Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 1 2018

How to Building Frame a Roof by steel frame - Amazing Smart

For more infomation >> How to Building Frame a Roof by steel frame - Amazing Smart Techniques - Duration: 17:36.


Amitabh Bachchan Celebrates New Year With Aaradhya Bachchan And Family - Duration: 2:53.

Amitabh Bachchan Celebrates New Year With Aaradhya Bachchan And Family

For more infomation >> Amitabh Bachchan Celebrates New Year With Aaradhya Bachchan And Family - Duration: 2:53.


Kenny`s Tale: A story of Friendship and Forgiveness - Duration: 3:26.

"Time has passed, everything is peaceful on the floating islands

Everyone is celebrating the Breeding Stability…

Everyone but me.

I can't forget that I was very hard on the Burglar Dragon.

Where is he now?

I'm afraid I treated the poor thing too harshly…

… Oh my dear Kenny, now I understand why he did it…

"Behind every single act, there is a reason"….

When he was little, "Kenny" was a very friendly dragon, always surrounded by other dragons.

The other dragons thought it was pretty cool that he could get things no one else could

reach with his ghostly hands….

Baby dragons do not know the values between "reaching" and "sneaking", right?

So they all just had fun, and I was happy seeing them.

But, as time passed, his friends were growing and became more interested in breeding and

battling than in playing with Kenny... because, in fact, poor Kenny could not breed nor battle…

Feeling lonely and forgotten… sadness and rage were spreading in his heart…he was

alone,... but not forever…

... he planned a solution to bring his friends back… the only problem was that it could

make things worse…

… but, if that allowed him to keep his friends close, it was all worth it! and you already

know the rest of the story, Dragon Master…

But...where is he?

Is he alright?

I need to find him!

I asked all around, dragon after dragon… and I found him!

He was hidden at the top of the Burglar tower, too ashamed to go out.

"Come on, Kenny, it is time to come home.

I think you have learned your lesson.

Come back to Dragon City with me."

"Everyone hates me.

I made a big mistake.

Who's going to love me now?"

He replied

"No one remembers anymore.

It was only an accident.

I'm sure everyone will be happy to see you!"

The burglar dragon kept thinking about that, not convinced by my words.

"If that is true, prove it to me!"

Kenny said.

It is your turn Dragon Master, he needs you.

Go into the Burglar Tower, find him and free him from his sins!

By the way, the Burglar Dragon found something in the tower before going back to Dragon City….

…. A Golden seed...what is this?...

... It seems something special… it wants to bloom, flourish… but it can't…

For more infomation >> Kenny`s Tale: A story of Friendship and Forgiveness - Duration: 3:26.


Sadhguru 2018 Meditation - Decide What Happens Within, Turn from Suffering to Yoga - Duration: 10:18.

so one level of yoga means to upgrade your technologies in such a way what

happens with the new is decided only by you nobody else but you what happens

outside of you 100 different people decide you never decide hundred percent

isn't it so nobody gets to decide the outside hundred percent they manage it

we manipulated the way we wanted to some extent but that's all

nobody has 100 percent control but here there is only one ingredient that's you

at least here you should decide what should happen within you isn't it so if

you are deciding what should happen within you what would we choose misery

or joy not much intelligence everybody has there's no problem at all so right

now the only problem is you are not deciding what should happen within you

somebody else is deciding what should happen within you see right now if

somebody decides what kind of clothes you should wear how you should say it

how you should stand what you should eat when you should sleep when you should

get up everything you call this slavery isn't it yes or no

now somebody is deciding what should happen within you is it not a more

horrible slavery than anything else yes the worst kind of slavery is people are

even deciding what should happen within you this is a horrible form of slavery

and a vast majority of humanity's in this slavery unfortunately once you are

blissful by your own nature now you can stride through your life

effortlessly otherwise all the time the fear is what will happen to me what

will happen to what will happen to me means what maybe I will get some kind of

suffering that's the whole thing isn't it may be my happiness will go away

maybe my peace will go away now once nothing can happen to you this is the

way you are it doesn't matter what it is next moment if you

have to die this is the way you are now you can stride through your life

effortlessly otherwise your whole life is always half steps never full steps

because the concern is always there what will happen to me and this yoga means

this Isha yoga is just an effort I am trying to add numbers to my bliss body

are you interested every human being is capable of being like this simply this

has not happened because he has not paid attention in the right direction he's

too busy fixing the outside fixing the outside does not change the experience

of your life fixing the outside only makes our lives

convenient and comfortable and that's all it cannot do anything more right now

the quality of your life is not dependent upon what kind of clothes you

wear what kind of car you parked outside what kind of home you live in no this

moment how peaceful and joyful you are that is the quality of your life isn't

it so and nothing has been done to take care of that too much has been done to

fix the clothes the car the house and this and that and that but nothing

really has been done to fix the interior tea when I say internal I am NOT talking

