making

them impervious to wood movement, which is perfect for rings.

And dense tight-grained exotics work well too.

I've selected a stabilized Padauk blank and now I need to prepare it for turning.

It will be mounted to a waste block using double-sided tape, but first we need a flat reference face.

Lay some 120 grit sandpaper on a flat surface and sand one side flat.

Once it's flat, apply double-sided tape to the reference face

then flip it over and mark the center of the blank.

At the lathe, mount a waste block and true up the face using a skew.

This will be our jig for drilling and rough turning the blank for the ring core.

Peel off the tape backing and line up the center mark with a revolving Center and

use the tailstock to apply firm pressure, so the tape on securely to the waste block.

With the tailstock in place, rough turn the blank to round.

Select a drill bit that is approximately half the diameter of the

ring core to make a pilot hole. Mount the bit in a drill chuck and drill

completely through the blank.

This next step is the most critical, so make sure you take your time.

Using a narrow scraper or skew, laid flat on it's side, open up the drilled hole until the

ring core fits snugly.

Stop and test the fit frequently to prevent an oversized hole.

I keep a few different ring cores on hand just in case I make the hole too big. In that case I'll simply go up to the next size.

Once the fit is right, press the ring core into the hole until it

seats flat against the waste block.

Now true up the side of the blank and turn it down until it's just a hair wider than the ring core.

Be careful not to scratch the ring core with the tool. If you do scratch it, you can usually buff

it out with the white diamond compound on a buffing wheel.

Next, carefully peel the blank off the waste block using a putty knife. I like to leave the ring

core in during this process to help support the blank.

Use slow steady pressure so the blank doesn't break.

Now we're ready to glue the ring core into the blank.

First, lightly scuff the outside of the ring core with 220 grit sandpaper for a better bond.

Lightly coat the inside of the blank with epoxy or CA glue. This gives the wood a chance to absorb some glue before the ring core

scrapes the excess away.

Insert the ring core until it's flush with the edges. And make sure to wipe away any excess glue and let it cure.

You can lay wax paper on a flat surface to make this easier. Don't worry if you didn't get all the glue off

the ring. It easily scrapes off the stainless steel using your fingernails

There are three different sizes of Delrin bushings available, depending on

the size of ring you're making. The bushings are made out of Delrin, so they

won't scratch the ring core and glue won't stick to them when applying a CA finish.

After the glue is cured, mount the ring between the Delrin ring bushings on a pen mandrel.

I made a spacer to move the bushings a little farther away from

the headstock and I've also got a Precision Machine Pen Center on the tailstock end.

You can also stack up any pen bushings you have on hand to

accomplish the same thing.

Now we're ready to turn the blank to shape. The blank is very delicate, so take light cuts.

I like to use a negative rake scraper when turning rings because it's not

aggressive and easy to control.

Once it's turned to shape, sand the blank through 320 grit or higher.

There are a lot of options for finishes, but we recommend a CA finish because

it's durable, resistant to moisture and it builds to a very high gloss.

And it's jewelry, so it's supposed to be shiny.

I'll apply at least ten coats of CA for rings.

You can buff the finish for an even higher gloss if desired.

We'll that wraps up this project, I hope you enjoyed learned how to turn a wooden ring.

It's a fun project that's a real eye-catcher.

If you liked the video, subscribe to our channel and give it a thumbs up.

Also, be sure to check out our entire selection of wood turning supplies at

For more infomation >> Turning a Comfort Ring Core | Woodturning Project - Duration: 7:15.


부산시 '10월의 멋진 날' 제13회 부산불꽃축제 쏜다 - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> 부산시 '10월의 멋진 날' 제13회 부산불꽃축제 쏜다 - Duration: 5:47.


Look What The NFL Just Did To CBS! Fans Are Cheering! - Duration: 31:40.

John McCain Just Issued A Serious Warning

Senator John McCain made some scandalous statements during his latest speech in which he condemns

the 'America First' policy of President Donald Trump.

He also said some things that will make many right-winged Americans angry.

Senator McCain is slowly, but surely swinging.

He thinks nationalism is bad.

During a speech, John McCain warns too much "nationalism" is a bad thing.

