Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 1 2018

2017 might have had its tough spots, but for Beyonce and Jay-Z, it was a banner year of

baby bliss.

The two welcomed their twins, Rumi and Sir, and although the pair has been fiercely protected

from the public, they're already taking the world by storm.

All that attention does have its downsides, though, so here are some reasons we might

need to worry about the Carter kids as they grow up with two mega-famous parents.

Early obsession

Less than 24 hours after her Instagram announcement, Beyoncé's pregnancy news was trending at

epic levels.

Their digital footprint was intense even before they entered the world, so you know they're

going to be the subjects of millions of web searches for the rest of their lives.

And while that might mean they're destined to be as famous as their parents, so much

notoriety does come with a price.

When Beyonce was pregnant with Blue Ivy, for example, there were conspiracy theories perpetuated

by sites like TMZ questioning whether or not she was really pregnant or if she and Jay

Z used a secret surrogate.

Bey prevented those rumors from reemerging with the twins by posting plenty of pictures

of her bare bump this time around.

But chances are, her critics will find some kind of controversy to dwell on in the years

to come.

Busy bees

Although Blue has been able to flourish while both of her parents stood firmly in the spotlight,

we'll have to see if the same is true for the new duo, who'll have to fight not just

their sibling, but the entire world for their parents' attention.

Beyonce worked right up until the babies' birth, even delivering a gravity-defying performance

at the Grammys, and Jay-Z released his latest album 4:44 just days after the twins' birthday.

Meanwhile, mom Beyonce has been hyping her clothing line while Jay continues to support


So, the two show no signs of slowing down, which means these babies are in for a very

busy lifestyle right from the start.

Bad blood

Another obstacle the twins have been born into is family drama between mom and grandpa


In 2011, Beyoncé fired her father, Mathew Knowles—who had served as her manager since

she was a child—after he was reportedly busted cheating on her mother, Tina Lawson,

fathering a love child, and allegedly stealing from Beyoncé's business.

"We both knew it was time maybe, you know, a few years before."

"But it was something that was hard."

Their father-daughter relationship was allegedly so damaged that he barely has a relationship

with Blue Ivy—and odds are, that won't change for the twins, either.

Knowles did not confirm or deny the rumors of estrangement after the 2016 release of

Beyoncé's Lemonade album, which featured the telling single "Daddy Lessons."

But the one-time pop patriarch did say,

"It's nobody's business how much I see my daughter or my grandkids, that's something

personal that I care not to share."

It's unclear if the tykes currently have a good relationship with their grandfather,

but many members of the Beehive have criticized him for publicizing the twins' birth.

Before Beyoncé or Jay Z acknowledged or confirmed the birth, Mathew tweeted about their arrival,

and the Beehive swarmed all over him for capitalizing on their moment.

Dirty laundry

Of course, the real story surrounding the Carters is the publicized romantic row their

parents had just before their arrival.

Although Beyonce and Jay-Z have since reconciled and appear to be in a good place in their

marriage, the two definitely went through some hardships that were laid bare for the

public in their albums, Lemonade and 4:44.

Not only was the first third of Bey's visual album a stinging rebuke to Jay-Z's allegedly

wandering ways, but much of the rest of it showcased their painful reconciliation effort

in stunning detail.

Jay then confirmed the same and showcased his own shame in the lyrics to his new album,

and thus, the two had no secrets to hide from the world anymore.

"I feel it's the most important work that I've done, and I'm very proud of it."

With so much voluntary exposition, there's a chance their fanbase will expect the two

to be forthcoming forever more about the most delicate details of their relationship, including

progress with the twins.

Which means privacy might be at a premium for these two, and their whole family for

that matter.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What's Really Going On With Beyonce And Jay Z's Twins? - Duration: 4:01.


Sadhguru 2018 Meditation - Discover Time and Space Do Not Exist - Duration: 11:42.

there's a journal and the quality business in the song my voice is hoarse

what enough we're meditating with mr. deck ninny

but in this argument Journal in this column is the general cost businesses

they have no snow article that showed that they have finally discovered

scientists have finally discovered that time and space are not real okay

they went to the flemings thing but came over the nine page 111 figured it out

they also have now explained gravity for the first time now science is the god of

the developing West that's what you listen to

caiti currey comes on the evening news and descendant of it we eat a bunch of

snow over six I'm sure you're gonna take this in Nashville my point is I think we

are on the costume Whitely of science which was a response against all the

illusions because now finally realized that there's the last evolutions the

time and space are a mutually agreed upon illusion which allows us to create

a magnificent language which allows us to become self-conscious as science

begins to finally embrace this this would be really really important because

then the other thing does so what this nation now seen as being already and the

second launch of the physical you're talking about the see this darn

language instead of ISM as another reality so I think we're on the cusp of

something that can change the way business is ruling the world because the

voice of science is the guide to this design is about the developed nations

something to know what you think about this Oh about time and space this is not

new to the east I do be a yogi means the first yogi a little over 15,000 years

ago when he was asked what is the nature of the cosmos he said the whole cosmos

can be packed and you mustard seed and

when they asked how is all this happening in the universe he simply said

like as he was drunk always so he said like this

fire he said only five things five elements that's all

the whole thing is the mischief of these five things you look into my eyes and

see I'm always talking never touch the substance in my life not drunk on wine

but divine you know because these are contradictory things distance and lack

of distance time an hour and a zero or seem to be different things drunkenness

and awareness seem to be two different things now once you transcend time and

space you are intoxicated and aware at the same time it's the best way to be

and there's no angle amazing if we have to look at this so they share something

my own explains this happened to me when I was 4 years of age suddenly one day I

realized I know nothing I know nothing means I know nothing at all if somebody

gives me a glass of water I keep staring at this water for 3 to 4 hours at a

stretch because I do not know what is water well I know if I drink this it'll

quench my thirst and so many different ways of using it but I don't know what

water is even today water is the only substance found in this planet in all

the three states two-thirds of the planet is water two-thirds of your

body's water if you look for life you look for a drop of water it just about

anywhere it is the juice of your life but do you

know what it is with all the scientific exploration we still do not be still do

not know even a single atom in entirety we know how to use them we know

how to break them we know how to use them but we don't know what it is if you

knew what it is we would have created one

so I realized I do not want anything if I sit up in the bed I'm just staring

into the darkness for the whole night my dear father

being a physician started thinking I need psychiatric evaluation so this boy

is simply staring at something unblinking he's lost it in this

condition they sent me to school my mother said pay attention to the teacher

I meant and pay attention to the teacher absolute attention the kind of attention

that they would have never ever received in that life and any scenario heard them

speaking and I understood the words after some time I realized they are only

making sounds I am making up the meanings in my head even now see

language is a conspiracy between two people I make one sound you make the

meaning suppose I start talking in a language that you don't understand I

will be just making sounds as for the Geoghan said isn't it so when I realize

this I stopped making meanings I just started listening to the sounds with

full attention this is one problem with most human beings the moment they don't

understand something they don't want to listen now listen to those things which

you do not understand because those are the things which need to be listened to

isn't it work you do not understand needs much more of your attention then

what you understand isn't it so I just listened to this chatter

throughout the day by the teachers and it became very amusing over a period of

time and a big smile spread on my face they were not amused at all

education went on very consistently for me because every monthly test I remember

this very well you you still have this process here that monthly there's a

report card take it your parent signature back you have to come to the

email column so this monthly report card business is one big thing in the school

when they give this some children are strutting around because their first

second something somebody else is crying because they fail or whatever not once

did I ever open this report card it was given to me I took it and gave it my dad

because I thought this is a transaction between my teacher and my father I

didn't want to interfere in that I never open and wrote because anyway I know

there will be six zeros well I never wrote a single word in any test paper

if the insisted I wrote my name otherwise empty paper all that idea

education went on like this I went from class to class somehow and about five

years ago this school where I studied over 45 years ago they came to invite me

for the one hundred and twenty fifth anniversary of the school I said see why

me because I was not just a not good

student I was not even a student why have you invited me they said see our

school has produced federal ministers cricketing stars villain stars you are

the only mistake you have to come so I went I went instead of a little random

to speak the same oppressive buildings and

I looked at this particular class woman suddenly came back to me I was a little

over 12 years of age one afternoon a teacher is talking to me and trying to

get some response from me I am paying absolute attention but those days I was

made like this five six days at a stretch I don't utter a single word

because then you don't know anything what you say simply I'm paying if I look

at this this one dot on this paper will hold my attention for all day where is

the room to look at something else and speak so I'm just paying attention but

no response after about 3540 minutes he got so mad with me

he came and held me by the shoulder shook me violently said you must either

be the divine or the devil I think you're the later I did not feel abused

or insulted by this till that moment my problem was I do not know what is days I

don't know what is that I don't know what is this what is this this my issue

but I knew one thing I knew this is me suddenly this man confused me about this

also I nobody is this divine that way what the hell is this

well the suddenly I realised I did not even know what is this so I closed my

eyes and said minutes went into hours one day I decide like this with my eyes

closed I thought i sat there for twenty five

thirty minutes I opened my a whole crowd of people around me

Garland's around my neck people are trying to pull my legs sending new

traditions somebody wants to know about his business somebody wants to know when

his daughters will get married all kinds of ridiculous things I said where the

hell did all of you come from it was when I

they were not there when I opened my eyes a big crowd they said you've been

sitting here for 13 days I thought it's about 25 30 minutes so knowing that time

and space is just a magnification of your mind it's been common knowledge in

the East from our experience of life it's not Sciences more into words

mysticism they can't help it it's just that they don't have the tools and they

are stuck with their simple logic and they're afraid to leave it it takes a

next generation of scientists to look beyond the present levels of logic and

explore life in a much deeper way she told me I have to close at 10:30 thank

you very much


For more infomation >> Sadhguru 2018 Meditation - Discover Time and Space Do Not Exist - Duration: 11:42.


Dutch cycling figures - Duration: 5:10.

The Netherlands: a cycling nation of 17 million people,

who own 22.5 million bikes together.

An average of 1.3 bicycles per person,

which is more than any other country on the planet.

A Dutch person makes about 250 to 300 bicycle rides per year

and together they ride almost 15 billion kilometers.

Even though many more kilometers are driven by car...

in the morning rush-hour bicycles outnumber cars

in the streets of the Netherlands.

84% of the Dutch own one or more bicycles.

And 27% of the under 50-year-olds use their bicycle every day.

The same goes for 17% of the over 65-year-olds.

The average number of cycling has been stable for about 30 years:

about 27% of all trips in the country are made by bicycle.

But that average is a total of figures that did change.

Cycling has increased a lot in the cities.

- with 12% since 2005 -

and decreased in the countryside.

Not only because more people live in cities now,

but also because the Dutch cycle more often...

and they cycle longer distances.

The average Dutch person now cycles 1,000 kilometers per year.

No other nation in the world cycles this much,

but Dutch schoolchildren cycle even twice as much,

because three-quarters of the 12 to 16 year olds

cycle to school on a daily basis.

Another group that cycles much more are the over 65-year-olds.

Partly because their number increased

and partly because they discovered the e-bike.

but mostly because they simply cycle longer distances...

especially for recreation.

The acceptable distance to cycle was long thought to be about 7.5 kilometers.

- with 90% of all trips being shorter -

but with the e-bike that distance has increased to 15 kilometers.

The average cycle speed in the Netherlands is relatively low.

About 12.4 km/h.

The e-bike is only a fraction faster with 13 km/h.

The Dutch can cycle on well over 55,000 kilometers of roadway...

that is fit to cycle on.

Already 70% of the urban streets are 30 km/h zones.

On top of that there is a network of over 33,000 km of dedicated cycling infrastructure.

Ranging from completely solitary cycle routes...

- not attached to any motor traffic network -

to cycleways next to busy roads.

One-way on either side...

or bi-directional.

Education seems to be a way to achieve more cycling.

Of the higher educated people in Amsterdam only 28% choose the car.

