Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 12 2018

What if Oprah was President Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest

Questions, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

Following her rousing speech at the Golden Globes, Oprah Winfrey has been the talk of

the town.

A number of people, including some of her close friends, have suggested that she may

run for President in 2020.

It sounds incredibly unlikely, and by some accounts just silly, but what would happen

if she won?

Let's explore.

If you want more What If videos, check out our "Biggest What Ifs" playlist on the


Now get ready, it's time to ask the question: What if Oprah was President?

Well, this may not be as farfetched as some might think.

Given the rise of the current president, it's clear that a cult of personality IS sufficient

to win a presidential race; and Oprah has nothing, if not personality.

First of all, if she won, it would certainly be a democratic government.

This would bring with it all the usual goals and desires of the democratic party.

Oprah doesn't seem to have many particularly radical beliefs, so it would likely be business

as usual for the democrats.

This would be quite a milestone for the United States, as Oprah would be the first female


This is something that many expected to achieve in 2016, and the failure of Clinton could

inspire female voters to be even more vocal in support of Oprah.

Furthermore, with a Winfrey presidency, God would certainly be back in the White House.

Many people doubt that current president Donald Trump is really as religious as he claims,

given his seemingly secular past, as well as his religious flubs as president.

However, Oprah has made it clear many times that she is highly religious, unsurprising

given her roots in a low-income Mississippi household.

This could help to ingratiate her in the eyes of the republicans, known for the high priority

they place on the religiosity of a candidate.

For better or for worse, the President would once again be a strong believer in God.

One thing that would definitely happen with a Winfrey presidency is the presidential speeches

would be excellent.

Regardless of what side of the political spectrum you find yourself on, it's hard to deny

her speaking ability.

Oprah is much biglier with words than Trump; one might say she has the best words.

All jokes aside, Oprah as an orator is much more clear, concise, and comprehensible than

Donald Trump, which could help both on the national stage and the international stage.

Agree with her or not, she can be pretty darn inspirational.

And while this might not be the most relevant in terms of policy, it would likely help to

improve America's standing in the eyes of the world.

With regards to her politics, there are a few things we can predict about her presidency.

She would definitely prioritize social issues affecting African Americans, as she has been

highly vocal about these inequalities in the past.

It's also likely that she would prioritize women's issues, for much the same reason.

This would likely cause some friction between the Winfrey government and the more right-leaning

folks, who disagree with many of the left's positions pertaining to race and gender.

In terms of specific political beliefs, Oprah is pretty much a textbook democrat.

She's Pro-gun-control, pro-immigration…

She believes in the gender pay gap… nothing new compared to the Obama years.

However, there is much we just don't know yet, such as her views on foreign policy and

taxes, other than her distaste for the estate tax.

For these, we'll have to wait and see.

However, there are some problems with this prospect.

As already stated, Oprah has no previous political experience.

While her talk show has gained her millions of adoring fans, and has opened her to a wide

variety of viewpoints, she lacks the political knowledge and experience held by more qualified

candidates like Barack Obama or John McCain.

It could very well be that Oprah's personality would be a great benefit during the election,

but she would likely need to lean heavily on those around her when it comes to political

decisions, for better or for worse.

In a way, her lack of political experience could be both a hindrance and a benefit to


On the one hand, Oprah's lack of experience would make a number of democrats a little

bit nervous about her presidency.

However, it would bring some solace to know that she likely wouldn't be nearly as impulsive

as Donald Trump.

On the other hand, this would give the republicans fewer political controversies to point out.

Unlike when Hillary Clinton was running, the right wing wouldn't be able to inspire supporters

simply by screaming "Benghazi" or "emails".

However, having touched on countless sensitive topics over the years on her show, there would

be plenty to criticize her for, like the unchallenged publicity she gave to Jenny McCarthy's anti-vaccination


It should be pointed out that many people are understandably concerned with this trend

of electing presidents based on popularity rather than ability to govern.

There are definite problems with this, since many feel, for good reason, that the power

a president wields should not be in the hands of an inexperienced and politically ignorant


However, there could be a good side to this trend.

As we see presidents being chosen more based on personality than political prowess, we

may see power shift from the president to the government as a whole.

This could be beneficial to the country, allowing important decisions to be made by those qualified

to make them.

And now we return to our question: What if Oprah was President?

Well, it seems like it would be more or less business as usual under a democratic government.

She might prioritize issues she holds most dear, such as those affecting women and people

of colour, but likely would not be nearly as unpredictable as Donald Trump.

She would certainly be criticized for her lack of experience and past controversies,

but if she listened to advisors, she could do a fine job, and make some damn powerful


However, her lack of political experience could put both her and the United States at

a disadvantage.

Luckily for her, as far as many in the world are concerned, the bar wouldn't exactly

be at its highest.

Thank you for watching Life's Biggest Questions, I hope this was interesting and informative,

and maybe even inspired you to look into it further on your own.

If you liked this video, please thumbs up and subscribe to the channel down below.

While you're down there, let me know if YOU think Oprah would be a good president.

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Life's Biggest Questions, wishing you

the best of luck, on your quest for answers.

This also means that the First Man would be suave as hell.

Yes, it's quite possible that this first couple would be even more loved than the Obamas,

who set the bar rather high themselves.

She's also doing fairly well in the polls, with a March Quinnipiac University Poll finding

her to have a 52% favourable rating, with just 23% unfavourable.

Interestingly, 69 percent of people in the same poll believed that she shouldn't run

in 2020.

But what if she not only ran for president, but actually won?

For more infomation >> What If Oprah Winfrey Was President? - Duration: 5:15.


Top 10 People Who Came Back To Life - Duration: 9:14.

Hows it going Youtube I am Landon Dowlatsingh and welcome back to another most amazing top

10 video.

You guys should follow me on Instagram if you are not already @LandonProductions.

Hope to see all of you there I am almost at 100k followers which is insane thank you so


Alright lets get right into this video, this is the top 10 people who came back to life.

Starting us off at number 10, we have 58 yr old Sharon Stone who suffered from a brain

hemorrhage back in 2001.

Sharon died and while she died she said she saw a white light and a dead friend.

She went to the after world and was able to visit a friend which sound so bizar to me.

This story became so big that it made it to the front page of a magazine cover.

Sharon has said when death comes to you as it will it's a glorious and beautiful thing.

Shes actually not afraid of dying again she probably thinks she cant die and will always

come back to life.

Next up at number 9 we have a young doctor 29 yr old Anna Bagenholm who was clinically

dead for 3 hours and was brought back to life after she was trapped under ice and her body

temperature dropped to a record low of 13.7 degrees celicus.

No one is known to have survived after becoming that cold.

Anna was trapped under the ice for 40 minutes and her body went into shock.

Upon arrival at the hospital Anna was not breathing, her blood circulation had stopped

her pupil did not respond to light.

Doctors tried to warm up her body but nothing was working Anna was pronounced dead.

Well all of a sudden her heart started to beat again and Anna came back to life.

She spent 60 days in intensive case including 35 days receiving ventilator treatment.

We have someone who woke up at his own funeral at number 8.

28 yr old Hamdi Hafez al-Nubi who was a waiter was declared dead after suffering from a heart

attack at work.

His body was being prepared for burial when a doctor who was sent to sign his death certificate

noticed that this persons body was still warm.

Well doctors checked his vital signs and realized that this person was actually still alive.

Apparently this happens often where people come back to life from the dead at their own


Well with Hamdi the hospital officials were the onces that pronounced him as dead.

So its so crazy that now he is back to being alive, did he really wake up from the dead

or was this a huge mistake at the hospital.

Lets move onto number 7 we have Lyudmila Steblitskaya who spend 3 nights dead in a morgue.

This woman is Siberian and she just all of a sudden woke up from the dead in fact she

woke up just minutes before being cut open for an autopsy.

I cant believe this happened but imagine if she was cut open and all of a sudden she wakes

up that would be the most painful thing ever.

The pain alone would put you in shock and kill you your body wont be able to handle


Number 6.

Over in Argentina there is a baby being called the miracle baby that came back to life after

being declared dead and this baby was even put into a morgue.

This miracle babies heart stopped after she suffered a haemorrhage in her lungs when she

was born.

The baby was born 2 and a half months two early.

Doctors at the hospital declared the 1lb baby dead because she had no vital signs.

Her body was put into a wooden coffin which was placed in a morgue refrigerator.

12 hours after being in the morgue the mother wanted to take pictures of her daughter because

she doesn't have any so she broke into the morgue and used a crow bar to open up the


This is when she noticed the baby move.

It was a miracle but the baby was alive.

So now this family has 3 certifications.

A birth one a death one and I guess another birth one because this baby just came back

to life.

At number 5 we have a man who was brought back to life after cutting edge hypothermia

treatment techniques were used.

25 yr old Justin Smith was found dead at the side of a found that was covered up in snow

when he was found he was rushed to the hospital where he had no pulse no blood pressure and

he turned blue.

Justin the night before went out for some drinks and this is what happened he blacked

out and was left for dead on the side of a snowy road.

Doctors announced Justin died well all the doctors did except for one.

One doctor wanted to keep trying he wasn't convinced this 25 yr old was dead.

