Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 5 2017

15 Thought an Introvert Has at a Party

You look at your calendar and you see a red and green glitter bomb of social obligation

has exploded all over your calendar.

You love your family, friends, and co-workers, but you're an introvert so all that socializing

sounds exhausting.

Frequent partying isn't something you do.

But the holidays only happen once a year, so you'll rock around the Christmas tree


So, here are the thoughts that most introverts have at parties:

Number 1.

Do I have to go?

Saying yes to the party seemed like a good idea when your friend, co-worker, or family

member asked you to go.

But that was two weeks ago when today seemed like an impossible blip in the not-so-distant


You're scolding Past You for getting you into this mess, but if you don't go, you're

afraid you'll disappoint everyone.

Do you feel a headache coming on?

And that might have been a cough.

Looks like you're too sick to go!

Number 2.

I'll only go for a little while.

Yes, that's it.

The perfect compromise.

Why didn't you think of that earlier?

You don't look antisocial but later you can come home and put on your comfy pants

and do nothing.

Number 3.

I'll arrive late.

You don't want to be the first or second person there.

You don't even want to be there at all.

But if you're going, you're at least not getting stuck making awkward small talk with

the host or people you barely know.

There's no escaping draining chit chat when there are only three people in the room.

Number 4.

I'm here, now what?

You arrived fashionably late but already the party is an extroverted mob drunk on the thrill

of socializing.

It's loud because there are so many people here.

You can't hear what anyone is saying.

(If you're a highly sensitive introvert, the noise and activity level alone sap your

energy and make you feel irritated or overwhelmed.)

You feel self-conscious and wonder if everyone notices your awkwardness.

Number 5.

I'll find the host.


Someone you know.

Besides, you forced yourself to come when you could have spent the night at home doing

introvert-y things.

Things that actually recharge you, not drain you, like watching Netflix, reading, or gaming.

You need to get credit for enduring this energy-sucking misery.

Number 6.

Great, the host is gone, now what?

Well, she's a social butterfly and she already moved on to the next guest.

Number 7.

I'll make a plate of food.


You're at least doing something then, even if it's just eating.

Participation points.

Number 8.

I suppose I should talk to someone.

You ate your food, but now, with nothing else to put in your mouth to prevent you from talking,

you feel awkward.

How about talking to that guy over there?

You did that thing together once and it wasn't awful.

Okay, here you go.

Approach slowly.

What's your opening line?


Number 9.

So then this happens:

small talk!

Number 10.

How do I end this conversation without seeming rude?

You're done.

You literally can't pretend to care any more about his weekend bro trip to Las Vegas

or make any more small talk.

The conversation has become a black hole of fake chit chat that is destroying any possibility

of intelligible communication or authentic interaction.

You want to change the topic of conversation but the small talk has unleashed its brain-melting

poison of meaninglessness and it's impossible to think of anything real to say.

A drink.

You need another drink.

You excuse yourself and walk away.

Number 11.

The cat!

The cat is your new best friend.

The cat has found the only calm corner of this audacious hellhole of human interaction.

The cat will not bore you with small talk.

When you and the cat dreamily lock eyes, you feel a sacred camaraderie pass between your

souls, as if you and your spirit guide are walking hand-in-paw on a plane of quiet infinity.

Number 12.

Weird, I'm actually having fun!

When another harried introvert came to pet the cat, the two of you exchanged silent glances

of understanding and struck up a conversation.

The small talk was minimal and there was actually time and space in the conversation to develop

your thoughts.

Your conversation was interesting and thoughtful, and you feel like you're a little bit better

of a person for having met Introvert Party Guest.

Surprisingly, as you rejoin the party, you feel energized.

Number 13.

Here comes that person.

She is Unaware Extrovert.

She won't stop talking.

Every inconsequential thought that crosses her mind, she says.

She doesn't listen to you, she's just thinking about what she'll say next.

Unaware Extrovert will drain your energy reserves completely.

You slip away to the bathroom just in time and stare in the mirror for a few minutes,

enjoying the quiet.

Number 14.

I'm exhausted.

Can I leave yet?

After emerging from the bathroom and surviving one more round of small talk, you feel foggy

and out-of-it.

You're so worn out from socializing that you actually feel physically tired.

This means your social "battery" is dangerously close to empty and you need downtime now to


It's time to escape!

Number 15.


Alone in your bedroom, you finally relax.

