Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 17 2017


"Choral music could hardly offer anything new, surprising or exciting.

Quite the contrary.

Choral singing is a mouldy form of music addressing conservative consumers.

It would be naive to think that this old musical form

can yield new musical experiences suited for a modern listener.

Choirs do not exhibit either cultural resistance or political radicalism.

They are all about nostalgic escapism

suitable for state-orchestrated celebrations and church rituals -

in short, for ideological consumption.

Nothing is wrong with nostalgia as such, of course.

It becomes repulsive only when marketed as resistance."

Gregor Tomc, professor of sociology

at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana

The fact is that a choir is actually an anachronistic phenomenon

considered in the classical tradition as a representation of power.

This means that a choir is a symbolic instrument of power,

which was actually the case until recently.

Now is the time, however, that this definition is being redefined

by the very fact that choirs are self-organised,

independent and commenting phenomena that are real,

that are present in the society where choir members live and work.

Our choir, or our way of gathering as a choir,

is a vessel used to express a political attitude

in a humane and aesthetic way.

At the same time, this is a kind of a barrier

from potentially unpleasant situations

because the message we send is delivered in a form that is hard to attack.

One could hardly approach people singing in the street,

in a tram, and attack them physically;

these people are, after all, singing.

This is, in a way, our magical shield.

In this case such definition does not apply.

Although choirs functioning by the same principle still exist,

the independent choirs that gathered for this opportunity,

that represent a whole new orientation in the history of this region,

do not conform to such definitions.

By no means.

This is the voice of the people.

It plays a similar role as the chorus in the tragedy.

In ancient tragedies,

the voice of the people is always represented by the chorus.

This is a means of self-liberation

and a rehearsal for a different world.

The question about the origins of Horkestar is complex.

It began as a part of the Horkeškart art team in 2000,

at the time of the revolution in Serbia.

Škart, a founder of Horkeškart, left in 2006

and this was the beginning of Horkestar as such.

Horkestar sings anywhere, indoors and outdoors,

but also in at different manifestations and festivals, such as this one.

We also hold self-organised performances in trams,

on squares, in different institutions, such as that for abandoned children

and support different actions - for the elderly and poor, for forests...

So we perform onstage but also outdoors.

Proba is a choir from Belgrade consisting of 10 to 15 members.

It was formed in 2007,

mostly from former members of Horkeškart and Horkestar.

These 10 to 15 members

wanted to sing songs that were socially and politically committed

to a greater extent than those sung by Horkestar,

and this was the beginning of Proba.

From the very beginning, we've sought our inspiration at Poetrying.

Poetrying is a poetry festival initiated in 2008

and taking place on the last Saturday of each month.

Anyone can come and recite their poetry.

We want to be heard by everybody, without making any distinctions.

We do not like singing only in concert halls,

where only the so-called musical audience is expected.

Music is for everybody. Just as everybody can sing in our choir,

no matter whether talented or not, which is, after all, pretty audible on the stage,

everybody can listen to it, too.

The standard definition of Le Zbor is a lesbo-feminist choir.

We come from Zagreb, Croatia.

We have been active for about seven years,

trying to reach the broadest of audiences and convey,

in a simple language, the message of love through music.

in an activist manner

We take a song - sometimes a folk song, sometimes a revolutionary song,

sometimes a pop-rock hit - and rearrange it

in our own style so as to make it attractive and interesting.

We change gender, protagonists,

replace male with female characters, or change the setting.

As far as nationalists and homophobes are concerned,

we fortunately do not encounter too many in our musical activities.

Recently we experienced ...

It's silly to talk about them, because this gives them a significance

that they shouldn't have.

As far as the situation in Croatia is concerned,

there is a human rights related progress in that homophobes recognise

the word homophobia and find it disturbing.

They may even say that they're not homophobes.

This is therefore recognised as a negative thing,

which is good.

I think we have played a part in this

by celebrating an anti-homophobia day for several years,

so that people have an idea what this is about.

What we have in mind when speaking of songs of resistance

is songs performed in a certain context

- a song of resistance is therefore defined by the time,

place and manner of performance.

My intention is not, of course, to diminish the importance of new,

creative and innovative songs of resistance.

What I mean to say is that a certain song can express

resistance when sung in a certain way

A good example of this is reactionary, patriotic,

pseudo-patriotic, patriarchal and similar songs performed by someone else,

typically women as the largest alternative group.

And when women perform such songs -

as is the case with Le Zbor, but also Kombinat

- this is about stealing the language, stealing the discourse

of the patriarchal majority,

stealing the discourse of those who have the power,

who control music -

state music, official music, battle music in general.

Kombinat is a choir considered more than a choir

- a movement, in fact.

Although we, its members, have never talked about it,

I believe most of us will agree that we are a community.

We come from all over Slovenia and from different generations

- we are aged from 25 to 50, if this is important at all.

Kombinat is a group of girls who decided

to express their opinion by singing,

to present the values they believe in

and to resist the mainstream mentality

that was still somehow in the background, somehow less visible

back in 2008, when the choir was established -

that man is nothing but a wolf to his fellow man

and that the only way to succeed is to push others aside

to step on the back of others without any sense of guilt.

At the time of establishment,

we unanimously rejected living in such a society.

A society where a human being can be human

is a society of solidarity, coexistence and social justice,

and this is the message of songs that we sing.

Raspeani Skopjani is an activist choir from Skopje, Macedonia,

that was established after the publication of the Skopje 2014 project,

which was in 2009.

In the four years of our activity,

we've had over 70 activists and singers and two conductors,

and we've sung over 50 songs.

What makes us different from other activist choirs

is that we want to be responsive

and critical towards the daily politics, not only general politics.

We began as a choir that sang a song on a current topic every two weeks.

These topics can be, say, a homophobic statement,

a celebration of a holiday,

an accident that happened -

we sing to comment on current affairs.

Yes, you know what's going on in Istanbul.

They're trying to bring down the regime,

but I don't know whether and how they'll succeed.

We'd like to dedicate our next song to our friend who is currently in a coma.