about the body or the mind because both this body and mind are external to you

as we already looked at this body is something that you slowly accumulate it

isn't it so this is just a piece of earth right now prancing around like

this isn't it so so body's in accumulation

what you call as mind is a heap of impressions that you have gathered isn't

it what kind of mind you have is just what kind of societies you've been

raised in isn't it the very way you think feel and

understand life is just the impressions that you have taken in so this is a huge

heap of impressions this is a huge heap of food if you have to gather these two

heaps there must be something more fundamental or foundational within you

but that dimension has remained out of your experience these two accumulations

of body and mind are constantly subject to external realities because they

belong to the external you gather them from outside you can drop them part by

part isn't it you 100 kgs you could become an 80 kgs 50 kgs you drop them

similarly mind also could be unloaded many things you forget and disappear

isn't it so you can pick it up you can drop it if you have to pick up and drop

things there must be somebody here listen to there must be somebody else

here who is picking up things and dropping things isn't it so that's

somebody that something is that inner dimension has not come in to experience

all the turmoil all the struggle is rooted in this all the disharmony you

see within yourself and outside of yourself is coming from this basic

dysfunction that is the innermost core has not come into experience just the

surface the surface has no purpose of its own it's just like for example the

physical the physical really has no purpose of its own just look at this

physical is just like the peel of the fruit appeal has no purpose of its own

or only as a protective layer to the fruit it means something the moment you

eat the fruit the peel goes straight to the trashcan

isn't it now this body is right now very important we have to feed it we have to

close it we have to decorate it we have to pamper it in so many different ways

but tomorrow morning the fruit inside if it goes

something that you never taste it if it goes away nobody wants to have anything

to do with this spiel isn't it because the fruit is inside this is so valuable

once the fruit is gone it doesn't mean anything but right now then we say your

experience of life is limited to sense perception what it means is you are

experiencing only that which is physical because sense organs cannot experience

anything other than the physical no no I have a mind your mind is also physical

in a sense right now you can see the lightbulb is physical it's very easy to

see that but the electricity behind it is also physical subtle but still

physical isn't it so the light that it is animating is also physical isn't it

similarly everything that you experience through the five senses is all physical

and physical has no purpose of its own it's the peel of the fruit if you're

eating just the peel of the fruit how life should be should have been better

but the problem is this peel because of its association with the fruit has

imbibed as few spots of sweetness now what you call is life is just trying to

extract juice out of those few spots of sweetness not realizing that this

sweetness has entered the peel only because of his association with the

fruit somewhere nature trusted your intelligence if you put a drop of honey

here and keep the honey jar up there if the hands come and taste this they go

straight for the jar isn't it so nature trusted your intelligence

nature thought if it puts a little bit the essence of the fruit in the peel the

moment you taste it nature thought you will go straight for

the fruit but you're doing everything to disprove that if this peel was 100%

bitter by now all of you would being like that's for

sure if just existing here physically was

always bitterness you don't naturally turn inward but the problem is there are

few spots of sweetness you are entertaining yourself with that all the

time you're unwilling to see that these partners spots of swiftness have come

only because the fruit is within the moment the fruit is gone there are no

spots of sweetness in the peel present

so yoga means not eating just the peel tasting the fruit now if you want to

taste the fruit it does not come to you because you reject the peel if you

reject the peel you'll reject the fruit also if you want to taste the fruit you

must go beyond the peel only then fruit is possible isn't it so what we are

doing in the seven days in the form of yoga is to give you a possibility of

tasting the fruits once you taste the fruit there is such sweetness in your

mouth that whatever is happening outside and look very effortlessly


For more infomation >> Sadhguru 2018 Meditation - Decide What Happens Within, Turn from Suffering to Yoga - Duration: 10:18.


Jimko - Όλα Κομπλέ (Official video clip) #Όλακομπλέ - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Jimko - Όλα Κομπλέ (Official video clip) #Όλακομπλέ - Duration: 2:39.


Top 25 URF Plays - Best URF Moments S8 | League of Legends - Duration: 11:46.

Top 25 URF Plays - Best URF Moments S8 | League of Legends

Top 25 URF Plays - Best URF Moments S8 | League of Legends

Top 25 URF Plays - Best URF Moments S8 | League of Legends

Top 25 URF Plays - Best URF Moments S8 | League of Legends

Top 25 URF Plays - Best URF Moments S8 | League of Legends

Top 25 URF Plays - Best URF Moments S8 | League of Legends

Top 25 URF Plays - Best URF Moments S8 | League of Legends

Top 25 URF Plays - Best URF Moments S8 | League of Legends

For more infomation >> Top 25 URF Plays - Best URF Moments S8 | League of Legends - Duration: 11:46.





Bike Talk - Mathieu van der Poel's new Canyon Inflite CF SLX | SHIMANO - Duration: 3:22.

I'm Mathieu van der Poel and this is my new cross bike...

...the Canyon Inflite CF SLX.

It's a new model from Canyon.

It looks a little bit strange, as you can see...

...but it really is a great cross bike.

Of course it took some getting used to.

Like I said before, especially this takes a bit of getting used to.

I'm very satisfied with the bike.

It's a very stiff cross bike...

...and it's a very predictable bike...

...and I really like that when riding.

Predictability is very important to me.

A very stiff bike, that feels as a whole.

There are a lot of cross bikes where the fork and the frame don't feel as one.

And with this bike I do have that feeling.

And to me that's a really big advantage.

I'm riding with the latest DURA-ACE groupset.

Still with electronic shifting...

...because to me it's still the best you can get.

With the new groupset, I'm especially very happy with the shifters...

...because the previous shifters...

...they were the first hydraulic disc brakes...

...and they were less elegant.

These are really nice hoods.

They are the same as on my road bike, where I don't ride with disc brakes.

I like that a lot, because you really have a lot of feeling when steering.

The groupset also shifts faster, you really feel that.

I get the brakes set so they start braking very early.

That's very important to me, because I have a lot of control like that.

I'm a big fan of the electronic groupset...

...ever since it was first released.