It's not that you disliked the people at the party, it's that you feel more free

when you're on your own.

Well, that's the 15 thought an introvert has at a party.

Really cool information isn't it.

Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 15 Thought an Introvert Has at a Party - Duration: 6:22.


2017 World Championship Group Stage Tease - Duration: 3:19.

Playing in Wuhan, I know there will be a lot of local fans coming to support me

and this will motivate me to play better,

and I want to be the pride of Wuhan players.

From the start when I first went to Worlds

until now,

it's been a total of 4 times.

I've finished second place twice,

and every time, I was just short by a little,

so I just feel

I could win the championship

but I was always just a bit short each time.

I feel like Pray and I have always contributed to SKT's Worlds achievements

since we have always lost to them.

All this while, I have failed.

So I have to grit my teeth.

Not just myself but I will make my entire team grit their teeth

and with all our might, we will try to win this year.

Being a legend in esports means having your name remembered.

If you do incredibly well,

continue to perform at that level,

and maintain that form,

later your name will be remembered.

I want to become that type of player.

People say one can become a legend by beating me.

I don't think that's what it is.

While I did take down Ambition during my debut,

I was also able to maintain the #1 spot for a long time now.

That is the reason why people have regarded me a legend.

So in order to become a legend,

you have to take down someone like me, many times.

A legend at Worlds means that

one is able to achieve something that others can't.

That's what a legend is.

For more infomation >> 2017 World Championship Group Stage Tease - Duration: 3:19.


How To Prune Roses.// गुलाब की कटाई कब करें। - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> How To Prune Roses.// गुलाब की कटाई कब करें। - Duration: 6:18.


She broke my heart-meme - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> She broke my heart-meme - Duration: 1:15.


Bên Nhau Thật Khó (Single) - Châu Khải Phong, Khang Việt [New Version] - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> Bên Nhau Thật Khó (Single) - Châu Khải Phong, Khang Việt [New Version] - Duration: 7:28.


FDA To Concord Bakery: 'Love' Is Not A Real Ingredient - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> FDA To Concord Bakery: 'Love' Is Not A Real Ingredient - Duration: 2:13.


Hard to have Natural Childbirth in BRASIL自然分娩で産むの大変!医者探し編(PARTE2)[Vlog#20] - Duration: 8:18.

I went to get a vaccination for my son.

In Brazil there're lots of health center

but it often gets lack of them

so it can be difficult to be vaccinated sometimes.

"Handwritten numbered ticket"

Hey, what's up? It's Harumi.

In the previous video..

Well today I'll continue

talking about having babies in Brazil.


In the previous video

I briefly talked about

the process how it goes

after you find out that you're pregnant.

I stopped the video where I was talking

that it's hard to find a doctor if you wish to have a baby with natural childbirth.


Here there aren't many doctors

who can accompany with natural childbirth.

It relates with..

the salary that the doctor gets..

or something like that.

Within the doctors or clinics

that your insurance covers

your option is very limited.

Like finding a doctor that can accept natural childbirth and stuff..

It's very difficult.

Moreover in a small city like Cabo Frio

it gets even harder.

Actually I can say that it's almost impossible

in those days..

Even if it's not a natural childbirth

but in the case of cesarean section

finding a good doctor that you like

a lot of people go to a bigger city

like Rio de Janeiro driving for 2~3 hours

from here just to see a doctor.

It's quite common looking for a doctor

like this.

We want to have a baby in a bigger better hospital

which has good facilities...

so for example even having check-ups in your city

in the period of pregnancy

when it gets closer to the due date

you have an option to go to another city,

which has your favorite hospital

to give birth.

It's not a rare situation at all.

So I'll go back to the subject where I was talking about doctors.


In the beginning of my pregnancy

I think I told the doctor

that I wish to do natural childbirth.

The doctor in my first pregnancy

responded "Yes",

that there is no problem having natural childbirth

in the beginning but later,

which I actually had seen information in the internet

that in Brazil it's common for doctors

accepting natural childbirth at first then

towards the end he begins to make up whatever stories

in order to try to make it to go cesarean section.

Do you know what I mean?

It WAS really like that in my case, too.

My doctor was saying that normal childbirth

is better and so on till the last moment

so I was like "wow he's good.

I'm lucky."

But then at the end he started saying things like this

"You don't have...

a face that can stand against the pain."

"You can't afford the pain, can you?"

That's what he said.

I was like.."what!?"

