Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 18 2017

Full power

That was close!

For more infomation >> Drive To Tennis | G. Kuerten v D. Goffin - Duration: 0:35.


Five Creepy Skeletons | Halloween Video for Kids | Childrens Songs Collection by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:15:48.

For more infomation >> Five Creepy Skeletons | Halloween Video for Kids | Childrens Songs Collection by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:15:48.


Best Kirtan Ever - ਬਸੰਤ ਕੀ ਵਾਰ ਮਹਲੁ ੫ - ਸਖੀ ਮਿਲਹੁ ਰਸਿ ਮੰਗਲੁ ਗਾਵਹੁ - Bhai Gursharn Singh Faridabad - Duration: 56:51.

ਬਸੰਤ ਕੀ ਵਾਰ ਮਹਲੁ ੫ Basant Kee Vaar, Fifth Mehl: ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥ One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: ਹਰਿ ਕਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਇ ਕੈ ਹੋਹੁ ਹਰਿਆ ਭਾਈ ॥ Meditate on the Lord's Name, and blossom forth in green abundance. ਕਰਮਿ ਲਿਖੰਤੈ ਪਾਈਐ ਇਹ ਰੁਤਿ ਸੁਹਾਈ ॥ By your high destiny, you have been blessed with this wondrous spring of the soul. ਵਣੁ ਤ੍ਰਿਣੁ ਤ੍ਰਿਭਵਣੁ ਮਉਲਿਆ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਫਲੁ ਪਾਈ ॥ See all the three worlds in bloom, and obtain the Fruit of Ambrosial Nectar. ਮਿਲਿ ਸਾਧੂ ਸੁਖੁ ਊਪਜੈ ਲਥੀ ਸਭ ਛਾਈ ॥ Meeting with the Holy Saints, peace wells up, and all sins are erased. ਨਾਨਕੁ ਸਿਮਰੈ ਏਕੁ ਨਾਮੁ ਫਿਰਿ ਬਹੁੜਿ ਨ ਧਾਈ ॥੧॥ O Nanak, remember in meditation the One Name, and you shall never again be consigned to the womb of reincarnation.. ||1|| ਪੰਜੇ ਬਧੇ ਮਹਾਬਲੀ ਕਰਿ ਸਚਾ ਢੋਆ ॥ The five powerful desires are bound down, when you lean on the True Lord. ਆਪਣੇ ਚਰਣ ਜਪਾਇਅਨੁ ਵਿਚਿ ਦਯੁ ਖੜੋਆ ॥ The Lord Himself leads us to dwell at His Feet. He stands right in our midst. ਰੋਗ ਸੋਗ ਸਭਿ ਮਿਟਿ ਗਏ ਨਿਤ ਨਵਾ ਨਿਰੋਆ ॥ All sorrows and sicknesses are eradicated, and you become ever-fresh and rejuvenated. ਦਿਨੁ ਰੈਣਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਇਦਾ ਫਿਰਿ ਪਾਇ ਨ ਮੋਆ ॥ Night and day, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. You shall never again die. ਜਿਸ ਤੇ ਉਪਜਿਆ ਨਾਨਕਾ ਸੋਈ ਫਿਰਿ ਹੋਆ ॥੨॥ And the One, from whom we came, O Nanak, into Him we merge once again. ||2|| ਕਿਥਹੁ ਉਪਜੈ ਕਹ ਰਹੈ ਕਹ ਮਾਹਿ ਸਮਾਵੈ ॥ Where do we come from? Where do we live? Where do we go in the end? ਜੀਅ ਜੰਤ ਸਭਿ ਖਸਮ ਕੇ ਕਉਣੁ ਕੀਮਤਿ ਪਾਵੈ ॥ All creatures belong to God, our Lord and Master. Who can place a value on Him? ਕਹਨਿ ਧਿਆਇਨਿ ਸੁਣਨਿ ਨਿਤ ਸੇ ਭਗਤ ਸੁਹਾਵੈ ॥ Those who meditate, listen and chant, those devotees are blessed and beautified. ਅਗਮੁ ਅਗੋਚਰੁ ਸਾਹਿਬੋ ਦੂਸਰੁ ਲਵੈ ਨ ਲਾਵੈ ॥ The Lord God is Inaccessible and Unfathomable; there is no other equal to Him. ਸਚੁ ਪੂਰੈ ਗੁਰਿ ਉਪਦੇਸਿਆ ਨਾਨਕੁ ਸੁਣਾਵੈ ॥੩॥੧॥ The Perfect Guru has taught this Truth. Nanak proclaims it to the world. ||3||1||

ਆਵਹੁ ਮੀਤ ਪਿਆਰੇ ॥ So come, my beloved friends, ਮੰਗਲ ਗਾਵਹੁ ਨਾਰੇ ॥ And sing the songs of joy, O sisters. ਸਚੁ ਮੰਗਲੁ ਗਾਵਹੁ ਤਾ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਭਾਵਹੁ ਸੋਹਿਲੜਾ ਜੁਗ ਚਾਰੇ ॥ Sing the true songs of joy and God will be pleased. You shall be celebrated throughout the four ages. ਅਪਨੈ ਘਰਿ ਆਇਆ ਥਾਨਿ ਸੁਹਾਇਆ ਕਾਰਜ ਸਬਦਿ ਸਵਾਰੇ ॥ My Husband Lord has come into my home, and my place is adorned and decorated. Through the Shabad, my affairs have been resolved. ਗਿਆਨ ਮਹਾ ਰਸੁ ਨੇਤ੍ਰੀ ਅੰਜਨੁ ਤ੍ਰਿਭਵਣ ਰੂਪੁ ਦਿਖਾਇਆ ॥ Applying the ointment, the supreme essence, of divine wisdom to my eyes, I see the Lord's form throughout the three worlds. ਸਖੀ ਮਿਲਹੁ ਰਸਿ ਮੰਗਲੁ ਗਾਵਹੁ ਹਮ ਘਰਿ ਸਾਜਨੁ ਆਇਆ ॥੨॥ So join with me, my sisters, and sing the songs of joy and delight; my friends have come into my home. ||2||

For more infomation >> Best Kirtan Ever - ਬਸੰਤ ਕੀ ਵਾਰ ਮਹਲੁ ੫ - ਸਖੀ ਮਿਲਹੁ ਰਸਿ ਮੰਗਲੁ ਗਾਵਹੁ - Bhai Gursharn Singh Faridabad - Duration: 56:51.