Her name is Lobna

and she fell into a coma when brutally beaten by the police.

We hope that she survives this unfortunate event.

At the same time we'd like to say hi to our friends in Istanbul

who are on the frontline, so to say, and who send us information every day.

Skopje is experiencing an occupation of the ugly and stupid,

of people without any sense of aesthetics who want to destroy our living space.

I find it hard to imagine that someone should come to Ljubljana

and remodel its buildings, facades, monuments, squares and bridges

in the style that he likes but that never existed in Ljubljana.

I suppose that Ljubljana has no Byzantine architecture.

Imagine getting a prime minister who wants to spend more than 500 million euro

for making Ljubljana Byzantine.

The whole of Ljubljana would be shocked, would take to the streets.

We did the same, but did not succeed.

The man succeeded in making the place ugly, spending 500 million euro of our money

and above all, irreversibly suffocating

the common space, parks and streets,

which we will not be able to escape for decades.

Svetonazori is a self-organised independent choir from Belgrade.

We have existed in the form of a choir for about a year;

before that, we were a vocal and instrumental band of four friends.

Then we grew and I've been a conductor for about a year.

More friends joined and now there are about 14 members.

Our repertoire is somewhat specific.

For now, we do not sing our own songs

but comment on the present situation

by combining melodies of songs belonging to one ideological movement

with lyrics belonging to the other ideological movement

now present or predominant in Serbia.

A song of resistance must be parodic, ironic and sarcastic;

it has to keep a distance,

and the theft of language is the essential procedure.

On the other hand, it is also important

that a song of resistance is not existentially grim,

it has to express joy because joy is emancipatory.

In what sense? Besides food, drink, sex and folly,

laughter is in fact the only means of defying death.

And if a battle song is basically about declaring willingness

to die for your collective, then a song of resistance

should be the opposite to it.

The common denominator is that song is a medium or a tool of articulation

that lets you take a stand,

express an attitude, deliver an opinion about the world.

The fact that we're a choir defying the conservative definition of a choir

is in itself a way of opposing ideology.

Our most viewed videos are those that the governmental "megaphones",

chauvinistic and nationalistic journalists,

publish on their websites to spit on our positions.

This is when we get the highest number of views and comments.

We are, in a way, happy when we're hated.

We don't have a conductor, which is well evident,

but we try to involve as many people as possible

in the process of composing, conducting and the like.

Music still has something to say.

This is a means of self-liberation and a rehearsal for a different world.

For more infomation >> Vsi v en glas/All as one - Duration: 36:57.


Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse V 220 d Dubbel Cabine L - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse V 220 d Dubbel Cabine L - Duration: 0:41.


Peugeot 308 1.6 16v HDiF XS Airco/ecc-Cruissc-pdc v+a Bovagbedrijf - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 1.6 16v HDiF XS Airco/ecc-Cruissc-pdc v+a Bovagbedrijf - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 316 CDI 163pk L3H2, Trekhaak 2800kg, Navi, PDC V+A, Airco, Cruise, L3 H2 - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 316 CDI 163pk L3H2, Trekhaak 2800kg, Navi, PDC V+A, Airco, Cruise, L3 H2 - Duration: 0:59.


Bad Baby with Tantrum and Crying for Lollipops Little Babies Learn Colors with Finger Family Song - Duration: 3:18.

Bad Baby with Tantrum and Crying for Lollipops Little Babies Learn Colors with Finger Family Song

For more infomation >> Bad Baby with Tantrum and Crying for Lollipops Little Babies Learn Colors with Finger Family Song - Duration: 3:18.


ஜில்லுனு ஒரு காதல் பட குழந்தை இப்ப எப்படி கும்முனு இருக்கா பாருங்கள் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> ஜில்லுனு ஒரு காதல் பட குழந்தை இப்ப எப்படி கும்முனு இருக்கா பாருங்கள் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood - Duration: 1:52.


Farming Simulator 17 Let's Make Pig Feed New Mods - Duration: 19:14.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You some mods you can use to transport grains or straw grass e.t.c.

New Holland T7.315 4 Wheel Setup 5 Design Setup Colorable Rims 288Hp 50Km/h Top Speed

This mod Needs Light Addon


KOEGEL DUMPER 25.000l Capacity 2 Design Setup

GRAIN TRAILER 28.300l Capacity

KRÖGER AGROLINER TAW 20 37.000l Capacity

I will fill the trailers with corn and then I will move to Pig Farm To make some pig feed

ahhhahaahh I use The Better Steering Mod as you can see works fine

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Let's Make Pig Feed New Mods - Duration: 19:14.



HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Two Mods you can use to cultivate Your fields.

STEYR CVT 6 SERIES Front Loader 3 Engine Setup 5 Wheel Setup 11 Design Setup Colorable Rims 50Km/h Top Speed


RELIGIEUX FRERES LIBORTO CULTIVATOR 2 Models Old And New 2 Design Setup 6m Working Width 17Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 180Hp


If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 STEYR CVT 6 SERIES + RELIGIEUX FRERES LIBORTO CULTIVATOR - Duration: 10:49.


Hororo Chan intro animation | Time Lapse - Duration: 12:05.

Hello everyone!

this is zkael★

first of all i would like to say

the original art work came from this guy

permission to trace is acquired

remember i told you i traced the figure

its because i'm not really good at drawing

i'm still learning a lot

now i just want to let you know

something about artwork tracing

of course you can trace any anime you like

as beginners we all do that, we learn from it

its not really illegal

as long as its not related to business and stuff

like making money out of someone's artwork

or like declaring its your own original artwork to the public

like a scumbag

you can't just steal someone's artwork for your own profit

you will burn in hell if you do

that's all!

enjoy the rest of the video!

you can turn off the caption now

and watch again from the beginning :))

For more infomation >> Hororo Chan intro animation | Time Lapse - Duration: 12:05.


Carlos Breaks Jane's Curse - Part 3A - Descendants Race Choose Your Adventure Disney - Duration: 10:41.

Disney Doll Story

We don't have time.

