Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 10 2018

hey guys so for today's video I have a very honest super raw Q&A so I was so

excited for this cuz I love just to sit down and to chat with you guys you know

some of my favorite videos to film and you guys love watching - it might chit

chat get ready with me I just love it cuz I get to really sit down be super

raw with you guys and chit chat so that's what we're doing today I got you

guys yesterday on Twitter and on snapchat to ask me a bunch of questions

I told you guys to ask me anything you wanted any any anything nothing was

off-limits but because I really just wanted to answer all of the questions

you guys have really been wondering so let's go ahead and answer some of the

questions I just have them screenshotted on my phone so the first one is if you

could change one thing about the beauty community what would it be and why so

I'm assuming that they mean the beauty community on YouTube I would just change

like them I feel like a lot of videos nowadays they're all like super

clickbait I think I would change that I really miss like the authenticity of

YouTube like back in the day people will just upload content that they truly like

really wanted to share with the world and now I feel like it's not content

they want to share with the world I feel like it's content they just know will

get views or they just want to put out there to fish for views I think in the

day I do kind of understand because I'm a youtuber as well so I know like the

background the behind-the-scenes the type like the business side of it so I

understand the marketing this is our job if this was your job wouldn't you

wouldn't you try to get the most out of it so I understand like trying to get

views and stuff like that I mean here hey well trying to get views I'm trying

to give you soup you guys gonna remember - yes I'm a youtuber but I'm also a

watcher like I have my favorite youtubers i watch youtube videos and

honestly this isn't any shade to anyone if you know me you know I'm not a shade

throw I'm not into the T of a drama like that's just not my personality I stay

out of drama I stayed up clicks I stay out of all

that because that's not what I'm here for I started YouTube because I loved

makeup and I genuinely loved sharing like my tips and my tracks and just

chit-chatting with you guys so that's what I'm gonna continue doing that's

what I've always done that's what I'm still doing I feel like that was a super

long answer to that question so the next question is do you think all the drama

surrounding the beauty community is ridiculous because it's just makeup or

is more than that and should the

influencers be called out for it I personally think it's ridiculous it's

just I don't even think it's ridiculous because it's just makeup I think is

ridiculous in general I don't I don't know I don't see the need for like drama

for me I just focus on why I started YouTube and I stick to that and I think

that that helps me stay out of you know things but not only that I'm not really

a drama type of girl like even in high school like any time there was drama was

like cute me out of it like I am NOT I actually hate drama I'm like I'm a shy

kind of person so I actually run away from like situations that are too highly

dramatic you know I mean it just scares me away so I'm just not that type of

person I so personally I do just think it's kind of ridiculous next question is

I wanted to know how you got your YouTube channel up to the point it is

right now I would say like to be honest with you aiyyo aiyyo where I got my

YouTube channel to now two two things that I even worried that sometimes

properly anyways I owe two different things number one

reason I will say is just being myself like as soon as I reached a point which

is like a few years to go was like you know what I'm just gonna do what I want

like whatever comes to my head whatever I feel in my heart whatever videos I

truly want to do and I'm inspired to do those are the videos I'm going to create

and I'm also just gonna be authentic and present myself authentically as soon as

I started doing that I noticed my views just started popping and popping and

popping so whenever I'm just being myself and doing videos that I truly

truly love and I feel inspired and I'm putting out content that I'm really

happy with I noticed that that's when my channel is really booming but another

thing too is something that really helps your channel which I feel like people

but a lot of people don't talk about but something that really helps your channel

is you know those videos that get a lot of views so I like to call the mini

viral because honestly viral is like 15 million views but just having videos out

there that really popped and they stuck out to people and just got a lot of

views like let's say 500k or a million or two million eight three million like

having those videos that really kind of blew up and got a ton of views do help

your channel because more people get to see your channel more you're like reach

out to more people so the next question is why don't you have a meet and greet

so I know this is something I get asked a lot so I really wanted to come in to

chat with you guys and I have kind of talked a little bit

about that in a checker ready with me so the reason why I don't really do meet

and greets is because I'm a really socially awkward person and I'm also

really shy so I definitely would say that I have social anxiety like when I'm

around a group of people or even just another person that I'm not necessarily

comfortable with I do get anxiety but I love meeting you guys I really do like

when you guys come up to me in public and I get to meet you guys I may be shy

or whatever but honestly let me tell you after I finished meeting you guys I'm

always just like wow like that's a person who watches my videos it's just

really cool to put faces to the people who watch me so the next question is do

you live alone and if so do you like it so I don't live alone I actually live

with my boyfriend which actually brings me to the next question which is my most

asked question and I think someone asked here so she said will you ever share

more info about your boyfriend's last year relationship even his name maybe I

feel like there's a whole part of your life that's so secret and that's okay if

that's what you're comfortable with FYI so I totally understand this question I

honestly get it asked a lot there's a reason why I haven't really talked much

about my relationship it's because I personally prefer to keep it private I'm

actually a really private person like even in you know even with family and

friends like I had a boyfriend for like an entire six months yeah wasn't like an

entire six month before I even told my sister like is that crazy you guys I'm

like literally that person actually you know what are you guys watching Keeping

Up with the Kardashians right now you know Courtney how she's like so reserved

and private to share what's going on with her relationship right now with her

sisters that's literally me like I am so private probably the most private person

you will ever meet I think I just prefer to keep those things very private and

personal they're very dear to me so I prefer to keep them private and I've

always kept my relationship private since since day one on YouTube so that's

why I don't really mention my relationship that much because I feel

like why would I mention it why would I mention my relationship or my boyfriend

like every day on YouTube and like dangle a carrot in front of you guys but

be like I don't want to show you that like I feel like that's just that's just

petty and silly so I personally prefer to keep my most of my family life and

like my relationship and my boyfriend just off-camera and private because

that's just personally what I prefer and that's what my boyfriend prefers that's

a decision we've made since day one and actually I'm so happy that we're both

on the same page when it comes to that like we're both really private people so

this leads me to the next question which is will we ever get to meet your

boyfriend I think there's always a maybe there's definitely probably always a

maybe but to be honest with you I don't really think so and I totally get what

she was saying about I feel like there's a whole part of your life that's so

secret and a part of me struggles with that a little bit because a part of me

is like well shouldn't I be more open but then at the same time I'm like you

know what I have to accept Who I am if I prefer to keep things private then

that's just what I prefer to do I have to stay true to that

I can't let other other things influenced my decision type of thing

also you guys have to understand too that I have made the conscious decision

to start a YouTube channel and to be on camera but my boyfriend hasn't like he

never signed up for this he never decided to be on camera and be on

YouTube you know I'm saying and a lot of people don't like being on camera he

hates being on camera like my boyfriend hates being on camera he's the

behind-the-scenes guy like does not like being on camera at all he's also really

private super low profile not really on social media so that's his personality

so the next question is also a boyfriend related question which is super

understandable because you guys have just been like really curious in terms

of like what my relationship is you know my boyfriend and everything like that

which is honestly understandable it's human nature I feel like to just be

really curious about things I'm like that too when I see my favorite

youtubers I'm curious about their personal life and stuff like that so I

think it's just human nature so I totally understand it so the next

question is I respect your decision to not share photos of your boyfriend but

I've also wondered how long have you guys been together and if you want to

get married but we've actually been together since the end of 2011 so it's

been about six years I do want to get married like in the future but to be

honest with you guys I'm not the girl to have like a big wedding I am planning on

literally just going to sign the papers like that's I just want to do that you

know I'm saying maybe go on vacation after or something like that like I will

not be having a big wedding it's just not who I am it's like - attention

calling I could not even imagine me being like the bride like the center of

attention I would just like I would get such social anxiety so yeah I definitely

do want to get married but you know just sign them papers

that bitch done next question is were you scared to start YouTube why or why

not the reason why I was scared was because I was like this is such a crazy

thing like are people gonna think I'm weird I was mainly honestly afraid of

like the judgment I would get I was in at the end of my first year in college I

think and I was just afraid of the judgment I would get like is this weird

like putting out a camera talking to myself putting it on the Internet is it

weird nowadays it's so much more like saturated like it's so much more

accepted and it's like everyone walks around with a camera and whatever but

five years ago I think I started my channel yeah five years ago when I

started my channel it was very like YouTube what like what do you do on

there you didn't mean but now people know so back then I was more just afraid

of the judgment but to be honest with you guys the reason my channel exists

today is because of my boyfriend if it wasn't for him I would not have even

started my channel because I was too scared but I went to him with the idea

and the first thing he said to me was so do it you should go ahead and do it

that's something I wanna do do it and as soon as I heard that I was like wow like

just to hear somebody support me so much and to not think my idea was crazy was

so comforting and encouraging so actually that same day we went home went

on this same laptop I'm on right now started a Google account cuz you need

like a gmail account to connect to your youtube did all of that and I started my

channel and then it took me a month an entire month to film my first video and

upload it cuz I was so like hesitant even though you've lost so much weight

do you still see yourself as big or get insecure about your weight I'm losing

weight and everyone notices but sometimes I still feel so big and I

don't know if I'll always feel like this yes I can totally relate like it's crazy

