Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 20 2017

It is said that animals can feel and see the presence of another being or energies way

better than we humans can.

And people around the world were lucky to capture some of these events on camera.

In this episode, we want to take a look at 10 Pets That Saw Real Ghosts

A night camera captured the dog of the owner, wandering around in the kitchen.

Some energy must have caught his attention and he seems to follow it.

The owner of this dog claims, that she can always feel cold spots

and even notices strange smells in her cellar.

Is her dog able to even see these anomalies ? Look close to notice

the orbs.

The owner of tese 2 dogs captures them while they are playing with each other.

All of a sudden, one of them seems to get thrown off by something else in the room.

This man notices straneg behaviour in his aparments, when he also notices that

his little kitten is picking up a strange ernergy.

A stationary Camera picked up these 2 dogs, who were located at the master bedroom at

the time.

When all of a sudden they pick something up, you can see the paper ball moving behind one

of the dogs.

The owner has left his two dogs home alone that day.

Suspicious of any unnatural activity in his home, he has set up a camcorder for the first


This man was woken up quite frequent due to his dog howling at the back door of his house.

This night he wanted to film this strange behaviour.

Youtube Kaelyn Speaks talks about a strange occurance, which shook up his little dog.

He explains the whole case in this clip.

Bossy the dog was caught several times growling and barking at unseen things at night.

This was reason enough for the owner to capture it this night.

The dog Stella randomly reacts strange to the living room of her owner.

The camera also seems to have picked up some anomaly this time.

Thank you guys for watching and stay frosty!

For more infomation >> 10 Animals That Saw Real Ghosts - Duration: 14:55.


The Definitive Book of Body Language ► Book Summary - Duration: 10:57.

For more infomation >> The Definitive Book of Body Language ► Book Summary - Duration: 10:57.


Chicago Fire - Share the Moment: Where's Dawson? (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Chicago Fire - Share the Moment: Where's Dawson? (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:28.


[日字幕] RT:プロパガンダ拡声器~RTが英国で攻撃下に - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> [日字幕] RT:プロパガンダ拡声器~RTが英国で攻撃下に - Duration: 5:27.


Thank You Signs Vandalized- People Behaving Badly - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Thank You Signs Vandalized- People Behaving Badly - Duration: 2:09.


Evanescence - Making Of "Imperfection" Clip (CC Spanish) - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Evanescence - Making Of "Imperfection" Clip (CC Spanish) - Duration: 4:05.


Watch The Dodgers' Champagne Celebration - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Watch The Dodgers' Champagne Celebration - Duration: 2:13.


Facts About Melania Trump - Things You Didn't Know About the First Lady - Duration: 8:04.

For more infomation >> Facts About Melania Trump - Things You Didn't Know About the First Lady - Duration: 8:04.


Is Asking Price or Sale Price The Same As Market Value? - Duration: 2:55.

Hey guys and girls, it's Nathan Birch here

from the Binvested headquarters,

and today, just catching up to give you some new content

and to help you kick ass.

There are a lot of people who come to us and say,

"Out in the property market, how do you buy something

that's below market value,

something that's sitting there on the market?

Do we have to negotiate it?"

Sometimes, when buying properties, the asking price

can be below market value, too.

There's many different ways, when negotiating properties myself,

I get them for a cheap price.

Every property I buy has to be below market value.

I make sure that the properties are affordable,

a low-entry cost and affordable and below market value.

So, when I buy properties,

it can be by hitting the agent

over the head with a stupid offer or whatever.

But it's not necessarily that, it's about,

it can be structuring the deal,

it could be the terms of the deal,

it could be the fact that the agent's

just completely stuffed up, and that's quite

a common one, where they don't realise

what they've listed.

So, if we look at the current market

in Sydney, or Queensland, or whatever,

the scene is that, let's say, a real estate agent

lists a property today in 123 Smith Street.

Six months ago they listed one

at 123 Smith Street,

and I understand that the last one they sold

was for $350,000.

The market may have gone up to $400,000,

but there's no other comparables there.

So, when they list the next one, they go,

"Oh, the last one sold $350,000 we'll go list it for $350,000

it could be worth $400,000."

But it doesn't necessarily reflect

on what the asking price is,

as to what is below market value.

Sometimes agents just stuff up.

Other ways is how the deal is created or structured.

Terms can help you reduce prices on the properties.

Buying in bulk can help you reduce prices on properties.

At the end of the day, creating a win-win outcome out there,

where you and the owner can come to agreements

on price and terms and whatever.

Ideally dealing with an agent that isn't

the best-selling agent to get the highest price

is a good thing.

Also, to be able to get the properties

at a affordable price.

So, just wanted to throw that out there,

sometimes it's not a matter of

the asking price doesn't reflect

the below-market value price as well.

So, if you have any questions,

if you need help securing properties,

if you need help building that portfolio,

you can call us on the hotline,

1300 367 925.

Have an awesome day.

For more infomation >> Is Asking Price or Sale Price The Same As Market Value? - Duration: 2:55.


The Breakdown Episode 24 with Zirene: MisfitsがTSMを破った方法(Worlds Group Stage Week 2) - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> The Breakdown Episode 24 with Zirene: MisfitsがTSMを破った方法(Worlds Group Stage Week 2) - Duration: 7:30.