He suggested me cesarean section because it's better.

And looking at the result of blood test or something

in spite of nothing seemed to be bad

he focused on a tiny little thing

which wasn't even a problem

saying whatever that I couldn't even understand

that in your case when the baby passes the birth canal

it may bleed too much.

It can be dangerous so

I need proper examination or something

otherwise can't do natural childbirth.

It's dangerous.

He lined up a lot of things

that I could be nervous

to try to change my mind..

So it was really like that.

So at the end

the check up that I went in the last month

was the last time when I saw the doctor

and then I waited for labor starts

then I went to the public hospital to give birth.

So whoever the doctor who is there

the time when you go there would accompany you.

That's one of the ways to have natural childbirth

here in Brazil.

You just can't choose a doctor.

He won't be the one that was seeing you

in your pregnancy.

That's the reality here

if you want to go with natural childbirth.

So towards the end of the pregnancy,

which I mentioned in the previous video as well,

the number of check ups normally increases

but in my case

the last one month I didn't go to a doctor at all.

I was just waiting for labor starts.

And when labor starts you go to hospital directly.

That's how it works.


One more thing

that I think I didn't mention before

that the check ups here

well though it can be different depending on the doctors

but in my case the both first and the second time

it didn't have internal examination at all.

In my pregnancy

In my pregnancy for the second baby

I actually asked the doctor

if there was no internal examination.

When it was getting close to the due date

because I wanted to have natural childbirth

I wanted to make sure that

there wasn't any problem in my birth canal.

So to check the mother's condition

it's quite important to see the birth canal..

according to the information that I was reading on the internet.

So I asked the doctor if there wasn't any examination like that

then he answered that you won't know

till that moment.

Most of the doctors here are used to do

cesarean section, and babies don't pass the birth canal

so maybe they don't have that much knowledge

about natural childbirth, or birth canal..? I don't know.

I don't know what they've got but...

(Well they're doctors so it shouldn't be like that 'they don't know what to do'.)

So I talked about my first doctor earlier

and I'll tell you about the second one.

When the second pregnancy I asked the doctor at the beginning

if it's possible to do natural childbirth with him,

that the doctor who I was seeing,

so this doctor was more normal..nicer

than the other one

and so he denied clearly

at the very first moment that he doesn't do natural childbirth

which was better for me because at least I already could have known.

But at least he could accompany me,

all the check ups in my pregnancy

which was good

because there can be a doctor who can say "NO"

even for the check ups

if it's not going to cesarean section.

He could say "bye bye" to you.

It's possible..

so including all those

it's really..

difficult to find a doctor


So, what about giving birth then?

At the moment of giving birth..

how it works and everything..

it's like endless

I've got lots to talk but..

so if there's someone who is interested in

I'm glad to share my experience.

It's probably quite different from Japan.

So I guess that's it.

There're more surprising stories..

So if there're women who are

expecting a baby now, or thinking

or planning to be mom in the future

in Brazil, I think

there might be something

that I can do because there's

only few information.

So if there's someone like that

leave a comment

so I can talk more.

So I guess that's it.

Ok, see you then. Bye

For more infomation >> Hard to have Natural Childbirth in BRASIL自然分娩で産むの大変!医者探し編(PARTE2)[Vlog#20] - Duration: 8:18.


Arrest made in Northwest Omaha burglary - Duration: 2:36.

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PHOTOS: 'Monopoly Man' Trolls at the Equifax Senate Hearing | CaCao TV - Duration: 3:25.

PHOTOS: 'Monopoly Man' Trolls at the Equifax Senate Hearing

Former Equifax CEO Richard Smith prepares to testify before the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee in the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill October 4 in Washington, DC.

A woman dressed as Rich Uncle Pennybags from the popular board game Monopoly photobombed the former Equifax CEO's Senate hearing on Wednesday.

Richard Smith was testifying on Capitol Hill in regard to the recent cyberattack on the credit bureau when "Monopoly Man" made an appearance in the crowd over his left shoulder.

The unidentified woman wore a white mustache, top hat and a monocle and had a bag of cash tied to her while making several witty expressions during the hearing.

The Equifax hack led to personal information of about 145. 5 million Americans being exposed. On Tuesday, he apologized for the personal data being breached, and said it took weeks for the credit bureau to realize how widespread the hack was.