I've lost so much weight but I still don't feel completely satisfied first of

all I'm not at my goal never was I ever planning on stopping right now like I

still have another 25 pounds to lose even after losing 30 pounds I still get

insecure about my body and my weight sometimes so this is honestly made me

realize it's not about how much weight you lose what number you're at it's

about you being satisfied with yourself no matter what first like if you're not

happy with yourself right now and you're not confident if you think losing weight

is gonna make you more confident let me be the one to tell you right now it is

not going to make you confident losing weight it's not gonna make you confident

dyeing your hair is not gonna make you confident doing this doing that doing

that not gonna make you confident you have to be confident in your true naked

self like no matter what size you are no matter how frizzy your hair is no matter

what you have to be confident at your rawest form so that you can be confident

at all stages it's crazy but like trust me you think losing weight and putting

on makeup and dyeing your hair and you know that's gonna make you confident

it's not gonna make you comedy you're still gonna feel insecure so I've

realized that confidence comes from within and it doesn't matter what you

look like on the outside so yeah definitely I think the thing you gotta

do is just focus on your inner confidence so the next question is how

do you keep yourself motivated to go to the gym this is a question I get so so

so much and honestly you guys aren't all I have to say and it's the best answer I

could tell you guys is this not about motivation motivation dies like if you

haven't noticed motivation does not last it goes away so it's not about

motivation it's about self discipline so it's about having the discipline to do

it so ask yourself how did I get up to go

to school every morning did you want to go to school every single morning you

didn't want to go obviously no one wants to go to school but you did it though

you did it why because you had to because you were disciplined and you

knew you had to do it so it's the same thing with the gym it's like you don't

do it because you're like motivated you don't wake up in the morning every

single morning I've been going to the gym now for 16 months 16 months straight

and this is the longest I've ever lost normally I would go to the gym for like

two months and then quit I've been going to the gym 16 months now and why not

because I'm motivated you guys like a lot of you guys asked me oh my god how

do you stay so motivated I see you doing so good I'm like guys I'm here

struggling to like I have days where I'm like oh my god I don't want to go to the

gym today it's gym day but I just want to you know relax but guess what you

have to do it like it's about discipline like do I need to go to the gym today

yes I do so go like simple keep it super simple and cut through stop worrying

about motivation motivation lasts for like a day

and then it goes away it's about discipline doing what you need to do

even though you don't want to do it so the next question is do you have any

beef towards any makeup companies or youtubers your girl's got no beef no

beef like none zero I know boring but I don't I stay

out of it you know I don't get involved zero beef with anybody I love everybody

peaceful peaceful person here trying to make a heart is failing what's your

advice to people who want to accept themselves in their own skin and feel

more confident in their body to be honest with you guys my best advice

because it's something that's helped me is to stop comparing stop comparing

yourself to other people because there's only one you and the world already has

that person they don't need another one we need you so focus on who you are stop

comparing yourself and another thing to is look at the good things about

yourself like it's very easy to look in the mirror and see what you hate but how

often do you look in the mirror talk about what you love

very rarely instead of me focusing on what I don't like about myself I focus

on what I do like and that's really helped me a lot so what is your 2018

resolution somebody asks me I love this question because I feel like every year

even though it's corny it's just good to set goals for yourself and meet them so

from me 2018 my goal is definitely lose the rest of the weight that I have to

lose I don't know the exact number cuz I don't know what my body is gonna look

like but I'm ballpark guessing I have another 25 pounds to lose so my goal for

2018 is lose that the last 25 pounds and I'm honestly I've already gone hard I

mentioned on Twitter to you guys that I took like a two-month break off of

weight loss because I was losing weight for like 14 months straight and by the

end of it my body was plateauing so hard like no matter what no matter how many

reverse diets I did or anything like that I bought my metabolism was like it

was done it was done losing weight so I took two months off November in December

to really give my body a break so I haven't lost any weight in November in

December and as soon as January came man I'm like back to losing more weight

because I'm trying to get the rest of this weight off so that's like a big

resolution for me so the next and last question because I think we've been

filming for a while now is is there anything that I would do to my body in

terms of plastic surgery when it comes to plastic surgery

I am the most like accepting person I feel like anybody should be able to do

what they want with their body without any judgement it's just not necessary to

judge people that's just my standing on it but I also

do notice a rapid incline in like the trend

nowadays and I do notice that the trend nowadays is to get a lot of plastic

surgery personally for me I've never been the girl to worry about trends like

I've never followed trends heavily obviously some trends I keep up with but

I don't feel the need to follow every single trend so when it comes to plastic

surgery I do notice this rapid incline and to be honest with you guys for a

while it kind of affected me like I started looking at my body and being

like hey what can I do myself to like you know fix this or fix that or fix

this and fix that and then I started realizing and stuff I set back and I was

like hey like first I need to focus on loving myself and being confident with

myself so once I started noticing the trend of that kind of affecting me and

starting to plant things in my own head I was like whoa let me take a step back

here and yeah I used to want to get lip fillers I talked to you guys about that

before I did really used to want to get them if you don't know this about me I

am like really scared of getting hurt or like getting anything done to my body or

I'm not scared of like the hospital and the doctors if that makes sense

like when I sprained my ankle it was a huge deal for me and that was just a

sprained ankle you know I'm saying so I am just the type of person that I really

hate being hurt we're like just anything like that so even getting surgery scares

the shit out of me but yeah I did want to get my lips filled um but after a

while I just started thinking you know what like let me just accept my lips for

what they are type of things see how that goes and then if I really like I'm

really focusing on my confidence and really building that and then after I am

truly confident in myself if I still want to fix my lips a little bit or

something like that then I would in the future but I think it's important to fix

something about yourself at the stage where you're fully confident with

yourself like you can't be insecure thinking that that's gonna fix a type of

thing and I think that at one point that's what I was I thought that getting

lip fillers was gonna fix me but it really wasn't you know I'm saying I want

to be confident in myself first and ever since I've been working on my confidence

to be honest with you guys I kind of like my lips now I mean they're over

lined right now but I like my lips I honestly don't really think I'm gonna

get lip fillers anymore not that I have anything against lip fillers honestly

they look a bomb on some people and I also have talked to you guys about my

boobs being a huge insecurity of mine I've always had

really saggy boobs okay it's just the truth I hate the word saggy oh it sounds

horrible but ever since I've lost 30 pounds they've just gotten even worse so

I've mentioned that is an insecurity of mine and to be honest with you guys I've

been thinking for a long time about getting a boob job but again I don't

know if I can do it so I don't know by the end of my weight loss I'm I don't

know you know I really don't know but I do think if there was anything that I

would wear to get done it might have to be my boobs because they're just really

weight loss has really affected them I probably will affect it even more in the

future so I guess we'll see okay you guys so that is pretty much it for the

questions this video is super long I hope you guys enjoyed it let me know if

you enjoyed these types of videos because I definitely will continue doing

more in the future please don't forget to subscribe and also click the

notification bell until you see the tics on the corner that way you get notified

for all my new videos so that is pretty much it for this video thank you guys so

much for watching and of course I will see you guys in my next one

bye guys mmm

For more infomation >> HONEST Q&A: Answering Everything You've Been Asking - Duration: 18:35.