People who are less well-educated take the car for more than 50% of their journeys.

Where higher educated people see the bicycle as a status symbol,

with which they can show how close they live to their work for instance,

the lower classes look down on the bicycle even in the Netherlands.

Still, more trips are made by bicycle than by car in Amsterdam.

72,000 cycle trips in morning rush hour alone.

Almost twice as many as the number of cars on the street at the same time.

Utrecht is equally busy.

That city of 345,000 people welcomes 125,000 people on bicycles every day.

The busiest street is used by 33,000 people every day.

It makes this cycle way the busiest in the country.

To give all these people a parking space, Utrecht is creating 33,000 bicycle parking spaces

around its central station. Of which 12,500 in one facility.

The largest in the world.

Of all the visitors to the Utrecht city centre 59% arrives by bicycle.

Even with all that cycling the Dutch government feels

there is more than enough room for growth.

For instance because more than half of the car trips in the Netherlands

are below 7.5 kilometers.

For a scheme to further promote cycling,

the national government joined forces with local authorities...

and other parties such as knowledge organisations and entrepreneurs.

The ambitious goal:

to increase cycling with 20% in the next ten years.

This may pose some challenges at the already busy places,

But the Dutch love for experiments, also when it comes to road design,

will almost certainly make this increase possible in a safe way.

For more infomation >> Dutch cycling figures - Duration: 5:10.


Japan's 1 and Only Lamborghini Centenario ! First Look and Drive! Steve's POV Exclusive! - Duration: 5:27.

I just landed in Japan and got an urgent call from Morohoshi.

"Steve, you need to get to Tokyo ASAP"

Well, I'm here now, I'm tired and have no idea what was so urgent...

What the hell is that??? OMG!!


Hi!!! How are you?

Is this what you wanted to show me??

It's been a long time!


You like it? It's not mine though...


Really, its not mine.

This Centenario belongs to a friend of mine.

There are only 20 of these coupes in the world.

Thats right, only 20 coupes worldwide!

How do you pronounce Centenario?

Japanese and English pronunciations are different!?!

How's my pronunciation?


This is probably the only coupe in this color in the entire world.


What is the color called?

Something Red !?!? LOL

The interior was ordered in red and white to resemble the Japanese flag.

How long did it take to get once ordered?

About 2 years in total.

This is #19 of the 20 worldwide.

#19 of 20?

It's almost the last Centenario manufactured!

How many are in Japan?

This is the only one!

Only one coupe in Japan!

How does it sound?


Is it different sounding than an Aventador?

Yes, a little different.

Looking at it is one thing but I wanna hear it!

No problem!!

I'm going behind the car to hear it!

I'll be waiting back here!

That is incredible!!!!

It's definitely different sounding than a normal Aventador.

It sounds great doesn't it?

How much did this car cost?

Close to $3 million USD including everything.

$3 million dollars????!!!???

Thats all in price with taxes, duties, etc...

$3 million???

These were only sold to people who could pay that immediately!

Thank you so much for this opportunity!

Lets get together again soon!

If possible I would love to take a ride with the owner sometime.


For more infomation >> Japan's 1 and Only Lamborghini Centenario ! First Look and Drive! Steve's POV Exclusive! - Duration: 5:27.


The BEST Oven Baked Salmon ~ Easy Healthy Lemon Garlic Salmon Recipe - Duration: 3:14.

Hi, I'm Tess and today I'm going to show you how to make some of the easiest and

best tasting baked salmon. Dinner will be ready in less than 30 minute. Stay tuned!

(intro music)

This baked salmon recipe is quick easy and only requires a few ingredients.

Just a reminder that you'll be able to find this recipe, the list of ingredients and

much more in the show more section below. I've also included links to where you

can purchase online some of the ingredients and equipment that I use in

this video recipe. If you have a chance please check it out. I'm making the

seasoned oil for on top of the salmon. I'm starting with some good extra virgin

olive oil. If you wanted you could use half extra virgin olive oil and melted

butter for some extra flavor. Adding in some fresh lemon juice, Dijon mustard,

salt, white pepper and you can use black pepper, minced garlic and parsley. If you

happen to have fresh parsley that is even better. Giving that a good whisk.

My oven is preheating to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. I have about a pound and a

half of salmon fillet that I cut into two to three inch wide pieces. I lined a

baking pan with foil and lightly brushed with oil, placed in my salmon pieces and

now I'm spooning and brushing on the seasoned oil. I'm dividing all the

seasoning among the salmon and making sure that they're all coated. One more

thing before we pop the salmon in the oven, I'm placing a slice of lemon on top

of each piece. This is going to add lots of flavor and a brightness to the salmon.

Baking at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 12 to 15 minutes, removing from the oven and

letting it rest for 5 minutes before serving.

Serving tonight with some smashed garlic butter parsley potatoes and a side of

lima beans. This baked salmon is so rich and good. The meat is flaky and you can

really taste the parsley, garlic and lemon. The lemon gives the salmon a pop

of flavor and I'm also adding a slice of fresh lemon on the side. Since the salmon

is rich in taste it does go a long way and will serve a lot of people. If by

chance you do have some leftover salmon please check out my video recipe for a

salmon salad sandwich. I hope you give this quick easy and delicious baked

salmon a try and enjoy.

If you like this easy-bake salmon recipe please hit the LIKE and SUBSCRIBE button.

Remember to hit the BELL next to the SUBSCRIBE to make sure that you get my

future video recipes. You can also find me on Steemit, Facebook and on my website.

Feel free to SHARE this recipe and my channel with your friends and family.

And until next time, Much Love.

For more infomation >> The BEST Oven Baked Salmon ~ Easy Healthy Lemon Garlic Salmon Recipe - Duration: 3:14.


15 Extreme Ways People Got Their Revenge - Duration: 8:06.

● They say two wrongs don't make a right, but that doesn't stop some people from exacting

some pretty brutal retribution on those who have wronged them.

Is vengeance ever justified?

How far can a person go to get justice?

Here are some extreme ways people got their revenge.

15 - Pigs on a police car ● If you need something done, why not get

a load of prisoners to do it for you?

Inmates provide a cheap source of labour, so the Vermont state police thought they'd

take advantage and get the prisoners to create and print the decals for the side of their

squad cars.

But in a clever act of defiance, one cunning convict snuck the image of a pig onto the

logo, as payback for his capture.

14 - Pierre Picaud ● In the early 19th Century, a shoemaker

named Pierre Picaud lived in Nimes, France.

Engaged to marry a wealthy lady, Picaud was accused of being a spy by three jealous friends

and he was imprisoned for seven years in a fortress in Italy.

When Picaud finally got out, he adopted a new name, rose up through Parisian society

and hunted down those three who had betrayed him, killing them and destroying their families'


His story was the inspiration for the famous novel The Count of Monte Cristo.

13 - Siberian Tiger ● Vladimir Markov was a Russian beekeeper

who engaged in tiger poaching for the high prices they would fetch on the black market.

One day, he picked the wrong tiger to mess with, wounding it with a unlicensed rifle

and stealing its prey.

The tiger sought out Markov's cabin, destroyed everything in it and waited for over a day

for Markov to come back.

When the poacher returned, the furious feline tore him limb from limb.

12 - Marie Lupe Cooley ● Marie Lupe Cooley, an administrative assistant

working in Florida saw an ad placed in the local paper by her boss, offering a position

remarkably similar to hers.

So Marie, who worked at an architecture firm, decided to take revenge before she was fired.

She deleted 2.5 million dollars' worth of blueprints and designs, erased from the computer


It turned out that the job ad wasn't for her position, so she was never supposed to

lose her job - but she blew it anyway!

11 - George Lucas ● In 1978, Star Wars director George Lucas

moved to Marin County, California, where he built a property named 'Skywalker Ranch'.

He had intended to add his own movie studio to the land, but the wealthy local residents

fiercely opposed his plans, worried that their idyllic neighbourhood might be spoiled.

So in 2015, he gave up and instead funded the construction of affordable housing for

low-income families.

Because what do rich people really hate?

Having poor neighbours!

10 - 200 Indian women ● For over a decade, thug, murderer and

rapist Akku Yadav terrorised the local community in the city of Nagpur, India.

Yadav had been bribing the local police to look the other way, but by 2004 the women

of the poor neighbourhood had had enough.

His house was burned down, and he fled to police custody.

At his hearing in the courtroom of Nagpur, Yadav was attacked by 200 women who stabbed,

beat and stoned him to death, as well as throwing chilli powder and cutting off his offending


9 - Boudica ● 2000 years ago, Britain was divided into

tribal areas that the Romans were attempting to maintain control over.

When the king of the Iceni tribe died, the Romans made a show of force, raping his two

daughters and publicly whipping his wife, Queen Boudica.

Rome probably realised they messed up big time, when Boudica led an army of vengeance,

killing 80,000 Romans, destroying the city of Colchester and nearly burning London to

the ground.

8 - Mark Bao ● When student and entrepreneur Mark Bao

had his laptop stolen, he remembered that he had installed software to access the laptop

even while it was missing.

While trying to recover his own files, Mark found a video of the thief dancing awkwardly

so he uploaded it to Youtube where it now has over 2 million views.

The thief turned himself into the police and begged Mark to take the video down.

The only thing worse than prison is being shamed on the internet.

7 - Hawley Harvey Crippen ● In 1910, Dr Hawley Crippen was hanged

in London for the murder of his wife, a music-hall performer named Cora.

He was arrested on a boat to America with his mistress after police found a mutilated

body beneath his basement.

Crippen professed his innocence, saying Cora wasn't dead but that she had herself run

away to America.

Modern DNA evidence suggests that the body was male, meaning that Mrs Crippen pulled

off the greatest piece of revenge framing on her cheating husband.

6 - Genghis Khan ● In the early 13th century, the great unifying

Mongol leader Genghis Khan began conquest westwards across Asia.

When he reached the Khwarezm empire, he sent diplomatic missionaries to begin peaceful

trade talks with the Shah of Khwarezm.

The Shah killed all 500 men, as well as a second envoy.

"Two strikes and you're out!", said Genghis, who then invaded the land, destroyed

the cities, killed and enslaved the people and poured molten silver into the eyes of

the leaders.

5 - Alan Markovitz ● Alan Markovitz was a wealthy strip-club

owner in Detroit who split from his wife Lea after she cheated on him with another guy.

Lea moved into a large house with her new man, but soon enough, her ex-husband Markovitz

bought the house next door just for fun, so he could then spend another seven thousand

dollars on a 3.5 metre bronze statue of a middle finger facing his ex-wife's house.

Classy move from a classy guy.

4 - Frank Eaton ● When Frank Eaton was eight, his father

was shot in cold blood by six confederate soldiers after the American Civil War had


His father's friend told him he had a duty to avenge his father's death, so young Frank

spent his childhood getting handy with a six-shooter, later joining the cavalry and earning the

nickname Pistol Pete.

After twenty years, Eaton got his vengeance, gunning down five men, and attending the funeral

of the sixth to make sure he was dead.

3 - Olga of Kiev ● Queen Olga of Kiev became ruler after

her husband was murdered for trying to collect taxes from the Drevlian tribe.

The leader of the Drevlians then proposed marriage to Queen Olga, and she accepted.

When the tribal leaders arrived in Kiev, they had a relaxing soak in the bathhouse, which

Olga then locked and set on fire.

With the leaders out of the way, she slaughtered the Drevlian soldiers and let loose a flaming

flock of birds to burn down their city.

2 - Buford Pusser ● At only 26 years old, ex-professional

wrestler Buford Pusser was one of the youngest police sheriffs ever to serve in Tennessee.

During his efforts to take down the infamous State Line Mob and the Dixie Mafia he was

shot, stabbed and beaten numerous times.

But it was when his wife was killed that Pusser went all out, exacting brutal revenge on the

perpetrators and even hiring a hitman to finish the job.

