Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 3 2017

today I'm going to show you five top illustrator tools for typography and at

the very end of the video I have a demo and a review of some cool media software

by Movavi who are sponsoring today's video

what is our people welcome back to satori graphics the home of graphic design

content are right here on YouTube today we're going to be looking at the top 5

illustrator tools with typography these top and it's rated tools are not meant

for designing typography from scratch rather they help you with editing and

enhancing already existing typography and then at the very end of the video I

have a demo and a review of some cool media software by Mugabi

which you guys have 30% off on the download via the link in the description

we've having have been kind enough to sponsor today's video and i myself am

pretty impressed with a media conversion software which you're going to take a

good look at at the end of the video the appearance panel is one of the top

illustrator tools for typography because we allows you to add as many strokes g1

to typography resulting in some really cool designs if you go ahead and open up

the appearance panel here I with your typography selected add a new fill and

then add a new stroke making sure the stroke layer is below the fill layer

I'm going to make a wave fill in a black stroke and you will see how this strokes

is nicely behind the fill which you only get with the appearance panel if you

have anomalies like this occur simply open up the stroke window and change the

style of the stroke like I'm going to do here

like I said this too is great typography you can add multiple

different strokes and typography styles anyway only the appearance panel can do

the Pathfinder tool is great for cutting areas for typography out and the eraser

tool is very annoying and it's not very accurate to use and so the using the

Pathfinder tool is the best option in my opinion on my custom hand lettering

typography here I want to cut out a part of the type for style purposes use the

pen tool to draw a line over the area that you wish to cut out PETA biography

and then hold down shift and select both the letter as well as a shape

open the Pathfinder tool and then use the - for an option you can edit the

path three typography in Illustrator with direct selection tool

as you can see here you can be used to really enhance your double fee and this

is why it's one of the top Illustrated tools for typography you can also be

used to cut out areas of a lettering logo design for example

as you briefly saw in the last section in this tutorial I mentioned a direct

selection tool this tool is one of the top tools in a straight typography if

not then the most important tool besides title itself with direct selection tool

you can manipulate the anchor points of a typography literally changing the

style and the look of your lettering

if you Sucre outlines with typography in Illustrator and then simplify it you

will be able to really go in and change the typography with the Bezier curves

and anchor points the gradient tool is a great tool when used with typography in

Adobe Illustrator when you're happy with your typography I open up the Pathfinder

window and then unite all the typography together

once you do that you can add a gradient of Hill

you can then go ahead and set up a gradient click on the slider bar to add

a new color if you wish I'm going to add four colors in total trans add colors

that flow and match well together from left to right

when you finish your gradient you notice that it's not evenly spread across the

entire typography design to change this take the gradient tool and draw a line

across your entire typography lettering in Illustrator and you see that looks

pretty cool we can change the gradient to read your gradient and then use the

gradient tool from the center outwards

if you want you can then revert it along a slider bar to make the darkest color

on the outside

the great into is one of the top five illustrator tools for typography for sure I mean

look at this cool typography design right here the last top tool for

typography in illustrator is the warp tool you can find them up in the effects

panel in Illustrator and there are so many to choose from

experiment and browse through them on the different effects that you can make

I found that the warp tool is great for such things as heavy sans-serif logo

designs like you can see on screen now so these are the five illustrator tools

with typography bulgy by Satori graphics but now I have a quick demo and review

of the Mugabi media software you can find the download of the Mugabi software

via the link in the description I must say I've never used the conversion

software has this many features and such a simple interface it's available in

both Mac and Windows and there are many aspects of the software what I tolerated

it the first thing I realized is that it also detects devices such as my Samsung

phone plugged into my Mac and as you can see you can convert images video and

also audio you simply drag and drop files into the software like so and for

video editing you can even add in sync subtitles to your media

you can use move Alva is a simple video editor before you can convert the files

as you can see there are tools that allow you to cut and edit your video

files and are very easy to use interface

so let's convert this video file here to avi format you see how it converts a

media very quickly indeed and as many file formats as options read compare to

remember you guys have a 30% discount on the download Oh bro Mugabi so check that

will be a link in the description let me know II thought of today's five top

illustrator tool for typography subscribe if you're new to my channel

and remember to like and share my content if you really do enjoy it

until next time design your future today peace

For more infomation >> 5 TOP ILLUSTRATOR TOOLS FOR TYPOGRAPHY | Satori Graphics - Duration: 10:06.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 3 EKİM 2017 | SON SAYFA GS GÜNDEMİ #2 | UĞUR KARAKULLUKÇU & ILGAZ ÇINAR | Youtube - Duration: 11:57.