The doctor thought his body probably froze before any of his organs failed him so they

warmed him up safetly and used ground breaking technology to try and bring him back it worked.

His brain and other organs were just preserved because of how fast his body became frozen.

He was frozen in time.

Annabel Beam is up next at number 4.

This is Annabel and she is 14 yrs old well back in 2011 she was playing outside her familys

home with her sister Abigal when she slipped and fell inside a hollowed out tree.

She hit her head 3 times on the way down.

An emergency fire crew managed to get her to a childrens hospital.

Fearing the worst medics prepped a brain and spinal injury teams to stand by but it was

amazing that she survived with no damages done to her.

Days after the accident Annabel talked about she died in that tree and went to heaven she

talked about Jesus and how she saw him.

She kept talking about her out of body expierence.

I am not sure if I believe this girl but she claims she doesn't even want attention to

what happened to her.

She only talks about it when peoples asks her but that day she died and came back to


But this might just be according to her.

Now this next one is insane.

Well at number 3 we have this 95 yr old Chinese woman Li Xiufeng who came back to life 6 days

after she died.

This woman actually climbed out of her coffin.

Li was found motionless and not breathing in bed by a neighbour 2 weeks after tripping

and suffering a head injury in her home.

The funeral was set just the day after this woman woke up from this drama.

There is no explaining how this woman came back to life how she even survived being passed

out for 6 days, she had no food no water no attention by doctors.

She was pronounced dead.

This must be the scariest thing ever, to go to someones funeral and all of a sudden that

person wakes up.

Number 2.

Its time to get even more crepped out.

This right here is 2 yr old Kelvin Santos who was declared dead after he stopped breathing

during treatment for pneumonia.

Doctors declared this kid dead and during his funeral appearently this kid woke up from

his coffin and asked his dad for some water.

When the kid woke up everyone was freaking out.

Than all of a sudden the kid just goes back to laying down and he goes back to being dead


There was an investigation into this case and there are a lot of disbelievers.

Some people cant believe that this kid just awoke from the dead and sat up while others

who were not their don't believe it even happened.

I am not sure what to believe.

Finally at number 1 we have, Elaine Esposito who has been in a coma for 37 yrs.

At the age of 6 yrs old Elaine was taken to the hospital after suffering from a ruptured

appendix she under went an appendectomy back in 1941 and she never woke up from the anesthesia.

Elaine was hooked up to machines barley keeping her alive many would say that she has been

dead for decades.

After 10 months her parents couldn't afford to keep her in the hospital so she was just

taken home.

She was left their for 37 yrs in a vegetative state until she finally woke up.

This must have been a huge shock to her and her family friends and loved ones.

This raises the question to would you guys keep a loved one hooked to a machine for decades

for a chance they will wake up.

Are they dead, are they just alive because of the machine what do you classify as being


Well there you guys have it.

For more infomation >> Top 10 People Who Came Back To Life - Duration: 9:14.


Top 10 Superheroes With Hidden Powers - Duration: 5:48.

Welcome back nerd squad, my name is Roya Destroyaa and this is Top 10 Nerd.

Everyone knows Spiderman shoots webbing and climbs up walls.

Everyone knows Superman has X ray vision and can fly.

But there are some well known heroes out there with hidden powers you may not even know about

unless you are an extremely avid reader.

Whether itÕs reading very issue or reading between the lines.

So letÕs take a look at the top 10 SUPERHEORES WITH HIDDEN POWERS.

In the number 10 spot we have SPIDERMAN.

Being a fan favorite, there is a lot of common knowledge around Spiderman.

Like I mentioned before, we are all familiar with some of his abilities such as the webbing,

the super physiology, and the climbing abilities.

However, a more covert power of his is his extremely fast metabolism.

Probably the reason why heÕs still pretty skinny.

Drugs just run right through his body, with the odd exception of alcohol.

And not even toxins or substances such as the casual vampire bite can affect him.

Coming in at number 9 is DAREDEVIL.

Daredevil is generally accepted to have heightened abilities but not particularly super one.

But turns out that isnÕt completely true.

Depending on how you look at it.

He is actually taught a special form of meditation that is so powerful, he can even heal wounds

faster than normal.

Can this work in real life?

Maybe, if your mind is in the right place.

Give it a try and see if you can command your broken leg to fix itself, IÕm curious.

Next, at number 8 we got WONDERWOMAN.

Wonderwoman has had a few abilities that havenÕt been touched on nearly as much as the mainstream.

But there are 2 interesting abilities that she does have.

The first one is teleportation; she doesnÕt really need it with how fast she is, but she

does have the ability to transport herself or even others on her own.

The second ability is akin to supermanÕs frost-breath.

Wondrwoman has super breath!

Which means she can blow incredible gusts, not that she has overdone it on the breath


In the number 7 spot is PROFESSOR Xavier.

Professor X is one of the most powerful telepaths in all of the Marvel universe.

One aspect of this is the ability to read almost any mind.

Now this seems cool at first until you realize that heÕs literally hearing the thoughts

of anyone in the vicinity.

ItÕs a constant barrage of thoughts that would be enough to drive anyone crazy.

So obviously heÕs got another super power here: super selective hearing.

The ability to focus in on a particular source of sounds.

And the ability to keep his sanity in tact.

Most times.

Coming in at number 6 we have QUICKSILVER.

Science has a lot of problems with this speedster.

We need to remember obviously that QuicksilverÕs world is fiction, but if heÕs moving as fast

as he is, heÕs gotta have a few more super enhancements that go hand in hand.

In order to propel his body off the ground at those speeds, QuickÕs body has to be constructed

of bones and muscles that can handle the impact, which indirectly means he may just be the

strongest living thing in his world.

So super strength may not be in his explicit arsenal, but without it he would literally


Next up, at number 5 is CYCLOPS.

Shooting optic blasts out of your eyes is not something to be taken lightly.

Especially when you sit down and really think about the impact this ability would have on

your body.

The recoil from shooting the blasts alone should be enough to snap your head right off

your body.

So his secret power?

Extremely strong neck.

Sounds lame, I know, but imagine all the things you could do with a strong neck.

YouÕd never have to fear whiplash again.

Just Doctor Doom.

Up next at number 4 we have THE HULK.

Yes, he doesnÕt just turn green and smash stuff.

Although IÕm sure you guys knew that already.

What you may not know is that Hulk has an ability bordering on the mystical; he can

see ghosts.

Bruce Banner gave Hulk the ability to view the spirits of the dead when he killed his

father and feared being haunted.

Seems a little counterproductive to me, maybe if he couldnÕt see ghosts his dad wouldnÕt

be able to bug him.

But I guess itÕs nice to know exactly when dadÕs gonna show up.

In the number 3 spot we got SUPERMAN.

Supes is the hero who has it all, almost to a fault.

ItÕs almost too much power to fit inside one being, so at one point that problem was

fixed right up.

Because suddenly Superman had the ability to create another Superman, a mini version

of himself he could shoot out from his hand.

This wasnÕt the only power he had that we tend to forget aboutÑor force ourselves to

forget about.

Remember in Superman 2 when he could trap others in his S emblem?

Yep, I try not to either.

Coming in at number 2 is STORM.

StormÕs famed abilities are all aspects of weather manipulation, which include controlling

ocean currents, wind gusts, and, of course, thunderstorms.

With that, she can generate electricity from her own body, but nobody stops to think about

the energy required to do so.

One bolt of lightening can be around a billion joules, which would require thousands of calories

to power.

But do you see her eating every pizza in sight?

Clear to see here her ability to pull energy out of thin air is a power of enormous proportions.

And finally, in the number 1 spot, weÕve got BATMAN.

The guy is just a rich man with a bunch of toys; yes he studies and preps and does whatever

it takes to take down his enemies, but at the end of the day he is a mortal human.

Or is he?

Batman actually has a very rare ability in this day and age; immortality by the power

of sales.

Some of DCÕs highest grossing products, namely films, have been Batman related.

HeÕs raking in so much cash he will never be killed.

And when he does die, itÕs never for real.

Then again, it never really is for anyone.

Except Uncle Ben.


So those were the top 10 SUPERHEORES WITH HIDDEN POWERS.

Let me know in the comment section down below what your hidden power is.

Mine is being able to tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue, fun fact.

My name is Roya Destroyaa, thanks for watching, and donÕt forget to subscribe so you never

miss another nerdy list!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Superheroes With Hidden Powers - Duration: 5:48.


iPhone X — A New Light — Apple - Duration: 0:39.

♪ Do your, do your thing ♪

♪ Do your, do your thing ♪

♪ Do your thing ♪

♪ Do your thing ♪

♪ Do your, do your, do your thing ♪

♪ Do your thing baby ♪

♪ Do your, do your, do your thing ♪

♪ Don't stop, don't stop doing it baby ♪

♪ Just do your thing ♪

For more infomation >> iPhone X — A New Light — Apple - Duration: 0:39.


Shinsuke Nakamura & Natalya to compete for Make-A-Wish in Mixed Match Challenge - Duration: 1:06.

I'm the king of strong style, Shinsuke Nakamura.

>> And I'm the queen of hearts, Natalya.

Together we will be representing Make-A-Wish in the Mixed Match Challenge.

And I've had the ultimate privilege of granting a wish myself.

