Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 9 2017

Child psychologists will tell you the eighth child in the line of Henrys is always the most disruptive,

often looting monasteries and abusing the Pope in a constant search for attention.

But with the right counselling almost anything can be achieved.

Well, I just wanna say I think it's really great

that you've agreed to attend these counselling sessions together,

as in any relationship it's very important to do things together, so thank you for that.

Get on with it! -- Eagerness to make progress. That's good.

No! Eagerness to catch the executioner before he stands down!

when this wench's pretty head has stood far too long upon that little white neck,

and I would soon see them parted, and her heading to Hell where she belongs!!!

So how has it been going since the last session?

I don't claim any great intuitive skills, but do I detect a little bit of tension between the two of you?

Ah, he is a beast! A huge foul-smelling gout-riddled beast, who cares not for me but for what son my cunny parts may bring him!

In truth, I can barely bring myself to sow that chinny furrow with my royal seed.

I mean, these days I find myself more taken by my horse's arse!

This is good. It's very important that the areas of conflicts are clear.

Henry, do you find yourself sexually attracted to horses' arses?

That's not actually as uncommon as you might think.

Good Counsellor, you hear him threaten to remove my head.

Am I just to accept this fate like Anne Boleyn or Catherine Howard?

Oh hither we go again.

I thought it wouldn't be long before you brought them up.

Yeah. I think we... we touched upon the pros and cons of beheading as a conflict resolution tactic

within marriage in a previous session. Can you remember, Henry, what we decided?

Oh, that it was a... a no-no.

And that beheading one's partner is a retrograde step in relationship terms because...

Because it causes an almost irreversible breakdown in communication

between partners. -- Exactly. Likewise exiling to a different country, keeping her pregnant until she dies of childbirth.

Well done, Henry. You've grown so much.

Yes! It's the suckling pigs. Hahahahah. Suckling pigs. Hahahah...

I pray we continue this another day. My body aches and cries for rest.

Go, wench! Your head is safe. This day at least. Where's my horse?

I fear poor Henry is not much longer for this world, but he is a brute.

He's not kind and gentle like you, though I'll wager you are twice the man.

I don't... I don't mean to be judgmental but comparisons with others outside the relationship in question are... are often...

You have your hand on my codpiece.

For more infomation >> Jindřich VIII. v manželské poradně (české a anglické titulky) - Duration: 3:30.


Honda FR-V 2.2 CTDi Lifestyle 6 Pers Bj 2005 !!! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Honda FR-V 2.2 CTDi Lifestyle 6 Pers Bj 2005 !!! - Duration: 1:01.


My Morning Routine Are You Sleeping Song Nursery Rhymes Baby Songs For Children By Toy Baby - Duration: 3:06.

My Morning Routine Are You Sleeping Song Nursery Rhymes Baby Songs For Children By Toy Baby

For more infomation >> My Morning Routine Are You Sleeping Song Nursery Rhymes Baby Songs For Children By Toy Baby - Duration: 3:06.


Skins - Epic NPC Man - VLDL (skins and appearance logic in games like skyrim and warcraft) - Duration: 0:57.

For the peace of the kingdom!

For King and Country! Morning! Nice day for fishing ain't it?

Morning! Nice day for fishing ain't it? For the King!

Morning! Nice day for fishing ain't it? For the peace of the kingdom

Not $200, I'm going to give you $75 Morning! Nice day for fishing ain't it?

For the King There's no way I'm giving you $200 Morning! Nice day for fishing ain't it?

I'll give you $80

Yeah Well I'm basically the most important person round here

Ah helloooo....


You got any quests?

Kiiill.... fiiiive...

Nah not interested. You're a good looking chap. All right I'm off

Morning! Nice day for fishing ain't it?

For da King! It's finished

For more infomation >> Skins - Epic NPC Man - VLDL (skins and appearance logic in games like skyrim and warcraft) - Duration: 0:57.


Opel Corsa EDITION 1.0 TURBO 90PK | AIRCO | LMV | CAMERA | PARKEERHULP V+A - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa EDITION 1.0 TURBO 90PK | AIRCO | LMV | CAMERA | PARKEERHULP V+A - Duration: 0:44.


Public Choice Theory: Why Government Often Fails - Duration: 33:07.

ANTONY DAVIES: Public choice economics is a field in economics in which we take what

we understand about how humans behave, which is normally applied to humans in the private

sector, and we apply this knowledge to humans in the public sector.

What emerges is an interesting dichotomy between how we imagine government works and how it

actually works.

For an example, suppose we take some problem that we face.

Here, as we think about government, let's imagine government in the broadest terms.

Three groups of people: voters, politicians and bureaucrats.

We, as a society, encounter this problem that we want to solve, and the problem, let's suppose,

is that some workers don't earn a living wage.

The way we imagine government works when we say to the government, "Fix this problem.",

is the following.

We have the voters, whose goal it is to help all people earn a living wage.

The way they go about doing that is by voting for politicians who support living wage laws.

Then we have the politicians.

We imagine that their goal is to do what's in the best interest of society.

How do they go about doing that?

By enacting and voting for living wage laws.

Then finally we have the bureaucrats, who we call the public servants.

Their goal, we imagine, is to serve the public.

The way they go about serving the public in this instance is by executing these living

wage laws for the good of the poor.

What we imagine happens is unicorns and rainbows.

All these wonderful things that will occur if we simply say to the government, "Fix this


Now let's look at the government through the eyes of a public choice economist.

A public choice economist looks at these three groups, voters, politicians and bureaucrats,

and understands that these are human beings who face limitations and they have desires.

Let's start with the voter.

In the view of a public choice economist, the public choice economist says, "Here's

a voter.

He's a human being.

What's his goal?"

The goal of all human beings is to maximize their happiness.

Some people's happiness comes from consuming things, collecting lots of money, lots of


Other people's happiness comes from helping others, from doing good.

Economists don't make any judgment as to what it is that makes you happy.

We simply say that people pursue the things that make them happy.

Here are the voters.

Their goal is to maximize their happiness.

How do they go about doing that?

They will become informed and they will vote if the benefit of doing so exceeds the cost.

Now we have the politicians.

The politicians also are human beings, which means their goal is to maximize their happiness.

How do they go about maximizing their happiness?

By attracting at least 50% of the voters.

If the politician does not attract 50% of the voters to vote for him, he's no longer

a politician.

He's now something else.

The politicians that persist will be the ones that attract, whose goal it is to attract

50% of the voters.

Finally we have the bureaucrats.

The bureaucrats are human beings.

Just like the rest, their goal is to maximize their happiness.

How do they go about doing that?

I will argue that the way the bureaucrats go about maximizing their happiness is by

crafting their jobs to satisfy their needs.

What actually emerges is not the unicorns that we imagine when we say the government

should do "this".

You might say, "Yes, but we live in a democracy, and the whole point of a democracy is to guard

against this selfish behavior.

All we have to do is vote in better people, and if we vote in better people, we can have

our unicorns and rainbows back."

Let's think this through for a moment.

Think about voter behavior in a democracy.

Suppose we have two groups of people, a large group of people over here, we'll call this

Group A, and a smaller group of people, Group B. I'm going to propose a law for this group

of people.

The law goes like this, "We will take $10 from every person in Group A, burn half of

it, and whatever's left, we'll give to the people in Group B." The question is, how are

people going to vote on this proposed law?

Let's start with a simpler question.

Who wants to vote at all?

If I ask the people in Group A and Group B, "Would you like to vote for or against this

law?" all of them would raise their hands and say, "Yes, we would like to vote."

What's the outcome of the vote?

The outcome of the vote is the proposed law will be defeated.

It will be defeated why?

Because although it's great for the people in Group B, they'll all vote for it, they're

a small number of people.

The people in Group A, this law is bad for them.

They outnumber the people in Group B. They're going to vote against it.

Consequently, the law will be defeated.

That raises another question, which is, "Is this good for society?"

Clearly it is.

This is a stupid law.

It should be defeated.

In defeating it, society is better off.

This thought experiment is normally how people imagine voter behavior in democracy working.

In fact, it's missing an important point.

The important point missing is what economists call the information and voting cost.

In information and voting cost is the cost, maybe in terms of money, maybe in terms of

time and energy or effort, but it's the cost of first being aware that there's a vote pending.

Two, reading up or investigating or finding out what it is that's under consideration.

Three, reading this proposed law and deciding whether, in the end, you think this is good

for you or bad for you.

Deciding how you're going to vote.

Finally, getting up out of your chair, going to the voting place, voting, coming back home.

All of that is costly, sometimes in terms of dollars, sometimes in terms of money, but

it's costly.

In our thought experiment, what we'll do is simulate this information and voting cost

with a $20 fee.

I'm going to propose the same law for society.

We're going to take $10 from everyone in Group A. We're going to burn half of it.

We're going to give what's left to Group B. The people can vote, for or against.

I don't care how they vote, but to vote at all, you must pay $20.

That $20 represents the information and voting cost.

Now, ask yourself, "Who is going to want to vote in this instance?"

The people in Group B clearly are going to want to vote.

They stand to gain a lot from this law.

Although they have to pay $20 to vote, what they stand to gain exceeds the $20 they have

to pay.

Therefore, they will be interested in voting.

Look at the people in Group A. The people in Group A each have to pay $10 if this law

is passed.

But the cost of fighting the law actually exceeds the cost of living with it.

The people in Group A have a strong incentive not to vote at all.

What happens?

What happens is in our thought experiment, this law passes unanimously.

The only people who turn up to vote are the people in Group B, and the people in Group

B unanimously vote for it, and the law passes unanimously.

Is society better off?


Society's actually worse off.

This is a bad law, yet this is something that has emerged from the democratic process once

you understand that an information and voting cost is a real thing.

This is just a thought experiment, but you see this all over the place.

Take, for example, sugar.

There is a sugar tariff.

All sugar that comes into the United States has a tariff attached to it.

Therefore when you buy sugar, you pay more than you would otherwise.

Who benefits from this?

The people who benefit are American sugar producers.

It turns out sugar requires an equatorial environment to grow, so to grow sugar in the

United States, you have to build these large buildings and simulate an equatorial environment.

This is all very costly.

When you're done, the cost of growing sugar in the United States ends up being much higher

than the cost of growing sugar in more equatorial environments.