I'm someone who shifts a lot between the inner and the outer ring.

And with the electronic groupset it's completely different from before.

Back in the days when you had frozen hands, it was very hard.

And now it's just a flick.

I've always ridden with DURA-ACE...

...but not at any price I would change...

...because I'm so happy with it.

I always ride with a 46-39T up front...

...that's practically always the same.

In the rear it's a bit different sometimes...

...most of the time I ride with 25-11T.

Once in a while I use 28-11T...

...and when there's a lot of climbing involved...

...I even use a 30T in the rear.

I've said it a couple of times before...

...but I think disc brakes are the best innovation since I've been riding cyclocross.

I think it caused a lot of change, also in terms of riding style.

You have so much control over the bike... can brake later... can regulate the braking better.

To me that's one of the best things to ever happen in cyclocross.

That's what I've always missed with cantilevers...

...with them it was a bit of a guess...

...and with disc brakes you just stop wherever and whenever you want... really made me appreciate cyclocross even more.

For more infomation >> Bike Talk - Mathieu van der Poel's new Canyon Inflite CF SLX | SHIMANO - Duration: 3:22.


Wenn Kate Zwillinge bekommt: DAS wird aus der Thronfolge! - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Wenn Kate Zwillinge bekommt: DAS wird aus der Thronfolge! - Duration: 1:37.


One Of The Keys To Keep Balance On Slow Or Tricky Obstacles | DailyGroove 026 - Duration: 3:57.

In this Daily Groove I'll help you

ride tricky, slow speed obstacles with a lot

more ease and confidence.

<INTRO> I want to help you revolutionise your riding,

so you ride every trail better, safer, and easier,

and I believe that starts with harnessing your most

powerful asset, your ability to truly think

in control in advance. Let's Get Grooving.

Hey Groovers, Chris Carter here.

Welcome to the Daily Groove.

I'm here at a big log which has a ramp up to it on one side,

then at the top of the ramp when you're about two feet above

the ground, you make a turn to the right to follow the

A line along the log.

The log then goes uphill, before reaching the highest point,

about four feet above the ground,

then you go down the offramp to the trail.

Your trail features might be different.

Maybe you have a ramp up to some planks that go left, right,

left, right, snaking along, two feet above the ground.

The problem most mountain bikers have when they're riding

tricky obstacles is they often slow down

at all the changes in direction.

Most riders will rush up this ramp to carry some speed to

get to the top, but slow down as they get to the top of the

ramp, right when they need to make a turn to their right.

Then they'll start pedalling more,

but let the climb slow them down, too.

By the time they're at the peak of the climb

they've slowed right down, right when they need to suddenly

change direction again, and go from climbing,

to riding the down ramp to the ground.

The biggest problem you have when you slow down for these

changes in direction, is you're instantly making it more

difficult to keep your balance,

right when you need great balance.

As you slow down you start reacting

to the balance you're losing.

You grab that handlebar tight, and start fighting,

and wrestling, the handlebar to try,

and keep balance, and control, and that's no fun.

The solution?

As much as possible, maintain the same speed through

these changes in direction.

That doesn't mean just go faster through them

and hope for the best.

What it does mean is get in control

of your speed in advance.

Think in control.

You can see each of those changes in advance,

so, all you need to do, is think what speed you can maintain

through that turn, and then over that peak.

And then be at that speed before the turn starts,

and before the climb starts.

Pedal at a speed, and in a gear, that you can maintain

all the way up the ramp, and through the turn.

Then, by the time you exit that turn you should already be

considering what speed, and gear, you need,

to maintain the same speed all the way up

the climb, and over the peak, to the down ramp.

I don't want you slowing inside those changes in direction.

But if you can't maintain the same speed, say up the climb,

just try to keep as much momentum as possible.

You might need to approach at a slightly slower speed than

before, so you have the control to maintain the right speed,

or, you might discover you can maintain your current

approach speed, it's just that before today you had

the habit of letting the trail slow you down.

Either way, you'll ride these features faster, safer,

and with a lot less fuss because you're in control of what

happens to your speed and balance next,

instead of letting the trail change your speed,

and balance and make you struggle.

So, Set your speed in advance.

Instead of reacting and surviving, you'll be in control

and thriving.

Take this to the trail and let me know how much

fun you're having with it.

For more infomation >> One Of The Keys To Keep Balance On Slow Or Tricky Obstacles | DailyGroove 026 - Duration: 3:57.


【Vlog】 2018! Happy New Year !! - Duration: 4:34.

Hey !! What's up YouTube !!

Thanks! It is SOSHI-Muzic!

Everybody that you see here

Happy new year!!

Today last year same, we came back to home!

I had come to pick the mother to the station!

happy New Year! Wissu !!

Conca is light mother of glue!

That the New Year's greetings

I'm taking a loosely videos,

Today, I think I want to slowly back to home!

Did you eat?

Do not eat! ?

It was silent suddenly.

Are you nervous?

Blacksmith !! waiting because I have say come to noon

!! It was noon when I got up

What is the day of the lunch?

It does not make the rice cake ...


It's after a long time of the parents' home,

Than a year this year

I would like to make a lot of videos as well as sneakers!

I will do my best! !

Because I do not eat anything from happening in the fact that, I eat something in my parents !!

Yes, I ate the rice at that but,

Although mother next to it and in the way ,,,

Happy New Year again!

It is also a year this year

I Ya "BB", and "case" Each so I will do my best activities, thank you support!

