Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 17 2017

If you're going to Mars, Kara's going with you.

Going back would be a suicide mission!


This was your home?

I'm the only green martian left.

No, there's another one.

We came all this way to fight alongside you.

This is bigger than you know.

I'm sorry, J'onn.

It's me, father.

Supergirl all new episode Monday at 8/7c on The CW.

For more infomation >> Supergirl 3x03 Extended Promo "Far From the Tree" (HD) Season 3 Episode 3 Extended Promo - Duration: 0:42.


Top 10 Indian TV Serial Actresses Who Smoke In Real Life | You Won't Believe - Duration: 4:45.

Top 10 Indian TV Serial Actresses Who Smoke In Real Life | You Won't Believe

For more infomation >> Top 10 Indian TV Serial Actresses Who Smoke In Real Life | You Won't Believe - Duration: 4:45.


Rebels Recon #4.1 and #4.2: Inside Heroes of Mandalore, Parts 1 and 2 | Star Wars Rebels - Duration: 7:24.

Greetings and salutations my long-lost Rebels friends, it is I Andi Gutierrez

back at it again for the final season of Rebels to give all of you at

home a peek behind the curtain here at Lucasfilm Headquarters are you ready to

talk secrets? I know I am the fourth and final season of Rebels Recon starts

right now

After receiving a tip from rebel spies at the Capitol, the crew embarks on a

mission to Mandalore to rescue Sabine's father from an Imperial prison.

Sabine, you are my daughter. But the Empire reveals a weapon built by Sabine during her

Imperial past that forces the crew and their new allies to take action and

destroy it at all costs. For Mandalore. For Mandalore.

With the support of Clan Kryze Sabine helps the Mandalorians escape the clutches of the Empire naming

Bo Katan the new leader of Mandalore. For my clan and for all of Mandalore.

In this week's episode, the Rebels return to Mandalore and found out that you can't

always go home again. I sat down at the cast and crew to talk about the return

to Mandalore, Sabine's role in creating the Duchess, the return of Bo Katan and

more. Check it out. Sabine finally accepts her legacy in

Heroes of Mandalore. How has your time reunited with her family helped her grow

into this role I think it's been a long long time since she's been sort of

immersed in her own Mandalorian culture. I think maybe it sort of reignites that

sort of fire that Mandalorian like warrior fire in her and she's this young

woman I think I certainly forget how young she is because she's so wise

beyond her years and so capable and so strong and here's when it's like really

a test for her. We meet Sabine's dad in this episode how does Alric differ from

the other Mandos that we've seen in this series? We really see that Sabine gets

her love of art from Alric that it's really his influence on her that is

definitely his side that comes out through Sabine. Dave and the story team

came up with really a cool kind of idea to see the mother who's kind of hard on

her and the father who's the one that's a little more of the nurturing kind of

aspect of it so the Duchess is a type of a superweapon unlike anything we've ever

seen in Star Wars, can you give us a little more detail on how it works?

The Duchess really is an energy weapon that hones in on the Beskar alloy and then

super heats it and literally incinerates whoever's wearing the armor. It's

one of these things that has to be presented visually enough that it looks

painful. Here we did is we had a glow come from within we did that old trick

of just putting a light on the inside of the armors making our armor look like

it's glowing and then it just kind of comes out and then you cut to the next

shot where the armor Falls and there's just ash floating around you can kind of

fill in the rest. We learned here that Sabine actually created the Duchess are

there any other details about her time at the Empire that you could give us?

I think that she was a very competitive person so she probably wasn't really

thinking as she says that she made some bad decisions but she's probably at the

top of her class so she's willing to take on a challenge that no one else

would and then succeed at it. She's a munitions expert and at the time she did

as she was told you know she was a soldier in that regard and having no

idea the scope of the weapon she was developing and of course who it would be

used on so for her to then see it actually be utilized against her own

people is, I think it's just beyond devastating. We're learning more and more

about Sabine and sort of the things that she had to do and I think it really

enriches her story a bit because you really see how she's struggling against

trying to basically right her wrongs in a way. We see more armored Mandalorians

in the final scenes of this episode than we've ever seen before how did you go

about creating the look of the armor for each of the clans? Every single

designer had to design quite a few armor variations for that episode which is

really fun because Mandalorians but we all kind of work together because we

wanted all the clans to be similar right to each other. It's a lot of how quickly

can you turn around things that look varied without having to rebuild

everything from scratch which sort of ties in with George's vision of what

Mandalore was which is less of a sort of tribal thing and more very highly

sophisticated very technological society so the fact that a lot of their armor is

quite similar doesn't sort of contradict what we've been doing in the Clone Wars.