Public Citizen took credit for "Monopoly Man's" surprise appearance, saying it sent the character to the hearing to condemn arbitration causes that lead to companies like Equifax taking advantage of consumers.

The group said the justice system allows those companies to get away with it and compared doing so to getting a "Get out of jail free" card, like in Monopoly.

"Make no mistake: Arbitration is a rigged game, one that the bank nearly always wins," Public Citizen arbitration manager Amanda Werner said in a statament. "Shockingly, the average consumer forced to arbitrate with Wells Fargo was ordered to pay the bank nearly $11,000.

Bank lobbyists and their allies in Congress are trying to overturn the CFPB's rule so they can continue to rip off consumers with impunity.".

Department of Homeland Security said that in March, warned Equifax of its online security gap but didn't do anything to fix it. "The vulnerability remained in an Equifax web application much longer than it should have," Smith said at his Tuesday hearing.

"I am here today to apologize to the American people myself. Equifax has said that an independent review increased the number of those potentially affected by the data breach from 2. 5 million to 145.

Smith announced his retirement from the company last week amid scrutiny.

For more infomation >> PHOTOS: 'Monopoly Man' Trolls at the Equifax Senate Hearing | CaCao TV - Duration: 3:25.


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Minions - Banana (TISB Trap Remix)

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Minions - Banana (TISB Trap Remix)

For more infomation >> Minions - Banana (TISB Trap Remix) - Duration: 2:56.


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DIY Airgun Aerosol SUPPRESSOR "MKII" Experience - Weihrauch HW100 T FAC .22 PCP air rifle - Duration: 4:14.

DIY Airgun Aerosol Suppressor MKII

Airgun Shooting and Related Activities

Do you remember what happened with the "Airgun Aerosol Suppressor" last time? (link in the description)

This time I used a PVC pipe as a "structural" reinforcement

and I glued the 1/2" UNF screw-nut into it.

This thin layer of Durepoxi was put there just to seal

the gaps between nut and pipe, so the other glue

used (Scotch Flex) did not flow out.

The nut outer diameter fits exactly the inner

diameter of the PVC pipe, so it is easier to

align it than glueing the nut directly into the can.

The cap must be removed completly, but keep

the o'ring seal and cover ring.

The output hole is about 10mm (0.39").

The pipe was glued top and bottom, the o'ring and

cover ring fitted perfectly.

Pellet trap at 10 meters (11 yards), as you can hear...

Same shots from another camera

Testing for influence on precision and accuracy (25 meters, 27.34 yards)

A little high, grouping is... ok...

Comparing it with a comercial suppressor

Enjoy it, share, subscribe and hit the notification bell!

Questions, suggestions, corrections are welcome. Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> DIY Airgun Aerosol SUPPRESSOR "MKII" Experience - Weihrauch HW100 T FAC .22 PCP air rifle - Duration: 4:14.


For more infomation >> DIY Airgun Aerosol SUPPRESSOR "MKII" Experience - Weihrauch HW100 T FAC .22 PCP air rifle - Duration: 4:14.


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For more infomation >> Jury Awards Couple $42M After Near Fatal Crash - Duration: 2:05.


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For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI TRENDLINE EXECUTIVE DSG - Duration: 1:01.


15 Thought an Introvert Has at a Party - Duration: 6:22.

15 Thought an Introvert Has at a Party

You look at your calendar and you see a red and green glitter bomb of social obligation

has exploded all over your calendar.

You love your family, friends, and co-workers, but you're an introvert so all that socializing

sounds exhausting.

Frequent partying isn't something you do.

But the holidays only happen once a year, so you'll rock around the Christmas tree


So, here are the thoughts that most introverts have at parties:

Number 1.

Do I have to go?

Saying yes to the party seemed like a good idea when your friend, co-worker, or family

member asked you to go.

But that was two weeks ago when today seemed like an impossible blip in the not-so-distant


You're scolding Past You for getting you into this mess, but if you don't go, you're

afraid you'll disappoint everyone.

Do you feel a headache coming on?

And that might have been a cough.

Looks like you're too sick to go!

Number 2.

I'll only go for a little while.

Yes, that's it.

The perfect compromise.

Why didn't you think of that earlier?

You don't look antisocial but later you can come home and put on your comfy pants

and do nothing.

Number 3.

I'll arrive late.

You don't want to be the first or second person there.

You don't even want to be there at all.

But if you're going, you're at least not getting stuck making awkward small talk with

the host or people you barely know.