But he spoke in the video recalls this year,

I will do my best so as to be more than a few 100,000 subscribers !!

Daily update also will do my best!

Even video work !!

After that I will do my best to make a video rich in various variety !!

After that I want to be many people and collaboration!

With that said, This year also thank one year !!

See you in the next video ...

When do you enter to enter over and !!

The way the only or !!

Yes again !!

Properly !! because here also use

That yes is also'll will see you in the next video !!

See you later !! bye-bye !!

Please Subscribe My Channel

For more infomation >> 【Vlog】 2018! Happy New Year !! - Duration: 4:34.


วัยใสหัวใจริรัก EP.3 - Duration: 12:50.

For more infomation >> วัยใสหัวใจริรัก EP.3 - Duration: 12:50.


Dimash flies from Changsha to Fuzhou Part 2 迪玛希 Димаш вылетает из Чанша в Фучжоу - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Dimash flies from Changsha to Fuzhou Part 2 迪玛希 Димаш вылетает из Чанша в Фучжоу - Duration: 1:59.


[竹南往事] - 第22集 / Zhunan Story - Duration: 48:01.

For more infomation >> [竹南往事] - 第22集 / Zhunan Story - Duration: 48:01.


ESO Guild Guide Part Two - Create your own Guild in the Elder Scrolls Online - Duration: 8:26.

Hello everyone, my name is Tianlein and today i share with

you the second part of my Guild Guide for the Elder Scrolls Online

In the first part we talked about guilds in general and what they can offer you

Now we will talk about how you can create your own guild and what is important to know

as a guildmaster

If you are only interested in a specific topic please take a look in the description

First we talk about how and where you can open your own guild

For that we have to open the guild window. The Guild window will be unlocked when you

reach level 10, allowing you to create and manage your own guild

Open your inventory and on the top of the window click the little shield icon or press

the G key.

This will open the Guild interface and at the bottom you will see the Create Guild Button

A new window will open

Choose a Guild name you like and the Guild Alliance

The Alliance is only important if you want to claim ressources in Cyrodiil in the name

of your Guild

Otherwise you can invite all players regardless of their alliance

Now i will explain a bit the guild home window and what kind of information you can find here

At the top left you see your Guild name and the guild alliance

Also you can switch here to your other guilds

You can see how many Members are in your Guild and how many are at the moment online

Next to that you can see if your guild unlocked the Guild Bank, Guild Heraldry and the Guild Store

To the right you see who is the Guildmaster and when the guild was founded.

On the left you can see if you hired a guild trader and if your guild claimed something in Cyrodiil

If your guild claims a resource or a keep, then the siege weapon merchant there also

becomes an interface to the guild's store

This works only in the campaign where you claimed the ressources or keep

If your faction loses the controll over them your guild will also lose the access to the

guild store there

There is no costs for the guild for claiming

anything in Cyrodiil

Also you can change here the "message of the day" and the "about us" section

If you do changes on the Message of the day your guild members will get an notification

This is a good spot for general information,rules, events or anything what you want to share

with your guild members

It is also possible to set the text color with hexadezimal color code

Someone was so kind and created a little web tool which you can use to set your text color

We have to open the webpage

You can find the link in the description of the video

Write at the top box your desired text

Mark the part you want to have colored and choose on the color wheel your desired color

and hit the apply button Copy the text from the bottom box, paste it

ingame into the message of the day or about section and save your changes

I think this solution should work well for console players too

The next tab is Guild Roster

Here you are able to see who is online and offline

But you can also edit notes for each member

Notes can be used for various things

Like how much someone donated, what roles people are playing, if someone is on vacation,who

is a crafter or other useful information

Also you can Invite here new members

Just click on the bottom of the screen on Invite member and a new small window will open

Type the @name or Character name and an invitation will be send

To remove a member you just have to right click on the name and choose remove a member.

That option is for trading Guilds important since they need active traders.

In case you can't play for a longer period of time please don't forget to inform your guilds

The Guild Ranks tab allows you to create or change Guild Ranks which are basically roles within a guild

here you can change the different permissions

for each guild rank

For example you can allow here a rank to have access to the guild trader, to invite new

members, have access to the guild bank and many more things

To promote or demote Members you have to visit again the guild roster and right click on

the name

Be careful who you allow access to the guild bank, since there are some thieves who will

rob your guild bank and leave the guild

Guild Heraldry allows you to create your own guild tabard

You need at least 10 Guild Members to unlock this option

Also you have to deposit 5000 gold at your guild bank

Now you can change the Form and Style of the tabard, the colors and also what icon you

want to have

If you are happy with your design you can purchase the guild heraldry for 5000 gold

and your members are able to purchase the tabard at the guild store for 2000 gold

In case you are not happy with the look of your tabard just open again the guild heraldry tab

For each change you have to pay 1000 gold, but again only a maximum of 5000 gold

The Guild history gives you an overview about various topics like Guild, Bank, Sales and

Alliance War

For example you can see who invited a new member, if someone joined or left your guild

or Rank promotions

Also there are information available who placed or took items or money from the the guild bank

The guild bank will be unlocked when your guild has at least 10 members

The Guild bank has space for up to 500 items and you can give members permission to place

or withdraw items with the guild ranks.