Evelyn Taft's Weather Forecast (Oct. 19) - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Evelyn Taft's Weather Forecast (Oct. 19) - Duration: 1:50.


North Korea sends letter to Australia, urging them to turn away from Trump - Duration: 0:45.

North Korea has sent Australia an open letter... urging the country to distance itself from

the United States.

The letter says Pyongyang is a fully-fledged nuclear power and President Trump's attempt

to destroy it would be a "big miscalculation" that could lead to a "horrible nuclear disaster".

Australia's Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop revealed to Fairfax Media that the

document was received on September 28th.

She said it's an unprecedented step, which shows that diplomatic and economic pressure

on the regime is working.

North Korea sent letters last month to parliaments around the world,... after President Trump

threatened to "totally destroy" North Korea, if necessary, during a speech at the United


For more infomation >> North Korea sends letter to Australia, urging them to turn away from Trump - Duration: 0:45.


కార్తీకం రోజూ సాయంత్రం 7 గంటలకు pooja tv chirravuri foundation remedies telugu spiritual solution - Duration: 10:02.

88855 69579...Chirravuri

88855 69579...Chirravuri

For more infomation >> కార్తీకం రోజూ సాయంత్రం 7 గంటలకు pooja tv chirravuri foundation remedies telugu spiritual solution - Duration: 10:02.


Let the Love Begin : Full Episode 31 (with English subtitles) - Duration: 26:46.

Let's go to our favorite restaurant in Antipolo.

Pia is a good daughter.

Even if she grew up without you, she still treats you as her mom.

I think I have to go the restroom.

How could you do this to me, Tony?

You're making me stupid.

-Let's talk at home. -You're so bad!

It's impossible that my company left, his car is still here.

Someone's here.


Auntie, daddy is in the hospital.

He needs your help. He had an accident.

I'll be there.

What happened?

Tony is still alive.

Doctor, I beg you, please let me know my Dad's condition.

Your Dad lost a lot of blood.

He needs to undergo different tests.

What I am afraid of is it seems

he's suffering from spinal cord injury.

He's in a very critical condition.


Ma'am, are you okay now?

Where's my husband?

He was brought to the hospital.

Ma'am, can you manage?

Yes, I'll go to my husband.

Mildred, that's really very difficult.

You know guys can be very secretive.

So if you have text or calls that they don't answer

even if you know he's not yet asleep,

then most likely, he's hiding something from you.

Where is my husband?

Aunt, he's already in the operating room.

The doctors are doing their best.

And why are you here, Pia?

Why are you with Uncle?

So it is true Dad, you have a mistress?

It's true my child, I won't deny it.

Let's go to our favorite restaurant in Antipolo.

Daddy and I will have a date.

Yes Ma'am.

Daddy and I will have a date.


Thank you very much Tina

for calling and for sharing your story.

You know direchoners, sometimes

there are things that really shock us,

things that we don't expect. Sometimes we are happy,

and there are times that we are really sad.

But whatever problem that come our way always remember,

that diamond is a charcoal

that went through extreme heat and pressure,

so whatever challenges that we need to face,

we'll overcome that.

So to make you more inspired,

this song is for you.

Erick, where are you? I've been calling you.

Pia, I'm sorry I just saw my phone.

What happened?

I'm in the hospital right now.

Why? Pia what happened to you?

Are you hurt?

Not me, it's Daddy!

He had an accident.

Are you with someone right now?

Please text me your address. I'll go there.

Pia, wait for awhile,

grandma is calling me.

Please text me the address and I'll go there.


And if you have questions or stories or

if you want to exchange chitchat,

just call the one and only Mystery DJ, DJ 1D!

Excuse me, do you have a patient named Tony Sta. Maria?

Yes Ma'am, he is in the operating room.

And who are you?

I'm his wife. Thank you.

Here are the patient's personal things.

And what are you doing here?

I just want to check Tony's condition.

Leave, before I call the police.

What do you mean?

Are you pretending?

You almost killed my husband.

You were with him when he fell.

Is this an act of revenge?

Celeste, I didn't do anything.

Tony knows that. Let me talk to him first.

How dare you.

Just one move and I'll call the police.

Excuse me, can you call security?

-Someone's making a scene here. -Yes Ma'am.

Pia, you're such a bear faced liar. What is this?

If they didn't give me your Father's things,

I wouldn't have known.

So tell me have you seen your Dad's mistress?

No Auntie, I'm just meeting Daddy for dinner.

Liar! You know, I didn't realize

that you'll tolerate your Dad's philandering ways.

Auntie, I know it was wrong but...

Stop making excuses Pia, look I know you hate me,

I know you don't like me but I never thought

you'll tolerate your dad with what he's doing.

I hope you understand the consequences of your actions.

You're dad is in there, fighting for his life because of you.

You should've stopped your dad.

If you did, then the accident wouldn't have happened.

If something happens to your dad, I'll blame you.

Remember that.

In the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.

Good night, Daddy.

Good night baby, but can you promise me one thing?

I don't want to lose you.

