Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 4 2017

OK Adam Meister you're back in the house and we actually just shot a video

for my channel people need to check out but I'm fascinated about Adam Meister

and we talked a little bit about business and business opportunities we

talked about with my company I'm looking for a Rainmaker I'm looking for a ray

kroc right I'm looking for somebody to get out there and take the foundation

that I built and scale it up and you seem to be a dynamic person and very

interested in getting out there and making things happen what do you say the

ocean motion yeah okay so let's talk about Adam the typical day for Adam what

what time do you get up in the morning well that can that can vary there it

depends if I have to run and how busy the day is gonna be but I can get up at

any time because I work for myself that I always keep in mind but I get up

around 8 a.m. some 30 a.m. something something like that okay and do you run

in the morning and what I will do I will not eat breakfast in the morning there

will be no meal that's very important I will drink I need juice no no juice I

actually only drink water I avoid anything that has sugar in it like that

that's concentrated because juices have a lot of sugar in it okay but yes so I

will wake up in the morning I will have a big glass of water brush my teeth

because you wouldn't you know get all the germs out of there and everything

and I will do a some workout type of stuff where I do mountain climbers are

called on the ground some push-ups I I've got a whole regiment I could

demonstrate it but we're not going to demonstrate it right now I should write

out all the little things I do so how many pusher actions do oh it's part of a

whole routine so there's only like 30 of them one you only four yeah again it's

part of its part well yeah there's a lot you usually I really I like to jump

start myself in the morning after I do this routine on the floor I'm really you

know you can do just about anything okay really awake you're really after that

routine then what do you what do you do right after that well I had checked I

obviously I had to check the computer out to see all the people that he

emailed me have to email people back I'm standing

well I set up a standing desk wherever I'm staying at so I don't I try to sit

down as little as possible during the day and after I and now it varies on how

long it takes me to catch up with everything on the computer but I'd like

to do it as fast as possible okay then on my on the days that I do run but I

run about four or five times a week okay that depends on a few things then I

will go running so I do run on an empty stomach that you can call it empty

stomach I probably haven't eaten since at you know between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.

the day before so it's been a while but it doesn't again that doesn't affect me

because I'm used to I fast basically 22 hours every single day okay between I

only have one meal a day so 22 hours 22 hours minimum okay between meals so I'll

go running and I'd like to run five miles six miles that's a good but

sometimes a little less I mean the goal is is to run 20 miles in a week that's

okay yeah but and not less than 20 miles I've been doing that now like you push

yourself how many miles could you run in one stretch oh my god

easily I could run 20 miles yeah and I you what I used to do was I would run 13

miles three times a week alright so I would run 40 miles a week I've run a

half marathon everyday every time I ran but that is not good on your legs I have

learned so you really don't get much from running beyond 20 miles you want to

keep it between 20 and 25 after 25 you starts it you can possibly

do damage to yourself okay alright so then you get back from your run and what

would you do next well then there'll be another stretching

and warm-up routine on the on the ground debt and definitely a debt point again

got a check on the computer and everything at this point you're gonna

stop before I eat I'm you know I'm thinking about eating on that I'm not

hungry but you want to have three big glasses of water as possible before you

finally eat so I'll get the water in overtime sometimes I'll just get all the

water in ripe or hand I actually I think but isn't it

don't you dilute your stomach acids if you put too much water in there just

before you eat there shouldn't you drink about a half an hour before so your body

