Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 10 2018

Hello, welcome back to Most Amazing Top 10!

I am Rebecca Felgate and today we are talking about some seriously big babies!

Before we get into that, I just want to remind you Most Amazing viewers that we have Most

Amazing Merch available for purchase at our Most Amazing in all sizes…even

sizes to fit the huge babies on this list…join me as we discuss the Top 10 Real Life Giant


A natural born 13 and a half pounder at number 10

There have been bigger babies, but this is one of the biggest ever delivered naturally…so…the

traditional way, rather than out the sun roof.

British mum, Maxime Marin delivered 13lb 7 oz Maria in 2013.

That is 6.1 Kilos!

She was one week overdue, and Maxime expected her to be big, but not that big!

Next up, we have Germany's biggest baby at number 9

Jasleen was also born naturally in 2013 and also weighed in at 13lb and 7 ounces.

She was 57 and a half centimetres long, too, making her look like a giant baby.

Her weight made her the heaviest German Child to ever be delivered naturally.

Jasleen's mother suffered from an undiagnosed case of gestational diabetes, which was a

the reason for her daughters abnormally rapid growth.

WOAH there number 8 – we have Chinas Biggest baby!

A mother in China gave birth to a 14.8 pound baby so 6.7 kilos, double the average weight

for the country.

The baby was nicknamed Kang Kang by his dad, which means healthy.

His actual name has not been disclosed by the family for his protection.

Kang was born via caesarean section, which ….I mean….thank god, because..ow.

Not only was Kang heavy, he was very long.

A real giant at 58cm long, he was also double the height of usual Chinese new-borns.

Meet the biggest baby ever delivered naturally – at number 7 we have George King.

Jade Packer was 21 years old in 2013 when she delivered a 15 lb and 70z baby, so just

over 7 kilos.

Jade struggled during the delivery and George Almost didn't make it.

Luckily he did, and he is the biggest baby born naturally, ever!

He was 15 days late, which goes some way to explaining why he was so big at birth.

It is amazing that we live in a world where George and his mum could be saved, just 50

or so years ago, it wouldn't have been possible.

6 - Australia's largest baby.

Meet Stephen Lyttle, who has a very ironic surname.

Stephen was born on January 26th 1963, incidentally Australia day…so, he will celebrate his

58th birthday in a few weeks.

Happy Birthday Stephen!

Stephen's mother, Josephine, didn't have the happiest of birthdays, though, as she

suffered gestational diabetes while carrying him.

Born a week early, he was a whopping 16 lb and 2 ounces, so 7.31 kilos.

Despite being a big whopper of a baby, and having to wear clothes for a two year old

when he was a new-born, he is now just over 6ft with a normal weight of 97 kilos.

A more recent 16 lb baby, this time in Texas, meet the Lonestar's biggest newborn at number

5 Everything is bigger in Texas, including their


JaMichael Brown was born in 2011, weighing 16 lbs and one ounce.

That is more than double the American average.

JaMichael, what a name!

He was delivered a few days early by C section as he was simply getting too large.

JaMichael was so big he was dubbed moose by his parents!

4 - Big ol Baby Nadia, Tatyana Khalina was 43 when she delivered

a 17 pound and 5 ounce baby, so nearing 8 kilos!

Baby Nadia is thought to be the biggest baby in Russia and had to spend a whole month in

hospital before being allowed home to her family.

I like the picture of her on the baby scales, she doesn't even fit, bless her.

Tatyana said her husband just stood there blinking when he saw his giant daughter for

the first time.

3 Make room for the 19 pound baby!

Akbar Risuddin tipped the scales at 19 pounds, 2 ounces, so 8.7kilos.

Akbar, which means the great in Arabic, was delivered after a 40 minute c section.

The ginormous baby drew in a crowd in Indonesia, where he was born, with people flocking to

get a peek at the large baby boy.

His growth was thought to be as a result of extra glucose from his mother in the womb.

His father told the press that Akbar was feeding constantly.

His poor mum!

At number 2, we have the biggest baby ever born.

Born in 1955, not much is known about the baby boy born to Carmelina Fedele in Italy.

What we do know is that he weighed 22lbs and 8 ounces, so 10 kilos!

A ten kilo baby….can you even imagine?

Annoyingly, there aren't any pictures, but those who saw the boy, who would be in his

60s today, said he was gigantic.

1 This 10 month old is 41 lbs!

Aliya Saleem was born a hearty 9lbs, but that is nothing compared to a lot of the babies

on this list.

However, after birth, Aliya Saleem, started rapidly gaining weight.

Age 10 months, she became the size of an average 6 year old.

41lbs is 18 and half kilos….

An 18 and a half kilo ten month old baby…

The problem is, the baby is of course unable to walk, but her mother struggles to carry


So…wow…some huge babies on this list.

All babies are beautiful no matter what size.

OUT etc Thanks guys for sticking around to the end,

if you liked this video, why not watch our top 10 real life giants and our Top 10 shortest

people of all time.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Real Life Giant Babies - Duration: 6:52.


Hamilton In A Nutshell Act 1 | AyChristene Reacts - Duration: 5:04.

Hey buddies its ya girl AyChristene and today we're checking out a new nutshell video this is

Hamilton in a nutshell act 1 this video isn't new but it's new for us here

oh well for me y'all probably already see this I know some of you have cuz

y'all been like hey I see it's on your watch later list it's right there just

go click on it I would play alright I was clicking on it this is Hamilton in a

nutshell I'm excited to see so I guess the only did act 1 so maybe he did act 2

& 3 or I think it went - no there so yeah right I can't remember nullus maybe

he did one we're gonna get into the video link is in the description box

below for you to check out I'm nervous cuz normally that I should be crazy but

let's get started family dinner I'll see you crap oh snap

person / Oh bursar you then oh gosh nestor and then etsu nice dear wait what

nice ninja one be nice oh evolutionary here's a shot baby fund me you know oh

yeah well do that Game six no you suck Oh beautiful

hi I'm also gay a washing machine washing extension lx3 okay okay

we love the house but I don't like females Oh Loren's so Gloria the lizard

what the is wrong Eliza help her please oh she's hella hey hey I mean ah okay

okay wait you weren't supposed to do Oh Angelica Angelica is fine oh that was

rude uh 10 jul 10 dual Commandments oh dear hey we won no you were died now go

home George why shouldn't L them at all no yeah he's upset son well do you -

goodness Oh LM poor that would be okay like a delivery is very light blunt but

he's like oh you know I had to work a ton porch

she's like you were always poor Alex hit like but wow that was that was pretty

hashtag savage Eliza first meets oh yeah we need Zander back so I don't

understand Chinese oh dear it's actually French mango yeah you're going to - are

you Kings race offspring is nice Oh friend

and done let's work together now please it's like no no no please okay yay yay

oh my goodness comet I didn't subscribe you beautiful pineapples oh my goodness

okay so um that was that was really fun I liked how at the back end

it was Hamilton playing I I don't get but I do like the whole mist worded

things like um there are a couple things that he missed wording

I think obviously some purpose it was supposed to be random but I I really

enjoyed it and it was fun to kind of I guess the song oh Parmenter beauty Oh

the Schuyler sisters you know I I liked how he was like work with me it's like

no work with me no please no please no okay then

oh the burn of Aaron Burr sir it's like are you Aaron person or person Aaron

he's like no well forget you hey it was fun it was fun

these nutshell videos are pretty wackos but it was a lot of fun let me know your

thoughts down below in the comment section if you liked the video check out

the link in the description box below and support the Creator there if you

like this video until it's out of that like button don't forget to subscribe

and follow me on Instagram I love you guys as always my knees my legs are so

sore from exercising oh like it

For more infomation >> Hamilton In A Nutshell Act 1 | AyChristene Reacts - Duration: 5:04.


Konami Is Releasing An Uncensored Monster Reborn - Duration: 2:41.

The Western version of the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise has had a long history of toning down potentially

objectionable elements.

One common change that Yu-Gi-Oh will face outside of Japan is the removal of religious

references and this has seen things like crosses and halos being removed from many cards in

the West.

However, with the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise being heavily based on Ancient Egyptian mythology,

you will also be able to find various Egyptian religious references on the Japanese designs,

such as the Egyptian ankh.

This was also something that would be removed for a long time from Western cards, but, in

recent years, Konami has started to ease off a little on removing ankhs from the Western


This has seen cards such as Twin Twisters being released in 2016 with the ankh on its

artwork intact.

One of the most prominent cards this has affected though, is the very useful card Monster Reborn,

which was released way back in the franchise's beginning.

