Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 2 2018

Hello friends and welcome to's

Workout of the Day. I hope the new year has kicked off

well for you. It is January 2nd, 2018 and today we've got a CrossFit classic.

"Angie": 100 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats.

Now, this chipper should push your muscular stamina while still being metabolically taxing.

I want you guys to scale down reps and modify movements for the exercises

you have difficulty with. Try and keep each set of movements under eight minutes, each.

For more infomation >> CrossFit WOD 180102 - Duration: 1:12.


La avioneta con 12 pasajeros a bordo que se estrelló en Costa Rica explotó al chocar contra el piso - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> La avioneta con 12 pasajeros a bordo que se estrelló en Costa Rica explotó al chocar contra el piso - Duration: 2:02.


Morning Joe Looks To The Year Ahead | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 15:09.

For more infomation >> Morning Joe Looks To The Year Ahead | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 15:09.


PBS NewsHour, full episode, January 1, 2018 - Duration: 56:56.

For more infomation >> PBS NewsHour, full episode, January 1, 2018 - Duration: 56:56.


PBS NewsHour full episode, January 1, 2018 - Duration: 53:40.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Happy new year.

I'm William Brangham.

Judy Woodruff is away.

On the "NewsHour" tonight: Anti-government protests continue across Iran, leaving at

least a dozen dead.

THOMAS ERDBRINK, The New York Times: I saw a group of 50 protesters that came out on

the streets, shouted slogans against Iran's supreme leader, shouted slogans against Iran's

intervention in Syria and Iraq, who burned down some trash bins on the street, and then

were, of course, chased by police and ran off.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Then, new year, new laws: the changes taking effect across the country,

from increases in the minimum wage, mandatory sick leave, and marijuana legalization.

And clearing deadly mines in Afghanistan to save lives.

JENNIFER GLASSE: Clearing explosives is a slow and dangerous business.

This area has been mined since the 1980s.

Mine clearance organizations have been able to get rid of about 80 percent of the old

ordnance left in Afghanistan.

But new fighting means they still have a lot of work ahead of them.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: All that and more on tonight's "PBS NewsHour."


WILLIAM BRANGHAM: In Iran tonight, leaders of the Islamic republic are facing the most

serious challenge to their rule in nearly a decade.

Protests have erupted across the country, with at least 13 killed so far, and growing

fears of a new crackdown.

Iranian state TV initially ignored these protests, but no more.

Today, it broadcast what it said was the aftermath of deadly overnight clashes between protesters

and police.

MAN (through translator): Unfortunately, in total, some 10 people died in various cities

last night.

During the unrest, some public places were set on fire or seriously damaged.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: The report said armed protesters tried to take over police stations and military

bases, though it didn't say where that occurred.

The unrest began Thursday, in the city of Mashhad, hometown of the country's supreme

leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Demonstrations initially over economic woes quickly spread across the country, including

the capital, Tehran.

In the process, crowds began directly challenging the very head of the regime.

They yelled "Death to Khamenei," and some even shouted support for the late shah, who

was ousted in the 1979 revolution.

In Tehran, on Sunday, protesters overturned police vans and threw rocks at security forces,

who in turn used tear gas, batons and live fire.

These are the biggest protests in Iran since 2009's Green Movement, when masses accused

then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of rigging his reelection.

Security forces swiftly and harshly cracked down on that uprising.

This time, though, the response has been somewhat more restrained.

President Hassan Rouhani acknowledged Sunday that many Iranians haven't seen the economic

benefits they were promised after the signing of the Iran nuclear deal.

HASSAN ROUHANI, Iranian President (through translator): The people have a right to criticize

all over the country.

But criticism is entirely different from violence.

While those responsible in our country must respect the grounds for legal complaints of

the people, at the same time, we must not allow the creation of an atmosphere where

supporters of the revolution and our people worry about their lives and security.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Today, officials in Najafabad in Western Iran said protesters shot at police,

killing one and injuring three more.

Other officials warned the demonstrators will -- quote -- "pay the price."

MAN (through translator): Those who carry out acts of sabotage, riot and unrest, and

set fire to public and private venues and properties should be dealt with strongly.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: President Trump encouraged the protesters on Twitter this weekend, and

declared it's time for change in Iran.

Meanwhile, hundreds of people have been arrested, and the government blocked Instagram and the

messaging app Telegram to try and limit the organization of more protests.

For more on the latest in Iran, I spoke a short while ago with Thomas Erdbrink of The

New York Times.

He's in Tehran.

And I began by asking him to describe the scene today.

THOMAS ERDBRINK, The New York Times: So, I was out on the streets of Tehran today, like

many, many other people who were walking the pavements, maybe with the intention to protest

or to shout slogans.

But they definitely weren't able to, because the lines -- the central squares of Tehran

were lined with police officers in riot gear, plainclothes officers on motorcycles.

Clearly, the decision had been made today to not allow these protests, at least in the

capital, from growing any further.

But, despite that, I saw a group of 50 protesters that came out on the streets, shouted slogans

against Iran's supreme leader, shouted slogans against Iran's intervention in Syria and Iraq,

who burned down some trash bins on the streets, and then were, of course, chased by the police

and ran off.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: And do you have a sense of what it is that these protesters actually


THOMAS ERDBRINK: Well, these protests are based on the broad feeling of discontent among

average, ordinary Iranians.

And the root of this discontent is inside Iran's economy.

Now, of course, Iran's economy has been under sanctions during the past 10 years and continues

to be under unilateral American sanctions, even after the 2015 nuclear agreement between

Iran and world powers.

It is still impossible to send and receive money to this country.

But at the same time, Iran's economy has also been mismanaged by Iran's leaders, not for

the past 10 years, but for decades already.

Well, as a result, there are many young people here who are without a job, who cannot make

ends meet and who for years already have been complaining about the economy.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: And, Thomas, who are these protesters?

Who is it that is actually out on the streets today?

THOMAS ERDBRINK: Well, there are two groups of protesters.

There is a big group of people who are dissatisfied with the economical situation.

And also because, in Iran, everything is political, as this is an ideological country, they are

ultimately also dissatisfied with the political choices their leaders have made.

Now, those people can be taxi drivers, lawyers, housewives.

They are the ones who might intend to go on the street, but are not going so at this point

in time, because they are afraid to lose whatever they have.

Maybe they will get in trouble with the law.

But then there is a smaller group of young people who are maybe poor, who feel as if

they have nothing to lose, who seems to be very determined to go out on the street, to

shout these slogans, and to, even at points, throw stones at the police, vandalize, burn

down dustbins and other things, in order to make their point.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: All right, Thomas Erdbrink of The New York Times, thank you very much.


Thank you for having me.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: We will focus more on what's driving the unrest in Iran after the news


In the day's other news: The new year brought more slaughter in Yemen.

Security officials and witnesses say at least 23 people died in airstrikes by the Saudi

Arabian coalition.

The strikes targeted the port city of Hudaydah on the Red Sea.

It's held by Shiite rebels.

The war in Yemen has killed more than 10,000 civilians since 2015.

Much of the U.S. began the year still in the deep freeze.

It was minus-32 in Aberdeen, South Dakota, the coldest New Year's Day in 99 years.

Readings in Omaha, Nebraska, plunged to 15 below zero overnight, smashing a record set

in 1884.

The windchill made it feel more like minus-40.

And the Deep South braced for temperatures in the teens tonight.

Despite the frigid weather, some people ushered in 2018 with a traditional swim.

In New York, hundreds of swimmers at Coney Island braved 17 degrees to take the annual

Polar Bear Plunge.

It raises money for the local community.

The 129th annual Rose Parade was considerably warmer.

It rolled through the streets of Pasadena, California, with dozens of floats covered

in flowers.

People lined up for hours beforehand.

MAN: Just everyone getting together with the family from out of town you know, and then

just having front-row seats to the Rose Parade.

WOMAN: Never been.

First time.

It's been on my bucket list to see the Rose Bowl Parade.

We made it.


WILLIAM BRANGHAM: The new year also brings in a number of new laws nationwide.

We will look at some of them later in the program.

President Trump's first tweet of the new year was a shot at Pakistan for harboring terror


He said the U.S. has given Pakistan billions of dollars in aid.

But he charged, "They have given us nothing but lies and deceit, thinking our leaders

as fools."

Pakistan's foreign minister dismissed the criticism, saying America is frustrated over

defeat in Afghanistan.

In Northern England, a huge fire engulfed a parking garage in Liverpool last night,

destroying some 1,400 cars.

Flames and thick smoke could be seen billowing out of the seven-story parking deck next to

an event arena.

Police officials said the fire started accidentally in the engine of an older vehicle.

No injuries were reported.

And homicide rates fell in several major U.S. cities last year.

The number in New York appeared to fall below 300 for the first time in nearly 70 years.

Chicago had 650 killings, down more than 15 percent from last year.

But Baltimore had 343, its highest rate of homicides ever.

Still to come on the "NewsHour": unrest in Iran, the implications of recent protests;

what signals is North Korean leader Kim Jong-un sending in his New Year's speech; in the U.S.,

states ring in the new year with a raft of brand-new laws; and much more.

We return now to the protests in Iran.

How significant are they?

And how are they different from what we saw in Iran in 2009?

Karim Sadjadpour is a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

and writes extensively about Iran.

Welcome to the "NewsHour."

KARIM SADJADPOUR, Carnegie Endowment For International Peace: Thank you.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: So, how significant are these protests?

KARIM SADJADPOUR: I think the protests are significant.

They are different than the major protests of 2009 in a few different ways.

Number one, in 2009, you had millions of people take to the streets.

So far, we have seen in these protests tens of thousands.

So the scale has been smaller.

But what's been larger in 2009 is the geographic scope.

In 2009, it was mostly in the city of Tehran.

These protests began in very religious cities, like Mashhad and Qom, and spilled over to

smaller provincial cities.

So the geographic scope has really been unprecedented.

And number three is that the slogans of these protests have been far more intense than 2009.

In 2009, people were saying, where's my vote?