There's no escaping draining chit chat when there are only three people in the room.

Number 4.

I'm here, now what?

You arrived fashionably late but already the party is an extroverted mob drunk on the thrill

of socializing.

It's loud because there are so many people here.

You can't hear what anyone is saying.

(If you're a highly sensitive introvert, the noise and activity level alone sap your

energy and make you feel irritated or overwhelmed.)

You feel self-conscious and wonder if everyone notices your awkwardness.

Number 5.

I'll find the host.


Someone you know.

Besides, you forced yourself to come when you could have spent the night at home doing

introvert-y things.

Things that actually recharge you, not drain you, like watching Netflix, reading, or gaming.

You need to get credit for enduring this energy-sucking misery.

Number 6.

Great, the host is gone, now what?

Well, she's a social butterfly and she already moved on to the next guest.

Number 7.

I'll make a plate of food.


You're at least doing something then, even if it's just eating.

Participation points.

Number 8.

I suppose I should talk to someone.

You ate your food, but now, with nothing else to put in your mouth to prevent you from talking,

you feel awkward.

How about talking to that guy over there?

You did that thing together once and it wasn't awful.

Okay, here you go.

Approach slowly.

What's your opening line?


Number 9.

So then this happens:

small talk!

Number 10.

How do I end this conversation without seeming rude?

You're done.

You literally can't pretend to care any more about his weekend bro trip to Las Vegas

or make any more small talk.

The conversation has become a black hole of fake chit chat that is destroying any possibility

of intelligible communication or authentic interaction.

You want to change the topic of conversation but the small talk has unleashed its brain-melting

poison of meaninglessness and it's impossible to think of anything real to say.

A drink.

You need another drink.

You excuse yourself and walk away.

Number 11.

The cat!

The cat is your new best friend.

The cat has found the only calm corner of this audacious hellhole of human interaction.

The cat will not bore you with small talk.

When you and the cat dreamily lock eyes, you feel a sacred camaraderie pass between your

souls, as if you and your spirit guide are walking hand-in-paw on a plane of quiet infinity.

Number 12.

Weird, I'm actually having fun!

When another harried introvert came to pet the cat, the two of you exchanged silent glances

of understanding and struck up a conversation.

The small talk was minimal and there was actually time and space in the conversation to develop

your thoughts.

Your conversation was interesting and thoughtful, and you feel like you're a little bit better

of a person for having met Introvert Party Guest.

Surprisingly, as you rejoin the party, you feel energized.

Number 13.

Here comes that person.

She is Unaware Extrovert.

She won't stop talking.

Every inconsequential thought that crosses her mind, she says.

She doesn't listen to you, she's just thinking about what she'll say next.

Unaware Extrovert will drain your energy reserves completely.

You slip away to the bathroom just in time and stare in the mirror for a few minutes,

enjoying the quiet.

Number 14.

I'm exhausted.

Can I leave yet?

After emerging from the bathroom and surviving one more round of small talk, you feel foggy

and out-of-it.

You're so worn out from socializing that you actually feel physically tired.

This means your social "battery" is dangerously close to empty and you need downtime now to


It's time to escape!

Number 15.


Alone in your bedroom, you finally relax.

It's not that you disliked the people at the party, it's that you feel more free

when you're on your own.

Well, that's the 15 thought an introvert has at a party.

Really cool information isn't it.

Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

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Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 15 Thought an Introvert Has at a Party - Duration: 6:22.


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Hard to have Natural Childbirth in BRASIL自然分娩で産むの大変!医者探し編(PARTE2)[Vlog#20] - Duration: 8:18.

I went to get a vaccination for my son.

In Brazil there're lots of health center

but it often gets lack of them

so it can be difficult to be vaccinated sometimes.

"Handwritten numbered ticket"

Hey, what's up? It's Harumi.

In the previous video..

Well today I'll continue

talking about having babies in Brazil.


In the previous video

I briefly talked about

the process how it goes

after you find out that you're pregnant.

I stopped the video where I was talking

that it's hard to find a doctor if you wish to have a baby with natural childbirth.


Here there aren't many doctors

who can accompany with natural childbirth.

It relates with..

the salary that the doctor gets..

or something like that.

Within the doctors or clinics

that your insurance covers

your option is very limited.

Like finding a doctor that can accept natural childbirth and stuff..

It's very difficult.

Moreover in a small city like Cabo Frio

it gets even harder.