You have to tell Carlos.

But what if he freaks out?


Are you dying?

Is there a cure?


I have something I need to tell you.


We don't have to go to Agrabah.

The cure is here.

What is it?

I'll go get it.

It's true love's kiss.


What if I'm not your true love?


Jane I



I understand.



That was a mistake.

He said no?

How could he?

He didn't say no, but.

So he said yes?


It was.


This must be a mistake.

I'll talk to him.



It's so awkward already.

How do I see him again?

Welcome to Corona.


You finally made it.

We were trying to help McKeyla and Camryn.

Do you know the shortcut to Arendelle.

I need to catch up.

A small accident.

I'm fixing it right now.



Take this route.



We will follow your tracks.

See you at Arendelle.

Good as new.


We need to leave for Arendelle now.

Is Jane coming?



Let's go.


Carlos and Jane didn't say a word to each other.

I still can't believe Carlos is not Jane's true love.

We need to get to Agrabah as soon as possible.

Here it is.

Another shortcut.

It's so cold here.

Get your jackets on.

We are going through the mountain pass.


Stay close to me.


Are you ready?


Let's go.

It looks like they know a shortcut.

But according to the map, it's blocked.

They must know something we don't.

Let's follow them.


Are you ok?


I'm so cold.

Yeah, Jane.

I'll get us out of here quickly.

The path is blocked by snow.

We have to find another way.

I'll try to find another way around.


Let's get out of the wind.




Even if we find out that I'm not your true love, can we still be friends?

Of course.



That's Kristoff and Anna.

They must know a way out.



I don't think they can hear us.

We need to follow them.



Carlos, let's go.

We are going to follow Anna and Kristoff.



Let's go.

This place is too cold.

Maybe we should've taken the safe route.

No way.

That'll take too long.


That's Jane and Carlos.

Our speeder can't follow them.

It's too steep.

We have to try.

We came too far.

Anna, Kristoff.


They can't hear us.

Carlos, we are going to slide down here.

Can you do it?

I'm not sure.

You have to.

I'll go first.


Hold on.

It's going to be a rough ride.


Just keep following me.



Is that Lonnie and Jay?


I think they are trying to follow us.

Uh oh.

That's too steep for the Speeder.

Jay, we made it.


Come down slowly.



Bring them closer to the fire.

Are you hurt?


What about Jane?

I'm alright.

Jay, help me clear out the road.

it's just a wall of ice.

There is a road behind this wall.

This is the fastest way to Elsa's castle.

Get some fire and help me melt the ice.


My Speeder.

Can you fix it?

We shouldn't have driven down that hill.



Can you hear us?

They have gone too far.

They can't hear us.


It looks like they went this way.

There are two sets of tracks going up the hill.

We can't go up the hill.



Did you hear that?

It sounds like Uma.

Let's go.

I'm so cold.

Come closer to the fire.

It's so windy here.

I'll go and help them melt the ice.


Stay with me.



The curse can be only be broken if you see what I really look like.


I don't look like this underneath.

I look really scary.


Are you ok with that?



I am not good with words and I am not brave like Ben.

That's ok.

I'm not Mal either.

So we will take one step at a time.

Found it.

There is a road here.


Let's go.

Elsa's castle is only a few minutes away.


Let's go.





Help us get out of here.


This one is bad.

Is your Speeder damaged?


Horribly damaged.

I will lower down some rope.

You will have to climb up.

But what about the Speeder.

It's going to take too much time to dig out your Speeder.

No, you have to dig out my Speeder too.

Welcome to Arendelle.


You made it.

I knew you would be here first place.


Here is your badge.


We have a feast waiting for all racers.

Come inside to the dining hall.

Jane, how are you feeling?

So cold.

Jane, Carlos.

Stay here.

I'll go get some food.



Whatever happens after

Of course.



Don't be frightened.


This is how I look like.


You are still you.

It worked.



Carlos, let's finish this race together.


It's impossible.


Don't leave us behind.



I can call the patrol.

They will have to dig you out.

I know the way out of this mountain pass.

You'll never find it without us.

They might be lying just to get us to help them.


Use your Speeder to get us out.


Uma is my arch nemesis.

And this is second time we are stopping and helping someone else.

You are right, but we also don't know where the exit is.

If we waste any more time, there is no point in taking the shortcut.


You'll never find the exit without us.

It's hidden.

It's a decision time.

If you think I should leave behind Uma and find the exit myself, go to Part 4A.

If you think I should help Uma and let her show the exit, go to Part 4B.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Carlos Breaks Jane's Curse - Part 3A - Descendants Race Choose Your Adventure Disney - Duration: 10:41.


How to Put On a Duvet Cover - How to House - HGTV - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> How to Put On a Duvet Cover - How to House - HGTV - Duration: 1:34.


Top 5 Common Hacking Techniques | Best Hacking Techniques - Duration: 2:39.

Top 5 Common Hacking Techniques | Best Hacking Techniques

Top 5 Common Hacking Techniques | Best Hacking Techniques

Top 5 Common Hacking Techniques | Best Hacking Techniques

Top 5 Common Hacking Techniques | Best Hacking Techniques

Top 5 Common Hacking Techniques | Best Hacking Techniques

For more infomation >> Top 5 Common Hacking Techniques | Best Hacking Techniques - Duration: 2:39.


5 Attachments to Release on the Path of Enlightenment - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> 5 Attachments to Release on the Path of Enlightenment - Duration: 10:10.


Ivana Trump Viciously Attacked Melania Trump on Live TV as Millions Of Americans Watched Tonight - Duration: 23:30.

BREAKING Kasich Attacks Republicans For Backing Trump!!

John Kasich just turned against Trump and Republicans.

Nobody expected that this new week is going to be 'marked' as a week of new internal

confrontations in the GOP and also, new obstructions and sabotages in providing the people with

new healthcare issue in the shape of new Obamacare repeal, this time with executive orders.

Republicans are backing up the president this time, but the GOP proved so many times to

be the unserious political party with members who are not loyal to the greater cause of

the party's ideology AT ALL.