As mentioned before please be careful who you allow to withdraw items and gold from

the guild bank since you don't want to get robbed

When you Guild reaches 50 members you will unlock a Guild Trader

That will allow your guild members to buy and sell their items internally between guild members

If you want to reach a larger audience you need to get a npc guild trader

This traders are found across Tamriel and some locations are more popular than other ones

Every week you have to bid with gold from your guild bank for a NPC trader

Go to the desired trader of your choice

You can place at any time of the week your bid

This is a blind bid since you don't know how much gold other guilds offered

Depending on the Trader location that can be really expensive

On Sunday evening the bid will close

I believe at the moment this guild trader changeover is around 7pm

But it can be that this time will change in the future, for example for summer or winter time

The winner guild will receive per email a notification that they won their guild trader

bid for this week

Also you can see that information displayed at the guild home window

In case you lost the trader bid your gold will be refunded to your guild bank

But it can be that there are still npc traders available

That happens if this trader didnt receive any bid in this week

Now you have the option to hire the trader directly for 10 000 gold for this week

As mentioned before the trader price depends how popular a location is

For example cities like Mournhold in Deshaan or Belkarth in Craglorn are one of the most

expensive places where you maybe have to invest several millions of gold to win a trader bid

It all depends how much competition each location has

Of course traders spots where you can have more customers are more popular and expensive

Smaller cities will cost you maybe lesser gold but you will also have less chance of

potential costumors

Your guild will earn a bit of gold from taxes for each item sold via the guild store

Sadly the income from taxes is not enough to compensate the high weekly trader costs.

Because of these high bidding costs most trading guilds are depending on a weekly donation

from each member

Also it is really important to have many active traders

This is a reason why many trading guilds have many strict rules

For example regarding how many days you are allowed to be offline or that they don't allow

selling or buying via the chat

In case you are playing on PC i can recommed you some helpful Addons

Roomba - Guildbank Stacker is a small but useful addon which allows you to stack quick

and easy items in your guild bank

On the bottom left of your screen you will find the roomba button to scan your guild bank

If Roomba found any stackable items a Roomba buttom will appear, and with one click your

guild bank items will get stacked

Another helpful addon is Shissu's Guild Tools which provides you with multiple useful tools

for your chat, notitifcations, Guildinformation, Guildhistory, Guildroster, notebook

with email function and many more things You can enable or disable every tool seperately

Since this addon has really a lot to offer i recommend you to try it out and see which

tools are good for your needs

Thanks for watching and i hope you enjoyed this overview about guilds in the Elder Scrolls Online

If you have any questions or if you want to add some information please share them in

the comments below

It would be wonderful if you subscribe, like or leave me a comment

Have a good day and until next time


For more infomation >> ESO Guild Guide Part Two - Create your own Guild in the Elder Scrolls Online - Duration: 8:26.


Al Bano & Romina BUON ANNO NUOVO 2018 | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Al Bano & Romina BUON ANNO NUOVO 2018 | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:50.


Ольга КОРМУХИНА | Алексей БЕЛОВ - MOSCOW CALLING [Новогодняя ночь на Первом 2018] - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Ольга КОРМУХИНА | Алексей БЕЛОВ - MOSCOW CALLING [Новогодняя ночь на Первом 2018] - Duration: 4:10.


[HD FANVID] | 泡沫 | EUNHAE | 赫海* - Duration: 4:19.

Bubbles under the sun are multi-colored

Just like the happy me when being deceived

No need to investigate what's right or wrong

Your lies

are all based on love

Beautiful bubbles

although are like fireworks of one moment

All your promises

although are too fragile

But love is like bubble

If we are able to see through this

there is nothing to be sad about

We should have known that bubbles

will be broken once they got touched

Like the wounded heart

can't endure tortures

It's noone's fault

because all your lies

are based on love

Beautiful bubbles

although are like fireworks of one moment

All your promises

although are too fragile

love is like bubbles

If we are able to see through this

there is nothing to be sad about

No matter how beautiful the flower is

It goes withered after it blooms

No matter how bright the star is to the eye

It falls after it sparks

Love is only bubble

If we are able to see through this

there is nothing to be sad about

Why to be sad

What is there to be sad

Why to be sad

All is bubble

just like fireworks of one moment

All of your promises

are all too fragile

Yet your contour

I couldn't see through it

that is why I have been so sad

Those moments that proved that we are in love

How to search them again

Will it be less lonely

if we embrace loneliness

Love is after all just bubble

Blame me for not seeing through

that's why I am so sad

Bubbles under the rain

got broken by one touch

The blazing heart at one time

has sank long ago

Why bother saying you love me

if they were lies

I rather you kept silent

For more infomation >> [HD FANVID] | 泡沫 | EUNHAE | 赫海* - Duration: 4:19.


Spor Manşet Part 2 | 1 Ocak 2018 | Cem Dizdar & Serkan Yetkin | Youtube - Duration: 30:55.

For more infomation >> Spor Manşet Part 2 | 1 Ocak 2018 | Cem Dizdar & Serkan Yetkin | Youtube - Duration: 30:55.


President Trump's New Year - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> President Trump's New Year - Duration: 1:47.


Renault Clio Estate 1.5 dCi ECO Expression - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio Estate 1.5 dCi ECO Expression - Duration: 0:58.


Why are rodents (mice & rats) medical researcher's favorite test subjects? - Duration: 2:30.

Hello Planeteers, Welcome to the Curious Planet….

According to the Foundation for Biomedical Research, 95% of all lab animals are mice

& rats.


Why are the medical researchers so fond of rats?


Did you ever give it a thought what makes them the preferred creatures for experimental


Well the creatures stealing food from our kitchens aren't as bad as we think.