Crochet pumpkin for Halloween - Pincushion and "tail-eater" - Duration: 15:31.

Hi, dear crocheters!

How are you? My name is Fernando

wellcome back to GanchiGurumi.

I don't know if you also keep your tails,

like I do,

to recycle them in other projects.

For exemple, you can use them as stuff

for your amigurumi.

If so, you may not know where to keep them.

So in today's video I'm showing you

how to make a "tails-eater"

with a pumpkin pincushion

for Halloween!

If you also wish a personalized MyGurumi,

go to my Etsy shop and order yours!

Materials you'll need:

Cotton yarn for a 3.5 mm hook,

3 mm hook,


polyfill stuff,

yarn needle,

12 mm safety eyes,

embroidery thread

and a bottle.

Let's begin!


Ok, we're beginning.

**It will be so funny!**

As always, we're making:

R1: MR (6)

R2: *INC* x6 (12)

We're making the increases

as we always do

until R7 with 42 stitches.


R3: *1 sc, INC* x6 (18)

R4: *2 sc, INC* x6 (24)

R5: *3 sc, INC* x6 (30)

R6: *4 sc, INC* x6 (36)

And finally,

R7: *5 sc, INC* x6 (42)


we're making 7 rounds without increases.

R8-R14: 42 sc


we're making rounds with decreases

to close the ball.


R15: *5 sc, DEC* x6 (36)

R16: *4 sc, DEC* x6 (30)

R17: *3 sc, DEC* x6 (24)

And for the moment

we stop there to place

the safety eyes.

I continue crocheting and see you later!


R17 with 42 sc

is finished.

Remember, 7 rounds without increases

but you can make as many as you want.

And then rounds with decreases to close.

And stop when you believe you won't have

space enough to work in the inside.

So let's place the safety eyes!

Use pins to check the position.

And pay attention to

the beginning of each round

as I show in this video.

Eyes are placed between R12 and R13

from top to bottom

**Remember: 12 mm safety eyes between R12-R13**

with a separation of 12 stitches.

If you find it's too much,

let just 10 stitches.

Now we can close completely

the ball with decreases.


R18: *2 sc, DEC* x6 (18)

R19: *1 sc, DEC* x6 (12)

Stuff with polyfill.

**Stuff well**

Stuff as you go if needed.

And close!


we need to transform the ball

into a pumpkin.

So we're making the lines

with the same tail of the ball

or with another thread of the same color.

You decide!

(I'd love to know if there's a name in English for a pumpkin lines! lol)


I'm making all the lines

and see you later!

As you can see,

I've already made the face.

Isn't it so cute?

You can embroider the face

in the same way I did,

or make your own cute face!

Now we're making the stem

with green yarn.


R1: MR (6)

We're making another sequence.

R2: *2 sc, INC* x2 (8)

R3: 8 sc (BLO)

Don't insert the hook here,

but here.

So 8 sc in BLO.

R4: 8 sc

This time as always.

Stuff a little.

As I explain in this video,

about tricks and tips,

you can use tweezers.

R5: *2 sc, DEC* x2 (6)


R6: 6 sc

With the tail,

sew it onto the pumpkin.

Now just make the tails-eater.

You can finish here to make

just an amigurumi pumpkin.

Or like me, you can use it as pincushion

to decorate the tails-eater.

You can make a cover for the bottle

like in this video,

(so you hide the inside)

or make a cover for the lid.

This way, the inside is visible

with all the tails.

I think it will be funny!

I already made it

because it's so easy

with the same sequence of the pumpkin.

You start with a MR (6),

**Adapt the sequence to the size of your bottle**

Next 6 INC (12),

then *1 sc, INC* x6 (18),

*2 sc, INC* x6 (24),

and so on

until you cover all the lid or the bottle.

Make the circle a bit bigger

to cover well when making the rounds without INC.

If you can see the lid,

it will be too tight.

Next, make a round without INC in BLO

to draw the line and make the bend.