has time you know I there's different opinions on that again I usually I'm

first way after you've run you do you got to get some water in you right then

and I never I'll tell you this after I have run I never eat takes me at least a

few hours you can exercise really suppresses the appetite pee a lot of

people don't realize that but it will actually make you less hungry oh yeah

definitely all right so you get back you have some

water yeah maybe you do some other things on the computer whatever then it

comes time to eat what what do you eat well first off I will also maximize my

time by I'll have something playing on YouTube that is Bitcoin related where

I'm just I'm gaining information during some yeah yeah video K you know maybe

I'll listen the tone BAE's or somebody like that and just because you're always

when you're working out you can pay attention and everything so finally when

it's when I've got my water in me when I'm stressed when it's 22 hours since

the last meal and usually by this point its way it's over 22 hours it could be

24 sometimes what will I have to eat finally well I definitely have I'm one

of those high fat low carb people no bread at all that that's something huge

that I have to tell the audience just doughnut I haven't had bread for years

now since there's one 2014 or something like that okay and so I will start a via

you know sorry I do eat animal there's nothing wrong with for me eating at

because they do have some good fat in them so I'll the first thing that I'll

eat won't be a vegetable it will be something with that on it maybe I'll

have a hard-boiled egg that'll be the first thing so I try to get some fat out

of the you know fat and protein in there and then I'll get into my spinach and I

will have at least one fruit a day some people are like really against fruits

I'm I think that takes it what would you you used to be I had a streak where I

had an apple every day for like ten years but I ended that streak because it

just became like way too habitual it made no sense

anymore like I was like I have to break the streak just to break the streak okay

but you know a banana and orange that there's certain days the days I do my

sprints my high intensity training sprints those days I had very I only

have a small orange then there's my least carb days and my most protein and

fat days so I mean I love to have salmon salmon is my I love now I'm hot O's

farm-raised no far miles wild people really say that the farmer a stuff is

bad but I'm gonna tell you something a farm-raised salmon is better than

drinking coca-cola all day and it probably depends on the farm I mean we

maintain than others yeah but I noticed Costco which they're pretty quality

conscious the salmon that they sell most of the time is the wild yeah Alaskan

salmon yeah because people demand that now but I'm saying there are farms in

New Zealand they're just as good as what wild salmon I mean there's some that

really take care of what they do what they feed the salmon but that's a whole

people can research themselves in Internet but I know I will have I'll

have lamb occasionally you know when I'm in an exotic location like Australia

have kangaroo or Hong Kong I had some frog I mean I will try some of the local

animals I have no problem I love duck is another thing it's a very fatty bird but

it's good fat again that is vilified in our society and it is the natural fat is

good you don't you don't know what buddy of mine that would love your you know

what you're saying about that he because we have the baits about it I'm actually

the opposite ie relatively high carb but I eat complex carbs yeah with a lot of

fiber yes but he he's saying the same thing you're saying that that he's

cutting out the carbs and going for the high protein and high fat

well again cutting the most important carbs the cut-out are the ones that do

not occur naturally in nature us yeah processed foods just don't have any

processed foods don't have any added sugar is so man-made sugar is so bad for

you it is so bad for you so I again so when you have an apple and apples got

fiber in it you're not the sugar it's different it's natural apple juice

though I mean you're hit with sugar all of a sudden okay so one of my staples

I'll run this by you real quick I make my own almond milk

I take almonds so they take dates and a little bit of vanilla flavoring and a

little bit of agave which that's sweetener which I probably shouldn't put

in there and I blend that and that's my milk right and I take out meal and I

take an apple and I'll slice it up real fine slices and I'll put it in the

oatmeal with the almond milk and a little bit of cinnamon actually a little

bit of um it's a it's for making an apple pie it's a it's a mix with

cinnamon and different other spices in it but a little bit of that in there too

in it it tastes like an apple pie when it's done when it's cooked all up that

that Apple makes it taste really good almost like an apple pie what do you

think about that yeah oh they the only thing I wouldn't cut

out of that is the oatmeal probably I wouldn't know when you don't eat oatmeal

no okay no meal but I love almonds I love almonds I I should create a list of

Adams Adams favorite foods but also avocado avocado is probably maybe my

favorite food out there that that's just so good and they say it really is good

for you and I do eat avocados I have them in my salad I buy the five pack at

Costco and so I eat a half an avocado a day usually under said so and then you

try to get eight hours of sleep afterwards that and that's hard to do

you try to get the rest yeah yeah and again and you can't go to sleep for at

least four hours until after all right so in all this mix how do you make money

in this mix nothing we've talked about so far is making you any money except

for the interaction on YouTube well the YouTube there so you get the you mana

Tate monetize your videos on YouTube but we know that they don't pay that much

let's be realistic here they don't pay that much I get I get a

check I get money in my bank account every month from from YouTube and it's

great it's like found money to me it's great so you get that money and you also

charge as a consultant yeah but that I can those

usually I mean I guess I just get Bitcoin and remember when I get paid in

Bitcoin I didn't hold it out I just hold so there's a lot of things that I you

know the consulting has been great but it's just it's been all in Bitcoin so

okay okay so how do I I have these these flights these when you travel overseas

it's not it's sitting on chief I have I have savings and you minimize you

minimize your I don't spend them anything else really but my travel

travel income coming in but I do have income coming in I do from YouTube yes

but that's probably not enough to pay for the plane flights isn't no that's no

but this from the savings their savings from you know I've I've owned real

estate in the past okay so and I've sold the real estate in the past so that's

yeah really and I'm in a way we don't get you know without getting into its

detail that's definitely set up in a way where so basically you really are

betting on the future of your Bitcoin holdings because if you're slowly but

surely using your savings to travel around and to do all this you're really

a Bitcoin evangelist let's face it you're very positive about Bitcoin and

so do any people that hold large amounts of Bitcoin do they throw you a Bitcoin

here and there because of everything you're doing for the community people I

have to say that people been very generous in terms of when I'm traveling

around the world they'll be like come stay here come stay at my place marry

and so I'll do that exactly I'll make a choice baby I know you keep your

expenses very low I know you do that I think you that man that owns that

airline still wants the money to get you but I get a cheap flight I mean I I put

myself from some torturous flights here in there well I'll tell you you you are

definitely going above and beyond as far as I can tell to really promote Bitcoin

and if I had a hat I'd take my hat off to you because I mean I wouldn't whittle

away at my savings to do that I wouldn't go that far I hope enough people are

giving you donations and helping you with that aspect of it because you are

helping whole community and I'm gonna give a

shout out right now to anybody that owns large amounts of Bitcoin early adopters

you know that have two thousand five thousand you know Bitcoin you know ten

thousand Bitcoin now if you're sitting on ten thousand Bitcoin send Adam 50

Bitcoin so that you can help continue to finance what you're doing because you're