Consequently, when American sugar producers try to compete with foreign sugar producers,

they can't.

Foreign sugar producers can produce sugar at a lower cost.

The American sugar producers have an incentive to go to Congress and say, "Would you please

impose a tariff on imported sugar so we can compete?"

Congress, made up of politicians who are looking to get elected, turn to the electorate and

say, "Hey.

What do you think about this?"

What the politicians see are basically two groups of people.

A large group of people who are not sugar producers, who have other concerns in their

lives, can't be bothered with reading the minutiae involved in a proposed law, find

the idea of tariffs boring to begin with.

When the politician turns to them and says, "What do you think about this law involving

tariffs?", a lot of them just tune out.

The information and voting cost for these people tends to be higher than the benefit

that they perceive they would get by paying attention.

Meanwhile, the sugar producers of the United States are very interested in this law because

they stand to gain a lot.

When the politician says, "What do you think about this?", all the sugar producers and

the people who work for them and the people they buy things from, all stand up and say,


This is a good idea.

Let's pass this law."

I, as the politician, see then this sea of voters, one group of whom isn't even paying

attention because they don't think it's worth their time, and another group who is intensely

paying attention, is interested in my passing this thing.

I have a strong incentive now to pass this law.

Therefore we end up with a sugar tariff.

That's just in the case of tariffs on sugar.

Multiply this by all sorts of industries and all sorts of special interest groups that

are looking for benefits from legislation, and all of a sudden you find that this information

and voting cost is more than simply just a trick in a thought experiment.

It's something that actually pervades all of the democratic process.

What you're observing here is something economists call concentrated benefit and dispersed cost.

In this case, the benefit of the law, taking the $10 from everybody in Group A and giving

it to Group B, the benefit from this law is concentrated in the hands of small number

of people.

That's the people in Group B. The cost is dispersed over many many people.

Those are the people in Group A. Consequently, the way we imagine lawmaking works, is that

we look at the law and if the benefits of the law exceed the costs of the law, the law

gets passed.

In fact, that's not the way it works.

We look at the law and if the benefit per capita, benefit per person who's benefited

is larger than the cost per person, the cost per person on whom the costs are imposed.

If that benefit per person exceeds the cost per person, then the law gets passed even

if the total benefit is small and the total cost is large.

The way voters end up behaving is that they exhibit what we call rational ignorance.

Rational ignorance means simply that the voters are ignorant of the law and it is perfectly

rational for them to be so, because it doesn't make sense that they would spend their effort

figuring out what this law says and fighting it.

To do so is actually more costly than living with the bad law in the first place.

You might say, "Yes, but we live in a republic, not a democracy."

The whole point of a republic is to get around this information and voting cost.

The way we get around it is by electing representatives.

We understand that the voters don't have the time or the energy or the knowledge to study


The information and voting cost is high.

Therefore the voters will hire somebody to do that for them.

We call this person a representative.

You could imagine the people in Group A hiring representatives to represent them, and the

people in Group B hiring representatives to represent them.

These representatives, then, will hash out whether this law is a good idea or not and

vote on behalf of the people in the way the people would vote if they had the time and

the energy to study the law themselves.

That's an interesting idea, but it raises a problem of its own, which is how do we divide

our populace into districts and assign representatives to them?

What we would like is that we assign representatives in an electorally fair way.

Here's what I mean by that.

Let's suppose we have 60% of the population who likes green stuff and 40% of the population

who likes red stuff.

If we were to establish representatives to represent this population, we would want the

representative body, the Congress, to be comprised of 60% green representatives and 40% red representatives.

That is, we want the Congress to look like the population.

One way to do that is something like the following.

We put these 10 households in a district and we say, "You 10 households.

You get to elect a representative.

What kind of representative would you like?"

These 10 households are all green, so if you ask them they will say, "We would like a green


Then we put these 10 households in a district and we ask them.

They're green.

They would also like a green representative.

As will these 10 households.

Now these 10 households are all red.

If we ask them what kind of representative they would like, they'll say, "Give us a red


Similarly with these 10 households.

When you're done allocating representatives to the people, you end up with fair representation.

60% of the population is green, 40% red.

60% of the representatives are green, 40% red.

That works.


What happens when these people you have elected have the ability to re-draw the Congressional


For example, suppose instead of dividing the Congressional districts like I showed you,

we do it differently.

We put these 10 households in a district.

We ask them, "What sort of representative would you like?"

These people would like to have a green representative, these people would like to have a red representative.

This district is mostly green, so if we ask this district, they will say, "Give us a green


If I put these 10 household in a district, they will also elect a green representative,

as will those 10 household, those 10 and those 10.

Notice what's happened now.

By altering how we define the Congressional districts, we have completely silenced the


The red households now have no representation in Congress at all.

If you think that's perverse, look at this.

Suppose we were to put these 10 households in a district.

These 10 households are mostly red, so if we ask them, "What kind of representative

would you like?", they will say, "Give us a red representative."

If we put these 10 households in a district, they'll similarly elect a red representative.

If we put those 10 households in a district, they're almost entirely green.

They'll elect a green representative, as will those 10 households.

Finally, here's our last district comprised of these 10 households.

They'll elect a red representative.

Look what's happened.

We have taken the same population we had before, redistricted it, and now we have a majority

representation in Congress of a minority of the population.

The moral of the story is the information and voting cost means that we will have a

tendency to pass laws that are bad for society because they benefit a small group of people

and the cost is spread out over so many people that it's not worth the large number of people's

time to figure out what this law is and to fight it.

We think maybe we should have instead a representative government.

The problem with the representative government is, depending on how we draw our district

lines, we can have fair representation, which is fine, or the problem is we could completely

silence the minority, or give the minority majority representation.

This is an example of what many consider to be the most gerrymandered state in the country.

Gerrymandering is, of course, altering Congressional district lines to benefit the party in power.

This is North Carolina.

You can see the Congressional districts.

Clearly someone has taken the time to think very carefully how to draw these Congressional

district lines to give more representation to whatever party it is that was in power.

In a democracy, voting results in worse outcomes for society.

In a republic, gerrymandering can silence the minority or give majority representation

to a minority of the population.

That's voters, only one of these groups that we mentioned when we talk about government.

Let's talk about politicians' behaviors.

Remember, politicians are human beings just like everyone else.

Picture the voters.

Suppose the voters are thinking about a level of government service.

This might be something like the military or public education or public transportation.

Something like that.

You can imagine, amongst all the voters, there is a lot of people who would like a low level

of this government service.

You could imagine as well there's another large body of voters who would like a high

level of this government service.

You could imagine perhaps there is a smaller number who would like a low to medium level

of this government service, and a smaller number who'd like a medium to high, and then

finally you might imagine that the fewest number of voters of all would like a medium

level of this government service.

Now, not all preferences for government service look this way, but a lot do.

Here's an example.

Think about the military.

There are a large number of voters who believe that the United States has no business intervening

militarily in foreign countries.

We should have a small military that's devoted strictly to defending our borders.

Then we have a large number of people who believe that we should bomb democracy into

everybody on the planet.

What we tend not to have are many people here, who believe we should have a military that's

large enough to be expensive, but not large enough to be effective.

What you typically get with government service is this binary split of the voters between

those who would like a small amount of the government service and those who would like

a large amount.

Superimpose on top of these voters a couple of politicians.

There's this guy.

He's running for office.

Remember, his goal is to get elected.

He says to the voters, "If you elect me, I will provide you with this level of government


His opponent comes along and the opponent says, "Elect me and I'll provide you with

this level of government service."

What do the voters think as they look at these two politicians?

These people like the guy on the left because the guy on the left has promised to deliver

exactly the level of government service they want.

These people like the guy on the right.

He's promised to deliver exactly the level of government service they want.

These people over here, they don't like either one of them, but of the two, they consider

the guy on the right to be the lesser of the evils.

He's going to provide a level of government service that they don't like but is better

than the level of government service the other guy's offering.

When I ask these voters, "who are you going to vote for?", these people vote for the guy

on the left and all of those people will vote for the guy on the right.

What happens?

What happens is the guy on the left is aware that this is how the voters are perceiving

the two candidates.

He will alter his position.

He'll come out and say, "I have been consistently misrepresented in the media.

I have never been for a low level of government service.

I have always been for this level of government service."

Now what happens?

The voters rethink their positions.

These people think that this guy is going to offer the level of government service they

like the best.

These people think this guy's going to offer the level of government service they like

the best.

What does the guy on the left do?

The guy on the left holds a press conference and says, "If you elect me, I promise you

I will provide this level of government service."

Now what happens?

All these voters like this guy.

These voters like this guy.

You end up with each of the candidates getting about 50% of the vote.

What level of government service do we get?

We get the level of government service that the least number of people wanted.

This effect occurs so frequently, economists have given it a name.

It's called the median voter theorem.

The median voter theorem says majority voting will yield the median voter's preference even

if the median preference is the thing that's liked by the least number of people.

You see here, for example, why if you pick any American at random and ask them, "What

do you think about public education in the United States?"

Invariably they will say, "We have a serious problem with public education."

Almost all Americans will say that.

They'll say it for two different reasons.

Half of them will say it because they believe that we're spending too much on public education.

We should be spending a lot less.

The other half of them are going to say it because they believe we're spending too little

on public education and should spend a lot more.

What we're actually doing is spending the amount that satisfies the median voter, which

tends to be the amount that the least number of people are interested in.

The conclusion with politicians is, "They don't seek the common good."

They seek to get elected.

That's not to say that there are no politicians who care about the common good.

It's to say the following.

If you give me two politicians who are equal in every way except one, this guy's primary

motivation is to seek the common good, where this guy's primary motivation is to get elected,

on average, this is the guy who's going to win.

Consequently, on average, the politicians that you will get are politicians whose primary

duty is to get elected.

Seeking the common good is something further down the list.

How do politicians go about getting elected?

They seek to satisfy the median voter, even if the median voter is a small portion of

the population.

We've seen how voters behave through the eyes of a public choice economist.

We've seen how politicians behave through the eyes of a public choice economist.

Let's now think about how bureaucrats behave.

This is the county courthouse in the town I live in.

If you have any business with the county, you go here.

If you want a dog license you go here.

If you want a variance to put up a fence you go here.