McCain thinks President Trump's "America First" agenda is dangerous and fake.

From CNN:

(CNN) In a lofty and at moments pointed speech, Sen. John McCain on Monday cautioned against

the US turning toward "half-baked, spurious nationalism" during an event honoring the

war hero's contributions.Reflecting on his decades-long political history, McCain warned

that to "fear" the world the US has led for the better part of a century, "abandon

the ideals we have advanced around the globe" and "refuse the obligations of international

leadership … for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who

would rather find scapegoats than solve problems" is unpatriotic.

"As unpatriotic," he continued, "as an attachment to any other tired dogma of

the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history."

The remarks came after McCain was honored with the Liberty Medal by the National Constitution

Center in Philadelphia, months after being diagnosed in July with an aggressive form

of brain cancer.

McCain used the moment — meant to mark his service to country — to warn US leadership

against moving backward toward nationalistic, "America First" instincts

espoused by some of President Donald Trump's key advisers, without referring to

Trump or his team by name.

If allowed to take root, McCain cautioned, those tendencies could relegate the US to

a backseat on

the world stage, leaving a vacuum of power in

its wake.


This isn't shocking anymore and it's getting old.

But, these statements are interesting because it smells like



going to officially 'join the other side'.

He says that Trump is a fake patriot, but

he knows

that there's nothing FAKER than him on



political scene.



For more infomation >> Look What The NFL Just Did To CBS! Fans Are Cheering! - Duration: 31:40.


Best Music Mix 2017 - Martin Garrix, Kygo, Coldplay & Selena Gomez Style - Best Popular Remixes - Duration: 38:46.

Best Music Mix 2017 - Martin Garrix, Kygo, Coldplay & Selena Gomez Style - Best Popular Remixes

For more infomation >> Best Music Mix 2017 - Martin Garrix, Kygo, Coldplay & Selena Gomez Style - Best Popular Remixes - Duration: 38:46.


فن الخطابة ◆ تعلم مهارات الخطيب الجيد ◆ محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور طارق السويدان - Duration: 19:36.

For more infomation >> فن الخطابة ◆ تعلم مهارات الخطيب الجيد ◆ محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور طارق السويدان - Duration: 19:36.


Packers fan petitions Green Bay to sign Kaepernick - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Packers fan petitions Green Bay to sign Kaepernick - Duration: 1:32.


School Buses Caught By Red Light Cameras - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> School Buses Caught By Red Light Cameras - Duration: 2:00.


Police find missing BPD officer, search ends after five days - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Police find missing BPD officer, search ends after five days - Duration: 2:20.


Victoria & Melbourne ♠ Strange Birds - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Victoria & Melbourne ♠ Strange Birds - Duration: 3:01.


Belen man impacted by flooding hopes to get government assistance for community - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Belen man impacted by flooding hopes to get government assistance for community - Duration: 0:45.


Police: 6-year-old dies after taking grandfather's medication - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Police: 6-year-old dies after taking grandfather's medication - Duration: 1:30.


SOURCE: UofL Board of Trustees will fire Tom Jurich on Wednesday - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> SOURCE: UofL Board of Trustees will fire Tom Jurich on Wednesday - Duration: 0:46.


Body Of US Soldier Killed In Niger Returns Home To South Florida - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Body Of US Soldier Killed In Niger Returns Home To South Florida - Duration: 3:25.


Sheriff discusses serial bank robber - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Sheriff discusses serial bank robber - Duration: 1:56.


Major Crackdown On Child Pornography In Collin County - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Major Crackdown On Child Pornography In Collin County - Duration: 1:59.


3 Hurt When RTD Bus Crashed Into Front Porch - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> 3 Hurt When RTD Bus Crashed Into Front Porch - Duration: 0:24.


Child burned by hot bath water - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Child burned by hot bath water - Duration: 1:02.


Travel • NƯỚNG NGUYÊN CON CÁ KÌM • Tập 2 - Duration: 10:09.

For more infomation >> Travel • NƯỚNG NGUYÊN CON CÁ KÌM • Tập 2 - Duration: 10:09.


I Know What I Want (Official ...

For more infomation >> I Know What I Want (Official ...