John Kasich is ripping into his colleagues for backing Trump on getting rid of Obamacare. reports: Ohio Gov. John Kasich ripped into Republicans for not

caring enough about people when forming healthcare policy and instead jumping to support President

Trump's decision to end health insurance subsidies that kept premiums down."What

are they doing?

Are they just passing these things and people are praising what the president did because

of politics?"

Kasich asked, incredulously, on "Meet The Press."

"Do they understand the impact this has on families?

On people?

Read the stories of what these people are saying.

What is the purpose of this?

I've got to say … this whole issue is about people.

It is not about politics.

It is not about numbers.

It is about people."


What do you think about this?

John Kasich swings fast, obviously.

To be honest, Americans don't expected something like this from Kasich.

It seems that somebody made a huge pressure on him.

Republicans need to show unity in these hard times.

Republicans need to show unity because

in 2018 they


face the

same destiny as Democrats.


you trust

the GOP after


of these RINOs?

Hard to believe…



For more infomation >> Ivana Trump Viciously Attacked Melania Trump on Live TV as Millions Of Americans Watched Tonight - Duration: 23:30.


Most Satisfying sliver Slime asmr Video !!! - Duration: 10:29.

Most Satisfying sliver Slime asmr Video

For more infomation >> Most Satisfying sliver Slime asmr Video !!! - Duration: 10:29.


Tristan Lopin feat. HARVEY WEINSTEIN - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Tristan Lopin feat. HARVEY WEINSTEIN - Duration: 2:20.


Cheetos Hotdog (Corndog) Eating Show _ Making Hotdog Out of Cheetos! Cooking with Cheetos :D - Duration: 6:22.

Hello~ It's Nado.

Hello to you!

I've had Cheetos chicken a while a go, right?! So for today!

I'm going to make Cheetos hotdog this time.

It just came up to my mind..

Prepare cheetos first ★-★

Cheetos is so good....♥

I'll use Cheetos powder instead of bread crums. *-*

I'll make hotdog mix with Korean pancake mix. +-+ (Korean pancake mix: a product that makes Korean pancake. It is similar as regular pancake mix.)

Wrap it well, and coat the powder.

You can't go wrong with sugar. No sir.

Ta da!♥

It's huge!!

I'll try from the largest one~


I didn't know this can be this big.

Oh! I guess it might break...

It's so big...

The cheese is not stretching.

There's a lot of cheese in here.

But it doesn't stretch, huh?

It's good.

Cheese is the best.......♥

It doesn't taste like Cheetos!

I mean I can...

Taste the burned part...?

Why is it burned...?


It would be bad if I didn't sprinkle sugar on here.

It's a bit burned....

There is no huge difference between using Cheetos instead of bread crums.

(I thought it would taste like Cheetos 8ㅁ8)

It's crispy but

it doesn't taste like Cheetos.

It's so big.

The sausage hasn't came out yet...

When can I taste sausage :(

I can see the sausage now.

I'll taste the sausage now~

I love sausage!!

Hotdog can't go wrong with sausage!!!

The hotdog is much better with both cheese and sausage.

I think it's better to spread the cheese instead of only putting the cheese on top.

The sausage is so crispy.

I'm so full.

To be honest, regular hotdog is much better than this one!

To be honest, regular hotdog is much better than this one! (Regular hotdog>>>Cheetos hotdog)


I like the bread part of hotdog with Korean pancake mix!

It's just a hotdog!

So I recommend you to....

Make the regular hotdog with Korean pancake mix.. hahaha

See you later~


* I was born with congenital absence of permanent lower teeth. :D *

For more infomation >> Cheetos Hotdog (Corndog) Eating Show _ Making Hotdog Out of Cheetos! Cooking with Cheetos :D - Duration: 6:22.


Baby Learn Colors with Wrong Blocks Paw Patrol. Videos for Kids Babies Toddlers - Duration: 1:28.

Baby Learn Colors with Wrong Blocks Paw Patrol. Videos for Kids Babies Toddlers

For more infomation >> Baby Learn Colors with Wrong Blocks Paw Patrol. Videos for Kids Babies Toddlers - Duration: 1:28.


How to make a YouTube Video 如何製作YouTube影片 - 各個流程示範(多機位、調色、字幕) - Duration: 11:14.

For more infomation >> How to make a YouTube Video 如何製作YouTube影片 - 各個流程示範(多機位、調色、字幕) - Duration: 11:14.


So grausam leiden Schweine in Betrieben der Van Asten Group / PETA - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> So grausam leiden Schweine in Betrieben der Van Asten Group / PETA - Duration: 1:55.


Learn Colors With Ryder Paw Patrol for Children / Bad Baby cry Finger Family song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 11:02.

Learn Colors With Ryder Paw Patrol for Children / Bad Baby cry Finger Family song Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Ryder Paw Patrol for Children / Bad Baby cry Finger Family song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 11:02.


Gudgudi | Secret Superstar | Aamir Khan | Zaira Wasim | Sunidhi Chauhan | Amit Trivedi | Kausar - Duration: 2:13.

Tell me honestly, where did you get so much money?

It doesn't matter.

I can't accept it. Let's return it.

Are you crazy, Insu?

There are so many things in life, I have not been able to give you,

and nor will I be able to.

Don't rob me of the joy of seeing you smile.

Look, the world is so big, and our Baroda is so small.

Is this Baroda?!

♪ Suddenly my eyes have learnt to dance. ♪

♪ Suddenly my teeth have learnt to sparkle. ♪

♪ It feels like this heart of mine has just learnt to laugh. ♪

♪ Laugh from the depths of my soul. ♪

♪ Suddenly my hair has learnt to bounce. ♪

♪ Suddenly my stains have learnt to vanish. ♪

♪ It feels like this heart of mine has just learnt to laugh. ♪

♪ Laugh from the depths of my soul. ♪

♪ Suddenly the curries have begun to tickle me. ♪

♪ Suddenly the flatbreads have begun to tickle me. ♪

♪ Suddenly every little thing is bringing me joy. ♪

For more infomation >> Gudgudi | Secret Superstar | Aamir Khan | Zaira Wasim | Sunidhi Chauhan | Amit Trivedi | Kausar - Duration: 2:13.