You deal with these people.

This is in western Pennsylvania, and in western Pennsylvania it rains all the time except

when it's snowing.

You'll notice here this dark area is an underground garage, which is quite nice because if it's

raining or snowing, you can go in there to park and your car doesn't get wet or snowed


There's an elevator you can go up to where you need to go and do whatever business you

need to do, and come back down.

If you're ever in this town and you have business with the county government and you go here

and you go down the street and you turn to go into this parking garage, you'll see inside

there a sign.

The sign says, "Parking for courthouse employees only."

If you're there as a citizen to do business with the county, you have to park somewhere



I don't know.

There are a couple of places here.

You can go down the street there.

This parking, the nice stuff, is reserved for the people who work in the building.

Think about this.

Have you ever gone to a store and seen that all of the prime parking out front close to

the door is reserved for the people who work at the store?

Typically not.

Typically these spaces are reserved either for the handicapped or a good manager will

tell his workers, "Don't park near the building.

Park as far away as you can to reserve as many spots as we can close to the entrance

for the customers, the people who are going to come here."

Why do they do that?

This is very different behavior from what you see at the county courthouse.

Businesses do that not because the manager of the business is somehow more altruistic

than the people who work at the courthouse.

It's not because the manager of the business is smarter than the people who work for the


They're the same brand of homo sapien in both instances, the public sector or the private


The difference is one of motivation.

In the case of the business, if I don't make it as easy as possible for you to come to

my store and to transact business with me, you will go elsewhere and I'll lose your business.

That's not the case for the county courthouse.

With the county courthouse, if I want a dog license or I want a variance to put up a fence

or whatever, I have to go here.

I can't go to the county courthouse in the next county over.

They'll send me away.

If I have parking tickets I have to pay I have to go here.

I can't go to some other county courthouse.

In fact, I don't even have the option to not go at all.

They will send a nice gentleman with guns and handcuffs and force me to come and do

business with them.

The reason you get things like this, the prime parking reserved for the people who work here,

is because of the difference in incentives.

The people in the county courthouse do not have to make me the center of their lives

because I have no choice but to deal with them.

The people in the private sector have to make me the center of their lives because I have

the ability to go elsewhere.

I had to renew my license recently.

In Pennsylvania you get this thing in the mail and it says, "Pennsylvania's driver's

license services are now online."

They give me this web address.

The web address they couldn't even be bothered to buy something neat like




This is a nice web address.

I can go here.

I can renew my driver's license.

I go to a browser.

I type this thing in.

What do I see?

I see this.

There are 36 links on this page.

I spend about five minutes clicking and backing out and clicking and backing out and clicking

and backing out before I discover that this the link I want, "Driver's license, photo



I'm going to click on this thing.

I'm going to renew my driver's license.

You click on that link and you go here.

Here you have another 25 or 30 links and again another five minutes of clicking and backing

out and clicking and backing out and clicking and backing out before I discover that this

is the link is want, "renewing your driver's license".

Okay, good.

I'm going to click on this.

My driver's license will be renewed.

You click on that link and you go here.

This says, "Renewing your non-commercial driver's license" ... I don't know what all that means,

but we have step number one.

This is good news.

This means something's happening.

Step number one.

"Receive an invitation to renew DL60A/DL60R, or obtain form DL143."

I don't know what that means.

Imagine that you have to buy a screwdriver and you go to Home Depot.

What normally happens?

What normally happens is you walk into Home Depot.

You walk up to the person.

You say, "Hello.

I'd like to buy a screwdriver."

If they're not busy, they'll often come out from behind the counter and say, "Come with

me this way.

The screwdrivers are over here."

If you need screwdrivers, maybe you need screws.

"We have screws.

We have 50% off on hammers this month."

Maybe you want to buy a hammer.

They will do everything they can to make it as easy as possible for me to conduct business

with them because if they don't, I will go elsewhere.

Imagine what would happen if you need to buy a screwdriver and you go to Home Depot and

you say, "Hello.

I'd like to buy a screwdriver."

They say to you, "You'll need to fill out form DL60A/DL60R or obtain form DL143."

What do you do?

You leave.

You go somewhere else.

Pennsylvania can do this because if I want a Pennsylvania driver's license, I have no

option except to deal with these people.

All right.

I still don't know what DL60A/DL60R is.

I'm going to hope it's that piece of paper they sent me in the mail and just skip step

number one and go to step number two.

Step number two.

"Return the complete application with a check or money order made payable to PennDOT", that's

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, "in the amount indicated on the form."

Here we have in red, "Cash or credit/debit cards cannot be accepted."

They want a check.

I have a checkbook.

I write a check maybe once every five years to these people.

I get out my check and I'm writing the check.

My son, who's in high school, walks by.

He says, "What are you doing?"

I say, "I'm writing a check."

He says, "What's a check?"

Anywhere else on the planet, when you want to buy something online, what do you do?

You go there and they'll take your credit card or a debit card or you could pay with


You can even find some places that will take things like bitcoin.

These people want a check.


I'll write them a check.

Step number three.

A camera card will be mailed.

You should receive it in seven to ten working days after the form is processed.

Once you receive your camera card, you take it, with appropriate identification, to the

driver's license center where they give you a new driver's license.

Step back and imagine what just happened here.

They sent me in the mail a piece of paper.

I go to a browser and I type in this web address and I get a whole bunch of links.

I click and I back out and I click and I back out and I click and I back out.

Ten minutes later I figure out what it is I need to do, and I write a check.

I write a check.

I put it in the envelope.

I put a stamp on the envelope.

I use stamps once every five years to mail the check that I write once every five years

to these people.

I then take this envelope to my mailbox, put it in, go back to the house, wait seven to

ten working days, come back to the mailbox.

In there is another piece of paper.

I then take it to my car.

I drive to the photo license center.

I sit in the chair.

They take my picture.

They give me the license.

Total time to transaction, seven to ten working days.

Imagine if these people faced competition.

How would this transaction work?

I'd get a text.


"It's time to renew your driver's license.

Click here."

I would click.

It would say, "We have your credit card on file.

Do you want to use the same credit card or do you want to change it?"

I'll use the same credit card, so I click.

"Put your face in the camera."


"Do you like the picture?"


"Hit print."

It would print on my printer.

Total time to transaction, 30 seconds if I don't know what I'm doing.

How do I know that this is how it would work if a private business were handling licenses

instead of the government?

This is the way it works everywhere else.

If you would like to buy, God knows why, "The Best of Bowie", you can go to amazon and type

in "The Best of Bowie" and you will get this.

It says, "Buy now with one click."

All you do is click.

You click here and they'll send you a CD.

Even better than that, you click, you could download the thing.

Thirty seconds later you've got this music that you wanted.

This isn't even the latest technology.

The latest technology is this.

That's a magnet.

It goes on your washing machine.

When you are running low on laundry detergent, you push the button.

That's all you do.

You just push the button.

It's pre-registered with your credit card and your address and all of that stuff.

You push the button.

Three days later a box of Tide shows up on your doorstep.

Why the difference in behavior between the bureaucratic organization and the private

sector organization?

The difference is not because the people over here dumb, the people over here are smart,

or the people over here are selfish and the people over here are altruistic.

The difference has nothing to do with the people.

They're the same brand of homo sapien.

The difference is in the incentives.

The people over here in the private sector have an incentive to put me at the center

of the lives because if they don't, I will walk away.

The people over here do not have the incentive to put me at the center of their lives.

Therefore they do what any human being would do, what those human beings would love to

do but can't.

They put themselves at the center of their lives.

So you get things like arcane descriptions of forms that have to be filled out and parking

spaces that are reserved for the people who work here.

The problem here is fundamentally, bureaucrats behave the way they do for two reasons.

One, there's no profit motive.

If they behave well, they don't get increased profits in which they get to share.

If they behave poorly, they don't incur losses that now cause their stockholders to come

down on top of them.

There's no competition.

There's nowhere else for people to go.

Therefore you get this natural behavior that the economist would predict.

Does this mean, ultimately, the government can't make good decisions?

That, I believe, is the wrong question.

The right question is because humans in both the public and the private sector are fallible,

they will make errors.

The right question is not, "Who's going to avoid making errors, markets or government?"

The right question is, "When they do make errors," because they will, "who has the greater

incentive to identify and correct those errors?"

An economist will argue that often, perhaps all of the time, the answer is people in the

private sector, because they must respond to profit and loss incentives, because their

customers can walk away.

The moral of the story is be careful what you wish for.

When you see a problem and you say, "If only the government would," because in reality

we face all kinds of problems like rational ignorance, gerrymandering, the median voter

theorem, and a bureaucratic monopoly.

Because of that, these wonderful things you imagine that will happen when you say, "If

only the government would," often don't happen at all.

What you get is something very different.

For more infomation >> Public Choice Theory: Why Government Often Fails - Duration: 33:07.


Motu Patlu Cartoon in Hindi Bahubali Learn Colors Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes #2 - Duration: 1:21.

Motu Patlu Cartoon in Hindi Bahubali Learn Colors Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes #2

For more infomation >> Motu Patlu Cartoon in Hindi Bahubali Learn Colors Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes #2 - Duration: 1:21.


Hello Its Halloween | Schoolies | Scary Nursery Rhymes Songs Collection For Kids by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:16:09.

Watch out..

The monsters around if your all alone give your friends a shout...

The ghosts on the spooks coming out of the nooks as a door bell ring can u here them sing..

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

The air is cool and the moon is full turn on the light before the vampires bite

The witches is a cooking the zombies are looking as your door bell ring can you hear them sing...

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Watch out..

The monsters around if your all alone give your friends a shout...

The vampires flying and the werewolf's hunting as your door bell ring can you hear them sing...

Watch out

The monsters around if your all alone give your friends a shout...

The ghosts on the spooks coming out of the nooks as your door bell ring can you hear them sing

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

For more infomation >> Hello Its Halloween | Schoolies | Scary Nursery Rhymes Songs Collection For Kids by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:16:09.


Happy Halloween! Meme (Gift For Cat story&FlipaClip And Kittydog) - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Happy Halloween! Meme (Gift For Cat story&FlipaClip And Kittydog) - Duration: 1:04.


【東方花映塚】 Gentouka「魂音泉」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 6:09.