Мультики про машинки - Ледниковый период мультфильм! Видео #про машинки/ Новые мультфильмы для детей - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Мультики про машинки - Ледниковый период мультфильм! Видео #про машинки/ Новые мультфильмы для детей - Duration: 6:50.


David Letterman on Giving Conan O'Brien a Horse - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> David Letterman on Giving Conan O'Brien a Horse - Duration: 9:07.


GALATASARAY | Cimbom Derbiyi Kazanırsa... | Youtube - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Cimbom Derbiyi Kazanırsa... | Youtube - Duration: 1:24.


MAX ET RUBY - Le déguisement de super Max - Duration: 23:32.

For more infomation >> MAX ET RUBY - Le déguisement de super Max - Duration: 23:32.


Stevie Wonder Surprises Kimmel Audience - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Stevie Wonder Surprises Kimmel Audience - Duration: 2:06.


Willie Nelson and The Boys - My Tears Fall - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Willie Nelson and The Boys - My Tears Fall - Duration: 3:07.


David Letterman on New Netflix Show - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> David Letterman on New Netflix Show - Duration: 2:12.


GALATASARAY | Haldun DOMAÇ: "Derbinin Hakemi O Olacak" | Youtube - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Haldun DOMAÇ: "Derbinin Hakemi O Olacak" | Youtube - Duration: 2:07.


Mercedes-AMG x Blogilates: Cassey Ho – Workout #2: Stretch and Unwind - Duration: 1:49.

Hey guys! Cassey here. Wanna join me for a beach workout? Come on!

Alright guys, we made it to Santa Monica

and today I'm going to show you how to unwind and stretch your body,

beginning with The Mermaid which I think is very fitting.

So go ahead and open up the ribcage right here, really feeling it through the obliques.

I love starting the day with this stretch.

And also another one of my favourites: The Dancing Dog.

Both hands are underneath the shoulders, palms nice and wide.

You're going to lift the hips up press the heels down feeling it through the calves

and then lift the heart-center all the way up to the sky.

This is a great one to really open up your body and get the blood circulating, get ready for the rest of your day.

Now let's get those legs, okay? We sit too much.

So this one is really going to open up the thighs, open up the groin, open up the hips.

Long Lunge. You're right here, holding it, pressing the heels back,

knee down into the floor and stretching heel back down and lift.

If you want to take it to the next level, if you wanna get those quads, too,

bring that knee down, take your hand, grab unto the ankle or the toes

and if you have that flexibility within you, press the heel to the butt, hold it

and try to hold for one minute on each side, okay?

So make sure you guys stretch. It's very important to prevent injury and also

doesn't it feel really good to just be all opened up?

Alright, I'll see you guys next time.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-AMG x Blogilates: Cassey Ho – Workout #2: Stretch and Unwind - Duration: 1:49.


Funny Clown Bob Fishing for kids with Construction vehicles Loader & Tractor | Video for kids - Duration: 3:53.

Hi Kids,

Today Funny Clown Bob will present you a play with Construction vehicles and fishing for kids.

In this video for kids you will see, how clown catches a lot of fish with tractor and loader.

Do not forget to subscribe under the video and like it

Click on the picture to see other funny videos

For more infomation >> Funny Clown Bob Fishing for kids with Construction vehicles Loader & Tractor | Video for kids - Duration: 3:53.


GALATASARAY | 18 EKİM 2017 | 90 A Hıncal ULUÇ Galatasaray Yorumları | Youtube - Duration: 14:20.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 18 EKİM 2017 | 90 A Hıncal ULUÇ Galatasaray Yorumları | Youtube - Duration: 14:20.


23 Minutes in Hell🔥💥🔥 - Duration: 28:19.

Welcome to this edition of prophecy in the news I'm

your host Kevin Clarkson And I want to thank you

for joining us today we have a fascinating show

and one to follow this up really want to ask you the

question what do you believe about hell the

Bible speaks of it Christ spoke of it more than

anyone many people today say that this is hell here

on Earth there are skeptics even within

Theological Seminary who deny its existence and

call it a holdover from a devious ideas we're going

to explore today with a man who was given a vision

he says by the Lord that corroborates what the

Scripture teaches about the subject of hell our

guest today is Bill Wiese and Bill was a realist or

and a business man in that sense and God really did

something amazing in his life some years ago he

wrote a book called The twenty three minutes and

Hell he may be familiar with it and we're

celebrating the tenth anniversary of it this

year it sold a multimillion copies and

Bill welcome to profit in the news thank you past

have an honor to be with you thanks for having me

well it's good to be with you I like to often just

have a good time and joke around but when I get to

this topic there's just a sense of a a sudden

heaviness and seriousness that comes upon me yeah it

does bring that out and it should be because it's

such a serious decision you know if people could

get a glimpse of how for even five seconds they

would realize how severe it is and.

I understand you have to make the decision now

while you're alive to to avoid this horrible place

called Hell it's really real just like Jesus

talked about where you were more than a five

second view you titled your book twenty three

minutes you want to tell us about really the

experience out of which this whole thing was

brought to the fore in your life yes.

You know I've never studied the topic of hell

before this I was a Christian at that point

for twenty eight years this happen November

twenty third one thousand nine hundred eight and my

wife and I attended a prayer meeting that we

tended every Sunday night came home like any other

normal night.

