Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 12 2018

Dr. Zakir Abdul Karim Naik is an Indian Islamic preacher and the founder and president of the Islamic Research Foundation

Zakir naik is a doctor who speaks fluent English and Bombay in Hindi

And I'm so excited to do a video about this guy welcome to another episode of FTD facts

I'm Leroy Kenton and quite of you have been requesting for us to do this video and a

Question that I want to throw out there to you is what religious figures

Do you find inspiring or have inspired you even if you're not religious like what about them?

Just got you a bit lit up about life

I don't know

Let me know

Down there and don't forget guys be sure to give this video a big thumbs up if you're enjoying FTD facts

And if you're new you gotta hit that subscribe button and that Bell notification just so you don't miss any videos when we post them


Nayak runs a nonprofit charitable trust called a Islamic Research Foundation and

Peace TV

Which reportedly reaches over a hundred million viewers the channel according to the website is dedicated to the promotion of Islamic theology

understanding of Islam through presentations through various channels including TV

It's also dedicated to the promotion of truth justice and morality harmony and wisdom for the whole humankind

Zakir naik was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra in India on October 1965 he attended the Kishen

Chanchala Ram college and studied medicine at the top walla National Medical College and

Byl Nair charitable hospital and later the University of Mumbai where he obtained a Bachelor of medicine and surgery?

the peel of dr

Nayak is that he seeks to clarify Islamic viewpoints and clear other

Misconceptions about Islam using the Quran hadith and other religious scriptures as a basis

along with scientific facts and unlike many Islamic preachers his lectures are

Delivered in common language that people can understand

And they're presented in English not Purdue or Arabic and he usually wears a suit and tie

Now according to the Islamic research foundation's website in the last 20 years dr.

Zakir Naik has delivered over

2,000 public talks across the entire world in fact in March of 2012 his public talk in case Gani

India was attended by more than 1 million people

Being one of the largest gatherings in the world for any religious lecture by one speaker dr.

Zakir naik was recipient of the highly prestigious king faisal

international prize in the category of service of Islam in

2015 the award was announced by Makkah governor Prince Khalid al Faisal and KF IP secretary-general

abdullah al

athenian each prize consists of a handwritten arabic certificate a 24 carat 200 gram gold medal and a cash award of

750,000 Saudi Riyals, which is about two hundred thousand US dollars?

in 2004 dr

Nayak at the invitation of the Islamic information and services Network of Australasia made an appearance at the University of Melbourne where he argued that

Only Islam gave women true equality

He said that the more revealing Western dress makes women more susceptible to things like rape in August of

2006 he also visited the conference in Cardiff

And he caused controversy when Welsh MP. David Davies called for his appearance to be canceled. He said that dr.

Nayak was a hate mongerer and didn't deserve to have a platform to express his views publicly the controversy also

Continues because dr nag has been banned in the UK

Canada as well as malaysia for his hate speeches against other religions and had been denied permission to hold public

Sermons due to the nature of violence and citing things that were being set at these functions dr.

Nayak was forbidden to enter Canada after Tarek Fatah founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress

warned MPs of his views and dr

Nags views have offended many Muslim scholars both from the Shia as well as the Sunni communities

Many Muslim scholars across the world looked down upon zakir naik for his statements on Allah and the Prophet

And he supported that in one of his speeches

Even praised Aussie the villain in Muslim theology whose army killed Hussein the prophet's grandson dr nag had used

expression of radiyaallah ta'ala

On ho for as ozzie the meaning may Allah be pleased with him

And this annoyed the audience in other speeches he

Had mentioned how Muslims shouldn't seek favors from the Prophet in their prayers, but only from Allah so guys

Let me know your thoughts and comments down below Allah

I know a lot of people really really love doctor nyuk and some people just completely hate him

And if you could shed any more light on this definitely let me know down below as well

Be sure to follow me on Instagram so you can keep up to date with what I'm doing when I'm not posting videos

And I'll see you guys real soon in another video

Hey guys and before you go, here's a playlist you can check out with more FTD facts episodes

I definitely recommend them if you want to continue learning more about the people places and cultures all around the world

For more infomation >> 10 Surprising Facts About Zakir Naik - Duration: 5:08.


Camila Cabello - In the Dark (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:43.

Heeey :P

For more infomation >> Camila Cabello - In the Dark (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:43.





Interview with "Mambo No. 5"-Lou Bega about the movie The Last Reformation: The Life - Duration: 3:48.

Well, my name it Lou Bega. I started becoming a songwriter when

I was 14 I started writing my first song brought out my first CD when I was 16

Then I wrote and performed one of the biggest pop hits in music history in 99

And since then I am, Lou Bega.

The biggest change in our lives, in our household, is that the Holy Spirit now

sits with us. When we have breakfast He's there. When we go to bed He's there

So you're in constant communication with the Creator of the universe.

Which is Jesus. This is a big change. It's not easy at the beginning because

you need to find a way to walk out your life. There's the world, and there's

The Spirit and there's hard separation one in a while. BUT it's the greatest a

man can do because you already know that you're with Him, that you're safe, if

you keep walking with Him. And I would say this is the greatest change.

So we started to search for someone who could baptize us. Because obviously our

pastors and priests were not able to baptize us, or you would be on a waiting

list for a year, which is not the way Jesus Christ would have done it.

But we called up Torben and he said, Yes I'm coming around. Because we'd seen the

movie. We sensed that he's a humble man that really loves what he's doing

and you want to trust a person when he's humble in the things of the Spirit.

Very very important. So we saw the movie and we said, Hey we need to get baptized

That would be our next step on our spiritual walk with Jesus.

Then they came around, the whole crew We had a fantastic book of Acts day.

Torben says it reminded him of Cornelius in the book of Acts.