24 Reasons Rocky III & Cars 3 Are The Same Movie - Duration: 4:16.

Both of these films are the 3rd installment in their franchises.

People say the third time's a charm and it's no different in this case because the

veteran from the last movie seems lucky as hell as the movie starts off with a montage

of him defeating every opponent that stands in his way.

As a reward, the champ gets all the perks that comes with winning, including lots of


He participates in exhibition matches in different sports to get outside his comfort zone.

Although he almost gets killed in these exhibition matches, it's fun because he gets lots of

media attention since he's a larger than life icon.

One day his world is turned upside down when he meets this black guy.

In a stereotypical turn of events, the black guy is the loudest one in the movie and can't

stop talking trash.

With the upmost disrespect, he talks trash to him in front of all the reporters.

The black guy is the real deal and he wins all of his matches during his montage so you

could tell he's a force to be reckoned with.

The movie does a side by side comparison of the competitors' training regimen.

One of the characters trains with this ghetto unorthodox method while the other trains in

a state of the art facility with a less intense routine and barely ever breaks a sweat.

Nothing's worst than being an underdog and not knowing you are.

The main character gets a monument in his honor and really starts feeling himself, but

when he finally faces off with the villain, the main character gets dropped like the Snapchat

stock price.


The black and blue colored villain wins the match and after the loss, the main dude isn't

able to mentally recover.

He starts going coo coo and seeing visions of his dead trainer.

It makes perfect since that his misses his trainer because the main character has a lot

of respect for all of his former trainers, so much so, there's a scene at the end of

the movie wear he switches his uniform to honor one of his trainers.

However, if we've learned anything from M. Night Shymalan movies, when you start daydreaming

about dead people, it means you're.

Instead of calling a psychologist, he visits his trainer's old stomping grounds and that's

when an ol school retired legend tells him he's lost his edge (audio).

That's extremely rude to say since the legend doesn't even know him like that, but the

legend does have a point.

He feels like he has nothing to live for and has no choice but to retire, (audio).

The retired guy tells him, there's life after death.

We then see an example of a retired competitor who finds joy in training others.

In order to beat the black guy, he's going to have to stop training in the high scale

facilities and go to the hood.

He ghettoizes his training to get his mojo back (1:04:26 quote in Rocky).

Him and his trainer go to the same beach circuit from Mario Go Kart.

They race and the red and yellow characters give it all they got.

The trainer outperforms the student in almost every case.

There's a scene during a race where the main character starts having these daymares

and falls behind and gets beat by the trainer.

The biggest issues is the champ's mental status.

He no longer believes in himself anymore (audio).

If you can't believe in yourself, there's no way you could win.

His love interest, the fine lady who wears sky blue to all of his matches, yeah her,

that's the one.

She notices how he's been moping around and could see something's wrong.

She has a heart to heart with him and he admits he's afraid (audio).

In the final showdown, the black guy talks smack to the main character's trainer.

He wants to be starting something like track 1 on the Thriller album.

The trash talk bleeds over into the match and it gets so intense that one of the competitors

takes it too serious and starts getting mad (audio).

Cool heads prevail and the black guy loses.

The hero becomes the champ again and to celebrate.

He schedules a rematch between him and his trainer to see who's the best once and for


Before the audience could find out the winner, the movie cuts to the credits so we won't

know who won the match until the next movie.

Those are 24 reasons these movies are the same.

You agree?

Yes, no, maybe so?

If not, politely share your thoughts in the comment section below and click the subscribe

button for more 24 reason videos.

For more infomation >> 24 Reasons Rocky III & Cars 3 Are The Same Movie - Duration: 4:16.


Bruno Mars ‒ Finesse (Beau Collins Remix) [Exclusive] - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Bruno Mars ‒ Finesse (Beau Collins Remix) [Exclusive] - Duration: 3:02.


This congressman planned to "drain the swamp" long before Trump - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> This congressman planned to "drain the swamp" long before Trump - Duration: 4:14.


Needham mother dies of complications from the flu - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Needham mother dies of complications from the flu - Duration: 1:39.


Local training facility helps fight oil driver shortage - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Local training facility helps fight oil driver shortage - Duration: 1:34.


First look at the Climate and Water Outlook for February–April 2018, issued 11 January 2018 - Duration: 1:25.

Hi and thanks for joining us for this first look at the climate and water outlook for

February–April 2018.

A weak La Niña is now well established across the tropical Pacific; and while ocean temperatures

around northern Australia have warmed in recent weeks, in some areas they remain cooler than

in recent La Niñas.

This can further lessen its impact on Australian rainfall.

This weaker La Niña pattern is reflected in our outlook for the coming three months,

with wetter conditions only favoured across parts of eastern and western Australia.

Strongest odds for increased rainfall lie in Far North Queensland, where it's been

very dry in recent months.

The current La Niña has also resulted in near-median streamflows forecast around much of the country.

Rains at the start of December wet catchments across south-eastern Australia

—which, added to La Niña, is resulting in a forecast for high streamflows in parts of the southeast.

But we see low flows forecast across some parts of southern Australia which have missed out on recent rain.

Days and nights are forecast to be cooler than average over large parts of Australia,

except for the far southeast.

Thanks for joining us, our end-of-month outlook will be released on Thursday 25 January.

For more infomation >> First look at the Climate and Water Outlook for February–April 2018, issued 11 January 2018 - Duration: 1:25.


Bicyclist in fatal crash ID'd, police seeking 2nd driver - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Bicyclist in fatal crash ID'd, police seeking 2nd driver - Duration: 2:59.


Online Service Turns Employee Appreciation Into Cash - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Online Service Turns Employee Appreciation Into Cash - Duration: 1:52.


High Chair Recalled Due To Fall Risk - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> High Chair Recalled Due To Fall Risk - Duration: 0:24.


Counterpart | Quayle: Director | STARZ - Duration: 0:21.

I'm good at my job

and when it comes to my work

nothing gets past me.

Don't you worry, I'll play my part.

Play yours.

For more infomation >> Counterpart | Quayle: Director | STARZ - Duration: 0:21.


Mia de Molina hizo muy feliz a Raúl con esta noticia | GyF - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mia de Molina hizo muy feliz a Raúl con esta noticia | GyF - Duration: 1:09.


Police Searching For 3 Persons Of Interest In Deadly Gas Station Shooting - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Police Searching For 3 Persons Of Interest In Deadly Gas Station Shooting - Duration: 0:22.


CBS 2 Weather Watch (5 p.m. Jan. 10, 2018) - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> CBS 2 Weather Watch (5 p.m. Jan. 10, 2018) - Duration: 3:38.


Housing, restaurant slated for Grand Rapids' Medical Mile - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Housing, restaurant slated for Grand Rapids' Medical Mile - Duration: 0:57.


Report: Westport woman arrested for throwing pizza at husband - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> Report: Westport woman arrested for throwing pizza at husband - Duration: 0:25.


Ticket Vendors Offer Eagles Fans Stark Warning About Scam Artists - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Ticket Vendors Offer Eagles Fans Stark Warning About Scam Artists - Duration: 2:05.


Murphy speaks out on Trump border wall - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Murphy speaks out on Trump border wall - Duration: 0:51.


Local actor to appear on "Law & Order: SVU" - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Local actor to appear on "Law & Order: SVU" - Duration: 0:57.


Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse S 500 4MATIC L AMG Line | B & O Sound | Memory | COMAND - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse S 500 4MATIC L AMG Line | B & O Sound | Memory | COMAND - Duration: 0:43.