And when a wish is granted, a child replaces fear with confidence,

sadness with joy, and anxiety with hope.

Seeing their smiles is a feeling that I will never,

ever forget. >> We are proud to support Make-A-Wish in

the Mixed Match Challenge.


>> Nakamura? >> Yep?

>> [LAUGH] Show me how to do that thing



>> Meow.




>> We'll see you this Tuesday at 10 PM Eastern as Mixed Match Challenge

premieres live on Facebook Watch.

For more infomation >> Shinsuke Nakamura & Natalya to compete for Make-A-Wish in Mixed Match Challenge - Duration: 1:06.


19 UFO Sightings Caught on Live TV - Duration: 14:46.

Whether you are a believer or not, the term UFO simply stands for "unidentified flying


So even if the UFOs on this list are not alien in nature, the point is that we have no idea

what they actually are, and we likely never will.


KOCO 5 News: An Oklahoma news station randomly captures a low-flying UFO during a cutaway

shot shortly before commercial.

KOCO 5 News later shows this footage to the Science Museum of Oklahoma for verification.

Experts there said that it was not a meteorite and declared it an actual UFO.

The President of another organization called the Oklahoma Astronomy Society later said

they thought it could be a meteorite, and as with any good UFO sighting, the debate

continues to this day.


This perplexing UFO sighting was taken during a Fox News broadcast on the same day as President

Obama's Inauguration.

Two glowing lights appear to the right of the Washington Monument followed by a pale

orb-like UFO.

The UFO almost looks transparent and metallic as comes into sight for only a moment and

then fades away.

Some people are saying that this is a camera malfunction involving the two red lights on

the monument itself.

I would definitely like to hear more about this possible malfunction if someone could

explain it to me.


In 2013 a camera on a weather tower detected something very abnormal hovering over Lincoln,

which is the capital of Nebraska.

Look in the bottom righthand corner to see it.

The station's local meteorologist had no explanation for the UFO.

He went on to say that he does not believe it was a weather-related incident and therefore

is unqualified to comment on what it could be.

A Lincoln resident caught this flashing object on tape the same morning and sent it into

the news network.

By the time the sun came up, the UFO was gone without

a trace.


It's just another normal news day in Cincinnati, Ohio until a UFO reveals itself in broad daylight.

The stunned news anchor is able to track the fast-moving UFO with his finger until it is

completely gone from sight, and his confused reaction is the same as almost everyone who

has seen this video since.

Some people have tried to explain this sighting as the planet Venus, which is only visible

during certain times of the year, but since the UFO clearly travels in front of a building

at one point, I don't think that this particular explanation is possible.


A live news broadcast in Montreal shows a strange flying object in the dark city sky.

Pay attention to the area just left of the newscaster.

Some people say that this is clearly a meteorite, but then again, other people say it's far

too large and slow-moving to be one.

Whatever it is, the object definitely appears to become larger as it draws closer to earth.

Maybe it burned up in the earth's atmosphere, and this is it falling to Earth.

Either way, we'll likely never know if this was a meteorite or an actual spacecraft.


A YouTuber named timelinesoon was watching a German television show when suddenly this

popped up on his screen.

The UFO hangs around for a bit before silently gliding away.

If anybody speaks German, please let me know what is being said here.

Tell me if they give the name of the location and if this story has anything to do with

unusual alien activity at all.


This BBC broadcast picked up something so strange that they later asked viewers to call

in if they saw it themselves.

A news anchor is casually reporting on a normal news story when something very unusual zooms

by the webcam in the background.

I personally wouldn't be surprised if it was a bug.

Somebody else mentioned that it could be light reflecting off of an overhead aircraft on

a cloudy day.

Let me know if you think these two possible explanations seem reasonable.


Parkerdonaldmusic: In 2012, a band called The Black Keys was playing live in Chicago

at an annual music festival called Lollapalooza.

Look at these brief clips and see if you can spot something in the sky as the cameras pan

across the audience.

At least two tiny unidentified flying objects appear to dart around in the spotlight using

sharp and sporadic flight patterns.

I'm not an expert, but I don't think comets move like that, so I'm not sure what it



This official YouTube video comes from Channel 4 News in Britain.

A news anchor named Tom Watson is reading off a teleprompter when something flies over

the live green screen behind him.

Slow the footage down and you can clearly see a white saucer descend across the city


Some people have pointed out that this could be a drone, but this footage was taken in

2011 – way before drones were publicly available.

So I guess this was either a government-owned drone or an actual alien spacecraft, but we'll

likely never know for sure.


The Keiser Report is an English-speaking news show based out of Moscow, Russia.

There's a moment during the 457th episode that captures a UFO zooming by overhead.

Some people claim that this is a bird while others say that this is way too fast.

I'm not sure if this is a bird or something else, but when you slow the footage down,

you can clearly see that it has the shape of saucer.


One day a lot of people in Cornwall, Australia all saw the exact same UFO and livestreamed

it on social media.

The greyish UFO seemed to dematerialize and reappear before their very eyes.

All three of those videos were posted within 10 minutes of each other by people who had

never met before.

The next day the strange UFO was back for its second appearance.

These videos were taken on July 17 and July 18th of 2017.

The shimmering UFO has not been reported since.


This live weather channel footage was recorded by a person named Jittery Kitty and uploaded

onto their Twitter account.

A weather station is tracking Hurricane Irma

when suddenly a huge ball of light falls directly from the sky, hits the ground and then bounces

back upwards until it is out of view.

Meanwhile, the meteorologist either pretends not to notice or genuinely wasn't looking

at the live feed when it happened.

This bizarre moment may have been lost forever if not for one Twitter user's quick-thinking.


Fox News accidentally caught a UFO flying around Washington DC one day moments before

cutting away to a commercial break.

The lightning-fast UFO leaves the camera frame as quickly as it came, disappearing from sight

before the news anchor is even able to get out three words.

I find it interesting how many UFO sightings occur around monuments and other landmarks.

Let me know if you agree and why you think this happens so often.


On April 5th of 2016, this mysterious UFO was seen hovering around the International

Space Station at 7:23 in the morning during a NASA livestream.

A flat disc slowly rises on the blue horizon in the distance.

It grows larger and larger and then appears to briefly invert itself while continuing

to surface.

I have no idea what this thing could be, so please give me your best guess.

As far as I know, NASA has yet to give an official explanation.


A YouTuber named JulieG797 was watching live BBC news coverage of a worker's strike in

Hong Kong when he catches what seems to be undeniable evidence of a UFO.

The mysterious green light hangs around the top of a building for only moments before

shooting straight up into the sky.

This footage was taken directly from the television screen and seems very hard, if not impossible,

to fake.

Right now people are mostly debating if the light is too big to be a quadcopter drone.

I guess it could be a drone, but if not, I think this very well may be a legitimate alien

UFO sighting.


This live recording was shot somewhere in the country of Turkey.

The news report itself starts out normally enough until a bystander notices an object

in the distance and points it out to the rest.

A group soon gathers around to gawk at what appears to be a large amount of UFOs in the


The fact that this video ends before anything else happens makes me think that it could

be fake, or maybe an electronic disturbance jammed the cameras.

If anyone in Turkey knows more about this video, please let me know.


Many people routinely watch NASA's space streams in hopes of catching a glimmer of

extraterrestrial life.

One such observer noticed an odd moment on the NASA stream in January of 2016 and decided

to call them out on it.

It's impossible to deny that a tiny fast-moving spec definitely zoomed across the background


Tell me if you think the astronaut was trying to cover something up with his hand, or if

that was just a coincidence.

I definitely want to hear from anyone who has seen other similar things on a NASA feed

as well.


A large storm in Oklahoma is nothing special, but the two UFOs caught during a live television

broadcast in April of 2017 definitely are.

Two plump dots in the distance move around in patterns that defy the natural laws of


The UFOs appear to start and stop in tiny bursts, and when you look closely, you can

see a trail of light beneath them as they move towards the sky.

Many people suspect that this is either extraterrestrial aircraft or else some sort of advanced rocket

propulsion technology that the general public does not know about.

Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you're enjoying my narration.

If you're curious about what I look like in real life, then go to my instagram, @dylan_is_chillin_yt

and tap that follow button to find out.

I'm currently doing a super poll on my Instagram, if you believe ghosts are real, then go to

my most recent photo, and tap the like button.

If you don't, DM me saying why.

When you're done come right back to this video to find out the number 1 entry.

Also follow me on Twitter @YT_Chills because that's where I post video updates.

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In 2004, this UFO was spotted flying west of San Diego over the water.

Two high-tech fighter jets immediately took pursuit.

Later one of them would describe what they saw as a 40-foot long tic tac with no wings.

What you just saw wasn't declassified until thirteen years later by the Department of

Defense in 2017.

All major news networks have verified this tape, so I can honestly say it's 100 percent


The Pentagon had a secret 22 million dollar UFO research program called the Advanced Aviation

Threat Identification Program that was discontinued 2012.

This fact, compared with this video, really makes you wonder how many other UFO videos

are waiting in the vault for declassification.

For more infomation >> 19 UFO Sightings Caught on Live TV - Duration: 14:46.


SWAG is NUTS! CRAZY DEAGLE CLUTCH! CS:GO Twitch Clips! - Duration: 10:52.