And the whole household praying and getting baptized and it was a wonderful

experience, we have it on film and I'm thankful I can show other people who are

who are stuck in materialism, ego, stuck in this world.

Which is just a temporary world. So I feel it is my duty, and I love it

to stand for Christ in these days and just to show them - This is the only way

regardless of what the world is offering you.

I'm happy and I'm thankful that the Lord chose us to be a little light.

I wish for people to see it and get out of their materialism and daily routine.

That they see that there's more than just running after idols,

running after false gods, after yourself there's so many ways to be deceived in

this world. I just want to let them see that we did it, that since then we're

not just people who take part in a religious act. But we walk around

we try to spread the gospel as good as we can and reach people for the kingdom

That is actually the only hope that we have.

Subtitles by the community

For more infomation >> Interview with "Mambo No. 5"-Lou Bega about the movie The Last Reformation: The Life - Duration: 3:48.


L'actrice Jessica Falkholt, dans le coma depuis son terrible accident de v - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> L'actrice Jessica Falkholt, dans le coma depuis son terrible accident de v - Duration: 2:15.


Как записать летсплей для YouTube канала? - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Как записать летсплей для YouTube канала? - Duration: 5:21.


Why are you not receiving alerts for missed calls or text from a particular contact in iPhone - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Why are you not receiving alerts for missed calls or text from a particular contact in iPhone - Duration: 1:55.


How to secure your outlook app by touch id in iPhone - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> How to secure your outlook app by touch id in iPhone - Duration: 2:51.


'Fill'er Up' Flash Challenge Preview | Ink Master: Return of the Masters (Season 10) - Duration: 8:28.

- Welcome. For the first time ever,

you are being coached by artists who have fought

through this competition

and come out on top.

Only one of you will join their elite rank,

earning $100,000, a feature in "Inked" magazine

and the title of Ink Master. - Yeah!

- Nice.

- For your first flash challenge,

you will win as a team or lose as a team.

So you must work together.

- Of course, always, family.

- This week, we're testing fundamentals.

- Fundamentals are the basic elements that an artist

needs to have down.

It's strong line work, bold color

and smooth black and grey.

If you don't have those, you shouldn't be tattooing.

- Today, you must create a massive image

using only colored water.

- That's crazy. - Is it too late to leave?

- We're getting struck by lightning for sure.

- We got this one, we got this, guys.

We got this.

- Each team will have approximately 10,000 cups.

Using only food coloring and water to create

different shades and blends,

you need to fill and arrange the cups

to bring a single, enormous image to life.

- The last time I put cups together,

I was playing beer pong.

I don't think that's gonna help

this competition at all.

- But a team is only as strong as its leader.

Coaches, you must lead your teams every step of the way

because you alone will have a bird's eye view

of the design as it takes shape.

♪ ♪

Every mistake is on your shoulders.

So it's up to you to coach your team

in the right direction.

- I'm scared of heights. There's a [bleep] lift.

This is horrible. - It's all on me.

Because if it looks like [bleep]

and I have the perfect view of it,

I led them to make something that looks like [bleep].

- I'm not sure if the other coaches have

the experience I have in leading a team.

We're gonna find out with 10,000 cups very quickly.

- Fail to communicate, and your team's image

will be an unreadable mess.

- Every member of the team needs to hustle.

Get a game plan and go big.

- You don't have to do tattoo designs.

You can make great art. - Today looks like

it might be pretty rough.

No time to complain.

You're here, this is what you signed up for.

No slacking. - Win this challenge

and your team will have the power

to assign all of the human canvases

in the elimination tattoo.

Control of the game can make or break you,

so every advantage is essential.

You will have five hours, and your time starts...


- Let's go, let's go! [all clamoring]

- This is the first time we're seeing

these teams work together.

- Need the biggest guys filling buckets

'cause them things get heavy, dude.

- We're gonna see if these coaches

have the faith and trust of their teammates.

- You're gonna get wet. Don't think about your clothes,

your shoes, your nothing.

Just make art.

- This challenge is testing fundamentals.

They need to make a clear, strong, legible image.

- We're gonna run these buckets, right here.

Start over there. - The team that

follows the leader the best is gonna be

the most efficient. - You think dynamic,

but we still gotta keep it fundamental.

- For an eye, we can make it look realistic

from far away. - And just one big ass eye.

What are-- what are we gonna show?

That's too simple. - The iris is gonna be

the only thing. - Oh, they're already

putting out cups.

- Pull that tape measure straight.

Then we're gonna line the cups up with that tape measure.

- Hey, are we up too far? - No. We're good.

It don't matter how far we're up.

- Yeah, but don't forget,

you're gonna be looking on an angle.

- Right. - Garret?

- Yeah? - Focus on keeping it tight

so we can see the layout, all right?

- Yeah, yeah. As a team, we're deciding

to create a beetle.

I draw beetles all the time.

I'm obsessed with insects. Well, we're gonna

do the shell in green.

Someone has to take charge.

Having a lot of siblings,

I've kinda learned how to be a good mediator.

- Let's go baby. Let's go, Jeremy.

Let's go, fill 'em up, bruh. - Come on, guys, let's quit

[bleep] around, let's do this [bleep].

- Focus on laying cups down. Don't worry about the green.

- But you just stand there, standing there.

Come on, help out.

- Bro, everybody slow down for a sec.

- We're gonna be doing that marble bust, right?

Blacks and grays?

- We have a well-orchestrated system.

We've got Matt under the table doing the drawing.

Deanna's just got buckets

of tones and blends all pulled out.

Me and Lil' D are taking the responsibility

of gridding out this entire area.

- Get all these numbers in there first.

Let's make the grid and then we'll

start looking at it. - All right.

- Frank's over there, apparently knows numbers

better than anybody. - 64 cups per square

for a quadrant, basically.

- I don't see this going wrong.