In my case, I've crocheted

until R9

with 54 sc.

Next, a round of 54 sc in BLO

and a normal round of 54 sc.

This is how it looks like.

Remember to cover your lid or bottle

not to let any part visible.


In spiral, there is a step in the work

so the lid can be seen.

More or less like this.

How to avoid this?

Here's the beginning and finish of my rounds

(indentify it with the line of the BLO).

You just need to crochet some more sc

and 2 or 3 slip stitches

to hide the step

and cover all the lid.

**Tails-eater with pumpkin pincushion**

Well, this was all!

Now you have a cute tails-eater

and a new pincushion.

You can make any other amigurumi,

I made a pumpkin because Halloween's coming.

As always, I'd thank you if you Like this video

and share it in your social media.

Don't forget to follow me in mine.

Subscribe to my channel and set notifications on.

Thanks for watching and

see you in the next vid!



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For more infomation >> Crochet pumpkin for Halloween - Pincushion and "tail-eater" - Duration: 15:31.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 3 EKİM 2017 | SPOR SABAHI GS GÜNDEMİ #1 | ÇİĞDEM CEYLAN & İLKER DURALI | Youtube - Duration: 13:05.


Можно ли наказывать ребенка за двойки? Как наказывать детей. Психология воспитания с А. Рязанцевым - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Можно ли наказывать ребенка за двойки? Как наказывать детей. Психология воспитания с А. Рязанцевым - Duration: 1:44.


How To Use A Laser Cutter - Lightblade Learning Lab 31 Make Your Own Pre-filter for MDF Fumes - Duration: 17:32.

Welcome to another Lightblade Learning Lab in today's session we're going to make a

new addition for this machine now I've been advised that quite a few people are

having trouble with their either Bofa, or their Purex filter unit

when they're cutting MDF the debris and the smoke has been quite heavy and

they're blocking their filters up quickly I've been asked to look at the

possibility of copying somebody else's pre-filter well I'm afraid that's in

itself a bit of a challenge because I don't like copying other things

if there's a problem I like to think about the problem and try and find a

cost-effective solution so that's what I've done hopefully I'm going to make

a very simple cost effective pre-filter for this machine that will be

easily either replaceable or washable which is the ultimate goal you don't

have to ever buy new filters what I'm going to do is dive straight in

and cut the pieces then we'll put them together and see how the thing works, Now I'm making this out of

nominally five millimeter perspex it's white perspex which I just happened to

have some spare of so it's whatever it is but you could make it out of a five

millimeter plywood or five millimeter MDF I don't think it really matters

now I'm using a two inch lens on here and I'm cutting this at maximum power

running I think about eight millimeters a second

well there's our first pieces cut all the pieces are just falling apart which

is very nice

and yeah they fit in there nicely I'm only just about fits on the table I

think it's about 395 or 398 back-to-front so yeah this is a tight

squeeze to fit this onto the table okay my second piece of material that I'm

going to be cutting is big enough to do the job but it's a very odd shape as

you can see underneath it so what I've done I've purposely cut my first piece

out of a nice square item where I can see exactly where it's going to go and

now what I'm going to do is to register where the start point is and make sure

that this aperture fits over the material so I now know that the

cut is going to fit onto that piece of material there we have the last part

cutting and yes it's going to come out of that funny shape and there we go

that's all fallen out nicely

even all those little three millimeter holes

if you're making it from wood you might well be putting just ordinary wood screws or

some self tappers in these little pilot holes I'm going to tap them m4. Up to now I've

purposely been trying to hide what I'm going to do we're going to start showing

you now how things work now look these two pieces here have got some

interesting cutouts in them these cutouts here are flexible tongues

they're quite stiff but they do flex and the idea is that that's these two pieces

click together like this and then they will actually go in the extract tube at the

back there and they'll go in easily until they reach those little barbs when

I shall have to go and push it in so once the whole thing is assembled that

will sit snugly in there but you'll be able to take it out so that begins to

give you a little bit of a clue as to what I'm trying to do now we're gonna

build the next part well here are the eight parts that are going to make up this

filter now I need to assemble them in the right manner so I need to start with

that one and as I said these crossover they will poke

through there

like that they are quite loose but that's because this material can very

anything from 4.5 to nearly 6 milliliters so it's incredibly difficult

to get these holes to fit perfectly I made the holes four point seven knowing

that quite a lot of this material was undersized but I came across some stuff

that was nearly six mil I think the first thing we do is to pop this piece

on we'll put it on first and we'll glue it on from this side so using my PDTG

glue which seems to work extremely well on acrylic now I'm not going to be too fussy