For more infomation >> SWAG is NUTS! CRAZY DEAGLE CLUTCH! CS:GO Twitch Clips! - Duration: 10:52.


WOW! Judge Napolitano EXPOSED Hillary Like No One Before! – Comey Heavily INVOLVED! - Duration: 2:15.


Judge Napolitano EXPOSED Hillary Like No One Before!

– Comey Heavily INVOLVED!

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is a typical example of a corrupt politician

that absolutely nobody can say the opposite.

The facts are so solid against her that only her connections are keeping her above the


Now, more facts are about to give her much more weight and hopefully be the breaking

point, we'll see.

Apparently, during an interview with Fox News, Judge Napolitano blasted Hillary's aide

Huma Abedin for her blatant lies about the emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop.

"She reportedly told the FBI that she did not back up her emails on her husband's

laptop," – Napolitano started to grind her.

"Those things made their way onto the laptop of her husband, who has since been convicted

of taking materials from that laptop and giving them to an underage woman in order to induce

the young woman to have sex with him.

You can't make this stuff up," – he added.

"I saw those e-mails last night.

You know, I have been arguing since July 5, 2016, the day of James Comey's famous presser

in which he purported to exonerate Hillary, that there is enough evidence to prosecute

her for espionage, and James Comey was wrong on the facts and wrong on the law"

"But there is a bigger picture here beyond the exoneration of Hillary Clinton and Huma


The use of the F.B.I. for political purposes and the corruption of law enforcement.

Not corruption like somebody was paid money, but doing something in law enforcement for

a non-law enforcement-based reason."


Why did they let these people off the hook?

Why, when there is a mountain of evidence, were they not prosecuted?

And even today, the mountain of evidence is still there.

Why aren't they prosecuted today?"

– He finished the beatdown with a simple question that shocked the liberals.

What he just said is absolutely right no matter what liberals say or do.

This cannot be further from the truth as he always speaks his mind and sees the things


What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> WOW! Judge Napolitano EXPOSED Hillary Like No One Before! – Comey Heavily INVOLVED! - Duration: 2:15.


¡¡**TRUCO** SECRETO para CONSEGUIR CARTAS LEGENDARIAS?!! ¿Real o FAKE? - Clash Royale [BySixx] - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> ¡¡**TRUCO** SECRETO para CONSEGUIR CARTAS LEGENDARIAS?!! ¿Real o FAKE? - Clash Royale [BySixx] - Duration: 10:02.


Top 7 Best Looking Indie Game Trailers - January 2018 - Duration: 7:15.

hi everybody welcome to get indie gaming and to our monthly roundup of seven

indie games and their trailers that we thought you might like to keep an eye on

as always we've kept the editing down to a minimum and present them without

additional commentary as always you'll find the links to these games within

this video down in the description and while you're here why not let us know

what you think about these games in the usual place we'll pop back once we're

done with this month's number one

the truth about survival we try to save our families fight back the madness

pulled back the corruption

but we can't it's too late

the dream is to build a colony far away from Earth the challenges will

for humanity to take its next giant leap forward

to succeed step one is done you've got a lot of work

and with that many thanks for watching coming up later this month we've our

selection of hidden in the gems of late that you might have missed our games on

Kickstarter overview together with a smattering of other content including

gameplay preview footage from the forthcoming Felix the Reaper please hit

that like button subscribe to the channel and we'll be back soon with

another video

For more infomation >> Top 7 Best Looking Indie Game Trailers - January 2018 - Duration: 7:15.


The Powerful Will Erase You In 2020 - Duration: 7:35.

We helped mommy fill out our census form!

But why?

Because everybody counts in the census form!

Because while the census is supposed to count people,

some people want to make certain people not count at all.

If there's one thing we can still count on in 2018, it's numbers, right?

There's one, there's two, there's twen and fiftor.

Did I just say fiftor?

Now not even numbers are safe from this administration.

Specifically, the numbers of the U.S. Census,

our once-in-a-decade demographic temperature taker that's coming up in 2020.

The census is so critical to a functional government, that the bureau runs

these cheesy ads every decade to try to get people to fill it out:

(singing) In 80 million mailboxes across the USA

The census is a comin' to help us plan the way!

(rapping) So fill it out It's easy, safe confidential

It can't be used against you, it's quite essential

(rapping) The census is real, ain't nothing to be scared of,

We need a headcount so everyone can be cared for

They're pandering so hard!

At this rate we can guess what the census bureau's 2020 ads will look like.

Sup fam, make sure you are woke on the U.S. Census!

It is lit AF!

So make sure it is one of your squad go-

The truth is the census is a survey of America

and traditionally a mundane event.

Just watch this informational video from the 16th census back in 1940 explaining it:

The busy but unspectacular United State Census,

created by Article I of the US Constitution,

its population figures since 1790 have determined

the number of delegates from each state and the House of Representatives.

I love how that video calls the census "busy but unspectacular,"

which is the best way to describe anything that's offensively inoffensive.

Like, The Antique's Roadshow.

Like, why? But also

why not?

On top of determining the number of representatives states get in Congress,

census data helps allocate $600 billion in federal funding

for things like transportation and education.

And it helps learn a lot about ourselves as Americans.

According to the Census Bureau, college-educated women are waiting even longer to have children.

Love is in the air.

But according to the US Census Bureau about 116 million people in the United States

are living single.

The census bureau says fewer people are marrying and many are waiting longer.

Why does the Census Bureau sound like my mom's "When am I going to be a grandma routine,"

only with stats?

According to the U.S. Census Bureau

65% of your eggs have dried up

and if you want children, it is now or never...

And the 2020 census could have a huge impact on whether our democracy

will even be a democracy anymore.

Because as we've established, nothing is safe under Trump--

except for the McDonald's down the street from the White House,

That place is going to be FINE.

Last May, an important administration shakeup in particular probably flew under your radar.

The Washington Post reports the US Census Director suddenly resigned.

John Thompson is his name. He served as director since 2013.

His departure comes as the Census Bureau faces budget shortages before the 2020 population count.

That's right. The Census Director was one of the fiftor zillion resignations

since Trump became president.

And I betcha didn't know about it since he resigned on the same day

former FBI director James Comey was fired.

Not that a distraction from the Census Bureau is necessary--

after all, it's so bland I bet you also didn't know that

Thompson's predecessor was just a Saltine with the salt scraped off.

He had a great tenure.

And census officials are usually non-partisan. That is, until this administration:

Today we learned who President Trump wants to put in charge of the 2020 census.

He's the author of this book:

It's titled Redistricting and Representation: Why Competitive Elections are Bad for America.

His name is Thomas Brunell.

He's never worked in government and he believes gerrymandering is a good thing.

Again, gerrymandering is where district lines are drawn in insane ways

to lump people of color and other Democrat-leaning voters

into the same districts in order minimize their representational power.

It's the reason a bunch of legislatures are overly skewed Republican,

even in swing states.

Brunell helped the Republican-controlled congress of North Carolina gerrymander that state in 2011--

a move the Supreme Court struck down because they said the lines

were primarily drawn based on race,

which is unconstitutional.

So appointing this partisan gerrymandering fiend is alarming,

because in addition to deciding how much federal funding goes where

census data is also used to determine how legislative and congressional districts are drawn.

You don't put redistricting experts in charge of the census.

The census is there to get a fair and accurate account of how many people are in every state,

in every precinct and every census block.

If there's one thing that should be sacred right now,

it should be the census.

Oh, you want sacred?

The president threatens nuclear war on Twitter

it between bites of ketchup-covered steak.

NOTHING is sacred.

Yes, the U.S. Census could be used as a political tool.

Because if you misrepresent the population you don't have to represent that population.

The census already undercounts minority communities,

but now with the possibility of Captain Gerrymander at the helm

and not enough money to *do* the census,

whole communities could be erased.

If the census has no money, you're gonna see a further lessening of representation,

a further lessening of minorities, low income people counting in society.

So it's one of those under-the-radar things that has a big impact on democracy.

So, come 2020, the census might not have enough money

and the results could hasten gerrymandering.

And the third way the census might screw people over?

The Justice Department is asking to add one additional question: citizenship status.

Which is chilling.

Adding a citizenship question means undocumented immigrants could be scared off

from even answering the census.

And the states and districts they live in would therefore get less funding and representation.

And even *if* they're confident enough to answer a question about their legal status,

what if the census helps ICE locate and round up undocumented people?

Sound crazy?

Well, it's happened before.

In 1942, census data was used to find Japanese people

and relocate them into internment camps.

But ... what about the multi-racial song of census harmony?!

(singing) In 80 million mailboxes across the USA

The census is a'comin'

To lock you all away!

...Did they just say "to lock you all away"??

So. The Census has been used to do horrible things

to vulnerable communities in the past.

But when done right, it helps us understand who the hell we are as a nation

and what we need to move forward.

Let's not weaponize something that's supposed to be basic and inoffensive.

Like, you don't give The Antiques Roadshow PCP.

That'd be a disaster.

(chaotic sound effects) Good TV, though.

Hey everyone thanks for watching Newsbroke, I'm Francesca Fiorentini, follow me on Twitter.

And also, follow Newsbroke on Facebook and YouTube.