They want their vote back.

This time around, people are calling to death to the supreme leader and end to the Islamic


WILLIAM BRANGHAM: And just for people who weren't aware of Islamic society -- Iranian

society, that is a very striking thing for people to be chanting publicly.

KARIM SADJADPOUR: Well, absolutely, because we're talking about a highly repressive authoritarian


This is a government which has a monopoly of coercion.

They're highly organized and well-practiced in the science of repression.

And those who are protesting are really leaderless.

They're unorganized.

They're for the most part unarmed.

But I think there is one really important statistic to again contrast with 2009, which

is, in the 2009 protest, only one million Iranians had smartphones.

Now nearly 48 million Iranians have smartphones.

So the state's ability to control communication and information is much more difficult when

people have smartphones in their pockets with video cameras.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Do you have a sense -- I asked Thomas Erdbrink the same question -- why

is this happening now?

And what is it -- from this mass of people, what is it that they seem to want?

KARIM SADJADPOUR: Well, I think that people's frustrations have been boiling over for many

months now, in fact, you could argue decades.

There is a theory of popular uprisings which says that they commonly happen when people's

expectations are raised and then suddenly dashed.

And people's expectations were raised by the nuclear deal.

They thought that quality of life would be better.

And it really hasn't improved meaningfully as a result of the nuclear deal.

So, I think Thomas is right, that it's, above all, economic frustrations.

But in a place like Iran, which is not only politically authoritarian, but also economically

and socially authoritarian, all of that has really come out and become evident.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: We saw President Trump supporting the protesters in a tweet and saying that

there needs to be change in Iran.

Is that helpful?

I mean, if you were advising the president, what would you urge the U.S. policy to be

in this regard?

KARIM SADJADPOUR: I think the U.S. government needs to be careful.

Of course, when there are protests against a regime whose official slogan is "Death to

America," all American politicians are going to want to support those protests.

But there's a difference between carefully crafted official statements of solidarity,

which I think is right, in contrast to kind of freewheeling presidential tweets, which

could backfire.

But I think more important than what the U.S. says is what the U.S. does.

And it's true that the U.S. has limited leverage over Iran, but one thing we should be doing

is everything in our power to inhibit the regime's ability to control communications,

to control information, and to repress society.

And one way of doing that is to make clear to companies and countries around the world

that they will be censured if they provide the Iranian regime the means and the technology

to censor and black out communications.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Lastly, you heard Thomas say that he saw clear evidence that the government

is trying to stop these protests.

What is your sense?

Are they going to continue?

Will they grow, or will this be it?

KARIM SADJADPOUR: I think we can salute the courage of these protests with -- while at

the same time being sober about their prospects for success.

As I said, this is a regime which is very well-practiced in the science of brutality.

They are deeply resolved to stay in power.

And the protesters, as I said, they don't have leadership.

They're unorganized.

They don't have arms.

So, I think that they face enormous hurdles.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Karim Sadjadpour, thank you very much.


WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Next: Jeffrey Brown explores the mixed signals coming out of North Korea

today, where a possible overture also came with more threats against the U.S.

JEFFREY BROWN: It was an annual New Year's address from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,

but this year, it came with a surprise outreach to Seoul, including possible participation

in next month's Winter Olympics, to be held in South Korea.

Coupled with that, though, new boasts of the North's nuclear power.

Here are some key excerpts.

KIM JONG-UN, North Korean Leader (through translator): The entire United States is within

range of our nuclear weapons, and a nuclear button is always on my desk.

This is reality, not a threat.

This year, we should focus on mass-producing nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles for

operational deployment.

The Winter Games, to be held in South Korea, will be a good occasion for the country.

We sincerely hope that the Winter Olympics will be a success.

We are prepared to take various steps, including the dispatch of the delegation.

Officials from the two Koreas may urgently meet to discuss the possibility.

JEFFREY BROWN: What to make of these mixed messages?

Frank Jannuzi took part in Clinton administration talks with North Korea and has since worked

on East Asia policy in and out of government.

He now heads the Mansfield Foundation.

Welcome to you.

FRANK JANNUZI, President and CEO, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation: Good to be


JEFFREY BROWN: Let's start with this new call for dialogue with South Korea.

How important?

What do you read from that?

FRANK JANNUZI: It's critically important.

This was not a tweet.

This is a carefully prepared government policy document.

And the outreach to South Korea on two fronts, the Olympics, but also on the issue of reducing

tension and trying to live side by side in peace, this was the first time that the Kim

Jong-un government has really responded favorably to the peace initiatives offered up by South

Korean President Moon Jae-in.

JEFFREY BROWN: So, you have that on the one hand.

But, on the other hand, it comes with this continued warning and reiteration to the U.S.

of the nuclear power, so no change there.

FRANK JANNUZI: Well, indeed.

Kim Jong-un's byungjin policy, his dual-track approach of military preparedness and economic

modernization, is predicated on first North Korea establishing a credible nuclear deterrent.

They now claim they have done that.

It perhaps opens the door to dialogue first with South Korea and hopefully down the road

with the United States.

JEFFREY BROWN: Well, even in recent days, the current administration has tried to martial

international -- other countries for continued and even stronger sanctions, right?

So, does a speech like this have the potential to change the calculus, if not for the U.S.,

but perhaps for other countries?

FRANK JANNUZI: Well, I would certainly hope that the Trump administration is watching

the speech extremely closely, because it may represent the first positive outcome of the

Trump administration's maximum pressure and engagement strategy.

The pressure in New York, the pressure from the Security Council, the diplomatic isolation

may be bearing fruit.

And now may be the opportunity to seek for some off-ramps.

JEFFREY BROWN: But you're saying it is something that the Trump administration could take credit


FRANK JANNUZI: I don't really care who takes credit.

I think they absolutely could take credit.

I hope that they will, because if their policy is working, it can lead to tension reduction

and the opportunity to make progress on the critical issues that confront us.

JEFFREY BROWN: But another reading of this could be that it's an attempt to wedge -- to

create a wedge between the U.S. and South Korea.


FRANK JANNUZI: Indeed, because President Moon Jae-in has adopted a softer approach to the

North than has the Trump administration.

I think we shouldn't worry too much.

The South Korean-U.S. alliance is as strong as I have ever seen it in 30 years of looking

at that special partnership.

JEFFREY BROWN: But where does it leave South Korea?

Because they have been -- as you said, the president has called for this kind of new

openness, and now it might actually happen.

FRANK JANNUZI: Well, Moon Jae-in wants to lead on the issues on the Korean Peninsula.

He doesn't want to delegate that job to Washington.

So if he can now orchestrate a meaningful tension reduction and North Korean participation

in the Olympics, he may get that chance to lead in 2018.

JEFFREY BROWN: It's interesting, finally, just to think of the Olympics.

This is the Olympics as kind of diplomatic -- diplomacy ball, right?

FRANK JANNUZI: Well, we have had sports diplomacy in East Asia going back to the Nixon ping-pong


JEFFREY BROWN: We sure have, yes.

FRANK JANNUZI: So, if the Olympics can help bring a mood of peace and then a spirit of

cooperation, that would be a wonderful outcome for these Winter Games.

JEFFREY BROWN: What does happen next?

What do you look for, because we have seen swings so many times in this, right?

FRANK JANNUZI: Absolutely.

The first critical objective is to secure North Korea's participation in the Games.

If that falls through, we may see a real diplomatic backlash.

But I think the next steps are even more important, tension reduction.

No one should expect North Korea to unilaterally disarm or unilaterally halt all their missile

testing and military exercises.

It's going to take careful negotiations.

JEFFREY BROWN: All right, Frank Jannuzi, thanks very much.

FRANK JANNUZI: Thank you, Jeff.


Coming up on the "NewsHour": a look ahead to politics in 2018 with our regular Monday

duo; creating safer ground in Afghanistan by removing dangerous explosives; and tiny

satellites that could bring lighting-fast Internet to billions of people on Earth.

But first: Millions of Americans across the country got a pay raise starting today.

Lisa Desjardins reviews some of the many new state laws that just went into effect.

LISA DESJARDINS: The changes impact big policy areas, from minimum wage increases to immigration

and the legalization of marijuana in California, the nation's largest state.

In some cases, states are acting where the federal government cannot or will not.

Reid Wilson is a reporter at The Hill newspaper.

Let's start with a map about these minimum wage increases.

In effect today, 18 states are raising their minimum wage.

And, right now, of course, the federal minimum wage is $7.25.

So, how significant are these increases?

REID WILSON, The Hill: Well, in some states, they're very significant.

Mainers are going to see a minimum wage increase of a full dollar per hour.

In a state like Washington state, the minimum wage is going up by 50 cents.

In some other states, not so significant.

Alaska's minimum wage goes up just 4 cents today.

But across the board, we're seeing action in those states where the federal government

has not changed the minimum wage in a couple of decades now.

And the fact is, there are a lot of progressive sort of union groups and pro-labor organizations

that are using ballot measures to push the minimum wage to $11.50 in Washington state,

which is now the highest in the country.

In a couple of years, that will ratchet up to $13.50.

And even in some of Washington's cities, in Seattle, in SeaTac, Washington, the minimum

wage is now north of $15 an hour.

LISA DESJARDINS: And a dollar increase in wage is a really significant in salary.


That would be an increase of about $2,000 a year for the lowest-wage workers.

That's pretty significant for somebody who is making about $20,000 a year.

LISA DESJARDINS: From a national trend, let's talk about a state that is trying to set trends,


They are moving leftward in a couple of areas, one, recreational manner.

Starting today, you can use and buy small amounts of marijuana, with some limits like

other states have.

But California is a massive state and economy.

Is this going to change sort of drug policy, the drug marketplace?

REID WILSON: Well, it could change a little bit in Congress, because there are a significant

number of Republicans in specifically marijuana legalization states.

California is now the sixth state in which marijuana is legal for recreational purposes.

There are a number of Republicans who are trying to push the federal government to leave

these states alone.

Even if you're anti-marijuana, even if you're a conservative Republican, you don't want

the federal Justice Department suing your state over something that your voters chose.