Foo Fighters - The Pretender | Acoustic Version - Piano & Vocals (Paulo Cuevas) - Duration: 5:40.

Hi there YouTube friends! Thanks for watching this video

If you liked it don't forget to give it a thumbs up

and if you want to see more videos subscribe to the channel

Well I hope you enjoyed this version of The Pretender by Foo Fighters

It's actually a bit difficult to play

and it takes a lot of energy and focus but...

I hope you enjoyed the version

and if you liked it leave a comment below

telling me if you're interested in this kind of versions

of more energetic songs

I hope you enjoyed it and if you'd like to hear more songs

in a similar style, you can leave a comment below

As always this song is available on digital platforms

iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Spotify and Deezer

so you can support me by buying it or listening via streaming

and if you're interested a more direct support

you can go to my Patreon page. Links are always in the description

Thar's all for now so don't forget to subscribe

and activate the notification bell

See you in the next video

Matta ne! (See you next time)

For more infomation >> Foo Fighters - The Pretender | Acoustic Version - Piano & Vocals (Paulo Cuevas) - Duration: 5:40.


South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Duration: 1:04:11.

For more infomation >> South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Duration: 1:04:11.


Officers saved clerk after store shooting - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Officers saved clerk after store shooting - Duration: 2:43.


Reset Day | Live Streaming #FinalFantasyXIV - Duration: 1:12:33.

For more infomation >> Reset Day | Live Streaming #FinalFantasyXIV - Duration: 1:12:33.


Lead Poisoning Prevention Week - Duration: 1:03.

It's national lead poisoning prevention week. Here are some tips to prevent lead

poisoning in children, who are at the highest risk.

Remodeling or scraping and repainting can expose old lead paint and stir up

dangerous dust. Homes built before 1978 could have lead paint while those built

before 1950 are the most likely to have lead paint. Hire a certified lead-safe

contractor. Even a little bit of lead exposure can cause slow growth and

development, behavioral problems and damage to the brain and nervous system.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Oregon Health Authority

recommend testing your child for lead at one and two years old. Not all lead hides

in paint and dust. Soil, plumbing fixtures, children's toys and household items such

as imported pottery and ceramic cookware may contain lead. Workplaces and hobbies

can also bring unwanted lead into the home. Talk to your pediatrician for more

information about getting your child tested for lead.

For more infomation >> Lead Poisoning Prevention Week - Duration: 1:03.


Body Contouring Tamarac Florida Lower Body Lift - Duration: 3:07.

The lower body lift procedure is the ultimate plastic surgery procedure for

body contouring.

This is a procedure that's performed exclusively by Plastic

Surgeons. This offers real surgical results. This procedure isn't liposuction,

it's not CoolSculpting.

This is a procedure designed to remove unwanted

skin and a fat from certain areas around the abdomen waistline and buttocks.

Once the skin is removed it's redraped over these areas to create a more feminine

youthful appearance of the waistline.

The goals of the surgery are to flatten the

abdomen and improve definition of the abdomen.

In some cases it highlights the

six-pack abs and everyone's looking for.

It lifts and restores the shape of the

buttocks and the lateral thighs eliminating areas problem areas such as

cellulite and stretch marks from these areas.

Now who's a candidate

for this procedure? Well it's anybody suffering the effects

of loss of skin elasticity in these areas. Now it can be combined loss

of elasticity of skin with areas of fat in these unwanted areas.

So anyone

dealing with the commonly referred to muffin tops or saddlebags or love

handles may be a candidate for this procedure. People who've had excessive

weight loss over the years again through surgery or diet exercise may be a

candidate for this procedure. Or anyone simply looking to restore the shape that

they once had; anyone looking to have a body transformation; looking to achieve

the body that they've never had, could be a candidate for this procedure.

I encourage you to click the link below to go to our website to find

out more information about this procedure and other procedures that

would inform and to also go to our 3D Animated Video gallery which highlights and

discusses several surgical procedures that we perform and gives you information

that you need, regarding the goals of the procedure and some simple steps on how

the procedure is performed in order for you to get more information.

Thank you very much

Watch our other videos clicking on the thumbnails that will show at the end of this video

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