From formulating new cancer drugs to testing dietary supplements, rodents play an integral

part in everything.

Reducing reliance on higher-order species, rodents have become the animal model of choice

for biomedical researchers.

There are several reasons which make rodents, researchers personal favourite.

The first being Convenience:

Rodents are small, easily housed & adapt well to new surroundings.

They are easy to handle & to conduct experiments on, unlike the larger or less predictable


Imagine pricking a giraffe or an elephant with a needle.


Also they are formidable breeders.

They can reproduce quickly and have a short lifespan of two to three years, so several

generations of mice can be observed in a relatively short span of time.

Commercial producers breed, almost genetically identical, rodents specifically for research.

Same genes make the results of trials more uniform.

The most significant reason rodents are favourites is that their genetic, biological and behavioural

characteristics closely resemble to those of humans.

They are remarkably similar to humans.

Their anatomy, physiology and genetics are well-understood by researchers & many symptoms

of human conditions can be replicated in them.

Some examples of human disorders and diseases for which mice and rats are used as models

are: Hypertension Diabetes, Cataracts, Obesity, Seizures, Respiratory

problems, Deafness, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease

Cancer, HIV and AIDs, Heart disease, Muscular dystrophy, Spinal cord injuries.

Another great thing about rats is the fact that they can be changed genetically.

You can 'turn on' or 'turn off' specific genes in rats to observe how these changes

affect the rats.

These types of rats with altered genes are called 'knockout rats' and are tremendously

helpful in determining how certain genes can cause specific diseases.

There is one more type of rat, called transgenic rat, which are bred after inculcating foreign

DNA in them.

These types of rats help in mapping models of certain diseases that afflict humans.

Research with mice and rats has led to significant new treatments, cures and therapies and continues

to revolutionize science and medicine.

If you enjoyed the video, do give it a big big thumbs up.

Also don't forget to share & subscribe.

Hit that bell icon to be a part of our notification squad.

See you in the next video…


For more infomation >> Why are rodents (mice & rats) medical researcher's favorite test subjects? - Duration: 2:30.


Uppvaktningen - Kortfilm - Komedi - Duration: 17:21.

"The Courtship"

Hello Rebecka!

Maybe you recognize me?

At least I hope so.

It's me Fredrik from down the street.

I've been thinking about the best way to tell you...

That I like you.

So I got the idea to make a presentational movie about myself.

My friend Roger is filming.

Say hello.

So the camera is going to be your eyes.

And if you like what you see.

Then you're welcome to come over.

I like to make it cosy and romantic.

Oh hi Rebecka. Are you here already?

I'm not even done with the cleaning yet.

Here you go. Freshly baked.

Maybe I can show you around.

We never did that last time.

Here we have some games.

I like to play games.

Not only NES.

But I also have other interests. For example, I'm a big animal lover.

Especially dogs.

I also spend a lot of time together with my best friend Roger and his girlfriend Carro.

I'm the third wheel.

Or I am right now...

Maybe that will change soon...


Did you really think I was good in the movie?


It doesn't feel like I was myself.

You've already met each other.

So she already knows you.

Sure but...

Come on.

I thought...

Three months earlier.

Are you alright?



Can you please help me up?


Come on.

Be careful.

Maybe you've sprained it.

So it's here you live.

I live over there.

What is it they say.

It's a small world.

What are you looking for?

My keys.

What the fuck! They should be here!

Where am I now going to sleep?

I hope you can sleep here.

Otherwise we can switch.

It's fine.

I will call my mother tomorrow.

She has my spare key.



You have a NES.


I also had one when I was a child.

I loved a game called Blue Shadow.

Do you have it?

Yes. I do.

Can't we play it?

Sure. Why not?

Have you been on a masquerade?

Yes, but this is the peak of the evening.


I didn't know that my ex Tord would be there.

Whatever, It's a long story.

That ended with that bastard keeping our dog when we broke up.

Maybe that's enough.

Yeah. Sure.

You are my hero tonight.

What would I have done without you?

I haven't been able to stop thinking about her.

There was something magical in the air.

It felt so empty here when she left.


How was she the next day?

She vomited in my bathroom and left.

Someone had found her keys.


Can't you go to her?

Instead of just sitting here waiting.

Or maybe we should ask a expert?



Here you go. Freshly baked.

And you wonder why she hasn't come over?

I like to play games, not just...


No woman is going to be flattered by this movie.

Carro, try to be constructive.

What would you have done?

Anything else would have been better!

I never thought it would be this bad.

Carro said that she knows who Rebecka's ex is.

That's right! Tord!

People call him "The red flag".

A dangerous fuckhead.

He likes to solve his problems with violence.

What if she thinks I'm like him?

Let me put it like this, do you want Rebecka?

Why are you sitting here then?

Be a man for fuck sake!

Or do you want to sit here forever?

And tell her that the movie was a joke. If you want a chance.



I'm sorry I haven't responded.

I just wanted to say that the movie was kind of a joke.

Not the message itself but...

Do you want to come inside?


I think that you seem like a nice guy.


It's very complicated in my life right now.

A lot of mixed feelings to think about.

But maybe we could be friends?

It begins at half past eight.

I don't think I want to watch a movie tonight.

Are you really going to miss First ninja 3?

You need something else to think about.

Alright, I see you there.



Look! There she is.

With Tord.

Who? It wasn't like that.

What the hell did you mean?

I want you to go home now.

Then you're coming with me.

Let go of me!

I'm the only one you've got.