That's not a great way to do public policy.

That's not a great way to get reelected.

So, I think, in -- as more states move towards legalization, we're going to start to see

some changing attitudes in Congress, not necessarily a pro-legalization attitude change, but just

a hands-off, let's let the states do what they want.

LISA DESJARDINS: California is also making a very big policy statement on immigration,

the state now calling itself, as of today, a sanctuary state.

What does that mean?

REID WILSON: So, California has passed a law that will prohibit state law enforcement agencies

from liaising with the federal immigration authorities in some senses.

If there is somebody who is arrested and charged with a very serious crime -- there's a list

of about 60 crimes that they could qualify for -- yes, the California law enforcement

can hand that person over for deportation at the end of his or her sentence.

But just an average -- say, a traffic stop or something like that, if the feds ask for

a detainer request -- or submit a detainer request, California law enforcement will not

necessarily honor that.

LISA DESJARDINS: Yes, and I understood that now some desks at workplaces at ICE has in

local sheriff's departments, they're being asked to leave.


And this is part of a larger movement that we're seeing in liberal states and mostly

larger cities that are trying to build a relationship between local police departments and immigrant


That relationship, they say, helps reduce crime.

Federal authorities want to effectively find ways to deport those who are in the country


It's a tenuous sort of triangle there, but it's one that local law enforcement agencies

are increasingly asserting their rights over.

LISA DESJARDINS: Obviously, a lot of politics there, too.

Let's end on a fun note.

There's always these thousands of new laws every January 1, always some oddball ones.

Do you have a favorite?


So there are a couple.

There are about 40,000 new laws taking effect on January 1.

In Illinois, August 4, from now on, will be known as Barack Obama Day.

It's not a state holiday, but it's something they're going to observe.

LISA DESJARDINS: Considered his home state.

REID WILSON: Right, of course.

LISA DESJARDINS: Well, thank you.

Happy new year.

Thank you for joining us, Reid Wilson from The Hill.

REID WILSON: You got it.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Now to another policy shift taking effect today, but this one at the federal


Starting today, transgender individuals may openly join the U.S. military, this despite

stiff opposition from President Trump, who tweeted last July that he wouldn't accept

or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity.

Since then, several federal courts have rejected that position.

And the Justice Department said Friday it will allow the transgender individuals to

serve, pending the results of a Pentagon study that is currently under way.

Back in May of 2016, during the Obama administration and before any of these other developments,

we reported on what this shift in military policy could mean for supporters and critics


Tonight, we take a reprise look at that story.

In 2014, Lieutenant Blake Dremann was going to be one of the first women to serve on a

U.S. Navy submarine.


BLAKE DREMANN, U.S. Navy: We got invited to the White House, and this is me with the president

and the first 24 females on a submarine.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: But by the time that vessel launched in late 2013, Blake was physically

transitioning to the male gender, and giving himself weekly hormone injections.


BLAKE DREMANN: I took my first shot the week before we got under way, and I took them under

way with us.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Blake is a transgender man.

His sex at birth was female, but he's long identified himself as male.


BLAKE DREMANN: I probably knew when I was like 5, right, that something was amiss.

But you grow up in the church, you grow up in Bible college, that type of environment,

and you just learn to ignore it.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Blake is now stationed at the Pentagon.

He says most of the other officers treat him like any another colleague.


BLAKE DREMANN: The senior officers have been very receptive about it.

And I have talked to all kinds of them for sometimes an hour or an hour-and-a-half at

a time just kind of answering questions.

And if you ask, I'm very open.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: The tide has slowly been turning for transgender service members like


Until last year, if a soldier, sailor, airman or Marine changed their gender identity, Pentagon

policy was to give them a medical disqualification and discharge them from service.

This was policy, but it wasn't always strictly enforced.

But last July, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter stopped these dismissals, and ordered the

Pentagon to draft plans to allow transgender people to serve openly.

But that change came too late for some.

As a man, Brynn Tannehill graduated with honors from the Naval Academy in 1997.

She went on to serve as a Navy pilot for over a decade.



BRYNN TANNEHILL, U.S. Navy Reserve: I was flying an SH-60B helicopter full of sub hunting

gear and surface search radars and infrared cameras.

We could carry anti-ship missiles and torpedoes.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: She served in the Persian Gulf and elsewhere.

And after leaving the Navy, she joined the Reserves, but she soon realized she couldn't

keep flying.



BRYNN TANNEHILL: I left the military in 2010, left the Reserves, because I was dealing with

gender dysphoria.

I was dealing with the fact that I didn't identify with the gender I had been assigned

at birth.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: She's now a military consultant.

In her free time, she makes her own medieval-style body armor and participates in popular one-on-one

mock combat.

Gender dysphoria, according to the current thinking among mental health professionals,

is the real deep-seated sense that the gender you were born with isn't really who you are.

A survey of over 6,000 transgender Americans found that 20 percent -- that's one in five

-- had served in the military.

That's more than twice the percentage of the general population.

Another study, by the UCLA School of Law, estimates that about 15,500 trans people serve

in the U.S. armed forces, out of a total force of 1.5 million.

The same study found that there are about 130,000 trans veterans, out of 22 million

total veterans.


GEORGE BROWN, East Tennessee State University: You have to live a double life.

You have to live secretly.

And there are many problems that arrive out of that type of existence.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: George Brown is associate chairman for veterans affairs at East Tennessee

State University.

He spent 15 years as an Air Force psychiatrist.

Since the 1980s, Dr. Brown has treated hundreds of transgender soldiers, sailors, airmen and


And he's developed a theory about why so many trans men and women serve.


GEORGE BROWN: Ninety percent of the people I interviewed would say, you know, when I

was 17, 18, 19 years old, I knew there was something different about myself, and I really

wanted to run away from this.

And I thought, if I joined the military, I could become a real man.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: However trans men and women end up in the military, Brynn Tannehill wants

them to be treated the same way that all other federal government workers are treated.



BRYNN TANNEHILL: The federal work force already has policies in place that allow other federal

workers to transition, to change their names, change their gender markers, to use bathrooms,

to use locker rooms.

All of this has been worked out with every other federal agency.

So the military is really kind of a little bit behind the curve on this one.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: She says VA hospitals have been providing hormones and therapy to trans

veterans since 2011.

But that's not the case for service members on active duty or in the Reserves.

Tannehill says, if a woman needs hormone replacement therapy to address menopausal symptoms or

after cancer treatment, she can get it through the military health care system, but not women

like her.



BRYNN TANNEHILL: If a transgender woman needs that same estrogen in the same doses, she

can't get it.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: According to a recent study in "The New England Journal of Medicine" by

Aaron Belkin of the Palm Center -- they're a research and advocacy group that focuses

on transgender issues -- it would cost the military about $5.6 million to pay for hormones

and other transition-related treatments annually.

According to the same estimate, about 188 soldiers would transition each year.

While this represents just a sliver of the Pentagon's personnel, and its nearly $600

billion annual budget, for retired Marine Colonel Gary Anderson, his concerns about

trans service members go beyond just money.


GARY ANDERSON (RET.), U.S. Marine Corps: I have nothing personally against women in combat,

gays in the military, transsexuals in the military, or gay pregnant whales in the military,

as long as somebody can show me that there is value added and not value taken away from

the military readiness.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Anderson says that letting transgender people and gays serve has damaged


He claims it's the lowest it's been in decades.

The cause?

Changing attitudes about the LGBTQI community.


GARY ANDERSON: I think progressive fascism is a fair description.

I think we have got people who -- quite frankly, diversity in this particular Pentagon and

this particular time frame has become a religion.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: In the past, the Pentagon has said that the impact of letting gays and

lesbians serve openly has been -- quote -- "negligible."

They have not yet studied the impact of transgender service members.

But Anderson also says that transgender service members present logistical challenges.


GARY ANDERSON: Will there be a requirement for a third bathing and sanitary facility

aboard submarines, on fire bases and so forth?


BLAKE DREMANN: We got stalls.

We're mature enough to not -- you know, you shut the door.

Everybody knows.

It's not like there's any secret to what going on when you walk into the bathroom.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: According to the Palm Center, 18 countries, including Canada, the U.K. and

other NATO allies, have allowed transgender soldiers to serve.

And Tannehill says there's no evidence those militaries suffered any problems or setbacks.



BRYNN TANNEHILL: They have dealt with all the same issues that the DOD is looking at,

and they dealt with them 15, 16 to 20 years ago, including facilities, including medical

care, including nondiscrimination and non -- anti-harassment policies.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Turning now to politics, here to preview what's on the horizon for

Congress and the White House is our Politics Monday duo, Tamara Keith of NPR and Amy Walter

of The Cook Political Report.

Happy new year to you both.

AMY WALTER, The Cook Political Report: Happy new year.

TAMARA KEITH, National Public Radio: Happy new year to you, too.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: So nice to see you.

OK, let's just dive into this.

Congress is back this week, the Senate next week.

Can you -- there are so many to-do lists being held by so many different people.

What is atop of the priority list?

TAMARA KEITH: Keeping the government funded.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: That's a big one.

TAMARA KEITH: You know, the basic functions of government, that's the big deadline that

is going to coming up.

The question is what possibly gets attached to that or is brought up in conjunction with


You know, Marc Short, who is the legislative affairs director for the White House, has

said that he hopes to have some sort of a deal on DACA.

That is the immigration program for young people who came to the country as young people

and they are now in the country illegally.

The president wants to work something out.

Republicans and Democrats, some Republicans in Congress, all the Democrats in Congress

want to work something out.

Whether they can agree on what that would be is very much an open question.


WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Because the president has said, I'm getting a wall before I'm giving

on DACA.


And he said it again in a tweet over the weekend.

So the president is making it very clear that he is serious about getting this wall.

Democrats have said, we will give you border security.

We are not giving you a wall.

And one question about this is, there isn't actually a deadline.

Like, the program doesn't completely end until March.

So is there enough of a deadline?