-I'm sorry, Daddy. -I love you.

I love you too, Daddy.

Did you draw these? I know this, these are birds...

Dad those are leaves.

I know these are leaves. I'm just joking.

You know it breaks Daddy's heart every time you get sick.

Thanks, Dad!

I love you so much.

So it's true Dad, you have a mistress?

It's true. I won't deny it.

Please, don't take away my Dad.

I don't know what to do if I lose him.

He's my only family.

He's my strength.

Please, I beg you.

I beg you.

Please hear the prayers of Pia.

I can't stand seeing her lonely.

-Mrs. Sta Maria? -Yes, I am.

Don't tell me this is the part where you say,

"There's nothing you can do".

Actually he can be transferred to the ICU.

But you can't talk to the patient first

because he's still unconscious.

Doctor, what is my Dad's condition?

Well for now he is stable,

we did what we can for the injuries.

And we will know more once he wakes up.

We'll keep you posted with the development.

That's all I can say for now.

Excuse me.

Aunt, what if Uncle Tony wakes up?

-What if he wakes up and talk? -Shut up.

Daddy, please wake up.

Please wake up, Dad.

I promise to be a better daughter,

just please wake up.

Please, Dad.

So now you're crying.

Why? Is you conscience bothering you?

Get out of here. Go!

Auntie, I want to be with Daddy.

Your Daddy doesn't want you here, leave us alone.

I will not leave my dad.

Can you please stop pretending that you're concern

about your dad.


Or should I remind you that you're only the daughter

while I am the wife.

And may I also remind you

that you are the reason why my husband is here right now.

So leave us alone.

Do you want me to get mad?

So Pia, are you leaving now?

Are you done with your dramas, you bad girl.

You know, even if I wasn't Uncle's real child,

I was more of a daughter than you.

All you did was to hurt him and give him problems.

And now, you almost killed him.

Erick, let's go.

I love you very much.

I love you, but you betrayed me.

You cheated on me.

And there's only one thing I ask of you,

I wish you were dead!

I'll go ahead Erick. Thank you.

Thank you also.

What for?

Thank you because

you have lots of friends to call but you called me first.

Because you're one of my true friends.

Thank you for accompanying me and for the support.

And sorry for the disturbance.

Disturbance? You're never a disturbance to me.

And besides you told me I'm you're only boy friend,

as in male friend.

You always make me smile. Thank you.

Okay, I'll go ahead. Thanks again.

I'll walk with you to the door.

I saw that.

What did you see, grandma?

Is Elsa still asleep?

Yes, she's been sleeping soundly.

I fell asleep as well. And I just read your text.

What happened? How's Tony?

He's still not awake.

According to the doctor, he's in critical condition

because of his bad fall in the cliff.

They shouldn't have eaten on top of the cliff.

Look what happened, I pity him.

Can we visit him?

We're not allowed to visit because he's still in the ICU.

Besides, his wife is always there.


How's Pia? Is she okay?

Grandson, in moments like these,

you should take care of her more.

She needs you now.

Thank you.

It's time to rest. Go to sleep.

-Yes, you too. Come on. -Go to sleep.

-Go to sleep, okay? -Yes, grandma.


So she's blaming you.

I can't defend myself because

I'm really the last person he was with.

So what if she'll sue you?

Will you fight back?

After fifteen years, do you think I should stop fighting?

Aside from Tony, I'm worried about Pia,

I am just scared of all the lies Celeste is telling my daughter.

Maybe just like Tony, she'll take her away from me.

Is he dead?

Excuse me miss, what's happening inside?

Your husband just regained consciousness. Excuse me.

Aunt, what will happen to you?

What will happen if he tells everyone

you pushed him off the cliff?

Tony? Can you hear me, Tony?

I am Doctor Rodriguez.

You're here in the hospital, Tony.


Tony, can you hear me?

Please move your hand if you can hear me.

Move even your finger if you can hear me.

Tony, can you feel this?

Mrs. Sta. Maria, come here, you can approach him.

Tony, your wife is here.

Tony, your wife is here.

Tony, your wife is here beside you.

Don't hesitate you can go near him.

It's important that you talk to him.

Mrs. Sta. Maria, don't be scared,

go ahead and talk to the patient.

Tony, this is Celeste.

Can you hear me?

Give him something to calm him down.

Tony, we'll give you something to calm you.

This is normal for patients who experience damage

with their connections in the brain.

What is important is he is awake.

Pia, you better eat or you might get sick.

I'll just eat later.

Hello, Aunt Celeste? Really?

Okay. Bye.

Luchie, what?

Do you have news about daddy?

Call Aunt Celeste.

What do you think of me, your liaison officer?

Luchie please, do you have news? What?

Then call her. Wait, I changed my mind.

Uncle Tony is awake, anything else you want to know?

Hurry up, go and change your clothes.

Thank you, we've managed to enroll Elsa.

Hey grandchild, do good when school starts.

Of course grandma, especially now that we have new things.

Thank you, Brother Erick.

No problem.

Just promise you'll do well.

Brother, when will you buy me shoes?

Maybe on my next payday from my DJ job.

Thank you brother.