Its Japanese artwork is a big blue ankh, whilst its Western design was heavily modified to

get around the ban on showing ankhs.

Its name was also changed in the West, from its Japanese name "Resurrection of the Dead".

Now, despite Konami easing up on showing ankhs outside of Japan, the company is not known

for going back and releasing the Japanese designs for older cards.

However, with a new entry on the official Yu-Gi-Oh Card Database, we can see that that's

about to change.

The database lists a new card set called "The Lost Art Promotion".

This set contains a single card and it's the original Japanese design for Monster Reborn

finally released in English.

The card currently only has a placeholder release date of January 1st 2018 but, a European

Konami representative has spoken about the set over on the Yu-Gi-Oh Reddit page, saying:

"We'll have more information on The Lost Art Promotion in the near future on,

which will explain how you can get this card."

What this news means is that not only are Western Yu-Gi-Oh players finally able to get

their hands on the original Japanese design, but this could potentially open the doors

for Konami to release other card designs that have previously been unreleased in the West.

For instance, perhaps one day Magi Magi Magician Gal will see a Western release too, a Dark

Magician Girl variant that was released in Japan way back in 2011 and is heavily rumoured

to have not been released in the West, due to the artist not wanting his artwork to be


No further information is currently known on the set, with it only just being revealed,

but this will definitely be something to keep an eye on.

What cards would you most like to see finally get a Western release with the original artwork?

Let us know what you think in the comments below and, until next time, thank you for


For more infomation >> Konami Is Releasing An Uncensored Monster Reborn - Duration: 2:41.


DS DS 4 1.2 PureTech Chic ( Navigatie - Automatische Airco - Parkeersensoren V + A) - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> DS DS 4 1.2 PureTech Chic ( Navigatie - Automatische Airco - Parkeersensoren V + A) - Duration: 1:00.


What Could Go Wrong with Time Travel? | NowThis Nerd - Duration: 11:08.

Hey guys, I'm Dev and I've never hosted a How to Kill video,

but I've been blown away by your response to our series.

Do you need to know how to kill Michael Myers?

No, but we're proud of that fact that we taught you how.

We love making these movie trope survival guides,

and today, we're expanding them.

Doc, are you telling me you built a time machine out of a DeLorean?

Because that friendly old scientist who asked you to feed their dog might be a much bigger threat than a maniac in a mask.

Now, unless you've got about six degrees from MIT,

You're probably not gonna be the person who discovers time travel. Sorry.

But there might just come a day when your dad's favorite comedian shows up with a magic phone booth,

and wants to drag you along for the ride.

Catch you later, evil dude!

So, if you find yourself standing on the precipice of time and space, stop.

Take a moment.

You've got a time machine, so there's no rush.

And ask yourself

What Could Possibly Go Wrong With Time Travel?

In short? A lot.

You've got to be pretty damn sharp to shatter the space-time continuum,

but all the overachievers who invent time machines

can't seem to wrap their big brains around the dire consequences of their actions.

- Is this normal? - I don't know!

I can't blame them entirely, though, we're dealing with some pretty heady concepts.

It travels forward only towards the B end, and when it gets there the feed runs down parabolically until it just stops,

but it doesn't, it curves back around towards the A end.

Including the most mind-boggling misfortune of all,

the terrifying

Temporal Paradox.

If you change the past in a way that contradicts the future,

like going back in time to kill your own grandpa,

it creates a paradox... basically, an impossible situation.

If granddad dies before he conceives your father,

that means you'll never be born.

But if that's the case, how could you have gone back in time to whack him in the first place?

This is heavy!

Let's get this out of the way, the space-time continuum doesn't handle inconsistencies well,

And if you're not careful, you might be erased from existence entirely.

Prime example: Marty in 'Back to the Future.'

But even that's getting off easy.

In 'Part 2,' Doc warns of an even worse fate if the gang were to meet their future selves:

The encounter could create a time paradox, the results of which could cause a chain reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space-time continuum and destroy the entire universe!

Think about it:

What if the older Jennifer thought her younger version was an intruder and shot her?

Oh please, Mr. Strickland, I just wanna know what the hell is going on!

Or she simply bashed her own head on a rock when she fainted?

If young Jen dies, that means there's no future Jennifer around to kill her,

potentially causing a cosmic collapse.

Great Scott!

It's scary stuff, and if you're dead-set on assassinating your ancestors,

your best hope is the multiverse theory.

Sometimes, creating an impossibility just splits the timestream into two universes.

Our time is fractured. You two somehow created a feedback loop of uncertainty that split our reality into two equally possible impossibilities.

The moment you kill your grandpa,

it creates a parallel existence where you were never born.

But what if your meddling was always part of the cosmic plan?

When John Connor orders Kyle Reese back in time to protect/bang his mom,

that didn't erase some other father from the timeline.

John's entire existence is a causal loop.

This is deep.

He's born, survives Judgment Day, and sends Kyle Reese back to do to the nasty in the pasty.

Then, the whole thing repeats itself.

If you don't send Kyle, you can never be. God, a person could go crazy thinking about this.

Just like how Philip J. Fry was always supposed to go to Roswell and become his own grandfather,

Ooh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm My Own Grampa!

Let's get the hell out of here already. Screw history!

Or how Bruce Willis inadvertently creates the Rainmaker when tries to kill him as a boy in 'Looper.'

You let this boy live, he's gonna take everything you've got. I've seen what he becomes!

I haven't seen that yet.

In a causal loop, history accounts for everything, including your time travel.

You can't change the past, because you always will have already gone back there.

Really, the biggest victim of a causal loop is grammar,

so if you're in the right kind of universe, there's nothing to fear from a paradox.

But that still doesn't mean time travel is a great idea.

You've got to watch out for the


When you mess with the timestream,

you put a big old target on your back,

I got something for your ass! Don't mess with time!

Especially if you're up to no good.

I will mess with time!

In 'Primer,' a couple of engineers manipulate the stock market using some extremely convoluted time travel.

They make some serious bank, but after the inevitable shenanigans,

multiple copies of people are running around in the same 4-day period.

The universe can't handle the strain,

and the characters' brains start to degenerate in response to their impossible existence.

If that's too subtle, how about some spooky flying monsters?

The Reapers from 'Doctor Who' act as the timeline's white blood cells,

devouring anything and anyone associated with a paradox,

Kinda like Stephen King's Langoliers.

Now if giant CGI pac-men aren't scary enough,

a lot of time-travelling societies use human law enforcement to keep the timestream intact.

'Star Trek' has some pretty strict rules about temporal meddling,

not that anyone in Starfleet seems to give a shit.

The Temporal Prime Directive. The less I know about the future, the better.

But you definitely don't want to break the laws of physics in the world of 'Timecop.'

In the distant sci-fi future of 2004, there are only two uses for time travel:

Going back to rob ancient treasure,

Would you please give me the gold?

and sending heavily armed kickboxing cops after the bandits.

I know you think you're cute swiping that sports almanac from the future,

but when your alternatives are a dystopian nightmare where your arch nemesis is married to your mom,


or a kick in the face from Jean-Claude van Damme,

Just reconsider.

But if you're still insistent on changing the timeline, you stubborn bastard,

you'd better be aware of

The Butterfly Effect

This is gonna cost me.

The concept originated from Ray Bradbury's story 'A Sound of Thunder,'

Where a time-travelling tourist messes up big time by accidently stomping on a prehistoric butterfly,

leading to a drastically different earth millions of years later.

It seems like an insignificant change, but that butterfly could have pollinated a plant that was eaten by a mammal that was lunch for a dinosaur, that had an audition for 'Jurassic Park...'

What a dick!

The slightest change to the past can result in wildly unforeseen consequences.


One wrong move, and the next thing you know we're living in a world where hamburgers eat people.

Ironically, the movie named after 'The Butterfly Effect' has an extremely weak understanding of the concept.

The main character travels through his own life,

making some pretty huge changes to the timeline,

but the fallout really only affects him and his friends.

You have to change everyone else's life again? Is that it?

Maybe next time you'll pop up in some mansion while I end up in Tijuana doing some donkey act.

Every time I try to help someone, everything just goes to shit.

Don't give up now, slick.

If stomping on an insect results in global fascism,

I think Ashton Kutcher strangling himself in the womb would have some bigger repercussions.

The Butterfly Effect is why you shouldn't even dream about de-posing a despit while you're flying through time.

Hey, I get it.

You wanna kill Hitler.

I wanna kill Hitler.