Renault Clio Energy dCi 90pk Expression Navi - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio Energy dCi 90pk Expression Navi - Duration: 0:59.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Stro­mae « n'est pas bien », son amie Vitaa donne de ses nouvelles après ses - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Stro­mae « n'est pas bien », son amie Vitaa donne de ses nouvelles après ses - Duration: 2:32.


For more infomation >> Stro­mae « n'est pas bien », son amie Vitaa donne de ses nouvelles après ses - Duration: 2:32.


Iveco 50C17 AUTOMAAT afnetsysteem, zwaailichten, airco n - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Iveco 50C17 AUTOMAAT afnetsysteem, zwaailichten, airco n - Duration: 0:50.


For more infomation >> Iveco 50C17 AUTOMAAT afnetsysteem, zwaailichten, airco n - Duration: 0:50.


8 utilisations extraordinaires de l'aspirine dont vous n'avez jamais entendu parler ! - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> 8 utilisations extraordinaires de l'aspirine dont vous n'avez jamais entendu parler ! - Duration: 6:05.


For more infomation >> 8 utilisations extraordinaires de l'aspirine dont vous n'avez jamais entendu parler ! - Duration: 6:05.


First Cut - Duration: 7:21.

How much are these flower pots?

I get 220Kyats($0.25) per pot.


Only raw pot?


so, you only get 220Kyats per pot.

But, when the pots are displayed on the market

after putting glaze and kiln, the price goes up to around 6,000kyats( $4 dollars)

Before transportation are not so good,

we transport pots by the boat alongside of the Irrawaddy River.

Nowadays, Highway roads are good, we transport pottery by cars to other cities.

What kind of pottery produced from your company?

We have local and export market.

We mainly produce different types of martaban jar.

How many workers are there in your company?

There are only four workers in production department.

However, we have total of 78 employees who work full time.

For more infomation >> First Cut - Duration: 7:21.


For more infomation >> First Cut - Duration: 7:21.


Logan Paul - Outta My Hair (ILLORY Remix) (4K Lyrics Subtitles) - Duration: 2:39.

Pull up on you Standing with your girls, looking good, I

just gotta have you Started conversating then you ask me all about

my shampoo Thinkin' what's that about?

But it kind of made me laugh so I told you, "come through"

You know what we gon' do Candles are lit, lights are down, playing

Cody Simpson Running your fingers through all of this blond

ambition 'Til I find you in the shower, but the water

ain't runnin' And you still got all your clothes on

Got my products on the counter, and I put it all together

I just can't get you out of my hair Can't get you out of my hair

And I know it ain't fair Tryin' to blowdry and brush it

You just wanna touch it I just can't get you out of my hair


I just can't get you out of my I just can't get you out of my, out of my

Next day, woke up feeling funny but to-do is money, so it's okay

Walkin' downstairs, saw your purse sittin' in the hallway

Thinkin' "what's that about?"

But you came around the corner, with a can of hairspray

Let me hit the replay Candles are out, lights are up, I'm still

on a mission She said "I just wanna give you a deep condition"

'Cause I'm looking so good and I'm feeling even better

I be smelling like a rainstorm She said I got body, but she ain't talking

naughty I just can't get you out of my hair

Can't get you out of my hair And I know it ain't fair

Tryin' to blowdry and brush it You just wanna touch it

I just can't get you out of my hair I just can't get you out of my

I just can't get you out of my, out of my


For more infomation >> Logan Paul - Outta My Hair (ILLORY Remix) (4K Lyrics Subtitles) - Duration: 2:39.


For more infomation >> Logan Paul - Outta My Hair (ILLORY Remix) (4K Lyrics Subtitles) - Duration: 2:39.


Appliquez cette huile sur vos cheveux pour éliminer les pellicules et la perte de cheveux - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Appliquez cette huile sur vos cheveux pour éliminer les pellicules et la perte de cheveux - Duration: 6:23.


For more infomation >> Appliquez cette huile sur vos cheveux pour éliminer les pellicules et la perte de cheveux - Duration: 6:23.


TwitchCon event will be strea...

For more infomation >> TwitchCon event will be strea...


BMW X6 M 575 PK!! FULL OPTIONS 21-03-2017/4.724KM - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> BMW X6 M 575 PK!! FULL OPTIONS 21-03-2017/4.724KM - Duration: 0:58.


Ivana Trump Viciously Attacked Melania Trump on Live TV as Millions Of Americans Watched Tonight - Duration: 23:30.

BREAKING Kasich Attacks Republicans For Backing Trump!!

John Kasich just turned against Trump and Republicans.

Nobody expected that this new week is going to be 'marked' as a week of new internal

confrontations in the GOP and also, new obstructions and sabotages in providing the people with

new healthcare issue in the shape of new Obamacare repeal, this time with executive orders.

Republicans are backing up the president this time, but the GOP proved so many times to

be the unserious political party with members who are not loyal to the greater cause of

the party's ideology AT ALL.

John Kasich is ripping into his colleagues for backing Trump on getting rid of Obamacare. reports: Ohio Gov. John Kasich ripped into Republicans for not

caring enough about people when forming healthcare policy and instead jumping to support President

Trump's decision to end health insurance subsidies that kept premiums down."What

are they doing?

Are they just passing these things and people are praising what the president did because

of politics?"

Kasich asked, incredulously, on "Meet The Press."

"Do they understand the impact this has on families?

On people?

Read the stories of what these people are saying.

What is the purpose of this?

I've got to say … this whole issue is about people.

It is not about politics.

It is not about numbers.

It is about people."


What do you think about this?

John Kasich swings fast, obviously.

To be honest, Americans don't expected something like this from Kasich.

It seems that somebody made a huge pressure on him.

Republicans need to show unity in these hard times.

Republicans need to show unity because

in 2018 they


face the

same destiny as Democrats.


you trust

the GOP after


of these RINOs?