about the glue this time because nobody's going to see this piece okay so

that's it sits nicely on my box now I can put just another little bit of glue

along the bottom corners here as well I mean this is an incredibly simple

assembly what we're now going to do is just drop that on there like that these

are all exactly the same and they just work they way around nose to tail

like that now if i've got all these bits designed correctly this bit will now sit

on top here and there we go that's the complete assembly. Now all I've got to

do now is to go around and just glue these joints and the whole thing will be mmm

almost finished just give these another few minutes to dry another minute or so

then I can turn the whole thing over and I can finish off the tabs underneath and then

just to make sure it's nice and really strong I'm gonna run a bead of glue

around the edges and when that's dry I should do this edge here as well I

should wait for that to fully dry before I assemble the last parts well here we

are next day and I've just been and bought what I thought were going to be

the ideal thing to fit on there that's what I've designed and then these things

which are standard computer filters the day plan was to just stack nine of those

up but now that I've got them and I take them apart and have a look at the

filter material look you can see it's probably pretty next to useless it's

probably fine for taking lumps of sugar out of the air but not for very fine

particles of MDF smoke so plan A in the bin but fortunately I always did have a

plan B when I designed this but Plan B involves making a few more pieces now I

didn't have enough material to make that in one piece so I have to make it

in two pieces but what we're going to do is we've got these extra pieces as well

so let's make sure we get them all the same way because there's a long end and

there's a short end as you can see so I need all the long ends working the same

way so that I can put them in long end log in that way we should just turn that

over and assemble at the other way because I can't glue it this way okay so

now we'll just pop some glue on those and get that held together now the most

important thing at the moment is probably these joints here because

goodness me that's raining outside now I can just hear it

so I should just hold those two joints together

just make sure they press together and then I should be able to just gently put

a little bit of stuff along those joints there to get those to bond together

right so now that we've got that upside down or just do what we normally do and

just run round all these joints here just to make sure that we've got them

nice and strong well okay what's it cost us so far

some design time and either some MDF and maybe a few screws now screws are

the interesting thing because I happen to have some very nice M4 plastic

screws which is why I designed these holes with M4 just look I've got a bag

of these that's been kicking around for about twenty years so I have to find

useful on sometime when my other filter system failed I went to a store which

I'm sure you've all come across called Dunelm

now it's not the sort of place you'd normally go for engineering equipment

but look what I've got for four pound I bought a meter and it's material that

they use for quilting but look it's absolutely amazing it's exactly what

we're looking for by way of a filter material and I've got all this a meter

of it for four pounds so that's the only real cost of this project and I've got

enough there to make probably six filters or replace the filter that's in

here six times whichever way you like to look at it so I don't think it has to be

cut all that accurately because it's sufficiently flexible that

it'll push inside my frame here and if it doesn't I'll just trim it off looks

like that might need a little bit of a trim but no big deal now I've made this

dimension here 10 millimeters thick but this looks to be about probably 12 to 15

millimeters thick so it will squash down you've only got to increase this by

another 10 or 20 millimeters and you can put three or two thicknesses of this

material in there I mean it's just literally almost invisible to airflow

what I have to do is just trim the corners off just to clear my screws I think I'm

only going to need the four corners to hold this on and my over-enthusiastic

use of holes is not in the least bit necessary that works perfectly okay with

just four corner screws now what you've got to remember is that each one of

these holes is the same size as the extract duct so the velocity of air or

volume of air through these holes will be 1/9 of what it is down the extract

duct so there's virtually no air resistance through this filter at all so

because there's so little pressure loss across here you won't need an additional

extract motor you can use the fan that's already there which is why this will

just disappear in the machine and it will be seamless now this is so

relatively cheap to make you could technically have two of these so that

one of them is in your machine and the other one is out being replaced but it's

only going to take what, 20 minutes to take this out of the machine and put a new

filter in it? okay well let's take a look in the machine and see where we're going