And maybe while you're at it,

follow the Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross

'cause he has ultimate decision as to

whether the gerrymander king, Brunell, is even confirmed

to lead the U.S. census.

And we don't want that, right?

So send him a little GIF-GIF or something.

Also share this video to let people know the U.S. Census is coming up

and we need to fill it out. It's gonna be important.

Anyway, see you next week!

For more infomation >> The Powerful Will Erase You In 2020 - Duration: 7:35.


Don`t look! A movie that Funny hamster wants to keep! - Duration: 4:34.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Don`t look! A movie that Funny hamster wants to keep! - Duration: 4:34.


Aplique Aguá Oxigenada e Vinagre na UNHA COM FUNGO, Aguarde 15 Minutos e Isso Vai Acontecer - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Aplique Aguá Oxigenada e Vinagre na UNHA COM FUNGO, Aguarde 15 Minutos e Isso Vai Acontecer - Duration: 3:03.


Witches and Hags: Crash Course World Mythology #39 - Duration: 9:41.

For more infomation >> Witches and Hags: Crash Course World Mythology #39 - Duration: 9:41.


Amazon Mystery Box Unboxing! - Duration: 6:14.

hey guys it's Zoe welcome back to my channel. so for today's video I'm gonna

be unboxing an Amazon mystery box. okay so recently I did a video unboxing the

eBay mystery box, and then I found out that they have mystery boxes on Amazon

as well so I decided to get one this was I think about $25 and it's a pretty

pretty big box and it's honestly kind of heavy so today we're going to be

unboxing this Amazon mystery box together and finding out the contents of

this box let's go ahead and get started so I'm just gonna be opening this up so

I just opened this box and this is what I see okay well there's some interesting

things in here I'm just gonna start with the first thing I see which is this

package of ramen this does instant lunch chicken flavor ramen noodle soup alright

that's interesting moving on so the next thing in here is

super random there's literally a bag of lollies like a ziplock bag of lollipops

and the ziplock bag isn't even closed so I don't really know there's like a trend

of food in this box I hope there's no more food because that would be

disgusting so let's move on to the next thing I'm gonna open something that's

wrapped I'm just gonna go for a random I don't know

you're kidding me right

Wow I'm literally called I literally said I

hope there's no more food and then I open a can of tuna are you kidding me

okay so the next thing in here well there's actually three that look the

same okay I'm dancing mania mad libs they're

already they're literally already done well some of them are Wow okay let's see

if these are all my libs I really don't know

yep totally pink mad libs iCarly mad libs

okay are you kidding me Wow oh these are done too

okay hang on so the next thing that I'm picking up is

this I have no idea what it is but there's new wrapping for we had green

and now we have some polkadot rainbow

more with the food or like okay this is hot chocolate packets Oh with mini

marshmallows okay I'm okay with that now okay the next thing in here is Dave and

Buster's shot glass Dave and Buster's is like a big kids chuck-e-cheese basically

it's like a arcade and now there's a I have a shot glass and I'm underage so

the next thing I see in here is a sponge um this doesn't look used so I'm just

gonna just show you like wash my dishes with that I don't know the next thing in

here is this what this is a beanie baby collector's item okay this is a very

patriotic elephant from 2000 I wasn't even born oh my god okay um wow this is

just this is a move to be on this wow this is crazy the next thing in here

this is the last wrapped item so I'm just gonna do it but there's still more

things in the box so beaniebaby okay so this

get bow I've never heard of this game it's it looks like a card game and it's

been opened tape on it just like as if someone taped it back you know I have no

idea how to play this and also I don't have any friends what you need to play

it okay the next thing in here is about that Body Works candle okay this is in

cactus blossom this is super random I love candles but this has never been

used before and on see smells are really good so basically I got a candle for $25

anyway the next thing and the last thing in here is this dusty frame from Ikea

you know what this rain doesn't even come with a picture of a random family

in it this is just literally just a frame like you know the frame that come

with pictures of like random people inside this doesn't mean how about what

a ripoff anyway guys that is it for my unboxing

of my Amazon a mystery box there's nothing in the box I hope you guys

enjoyed this video make sure to give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to you

about already check out my eBay mystery box unboxing

which is linked in the description box below and I will see you guys at my next

video bye

Amazon Mystery Box Unboxing

Hashtag Zoe

For more infomation >> Amazon Mystery Box Unboxing! - Duration: 6:14.


Corey Lewandowski: Illegal immigrants are a burden on taxpayers - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Corey Lewandowski: Illegal immigrants are a burden on taxpayers - Duration: 6:22.


How to Kill Pennywise | NowThis Nerd - Duration: 8:39.

Hi guys, I'm Kya and I'm feeling the pressure for this one.

Pennywise the Dancing Clown is by far the most requested monster in the history of 'How to Kill,'

so it's high time we delivered.

Now, Pennywise is not your boilerplate serial killer.

It's eternal, all-powerful, and utterly evil.

Basically It's a god, and killing It is gonna be a lot harder than blowing up some tall guy in a mask.

But if a bunch of snot-nosed Losers can do it, so can you.

So grab your stun-gun,

thrust your fists against the posts,

and stare directly into the Deadlights,

because today we're going to tell you

How to Kill Pennywise.

The first and most important tip:

Like Fred Durst said,

You Gotta Have Faith

(Please believe that I know George Michael actually came up with that.)

Anyway, it's not easy to classify the terror that stalks the town of Derry,

but 'psychic vampire' seems pretty close.

At the same time It's physical form is feeding on your dismembered limbs,

Hiya, Georgie!

on a different plane of reality, Pennywise is chowing down on your emotions.

It's favorite dish? Tasty, tasty, beautiful fear.

Pennywise prefers to snack on children because their fear is so easy to manipulate,

Egg boy!

and It loves to shapeshift into whatever form horrifies them most.

He can show up as a teenage werewolf,

A creepy faceless lady from a painting,

and of course, your dead little brother.

Ahhh! 'Kay, bye.

At home, when Pennywise is chilling on the couch with a pint of Halo Top and the screams of dying children,

he kicks off his clown shoes and slips into the shape of a giant, monstrous spider.

Lemme just slip into something more comfortable and pull on like eight freaking legs.

Leg, leg, leg, leg, leg... Ahh...

Whenever It takes a form, it's bound by the physical rules that apply to it,

including weaknesses,

as long as you believe.

When the Losers punch a hole in Pennywise's skull,

it's not really the slug that hurts It,

it's their childlike, overwhelming belief that silver kills monsters.

The same way a kid just KNOWS Santa is real,

if you KNOW that Pennywise can be killed,

he can.

I just want them to kill Santa.

[OFFSCREEN] We already showed them how!

We showed you guys how to kill Santa, just do it!

Guys, I got presents for Christmas! Y'all fouled up with killing Santa! Allright, sorry.

Fear might nourish and strengthen Pennywise,

but your faith and confidence can hurt It like battery acid.

This is battery acid, you SLIME!

You could focus your belief behind totems like silver bullets, inhalers, or bolt guns.

Or you could just gang up on him and kick his ass.

I'm gonna have to kill this flipping clown. Welcome to the Losers Club, airhead!

In the remake, once the kids get over their fear and act as a unit,

They layeth the smacketh down on Pennywise using pipes, bats, even their bare hands.

The Losers beat him bad enough to send him into hiding for another cycle,

but sadly it'll take more than a kick in the junk to kill him for good.


The decisive war against Pennywise must be waged on two fronts,

so while your friends mess up his body on Earth,

you've got to

Fight It on It's Turf

Now, this is all book territory,

so bear with us because we're talking about concepts that are tough to express visually.

That's because Pennywise doesn't fully exist on our plane of reality.

His physical form crashed on our world millions of years ago,

but that's only the tip of the iceberg.

I am eternal, child! I am the eater of worlds! And of children!

Pennywise talks a lot of crap. He's just like going on this rant and I'm like dude, chill, just kill these kids!

Like, they're scared, you're a floating clown head, that's enough.

It's true essence is outside of our existence, in a realm called the Macroverse,

It's closely linked to the 'Dark Tower' mythos, where it's called 'Todash Space.'

In King's cosmology, it's a vast void of nothingness that exists between various worlds,

occupied by unspeakable creatures and horrifying cosmic entities,

like the monsters from 'The Mist,'

and, of course, Pennywise.

It's astral form can't be comprehended by humans.

Our brains interpret what we're seeing as a living, writhing orange glow called the Deadlights.

Even through that layer of abstraction,

one glimpse is enough to drive you utterly insane.

Lose your little mind in my Deadlights!

But if you want to kill It, you need to face them sooner or later.

During the Loser's first encounter, Bill gets some telekinetic help from Maturin,

a giant cosmic turtle that literally puked the Universe into being.

He tells Bill his only chance is to face Pennywise in the Ritual of Chud,

a Himalayan tradition where a Shaman and a shapeshifter staple their tongues together and have a riddle battle.

Bill and Pennywise have the same test of wills on a metaphorical scale.

His consciousness battles It's true form across the vast depths of the universe,

and with an assist from the Turtle, Big Bill sends Pennywise packing for 27 years.

Grown-up Bill doesn't have as much luck the next time around.

His giant ponytail might help him with the ladies,

But his childhood belief is gone,

the Loser's Club is down a man,

I finally made it, guys! I'm in the Deadlights now!

and the turtle choked to death on a galaxy years ago.