1 - Jeanne de Clisson ● During the Hundred Years' War, wealthy

landowner Oliver de Clisson was beheaded by French king Philip the sixth for supposed

collusion with the English.

His wife Jeanne sold all the land to raise money for an army of men and a fleet of three

warships, which she painted black and named the flagship 'my revenge'.

She spent over a decade as a ferocious pirate, attacking French vessels in the Channel and

slaughtering their crews.

For more infomation >> 15 Extreme Ways People Got Their Revenge - Duration: 8:06.


Kaivon ‒ Touch ft. Pauline Herr [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Kaivon ‒ Touch ft. Pauline Herr [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:04.


The Undead (1957): Review - Duration: 6:37.

Why Gobbles a gentlest jailer ever to gouge a prison's eye.

Welcome back to my dark corner of this sick world.

'And pray that I may never turn my interest upon you. Hahahaha'

The Undead is one of handful of Roger Corman films, which include Attack of the Crab Monsters

and Little Shop of Horrors scripted by Charles B. Griffith

'Thou art the author of the piece'

films which are cheap and badly made but are saved by their utter madness

'They say the enchantment destroyed my reason'

This one was originally scripted in iambic pentameter

'Tell what you mean and speak clearly'

Following a brief introduction by the devil...

'Here's a story of my eternal work'

we meet mad hypnotist Quintus who doesn't just regress people into their past lives

'Then the regression is physical as well as mental'

He actually transports them there

'And where will you find a subject weak-willed and impressionable enough to arrive in the required depth of trance'


Prostitute Diana Love doesn't get a whole lot of respect

'Her type is the most easily influenced of basic character groups,'

'... almost devoid of will power. That is why I chose one of her class.'

I'm right here!

'Although I dare say she has no idea what I'm paying her for'

And she arrives in her past life at a bad moment

'How fares the witch'

And things gets weirder

'I'll make you final night a pleasure.'

'Don't back away'

Obi Wan?

'What voice is that I hear?'

'It's me - you - both of us'

Well that's cleared that up.

Diana - now called Helene - escapes,

and much of the rest of the movie is a back and forth game of hide and seek in a medieval England

that appears to be about a mile across, because it was shot in a disused supermarket

'I meet thee everywhere'

Helene is not a witch, but Livia, played by soon to be 50ft Woman Alison Hayes,

is the best dressed witch in the middle ages.

and can turn into an owl, an iguana for some reason, a cat

and one of the monsters left over from It Conquered the World.

At the other end of the witch scale is Meg Maud

'Perhaps I'll turn thee into an owl to catch mice for my cauldron'

One step away from a gingerbread house

'I have some conjoring to do'

Livia trying to kill Helene so she can have the handsome Pendragon, which, by the way, is how it's pronounced

'First Pendraon give to me thy gift of one embrace, no more'

The plot seems to be settling down to something sensible, almost pedestrian, and so...

'What is it you fear?'

Quintus, concerned for Diana's safety in way he certainly wasn't earlier, uses her mind as a link to go back in time himself.

'According to certain priests in Nepal, I could follow her'

arriving naked as terminator.

Although retaining his watch.

'The rational mind can accept just so much'

Meanwhile at the witches sabbat, Satan offers to save Helene for Pendragon, but for a price

'Then thou must sell thy soul'

he is saved by Quintus, who suggests the rental option

'Don't sell Pendragon, rent him your soul, say for a month'

Take it for a test drive, you'll thank me later

'So Quintus you have slipped at least the bonds of time'

You'd think Quintus would register surprise at meeting Satan

'And to think I'd never believed in witches'

Now I'm happy to accept pretty much whatever

'I'll have known the most intriguing drama of my life'

No kidding, because now there's the question of timelines to sort

'Her past! We have altered it'

'Diana love and all the lives she would have lived will end. That is they will never be born at all.'

This wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff gives the film's conclusion an unexpected pathos

as Helene must choose between life with Pendragon now followed by eternal death,

and immediate death followed by innumerable future existences,

who then speak to her through the centuries begging for their lives

'give me life'

'I am a mother give me life.'

'I am a dancer give me life.'

'I am happy give me life.'

Which I found quite moving, unlike Quintus's attitude, which I found quite confusing

'I'm not a cruel man, but I can't help being fascinated'

He doesn't care about Diana

'A wanton woman of the streets'

but went back in time to save her

'If she does not die where and when she did in the unchaged past she'll die now'

then becomes gleefully interested in seeing what happens if you tear time apart

'And frankly, I don't care which course she takes'

for which he is properly punished

As with all films that mess with timelines, this doesn't hold up to scrutiny

'Death now life after, Life now, death forever.'

And like most of the Corman-Griffith collaborations this is cheap badly made rubbish

'It's nothing but Sunday Supplement nonsense'

But it's tongue in cheek

'Time has little meaning in Tibet'

Allison Hayes is having the time of her life

'I smell 8 quarts of human blood that will soon enrich the grasses here'

And if you can't enjoy a past-life, time travelling film with ghost dancers


'A head is needed!'

and a dime store devil

'Behold the subtle working of my talents'

Then you're watching the wrong show.

'Excuse me did I say nonsense?'

Oh, and I've no idea why it's called The Undead.

'Horrible, horrible choice.'

Thanks for watching, see all our Roger Corman reviews here.

Screenwriter Charles B Grithiths films are always worth watching...

Are there any other screenwriters whose name will get you to watch a film?

Let us know below.

'Say how much longer must I stay in this crummy joint.'

For more infomation >> The Undead (1957): Review - Duration: 6:37.


Photoperiod: PPFD / DLI Experiment (Hydroponic Lettuce LED Lights) - Duration: 9:30.

Hi YouTubers!

I'm AL Gracian from

You're growing plants indoors.

You've picked out your lights, and selected a good distance.

But how LONG should the light cycle be?

Should you run your lights twenty-four seven?

Or do your plants need a "rest"?

Also, is there any relationship between light DURATION and light INTENSITY?

In today's experiment, we're exploring these ideas, specifically, with lettuce.

It's important to note that different plants respond differently to light cycle durations.

Some are classified as "long-day" plants.

Some are "short-day".

And others are "day-neutral".

This gets into the concept of "photoperiodism".

The period of uninterrupted darkness can trigger whether or not a plant enters its flowering

or reproductive phase.

So, long-day plants flower when night duration decreases below their critical photoperiod.

But short-day plants require longer periods of darkness, perhaps more than 12 hours of

night to induce flowering.

Meanwhile, day neutral plants can flower regardless of light and dark cycles.

Well we're working with a bibb lettuce and a quick web search tells you that lettuce

is a long-day plant.

So we need to keep the day cycles short, to prevent bolting... right?

Or... can lettuce be grown under long light cycles?

What about...

24 hours of light with NO dark cycle at all!?

Yeah, we're gonna test that.

In today's experiment we're trying 3 different light durations but we're also trying 3 different


Hold up!

You can't change more than 1 variable!

Well we're actually trying to MATCH a variable.

We're trying to create the same DLI for each plant.

DLI or Daily Light Integral is a sum of all the photons reaching the plant canopy over

a 24 hour period.

Our target DLI for this test is 16.

But we're using different light cycle durations.

Plant 1 will get 12 hours on and 12 hours off.

Plant 2 will get 16 on and 8 off.

And plant 3?

Twenty-four hours on!

Imagine getting 3 inches of rain in a single day.

It might be a steady light rain, all day and night.

Or it might rain heavier for half of the day then stop.

Or there might be a torrential downpour within a 2 hour window.

The same number of rain drops in a single day, but delivered in different ways.

We're doing the same thing here with photons!

PPFD tells us how many photons hit an area in 1 SECOND.

With a little math we can calculate the total amount per DAY (the DLI).

Since each light will run for a different period of time, each setup will require a

specific PPFD.

Longer photoperiods call for the lights to be moved further and further away, reducing

how many photons hit the plant per hour.

The objective?

To try to deliver the same number of daily photons... each in a different way.

How will this affect plant growth?

With similar daily photon dosages, will they grow at the same rate?

Or will that dark cycle alter plant growth?

And what about lettuce number 3?

Twenty-four hours of light...

Will it bolt?

What do you think?

For our test, the lettuce seeds were pre-germinated and then transferred to their rooting plugs.

Here we are at day one under our lights.

On the left, is our 12/12 cycle, then the 16/8 in the middle and the 24 hour continuous

light on the right.

At day 9 all plants were growing but plant 3 was looking just a little larger.

On day 16 all plants looked ok but plant 3 showed a little tip burn.

Here we are on day 23.

Plant 1 has its first signs of tip burn.

Plant 2 has minimal signs of tip burn, but the best looking growth.

And plant 3 has severe tip burn & deformity.

Also the deepest color of green in its leaves.

Even after day 29, lettuce number 3 has still hung in there with no signs of bolting.

Of course, it shows the highest deformity & tip burn.

Twenty-four hours of light with NO break at all.

But the plant grew quickly with no vertical elongation.

The light intensity was 185 PPFD.

Compare that to our previous experiment where 175 PPFD produced MUCH less growth!


Because we had a long period of darkness each day.

With no break in light exposure, this received 60% more photons per day.

Oddly, in an earlier test, we DID observe serious bolting in ALL THREE plants.

The cause appeared to relate to light QUALITY, not duration.

Those plants were getting a custom blend of red and blue wavelengths.

The ratio of colors induced bolting.

But switching to a broad spectrum white LED has suppressed that response.

So this particular lettuce variety responded to light QUALITY more readily than light / dark


At day 30 we've pulled the plug.

Here's how the plants turned out.

Similar in size.

But all have at least some tip burn.

A reduction in DLI would help with this.

Perhaps 14 or 15 would be better for the next trial.

All data has been collected and here are the results of our test.

The longer light cycle produced the most growth.

Let's look closer at each plant weight.

Obviously, this is a very small sample group.

To get more meaningful data, a test could be set up using several plants per photoperiod.

Or the exact same test could be run several times to see if we get the same results.

Although we have a step-wise increase, plant 3 was only 21% larger than plant 1.

There is a boost, but certainly not enough to justify the added electrical costs.

How much did it cost to grow these plants?

These SANSI LEDs offer some good efficiency.

But the shorter the light cycle, the more growth we got per watt.

Plant 1 was smallest, but that 12 hour photoperiod made it the cheapest to grow.

So what's the take-away from today's test?

Do your lights seem a little weak?

Sure you can move them closer, but you can also try increasing the light duration to


Check to see if your plant is long-day, short-day or day-neutral.

Or try an experiment and see what happens!

Be aware though that custom red/blue LEDs can cause unexpected growth responses.

We've seen that excess light can cause tip burn in lettuce.

But that can be resolved in a couple of ways.

We can try raising our lights to reduce light intensity.

Or we can also try reducing the light duration.

Reducing the day cycle brings the added benefit of less power consumption.

Light intensity and light duration are both key components that allow us to calculate

the DLI.

Low light plants, like lettuce, will fair much better when we keep that DLI lower.

So see how your plants are responding and make adjustments as needed!

Thanks for watching & thanks for your support on my channel.

Please subscribe if you haven't already.

And as always, Happy Gardening!

For more infomation >> Photoperiod: PPFD / DLI Experiment (Hydroponic Lettuce LED Lights) - Duration: 9:30.


ITF Kids Program - Game of the Week #10: Build an Obstacle Course - Duration: 3:08.

The students build their own obstacle course.

They start by placing one obstacle.

Then they run the course.

In the next round they add another obstacle and run the course.

In each round they add yet another obstacle.

They perform different skills for each obstacle such as jump, dodge, turn, side shift etc.

At the end they can swap places and try someone else's obstacle course.

The last round is to clear up the equipment.

For more infomation >> ITF Kids Program - Game of the Week #10: Build an Obstacle Course - Duration: 3:08.


🎶 Flute Music to Relax and Meditate 🔔 Indian Flute ☮ Meditation and Relaxation, Inner Peace - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> 🎶 Flute Music to Relax and Meditate 🔔 Indian Flute ☮ Meditation and Relaxation, Inner Peace - Duration: 1:00:01.