Bo Katan was a fan favorite character in the Clone Wars. What was the process and

why did you decide to bring her back into the show we always plan to bring

Bo Katan back she's such a beloved character and it just made sense in

these episodes we worked really hard on her model

and designed to get her to look in our rebel style but still hold on to the

integrity of who Bo Katan is. We do have to question ourselves is are we doing it

just because we want it or does it actually fit the story needs, with Bo Katan,

it actually really did fit because a lot of where Clone Wars was

heading towards the end of the series we were extrapolating what Maul's takeover

of Mandalore meant so we had sketched out a history in terms of who rose

through the ranks to a leadership position during that time of crisis and

Bogut and was that character and also it just felt like a worthy character to

pick up the dark saber because we made such a big deal out of it it would be a

harder sell to give that saber to someone we've never known before.

Really? A Chopper standalone movie? Go back to work or something.

(sad Chopper beeps)

(slide whistle sound)

(angry droid noises)

Of course we replaced you, you were in that meeting for like seven months.

it's been over half a year since

I last bothered Lucasfilm Story Group's Pablo Hidalgo with your Rebels questions

but I'm going to give him one more week off just to mess of them but if you have

any questions about Heroes of Mandalore tweet them -@StarWars using the

#rebelsrecon and we'll answer what we can online. And now as a special gift

to you here's an exclusive first look at next week's two-parter In the Name of

the Rebellion. Enjoy.

Base 1 this is Phoenix Leader stand by for emergency landings.

Come on! Come on! Move it!

Check you speed! Angle forward deflectors!

Wedge, dump your fuel!

You got it, boss!

Kanan! Don't worry, she's got it.

Thanks for watching Rebels Recon. We'll be back next week with a brand new

episode. Need more Rebels info check out the episode guide for Heroes of

Mandalore right now on Thanks again and may the Force be with you.


For more infomation >> Rebels Recon #4.1 and #4.2: Inside Heroes of Mandalore, Parts 1 and 2 | Star Wars Rebels - Duration: 7:24.


Different ways to say - I Need Some Sleep | Free English speaking Lessons online - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> Different ways to say - I Need Some Sleep | Free English speaking Lessons online - Duration: 10:02.


Unstoppable Train How To Stop The Train The Indestructible Train - Duration: 1:02:22.

Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full.

One for the master, One for the dame,

One for the little boy Who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full.

One for the master, One for the dame,

And one for the little Boy Who lives down the lane.

Do you know your A-B-C's

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's Next time won't you sing with me.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's 26 letters from A to Z

26 letters from A to Z

For more infomation >> Unstoppable Train How To Stop The Train The Indestructible Train - Duration: 1:02:22.


How to make Colorful Diwali Lantern / DIY Diwali Lantern/ Sangeetas kreations - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> How to make Colorful Diwali Lantern / DIY Diwali Lantern/ Sangeetas kreations - Duration: 5:19.


FALL IN WATER A lot of Disney Color Cars 3 Jackson Storm Lightning McQueen Cruz Ramirez Mack Trucks - Duration: 10:06.

FALL IN WATER A lot of Disney Color Cars 3 Jackson Storm Lightning McQueen Cruz Ramirez Mack Trucks

For more infomation >> FALL IN WATER A lot of Disney Color Cars 3 Jackson Storm Lightning McQueen Cruz Ramirez Mack Trucks - Duration: 10:06.


SCP-2523 Goblin Market | Object Class: Euclid | Building / humanoid scp - Duration: 11:18.

SCP-2523 "Goblin Market" Object Class: Euclid

Item #: SCP-2523

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Annually on August 15th, Mobile Task Force Omicron-13

("Trick or Treat") is to be activated.

MTF o-13 must begin a full Class W amnestic treatment regimen no later than August 20th.