And at like I said I had never studied the topic of

hell at that time I had never gone the dark movies

I've never drank and never taken drugs and I never

had a vision before so not what candidate for this

guy the things that were not me and I was

conservative person I was not given over to things

like that but yet I got up at three o'clock in the

morning to get a glass of water

and passed it haven't suddenly I was pulled out

of my body like being drawn up out of your body

and I found myself falling through the air down this

long tunnel and it was getting hotter and hotter

and I entered this open cavern like area and I

landed on an actual stone floor in a prison cell in

hell you're awake or your i was away away while I

had walked to the living room and I saw my body

fall to the floor so this was not a near death

experience this was an out of body experience that

would be classified as a vision in the Bible

remembrance and Corinthians twelve wanted

to Paul when he was caught up in heaven in a vision

he said whether in the body or out of the body he

did know and he saw the third heaven right and yes

he doesn't know why did you know right alive or

dead and but the largest happen to give me a

glimpse and I saw my body lying on the floor so

and in a vision you can actually travel like Paul

and John actually traveled to heaven in the vision in

their spirit bodies First Corinthians fifteen forty

four talks about a natural body in a spirit body and

is equal Chapter eight he was picked up by his hair

Was carried from Babylon to do so in a vision so

you can travel in a vision and that's what this was

and job seven fourteen says You scare me with

dreams and terrify me through visions

and Isaiah twenty one two he was given a grevious

vision so you can have a grevious terrifying vision

I remember Jeremiah had a vision was exhausted with

over and to Daniel was terrified that's right


So so this was just a vision and but it changed

my life this vision and so but when I first came to

in this prison cell I wondered how do I get here

why am I here but the first thing I noticed

faster was the intense heat it was so far beyond

the ability to sustain life I wondered how could

I be alive in this place

and lying face down on the floor in this prison cell

there scripture for everything I'm saying it's

in our book that's what's important for people to

believe not my experience surely that's just the

Word of God I'm just a signpost pointing to the

Scriptures but there was I was in this prison cell

and I noticed I had no physical strength in my

body whatsoever you're completely void of

physical strength and help and I say fourteen nine

and ten points out and Psalms eighty eight for

them I would you describe it like being just like as

live as a rag or just you know if you ever had the

flu or had a flu and you felt weak like a thousand

times worse and that OK and it made me to even

move right any movement took tremendous effort but

Seven hundred twenty eight says in Him Christ we live

and move and have our being so even movement

comes from God It's not automatic

but let's leave me to think that maybe in the

situation of hell there's a lesser.

It gets a qualitative a lesser presence of God but

there's less awareness of that.

You know what I'm trying to say yeah yeah suddenly

God is there but it's in a diminished capacity

obviously All right the way the Saints will enjoy

No His attributes and goodness are withdrawn

from hell and.

I observe these there were demons in the cell reptile

ish in appearance bumps in scales all over the one's

body they were pacing in the cell like a vicious

caged animal and they had a rule for extremely

ferocious demeanor about them and they were

blasting and cursing God then extreme hatred for

God then they directed at hatred they had for God

towards me I wonder why what have I done to them

but this one demon picked me up threw me into the

wall this prison cell I collapsed on the floor or.

Why am I living through this I should be dead the

other demon picking up dockets cause my chest

just tore the flesh open this is actually happening

to me and again I could believe I was surviving

this why am i still alive

but I ask just for clarification for our

viewers when you are already a believer in

Christ I was a believer for twenty eight years

that time yeah because you'd been to a Bible

study and prayer meeting that LIDAR dry day so are

you going around your mind Lord have you forsaken me

now because one thing I the LORD blocked it for my

mind that I was a Christian OK he hid that

fact from me and it was just your full awareness

of experiencing is right that was your total

attention right the reason he did that was like

seeing Luke twenty four sixteen when Jesus

appeared to disciples on the road to a mass It says

their eyes were holden that they should not know


well the Lord blinded them from who it was he had

that fact from them so he hid this fact from me and

I was a Christian for this reason I see follows there

is a Christian which I was

but I didn't realize I would have known praise

God he's getting out of here right right

but he wanted me to experience what they feel

as a lost person would the lot the hopelessness so in

the sense you were standing in their shoes

right right and all in the hope of what about a word

that is right

and that's the part the worst part of how is

understanding you'll never get out of this place see

that we don't understand what it's like to be

hopeless you know it's life because even if your

situation is so painful you can die to get out of

it but how you have the understanding there's no

one going to come rescue you not ever going to get

out of this place and that really is the worst part

of understanding that you're not going to get

out and we are certainly not Catholic in our

theology but I've never forgotten.

Dante wrote the vision of the writer and oh

and I remember as he entered course above it

said Abandon hope all right he winter here right

what what what exactly are five thought with no hope

I say if the.

Thirty eight eighteen says those who go down the pit

cannot hope for the truth

and we know Jesus said I am the Way the Truth and

Life they have no hope for him because too late.

And anyway as I was observing all this I

noticed I had a body Matthew ten twenty eight

talks about a body and Luke sixteen the rich man

number he wanted a drop of water to move his tongue

he could speak yet eyes to let you have a body and

all these are says they gnash their teeth Right

exactly so but this body was stored with stands

these torments that I know something there was no

blood or water coming from the wounds that the demon


but Leviticus seventeen eleven says the life of

the flesh is in the blood Well there's no life in

house there's no blood.

That's interesting I thought that is it there's

no water in hell there is no these demons have no

mercy over you whatsoever they have an extreme

hatred for mankind about this time pastor it went

dark and I believe it was God's presence there too

illuminated so I could see but then he would drew his


and it was absolute pitch black darkness I mean you

cannot see a hand in front of your face Lamentations

three six says

he has set me in dark places as they the be dead

of old Jude thirteen mentions blackness of

darkness forever the mist of darkness right and I

was taken out of this prison cell pastor sitting

next to this big pit a fire as a lord I observed

it was about a mile across with literal flames raging

high up in this open cavern and it wasn't

metaphorical fire it was real literal fire I felt

the heat I saw the flames but more importantly it's

what the scripture says you know Psalms eleven six

says upon the wicked he will rain fire and

brimstone a horrible tempest in Matthew

thirteen forty nine mentions the angel sever

the wicked majestic cast away get in a furnace of


but this is where I could first see people inside

this pit there were literally thousands of

people inside this pit burning screaming and it's

a most awful thing to see a person on fire and

they're being shot by.