Hang on! I just want to make one stop!


Everyone wants to go back in time and kill Hitler before his rise to power.

But even with your noble intentions,

you just can't change something that huge and expect the same world when you return.

Nine times out of ten, you're gonna wind up with an apocalypse on your hands.

In '11.22.63,' James Franco successfully prevents Kennedy's assassination,

Jack Kennedy here. Secret Service tells me that, ah, my wife and I owe you our lives. Thank you.

but it turns out JFK's second term wouldn't have gone so well.

I don't understand. I thought JFK would have made things better.

If you're ever tempted, just remember Abe Simpson's advice:

If you ever travel back in time, don't step on anything! Even the tiniest change can alter the future in ways you can't imagine!

And if you're still gonna go through with it, you rebellious bastard,

you can always make like Homer and keep messing around until you create a future that's close enough for comfort.

Foolish Earthling. Totally unprepared for the effects of time travel!

Scientists a lot smarter than Homer have done some serious damage to history,

and by now you should be well aware of the risks.

But what's

The Best Case Scenario?

Has anyone figured out the right way to time travel?

And how the hell did they do it?

If you ask me, no one's ever done it better than two San Dimas stoners named:

I'm Bill S. Preston, Esquire!

And I'm Ted 'Theodore' Logan! Yeah!!!

And we're WYLD STALLYNS!!!

During the course of their Excellent Adventure, Bill and Ted pretty much ignore every single rule of time travel.


They carelessly pluck historical figures out of their own times just to pass a homework assignment,

with zero regard for the Temporal Prime Directive.

They're not worried Beethoven is going to succumb to present-day diseases he has no antibodies for,

they just want to rock and roll.

Bill, my friend?

Yes, Ted, my friend?

This has been a most excellent adventure.

One! Two! One, two, three, four!

You should also pay close attention to the clever ways Bill and Ted use causal loops to their advantage.

The heroes of the story don't actually have to worry about anything,

as long as they remember to go back in time after the happy ending and leave all that stuff where they needed it.

After the report, we'll time travel back to two days ago, steal your dad's keys and leave them here!


I dunno. How about behind that sign? That way, when we get here now, they'll be waiting for us. See?

Woah, yeah!

Without any care for the chronological consequences,

Bill and Ted ace the report, find true love, and reshape society in their image.

Y'see, eventually, your music will help put an end to war and poverty. It will align the planets into universal harmony, allowing meaningful contact with all forms of life.

And it's excellent for dancing.

Then, they conquer death itself in the sequel.

Maybe that's the real secret to time travel.

Don't concern yourself with paradoxes, predestination, or that pesky problem of free will.

Just have fun with it.

Rules are meant to be broken, after all,

but in order to break them,

you need to know them first.

So stay tuned to NowThis Nerd in the future,

or in the past,

for the next time we tackle that all-important question:

'What could go wrong?'

Hey guys, thanks for watching! I'm really excited about our new

series, and I want to know 'What Could Go Wrong' next. Cloning?

First contact? Talking to animals? Let us know in the comments below

what you want to see, and as always, please subscribe to NowThis Nerd.

For more infomation >> What Could Go Wrong with Time Travel? | NowThis Nerd - Duration: 11:08.


WE NEED MORE POWER! | Human Fall Flat [Ep 2] - Duration: 16:46.

Kenny uses be really I'm supervising like you need to hit this turn what's

going on guys welcome to GG baby get good Jamie oh good good good good

today we're playing human Paul fart and that the object of the game is that we

have to use our controllers it's really awkward to control so we have to all

together as one get through this course if we help each other the faster we get

through the course I guess then help me must we won't Oh somebody fall on the

pole that's me arrested you just don't wait back up

do we have to jam the fan no no oh yeah okay

let me grab these cables for you we need the cables I'm doing red can you grab

the other side I got all the okay hang on wait officer booty I'll grab it or

two here we go let's go wait map what is that doing I'm helping

looks like Rorschach Rorschach's from what's his friend what's it called okay

stick it in there commentary okay we're good alright alright coop these things

like it in oh my god you guys wait Mike oh they're getting tangled over here I

gotta get this matter as long as they work I know that I know you don't grab

we're not that dexterous so give me that like oh it's like okay I'm taking

you to it Matt there you go I helped you I did it now

magic magicians oh all right I want to grab this we got like a generator over

here no don't unplug it oh oh yeah man no I didn't all right here we go I

plugged it in the wrong hole there we go oh you're smart I'll talk to you in the

head of it what are you trying to do here plug it in dog when you pull it


all right here we go there for sure

coordination kind of guy I'm not I step on the button no this way all right how

do I go oh no Paul I'm gonna turn I can't

I literally cannot get over there The Doors won't open for me I'm stuck just

die you're unplugged that unplug the door okay once you cut the right lock

how do I employed you that's his head on the gate okay pull purple didn't work

that's not blue are you black contender Kyle I got it okay Connor thanks for

fixing it man oh wait oh we're over here now yeah

we're like halfway done with this level no no not there we go okay open it open

it I want to get hurt with your dance my

heart if I get away from that Matt oh oh wait it's not working we need one power

all right over here cables I got I got a call you're red okay I have every that's

my Bible but I'm giving him a wedgie once I'm giving Paul you're glued to my

but I let me hit the heart all right here we go

lefty loosey you wanna do that to me again Matt why is this door okay I'm

gonna grab both of the wires and I'm gonna do this myself since I'm the man

okay I'm gonna grab one wire hey I'll get the button all right I'll go through

the door get in there you got it - you've got it sweetheart rope in there

this is I have this problem with myself before okay it's just they not plugged

in Tara's on there I got it open it I'm a genius okay oh yeah check

this act like we're just hanging out dude nice dude all right hit the lever I

missed oh we need that box Oh Matt we need the box Matt wait why the box are

you gonna go ever hit the lever when I got you I got you hit the lever a scenic

route it is oh wait wait ever I know Matt for watch no wait whoa

yeah okay so go grab them I gotta put the Box on the thing yeah oh nice job

see now I got another lover over here no yeah but I need you to get me - no no

wait wait come it's not gonna work I don't commit Kobe

see now you're good okay yeah yeah oh okay oh nice

okay I got it I got you I got you Tara is all you do is realize because you

have to be able to say that matter come on come on come on oh no oh gosh back on

the mat hold you down I did something I made it split screen wait oh I'm

swinging you guys oh no how come you guys I broke my game I I'm to people

that Eagles to peeps we fixed the problem before I got the box you guys

leave me alone no I never will on you long hold on

open the door Matt's on my neck again

can't we do it now we got this guy over here oh yeah you come back here Becky

okay I'll work it on the box okay okay okay we're wait what

on the right that's the left you're all right yeah oh it's the left there we go

okay oh it's making me walk on it some crabby no Paul I'm stuck yeah a response

okay we're so Gucci I got no this one's like mac and cheese you making mac and

cheese in the office all right turn it on turn it on turn it on yeah I just saw

because you guys I have another one say my arm is stuck guys

my arm is done someone's actually making mac and cheese out it really smells like

it oh I thought Connor farted right up yeah oh okay mention it get the

candles Oh what chair here I need prayer all right

we need the cables obviously booty okay I got one I got one cable no I was

trying to do the same thing no car I got a loyal I'm reaching for the other

one Matt get up there and grab the other case I'm drunk I'm jobless epic thing

I've ever seen it's Connor trying to get this cable hey let me give you a boost

bud why can't I get it no I just jumped

guys like you're not long someone's making popcorn what so I'm doing my own

holy God that's coming with you be careful it's invisible another one I'm

gonna catch you I'm gonna catch you okay well don't pull yet no we're

getting our Gucci alright alright son did something right for once okay what

do you mean what do you mean moving on okay dump truck oh good okay I call

backseat I called Roger I got the rocks I don't need the rocks okay alright you

mean your co-pilot rocks because these are teen things both OH all right who's

driving there we go all right baby steer correctly

what'd you just do control don't get your way I'm controlling Matt timing

this spoiler I'm supervising I've got the down for you guys I think we got

this one from dump truck to garbage truck really I am trying to do it slower

I guess oh wait there's one down here this is - it's like hey we're good

already here but we also drive together that was a learning experience

I call dibs on this one oh wait do we not need to use it anymore we're doing

in here the depth oh we need okay we got a little DS up my legs Tavis somebody's

doing would ya leave that leave that leave it leave it I'm throwing it out oh

it's time to torch that's a torch welcome to Minecraft baby all right get

back in your seat boys Lisa gotta say I'm more coal coming in I got some

supervising to do man I need you to get back on the ignition I just leave it at

that throttle and we're saying getting the battery you bottle down more if you

want now you need to throw all that down or else I don't have to go ahead and

write you up over here okay I'm doing a good job you're blocking me in there's a

slope oh there you go man that's talking about living it whippin it whippin the

Rex no I stayed I like it here we go where's Connor uh-oh Oh Matt you might

want to slow down trying to draw the other proper or Matt

get a little swervy oh gosh oh never give up I'm succeeding Connor is trying

to drive the other trucks eat any uses be really I'm supervising that's cuz I'm

sure you need to hit this turn I'm I need you to slow down on the ignition

for me no more throttle guy said coming around the corner he's back up I have a

torch oh I've got the backup it's like with the Olympic guns he's gonna make

the gap I'm gonna jump guys I'm jumped again carter hard work we're

good am i okay i I made it okay give me that torch to my stop it stop it stop

salad guys it's like we're going really fast saw the smoke coming out I have a

try but yous got in my way okay so we got other parties yeah I think we have

to load up the these levers oh we can oh so we're supposed to put the colon and

then we use the torch to light them all right I was just gonna toss them out

alright gonna save so much time whatever is good don't go in Matt Matt no Matt no