Bruno Mars ‒ Finesse (Beau Collins Remix) [Exclusive] - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Bruno Mars ‒ Finesse (Beau Collins Remix) [Exclusive] - Duration: 3:02.


Introduction Video - Persuasion & Language and Communication Theory - Duration: 1:51.

Hello everyone, my name is John Paul Gross.

I am a Multidisciplinary Studies Major at UTSA.

I eventually plan on graduating with a Bachelor's Degree, I currently work at Microsoft as a

Product Advisor at the Retail Stores at La Cantera right across from the University.

Eventually I hopefully plan to move up the corporate ladder there, or maybe potentially

start my own Graphic Design Business, or maybe start a business elsewhere, in another facet

of business.

I can say my hero story would be something like , me, I guess customer service is a very

important thing for me.

So I like making people happy, that's kinda what my job is all about, i'm a Product Advisor

so I have to you know, kinda fine-tune interactions to customer's needs & ultimately make them


That's kind of ultimately my goal, is to I guess please the consumer & you know, make

them have a better experience with business in general.

You know, just better communication and everything like that.

The way my major works is I have three focus areas, I am Business, Communication, and Computer


So technically it's a Bachelor of Arts in Multidisciplinary Studies, but one of my focus

areas is communication so that is why i'm taking these courses.

Besides that, I'd say in conclusion my three goals for communication growth in this class

are going to be networking skills probably developing a little bit better with communicating

with other peers and you know, finding out business ideas potentially, just better communication

in general I'd say.

Maybe reduce my nerves slightly, with communicating in public and things like that.

So, yeah that's me; Thank You.

For more infomation >> Introduction Video - Persuasion & Language and Communication Theory - Duration: 1:51.


ROYAL GARDENS BLUES, by Helge Kaj's Trio With Friends - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> ROYAL GARDENS BLUES, by Helge Kaj's Trio With Friends - Duration: 5:12.


BREAKING NEWS!!! Move Over Porgs, Han Solo's Corellian Hounds Have Arrived - Duration: 3:11.

now that the dust is settling around a last Jedi excitement is starting to

build for the Han Solo movie new Lego toys for the upcoming spinoff have

revealed more information than we have seen to date with sets for the Han Solo

Lance theater and Moloch landspeeder showing us a new creature that made give

the poor guy run for their money the land speeders both contain the

mysterious Karelian hounds which have not been discussed in the official Star

Wars cinematic canon yet not much information is available about them from

the legends canyon but they look pretty cool and can mow down on a bunch of

porks really quickly according to Wikipedia the Karelian hounds are

natives to Corellia Han Solo's home planet the Karelian hound also known as

the razor hound was a canine creature with sharp teeth and a spine covered

body leading one to think of their vortices crystal foxes from the last

Jedi Wikipedia reports that they were sometimes domesticated as pets and

appeared to be quite intelligent they were also reportedly deadly creatures

attacking anything smaller than themselves

which means they could eat up some Forks it's beginning to look like the Karelian

hounds could be part of a storyline that involves the spice mines of Kissel but

nothing has been officially confirmed at this time the Lego Kessel run Millennium

Falcon reveals that the oft old Kessel run story will be featured in the movie

letting star wars fans finally see what all of the fuss is about

the Millennium Falcon has the original blue and white paint job and looks much

more sleep than the bucket of bolts that we all have grown to know and love

instead of two prongs up front the center is filled in giving it a much

more streamlined look instead of looking like something is broken or missing in

other Han Solo movie news Donald Glover who plays Lando Calrissian has recently

stated that Ron Howard did not go in and completely overhaul everything that

Chris Miller and Phil Lord had already shot after Howard stepped in when Lord

and Miller parted with the project Glover said he did not refute much of

what he had already films Ron Howard was also supportive of

Glover's take on Lando and the actor revealed that it was comforting to get

another opinion on his portrayal of the legendary Star Wars character solo a

Star Wars story hits theaters on May 25th 2018 and the wait is almost over

Star Wars fans have been skeptical of the spin-off movie but it seems that the

tides are starting to turn as the release date nears while not much

information is available about the Karelian hounds it looks like they might

be pretty mean by the looks of their fangs in the Lego set we'll have just

have to wait and see if they end up as Friend or Foe in the movie


For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS!!! Move Over Porgs, Han Solo's Corellian Hounds Have Arrived - Duration: 3:11.


Free fut points: how-to

For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


VLOG N°4: JE PRANK MA SOEUR !+(entrainement motivation ) - Duration: 9:04.

For more infomation >> VLOG N°4: JE PRANK MA SOEUR !+(entrainement motivation ) - Duration: 9:04.


For more infomation >> VLOG N°4: JE PRANK MA SOEUR !+(entrainement motivation ) - Duration: 9:04.


Nissan Micra 1.0L Acenta * 17" - 'Plus Pack' - Exterior Pack Plus Enigma Black - Apple® Carplay - N - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 1.0L Acenta * 17" - 'Plus Pack' - Exterior Pack Plus Enigma Black - Apple® Carplay - N - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 1.0L Acenta * 17" - 'Plus Pack' - Exterior Pack Plus Enigma Black - Apple® Carplay - N - Duration: 0:54.



For more infomation >> Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TDI ADVANCE S-LINE PAKKET, 6-BAK, AIRCO(CLIMA), LEDER INTERIEUR, CRUISE CONTROL, N - Duration: 0:51.


For more infomation >> Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TDI ADVANCE S-LINE PAKKET, 6-BAK, AIRCO(CLIMA), LEDER INTERIEUR, CRUISE CONTROL, N - Duration: 0:51.


Cheb Djalil 2018 Avec Zakzok ( Goltelkom Matzawjounich - قلتلكم ماتزوجونيش ) By Nadir Stikage - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Cheb Djalil 2018 Avec Zakzok ( Goltelkom Matzawjounich - قلتلكم ماتزوجونيش ) By Nadir Stikage - Duration: 5:30.


For more infomation >> Cheb Djalil 2018 Avec Zakzok ( Goltelkom Matzawjounich - قلتلكم ماتزوجونيش ) By Nadir Stikage - Duration: 5:30.


Vale­rie Benaim hospi­ta­li­sée la chro­niqueuse de TPMP révèle ses soucis de - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Vale­rie Benaim hospi­ta­li­sée la chro­niqueuse de TPMP révèle ses soucis de - Duration: 2:00.


For more infomation >> Vale­rie Benaim hospi­ta­li­sée la chro­niqueuse de TPMP révèle ses soucis de - Duration: 2:00.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


Mark Wahlberg reportedly profited $1.5m from All the Money in the World reshoots after... - Duration: 3:33.

Mark Wahlberg reportedly profited $1.5m from All the Money in the World reshoots after Kevin Spacey was cut out

Mark Wahlberg is said to have profited $1. 5m for reshooting All the Money in the World, despite the cast previously being reported to do it for free in the wake of the Kevin Spacey scandal.

His co-star Michelle Williams astonishingly made only 1% of that with a standard expenses fee, according to a new report.

The movie has received praise for its speedy reshooting of scenes with Christopher Plummer, who replaced Spacey in the wake of sexual misconduct allegations.

While director Ridley Scott previously claimed that the cast did the reshoots for nothing, a new report suggests that that was not exactly so.

Scott previously claimed that while actors including Williams agreed to do it for free, Plummer had to get paid as well as the crew, with the reshoots costing $10 million in total.

According to USA Today, and earlier reported by The Washington Post, Wahlberg was paid an astonishing $1. 5 million to reshoot the scenes, as compared to Williams getting less than $1,000, which was a standard per diem.

That works out to 1% of her male co-stars fee, and the report claims that Wahlbergs team of agents negotiated the fee while Williams was not told. Interestingly, both stars are also represented by the same agency, William Morris Endeavor.

has reached out to representatives for Wahlberg and Williams for comment.

In many respects, this report suggests another ugly side to the All the Money in the World saga, with Wahlberg appearing to profit in the wake of the scandal, while others agreed to essentially do it for free.