Hard to believe…



For more infomation >> Ivana Trump Viciously Attacked Melania Trump on Live TV as Millions Of Americans Watched Tonight - Duration: 23:30.


VOA news Oct 17, 2017 - Duration: 4:59.

From Washington, this is VOA news.

I'm Jonathan Smith reporting.

Iraqi government forces swept into the Kurdish-held city of Kirkuk on Monday, capturing the governor's

office, key military sites and an oil field.

In a lightning-fast strike, Baghdad's U.S.-trained troops entered the northern city and, on orders

from Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, raised Iraqi flags in place of the Kurdish


The move came less than a day after launching the operation in response to last month's

Kurdish vote for independence that the central government declared was illegal.

Iraqi forces have now shut down access both in and out of Kirkuk as fighting with Kurdish

Peshmerga forces grows worse.

Popular Mobilization Units moved into Kirkuk in the early hours of Monday.

President Trump says his decision not to recertify Iran's compliance with the Iran nuclear deal

could lead to its "total termination."

He said, "That's a very real possibility."

He spoke to reporters Monday as he began a meeting with his cabinet at the White House.

In remarks that were at times prepared and other times not, the president said a lot

of people agreed with what he did in pulling away from the 2015 accord, which Iran reached

with the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and the European Union.

None of the other parties to the agreement have endorsed Trump's move, however, and EU

foreign ministers, meeting Monday in Luxembourg, dispatched one of their top diplomats to Washington

to fight for the deal.

Trump defended his decision on Monday.

This is VOA news.

The death toll in the Somali capital Mogadishu has now topped 300 as rescue teams continue

to search for survivors from a massive explosion on Saturday blamed on Islamist militants.

Three hundred two people now confirmed dead from the blast, which struck a busy intersection

in the Somali capital late Saturday.

Four hundred twenty-nine people were injured and taken to local hospitals.

There is some sense that the death toll is likely to rise.

Protesters in the Kenyan city of Kisumu defied a local government ban on rallies Monday to

demand reforms in the country's electoral commission.

This is the fourth Monday in a row that demonstrators have marched on the commission's offices.

Correspondent Mohammed Yusuf reports now from Kisumu.

Protesters marched to the offices of the electoral commission offices in Kisumu's city center.

But in the afternoon, police used teargas and water cannons to disperse the crowd.

One person was killed.

Kisumu is the hometown of opposition leader Raila Odinga.

Odinga had challenged to win over incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta in the August election.

The Supreme Court overturned the outcome, saying presidential results were [either]

neither transparent [or] nor verifiable.

The court ordered the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, or IEBC, to conduct

a new election within 60 days of its September 1 ruling.

Since then, Odinga has demanded the commission fire members who were allegedly involved in

the August electoral irregularities.

The commission has said it has no time to make changes.

Last week Odinga withdrew from the October 26 re-run election blaming the commission

and the ruling Jubilee party of planning to rig the vote.

Mohammed Yusuf, for VOA news, Kisumu, western Kenya.

The man accused of planting two bombs in New York, leaving 30 people injured in September

2016, was found guilty of all charges Monday.

Twenty-nine-year-old Ahmad Khan Rahimi of Elizabeth, New Jersey, faces a maximum sentence

of life in prison for charges including counts of using a weapon of mass destruction and

bombing a public place.

All entries submitted to the U.S. Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, popularly known as

the Green Card Lottery, between October 3rd and [4] 10th, that is, have been lost because

of a computer glitch.

Anyone who submitted applications is being told to reapply.

The technical issue has been resolved but the State Department says, "Entries submitted

during October 3-10 are not valid and have been excluded from the system; they will not

count as a duplicate entry."

There is more on these and other late breaking and developing stories, from around the world,

around the clock, at and on the VOA news mobile app.

I'm Jonathan Smith reporting from the world headquarters of the Voice of America in Washington.

That's the latest world news from VOA.

For more infomation >> VOA news Oct 17, 2017 - Duration: 4:59.


ナンジャタウン×A3!レポ③缶バッチ開封、その他編 - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> ナンジャタウン×A3!レポ③缶バッチ開封、その他編 - Duration: 5:28.


Audi A6 Avant 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO PREMIUM EDITION - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 Avant 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO PREMIUM EDITION - Duration: 0:55.


30528 Jeanine Livonia 48152 - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> 30528 Jeanine Livonia 48152 - Duration: 4:56.


Volkswagen Touran Comfortline 1.2TSI/110pk - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Touran Comfortline 1.2TSI/110pk - Duration: 0:56.


【PD FT】 World's End Dancehall (ワールズエンド・ダンスホール)【Hatsune Miku V4/ 初音ミク V4X • Akita Neru V4X/亞北ネル V4X】 - Duration: 3:31.

At the boundary lines mixed with jokes,

a little farther ahead of the stairs,

there is nothing good there at all, huh?

Shall I try to guide you instead?

Are you going to dance terribly

and stumble on the top of the altar?

I'm sure people will be dazzled senseless,though,

so what do you say, together right here!

The high-pitched voice has filled up this room,

swirling around some disgusting meanings.

Of course there is nothing good at all,

so now let's scream it out with all our strength!

The meaning tied to those short phrases,

the reason for hating someone you've never met,

no matter how hard I look,

I can't find them.

Getting angry despite being shy,

laughing with head lowered,

they are all, in any case, boring!

Shall we dance with some hop steps?

Let's go "one two" in a small corner of this world.

Enjoy fully this dizzy feeling

of the world's end.

Seems like soon this feeling will suddenly vanish,

so let's preserve this next instant moment.

Spinning spinning, spinning, spinning,

as we become intoxicated by this spinning world.

The empty space is only for the bystanders.

A race to get onto the crowded last train.

There is nothing good there at all.

So, wanna try to guide me instead?

Somehow it feels different from normal.

I'll try to believe in fate's pranks.

That terrible stumbling dance

yes, let's make fun of it as much as we like!