Back in this pit by demons The screams are so loud

and deafening you want to get away from the screams

but you have to endure that for all eternity the

loudness of people in agony the stench in hell

is so foul and putrid the worst like the worst open

sewers you can ever imagine

and the smell of the demons have a disgusting

order to them remember Jesus rebuked the foul

spirits twenty five years and the smell of it smell

like burning flesh and burning software

and if you go to Hawaii to the volcano They have

signs posted where you cannot go past a certain

point because the toxicity of the software coming up

it's called software dioxide you breathe it

it's toxic it will kill you well will Soffer just

another word for brimstone or Brimstone is all

through the Bible yes you're breathing in this

foul putrid disgusting air that you don't want to

breed but it's even worse than that because there's

not enough air to breathe in hell you have to fight

for even the tiniest bit of oxygen in hell and you

deny that so any moment you feel like you're going

to suffocate

but you know Isaiah forty two five says the Lord

gives breath to the people upon the earth you're not

upon the earth you're down deep beneath the earth

and that's another thing I understood I was down deep

beneath the earth I descended to get there I

ascended when I left but more importantly there's

forty nine verses of talk about where the current


or Sheol is located the pit young Zico twenty six

twenty number sixteen thirty two and thirty

three very clear down deep in the earth but I

understood that I also understood there were

different levels of torment and degrees of

punishment Remember Jesus said Matthew twenty three

fourteen you sever see the greater damnation and for

us a letter right in their hypocrisy right inferring

there's a lesser damnation Our Matthew Chance if

Teenie said It shall be more tolerable for Saddam

a bore in their judgment than for that city and

frame is a lesson tolerable for Hebrews ten

twenty eight says and how much worse than the

punishment suppose it shall be for you you who

have trodden under foot the Son of God there's a

worse punishment but my point is there is no

tolerable level in hell any level is horrendous.

Are beyond what you can imagine you don't get to

be with people even though I saw all those people I

saw people in the pit burning they're kept at a

distance from each other isolations you never have

any conversation with anyone your complete

isolation you're just by yourself

and you know you have your full memory just like Luke

sixteen a rich man remembered his brother's

live remember my wife I thought about my wife I'm

on the earth I thought I'll never to see her

again on never be out to say goodbye to her.

And you don't realize where tormenting thought

that is you have no finality with your family

with your loved ones

and they don't realize that you still still exist

you're just down deep in the earth I'm here an

enormous regret as you say that right at the feeling


No hope but also right for a label to go back and do

anything well just to be on not have any finality

would to say goodbye to your family and you close

a people did that any closure that you don't

realize how tormenting that is and you understand

when you're in held his job seven once he goes

down the she'll she'll come up no more you have

that understanding you're not going to get out you

can't say goodbye to anyone and to see Death

does not mean cease to exist death means

separation from God You still exist you're just

down deep in your well I do want to get to some

other questions that spring out of this but

quickly how did this experience come to a

conclusion that that day well as I was observing

all this for maggots and snakes and torment and so

forth I began being lifted up this dark tunnel

and in the midst of this darkness pastor suddenly

this bright light appeared.

And I knew immediately who was there was no doubt my

mind I didn't see his face I just saw the outline of

a man standing in a bright pure holy light and I just

called out his name I just said Jesus.

And he said I am.

And what I shal features just just just exactly why

behind right right now.

He said I am I passed out I went out I can explain

it to Revelation one sixteen when John saw him

he said his countenance was bright as a sign it

was a dead man and I felt his death

but he touched me I came to and it hit me so

strongly at his feet that if he would have gone to

the cross I would be in that place for all


I was so grateful for the cross What a day away for

what's right and that's the whole thing and then

he answered some thoughts that I had and so forth

and but the thing that he pointed out to me that I

was allowed to feel was a piece of his heart

when we went above the earth in this whirlwind

tunnel we came out of hell and he.

Turn around and look back and people are falling one

after another after night back down into hell

and he actually wept when he saw people falling into


and he allowed me to feel peace of his heart how

much he loves people the anguish he feels for a

soul falling into hell

he doesn't want one person to go there and he

actually went back couldn't stand even feel a

piece of the love he has for people you know fees

are one thousand census love passes knowledge he

doesn't want to see anybody go to hell but

because he loves man he gives in that free will to

choose right.

Such powerful experience bill coming years ago with

no November twenty third one thousand nine hundred

eight OK So about one thousand years ago when

we're talking with the always and he's the author

of twenty three minutes in hell this book has been

out for ten years this marks the ten year

anniversary of it it's a multimillion bestseller

It's a drawing a lot of attention we're going to

address some questions in a minute you may have

about why would you have an experience like this

why isn't the Bible up Didn't Jesus say that you

know he told the rich man inhale that they have the

scriptures Moses in the broth It's why would this

happen and there's this counter of the Bible or

what are we to make of this we're going to be

addressing those questions in a in a moment but I

really think you'd like to have a copy and if you got

this ten years ago there been an expansion made and

did you say four new chapters or a chapter new


There this is available as always of the eight

hundred number on your screen or going to our

website at prophecy in the News dot com Go to our

bookstore or call the number in our helpful

staff will be there to help place your order this

is fifty ninety five plus shipping and handling and

I really do believe for a lot of people this could

be a great eye opener not just for people that are

lost I understand that they may have some fear

inside and a surface skepticism a kind of

bravado but also the true skepticism as you found

pressure within the church correct Tell me about that

well a lot of Christians actually don't that's one

of the things the Lord said to me many people do

not believe in how

and he said even some miles my own people do not

believe how is real which that statement surprised

me I thought all Christians believe in how

we found out since many Christians believe in

annihilationism that's a teaching us says if you

deny Jesus you simply cease to exist

or universalism that's a teaching that believes had

no matter what you believe eventually everyone will

make it heaven

not a false teaching or soul sleep so the Lord

just want to me to point people to the Scriptures a

myth and by those be persuaded you tell me I

believe that you have a rather one hundred fifty

verses that scripture cooperates what you saw

exactly and that's what's important for them to

believe let's let's think about that a moment I know

that you go rather than are able to give talks and

presentations of your experience and sometimes

you put it aside another Pastor Don Jones who had

ninety minutes in heaven now done hyper I'm sorry I

said done Joe.

Forgive me.