That's not true.

Is this what you want?

I don't know, but I want you to go home.

You don't know anything!

It's my decision.

I don't care if it's your decision. What do you have to come home to?

I don't know.

Try to think for once.

And who the hell are you?

Hey! Rebecka wants her dog back!

Three months later.

How nice it looks.


Opus, let's go!

Come on!

Let's go to Roger and Carro.

Come on.

For more infomation >> Uppvaktningen - Kortfilm - Komedi - Duration: 17:21.


재현이준호 ♥ 진애애 폭발 - 슈퍼 스타 정보 사진 제공 = JTBC 드라마 확실히 사랑해이준호 진아 접수가 가까워짐 1 일 오후 엄청난 협회 뉴스 - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> 재현이준호 ♥ 진애애 폭발 - 슈퍼 스타 정보 사진 제공 = JTBC 드라마 확실히 사랑해이준호 진아 접수가 가까워짐 1 일 오후 엄청난 협회 뉴스 - Duration: 4:03.


Free fut points: how-to

For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


Morning Musume'17's Morning Diary 28th Dec 2017 with English sub - Duration: 27:50.

For more infomation >> Morning Musume'17's Morning Diary 28th Dec 2017 with English sub - Duration: 27:50.


For more infomation >> Morning Musume'17's Morning Diary 28th Dec 2017 with English sub - Duration: 27:50.


Laurent Gerra agace les fans de Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Laurent Gerra agace les fans de Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 1:29.


For more infomation >> Laurent Gerra agace les fans de Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 1:29.


Enduro seven 2018 Episode 1: From beginner to hard enduro - Duration: 4:29.

Enduro Seven - enjoy the ride ;)

For more infomation >> Enduro seven 2018 Episode 1: From beginner to hard enduro - Duration: 4:29.


For more infomation >> Enduro seven 2018 Episode 1: From beginner to hard enduro - Duration: 4:29.


Jurassic World (2018)

For more infomation >> Jurassic World (2018)


Gara-Gara Makanan Haram. - Ust. Zulkifli M. Ali, Lc - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> Gara-Gara Makanan Haram. - Ust. Zulkifli M. Ali, Lc - Duration: 5:32.


0 Star Review (Parody of Look What You Made Me Do) - Duration: 2:39.

I just hate these dumb cafes No grass-fed soy lattes

There's seeds in their purees No I don't, no I don't like you

They serve Pepsi 'stead of Coke This whole place is a joke

Won't let me have a smoke By the door, no I don't like you

I am a squeaky wheel and I know how to get some grease

I'm gonna do my thing and be the restaurant police

When businesses are bad I vent and vent and never cease

And when you're closed, I'll have my peace, ooh!

Oooh a 0 star review, a 0 star review, a 0 star review

I left a 0 star re- Oooh a 0 star review, a 0 star review, a 0

star re--- Bandaids don't fix bullet holes, baby

We got some bad blood now Ra ra ah ah ah roma roma ma

Taylor ooh la la want your bad re-views

They don't have kombucha tea Salt is iodized, not sea,

Their scones aren't gluten free No, I'm not a celiac, *but it's supposed to

be bad for you or somethin'

Staff has brains made of clay Cuz they forgot to say

Hey, you have a nice day And i won't because of you

The words I write will scare away even your loyal fans

I'll call the neighborhood and see if we can start a ban

Yes, I'll drag anyone who doesn't meet my high demands

And now your fate, is in my hands, ooh!

Oooh a 0 star review, a 0 star review, a 0 star review, I left a 0 star re-

Oooh a 0 star review, a 0 star review, a 0 star re--

i knew you were trouble when i walked in

For more infomation >> 0 Star Review (Parody of Look What You Made Me Do) - Duration: 2:39.


Trophies are for Winning - Duration: 4:59.

Participation trophies.

I'm not a fan.

They're bad for kids.

Bad for parents.

Bad for society.

Other than that, they're okay.

Don't get me wrong.

I love any kind of organized competition for kids.

I lived and breathed baseball, basketball, football and soccer growing up.

If there was a sport to be played, I played it.

And never once did anybody ever tell me that winning was not important

or that showing up was all that mattered.

But today, kids get a different message.


No big deal.

Showing up?

That deserves a trophy.


What an awful thing to tell a kid.

Glad my parents or coaches never said it to me.

If they had, I'm sure I never would've become a pro soccer player.

Let me tell you why.

In high school, I was a good soccer player.

I thought I could play soccer in college.

Looking back, though, I just wasn't good enough in those college coaches eyes.

I tried out for the UCLA team as a walk-on.

I made it!

I was vindicated.

I had arrived...on the bench.

The coach hardly ever looked at me.

I'm not even sure he knew my name.

I know he didn't care about my feelings.

I wanted to be a starter, I wanted to be a winner.

Shouldn't I have been satisfied just for making the team?

Of course not.

That's absurd.

But isn't that what kids are told today?

You're a winner.

Even if you're not.

Even if you come in last.

And we'll give you a trophy…just for showing up, just for participating.

This belief – that showing up is an accomplishment – is self-destructive.

Because the pain of losing is part of what drives one to improve.

The frustration of going to game after game and sitting on the bench drove me nuts.

I had to practice more.

I had to work harder.

Or, I had to give up.

And I didn't want to give up.

This taught me an important lesson: If you don't put in the work, you won't get ahead.

And not getting ahead?

Well, that feels awful.

So, put in the work.

Or go home.

So, I put in the work.