Are Democrats able to use -- or do they even want to use the government funding bill as

leverage to get that?

Or does this end up sort of just pushing?


AMY WALTER: We spent all of 2017 with Republicans passing, or in some cases not passing, major

legislation with Republican-only votes, right?

The Obamacare repeal ultimately failed.


AMY WALTER: But it was all with Republicans, the tax cut all with Republicans.

This would be, a DACA fix, anything on immigration in general, there is talk about infrastructure,

all those -- there's no longer the 51 votes with just Republicans now.

They have got to get a bunch of Democrats on board, 60 votes.

And they have fewer members now, one fewer, thanks to the election in Alabama, though

I would argue that Doug Jones, as a conservative Democrat, is probably going to be pressured

a lot to vote with Republicans.

But I think it's going to make for -- very difficult the idea of seeing, you know, this

bipartisanship suddenly become the norm.

I think Tam is exactly right.

What's going to happen for 2018 is, let's just try to keep things on track, let's get

stuff done that needs to get done.

And I think getting through a big to-do list is not likely.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Now, I know it's January 1.

Am I allowed to talk about the midterm elections, or is it too early?


AMY WALTER: It is never too early to talk about elections.

Come on.





Can you lay out the map for us?

How realistic?

How many races are really competitive?

Do the Democrats really have a shot at taking one or both houses back?

AMY WALTER: Yes, the biggest change since a year ago was, there was no possibility -- back

at this time last year, nobody thought there was a possibility that the Senate could flip,

because the map is so tilted against Democrats.

They are defending more seats than Republicans are.

And most of the seats that are difficult for them to defend are in states that Trump carried,

some by double digits.

Now, after what happened in Alabama, the fact we are also seeing an enthusiasm advantage

for Democrats sort of across the board in governor's races -- we have seen it in special

elections for the House, Democratic voters turning out -- there is talk about the possibility

-- I don't think it's likely, but the possibility of Democrats getting the three seats that

they would need to flip control of the Senate.

It requires a lot of things going right, they hold on to all our seats, and they get some

help from people like Steve Bannon, who is likely to be involved in the Senate primaries.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: The Democrats get some help, you say.

AMY WALTER: Yes, they would -- Steve Bannon was very helpful to them in Alabama by backing

the one candidate who couldn't win in a state as red as Alabama, who was as flawed as Roy


If he finds candidates or supports candidates who are weak, especially in more competitive

states like Nevada and Arizona, those are pickup potential for Democrats.

The House is a different story.

Democrats need 24 seats if they're going to flip the House.

There aren't as many seats in play as Democrats would like to have, but the environment looking

much better for Democrats, their enthusiasm is much better.

The geographic challenges are still there for them, trying to find enough districts

where they're not drawn or configured in a way that benefit Republicans.

But it is absolutely a possibility.

They may even be a slight favorite right now, Democrats a slight favorite, to winning the

House, just from what we're seeing in the numbers today.

And, again, we're months out.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Tam, question.

Amy is talking about Democratic enthusiasm.

That's what everybody assumes happens in midterm against the incumbent.

But what about GOP enthusiasm?

Because if you looked -- if I blindfolded you right now, and didn't tell you who the

president was, I just told you that he was a Republican, and I said, you got tax cuts,

you got a Supreme Court justice, you got rollback of regulations, you would be hard-pressed

to know that that wasn't just straightforward conservative agenda being enacted by Trump.

Is there going to be some enthusiasm amongst the GOP rank and file because of what Trump

has accomplished in the first year?

TAMARA KEITH: It's an open question.

It's certainly -- in the races that we have seen so far -- and this is an off-year, so

these are special elections.

But in those special elections, Democrats have outperformed Hillary Clinton, and Republicans

have underperformed how Donald Trump did in 2016.

So, right now, there is definitely an enthusiasm difference.

But, absolutely, conservatives who were concerned about a President Trump, were concerned that

he wouldn't be reliably conservative, they have gotten a reliably conservative president.

They have gotten someone who did what basically any Republican president would do.

And for those sort of -- those Trump voters who wanted to just, like, stick it to the

man, they're getting that, too, because they're getting a candidate who is -- you know, he

said I will be so presidential, you're bored, but then he has since said...

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Didn't turn out that way.

TAMARA KEITH: He has since said, but I don't have to do that.

I can keep being interesting, more or less.

And he has continued to tweet up a storm.

And, you know, even his New Year's greeting to the losers in the fake media, he has remained

sort of consistent as the outsider bomb-thrower rhetorically to please his base, while, at

the same time, pleasing sort of straight conservative, you know, the...

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Red meat conservative issues.

TAMARA KEITH: Red meat conservative issues, absolutely.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Tamara Keith, Amy Walter, happy new year.

AMY WALTER: Happy new year.

TAMARA KEITH: Happy new year.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Twenty years ago, the Ottawa Treaty banned the production and use of anti-personnel

land mines, but those deadly explosives still litter the landscape of many war-torn nations

like Afghanistan.

But Afghanistan is also home to the world's largest land mine removal program, which has

cleared nearly 80 percent of mines from that country's fight with the Soviets and its own

civil war.

As special correspondent Jennifer Glasse reports, there are still many mine left behind by the

renewed fighting from the U.S.-led war on terror, and casualties are mounting.

JENNIFER GLASSE: For some, the scars of war will last a lifetime.

Three months ago, 13 year old Noorzia stepped on a land mine while collecting firewood.

Today, she's walking on new artificial legs.

MAHPIKAY SIDDIQI, Kabul Orthopedic Organization: When she came here first, she just crying.

Even she afraid from her residual limb.

She hide her face to not look at residual limb.

JENNIFER GLASSE: But now Noorzia is learning to put her legs on herself.

And she couldn't have a better teacher.

Mahpikay Siddiqi lost her legs 20 years ago, also to a mine, also while collecting firewood.

Noorzia's father brought her here to Kabul from Nangarhar Province in the east to get

legs, so she can go to school.

RAHMATULLAH, Father of Noorzia (through translator): She is disabled now.

We need to make sure she can get an education, so she can become a doctor or an engineer

or a teacher.

JENNIFER GLASSE: Mines contaminate 33 of Afghanistan's 34 provinces.

At least 30,000 Afghans civilians have been injured or killed by mines or other explosives

since 1989, when mine clearing began after the Soviet Union left.

Just five years ago, casualties caused from mines and other explosive devices looked to

become a thing of the past here, but this year, those numbers are expected to be the

highest since 2001 because of improvised explosive devices set by the Taliban and other government

groups and increased fighting around the country.

This is the Tangi Saidan Valley just outside Kabul.

The Soviets laid mines here in the '80s, then through the '90s, then the Afghan government,

the Taliban and other groups, all fighting for control, laid additional mines.

Until now, it's these old sites that have been the focus de-mining.

But it's new mines that are causing recent casualties.

Patrick Fruchet runs the U.N.'s Mine Action Service.

PATRICK FRUCHET, United Nations Mine Action Service: Back in 2012, there were only about

35 recorded casualties per month.

And those numbers have jumped right back up.

We're at 181 recorded casualties per month here in 2017.

And that's the highest number in the world.

JENNIFER GLASSE: And that's because America's war continues in Afghanistan, now into its

17th year.

There are more than 15,000 U.S. troops here, some fighting alongside Afghan forces.

The United States has carried out three times as many airstrikes this year compared to last


Some of that ordnance won't explode and will become a hazard.

And the Taliban, Islamic State and other anti-government militants regularly use using IEDs, improvised

explosive devices, many triggered by pressure plates, on roads, in fields and villages.

Rahmatullah Rahmat is with the HALO Trust, a de-mining organization.

RAHMATULLAH RAHMAT, HALO Trust: So far, the de-mining organizations or Mine Action program

in Afghanistan didn't decide to touch with the new mines.

JENNIFER GLASSE: For political and practical reasons, mine organizations have primarily

focused on what they call legacy mine and battlefields, from the Soviet periods through

to the Taliban.

Clearing explosives is a slow and dangerous business.

This area has been mined since the 1980s.

Mine clearance organizations have been able to get rid of about 80 percent of the old

ordnance left in Afghanistan.

But new fighting means they still have a lot of work ahead of them.

New mines means pretty much anything laid after 2001, after the arrival of U.S. and

NATO troops.

Removing them will be complicated for a number of reasons.

There aren't any official negotiations with the Taliban or other insurgent groups, and

fighting is ongoing, so access will be difficult.

And the explosives used by insurgent groups are different from mines laid in the past.

RAHMATULLAH RAHMAT: The new mine fields are mostly IEDs, different types of IEDs, which

we, our teams are not trained to that.

JENNIFER GLASSE: The de-miners will need new training.

And that will cost money.

Already, recent cutbacks have forced mine organizations to lay off more than half the

country's 15,000 trained de-miners, after having spent $1.3 billion here since 2001.

PATRICK FRUCHET: Afghanistan has a commitment to clear all of its in-place anti-personnel

land mines by 2023.

The bill for that is about $350 million.

JENNIFER GLASSE: To clear the recently laid mines, de-miners first need to be able to

get to them.

That is hard to do in places where there is active fighting.

U.N. officials will need to negotiate safe access.

PATRICK FRUCHET: We are trying to speak to the parties to the conflict, so that we can

agree with everyone that devices should be abandoned, can be abandoned, so that we can

go in and clear, so that the civilian population, which bears the brunt of casualties in the

conflict in Afghanistan now, the civilian population can be protected from these devices.

JENNIFER GLASSE: Afghanistan has had some success in clearing the country of mines.

In 1995, six years after de-mining began, more than 60 percent of the capital was contaminated.

Today, Kabul's sprawling expanse is a testament to how much has been cleared in nearly three


On one of the capital's busiest streets, artists paint a mural of a de-miner as a hero, raising


Cities may be safe.

The countryside isn't.

FARAH GULISTANI, Mural Painter (through translator): Outside of Kabul, people have to worry about

mines every day.

They could get hurt any time.

So, at the end of a day, when it doesn't happen, people count themselves lucky.