♪ ♪

- Four hours remaining.

- Lift me to the heavens.

- You hit your growth spurt.

You're at adult height now,

- Can we get a poncho with a pattern on it for Steve?

Maybe a dragon poncho or something.

- Hold on a second, hold on. Stop!

So what I'm gonna tell you guys right now,

we're thinking we might have to move

the whole design down here.

- Move it?! - It's a little far away.

I thought it would be high enough, but it's not.

- I told you, I told you. - What do you mean far up?

- 'Cause you're looking at a different angle.

You're far away. Let's go, let's move this faster.

- This is chaos, right there. - [bleep]

- You win some, you lose some.

♪ ♪

- The best way to do this is just like tattooing.

Get down the darkest pigment and build up to the lights.

- Dark, medium, light, medium, dark.

- They're just putting down cups

and I'm just painting the picture.

They're calling me the blend daddy now?

They're gonna be calling me the tat daddy tomorrow.

- It's tough, 'cause you're looking at it upside down,

you know? - It's tough because

I'm doing it with water in general.


♪ ♪

- I'm just getting the drawing on the ground.

We need that, Matt, now.

Here. Now we're at a stopping point

and we gotta wait for you. - Getting there.

Josh Payne's starting to get frustrated with me

that I'm not drawing this thing as quick as he wants.

- Don't worry about every cup.

Now, that's our job. You just get

the drawing on the ground.

Josh, why don't you just run

your dark lines in the whole square?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- My team is such strong personalities

I gotta tone 'em down a little bit,

make sure they're listening to me.

That's the only thing that's gonna keep us together

and get us to the end. - What are they

doing over there? - A face.

All the cups that they have down right now are just black.

They're gonna run out of time.

- Two hours remaining, guys.

♪ ♪

- Work, my little ants. Do this.

Speed and efficiency, that's what

these challenges are about.

- Does this look okay? - Yeah.

Got to the black on the mouth.

Make it a little bit of a line with brown.

♪ ♪

- They're snapping it together.

They're a lot closer to being done than we are.

- It looks like a face? - Yeah.

- Teamwork, my friends.

- ♪ Teamwork ♪ - How we do it.

- Five, four, three,

two, one.

That's it, time is up.


- It's a beautiful eye. - You guys wrapped

that [bleep] up quick. - You guys crushed it.

- Pillow, great. - [laughs]

- That's what I'm talkin' about, team.

That's what I'm talkin' about!

♪ ♪

- All right, guys, time to critique your work.

Team Anthony.

- Your strong points are nailing the proportions.

From the size of the pupil, to the eyebrow

and everything in between. - The area that you really

hit the fundamentals is your color palate.

It really shows an excellent use of blending colors,

creating color and making it play well

in such a vast space.

- They did an eye. Everybody can draw an eye.

It's simple. Show me something that I'm gonna be afraid of.

- Team Steve.

Fundamentals are shown here.

You got nice color blends.

A little bit of negative space,

here in the body of this beetle,

which really gives it some dimension.

- Your outline stands strong.

The symmetry in the outline really looks good.

- He has a lot of great contrast.

It's a great job. - Thank you.

- Thank you so much. - Steve's team,

the design is very basic.

We're here to do artwork, not tattoo flesh.

Team DJ.

- I love the border, I love the concept

of making it a stamp.

With all this dark background and this framing,

it really pushes the bus forward

The really heavy shadowing in the bust

stands out from a mile away.

- Even the meticulous nature in which

you put the two cents in here.

Really detailed. You did a killer job.

- No line work. I thought it was fundamental.

His edge is missing, half the cup's not water.

- Three in between each. Count 'em.

You can't hate on this thing, dude.

- Listen, I'll say it outright:

You're gonna have to pull things off like this

to get your moment of shine.

That's just where it's gonna go.

Thank God. - I don't think

there's any need to deliberate.

- I think we're all agreed.

- The judges have decided that the winner

of today's flash challenge is...

For more infomation >> 'Fill'er Up' Flash Challenge Preview | Ink Master: Return of the Masters (Season 10) - Duration: 8:28.


Sarah Sanders Embarrasses CNN Reporter Jim Acosta For Pestering Her(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 3:47.

Sarah Sanders Embarrasses CNN Reporter Jim Acosta For Pestering Her

Jim the president want a wall in exchange for giving those dreamers

protection the president wants border security okay

and just to be clear okay so what does border security and entail does it

include the wall at this stage or cut the wall wait until later the wall is

one of the pieces as well as technology and another a number of other things

that have been laid out by the Department of Homeland Security I

believe that secretary Nielsen spoke about that pretty extensively at the

meeting today that in that portion was covered by you all during that timeframe

has to be part of a deal in order for these dreamers to have protection border

security does have to be part of this process there's a secure border I

absolutely do because the safety and security of the people of this country

or the president's number-one responsibility and his number-one

priority when it comes to anything that he does so absolutely you understand how

a wall could be different than border security Sarah border security no

actually I just think you mean agents it could be more fencing it doesn't

necessarily mean a phizzer and that's part of the negotiation that

we expect Congress to have saying that they may not be in favor of this kind of

deal Democrats are in favor of protecting American citizens and I think

we've hit a sad day in American history but I don't believe that to be the case

because as we heard many of them say as they sit around that table when several

of you were in the room they are committed to border security they do

want it and most of them have voted for it previously before this legislation

hit the floor so anything different it's just well they say thanks but no thanks

for a wall I'm not negotiating with you I'm gonna let Congress take care of that

Andrew I just want to go back to the court

can you tell us a little bit about how this decision rock came about and what

enclosed it was it was there any excuse me was there any parts of it

I took an insect car she's young things appearance there last year kind of

seemed to take center stage and step into I kind of space that had been left

open by this by the US yeah I think it's about the president once again welcoming

the opportunity to talk about the America first agenda and that's what his

plan is to do and that's the main reason that he's going there is to continue to

promote and talk about that with the world leaders that will attend and some

of the obviously leaders of the economy in this look as I've said I'm not going

to negotiate with you guys we're gonna do that with Congress we've laid out

what we want right now and we'll make announcements when we move beyond those

four priorities that we've laid out take one last question expressed a similar

sentiment a couple times before but what does it mean to typically about making

the country I think when we waste the amount of time that we have on something

like this that's been very clear from the beginning that there is absolutely

nothing - if we want to look at places where there may be collusion I think our

administration has outlined where we think any special counsel should be

focused and it's certainly not on this President or the president's campaign

thanks so much guys

For more infomation >> Sarah Sanders Embarrasses CNN Reporter Jim Acosta For Pestering Her(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 3:47.