helping their holdings you're out there they should hire you straight up they

should they should send you bitcoin anything else you want to say we're

gonna wrap this interview up again I really appreciate you coming out to the

studio here and anything you'd like I think people can live a healthy

lifestyle with a with a minimal income I really do I think just you know don't

get caught up in hyper consumerism don't feel the need to buy every gadget out

there and you'll people be surprised how far they can go on their savings you

know being thrifty we've lost that ability and I I think I've mastered it

well nothing wrong with that well again thanks for coming out thank you thank


For more infomation >> Adam Meister Interview by Craig Shipp- More than Bitcoin - Duration: 14:23.


Wrestling Tag Heat! Brian Kendrick & Paul London v Carlito & Santino Marella - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Wrestling Tag Heat! Brian Kendrick & Paul London v Carlito & Santino Marella - Duration: 6:31.


Mazda CX-5 2.0 TS+ Navigatie Parkeersensoren V+A - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 TS+ Navigatie Parkeersensoren V+A - Duration: 0:59.


Rally's® | Loaded Funnel Cake Fries Review! 🏁🍟 - Duration: 5:38.

hey guys it's Ian K for peep this out back again with another one for ya' cheaters

cam style going in late night over here at Rally's guys to check out something a

little on the sweet side being that you've already seen the title to this

review already let's go hit that drive through and set ourselves up good hey

doing tonight yeah peep this out let's go for an order

of those loaded funnel cake fries please you got it yes that's it thank you very

much now I have never really been a dessert person really but if there's

anything that holds a special place in my heart it's most definitely either a

donut or a funnel cake so to say I'm excited to try this right now is a

little bit of an understatement hey hey thank you

awesome have you tried these already really are they pretty good

I love funnel cake so they got to be good was it like that like the regular

one which is the mini nice awesome awesome cool thanks how did I miss the

mini version of this in the past terrible

cool thank you brother have a good one thanks you do

oh cool here I appreciate it thank you very much great to see you

buh-bye alright guys County Fair goodness late night here Rally's let's

peep this out

fast foodies know the deal here at checkers and Rally's and it looks like

for their latest sweet treat they are absolutely channeling your local fair

guys have a look at the loaded funnel cake fries and what looks to be lots of

chopped strawberries on top mixed in with a pretty sweet-looking sauce you've

also got plenty of whipped cream on top all of that is hiding the good stuff on

the very bottom that you guys can see peeking out guys the funnel cake fries

looking pretty nice and that's just by looking at those 2 right over there

guys we've got a decent amount of fries in here essentially funnel-cake batter

dropped into the fryer fried up nice and golden and then it's topped with

powdered sugar before all this other good stuff is layered on top to make it

the loaded variety here but not a bad deal for the price and I do have to say

the smell is very reminiscent of a regular funnel cake that you would get

at a State Fair so we can check off all the boxes of what a classic funnel cake

should have on it guys aside from the powdered sugar pretty decent amount of

whipped cream and lots of chopped strawberries on top and I got to say

it's a sweet look to go with the sweet aroma this is the loaded funnel cake

fries here at rallies let's peep out this flavor a pretty decent amount of

heft in this box but I do have to say a lot of it is coming from the

strawberries bunched up in the middle here but man that smell is incredible

Wow guys that is really replicating the classic funnel cake smell that you would

get in a State Fair let me grab one of these fries actually here along with a

little bit of the strawberry and the cream and we'll give it a shot it's the

loaded funnel cake fries here at Rally's

mmm absolutely the light crunchy and the chewiness of that funnel cake batter is

on point this is ridiculously good guys and I do have to say the size is not bad

these are actually pretty hefty little fries pretty nice so far pretty nice

indeed looks like I've got about 10 to 12 of these funnel cake fries on my

order and the flavor is spot-on that crispness is holding on the outside and

they're nice and dense in the middle and I do have to say the overall flavor even

though the powdered sugar is on there is really really well done the flavor of

this funnel cake batter is really popping pretty nicely there's really no

easy way to show you one of these up close aside from what you just saw

guys because of all the stuff that this is coated with here it's pretty much lit

up nicely with all the cream that's kind of soaked into it as well as the

strawberry but rest assured the flavor is there that's where it counts and I

would highly recommend you give this a shot this is pretty awesome

all right guys let's peep this out one more time up close I really want you to

see the inside of and I think I got the focus set there we go we've got the

crispness on the outside you can see the denseness on the inside is a pretty

thick fry so you'd think with only 10 or 12 of these it's not gonna be that great