For Afghans, dealing with the threat of mine blasts has become a normal part of life.

JENNIFER GLASSE: Mine agencies believe the only way to stop rising casualties is to start

clearing the explosives left by the current conflict.

For the "PBS NewsHour," I'm Jennifer Glasse in Kabul.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Finally tonight, a story about a space race that's very close to its

finish line.

Tiny satellites known as CubeSats are critical to space exploration.

"NewsHour" science producer Nsikan Akpan reports how one scientist plans to propel these Rubik's

Cube-sized satellites to infinity and beyond.

NSIKAN AKPAN: Have you heard of space Internet?

Four thousand small satellites orbiting Earth, beaming down high-speed broadband to the most

remote nooks of the planet, reaching billions.

SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, Boeing, and Airbus are all racing to make space Internet a reality.

This scheme depends on CubeSats, low-cost, bite-sized satellites that many view as the

future of telecommunications and deep space exploration.

But these CubeSats have a big problem.

Conventional rockets with their huge chemical fuel tanks are too large and too powerful

for CubeSats, which are as tiny as Rubik's Cubes or small printers.

It'd be like strapping your bicycle to a monster truck.

So CubeSats are currently built without propulsion and can't be controlled once in orbit.

This restricts CubeSats to lower orbits, safe from collisions with normal satellites.

After a few months, the CubeSats fall back to Earth.

What CubeSats need to stay in space are mini-boosters, and scientists are racing to build them.

And if you look inside this chamber, we can show you one capable of blasting them deep

into the cosmos.

PAULO LOZANO, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: I grew up in Mexico.

And I was very young.

I watched Carl Sagan's "Cosmos," as probably every other child in my generation.

CARL SAGAN, "Cosmos": The cosmos is also within us.

We're made of star stuff.

We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.

PAULO LOZANO: That inspired me to study the stars, to work on things that leave the Earth.

NSIKAN AKPAN: Paulo Lozano is the director of the Space Propulsion Lab at the Massachusetts

Institute Of Technology.

He's found a solution to the CubeSat problem, and the idea fueling his mini-rocket is simpler

than you might think.

PAULO LOZANO: What we can do is to rub the plastic on any fabric, really, and you can

put a little bit of liquid on your finger, and then get it close, and you will see the

liquid flying, producing a little cone and then flying to the plastic.

NSIKAN AKPAN: That's static electricity.

And it's not just tugging at the droplet.

Look more closely, and you will see the static creates a spray of charged molecules called


Lozano's tiny rockets, which are the size of quarters, generate these ion sprays.

PAULO LOZANO: They don't produce a lot of force.

So it's always less than the weight of a mosquito.

NSIKAN AKPAN: This may sound wimpy, but even a small action creates a reaction in the frictionless

vacuum of outer space.

Move ions in one direction, and a CubeSat will move uber-fast in the other.

PAULO LOZANO: The best chemical rocket will produce an exhaust of particles that move

at about 4,000 meters a second.

And an ion engine can go much higher.

It can reach 40,00, 50,000, or even more meters a second.

NSIKAN AKPAN: Up to 111,000 miles per hour, more than enough to stay in orbit around Earth

or even blast off to Mars.

Lozano's ion engines look like computer microchips.

They contain a grid of 500 needles, each a solar-powered, custom-built nozzle for spewing


CATHERINE MILLER, NASA Space Technology Research Fellow: My name is Catherine Miller.

I am a second-year Ph.D. student here.

I am also a NASA space technology research fellow.

They're electrochemically etched and chemically roughened to make the needle tip extremely,

extremely sharp.

And so, from there, you can dip the ionic liquid onto the surface and produce an ion

beam that way.

NSIKAN AKPAN: Latch on a fuel tank the size of a sugar cube, and you're almost ready for


PAULO LOZANO: What we have in here is relatively big vacuum chamber.

You can see what we have right now is a little satellite that is actually magnetically levitated.

We have tiny little thrusters in there that can move the satellite and rotate it around.

And we can investigate then how the thrusters behave, how do they affect the motion of the

satellite while the vacuum chamber is closed.

NSIKAN AKPAN: Ion engines aren't new.

NASA's Dawn mission, which hopped its way to the asteroid Ceres, would have been impossible

without its high-velocity ion engine.

But the Dawn mission cost half-a-billion dollars.

Commercial CubeSats can cost as little as $100,000, and this price is dropping.

Even children are building CubeSats at their elementary schools.

Sure, you're thinking an individual CubeSat can't perform as many operations as a big

mission satellite.

But there is strength in numbers.

PAULO LOZANO: Instead of going to an asteroid every five, 10 years in the traditional way,

release a fleet of these tiny little CubeSats and visit 100 asteroids.

NSIKAN AKPAN: Doing so could prevent Armageddon.

PAULO LOZANO: Some of these asteroids, especially the very small ones, they have the potential

to collide with the Earth.

They won't kill the Earth, but they can kill a city.

NSIKAN AKPAN: By launching a fleet of CubeSats, scientists could learn the chemical compositions

of these city killers.

That could be key to destroying.

An asteroid made of silicon would be much tougher to stop than one made of iron.

Meanwhile, closer to home, Lozano's ion engines could install CubeSats into shiftable orbits

for a space Internet.

So, from a truly World Wide Web to stopping asteroids, Lozano's mini-thrusters hope to

carry CubeSats to infinity and beyond.

Until next time, I'm Nsikan Akpan, and this is "ScienceScope" from the "PBS NewsHour."

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: On our Web site, read more about how those tiny satellites could not

only teach us more about asteroids and deep space and help avoid Armageddon, but could

also help test new technologies that could eventually be used by NASA.

That's at

Tonight, "The Untold Tales of Armistead Maupin," from conservative son of the old South to

gay rights pioneer.

That's "Independent Lens" for New Year's Day at 10:30 Eastern, 9:30 Central.

And that's the "NewsHour" for tonight.

On Tuesday: the growing market in instructional lesson plans for schools.

I'm William Brangham.

Join us online and again here tomorrow evening.

For all of us at the "PBS NewsHour," thank you, and good night.

For more infomation >> PBS NewsHour full episode, January 1, 2018 - Duration: 53:40.


it finally happened... - Duration: 6:05.

it finally happened...

What's going on guys my name's eclipse and today is officially the start of the brand new year

So you know what I figured I would post a boring video

Just what my plans are for 2018 and all that fun stuff so if you're bored and you want to waste your time

Continue watching today's good old video now

I want to split this video up into like two portions part number one is gonna

Be like goals for YouTube and goals for my channels and stuff like that and then the second half of the video

That's just gonna be like more of personal goals. Hopefully that makes sense so

2017 was an awesome year we hit 1 million subs did our face reveal and things were going pretty

Good my channel hit an all-time high, and it also hit an all-time low both in the same year, but right now

We're at a good spot

We're chilling, and I'm happy I got my momentum back

And we're starting the year off strong as far as this channel eclipse goes

I want to post 7 videos a week so have videos up every single day

I don't want to miss an upload like that's my goal. That's not miss an upload for all of

2018 if I can somehow commit to that I will just feel so

Accomplished like that right. There is one of my main goals as far as the content goes

I still want to be clash royale bays

I don't think clash Royale will be going anywhere throughout this next year

But I also kind of want to expand a bit like just yesterday

I posted a fortnight video

And I actually have another fortnight video going up a few days from now so if that performs

Well, then who knows you may see more fortnight on this channel

I don't think I'll ever fully convert to another game

but I'm just kind of testing the waters right now seeing what works seeing what doesn't and

Along with that. I also want to bring some more IRL content

I did a school vlog and besides that that was like the only

IRL thing I've ever done one of the youtubers I watch actually just posted a video like eating the world's hottest chocolate bar

So I may actually try that out for a video personally

I think it would be really entertaining and if I got some of my real-life friends involved

And I feel like that can be super entertaining and again if real life videos perform

Well, then I would probably post more of those in the future so pretty much in 2018

I want to figure out where we necessarily fit in on YouTube throughout the last few years

I've only really posted clash of clans in clash, Royale, but who knows if I fit in another community

Then why not try to expand to that community, so yeah

That's pretty much what I'm trying to do for this channel as far as my second channel Eclipse extra goes

I want to post four to seven videos a week on there as well

I haven't posted a video on there in months pretty much. I'm gonna be kicking it into overdrive with uploads

I want to get both channels active both channels popping and overall

I just want to fully expand YouTube into something bigger than it already is so starting January 9th

I would like to be posting on my main channel and

Second channel daily like that is what I want things to get like real

Serious as far as the content on my second channel goes though. It's just gonna be a variety of games

Eventually I would like to find like three to four games that you guys

Absolutely love and then I would just like to prioritize those few games

But of course the second channel is just gonna be like way more broad as far as gaming goes

I'm gonna post a whole bunch of stuff over there. Maybe a few stories

Maybe a few streams who really knows what I'm gonna be doing on that channel, but there is gonna be content

And I'm super excited to finally give both of my channels in full action. No excuses here

We're coming into 2018 with absolute bangers and now moving over to more personal goals for those of you

Who are unaware last semester was actually my first semester of college?