But but that's quite an intriguing thing but you

said as you've done this and traveled all over the


That you've opened it up for questions in you begin

to notice a pattern that there are like ten of the

top most common

questions would you write would you tell us kind of

what you encounter in that room and how you deal with


Yes sure one of the top questions is and this is

usually from this is from an unsaved person number

one is you know if God so loving and so good how can

he send a good person to hell

and I explain one number one God doesn't send

anybody to hell it's our own words that condemn as

Jesus said Matthew twelve thirty seven your own

words will condemn you because he said in

Revelation twenty one eight he said all

unbelievers shall have their partner like a fire

so there's a warning he gave us a warning if you

don't believe the Word of God you'll end up in a

lake of fire

but people say I don't believe the Bible that's

why he could say your own words of condemning he's

not sending anyone but number two they base it on

being good they think that have a good person good

person but they don't understand that it's not

our standard of good it's God's standard of good and

James two ten says if we found his law and one

point were guilty of all if we lie once if we steal

one thing if we have one last Will thought that the

same as committing adultery said and that's

just three the Ten Commandments so for going

to be judged by that standard of good would we

be guilty or innocent there's even a scripture

in Proverbs twenty four nine that says even the

thought of bullishness is a sin

void one full of so that's a pretty high standard so

none of us can stand before a holy God say I'm

pretty good job fifteen sixteen says man is so

filthy he drinks iniquity like water so our standard

of God and gods are two different things thank God

that is not based on being good because none of us

would not be righteous nose on righteous as not

well and good right and sometimes an analogy would

help people understand this because they still

struggle over this good but if you went and found

the most expensive home in the country knocked on

their door and said Scuse me but I'm moving in with

you because I'm a good person I think people

would say no right you don't know them you have

no relationship with them yet people go through

their whole life they have nothing to do with God

They deny Jesus is a Son of God which he said is

the only way to his house then at the end of a their

life they knock on his door demand I live there

because they're good what does good have to do with

it you don't have a relationship with him.

See God offers to be people's father throughout

their whole life

but they push him away see God as their He's not he's

their creator he's not their father to the invite

in Jesus or savior exactly then he becomes their

father now we have the privilege of living at his

house so see good won't get you into heaven it's

not based on being good it's based on a

relationship with Jesus Christ So that's number

one so other people have asked you know why does OK

seventy or eighty years of sin why does that deserve

an eternity of punishment couldn't God let someone

out after a while

but see times are wrong premise.

It's not based on time and again it's based on

relationship because our time spent in hell would

represent works I paid my five hundred years in hell

I paid off my sin right then you're saying I paid

for my sin and were saved by grace not by works of

facing to eight nine says So those are some are and

other reason is our time is not valuable enough to

pay for since only the shed blood of Jesus can

pay for cents in Hebrews nine twenty two says

without the shedding of blood there is no

remission of sins so again our time is not valuable

enough to pay for this and so time is the whole wrong


but another reason is we have to understand that

who were sinning against There you go and Thomas

Aquinas pointed this out he said the higher the

position the one sinned against the grave or the

sense in other words if I lied to you would be wrong

but if I lie to the Supreme Court it be worse

because of their position if I punch you in the

stomach at the wrong but if I punch my mother in

the stomach that be far worse because of her

position God is infinitely greater in position

but he's also infinitely greater in being if I step

on a bug and kill it no big deal even though it's

life but if I kill a dog or cat that's worse that's

deserving of some kind of punishment yet if I kill a

human being that's far worse deserving a much

greater punishment and we've sinned against a

holy omnipotent perfect eternal God.

Therefore our sin against him is deserving of

eternal punishment

and that's why it took an eternal god to pay for our

eternally deserve sent.

To get explained so Stan who they're sinning

against it's not just a human being we're sinning

against a holy

omnipotent perfect God

and I know that probably one of the other questions

surely within the top ten would be would ask you

about the people that die without hearing the Gospel

right right person remote jungle ever heard the


but you know first John five thousand nine hundred

says the whole world lies in wickedness That's the

whole world and Psalms nine seventeen said the

wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations

that forget God then X.

Seven hundred thirty says God commands all men

everywhere to repent all men everywhere have to

repent and in first John four three says every soul

that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in

the flesh.

Is condemned so we all every single person has to


and has to believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord

Savior John a twenty four he said if you die in your

sins you a book you are dying your sins if you

believe not that I am he if we dine or sins we

cannot enter heaven so what seed God will get

through that person in the remote jungle that's going

to ask you that were right but but how is it fair if

they never heard well because Romans one number

one hold man accountable because of creation you

know the evidence of design is all around us

the human by how well it's made a baby being born the

plant life the animal kingdom it shows design

that points to a designer so God says I hold you

accountable just because a design is overwhelming Lee

evident all around you so if that person in the

remote jungle will look and say there must be a

creator that made all this and shows just an ounce of

humility and says Who are you God will God will then

find a way to get to that person there's

missionaries that are sent there there's Bibles or

churches everywhere there's T.


Radio Internet also there.

Description job thirty three that says he even

gives man dreams and visions to keep back his

soul from the pit so that person in the jungle he

will give them a dream or vision or get a missionary

across our path or more Bible in their hand to

show them the way of salvation we've heard it

I'm sure you have to in your circles incredible

and it dotes of people who were just what you

described and God got the gospel to them exactly he

really did and to some little bit humility I

think he will be maybe the word because you know

Romans one says that they.

They did not acknowledging this God knew they were

thankful that's right and and humility the opposite

of that right and it says A Romans one that they

push him away exactly there's nobody in hell

unjustly That's right people know what they're

doing they're pushing got away in Sanaa I don't want

you in my life and then you know I don't want to

go too far into this but you know there is there is

for us as believers in the character of God You've

already referenced the fact that there are

degrees of punishment and certainly if you're

someone who's never heard this consigned to

separation from God forever

but they were like say the Pharaoh sees who stand so

close to the law right that right that's what's

really bad right right their condemnation with

was greater Exactly and so I'm not lessening the

torments of hell right but God is a just God right so

there will be lesser degrees of punishment and

suffering and different levels of hell our time is

just collapsing like this I want to disco on and

we're going to do another show but we're really

going to go off of this on to your other book about

what happens when I die but maybe we can revisit

some of the thoughts just really quickly you shared

you weren't seeking such a vision you really wish to

God It kind of left you alone now and then you

just got shared a Bible study and things took off

from there more people wanted to hear your story

until it ultimately resulted after seven years

in the publication of the book and and all but you

mentioned he's a famous lay preacher a Baptist.