Okay, go fix your things.

Grandma, look at this.

Uncle Tony is awake.

Tony is okay. Thank God!

Thank you Lord.

So what are you waiting for?

Go ahead and accompany her.

-Are you sure? -Yes, I'm very sure.

Go hurry up.

-Okay, grandma. -Hurry up!

Thank you Lord.

-Bye, Elsa. -Bye, big brother.

Bye, grandma.

Dad, you know there are a lot of people who miss you.

Nanny Eds,

people from Celestial,

a lot of people are worried

asking about you.

They are praying for you.

Because Dad you're a good person.

You are a good person that's why a lot of people love you.

You've touched so many lives,

ever since you were a good father to me.

But I feel like I was not a good daughter to you.

Dad, please don't leave me.

Dad, please stay with me. Dad, I love you.

I love you very much.

Bebe Yonce, how's your vacation? You're unreachable now.

Yes, I'm having fun here and every moment is worth it.

If I were to choose,

I would like to stay here with my family.

Go, Bebe Yonce, push that!

That's better so you won't come back.

Can I ask an update about our patient Tony Sta. Maria?

I'm his wife.

Is there a problem?

Someone is calling, asking about your husband.


She said she's the wife.

I am the legal wife.

You need to be strong because you're all that he got.

I can't be strong without him.

I am here, I will never leave you.

Thank you, Erick.

Please wake up. You can't die.

Because I fought for fifteen years

just to be with you and Pia.

Get away from my husband.

Get out!

For more infomation >> Let the Love Begin : Full Episode 31 (with English subtitles) - Duration: 26:46.


Cars toys Construction Vehicles. Excavator, Trucks, Mixer, Crane. Toys For Kids Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 11:12.

Cars toys Construction Vehicles Excavator Truck Mixer Crane Toys For Kids Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Cars toys Construction Vehicles. Excavator, Trucks, Mixer, Crane. Toys For Kids Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 11:12.


TVF Inmates | E02 - Finding Sam - Duration: 18:16.


Are you blind?

-What are you doing? -What the hell are you doing, man?

I'm cleaning the floor with my hands, can't you see that?

What's that?

There's garbage lying around there. Pick that up too! Come on!

Can you speak softly?

Everyone else is still sleeping.

Where are your manners? Didn't you go to a school?

Sorry, sorry. My bad... Did it hurt you?

Did it hurt you?


-Listen? -Yeah?

I was thinking about something last night.

Being Fooga's friend has it's place

and love has it's own.

What do you think about Kay?

She looks like a garden.

Can't you ever answer me straight?

I was asking you something!

Shh! Manners? People are still sleeping.

I'm genuinely asking you. Won't Kay look good with me?

I've got a new clue about dad!

He was in Mongolia!


No Fooga! No, please don't puke here! I just cleant it, go to the bathroom!

Fooga...! You guys are always walking around with dirty slippers in the house.

-Something's not right, Madhav. -I've just cleant the place, nothing else.


You clea... You cleant the place?

What's... Who cleans, Madhav?!

-I thought... -Are you an asshole?!

Who clea...Are you out of your mind?

-I thought y'all would like it. -Wait a second.

Where's Sam?

My cockroach.



Oh man!

It's a chip you fool!

Clean the place properly! What the hell?!

Shame on you, Madhav!

I'll whack you!

-What did that little thing do to you? -He wasn't little, he was this big!

Good morning, boys.

-Good morning. -242!


It's not a good morning!

Why? What happened?

He cleaned! I lost my fuckin' cockroach!

Come on, Frank. It looks damn neat.


Good job you guys!

Hey, guy!

Singular. I did it all by myself.

-He's hilarious. -He's disgusting!

Hey, nice!

Make Frank also workout with you if you workout regularly.




Hello! Mr. Modi, I think I lost Sam!

Mr. Modi?

Hello... What do you mean you're in America?!

Mr. Modi! Mr....

See, I've gained so much weight.

I think I should workout with you.

Yeah, when do you want to start?

-Really? You know... -Hey!

Your posture is wrong.

You need to stand for what you're doing, not sit down.

And your arms are also going wrong.

That's why you are the way you are.

This won't lead you any where.


Breath up...

Breath out...

-Breath up and breath down? -Yeah.

It's more scientific


Rest is all American conspiracy.


-This one? -Yes.


I didn't warm up.


You bastard!

-What... -Why'd you kill my brother?

I killed whom?

You knew...You knew he was allergic to phenoyl, right?

You knew it!

-What are you... -You knew his legs would also slip.

-What are you doing? -You killed my brother!

-Frank... -That's a piano.

-You killed my... -Frank! Leave...leave...leave him!

Kay! Are you okay?

I want my baby or everyone dies!

-You... -Or we could just look for him!

His full name is, Samuel Joseph Lawrence.

He's crimson in color.



He has a scar under his left eye.


Where are you? Where are you...









Stop crying, won't you?

We've been through this. Remember when Mr. Moolchand was sick?

Mr. Moolchand was your pet not mine.

Exactly! So I know what it feels like to lose a pet.

Let's give him a Dagama style send-off!

Remember what dad and mom would say?

