Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 20 2017

This week, a UK-based startup owned by Google called DeepMind unveiled the latest version

of AlphaGo, its board-game-playing artificial intelligence program.

And if any human has to face it, they're better off throwing in the towel.

Because this AI has defeated everything that came before it.

You might've heard about AlphaGo before.

The first iteration made headlines two years ago when it beat a professional Go player.

Then, six months later, it bested one of the top players in the world, Lee Sedol, 4 games

to 1.

But this version has done something even more amazing: it's learned to be the best all

on its own, with no human supervision.

In case you're not up on ancient Chinese board games, Go is played with black and white


You try to capture the other person's stones and grab as much territory as possible, to

earn points.

The rules are simple, but the game is complex because it's played on a 19 by 19 board,

so there are a lot of ways each match can play out.

In fact, there are more possibilities than the number of atoms in the known universe.

So it's really hard to calculate what the next best move will be, from all those options.

And that's why Go has become the game to beat among the AI crowd.

If a computer can master such a challenging game, that's a sign that its learning algorithms

could be put to use on other complex problems.

So this new version, called AlphaGo Zero, is a big deal.

It works because of reinforcement learning.

Basically, it plays games against itself, learning more each time.

Previous versions of Alpha Go used reinforcement learning, too.

But first, engineers trained them ahead of time with move combinations from thousands

of human-played games.

AlphaGo Zero starts from scratch.

Or zero

When the program starts, the neural network it uses to select moves and predict the winner

is a blank slate.

This network is just a function that spits out values, but it has a fancy name because

it's modeled after the human brain.

At first, the neural network is really dumb.

But over time, it improves.

A lot.

In fact, just sparring against itself works way better than training with human data.

Within 76 hours of letting Zero do its thing, it won 100 out of a 100 against the version

of AlphaGo that beat Lee Sedol.

In a matter of days, AlphaGo Zero played 4.9 million games, essentially collected thousands

of years of Go knowledge, and hit upon new strategies that humans haven't thought up


As a bonus, Zero also takes less computational power than previous iterations, and works

off a single machine, rather than being spread out over many.

For many AI fanatics, this AlphaGo is a real milestone.

Since we don't need to feed it a bunch of Go knowledge for it to play games real well,

theoretically we can use the same learning algorithms to do other things.

Like, modeling protein folding to discover new drugs and designing new materials.

So stayed tuned as scientists start using AlphaGo-like superhuman programs to fly past

old limits and solve some of our trickiest problems.

With hopefully no robot uprising.


That is, unless volcanoes get us first.

Or rather, we do ourselves in, with a little help from volcanoes.

Earlier this week, historians and climate scientists at Yale University published a

hypothesis after combing through thousands of years of data.

They think that volcanoes may have led to some of ancient Egypt's most violent revolts,

and ultimately, the final dynasty's downfall.

But it's not because of a bunch of deadly lava.

Instead, the idea is that volcanoes can change weather patterns—specifically, the amount

of rainfall in the Ethiopian highlands, which affects how much the Nile River will flood

during the monsoon season.

Now, we usually think of flooding as a bad thing.

But back before the Nile was dammed, annual flooding was the main way farmers watered

their crops.

No flooding meant famine.

Now volcanoes disrupt the climate because they spew out sulfurous gasses which can react

to form other compounds called aerosols that hang out in the atmosphere for as long as

a year or two.

The tiny particles reflect the sun's light, meaning temperatures fall.

Those lower temps can lead to less precipitation, and can also change wind patterns that will

also decrease rainfall, especially for northern monsoon regions like Egypt.

The research team noticed that rainfall in northern Africa fell after five volcanic eruptions

in the 20th century, so they wondered if that had happened before.

To find out, climatologists looked at volcanic deposits in ice cores to get a timeline of

those events.

Historians then mapped those dates with measurements from the Islamic Nilometer, which

was basically a well the Egyptians used to tell how much water they would get each summer

from the river.

The Nilometer got its start in the 600s, so for earlier than that, historians also scoured

ancient writings for mentions of the floods.

They found that flood heights were much lower around the time of eruptions, suggesting volcanoes

did have an impact on Nile.

Then, the team then looked to see whether there were any ripple effects on Egyptian


And they found a strong correlation between the number of revolts and whether a volcano

had recently erupted.

Priestly decrees also went up in years with eruptions, and the Egyptians were more likely

to end war campaigns against their rivals, the Seleucid Empire.

The idea is that with less flooding, there was less food, to wage battles, and everyday

people were more upset with the government.

We'll never really know what happened back then, but by 30 BCE, the last Egyptian dynasty

was overtaken by the Romans.

And these scholars think a series of badly timed volcanoes may have played a part.

The climate effects of volcanoes haven't necessarily ended, either.

Today, around 70 percent of people live in areas where monsoons help grow crops.

So beyond any immediate devastation, it's important to keep in mind that volcanoes could

trigger droughts that would impact billions of us.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow News!

If you want to learn a lot more about what makes computers tick, go check out our Crash

Course computer science on our sister channel at

For more infomation >> This AI Doesn't Need Any Help from Humans - Duration: 5:29.


The Best of BANGTAN BOMB - Part 6/6 - Duration: 16:43.

Before anything else: stretching

Jungkook's method

Jimin's method

Namjoon's method

V's "method"

Having J-Hope to help might come in handy

What about that whole "forever we are young" talk, Namjoon?


How is that even stretching, my dudes?!

Happy thoughts, Hobi. Happy thoughts.

yo gimme your feet

yOur fUCKing fEEt plz

Focus on the motherfucker at the back

bitch lol



"well, sorry"

"you did not deserve what I did to you"

hyungs? wtf are you doing?



Bangtan needs a POWER OFF button



Show them why you're the main dancer, Hobi

Staff: They're hyper today. JH: I really like this song!

The biggest VIPs in our dear South Korea

hold up we lost this while looking at jin


*when you had way too much ecstasy*

"God, what have I done with my life?"

SG: What are you guys doing?

Even you, Suga??????

Kim Taehyung has the energy of a 3 year old

I seriously think V sometimes forgets the camera is on

Listening to k-pop in public:

~they're looking at me

In the name of the father, in the name of the son, in the name of the holy spirit...

I refuse to be seen around idiots.


How to deal with insomnia, by: Kim Taehyung/V

The federal ministry of health warns that practing dance in the middle of the street might lead to you being hit by vehicles

"you gon die"

V: That was me expressing my mood with my body.

stop giving them coffee

*cowboys' song*

I see a happy bunny hopping in the woods

*kids' song about bunnies* "I hop forward, I hop backwards, I go flipping around, I'm way too strong"

(they don't black out for nothing)


IT'S BACK "in the name of the father, in the name of the son, in the name of the holy spirit..."

*ME DANCING WITH BTS* (Whoever says it's edited is just jealous)

And the nobel of Best Girl Group Dancers goes to:

And the nobel of Best Girl Group Dancers goes to: Ji-Hope

JM: Ahh~ My belly hurts!

"he passed away"

"it's stronger than me"

JM: Ah! My belly hurts!




"shoo, sun"

a respectful leader

"how can I kill the party?"

"yas, imma burst with shinning and glory"

JM: Really you?

*keeps showing off*

JM: Are you kidding?

JH: Up & Down~

*not giving a shit*

JH: Up & Down~

*gives up and joins Jungkook in whatever he's doing*

If even Jin can't take his eyes off Ji-Hope dancing, who am I to even try?

Ji-Hope dancing together:

VS. JiKook dancing together:

you'll never be as much of an army as BTS



sorcery ritual~ sorcery ritual~

"sorcery ritual"

Are you retarted?

*the song says "PEDALA ROBINHO" because the move JK is doing is similar to a famous soccer play by Robinho known as "PEDALA ('Pedal on') ROBINHO" in which he looks like he's literally pedalling*

Jungkook's hobbies include strafing this fandom


clearly doesn't know the lyrics

Jungkook swearing in English is my religion

Yas. You're gonna go super saiyan in a bit.

*his boyfriend wants attention*

*way too busy playing Goku*

(it sounds like he said "ué" which is an interjection of confusion in Portuguese)

"in the name of Jesus, my God"

"go away, Satan"

Excuse me, I've been waiting for this since the first part of this series. Let me have my TaeKook moment, please. Forever protect Taehyung and Jungkook singing "Forest of Dreams" together.

the video has barely started and things are already weird

TaeKook laughing together brings me joy


*messes up* ~play it cool


(socorro = help)

*In Korean you pronounce V's name like "Pi"



Damn Taehyung, is that Parkinsin or are you just nervous around your crush?


*rest of the fandom*

I want a TaeKook duet on my desk until the end of the day

*Taehyung be having a seizure from Jungkook's sexy moves*

Focus, Taehyung


Drunk Suga must be a more steady camera man


*resumes sexy dance*

Once Taehyung turns off the camera... *lenny face*

For more infomation >> The Best of BANGTAN BOMB - Part 6/6 - Duration: 16:43.


MILA | Ép 3 | Est-ce que tu crois aux miracles ? - Duration: 13:23.

I'm Jeff, man. And I'm Laurent.

You're coming on Friday, right ?

It's the school dance.

It's kind of a dance that the school organizes every year in September.

I'm looking for Mila.

I'm looking for f*cking Mila ! And you, what are you doing ?

Do we really know nothing?

We need to stay together. We can't afford to lose any time now.

I really need to tell you something… about Mila.

Mila, wait two seconds!

What do you want, Jeff ?

I know that you think that I'm an idiot…And you are right.

I haven't treated you okay.

I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

Isn't it your birthday today?

Yeah, so?

Happy birthday.

Thank you.

Are you going to celebrate?

I don't think so, I don't know.

Come on, of course you are going to celebrate, no?

Uh, well I really need to get going. Ciao!