Tinkerer in England John Bunyan and you said you

discovered he had.

Heaven and Hell that he wrote about and much of it

paralleled you're right you got to be quick with

him we know he wrote the programs progress

but he also wrote a book called Visions of heaven

and hell were God showed him how he saw the exact

same things I saw and much more I did know about his

book too after I wrote mine but he's considered

very credible by even the can conserve of scholars

Yes visions of Heaven and Hell check that out well

could you in about a minute's time take this to

a point of war we do with lives like you would end

at a church service where yes.

You know if you don't know Jesus Christ as your Lord

and Savior This is the only way you can be saved

Jesus said John fourteen six I am the Way the Truth

and the life no man comes on to the Father but by me

he is the only way he loves you he gave his life

for you died on a cross and in Revelation twenty

fifteen says Whosoever was not found written in the

Book of Life was cast in a lake of fire he has a book

and you can be assured your name is put in his

book if you would just say this prayer if you're

willing to do this you can enter heaven just say dear

God in heaven I know I have sinned and I cannot

save myself I believe you sent your son Jesus to die

on across from me and he was crucified died and was


and rose again from the dead I ask you to forgive

me my sins I'm sorry I repent come into my life I

receive you as my Lord and Savior thank you for

saving me thank you for taking me to heaven.

In Jesus name amen thank you our guest has been

Bill Wiese we will be seeing you in the next

show as we follow up with him until then we're going

to keep looking up.

For more infomation >> 23 Minutes in Hell🔥💥🔥 - Duration: 28:19.


Boy With Autism Refuses To Sit For Haircut. What Barber Does Instead Will Melt Your Heart - Duration: 2:41.

Subscribe to our channel for more : Visit our website :

Boy With Autism Refuses To Sit For Haircut.

What Barber Does Instead Will Melt Your Heart

A haircut sounds like such a simple thing, but for a child with autism, it's can be

anything but.

Some may have a hard time sitting for that long; for others, having someone's hands

in their hair, feeling the hair clippings fall on their face, getting wet, or the shearing

sound of the scissors can all be distressing and lead to outbursts.

Some hairdressers refuse to cut autistic children's hair because they don't want to deal with

the screaming or whatever else they might do, but Canadian barber Franz Jakob takes

a different approach – he welcomes them.

"My shop is completely vintage," said Jakob, who lives in Rouyn, Quebec.

"All the walls are jammed with photos and stuff from around here.

I think that has a positive effect on the kids.

Each time I'm doing it there are no tears, no screams.

We enjoy it together.

I think the atmosphere of the barbershop helps a lot.

I really take my time doing it.

I can take up to 90 minutes cutting hair for kids with special needs."

A photo a Jakob doing one of his "unusual" haircuts has recently gone viral.

It was taken by Fauve Lafrenière whose 6-year-old Wyatt has autism.

She said she's been bringing Wyatt to the shop since it first opened two years ago.

Jakob understands that the process is difficult for Wyatt.

He allows the young boy to wander around the shop.

Sometimes, Wyatt will lay down and Jakob will follow suit.

While it takes more time and effort for Jakob to do this kind of haircut, it's all worth

it to make the process as easy and painless as possible for both Wyatt and his mom.

These aren't the only special haircuts Jakob does.

He also serves terminally ill customers who want to feel good about themselves and get

one last fresh cut.

"The first time was some guy who brought me one of his friends who was in his last

hours, and he wanted a shave and a haircut," Jakob said.

"It became very emotional, and I said I would do it again.

I'm taking great pride doing this.

It's really an honor.

We listen to some Hank Williams, and we shave like in the old-school ways."

Jakob, who has been cutting hair since he was 12, when he would charge $5 for a trim

at lunch in high school, said he is proud of the work he does and sees himself as a

leader in the community.

"I have a line each morning out my door," he said.

"People drive three or four hours.

I'm taking great pride in what I'm doing in my community."

For more infomation >> Boy With Autism Refuses To Sit For Haircut. What Barber Does Instead Will Melt Your Heart - Duration: 2:41.


Jimmy Kimmel on Brooklyn Cow's Great Escape - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Kimmel on Brooklyn Cow's Great Escape - Duration: 1:46.


Steamed Fish with Ginger | Thai Food | Pla Nung Khing | ปลานึ่งขิง - Duration: 1:50.

Steamed Fish with Ginger

Spring onion ¼ cup

Ground pepper ¼ tsp

Oyster sauce 1 tsp

Soy sauce 1 tbsp

Fish 500 g

Ginger ½ cup

Steam 15-20 min.

Red chili 1 tbsp

For more infomation >> Steamed Fish with Ginger | Thai Food | Pla Nung Khing | ปลานึ่งขิง - Duration: 1:50.


Is An Estrogen Imbalance Affecting Your Health? - Duration: 5:08.

This is Dr. Lam founder of and the adrenal fatigue center.

Today we will be talking about an important issue with the family that is how female hormones

connected to adrenal fatigue.

Now female hormones are mostly regulated by what we call the estrogen and progesterone.

The estrogen balance is particularly very critical to be maintained at the proper levels

at all time.

Now estrogen, as we all know, is a female hormone but actually, it has a group of hormones.

There are E1 E2 and E3 and collectively they are known as the estrogen family.

Now estrogen is made in three places in the body.

The Ovaries, the fat cells, and the adrenal glands.

Now in the adrenal glands, estrogen is a precursor to progesterone which is an opposing member

of the hormones in the female family.

Now, if you have under stress then the body's adrenal glands are kicked into action.

Now, stress can come from emotional as well as physical causes, in fact, we have even

shown that caffeine can stimulate estrogen, increase productions in the adrenal glands.

So, the more stressful your life is the harder the adrenal has to work.

The adrenals work hard to reduce the stress by making a hormone called cortisol and the

precursor to cortisol is progesterone and the precursor to progesterone is is actually

within a pathway that includes estrogen to some degree.

So, what we understand now is that estrogen balance is critical in a healthy body and

is very common in adrenal fatigue.