So pretty much. I finished high school started college, but now I'm taking a break from school

And I'm only gonna be focusing on YouTube so since I'm gonna have so much extra time throughout my day

This is how I'm gonna be managing all my time

It's pretty much gonna be gym YouTube main channel uploads second channel uploads, and I'm just gonna be on my grind

I want to have content for you guys

Good content want to step up my editing put more time into my videos and without school

That's how all of this is going to be

Possible now if I had to make a list of all of my goals for this year the first one upload on my main channel

In my second channel almost like every single day

I just want to have content always coming out

But I don't want it to get repetitive or stale so that is goal number one goal number two is something

I have really talk about in this video yet, but I want to expand both of my social medias currently on Twitter. I have almost

90,000 followers my goal for 2017 was a hundred K. So in 2018 I would like to hit a hundred K

Paul where since we're pretty close to that I'm pretty sure we can crush that as well as far as Instagram goes

I'm at around sixty thousand followers, so I can get a hundred K on Instagram before 2018 ends as well again

I'm gonna be super excited so if I keep posting on Instagram

I'm pretty sure we can also crush that goal and my final goal is like a pretty simple one and that is to just have

A six-pack not too much to ask for I've been on my gym

Grind my diet has been pretty damn well

So I'm thinking honestly in a month or two I'm hoping I can crush that out three months max, but again

I'm hoping in two months

I can knock that one out also

And I understand a lot of these goals may not seem super big like it's not gonna

Take me the whole year to complete these

But this is just what my mindset is and if I finish one of these goals and of course

I'll always have new stuff to work towards so in reality

My goals are never going to end they're gonna keep on getting higher and higher and higher

But for now this is what I'm aiming for so guys. That's everything

I had to say for today's video if you have any like goals or New Year's

Resolutions feel free to leave those down in my comment section below, but guys this has been eclipse

Thank you all for watching and peace out

For more infomation >> it finally happened... - Duration: 6:05.


20 Traits Of An Empath, How To Know Accurately If You're An Empath - Duration: 4:37.

20 Traits Of An Empath: How To Know Accurately If You're An Empath

Empaths are people who are very sensitive to emotional matter.

It is necessary to know that empaths are usually friendly and nice.

However, it is also worth noting that empaths are also sometimes exhausting.

If you want to know more about empaths, you should know these 20 traits of empaths.

Before we jump to the lists, make sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel,

so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future.

#1 - Just knowing

Some people may not know how empaths actually understand people easily.

They really just do that with their strong intuition.

Empaths of course can sharpen the skill by understanding more and more people.

#2 - Public places are terrifying

You can imagine that empaths can read people's mind and emotion through facial expression,

gesture, and voices.

So many expressions are going on in public places and it is exhausting for empaths.

#3 - Absorbing emotion

Empaths do not only know the feeling or the emotion of others.

They also take that as their own.

It is quite problematic since you will feel depressed – most of the times – because

of their stories.

#4 - Cannot watch violence

Violence breaks empaths' heart deeply.

It also can make the person passed out just to see someone's bleeding.

#5 - Lie detector

You know when someone's lying to you.

Though it seems good, it is not.

If your loved ones lie to you, it is mentally exhausting and depressing.

#6 - Mimicking

The sympathy goes beyond just feeling.

It makes you move at the same pace and direction.

#7 - Digestive disorder

The seat of emotion is located in abdomen area.

It is weakened if there is too much exposure of negative emotion.

#8 - Looks for the weak

Empaths are easily drawn into something or someone weak even in the middle of the crowd.

#9 - People need your help

People with their problems will ask you how to deal with them.

Empaths are great place to dump negative emotion.

#10 - Constant exhaustion

Sometimes, it is impossible to just take a day break because there is always suffering

that you see and eventually experience.

#11 - Addictive personality

Working as dumping place of negativity, addiction to alcohol, drugs and sex is the answer for

avoiding mental damage.

#12 - Drawn to metaphysical things

Anything supernatural or illogical is acceptable.

Though they value on their belief, they still can accept something irrational.

#13 - Creative

Empaths have strong creativity in art fields such as acting, dancing, and drawing.

#14 - Nature lover

Empaths love outdoors especially with no human presence.

It is like a great meditative place for taking a break.

#15 - Need for solitude

It is rare, but empaths sometimes need to recharge themselves in quiet place.

#16 - Distracted easily

If not stimulated or motivated, the empaths can be distracted frequently.

It is more prominent especially if there is someone telling a problem.

#17 - Lazy

Empaths are associated with laziness because they just do not like activities that have

no direct benefits for them.

#18 - Seeking for the truth

No one wants to be lied, and it holds true especially for empaths.

#19 - Always curious

Empaths want to learn more about their surroundings especially about human being.

They also need confirmation of information that they have received.

#20 - Adventurous

When things are too exhausting to handle, empaths prefer to take a day off by exploring

new places.

All in all, that's the traits of an empath and how to know accurately if you're an


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For more infomation >> 20 Traits Of An Empath, How To Know Accurately If You're An Empath - Duration: 4:37.


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For more infomation >> After The Parade, All Eyes Turn To The Rose Bowl - Duration: 2:08.


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For more infomation >> America's Cold Weather Turns Deadly | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:58.


10 Americans Among Dozen Killed In Fiery Costa Rican Plane Crash | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> 10 Americans Among Dozen Killed In Fiery Costa Rican Plane Crash | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:44.


Colorado Gunman Posted Rants About Police On YouTube | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Colorado Gunman Posted Rants About Police On YouTube | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:59.


Love Returns | 即使恨也爱你 | 미워도 사랑해 - Ep.30 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2018.01.01] - Duration: 32:48.

(Episode 30) What plans?

Do you want a joint wedding or something?


I want to get married.

Before you.

Do you have a boyfriend?

Don't tell me it's that lawyer.


Is that a couple ring?

You're really getting married?

Oh, wow. They got matching rings,

so it's game over.


Be quiet for now.

Everyone leave

except for Eunjo.

Go on.

Is it...

Byeon Busik you plan to marry?


You've grown close enough to discuss marriage?

Are you thinking of marrying just because

living with Dr. Jeong would be uncomfortable?

Then I can't get married or anything else.

Ms. Kim.

Go ahead.

It won't be comfortable living with you and him,

but I'm not mindless enough

to get married because of that.

Mr. Byeon makes me feel comfortable,

is nice to me,

and is sweet.

I've been thinking

he wouldn't be bad for a husband.


Are you serious about getting married?

Of course, I am.

Does anyone get married casually?

Why don't you give it more serious thought?

What's bothering you?

Don't you like Mr. Byeon?

Who says I don't?

You don't have to spell it out for me to know.

Why don't you like him?

It's not that I don't like him.

I just don't trust...

Never mind.

If you like him, I'll try to like him too.

But Eunjo,

do you really, truly love that lawyer?

Would I marry someone I don't love?

I'm Gil Eunjo, the troublemaker

who even gives the Geumdong Market gamecock

a run for her money.

I haven't heard that in a while.

I'm relieved if that's the case.

What are you worried about?

I thought you were in love with someone else.

One must marry who they love.

So I'm relieved you love the lawyer.

She doesn't seem to be joking, right?

Eunjo must've been born under a lucky star.

What's that got to do with anything?

Think about it.

When she came to us as a foundling...

Watch it!

Only because she came to us,

she was respected as the daughter

of a distinguished family.

Then she's lived without worries,

squandering your money.

And now the wife of a lawyer...

It's a nice title.

The same goes for her kidney transplant.

Her mom couldn't find a donor,

but as soon as Eunjo had kidney issues,

the perfect donor miraculously appeared

and she survived thanks to a transplant.

Why bring up the past?

It's just to say Eunjo is very lucky.

No more dredging up the past.

You dote on Eunjo like no other.

Why are you here?

We need to talk.


I hear you're getting married.

How far have things gone?

Why do you want to know?

You told Inu you'd support her

and be a good father.

What did you mean by that?

Just as I said.

I'll do my fatherly duties as I'm their father.

Is there a problem?

So what's that got to do with you remarrying?

The person I'm remarrying is very wealthy

and has no family.

Although she does have a different kind of family.

But of course.

You made promises with someone else's money?

Is the woman you're marrying stupid?

I'm making promises because I'm confident.

Remarry and have a great life.

Don't make false promises

and hurt the girls.

I know what you're worried about,

but please trust me just this once.

I'd trust a passing dog before I trust you.

Don't be like that.

You're not the girls' only parent.

I am too.

I didn't have any money,

but I've loved them like any father would.

And I feel bad about the burden I put on you.

There's no need.

I didn't raise a stranger's kids.

I made you raise them alone.

Oh, wow. So you know.

I'll make up for the grief I caused you.

I'm not saying I still have feelings for you.

But you are our children's mother.

You don't have to worry about me.

I'm begging you.

Don't cause trouble

or be a burden on the girls.

That's what I came to say.

I'm off.


Why is he making promises

with someone else's money?

I should be grateful he wants to be a dad, right?

Yes, Mr. Byeon.

I was worried as I couldn't reach you all day.

I went out for some fresh air.



I'll come with you next time.

I'd like to see you tomorrow,

but I'm swamped,

so I'll be at the office all day.

That's why I called.

All day?

What a shame.

Good night to you too.

Maybe I shouldn't have said I was marrying him.

I should've waited and seen a bit more.

Now that I think about it, I...

I must have had feelings for you.

So stupid. So stupid.

Why say that when it's over anyway?

Now that I think about it, I...

I must have had feelings for you.

I suppose this is it for us.

Have a nice life.

There are no weekends.

He's working all day tomorrow at the office.

One might think he's doing all of Korea's work.

But it's better than not having any work.

Poor thing.

I bet he's having skimpy sandwiches.

Pack him lunch if you feel that bad.

Let's close every other weekend here.

It's always empty.

Don't work if you don't want to.

I need to make every penny I can.

She has no money

but is always scheming to goof off.


Do you want to look demure again?

I'm here to see Dong today.

Me? Why?

I need to talk to you.

Go ahead.

Do you need some privacy again?

There's no need. We all know each other.

Didn't your son say anything?

About what?

He's so busy these days, I barely see him.

We have no time to talk.

Eunjo had a new ring on yesterday

and said she was getting married.

With Busik?

I came to find out how far it's gone

and whether you knew anything.

She wants to get married?

And she has a ring?

Didn't Eunjo say he was too poor?

No parent can outwill her child.

What can I do if they're in love?

If you had talked to Busik,

I was willing to discuss the next step.

You're going to set a date?

When Busik gets home tonight,

I'll talk to him about this no matter what.

Do that then.


What brings you here?

Ms. Dong was worried

you weren't eating properly.

Did Mom send you?

I can have whatever.

We all work to eat.

You need to eat well to work well.

This isn't from my mom.

Ms. Dong simply mentioned it.

I made the food.


I'm grateful to you,

so I brought you this

instead of taking you out,

so don't think much of it.