I should have done something, but… I didn't.

Man, it's not your fault.

I sincerely hope that we'll find her... really.

They really should get a room!


Are you stressed out?

A little.

Zoé, I would like to introduce you to Laurent.

Hi Laurent!

Hi Zoé, your sister has told me a lot about you.

Me too. She also told me a lot about you.

Do you believe in miracles?

In miracles? Yeah. I think so. Why?

At school, we have to write a paper about miracles. We have to say if we believe in them.

What about you? Do you believe in miracles?

I haven't decided yet. But thank you for your answer.

My pleasure, Zoé.

So! Laurent, right?

It's a pleasure to meet you.

Mila told me a lot about you, my dear Laurent.

Oh yeah ?

Make yourself at home. I am preparing barbecue chicken for dinner.

Thanks a lot.

You'll see Laurent, this chicken is fantastic: it is absolutely delicious.

Did you take your pills, sweetheart?

Yes, mom.

This chicken is really something. It's the local super market… I don't know what it is, but they make miracles. It's not possible. Bon appétit!

Hey Mila. Would Laurent like some beer ?

Ah, no, no, no thank you! Water would be perfect.

Laurent, do you do any extra-curricular activities? Do you do any sports?

Uhh… I run sometimes.

Ahh that's great. You should bring Mila sometimes? You would like that.


What? It could do you some good from time to time.

She is a bit shy. Do you know what she used to tell me when she was younger?


She would tell me that she would never get a boyfriend.

Mom, enough.

What? You see, one can change his mind!

My mom sometimes gets under my skin.

How come on, Mi! I think she is cool.

Yeah but you don't live with her 24 hours a day.

I like this picture.

It's the most uninteresting picture there is.

I don't know.

It's your eyes.

Oh yeah? I think it's Lily that took that picture last year.

I would love to keep it.

Take it.

Ok guys, next Saturday: party at my place. We will start the summer in force. What do you think?

Oh, the mustard.

Oh no just sit down!

Ok. bon appétit.

Bon appétit.

Why are you the one cooking, Mi?

Because mom is at work. Come on, eat.

It's really good.

Who is it?

It's Élian for the party.

Would you like to go?

Yeah, why not ?

Ok cool.

Are you going to work this summer?

I don't think so. I kind of don't feel ready…

You're not ready to work?


It's like too much responsibility.

It was just much simpler before.

Hey, stop!

You really shouldn't have done that!

Yo, how are you?

Good, and you?

I am really happy you are here.

How are you doing?

Are you ready for the biggest party of your life?

Yes, we are!

Why don't you answer to Laurent ?

I don't know.

Mi, mi! I have to go.

Mila! I'm gonna go.



It seems a bit early to me.

Ciao, Alice.

Ciao man

I am tired…

Have a good evening.

For more infomation >> MILA | Ép 3 | Est-ce que tu crois aux miracles ? - Duration: 13:23.


Battlefield 1 - BFMS Livestream - Duration: 55:25.

For more infomation >> Battlefield 1 - BFMS Livestream - Duration: 55:25.


Boo 2 A Madea Halloween Movie Review - Duration: 9:15.

I like Tyler Perry!

I feel bad for Tyler Perry!

For more infomation >> Boo 2 A Madea Halloween Movie Review - Duration: 9:15.


LGR - Cities: Skylines Green Cities Review - Duration: 5:56.

It's time for another Cities Skylines expansion pack! This is the fifth one and

it arrives for $12.99 here in the US. And is titled Green Cities.


Gotta admit as far as concepts for packs for Cities Skylines goes, this was very low on my

personal list of things that I really wanted in the game. But I'm still curious,

you're curious, we're all curious, so let's get serious about diving into this

thing which includes over 300 and something new assets: eco-friendly

buildings, services, specializations policies, scenarios, and maps. And it also

introduces some gameplay tweaks, specifically things like road

pollution. In particular, noise pollution from roads has been redone entirely to

be affected by the type of vehicles using it, not just the size or capacity

of the road. So in other words now you have electric cars, biofuel buses, and

combustion engine bans that you can put into place to both lower air and noise

pollution from roads. It's a thing that's increasingly happening in real life so

of course adding it to the game makes some sense, I guess. As for a more game-y

thing here, roads can also be thoroughly customized through the built-in modding

tools. A very welcome addition, I do say. And it's also been included in the

latest free patch so mod way with those roads, make cool stuff because I'm too

lazy to do it. And also in the Green Cities pack you get some new

specializations for office, commercial, and residential zones. Districts

containing offices lets you specialize them as an IT Cluster now, which provides

you some awesome-looking buildings and some very high production from their

production. Commercial zones can receive the Organic and Local Produce

specialization resulting in hippies --er-- businesses catering to everything from

organic coffee, to fresh markets for food, to herbal dispensaries, to electric

vehicle charging hotspots and all that kind of stuff. And residential can be

classed as Self-Sufficient now, a step beyond the existing High-Tech Housing

policy. Homes go largely off the grid here, requiring

very little power or water from your main cities. However, while the high-rises

look pretty futuristic and kind of fun to look at with their earthy exteriors,

low-density just looks gray and drab and kind of samey. The models themselves are

nicely detailed and they seem more realistically proportioned. And they

don't have that ridiculous color scheme going on, which I appreciate. But they all

just sort of blend together. I don't know, it's a personal preference, but I still

think that there could have been a little more color and variety. There's

also a notable lack of grass in the yards of these lots. And before you say

"it's not eco-friendly to have grass in your yard," well that may be true in some

climates, sure. Drier places it makes sense to not have grass. But I build my

city in a place where it rains almost every single day. Grass is everywhere by

default, but as soon as they place down their gray samey-looking buildings the

grass goes away, I don't really get it. For a "green" cities pack I guess I

expected a little more green. But hey, at least we got more trees that they've

added here as well. I probably still prefer some of the custom-made ones that

I've seen but these are nice to have in there officially. But anyway, the other

main additions to this are the other new buildings, both alternatives to existing

buildings or as new options unique to this pack. Almost all of them are more

expensive, because that's the price to pay for "going green" here. But the benefit

is that they take up less power and water, output less pollution, or give you

a new way to deal with old concerns. There are new leisure buildings, many of

which also come in the latest patch. You get various, gardens, parks, and havens of

all sorts of sizes and shapes. Including a ziggurat, a yoga garden, a place to

learn about the birds and the bees, and several buildings that float on water.

Mm! Aesthetically pleasing but functionally

the same. There are also alternatives to elementary school, high school, and

universities. And respectively these come in the forms of a community school, an

institute of creative arts, and the Modern Technology Institute or MIT -- er

MTI. Yeah I see what they did. There's also new resource buildings for water,

power, and garbage. Including a solar updraft tower that looks pretty rad, some

geo and ocean thermal energy converters, cleaner options for sewage outlets and

treatment, and recycling and garbage collection centers, the latter of which

deals with water pollution by also floating out in the water like those

restaurants and parks and other things. Oh yes, Georgie, they all float!

And there's also a new monument: the Ultimate Recycling Center, because Ultimate

MK was already taken and I guess recycling normally is passe. Anyway, that's pretty

much the Cities Green Stuff Pack or whatever it's called. Overall I like it!

But as usual it's unnecessary to the core game and doesn't really do much

more than throw a few light wrinkles into your city building fabric for you

to leisurely iron out. I wish it added a bit more challenge or fixed up existing

problems rather than just giving players a slightly different urban planning

strategy. For some people that's enough, they don't expect this to do anything

more! And that's probably the best way to look at it because we're probably just

gonna have to wait around for Cities Skylines 2 to get that stuff, because at

this rate it seems like they're happy just giving little piecemeal, slight

additions and updates every so often. But anyway that's getting a little bit

off-topic; that was the Cities Skylines Green Cities pack! And if you enjoyed

this look at this thing then perhaps you'd like to see some of the other LGR

episodes that I've put together. And there are new ones every Monday and

Friday on a variety of topics, because I have interests that I can't keep aligned

and I jump all over the place and that's just what I do.

But if you like that then awesome, thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> LGR - Cities: Skylines Green Cities Review - Duration: 5:56.


Funny Hamster`s trap is set. - Duration: 1:54.

Mr. Cheese ♥ Come here ♥

Are not you coming? What?

You want to go for a walk now ♥

You really like running in the same place ♥

Have you gotten bored a bit ...?

Alright! Now or never!

How about this?!

Got it!

After all you wanted to eat

Is it delicious?

Taste good


Oh my gosh!

See you! !

Lonely broccoli


It's no good after all.

Broccoli was a little kicked

Broccoli was completely ignored

Broccoli was completely ignored again

Broccoli was strongly kicked

Happily ever after

I'm sorry broccoli! ! ! By Cheese

For more infomation >> Funny Hamster`s trap is set. - Duration: 1:54.


Luther's Great Struggle - Duration: 1:42.

When Martin Luther joined the monastery here in Erfurt he threw himself into his monastic

work, in fact, he drove his confessor, Johann von Staupitz— he drove him nuts.

Luther at one time spent six hours in the confessional, in fact, sometimes he would

be in the confessional, leave the confession, and on the way out of the confessional have

an impure thought or think some sinful thought, and to go right back into the confessional

to confess his sin.

There are stories of Luther just holing up in his little hut there—his little room

there in the monastery—skipping meals and being involved in all night and all day prayer


Just throwing himself at the feet of God, he was so concerned for his soul.

You see in Luther's time, the only way that you could please God—at least this is what

the church was teaching everyone—the only way he could please God was by work, by your


It was predicated upon an understanding of sin in the Middle Ages. In fact, it was more

predicated on the understanding of sins in the plural.

Your problem is not that we are sinners at the root or we are sinners by nature; the

problem is the sins that we commit.