【韓国】話題のホットドッグ色々食べる。(デジバーホットドッグ) - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> 【韓国】話題のホットドッグ色々食べる。(デジバーホットドッグ) - Duration: 7:03.


Allonzo Trier Dunks On Defender | Oregon State vs Arizona | Jan 11th, 2018 | 2017-18 NCAA Season - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Allonzo Trier Dunks On Defender | Oregon State vs Arizona | Jan 11th, 2018 | 2017-18 NCAA Season - Duration: 0:37.


Rawle Alkins Sick Reverse Jam | Oregon State vs Arizona | Jan 11th, 2018 | 2017-18 NCAA Season - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Rawle Alkins Sick Reverse Jam | Oregon State vs Arizona | Jan 11th, 2018 | 2017-18 NCAA Season - Duration: 0:33.


President Trump Decries Immigrants From 'Sh*thole' Countries - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> President Trump Decries Immigrants From 'Sh*thole' Countries - Duration: 4:45.


Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice in Tamil - Duration: 3:05.

Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice in Tamil

For more infomation >> Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice in Tamil - Duration: 3:05.


Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 32 | Telemundo - Duration: 11:46.

You have to click here on "Admin" and these are...

Excuse me.

I spoke to the tank supplier.

They could install them today...

if they weren't on the high seas.

-What? -They're in the ocean.

They're coming from China by sea.

They'll be in San Francisco in one week.

What if we buy a couple of tanks in the meantime?

I thought of that, but it won't work.

It would cost more than the wine Natalia's storing.

No, what we should do is find another winery

that can hold our wine until we get our new tanks installed.

But it needs to be close.

The wine's been moved around too many times.

We can't risk a long trip with it.

Alright, then let's get to it and find someone.

Excuse me.

Okay, keep showing me this crap.

Those are the files. What do I do with them?


If the mountain won't come to Mohammed...

Why are you two here?

We know your husband doesn't like us.

But we saw his car wasn't here so we took advantage.

We're worried about you.

Worried? Why?

Should we talk here or can we sit down?

Right. Please come in.

Would you like some wine?

Yes. Just a couple of weeks.

Just until we get our new tanks.

I know.

I know it's a big favor.

A huge favor.

Roberto, I need you to talk to Dimas...

I can't!

I need to go see someone who could potentially save us

and save your wine. Excuse me.

Roberto... who are you seeing?

"Roberto killed Emilio."

So what do you two want?

Just tell her, Juanjo.

I went with Candido to his probation check-in with Susan.

I saw a folder in her office that had your name.

It looked like you'd filed a report.

Aurora, tell us the truth.

Is Roberto abusing you?

Aurora, if he is, I could kill him right now.

Hang on. I'll clear this up.

He and I have argued, but it's normal.

They say marriage isn't easy.

If your marriage is so normal, why'd you file a report?

There's a mix up here.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Maybe you saw the report Roberto and I filed

on the vandalism to one of the houses nearby.

The wine's really good, right?


I'm going to the bathroom. Be right back.

Who was here?

Juanjo and Serena.


-To talk to me. -What'd they say?

-Can I not have visitors? -Fine. What'd they tell you?

-Nothing. -Nothing?

I'm sure they badmouthed me and our marriage.

Tell me all about it.

They said Roberto this, Roberto that.

-They didn't. -Oh no?

With all the things you say and do,

it's no wonder this marriage is a joke.


So I'm to blame and you're a saint.


Why are your shoes messed up?

I don't know, probably happened at the winery.

No one's painting at the winery.

Somewhere! I don't know!

I got white paint on my shoes! So what?

What's the big deal?

What's this? You didn't touch your food.

And you haven't said a word. What is it?


I'm afraid we could lose that wine, Meche.

The Montiels have 10,000 liters in their tanks

and Natalia's being intolerant.

She wouldn't do that to us.

You seem to not know Natalia.

She's got me cornered.

If I don't get my wine out before her deadline

I know the witch will dump it!

How could you throw out Crisanto's wine?

What Roberto did is unacceptable.

If we look to see who started things,

then no one is innocent.

That's true.

But the least innocent one is Crisanto.

I'm doing him a favor and he sends Roberto here

to attack my employees.

Natalia, in the name of the love your mother had for me,

and the love I feel for you all,

don't throw out Crisanto's wine.

I'm asking you.

I'll think it over.

But I make no promises.


Did you find out whose number that was?

<i> Not the second one.</i>

<i> The first one is registered</i> <i> to a Paola Windsor.</i>

<i> But it was reported stolen</i> <i> two years ago.</i>

<i> So that info </i> <i> is of no use.</i>

Son of a bitch.

Hey, did you go to the probation thing?

I went in the morning, sis.

So how'd it go for you at work?


My boss was more unbearable than ever today.

Poor guy probably had a rough night.

Maybe his wife didn't give it up.

I don't know what his deal was,

but he was in a foul mood all day.

How does Ms. Aurora put up with him?

Is that Aurora nice?

She's totally different.