MTF o-13 will begin the Class W dosage ramp-down no earlier than November 7th, and will stand

down no earlier than November 15th.

Activation may be extended up to 90 days at the discretion of the SCP-2523 project lead

(further extensions must be approved by both the reporting HR supervisor and the reporting

medical officer).

Beginning on October 1st, MTF o-13 will conduct 24 hour observation of eight sites affected

by SCP-2523 (designated SCP-2523-A through -H) which will include the easternmost and

westernmost affected locations as well as one additional site chosen in each US timezone.

On October 31st, one hour prior to local sunset, MTF o-13 will deploy a two-man contact team

into each designated site.

As each location enters the anomaly, teams will confirm positive contact and passphrase

with each other prior to carrying out mission operations.

Contact teams are to be relieved every eight hours for 24 hours.

Ejected team members must be replaced immediately.

All teams within the anomaly must confirm positive contact and passphrase during each

relief or replacement.

Team members are to attempt to prevent non-monetary purchases by civilians, using low-profile

social engineering techniques only.

In the event that a civilian engages in non-monetary purchasing, they are to ascertain the civilian's

identity and origin point, and advise the support team.

Support teams are to immediately locate and detain any civilians who have made non-monetary


Purchased items are to be confiscated for study.

Detained persons are to be interviewed and then released following amnesticization.

Ejected contact team personnel are to be immediately reclassified as Class E personnel, debriefed,

and quarantined for 366 days at a location at least 50 km from any key Foundation assets.

Survivors may return to duty pending approval by the reporting medical officer.

Currently, detention of SCP-2523-1 entities is not authorized.

In the event that authorization is reinstated, entities are to be secured with restraints

consisting of a minimum 75% iron by mass.

Description: SCP-2523 is a phenomenon affecting seasonal Halloween costuming and decoration

stores in the US and Canada from sunset on October 31st to sunset on November 1st.

It is restricted to stores which are entirely seasonal, and does not affect Halloween displays

in more permanent businesses.

While the anomaly is active, the affected locations become spatially collocated, regardless

of geographic separation.

Store interiors will overlay where sufficiently similar (e.g., similar display shelving will

become a single shelf unit without duplication of products); otherwise, the entire space

expands as needed.

Persons entering one location are able to physically interact with persons at all affected

locations in real time, and return to their place of origin when exiting.1

The affected locations remain open for the full 24-hour period regardless of posted hours.

At sunset, four to six entities (designated SCP-2523-1) will appear and relieve all employees.

Entities are diminutive humanoids (estimated to be between 0.8 and 1.2 meters in height)

with a variety of chimerical features from various vertebrates, as well as limbs and

extremities that vary in proportion (see Appendix A: SCP-2523-1 for additional detail).

These entities carry out routine retail operations, except for attempting to persuade customers

to make non-monetary exchanges.

At the end of this 24-hour period they are relieved by scheduled human employees who

typically begin closing the store for the season.

Exposed persons will rationalize all anomalous properties of SCP-2523, including those of

trades, entities, and objects originating from the anomaly, as entirely normal experiences.

This effect extends to direct conversation with affected persons as well as photographs

and other direct recordings.

This is an antimemetic effect that Class W mnestic treatment combined with conscious

reaffirmation of observed details has been demonstrated to neutralize.

When a customer attempts to purchase an item during the anomaly, SCP-2523-1 entities will

attempt to persuade them not to use monetary means to purchase the item.

Instead, the entity will ask for a trade.

Entities have accepted physical objects as well as more abstract concepts as fair trades.

This has included: hair, personal abilities, years of life, children, illegal drugs, memories,

and emotions (for a full list see Appendix B: SCP-2523 Non-Monetary Exchange).

If the customer insists on paying with money the entity will, with visible reluctance,


Customers appear to have permanently lost the traded quality in all cases that it was


Any item acquired by non-monetary means will manifest significant anomalous properties.

The following is a partial list (see Appendix B for the full list):

Item Anomalous Properties Exchanged For Prosthetic vampire fangs Wearer develops an

uncontrollable desire to consume blood (any vertebrate blood is accepted) as well as the

ability to induce a state of extreme suggestibility via conversation.

30 grams of heroin A dark chocolate candy bar After consuming

the bar, the subject lost all interest in food and did not show any signs of starvation

despite consuming nothing else for 28 days.