to fix this now you had a bit of an idea because you saw me trying this little

piece at the back here this is very asymmetric so we've got to fit it in one

way only and it goes in this way but we have to be careful because at the top

here there's a bit of a ridge and so what

I've got to do I've got to put it in basically flat like that get it beyond

the ridge and then tip it upright and that will then get me past this belt

there we go - clicked into place and you can now see the reason where I've got that little

foot there just to keep it level we'll just turn the extract system on to make

sure that the filter doesn't go off and suck in

now I'm just going to do a 25 millimeter test square on some it's it's hard board

which is sort of MDF type material

we can see the fumes being drawn backwards

that cut can go a lot faster because it smells smoky

it smells smoky and it looks smoky and look it's leaving marks on my hand

just clean my fingers

still a little bit

but not as bad

just try pushing it a little bit more 22 maybe or 24 lets try 24

it hasn't dropped out but it will pop out

and now let's try a clean finger

there we go 24

maybe it would go to 26

just only just making it, look it's pushed the bottom out now

so that is not a good cut looks to be about 24 millimeters a second is the

good speed to go for but the whole point there was we're trying to generate some

smoke now I doubt whether I've generated anywhere near enough smoke to see anything on

the filter but let's have a look I don't know where it's come from but

we've definitely got some bits of debris on these two here which is approximately

underwear we were dragging the the fumes from so this is something that I think will

have to be field tested by somebody that uses a lot of MDF all day well I hope

you found that another interesting session a practical problem and a

practical solution I've enjoyed the design challenge and I think we've come

up with something which is very cost effective and simple for virtually

anybody to adapt and fit as I mentioned earlier the drawings will be available

on the Thinklaser website so you can take those drawings and make it fit your

own machine I'm certainly going to be leaving it attached to this machine

because it can't do any harm whether it's going to do any good will be for

other people to tell me so until the next session I'll say cheerio

For more infomation >> How To Use A Laser Cutter - Lightblade Learning Lab 31 Make Your Own Pre-filter for MDF Fumes - Duration: 17:32.


Cornbread Recipe - Duration: 2:02.

1 egg

1 glass of milk

1 table spoon sugar

1 glass of melted butter

4 glass of dressed cornflour

Half glass of dressed flour

1 packet dressed baking soda

1 glass of hot water

shed the dough to the 20*30cm mould

Baked it at 180 C degree


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Drain Cleaning Anaheim CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

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If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

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KKBOX排行榜華語單曲月榜2017年9月 - Duration: 12:23.

For more infomation >> KKBOX排行榜華語單曲月榜2017年9月 - Duration: 12:23.


Нейропластика | Гибкость мышления - Duration: 10:25.

For more infomation >> Нейропластика | Гибкость мышления - Duration: 10:25.

------------------------------------------- - #1 Customer...

For more infomation >> - #1 Customer...


For more infomation >> - #1 Customer...


10/2/17 7:05 PM (205-207 N Main St, Newberg, OR 97132, USA) - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> 10/2/17 7:05 PM (205-207 N Main St, Newberg, OR 97132, USA) - Duration: 10:19.


For more infomation >> 10/2/17 7:05 PM (205-207 N Main St, Newberg, OR 97132, USA) - Duration: 10:19.


Cоmo cambiar brazo de suspensión delantero FIAT PUNTO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 9:06.

Use a socket №17

Use a special puller to take the tie rod end out

Use a socket №13

Use a socket №13 and a combination spanner №13

Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №17

For more infomation >> Cоmo cambiar brazo de suspensión delantero FIAT PUNTO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 9:06.


For more infomation >> Cоmo cambiar brazo de suspensión delantero FIAT PUNTO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 9:06.


Executive Builds $3 Million A...

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Evie is Saved by Snow White - Part 52 - Descendants in Avalor Disney - Duration: 10:57.

Disney Doll Story

Were you followed by someone?


We came here by ourselves.

Get inside.

Don't lose them.

We need to get Snow White.

She can't return to Enchanted Kingdom.

Get them.


The portal is about to close.


Is everyone ok?

That was close.

We almost got trapped in there.

Why did you choose me?

You should've chosen Jordan's shackle.

I couldn't let you get trapped inside the spirit world.

Jordan's magic is the only way to set everything right.

Uma, I care more about people than magic.


How are we going to wake up Evie now?