And so, if that's the problem—the sins we commit—then if we just simply rack up merits

or rack up good things, those good things will cancel out our sins.

And Luther just struggled, and struggled, and struggled to rack up those good things

that would cancel out his sins so that he could have peace with God.

For more infomation >> Luther's Great Struggle - Duration: 1:42.


Mr. Robot: Season 3, Episode 2 Clip: Darlene Reveals Another Reason for Working With Elliot - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Mr. Robot: Season 3, Episode 2 Clip: Darlene Reveals Another Reason for Working With Elliot - Duration: 2:26.


Netflix for Skateboarding? ETN Review! - Duration: 15:31.

You know, there's a ton of free skateboarding content online right now.

You've got the Berrics, where you can watch games of SKATE, the trickapedia, a lot of

the other series they work on.

You've got Thrasher, where you can watch new video parts, all kinds of stuff like that.

On YouTube here, you've got VLskate, you've got Braille, we've got stuff from me too.

Is there really a need for a paid streaming service like ETN?

Let's take a look at it and find out.

Welcome back to Rad Rat Video, the channel we can learn something new about skateboarding

three times a week.

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, we take a look at skateboarding culture, tricks and

video game reviews.

All kinds of stuff in the skateboarding world.

Today we're taking a look at ETN Network, which is a paid streaming service, kind of

like a Netflix for skateboarding shows.

A lot of people have asked me to take a look at it, but what does ETN have to offer?

There's a lot of stuff on there.

There's contest coverage like Street League, Tampa Am, that kind of stuff.

You have a live game show that they do, which is pretty cool.

They have a bunch of other things.

One of the big benefits of having a paid Network is that they have a budget to have pro skaters,

Pro filmers, travel to different places and see different areas.

So we'll take a look at all the stuff that they have to offer.

My plan is to do the one-week trial.

Basically, if you sign up for a monthly subscription at 8 bucks a month, they give you the first

week for free.

You can cancel during that week and they won't charge you, or you can do the year-long subscription

and cancel anytime in the first month.

I went for the week, just because I don't trust anybody it seems a little lower risk

if they "accidentally" charge you or something like that.

Been in that situation a lot of times.

So I decided to sign up for it, and I'm gonna take a look at all the different shows and

show you what they're like.

But one thing I want to point out is that I was watching these all on my computer because

I have to do a screen capture and stuff.

They do also have an app but the web interface is kinda not great.

They use a Flash player, which is really out of date.

Not very secure.

Really slow.

Kind of weird that they're still using Flash, but it also just didn't look that great.

You have trouble scrubbing around the timeline.

It would glitch out for a while, and also the sound didn't work at all.

I would have a video playing in one tab in YouTube or something and switch back to ETN,

hit play, volume is all the way up, and I'm getting nothing.

I went to start up my screen capture program to show you me turning the volume on, and

nothing happening.

But the volume played through the screen capture.

It was really weird.

I had to watch it in my screen capture and not the actual video.

Really weird.

I could probably have figured it out, but I don't know why it was so messed up.

But just something to point out.

Their web player is a little out of date, but there the app and all that kind of stuff.

But let's get into the shows.

The first show is called Redemption.

It's all about taking a skater back to get a trick that they couldn't get before.

So far, there's only one episode, which is a theme you'll see quite a few times

in this review.

It's got titles and graphics set for it, and you'd think that they'll probably

make more, but you just never know.

I have a feeling that they wanted to launch a bunch of shows at the same time so they

would look really busy.

I'll let you be the judge on that.

The only episode is of Diego Najera.

Funny story, he and I used to share a deck sponsor.

Sure, I was getting a discount and he had a pro model, but still.

It's cool to see how far he came.

He's doing this kickflip over a picnic table the long way.

It's a 16 minute video, and he's narrating it.

Annoyingly, it's all phone voice quality, which kind of sucks.

The idea is cool though.

It's interesting to hear about what's going on in his head as he works out the trick.

This is very similar to NKA's behind the clips series.

But in theory, it has more reach.

You could potentially see some bigger names on here.

But with only one episode, time will tell.

The second show is called Get Lost.

Basically, they do a overview of what it's like to skate and live in a certain city - Berlin,

in this case.

They meet up with local skaters, show you what the spots are like, what the culture

is like surrounding skating, and that kind of stuff.

How often do you get kicked out, what do people think when they see you skating in the streets.

But they also do stuff about the night life, and talk about the local drinking and smoking


It's 18 minutes long, and I really like the idea, but again, there's only one episode.

It's really the perfect idea for ETN though.

You used to see stuff like this on 411 or OnVideo, but you won't see anything like

this on YouTube.

My average video, if I'm lucky, might make around $5.

A huge channel like Braille might make a couple of hundred, but even that's nowhere near

the amount you'd need to actually fund a trip to Europe and make something like this.

But while I was watching this video, I started to notice that it didn't really look that


It maxes out at 720p, and even with that, the frame rate started to get pretty bad.

I've got a pretty decent video editing rig here and a good internet connection.

The problem wasn't on my end.

Keep an eye on this throughout the review.

You'll see a lot of frame dropping and resolution drops.

The third show is called Foooour Wheels Live.

Four with 4 o's in it.

This is another really cool one that you won't get anywhere else.

It's a game show for pro skaters.

There's an audience, some prize money, and a pretty good host too.

Here's how it works - each skater will have to do a trick, which is randomly decided by

these 4 wheels.

One will pick the spot, one will pick the stance to do the trick in, one will pick the

type of trick - like a flip trick, spin + flip trick, grind, or whatever else.

And the last one is what makes it interesting.

This is an extra challenge that will spice it up, like having to do it with your pockets

stuffed, like you see here with Marc Johnson.

Another one is doing it with wind, like they did here with this giant fan.

Brandon Westgate had to do a fakie grind on this, and he somehow pulled it off.

Another time, Brandon had to hop a fence before every try, but they spiced it up by hiding

the key to the fence in this wheelbarrow of pennies.

The show counts everything in pennies.

The random tricks are given a difficulty rating, which translates into how many tens of thousands

of cents they're worth.

In the end, whoever has more gets to keep their money.

I thought this show was really cool.

I had a good time watching it.

It's fun, high energy, and you get to see some skating you never thought you would.

The fourth show is called Face Melters.

This is a live show where somebody skates at a spot.

This one is at the Staples Center hubba, where Taylor Kirby is planning to do a front smith

on it.

This show seems like it's pretty official.

You can see cones set up in the street, nobody comes to kick them out or anything.

I get the impression that they got permits and they're doing everything legal and legit

for this one.

The show starts with a little hype video about the spot and what makes it so impressive.

Geoff Rowley is talking about how high it is, and how you have to go crazy fast and

commit 100%.

Then we cut to it live.

With a live feed of a skate spot, you never really know what's going to happen.

It's not just a fun session, it's a guy trying to get a certain trick.

He could land it first try and then it's over, or he could work on it for a half hour

and give up.

You just don't know, and I think that's the appeal here.

It was cool to see how something like this would go down.

Like, he does the first attempt without even waxing it.

Do pros use wax?

Yes, but apparently not very much.

At least not on a really huge steep spot like this.

Get enough on there to prevent hangups, but not so much that you'll slip out.

In most of the episodes, there are 2 skaters, which is probably more interesting than this


In this case, Taylor hurt his heel and his ankle and he had to stop.

Maybe he'll be on the next episode of Redemption.

I watched a couple more of these and had a good time.

The fifth show is CPH open, which is footage of a Copenhagen contest series, where they

do a best trick competition and some other things.

The part that I jumped to was just this.

Two angles of an unedited best trick contest.

There's no commentary or anything, even though you see some people holding microphones.

I don't know if that was a technical problem or if that was just coverage from someone


It started to get a little boring after a while.

I jumped around and got to a best trick contest on a real street rail.

They edited together all the best tricks and showed what it was like.

This part was pretty cool.

You'll see a lot of contest coverage here on ETN.

This one probably wasn't the best.

Another example of a contest series on here is Street League.

This is basically what you'd expect.

I watched the women's final for a while.

They've got really good graphics and supers and production value and everything.

I don't need to explain what Street League is like but you basically know what to expect.

If you're into this, this is probably one of the best reasons to get ETN.

There's also stuff like Tampa Am and some other contests to check out.

The seventh show I'm going to cover is Topical Paradise with Chris Nieratko.

It's a talk show where Chris has guests on and they talk about big topics in skateboarding,

like fashion, the olympics, and girls in skateboarding.

It's about 25 minutes.

This one is Leticia Bufoni - at least, he calls her Leti-sha.

On Street League, the announcer called her Leti-see-a.

She doesn't correct him, but he can't even say Nora Vasconcello's name, so I don't


Anyway, the first thing you'll probably notice is the set.

It looks terrible, but it seems like it's on purpose.

There's something about skateboard talk shows, not that there at that many, but there's

something about them that people think they have to look terrible.

I don't really know why.

Do you remember the Captain and Casey show?

They also have a fake audience, which is also common for some reason.

"Like, Brandon Westgate, Anthony Shetler, Nick Donpierre" [Applause]

Anyway, it's kind of a generic interview about how they got started in skateboarding

and stuff like that.

They cut to an interview in the field with some random people.

This one needs a little work.

Hopefully it gets a little more polished with time.

At some point, even the guests were making fun of the show.

"Why did you go to Venice Beach to do that?"

I don't think they really tackled the topic all that well this time.

But the show has a lot of potential because of the reach.

They could get all kinds of skaters on here.

So I hope it gets more polished in time.

Eighth is Kamikazes, which is another live contest thing.

It's really weird though.

Basically they just go to this hill and have people race down it and try to get the lowest


They set it up like this is a series, but this is the only episode.

There's not much else to say about this really.

I think you've gotten a pretty good look at what it's like.