The Walking Dead TRIBUTE || SOLDIER - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> The Walking Dead TRIBUTE || SOLDIER - Duration: 1:56.


Video: 2017 ends with highest rate of murders per capita in Baltimore City - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Video: 2017 ends with highest rate of murders per capita in Baltimore City - Duration: 2:10.


President Trump Returns To Washington After Florida Break - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> President Trump Returns To Washington After Florida Break - Duration: 1:02.


[ENG SUB] Stray Kids First VLive! Body Warmup Exercises! - Duration: 18:54.

[Skiz] 1, 2, 3, Hello, we are Stray Kids!

[Bang Leader] Where are we right now?

[Jeong-Savage] This is the practice room that we shed our blood, sweat, and tears in.

[Bunny Boi] This is the first time we are doing a Live right?]

[Bunny Boi] Im really nervous

[Woji] We are doing this broadcast right? and before we shoot a video we warm up our bodies

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] So through this broadcast, to show you guys how us Skiz warm up our bodies, we have prepared some games.

[Sunshine] to play a game, we have to have teams don't we?

[Sunshine] so, since we won in the eating show,

[Sunshine] We will be one team, and you hyungs will be a team along with the maknae

[Bang Leader] No, we can win this!

[Woji] yeah, lets win this one today

[Face Genius] Y'all already know what we're about to do right?

[Face Genius] you know what push ups right?

[Bang Leader] Okay so, since we've made teams now, one person from each team will come out

[Bang Leader] I think one will be enough

[Bang Leader] and we'll have a set amount of time for each person, or how do you want to do it?

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] the fastest?

[Bang Leader] yeah, the one who does the most in the set amount of time will win

[Bang Leader] who wants to go first?

[Bang Leader] One minute?

[Bang Leader] 3 minutes?

[Bunny Boi] 30 minutes!

[Bang Leader] in my opinion, we should make it short and only do it for 30 seconds

[Bang Leader] winning team! it would be good if the winning team goes first!

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] who is going to come out?

[Face Genius] we were thinking if he was ready or not to come out

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] was he looks really strong!

[Bang Leader] warm up your bodies!

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] he seems like he'll do really well

[Bang Leader] okay so, we'll time it with a stopwatch

[Bang Leader] and we'll all watch him together

[Bang Leader] can you please hand me the stopwatch?

[Sunshine] who is coming out from your team though?

[Bang Leader] ah us?

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] its a secret!

[Bang Leader] we're not revealing it yet!

[Bang Leader] should we show them first then?

[Woji] no no!

[Bang Leader] Lets show them

[Bang Leader] who is coming out from our team?

[Bang Leader] ah! that means its Jeongin of course!

[Bang Leader] its Changbin!

[Face Genius] his arms!

[Jeong-Savage] Changbin-hyung's arms are no joke!

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] don't touch me!

[Bang Leader] okay so, do you want to start right away then?

[Bang Leader] who wants to do the timer?

[Bunny Boi] my hands are sweating

[Bang Leader] okay, lets start it then

[bang Leader] we'll stand here with you!

[Sunshine] lets go!

[Face Genius] we'll start in a second!

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] be fair about it!

[Bang Leader] when the player says to start, then we'll start it!

[Woji] wait wait! hold on a second!

[Bunny Boi] Aigoo aigoo! I did wrong

[Face Genius] ready, set, go!


[Not-So-Dark-Bin] is his posture alright?

[Woji] your butt isn't going down!

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] lower your bum!

[Jeong-Savage] he's doing a wave!

[Skiz] thats 40!

[Freckles] its 41!

[Bang Leader] 41? no its 40!

[Bunny Boi] no its 41!

[Bang Leader] its not easy to do 40 pushups in 30 seconds though

[Bang Leader] its pretty amazing

[Skiz] you did well!

[Woji] but of course Changbin hyung can win it!

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] I'll show you how to win it properly

[Bunny Boi] I did it properly!

[Bunny Boi] I did it properly too!

[Woji] you can win this!

[Face Genius] I'll start when you tell me to

[Bang Leader] You can do this

[Bang Leader] Changbin-ah! we believe in you!

[Woji] leggo leggo leggo!


[Skiz] 41!


[Bunny Boi] WAH WE WON!



[Bang Leader] Its cold these days, why are you wearing a t-shirt?

[Freackles] So this has been the outcome of the pushups game~

[Bang leader] Wait, so we won here right?

[Bang Leader] You have to say the scores.

[Freckles] I'm exercising a lot these days you know.

[Freckles] I'm confident!

[Bang Leader] So the score here is...

[Bunny Boi] Its 1 of course!

[Bang Leader] So you have 10,000 points,

[Bunny Boi] No, its 10,001 to 10,000-

[Bang leader] its 10,001?!

[Bunny Boi] Its obviously 10,001!

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] no its 10,000!

*arguing over fake points af*

[Bunny Boi] I'm not lying either!

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] Okay fine, you can have 10,001!

[Bang Leader] Okay so you have 10,001 and we have 10,003/mansae!

(t/n so basically 10,001 is pronounced as 'mansae' and the Korean word 'manse' means 'cheering' so Korean wordplay af)

[Bang Leader] so like this we have won

[Bang Leader] lets move onto the next one!

[Bang Leader] okay Felix, whats the next one?

[Freckles] so now, the second game is,

[Freckles] is that we gotta win each other in sit-ups

[Bang Leader] so in this game as well, we'll chose one person to come out and play the game.

[Bang Leader] who will be coming out from your team?

[Freckles] Me!

[Bang Leader] you look like your about to accept an award

[Freckles] but these days, I'm working out a lot so

[Bang Leader] its Changbin from our team!

[Bang Leader] sorry heh. who wants to do it then?

[Jeong-Savage] its obvious who's coming out

[Bang Leader] Woojin does it all the time, because he's a vocal

[Bang Leader] he's always doing sit-ups

[Bang leader] okay so shall we start right away then?

[Face Genius] should we do rock, paper siccors?

[Bang Leader] Rock paper scissors?

[Woji] Rock paper scissors with Felix?

[Bang Leader] Okay, do rock paper scissors with Felix

(t/n what is the use of doing that btw?)

(t/n changbin sit tf down plz)

[Bang Leader] ready!

[Bang Leader] rock paper scissors!

[Bunny Boi] we won~

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] Since you won, you have to go first

[Woji] you going first would be good

[Bang Leader] thank you Felix

[Woji] its okay~

[Bang Leader] okay lets start then

[Bang Leader] should I hold you down?

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] when he goes up, doesn't he have to go up like this?

[Woji] how about, we don't put our head down and only go up this much?

[Face Genius] yeah only lift from your waist

[Woji] how much should I come up?

[Bang Leader] I think it would be okay if you came up this much

[Face Genius] how many seconds should we do?

[Bang Leader] lets do 30 seconds

[Face Genius] can I start it then?

[Bang Leader] ready! set! go!


(t/n lol jisung moving his head back and forth)

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] he's going really fast?

[Skiz] 39 wOOOWW!

[Sunshine] wow hes a monster

[Bang Leader] 29!

[Jeong-Savage] hes so fast

[Bang Leader] its unbelievable


[Bunny Boi] you can do it right??

[Freckles] of course I can do it !

[Bang Leader] lets do it right away!

[Bang Leader] do it right away!

[Face Genius] lets do it right away!

[Freckles] I can do this...

[Face Genius] should I hold you down?

Hold him tight!

[Bang Leader] we're starting right away!

[Bang Leader] Ready! set! go!




(t/n rip hyunjin is having difficulties)

(t/n felix honey srsly u gon get whiplash or smth)

[Skiz] 35 aHHHHH!!


[Bunny Boi] Hyunjin! You worked hard!

(t/n smooth felix)

[Bang Leader] lets reveal the results then

[Bunny Boi] ah really... we're the winners of the round yet again

(t/n he's such a troll I'm-)

[Bang Leader] so whats the score here then?

[Bunny Boi] the score?

[Bang Leader] 35

[Bang Leader] for us its; Woojin,

[Woji] 39!!!


[Bang Leader] whoever sees it,

[Bang Leader] that time you won and now we did (t/n but... what....)

[Bang Leader] so we'll say its a tie

(t/n hes. so. sweet. arg. a wholesome dad)

[Bang Leader] Its 1-1, you've worked hard~

[Woji] okay lets shake hands



(t/n they're such a mess)

[Freckles] Changbin hyung is mine!


[Bang Leader] So since we're on VLive right now,

[Bang Leader] shall we read the comments of the viewers now?



[Bang Leader] Hello~

[Bunny Boi] 'Felix is handsome'

[Bang Leader] wah, awesome~

[Bang Leader] It comes up right away

[Bunny Boi] Hello~

[Face Genius] It comes up so quick, I'm getting goosebumps

[Bang Leader] of course they like you Jeongin~

[Woji] when do we read it out?

[Woji] we'll read it out first

[Face Genius] Wait, so are these comments really from the people watching us?

[Bang leader] there are really a lot

[Face Genius] Binnie-binnie Changbinnie, show us your aegyo


(t/n he looks like he hates it but really he's been preparing this whole time)

[Bang Leader] Changbinnie aegyo?

[Bang Leader] The Stray Kids aegyo representative is Changbin right


(t/n still. suh. cute.)

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] STOP IT


[Bunny Boi] WE'RE SORRY

[Woji] yah, there wasn't really that comment, was it?

[Freckles] there was a comment like that

[Freckles] really, wow, he's cute

(t/n and changlix lives on~

[Jeong-Savage] Woojin, do aegyo too!

(t/n okay yep WOOJIN looks like he hates it this boy be regretting life right here and meanwhile jeongins having a blast)

(t/n *woojin to jeongin* 'just wait until we get to the dorms child' *meanwhile jeongin gives no shits*)

[Bunny Boi] Theres a lot of comments like 'show us a girl group dance'

[Bang Leader] So this time, Woojin will be doing aegyo

[Bang Leader] should we-heh-see it then?

[Bunny Boi] are you really asking us to watch it?


[Bang Leader] Okay lets do this Woojin

[Jeong-Savage] This is the first time we're seeing Woojin hyung's aegyo

(t/n okay hun we get that ur naturally cute and all but thats not what we meant)

[Woji] Im going to work out now!

[Bang Leader] wah, what else is there?

[Bunny Boi] 'Jeongin-ah I love you' (t/n is that from u or the one commenting Jisung?)

[Face Genius] 'Seungminnie, do aegyo as well!'

[Bunny Boi] Seungmin-ah, go on and do aegyo

[Freckles] Seungmins aegyo

[Bunny Boi] isn't Seungmin the aegyo representative though?

[Freckles] leggo!

[Bunny Boi] Seungmin-ah! lets go!

[Bunny Boi] You have to do it once!

[Freckles] what? you're good at it though!

[Bunny Boi] Seungmin, just do it once!

[Freckles] you know you can do it!

[Bunny Boi] the whole world is watching!

(t/n felix's fancy shamncy hands tho)

[Sunshine] please press the heart a lot everyone~~~~



[Woji] Good job!

[Face Genius] Look at Channie hyung's face!


[Bunny Boi] 'Jisung and Chan, do aegyo too!'

[Bunny Boi] lets just all do aegyo then!

[Bang Leader] Nope nope nope

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] Jisung is obviously aegyo

[Bang Leader] anyways, since we're almost at the end of the live, how about we all do our goodbye greetings while doing aegyo

[Bang Leader] actually no, lets not do it (t/n boi. ur the one who suggested it.)

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] Okay how about, we go though the aegyo quickly? (t/n we all know you just wanna do aegyo again changbin)

[Bang Leader] Quickly?

[Bunny Boi] yeah right away!

[Not-So-Dark-Bin] Don't focus on it, we'll go around quickly from Jeongin

[Jeong-Savage] I can't do aegyo though...