we don't need that one in there it's good

Matt's you're just gonna burn yourself to let him die why I got stuck I got

stuck though guys I'm getting hot okay I'll end you let me enjoy the host cage


can somebody help me lift yes wait these fans guys you're ready to close it we

got to close it guy Zach what's going on let's try to put Matt oh I closed it

genius no no stop stop

no life is going and the pipes going through the ground shit so I'm assuming

air oh oh oh oh yeah I got it okay oh my gosh okay look oh no this is the

fan guys okay butts blows oh my god out it's kind of float okay you're a dead

weight holding this is the symbol for the end of the map

okay I'm chillin I'm hanging out I'm not going anywhere I'm hanging out fella

we're not gonna make it okay then the ledge on the other side you got it there

you go nice there you go there you go there's

your little legs up it's a little okay oh you know cause like oh okay okay now

you got a jump in land on the label over there okay yeah okay

I'm asked to do the guy's all right ah nice all right there's a Ledge below you

that you gotta grab oh you gotta grab me give me the guys you guys we gotta go

Tanner's on my butt and you guys gotta grab him Kay and we're all going in

together grab my butt grab on guys we're going over everyone pull up pull it up

and come on here we go Oh together take yeah oh yeah

I don't play yes see this video right here that is the last time that we play

he would fall flat a lot of fun go check it out let us know if you enjoyed this

right here is a video that YouTube recommends just for you and if you guys

are new here go ahead and hit that subscribe button down below and the bell

icon right next to it pink right there is that'll notify you every time we

upload GG gg

For more infomation >> WE NEED MORE POWER! | Human Fall Flat [Ep 2] - Duration: 16:46.



For more infomation >> MARRIAGE NIGHTMARE !!! CHUTKI EPISODE PART 2 !! - Duration: 10:44.


How to Crochet My Mini Bag - DIY Tutorial - Easy Handbag Purse Clutch Bolsa Borsa - Duration: 10:41.

Hi I'm Donna Wolfe from Today i'll show you how to crochet my

mini bag. The written pattern is on I am using 225 yards

of size 18 nylon crochet thread, a one-inch button and an F crochet hook.

By the way be sure to click on the subscribe button to get notified of new

videos from me each week. To begin make a slipknot and chain 33. Make 3 single

crochet stitches in the second chain from the hook, and mark that first stitch.

Tthen make 1 single crochet in each chain across except for that last chain.

In that last chain make three single crochet stitches. Pivot your work a bit

and make one single crochet on the opposite side of that starting chain.

Keep going up that chain. We'll be working in spiral crochet so for round two just

make one half double crochet in that first stitch and then mark it. Now just

continue by making one half double crochet around all of the stitches. As

you can see we're making somewhat of an oval shape. It will be normal for your

work to curl inwards a bit.

For the next round take out your stitch marker and continue by making one half

double crochet around. Always mark your first stitch so you know where you


Keep going around and around until you achieve a total of 21 rounds which

should equal about 8 inches. With spiral crochet it has a slant so you're ending

stitch might not be precisely at a corner. Just add a few more half double

crochet stitches until you reach the nearest corner. By the way wanted to give

a shout out to my good friend Kathy who runs an awesome Facebook crochet group.

Be sure to join the ELK Studio Crocheters group, which is one of my favorite groups

to hang out in. Now the purse flap. Turn over your work and figure out where

thirty-one stitches would be centered, then mark the first one and the last one

with a paperclip. Slip stitch over to the paperclip. Now we're going to do the star

stitch so if you need extra help be sure to check out my star stitch video on

YouTube. To do the star stitch draw up one loop in the next five stitches so

that you have six loops on your hook, yarn over and draw through all six loops.

Chain one. Next star - insert hook under the chain then along the side loop of

the stitch then at the base of that stitch. Then one loop from the next two

stitches. Draw through all loops. Chain one. And here it is again - insert hook

under the chain then along the side loop of the stitch then at the base of that

stitch then one loop from the next two stitches. Draw through all loops. Chain

one. Continue this across the row. When you get near the end do your last star

stitch like this.

And then in your marked stitch make one half double crochet, chain two, and turn

your work. Now you'll make two half double crochet stitches in what's called

the eye of the star stitch. It's where you originally made that chain one. Continue

with these two half double crochet stitches across the row.

At the end you'll need to make two half double crochet stitches in the side loop

of the end of the previous row's star.

Chain three and turn your work. Now this next row is a bit different with

starting the stars. Draw up a loop from the second and third chain then one loop

from the next three stitches and pull through. Chain one. Now you'll just

continue with your normal star stitches across the row again.

And at the end do your last star stitch.

And in the very last loop make one half double crochet, chain two, and turn. Do

your two half double crochet stitches in the center of each star stitch from the

previous row. At the end, remembe, two half double crochet stitches. Chain three

and turn your work. You'll continue to repeat rows 3 and four for a total of 14

rows for the flap. Once completed you can add an edging. Chain one and turn your

work. Just do a single crochet edging along the flap's bottom. For the

buttonhole I stop in the middle and chain five or six

then continue on with your single crochet stitches around the flap. I like

to put three single crochet stitches in the corners. Now move up the flap like


For the handles I like to stop with my edging here and chain 160. Then I single

crochet the chain to the other side of the purse. Then I just loosely slip

stitch along the chain back to the original part of the handle. And I

continue on with single crocheting along the inner edge and around the flap.

By the way if you're on social media you can also find me on Facebook Instagram

Pinterest and Twitter. I have videos on how to line a purse - but the easiest is

to take two pieces of craft felt and cut it the size of your bag.

Then either hand sew or machine sew along the three edges. Place the sewn

felt inside of the bag and then hand sew it along the edge of the bag. You can

purchase tassel kits for adding tassels to purses. And here's my mini bag. I hope

this video has helped you. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel and like

and comment on this video. Check out the video's description and the info button.

Also this video has both closed captions and auto translated subtitles. And please

visit for more tips and tricks on Creative Self-Sufficient


For more infomation >> How to Crochet My Mini Bag - DIY Tutorial - Easy Handbag Purse Clutch Bolsa Borsa - Duration: 10:41.



For more infomation >> TEACHING MY GIRLFRIEND SCOOTER TRICKS! *TAILWHIPS* - Duration: 15:32.



For more infomation >> WHAT IS LOVE? - LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP | LOBELO - Duration: 3:30.