The ninth show is called Disaster Series, which is a ramp contest series.

I use 'series' lightly, of course, because there's only one episode.

They have these two trucks set up and have a ramp built between them.

It's a really cool ramp that they have built here, and they have a bunch of skaters here

for a jam contest.

Winner takes $5,000, everyone else gets nothing.

Like most of the other live shows, this one is pretty awkward and uncomfortable.

The hosts don't really know what's going on most of the time.

The rules don't seem entirely clear.

There's a really long awkward wait between the introductions and the contest while they

wait to figure out who's "winning", even before there have been any runs.

When they finally start the time, a couple skaters drop in at the same time.

I didn't think they knew that they had to take turns.

"We're starting the 40 minutes!

It's starting with Raybourne!

You guys gotta keep your order!"

But the rules are that you can skate until you bail, pretty much.

You know how on the X Games or Street League or anything else like that, they interview

the skaters before the contest and they talk about what they plan on doing, or what they

landed in practice and that kind of stuff?

Not here.

The announcers basically just yell the skater's name as they skate.


It's Ishod.


Oh my what."

At one point, Al Partanen is holding his mic wrong and you can barely hear him.

Again, it just kind of comes across as unpracticed and unplanned.

It would get better with time, but who knows if they'll ever do another episode.

After a little while, the quality dropped way down for a little bit.

I wasn't using my internet for anything other than this, so I think the problem was

on their end.

Pretty annoying.

It's really cool seeing more ramp stuff though.

I grew up on X Games vert, doubles and best trick, so I'm always happy to see more transition.

I have high hopes for this series, but time will tell if they iron out the kinks.

The last show I'm going to talk about is Jumping Fences.

This is live, again.

It's a lot like Face Melters, but it's got a different vibe.

It's a whole team going to a spot and just casually skating it.

But it's more authentic.

They don't have permits and stuff like that, like you'd expect from the name.

They risk getting kicked out or ticketed or whatever.

In this one, the Birdhouse team goes to an 'Undisclosed Location', which is immediately

revealed as Rodondo High School.

"We just hopped the fence at Rodondo High.

We're gonna check the spot."

This one is cool because it's a more laid back session.

People are just doing tricks.

You're more likely to see more stuff landed than on Face Melters because it's not video

part level stuff.

It's kind of like a best trick contest, but less structured.

There's no professional commentary though, just David Loy is micc'ed up, and he's

talking about how hurt his elbow is.

Part way through, he decides to start talking to other people there to liven it up.

But they go for a while, you see some tricks, then they get kicked out.

What happens when they get kicked out?

Well you get to watch them drive to the next spot, live.

They've got a graphic ready for that, because they're expecting it to happen.

I don't know why this isn't an edited segment.

If this was a ten minute documentary and it was narrated, kind of like a Day in the Life

segment, that would be a lot better.

Luckily, since I was watching the recording, I could jump around.

If I was really watching it live, I probably would have bailed out at this point.

They go to this giant set where Jaws wants to ollie over the rail.

It's kind of cool seeing how they do crowd control and seeing the reactions from the

people who are there.

But there's a ton of downtime.

It gets exciting when he finally starts trying the trick though, and you see his process

for working up to something this huge.

He rolls up to it a couple times, and between attempts, he locks fingers with people to

take their 'energy'.

That must be his secret.

Anyway, it starts to get exciting, and he does finally put it down and roll away.

It was sick to see this go down, semi-live.

There are a few more shows announced, like Holyland, Lunch Money, and How High.

These weren't up during my trial, and I don't know anything about them.

So what's the final verdict on ETN?

I just don't know yet.

With so many of the different series only having one episode, it's hard to tell what

it's gonna be like moving forward.

Are they gonna cancel most of those shows and leave them only at one episode forever?

Are they gonna be able to maintain all of those shows moving forward forever?

I just don't know what it's gonna look like in a year.

But one problem I do have is the focus on doing everything live, with the awkward hosts

and a lot of downtime.

It just seems like it would be better served to be edited down.

And I also think that that might be one of the technological problems that makes it limited

to 720p.

I saw on one of the face melters episodes I watched, they're shooting on a Red camera,

which can do a lot more than 720, so I don't know.

If they focus more on edited mini documentary type of content, that would be something that

would be interested in more, but that's up to you.

You've seen all the types of stuff that they have done.

So it's up to you to decide whether it looks interesting to you or not.

But as for me, I did cancel my subscription, and unless I edit anything in right here ... then

they didn't do any weird charges that they shouldn't have.

The thing is that, for me, although I really liked most of the series and I had a really

good time watching it, I just really don't have the time to fit it into my skateboarding

research because I'm watching skateboarding all the time.

I'm just watching an old 411 issue, I'm watching an old video from the 90s to try to figure

out when this guy first did this trick.

That kind of stuff.

So for me, if I'm trying to watch all this new content, hours' worth every week on

top of it, it would crowd into the channel and be worse for you guys.

But that's just me.

That's the weird position I'm in.

So if it looked interesting to you, go ahead and check it out.

But that's what I have to say about my free trial.

So until next time, here are some more videos you might want to check out.

I've got two of them right there, also right here, in the middle, there is a subscribe

button that you can tap so you can keep learning new things about skateboarding three times

a week.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Netflix for Skateboarding? ETN Review! - Duration: 15:31.


We drive to a large hill | MOTOVLOG #12 - Duration: 14:18.

For more infomation >> We drive to a large hill | MOTOVLOG #12 - Duration: 14:18.


ICO Spotlight: GameFlip 🎮 Digital Gaming on The Blockchain - Duration: 3:32.


For more infomation >> ICO Spotlight: GameFlip 🎮 Digital Gaming on The Blockchain - Duration: 3:32.


Tiffany & Co. — Introducing the Tiffany Metro Watch - Duration: 0:31.

Introducing the Tiffany Metro Watch

For more infomation >> Tiffany & Co. — Introducing the Tiffany Metro Watch - Duration: 0:31.


Tiffany & Co. — Introducing the Tiffany Micro Watch - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Tiffany & Co. — Introducing the Tiffany Micro Watch - Duration: 0:31.


This Is Why You SHOULDN'T Hold Your Farts In - Duration: 2:25.

Lets talk about farts.

Everybody does it, but some of us might be a little shy about it.

And reasonably so, farting in public is not exactly polite, and kinda gross tbh.

But holding your farts in is actually really bad for you.

Like we're talkin death bad.

Ok maybe not death but still bad.

Welcome back to Inform overload, where we overload you with information.

I'm charlotte.

This channel is almost at a million subscribers so if this is your first time here, first

of all, welcome, and second, please subscribe to IO.

I promise, all our videos are not about farts.

The first time I farted in public it was traumatizing.

I must have been 6 years old and the whole class laughed at me.

Since then, i actually have a phobia of farting in public.

But according to many specialists, you definitely do not want to hold your fart in, and theres

several reasons why.

Reason #1, Holding in a toot can make you feel sick.

According to Gastroenterologist Dr Satish Rao, the gas in your gut is a mix of hydrogen,

oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen sulphide.

You need to let that stuff out of your body or it could cause problems for your colon

later in life.

Reson number 2 If you hold your fart in, you're actually making it stronger.

Holding it in makes the situation worse, causing the gas inside your stomach to rot.

Resulting in a much smellier fart.

Reason number 3.

In small doses, The smell of a fart is actually good for you.

Not even lying.

There have been studies that have concluded that smelling farts prevent cell damage, strokes

and heart attacks.

How is this possible?

Hydrogen sulphide gas.

Smelling Hydrogen sulphide gas preserves mitochondria.

The average person farts between 10 to 20 times a day.

And yes, women fart, just as much as men.

Whether or not you let it, your farts will always find a way out.

My advice?

Leave the room.

Or fart on an escalator, cuz no one will know who did it.

Ok friends, that's enough fart talk for one video, its time to respond ot some comments.

Daniel S – Its my birthday today well happy friggin birthday Daniel S. Your comment is

always at the top.

Way to be a winner.

Aiden Mcardle – This is the BEST channel ever

Chloe Huff – if you're a ginger does that make you a sweet potato because they are orange.

I would say that's a fair assumption yes.

Aw it's the end of the video already?

That's ok, if you liked this video, you should click this playlist over here, shocking

science news for more like it.

That's it for me and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> This Is Why You SHOULDN'T Hold Your Farts In - Duration: 2:25.


Pessoa Alpine 1200D Turnout Blanket Review - Duration: 1:59.

EMILY: Hi, I'm Emily from Marketing, and today I'm reviewing the Pessoa Alpine 1200D Turnout.

What first attracted me to this blanket was this beautiful plaid color.

I purchased mine in the navy and black plaid, but it also comes in this beautiful teal and

charcoal color.

What made me fall in love with this blanket is the beautiful construction.

It's reinforced in areas that tend to have a lot of pressure or wear and tear on them.

Such as the shoulder gussets, the withers.

It has satin finish hardware, so it's really durable.

It's got the quick clip front closures which make it really easy to take on and off your


They're also adjustable so you can get the perfect snug fit.

What I also really like about the opening is that it has a very heavy duty Velcro that

is completely covered, so you don't have to worry about shavings or straw getting into

the Velcro.

It also has reinforced leg straps, and the leg straps are removable, which is a feature

that I also really like.

It's got an extra large tail flap which is great for keeping in warmth and keeping out

the elements.

The withers not only has that reinforcement, but also has a soft fleece so there's no rubbing

or irritation in that area.

The outer shell of this blanket is a really durable 1200 denier.

I also like that it has a 420 denier nylon lining on the inside.

In addition to that, it's quick drying so it's going to not only keep your horse's coat

smooth but take any moisture away.

I tend to send my blankets out to be cleaned, but if you want to do this at home just use

a cold wash, a detergent that's appropriate for blankets, and hang to dry.