The meaning in boringly repeating the same moves,

the reason for stepping according to the beats,

no matter how hard you look,

you won't find them.

Dancing when sad,

laughing when wanting to cry,

those kinds of willfulness are really tiring!

Shall we sing some sense out of the pop music?

Before the world starts to frown on us,

please release that attention-grabbing heartbeat.

I can still remember it clearly.

What a gorgeous view we have here!

The scenery I see from here

must not have changed a bit,

so I'll just crawl on the withered ground.

Shall we dance with some hop steps?

Let's go "one two" in a small corner of this world.

Enjoy fully this dizzy feeling

of the world's end.

Seems like soon this feeling will suddenly vanish,

so let's preserve this next instant moment.

Farewell, and take care.

I utter to this ending world.


For more infomation >> 【PD FT】 World's End Dancehall (ワールズエンド・ダンスホール)【Hatsune Miku V4/ 初音ミク V4X • Akita Neru V4X/亞北ネル V4X】 - Duration: 3:31.


首5位可以得到試用裝~ 不要錯過! REVIEW Cleanser Gel Makeup Removal - Duration: 7:09.

It's feel like drink a cocktail in the Dubai

Like this

Hello everyone

I'm Sylvia

In this video, I want to try a product

And I hope my video can be a reference for you

It's not going to force you to buy

Just only if you interested to that product, and you can buy then

I will randomly pink one lucky winner every month

I will send a cosmetic as a gift

If you haven't join already

Please check out the info box

Well, today I want to try a product

it relating about makeup removal

the brand called La Rose

It can remove your makeup very well

And deep clean your skin as well too

it has anti-sensitive, anti-inflammatory effects

It also can firming your skin and minimize pores

It also can reduce acne scar, prevent aging and uneven skin tone

Reduce fine lines and wrinkles

Moisture your skin very quick and reduce blackheads

Smooth and whitening skin

This is the first time I heard

A makeup removal product

can be moisture your skin at the same time (And more benefit)

This is my first time I heard such a product like this

So I think it worth to make a video

Let's check out those customers who try this product before

This is a guy

So this product can be use for woman and man. Unisex

Let's see his skin

Pores very huge and yellowish

After she use that product

His acne become fewer

And his pores also getting minimize

And his skin is turn brighten a bit

Next photo. Look

She has a lot of pores and blackheads

After she try that product. Her skin get better

OMG, his skin surface look uneven

After he use that product

His skis not obvious turn brighten. But his skin surface look flat a bit and better than before

Next photo, Omg, this quite worse too

He has so many fine lines, and it turn better

But I notice his skin tone is not obvious turn brighten

Well, let's me show you the product

Here you go

This packaging look pretty much like Lancome product

The packaging look very classy and luxury

And the color is gold

My most favorite design of this packaging is the top here

It so pretty

The design look like Rome or Italy style

And I notice that the cup

it's look like..

I drink a cocktail in the Dubai

Like this

It's look luxury

So now I want to mention when I first time to use it

When I going to remove my makeup

by this product

During washing

I was like... OMG... what is that

It look like gum, or somehow look like jelly to me

Which is I was really surprised

I was like.... OMG

This is my first time using such thing

But I found out that my skin turn very clean

Because I never use a makeup removal products, at the same time also can moisturizing

I agree, my skin become very moisture and smooth

Just like the photo I just show you

My pores getting minimize and better

And my skin feel moiture. Feel like just apply a facial mask

If you decide to buy this product, you can try this one

Took out your makeup, eyeliner, foundation, mascara, applied to the skin

And then apply La Rose Cleanser Gel

Apply on the entire surface

And then use clean tissue paper

And then cover with the surface

After a few seconds until (one minute is the best)

Gently remove the tissue paper

And the makeup completely removed

I think it's quite amazing

It's so fun. You guys can try it

Now let me mention what I dislike about this product

I find it hard to remove my eyeliner

Especially in my inner liner

I use a cotton and pour product on it

And then gently remove my inner eyeliner

it not that fast to remove my inner eyeliner

Actually it can able to remove your inner eyeliner

Just need patience to do that

However, it can remove your foundation, lip stain very quickly

Except inner eyeliner, you need to pay attention for that. And be patience.

I think there is no problem

Now let me mention what I like about this product

It is very moisturizing. It's true

This is my first time to use such product

Feel like just apply a facial mask

Very moisture and awesome

Because normally when I use regular remove makeup product

It make my skin so dry after switch on my air-con

which is feel uncomfortable. But this one not

Your skin feel moisture after use this product

And minimize your pores

which is great

Where can find such product like this

This is my first time heard a removal makeup has so many benefit

I tell the truth

and always will be

it doesn't same like cleansing oil product

You pour some of the cleanser oil into a small cotton

The more your rub, the more get dirty

you need to change a new cotton

to remove your eye makeup.

And I hate dirty

And waste of your cottons

But this one. Pour some into a cotton

Remove your eye makeup

It won't make your eye look dirty

This is what the difference between Cleanser oil and Cleanser gel

And I think cleanser gel is better

And what the most I like about this product?

If you are very busy, and there is no time to remove your makeup

You can use this to remove your makeup and no need to wash your face by facial cleanser again

It can able to remove your makeup very well, and moisture your skin

I think it is suitable for office worker

Or very busy life

You guys can try this

if you ask me will I continue to use this

The answer definitely is YES

This is my first time to heard

Able to remove your makeup and moisture your skin

And minimize your pores

Everyone need this

Well, if you try this product before

Please leave a comment below and tell your thought

If you are interested in this product

Please look for her by via Wechat app

Tell her how many products you want

After you make payment, she will send product to your delivery address

After you receive it, and you can start to use it

Well, this is the sample

This seller will giveaway 5 piece of sample

If you want it, please don't miss it

After watch this video

Share the video to your facebook timeline, must be set to public

And then screen shoot

Add the seller as friend by via Wechat

Send to her the screen shoot photo. And can get sample (Not including postage)

If you can't get sample, don't be sad

Please follow her wechat moment

She will running other giveaways soon

If you are Taiwanese, and look for this product

They have agent in Taiwan

Please look for her by via Wechat

Their agent from Taiwan will look for you

If you have any product that want me to make review

I received endorsement fee

If you are interested, please look for my by via Wechat

That's all for today

I hope you find out my video helpful and useful

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And see you next time

Thanks for watching

Bye bye

For more infomation >> 首5位可以得到試用裝~ 不要錯過! REVIEW Cleanser Gel Makeup Removal - Duration: 7:09.