The memory of a childhood family trip 300 plastic spiders Purchaser was inspired

to consume the spiders.

Following consumption of a spider, subject was able to excrete an otherwise non-anomalous

living banded spider (Argiope trifasciata) from bodily orifices, and direct it telepathically

The ability to sing "Sexy Nurse" costume Wearer demonstrated markedly

decreased sexual inhibitions as well as increased attractiveness to the opposite sex.

Sexual partners reported mild anesthetic effects.

An eight year old boy, current whereabouts are unknown

Decorative trick mirror Entities visible in mirror are deceased persons or pets known

to the viewer Empathy Bag of Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Seeds originate

from SCP-097 A tattoo depicting the rank chevrons of a United States Navy Petty Officer 1st


Tattoo was removed without scarring Addenda:

Ejection Events: The first ejection event occurred during initial containment on 11/01/1999

at 0110 hours and is typical of all later ejection events.

Agent Mugnaini attempted to physically block the entrance to the anomaly.

A SCP-2523-1 entity emerged and asked Agent Mugnaini to leave.

Mugnaini refused, and began to suffer significant full body pain, which increased in intensity

until he complied.

Afterwards Mugnaini reported having "bad luck", and statistical analysis determined that he,

and Area-██ where he was stationed, were suffering a significantly high number of unfortunate


This condition ended with his death in a car accident on 01/25/2000.

It is suspected as a contributing factor in 17 injuries, four fatalities, and one Category-3

Breach Event at Area-██.

Further testing has determined that this effect persists for 366 days.

Once ejected, personnel are unable to reenter the anomaly, even after the 366-day period

has expired.

Detention of SCP-2523-1 Entity:

Interviewed: SCP-2523-1 entity with nametag reading "Bobby Goodman".

Interviewer: Agent Rossetti

Foreword: On 10/31/2001 at 2000 hours MTF o-13 agents abducted an SCP-2523-1 entity

to Site-17 for questioning and containment.

It is described as having canine ears, a primate muzzle, and disproportionately long arms and

legs (see Appendix A for a full description).

Entity was successfully secured with iron restraints.

Three o-13 team members were ejected from the anomaly as a consequence of the operation.

<Begin Log, 11/01/2001 0200 hours>

Rossetti: So, "Bobby", would you like to tell me about where you work?

SCP-2523-1: I don't work, human.

I sell things.

Rossetti: Tell me about the things you sell, then.

SCP-2523-1: We sell delicious things, wonderful things, things of joy and darkness, things

from the land of youth, things from the land of death, and the things from the border country.

Come buy!

Rossetti: Who are you?

SCP-2523-1: [laughs] You humans!

Always so forgetful!

Such a delight!

At summer's end, the gates at the border country are opened wide!

We have come to sell our wares at this time as we did in the, what is your word for the

places in the shadow that cannot be reached from the now?

The past?

We are the in-between people, the border people.

Vassals neither to hot radiant summer, or cold merciless winter.

We are the Autumn People.

Rossetti: Why only seasonal Halloween stores, and not others?

SCP-2523-1: Oh!

The in-between places, they are ours.

They too live only here, in the edge of summer.

Rossetti: Why do you prefer to trade for things, and not money?

SCP-2523-1: Money has no value.

It is only a medium of exchange.

We crave only things of value, for these we can trade in the world.

How do you think we get the things we sell?

We are the Autumn People, not cobblers!

Rossetti: Are you aware that the things you sell are problematic for humans?

SCP-2523-1: Yes!

Of course they are!

We are a merry people!

Our wares are mirthful!

<End Log>

Closing Statement: Following the interview the entity was transferred to a humanoid containment

unit and was extremely cooperative.

At sunset on 11/01/2001 the entity vanished from containment leaving behind a crude doll

made of rough unworked oak sticks, clothing scraps and mineral clay.

All milk products at Site-17 were reported to have instantly spoiled simultaneously with

this event.

For more infomation >> SCP-2523 Goblin Market | Object Class: Euclid | Building / humanoid scp - Duration: 11:18.


Who Has The Best Body - Ranveer Singh VS Shahid Kapoor | Workout | Padmavati Actors | Who Is Best? - Duration: 4:29.