guys it is a mouthful because there's a lot of dense funnel cake goodness in

there and I think even on their own these would be pretty awesome because

the flavor comes through even though it's coated with all the cream and that

strawberry that's on here but man very very tasty and definitely a treat after

hours for sure you know I might have to bring an order of these home for the

wifey because I highly doubt these are gonna make it home but guys what do you

think what do you guys think of the overall look of these funnel cake fries

over here at Rally's do you think it looks appetizing because I can tell you

it absolutely tastes incredible and it really replicates the feeling of having

a funnel cake out of State Fair and that's no small feat in my opinion

especially from a fast food restaurant but what do you guys think drop those

comments down below and definitely let me know and as for my overall rating I'm

gonna have to give the loaded follow cake fries here at Rally's a rock-solid

9 out of 10 the flavor is definitely spot-on so all you funnel cake heads out

there should definitely rejoice because this really does taste like a pretty

authentic funnel cake but my only recommendation would be to scale back a

little bit on the strawberries and maybe throw a few more of those funnel cake

fries in there just to kind of pack it up a little bit more but other than that

this is pretty tasty highly recommended and those are my thoughts on this one as

we close out another episode of peep this out guys and like I always say I've

got brand new content every single week here on my channel so while you stay

tuned for that next review coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty man

good stuff and you know what the average price of a fellow cake being about $6.00

or $7.00 to begin with what you're getting for about $2.49 or so is

not a bad deal especially if you're looking to get that funnel cake itch

satisfied now you've got an avenue to do so over here at Rally's for a limited

time only and hey guys you don't have to pay general admission to get in just to

get it and that's always a plus alright guys until next time I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Rally's® | Loaded Funnel Cake Fries Review! 🏁🍟 - Duration: 5:38.


تعديل السلوك ◆ لاتكن جاهل ◆ تحفيز النجاح محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور طارق السويدان - Duration: 23:08.

For more infomation >> تعديل السلوك ◆ لاتكن جاهل ◆ تحفيز النجاح محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور طارق السويدان - Duration: 23:08.


Husband In Viral Video Receives Kidney Transplant - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Husband In Viral Video Receives Kidney Transplant - Duration: 2:35.


'안녕하세요' 이태임, 욕설사건 성격도 바꿔놔 | K-Couple - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> '안녕하세요' 이태임, 욕설사건 성격도 바꿔놔 | K-Couple - Duration: 7:36.


[日字幕] SGTReport:メディアと警察当局がベガス事件でウソをついている証拠 - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> [日字幕] SGTReport:メディアと警察当局がベガス事件でウソをついている証拠 - Duration: 7:39.


【オリックス】吉田凌、3回途中6失点ホロ苦デビュー…D小笠原と二枚看板で甲子園V - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> 【オリックス】吉田凌、3回途中6失点ホロ苦デビュー…D小笠原と二枚看板で甲子園V - Duration: 2:39.


What Lies Beyond - "The Avarice Snare" - Duration: 16:53.

Since the Dawn of man

we have been discontent with what know,

fascinated by what we suspect,

Inspired and what we believe,

and Terrified


What Lies Beyond.

Hey hun, you wanna watch some TV?

I don't know. What's on?

I dunno. I'll bet Andy Griffith's on.

The one where he's a sheriff?

Well, either that or the one where he's a lawyer.

One of them's bound to be on.

Well, I was thinking I might take a nap.

[Doorbell rings]

I'll get it.

no no no no I can get it.

I don't mind.

I don't mind either.

I'll get.

[Distant voice] Sign right there, sir.

Thank you. Have a nice day.

What is it?

How the heck would I know I ain't opened it yet.

Now Herbert, watch your language.

There's a note in here.

Dear Paw Paw. As you know your grandson Freddie,

Recently lost his battle with cancer.

Ain't that the craziest thing? Two tours of duty in the Middle East not a scratch!

Comes home and cancer gets him. That ain't right!

That's Clara's boy, isn't it? Yeah.

I always liked her. Me too.

Now let's see. Ahhh..

He picked this up in Baghdad during his second tour of duty.

He said he had fond memories of his Paw Paw

Reading him arabian nights stories when he was a kid,

and he wanted you to have it.

The suspense is killing me. What is it?

It's beautiful!

It's a fine looking lamp. Ain't no doubt. A little nasty maybe.


You don't suppose...

haha Oh honey, come on!

Well, it's from the Middle East!

Well, it wouldn't hurt to try.

I suppose the only real dangerous to our self-respect

Okay, you wanna do the honors?

It ain't going to do anything!


what if it did?

Do you have any idea what we would wish for?