I pushed myself, not to do my best – because who can possibly know what "their best" is?

– but to be better.

And better.

And one day, my chance came.

Coach put me in the game.

Not because I wanted so badly to play, but because he needed me.

I played well.

Well enough to start the next game where I scored a goal, and had an assist.

After that I started every game.

The road to victory – in sports, in business, in life – is paved with losses, painful losses.

Losses that can hurt so much it's hard to breathe.

Any professional athlete or successful entrepreneur will tell you that's true.

But participation trophies, everybody-is-the-valedictorian, and let's-all-pat-each-other-on-the-back

awards communicate a different message.

They tell you that losing doesn't matter – it matters.

They tell you that competition is, at best, not important, and at worst, dangerous.

I wonder how my soccer career would have turned out if I'd grown up with these ideas in my head.

I was cut twice during the tryout period for the 1992 Olympics.

My pro soccer team, the LA Galaxy, lost three times in the championship before we finally

won in 2002.

Guess what?

I survived all these disappointments and a whole lot more.

They only made victory that much sweeter.

In the real world, you're rewarded for achievement, not effort.

Promotions don't go to the employees who did their best.

They go to the employees who did the best.

But what if the kids can't handle losing?

What if it's too painful?

That's the whole point.

It's your job as the adult, as the parent, to help them understand that losing

– that not getting what they want – is a part of life.

Nobody likes to fail, but it's inevitable and it's the only path, ultimately, to success.

Yes, showing up and participating is important.

Trying your best is important.

But neither deserves a trophy.

If you want one of those, go win something.

I'm Cobi Jones for Prager University.

For more infomation >> Trophies are for Winning - Duration: 4:59.


One word with different meanings | Daily sentences | Idiom | vocabulary - Duration: 1:51.

hello friends I'm Bhushan welcome to English speaking diary today we are going

to study one word with different meanings also we are going to see daily

sentences about this word and this word is nasty nasty it is an adjective the

first meaning of nasty is bad or unpleasant so let's see some daily sentences

I think it's a nasty idea there is a nasty smell in here I have a nasty

headache this year we have a nasty winter the second meaning of nasty

is unkind rude so let's see some daily sentences don't be so nasty to your

sister you were so nasty to him at college I don't wanna listen any nasty thing

about her and the next meaning of nasty is dangerous harmful so let's see a

daily sentence it was a nasty approached by him in front of my parents and the

next one is an idiom a nasty piece of work

it means unkind person a daily sentence Is he is just a nasty piece of work

so this was you today's English lesson I hope it will help you to improve your

English thanks so much for watching my video please subscribe my channel for new

English lesson if you like this video please give me thumbs up you can share

this video with your friends thank you so much see you in the next video

For more infomation >> One word with different meanings | Daily sentences | Idiom | vocabulary - Duration: 1:51.


'성폭행' 혐의 박유천, 네번째 피소.. 하루에만 두번째 "화장실서 성폭행당했다" 고소 |엔터테인먼트 24H - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> '성폭행' 혐의 박유천, 네번째 피소.. 하루에만 두번째 "화장실서 성폭행당했다" 고소 |엔터테인먼트 24H - Duration: 3:17.


Woman Nervous When Cops Knock On Door, Then They Hand Her Bill That Leaves Her In Tears - Duration: 2:54.

Woman Nervous When Cops Knock On Door, Then They Hand Her Bill That Leaves Her In Tears

During the holidays, many of us run around trying to find the perfect gifts for the special

people in our lives.

There are television commercials, online advertisements, and email campaigns from major department

stores and online companies offering sales and deals.

Shops and streets are covered in festive decorations.

It would seem that everyone is rushing about getting ready for the holidays.

For many though, December is just as desperate a time financially as every other month of

the year.

Buying presents is the farthest thought in their minds.

They're just trying to get by.

But for some struggling folks in Shawnee, Kansas, Christmas has come early.

For the third year in a row, an anonymous donor has generously given $10,000 to the


There aren't any stipulations attached to how the money is to be distributed – it's

up to the police department and its officers to determine who should receive the $100 bills.

The only qualification?


The officers charged with handing out the cash decide who is deemed needy enough.

Recipients can be the folks officers encounter during their daily patrols or those they've

met this past year.

For many people, seeing an officer approach their front door leaves them nervous.

Police don't usually arrive on your doorstep unless you're in trouble or something is


When knocking on the doors of her recipients, Officer Herber leads with, "You're not

in trouble," to put the residents at ease.

Police Major Dan Tennis said the purpose behind this generous donation is to help strengthen

the ties between the members of the community and its police force.

Officer Stevens is grateful for the opportunity.

He said he hopes the community will realize that "what you see in the media isn't

representative of all of us."

Erin Williams was a lucky beneficiary of the secret Santa program.

Williams lost her job this past spring and had her car stolen just two months ago.

"I'm going to be honest," she said, "[Stevens] scared me a little when I saw

him at the door because my heart was pounding and all I could think was, 'Oh no, what

happened now?'"


What a fabulous gift!

Another lucky recipient was pulled over, but instead of writing them a ticket, the police

officer handed them some cash.

The driver was overjoyed and very thankful for this shocking turn of events.

This Secret Santa program doesn't only help the town residents; it also blesses the police


"To be able to help during that time is powerful," Tennis said.

"We've had long-term veterans getting teary-eyed telling us about the people they've


Who wouldn't love being responsible for spreading goodwill and cheer?

What a special gift to be able to give this Christmas!

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