[Bunny Boi] quickly quickly! One, two, three, four!

(t/n lol hyunjin practicing aegyo makes me so soft)

[Bunny Boi] you have to make a noise

[Woji] We'll go from that side

[Bang Leader] okay we'll start from that side then


[Face Genius] can't I practice a bit first?

[Bunny Boi] Hyunjin-ah! you can do it!

[Face Genius] what is there?



(t/n why do I get the feeling that Jisung is secretly fluent in English it makes me nervous.....)


(t/n kfasuvyrauyrf I feel so attacked by aegyo)



(t/n and the changlix ship sails on)

[Bang Leader] us oldest hyungs will do it together

[Woji] oh thats good!


[Woji] Jeongin do it cutely~

[Bunny Boi] Okay, one, two three, four.


[Sunshine] hes cute whatever he does

[Bunny Boi] you did well~

[Jeong-Savage] im so embarrassed~

[Bang Leader] this is all for us Stray Kids today~

[Bang Leader] as you know, our show is up tomorrow

[Bang Leader] we will of course work hard for you

[Bang Leader] thank you so much~


[Bang Leader] see you later~~

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Stray Kids First VLive! Body Warmup Exercises! - Duration: 18:54.


Crews battle fire, icy conditions on New Year's Eve - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Crews battle fire, icy conditions on New Year's Eve - Duration: 2:05.


WINNER - COLOR RING (Spanish Version) - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> WINNER - COLOR RING (Spanish Version) - Duration: 2:52.


We Will Not Get Above Freezing Tonight! - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> We Will Not Get Above Freezing Tonight! - Duration: 3:03.


BREAKING!!! Markle CAN'T Marry Prince Harry – Her Secret Is OUT! - Duration: 5:06.


Markle CAN'T Marry Prince Harry – Her Secret Is OUT!

When Prince Harry proposed to American "commoner" and Meghan Markle, it appeared as though fairytales

do come true.

A regular girl with a messy family dynamic and recluse father was flung into royalty

and would soon become a princess.

It seemed like a real Cinderella story until the fairytale came to a screeching halt after

her secret came out, banning her from marrying the Prince.

Now, Markle must face the royal family matriarch, the Queen of England, who doesn't seem too

happy about what she's been hiding.

The picture of perfection and elegance that this couple has portrayed over the last few

weeks as they flaunt their love for each other from the states to the Royal Palace, has now

been shattered as it seems like it was a front for something else.

The American actress does what she's apparently pretty good at and that's pretending to

be someone she isn't.

As it turns out, Markle may not be able to wed Prince Harry in the Church of England,

which officiates royal weddings.

Prince Harry has planned to tie the knot with Markle in May, however, there could be some

hiccups along the way before that can happen.

The untraditional pair has done things differently than the royal tradition, starting with Harry

marrying a divorced American actress.

In 2011, Markle married Jewish film director, Trevor Engelson.

They divorced about two years later in 2013.

Having been married before is frowned upon in the royal family and will take some special

permission for the pair to wed in the Spring of 2018, including from the Queen of England

herself and a special license from the Archbishop of Canterbury.

PEOPLE Magazine reports:

For centuries, divorce was frowned upon by the Church of England and members of the British

royal family were forbidden — or at the very least, strongly discouraged — from

marrying someone who was divorced.

The history-shaking controversy surrounding Edward's abdication, as fans of The Crown

will attest, has never been forgotten by Queen Elizabeth, who was just 10 when her uncle

stepped aside — paving the way for her own ascension to the throne.

Edward married Simpson in 1937 in exile in France.

But times have changed.

In 2002, the General Synod – the governing body of the Church of England – voted to

recognize "that some marriages regrettably do fail."

They added, "there are exceptional circumstances in which a divorced person may be married

in church during the lifetime of a former spouse."

Any decision "as to whether or not to solemnize such a marriage in church after divorce rests

with the minister."

However, being a divorcee isn't the only hurtle Markle is facing in marrying her prince.

Religion plays a part as well and since she seems to assume the faith of whoever she's

with, she's going to have to state what she believes on her own.

It's unknown what her religion is or if she has one since she married her first husband

in a Jewish ceremony but attended a private Catholic school growing up.

If she's in fact Catholic, this could be a problem in marrying Harry in the Church

of England.

PEOPLE Magazine explains:

In order to remain in the line of succession, members of the royal family cannot be Catholic.

The vast majority are members of the Church of England, with the Queen serving as the

head of the church.

And until 2013, laws forbade members of the family from marrying someone who is Catholic.

It was a restriction couples could work around: Peter Phillips's wife, Autumn, converted

from Catholicism before their May 2008 wedding.

If she hadn't, Phillips — the Queen's eldest grandchild, who is 13th in line to

the throne — would have lost his place in the line of succession.

However, in 2013, Britain modernized their laws.

Now, those in the immediate line of succession can marry anyone they like, regardless of

religion (provided they have permission from the monarch if they're one of the first

six in line to the throne).

The rules regarding gender were also changed so that a first-born daughter would inherit

the throne, irrespective of whether a boy followed.

Under the previous primogeniture rule, any boy would take priority over an older sister.

Unlike with Charles and Camilla, PEOPLE understands that the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby

has no issue with conducting the ceremony for Harry and Markle – if he's asked.

"Following the guidelines of the Church of England, the Archbishop wouldn't have

any problem with officiating with their wedding if it got to that point," says a source

close to the Archbishop.

Well, that's a big relief to Markle who is shaking things up in the royal family by

doing things a lot differently than how they have been done for decades.

It looks like she may get her fairytale no matter who or what factor tries to prevent

her from that end goal.

However, she still needs to impress the queen and that seems to be her most difficult task


Meanwhile, she's still planning her wedding to Harry and the pair are said to be tying

the knot in a far more "casual" affair than Prince William's wedding to Kate Middleton.

what do you think about this?

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How To Pass Your Driving Test in 2018 - Duration: 32:12.

hi there I'm and affirming the honor of a strapping school in Manitoba in this

video I'm going to show you guys how to pass your driving test in 2018 2017 was

a huge success for my students many students pass their driving test and lot

of them actually pass their driving test on the first try keep watching this

video if you want to pass your driving test easily I'm going to show you guys

something phenomenal if you guys watch the entire video and do exactly what I

am going to do in the video you will pass your driving test easily are you

guys ready for this say yes in the comments below as you probably know you

can fail your driving test if you have one or more than one critical mistake in

your driving test now the question is what are the critical mistakes that

cause people to fail their driving test and how do we avoid them that is a very

good caution and that's exactly what I'm going to show you guys in this video so

let's go in the car and let me show you guys how to pass your driving test so

let's drive for approximately twenty minutes and we just got a drive just

like your actual driving test and I want you to like whatever I do in this video

I want you to do exactly same thing in your driving test as well and I promise

you if you do this in your driving test I promise you you will pass your driving

test okay and after the driving test if you still keep doing this if you still

follow the process you will actually stay safe on the road

okay so let's sound let's get going so let's say you are not taking your

driving test and you're about to exit our testing center parking lot now as

you are on driving before you exit a parking lot you I want you to ask

yourself these two questions question number one how do I pass my dry

in dust here now this question is very important because it's gonna actually

remove all the negative thoughts are from your mind okay if you are when you

ask this question to yourself you are not thinking about failing your driving

test you are actually thinking about passing your driving test okay because

it's all about 90% of the test is in your mind

okay so always remember that 90% of the test is in your mind if your mind is not

working you not gonna pass okay there's no way you're gonna pass Ison sometimes

I get very good drivers I know I have given them driving lessons and I know

they have all the skills to pass your driving test but when they go for the

driving test sometimes they get very nervous and when they get nervous they

don't make good decisions they don't they can't think properly anymore and

then they end up failing their driving test lot of time um you know when people

go for their driving test they get very nervous and I see they're just going

like oh my god I'm gonna fail my driving test I'm gonna fail my driving test see

they are already feeding negative thoughts in their minds okay so they are

already thinking they're gonna fail feel their driving past and if you think

about that you will end up failing your driving test okay so that's why I want

you to ask this question to yourself how do I pass my driving test here okay this

way you are removing negative thoughts from your mind okay and on the second

question is what are the critical errors all right so before you go out from a

parking lot you can ask yourself how do I pass my driving test what are the

critical errors here now critical errors here I know if I don't stop before the

sidewalk if I don't do a full stop that's going to be a critical error

rolling stops are always critical errors okay so here first I need to make a full

stop before the sidewalk then I check on the sidewalk

to make sure there's no pedestrian there's no cyclist now in this example I

know there is a pedestrian coming from the left hand side so I'm just waiting

for the pedestrian and if I don't wait if I don't wait for the pedestrian that

that will be a critical error as well because pedestrians um they always get

the right-of-way so after hour now the pedestrian is gone

then you creep forward then you check traffic okay so you can ask yourself

same question here how do I pass my driving test and what are the critical

errors so critical errors will be Luntz if there is a traffic coming from the

left side if you don't wait for that traffic that will be a critical error so

now there's no more traffic now you are actually doing your right turn then

again I want you to ask yourself how do I pass my driving test here what are the

critical errors what are the critical errors here instead of form instead of

going in the first lane if you go in the second lane here that's going to be a

critical error because you always go in your first available lane so in this

example this lane is totally empty there's no construction going on there's

no part car so that means by the rules I supposed to be turning in the right lane

first now let's say your examiner asked you to turn right here as you are

approaching towards this intersection you again you ask yourself how do I pass

my driving test here remember guys this question is very important okay how do I

pass my driving test here this way you're reminding yourself I need to pass

my test okay I need to get this license this is my date today I'm gonna pass my

driving test okay and then the second question is what are the critical errors

so critical errors on we see a sidewalk here or crosswalk so we know if I've

their cyclist or there's pedestrian on the crosswalk

we need to wait for them if you don't wait for them that's going to be a

critical error the after that you can look at the sign now this sign it says

yield so we known yield sign means you slow down check traffic coming from the

left side if it's empty then we don't stop but if you see somebody coming from

the left side and then we have to make a full stop because they got the

right-of-way again we are checking traffic in the first available in

sometimes you have traffic in the second lane but not in the first lane that

means you can still go okay because if the first line is empty you can still go

so here I'm slowing down I'm jacking traffic as I'm turning then I ask myself

again how do I pass my driving test here what are the critical error see what I'm

doing is I'm asking that question to myself pretty much three times okay

before I turn left or right I ask myself that question three times I ask Mike I'm

asking that question as I'm approaching towards the intersection okay so let's

say my examiner asked me to turn right so I'm gonna ask that question before my

right turn and then I will ask myself again when I'm actually turning and then

again after completing my right turn okay and it goes forearm almost

everything okay so roundabouts left turns right turns lane change doesn't

matter whatever you're doing even if you're going straight and then again you

ask yourself how do I pass my driving test here what are the critical errors

okay so let's say let's keep going so I will point out the other critical errors

as well so now we are wrong now you're going straight here so now we see the

salm yellow sign okay then again you wanna ask yourself how do I pass my

driving test here what are the critical errors so we know the sinus means our

school zone is coming up so 30 speedometers coming up now we see

railway crossing sign again you ask yourself how do I pass my driving test

here what are the critical errors now again now we see 30 speed limit sign

right so that's where the 30 actually starts from now you probably won't be

able to see this in the camera but below 30 it says Monday to Friday from 7:00 in

the morning until 1730 which is 7:00 in the morning to 5:30 p.m. and it's only

September to June so if you are taking your test on a weekday then you have to

drive at 30 kilometers before you approach the sign if you start slowing

down after the sign it doesn't make any sense because you are already in school

zone and that will become a critical error but on the

other side if you are taking your driving test on the weekend because some

locations are open on the weekend so if you take your driving test on the

weekend this 30 speed limit sign doesn't apply so that means the speed limit here