Volkswagen Golf Sportsvan 1.4 TSI COMFORTLINE 150PK DSG - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Sportsvan 1.4 TSI COMFORTLINE 150PK DSG - Duration: 1:01.


Farming Simulator 17 Let's Make Pig Feed New Mods - Duration: 19:14.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You some mods you can use to transport grains or straw grass e.t.c.

New Holland T7.315 4 Wheel Setup 5 Design Setup Colorable Rims 288Hp 50Km/h Top Speed

This mod Needs Light Addon


KOEGEL DUMPER 25.000l Capacity 2 Design Setup

GRAIN TRAILER 28.300l Capacity

KRÖGER AGROLINER TAW 20 37.000l Capacity

I will fill the trailers with corn and then I will move to Pig Farm To make some pig feed

ahhhahaahh I use The Better Steering Mod as you can see works fine

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Let's Make Pig Feed New Mods - Duration: 19:14.


- Bài Hát Hay Dành Riêng Cho Fan T-ara - Fan Kpop Nghiện T-ara - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> - Bài Hát Hay Dành Riêng Cho Fan T-ara - Fan Kpop Nghiện T-ara - Duration: 3:14.


Sea Planet Resort & Spa 5* – Side – Best hotels in Turkey - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Sea Planet Resort & Spa 5* – Side – Best hotels in Turkey - Duration: 4:06.



HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Two Mods you can use to cultivate Your fields.

STEYR CVT 6 SERIES Front Loader 3 Engine Setup 5 Wheel Setup 11 Design Setup Colorable Rims 50Km/h Top Speed


RELIGIEUX FRERES LIBORTO CULTIVATOR 2 Models Old And New 2 Design Setup 6m Working Width 17Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 180Hp


If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 STEYR CVT 6 SERIES + RELIGIEUX FRERES LIBORTO CULTIVATOR - Duration: 10:49.


Listas de canales IPTV de Belgica en Kodi - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Listas de canales IPTV de Belgica en Kodi - Duration: 6:28.


Paris Jackson Poses Topless To Support Body Positivity: I'm 'Comfortable In My Rolls' - Duration: 2:57.

Paris Jackson Poses Topless To Support Body Positivity: I'm 'Comfortable In My Rolls'

Paris Jackson posted a very revealing topless photo wearing nothing but her Calvins on Instagram to prove shes proud of who she is and comfortable in her own skin. See the sexy pic here!.

Paris Jackson, 19, isnt afraid to show off her body. The daughter of Michael Jackson, took to Instagram on Oct. 16 to promote a positive body image wearing nothing but a pair of gray Calvin Klein underwear. Comfortable in my rolls.

F**k wit me, the caption for the provocative photo read. The blonde beautys face cant be seen in the sizzling pic but she does show off her long locks and tattoos along with a whole lot of skin.

See some of Paris most beautiful photos here!. Paris is known to not shy away from showing off her natural self.

Just last month, she made headlines when she posted a different topless photo of herself with hairy armpits and shes also been known to show off hairy legs in the past. The brave teen is not afraid of what her critics think and has become a true role model for women all over social media.

Whether shes posting videos on how to do her makeup or expressing her gratitude for being MJs loving daughter, one thing is for sure: she is being her true self!. Paris also isnt afraid to speak out about issues she believes in.

27, she spoke out against white supremacists and Nazis at the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards in the wake of the violence that took place in Charlottesville earlier in the month.

When in the public eye like Paris is, its a good platform to stand up for beliefs and ask for support, which she definitely takes advantage of. We cant wait to see what Paris shares with us next.

As long as shes aiming to do good in the world, we support her all the way!. SaveSave.

For more infomation >> Paris Jackson Poses Topless To Support Body Positivity: I'm 'Comfortable In My Rolls' - Duration: 2:57.


Learn how to Barspin || Quick New Trick Ep.1 - Duration: 11:18.

For more infomation >> Learn how to Barspin || Quick New Trick Ep.1 - Duration: 11:18.


The Palms - Levitate Lyrics - Duration: 3:52.

One Shot and I'm holdin

But I don't care, Cuz I'm Golden

Woke up Sunday morning

With a song stuck in my head

I'm seeing things right before me

That used to own me, But that's the old me

And Give it up, Was the best thing that they said

We almost had it all once again

All bets say they won't make it

Some day we'll have it all figured out

Till then

Better go and tell'm2x

We're gonna celebrate

Watch me as I Levitate

Gonna celebrate

So watch me as I Levitate

3 o'clock in the mornin

Under the moonlight, Another moment

Stretched out with a centerfold

That I can't get out of my head

All these things they told me

They used to mold me, But that's the old me

We're goin straight to the Stars

Cause that's who we are

We almost had it all once again

All bets say they won't make it

Some day we'll have it all figured out

Till then

Better go and tell'm2x

We're gonna celebrate

Watch me as I Levitate, Let's take this way too far

We don't discriminate, No matter who you are

So watch me as I Levitate

We're gonna celebrate,

Gonna celebrate

Watch me as I Levitate

Let's take this way too far

We don't discriminate

So watch me as I Levitate

For more infomation >> The Palms - Levitate Lyrics - Duration: 3:52.


COINS.PH: STEP-BY-STEP procedure in MAKING ACCOUNT and how to GET VERIFIED EASILY on! - Duration: 10:13.

For more infomation >> COINS.PH: STEP-BY-STEP procedure in MAKING ACCOUNT and how to GET VERIFIED EASILY on! - Duration: 10:13.


Love and Hip Hop Hollywood Season 4 reunion part 1 #LHHH - Duration: 45:00.


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