But I see. We wouldn't want to fall into any of those traps, would we?

Exactly. Tell you what..

I won't even say the "W" word.

Better yet, why don't we wait until we have a plan.

No no no no. I can't. I've gotta know all

All right, but please be careful.

I've heard stories about these Genies, and not many of them have happy endings.

[rattling sounds]

[Rumbling Humming]

What's the problem am I not what you expected?

You know there is time limit.

A time limit? For what?

For making your wishes?

How long do we have?

That never came up before. [laughs]

But I have better thing to do just stand here and be drooled at..

so get on with it, Grandma I

I wish you would just... Honey no! No wishes!!!

[Genie laughs]

That almost never happens, but when it does, it's a thing of beauty!

[Genie laughs]

Look at your faces!

[Genie laughs]

If I had a camera, I'd take a picture

[Genie laughs]

Don't you wish you had a camera?

Don't answer that!

She's so rude!

Now calm down Lydia.

She's just trying to rattle you. Get you to make a mistake.

I knew these Genies were tricky, but somehow, I don't feel prepared.

Wait, I got it! I know what I want!

Whisper it in my ear.

I wish our Grandson was alive again!

Awwwww, that is so sweet.

but no.

I think right now, we need to go over the rules.

Rule one. I will not kill anybody for you or bring anybody back to life.

Rule number two. You can't wish for more wishes.

You only get three.

There are hundreds more, but there's no need to go into that.

Now, where were we?

I was about to ask if we could have some time to talk it over.

This is a huge decision!

Three huge decisions.

..and we don't wanna make 'em lately.

Okay, how about we meet back here in 24 hours?

No tricks?

hmm. No tricks.

We've got a lot to talk over

I think that's it.

I think you've seen everything we have here.

We can certainly check the other branches,

or we could check with Atlanta to see what they could send up.

I don't think so, but thank you anyway, really. You've been a big help.

Give us think we're out of our minds. I mean - researching genies?

[poof] ..and whadda ya mean by that?

Mind your own business!

Excsue me!?

I'm sorry, not you only you.

Only you and Lydia can see and hear me.

I don't think you're crazy...

In fact I know I had three people come in in one day's time...

Just to check on.... Pookas

Well, are you ready?

We've made our distinction.

Would you please blink us home?

Blink you?

[Genie laughs]

You wanna take a ride on my magic carpet, too?

[Genie laughs]

You've been watching too much TV


In every case the wishes went terribly wrong.

Usually, the last wish with something to put things back the way they were.

Half my brain tells me. It doesn't have to be that way.

All we have to do is avoid being greedy.

And the other half?

Ah, The other half reminds me that every myth, or legend..

has a grain of truth to it.


[Genie laughs]

I would think you'd be Beyond that debate by now.

[Genie laughs]

Okay, your time is up. What are your three wishes?

We've done a lot of research


and a lot of soul-searching..

Umm hmmm

..and we decided..


We're going to avoid the pitfalls of greed and avarice, and keep it small.

We will make only one wish.

..and that one wish is...

One wish?

Are you sure?

Just one wish?

If you make a mistake, you can't straighten it out with another.

This wish is straightforward. It's simple. It's foolproof!

It's genius!

Even if I do say so myself.

Lay it on me!

We wish....

Good heavens people, get on with it!

We wish to be happy.

You wish to be happy?

Yes, we wish to be happy for the rest of our lives.

I don't mean for an afternoon or anything.

I figured that.

Are you sure?

Of course. Don't you see it's perfect. The intended outcome of every wish is happiness.

The wish is just a stepping stone to get to that outcome

And if you've ever crossed the stream using stepping stones

you know that they can be slippery and treacherous.

You can slip or fall.

So we're simply skipping the stepping stones.

We wish be on the other side of the stream.

Well, I must say it is unique..

but there's one thing you have failed to take into a account.

And what might that be?

There are always stepping stones.

There's no way around it.

And you've left it up to me to decide how large,

how flat,

and how slippery they might be.

So be it!

The outcome has to result in our being happy!

We can't lose!

So be it.

You shall be happy!

[Genie laughs}

[Genie laughs}

[Genie laughs demonically}

That's a beautiful arrangement.

I need a few more flowers.

Look! over there!

For you my dear.

Dr.. Chumley

Have a flower

It'll make your day.

Of course Mrs. Higgens. Thank you very much.

My day feels brighter already.

Come along dear. It's time for our afternoon meds.

I hope they have those pink ones again.

I'm sure they will, dear.

So what's their story?

One day they were as normal as you and I the next day..

They were exactly as you saw them there. Barely in touch with reality at all.

I've wrestled with reality for 57 years doctor,

and I'm happy to state. I finally won out over it


Anyway, they seem to be doing just fine without it.

They're two of the happiest individuals. I've ever met.