Actually I can say that it's almost impossible

in those days..

Even if it's not a natural childbirth

but in the case of cesarean section

finding a good doctor that you like

a lot of people go to a bigger city

like Rio de Janeiro driving for 2~3 hours

from here just to see a doctor.

It's quite common looking for a doctor

like this.

We want to have a baby in a bigger better hospital

which has good facilities...

so for example even having check-ups in your city

in the period of pregnancy

when it gets closer to the due date

you have an option to go to another city,

which has your favorite hospital

to give birth.

It's not a rare situation at all.

So I'll go back to the subject where I was talking about doctors.


In the beginning of my pregnancy

I think I told the doctor

that I wish to do natural childbirth.

The doctor in my first pregnancy

responded "Yes",

that there is no problem having natural childbirth

in the beginning but later,

which I actually had seen information in the internet

that in Brazil it's common for doctors

accepting natural childbirth at first then

towards the end he begins to make up whatever stories

in order to try to make it to go cesarean section.

Do you know what I mean?

It WAS really like that in my case, too.

My doctor was saying that normal childbirth

is better and so on till the last moment

so I was like "wow he's good.

I'm lucky."

But then at the end he started saying things like this

"You don't have...

a face that can stand against the pain."

"You can't afford the pain, can you?"

That's what he said.

I was like.."what!?"

He suggested me cesarean section because it's better.

And looking at the result of blood test or something

in spite of nothing seemed to be bad

he focused on a tiny little thing

which wasn't even a problem

saying whatever that I couldn't even understand

that in your case when the baby passes the birth canal

it may bleed too much.

It can be dangerous so

I need proper examination or something

otherwise can't do natural childbirth.

It's dangerous.

He lined up a lot of things

that I could be nervous

to try to change my mind..

So it was really like that.

So at the end

the check up that I went in the last month

was the last time when I saw the doctor

and then I waited for labor starts

then I went to the public hospital to give birth.

So whoever the doctor who is there

the time when you go there would accompany you.

That's one of the ways to have natural childbirth

here in Brazil.

You just can't choose a doctor.

He won't be the one that was seeing you

in your pregnancy.

That's the reality here

if you want to go with natural childbirth.

So towards the end of the pregnancy,

which I mentioned in the previous video as well,

the number of check ups normally increases

but in my case

the last one month I didn't go to a doctor at all.

I was just waiting for labor starts.

And when labor starts you go to hospital directly.

That's how it works.


One more thing

that I think I didn't mention before

that the check ups here

well though it can be different depending on the doctors

but in my case the both first and the second time

it didn't have internal examination at all.

In my pregnancy

In my pregnancy for the second baby

I actually asked the doctor

if there was no internal examination.

When it was getting close to the due date

because I wanted to have natural childbirth

I wanted to make sure that

there wasn't any problem in my birth canal.

So to check the mother's condition

it's quite important to see the birth canal..

according to the information that I was reading on the internet.

So I asked the doctor if there wasn't any examination like that

then he answered that you won't know

till that moment.

Most of the doctors here are used to do

cesarean section, and babies don't pass the birth canal

so maybe they don't have that much knowledge

about natural childbirth, or birth canal..? I don't know.

I don't know what they've got but...

(Well they're doctors so it shouldn't be like that 'they don't know what to do'.)

So I talked about my first doctor earlier

and I'll tell you about the second one.

When the second pregnancy I asked the doctor at the beginning

if it's possible to do natural childbirth with him,

that the doctor who I was seeing,

so this doctor was more normal..nicer

than the other one

and so he denied clearly

at the very first moment that he doesn't do natural childbirth

which was better for me because at least I already could have known.

But at least he could accompany me,

all the check ups in my pregnancy

which was good

because there can be a doctor who can say "NO"

even for the check ups

if it's not going to cesarean section.

He could say "bye bye" to you.

It's possible..

so including all those

it's really..

difficult to find a doctor


So, what about giving birth then?

At the moment of giving birth..

how it works and everything..

it's like endless

I've got lots to talk but..

so if there's someone who is interested in

I'm glad to share my experience.

It's probably quite different from Japan.

So I guess that's it.

There're more surprising stories..

So if there're women who are

expecting a baby now, or thinking

or planning to be mom in the future

in Brazil, I think

there might be something

that I can do because there's

only few information.

So if there's someone like that

leave a comment

so I can talk more.

So I guess that's it.

Ok, see you then. Bye

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