This blanket is perfect for anyone who wants to make a statement with their horse's wardrobe

but also have a blanket that's going to hold up for years to come.

My horse JZ tends to wear between a 76 and a 78, and in this Pessoa blanket I found that

rounding down to the size 76 fit him perfectly.

I'm Emily, and the Pessoa Alpine 1200D Turnout makes JZ the most stylish horse in the barn.

For more infomation >> Pessoa Alpine 1200D Turnout Blanket Review - Duration: 1:59.


The Life of Formula 1 Champ Lewis Hamilton (Full Segment) | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel | HBO - Duration: 12:33.

At just 32 years of age,

Lewis Hamilton has already won more Formula One races

than anyone now on the world's top racing circuit.

But although he is a global superstar,

with millions of fans,

what relatively few people know

is that Lewis has a younger brother

who always wanted to follow in his big brother's footsteps,

and who is now scripting an unlikely racing story

of his own.


ANNOUNCER: Hamilton now leads!

BRYANT GUMBEL: No one can drive the narrow streets

of Monte Carlo at speeds in excess of 200 miles an hour

quite like Formula One phenom, Lewis Hamilton.

That just might explain why at law abiding speeds,

these same streets, to Hamilton, are almost unrecognizable.

I've never even seen this.

Wow, look at that.

-GUMBEL: What is that? -LEWIS HAMILTON: Beautiful,

-HAMILTON: That's like a church. -GUMBEL: Oh, that's the um,

-GUMBEL: Sanctuary St. Joseph. -LEWIS: I see where we are,

-Yeah, that's really stunning. -Wow.

See, this is great.

GUMBEL: Days after this years' Monaco Grand Prix,

we joined Lewis

on a ride through the country's picturesque hillside

along the glorious French Riviera.

Do you spend most of your time here?

HAMILTON: Yup. I love it.

GUMBEL: What's not to love about the life Hamilton has built,

and clearly enjoys?

PAPARAZZI: Lewis! Lewis!

GUMBEL: When he's not jet-setting

to red carpet events,

or posing for his next cover shot,

-then he's busy winning races. -(CROWD CHEERING)

At 32, the British-born Hamilton

is the second all-time winner in Formula One history.

With three world championships and 60 Grand Prix wins to date.


Tell me, what makes a good driver?

At your level?

You gotta have no fear.

Like for me, I'm fearless when I'm driving.

You've gotta understand lines, trajectories.

And when you're driving at 200 miles an hour and you brake,

with a goal of getting to, you know, the corner

in a certain distance,

you need to have depth perception.

That's a God-given gift.

-It's so fast! -GUMBEL: That gift...

-runs in the family. -(LAUGHS)

HAMILTON: Now I was going down Stella Street...

and I wanted to tell-- I was thinking to myself,

I wanted to tell the team,

said, "Tell my brother to watch my laps," and I was like...

GUMBEL: Nicholas, is Lewis' younger brother.

And a Hamilton driver relatively few people even know.

While Lewis' rise to racing stardom was meteoric,

Nicholas' path proved a lot more challenging

in every way imaginable.

NICOLAS HAMILTON: I feel like I'm naturally gifted,

but I just sometimes wish that

I-- if I had what everybody else had,

you know, where would I be?

GUMBEL: What's the earliest stage

that you can recall being conscious

of your conditions, your physical limitations?

I'd probably say when I was around...

six years old.

GUMBEL: Nicolas was born two months premature

and remained in an incubator for six weeks.

When he still wasn't crawling or walking by the age of two,

his parents took him to the doctor.

The diagnosis was cerebral palsy.

All my friends were out playing catch

or whatever they wanted to do and I was inside

doing my stretches with my phys ed therapist.

So that was a really hard part for me,

sort of understanding why I was the way I was and--

and why me, really.

GUMBEL: Evident to you from day one of his limitations?

Yeah, of course.

He says you never looked at him...

as someone who is disabled.

-True? -Yeah.

I looked at him as the same as me, but I think that's just when you look upon someone

with loving eyes, you know? I always wanted a brother.

And finally had a brother to play with,

and it didn't matter that he...

couldn't get up and walk properly, or...

couldn't do all the things that I would do.

GUMBEL: While Nicolas was struggling

with even the most basic of tasks,

things came a lot easier for Lewis,

who was already getting noticed

for excelling on a different kind of race track.

How long have you been racing cars for already, Lewis?

YOUNG LEWIS: 'Bout a year.

HAMILTON: I was racing radio controlled cars

against adults...

at four years old, five years old

and I was beating them.

And we have a winner! Who won the race?

Lewis, well done.

GUMBEL: Remote controlled cars led Lewis to carting.

RACE ANNOUNCER: ...And back to the lead goes Lewis Hamilton.

GUMBEL: His biggest fan was young Nicolas.

YOUNG NICOLAS: My brother is the best driver

'cause he's fast.

And one day he's gonna be in Formula One.

I was pretty much brought up at a race circuit and...

I felt that every-- every race that he was doing,

I felt like I was driving the car with him.

GUMBEL: Recognizing Lewis' talent,

the boy's father, Anthony,

focused virtually all of his attention

on his eldest son.

He couldn't understand why

I had such great hand-to-eye coordination.

And then when I drove a go-kart, he...

he obviously saw the focus in my eyes.

He had the grand vision.

HAMILTON: Yeah, the grand vision and...

The ab-- the ability was clearly there,

so he wanted to try and explore that.

And see if that grew and it did.

GUMBEL: In a sport steeped in wealth,

the Hamilton's had none.

So, Anthony took on four jobs to fund Lewis' carting career,

while serving as his mechanic.

HAMILTON: He would be in the garage till...

three, four AM, fixing' up the go-kart,

and then getting' up, going to work...

to get the train to London at six.

Coming back late at night, then doing the same thing.

I mean, he sacrificed every single penny,

every second of his day... to...

give me the opportunity to-- to shine.

GUMBEL: And shine, he did.

But Lewis' talent wasn't all that separated him

from his competition.

We were the only black family there,

-which was-- -Oh, I heard about that, too,

so you must've caused quite a-- a scene when you showed up.

We did. You know,

my favorite movie is Cool Runnings.

-Have you seen that movie? -Yeah.

-Jamaican bobsledding team. -Exactly.

It's pretty much my life.

That's why it's my favorite, because it--

it relates to me and my dad and my family a lot.

Like when they arrive at the top of the hill

to do their first bobsled run...

They've got the most rugged, ragged old bobsleds.

That literally was my go-kart, in the back of our car.

Everybody else had gleaming machines.

Yeah, and we were scruffy.

And, when in Cool Runnings, the whole paddock,

they all stopped and look.


And I relay that to my life,

'cause when we pulled out the go-kart,

there was pretty much the same vibe.

(CHUCKLES) Everyone's looking at us,

like, "What are these guys doing here?"

And we turned some heads, you know.


when Lewis made his Formula One debut,

he became the first black driver in the history of the sport.

The very next season,

he captured his first world championship.

When he crossed the line, everybody was jumping up,

and I actually got bowled over, you know, I was--

people just knocked me over

like I wasn't even standing there (LAUGHS).

It was the most incredible, incredible feeling um...

and uh, yeah, one that I'll...

take with me to my grave, for sure.


GUMBEL: Meanwhile, Nicolas had started competing, too.

Behind the wheels of cars in simulated racing games

like this one.

When you were a kid, how long could you play at this?

Oh, hours.

As soon as I'd get home from-- from school,

as long as I did my... homework,

I'd play on it from... I don't know,

from five o'clock till ten.

Five hours straight.

GUMBEL: Come on, man. You serious?

The hours of practice that Nicolas put in

served him best when competing against

a certain Formula One champion.

For while Lewis was traveling the world,

the two would often race against each other online,

and communicate using headphones.

Nic, can you hear me?

How you doing mate, you alright?

GUMBEL: And the world's most celebrated driver

didn't always win.

Could you beat him?

I'd-- I always did. Yeah.

Wasn't-- there wasn't a "could."

There was never a "could," "Could I beat him?"

It's "I will."

And I'll do it now. (LAUGHS)

GUMBEL: That's when Nicolas fully realized

that he could have a racing career of his own.

I loved everything about Motorsport,

it was my life and uh, I thought to myself,

if I can't have a career in real life,

um, why can't I have one in the virtual world?

GUMBEL: Pretty soon, Nicolas was beating everyone in Britain.

And became the country's online racing champion.

Only to his father,

virtual racing wasn't really racing at all.

It was just a game.

NICOLAS HAMILTON: You know, my dad always said, "Nic,

stop playing games, read a book or study."

He didn't, you know, help me as much as

maybe he could have done or maybe he should have done,

but it actually built me as a person.

You imagine for my brother it's been very difficult being,

first, you're disabled,

and then having to follow in the footsteps of another.

You know, my dad gave all the focus to me, so...

All of his time... was-- was on my racing,

so, definitely my brother was neglected.

And probably felt neglected for a period of time.

GUMBEL: After years of competing against Nicolas online,

and witnessing his brother's talent first-hand,

Lewis had an idea.

My brother was watching me in one of my races online,

and uh, I was overtaking people, and I was-- I was very quick,

and I was very clinical and he said to me, you know,

"You should try it for real."

GUMBEL: But getting behind the wheel of a real car

on a real track posed a challenge for Nicolas,

whose legs had become atrophied

from spending much of his childhood

in a wheelchair.

It made my legs deteriorate, and they became redundant,

um, and then I had to retrain them again.

From pretty much zero, um, to get them ready for

when I wanted to race.

GUMBEL: After years of watching his big brother drive,

Nicolas finally entered his first real professional race

in 2011.

This time, it was Lewis who didn't miss a lap.

It's really surreal for me to be here and be able to support him

and he's always been coming to all my races, so...