Eddie sacrifices his life to yank Bill back to Earth,

and with the Ritual of Chud finished,

it's time for the killing blow.

That's right, that means it's time to

Rip It's Heart Out

So you've conquered your fear,

survived the Deadlights,

and now you want to finish this melon farmer off for good.

Well, this is the fun part.

Because now, all that's left is a badly wounded cosmic tarantula,

and there's no boot on Earth big enough to stomp it.

Except maybe a big plastic Paul Bunyan statue?

Nah that'd be too cheesy.

So gather all your friends,

The ones that aren't dead or catatonic, I mean,

Then chase that sucker down and tear It apart.

While It's spiritual self is reeling,

the Losers flip that sumbitch over and plunge their fists into its abdomen.

And when the frenzy subsides, Pennywise is deader than the Dark Universe.


It took a 27-year ordeal for the gang to kill It,

but there's always a chance the evil could return again.

Because Pennywise might not be the only member of his species.

And if you meet one on Mid-World, don't even hesitate to

Shoot It in the Head

'The Dark Tower' series ties a lot of Stephen King's books together.

It's got Randall Flagg from 'The Stand,'

the priest from 'Salem's Lot'

and, in the extremely weird last book,

the heroes meet the same kind of creature as Pennywise.

As they finally start to reach the titular Tower,

gunslingers Roland and Susannah come across a cabin with a limping, one-eyed old man inside.

He says he used to be a stand-up comedian,

and after he invites the two inside,

he launches into his routine.

In fact, until I was 16 I thought throwing up was a sign of maturity!

Y'know, while all the other kids were off in the woods sneaking cigarettes, I was behind the house with my fingers down my throat!

His jokes are lame, but soon our heroes are literally choking to death on their laughter,

as the man named Dandelo grows younger and healthier.

They're trying to save all the worlds and they're going to a stand-up comedian!

It's literally not the time for jokes! Whatever.

Word of God says he's at least from the same species as Pennywise,

and possibly one of It's offspring that Ben failed to stomp.

Just like Pennywise, Dandelo's an emotional vampire.

He feeds off people's laughter, joy, and sorrow,

And his true form is a nightmare monster insect,

In the book, Susannah comes to her senses after popping a boil on her face and finding a warning letter from Stephen King in the bathroom.

Did I mention 'The Dark Tower' is completely insane by the way? Shit gets wild.

Now that she knows what she's dealing with,

she overcomes her fear just like the Loser's Club,

and blows Dandelo's head off with Roland's revolver.

Which, by the way, is forged from the melted remains of Excalibur.

His guns are forged from the steel of the sword of Arthur Eld himself.

Because why the frick not?

That could be why Dandelo goes down way easier than his New England cousin.

But either way, he's just as twisted.

But I like my killer clowns to think bigger.

Pennywise was the rotten, evil heart of an entire city for thousands of years,

and I still don't believe a bunch of Losers could really finish him for good.

King has hinted that he's still out there,

so I think I'm gonna pass on the slideshows for the time being,

But if you can't stay out of the sewers, at least remember our guide,

because sooner or later, you're going to have to kill this freaking clown.

Hey guys, thanks for watching!

If you're new to How to Kill,

You can check out our playlist to learn everything you need to know about surviving slashers and slaying monsters.

And, while you're here, check out our new sister series, 'What Could Go Wrong?' for more movie trope survival guides.

Either way, stay tuned and please subscribe to NowThis Nerd.

For more infomation >> How to Kill Pennywise | NowThis Nerd - Duration: 8:39.


THE MAGICIANS | Season 3, Episode 1: Secret's Out | SYFY - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> THE MAGICIANS | Season 3, Episode 1: Secret's Out | SYFY - Duration: 5:23.


Accents with Rob Brydon and Cariad Lloyd - Would I Lie to You? [HD][CC] - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Accents with Rob Brydon and Cariad Lloyd - Would I Lie to You? [HD][CC] - Duration: 4:20.


Dove DermaSeries | NEW gentle cleansing face wash | Meet Rebecca - Duration: 0:31.

When my skin is at its driest, there are so few products actually that I could apply

to my skin. After I have used this face-wash and rinsed it off, honestly, my face feels

like it's moisturised already. It feels really, incredibly creamy and luxurious.

For more infomation >> Dove DermaSeries | NEW gentle cleansing face wash | Meet Rebecca - Duration: 0:31.


A.White'o ir B.Udriho komentarai po pergalės Kaune prieš „Unicaja" - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> A.White'o ir B.Udriho komentarai po pergalės Kaune prieš „Unicaja" - Duration: 2:59.


How to Survive Winter - Duration: 5:45.


I just dumped my water out everywhere

Ok guys, bear with me because I'm new at this.

I also have Daisy, my bunny, running around so..a few distractions.

But anyway, welcome to my channel.

Today I'm going to be giving you a few winter survival tips

Not like...stranded outdoors winter survival tips.

More like just everyday life.

Mental health, physical health, that type of thing.

But, with that, I am not a licensed doctor or therapist

so if you are suffering from some kind of mental or physical ailment, please do not rely solely upon this video for help.

Please see a professional.

However, hopefully this video will give you a few tips that can help you survive this winter season.

At least here in the U.S. from, like, January 1st through end of May there are no vacation days at work.

So that's a really long span of time.

People can end up getting really stressed out or just burned out so hopefully these tips can help you if you are feeling that way.

If you would like to read about these more in depth, also did a blog post about them

so I will leave a link for that in the description box.

So please check that out.

And without further ado, my first tip is to get outdoors.

which is also maybe the hardest tip to do in the winter.

Especially if you live in a place like Minnesota where Iive.

Currently there is a blizzard going on outside.

Which is why there's nice light in here.

It's like really bright and white.

And last week we had negative temperatures for the whole week and I think the week before that.

So, like I said, getting outside can be difficult. Especially if you live somewhere like I do.

But I do really encourage you to bundle up and get out there. Pick an activity or something you can enjoy.

I really like snowboarding in the winter. It just gives me a reason to look forward to winter and enjoy it

so choose something that makes you enjoy winter.

It doesn't have to be snowboarding pick something you like, like ice skating, skiiing, just going for a walk.

Maybe you like icefishing. That's a very Minnesota thing to do.

Just anything that can get you outside exercising and enjoying winter.

Promise that this will help boost your mood. It will help you stay healthy by getting you exercise and fresh air.

So really just get out there. Force yourself to bundle up and just step outside.

My second tip is to maintain your health and to take care of yourself.

So, probably my favorite way of doing this in the winter is by eating healthy.

Which is also difficult to do in the winter

because all you really feel like eating is comfort food...I love comfort food.

However, eating fresh produce - like I really enjoy clementines in the winter or pomegranates or spinach.

Just really vitamin C rich foods. Those are really good for you in the winter.

And they are often on sale at grocery stores in the winter. I know in Minnesota being landlocked and a cold climate

nothing is in season right now so it's hard to find fresh produce for a good price this time of year.

But, just look for sales. That's what I like doing. Or shop at Aldi because things are usually cheap there anyway.

And then the other thing that I do in the winter to maintain my health is

to take a vitamin D supplement. Because we are cooped up inside during the winter, for the most part,

We are missing out on vitamin D from the sun.

So I take a vitamin D supplement to boost my mood and my immunity.

And I have found that it really works. If Ido get a cold, it makes the cold shorter.

And it just helps prevent getting the cold in the first place.

So I usually take the supplement with some fat. I'll take it after a meal or with a spoonful of peanut butter because the fat helps your body to absorb the vitamin better.

And then my last tip for you is to utilize aromatherapy.

Now this might not be a great one for you if you are sensitive to strong scents. Like if I'm exposed to a strong scent for too long, I'll end up getting a headache.

So if you're like that, just take caution with this tip. But, I have found a couple scents that really do help me.

One of them is citrus scented oils. So like orange and grapefruit. Those are really nice and I have found brighten my mood.

And I don't really even do anything special with them. I just have the bottle

open next to me while I'm getting ready or while I'm working and I've just found that that really helps.

And the other one I really like is peppermint oil because it just wakes me up. The smell of it wakes me up.

And then if I have a headache if put some on my temples it just instantly gets rid of it.

So, its really good for that. Although I don't often recommend holistic remedies, just because I haven't found any that really work for me,

I have definitely had success with this one.

So those are my three tips for today. I hope they can help you survive this long winter season.

If you enjoyed the video, please give it a thumbs up and if you would like to see more videos like this

then hit subscribe. Like I said, I'll leave the link to that blog post in the description so be sure to check that out.

And I've got a few other posts up on the blog that you might enjoy.

Thank you very much for watching and I will see you in my next one. Bye!

For more infomation >> How to Survive Winter - Duration: 5:45.


VW Polo - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> VW Polo - Duration: 1:01.


Skoda Superb - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Skoda Superb - Duration: 1:00.


Skoda Karoq - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Skoda Karoq - Duration: 1:05.


어떻게든 송지효의 기분을 맞춰 주려고 합니다 런닝맨 강개리와 송지효는 냉전 중 - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> 어떻게든 송지효의 기분을 맞춰 주려고 합니다 런닝맨 강개리와 송지효는 냉전 중 - Duration: 6:44.