Please Check Description For Details

For more infomation >> Who Has The Best Body - Ranveer Singh VS Shahid Kapoor | Workout | Padmavati Actors | Who Is Best? - Duration: 4:29.


Me, Myself & I - It Has Come To My Attention - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Me, Myself & I - It Has Come To My Attention - Duration: 1:04.


BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Has Just Been Injured During Her Book Tour!!! - Duration: 2:21.

Hillary Clinton Has Just Been Injured During Her Book Tour

former first lady seen walking around on crutches with twisted ankle and broken

toe what happened is not just the title of Hillary Clinton's new book it's also

what people have been asking after seeing the losing presidential candidate

hobbling around on crutches Clinton revealed she broke her toe falling down

some stairs in London where she was promoting her new memoir I was running

down the stairs and heels with a cup of coffee in hand

Clinton wearing a surgical boot explained during her appearance on the

Graham Norton's show I was talking over my shoulder and my heel court and I fell

backwards Clinton underwent an x-ray after realizing something was definitely

wrong I tried to get up and it really hurt I've broken my toe

she told Norton the fall forced her to pull out of a series of scheduled TV and

radio appearances throughout the day in England it's not the first time

Clinton's had a health scare last year at the 9 / 11 anniversary ceremony

Clinton was caught on camera collapsing into the arms of The Secret Service

agents in her new book Clinton reveals how awful she felt after falling at the

high-profile event I'd been fighting a cop from what I thought was allergies

for at least a month and saw my internist dr. Lisa Bardock on September

9th she told me the cough was actually pneumonia she writes the Sun was beaming

down my headaches you know the rest the following month while on the

campaign trail she tripped up the stairs while boarding her flight to a rally in

North Carolina and she famously fell inside her home in 2013 on the eve of

testimony before a Senate committee investigating Benghazi Clinton wound up

with a mild concussion and was forced to wear special eyeglasses when she

eventually appeared in Congress to help with double vision problems thank you

god bless you and God bless america you

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Has Just Been Injured During Her Book Tour!!! - Duration: 2:21.


Disney Pixar Cars2 Jerry Recycled Batteries Peterbilt Carla Veloso Miguel Camino Funny Race for kids - Duration: 10:06.

Disney Pixar Cars2 Jerry Recycled Batteries Peterbilt Carla Veloso Miguel Camino Funny Race for kids

For more infomation >> Disney Pixar Cars2 Jerry Recycled Batteries Peterbilt Carla Veloso Miguel Camino Funny Race for kids - Duration: 10:06.


How to Copy/Clone Hyper-V VM - Duration: 4:06.

Right click on VM and select Export

Browse location

Right click on Console and select Exported VM Folder NOT FILE

If necessary you can change the location

Change the IMPORTED VM Display name accordingly

Change Domain or Workgroup to avoid conflicts

For more infomation >> How to Copy/Clone Hyper-V VM - Duration: 4:06.


Learn names of fruits and vegetables velcro cutting fruits and vegetables with toy || Kids Toys Zone - Duration: 5:20.

Kids Toys Zone

For more infomation >> Learn names of fruits and vegetables velcro cutting fruits and vegetables with toy || Kids Toys Zone - Duration: 5:20.


Firefighters Slow Down Nuns Fire As It Creeps To Napa Valley Wineries - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Firefighters Slow Down Nuns Fire As It Creeps To Napa Valley Wineries - Duration: 2:14.


Me, Myself & I - An Unforgettable Experience - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Me, Myself & I - An Unforgettable Experience - Duration: 1:19.


Hyper Space Mountain and Buzz Lightyear at Disneyland Paris - Duration: 14:55.

For more infomation >> Hyper Space Mountain and Buzz Lightyear at Disneyland Paris - Duration: 14:55.


Selena Quintanilla Google Doodle - Duration: 2:30.

The Search Engine Google is showing this Video Doodle in few Countries for Celebrating Selena


Selena Quintanilla was an American singer, songwriter, spokesperson, model, actress,

and fashion designer.

Called the Queen of Tejano music, her contributions to music and fashion made her one of the most

celebrated Mexican-American entertainers of the late 20th century.