I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

To have him there just standing by my side,

you know, it meant a lot, and it sort of, you know,

puts a lump in my throat even now.

GUMBEL: The success that Nicolas had come to enjoy

in the virtual world,

didn't translate in the real one.

He finished 15th in a field of 17.

But that hasn't dimmed his dreams.

Today he has his own fan following

and continues to compete in races across England.

He's a very inspirational young kid and now he's racing,

he's gone and found his own sponsorship money.

He sets up everything himself.

He's not doing what he does or has what he has

because he's my brother.

He's built something up for himself.

GUMBEL: Through his newfound driving career,

Nicolas has gained an even greater appreciation

for what Lewis has achieved.


GUMBEL: Do you think you're a good enough driver that you...

can offer some constructive criticism

ever when he drives?

No, not really.

I just know that now I can understand it more as a driver.

I just-- I'd never give him more advice in that way,

he's-- he's, you know, the best driver in the world.

I know you love your brother, do you envy him?

No, not at all.

-Not-- not-- -Come on, you have to.

I've been very, very proud of him from day one

for what he's achieved.

There's only a small percentage of people that are...

that great in a-- in a race car.

I-- there's not one part of me that envies him,

it's just pure pride.

GUMBEL: The natural reaction to someone who feels neglected

is to feel resentful,

but I don't get the sense that Nicolas resented...

-No, I don't think so. or your career.

I mean, we spend a lot of time together, we...

we're still brothers.

GUMBEL: The Hamilton brothers reunited

midway through this Formula One season,

when England's national hero

came home for the British Grand Prix.

GRAND PRIX PRESENTER: Ladies and gentleman,

-Lewis Hamilton! -(CROWD CHEERING)

I love you guys, man, thank you so much.

-Means the world to me. -(CHEERING CONTINUES)


GUMBEL: On qualifying day, as Lewis and his team

were vying for the pole position,

Nicolas was yet again by his brother's side.

As he had been time and time before.


RACE ANNOUNCER: Away we go, and Hamilton gets away quick.

GUMBEL: The following day,

driving in front of his hometown crowd,

Lewis was attempting to match

the most British Grand Prix wins in Formula One history.

He not only did just that, but made it look easy.

Taking the lead from the start, and holding it for all 52 laps.

RACE ANNOUNCER: It's a fifth British Grand Prix win

for Hamilton at Silverstone!

NICOLAS: I'm Lewis' number one fan,

always have been.

And yeah, he as loads of fans around the world

saying that they're his number one fan, but...

yeah, no one's gonna surpass me, that's for sure.

Thank you for watching.

Remember, you can catch the rest

of the latest edition of Real Sports all month long

on HBO.

For more infomation >> The Life of Formula 1 Champ Lewis Hamilton (Full Segment) | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel | HBO - Duration: 12:33.


Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 316 CDI 163pk L3H2, Trekhaak 2800kg, 9-Persoons, PDC V+A, wb432 L3 H2 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 316 CDI 163pk L3H2, Trekhaak 2800kg, 9-Persoons, PDC V+A, wb432 L3 H2 - Duration: 1:01.


MY VOTES ON MAMA 2017 - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> MY VOTES ON MAMA 2017 - Duration: 8:31.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 | Ambition | Navi | Xenon | Airco - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 | Ambition | Navi | Xenon | Airco - Duration: 0:42.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-CONNECTA - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-CONNECTA - Duration: 0:59.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-CONNECTA - Duration: 0:59.


Team Principals Press Conference - 2017 USA GP - Duration: 27:21.

For more infomation >> Team Principals Press Conference - 2017 USA GP - Duration: 27:21.


For more infomation >> Team Principals Press Conference - 2017 USA GP - Duration: 27:21.


booster votre mémoire,améliorer vos fonctions cérébrales,restaurer la vision,régénérer les os - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> booster votre mémoire,améliorer vos fonctions cérébrales,restaurer la vision,régénérer les os - Duration: 5:07.


For more infomation >> booster votre mémoire,améliorer vos fonctions cérébrales,restaurer la vision,régénérer les os - Duration: 5:07.


As It Is "Okay" [idobi Session]

For more infomation >> As It Is "Okay" [idobi Session]


Funny Hamster`s trap is set. - Duration: 1:54.

Mr. Cheese ♥ Come here ♥

Are not you coming? What?

You want to go for a walk now ♥

You really like running in the same place ♥

Have you gotten bored a bit ...?

Alright! Now or never!

How about this?!

Got it!

After all you wanted to eat

Is it delicious?

Taste good


Oh my gosh!

See you! !

Lonely broccoli


It's no good after all.

Broccoli was a little kicked

Broccoli was completely ignored

Broccoli was completely ignored again

Broccoli was strongly kicked

Happily ever after

I'm sorry broccoli! ! ! By Cheese

For more infomation >> Funny Hamster`s trap is set. - Duration: 1:54.


Tinder IRL: Just need someone to talk to... - Duration: 0:53.

The following was lifted directly from a Tinder conversation.

I used to be a drug dealer in my university's town, but I moved back to

Toronto for work, and now I have all these study drugs and other drugs

If you're not interested, I completely respect that.

I can't truly find a use for them aside from selling.

Do you wanna grab a coffee sometime? Or just chill?

I want to talk to a stranger.

I need some perspective from

an outsider about life, if that makes sense...

Tinder IRL

Tinder IRL cast

Tinder IRL crew

For more infomation >> Tinder IRL: Just need someone to talk to... - Duration: 0:53.


Understanding Capital Gain Tax Rates - Duration: 2:46.

Did you know that there is a zero percent capital gains rate?

Well, I'm going to tell you how to pay zero taxes on your capital gains.

But first, what is a capital gain?

Well, that is when you have an asset outside of retirement, like a stock, a mutual fund,

an index fund.

Even a piece of real estate.

You own it for a year.

You sell it at a gain.

You pay a special capital gains tax rate.

It's cheaper than the regular tax rate.

It's normally 15% for most people.

And 20%, if your income is high enough.

There is also a 3% Medicare Surtax at certain income levels.

But most of you will pay 15% on your capital gain taxes.

But what about 0%?

That's the better rate, right?

So, let's talk about how to pay 0% taxes on your capital gains.

The first way to do it is if your income is low enough.

So, if your married and your taxable income is below $76,000, about.

Or single, below about $38,000.

If you have any capital gains that make up that income, guess what?

The federal government taxes you at absolutely zero.

There's no tax to pay.

You may pay some for your state, but there's nothing on federal taxes.

Now, for some of you it's like, "Well, I make more than that.

What can I do?"

So there is a strategy called tax loss harvesting. And this is what I want you to think about.

Some of you know about this but I'm going to tell you how to do this better.

So that is when you buy an asset, like a mutual fund or index fund and it goes down.

Sometimes assets do go down before they go back up.

So, when it goes down I want you to sell that asset when it's lower.

Not because you're happy about losing money, but sell the asset.

Here is the key.

Buy another asset that is similar so that you will receive the

incline when it goes back up.

In the meantime, you have created a tax loss on your tax return.

Let's say you bought an asset at $20,000 then it's $15,000.

This loss here, that $5,000 loss, you can use that dollar-for-dollar against other capital gains.

And that is how you pay zero tax on that.

Now here is the thing I want you to realize.

Your positions can go up and down throughout the year.

Sometimes some of you look at this only in December and the market may be up at that point.

Look at it year round.

Anytime the market dips you want to be looking at tax loss harvesting opportunities.

The best thing is you can net these losses against gains dollar-for-dollar.

If you have more losses than gains,

the IRS says you can take another $3,000 against ordinary income,

like salaries and pensions and so forth.

If you still have more losses, it carries over to the next year.

And it carries over for the rest of your life.

So there is no downside to doing this - only upside.

Imagine this, in retirement, you've got this store of losses.

You take money out of the non-retirement accounts.

You pay no taxes on it.

For more information, go to

For more infomation >> Understanding Capital Gain Tax Rates - Duration: 2:46.


ICO Spotlight: GameFlip 🎮 Digital Gaming on The Blockchain - Duration: 3:32.


For more infomation >> ICO Spotlight: GameFlip 🎮 Digital Gaming on The Blockchain - Duration: 3:32.


Smerte kan være et positivt tegn - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Smerte kan være et positivt tegn - Duration: 0:40.


Lost Kings, Sabrina Carpenter ‒ First Love (Lyrics / Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:38.

Lost Kings Sabrina Carpenter First Love lyrics

First Love lyrics

Lost Kings, Sabrina Carpenter ‒ First Love (Lyrics / Lyrics Video)

For more infomation >> Lost Kings, Sabrina Carpenter ‒ First Love (Lyrics / Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:38.


Dabbing on the Haters Simulator 2017 - Duration: 0:06.


For more infomation >> Dabbing on the Haters Simulator 2017 - Duration: 0:06.


The USB port on the BMW F800GS gets a switch - Duration: 8:46.

hey guys Albe here as you guys know I went to Italy for some vacation for

about two weeks, well, when I came back the BMW f800gs battery was completely

drained so I can only assume that it was completely drained because of the USB

plug over there, so it's time to actually put a switch on it, but enough with the

chitchat let's get on it.