will be 50 kilometers because we do not see any other posted speed limit sign

same thing if you're taking your test in September or like let's say this 30 is

from September to June so if you take your test like in the month of July or

August this 30 speed limit sign does not apply to you so you just want to make a

note of that now we see a railway crossing coming up so we know if the

lights are flashing that means how you have to stop because the train is coming

but if the lights are not flashing then you check on both sides to make sure the

train is not coming so you're always as you are even as you're driving straight

here you are reminding yourself okay I need to pass my driving test okay how do

I pass my driving test here what are the critical errors okay that's gonna keep

you focused on the road now we see a green light what else do we see we see a

flashing hand in this small screen here right so as you're driving to watch this

intersection you wanna again remind yourself how do I you know how do I pass

my driving test what are the critical errors so now the critical errors are if

the light changes okay as you are going towards the intersection if you see

amber light and if you still have time to stop safely before the stop line that

means you should be stopping right because if you try to beat the light

that will become a critical error so always use that small screen as a

reference if you see a green light with a walking man sign that means the light

kind of stay green but if the hand is flashing like that that means a light

gonna change any second so for that I let's say your examiner tell you to turn

left further down okay so that means at some point you have to change lane then

you ask yourself before you change lane how do I pass my driving test here and

what are the critical errors then you follow the lane change procedure you

will signal you will mirror check you will short a chair to make sure are you

not gonna interfere with other traffic when you're changing lanes so now you're

turning left on this intersection you're approaching towards the

intersection right you can ask yourself again how do I pass my driving test here

what are the critical errors so now what are the critical errors that depends on

the situation there are a lot of critical errors okay but what is the

situation that you see right now okay so I tell you what I see right now okay and

then I'm gonna make my decision based on the situation so I see a green light

here I don't see oncoming traffic now there is pedestrian crossing this way

but that pedestrian not gonna interfere with us so we don't need to worry about

him so I don't see any oncoming traffic here I don't see any pedestrian on the

side now what's that mean that means I'm good to go I don't need to stop behind

the stop line because that's gonna become critical error I don't need to

stop in the middle of of the intersection because sound there's no

oncoming traffic there's no pedestrian crossing if I stop in the middle of the

intersection that will become a critical error as well see how first we ask

ourself right how do I pass my driving test so I'm staying positive then I'm

asking myself what are the critical errors right on this situation and then

I look at the situation and then I know okay

if I do this if I do this that's gonna become critical error so I don't I don't

need to do that okay so that's your and that's your thinking process now the

light light changes but remember I am already in the intersection okay I don't

know if your light changes if you're already in the intersection you have to

go through otherwise this traffic here I understand you can't see this traffic in

the camera but there is traffic on the side if I stop right here I'm blocking

this traffic they won't be able to go so I need to clear the intersection and the

light went amber when I was already in the intersection so now let's say your

examiner asked you to turn right on the next intersection now you have to change

lane again again you ask yourself how do I pass my driving test what are the

critical errors now for lane change let's say if you're changing lane

without doing shoulder check that can become a critical error if there is a

car besides you if the roads road is empty then then it could be a general

mistake but you know if there is a car beside you and you're moving over to the

right side when it's not safe then definitely that's

going to be a critical error okay so we are focusing more on the critical errors

in this video not not on the general mistakes so let's say your examiner said

okay let's go right here okay then you can ask yourself as you're going see as

you're going towards this intersection you are asking yourself how do we pass

my driving test here what are the critical errors right so what are the

critical errors here well if you go over the curb um that's gonna be a critical

error okay and then then we have this pedestrian crossing if I don't wait for

this pedestrian that's going to be a critical error now this now we see a red

car here okay now look I look at the situation here there is a merge sign and

this car is actually not going so this this car is actually there wrong okay

because much means you're getting is speed a plane you need to go in the

speed-up lane and then you change your lane if you you know if you need to

change your lane so we are turning right here now because this car is sitting

here that doesn't give me any other option I have to wait now remember guys

you wanna ask yourself again how do I pass my driving test here what are the

critical error so pedestrian is already gone now do I stop on the crosswalk no

that is a bad decision right now there's no pedestrian but I don't know how long

this gonna take okay because I don't know if this car this red car is gonna

move right way or I don't know if it's gonna sit here for like you know 30

seconds one minute I don't know and if I stop on the crosswalk that means I'm

blocking this this crosswalk here right and if there's any pedestrian coming

then I will end up failing my test because I'm on the crosswalk

so I need to see if I have enough room behind this car if you think there is

enough room behind this car you can stop behind the car otherwise you just stay

here okay otherwise you just stay here alright see that's why that's why you

will always want to look at the situation and then make your decision

based on the situation now the red car is moving now I can start moving but I

know this yellow sign means it's a merge I'm getting a speed-up lane so I don't

need to stop I just going the speed-up Lane but at the same time

I know I need to go in the speedup Lane first not like that red car the red car

actually went in the second lane okay so that's that's actually another mistake

he made all right so I need to go in the speedup Lane first and then I can start

changing my lanes so let's say your examiner asked you to turn left on the

next intersections again so then you change your lane there was a speed limit

sign it says maximum 70 then you ask yourself as you're going straight what

are the critical errors how do I pass my driving test here right so you want to

stay within the speed limit you wanna change it change lanes when it's safe

then you look at the overhead sign so from the first two lanes they are

turning left and the other three lanes are going straight huh there's one lane

turning right so we are on a six Lane Street right now so as you are going

towards this intersection then again you ask yourself how do I pass my driving

test what are the critical mistakes okay this way guys trust me if we are doing

this it's gonna help you stay focused on the road okay and see everything that we

do in our life we go through a process everything is a process okay you are

watching this video what you did well you went through a process okay right

because you went on YouTube first you are searching how to you know how do I

pass my driving test and my video showed up right so you're going through a

process you're doing that step by step driving is no different okay whatever

you do in your life you go through a process you're doing everything step by

step and when you do that for like let's say three months six months then you

don't even think about it but you are still going through that same process

alright so same thing and driving you have to take your time you have to learn

this process and follow the process it's gonna help you stay focused on the road

when you're focused on the road are you not gonna do anything wrong when you

don't do anything wrong you don't make any mistake when you don't have any

mistake you will pass your driving test and when you pass your driving test you

get your license okay so that's how that's how you get your license alright

so when you're waiting or when you're sitting here you're waiting for the

green light again you're asking yourself okay you're not thinking about any

all right you're on the road you need to think about what's happening on the on

the road okay so you're focused on the road all the time so again you are

asking yourself okay when the light on screen how do I pass my driving test

here what are the critical errors okay so we are just waiting for the light to

turn green and I'm just gonna pause the video and just forward the video because

this light and this light takes a while so let me just give me one second

alright so now the light now the light is green so now I have to make sure I

stay in the first lane because remember there were two lanes turning left when

I'm turning if I start to drift into the second lane in the right lane that will

become a critical error okay so I want to make sure I stay in my lane all right

so let's say your examiner asked you to go left again on the next intersection

so again you ask yourself how do I pass my driving test here what are the

critical errors so now we see you're gonna see overhead signs coming up so we

see two lanes are turning left so I can go in either one so I you know I pick

this line here now the light is red again so I am slowing down I'm preparing

myself to stop behind this car as I'm doing that in my subconscious in in my

mind I'm still asking questions to myself how do I pass my driving test

what are the critical mistakes now I know if I go too close to this car this

white car that can become a critical mistake because my examiner doesn't know

what's happening in my mind he doesn't know right hum because if I'm going too

close too close to this car he might be thinking okay this person is not going

to stop right specially if you are taking your driving test in winter time

because the roads are icy so you have to make your driving very clear to your

examiner your examiner should be very comfortable when you drive right so make

make everything obvious or to your examiner so here even here I'm keeping

my distance from that car so same thing here as I am turning I am staying in my

lane if I start to drift to the right lane that will become a critical error

as well now I am driving straight I am asking myself again how do I pass my

driving test here what are the critical errors now I did not see any speed

so that means I need to stay within the maximum posted speed limit as 50 there

was a pedestrian corridor right so I'm asking myself again what I what do I

need to do at the pedestrian corridor what are the critical errors well if the

pedestrian is crossing and if I don't wait for the pedestrian that's gonna

become a critical mistake right or maybe the lights are flashing and pedestrian

is waiting over the other pedestrian is waiting for the traffic to slow down and

stop and if I don't see that pedestrian if I just keep going that will become a

critical mistake okay so let's say your examiner asked you to turn left again

all right so again are you you know you are in the left lane here now your light

went green so what what do we do okay so write that down in the comments what do

we do we ask ourself two questions how do I pass my driving test here what are

the critical mistakes right then let's say you're further down your examiner

says we're gonna turn right so we are changing lane and see what that car did

that's not how you change lane okay that that was a bad lane

change and that was actually a bad planning because he's changing lane

pretty much at the last second okay so please don't do that alright so you're

at the same time when you're doing this when you're going through this process

at the same time you're learning what other people are doing wrong okay

because you're focused you're focused on the road when you're focused on the road

it's nearly impossible to fail your driving test so here I ask myself how do I

pass my driving test here what are the critical mistakes so this one it's very

similar to the right turn that we did when we were exiting the testing center

right in the first right turn that we did so we need to check on the crosswalk

here make sure there's no pedestrian there's no cyclist coming and then we

look at the sign it says yield sign so that means I only slowed down I checked

traffic from the left side now look at this car what discarded he went right in

the left lane so we don't do that okay we don't do that because if we do that

that will become a critical mistake as well so you always remember you always

go and you're first available in so you go in your first lane first after that

you can start changing lanes so now I came into this Lane here now I can

change my lane to the left side and I follow the lane change

procedure right so I signal mirror check shoulder check and when you're doing

that you want to maintain your speed make sure you're not slowing down too

much make sure you're not going over the speed limit

so you you you know you need to you need to check all that and where that

information gonna come from well that information gonna come from it's already

within you if you if you have done driving license you already know that

information you already know what are the critical errors but when you go for

your driving test you just have to remember you just have to remind

yourself okay because you already have that information and somehow you just

want to bring that information okay because you wanna use that information

in your in your driving test so when you're on a highway again you ask

yourself now you're pretty much going straight you can ask yourself what are

the critical mistakes here how do I pass my driving test okay so the critical

mistake in this situation will be if I go over the speed limit that's gonna

become a critical mistake now the speed limit here is our maximum 80 kilometers

right now the road condition is pretty good the weather is clear so that means

I can stay between 70 and 80 kilometers if I go over the speed limit that's a

critical mistake but if I starts driving too slow without any reason that will

become a critical mistake as well so let's say on this highway I start

driving at 50 kilometers now 50 is too slow because the maximum posted speed

limit is 80 kilometers so that means I'm going too slow I'm gonna interfere with

other traffic and that's critical mistake so so you're always you're

always asking yourself these questions and then you're you know answering

questions based on your knowledge based on your previous experience and that's

gonna come come from you know your driving lessons or maybe you spent a lot

of time behind behind the wheel like you were driving with your family members

with your good friends who know how to drive who have you know good knowledge

about the rules of the road so that's um that's where the information comes from

so let's say um so let's say your examiner asked you to turn left again on

this intersection so remember guys as you're going to what's an intersection

you need to ask yourself how do I pass my driving test what are the critical

mistake so you're doing that three times on every single turn okay you're doing

that as you're going towards the intersection you're doing that when

you're turning you're doing that after completing your turn okay so three times

it's important because critical error critical mistakes are you you you can

have critical mistake before the turn you can have critical mistake when

you're turning you can have another critical mistake after the turn okay so

that's how that's why we need to ask that question three times how do I pass

my driving test what are the critical mistakes okay every single turn three

times on every single turn same thing when you're going straight you're asking

yourself that same question no matter what you are what you're doing you're

changing lane you're doing parallel parking everything right so you're

always asking that question so we are we are just waiting for the green light

here after this we're gonna go in the residential area practice a little bit

in the residential area as well and I will explain you what are the critical

mistakes in the residential area so I'm just gonna pause the video here and

because again this is like gonna take a little bit time so we're just gonna

forward the video so just give me one second so now let's say your examiner

asked you to turn left at a roundabout so as you're going towards a roundabout

like before you go in the roundabout you can ask yourself how do I pass my

driving test here what are the critical mistakes okay so the again remember guy

is the first question it's a because the first question is to prepare your to

prepare you mentally okay because it's all about mindset okay so when you ask

yourself how do I pass my driving test here you are thinking about passing your

driving test not failing your driving test then the second question is what

are the critical mistakes then you look at the signs okay so we see this

sidewalk sign so that means if there's pedestrian crossing then we wait for the

pedestrian then we have this zero sign here that means we need to check traffic

coming from the left side if we see traffic that's too close to us and then

we let them go so in this example the cars are still quite far so I should be

able to go now we are turning left so that means

I need to take my third exit so I'm going towards that exit now before I

exert I need to signal right to indicate I'm going to exit from around about then