Many people on Twitter, including a number of celebrities, have been quick to condemn the actor and his people. Please go see Michelles performance in All The Money in The World, Jessica Chastain wrote.

Shes a brilliant Oscar nominated Golden Globe winning actress. She has been in the industry for 20 yrs. She deserves more than 1% of her male costars salary..

Amber Tamblyn added: Michelle Williams was paid 1% of what her male co-star made on her latest film. This is totally unacceptable..

For more infomation >> Mark Wahlberg reportedly profited $1.5m from All the Money in the World reshoots after... - Duration: 3:33.



For more infomation >> Citroën Xantia Break 1.8I-16V PALLAS, YOUNGTIMER, AIRCO, ELEK-RAMEN, CENT-VERGRENDELING, RADIO-CD-M - Duration: 0:57.


Bruno Mars ‒ Finesse (Beau Collins Remix) [Exclusive] - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Bruno Mars ‒ Finesse (Beau Collins Remix) [Exclusive] - Duration: 3:02.


[CC] Top 10 Favorite Videos of 2017 Book Tag - Duration: 8:37.

Hi, guys.

My name's Heather, and you're watching Heather-Reset.

Today I'm going to be doing the Top Ten Favorite Videos of 2017, which is a tag created

by J.D. Estrada.

And I was tagged by the lovely Madeleine Swann, so here we go.

Here's my top 10.

Help me.

Help me.

This is the creepiest video that I did this year, and what it is is a book trailer for

"If You Were Here".

I had so much fun with it, and I was actually really sick and decided to do this anyway,

so you see me like pretending I'm drowning in a tub, and I'm playing like 12 different

characters, and it was really fun, and I want to do more book trailers like this in the


Ok, so for #2 I am just re-coming up with the cover for "Under Rose-Tainted Skies"

and putting it on my little piece of paper.

I am not the best artist.

That goes to my dad and my sister.

But I can replicate well enough.

I tried my best with the paints, and it was fun and it was easy, and I did it with a playlist

that I created for the book, so that just added to the whole feel and creativity.



Who's there?

Big Butts.

[hysterical laughing] Big Butts who?

I like big butts and I cannot lie.

You other brothers can't deny.

I went to Utopiacon, which is basically like a comicon for authors, and I recorded 15 different

interviews from some really cool authors.

And they just had me laughing so hard.

I loved making this tribute to all of them.

You probably could not hear what my momma was saying, but she was saying ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry


We are on the way to my brother's graduation from high school and just really embarrassing

him from the backseat of the car.

Eventually my mom was able to get my dad in on it, and you will see him bobbing his head

in the front seat, and it's hilarious because both of them are ordained ministers, and this

song is not about good things.

It's about losing for virginity and other things that you're not supposed to do at

15, which is I believe how old the artist was when she was performing this song, and

I don't think that they knew that.

[singing] If you've been watching my channel for any

length of time, you already know that I love doing things with the Mickey Mouse voice.

It's so much fun.

I also like doing the playlist tag, so it there's ever a new playlist tag, just go

ahead and tag me, and I will surely do those because yes fav.

This one in particular, I did artist that I knew so I'd be able to get the lyrics

down, and everything would go smoothly.

There seems to be this way of thinking that saying if one group is suffering then you

have to take down the group that is not seen to be suffering in order to no longer suffer.

I also do a whole lot of discussions on my channel.

Sometimes they have to do with booktube.

Sometimes they have to do with social media and all of the things that are happening with

our society.

This one I just got so tired of everyone on all of their channels continuing to rant about

different things.

A lot of it was about diversity, but I felt like most of the people were misunderstanding

what the need for diversity was talking about and where confusing it for being anti-white.

So the whole let's pray a book when it doesn't include any white characters, cuz that's

awesome, but if you reverse that situation and say, hey, here's this book that doesn't

include any black people.

Oh that's horrible, I'm like, well if it's horrible one way, it's horrible both


We need to have inclusion in books, but it's also not the authors responsibility to do


As a reader, you have options.

It might just be you having to do some research to be able to find things.

Just don't make people bad guys.

Oh my gosh.

These homophobic bigots.

Oh my gosh.

This is another scenario of people making people bad guys because they have different

points of views.

Just because you think that something is being intolerant, you have your own bias.

You're not walking in another person's shoes.

This one is interesting because I did it, and my sister couldn't tell who's side

I was on, and I said, perfect because that goes to show I understand all sides of an

argument and not just my own side.

[Cello] The moment you finish a book…

[squeal] I can be pretty random and goofy sometimes.

I had a couple extra clips, so I just decided to put them together for a video, and that

is what resulted.

That's right, guys.

The show came out yesterday with 14 hour-long episodes, and I've already watched them


I can't even remember what this video was now.

[laughing] Oh yes, so the "Thirteen Reasons Why"


And this one made the list because it had over 940-something views, which had never

happened on my channel.

I re-watched it last night, and I think I actually did a pretty good job of summing

up all my thoughts.

Why will no one read my book?

Nobody knows your name and not even your momma or your daddy gonna read your book.

I had a little too much fun with this video.

I got tired of fellow authors spamming me with stuff about their books.

If you're on social media, do not ever post about your books.

I don't care if you have 14 and you're only posting about one a day; I don't wanna

see it.

What you are doing is spamming people who are already reading your books.

Run an ad.

You can post when you have a sale or something like one time, and then please just leave

it alone.

And don't be begging people to read your books unless you have formed some kind of

personal connection with them and they have expressed interest.

Otherwise, you are guilt tripping them, and that is so wrong to do that to your audience.

I had a lot to say in this.

So there you go.

There are my top 10 videos that I did in 2017.

2018 is going to be great.

I cannot wait to see what that year is going to bring, and to be able to do this tag again

next year, so keep watching and subscribe if you want to see that one next year.

If you liked any of the clips in this video and you'd like to see the entire original

videos, I have a playlist for all of them linked down below.

Let me know which one of these videos was your favorite down below in the comments.

Or if there was a different video I made this year that you enjoyed, let me know that.

And let me know what your favorite video that you made this year was if you happen to make

videos so that I can go check it out.

Britt, you are officially tagged and anyone else who wants to do this.

Please let me know if you would like to be tagged in future videos.

I want to make sure that I'm tagging people that want to do tags.

So let me know in the comments if you would like to be tagged in future videos so that

I can say your name in the official video and all that.

But of course if you want to do this tag, go right ahead, but for the next tagging I

can actually mention your name.

Just tell me you want to be one of the names.

Alright, I'll see you guys next time.


For more infomation >> [CC] Top 10 Favorite Videos of 2017 Book Tag - Duration: 8:37.


The girl who loves yellow trailer (sort of) - Duration: 0:14.






Fuck! *swearing in Serbian*

You don't need the sound for this one, right?

I don't know...


Let's see how it looks

I got very scared.

For more infomation >> The girl who loves yellow trailer (sort of) - Duration: 0:14.


Free Bitcoin Giveaway Winner!! | More FREE Bitcoin?? | Bitconnect Cease And Desist AGAIN? - Duration: 16:03.