She's super cool and very nice.

And she's been really nice to me and the kids.

She not only got me job,

she took me home one day to feed the kids.

Wow, you went to her house?

Where does she live?

So, who's got the hiccups?

Did you see?

It's those neighbors again.

-Where are you going? -To check the security cameras

and see what bastard did this.

Why don't you do it later? We're in a rush.


Natalia, if you're calling to torture me about the wine,

save your spit.

I'm looking for a place for it.

You should be ashamed to be doing this to me

after agreeing to hold it for me.

I'm not ashamed when it comes to you,

but I'm not calling to press you on that.

In fact,

I'm willing to reconsider but on one condition.

What is it?

Listen up, Roberto.

The Montiels will hold onto our wine

on the condition that you apologize to Serena and Juanjo.

-That I what? -You heard me.

That's exactly what you're going to do.

I don't care what they did to you

or what your reasons are for hating them.

You'll control yourself and apologize.

Even if it's humiliating for you

I won't let that wine go to waste.

Got that?

-Understood. Yes. -Fine.

Come in.

-You wanted to see me? -Yes.

I want us all here for when Roberto arrives.

-Roberto? -Yep.

What's that idiot coming here for?

The last time if not for you I would've busted his ass.

-If he's coming for a fight... -Calm down.

Roberto's not coming for a fight.

In fact, he's coming with his tail between his legs,

and against his will.

Mr. Joaquin, I found these.

They were the smallest.

-Could these be them? -No, this one.

The grey one.

-Hey! -It was you!

-You bastard! -Roberto!

-What's your problem! -Was it you?

Calm down, Roberto!

-Calm down! -Was it you?


-Was it you? -What'd I do?

For more infomation >> Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 32 | Telemundo - Duration: 11:46.


La suerte es mía | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:08.

For more infomation >> La suerte es mía | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:08.


Una fantasía bestial | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:09.

For more infomation >> Una fantasía bestial | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:09.


S.W.A.T. - The Young and the Arrested - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> S.W.A.T. - The Young and the Arrested - Duration: 1:30.


S.W.A.T. - Ten Years of Being The Best - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> S.W.A.T. - Ten Years of Being The Best - Duration: 2:09.


Sarah Sanders Embarrasses CNN Reporter Jim Acosta For Pestering Her(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 3:47.

Sarah Sanders Embarrasses CNN Reporter Jim Acosta For Pestering Her

Jim the president want a wall in exchange for giving those dreamers

protection the president wants border security okay

and just to be clear okay so what does border security and entail does it

include the wall at this stage or cut the wall wait until later the wall is

one of the pieces as well as technology and another a number of other things

that have been laid out by the Department of Homeland Security I

believe that secretary Nielsen spoke about that pretty extensively at the

meeting today that in that portion was covered by you all during that timeframe

has to be part of a deal in order for these dreamers to have protection border

security does have to be part of this process there's a secure border I

absolutely do because the safety and security of the people of this country

or the president's number-one responsibility and his number-one

priority when it comes to anything that he does so absolutely you understand how

a wall could be different than border security Sarah border security no

actually I just think you mean agents it could be more fencing it doesn't

necessarily mean a phizzer and that's part of the negotiation that

we expect Congress to have saying that they may not be in favor of this kind of

deal Democrats are in favor of protecting American citizens and I think

we've hit a sad day in American history but I don't believe that to be the case

because as we heard many of them say as they sit around that table when several

of you were in the room they are committed to border security they do

want it and most of them have voted for it previously before this legislation

hit the floor so anything different it's just well they say thanks but no thanks

for a wall I'm not negotiating with you I'm gonna let Congress take care of that

Andrew I just want to go back to the court

can you tell us a little bit about how this decision rock came about and what

enclosed it was it was there any excuse me was there any parts of it

I took an insect car she's young things appearance there last year kind of

seemed to take center stage and step into I kind of space that had been left

open by this by the US yeah I think it's about the president once again welcoming

the opportunity to talk about the America first agenda and that's what his

plan is to do and that's the main reason that he's going there is to continue to

promote and talk about that with the world leaders that will attend and some

of the obviously leaders of the economy in this look as I've said I'm not going

to negotiate with you guys we're gonna do that with Congress we've laid out

what we want right now and we'll make announcements when we move beyond those

four priorities that we've laid out take one last question expressed a similar

sentiment a couple times before but what does it mean to typically about making

the country I think when we waste the amount of time that we have on something

like this that's been very clear from the beginning that there is absolutely

nothing - if we want to look at places where there may be collusion I think our

administration has outlined where we think any special counsel should be

focused and it's certainly not on this President or the president's campaign

thanks so much guys

For more infomation >> Sarah Sanders Embarrasses CNN Reporter Jim Acosta For Pestering Her(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 3:47.


May ep vien cong suat lon gia re - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> May ep vien cong suat lon gia re - Duration: 0:36.


Vienna Autoshow 2018 - Messerundgang E-Mobilität - Duration: 12:42.

For more infomation >> Vienna Autoshow 2018 - Messerundgang E-Mobilität - Duration: 12:42.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


1/11/18 4:39 PM (1611 N Hermitage Ave, Chicago, IL 60622, USA) - Duration: 14:59.

For more infomation >> 1/11/18 4:39 PM (1611 N Hermitage Ave, Chicago, IL 60622, USA) - Duration: 14:59.


For more infomation >> 1/11/18 4:39 PM (1611 N Hermitage Ave, Chicago, IL 60622, USA) - Duration: 14:59.


[N스타] '입사동기' 문지애x오상진, MBC 재입성→친정 복귀 성공까지 - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> [N스타] '입사동기' 문지애x오상진, MBC 재입성→친정 복귀 성공까지 - Duration: 5:31.