[Indistinguishable Conversation]

[Indistinguishable Conversation]

It's getting late Jack. We should start marking this stuff down.

How could two people accumulate so much junk anyways?

My parents live long interesting lives... It acccumulates.

We'll have our own box of priceless junk some day.

Oh boy.

Hello, Ladies

How much for that?

Ummmm Three dollars?

How about this? Oh, that's a very nice item.

But we're getting ready to close soon, so how about five bucks?


How about this?

20 bucks gets you the whole box.




18 - 5

16 - 5


Throw in that gaudy bottle and you got yourself a deal.


Thank you very much, and there you are.

Well thank goodness we got rid of that junk.

Good Riddance.

Think this lamp thing is kind of interesting.

Kind of nasty.

It can be cleaned.

If you say so.

[Genie laughs]

[Genie laughs]

[Genie laughs demoniacally]


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Rally's® | Loaded Funnel Cake Fries Review! 🏁🍟 - Duration: 5:38.

hey guys it's Ian K for peep this out back again with another one for ya' cheaters

cam style going in late night over here at Rally's guys to check out something a

little on the sweet side being that you've already seen the title to this

review already let's go hit that drive through and set ourselves up good hey

doing tonight yeah peep this out let's go for an order

of those loaded funnel cake fries please you got it yes that's it thank you very

much now I have never really been a dessert person really but if there's

anything that holds a special place in my heart it's most definitely either a

donut or a funnel cake so to say I'm excited to try this right now is a

little bit of an understatement hey hey thank you

awesome have you tried these already really are they pretty good

I love funnel cake so they got to be good was it like that like the regular

one which is the mini nice awesome awesome cool thanks how did I miss the

mini version of this in the past terrible

cool thank you brother have a good one thanks you do

oh cool here I appreciate it thank you very much great to see you

buh-bye alright guys County Fair goodness late night here Rally's let's

peep this out

fast foodies know the deal here at checkers and Rally's and it looks like

for their latest sweet treat they are absolutely channeling your local fair

guys have a look at the loaded funnel cake fries and what looks to be lots of

chopped strawberries on top mixed in with a pretty sweet-looking sauce you've

also got plenty of whipped cream on top all of that is hiding the good stuff on

the very bottom that you guys can see peeking out guys the funnel cake fries

looking pretty nice and that's just by looking at those 2 right over there

guys we've got a decent amount of fries in here essentially funnel-cake batter

dropped into the fryer fried up nice and golden and then it's topped with

powdered sugar before all this other good stuff is layered on top to make it

the loaded variety here but not a bad deal for the price and I do have to say

the smell is very reminiscent of a regular funnel cake that you would get

at a State Fair so we can check off all the boxes of what a classic funnel cake

should have on it guys aside from the powdered sugar pretty decent amount of

whipped cream and lots of chopped strawberries on top and I got to say

it's a sweet look to go with the sweet aroma this is the loaded funnel cake

fries here at rallies let's peep out this flavor a pretty decent amount of

heft in this box but I do have to say a lot of it is coming from the

strawberries bunched up in the middle here but man that smell is incredible

Wow guys that is really replicating the classic funnel cake smell that you would

get in a State Fair let me grab one of these fries actually here along with a

little bit of the strawberry and the cream and we'll give it a shot it's the

loaded funnel cake fries here at Rally's

mmm absolutely the light crunchy and the chewiness of that funnel cake batter is

on point this is ridiculously good guys and I do have to say the size is not bad

these are actually pretty hefty little fries pretty nice so far pretty nice

indeed looks like I've got about 10 to 12 of these funnel cake fries on my

order and the flavor is spot-on that crispness is holding on the outside and

they're nice and dense in the middle and I do have to say the overall flavor even

though the powdered sugar is on there is really really well done the flavor of

this funnel cake batter is really popping pretty nicely there's really no

easy way to show you one of these up close aside from what you just saw

guys because of all the stuff that this is coated with here it's pretty much lit

up nicely with all the cream that's kind of soaked into it as well as the

strawberry but rest assured the flavor is there that's where it counts and I

would highly recommend you give this a shot this is pretty awesome

all right guys let's peep this out one more time up close I really want you to

see the inside of and I think I got the focus set there we go we've got the

crispness on the outside you can see the denseness on the inside is a pretty

thick fry so you'd think with only 10 or 12 of these it's not gonna be that great