Not to have this balance because the progesterone is being the precursor to the cortisol is

often times shunted and therefore the progesterone levels in the body dropped and when the progesterone

levels drop the estrogen become unopposed.

Without an opposing progesterone, the estrogen effect becomes more dominant resulting in

symptoms such as PMS dysmenorrhea or pain in the period, PCOS issues, fibrocystic breast

disease, endometriosis as well as certain types of cancer in advanced cases.

So when you have a lot of stress in your system, physical or emotional, you can expect that

there will be a situation of increased estrogen and we talked about the symptoms earlier.

So, it is very important for the female to keep the stress levels under control and because

once the estrogen levels come down, then many of the symptoms will go away.

Now, remember, estrogen is also tied into other hormonal systems in the body such as;

the ovarian system, as well as, the thyroid system.

So once the estrogen are imbalanced, the adrenal will be imbalanced as well and it will drag

the thyroid as well as the other parts of the body down.

A low functioning adrenal, for example, will lead to symptoms of low thyroid function.

So, if you don't want to have low thyroid functions, which can lead to weight gain,

low metabolism, dry skin loosing of the eyebrows lashes and even hair falling off, then you

want to maintain a thyroid balance that is well controlled and that starts with a strong

adrenal gland.

Often times this connection is lost and doctors will just simply give thyroid replacement

as well as miss the adrenal picture altogether.

So, it's very important to understand that the healthy adrenal is the key to well-balanced

estrogen and a woman with well-balanced estrogen and progesterone is going to be a happy woman.

For more infomation >> Is An Estrogen Imbalance Affecting Your Health? - Duration: 5:08.


【韓国】プルダックポックンソースでアレンジ料理作って食べる。 - Duration: 8:16.

For more infomation >> 【韓国】プルダックポックンソースでアレンジ料理作って食べる。 - Duration: 8:16.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Style Ambition - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Style Ambition - Duration: 0:43.


Gemeinsame Trennschnitte - Stanz-Laser-Kombi - Prima Power LPe8f - Forster produziert mit WiCAM - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Gemeinsame Trennschnitte - Stanz-Laser-Kombi - Prima Power LPe8f - Forster produziert mit WiCAM - Duration: 3:31.


Top 10 Tallest Buildings in South Korea - Duration: 3:13.

Engineering8 presents

Top 10 Tallest Buildings in South Korea

#=9 WBC The Palace Busan

Height 265m (869ft) Floor 51 Opening year 2011

#=9 We've the Zenith Tower C Busan

Height 265m (869ft) Floor 70 Opening year 2011

#8 Haeundae I'Park Tower 1 Busan

Height 272.9m (895ft) Floor 66 Opening year 2011

#7 We've the Zenith Tower B Busan

Height 281.5m (924ft) Floor 75 Opening year 2011

#6 IFC Seoul 3 Seoul

Height 284m (932ft) Floor 55 Opening year 2012

#5 BIFC Landmark Tower Busan

Height 289m (948ft) Floor 63 Opening year 2014

#4 Haeundae I'Park Tower 2 Busan

Height 292.1m (958ft) Floor 72 Opening year 2011

#3 We've the Zenith Tower A Busan

Height 300m (984ft) Floor 80 Opening year 2011

#2 Northeast Asia Tower Incheon

Height 305m (1,001ft) Floor 68 Opening year 2014

#1 Lotte World Tower Seoul

Height 554.5m (1,819ft) Floor 123 Opening year 2017

For more infomation >> Top 10 Tallest Buildings in South Korea - Duration: 3:13.


Kronprinsesse Mary Indvier Hempel Kollegiet - Duration: 1:20.

Hi, I'm Clair and welcome to my room at Hempel College.

So here it is, it's pretty awesome.

Nice study space.

I can sit down on my window sill, which is nice.

It's twice the size of my room in Australia.

So there's thirteen rooms, and this is like our little study-student lounge, which is nice.

So you can come here and read book or do some "study".

So this is our dining table, it's really nice that everyone tries to do their international dishes

And show eachother what they eat in their home countries. It's been really interestin seeing that.

And then here is our kitchen, it's awesome. Got two stovetops, two fridges, two of eveything. It's just, unreal.

For more infomation >> Kronprinsesse Mary Indvier Hempel Kollegiet - Duration: 1:20.


Secret superstar Movie Review, story | Aamir Khan, Zaira Wasim, Meher Vij - Duration: 3:00.

Secret superstar Movie Review

For more infomation >> Secret superstar Movie Review, story | Aamir Khan, Zaira Wasim, Meher Vij - Duration: 3:00.


SEMA 2016 saw the Honda ...

For more infomation >> SEMA 2016 saw the Honda ...


For more infomation >> SEMA 2016 saw the Honda ...


Un week-end à Naples ! - Duration: 8:12.

Hello !

We are in Naples

and I'm here with my mummy !

We just arrive

We took a shower

and we are going to the restaurant to eat...

a pizza !

Come with us !

So, we ate our first pizza in Naples

and it was ...


Right ! I'll give you the name of the restaurant below the video

Well, we are in the Castel Sant'Elmo

and if you come in Naples you have to visit it

because the view is AMAZING

Do you agree?

"I agree ! "

She does agree ! So it's right !

Because my mum is always right

So, we are at the

Piazza Gesu Nuovo

There is a church

which is ugly from the outside

very ugly

but inside is beautiful

I'll show you

Hello ! It's the day 2 in Naples

et today we are going to Pompéi !

which is on the other side of the Vesuvio

We have almost 30minutes to go there


come with us !

Hello ! It's almost 5pm here

we spend the day in Pompei

It's much bigger than we could have imagine

you should go early in the morning

especially if you go there in wi... in summer !

Summer.Because if you come in winter, it won't be hot !

But if you come in summer ...We were there around 11am

and the weather was so hot !

Well, we are going to Naples harbord now

where the Castel del Ovo is

there is a lot of monuments there

so that's what we will do for the end of the day

and we'll probably eat there tonight


Hi ! It's our last day in Naples

and it's a rainy day

it won't rain for the day...

Our plane is at 3:30pm i guess

so we are going to see the subway station

as the weather isn't good today

those subway stations has been decorated by artists

so, let's see what it looks like !