For more infomation >> [N스타] '입사동기' 문지애x오상진, MBC 재입성→친정 복귀 성공까지 - Duration: 5:31.


Потрясающие новые брифинги Массовые обвинения, целевые аресты и Раскрытие - Duration: 1:50:19.

For more infomation >> Потрясающие новые брифинги Массовые обвинения, целевые аресты и Раскрытие - Duration: 1:50:19.


For more infomation >> Потрясающие новые брифинги Массовые обвинения, целевые аресты и Раскрытие - Duration: 1:50:19.


The truth about CRYPTOCURRENCIES REVEALED - Duration: 3:44.

*When you buy $100.00 or more of digital currency

*When you buy $100.00 or more of digital currency

*When you buy $100.00 or more of digital currency

*When you buy $100.00 or more of digital currency

*When you buy $100.00 or more of digital currency

*When you buy $100.00 or more of digital currency

*When you buy $100.00 or more of digital currency

*When you buy $100.00 or more of digital currency

*When you buy $100.00 or more of digital currency

*When you buy $100.00 or more of digital currency

For more infomation >> The truth about CRYPTOCURRENCIES REVEALED - Duration: 3:44.


For more infomation >> The truth about CRYPTOCURRENCIES REVEALED - Duration: 3:44.


DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit

For more infomation >> DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit


Trans Woman's Life Changed After Finding A Mentor. - Duration: 4:13.

I needed acceptance as a human being.

Not male, not female, not trans.

I just needed acceptance and a friend that could guide me through this morass of conflict.

How short should the skirt be?

How long?

What should I wear to the theater?

What should I wear to a fundraising gala?

After my wife's death in August of 2012, I ran into a prospective business client.

I asked her what she did and she said she was an actress and I said, "Oh."

She said, "Yeah, I'm with the Raven Theater.

The Raven has a great relationship with the LGBT community.

Opening night, they have what they call - Thursday, Friday after opening night, they have what

they call 'Out at the Raven.'

You need to come… dressed."

I don't know how she knew but she did.

She seemed to take a like to me as a woman.

She knew that I was transgender but she, as a genetic, true genetic woman, just treated

me like an equal.

She started out by taking me out and introducing me as her friend to all the ensemble members

at the Raven theater.

As we went through time, she looked at my clothes - and I remember the first time, I

had a pair of used, second hand boots in the middle of a snow storm, and I just about fell

off the stairs because the boots were so sloppy.

She says, "We're going shopping."

A week later, we went out and I went on my first professional shopping trip.

Six and a half hours - without lunch - Liz insisted that I look at every single rack.

I ended up selecting seventy pieces, tried on thirty, and bought fourteen outfits - some

of them, I'm still wearing today.

So that was my first dressing experience.

One year passes and she takes me out shopping again.

This time, it doesn't need to be six and a half hours.

We get it done in five.

As I'm walking out the door, the little lady in the store says, "Oh!

We're having a fashion show later in the month.

Would you like to be in it?"

I said, "Yes!"

I already had three outfits that would be very well.

At the fashion show, I was the best-dress woman.

I had the smallest ass and the best clothes.

You've got to find a mentor because every day we're stepping on a landmine.

With no support out there, you'll kill yourself because you can never succeed because you

don't know what success is.

Until you have somebody - a mentor, a woman - who you respect as a woman, is willing to

help you become the woman she is, at least in appearance, that's critical.

So I'm saying pick a role model, pick somebody, befriend them.

Then be honest and ask them to help you.

That's what a Liz does for you.

For more infomation >> Trans Woman's Life Changed After Finding A Mentor. - Duration: 4:13.


After Wife's Death in 2012, Trans Woman Seizes Opportunity To Come Out To Family. - Duration: 4:36.

I can remember July 20, 2012 like it was yesterday.

My wife had been sick with cancer for over five years and she's dying.

I'm sitting - sleeping in the hospital room for like two weeks.

We had a Do Not Resuscitate order.

It's a Friday afternoon and we told them not to do anything.

She'd been in the hospital for twenty days this time.

She started turning from flesh color to yellow and then it went to gray.

I couldn't stick around.

I left the room.

And she came back - I came back and she was dead.

The agony was there but the relief of now being able to be myself was so powerful.

Once I stepped out of the hospital room and I knew that I could be who I wanted to be,

I wanted to get out and get into the public eye as soon as possible.

Within the next 45 days, I came out to all my children.

When I came out to the youngest daughter, it was no surprise to her because she had

found my breast forms when she was 14.

When I told my older daughter, the first words were "Oh" and then "Okay, let's have

a drink."

When I told my son, it was as if I didn't say anything.

Now, you gotta remember, he's 44 years old, a Mustang officer in the Coast Guard, still

active duty.

Not only has he lost his mother but in the same day lost his father and some woman is

living in his house.

I remember when I told my daughter-in-law, who loves me, my son's wife, I said, we

were out having lunch and I said, "Oh, I've got something to tell you."

And she says, "What's that?"

I says, "Well, I'm a crossdressing lesbian."

She says, "Oh.

You wanna go shopping?"

And we did.

She takes me shopping everytime I'm in Connecticut.

And it was a soft acceptance because they still had some concerns, really, about Stefanie

and Dad.

One day after $350 worth of mimosas in five different locations, the younger one said,

"Would you be comfortable if we called you Tía?" which is "auntie" in Spanish.

I said, "Yeah."

That moment, Stefanie, who had lived in the closet for 68 years in the third-person, that

moment became a human being.

And Stephen went in the closet never to be seen again.

As it relates to when to tell persons, I took advantage of the opportunity.

What you gotta do is find that moment when everybody seems supportive of you, their father,

and say, "Well, there's more to me that just being your father.

And I hope you're going to be comfortable with your new aunt."

For more infomation >> After Wife's Death in 2012, Trans Woman Seizes Opportunity To Come Out To Family. - Duration: 4:36.