Your advice about my dad.

His happiness should be the priority,

but I think I put my feelings first.

I'm going to approve of his remarriage.

Oh, really?

Even if we get financial help,

how great a help will we get?

It's just Dad's wishful thinking.


You seem different.

How so?

I don't know.

More confident maybe?

Or more resolute perhaps?

Let's eat together.

I didn't eat as I was busy making this.

Good grief.

What are you doing?

We should have lunch.

Geez, what a skimpy selection.

The fridge is empty.

What about Ms. Kim and Eunjo?

Haengja was going somewhere with Dr. Jeong.

She even borrowed Eunjo's car.

Eunjo griped about needing her car

and took off in a taxi.

This won't do.

Let's get delivery.

Hey, is there a good Chinese place?

I have to go out to run an errand.

Hey, am I to starve to death? Geez.

They should've left me money if the fridge is empty.

The side dishes were a bit bland, right?

I'll make them just right next time.

Next time?

But they were way better

than my mom's side dishes.


I'm glad I brought this.

It must have taken you a long time.

Yes. I woke up

at the crack of dawn to make this.

Ms. Gil.

Looks like I was a bit late.

Everything, including meals, has its proper time.

You are a bit late.

Busik, I'll get going.

You see...

Oh, right. My mom sent her.

Something urgent had come up for Mom.

Why didn't you call first?

I would've waited

if I'd known you were coming.

I should have.

I came by because you said

you were stuck in the office all day.

Give me that. I'll eat again.

So you can have the runs all night again?

Please don't get the wrong idea.

Inu takes it upon herself...

I know. There are no misunderstandings.

Didn't Ms. Dong say anything?

My mom?

Like I said, she asked Inu to bring me food,

worried I would go hungry.

Oh, I see.

Is there something else?


Why is this car so slow?

Are you going to drive like that?

You should stay home if you can't drive.

Drive properly, you idiot!

Darn it.

- Are you okay? / - Yes.

Here you go.

Did I startle you?

Yes, a bit.

I must've really startled you.

I didn't know you were such a good driver.

When I was young and working away,

I even drove a 20-ton truck.

I had to get from Yeongdeungpo Station

to Incheon Pier in 15 minutes,

so driving fast became a habit.

You've had such a colorful past.

They offered the highest daily rate.

I usually worked early in the morning,

making five, six rounds a day.

One day, I was very sleepy

and it was raining hard

when I almost got in a huge accident,

so I quit.

I figured I might die, leaving my kids all alone.

You've always put your children first.

After their father passed away,

they were what I lived for.

That's why there's no job I haven't taken.

I thought there was nothing tougher

than working while studying.

Everyone's born to a different destiny.

So nothing's easy or tough.

Oh. We should get back, right?

The sky seems overcast.

Let's hurry back, Dr. Jeong.

Wait. Hurry back?

May I drive?


Shall I enjoy being driven by you this time?

Yes, yes. Very well. Please get in.

I looked everywhere.

What are you doing here?

The last delivery is here.

It's raining outside.

So we should hurry.

What if the shipment gets wet?

Let's go.

Um, you see...

Do you want a raincoat or something? Huh?

We should get this done since you're wet already.

You do well for a while but then try to be lazy.

Listen, kiddo.

I cannot be in the rain.

Are there people who should be in the rain?

All you'll get is a cold.

A cold?

A cold can kill me.

Does a cold turn into pneumonia for you?

I got a kidney transplant, so my situation

is different from that of others.

Even if I get fired over this,

I can't go out right now.

Someone needs to study you, Mr. Hong.

Fine. You say it'll kill you.

Okay, I'll wrap things up,

so you go home and rest.

Don't catch a cold.


What are you doing?

You really are high-maintenance.

Since you're back, I'll get going.

My goodness, Ms. Gong. Thank you so much.

This is Genius' space anyway.

- Okay then. / - Bye.

Dr. Jeong, what did you think of the house?

Only the frames are up, but still...

It's in a nice location

and quiet, so I like it.

It's a shame we couldn't go in due to the rain.

We can go back when it's almost ready.

Fact is, I had been building the house

to prepare for when Eunjo and Myeongjo get married.

I started the construction not knowing

we would get together.

You're more remarkable the more I get to know you.

I feel very small before you.

Here you go again.

It's very reassuring for me to have you by my side.

A peace of mind surely is much better

than material abundance.

By the way,

Dr. Jeong, one more thing...

My Eunjo says she's getting married.


You know my lawyer, right?

Byeon Busik. She's going to marry him.

There are already talks of marriage?

They must've grown close as he's been helping me.

So I'll have to marry Eunjo off first.

What do you think?

If Eunjo gets married,

she'll go on the lawyer's family register.

Then it'll be hard to get her on ours.

Yes, that's precisely it.

So even if we move in together later,

we should get our marriage license first.

So we can put Eunjo and Myeongjo on our register

before Eunjo marries,

then she can be put on Counsel Byeon's...

Wait a minute. This is so complicated.

No, no. It's not complicated at all

if we get our marriage license first.

Yes, it is.

Um, so...

Shouldn't I meet your children too?

I should ask my daughters then.

Don't force them if they don't want to.

And you should probably

ask them in person rather than over the phone.

She wants me to go see them?

Yes, I'll do that.


You went to see the new house.

Why are you back so soon?

It was raining,

so we just looked at it from the car.

Hurry up and go get changed.

You'll catch a cold.

Okay. Man, it's cold.

You must not keep any secrets from Bogeum.

No. I tell her everything.

She's young,

but she's been through a lot.

I see.

There was ginger tea, so I brought you some.

Um... I happened to overhear

you'd gotten a kidney transplant.


It's been around 10 years.

I'm fine otherwise,

but I can't get a fever.

I'm lacking in so many ways.

Don't say that.

Why not?

The arrogant, unruly, and testy

Mr. Hong Seok.

I prefer that version of you.

Just keep being yourself.

Ms. Kim is well, right?

She's getting married.

So it's come to that.

How is Ms. Gil...

She must not be taking this well.

She has to if this is what Ms. Kim wants.


After our father passed away,

many were saying I should return to our hometown.

That's when Ms. Kim took us under her wing.

And Eunjo doesn't know this,

but Ms. Kim bought our relatives a home

so Eunjo and I could live with her.

Ms. Kim is something else.

So that's how I'm still with Eunjo,

so we can't disapprove of Ms. Kim's decision.

That wouldn't be right.

Don't you want to know how Eunjo is?

I saw that she was well.


Yes, my sister is well.

Ms. Gil, aren't those knockoffs?

Don't worry about it.

You shouldn't do this.

They can't get mixed in with our goods.

I can't tell fakes apart from the authentic.

Hey, you've been here for five years.

Why haven't you been learning?

Put these in the corner of the storage room

where no one can find them.

You really shouldn't be doing this.

Do as I say.

Keep this from Eunjo.

You can't tell her.

Here, take them in.

It's better than idling about.

I'm going to make use of my expertise.

Did you get to see your groom?


What else do I call the man you'll marry?

Hey, you should stop working here

and focus on your wedding.

I'll hold down the fort.

What? You're getting married?

With which one?


I wasn't hearing things, right?

She seemed to imply there's more than one guy.

No, there's only one.

It's the lawyer.

Aren't you going back to America?

I told you I'm staying for a while.

Anyway, you'd better be nice to me.

What do you mean?

Because I'm the elder, you must be nice to me.

I can't tell her who she really is.

How frustrating.

Darn it.

Why did you make Busik lunch?

Because I wanted to do.

What's with you these days?

Are you determined to defy me?

I'm not defying you. I'm being very normal.

I think I've been too unassertive.

I cowered for no reason,

always putting others first.

That's how everyone lives.

No one can live as they please.

I'm going to live as I please from now on.

Sit down.

Is this because of what your dad said?

What do you mean?

Are you being unruly because Dad said

he'd support you?

Being unruly?

Do you have the right to say that to me?


All I've ever done is put myself last.

I could've gone to high school,

but I went to night school to make money.

I could've gone to college, but I gave it up.

But your work experience

was transferred for a community college degree.

That wasn't enough, was it?

Ms. Dong says

I'm not good enough for Busik.

She once had her eyes on Injeong

because she went to a good four-year college

and is working at a big-name corporation.

You knew about that?

I cried a lot when I heard that.

It still breaks my heart

when I think about it.

If I'd been stubborn and gone to college

and gotten a good job,

Ms. Dong wouldn't have said I was beneath Busik.

So it all boils down to Busik.

Busik's going to marry Ms. Kim's daughter.

Ms. Kim came by this morning.

Nothing's set in stone until they take their vows.

That stupid bear...

Who can I blame?

It's all my fault.

Who is she that you're being so careful?

Do you think I'll bite her?

You didn't want a formal introduction,

so why are you tailing me?

I need to know who she is

and do some research

so I know what to say when I meet her.

No, this won't do.


Okay. Wednesday lunch would be good.

Come to the Korean restaurant in front of HQ.

I'll introduce you to her.

Did she agree to this?

No. I just made the decision.

I'll inform her as such, so it's final.

Are you stupid?

What if I spy on her that day

and then don't show up?

Don't you dare do that.

Then you're completely out.

So you'll just date her?

Fine, do that.

I won't be held liable for what happens next.

Darn it.

Is he some kind of wuss?

He cancels a date in fear of his sister?

I'll have to meet Gu Jonghui and set her straight.

Oh? You said you were going to be late.

How come you're home before me?

I couldn't focus, so I came home early.

Of course, you can't focus.

I understand.


Did you see Eunjo today?

She came to my office, but...

She just can't stay away.

Let's not wait until next spring.

Let's strike while the iron's hot.

What do you mean?

Your wedding.

Eunjo said she was marrying you.

Isn't that what you were going to tell me?


You said you saw Eunjo today.

She didn't tell you?

Oh. Something came up, so she couldn't.

This won't do. I should go see her.

What's with him?

Hey, wait up.

I need something at the salon.

Wait up.

Will you be late?