-Please don't make me say it. -Come on, say it.

No, no, no! Fuck it!

Okay, let me take you out for beer tonight. My treat!


Hey, call that girl also, won't you?

What's her name?

The one who was here yesterday?

-Richa?! -Yeah.

-Richa? -No, no, no...

Why? You guys are 3 and I'll have company.

We have other friends too.

-We'll invite them. -Yeah? Who?

-Who? -Who?

Guys, y'all are hilarious.

Sometimes you all talk so petty things to me, right?

Please! See.

Hello Richa, listen there's a party tonight, you're invited.

-Are you guys excited? -Yeah...!

Not really.

Is it a date?

-Let's leave? -Yeah.

Where's Richa?

-She can come herself. -Okay.

Let's go, Frank!

Let's go.

Hey, don't we look good together?

After you...

With you.

Sir, your foogalicious burger.

I see a lot of Sam in you, bro.

Thank you, sir.

He's dead!

Have you always been this beautiful? Or did you do a course on it?

Yay! Party guys! Come on! 2 drinks on the house from me!

Did you do a course?

You know what's funny?

Not you...

Oh my! You're hard to catch!

Oh fuck!

This a surgical strike!

Hey guys! What's up?


Asshole! My eyes are up here.

You go change your mouth.

-Cute dress. -Thank you.

What will you have to drink?

Um, a vodka and cranberry.

Okay. One vodka and cranberry, please?


Easy, bro! Easy, easy...

My brother's dead! All of Bombay will drown in my sorrow.

Hey! Didn't you hear his brother died?

Fill 'em up!

Give me one on his tab.

Everything seems so empty, Rahul.

It happens, bro.

When one of our own leaves us, then life seems...

Shut up, you annual day actor!

Have you seen Richa?


She looks quite beautiful.

Did she get a plastic surgery done?

It's all God's gift.

To Sam!

-Sam... -Our brother.


Excuse me?

Hi, I'm Anjali.

Hi! Rahul.

You must've heard the name before?

See this line always works.

No. It's still quite corny.

Are you an actor?


-How'd you know? -You have struggler written on your face.

By the way, my friend thinks you're really cute.

-Yeah? -You should come have some drinks with us.

I am cute...

Okay, Fooga. Take care of yourself.

One second?

Be kiss ready, bro.

Here you go.

Even Rahul has started looking cute.

Why are you doing this to me? What have I done to you?

Just do one right thing in my life.

Bro, who do you keep talking to? I think you're losing it.

To God, man.

Then ask your God where my Sam is!

Where is my Sam?

Guys, meet Rahul.


Rahul? I have heard that name.

Hey! He stole my line, man!

-Sit, sit, sit... -Thank you.

You want to go to the restroom? We'll leave the boys alone for sometime.

We'll come back, man.

Why do women always go to the loo together?

Women are weird.

Oh I know, right?

Varun, I'm with my friends.

Why are you so insecure all the time?

I'll facetime you once I get home, okay?


I'll call you back, bye!

Boyfriend trouble?


He's one those possesive type of guys.

He doesn't live here. He comes here every 6 months like a solar eclipse.

That's not even scientific...


Men are really sad, man.

-I mean, the whole breed is like this. -I know...


6 tequila shots please!

Hey, nice...

So, how long have you been in Mumbai for?

Six and a half years.

That's awesome, man!

In Goa, there's no other option beside getting high and dancing with the foreigners.

Terrible life, right?

I know! So hollow, like...

I need to get trippy every day and dance every day.

Why did you come to Mumbai from Goa?

I want to play Bollywood music.

I can't play one more EDM track.

You're a DJ?

Yeah that one.


First our shots!

Come on!

One more.

For men, who suck!


Do you workout or something?

Show me your muscle?


-Thanks. -Show me your arms.

14 and a 1/2?

Fuck! How did you know?

-Hi. -Hi.



That's your name?

It's a visual.

-Is this upsetting you? -Yes!

Will you get violent?

-No. -Why?

What if it's enjoyable?

Listen, Rahul...Rahul.

I'll just go to the washroom and be back.

-Look... See, bro... -No 'Bro'...

Sankesh, bro. Please...

-Sit, I'm not your brother... -What are you doing?

Sanket, let go of my hand.

-Sit... -Go to hell!

Last two, it's the last two... Come on!

It's our first night being out! You have to have this!


That's it. Now let's go!

It's my favorite song!

I'm not enjoying this at all, man!

Look at that mad man, he broke the glass.

My hunger died, Madhav!

If Sam was here today, he would've also danced.

Fooga, I didn't intentionally kill him, bro!

I know, dude! I know!

Look, just like your brother's dead, it's my nephew as well, right?

I just wanted to see his dead body once, to tell myself it's over!

He freakin' survived the nuclear war but couldn't survive a clean-up.

He's still with us, Madhav. He's still with us!

Fooga, what if he's not dead at all. He must've swam into the sewers.

Son, daddy is sorry. Come back.



What are you assholes doing?

It's the lady's room.

Get out of here!

Didn't you leave with a girl? What are you doing here?

His name was Sakesh, man.

-Sukesh? -Sakesh.

-Sukesh? -Sakesh!