Top 5 Best Looking Indie Games to Watch - January 2018 - Duration: 7:41.

hi everybody and welcome to get indie gaming and to our first episode of the

new year where we examine a selection of indie games out this month that you may

want to keep an eye out for amongst those featured in what's usually a

fallow month for such launches we've a comic book caper a game that's been

seven years in the making and a new title from the team behind towerfall

ascension before we dive into these and in keeping with the tradition of the

series has take a few moments to view this month's honorable mentions with

over three thousand eight hundred and fifty six possible story branches

meanwhile is a faithful adaptation of Jason Sugar's choose your own comic book

first published back in 2010 there are no puzzles per se rather than your

understanding of the story and what you do is up to you as you approach each

panel every time a story branches it's up to you to decide where to go coming

out in early access next up hero is a tough-as-nails 2d action game inspired

by the arcades of back in the day those sort of evenings where you spend too

much of your pocket money on games you had no chance of ever beating in railway

Empire you will create an elaborate and wide-ranging rail network you'll be able

to purchase over 40 different trains and they're all modeled in extraordinary

detail you will be able to build railway stations factories tourist attractions

and maintenance buildings anything to keep your travel network ahead of the

competition with those honorable mentions covered off let's crack on in

to this month's top five seven years in development from the indie developer

Yocum Sandberg iconoclasts features a so-called renegade hammer and wrench

wielding mechanic called Robin where you'll find yourself in a world of

awesome action funny hijinks and an emotional journey of deeply personal

storytelling players will find a world where a sinister religious authority

called the one concern has taken over the government and only allows licensed

mechanics to work their trade being self-taught and without having the

relevant government paperwork the soldiers of the one concern

hell-bent on taking Robin out of the equation with intricate puzzles ten

locations interesting characters and twenty or so menacing bosses all set

within a beautiful-looking platform adventure iconoclasts underlying themes

related issues of faith self purpose and the challenges inherent with helping

other people it's expected a launch january 23rd and come on the PC and

PlayStation 4 there's a demo on the games website available to play now

a theic Eanes and team 17s highly anticipated my time in porsche launches

within the early access on Steam this January 23rd players will take control

of a young protagonist at the very edges of civilization within a town called

Porsche the goal of the game is the rather quaint notion of going about and

building the best tool man's work ship within the land while doing so you'll be

able to enjoy a spot of dungeon-crawling farm cultivation home building and a

full battle system to keep you occupied in a curious twist to part of the game's

relationship system NPCs you form a close bond with will have the capacity

to feel jealousy should you choose to spend time with others or even engage

with in extramarital activities they're said to be certain consequences if you

go down this route so it's probably best to plan such encounters somewhat wisely

console ports are expected later on in the second half of the year

we last took a look at inner space this month's number three a few years ago

following its successful round of Kickstarter funding this was back in

2014 and since then the team behind it Poli Knight have been beavering away

with the game launching this January the 16th in what feels and semi looks like

something that might have come from that game company the developers are keen to

stress this one's not like other flying games the developers have warned via

their steam page we want to reward exploration both in terms of

storytelling and the mechanics of flight if you're expecting the traditional

flight sim with aerial combat this might not be for you however if you like the

idea of a plane that transforms into a submarine and then dives inside the

belly of an ancient demigod you're in the right place well in any case in a

space looks an awesome thing and hopefully its exploration and discovery

gameplay makes a worthwhile experience this'll hit the steam store and all of

the major consoles coming out on January the 22nd the red strings Club is a

cyberpunk adventure concerning social engineering and a shady global mega

court that seemingly brought about the end of depression and anxiety with the

development of their social psych welfare not everyone however is bought

into this a dodgy bar key an Android gone rogue and a freelance hacker think

this to be a sinister form of brainwashing and they're looking to

bring it down the team's previous game gods will be watching had players take

morally questionable actions and the red stream club has hints of something

equally as dark reading between the lines this one's liable to be an intense

account about the experiences of happiness and what lengths are

permissible to achieve it

at the number one slot for the first month of the year and having already

featured in our top 40 indie games video to watch out for

we have Celeste from Matt makes game the team best known for their co-op action

platformer towerfall ascension in what the devs are describing as a hardcore

mountain climbing platformer it's a narrative driven single-player with

simple and accessible controls you play as a girl looking to get to the top of

the titular named Celeste mountain in doing so you'll need to find a way

through over 600 screens of various platforming challenges and devious

secrets Eurogamer and Engadget have compared

Celeste difficulty to that of Super Meat Boy this will no doubt delight and

frustrate players in equal measure Celeste will be available via the steam

store and all of this generations consoles at a date sometime this month

which is yet to be disclosed when launch will most likely to pick this one up for

the switch as it seems a perfect game to play while you're out and about or on

the daily commute then with that thanks for watching please stay tuned and

subscribe to get indie gaming for more indie game video goodness hope to see

you all again here soon for another video

For more infomation >> Top 5 Best Looking Indie Games to Watch - January 2018 - Duration: 7:41.


え!?コレめっちゃうまいやんっ!って顔するハムスター!おもしろ可愛いハムスター It is very good! A hamster that faces! - Duration: 2:08.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> え!?コレめっちゃうまいやんっ!って顔するハムスター!おもしろ可愛いハムスター It is very good! A hamster that faces! - Duration: 2:08.


Pres. Donald Trump, Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg hold joint news conference | ABC News - Duration: 30:50.

For more infomation >> Pres. Donald Trump, Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg hold joint news conference | ABC News - Duration: 30:50.


Farming Simulator 17 New Baling Technology Mods - Duration: 13:49.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some New mods you can use to Make And Transport Bales.

MAN TGS Bale Transport Autoload 2 Engine Setup Colorable Rims 80Km/h Top Speed

X Key Autoload Z Key Select Cargo B Key Select Unload Center N Key Add / Remove Bale Cover

NEW HOLLAND BALER PACK Incudes Reskined New Holland BB1290 Baler New Holland Roll Belt150

JCB Fastrac 3000 Xtra DH 3 Engine Setup 8 Wheel Setup Too Many Design Setup Colorable Body And Rims 70 Km/h Top Speed

Ic Control Dynamic hoses

B Key Add Wheight x Key Remove Weight

I will also use the Krone Big M And Follow me mod To make and collect Grass Bales.

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 New Baling Technology Mods - Duration: 13:49.


Shayna Baszler makes her NXT in-ring debut tonight on WWE Network - Duration: 0:29.

[SOUND] Shayna Baszler is a dangerous human being.

[SOUND] Can anybody slow down Shayna Baszler?

[SOUND] >> Tonight,

Shayna Baszler- >> The Submission Magician!

>> Debuts.

NXT, tonight 8, 7 central on WWE Network.

For more infomation >> Shayna Baszler makes her NXT in-ring debut tonight on WWE Network - Duration: 0:29.


NEGEV NEW PRO META? STEWIE2K CSGO'd! CS:GO Twitch Clips! - Duration: 10:59.


Your squad - all by the gaps okay guys full- I let's go. I don't know I don't know if they're down

I can't yeah, I'm gonna report back to you all they have got fallen against beautiful, but I'm going to

I'm really excited. We go well. They're gonna spray for the door

This is sensational plays it's really unreal. Oh my god. Don't like this you hate to see it

Not like this. It was very it was such a good

We were - ugh if this tactical maneuver were to come out in the major in a couple weeks time

But we've seen it now then against the absolutist off of the never-ending bullet begin a duel and team bother are gonna take


Nice job a little luck, but nice job

We take those

day late and a dollar short dazzles able to turn and

Stop him leaving hiko alone one p3 to keep him alive in this map of inferno one down more to go

But he's a fresh magazine looking for the next, and he's got it one on one right now the bombs down on the site

But there's plenty of time you need to expend all this utility just to recover this long

It's for the luck through the smoke

Its aggression from ace through it recovering in a day now when he code takes a1 b3 to keep Rogue alive

Are you happy now Moses and backup and that is the reason why they haven't gone for it

And it's slightly outside of the stables it's not on the inside where you think they'd be able to easily

Secure it and then try to turn this around towards another site. They can't even do that anymore either times way, too

Low they're stuck here, they're committed to it, and they're working off a very last amount of Intel hiko finally spots one

But Wardell on the repeat could heaven takes him out he finds a tree

But he's only got eight seconds slow time knows his opponents going away from him because he has no time to get this up to

the site oh

Not me

He heard him plan I guess he thought he had enough time to do it

Lovely pink blue is your buddy cheating or something I'm teaching you how to be incredibly there

It's for you guys on the ground bit tough for guys on the ground

It's the first time I ever tried the five different Nate's from underground in what will happen?

Pete's window I'd like to him he's jumping off to me. He's like

Just after a while and take on me or something

Probably tell us min though that means one more

What a comeback link on the team that kind of shuffle is

Massive Wow who knows her sources yeah anything khatoun I mean here. He is he's picking up kill after kill with you

I'll become even an offer he's just like I found this gun laying around I guess I'll use it

I just keeps swinging back and forth they can't kill him. Hey, this is an ace clutch

Powdering bottoms isn't it yeah?

That's quite a nice performance

And I mean that's kind of been the effective roles cuz I mean we were talking about the discipline of agios like although stay right

In their spots they finally leave that a little bit, and they get punished for it

This is a 1v5 turn to 1v2 ladies and gentlemen against two offs. Oh my goodness. It's a 1v1

snatchy alone a geo blinked for a second and

Just gave up that dedication to their spots and gave calyx a chance right here

It was a 1 V 3 4 space soldiers now it's a 1v1. I thought it was one of you 5, I'm outta

Here you all right. What am I talking about excuse me Bob?