I figured this time around I'm gonna

spare you the part where I take off the cover and get straight into what we're

gonna do to it, so first and foremost we are going to install this switch over

here, this is a very simple switch, it's on and off and it's waterproof, doesn't

have a light on, it's just two prongs so it's gonna be, even if you're not

electrically savvy, this should be an easy installation for everybody, now

where are we gonna put this switch I do not want to poke holes in cowlings or

anything, well I was lucky enough I found out that this switch is the perfect

diameter for one of the holes that are already on the bike frame. What we

gonna do is, we're gonna install this switch down there. As you guys can see

the switch came in a bag of six so... well, one I'm gonna use, one I'm gonna keep as

a spare, well that leaves me with four spare switches, guess what if you

guys subscribe and comment down below in a month time I'm gonna pick one of you,

or actually I'm gonna pick four of you and send them one of those switches, now

I understand this is not a giant financial gain, but it will save you the

hassle of having to go around and try to find the perfect size that fits in that

frame hole, I just show you. The first thing we need to do is deal with the

wire, the wire I'm going to use is gonna be the

ground , the ground puts less stress on the switch itself so it's always

better to use the ground, let's cut off the zip tie ,so what I'm gonna do I'm

gonna remove it from the battery, swing it around and try to put it that way

as always the goal is to make it look like an OEM job, you electricians guys

out there probably have a better way of doing this but as always this is for the

average guy in his own garage you know, here we go

let's get all the wire through the hole,

now the only thing we got left to do is the switch, so get the switch! it doesn't

matter which one you plug in because either way you're just stopping the flow

of current going going in it, I'm gonna shrink, shrink wrap ,and again I

know there are better ways of shrinking the shrink wrap but in a pinch a lighter

will do, here we go at this point just have to push the switch into the hole.

As you guys can see the switch fits perfect, now the only thing left to do is

to tuck the wire nice and neatly back there and reconnect the ground and test

it out.

obviously before we button everything back up there is one test we need to do,

we need to see if it works because otherwise putting everything back

together will be just a waste of time, so first we get our charging cable and we

plug it in, here we go, then we get my new phone, I don't have an

iPhone anymore, plug the new phone in and let's see...

switch the button and see what happens there you go it works so time to button

everything up. So another installation is complete, this job was actually really

really satisfying, the job was easy enough but the switch fits so perfect

that I don't know, he gave me great pleasure to put it in place, but... for

those of you that are worried about clearance problem even a full lock the

front fork does not touch the switch at all if actually fits so perfect that you

might think that BMW put that hole right there just for this purpose, but as you

guys have seen it works flawlessly turn it on and the USB now has power turn it

off and the usb has no power, which is great so I don't have to worry about the

battery draining, if you guys want a chance of winning one of those spare

switches that I have, remember just subscribe leave a comment down below and

possibly like if you're not one of those lucky winners to bring home one of those

switches, don't worry about it, go in the description below as always I'm gonna

put every single thing I used in the video in about three weeks time I'm

gonna pick one of you down there, I'm not really gonna pick it myself, I'm gonna

randomly use a program to pick one..... actually four

of you guys and send this to you, but check out the date in the description,

other than that if you guys have time go check out my website

if you guys like the video, LIKE,

if you guys love the video, Subscribe

DIRT ON, and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> The USB port on the BMW F800GS gets a switch - Duration: 8:46.


Brad Pitt en couple, M. Pokora déménage, Kate Middleton dévoile la date de son accouchement... - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Brad Pitt en couple, M. Pokora déménage, Kate Middleton dévoile la date de son accouchement... - Duration: 5:42.


Hjælpen ved morgenbordet - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Hjælpen ved morgenbordet - Duration: 2:40.


I dag bliver smertefri - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> I dag bliver smertefri - Duration: 0:53.


Problemerne løses af sig selv - hvis du kender tricket! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Problemerne løses af sig selv - hvis du kender tricket! - Duration: 0:59.


Volkswagen Passat GTE Connected Series Plus Passat 1.4 160 kW / 218 pk PHEV Limousine 6 versn. DSG - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat GTE Connected Series Plus Passat 1.4 160 kW / 218 pk PHEV Limousine 6 versn. DSG - Duration: 0:59.


TATCHA Camellia Cleansing Oil VS TARTE Rainforest of the Sea Cleansing Gel HALLOWEEN MAKEUP REMOVAL - Duration: 10:04.

...and glue sticks...

this is probably really distracting let me just go ahead and take this off...

What up guys? Ashley Elizabeth here with AEHM artistry

and if you saw my video on Tuesday then you know why I have this makeup on.

Well I did a [Halloween Makeup] tutorial on it not much really else to say.

If you haven't seen it, I'll

link it up top so you can see it.

Otherwise you can wait till the end of

the video to watch it.

But what I am here to do today, is put some best-selling and

best reviews makeup removers up to the test! [Halloween Makeup Removal?!]

This is part of my vs. series.

I love doing challenges and seeing two of the tops and having them duel it out.

See what the best one is and what better time then to test out if they can take

off all of this crud. [Halloween Makeup]

I got creams and powders and eyelash glue all over and

glue sticks too.

But...yeah let's see which one in fares better!

So right here I have the Tatcha Pure One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil and that one had almost a

five-star review on Sephora's website.

And then I have the Tarte Rainforest of the Sea Deep Dive Cleansing Gel and this

one also had almost 5 stars.

Both of them were out of a lot of reviews.

So I picked ones that had a lot going there...

this is probably really distracting let me just go ahead and take this off...

this was kind of inspired, I would say, by Laura Lee and Nicol Concilio.

I saw both, that they did

like testing out a bunch of products that had 5 stars and stuff or low-rated.

So, I was like "oh that would be really cool to do makeup removers and put them

out to the test".

So I looked up on Sephora's website, you can search by

rating, so I put 5 star makeup remover and that's how I found these two!

I've been wanting to try Tatcha and the reason why, you'll see, I have these kits

is because it's the holidays....

and I wanted to get a small size and you

know what's really cool? Is during the holidays they always have little

sample sets. So in case you're interested this one's the Tatcha Kyoto Cleanse and it

comes with the Pure Cleansing Oil also the Polish Classic Rice Enzyme.

I believe this was somewhere in the $20 range, maybe $27 or $28 I'll link it right

down here to tell you how much it was.

And then I also got the Tarte Skincare Hydration Vacation set because again the

value is so good, so that's a 1.7 ounce

Deep Dive Cleansing Gel you also get, the marine boosting mist, eye cream, and a set

of the eye patches.

I'm a sucker for a good value and it was a couple dollars

more to get the whole set so that's why I did that and same thing with this.

Actually couldn't find the small guy of it and I didn't want to get the full size

yet because I'm just testing them out.

And I like to try multiple things,

you know, all at once.

So anyways, back to the review.

Ok, the Match Pure One-Step Camilla Cleansing Oil has, like I said, almost 5

stars out of 740 reviews.

So let's see...

"truly for all skin types, is

perfect must try". This person has combination skin and they usually use

retinoid, so they're sensitive, and they're in love

with this product! Another person said "they have" again "sensitive skin" so this

is all like great for me [too].

This person says "I won't lie, I have been a skin

obsessed brat since I was a teen and I've spent a solid year on accutane and

the first time I used this I was hooked!"

So that is all with the Tatcha.

Now let me tell you a little bit about the Tarte and then I will duel them out right on

my face. I'll split up and do one side and one side.

So the Tarte Rainforest of the Sea Cleansing Gel has almost 500 reviews,

there at 496 right now on Sephora's website,

So, almost 5 stars as well, so pretty similar in that, just a little bit behind

on how many people have reviewed it than the Tatcha one step.

This one says, "great

for sensitive skin", this one got a tiny sample because most makeup removers burn

their eyes, it's the same problem I have, and as soon as they tried it they were

hooked! "This one won't rip my skin apart it's also so gentle on the skin".

This person has oily skin and breaks out and they use it all the time and they

haven't broken out.

So, as you can see, both of these

have raving reviews.

But you and I both know that sometimes things can get overhyped

This is a big big challenge that I'm

putting these up to.

I mean it's a little's not really like, you know,

"daily". These ones might work daily but let's see if they can work with

waterproof makeup, heavy-duty Halloween makeup, eyelash glue, everything and let's

have some fun!

So, the Tarte is on wet skin, the Tatcha is on dry skin.

So I'll go ahead and start with the Tatcha.

This one says, "massage three to five pumps

onto a dry face with dry hands for ten seconds and then rinse".

Alright this should be interesting.

This little guy, really pretty

packaging, definitely.

Let me take off half of these the jewels cause that just

peels right off.

Guys those are stuck on just with eyelash glue, the best thing.

Eyelash glue is so sticky, if they can take it off, that will be crazy!

Let's do three pumps.

So nice, oily consistency.

Were gonna need more than that...

Oops, there's one left behind.


it's just melting right off.

It's gonna be such a mess!

Two more pumps because it is a lot, and I have a lot of eyelash glue up here.

Let's see if it takes it off.

Wow, guys this is crazy.

It's just coming right off.

Look at that...I just, wow...

Ok so I'm gonna rinse this side real quick and see how it does.

Alright so, it's a bit challenging just washing one side. I definitely see how

it could be really easy if you're just wearing really regular day-to-day.

I think I'm gonna have to do a second wash on that side, just to kind of get everything

off. So let's do two more pumps.

And just you know, this is heavy-duty stuff

So, just remember it for that side if we need to do a second layer on that side.

Ok, let me rinse.

A lot better, the second wash.

Just a little bit of eyeliner left, right on my inner rim,

but other than that...

Ok, and so, my

skin also feels really clean. It doesn't feel tight, it doesn't feel oily.

Even though it's a cleansing oil. It's just really nice, yeah!

Ok, the Tarte Cleansing Oil says to "massage into wet skin for at 30 to 60 seconds, rinse

and pat dry".

So, I'll dampen this side and then I'll get going.

Ok, I feel like the water did some of the work.

Alright so, a couple pumps of this.

Kind of still like an oily gel.

So I'll do 30 to 60 seconds-ish.

Alright, this already looks more melty.

Wow...okay let me rinse.

Ok, so it's about

the same situation right of the other side, huh?

Still a lot around the eye.

Let's do one more quick cleanse and then see what we're left to compare.

Yeah it's supposed to foam. The first time I think

it was too much product too even foam

That's for sure.