And we may also go back to the

Teatro San Carlo

I guess it's the right name

because it was close yesterday

voilà !

For more infomation >> Un week-end à Naples ! - Duration: 8:12.


For more infomation >> Un week-end à Naples ! - Duration: 8:12.


Renversé au yaourt et pommes , le gâteau qu'on ne peut pas rater ! / كيك الزبادي المقلوب بالتفاح - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Renversé au yaourt et pommes , le gâteau qu'on ne peut pas rater ! / كيك الزبادي المقلوب بالتفاح - Duration: 2:08.


For more infomation >> Renversé au yaourt et pommes , le gâteau qu'on ne peut pas rater ! / كيك الزبادي المقلوب بالتفاح - Duration: 2:08.


🛡 Point SECU #8 : Pourquoi l'hébergement est-il souvent oublié en matière de sécurité ? - Duration: 8:48.

For more infomation >> 🛡 Point SECU #8 : Pourquoi l'hébergement est-il souvent oublié en matière de sécurité ? - Duration: 8:48.


For more infomation >> 🛡 Point SECU #8 : Pourquoi l'hébergement est-il souvent oublié en matière de sécurité ? - Duration: 8:48.


Know not - What to Plexity? #23 | Which means flexity? | Morpheus from the Matrix - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Know not - What to Plexity? #23 | Which means flexity? | Morpheus from the Matrix - Duration: 0:38.


For more infomation >> Know not - What to Plexity? #23 | Which means flexity? | Morpheus from the Matrix - Duration: 0:38.


TwitchCon event will be strea...

For more infomation >> TwitchCon event will be strea...


Boy With Autism Refuses To Sit For Haircut. What Barber Does Instead Will Melt Your Heart - Duration: 2:41.

Subscribe to our channel for more : Visit our website :

Boy With Autism Refuses To Sit For Haircut.

What Barber Does Instead Will Melt Your Heart

A haircut sounds like such a simple thing, but for a child with autism, it's can be

anything but.

Some may have a hard time sitting for that long; for others, having someone's hands

in their hair, feeling the hair clippings fall on their face, getting wet, or the shearing

sound of the scissors can all be distressing and lead to outbursts.

Some hairdressers refuse to cut autistic children's hair because they don't want to deal with

the screaming or whatever else they might do, but Canadian barber Franz Jakob takes

a different approach – he welcomes them.

"My shop is completely vintage," said Jakob, who lives in Rouyn, Quebec.

"All the walls are jammed with photos and stuff from around here.

I think that has a positive effect on the kids.

Each time I'm doing it there are no tears, no screams.

We enjoy it together.

I think the atmosphere of the barbershop helps a lot.

I really take my time doing it.

I can take up to 90 minutes cutting hair for kids with special needs."

A photo a Jakob doing one of his "unusual" haircuts has recently gone viral.

It was taken by Fauve Lafrenière whose 6-year-old Wyatt has autism.

She said she's been bringing Wyatt to the shop since it first opened two years ago.

Jakob understands that the process is difficult for Wyatt.

He allows the young boy to wander around the shop.

Sometimes, Wyatt will lay down and Jakob will follow suit.

While it takes more time and effort for Jakob to do this kind of haircut, it's all worth

it to make the process as easy and painless as possible for both Wyatt and his mom.

These aren't the only special haircuts Jakob does.

He also serves terminally ill customers who want to feel good about themselves and get

one last fresh cut.

"The first time was some guy who brought me one of his friends who was in his last

hours, and he wanted a shave and a haircut," Jakob said.

"It became very emotional, and I said I would do it again.

I'm taking great pride doing this.

It's really an honor.

We listen to some Hank Williams, and we shave like in the old-school ways."

Jakob, who has been cutting hair since he was 12, when he would charge $5 for a trim

at lunch in high school, said he is proud of the work he does and sees himself as a

leader in the community.

"I have a line each morning out my door," he said.

"People drive three or four hours.

I'm taking great pride in what I'm doing in my community."

For more infomation >> Boy With Autism Refuses To Sit For Haircut. What Barber Does Instead Will Melt Your Heart - Duration: 2:41.


Advanced Data Transformation Techniques - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Advanced Data Transformation Techniques - Duration: 0:35.


South Carolina Couple Fleeing to Canada Because of Donald Trump VIDEO - Duration: 14:01.

South Carolina Couple Fleeing to Canada Because of Donald Trump [VIDEO]

Back in 2016, as election day got closer we heard more and more stories about how people

wanted to leave the country if Donald Trump ended up getting elected to be the next president.

Many celebs promised this, but didn't go through with it.

Unlike all of them, one young couple from South Carolina have decided to actually do


Robin and Heather Vargas lived in the Republican state of Charleston, South Carolina.

Instead of celebrating Trump's win, they started searching how to move to Canada.

What began as nothing more than a joke, turned out to become reality.

They weren't the only family thinking of the option to move to Canada – reports from

that night revealed that so many people visited the site that it actually crashed.

Robin Vargas explained how they got to the decision they wanted to move to Halifax, Nova


"We found that the ideals just aligned more greatly with ours.I'm excited to just dive

into what it is to live like a Canadian."

They did all the required background checks, provided their employment history, found an

apartment they would live in and jobs they would work.

They were happy to go and live in Canada with all the "incredible people."

It's worth mentioning that they didn't give up on their American citizenship in order

to go and live in Canada.

They will have double citizenship, which means they could vote in both countries' elections.

What do you think about this?

Share this on Facebook and Twitter SCROLL DOWN


For more infomation >> South Carolina Couple Fleeing to Canada Because of Donald Trump VIDEO - Duration: 14:01.


ఓరచూపు సర్కార్ ఎక్స్ ప్రెస్68ఎల్ ఆర్ ఈశ్వరి సత్యం - Duration: 3:24.

gvs sastry

For more infomation >> ఓరచూపు సర్కార్ ఎక్స్ ప్రెస్68ఎల్ ఆర్ ఈశ్వరి సత్యం - Duration: 3:24.


కుచ్చుల సర్కార్ ఎక్స్ ప్రెస్ బాలు, ఎల్ ఆర్ ఈశ్వరి - సత్యం - Duration: 3:16.

gvs sastry

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