幻灯花 (Magic Lantern Flowers) English translated by Releska

A landscape I had long forgotten about overlapped with where the wind blew.

Leave me alone. Leave me alone! No matter how many times I asked,

I prayed for my flower to bloom. Still, it ended up withering at the last scene.

You were always waiting for me, but I didn't water you.

I realised that when I wondered if you'd leave me alone, you lured me in with a sweet scent.

My thorns kept increasing, but each time I wounded you, you'd be carved into me.

I feel remorseful, but there's nothing I can do about it now.

Like that, I just speak until the sun goes down, saying nothing but the truth.

If I turn back, the plants will sneer. If I look down, my song won't protect anyone.

I cough uselessly, feeling so prideful. The subject is basically a childish plan

And I have no firm foothold. When it crumbles away, I'll accept it.

But why? I'm avoiding the question, so I'm stuck. I stick to the same story: I don't know.

What's the situation like now? They're just selfish. They can't cross without bridges.

Is that how it ends up? The emotions of those who crossed over seem dark.

In the end, that was burned into my eyes. The roots and feet of cowardice twined around me.

I forgot all about what colour you were when you bloomed.

The fate of my journey, which continues in my dreams, is like a petal floating on a lake.

I just picture it in my mind—I wonder if it was torn off and thrown away

So someone could pretend that its flower couldn't bloom.

I yearned for that beauty and cast my eyes down, thinking it was all an illusion.

Even if I turn to ash, I don't care.

I'll decorate the name of that flower.

I'm still patient.

But I'm missing just one last step instead.

I want to see how the seeds I scattered are growing

But where are they blooming?

Asphalt is all around. I'm laughed at by the weeds.

But I seemed more fulfilled than anyone else.

Listen, one who knows not the name of the roadside:

Your instincts boil forth, though you put a lid on them

And now, your true nature is exposed, running wild from your throat.

I guess you just can't control it anymore.

Is life determined by one's former fortunes?

"Stop it!" I have nothing to do with those nauseating words.

I waited and waited. That's all I did back then.

So before I knew it, that backpacker spilled forth from me.

This powerful medicine is like honey. Is it because time has passed by?

Those plans were drawn up by a madman.

A magnificent group bloomed in the flowerbed

But when I stood in there, I was the only one who died.

Academic voters couldn't understand the coup d'état.

All the words they threw out were returned, like a boomerang.

It seems like they weren't even prepared unless there were casualties.

The fate of my journey, which continues in my dreams, is like a petal floating on a lake.

I just picture it in my mind—I wonder if it was torn off and thrown away

So someone could pretend that its flower couldn't bloom.

I yearned for that beauty and cast my eyes down, thinking it was all an illusion.

Even if I turn to ash, I don't care.

I'll decorate the name of that flower.

Since the river flows this way and that, it means that its destination isn't fixed.

Dressed in the movement of the waves, dancing gracefully… that's all I want.

The fate of my journey, which continues in my dreams, is like a petal floating on a lake.

I just picture it in my mind—I wonder if it was torn off and thrown away

So someone could pretend that its flower couldn't bloom.

I yearned for that beauty and cast my eyes down, thinking it was all an illusion.

Even if I turn to ash, I don't care.

I'll decorate the name of that flower.

The fate of my journey, which continues in my dreams, is like a petal floating on a lake.

I just picture it in my mind—I wonder if it was torn off and thrown away

So someone could pretend that its flower couldn't bloom.

I yearned for that beauty and cast my eyes down, thinking it was all an illusion.

Even if I turn to ash, I don't care.

I'll decorate the name of that flower.

For more infomation >> 【東方花映塚】 Gentouka「魂音泉」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 6:09.


புற்று நோயால் உயிருக்கு போராடிக்கொண்டு இருக்கும் நடிகைகள் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood Tamil News - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> புற்று நோயால் உயிருக்கு போராடிக்கொண்டு இருக்கும் நடிகைகள் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood Tamil News - Duration: 2:02.


Martin Garrix ft. Skrillex Style - Love U (New 2017) Unreleased Songs - Duration: 4:22.

Martin Garrix ft. Skrillex Style - Love U (New 2017) Unreleased Songs

For more infomation >> Martin Garrix ft. Skrillex Style - Love U (New 2017) Unreleased Songs - Duration: 4:22.


Campana Ding Dong Part 2 | Canciones Infantiles| Musica Infantil | Rimas En 3D| Animación Para Niños - Duration: 1:06:13.

♫ Ding Dong Bell ♫

♫ Kitty's in the well ♫

♫ Who put her in? ♫

♫ little johny johnny flynn ♫

♫ who pulled her out? ♫

♫ Little Tommy Stout ♫

♫ What a naughty boy was that, to try and drop poor kitty cat ♫

♫ who never did him any harm but ate all of the mice in the farmers barn ♫

♫ Ding Dong Bell ♫

♫ Kitty's in the well ♫

♫ Who put her in? ♫

♫ little johny johnny flynn ♫

♫ who pulled her out? ♫

♫ Little Tommy Stout ♫

♫ What a naughty boy was that, to try and drop poor kitty cat ♫

♫ who never did him any harm but ate all of the mice in the farmers barn ♫

For more infomation >> Campana Ding Dong Part 2 | Canciones Infantiles| Musica Infantil | Rimas En 3D| Animación Para Niños - Duration: 1:06:13.


Nemo's War: Second Edition "Attack!" EP02 - Duration: 33:14.

For more infomation >> Nemo's War: Second Edition "Attack!" EP02 - Duration: 33:14.


How to Paint Ceramic Mugs - Mandala with Stained Glass Painting - Duration: 7:32.

Hello, welcome to my channel

I'll teach you today

how to paint this mug with this cool mandala

Do you want to know how it is done?

let's go there

we started

we are going to need

a mug

painting for glass

relief contour


a little masking tape

tracing paper

and the designs that we have chosen for our mug

a container with a little water to clean the brushes

and it's already

we started

the first thing we will do is place the tracing paper over the cup

and fasten with masking tape

and now we place the drawing on top well centered and we also hold it

and now we review the whole drawing with the pencil

to transfer it to the mug

we remove the tracing paper

and we already have our mandala on the mug

now let's apply the relief contour

slowly and carefully for the whole drawing

if we make a mistake

with the help of a toothpick we can fix it

before it dries and hardens

now that the relief contour is dry

with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol we cleaned everything very well

now let's apply the stained glass painting

very carefully

not to stain the edges of the relief contour

and now we let it dry

once the paint has dried

let's make some details with relief contour

Well, guys, it's already finished.

the paint has already dried

and we already have it ready

if you want to use it as a decoration

leave it as it is

and nothing happens

but if you want to use it

to drink coffee

wash it, put it in the dishwasher and stuff

so what you have to do is

bake the mug according to the manufacturer's instructions

These are the Pebeo brand

they have to be baked in the oven at 160 degrees for about 40 minutes

but I imagine that if you use paintings of other brands, since each manufacturer will have its instructions

that already as you see

I hope you liked the video a lot

Try to make the mug

which is super cool and super easy

and see you in the next

see you soon


For more infomation >> How to Paint Ceramic Mugs - Mandala with Stained Glass Painting - Duration: 7:32.


How to Convert Video to gif File Without Photoshop | Convert Video to GIF Image Easy - Duration: 2:58.

How to Convert Video to gif File Without Photoshop | Convert Video to GIF Image Easy

How to Convert Video to gif File Without Photoshop | Convert Video to GIF Image Easy

How to Convert Video to gif File Without Photoshop | Convert Video to GIF Image Easy

How to Convert Video to gif File Without Photoshop | Convert Video to GIF Image Easy

How to Convert Video to gif File Without Photoshop | Convert Video to GIF Image Easy

How to Convert Video to gif File Without Photoshop | Convert Video to GIF Image Easy

For more infomation >> How to Convert Video to gif File Without Photoshop | Convert Video to GIF Image Easy - Duration: 2:58.

------------------------------------------- Weather 10/9 - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Weather 10/9 - Duration: 2:17.


⚠️ Learn English Words - OMEN - Meaning, Vocabulary With Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:13.


a sign something is going to occur

Many people view the sighting of a black cat as a bad omen.

According to my mother, the itching of your right hand is an omen that predicts a cash


The fortuneteller told Ellen she saw a dark omen in her future and warned her to be mindful

of strangers.

When the church burned the night before my wedding, I took it as an omen I needed to

delay the ceremony.

The chill up the girl's spine was the omen that warned her to not go inside the haunted


Omen a sign something is going to occur

For more infomation >> ⚠️ Learn English Words - OMEN - Meaning, Vocabulary With Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:13.


ISLAND Laugavegur - PN Big Adventures - Duration: 1:28:27.

What can I say? It's finally time...

a new project nature adventure begins

and this time

it's going to Iceland.

It's pretty much like

Scotland. So we weren't for 2 years now

and finally it's time and we

go outside into the lands and travel

with a tent and heavy luggage, from place place.

well, Iceland has always been a

dream for me. But Iceland also is the land

of absolut extreme case, and

that is actually quite a difference issue

than Cairngorms in Scotland

For example in the movie "Interstellar". The Iceplanet. They made that

in Iceland. So you see it's

just the land of ice and vulcanos

and the land of the absolute

priceless spectacle of nature

the geysirs, the hot pots

snowstorms and sandstorms

We're going to meet every weather situation

you could possible imagine

That's why I'm little bit nervous, but I think we have

the gear and the experience to finish that trail

well, and what are we doing in Iceland?

Trekking! But wich course?

Nothing less than the world famous "Laugavegur"

wich is known as one of the most beautyful trekkingcourses

of the world. And it's corresponding hunted

and a lot of people there. We hope that it won't be so bad...

so we have to

go in 4 stages from Landmannalaugar

all the way to Thorsmörk

and, (I hope i speak that correctly)

thats about 4 stages then

and it's going to go up on some mountains

and trough snowfields and glaciers, and confronting everything imaginable

but that's not enough, we also want to continue from there

the..... what was the name?

Fimmvörduhals, we want to pass

that is actually another climb on the mountian

and pass between 2 glaciers and vulcanos

and downhill on the backside to Skogar

where the trekkingtour is finished

we are going to travel to the north, where

we have booked a small hut

but before, we gonna visit the geysirs and the dettifoss

and maybe a Whalewatching Tour

and everything else

will going to happen. I mean the Laugavegur

to put it all into a nutshell, is a


where you need special equipment. And the question is

what kind of gear you would need for 7 days

in Iceland with a tent?