This is bad.

We can't stay in here.

Is there another way out?


That door is the only way out.

does this bow and arrow work?


Why are these men after you?


They are after you.

Evie is poisoned.

You are also in danger.

Oh no, not Evie.

I should've never left her side.

Completely surround the house.

Block all exits.

Snow White.

We need to get you out of here.

Ben, why do you still have this poison?

It's not what you think?

You are still trying to poison Uma?

How could you?

Freddie, what if I told you I can cure Uma?

Then why don't you?

I should, but to tell you honestly, I'm not sure if I trust her completely.


We can't get out through that door.

You are surrounded.

Give up.

Is there another place we can hide nearby?

There is a Seven Dwarve's mine.

Is this yours?


I will create a distraction.

You guys get to the mine.

What will you do?

Sneak out of here after I left.

I will meet you at the mine.

Snow white is trying to run away.


This way.

Uma, you can't go.

My mother is calling me.

I have to go.


I can cure you even without Evie, but you can't do this.

I don't believe you.

Help me take down Ursula.

Help me set things right and the cure is yours.

The evil spirits told me same thing.

I set them free and I'm still sick.

Get her.

Snow White.

I'm afraid this is the end for you.


Where is Snow White?

We are tricked.

Snow White.

Are you alright?

It's too dark.

I can't see anything.

We have to use the darkness to our advantage.

She couldn't have gone too far.

Release the dogs.

Those dogs will find us pretty quickly.

We need to get to the mine.

I heard you are looking for a map.

How do you know about the map?

Is it possible that you are looking for the cure?

I've been sick for very long.

Nobody knows why.

The evil spirits told me they had the cure.

If Evie can cure you, then you don't need the map.

Then Find me a cure.

I'm so desperate I might just about do anything.

They must have told you where they were going.

I'm not going to tell you anything.

They couldn't have gone too far.

It's only a matter of time.

Lock him up.

Jay, are you alright?


We don't have much time to lose.

We need to find Snow White.


Evie. she's not here.

Where is she?

Prepare a small team.

What's Hans doing here?

I need to make sure Snow White can't come back and become a queen again.

Oh no.

Snow White's in trouble.

How did you know where we were?

I overheard what Hans said and I figured you might need my help.

So I followed him.

Great timing, Lonnie.

Hans has men in every path.

The river is the only way out.

I told them to go to the mine.

We have to find them before Hans.

Uma, where have you been?

We have a kingdom to take over.

I don't want to do this right now.

You are always sick.

I did all this for you.

The least you can do is show up.

Look what we have.

This is ours now.

So this is where Ben and Mal had their happily ever after.

That's right.

You hated Mal most.

Now you are a queen and she is no more.

They found us.

There she is.


Snow White.

Snow White.

Oh no.

You are bleeding.

You are not getting out of these woods alive.

I know you are still here.

We are not going to make it to the mine.

The river.

The river is the only way out.

Hello? Carlos?

Snow White?

Nobody's here.

They didn't get to the mine.

Where are they now?

The dogs are going to find us soon.

They will smell your blood.

It's river.

Where can we go?

We need to cross the river.

We need to lose our scent.

There you are.

Get them.

He found us.

Can you swim?

Get them.

Don't let them get away.

What should I call myself.

Queen Ursula just doesn't quite feel powerful enough.


Yes, mother.

What do you want to do?

First, send all of the good people to the Isle.

All of them?


All of them.

Auradon is now for evil people only.

No, you can't do that.


I can and I will.

I hope you suffer on the Isle just as I did.

You have to let us go.


I heard what you did to my sister, Evie.

You see nobody knows where you are.

You will have to disappear for me.

Let Carlos go.

He's got nothing to do with this.

He knows too much.

I can't let him go.


Make this easy for me.

Eat it.

Don't eat it.

You can join your sister, Evie.



Evie will wake up again and I will get my kingdom back.

There they are.

What's Hans doing?

I can take out two of his men.


There are too many of his men.

We have to do this in one shot.

I can do this.

Where are you taking me?

To my old castle.

I'm going to lock you up there forever.

You missed.

Search the area.

Find out who that is.

Snow White.

Snow White.

Are you alright?


You can't do this.

Why not?

My people can finally live like you.


What Ursula is about to do will bring nothing but chaos.