UTILEV® - The Utility Lift Truck

For more infomation >> UTILEV® - The Utility Lift Truck


For more infomation >> UTILEV® - The Utility Lift Truck


Dragon Ball Super 122 : Le sauveur de l'arc du tournoi du pouvoir? - Duration: 14:30.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super 122 : Le sauveur de l'arc du tournoi du pouvoir? - Duration: 14:30.


For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super 122 : Le sauveur de l'arc du tournoi du pouvoir? - Duration: 14:30.


Tver → Moscow (Tver, Lineynaya Street → Moscow, Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve) (07/2016) - Duration: 3:31:31.

For more infomation >> Tver → Moscow (Tver, Lineynaya Street → Moscow, Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve) (07/2016) - Duration: 3:31:31.


For more infomation >> Tver → Moscow (Tver, Lineynaya Street → Moscow, Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve) (07/2016) - Duration: 3:31:31.


Riyad Mahrez begins Liverpool transfer talks but he wants Arsenal move EXCLUSIVE ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:32.

Riyad Mahrez is in talks with Liverpool over replacing Philippe Coutinho - but he would

prefer to sign for Arsenal instead.

Insiders in Mahrez's camp have exclusively revealed to Express Sport that terms of a

transfer are being discussed with Liverpool chiefs.

That follows the £142million sale of Philippe Coutinho to Barcelona, which was completed

this week.

Algerian winger Mahrez, 26, is on the Reds' wish-list of signings despite the club privately

admitting otherwise.

While bringing forward a deal to sign Naby Keita is a priority, Mahrez is an alternative

option that is being explored by Liverpool this month as they bid to plan for life without


Mahrez slapped in a transfer request at Leicester last summer and is open to a move to Anfield.

But Jurgen Klopp's men are not his No 1 option.

Mahrez has just bought a property in London and it remains his preference to sign for

Arsenal - if a deal can be done.

Sources close to the player insist, however, that no talks have been held with the Gunners.

Leicester are desperate to keep their playmaker and boss Claude Puel has claimed star man

Mahrez does NOT want to quit.

Mahrez was linked with a move to Barcelona in 2016 after helping Leicester win the Premier

League title.

But he signed a new four-year deal to stay at the King Power stadium instead - only to

demand a transfer a year later.

Puel said: "He is a happy player.

After that it is all speculation.

"There is no problem.

I want to continue to work with my best players like Riyad."

Mahrez is unlikely to fulfil his wish to move to the Emirates unless Arsenal sell Alexis


It has emerged today that both Manchester United and Manchester City are interested

in the Chile forward, who is out of contract at the end of the season.

For more infomation >> Riyad Mahrez begins Liverpool transfer talks but he wants Arsenal move EXCLUSIVE ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:32.


For more infomation >> Riyad Mahrez begins Liverpool transfer talks but he wants Arsenal move EXCLUSIVE ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:32.


精读课件:May演讲学英语 - 美国教师工会反智,阻碍了教育的发展与社会的进步 Teachers Union Do Harm to Students 中英文CC Learn English - Duration: 4:54.

假设学校必须像企业相互争取客户那样争取学生的话 What if schools had to compete for students in the same way that businesses have to compete for customers?

学校会变得更好还是更差? Would schools get better or worse?

完全不需要去猜测 There's no need to guess.

如今在几乎每个存在竞争的州和城市中 In almost every state and city where there is competition today

教育成果都在改善—通常是明显的 educational outcomes improve – often dramatically.

这种竞争被称为学校选择,而现在受到了许多州和城市的采纳 This competition is called school choice, and many states and cities now embrace it.

很多美国儿童仍旧生活在旧制度下 With the old model, under which most American children still live

即政府—而非父母—决定儿童在哪间学校上学 the government – not the parent – decides which school children will attend.

学校选择是这样运作的 Now, here's how school choice works:

金钱落实到学生手上 The money follows the student.

每一个孩子得到的资金,他们的父母都能直接给到他们选择的学校 Every child receives funding that their parents can direct to the school of their choice

公立,私立,特许学校甚至家庭教学 public, private, charter or even homeschool

根据阿肯色大学的研究人员 According to researchers at the University of Arkansas

迄今为止所完成的最全面的研究 in the most comprehensive study done to date

学校选择项目中的学生 students in school choice programs

看到他们的阅读和数学得分各自提高了27%和15% saw their reading and math scores improve by 27 percent and 15 percent, respectively.

这听起来是我们应该支持的东西,不是吗? Sounds like something we should get behind, doesn't it?

但对于我家乡加州和其他地方的大量家庭而言 But for millions of families in my home state of California and in many others

学校选择并不是个选项 school choice is not a choice

唯一原因是:教师工会 And there's one reason why: teachers' unions.

我执教已28年了 I've been a teacher for 28 years

并在加州教师协会的地方分支机构担任领导 and served as a leader in a local affiliate of the California Teachers Association

所以我很了解这个问题 so I've seen this problem from the inside

加州公立学校的老师被强制支付会费给教师工会 Teachers in California public schools are coerced to pay dues to the teachers' unions.

的确,我们无法被强制加入 True, we cannot be forced to join

但我们被强迫付钱给教师工会 but we are forced to pay the union

他们的会费是强制性的,而且很贵 Their fees are mandatory - and expensive.

仅仅在加州,工会每年筹集到超过3亿美元 In California alone, the unions raise over 300 million dollars every year.

工会怎么处理这些钱呢 What do the unions do with all that money?

他们游说政府投入更多 They lobby the government for more money

更多的钱到公立教育中去 more money for public education

这听起来不错,但其实这实质上只是烟幕 That might sound good, but it's really just a smoke screen.

国家教育统计中心报告称,自从1970年 The National Center for Education Statistics reports that since 1970

美国公立学校的参与人数只上升了5% public school attendance in the U.S. has gone up by just five percent

而公立学校的雇佣人数则飙升到了95%! while public school employment has gone up 95 percent!

越多的公立学校雇佣人数意味着工会收到越多的会费 More public school employment means more dues for the unions.

但这意味着更好的学校吗? But does it mean better schools?

在加州肯定不是如此 Certainly not in California

加州在阅读和数学的全国排名是第45名 which ranks 45th in the nation in reading and math

尽管加州每年在教育上耗资超过550亿美元 despite spending over 55 billion dollars a year on education

那已超过州总预算的52%了 That's over 52% of the state's total budget.

然而几乎没人因这些糟糕的结果承担责任 Yet rarely is anyone held accountable for these dismal results.

我亲眼见过优秀的新老师失去工作 I've personally seen excellent, new teachers lose their jobs

而不称职的,甚至辱骂虐待他人的资深老师保住了工作 while incompetent, and even abusive, veteran teachers keep theirs

就是因为工会臭名昭著的"最后进入的人,第一个出局" because of the unions' infamous "last in, first out"

的解雇和终身职位规则 layoff and tenure rules

基于这种种原因 For these reasons and more

当父母允许进行选择时,他们总是更倾向于学校选择 parents almost always prefer school choice when allowed to choose.

对于能够负担得起送自己孩子到任何一间学校的 富裕的父母来说这显然是真的 This is obviously true for wealthy parents who can afford to send their children to any school they want

但这同样适用于当中产阶级和贫穷的父母有得选择时 but it's equally true for middle class and poor parents when they have a choice

这里漏出了个大马脚 And here's the real giveaway

当公立学校的老师有选择时 他们并不太愿意送自己的孩子到公立学校去 public school teachers are less likely to send their children to public schools when given the choice

为什么大多数学校选择的方案更好呢 Why are most school choice options better?

因为这些学校的老师不需要受到工会那让人窒息的工作规则的约束 Because teachers at these schools are free from the unions' stifling work rules.

总之,他们可自由教授 In short, they're free to teach.

而这些学校的管理人员也同样可自由奖赏优秀教师 And the administrators at these schools are also free to reward good teachers

解雇掉差劲的教师 and fire bad ones.

教师工会不喜欢学校选择 The teachers' unions don't like school choice

因为这对他们来说意味着更少的钱和权力 because it means less money and less power for them.

这是他们会说任何话,做任何事 That's why they'll say anything, do anything

不计成本地花钱来阻止学校选择的原因 and spend any amount to stop it

无论是在立法机关的大厅里 whether in the halls of the legislature

支援亲工会的候选人的竞选游说上 on the campaign trail backing pro-union candidates

还是电视里甜美悦耳的广告中 or on TV with sweet-sounding commercials

在我于公立学校的教育生涯中 During my public school teaching career

我曾与许多老师一起为从内部改革工会而努力 I have worked alongside many other teachers to reform the unions from within

当我们把我们的案件带到一个更高的权力前面时 Only when we realized that this wasn't possible

我们才意识到这是不可能的 did we take our case to a higher power

确确实实地:一路打到美国最高法院 literally:  All the way to the United States Supreme Court

我们的诉讼,弗里德里希斯诉加州教师协会 背后的论点是是简单的 The argument behind our lawsuit, Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, was simple

教师应能够自主决定—免受恐惧或胁迫 Teachers should be able to decide for themselves - without fear or coercion

是否资助或加入工会 whether or not to fund or join a union

不幸的是,以4比4的裁决,我们输了 Unfortunately, in a split 4-4 decision, we lost.