Ok, there we go.

Alright, let me inspect real quick.

Alright, still waiting for this side to dry, but


let's see...

you guys see a difference?

Still some on both sides, that's a pretty difficult area to do.

Just in the sink, usually when

I wash my face in the shower the rest of that will come off.

Let's see if there's any

mascara left...

couple dots on the Tatcha side and nothing...lashes are completely

clean on the Tarte side.

You guys, first impressions, right off the bat, I actually

really like both of them.

I can see myself,

I think, pulling for the Tatcha Camellia One Step Cleansing Oil just before I get

into the shower, if I want to take something light off.

But I don't think I would go for the Tatcha for this crazy heavy-duty stuff,

as much, because I'd

probably be in the shower.

And, in that case, I would use the Tarte Rainforest of

the Sea Deep Dive Cleansing Gel.

This seemed like it was a little bit more, you

know, just completely...

you know how if you wear false lashes eyelash

glue is always left over on there and stuff?

I don't feel any of it, in any

of the places.

But I still have a weird stick, you know like that eyelash glue

can kind of give, on the Tatcha side

But both, overall, are pretty amazing.

I'm pretty happy with the results.

That was dripping from this, its eye shadow in my

hair. That's just a drip, so don't blame the product on that.

I think my skin almost, maybe it's cuz I'm all broken out right there, but I'm looking a little

bit more red on this side.

Surprisingly, I'm less on this side.

Unless it's just the lighting.

Let's see... what do you guys think?

Leave it the comments below,

can you see a difference between the sides?

Don't mind all my crazy

breakouts because they were already there.

Don't blame the product.

So, I'll test out myself a little bit further before I announce a complete overall

winner. So make sure you follow me on a social media

because I always update you

guys there.

And before you leave please don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and you'll get

notified as soon as I post more things!

This is the third video in my VS. series.

So make sure to stay tuned so you don't miss out!

And if you have any products

that you would love to see battle

it head to head, leave that in the comments below.

Alright you guys, thank you so much for watching and have a great lovely day!


For more infomation >> TATCHA Camellia Cleansing Oil VS TARTE Rainforest of the Sea Cleansing Gel HALLOWEEN MAKEUP REMOVAL - Duration: 10:04.


Unqualified Advice with Delaney! - Duration: 2:24.

Hey guys, as I'm sure you know by now, my name's Delaney and I still don't know what

I'm doing, so I thought I'd take advantage of that and give you some very unqualified


[makes "HOO!" noise] These are the wrong prescription.

I don't know why I have these, I have 20/20 vision.


How do I pursue my dream job?

I cannot help you in this area, I am still recovering emotionally from that time that

I was told being Spider-Man wasn't a realistic career goal, um...

So my advice would be to curl into a ball of self-pity and self-hatred and cry about

your lost childhood.

That's what I do every day.

How do I make friends?

Oh, perfect, I am so unqualified to answer this.

I think what you do is you do a bunch of weird sh*t in a public place, you know, where a

bunch of people could see you, and you wait until someone comes up to you and sees you

doing that weird sh*t and goes "Hey!

I like doing that weird sh*t too!" and then you point finger guns at each other until

one of you texts "Brunch" question mark question mark question, a couple days later.

Um...I think that's how friendship works.

How do I date humans?

Um...yeah...I thinks it' it's like the friendship thing except at some point

make sure to work in there "But I'm gay!" and if they go "I'm gay too!" then congratulations,

you can now go to first base and go to that Tegan and Sara concert together.

And since this is unqualified advice, I might as well give the heterosexual version as well.

I'm pretty sure it's where you have a summer fling, you get pretty hot and steamy on the

beach, and then you go your separate ways but you end up at the same high school and

then you talk to your friends with wildly different narratives about what happened and

you reunite and sing a big song about how "you're the one that I want" and...I just

described the musical Grease, didn't I?

What should I do about this mole on my--Check WebMD.

No matter what.


That's what I do, and it gives me massive anxiety, so...I think it, I think it really

does wonders.

Who needs healthcare when you have WebMD, am I right, America?

[clicking noise] I'm having a really bad day, what do I do to make myself feel better?

Oh, I'm actually really qualified for this one, so what you do--have you tried listening

to "Africa" by Toto?

[music playing] One of my neighbors was staring at me...I think that's where I'm gonna end

it today.

For more infomation >> Unqualified Advice with Delaney! - Duration: 2:24.


Referring Provider in Bellaire TX: Dr. Vela | Bellaire Facial, Oral & Dental Implant Surgery - Duration: 0:50.

The patients that I do refer are just pleased with Dr. Iero, and the staff, and follow-up

care, and the professionalism.

The communication between my office and Dr. Iero's office is terrific.

The staff and the team here – they're all very receptive, they're all very friendly

on the phone, and I hear nothing but compliments from patients that we do refer.

It gives me peace of mind knowing that I've got an office like Dr. Iero's that we can

refer to.

Being not only a dentist but also a physician is a big selling point, and I'm confident

any time we refer patients to see Dr. Iero that they're going to receive fabulous care.

For more infomation >> Referring Provider in Bellaire TX: Dr. Vela | Bellaire Facial, Oral & Dental Implant Surgery - Duration: 0:50.


Referring Provider in Bellaire TX: Dr. Lee | Bellaire Facial, Oral & Dental Implant Surgery - Duration: 0:44.

The reason I refer to Dr. Iero for all my patients' care because I know exactly the

outcome of his surgery procedures.

It makes my procedures so much easier.

I never have to worry about my patient not being taken care of.

Patients always come back and say, "Hey, I'm really happy with Dr. Iero."

He really takes care of my patients from start to finish.

Even all my family members go see him.

My staff team's family members go see him.

Knowing someone that I can trust in this community.

I can't ask for a better referral.

For more infomation >> Referring Provider in Bellaire TX: Dr. Lee | Bellaire Facial, Oral & Dental Implant Surgery - Duration: 0:44.


Heather Hardy Confrontation; Bellator 185 Gegard Mousasi ; Tony Ferguson Blackbelt 2017 Video - Duration: 3:44.

Heather Hardy Confrontation; Bellator 185 Gegard Mousasi ; Tony Ferguson Blackbelt

Due to a potential anti-doping policy violation stemming from an out-of competition sample.

Antonio Rogerio Nogueira Is out of UFC Winnipeg vs Jared Cannonier which was scheduled for

December 16.

Bellator 185 is today at 9pm ET.

Personally for me, this is the event of the week over the UFC fight this weekend.

Gegard Mousasi was in line to fight for the title in the UFC.

Unfortunately, the UFC and moose could not come to agreeable terms with his new contract

and now he finds himself in Bellator.

He is facing a very tough shlamenko who initially was the bellator middleweight champ.

This is for the #1 contender fight.

Also on the card is Gegard Mousasi's protégé, Costello "The Spaniard" Van Steenis, a

25 year old fighter with a record of 8-1.

His bout is against Steve Skrzat on the prelims.

Apparently, he shares a lot of Mousasi's stoic personality traits when under attack.

So, I'm definitely tuning in to see what else he shares in common..

Van Steenis says that he would like to be fighting for the middleweight title by the

end of 2018 Or, more precisely, he sees things playing out like this: Mousasi will win the

middleweight title, then he'll move onto the light heavyweight division, and win that

title, too.

Once the "Moose" is done with the middleweight division, that's when van Steenis' time

will arrive.

"I'll come straight in after him."

Bellator Fighter Heather Hardy was confronted by an old foe during the weigh-ins.

The person that approached her was ex-boxing foe Shelly Vincent who lost to Hardy in Last

year's WBC international female fewatherweight title fight via majority decision.

She is still disgruntled over the loss and requested a rematch.

Heather Hardy was an undefeated 20-0 boxer who made her debut in MMA in June of this

year and won by TKO.

She is fighting for the second time in MMA vs Kristina Williams Today as well.

John Kavanagh feels Lobov will be ending his match via counter in the 2nd round

Tony Ferguson Gets his black belt from Eddie Bravo after his UFC 216 victory over Kevin


For more infomation >> Heather Hardy Confrontation; Bellator 185 Gegard Mousasi ; Tony Ferguson Blackbelt 2017 Video - Duration: 3:44.


How green tea defends you against dementia - Duration: 2:42.

So let's all lift a pinkie today in salute to a brain-friendly brew.

Because when it comes to cognitive health and prevention of dementia, green tea is looking

very promising.

Hi, my name is Tony Dearing.

I write an award-winning column on brain health and prevention of dementia for and

Star-Ledger and I operate, a website for people who've been diagnosed with mild

cognitive impairment.

So the reason I'm sipping some green tea today is because it's the subject of my

latest column, and if you've been diagnosed with MCI, this is information you really want

to hear.

Green tea has been the subject of more than 40 studies, and they've established a pretty

strong association between green tea and lower risk of dementia.

One study in Japan found people who drank at least 5 cups of tea had a 27 percent lower

risk of dementia.

But even more important, one of the more recent studies looked specifically at people who

have been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment, and found that green tea extract improved

their memory and attention.

That's impressive, and it helps explain why the Cognitive Vitality website, which

is operated by the Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation and evaluates all sorts of foods,

and beverages, and nutrients and vitamins gives a very high score to green tea.

What makes green tea such a potent protector of cognition?

Well, it contains numerous compounds that are linked to brain health.

So if you're looking to improve your diet, maybe drink less soda or less of those really

sugary fruit drinks, then green tea might be a good option for you.

In fact, it might be the best option.

Don't feel you have to stop there.

If you're interested in making other simple, basic changes to your diet that can improve

brain health, then I invite you to go to my website,, and download my guide,

10 Foods to Eat for Better Brain Health.

So I hope to see you on, and I hope to see you here again next week.

Until then, as always, be kind to your mind.

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