Promise me that my people will live better.

Promise me that us villains can have a happy ending too.

I promise.

And promise me that you will cure me.

You have my word.



There is no cure for her.

She doesn't have a true love.

That's not true.


Even though I was never there for you, I never stopped loving you.

Snow White?



Snow White.


You are my only sister.

How could I not love you?

For more infomation >> Evie is Saved by Snow White - Part 52 - Descendants in Avalor Disney - Duration: 10:57.


Halo Top Review - Chocolate Covered Banana! - Duration: 5:03.

Chocolate-covered bananas -- my review of the new Halo Top flavor, coming up. Hey

guys, welcome to A.D. Keto, your weekly dose of all things ketogenic diet. I am

Aaron. If this is your first time here, welcome! I've been doing a series of

videos centered around reviewing the newest Halo Top flavors. I've done three

so far. I'll put a card up above me maybe here? Maybe here? Here. It's a playlist of

the ones I've done so far, and today, we're doing chocolate-covered banana -- two

things I really love -- chocolate and banana. I've been catching a lot of heat

from my wife, because this thing has been sitting in the freezer, tempting her for

the last few days, and I've been like, "Please, let me just do a review of it first

before you dig in." She's like, "Fine." So again, these reviews are broken down into

three parts. Part one: texture. What's it feel like?

Is it easy to get out of the cup? Is it chalky? Is it frosty? Is it smooth? Second

part: taste. How's it taste based on my expectations?

This should taste like a chocolate-covered banana. And the third part is the carbs.

How does it hit the carbs? If the previous flavors are any indication, this

guy is gonna be a little bit heavier on carbs than the original flavors. So let's

get into it! Chocolate-covered banana. Again, maybe

they ran out of ideas? Starting to see the same labels here, Halo Top. It's okay.

It's okay. No bowls. No regrets. No bowls? No BOWL, no regrets. I do like it. It's a

nice touch. Uh-oh. There it is. It's looking like it

might be a little bit frosier than the other ones that I've had recently, but

first things first: let's scoop out a little bit of this and see. Yeah, I mean

it's pretty smooth. It's pretty smooth. It came out of there relatively well. I feel

like it's between frosty and smooth, which is fine. But

let's do the the taste test. Okay, it's mostly banana. Like, that was... that bite

was almost completely banana, even though I scooped from like, the brown part.

Brown part. BROWN PART. Unless that's like.. these bananas are

going bad? I'll try to get a little more chocolate here. Yeah, um...

Tastes like bananas. Not quite as sweet as the last few flavors I've done. I've

noticed the new flavors have been really, really sweet, pretty much across the

board. Like, shockingly sweet. Upon first... and again, this is a little less sweet. I

like it, but there's not a whole lot of chocolate coming through. It's kind of...

the banana is very overpowering, which I'm fine with. I really... I haven't had a

banana in eight, nine months, and I like bananas, so it's a welcome taste. As far

as the carbs go, let's take a look at the nutrition information here. 15 grams of

total carbs, three dietary fiber, five sugar alcohols. So that puts us at seven

grams of net carbs per serving, times four servings -- this is 28 grams of carbs

if you wanted to eat the entire pint. Totally doable for me on a normal day, if

I've have a good day, carb-wise, or if I may be doing intermittent fasting, and this

is among the first things I eat all day. I could eat this whole thing and still

be okay, still probably be in ketosis. I try to

keep my stuff, my carbs between 25 and 30, so this is this would be on the table,

literally, for me. Five grams of protein, 280 calories, 2.5 grams of fat. That 280

calories means 70 calories per serving, not 280 per serving. That would be...

holy crap. So there you have it. I'm pleasantly surprised with

chocolate-covered banana. I wish that more of the chocolate flavor came

through, but it's good. I like it. Let me know if you guys have had this

flavor yet. Where'd you get it? I haven't been able to find this anywhere

since the first day I happened upon it. I've been looking all over for the

rest of the new flavors haven't found any yet, bu... kind of scarce. So let me

know if you guys have had it. Let me know where you found it. Let me know if you

liked it, and let me know what your favorite flavor of Halo Top is in general. If

this is your first time here, please consider subscribing! It'll really help

me grow the channel, and that's gonna do it. I hope you have a fantastic day, and I

will see you next time.

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