So my dear,

now I'll show you my gear for Iceland

Let's start with the most important:

a gigantic backpack, minimum 60 litre

small pharmacy. Our daily protein

A travelguide and a map,

an isulating therm-a-rest sleeping pad. Sleeping bag

that keeps you warm at least -7°C comfort

our tent

preferably strom firm, not some cheap shit

why are sticks important? Well they relieve your knees

they spread out the energy from your legs and shift

it to your upper body, you have better grip and balance

You need them especially for crossing the rivers

Some thick trekking trousers

with inlines, cuz Iceland

merino shorts, trekkingsocks: thick pair and thin pair

merino shirt, a really

waterproof slicker, waterproof trousers

cause you have to cross several rivers in Iceland, with big rocks underwater

it's not gonna be funny barefoot

swimming shoes. Gloves

Sunglasses that

protect your eyes from sand in a storm

neckerchief and a buff

one plastic bottle and

one alu bottle. A GPS Watch with the course on it

a good headlight, not some cheap shit

Hoodie, not to heavy and to bulky

a down jacket to wear under

under that slicker. Lighter

Knife, small cookingset

fuel cooking system and a

special bottle for the fuel

and for emergency reserves a small Esbit cooker

plasitcbags for waste, sponge, toilet paper

who is actually forgetting the toilet paper?

microfibre towel, swimming shorts yea

there are the hot pots, and you don't want to go there naked

flask, whiskey. Tea bags and

cocoa. And food. There I've selected

some Uncle Bens and also

breakfeast ham

and here for the emergency

5 minutes terrins

and of course the good travellunch packets

powerbank, book, smartphone, cables

headphones and so on...

well, the bulky luggage including

my backpack is becoming

puked out of that hole in the wall.

and collects here on the floor

and maybe there is something nice to find

So! After ages I've finally got my luggage!


welcome to summer holidays!

everything looks like

like my tent

yea, the good old scotland tent. It standing again!

well, the tent is build up,

we're finnally arrived. Finnally? Everythink went pretty fast actually

The cool thing is, in Iceland you pay

like everything with your creditcard

not joke, I just bought a lemonade

from a pepsi-vending maschine with the credit card...

look how atrracted to the camera they are

well, it's little bit late at day and we are totally exhausted

we're walking about 20km today, because

we had some problems

the bottle with petrol

does not open anymore. And we have tried it with all violence

It's NOT opening, and inside is all of our fuel

that we will need for cooking for the next week

because of that shit, I was rushing back to the city

to desperately find another

bottle for that so

we are able to cook, cause we're going to start tomorrow

the end of the story is, we've got some petroleum

and a drinking bottle, and that works fine

after very good sleeping in the tent

we are sitting in the bus to Landmannalaugar

where our trail begins

It's finally cooking! IT'S COOKING!

it's working, I mean

it works

we have

arrived now at Laugavegur in Landmannalaugar

and I'm going to

to warm up a little bit, and to start

with a small climb onto a mountain

and after that, we go to the hot pot

and tomorrow we are starting the trail

but the thing is....

the next problem has arrived

my GPS Garmin superwatch, wich

I'm using since lots of tours successfully

for navigation

has just.... reseted itself in Iceland

In other words: the whole cource is lost

why we are able to go bathing in the cold Iceland

these are the hot pots

thermal, geo thermal issues

and thats why the water

is nice and warm caused by natural properties

the close you get there, the hotter the water becomes

and so they start going

into foreign lands, through lava and


we've reached the 2nd camp

the tent stands

today we were more lucky with the cooking

and have a nice Belgium guy sitting with us

The big Glacier Myrdalsjökull as the highest plattform

cutting the sight to the ocean. Now it's about 50km away, but in 4 days I'll pass it. The Goal in sight!

and so begins the 2nd day on Laugavegur

as you can see here

that is topping all I've seen so far

like so many time....

yea, we have

reached our next camping place. Stage 2 is done!

so we are back in Scotland in the Cairngorms. Joke: we're in Iceland...

and the storm is really annoying

the tent is rumouring a little bit

I mean we just have made 2 stages

I allready have a sunburn, and uhm...

woah we already

came into it, I would say

the weather is just icelandic

You know, THIS is how summer holidays should look like

THAT is true holiday!

forget about Bahamas

sitting somewhere in a wet tent, in July while its raining and freezing


the last night was pretty hardcore

it was freezing, windy

kept in a cloud

really cold

inside the tent and also the sleeping bag

and now

we were walking a little bit

the sun comes out, the clouds

are gone. The wind is still there. The wind is always there...

and... hey! suddenly we are walking through a desert

so... thats iceland!

We are doing another small walk into the desert

and visiting something great

and here it is...

the first tree after 4 days

the end of Laugavegur

we have arrived Thorsmörk

The goal-line has been passed

and so it's done

We have made it!

So, next morning

we said goodbey to the other 2 guys yesterday

cause, the Laugavegur has been completed

and they drive

somewhere else with the bus

and I'm going to do the last 2 stages

passing the Fimmvörduhals

and this is going to be a real challenging tour

and I have a place at the hut up there

so it will be

a little bit exciting, and I'm now a little bit

yea.. alone!

at the first day in Landmannalaugar, when we started going

we already have seen this glacier here

from the beginning, we had it in sight. It was like

the background layer

and now I'm right in front of it

to pass it

so that hill behind me

is a young vulcano

it just has erupted 7 years ago (so 2010)

and, that must have been very spectecular

and all that young lava

is laying straggling around here

now I'm right sitting in front of that new vulcano "Magni" I guess...

I've arrived at the hut on the top of the mountain

I will sleep over. Nice dormitory here

It wasn't me, who has drunk your whole whiskey, ok?

And it wasn't me, who stole your cheese!

That's true... But you didn't manage to light the oven!

17 beds? Where are 17 beds here??

You're in the wrong hut..

so, the master and I

are out to collect some snow

so we have some water

and the ladies won't be thirsty

The guys managed to turn on the oven! Very nice!

and our snow, is fresh

is cooking now

Chilli con Carne?

Very good!

and here is the pro cook!

I record the people while taking pictures

Go into there with your camera, that would be cool!

go where?

oh? to the toilette? That the people really wanna see...

I would never had this idea

A bread with mars

What are you doing? Mars bread too?

ya, that was the plan!

I've got this great oak meal here

We drink tea

This could be a ski-trail on winter

With that final and beautyful waterfall, the "Skogarfoss"

what is he talking about?

I'm talking about that I have made it! We made it!

WE have made it!

We all have mad it

Walked from Landmannalaugar to almost the ocean, to Skogarfoss

6 Stages and

Fimmvörduhals completed, and now

the trail is done

As you can see

we are back, back in the civilization

It was a very long evening and a very long day, yesterday

I'll continue alone now, and...

yes, the show goes on. I'm drinving to the geysirs now

my sunglasses looks like shit

I'm now here, in Artun

near a wonderful fjord from Akureji

far in the north of Iceland

good view towards the polar circle

at an incredible nice

beautyful guesthouse, hosted by very friendly people

where I can use the kitchen, and they doing my laundry

it's like hotel mama

here is my room

look whos back!

all of them are back

thats a total coincidence

they have just arrived a couple of minutes ago. The world is tiny

well, they have...

can you stop filming?

what the heck? just act like, the cam wouldn't be here

no... they suggestet me something about the mitchet lake, to go to the east side

well people, i really must admit, this is by far the

most powerful

and most impressive waterfall

I've ever seen in my lifetime!

Just total madness

I feel spectated


You want next, right?


There are just mad people, where did I end up??


hello!!? ok it's true. Actually you're right

good night

film it! filmt it!

how i go to bed...

exactly... nice

are you the patrick?

did you find it?

maybe.... it's over there! near the wastebins

what up?

ya, and so it comes to the famous

ending of this journey

I was driving here in Hofos to a geothermal

heated swimmingpool

with a direct vista to the ocean, really hot!

I hope you have enjoyed it

I was just overwhelmed

but that persistent cold...

with the wind all the time was

exhausting me over the time

so, I woulnd't stay here forever. That's why I'm

actually happy

that I'll go back into the hot german summer

But I can just repeat Iceland is

by far, how I expected,

the most impressive on nature phenomenon

and landscapes I've ever seen.

And I've really enjoyed every day

espacially the laugavegur

just specteculary, like every day something new

every day even more

landscapes that took my breath away

nearly impossible to express in words, what we have seen there

and we were traveling with

those belgium guys. Greetings for you here!

It was fitting very nice

and also the last week with activities

was just

a wonderful and relaxed program

espacially at that beautyful guesthouse

ya, so it was a funny holiday

and with the weather, I must say

so much luck that we had, that I really wish

everyone else

it was just the kings weahter, not just a single day

it was shitty, it was every day and even today

the sun comes out all the times

Try to have so much luck with the weather

well, now I still have a long, long day, cause my flight terminates at night

and I also have to drive to Reykjavik

thats about 400km

so I'm going to visit something

and make breaks somewhere! I hope you'll enjoy the pictures now

and you guys will see my on the next journey

Goodbye! enjoy yourself

Thank you for watching!!!!

For more infomation >> ISLAND Laugavegur - PN Big Adventures - Duration: 1:28:27.


SSF2 Beta 1.0.0/0.9b Mod: Green Hill Act 2 (Sonic Mania) Stage - Duration: 1:10.

Hello folks from youtube, here's your favorite placeholder with a new mod.

This time, Green Hill Act 2 of Sonic Mania, there is something I want to mention (again)

And is this halloween friday 13, wow but that day more normal I got.

As he said it is the birthday of this guy who talks to them, so good we see the next video happy halloween to all.

*This part is stuffed so it will not translate*

For more infomation >> SSF2 Beta 1.0.0/0.9b Mod: Green Hill Act 2 (Sonic Mania) Stage - Duration: 1:10.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition - Duration: 0:45.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 - Duration: 0:59.