Go with your payment scheme and not your average TV, and it is Wednesday

143 p.m.. Here, California time it has stopped raining my head looks twisted. Is that just me anyway, man

This is the moment the area's been waiting for we are picking

Iran the winner from yesterday's video, okay, I did mention a couple times yesterday that I would do the Olaf cup

Giveaway I put all the names in the cup and all that stuff, but man you guys are so amazing. There's a


I'm sorry. I'm just being lazy. I don't really feel like putting

Creating 229 little freaking papers and putting him in the Olaf Cup, which I got the Olaf Cup right here

This is what I'm gonna do shots everybody man that commented on the video

I do appreciate you guys man for watching the video. I got a lot of amazing content

content coming up man the first before we get into the video into the

giveaway make sure you subscribe make sure you have the notification bell make sure you like the video and comment below because

I got money. I still got money, so I'm I did waste some of it

I got one hundred and thirty-eight dollars now

But um I still got some money so about giving away more

Bitcoin here very very soon who know maybe by the end of the video, I'll decide to give away more Bitcoin

I don't know just stay tuned anyways um oh yeah random comment. Okay, so there we go. This is kind of weird

I'm looking at a video

I'm shooting a video of me looking at a video of me looking at me, anyways that's kind of crazy, so let's go ahead and

load this up ladies and gentle men, so

Copying and we go to this thing and see I remember how to use this thing so this is what I'm gonna

Do I'm gonna use the Olaf guy because you guys asked for it, so there it is right there

But I'm gonna just repay sit again, so you guys don't think I'm cheating

okay, and it has loaded and

random comment


See we got here

So funny rent n says, I'll take is miles Bitcoin. That's pretty funny that is pretty funny that he's the one that won

the CV okay

So here we go you guys wanted me to use the Olaf Cup, so I'm gonna go ahead and use the Olaf Cup

Let's see here. Who is a winner

Let's see

ran ten

There it is. I told you guys I would use it. I just didn't say I was we proper

Okay, so hey congratulations brand 10 and see here. I don't want to screw. This up you guys are making me nervous

Okay, there is his

That's so funny that he's the one that won that okay, so what I usually do is

I'll get the the money from coinbase. I have it right here

I'll send it to my G tax account

I already already sent out like 40 bucks right here, so you know this way

I wouldn't take too long with the video deposit right there do do the through the deposit and now I'm ready to withdraw

So we go here you go to

The address that it told me it's a 1 B ad let me just make sure that I am

One be a Dok as I look like I got the whole thing. I don't know

What it is 20 freakin dollars is so I always type it in here, so I'm 120

That's the one thing about G. Tags is it doesn't tell you that they give you like the dollar option?

So I'll go in here, but twenty dollars. This is this is not much Bitcoin twenty dollars is so then I go in here and

Then I'll type in the amount

then I gotta do my

My Google and thick and thick occator Authenticator. I can't fucking speak

Okay hold on is refreshing right now. This is amazing right now. I'm gonna. I'm gonna

You guys are gonna see the code, but it's okay because in about 10 seconds the coves gonna change

So it doesn't really fucking matter anyways there

It is sent you the $20 live right here on my Travers TV appreciate you guys make sure you comment below

Like it by the end of this video

I love has it been like 20 minutes already because I feel that I I talk like for two minutes and is like 20 minutes

We're at 4 minutes and 22 seconds make it quick moon ski. Make it quick all right so we can close this

I don't need this anymore and alright so last night. I

talked about I

Uploaded another video. I don't know what I'm saying right now

I'm trying to talk so fast because I have a little bit of time I upload

I upload another video when I came across the information that big connect X was not available for us residents, and I'm here in

California in the United States and here we go I tried this morning to sign him, and this is what I get I get

This I co was not open to US citizens

Therefore the offer on this website, so fuck you bitch connect X

And it's it's gonna be open to a February 23rd

So I believe I believe that it'll be open to the United States here in a couple weeks

You know due to legal issues as I like that speaking about legal issues with big connect and bit connect X

No, one's really talking about this, and I think there's a reason why?

This is honestly like the only website


Entrepreneurship venture canvas that is talking about this but says big connect

North Carolina's season this is so it says that North Carolina gave also issued as he said

This is a big connect in North Carolina, but I I saw a couple YouTube videos talking about it and online

This is the only article that I came across

So I don't know how viable that is but and that is the case that is starting to get a little worrisome

You know I mean that all these states I believe that North Carolina is also a very conservative state

I live in California, so I'm not too worried about it

But the concern that might be starting because I am invested in a big connect

But that I know of in Texas they allowed you to withdraw your funds

They really I think they released your your capital and all that stuff and these I here to take your money

So that's what I have heard from

That so you know for that enough of that what else we got going on here

That's it, so I had it say ok by now. I'm just kidding okay

Where we at right now six minutes all right cool something else that I'm working on

just real quick is all coins all coins is some that are building investigating min and

Here's a like you like these are the all coins that I have

Invested in and a lot of them were kind of shitty

I think you know like I didn't really know about all coins


I was just like just like whatever do you two people that I watch they're like all getting this all coin getting this all coin

And I'm like that's a good idea, and they're doing really shitty

And and so yesterday, I can't I I really decided to dive down and try to figure out

There's we know how we can we can figure out what these all coins and stuff like that means

I'm gonna go real quick. I will release probably tomorrow another video

It's not just talking about this, but you know since we got a little bit of time to kill

I'm gonna go into this real quick and

Let me see here, so okay. Let me do let me show you what I did what I did

I don't really like these little maps right here, so if we go to coin market Capcom you

See you know it tells you. This is our information right here these. Uh these graphs right here on that good stuff

Tell me these really vague it just kind of gives you an idea what's going on, but yesterday?

I was like you know what like I went on a 100. I'm like

I want to just keep saying I I went to view all and

it changed it's a little graph went away and now it gives you a

1-hour you know percentage different so because yesterday last night

It was like all right like on the other view

It was a all read read read read read read read

But because I was at 24-hour percent change

And then once I went to this view like all this right here was read read read read read

But on this side there was a couple greens. I'm okay

I'm that's what I want to see I want to see that or summer building up whatever so I started looking into the

two things that I'm looking at when I'm looking at all coins is the market cap and

Circulating supply my main concern is circulating supply because you're gonna see

For example Bitcoin Bitcoin is number one. It's the highest. You know that the most expensive

Is the most expensive a bit of cryptocurrency and?

Only it only has right now sixteen point seven million coins in supply

It's by twenty was a twenty twenty one or twenty one twenty or something like that that when the 21 million will be

Mined, but we were all but we'll all be long gone by then but anyways

It's very it's a very low circuiting as if I even though you might think sixteen million, that's really low so we

Look at the difference this has 96 you know aetherium has 96 million

It's really low and look at the prices on these you know I mean like

That's what I was looking at I'm looking for patterns. You know I mean and so you come the ripple

Yeah, ripple has the reason the reason?

The way they they ranked them here is on the market cap right, but look at ripple ripple has a 38 billion

you know I'm like like I

Don't even know how many more fucking times then Bitcoin 38 billion is like like like fucking

Thousands of percentage more than what these guys right here have that's what ripple has but the reason why it's number

Three is because the market can't because if you do this

many coins and

May this many people have but you know that much that's why this this is so high because this is so high

But this is so this price is never gonna. Go that high I believe again. This is my opinion

This is something that I kind of again right now. I'll be honest with you guys

I am working on two and a half hours of sleep because last night

I was just going through all these coins

And I was just like alright and out so the the basic pattern is what I'm telling you guys right now

I'm kinda just going through it real quick. I'm gonna go on tomorrow

I'm thinking a tomorrow's video unless something else crazy happens oh

Yeah, I want to talk a little bit about bit connect x2 what that is real quick hold on hold on one more time do

We get how much time we got over ten minutes. Just make it about 13 minute thing tomorrow

I'm gonna go in there and kind of give you

Coins that I'm looking at and why I'm looking at them, but this is just really quick

You know a really quick video as of why I what pattern I see of why?

Ripple most likely in my opinion the prices he probably won't go any higher than by 5 bucks

You know I mean it might go higher than 3 what it was unless it goes on to coinbase like they said it was gonna

I don't think it's going to and Kate unless some big news like that happens this coin right here will never go any higher than

You know a couple dollars more than what it is now, and that's not gonna good

Good day in my opinion because this right here is so high you know

I mean this number is not gonna go high. You know that's just the way it is for example. Let's go down to UM

To this let's go down a - just to kind of prove my point look at stellar you go to stellar

Seventeen billion coins that they have and it's fifty five fifty five cents now

Let's go down to - only only has seven million coins

In row in circulation and look at the price a thousand dollars

You know I mean, so do you guys like are you starting to see the pattern?

that's what I saw, so that's kind of a quick a

Quick little intro of probably the videos that I'm gonna do tomorrow like I said unless

Something drastic happens and big connect X explodes or something then

Then I'll be probably talking about that, but other than that man real quick quick connect X

I saw other people posting the videos of how wonderful. It is not like that

I was kind of hating I might fuck you guys, but hey. I'm sorry. I don't mean because

But it's not their fault not our fault it

Just it is what it is, but basically bit connect exit you guys haven't watched other videos already. It is a cryptocurrency

Number one so at the BCC X it's what the what the coin is going to be called BC. We connect X coin and

It's also going to be an exchange so you'll be able to purchase

You'll be able to purchase coins on there - imma

I did the person that I was watching didn't really say which coins, but um you know it's in exchange as well

So you could also?