It's a compliment!

Don't laugh, man!

You've got your faces in a pot! Get out, man!

-My Sam... -We can't find him...

His not in his senses. Take him out.

No! No! I'm not going home till I find Sam!

Come on! Get out of here!

Come on!

Back to the same house and the same bullshit.

This home has the fragrance of Sam.

Only you can smell it, man. You're the only one who smelt it.

You can do something different for a change, right?

Careful, man.

Cockroach! Cockroach! Cockroach!


-Cockroach! Cockroach! -Richa?

Cockroach! Cockroach!

Hey! That's my bedspread!


Fooga! Fooga!


There you go, there's Sam.

Don't ask where we found him.


-I thought you knew, since, even you... -What?

-No, man! What a day! Of course not! -Relax, dude.

-It's almost a compliment. -Hear that? It's a compliment.

-You mean, you're a lesbian? -Yeah.

-So you like girls? -Yeah.

-And us? -No!

-You get out of my room! Out! -Excuse me?


Sam is not moving, guys....

For more infomation >> TVF Inmates | E02 - Finding Sam - Duration: 18:16.


You're My Drama S2 Ep 4 - Changes - Duration: 10:27.

For more infomation >> You're My Drama S2 Ep 4 - Changes - Duration: 10:27.


Mutton Gravy Recipe in Tamil | Mutton Masala Recipe | How to make Mutton Curry in Tamil - Duration: 3:47.

Hello friends welcome to Madras Samayal

Today lets see how to make mutton semi gravy

This recipe goes excellent with Idli, dosa ,chapathi, rice

We always make fresh masala for our mutton recipes

But today we are going to make a simple recipe with simple ingredients

This recipe will be very easy for new cooks & bachelors

First lets cook the Mutton

I have taken 1/2 kg mutton (Goat meat)

Transfer this to a cooker

also add in required salt

1/2 tsp Turmeric powder

also add in water just to cover the pieces

Cover and cook for 4 whistles on medium heat

Now the Mutton pieces are well cooked

Now to make Mutton Gravy heat 3 tbsp oil in a pan

add 1 cinnamon, 2 cloves and 2 cardamom

also add in 1 tsp Cumin

Give it a mix

Now lets add onion - 2 Onions

some salt

Let it cook until golden

Now to this lets add the masala

1 tbsp Ginger Garlic paste

1/4 tsp Turmeric powder

1 tsp Garam masala powder

2 tsp Cumin powder

1 tsp Coriander powder

Finally add chili powder to suit your taste

I have used 1.5 tbsp chili powder

Give it a stir

Now at this stage add 2 tomatoes

Let it cook until the tomatoes are nice and soft

Once the onions and tomatoes are nice and soft

Lets add the cooked Mutton

Do not waste the broth (we can add it entirely )

We can also use it for making Soups

also add salt if required

Let it cook until it thickens

If you would like watery consistency we can turn off the heat in 5 minutes

For semi gravy cook until the gravy thickens

Now our Mutton semi gravy is nice and thick

Finally add some coriander leaves

and turn off the heat

Tadaa our delicious Mutton Gravy is ready to be enjoyed

For more infomation >> Mutton Gravy Recipe in Tamil | Mutton Masala Recipe | How to make Mutton Curry in Tamil - Duration: 3:47.


KPO 2017 - Doubles Final - Ralph & Ray def. Alex B & Alex R - 6-4, 7-6(7-3), 4-6, 6-2 - Highlights - Duration: 14:36.

Ray forehand volley winner.

Alex backhand winner on the dead run.

Alex R forehand volley winner.

Alex R backhand volley winner.

Alex B forehand winner.

Alex B forehand volley winner.

Ray inside-in forehand winner.

Ralph backhand volley winner.

Alex R backhand drop-shot winner.

Alex R down the line forehand winner.

Alex R forehand volley winner.

Ralph won good point.

Ray forehand volley winner.

Alex forehand volley winner.

Ray forehand volley winner.

Ralph second serve Ace.

Ray forehand return winner.

Alex R backhand volley winner.

Ralph forehand volley winner.

Ray forehand volley winner.

Alex B forehand lob winner.

Ray forehand volley winner.

Ray forehand volley winner.

Ray overhead winner.

Ray forehand winner.

Ralph lob winner.

Alex B won good point.

Ralph forehand volley winner.

Alex R backhand volley winner.

Ralph Ace.

Ralph Ace but looks out.

Alex R backhand volley winner.

Alex R forehand winner.

Ralph overhead winner.

Ralph forehand volley winner.

Alex B backhand volley winner.

Ralph forehand volley winner.

Ralph won good point.

Alex won good point.

Ray backhand drop-volley winner.

Alex R cross-court forehand winner.

Ralph backhand volley winner.

Alex B Ace.

Ralph forehand drop-volley winner.

Ralph won good point.

Ralph backhand volley winner.

Ray forehand winner.

Ray Ace.

Alex B down the line forehand winner.

Alex R off the net backhand slice winner.

Alex B unexpected backhand lob winner.

Ray backhand volley winner.

Ralph won good point.

Alex B down the line forehand winner.

Alex B ace.