축구선수 이강인 바이아웃 발렌시아 후베닐 B 승격? 이강인 스페인 언론 이적료 연봉 해외반응 나이 고향 키 프로필 최근 근황 - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 축구선수 이강인 바이아웃 발렌시아 후베닐 B 승격? 이강인 스페인 언론 이적료 연봉 해외반응 나이 고향 키 프로필 최근 근황 - Duration: 3:33.


ABC Song Alphabets & More | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes & Songs for Kids by Baby Toonz Kids TV - Duration: 10:27.

ABC Song Alphabets & More | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes & Songs for Kids by Baby Toonz Kids TV

Abc Song...

For more infomation >> ABC Song Alphabets & More | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes & Songs for Kids by Baby Toonz Kids TV - Duration: 10:27.


Lanzones – Exotic Fruit with Big Health Benefits - Duration: 2:55.

Lanzones – Exotic Fruit with Big Health Benefits

The lanzones, lansium, or langsat is not just a delicious treat, but is also quite healthy.

Lanzones are common in Southeast Asia as well as in Southern India.

It is recognizable with its yellow to light brown peel, oval-shaped fruit that grows in


You can cook the fruit, but it is more common for the locals to consume it raw.

You can also try canned syrup of this fruit or the candied version.

No matter which way you want to consume it, the lanzones is an exotic fruit that comes

with great health benefits, which include the following:


The fruit is of course edible, but unlike other fruits, the seed should be thrown away.

Nevertheless, the lanzones can give you more than two grams of fiber for every hundred

gram serving.

This already gives you at least eight percent of the recommended daily intake for dietary

fiber for women and at least six percent in men.

Eating foods that are rich in fiber is beneficial for the body.

Fiber can help reduce the risk of acquiring heart disease and help you avoid constipation.


When you consume lanzones, you reap the rewards provided to you by riboflavin.

This is a vitamin that is a part of the B vitamins and is actually known as vitamin


A hundred gram serving of lanzones fruit can give you 124 micrograms of the vitamin, which

meets eight percent of the recommended daily allowance for riboflavin for both men and


B vitamins, including riboflavin, help in processing carbohydrates, so that they turn

into energy to be used by the body and keep the nervous system healthy.

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that you need a daily

dose of it since the body is not able to store it.

Eating lanzones can provide you with the riboflavin your body needs.


Lanzones are abundant in antioxidants, including vitamin A. This vitamin has a ton of health

benefits, including protecting your eyes against macular degeneration and other vision problems.

Lanzones also have other antioxidants, such as polyphenols, a group of natural antioxidants

found in plants that may be able to prevent health problems, including cancer, heart disease,

diabetes, and high blood pressure.

The other antioxidants in the fruit are helpful in keeping the body clean against free radicals

that do not just quicken the rate of aging, but also cause serious illnesses.

Fresh lanzones are still the more ideal option if you are looking to enjoy the benefits given


Apart from the meat of the fruit, the peel is actually useful in driving mosquitos away.

For more infomation >> Lanzones – Exotic Fruit with Big Health Benefits - Duration: 2:55.


Mecca Bingo guide - Duration: 3:01.

Hello and welcome to the WhichBingo video guide to Mecca Bingo.

In this video we'll guide you through the Mecca Bingo promotions, take you through the sign-up

process and give you a bit of background info about the site and the games available.

Mecca Bingo is presently running a 'Spend £10, play with £50' deal for new players.

You will also receive £10 that you can use in any of Mecca Bingo's clubs when you join.

To claim this offer, you will need to click join now on Mecca Bingo's website and fill out the registration form.

To qualify for this offer, you will need to deposit and spend £10 on bingo.

The £40 welcome bonus will then be added automatically to your account.

Mecca Bingo also offers new players a Newbie room for the first 7 days from sign up, to help you find your feet at Mecca Bingo.

Best of all there is no deposit required to access the Newbie room games.

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Go to 90 Ball room options and click play now on the Newbie room.

If you are already a Mecca Club Player you will receive an exclusive £15 bonus when you create an online account.

All you need to do is create an account using your club membership number, and Mecca Bingo will credit your account with £5 bonus.

Within 28 days, you will then receive a welcome pack with two £5 Mecca Bingo vouchers.

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Mecca Bingo runs many promotions which change from month to month.

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Mecca Bingo runs on the WhichBingo Award winning Playtech Bingo software, also known as Virtue Fusion.

Playtech Software offers some of the most unique and popular games out there.

Look for Deal or No Deal Bingo, Britain's Got Talent Bingo and Emoji Bingo - some of which are even exclusive to Mecca Bingo.

You can play Mecca Bingo via your mobile and tablet on almost any device.

Plus if you're an iPhone or iPad owner you can download the Mecca Bingo app via the Apple app store.

To find out more about Mecca Bingo on mobile, watch our video guide to Mecca Bingo on mobile at WhichBingo.

We hope you enjoyed our video guide to Mecca Bingo here at WhichBingo.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and come back to us and let us know what you think of

Mecca Bingo by leaving a review once you've given it a try. Best of luck!

For more infomation >> Mecca Bingo guide - Duration: 3:01.


How to Paint Ceramic Mugs - Mandala with Stained Glass Painting - Duration: 7:32.

Hello, welcome to my channel

I'll teach you today

how to paint this mug with this cool mandala

Do you want to know how it is done?

let's go there

we started

we are going to need

a mug

painting for glass

relief contour


a little masking tape

tracing paper

and the designs that we have chosen for our mug

a container with a little water to clean the brushes

and it's already

we started

the first thing we will do is place the tracing paper over the cup

and fasten with masking tape

and now we place the drawing on top well centered and we also hold it

and now we review the whole drawing with the pencil

to transfer it to the mug

we remove the tracing paper

and we already have our mandala on the mug

now let's apply the relief contour

slowly and carefully for the whole drawing

if we make a mistake

with the help of a toothpick we can fix it

before it dries and hardens

now that the relief contour is dry

with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol we cleaned everything very well

now let's apply the stained glass painting

very carefully

not to stain the edges of the relief contour

and now we let it dry

once the paint has dried

let's make some details with relief contour

Well, guys, it's already finished.

the paint has already dried

and we already have it ready

if you want to use it as a decoration

leave it as it is

and nothing happens

but if you want to use it

to drink coffee

wash it, put it in the dishwasher and stuff

so what you have to do is

bake the mug according to the manufacturer's instructions

These are the Pebeo brand

they have to be baked in the oven at 160 degrees for about 40 minutes

but I imagine that if you use paintings of other brands, since each manufacturer will have its instructions

that already as you see

I hope you liked the video a lot

Try to make the mug

which is super cool and super easy

and see you in the next

see you soon


For more infomation >> How to Paint Ceramic Mugs - Mandala with Stained Glass Painting - Duration: 7:32.


Суровый Питерский СММ. #Продвижение в соцсетях. #Зарисовки конференции питерского СММ2017. - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> Суровый Питерский СММ. #Продвижение в соцсетях. #Зарисовки конференции питерского СММ2017. - Duration: 10:05.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Brawler n' Clood - MOFUCKIN' BITCH - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Brawler n' Clood - MOFUCKIN' BITCH - Duration: 2:44.


For more infomation >> Brawler n' Clood - MOFUCKIN' BITCH - Duration: 2:44.


Ce n'est pas une blague : Trempez la moitié d'un citron dans du bicarbonate de soude… - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Ce n'est pas une blague : Trempez la moitié d'un citron dans du bicarbonate de soude… - Duration: 4:21.


For more infomation >> Ce n'est pas une blague : Trempez la moitié d'un citron dans du bicarbonate de soude… - Duration: 4:21.


Life is Strange Việt Hóa | Tập 1| Con bạn như l*n 😂😂 - Duration: 15:08.

For more infomation >> Life is Strange Việt Hóa | Tập 1| Con bạn như l*n 😂😂 - Duration: 15:08.


For more infomation >> Life is Strange Việt Hóa | Tập 1| Con bạn như l*n 😂😂 - Duration: 15:08.


Vidéo Crowdfunding Carrousel Funeste - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Vidéo Crowdfunding Carrousel Funeste - Duration: 3:06.


For more infomation >> Vidéo Crowdfunding Carrousel Funeste - Duration: 3:06.


Volcano Acatenango & Fuego, Guatemala - Duration: 4:51.

A must do when you're in Antigua,

Hike Acatenango!

There are more than 3 volcanos in Guatemala

And one of the three active ones is right next to Antigua.

Starting point is a 2,400 meters

where you meet the guides

and get provides with all the necessities for the hike.

so cute

Emilie has a fucking big bag just there impossible to carry

You can walk your own pace but it gets steep really fast

and constantly walking uphill is intense!!

Every 20 to 30 minutes we take a small break

and we even come along some spots where you can buy drinks and snacks

So, what do you think so far..

you're not even sweaty where are your sweatmarks

Not sweaty? You want to feel it?

It doesn't look sweaty at all

This is what sweaty looks like

The hike takes us to three different microclimates

You can cleary see the difference in vegetation the higher you get

After about four hours of blood sweat and tears

we get to the part the guides call easy

no more intense climbing

just about an hour more around the volcano

Almost did it!

You can hear it, a little bit.

It's right here

How epic is this, standing on a volcano

watching another volcano erupt!

As the sun goes does, it gets cold really really fast

So it's time to change clothes and enjoy the show

After trying to sleep for a couple of hours

the guides wake us up at 4:00 a.m.

to walk to the top of acatenango

Just in time for sunrise!

Like and subscribe!!!

And thanks for watching!

where you meet the guides

For more infomation >> Volcano Acatenango & Fuego, Guatemala - Duration: 4:51.


For more infomation >> Volcano Acatenango & Fuego, Guatemala - Duration: 4:51.


Ustadz Abdul Kaafi : Jangan Sedih Sayang Aku Disampingmu - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Ustadz Abdul Kaafi : Jangan Sedih Sayang Aku Disampingmu - Duration: 5:02.


For more infomation >> Ustadz Abdul Kaafi : Jangan Sedih Sayang Aku Disampingmu - Duration: 5:02.


Lycéens : ils ont tendance à bloquer - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> Lycéens : ils ont tendance à bloquer - Duration: 6:02.


For more infomation >> Lycéens : ils ont tendance à bloquer - Duration: 6:02.


⚠️ Learn English Words - OMEN - Meaning, Vocabulary With Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:13.


a sign something is going to occur

Many people view the sighting of a black cat as a bad omen.