Buy different coins on there as well, and I mean so basically is what it is in exchange

And it came out with his own cryptocurrency and the exchanges were like faster transactions and low prices

Stuff like that it used to have a mining like when they first came out with the platform

And they announced it there was a tab for mining that disappeared. It looks like that's not you're available

That's basically it. You know basically what it what it does

It's it's a it's a exchange and a new coin

And that's what I got from the person that I was watching so if you guys have information make sure you comment below

Again, let's just do it. Let's do it, man. I'm gonna give away another twenty dollars of Bitcoin to a comment person

This is a gift for you guys for watching to the end

Yeah, I mean because we gotta watch at the end, so you just never know what most Keys gonna

Do maybe I'll give away more money later, but as of right now. I already sent the homie

Shoutout to Ren Ren ten. I sent him his money and

So tomorrow are we give it away more twenty dollars worth of bitcoins for everybody that comments on this video below

Thank you guys so much for the support. I appreciate it

Anything that you want you want to ask me?

I reply to every single comment that you guys put on there again right now my focus is on

You know I mean, I'm still I'm still in I'm still in a big connect. I'm still in hash Fleur

I'm probably giving you guys an update on those probably at the end of the week on Friday. I'm tomorrow

I most likely will be doing the video of

All coins all coins that I'm looking into like I'm doing my investigation right here

and I mean all commands that I'm looking into all coins that I have invested on the last couple of days because I'm

again like I told you guys earlier or in the other video and

When I give you guys information I kind of want to like have some kind of proof

And I mean cuz I like I said I was up til 5:30 in the morning this morning

And I only have like two hours and a half asleep because I was so excited. I felt like I broke a code

Oh my god. This is the all coin code of?

you know which all coins are gonna be worth something and

And there's kind of three levels, there's three levels of all coins

Then I then I come with then I came up with anyways man before this video becomes like 40 minutes long

I'm gonna shut up do me a favor subscribe if you haven't already please subscribe

Hit the notification bell man because I will be giving away more Bitcoin like I am doing right now tomorrow

One lucky winner one random lucky winner will be getting $20 more of Bitcoin because daddy has some money daddy wants to spend it

I appreciate you guys all your comments really uh sincerely. I really do

Comment below of any coins that you want me to investigate. I'll do it. You know for tomorrow's video

And I'll tell you yes, why I think again. I'm not a financial advisor

I'm just learning like you guys are learning, and I'm trying to give you guys the information then I possibly the best information

I possibly can okay

thank you guys again comment below to to be enter tomorrow for free 2000 Bitcoin giveaway again and

Excuse me. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Okay, that is that it? I think that's it anyways gotta

Go make sure you subscribe make sure you hit notification about like the video comment below peace

For more infomation >> Free Bitcoin Giveaway Winner!! | More FREE Bitcoin?? | Bitconnect Cease And Desist AGAIN? - Duration: 16:03.


It Would Appear It Really Pays to Be a Teen Mom — Find out Their Crazy Impressive Salaries! - Duration: 3:06.

It Would Appear It Really Pays to Be a Teen Mom — Find out Their Crazy Impressive Salaries!,

Who knew becoming a Teen Mom could be so lucrative?!

The reality star mamas began their television journey eight years ago on 16 and Pregnant,

and since then, we've gradually watched the girls upgrade their homes, cars, and ahem,


So how much do they actually make?

Although none of them can say for sure due to their MTV contracts, we did some investigating

of our own, and the outcome was pretty surprising.

Not only are they all raking in the dough, but some are paid a lot more than others.

From Chelsea Houska to Catelynn Lowell, find out how much money your favorite Teen Moms

get paid by scrolling through the gallery — the person who makes the most might just

surprise you!

Teen Mom OG airs Mondays at 9 p.m. EST on MTV.

Love Teen Mom?

Be sure to join our Teen Mom Facebook group to chat about all the latest updates and juicy


Jenelle Evans Jenelle said during Jared and Katie in the

Morning for 17.5 KZL in 2015 that she's made around half a million dollars off the series.

"I wouldn't really say that [I've made a million dollars]," she said.

"I would say a little bit over maybe half [a million]?

I'm not really allowed to discuss it."

A separate source told Star (via Radar Online), "Jenelle gets paid $75,000 a year and her

mom gets paid $65,000: she calls her an overpaid babysitter.

She also gets a lot of gift cards to places like The Olive Garden from MTV as a bonus


For more infomation >> It Would Appear It Really Pays to Be a Teen Mom — Find out Their Crazy Impressive Salaries! - Duration: 3:06.


How to Organize A Closet Space - Not Overwhelmed - Duration: 8:11.

I will show you how to organize your closet with three steps

that will not overwhelm you and the result will be a decluttered organized

space my closet was like a black hole there was no order no purpose to this

closet space but the whole process of decluttering and organizing my closet

seemed too overwhelming mentally so I have taken a step back and I'm looking

at organization in a new way I don't want you to think of this as an

organization process I want you to think of this as decluttering and being smart

you are making space in your closet you're freeing the stress that is on you

when you come in here every few days or every day to get dressed and with three

steps you are not going to be overwhelmed it's gonna be on your time

schedule and it will help you be organized and stay organized if you

stick around to the end you'll see the one thing that you can take to the back

of your wardrobe to help you stay organized if this is your first time to

my LauriePOP channel thank you so much for popping over my name is Laurie and I

want to say welcome if you're watching me on your phone just click on the

upside down triangle and you will be able to see everything in the

description box and leave a message down there for me I create YouTube videos

about ideas that pop into my head and then I share them with you now let's pop

into my videos professional organizers will tell you to take everything out of

your closet but that is too overwhelming of a task to me those clothes would stay

on my bed on my floor for over a week I know so I'm taking a

step back I'm taking a minimalist approach I am doing the bare minimum but

the result is gonna be an organized thinned out closet with space and

function and purpose so in step number one

I am only turning my hangers around now now that I've done this process I can

tell you if you have these kind of cheap hangers or the poofy pillow type hangers

you are gonna want to turn those around by themselves they are a pain to turn

around and this whole process is only gonna take you about seven minutes and

turning around all these I'm finding those clothes that don't fit

anymore I'm finding those clothes that I don't need to keep anymore

I know I should get rid of stuff but I'm not there so I am only making the task

of turning around my hangers I think I represent most of America by being a

product of consumerism I buy things that are on super sale I get my favorite big

box stores like Francesca's or Old Navy I will I cannot not buy something that's

$10 because it was only $10 I know now that that is fast fashion and I'm trying

to work on that but I'm not there completely yet but I also shop my closet

so I have a ton of shirts you will see in touching all these clothes I'm going

to inevitably get rid of some of them with no with that not even being my task

so it's an added bonus these hangers to the left of my top and this blue bin is

where my husband's closet begins so I'm not gonna touch those I turned around

all of my hangers I'm not even gonna do my pants because you know they would

still look the same but let's just pretend that I have done that process

and taken care of those now I have come up with 22 hangers that are extra can

you see these hangers 22 extra hangers that I found just by doing my sweaters

and my tops on both shelves so that was a bonus that I didn't realize was going

to happen now step two is take a minute and stare at your closet each day just

critique your own closet do the research on your own closet and by standing there