Ralph forehand volley winner.

Alex R backhand slice winner.

Ralph forehand volley winner.

Alex B forehand volley winner.

Ralph forehand volley winner.

Ball looks in but called out.

Alex R backhand volley winner.

Alex B backhand volley winner.

Alex R forehand volley winner.

Ray forehand volley winner.

Ray forehand winner.

Alex R backhand volley winner.

Ralph overhead volley.

Alex R forehand volley winner.

Ray overhead winner.

Ray forehand volley winner.

Alex B backhand volley winner.

Ralph forehand volley winner.

For more infomation >> KPO 2017 - Doubles Final - Ralph & Ray def. Alex B & Alex R - 6-4, 7-6(7-3), 4-6, 6-2 - Highlights - Duration: 14:36.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST 100PK STYLE *Navigatie/ Airconditioning/ Hoge zit!!* Ford garantie t/m Maart - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST 100PK STYLE *Navigatie/ Airconditioning/ Hoge zit!!* Ford garantie t/m Maart - Duration: 0:58.


10/19/17 - Boys Soccer - (10) Logan 1, (7) Sparta 2 - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> 10/19/17 - Boys Soccer - (10) Logan 1, (7) Sparta 2 - Duration: 0:24.


CHUCK BERRY - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 30:06.

For more infomation >> CHUCK BERRY - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 30:06.


MICHAEL DOUGLAS - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 27:37.

For more infomation >> MICHAEL DOUGLAS - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 27:37.


THE KILLERS - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 33:33.

For more infomation >> THE KILLERS - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 33:33.


My RC Vlog #9 Grossinger's Abandoned Building Urban Exploration PART3 - Duration: 8:34.

What is up guys the flying tech here and as you can see we are back at Grossinger's this time

We've come a little bit more prepared

Wow look at this wall folks Wow

Look at that the ceiling is coming through I could see the clouds. I could see birds. Oh wow

I didn't know I was in for an acrobatic cock today

So, that's it, huh?

That's how this is happening oh

boy I

Didn't know I was in for an acrobatic cock today


What the hell they doing here at that ends your scanners alone

Don't matter could be undercover

All right guys we got to be super quiet somebody just passed by

We're not sure who it was there's a black SUV. We got the scanner going

We don't hear anything yet

You know you guys got to give a thumbs up for this come on. That's strong

It was real hard you're gonna have to put your feet and your hands on the board

I'm like the last time

That was not easy we're in the pool area

I'm gonna hi God

Y'all five grand you jump off it

There's water swimming you know the crazy thing is in its heyday

this place

Was hopping it was amazing

But look at it now

Now it's just a shell of its former self and that's being generous

Caution wet floor I'd say it's more than wet

Instinctively life will find a way

Yeah, guys we found this little desk that we set up here

perfect for doing what we're doing and

He's got the tiny whoof out of course nice landing lot that's pretty good flying it around in here

All right guys we're breaking out the x5c you know what time it is

There's a toilets hey you got to use the bathroom

Steam room rocks, I wonder how many times I've been used people used to hang out here naked

Look at that. Oh, it's no beauty parlor this

Wow you want to talk about old school

Check that out now. That's an antique right there folks

Damn I wonder how many a women have sat here and got their heard did

We can't get out that way right there

Straight ahead, so we don't have to climb down that thing

how bad

Someone's there

Alright guys, that's it for us. Hope you enjoyed if you did, please leave a thumbs up leave all comments below

We love getting your comments

We're definitely going to be coming back to this place again so stay tuned for that if you're new to the channel

Please smash that subscribe button also don't forget to hit the little notification bell

So you know when we're dropping awesome content like this and as always folks

Happy to be flying

For more infomation >> My RC Vlog #9 Grossinger's Abandoned Building Urban Exploration PART3 - Duration: 8:34.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Comment Se Fixer Des Objectifs Simplement Et Rapidement - Duration: 11:56.

For more infomation >> Comment Se Fixer Des Objectifs Simplement Et Rapidement - Duration: 11:56.


For more infomation >> Comment Se Fixer Des Objectifs Simplement Et Rapidement - Duration: 11:56.


Comment retrouver la formule pour le ln d'une puissance, ln(x^y) ? - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Comment retrouver la formule pour le ln d'une puissance, ln(x^y) ? - Duration: 2:31.


For more infomation >> Comment retrouver la formule pour le ln d'une puissance, ln(x^y) ? - Duration: 2:31.


NS Treinen VIRM + Nieuwe VIRMm, Amsterdam Sloterdijk! - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> NS Treinen VIRM + Nieuwe VIRMm, Amsterdam Sloterdijk! - Duration: 2:27.


For more infomation >> NS Treinen VIRM + Nieuwe VIRMm, Amsterdam Sloterdijk! - Duration: 2:27.


HI CUTIE is Korea's youngest ever girl group to debut - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 1:26.

HI CUTIE is Koreas youngest ever girl group to debut, with an average age of just 12.

6 years old!.

Theyre a five-member kids idol group, and they just debuted with their first digital single Play U.

The members range from 13 to 15 years old, and are incredibly talented at such a young age.