According to my mother, the itching of your right hand is an omen that predicts a cash


The fortuneteller told Ellen she saw a dark omen in her future and warned her to be mindful

of strangers.

When the church burned the night before my wedding, I took it as an omen I needed to

delay the ceremony.

The chill up the girl's spine was the omen that warned her to not go inside the haunted


Omen a sign something is going to occur

For more infomation >> ⚠️ Learn English Words - OMEN - Meaning, Vocabulary With Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:13.


For more infomation >> ⚠️ Learn English Words - OMEN - Meaning, Vocabulary With Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:13.


【ホンダ N-BOX 試乗】妻が思わずもらした「すごく乗り心地がいい!」…会田肇 - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> 【ホンダ N-BOX 試乗】妻が思わずもらした「すごく乗り心地がいい!」…会田肇 - Duration: 6:05.


For more infomation >> 【ホンダ N-BOX 試乗】妻が思わずもらした「すごく乗り心地がいい!」…会田肇 - Duration: 6:05.


Top 10 best luggage for international travel - Duration: 3:10.

rocks wiki's best product advisor behind Amazon rocks wiki's presents top 10 best

luggage for international travel let's see which luggage is best for you to buy

starting with the list number one luggage name to marry hard lightweight

here be ass luggage set luggage information always travel in style who

says you can't find an ABS luggage that apart from being sturdy and

well-constructed list number two luggage named Homme

docks foldable duffel bag luggage information high-quality honeycomb

ripstop fabric that resists wear and tear list number three luggage name

evade hex packing cubes 8 set travel packing cubes luggage information

highest quality brand new tough waterproof nylon fabric strong top mesh

durable enough to secure list number for luggage name filling a 100% leather US

passport holder cover case for men women in 8 colours luggage information product

instructions and dimensions before the first inserting the document into the

passport listen number 5 luggage name Mecca pool leather passport cover

luggage information passport wallet which will protect your passport in any

situation heute passport cover for travelers list number 6 luggage name

dwell be small leather crossbody bag cowhide leather luggage information we

only pick from the best hides and we refuse to use faux leather or poo in any

of our products list number 7 luggage name dwell be medium leather crossbody

bag cowhide leather luggage information we

only pick from the best hides and we refused to use faux leather or poo in

any of our products list number 8 luggage name new of our universal

texture doll luggage information univer faux leather

wallets clutch phone case fits up to five inches all in one wallet and phone

case list number nine luggage name East sport gear bag with interior tablet

compartment luggage information adjustable shoulder strap to sign mesh

pockets list number ten luggage name mangrove day and day

ultralight backpack 20 liters luggage information expand your luggage or

backpacking capacity in a snap with dis foldable packable backpack available in

a variety of colors thank you for watching our video about top 10 best

luggage for international travel to get those luggage for international travel

follow the description link bellow and subscribe to our channel for future


For more infomation >> Top 10 best luggage for international travel - Duration: 3:10.


For more infomation >> Top 10 best luggage for international travel - Duration: 3:10.


Executive Builds $3 Million A...

For more infomation >> Executive Builds $3 Million A...


Mazda 6 2.0 GT-M LINE 2.0 GT-M LINE Airco Cruise Control Afneembare Trekhaak RIJKLAARPRIJS - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mazda 6 2.0 GT-M LINE 2.0 GT-M LINE Airco Cruise Control Afneembare Trekhaak RIJKLAARPRIJS - Duration: 0:58.



For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 120i M-PAKKET LEDERSPORT INTERIEUR-NAVIGATIE-STOELVERWARMING 60.000 KM - Duration: 0:57.


のんびりお散歩 足音かわいい~ フレンチブルドッグ ビビ - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> のんびりお散歩 足音かわいい~ フレンチブルドッグ ビビ - Duration: 5:17.


【東方花映塚】 Gentouka「魂音泉」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 6:09.

幻灯花 (Magic Lantern Flowers) English translated by Releska

A landscape I had long forgotten about overlapped with where the wind blew.

Leave me alone. Leave me alone! No matter how many times I asked,

I prayed for my flower to bloom. Still, it ended up withering at the last scene.

You were always waiting for me, but I didn't water you.

I realised that when I wondered if you'd leave me alone, you lured me in with a sweet scent.

My thorns kept increasing, but each time I wounded you, you'd be carved into me.

I feel remorseful, but there's nothing I can do about it now.

Like that, I just speak until the sun goes down, saying nothing but the truth.

If I turn back, the plants will sneer. If I look down, my song won't protect anyone.

I cough uselessly, feeling so prideful. The subject is basically a childish plan

And I have no firm foothold. When it crumbles away, I'll accept it.

But why? I'm avoiding the question, so I'm stuck. I stick to the same story: I don't know.

What's the situation like now? They're just selfish. They can't cross without bridges.

Is that how it ends up? The emotions of those who crossed over seem dark.

In the end, that was burned into my eyes. The roots and feet of cowardice twined around me.

I forgot all about what colour you were when you bloomed.

The fate of my journey, which continues in my dreams, is like a petal floating on a lake.

I just picture it in my mind—I wonder if it was torn off and thrown away

So someone could pretend that its flower couldn't bloom.

I yearned for that beauty and cast my eyes down, thinking it was all an illusion.

Even if I turn to ash, I don't care.

I'll decorate the name of that flower.

I'm still patient.

But I'm missing just one last step instead.

I want to see how the seeds I scattered are growing

But where are they blooming?

Asphalt is all around. I'm laughed at by the weeds.

But I seemed more fulfilled than anyone else.

Listen, one who knows not the name of the roadside:

Your instincts boil forth, though you put a lid on them

And now, your true nature is exposed, running wild from your throat.

I guess you just can't control it anymore.

Is life determined by one's former fortunes?

"Stop it!" I have nothing to do with those nauseating words.

I waited and waited. That's all I did back then.

So before I knew it, that backpacker spilled forth from me.

This powerful medicine is like honey. Is it because time has passed by?

Those plans were drawn up by a madman.

A magnificent group bloomed in the flowerbed

But when I stood in there, I was the only one who died.

Academic voters couldn't understand the coup d'état.

All the words they threw out were returned, like a boomerang.

It seems like they weren't even prepared unless there were casualties.

The fate of my journey, which continues in my dreams, is like a petal floating on a lake.

I just picture it in my mind—I wonder if it was torn off and thrown away

So someone could pretend that its flower couldn't bloom.

I yearned for that beauty and cast my eyes down, thinking it was all an illusion.

Even if I turn to ash, I don't care.

I'll decorate the name of that flower.

Since the river flows this way and that, it means that its destination isn't fixed.

Dressed in the movement of the waves, dancing gracefully… that's all I want.

The fate of my journey, which continues in my dreams, is like a petal floating on a lake.

I just picture it in my mind—I wonder if it was torn off and thrown away

So someone could pretend that its flower couldn't bloom.

I yearned for that beauty and cast my eyes down, thinking it was all an illusion.

Even if I turn to ash, I don't care.

I'll decorate the name of that flower.

The fate of my journey, which continues in my dreams, is like a petal floating on a lake.

I just picture it in my mind—I wonder if it was torn off and thrown away

So someone could pretend that its flower couldn't bloom.

I yearned for that beauty and cast my eyes down, thinking it was all an illusion.

Even if I turn to ash, I don't care.

I'll decorate the name of that flower.

For more infomation >> 【東方花映塚】 Gentouka「魂音泉」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 6:09.


How to Get a Mortgage | the Pre Approval Process - Duration: 6:48.

Hey everyone! Karin Carr here with I'm a Realtor in

Savannah with Keller Williams and today I have a very special guest joining me.

This is Jarad Brown with Certainty Home Loans. Hey thank you for having me out

today. No thank you for being on the show! So I thought that today we would talk

about the pre-approval process because a lot of people don't really know what's

expected of them when they're filling out a pre-approva,l and that you could

answer those questions. Awesome, yes the pre-approval process is the second step

in buying a home. Obviously the first is to find a Realtor, a local Realtor, that

can help you throughout the process. And the second step is the pre-approval

process. As soon as and it's a vital step in the process because this when we

really get to know our buyers. Some things to keep in mind with the

pre-approval process is the more information - the more accurate

information - we get the better. So on the front end if you're self-employed

have your tax returns for the last two years available...

pay stubs , W-2s, bank statements, all the things you can find on your smartphone. I

usually say that the most important thing that have at a pre-qualification

is your smartphone because it has so much information in it. And we do see

from time to time people are a little bit hesitant to have their credit pulled

or put in their application because they're afraid that they may not qualify.

Right. And that's the thing about the pre-qualification process, is that's when

you learn whether you can buy a house or not. There's no bad information that can

come out of it. At worst you know where you stand today and I can work with you

one-on-one to get you to where you can buy. Right! I would so much rather

have somebody find out now... okay, your credit score is about 20 points too low

and this is what we're going to do to raise it. Rather than we go out looking

at houses, we write an offer and then find out oops! Guess what? You don't

qualify . Absolutely. You don't want to fall in love with the home until you know you can buy the

home. So the pre-approval process is very

simple. It involves putting in an application and that can be done one of

three ways. We can meet in person, which is my favorite, or we can put in an application online.

You live out in town and we can't meet face-to-face. And for people who don't

have the internet or the ability to meet face to face we can also do that application

over the phone. Everybody's financial situation is

different. Every loan is different and so we can customize and cater the loan to

you and your particular situation. By the end of the application process you will

know exactly how much you can afford, what your monthly payments are going

to be, what kind of closing costs you're looking at (because just like buying a

car there's always tax, tag, and title) so you'll understand what those closing

costs are. And you'll have a sheet of paper stating that you can buy a home

using Certainty Home Loans. So how long does it normally take from the time that

somebody submits the application until they have an answer one way or the other?

An online application should have a prequel letter within 24 hours.

Wow, ok. We get automatically notified once an application has been

put on and then from there the decision can be made within just a matter of

hours. Okay cool. And the other question I always get asked is I'm afraid that it's

going to drop my credit score by filling out the application and having you pull

my credit. So how much does it really affect their credit? It is a hard pull on

your credit but it is a it is a necessity at this point when buying the

home. We need to know what your credit profile looks like from front to back.