Mistaken here. Oh, it's balanced. It's bigger than this calyx now needs the ace

It would be a huge clutch, but a punishing one too

Because even though he might win it and he does an impressive ace 1v5 clutch


Ress look into me. I know you're watching the stream. You don't strange snipe, okay. I know you need it

Yeah, and it looks very promising 14 Freiburg at this point CT retake begins you might as well go for like we said it 16

K money is not an issue here first crack comes in from Isaac he gets one they find a second at the same time lovely

Work, there's only one player remaining now, but it's gonna be Freiburg. He's coming in from this side

He can see the bump with the connector bombs ticking down can the captain of?

Hey da sir. He delivers again Freiburg wins the first round of overtime and team Sweden are elated

Gonna be guys with you once you cool trick they were giving off now. I have an e key can't wait though

That's the guy still you needed others window you just get ready right yeah

See that's the first time that ever happened you exactly where he was now gonna try a new CT spawn

Simple reads that like a book electronic right up against the wall the spray transfer. It's beautiful and even gets a third onto it

Big-time play for the young guy and passes left alone into the bombsite

With nothing to do he has the bomb and I guess here. It's just be patient hope no one realizes

You're here, and kind of find an awkward timing, but no electronic who else finds him in the end


Normally call those. We're having a rough game two or three eco frags indistinct

Okay, the Reg is working I can filled their bullets hissing. It's all coming together

It's all just be a ramp ramp IV push, so have a chance now to get the frogs we just mentioned in chat

That is what you want to see an ace to this point really would pick him up and allowed to get into the game properly

He takes down for the Bombers down list at this point my son. Where'd we just wanted to dive the ACE yet the ACE, buddy?

Stepping up when he needs to the cup grated pistols

That's all they've got to work with they'll take a deep breath and make their way towards the a bomb site

They do

Manage to at least find some footing in towards the site I stack no no to be the most secure player on the Polish side

But he is keeping the dream alive

They will find a couple of frags here Isaac

Goes down needs to make sure he hits those shots two versus two but Hamsi and stoke

The two younger players Hamza was certainly dead back down. He goes Graham drop. That's a very effective molotov now

Be soaked this could be a play

This be a massive play three kills and total takes down now for all

Now HP doesn't become a factor this doesn't have this information. He's gonna be worried that he's got at the AWP up against him

He's looking the wrong way Henry, so soaking up all the pressure here playing. I don't want sloping perfectly

I'm not sure there's a minute on the clock if he can find a more advantageous position here

He could do anything right now Henry. This guy. This kid this sixteen-year-old this clutch could be absolutely sensational

He can't believe what's about to happen here

He knows what this means if he wins this round

Team Sweden are back in the game so be a full eco victory that money will be strong we do need to note the list

Has now moved into a position where he only has to worry about one angle

This is a fantastic decision that you want to make in a 1v1. You don't want to be able to get isolated

You don't have to watch multiple angles at once so him sitting there

Near the garbage bin allows him to let

Sokka make the next move he's doing as the bomb on Henry two fingers gets left the good news is for this

He doesn't really have to do anything now

He can wait for him to plan he hides in CT spawn so has to stop making some noise now

He's got ten. Seconds doesn't funny calm has twice as much time

What is that?

One is that lievable chat I can't believe

Are you also under energies bhenchod? No I?

Mean I could be if I wanted to be but I didn't you'd have to pay me extra for that

For more infomation >> NEGEV NEW PRO META? STEWIE2K CSGO'd! CS:GO Twitch Clips! - Duration: 10:59.


South Korea president says Trump deserves "big" credit for North Korea talks - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> South Korea president says Trump deserves "big" credit for North Korea talks - Duration: 4:24.


Jörn Schlönvoigt: Seine Hanna wäre bei Geburt fast gestorben - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Jörn Schlönvoigt: Seine Hanna wäre bei Geburt fast gestorben - Duration: 1:52.


Congress to introduce new bill on DACA, border wall - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Congress to introduce new bill on DACA, border wall - Duration: 4:58.


CES 2018: Chip security in question - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> CES 2018: Chip security in question - Duration: 3:58.


🎹 Piano Type Rap Beat Instrumental || All B Guud 🎹 - Duration: 2:43.

Piano type rap hip hop beat instrumental

Purple Six Beats

Smooth piano rap beat instrumental

Type beat 2018

Emotional piano rap beat

For more infomation >> 🎹 Piano Type Rap Beat Instrumental || All B Guud 🎹 - Duration: 2:43.


Ford C-Max - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Ford C-Max - Duration: 0:49.


Taking an Old Toaster Apart - Duration: 4:47.

Before taking the toaster apart I decided to clean it

So I turn the toaster around and there are two screws in there and there

Okay, I've already ran into a problem. I have four screwdrivers right here and none of them fit

So I guess we are doing this the old-fashioned way

You guys seen how the thingy goes like this and

comes down here stays right here, and then when the you know time is up

Becomes cooked it pops right back up. That's the thing right here, this thing right here

Press down on it it stays down right there. That's the thing that actually sits there this, thing right here

Now you can see that a spring actually holds this up, right


So that's how that works now. What happens is the power supply this cable right here

coming down

from there, comes down right here this white cable, right there

What happens is, this right here is a Magnet and when this comes down,

Comes down. Yes. You see how that steel plate actually touches magnet

Yes, so this cable right here

This was connected to this dial, which tells how much time the bread needs to be cooked right and this cable right here

powers the magnet, I'm guessing and

Which this magnet stays powered as long depending on the time we set

So what happens is when this comes down right here. It touches the magnet and stays like this due to the magnetic power which only

Stays a magnet due to the electric current and as long as it stays right here. You see small

Thing I'll show you yeah, this one right here

one right

There this thing

See how it goes down. You know when I press this, that thing as well goes down

When it goes down

You see how there's this small gap right here

when this goes down

it touches it

See how it touches

Now the power cable not only supplies power to the magnet which makes it a magnet the power cable also supplies power to these two

these two

metallic pieces right here and when this thing goes down and

Touches the metallic plates, it provides power to these pieces as well, then to these wires right here

Which instead powers all the cables inside here. You'll see these cables right here

Becomes due to the power and resistance it becomes red-hot which in turn

You know cooks the bread so

that's how the

whole thing works

Thanks for watching guys. If you liked the video. Please do like the video, and if you really liked the video please subscribe so

Yeah, thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Taking an Old Toaster Apart - Duration: 4:47.


HOT NEWS!!! Lindsay Lohan Wants Batgirl Role, Launches Twitter Campaign - Duration: 3:17.

there has been a lot interest in the upcoming role of Warner Brothers Batgirl

with actresses revealing via interviews or social media that they'd like a crack

at the role Lindsay Lohan is the latest and she has taken it one step further by

trying to get her message out to director Joss Whedon through her Twitter

account previously Hailee Steinfeld expressed interest in the part in an

interview but Lohan is full-on campaigning for the role of Batgirl in

an aggressive manner hoping to get the attention of wettin Lindsay Lohan took

to Twitter over the weekend to say RT if I should star in the new Batgirl movie

and everyone tell Joss which was then punctuated it with the kissy face emoji

however the tweet is vague enough that it's possible Lohan is just campaigning

for any starring role in backburn rather than latecha their role Lindsay Lohan

did not speak any further about the matter but her tweet has amassed over

2,200 retweets since she put the message out there a quick glance at the

reactions in her Twitter feed show off a pretty mixed bag of positivity and

terrible negativity not much has been said about the bad girl movie since

March of 2017 when it was announced that Joss Whedon was attached to the project

a lot has happened in the world of DC since then and it isn't even clear if

the project is still in development at this time wedyn famously took over the

Justice League movie from Zack Snyder which led to some pretty sharp criticism

in addition the movie is considered to be a commercial bomb by those associated

with the movie and had also led to restructuring with and Warner Brothers

and DC to rethink their strategy from here on out Warner Brothers just

announced that Walter Hamada was stepping in to take charge of DC's movie

projects so hopefully we'll see some kind of forward movement in the next

handful of months there's always the possibility that some of these existing

in development projects could be cancelled and replaced with other ideas

depending on the outlook the Batgirl movie may be less likely to disappear

since it has Joss Whedon attached to it however another point of view might

place it as not happening for the very same reason plus there have been rumors

circulating that weddin is exiting the project with over 2,000 retweets there

are some people that would like to see Lindsay Lohan portray Barbara Gordon on

the big screen there have not been any official news updates about the project

since early last year so this project could very much be dead maybe Lohan's

excitement for the project comes from an insider's perspective that casting is

going to be taking place at this point it's impossible to tell seeing Lindsay

Lohan as Batgirl is pretty unlikely especially given that director Joss

Whedon has said that he wants to use an unknown actress for the role


For more infomation >> HOT NEWS!!! Lindsay Lohan Wants Batgirl Role, Launches Twitter Campaign - Duration: 3:17.


Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Were Literally Treated Like Pop Stars On Their Latest Royal Outing - Duration: 3:59.

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Were Literally Treated Like Pop Stars On Their Latest Royal

Outing, On Tuesday, throngs of screaming fans crowded outside a Brixton radio station in

hopes of catching a glimpse of Britain's

biggest stars.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's second official royal outing was about to be underway, but

based on the

mass hysteria and flurry of flashbulbs, you'd think Harry Styles was in town.

Business as usual for Prince Harry, no


Markle, on the other hand, couldn't stop smiling — seemingly (pleasantly) surprised by the

warm reception.

Kensington Palace shared a video of the couple's entrance via Twitter, and Harry might as well

be chopped liver in

comparison to the crowd's reaction to Markle.

All is relatively quiet while Harry and Markle are attentively engaging

with someone outside, but then Harry turns, points to crowd, and waves, encouraging Markle

to do the same.

As she pivots

to face the fans, they erupt with cheers, and her reaction can only be described as


She gives a small wave of

her own, and then quickly covers her mouth and wraps an arm around her waist before turning

back to the conversation —

almost as if she's visibly going "omg" on the inside.

After that, she basically can't stop beaming.

Rockstar status

officially achieved.

Of course, the newly-engaged royal couple weren't visiting Reprezent 107.3 FM at the

POP Brixton studios to debut a new

single on-air or announce a world tour — in fact, according to CEO and station founder,

Shane Carey, "[Harry and Markle]

were very clear they didn't want to be on the radio," he told People.

"But one thing they were very, very strong on,

which I quite liked actually, is that they wanted to talk to young people as much as


POP Brixton established the Reprezent training program in 2008, with hopes of helping British

youth develop professional

skills and gain music industry experience.

The program was a direct response to a spike in knife crimes at the time, and

it also focuses on socializing its participants through peer training and mentoring.

The Kensington Palace Twitter

account noted that Reprezent "[trains] hundreds of young people every year to develop useful

skills and help progress to

further education and employment opportunities," with over 4,000 trainees having gone through

the program to-date.

Carey (via People) also said that it was Harry and Markle themselves who approached him about

touring the station, after

they'd heard about Reprezent's work with The Queen's Young Leaders — an organization,

familiar to Harry, that "[aims] to

discover, celebrate & support young people from every corner of the Commonwealth who

are transforming their own lives and

the lives of others," according to the group's Facebook page.

While visiting the station, Harry and Markle popped in during a live broadcast, where Glory,

a 17-year-old, was DJing.

According to The Telegraph, at some point during a song, Harry "made Meghan laugh by

gesturing towards a CD mixer as if

he was about to start 'scratching' a track.'"

I don't know about you, but I'd pay good money to watch DJ Prince Harry

headline a set at Coachella.

And while the chances of that happening are slim-to-none, perhaps, at the very least,

the couple was able to score some

underground suggestions for "first dance" wedding tracks.

With their impending nuptials just a few months away, they no

doubt have plenty of planning to do, and it seems like the kids at Reprezent definitely

know what's up.

In the meantime,

I'll be over here keeping my fingers crossed that they take up Cardi B's offer to perform

at their royal reception.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Were Literally Treated Like Pop Stars On Their Latest Royal Outing - Duration: 3:59.


Top 10 Plan City Toys: LEGO ...

For more infomation >> Top 10 Plan City Toys: LEGO ...


For more infomation >> Top 10 Plan City Toys: LEGO ...


Brigitte Macron : finan­ciè­re­ment, elle n'a pas besoin de son mari - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron : finan­ciè­re­ment, elle n'a pas besoin de son mari - Duration: 2:10.


For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron : finan­ciè­re­ment, elle n'a pas besoin de son mari - Duration: 2:10.


catch n cook hmo ice episode 1 - Duration: 7:20.

Welcome to my catch and cook, on HMO ice, helped me outdoors

and This year I came with a new motto. It's staying healthy

and Peanuts and chicken breasts is a must!

Goes good with beer guys!

First ice 2017-2018

Going with the tungsten with the minnow head A1

First drop, let's see how it goes

We had a great time on the ice we caught way more than our limit, kept not even our limit and

extra bonus got a couple purch

These guys broke his rod

lets see your rod tou, lets see how good it looks now

Aren't off by Heating your pan on high heat with little oil

ingredients you are going to need are

4 to 5 sliced garlic cloves 2 teaspoon of crushed ginger

6 slice cherry tomatoes 1 diced roma tomato half a lemon

for green onions 7 thai parsley

7 sliced Thai chilies

lets gonna start cooking


at two tbsp oyster sauce

3 tbsp panda sauce 1 tbsp hoisin sauce

Tossing your green onion and parsley at this time turn down the heat to medium add half a tablespoon of 3 crab fish sauce

Right when you turn off the heat set it aside

then add in 2 portions of egg whites

Cooking on medium right before you serve it

Some people say it's just deep-frying, but there's something more special going on about double deep frying

Crunching goodness outside yet moist meat inside

Now We cooking!. If you haven't tried this technique before after watching this video. Don't just take my word for it

Give it a try double deep-fry everything your chicken your bananas your

Whatever, you know let me know how you like it

if it pretty good? it's very good!

alright this concludes my catch n cook video, gotta have a beer

Perch, my little chutney, original water rice

this is what i love about perch

here we go, ummm

So good words cant explain it, its crazy, cya tune in.

For more infomation >> catch n cook hmo ice episode 1 - Duration: 7:20.


For more infomation >> catch n cook hmo ice episode 1 - Duration: 7:20.


The Time I Realize Women Shouldn't Ask Men Out - Vlog Therapy N. 13 - Duration: 1:25.

Vlog Therapy N. 13.

I've been thinking about asking my neighbour out on a date.

We're always running into each other in the elevator and he's always flirting with me.

And he's funny, for what I can tell

so why not?

I mean, I've never actually asked a guy out before…

but I dunno,

I'm a woman in the 21st century.

I can do this.

Men do it … how hard can it be?

I couldn't do it.

We were in the elevator together

and we were talking

and I wanted to do it….

but the thought of it alone made me feel so exposed

and vulnerable

and then I started thinking "what if he says no?"

It's going to be humiliating,

and then the elevator doors opened and he left.

And I'm gonna be honest…

I don't really want to try that again.

I want to be a modern woman

I do

I want to be...


just .. maybe... not that evolved?

We've taken so much from men already…

they can have this one thing.

For more infomation >> The Time I Realize Women Shouldn't Ask Men Out - Vlog Therapy N. 13 - Duration: 1:25.


For more infomation >> The Time I Realize Women Shouldn't Ask Men Out - Vlog Therapy N. 13 - Duration: 1:25.


ÉPISODE 7 - La zakat et la fidya - Allo c'est l'imam - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> ÉPISODE 7 - La zakat et la fidya - Allo c'est l'imam - Duration: 2:00.


For more infomation >> ÉPISODE 7 - La zakat et la fidya - Allo c'est l'imam - Duration: 2:00.


Locals' favorites | Que faire à Berne ? - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Locals' favorites | Que faire à Berne ? - Duration: 2:05.


For more infomation >> Locals' favorites | Que faire à Berne ? - Duration: 2:05.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


France Gall : "La mort de Pauline m'a donné envie de me taire..." - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> France Gall : "La mort de Pauline m'a donné envie de me taire..." - Duration: 4:52.


I'm not a Robot / She's Not a Robot | Ep 23 Preview Clip | Min Kyu knows the truth now! → Eng - Duration: 0:41.

(I Am Not a Robot)

Do you want to be friends?

I don't have a girlfriend.

I started becoming greedy.

Who do you miss the most right now?

Kim Min Kyu.

If I tell him everything honestly,

do you think he'll forgive me and trust me again?

Do you miss me that much?

But I shouldn't do that, should I?

Gosh, there she is.

I'll explain everything.

Have you been lying to me until now?