again I ask myself here how do I pass my driving test what are the critical

mistakes so we see another crosswalk here so that means I need to look for

pedestrians make sure there's no pedestrian coming then I'm going

straight again I ask myself how do I pass my driving test here what are the

critical mistakes now I look at the speed limit signs so the posted speed

limit sign is 50 kilometers I'm also looking at this car I have the

right-of-way but you still want to be careful because sometimes you do see

impatient drivers on the road so so now we see this bus is actually part so

again I it's a totally different situation you can ask yourself how do I

pass my driving test here what are the critical mistakes so going around the

bus now the bus has a hazard light on so he's not gonna move but he's pretty much

in my lane as well so that means I need to signal around the bus so I signal

left left shoulder jack but at the same time I'm maintaining distance from the

bus if I start going too close to the bus that will become a critical mistake

now there's a stop sign see I was able to see the stop sign this stop sign here

but this one was kind of like hidden but if there's stop sign on this side and on

this side so that means probably I'm gonna have a stop sign as well so I'm

slowing down now I do need to pull back to my side if I don't do that that will

become a critical mistake as well this one is a four-way stop sign so let's say

your examiner asked you to turn left now what again how do I pass my driving test

here what are the critical mistakes right so this white car was already

there so that means I need to let him go first if I try to go before this white

car that will become a critical mistake now the cyclists are going in the other

direction so you know they are already gone so I am good now I see cyclists

here so again totally different situation I asked myself how do I pass

my driving test here what are the critical mistake because if I do

something wrong I can feel my in test here okay so what would be the

what would be the critical mistake if I go too close to the cyclist because it's

not safe and then it will become a critical error so now let's say what are

the general mistake general mistake would be if I don't signal shoulder

check because now I'm moving over to the left side I need to indicate I need a

signal shoulder check then I pull back to my right side now we are in a

residential area so how do I pass my driving test and residential area what

are the critical mistakes so you're going through going through that

information again so I think I think you guys got the idea so that's what you

need to do in your driving test okay so it doesn't matter if you are you know if

you are taking g1 g2 driving test or G driving test right so it doesn't doesn't

really matter you are in Toronto you're in Manitoba Vancouver you're in state so

you are in you know UK Australia New Zealand doesn't doesn't matter okay

you're asking you're going through a process you're all your you know you're

asking these questions and again I promise you guys if you do this you're

gonna stay focused on the roads you're not gonna make any mistake if you don't

do anything wrong you will pass your driving test so when you're going around

these parked cars you are asking yourself those two questions again how

do I pass my driving test what are the critical mistakes okay because driving

tests as I said earlier 90% of the driving test is in your mind okay it's

all about your mind your mindset you need to feel positive thoughts in your

mind if you're just thinking about feeling oh I'm gonna feel my driving

test I'm gonna feel my driving test that means you will actually enter fill in

your driving test but if you are thinking about passing your driving test

you say to yourself how do I pass my driving test I'm gonna pass my driving

test this is my day I work at my license today and that way it's gonna you know

help you stay focused on the road and when you're focused on the road you will

pass your driving test so here like we see totally different situation now kids

are playing on the road right so that means I need to slow down here if I

don't slow down if I'm still driving at 50 kilometers here that will be too fast

going too fast for this situation and then I will end up

my driving test now there's another kid here looks like he's gone but I still

need to be cautious so that's it that's it for this video if you if you guys are

going for your driving test I wish you good luck and happy New Year to everyone

today's January 1st so I did this video just for you guys so happy New Year and

again I wish you good luck lot of success in this new year if you guys

have any question you can post your questions in the comments below and I

will do my best to get to your questions as soon as I can

so thank you very much again guys this is Mandy burn me from a strapping school

and if you're going for your driving to has to do exactly the same thing what I

did in this video and you you will get your license on you know if you stay

focused on the road you follow the rules and so you you will pass your driving

test alright thank you very much and I will see you guys next time

For more infomation >> How To Pass Your Driving Test in 2018 - Duration: 32:12.


Buy Low, Sell High

For more infomation >> Buy Low, Sell High


For more infomation >> Buy Low, Sell High


16700785 262123650868383 6015021279080349696 n - Duration: 14:27.

For more infomation >> 16700785 262123650868383 6015021279080349696 n - Duration: 14:27.


For more infomation >> 16700785 262123650868383 6015021279080349696 n - Duration: 14:27.


BMW X5 3.0d xDrive M-Sport Edition Panorama/HUD/Dodehoek/LaneAssist - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.0d xDrive M-Sport Edition Panorama/HUD/Dodehoek/LaneAssist - Duration: 0:54.


MY 2018 RESOLUTIONS || ANGELINA BAYANI || - Duration: 8:30.

Hi guy- ew that's ugly



These are just like a random order, but look, I wrote it really cute, it says 2018 resolutions

I did fireworks 'cause I accidentally messed up with my pen

It was fun. Okay, so my goal is to work out once a week for the first

three months that won't be an issue

because I have dance class and then after that it will be a little difficult because I have

tougher classes and then summer will be fine because I

just I like getting exercise in the summer. It's just something I like to do

Hey AirCon (A/C) can you turn off please *gross laughter*

But yeah

So working out once a week that shouldn't be too complicated

Another one is that I want to practice 30 days or 31 monthly

Calendar count like calendar challenges does that make sense of self improvement of

Like mental health awareness like all of that stuff. I have a Pinterest board for it

the third is that I want to

hold up, oooh the air turned off!

ugh, why do I

do you remember "boom boom firepower"?

I want to quit my nervous habit of nail picking it's like it's a nervous habit. It doesn't hurt. It's just

Not cute, but that's one thing. I want to break because I mean it's just it's why am I doing it

It's because I'm nervous and that's it

We also here in my city have this thing called Hot *Summer* Nights and basically it's like

Music a music "festival". It's not like a festival. It's like

Concert in the park. That's how you would explain it, and I want to go to every single one this year or

I'm posting this on New Years. I want to go to every single one in 2018 because

There's only four it's one every week

It's four or five. I don't know when the dates are like for weekends

But it's on like every Friday or Saturday or something and I want to go to every single one. I want to try fitness classes

for the free um

because I

Don't know. I just can I have a gym membership, and they have free classes there, so

I at least want to try yoga and cycling because

Yoga is just I

Feel like I should do yoga, I used to do it a lot as a kid like when I was really young like

Eight or nine I would do it. My posture is really bad

And I'd like to get back into it

And I don't want to spend a lot for a membership to like a specific yoga place because we don't have any good ones nearby

So I'm just gonna practice basic techniques at the gym, and then take some cycling classes 'cause

Helps your legs and that's like what I love. I love leg workouts um

the next thing is I want to bullet journal I

Have journaled in the past. I've actually yeah. I journaled intensely last summer like every single night

I would use my journal like consistently I would take it everywhere with me

So I'd like to bullet journal because I'm not the most artsy person. I'm really like I'm more like

I think creatively

But I it's hard for me to express it if that makes sense. A really good tip that

I saw was that you should use sunscreen even on cloudy days

So if you're gonna be out for a long time in the sun which I've never have to worry about that

But like there's some days where I'll be outside for the entire day, and I'm like oh, it's a cloudy day. I'll be fine

There's still UV rays. They're gonna get through the clouds to you, and I'm not down for skin cancer, so I'm gonna start using

Sunscreen more often. I want to watch more documentaries because I love documentaries already

It's just the timing thing is just it's not too convienient


I like learning about


Stuff.. I like learning and I really like how documentaries help you learn because

Personally I find them interesting I find it cool to hear people talk about what they're passionate about even if they don't

Show it as much, you know

I thought I already said this one

Okay anyway, I also want to send more letters. I'm also oh

Okay, I want to send more letters and write more notes like last year for junior year and the beginning of junior year I made

A goal that every week I would write like a cute little post-it note and give it to a friend like as an inspiration

But I haven't done that at all like not once I didn't make one

So oops and instead of doing that

Post-it note thing once a week. I want to write like an in depth letter to like certain people

So yeah

Also, like I want to volunteer more often, and then I want to drink more water, which I'm working on this is

700ml I think yeah, well, I mean this is 600

It was filled up to here which makes it 700ml, so I'm working on that

Let's just take a break



So I'm going to just drink more water, and then I also want to purchase and use more sustainable materials

I feel like theres something else on the list that I forgot about

but I want to use sustainable materials because

I love our planet

And I don't want to see it go to crap and I don't want to , if I decide to have kids,

Raise my kids in a place full

Junk, it's just no I want them to be raised like seeing like

beauty and nature everywhere type of thing and

if we keep using plastic and

Littering and doing stuff like that. It's not gonna be too great so

Trying to fix that

To summarize, I said

"try to" "try a"

"___ more often" because if you say "___ once a week" once a week once a week besides like

working out

You're not gonna

Get things done once you fail accidentally or if you

forget once. you're gonna be like oh well. That's it like I didn't do it for one week or one time this week

So I'm just done. You don't want to do that so

Like to quit my habit, there's not really a defining statement

That'll stop you, so I'll just keep trying to remember it like and it's pretty consistent

But like I'll remember sometimes if I'm really like in it and it's like no and I'll put my hands down

And I'll like I'll go like this like cuz it's my thumbs mostly that I do so I'm just like

Yep, I'm done. I'm not gonna be like I'm not gonna succumb to this habit and like make my hands all gross so

Just "more often" not

"This time" "this time" "this time"


I really feel like there was one more that I missed

Can you hear the birds??

Okay, also, I think I'm not gonna edit this

I don't know

I might add is it a little bit like cut a couple things to make it shorter, but um other than that

I hope you guys like this video and

it's New Years Eve like when I'm filming this, so I'm gonna try and upload and edit this today or

Yeah, upload and edit it today, put it on private, and upload tomorrow

Yeah, also I totally caked my face for this, not cake because I don't use makeup like face makeup, but I


I'm glowing or whatever


Well now I have to edit it, okay, thanks guys bye

For more infomation >> MY 2018 RESOLUTIONS || ANGELINA BAYANI || - Duration: 8:30.


The Walking Dead TRIBUTE || SOLDIER - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> The Walking Dead TRIBUTE || SOLDIER - Duration: 1:56.


Photoperiod: PPFD / DLI Experiment (Hydroponic Lettuce LED Lights) - Duration: 9:30.

Hi YouTubers!

I'm AL Gracian from

You're growing plants indoors.

You've picked out your lights, and selected a good distance.

But how LONG should the light cycle be?

Should you run your lights twenty-four seven?

Or do your plants need a "rest"?

Also, is there any relationship between light DURATION and light INTENSITY?

In today's experiment, we're exploring these ideas, specifically, with lettuce.

It's important to note that different plants respond differently to light cycle durations.

Some are classified as "long-day" plants.

Some are "short-day".

And others are "day-neutral".

This gets into the concept of "photoperiodism".

The period of uninterrupted darkness can trigger whether or not a plant enters its flowering

or reproductive phase.