Now once you've had your credit pulled that first time there's a 30-day window

that you can have your credit pulled by any mortgage lender and it's not going

to affect your score. 30 days? I thought it was two weeks. No. Okay I learned

something today too! You have a full 30 days and it's because they want you shopping.

They want you out there getting the best rate. It's not as if you're getting

declined and then moving to somebody else and getting declined. Okay. In that

30-day window they know that you're just out there shopping so they don't affect

your credit score on that. Okay. But buying a house is probably the biggest

thing you're going to buy so if there's a reason to have your credit

pulled, it would be to buy a home. Right, so one of the things that Jared just said

that I really like is working with a local lender. Now, you can go online and

you can get pre-approved with Lending Tree or any number of these

online lenders but if you get pre-approved with them and you decide to

go with them, they're in another state so there's probably a time difference. You

don't necessarily get the same person every single time you call them, right? I

mean, you could call an 800 number and just talk to whoever answers the phone

and if they're not responding quickly enough if it's taking a long time and

you have to repeat yourself every single time you call because you're starting

over with somebody new, that gets old really fast. The reason why I like

working with Jared so much is that I've got his cell number. If I need

information and I need it quickly I know how to get a hold of you very easily. I

can text you, I can call you, I can physically walk into your office. And as you

have my cell phone number so do all my clients. There's been plenty of times

where a client's worked a full day and they've had this question on their mind

all day that they just want to ask their lender but they never found the time

throughout the day. Having your lender's cell phone

to where you can send them a text at 9 p.m. to ask them something that's very very

important to you is very vital. And it's that relationship that carries on even

after the closing table, even after you've moved into your home. You may have

questions... what did you say about homestead exemption? What was

this that you were talking about as far as me switching insurance if I want to?

To be able to have that relationship, to pick up the phone and still get the same

guy on the phone that you talked to on day one during the pre-qual phase, to say,

"Hey Jarad, I have a question." I have clients call me every single day and I

love it it means that they did what I asked them to and they saved me in their

phone (probably as Jarad or Jarad, the best lender in America!) but they did what

I asked them to and now we have a relationship, which ultimately... that's what life's

about. I do this because I like to see people get in homes. I like to see people

achieve the American dream, that personal pride they get of home ownership.

That's the biggest thing you get from using somebody local.

One of your neighbors, somebody who lives around you, because they're going to care

more. They're going to be easy to access and ultimately they're gonna be people

that you see in your neighborhood or at the store, that you can have

that relationship with them and feel comfortable reaching out to them. Very

nice. Well, thank you so much! I think that really answers most of the questions

that I get frequently from first-time buyers. And if you are in the Savannah

area and you're looking to buy a home this is a good guy to go to to get your

pre-approval from! Don't hesitate, just give us a call we'd love to talk to you

Awesome. Thanks for joining us today. Thank you, ma'am.

All right, thank you so much for watching this video! If you liked it please be

sure to hit the thumbs up button down below, share it, make a comment, and if you

like it that much subscribe to my channel. I do put out new videos every

Monday. So thanks again and we'll see on the next one!

For more infomation >> How to Get a Mortgage | the Pre Approval Process - Duration: 6:48.


Boys Carry Lonely Man'S Coffin To His Grave Then Someone Says 5 Words That Gives Everyone Chills - Duration: 1:58.

Boys carry lonely man's coffin to his grave – then someone says 5 words that gives everyone

the chills

Six boys from Roxbury Latin boys school near Boston, USA, had a lesson a few years ago

that they will never forget — outside of the classroom.

It was the school's assistant principal, Mike Pojman, who initially took the initiative

to launch a program not only to teach the students a valuable lesson but also to give

something back to society.

The boys volunteered as pallbearers for a lonely man who died on his own without any

family or friends.

After carrying the coffin, they recited different poems and verses in the man's honor.

The boys, dressed in sharp suites, seemed very affected by the incident.

"Dear Lord, thank you for opening our hearts and minds to this corporal work of mercy.

We are here to bear witness to the life and passing of Nicholas Miller," one of the

boys said.

"He died alone with no family to comfort him."

Then he continues with five words that brought me to tears, "…today we are his family."

"We are here as his sons," the boy continues.

"We are honored to stand together before him now, to commemorate his life, and to remember

him in death, as we commend his soul to his eternal rest."

After this experience, the young men clearly got a whole new perspective on both life and


They were pleased that the school had sent them out to take on this task.

"I know I'm going back, and I'm going to go to school and take another quiz,"

Brendan McInerney, one of the boys told npr.

"But all that work, you can get caught up in it…

When you kind of get out of that bubble that you can kind of stuck in, you get perspective

on what's really important in life."

I'm really impressed with these boys!

They did something really selfless and beautiful and stood up for a man who will never be able

to thank them.

For more infomation >> Boys Carry Lonely Man'S Coffin To His Grave Then Someone Says 5 Words That Gives Everyone Chills - Duration: 1:58.


Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO PRO LINE S EXCLUSIVE 225PK o.a. 20"LM, Navi, Pan.dak, Cruise Control - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO PRO LINE S EXCLUSIVE 225PK o.a. 20"LM, Navi, Pan.dak, Cruise Control - Duration: 1:00.


Audi A6 Avant 2.0 TFSI BUSINESS EDITION 180PK - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 Avant 2.0 TFSI BUSINESS EDITION 180PK - Duration: 1:00.


Project: Give Us Peace (ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION) - 13.9.2017 - Duration: 1:36:03.


Domen Kočevar (Head of Theosophical Library and Reading Room of Alma M. Karlin, Celje - Slovenia)

Domen Kočevar (vodja Teozofske knjižnice in bralnice Alme M. Karlin – TKBAK, Celje - Slovenija)

MARIJANA KOLENKO - head of primary school Lava Celje; supporter and organizer of project "Pozdrav ptic miru"

MARIJANA KOLENKO - ravnateljica osnovne šole Lava Celje; pobudnik in organizator projekta »Pozdrav ptic miru«

GREGOR DELEJA - head of Gimnazija Celje Center

GREGOR DELEJA - ravnatelj Gimnazije Celje Center

PATRICK MC COLLUM - peace activist (

PATRICK MC COLLUM – mirovni aktivist (

NINA MEYERHOF - founder and president of organization Children of the Earth (

NINA MEYERHOF - ustanoviteljica in predsednica organizacije Children of the Earth (

For more infomation >> Project: Give Us Peace (ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION) - 13.9.2017 - Duration: 1:36:03.


小龍女宣佈出櫃,吳綺莉迴應再也不用養她了,成龍迴應八個字! - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> 小龍女宣佈出櫃,吳綺莉迴應再也不用養她了,成龍迴應八個字! - Duration: 1:58.


Park Hyatt Milano, Italy (Europe). The best of Park Hyatt Milano in Milan - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Park Hyatt Milano, Italy (Europe). The best of Park Hyatt Milano in Milan - Duration: 5:47.


6 Adorable Hairstyles Every Girl With Bangs Should Know About - Duration: 2:13.

6 Adorable Hairstyles Every Girl With Bangs Should Know About

There are two staged of having bangs: 1. Im obsessed with myself, closely followed by 2.

omg when are these going to grow out? So whether youre looking to show off your chop or hide it all together, these bang-friendly hairstyles are a must.

1. 90s Pieces

Kenny J is living for those tbt vibes, rocking piecey 1990s bangs with massive hoop earrings – another 90s staple.

2. Knotted Back

If youre in the middle of the outgrowth phase and you just want your bangs out of your face, twist them up into teeny bantu knots like Keke Palmer.

3. Just Got Out of the Pool

Summer is coming to a close, but you can still rock that just-left-the-beach look by scrunching hair gel into wet hair. The piecey effect is perfect for choppy fringe.

4. Retro Shag

Curly bangs offer a vintage-y punch, but still look fresh and unexpected. Zendayas orange highlights really make them pop.

5. Breezy Waves

Selenas long wavy bangs are the perfect cut for anyone who wants to try out bangs, but doesnt want to deal with that awkward growing-out phase.

6. Wild

Natural curls are always in, but Yara Shahidis look is so fresh and cool. She pulled all her hair forward and draped it over her face to give the illusion of bangs.

For more infomation >> 6 Adorable Hairstyles Every Girl With Bangs Should Know About - Duration: 2:13.


How To Design 3D Logo In Adobe Illustrator | Prism Logo Design - Duration: 3:15.

In this video, I'll show you how to make a 3D logo design inside of Adobe Illustrator

So make sure to stay tuned because that's coming right up.

[My Catchy Intro]

Hey, what's up guys and welcome back to another video tutorial here at Design With Muneeb.

I am Muneeb and in this video, I'll show you the procedure of designing a 3D logo inside of

Adobe Illustrator. So, if you're new to my channel, then I upload logo design videos

like these and all that kind of good stuff so make sure to subscribe and let's jump into

the video. So here I have an artboard well two artboards in this case of 1000px wide

and 1000px tall. Now you can see the final and the finished product. Now in order to

start with, I've eliminated the fill and set the stroke to a solid color. I'm gonna open

up the polygon tool and if you wish to know more about the shapes tool about Adobe Illustrator,

check out my video on that. Now in the center of the artboard, I'm gonna single click and

it brings up this polygon menu and I'm gonna give it the sides as 7 and let's make it a

little bit big. Now I'm going to use the line segment tool and create compartments something

like this. One there and reflect it there. Now I'm gonna add a compartment over the center

right there. I'm gonna make one reflected over there and Now from there, I'm gonna hold

Shift and make one. I'm gonna do the same thing for the other side. Now I'm gonna, from

this compartment, I'm gonna add this section. So we're gonna end up with something like

this. Now, I'm gonna open up the Shape Builder Tool by pressing Shift+M and now if you want

to know more about that, you can check out my video too. I'm gonna click all the compartments

made, to make them a different shape. You can see, all of them are a different shape

now. We can select them and give them color. Now, I can select every individual part using

the eye-dropper tool, I can give them these different colors and Remember, you can just

easily take a snip and capture these different colors yourself. So yeah, this is it! So I

hope you enjoyed this video, If you did, then make sure to leave a like on the video, if

you loved it, then make sure to subscribe. Check out my other awesome content on the

channel. This is been Muneeb and until then, See you later

[Crazy Loud Outro =p]

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