Billboard magazine named her the top selling Latin artist of the 1990s decade, while her

posthumous collaboration with MAC cosmetics became the best-selling celebrity collection

in cosmetics history.

Media outlets called her the "Tejano Madonna" for her clothing choices.

She also ranks among the most influential Latin artists of all-time and is credited

for catapulting a music genre into the mainstream market

For more infomation >> Selena Quintanilla Google Doodle - Duration: 2:30.


Opel Corsa 1.0T 66KW/90PK 5D EDITION - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0T 66KW/90PK 5D EDITION - Duration: 1:01.


JUST IN Obama's 'War Hero' Pleads Guilty! Obama's In Panic - Duration: 23:30.

JUST IN Obama's 'War Hero' Pleads Guilty!

Obama's In Panic

The US soldier who was 'labeled' as a military hero and was held captive by the

Taliban for five months decided to share the truth with the rest of the nation and accept

his guilt.

We often don't know the truth, we're so often manipulated by the media, but sooner

or later, the truth always comes to the surface.

Barack Obama made us live in a total lie trapped inside the liberal bubble for years.

Now, the new era is coming, and brings a baggage of terrible truths.

Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl has pled guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy.

He faces a potential life sentence.

From USA Today:

Army Sgt.

Bowe Bergdahl, the soldier held by Taliban insurgents for nearly five years after abandoning

his post in Afghanistan, said Monday he is pleading guilty to desertion and misbehavior

before the enemy.

The Army will hold a hearing to determine the punishment for Bergdahl, who faces a potential

life sentence on the misbehavior charge.

He was scheduled to face a court-martial later this month.

He was charged with one count each of "desertion with intent to shirk important or hazardous

duty" and "misbehavior before the enemy by endangering the safety of a command, unit

or place."

Bergdahl's case has generated a storm of controversy since the Obama administration

reached a deal in 2014 to release the soldier in exchange for five Taliban militants held

at Guantanamo Bay.

The five militants were turned over to Qatar.

Obama held a Rose Garden ceremony with Bergdahl's parents to announce their son's release

from captivity.

A report from a preliminary hearing held after his release recommended that the case be referred

to a "special court-martial," which is limited to imposing a one-year confinement.

But criticism of the deal began mounting.

Soldiers who served with Bergdahl criticized the Army for not holding him to account for

walking off his post, letting his fellow soldiers down and endangering the lives of platoon

mates who searched for him in Afghanistan.

In 2015, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who chairs the Armed Services Committee, said he would

hold hearings on the case if the Army didn't impose punishment.


Do you get the irony?

John McCain was in the same situation half a century ago, but now he's charging at

others for sins he also committed against the national interests of the US people.

Please spread the truth about Bergdahl, Americans need to see this.

The disappointment in our lawmakers and judiciary system is getting bigger.



For more infomation >> JUST IN Obama's 'War Hero' Pleads Guilty! Obama's In Panic - Duration: 23:30.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


GVB metro (Sneltram) en Intercity Direct Door Amsterdam Lelylaan! - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> GVB metro (Sneltram) en Intercity Direct Door Amsterdam Lelylaan! - Duration: 0:55.


For more infomation >> GVB metro (Sneltram) en Intercity Direct Door Amsterdam Lelylaan! - Duration: 0:55.


TwitchCon event will be strea...

For more infomation >> TwitchCon event will be strea...


Camila Cabello - I'm In Love (Legendado) - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Camila Cabello - I'm In Love (Legendado) - Duration: 2:56.


BMW X5 3.5D Automaat High Executive M-Sportpakket - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.5D Automaat High Executive M-Sportpakket - Duration: 1:00.


Different ways to say - I Need Some Sleep | Free English speaking Lessons online - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> Different ways to say - I Need Some Sleep | Free English speaking Lessons online - Duration: 10:02.


Far Cry Primal Gameplay - Duration: 3:06:10.

For more infomation >> Far Cry Primal Gameplay - Duration: 3:06:10.


M. Asam Magic Finish 1.01 fl. oz. - Duration: 10:59.

For more infomation >> M. Asam Magic Finish 1.01 fl. oz. - Duration: 10:59.


Best October Dance Mix 2017 - Mix Butiful Gilrl Dance - Mix Music Dance 2017 - Duration: 3:41.

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