So, long-day plants flower when night duration decreases below their critical photoperiod.

But short-day plants require longer periods of darkness, perhaps more than 12 hours of

night to induce flowering.

Meanwhile, day neutral plants can flower regardless of light and dark cycles.

Well we're working with a bibb lettuce and a quick web search tells you that lettuce

is a long-day plant.

So we need to keep the day cycles short, to prevent bolting... right?

Or... can lettuce be grown under long light cycles?

What about...

24 hours of light with NO dark cycle at all!?

Yeah, we're gonna test that.

In today's experiment we're trying 3 different light durations but we're also trying 3 different


Hold up!

You can't change more than 1 variable!

Well we're actually trying to MATCH a variable.

We're trying to create the same DLI for each plant.

DLI or Daily Light Integral is a sum of all the photons reaching the plant canopy over

a 24 hour period.

Our target DLI for this test is 16.

But we're using different light cycle durations.

Plant 1 will get 12 hours on and 12 hours off.

Plant 2 will get 16 on and 8 off.

And plant 3?

Twenty-four hours on!

Imagine getting 3 inches of rain in a single day.

It might be a steady light rain, all day and night.

Or it might rain heavier for half of the day then stop.

Or there might be a torrential downpour within a 2 hour window.

The same number of rain drops in a single day, but delivered in different ways.

We're doing the same thing here with photons!

PPFD tells us how many photons hit an area in 1 SECOND.

With a little math we can calculate the total amount per DAY (the DLI).

Since each light will run for a different period of time, each setup will require a

specific PPFD.

Longer photoperiods call for the lights to be moved further and further away, reducing

how many photons hit the plant per hour.

The objective?

To try to deliver the same number of daily photons... each in a different way.

How will this affect plant growth?

With similar daily photon dosages, will they grow at the same rate?

Or will that dark cycle alter plant growth?

And what about lettuce number 3?

Twenty-four hours of light...

Will it bolt?

What do you think?

For our test, the lettuce seeds were pre-germinated and then transferred to their rooting plugs.

Here we are at day one under our lights.

On the left, is our 12/12 cycle, then the 16/8 in the middle and the 24 hour continuous

light on the right.

At day 9 all plants were growing but plant 3 was looking just a little larger.

On day 16 all plants looked ok but plant 3 showed a little tip burn.

Here we are on day 23.

Plant 1 has its first signs of tip burn.

Plant 2 has minimal signs of tip burn, but the best looking growth.

And plant 3 has severe tip burn & deformity.

Also the deepest color of green in its leaves.

Even after day 29, lettuce number 3 has still hung in there with no signs of bolting.

Of course, it shows the highest deformity & tip burn.

Twenty-four hours of light with NO break at all.

But the plant grew quickly with no vertical elongation.

The light intensity was 185 PPFD.

Compare that to our previous experiment where 175 PPFD produced MUCH less growth!


Because we had a long period of darkness each day.

With no break in light exposure, this received 60% more photons per day.

Oddly, in an earlier test, we DID observe serious bolting in ALL THREE plants.

The cause appeared to relate to light QUALITY, not duration.

Those plants were getting a custom blend of red and blue wavelengths.

The ratio of colors induced bolting.

But switching to a broad spectrum white LED has suppressed that response.

So this particular lettuce variety responded to light QUALITY more readily than light / dark


At day 30 we've pulled the plug.

Here's how the plants turned out.

Similar in size.

But all have at least some tip burn.

A reduction in DLI would help with this.

Perhaps 14 or 15 would be better for the next trial.

All data has been collected and here are the results of our test.

The longer light cycle produced the most growth.

Let's look closer at each plant weight.

Obviously, this is a very small sample group.

To get more meaningful data, a test could be set up using several plants per photoperiod.

Or the exact same test could be run several times to see if we get the same results.

Although we have a step-wise increase, plant 3 was only 21% larger than plant 1.

There is a boost, but certainly not enough to justify the added electrical costs.

How much did it cost to grow these plants?

These SANSI LEDs offer some good efficiency.

But the shorter the light cycle, the more growth we got per watt.

Plant 1 was smallest, but that 12 hour photoperiod made it the cheapest to grow.

So what's the take-away from today's test?

Do your lights seem a little weak?

Sure you can move them closer, but you can also try increasing the light duration to


Check to see if your plant is long-day, short-day or day-neutral.

Or try an experiment and see what happens!

Be aware though that custom red/blue LEDs can cause unexpected growth responses.

We've seen that excess light can cause tip burn in lettuce.

But that can be resolved in a couple of ways.

We can try raising our lights to reduce light intensity.

Or we can also try reducing the light duration.

Reducing the day cycle brings the added benefit of less power consumption.

Light intensity and light duration are both key components that allow us to calculate

the DLI.

Low light plants, like lettuce, will fair much better when we keep that DLI lower.

So see how your plants are responding and make adjustments as needed!

Thanks for watching & thanks for your support on my channel.

Please subscribe if you haven't already.

And as always, Happy Gardening!

For more infomation >> Photoperiod: PPFD / DLI Experiment (Hydroponic Lettuce LED Lights) - Duration: 9:30.


Leech: EP1 - First 4 Minutes | Sims 3 VO Machinima - Duration: 4:41.

I hope you'll come visit us again soon.

We will, thank you.

I'm not leaving the future of the church in the hands of that child.

Isn't it time for the ceremony?

I almost forgot, thanks for reminding me.

For more infomation >> Leech: EP1 - First 4 Minutes | Sims 3 VO Machinima - Duration: 4:41.


Sadhguru 2018 Meditation - Discover Time and Space Do Not Exist - Duration: 11:42.

there's a journal and the quality business in the song my voice is hoarse

what enough we're meditating with mr. deck ninny

but in this argument Journal in this column is the general cost businesses

they have no snow article that showed that they have finally discovered

scientists have finally discovered that time and space are not real okay

they went to the flemings thing but came over the nine page 111 figured it out

they also have now explained gravity for the first time now science is the god of

the developing West that's what you listen to

caiti currey comes on the evening news and descendant of it we eat a bunch of

snow over six I'm sure you're gonna take this in Nashville my point is I think we

are on the costume Whitely of science which was a response against all the

illusions because now finally realized that there's the last evolutions the

time and space are a mutually agreed upon illusion which allows us to create

a magnificent language which allows us to become self-conscious as science

begins to finally embrace this this would be really really important because

then the other thing does so what this nation now seen as being already and the

second launch of the physical you're talking about the see this darn

language instead of ISM as another reality so I think we're on the cusp of

something that can change the way business is ruling the world because the

voice of science is the guide to this design is about the developed nations

something to know what you think about this Oh about time and space this is not

new to the east I do be a yogi means the first yogi a little over 15,000 years

ago when he was asked what is the nature of the cosmos he said the whole cosmos

can be packed and you mustard seed and

when they asked how is all this happening in the universe he simply said

like as he was drunk always so he said like this

fire he said only five things five elements that's all

the whole thing is the mischief of these five things you look into my eyes and

see I'm always talking never touch the substance in my life not drunk on wine

but divine you know because these are contradictory things distance and lack

of distance time an hour and a zero or seem to be different things drunkenness

and awareness seem to be two different things now once you transcend time and

space you are intoxicated and aware at the same time it's the best way to be

and there's no angle amazing if we have to look at this so they share something

my own explains this happened to me when I was 4 years of age suddenly one day I

realized I know nothing I know nothing means I know nothing at all if somebody

gives me a glass of water I keep staring at this water for 3 to 4 hours at a

stretch because I do not know what is water well I know if I drink this it'll

quench my thirst and so many different ways of using it but I don't know what

water is even today water is the only substance found in this planet in all

the three states two-thirds of the planet is water two-thirds of your

body's water if you look for life you look for a drop of water it just about

anywhere it is the juice of your life but do you

know what it is with all the scientific exploration we still do not be still do

not know even a single atom in entirety we know how to use them we know

how to break them we know how to use them but we don't know what it is if you

knew what it is we would have created one

so I realized I do not want anything if I sit up in the bed I'm just staring

into the darkness for the whole night my dear father

being a physician started thinking I need psychiatric evaluation so this boy

is simply staring at something unblinking he's lost it in this

condition they sent me to school my mother said pay attention to the teacher

I meant and pay attention to the teacher absolute attention the kind of attention

that they would have never ever received in that life and any scenario heard them

speaking and I understood the words after some time I realized they are only

making sounds I am making up the meanings in my head even now see

language is a conspiracy between two people I make one sound you make the

meaning suppose I start talking in a language that you don't understand I

will be just making sounds as for the Geoghan said isn't it so when I realize

this I stopped making meanings I just started listening to the sounds with

full attention this is one problem with most human beings the moment they don't

understand something they don't want to listen now listen to those things which

you do not understand because those are the things which need to be listened to

isn't it work you do not understand needs much more of your attention then

what you understand isn't it so I just listened to this chatter

throughout the day by the teachers and it became very amusing over a period of

time and a big smile spread on my face they were not amused at all

education went on very consistently for me because every monthly test I remember

this very well you you still have this process here that monthly there's a

report card take it your parent signature back you have to come to the

email column so this monthly report card business is one big thing in the school

when they give this some children are strutting around because their first

second something somebody else is crying because they fail or whatever not once

did I ever open this report card it was given to me I took it and gave it my dad

because I thought this is a transaction between my teacher and my father I

didn't want to interfere in that I never open and wrote because anyway I know

there will be six zeros well I never wrote a single word in any test paper

if the insisted I wrote my name otherwise empty paper all that idea

education went on like this I went from class to class somehow and about five

years ago this school where I studied over 45 years ago they came to invite me

for the one hundred and twenty fifth anniversary of the school I said see why

me because I was not just a not good

student I was not even a student why have you invited me they said see our

school has produced federal ministers cricketing stars villain stars you are

the only mistake you have to come so I went I went instead of a little random

to speak the same oppressive buildings and

I looked at this particular class woman suddenly came back to me I was a little

over 12 years of age one afternoon a teacher is talking to me and trying to

get some response from me I am paying absolute attention but those days I was

made like this five six days at a stretch I don't utter a single word

because then you don't know anything what you say simply I'm paying if I look

at this this one dot on this paper will hold my attention for all day where is

the room to look at something else and speak so I'm just paying attention but

no response after about 3540 minutes he got so mad with me

he came and held me by the shoulder shook me violently said you must either

be the divine or the devil I think you're the later I did not feel abused

or insulted by this till that moment my problem was I do not know what is days I

don't know what is that I don't know what is this what is this this my issue

but I knew one thing I knew this is me suddenly this man confused me about this

also I nobody is this divine that way what the hell is this

well the suddenly I realised I did not even know what is this so I closed my

eyes and said minutes went into hours one day I decide like this with my eyes

closed I thought i sat there for twenty five

thirty minutes I opened my a whole crowd of people around me

Garland's around my neck people are trying to pull my legs sending new

traditions somebody wants to know about his business somebody wants to know when

his daughters will get married all kinds of ridiculous things I said where the

hell did all of you come from it was when I

they were not there when I opened my eyes a big crowd they said you've been

sitting here for 13 days I thought it's about 25 30 minutes so knowing that time

and space is just a magnification of your mind it's been common knowledge in

the East from our experience of life it's not Sciences more into words

mysticism they can't help it it's just that they don't have the tools and they

are stuck with their simple logic and they're afraid to leave it it takes a

next generation of scientists to look beyond the present levels of logic and

explore life in a much deeper way she told me I have to close at 10:30 thank

you very much


For more infomation >> Sadhguru 2018 Meditation - Discover Time and Space Do Not Exist - Duration: 11:42.


Pledge of Allegiance - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> Pledge of Allegiance - Duration: 0:17.


Donald Trump lashes out at Pakistan's 'lies and deceit' in one of his first tweets of 2018 - Duration: 11:36.

Donald Trump lashes out at Pakistan's 'lies and deceit' in one of his first tweets of 2018

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