I'll see how it goes and call you.

Oh? Why is he here again?


Do you know him?

That's Inu's dad.


Inu's dad and Ms. Jang's ex-husband.

Looks like there will be mayhem again.

I'll have to come back later.

I'm going home.

Ms. Kim is marrying Inu's dad?

You should probably get a house first, right?

What house?

Isn't that what the groom's side must provide?

She must be scheming to just dump her on us.

This is because Eunjo's not her birth daughter.

Eunjo decided to marry the lawyer.

Haengja and I have decided to marry.

And I'm marrying Ms. Kim's daughter.

I must stop them from getting a marriage license.

I'm wearing the ring today,

but you're not?

Thank you.

Why are you dressed like that in the cold?

For more infomation >> Love Returns | 即使恨也爱你 | 미워도 사랑해 - Ep.30 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2018.01.01] - Duration: 32:48.


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What is, happiness? - Duration: 3:11.

Do you know what happiness is? Yeah, I know you do not know.

I know !! Really?

Heart Heart

Love Love

Are you happy ? Yesssssss !

Happiness is looking at life around you.

To live happy, live hidden, that's it.

It's living somewhere that we like, where we feel good

hen ... to have lots of love to share.

It's the basic needs, It's a minimum of money, hobbies,

love, health, friends and then after that,

I am satisfied.

Happiness, I think it has to be cultivated and shared.

It's a feeling in the heart.

The family, simply, together,

as long as we are together nothing can happen to us, so, the family.

Happiness is joy, living, health, especially health, for everyone.

That's it ! Friends, a good drink,


and no hassle.

Happiness would be, give love and receive love.

Yes, it is to be happy.

It's a lot of fun with people we love

and it's small pleasures with a lot of kindness,

Yeah, it's simple moments.

My children are my happiness, is not it?

Not every day, but most of the time.

Happiness is a false definition.

It's a word that does not exist, which is invented by people

to give oneself a good conscience in life, have a goal,

to be able to suffer all the time by saying that happiness is at the end,

while happiness is right in front of us, around us and every day

at every moment.

Happiness is being happy under the rain!

Uh, the definition of happiness,

live simply already, live simply,

with not much, we are happy and that's it,

and take life with a smile,

even if it's hard, I think it's the secret, yes!

(French Expression) Do not look for lunch at 2pm!

Be quiet in the countryside with your family.

Do what you want to do, while still being reasonable.

I'm happy here, now!

But yes happiness, it's to be mostly surrounded

by people you love in an environment you love too.

That's happiness, it's meetings, travels, novelty, the unknown,

for me !

For more infomation >> What is, happiness? - Duration: 3:11.


For more infomation >> What is, happiness? - Duration: 3:11.


6 Hurt In Fairfax District Crash When Driver Crashes Into Uber - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> 6 Hurt In Fairfax District Crash When Driver Crashes Into Uber - Duration: 2:08.


【MMD KH】AkuRoku - Don't Deserve You (compilation) - Duration: 0:50.

I don't deserve your love

But you give it to me anyway

Can't get enough

You're everything I need

And when I walk away

Take off running and come right after me

It's what you do

And I don't deserve you

And I don't deserve you

For more infomation >> 【MMD KH】AkuRoku - Don't Deserve You (compilation) - Duration: 0:50.



Well, it's 2018.

I just want to say to say this year has hands down been the craziest year of my entire life.

I've experienced things I never thought I would have and I've experienced so many

things for the first time.

I experienced leaving my own country for the first time and going to another country.

It was my first time meeting people from all around the world.

Ethnicities, people from different cultures that I had never thought of or even encountered


This year contained the first time I've ever tried to learn a language, trying foods

that I had never seen or heard of before in my entire life let alone tasted.

This year has contained the first times that I've actually ever lived dreams that I've


And in 2018 there's so much more to come.

Okay so this video says differences between Brazil and the US during New Years and I'll

get to that.

But there wasn't too many differences and I wanted to make this video a bit longer and

more interesting.

But yeah, thank you to all the people who have just subscribed to me, if you're new

we are only halfway through this adventure of mine that I get to call my life.

And before I get to some of the differences, there really aren't that many.

I wanted to say I'm going to be doing things a little bit differently.

If you didn't notice I'm posting twice a week, so that's not new and I'm usually posting

on Mondays and Thursdays.

I'm going to try to try to keep it, I've done it for the past several weeks.

And I've always wanted to have my channel be fun and comedy and stuff so I'm going to start

implementing that in too.

So don't think, oh JJ is going off track and he's not really doing what he was doing.

This is stuff I've always wanted to do and what I did before I came to exchange and it's

just stuff I really want to implement into my channel.

But now, some differences!

At least here where I live it was like Independence Day, fourth of July in the US.

Fireworks going off all day yesterday, for like almost the whole week.

Which is just like the US, the week of independence day there's a lot of fireworks going off.

But the laws are really picky for where it can be in the US because some places are too

populated and it depends on the county, But here I don't think anyone had permission and

it was just going like crazy.

All throughout the night I remember it was four in the morning and I heard fireworks.

But yeah so there's a lot of fireworks here which is really cool.

There wasn't that many differences.

In the US we don't really make it too big of a deal.

It's kind of like your own thing.

Some people go to parties, some people stay with the family.

Some people don't care, some people watch the New Year's show.

So it's really just a different thing for everyone.

And here I just spent it with my family.

We had a good time, we had a big dinner.

Um and yeah that was really it.

Happy New Year's to you guys!

I hope 2018 is great for you guys!

I hope it's great for me.

I think this year has a lot in store so hope you guys continue watching.

I hope you guys enjoyed.

Have a great day!

Thank you guys for watching that short video, dang.

Peace out.


But anyways, Happy Thanksgiving!

For more infomation >> NEW YEARS DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BRAZIL & USA! - Duration: 3:34.


TV리포트 단독 엠블랙 지오 최예슬 열애중 아이돌 배우 커플 탄생, 최예슬 소속사측 엠블랙 지오와의 열애 연락 두절로 확인 불가... || King News - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> TV리포트 단독 엠블랙 지오 최예슬 열애중 아이돌 배우 커플 탄생, 최예슬 소속사측 엠블랙 지오와의 열애 연락 두절로 확인 불가... || King News - Duration: 4:52.

------------------------------------------- Fail Commentery - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Fail Commentery - Duration: 3:57.


.choices. - Duration: 1:00.

There is more than one you

more than one reality to be chosen

By choosing one you're not disowning other parts of you, but being decisive

That's how life happens


Not ever the most perfect union of circumstances, but it is something that must be done

choose something

Sure, your life could have been completely different

should you have chosen X but you picked Y.

Why? It was one of many destinies

Destinies not impossible to work in harmony together

But not possible to take priority together

and that's okay

For more infomation >> .choices. - Duration: 1:00.


20 Traits Of An Empath, How To Know Accurately If You're An Empath - Duration: 4:37.

20 Traits Of An Empath: How To Know Accurately If You're An Empath

Empaths are people who are very sensitive to emotional matter.

It is necessary to know that empaths are usually friendly and nice.

However, it is also worth noting that empaths are also sometimes exhausting.

If you want to know more about empaths, you should know these 20 traits of empaths.

Before we jump to the lists, make sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel,

so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future.

#1 - Just knowing

Some people may not know how empaths actually understand people easily.

They really just do that with their strong intuition.

Empaths of course can sharpen the skill by understanding more and more people.

#2 - Public places are terrifying

You can imagine that empaths can read people's mind and emotion through facial expression,

gesture, and voices.

So many expressions are going on in public places and it is exhausting for empaths.

#3 - Absorbing emotion

Empaths do not only know the feeling or the emotion of others.

They also take that as their own.

It is quite problematic since you will feel depressed – most of the times – because

of their stories.

#4 - Cannot watch violence

Violence breaks empaths' heart deeply.

It also can make the person passed out just to see someone's bleeding.

#5 - Lie detector

You know when someone's lying to you.

Though it seems good, it is not.

If your loved ones lie to you, it is mentally exhausting and depressing.

#6 - Mimicking

The sympathy goes beyond just feeling.

It makes you move at the same pace and direction.

#7 - Digestive disorder

The seat of emotion is located in abdomen area.

It is weakened if there is too much exposure of negative emotion.

#8 - Looks for the weak

Empaths are easily drawn into something or someone weak even in the middle of the crowd.

#9 - People need your help

People with their problems will ask you how to deal with them.

Empaths are great place to dump negative emotion.

#10 - Constant exhaustion

Sometimes, it is impossible to just take a day break because there is always suffering

that you see and eventually experience.

#11 - Addictive personality

Working as dumping place of negativity, addiction to alcohol, drugs and sex is the answer for

avoiding mental damage.

#12 - Drawn to metaphysical things

Anything supernatural or illogical is acceptable.

Though they value on their belief, they still can accept something irrational.

#13 - Creative

Empaths have strong creativity in art fields such as acting, dancing, and drawing.

#14 - Nature lover

Empaths love outdoors especially with no human presence.

It is like a great meditative place for taking a break.

#15 - Need for solitude

It is rare, but empaths sometimes need to recharge themselves in quiet place.

#16 - Distracted easily

If not stimulated or motivated, the empaths can be distracted frequently.

It is more prominent especially if there is someone telling a problem.

#17 - Lazy

Empaths are associated with laziness because they just do not like activities that have

no direct benefits for them.

#18 - Seeking for the truth

No one wants to be lied, and it holds true especially for empaths.

#19 - Always curious

Empaths want to learn more about their surroundings especially about human being.

They also need confirmation of information that they have received.

#20 - Adventurous

When things are too exhausting to handle, empaths prefer to take a day off by exploring

new places.

All in all, that's the traits of an empath and how to know accurately if you're an


Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 20 Traits Of An Empath, How To Know Accurately If You're An Empath - Duration: 4:37.


Nonstop Remix 2018 l​ Remix Thai Club Break By Mr Kha Walker ft Mr Thea Rath On the Mix​, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 1:08:56.

Nonstop Remix 2018

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