For more infomation >> I'm not a Robot / She's Not a Robot | Ep 23 Preview Clip | Min Kyu knows the truth now! → Eng - Duration: 0:41.


The Time I Realize Women Shouldn't Ask Men Out - Vlog Therapy N. 13 - Duration: 1:25.

Vlog Therapy N. 13.

I've been thinking about asking my neighbour out on a date.

We're always running into each other in the elevator and he's always flirting with me.

And he's funny, for what I can tell

so why not?

I mean, I've never actually asked a guy out before…

but I dunno,

I'm a woman in the 21st century.

I can do this.

Men do it … how hard can it be?

I couldn't do it.

We were in the elevator together

and we were talking

and I wanted to do it….

but the thought of it alone made me feel so exposed

and vulnerable

and then I started thinking "what if he says no?"

It's going to be humiliating,

and then the elevator doors opened and he left.

And I'm gonna be honest…

I don't really want to try that again.

I want to be a modern woman

I do

I want to be...


just .. maybe... not that evolved?

We've taken so much from men already…

they can have this one thing.

For more infomation >> The Time I Realize Women Shouldn't Ask Men Out - Vlog Therapy N. 13 - Duration: 1:25.


え!?コレめっちゃうまいやんっ!って顔するハムスター!おもしろ可愛いハムスター It is very good! A hamster that faces! - Duration: 2:08.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> え!?コレめっちゃうまいやんっ!って顔するハムスター!おもしろ可愛いハムスター It is very good! A hamster that faces! - Duration: 2:08.


8K Time lapse from Cape Town, South Africa (2018) - Duration: 0:14.

♫ Ambient music ♫

For more infomation >> 8K Time lapse from Cape Town, South Africa (2018) - Duration: 0:14.


Cairns Airport pioneers of aviation - Duration: 8:19.

Are you not enjoying this as much. Maybe if you're coming into Cairns Airport give

yourself an extra 10 minutes and maybe send your wife off to get a coffee.

Can I go out there before we go on a plane?

You can go out there whenever you want babe. Excellent.

We're just here at Cannes Airport up here in Queensland tropical North

Queensland. Now this is an airport I haven't been to for probably about ten

years and it's changed loads. Lots more international flights coming this way so

I wanted to take a bit of a look around and check out the Qantas Club Lounge

that they have here as well. And just have a bit of a nosey around the terminal before we head back to Melbourne.

That's well worth looking at actually if you're coming to Cairns Airport and you

have a little bit of extra time then just as you come through the security

and take a left and a left as if you're heading towards the Qantas lounge and

this whole aviation pioneer section down here. It's got some cool information

about the people who flew out of Cairns when Cairns Airport

I think the first flight came out of Cairns Airport in 1914.

Can I get your thoughts on the Qantas Club at Cairns, what do you reckon?

It was nice and clean and bright. It's not the greatest coffee, you win some you lose some.

The views were good these were good out the window I like the views out that

window. There's not a lot of food options the views are better than Sydney and

Melbourne. Food options are ok but it's a smaller lounge so you're gonna expect to

get slightly less food options. But it was nice and quiet the Cairns terminal gets

quite busy as well this public terminal so if you're going to get into the

lounge here it's probably a good place to escape the crowds. How many stars?

Three and a half stars out of ten that's pretty harsh.

Okay dear airlines this is

one of my small bug bears with traveling is when the flight is now stated to

be boarding so it comes up as boarding on the on the boards in the lounge it

comes up as boarding on your phone and then you get to the gate and we're

clearly not boarding.

Now we're boarding now we're boarding so stop complaining.

Haven't seen one of those before that's a 737-300 a little Qantas Freight aircraft just come in from

Townsville this morning apparently. It's very small.

There's some beans I think maybe some rice

and some cauliflower and peas.

Yeah it's interesting one because you know I've said this before I do like to

book business class where we can because of the love the legroom the seats really

important but sometimes the food is nice too and

we did book a special vegetarian meal for this fly. It's not bad in it's own right

but I still don't get why do airlines insist on serving

curry, on a plane. I mean as like curried vegetables and

rice goes it's actually not too bad. It's quite tasty good flavor but it's curry.

On an airplane. You get really gassy.

I don't want that on a plane. Anyway we have bread and fruit

But again, the food itself is good I just think it's the wrong choice of food

that's all I'm saying so the curry itself in its own right.

Serving curry on a plane.

Another reason why I really like flying Qantas is the lady working in cabin crew today

realized that we weren't eating our currys and offered us an alternative.

So Jacq's got a salad and I've got some Vegemite from the galley, so I'm

going to make a vegemite toast.

Thank you Qantas.

we're flying pretty close to Charleville now it's just down to the left below us

in the aircraft which means that a couple of hundred miles over in that direction is Longreach.

For more infomation >> Cairns Airport pioneers of aviation - Duration: 8:19.


Farming Simulator 17 New Baling Technology Mods - Duration: 13:49.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some New mods you can use to Make And Transport Bales.

MAN TGS Bale Transport Autoload 2 Engine Setup Colorable Rims 80Km/h Top Speed

X Key Autoload Z Key Select Cargo B Key Select Unload Center N Key Add / Remove Bale Cover

NEW HOLLAND BALER PACK Incudes Reskined New Holland BB1290 Baler New Holland Roll Belt150

JCB Fastrac 3000 Xtra DH 3 Engine Setup 8 Wheel Setup Too Many Design Setup Colorable Body And Rims 70 Km/h Top Speed

Ic Control Dynamic hoses

B Key Add Wheight x Key Remove Weight

I will also use the Krone Big M And Follow me mod To make and collect Grass Bales.

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 New Baling Technology Mods - Duration: 13:49.


VW Golf - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> VW Golf - Duration: 0:52.


Skoda Superb - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Skoda Superb - Duration: 0:53.


Teens Take Homeless Man To Nando's Then Run Off Leaving Him With No Food - Duration: 4:28.

Three teenagers have been named and shamed on social media after allegedly promising

to treat a homeless man to a Nando�s only to run off and leave him in the restaurant

without any food while filming him.

Fellow diners said they saw the three girls � all thought to be 16 or 17 � taunt the

man after telling him they would get him a cheeky meal from the Woolwich branch in south-east


One girl was left so angry at the girls� behaviour she snapped a photo of them outside,

allegedly laughing and joking about the man�s plight.

She watched them filming his reaction to being abandoned. Other witnesses said the three

girls followed him around Woolwich �terrorising� him.

She wrote on Facebook:

I can�t believe what myself and other people just witnessed in Woolwich this evening.

Three loud girls came storming in with there cameras filming and taking pics of a homeless

man strolling along behind and they were saying �We are going to pay for your dinner and

buy you Nando�s.�

They told the man to sit down and the three girls went to the counter and was talking

to the staff. They then ordered his food and they was going outside for a cigarette. He

asked what did you order?

And they kept laughing, everyone in Nando�s were looking at them because of how loud they

were being and this bright flash they had from there phones recording what was happening.

She then said the man went to the counter to see if there was any food for him, adding:

The man looked so upset and apologised to the workers. The girls were outside recording

him and laughing hysterically while recording him as he was walking out.

They had no intention of ordering him any food. Instead they followed him, laughing

and terrorising him.

Absolutely disgusting I hope you are all proud and it made you feel good about yourselves!

The poor man was so upset.

She says she then bought the man�s meal.

Following the social media reaction, posters began to name the girls � and one claiming

to be the blonde teen stepped in to defend herself and her friend�s actions.

She said:

Lol for everyone talking my name and talking shit actually know what was going on I�m

a 17 year old girl yeh and we walked out of McDonald�s and he come up to us and approached

us asking for a fag.I do not smoke I told him no he wasn�t happy and said can I buy

him a drink we got him a drink it wasn�t good enough for him he wanted more.

I told him to leave me alone and my friends and he started telling my friend how he would

do things to her so I walked into Nando�s walked to the bar and told the man we are

pretending to order food so the man leaves us alone and the man on the counter went along

with it.

We said we are going outside so my friend cos have a fag and then we could walk away

he come out and started shouting at us saying yours are liars and he grabbed my friend so

she defended herself and pushed him away.

The witness responded to the post, adding:

No that�s not the story. There was six witnesses including me! You were terrorising him all

the way down the street. You three were vile.

You wasn�t scared I would have been the first to help if that was the case. You was

bullying and taking the mickey out of a homeless man.

He sat down freezing cold expecting you to get him something to eat and then you just

left laughing and filming him! Karma.

It looks like this story will rumble on and on until the truth is out.

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