even if it's for a week one minute everyday just look at your

closet and critique it see what are your problem areas what needs to go what

needs help what could be put into an area when I looked at my own closet I

knew that I had clothes taking up so much space and I had piles and stacks of

scarves and sweaters intermingled with each other that I don't wear them a lot

because we're in Houston Texas so I just pile them on this shelf I would also

look for a travel bag or pull out my backpack and it

my backpack would fall out or some of the bags in there what would fall out an

idea that I just thought of was to dust off this shelf just use an old t-shirt

that you're not gonna wear anymore I'm not overwhelming myself it doesn't

have to be super clean and perfectly dusted so I'm doing enough I do have

about seven or eight purses and this is how I store them these have been on

shelves or on the floor now I got this so I'm gonna take this chunk of space

see how wide it was it's almost from my fingertips to my elbow of space taking

up my hangar space that I had up here behind my sweater these are gonna hang

on the lower bar of my closet shelf and beside my container of sweatshirts and

sweatpants and all that stuff I recommend only coming up with around

three problem areas or else you will get overwhelmed and stretch yourself out

before you even start instead of just allowing those scarves to be on the

shelf I freed up that space and I bought me one of these things we've all seen

them now I have about I think there are 11 spaces on here that takes up all that

space on my shelf again I'm freeing up I'm decluttering and it was just with

one problem area and one solution solved it and because these are so long I'm

gonna just hang them back here with my pants step number three is to figure out

what can go into containers can your sweaters go into containers can your

belts go into containers since having all these travel bags here is a

frustration of mine a stressor when I walk in my closet or need something I

bought a container this sticks out a little too much with the lids so I took

the lid off and then I'm just going to put the bags in here in a stand-up way

so I can fit all my little bitty travel bags and containers I can fit those in

here easily and that way they won't spill out every time I'm taking down one

shirt or looking for one of the bags so when I do need a bag I just lift it out

grab the bag that I need or take it completely out and then I can put it

completely back in without stressing myself out I thought about using a shoe

box but a shoe box would be a little too deep so I went ahead and

bought this for myself okay for the one thing that you can tape to the back of

your wardrobe I have a list of earrings or jewelry that I need to match certain

outfit pieces like I have this owl t-shirt and I usually wear it with a

burgundy cardigan and I realize that I don't have any earrings to match it so I

wrote on my list burgundy and orange earrings and then I also have these

cognac colored boots but my necklaces are usually all dark brown and I don't

like that they don't match the cognac color I sometimes have this little cognac

color that I want to incorporate in my jewelry and I need that so I would

put that on my list as well I also on the bottom I put if I have a really cute

outfit that I haven't thought of in 15 years I would write those coordinating

outfit pieces on the piece of paper so I won't forget about them again look at

all this space I have isn't it awesome I mean I can almost straighten my arms out

all the way with all the extra space that I have right here where I keep my

necklaces with just three steps in one day I completed my closet reorganization

happy thinning out process to you I hope these steps have inspired you to just

start to take a look and to do it pop over again soon I really appreciate you

taking the time to watch this video leave me a comment I love comments

For more infomation >> How to Organize A Closet Space - Not Overwhelmed - Duration: 8:11.


Medeltida Jul ▲ Högsommar i vintertid ▲ - Duration: 0:44.

(midst of the summer in wintertime)

The winter is brisk in the night, outside

the street is dark and calm

The wind is shaking the fireplace damper

and at the gate sounds are heard

As the wind goes on

The simple meal is over

The maid is clearing the table

Let us light the candles!

The night goes by day

The night is for pleasure done

For more infomation >> Medeltida Jul ▲ Högsommar i vintertid ▲ - Duration: 0:44.


These Are 5 Signs That You Are Dating An Emotional Psychopath - Duration: 4:55.

5 Signs That You Are Dating An Emotional Psychopath

You love your partner very much, but you know there's something wrong with him or her.

Being in a relationship with an emotional psychopath can leave you deeply scarred emotionally,

and can destroy the idea of you ever finding love again.

Many of us have had our fair share of bad experiences in relationships.

Moreover, someone may never find the courage to continue to pursue any kind of relationship

if an experience was particularly traumatic.

When you're stuck in a relationship with an incessant psychopath, it becomes quite

a task to dig yourself out.

You're left confused because things between the two of you never used to be so vile.

They used to be so "normal" and endearing, you fell head over heels for their charm.

Little did you notice the hidden darkness beneath that gorgeous smile.

You may have thought at first that these were the normal ups and downs of any relationship

and that all that was needed to fix it was a bit more effort.

The truth is that somewhere deep inside of you, you knew it wasn't normal.

There was something not quite right with the situation and you needed to save yourself.

Really, the best thing to do at the first hint of craziness is get out while it's

early, before things start getting too deep and before any permanent damage is done.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 5 signs that you are dating an emotional psychopath.

Likewise, if you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video

and subscribe to our channel so you won't miss any interesting update in the future



You are always to blame when things aren't going so well.

They know that they are the cause of all the chaos in the relationship, but their pride

will never allow them to admit to it.

They're always looking for ways to victimize you and make you feel as though you are to

blame for everything.

They will make you believe that you are the cause of all the issues and problems in the

partnership (even if it has nothing to do with you) and you end up feeling guilty about


They know that your guilt won't let you just get up and walk out for good when times

get really rough.

They know how to manipulate people who are sensitive and vulnerable into doing whatever

it is they want.


They are constantly deceitful just to make you feel bad about yourself.

They will make up scores of fake facts and data.

They will twist dates and crucial details to suit their needs.

They will perpetrate false propaganda about you consistently to a point where you start

to question your own sanity.

They will lie to you on a serial basis; to them you are not worthy of the truth and with

the most blatant disregard for how these lies could make you feel.

They know that the more they make you doubt yourself, the more control they will have

over you and the relationship.


They say that it's your fault that they're not getting the most out of life.

Because these people are psychopaths, they're bound to be doomed for failure outside the

relationship also.

The down side is that you will end up being blamed for it.

They will tell you that they are not able to achieve their goals and pursue their dreams

because of you.

They will lead you to believe that they are the ones making all the sacrifices in the

relationship when in truth they have nobody to blame but themselves.

They will always find a way to make it seem as though you are the villain in this story.


They belittle you in every way possible to try and break your spirit.

They don't want you to have any sense of self-worth, they want to take complete ownership

of your being and then break you to a point that you lose all confidence.

They will continuously discredit you.

They will never fail to point out your flaws, and will always guilt-trip you into doing

things that they want you to do.

They are the manipulative psycho and you're their helpless victim.


They isolate you from everybody else so you can't cry out for help.

They know that loneliness and isolation can breed weakness, and that's exactly what

they want to happen.

They want you to get to a point of weakness where it is impossible to survive on your


They want you to think that the only way to get through this is to stay with them.

They want you to believe that nobody else is going to help dig you out of the hole they've

gone and thrown you in.

All in all, that's the signs that you are dating an emotional psychopath.

You only have this one life.

Don't give someone else permission to destroy it.

Now that you have this information, use it to make decision that are best for you.

I'd like to see your opinions on this and please do share your thoughts and experiences

in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> These Are 5 Signs That You Are Dating An Emotional Psychopath - Duration: 4:55.


945 Armory St., Springfield, Ma 01107 - Duration: 1:43.

(upbeat music)

- Hi Kirk and Stacy here on location

and excited to show you our newest listing

at 945 Armory Street in Springfield, Massachusetts

presented by the Weingarten Team at Rovithis Realty.

- If you're in the market for an affordable colonial

located in Atwater Park with updated features,

then you gotta come see this one.

- This property includes a fantastic kitchen

with white cabinets and matching appliances.

- I love the cozy living room with

wood burning fireplace and formal dining room

with gleaming hardwood floors throughout.

(upbeat music)

- Upstairs we find the nicely sized bedrooms,

and a full bath.

- Out back, we find a screened in porch,

and all this on a large corner lot.

- We hope you've enjoyed you personal tour of

945 Armory Street, here in Springfield, Massachusetts.

If you have any questions about this property,

or would like to schedule a private showing,

please contact us at the number below.

- Here are Rovithis Realty,

we believe who you work with matters

and we want to work with you.

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