Sarah Sanders Embarrasses CNN Reporter Jim Acosta For Pestering Her(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 3:47.

Sarah Sanders Embarrasses CNN Reporter Jim Acosta For Pestering Her

Jim the president want a wall in exchange for giving those dreamers

protection the president wants border security okay

and just to be clear okay so what does border security and entail does it

include the wall at this stage or cut the wall wait until later the wall is

one of the pieces as well as technology and another a number of other things

that have been laid out by the Department of Homeland Security I

believe that secretary Nielsen spoke about that pretty extensively at the

meeting today that in that portion was covered by you all during that timeframe

has to be part of a deal in order for these dreamers to have protection border

security does have to be part of this process there's a secure border I

absolutely do because the safety and security of the people of this country

or the president's number-one responsibility and his number-one

priority when it comes to anything that he does so absolutely you understand how

a wall could be different than border security Sarah border security no

actually I just think you mean agents it could be more fencing it doesn't

necessarily mean a phizzer and that's part of the negotiation that

we expect Congress to have saying that they may not be in favor of this kind of

deal Democrats are in favor of protecting American citizens and I think

we've hit a sad day in American history but I don't believe that to be the case

because as we heard many of them say as they sit around that table when several

of you were in the room they are committed to border security they do

want it and most of them have voted for it previously before this legislation

hit the floor so anything different it's just well they say thanks but no thanks

for a wall I'm not negotiating with you I'm gonna let Congress take care of that

Andrew I just want to go back to the court

can you tell us a little bit about how this decision rock came about and what

enclosed it was it was there any excuse me was there any parts of it

I took an insect car she's young things appearance there last year kind of

seemed to take center stage and step into I kind of space that had been left

open by this by the US yeah I think it's about the president once again welcoming

the opportunity to talk about the America first agenda and that's what his

plan is to do and that's the main reason that he's going there is to continue to

promote and talk about that with the world leaders that will attend and some

of the obviously leaders of the economy in this look as I've said I'm not going

to negotiate with you guys we're gonna do that with Congress we've laid out

what we want right now and we'll make announcements when we move beyond those

four priorities that we've laid out take one last question expressed a similar

sentiment a couple times before but what does it mean to typically about making

the country I think when we waste the amount of time that we have on something

like this that's been very clear from the beginning that there is absolutely

nothing - if we want to look at places where there may be collusion I think our

administration has outlined where we think any special counsel should be

focused and it's certainly not on this President or the president's campaign

thanks so much guys

For more infomation >> Sarah Sanders Embarrasses CNN Reporter Jim Acosta For Pestering Her(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 3:47.


"I've Been Helped By So Many People On My Journey To Womanhood." - Duration: 4:57.

Looking back at all those people that have helped me get to where I am today, I'm just

so thankful for what they've helped me with.

All I want to do is find a way to pay those people back and pay it forward for others

so they can be as happy as I am.

Little did I know on October 5th, I'd get a call that would change my life one more

time and enable me to help others and give back in ways I'd never thought possible.

I was walking on the riverwalk out in Naperville.

I tend to do about three miles a day and do three miles an hour.

I get a call from my stepsister and she said Maury, my stepfather, has passed.

I said, "Oh.

All right, I'm walking right now.

I'll call you in a little bit."

I called her and I said, "I will get there as soon as I can."

Because he lived in Wenatchee, Washington, which is a two hour drive from Seattle.

So I jumped on a plane, flew to Seattle, got a rental car, drove through the mountains

in the middle of the night.

I got to my daughters' house and she said, "We have an appointment with Maury's attorney

tomorrow and you didn't respond to my email."

I said, "What?

You said we're going to go see Maury's attorney."

She says, "Do you inherit a million dollars every year?"

I said, "Not every year."

And it really wasn't a million dollars - but close enough for breakage.

In that moment, Stefanie realized that she could do anything she wanted to do.

Even before she flew back from the funeral, she'd already made plans.

She was going to move to the city.

She was going to buy a condo on the lake - nothing in between the lake and her, none of these

streets or parks.

She was going to be more active in the Raven Theater.

She was going to go to the Center on Halsted and begin her gender marker change.

She was going to get involved with the Art Institute.

From October 5th through December 5th, she had accomplished every one of those objectives.

So now what do I have?

I've been on the board of the Raven Theater.

Still respected, out in the community, doing community development for them.

I'm at the Center on Halsted.

I did my gender marker change - one of the fastest changes.

We did it in seven months.

Normally it takes about two years.

I'm part of the Speakers' Bureau.

We have discussions.

I speak in front of university students, college students, retirement centers, nursing homes

and future Catholic churches.

I've been helped by so many people on my journey to womanhood.

From Liz, who taught me how to dress, to Phoebe, who taught me how to drink Italian wine, to

the Center on Halsted, which has helped me change my life, to the Raven Theater, which

allowed me to experience theater at its basis, and to the Art Institute, which allows me

to give back some.

I try to live my life looking forward.

It's hard because you can have your own pity party.

What I'm saying is, look for the things that work for you and leverage up those.

Because you don't know when that really good thing is going to come along and change

your life.

If it doesn't come along, just live your life to the fullest.

If it does come along, leverage that puppy and ride it as long as you can.

For more infomation >> "I've Been Helped By So Many People On My Journey To Womanhood." - Duration: 4:57.


Trans Woman Finds Companionship Late In Life. "I Laugh Harder Now Than I Have In Twenty Years." - Duration: 4:12.

I had lived with a woman for 44 years and then had to live alone for six.

And then one day, on October 15th, 2017, I get a call from the Center on Halsted.

"We think we've found you a companion.

She's a younger woman.

She's only 68."

I said, "Okay."

They said, "We'd like to come out and introduce you two.

And then she can see Stefanie's Riviera and see whether you and she are compatible."