They all initially debuted as child actresses, but now theyre on their way to becoming top idols!.

Not only are they all adorable, but theyre already all triple threats, being able to dance, sing, AND act.

For more infomation >> HI CUTIE is Korea's youngest ever girl group to debut - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 1:26.


For more infomation >> HI CUTIE is Korea's youngest ever girl group to debut - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 1:26.


As It Is "Okay" [idobi Session]

For more infomation >> As It Is "Okay" [idobi Session]


Suzuki SX4 1.6 Shogun/ Airco/ Lmv/ Trekhaak/ Volledig onderhouden!/ 4x elektr. ramen/ Apk t/m 03-201 - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Suzuki SX4 1.6 Shogun/ Airco/ Lmv/ Trekhaak/ Volledig onderhouden!/ 4x elektr. ramen/ Apk t/m 03-201 - Duration: 0:57.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST 100PK STYLE *Navigatie/ Airconditioning/ Hoge zit!!* Ford garantie t/m Maart - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST 100PK STYLE *Navigatie/ Airconditioning/ Hoge zit!!* Ford garantie t/m Maart - Duration: 0:58.


How to Prevent Back and Neck Pain Dr Hooman Melamed on The Doctors TV - Duration: 4:36.

Our next guest has been dealing with a big problem due to her breasts, check out this story.

My name is Lindsey Palos, and I'm 26 years old.

I live in Los Angeles, and I have 6.8 million followers on Instagram.

One of the major reasons I think I have almost 7 million Instagram followers is because I

have 32 triple D breasts and they're natural so it's kind of a unique look.

When I moved here, I actually did a viral video where I ran in slow-mo

and it got like almost 10 million views on YouTube

and so I've been modeling and acting and doing that ever since.

Having big boobs is not all it's cracked up to be.

I've even weighed them before, they weigh 11 pounds.

I feel beautiful this way

but lately I've been feeling this nagging pain in my lower left side of my back in particular.

Some days it hurts all over and

I'm not sure where it's coming from.

Sometimes, I'm just like oh my god,

this is really bad.

What is it?

After years of back pain it was time for Lindsey to get some answers so we sent her to Board-Certified

Orthopedic Spine Surgeon, Dr. Hooman Melamed.

Some back pain for some time?

Yeah. It has really gotten bad the last few months basically.

The last few months and I don't know if it's because I have big boobs.

The main pain is basically up here.


When are you getting most of the time?

The pain in my back comes usually nightly is when I'm noticing it so after a long day

of traveling or a long day of shooting.

What about this pain here which is the more intense pain?

When I fly I come back home and

I am usually sore for a few days

What are some of the exercise regimen you're doing?

I do Pilates.

The most important thing in Pilates is the form is very critical so if you're doing something

the wrong way, that's obviously not a good thing.

Would you step down, please? Walk in your tippy-toes.

Can you go bend down like that, go back.

I think the breast size is an issue. I had few patients like that, but you're still very young right now.

For that to become a major issue, it usually tends to catch up to them in their 40s and 50s.

Anybody who complains some back pain more than three months or more,

it's automatically you got to get imaging studies

We want to make sure that we're not missing anything else

So we just need to get some imaging done.

Get an MRI

I wanted to make sure the discs look okay, the spinal cord looks okay,

there's nothing pinching your nerves.

Please welcome Lindsey and Dr. Melamed to the show, welcome.

Good to have you now.

What did you find on her examination?

The great news is that zero structure problems are perfect spine on the MRI and the x-ray shows.

There's nothing structurally wrong with it.

All the discs look healthy and the balanced alignment looks perfect.

What do you think is causing the pain?

She says lately, she's been traveling a lot.

Sitting on the plane for prolonged period of time or being more modeling so you're standing

for a period of time.

The body hates being in one position constantly.

Specially in heels if she's modeling in high heels

Do you think its harder to maintain good posture because of that extra weight?

Of course the center of the gravity wants to pull you down

especially being in short stature.

So you know, you're not broad shoulders so your spine

is like having a text thing and you are down with your phone

So Lindsey, I am even watching you now it seems like your shoulders are forward and

you're in almost

Is it hard for you to open up your chest and get that spine

I could sit like this but I'd really have to focus on it.

I guess I really don't think I'm naturally prone to doing this.

You just have to really work on, focus a lot more on these muscles like back here

all the way from the trap all the way down to the lower back muscles

So you would say core strength?

Yeah, exactly.

Any back strengthening that you recommend for all of us so we'd come to see you with,

with our back ups

Absolutely, you know plyometrics a lot of like using your own body weight nothing to a crazy

like bodybuilding type.

You know there's a lot of great exercises out there.

And make sure you're wearing the right bra.

Make sure you get fitted, make sure because not all bras are created the same.

You can be


wearing the wrong bra that you shouldn't be that uncomfortable by the end of the day so

the right bra

And heels too.

not as much heels when you're traveling the long flights

You know wear comfortable shoes on those flights and try to get up and walk around not to be

sitting for like 12 hours

like non-stop basically.

Yeah, that make sense.

Well, these are all I think good takeaways, Lindsey.

Thank you for sharing your story.

Best of luck to you.

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