guys it is a mouthful because there's a lot of dense funnel cake goodness in

there and I think even on their own these would be pretty awesome because

the flavor comes through even though it's coated with all the cream and that

strawberry that's on here but man very very tasty and definitely a treat after

hours for sure you know I might have to bring an order of these home for the

wifey because I highly doubt these are gonna make it home but guys what do you

think what do you guys think of the overall look of these funnel cake fries

over here at Rally's do you think it looks appetizing because I can tell you

it absolutely tastes incredible and it really replicates the feeling of having

a funnel cake out of State Fair and that's no small feat in my opinion

especially from a fast food restaurant but what do you guys think drop those

comments down below and definitely let me know and as for my overall rating I'm

gonna have to give the loaded follow cake fries here at Rally's a rock-solid

9 out of 10 the flavor is definitely spot-on so all you funnel cake heads out

there should definitely rejoice because this really does taste like a pretty

authentic funnel cake but my only recommendation would be to scale back a

little bit on the strawberries and maybe throw a few more of those funnel cake

fries in there just to kind of pack it up a little bit more but other than that

this is pretty tasty highly recommended and those are my thoughts on this one as

we close out another episode of peep this out guys and like I always say I've

got brand new content every single week here on my channel so while you stay

tuned for that next review coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty man

good stuff and you know what the average price of a fellow cake being about $6.00

or $7.00 to begin with what you're getting for about $2.49 or so is

not a bad deal especially if you're looking to get that funnel cake itch

satisfied now you've got an avenue to do so over here at Rally's for a limited

time only and hey guys you don't have to pay general admission to get in just to

get it and that's always a plus alright guys until next time I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Rally's® | Loaded Funnel Cake Fries Review! 🏁🍟 - Duration: 5:38.


For more infomation >> Rally's® | Loaded Funnel Cake Fries Review! 🏁🍟 - Duration: 5:38.


Teen Patti Octro | क्या आपके तीन पत्ती के चिप्स चोरी हो जाते हैं तो ध्यान रखें ये बातें - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Teen Patti Octro | क्या आपके तीन पत्ती के चिप्स चोरी हो जाते हैं तो ध्यान रखें ये बातें - Duration: 2:14.


For more infomation >> Teen Patti Octro | क्या आपके तीन पत्ती के चिप्स चोरी हो जाते हैं तो ध्यान रखें ये बातें - Duration: 2:14.


New: Osmo MindRacers

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BMW X6 xDrive30dA High Executive Model M Sport | Innovation Pack | 20 inch | Comfort Access | El. W - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> BMW X6 xDrive30dA High Executive Model M Sport | Innovation Pack | 20 inch | Comfort Access | El. W - Duration: 1:02.



hi guys it's Keila I am back with another mukbang today we are having a

queen stop I know I know do I ever get tired

of it I don't think so I am a little bit sick I'm getting over

sickness it happened literally as soon as I landed from our cruise so

thankfully it didn't happen while I was on my cruise but it's been like over a

week since I saw you guys and talk to you guys so I'm gonna stop blabbering

and get right into this eating as always if you like eating shows I want me to

make more of them please please please comment below what you want me to eat as

well as a thumbs up this video so I know to make more I'm gonna go ahead and do a

thumbnail and then we'll go ahead and get started okay so I'm gonna go ahead

and take a bite of this yes you already know garlic parmesan hot original hot I

don't break away is who it is sorry hmm oh my gosh I had mom stop in

forever like I was saying before I was gonna go to Buffalo Wild Wings park

there everything but pricing wise to get five piece wing

it was gonna cross eight bucks to get ten piece um

Wayne stop it costs me like nine bucks so I'll have to go to wing stop bird

Buffalo Wild Wings when there's like some kind of deal going on I heard they

got rid of the half off wings which I'm super bummed I never even got to take

advantage of it that's alright also before I talk about my cruise I wanted

to let you guys know I my next mukbang I will be doing a Q&A so if you have any

questions that you want me to answer leave me comments in the comment section

I usually answer them as soon as I see them but I'll hold off on answering them

so I can do it in a video and here we have the original hot please don't mind

my nails actually um I always do my nails Sunday night and I always realized

man every time I film my videos I never have nail polish on so I like hurry up

and put some gel blush on mmm my crews so nice you know usually on vacations

like you're forced to like do a whole bunch of things you're always on the go

go go but for um cruises this is my first cruise it forces you to like

literally just relax I laid out

it was a short cruise almost only a four-day cruise I think and we stopped

at Catalina actually went to how to leaned up for my last birthday and then

we stopped for a day in Mexico and we were only there for the day it's not

like we got to like see the nightlife or really go to dinner anything we had to

be back on the boat by 5 o'clock and then we docked back to California but I

think six or seven mmm

have you guys ever been on a cruise I'm literally already planning my next

cruise with my best friends from middle school actually I also have some diet

dr. pepper and I loved I'd have to pepper even like it's because my dad

used to drink it so it was just always in the house my sister actually got this

for me Thank You Chelsea she knows that I don't buy diet cokes or diet drinks

often so she forced me to get it and you know it's fitting I'll drink it

for the mukbang oh my gosh it reminds me of childhood but I miss you guys so much

honestly I was trying to get my um pre-filmed videos out there but

everything just happened so fast I had to pack who's the whole thing but I hope

you missed me as much as I missed you

awesome I did gain weight I met Chris only four pounds which honestly it's

been coming off I think I only have like a pound from the original weight to lose