The Center on Halsted has a home sharing agreement program.

What it basically does is matches people like me who have an extra room or whatever with

people who are looking for quality housing at a reasonable price.

Not easily done in Chicago.

One of the things that the Center does, it's kinda like AirBNB, they manage the whole process.

They do the screening.

They determine whether there's compatibility between the client and the homeowner.

They do the validation of the client.

They even write the contract.

She arrived the next week, fell in love with the condo.

I ended up cooking her dinner that night.

The Center on Halsted finished up the contract and on November 3rd, my companion moved in

and she has made my house a home in 30 days.

We have hour long breakfasts talking about what we've done the day before or what we're

going to do in the future.

She loves to cook.

I like cooking.

We have cooking duels.

She tends to cook from the recipe.

I tend to cook from the refrigerator.

We go to the theater.

We go to the symphony.

We meet and share with my friends.

She is now my live-in editor.

I laugh harder now than I have in twenty years.

I love alliterations.

I'm a shitty speller.

She corrects those things and makes me a better person.

This morning we were talking about next year, we need to go bareboat chartering in the caribbean.

And then she wants to go to Spain the following year.

These are all things - doing them by yourself isn't any fun, but doing it with another

human being that you like - love is not the word - this truly is a companionship.

So what a companion does, it really just amplifies, it exaggerates your emotion.

It allows the noise to become louder.

It allows you to grow from a stagnant point in time and be inward looking.

To me, just like when you get married the first time, there is a sense of belonging

being with another human being.

Man or woman is not meant to be alone.

Keep looking.

It may take a while, but cast your net wide and be willing to say "Next."

For more infomation >> Trans Woman Finds Companionship Late In Life. "I Laugh Harder Now Than I Have In Twenty Years." - Duration: 4:12.


Welcome to The Hormone Healing Show - Duration: 0:48.

Hi, I'm Deborah Maragopoulos. Welcome to my YouTube channel!

I'm an Intuitive Integrative Nurse Practitioner,

And I have lots to share with you about how to optimize your health simply and easily. Here

you'll get tips on the best lifestyle and natural remedies for optimal hormonal balance including thyroid and adrenal disorders,

diabetes, autoimmunity, gut issues, menopause, andropause (yes men have hormones, too),

PMS, infertility, and much more. For 30 years I've been helping hormonally

challenged patients achieve optimal health, and I can't wait to help you on your healing journey. Each week

I'll bring you brand new videos, so be sure to subscribe to my channel and you'll be the first to know when I upload a

new video. And make sure you go below and say hello in the comments. Thank you

For more infomation >> Welcome to The Hormone Healing Show - Duration: 0:48.


SIMPLE BROWN SMOKEY EYE ft. Fenty Beauty STUNNA LIP PAINT MAKEUP LOOK | beingjshanice - Duration: 9:42.


I'm not gonna. Do I'm not gonna put makeup on my forehead my eyebrow is already done

I'm not gonna put makeup on my forehead because this wig has a bang on it

So I'm just going to just kind of hide it anyway

So I'm just going to go right in with this Rimmel London fix in perfect

I got this from a friend and I tried it one time and I really really liked it so try it out

begin today, hopefully it gives me a

Nice finish I'm gonna whop it on my forehead. I into no-makeup a 5th grade

This is guys this I just do this because my bags are really bad. I feel like a million players

If you guys have seen my foundation routine you already know how I do my foundation and I'll buy it and watch

The steps I use and what I used to do it so go check that out. Then let me try link it

Let me know what you think in the comments

No forehead

Alright, I'm gonna go in with my Nubian to bed Rubio's y'all. I know I love this

Okay, I use so much anyway. I'm on my own with

The shade I

Kind of like like a brown smokey eye kind of sort of kind of thankful no no plan so

I'm gonna go on with Morocco. Are you?

a little bit really lightly

Eyebrows I'm not using take today. I gotta wanted to be messy

And I'm with the brown to pop so I think I'm gonna

Conceal over my eyes. I'm just gonna use the to face concealer again to cut my crease

Not really a cut crease. I just want the brown shadow

Okay, I'm just going to go in with Madagascar right here

Alright guys so I finished my other

Eye and then I

Went in with Kenya you guys I showed you and then I'm put the fancy beauty highlight stick on my eye

And the color rum and then I just put some mascara on my smile bucks on my lashes

And I'm going to be using the Koko lashes and war I wore these in my last video

I love these they're so like natural and wispy pretty and white

Put these are mini quick alright guys my lashes are on now, it sounds the highlight and contour

Pretty much talk very pretty much done. You know I'm

Wrong with my NARS creamy concealer in the shade custard

I'm gonna go in with NARS creamy concealer in the color hazelnut to do my contour

I'll be doing a red lip today, so I think I'm gonna use brown liner first

Today I'm gonna be using the fancy Beauty stunning lip color in the shade

Uncensored I know you guys have missing this and I'm a late, but I got it and I'm gonna do

Show you guys hi. Yeah. I watched a video of Alyssa actually she did I like

How to fight it and guys this lip color is like bomb

freaking calm

It's like the color is so pretty and it's so right and it's literally it looks like paint

So I'm sure you looks like almost watching. I'm like

Yeah, look at that color that is gorgeous, so I'm going to use this today

Loki it's things but

That ain't coming off so

I'ma go and with this glow palette from Beauty creations. I got this on fashion or brush we got in the video previously

And I'm highlighting my Cupid's bow because it's gonna help me put on this lipstick all right

Yeah, ain't no going back if I mess this up manages

And I messed up right here on the corners on persona take some sealer

Alright guys, I think I'm done look. I'm just gonna spray my face makeup setting spray

Supergroup this rosemary is

Alright guys, this is the finished look let me change my diaper real quick through my hair, and then I will be

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