to be back down before my cruise weight and it was worth every single bite

every single fry cuz I definitely did have some fries I had my fair share of

fries I'm gonna get another garlic parmesan like don't let these to fall


but yes um I plan on having a like what I eat in a day crew style so hopefully I

can get that video up if it's not already up now hmm but yes I definitely

want to do a cruise again I'm not sure where um some of my friends were saying

Canada I need to know they had cruises like to Canada so my eye opening and

then someone I work with they went to a cruise to Alaska which I would have

never thought of it's funny someone actually complained about me talking

while eating and that's like one of the things that I am kind of self-conscious

of but not really because I'm like it's a mukbang

hmm I missed you guys though also I want to say thank you we reached 6000

subscribers I can't like I didn't post anything at all on YouTube and yet

people still found me from all my other videos so if you found me from one of my

other videos thank you so much for subscribing even though you didn't see

any current content mm-hmm wings are like babe honestly I guess since my

cruise I got a lot of veggies I am trying to lose some elby's actually have

to thumb oh gosh aha after this and then after

that I'm going to milk prep because I cannot get God I talk about this all the

time I don't know proud god only knows what I'll be eating mmm no these are

extra messy today

I love to fake dipping my buffalo wings and some of the like parmesan

another garlic for our mousse um I feel like Wingstop to Buffalo Wild Wings both

have their cons I will say with Buffalo Wild Wings you can ask for all drums and

not get charged extra with would you stop I think they charge you a buck per

10 so like potentially if you have a 30 piece you have to pay three extra

dollars for all week all drums I guess I get it

more chicken more money right have to burp but I'm really trying not to I

don't know why excuse me it's been a while since I filmed these videos I'm

just I don't know so bad

oh I'm super excited I didn't even tell you that I'm actually going to see Naz

this week you nasim Lauryn Hill like what like our freedom love living life I

feel like I'm at a place in my life where like after just so much Ethel

just try to better myself then you also forget that you still kind of have to

live life you know - ma'am so for me going to concerts and things

like that that just reminds me how blessed I am to like be able to live my

life here in Los Angeles be able to go on vacation and like knowing that my

family's been able to go on a cruise yet not having money or anything no just

just as soon as a priority

yeah but I'm getting over being sick sucks it's funny because um the people I

went on the cruise with they also got sick as soon as they got we got off the

plane I feel like it's like kind of expected to get sick you're surrounded

by so many new people from everywhere there were so many international people

on the cruise um all the people that worked there there were a lot of

international people there and so you just don't know who's gonna get you sick

but yesterday that was horrible like horrible today at least I don't cough um

like 24/7 and I don't I'm not sneezing a lot I just have kind of like a nasally

voice right now I need to take medicine I just don't like taking medicine so

I've been holding off for as long as possible I'm just taking that quo just

so I can knock out at night but that's all the medicine things you like taking

okay you want a taste of that right there

mmm these wings I said I was gonna save some for later

but I only have two left so I might as well just finish him finish him on here

it's so crazy to me that there's so many people that actually don't have a

leading stop everywhere I was at except Florida no Florida they had a wing stop

Jarett go ahead and take a piece of that

normally I thought my mouth balance before I fell my other videos and I was

so hungry I was like other videos food wait I need some wings and um and this

will probably carry me out for the rest of the day which is perfect because now

I don't have to think about eating anymore it's so weird every time I edit

myself I'm like why do I turn this way and then like drink like awkward you

learn a lot about yourself when you're editing yourself eating okay my little

quirks and stuff that you guys seem to like but what I will say on the cruise

along with a great group of people that we're very active so we actually went to

the gym like twice and we're only there for four days on one day I think I had

stepped almost 19,000 steps which is like double what I usually step in a day

if I was just working at my job so it was a lot of give-and-take

on the cruise like fitness wives which is why I think um the weight that I did

gain was just like water retention because a lot of their food did have a

lot of salt and I was eating a lot more carbs than I normally do so that that

salt just kind of like stuck on to me and I was ringing a crap ton of water so

I know just bloated me up but I'm happy each day I've been losing between oops

excuse me each day I've been losing between a pound and a pound and a half

so yeah and I am honestly too full for this last one I probably will finish

this in like 30 minutes but thank you guys so much for watching

and thank you for getting me to 6000 like I don't even feel like I'm worthy

of this because I haven't posted anything this week but I am so

appreciative and I hope to continue making videos for you as always if you

like these types of videos and want me to make more let me know in the comments

down below as well as give me a thumbs up and while you're at it so you don't

miss my face hit that Bell so you don't miss anything for me

and I'll see you guys in the next one there's definitely something my teeth

hopefully you can't see it buh bye oh my gosh I've missed doing

that it's literally been like a week since I've done that bye


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