但我没有失去希望 But I haven't lost hope

因为工会和政客并非最终拥有权力的人 because the unions and the politicians do not ultimately have the power.

而是我们 We do.

如果你,就像我和其他数以百万的人那样 If you believe, like me and millions of others

认为应该是父母--而不是政府 来决定他们的孩子去哪间学校上学 that parents - not the government - should decide where their children go to school

竞争将使得所有学校都变得更好 and that competition will make all schools better

那么就来加入学校选择运动吧 then join the school choice movement.

我们能够让我们所有孩子拥有优秀的学校 We can have good schools for all our children.

我们只需要做这个选择-为了这个选择 We just have to make the choice – for choice.

我是丽贝卡·弗里德里希,是个母亲和加州公立学校教师 I'm Rebecca Friedrichs, mother and California public school teacher, for Prager University.

For more infomation >> 精读课件:May演讲学英语 - 美国教师工会反智,阻碍了教育的发展与社会的进步 Teachers Union Do Harm to Students 中英文CC Learn English - Duration: 4:54.


For more infomation >> 精读课件:May演讲学英语 - 美国教师工会反智,阻碍了教育的发展与社会的进步 Teachers Union Do Harm to Students 中英文CC Learn English - Duration: 4:54.


BMW 3 Serie 320d touring Aut. M-SPORT HIGH EXECUTIVE AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 320d touring Aut. M-SPORT HIGH EXECUTIVE AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:41.


Amazon Mystery Box Unboxing! - Duration: 6:14.

hey guys it's Zoe welcome back to my channel. so for today's video I'm gonna

be unboxing an Amazon mystery box. okay so recently I did a video unboxing the

eBay mystery box, and then I found out that they have mystery boxes on Amazon

as well so I decided to get one this was I think about $25 and it's a pretty

pretty big box and it's honestly kind of heavy so today we're going to be

unboxing this Amazon mystery box together and finding out the contents of

this box let's go ahead and get started so I'm just gonna be opening this up so

I just opened this box and this is what I see okay well there's some interesting

things in here I'm just gonna start with the first thing I see which is this

package of ramen this does instant lunch chicken flavor ramen noodle soup alright

that's interesting moving on so the next thing in here is

super random there's literally a bag of lollies like a ziplock bag of lollipops

and the ziplock bag isn't even closed so I don't really know there's like a trend

of food in this box I hope there's no more food because that would be

disgusting so let's move on to the next thing I'm gonna open something that's

wrapped I'm just gonna go for a random I don't know

you're kidding me right

Wow I'm literally called I literally said I

hope there's no more food and then I open a can of tuna are you kidding me

okay so the next thing in here well there's actually three that look the

same okay I'm dancing mania mad libs they're

already they're literally already done well some of them are Wow okay let's see

if these are all my libs I really don't know

yep totally pink mad libs iCarly mad libs

okay are you kidding me Wow oh these are done too

okay hang on so the next thing that I'm picking up is

this I have no idea what it is but there's new wrapping for we had green

and now we have some polkadot rainbow

more with the food or like okay this is hot chocolate packets Oh with mini

marshmallows okay I'm okay with that now okay the next thing in here is Dave and

Buster's shot glass Dave and Buster's is like a big kids chuck-e-cheese basically

it's like a arcade and now there's a I have a shot glass and I'm underage so

the next thing I see in here is a sponge um this doesn't look used so I'm just

gonna just show you like wash my dishes with that I don't know the next thing in

here is this what this is a beanie baby collector's item okay this is a very

patriotic elephant from 2000 I wasn't even born oh my god okay um wow this is

just this is a move to be on this wow this is crazy the next thing in here

this is the last wrapped item so I'm just gonna do it but there's still more

things in the box so beaniebaby okay so this

get bow I've never heard of this game it's it looks like a card game and it's

been opened tape on it just like as if someone taped it back you know I have no

idea how to play this and also I don't have any friends what you need to play

it okay the next thing in here is about that Body Works candle okay this is in

cactus blossom this is super random I love candles but this has never been

used before and on see smells are really good so basically I got a candle for $25

anyway the next thing and the last thing in here is this dusty frame from Ikea

you know what this rain doesn't even come with a picture of a random family

in it this is just literally just a frame like you know the frame that come

with pictures of like random people inside this doesn't mean how about what

a ripoff anyway guys that is it for my unboxing

of my Amazon a mystery box there's nothing in the box I hope you guys

enjoyed this video make sure to give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to you

about already check out my eBay mystery box unboxing

which is linked in the description box below and I will see you guys at my next

video bye

Amazon Mystery Box Unboxing

Hashtag Zoe

For more infomation >> Amazon Mystery Box Unboxing! - Duration: 6:14.


IwaOi scene from "Genius and Sense" SUB ENG - Haikyuu!! - Duration: 0:25.

But, Iwa-chan, your timing to hit my toss before was perfect.

Give yourself some credit.

Another reason to be frustrated because of that toss and perfect timing!

You're right!

But I was the last to react and I couldn't pick it up,

so I should be the one who's down!


What are you trying to compete about?

Oh, that's their usual activity.

For more infomation >> IwaOi scene from "Genius and Sense" SUB ENG - Haikyuu!! - Duration: 0:25.


Me Recordarás - Tu Vicio (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Me Recordarás - Tu Vicio (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:44.


Pickups: Christmas 2017 - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Pickups: Christmas 2017 - Duration: 3:14.


DIY Tin Can Pencil Holders | DIY Tin Can Ideas | How To Recycle Tin Cans | DIY Tumblr Inspired Decor - Duration: 2:06.

Hey whats up you guys? My name is Emily and in this video I'm going to show you how

to make these two tin can ideas. You can use both of these cans as a pencil or a brush holder.

In the comments down below let me know what you think about

these DIYs and if you like this video give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to see more videos like this.

Lets get on with the video!

For both of these tin cans you want to stick a can at the edge of a piece of paper

and take a pencil and put a mark near the bottom of the can on the paper

to measure how much you need to cut off of the paper.

Then you want to take a ruler and make a line

and cut along the line with scissors and you also want to make sure

the paper fits around the can before you make your designs.

After you get your strips of paper cut out, you can make your designs.

For the can with the stripe you can take a ruler and draw a line in the middle of the paper.

Then you can paint the bottom stripe any color you want

and when you are done painting, wait for the paint to dry.

For the can with the face, all you have to do is draw a face

in the middle of the piece of paper with a permanent marker.

When your designs are done, you need to put the can on the back of the piece of paper.

Then you want to take a glue gun and put a drop of glue onto the can

and take one end of the paper and put it on the glue.

Then you can glue the other end of the paper over the first edge that was glued on.

Do the same steps for the other can.

and that's it for this video! In the comments down below let me know what you

think about this DIY tin can ideas and if you like this video give this video a

thumbs up and subscribe to see more videos like this.

I will see you in the next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> DIY Tin Can Pencil Holders | DIY Tin Can Ideas | How To Recycle Tin Cans | DIY Tumblr Inspired Decor - Duration: 2:06.


Don`t look! A movie that Funny hamster wants to keep! - Duration: 4:34.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Don`t look! A movie that Funny hamster wants to keep! - Duration: 4:34.


What Is A Mastermind Group And Why Masterminds Are Important - Duration: 3:37.

hey what's going on guys gay became a Z coming to you live off of the beaches of the

Costa Rica I'm actually here hanging out on the beach here sunrise is coming in

it's a beautiful view if my audio is coming in and out I apologize I'm trying

to speak over these crashing waves over here reason why I wanted to make this

video for you guys because I wanted to give you guys the definition of what a

mastermind is and to why it's so important so I'm actually here at a

diamond mastermind meeting with about 30 different entrepreneurs and we're

getting the privilege to learn from the best of the best of the internet

marketing industry either six or seven figure business owners that we're

learning from in fact if you can see that building right there that's

actually the building that we're meeting in every day doing our little mastermind

what is a mastermind exactly well Napoleon Hill says the best in his book

Think and Grow Rich by the way if you have not read that book I highly

recommend that you read that but in his book he talks about the power of

masterminding because when you mastermind you're able to meet with

other people that are like-minded individuals and like the saying goes two

heads are better than one right so when you meet with people that have similar

goals aspirations as you business health and wealth whatever the case may be you

are equipped with almost like superpower is Napoleon Hill says in his book where

you're able to tap into other people's energy tap into other people's and

knowledge and be able to do amazing things build amazing things and move

further and faster than you would are capable of if you were doing it by

yourself all of the Great's in the world that ever accomplished anything do

masterminds in one way or another now you can do masterminds in person like

I'm doing right now in Costa Rica you can do them over the internet you can go

to local meetings whatever the case may be but it's so important to get out to

masterminds not going to a mastermind and isolating yourselves limits you okay

because when you're at a mastermind you're able to meet other like-minded

people you're able to like bathe in that energy to see people who are where you

want to be and emulate them copy them get tips coaching um get strategies I'm

learning some amazing tips here from 30 other different people that I've never

met before learning from six and seven-figure business earners guess what

I'm gonna be able to do when I go back home I'm gonna have all this wealth and

all this vast knowledge that I'm gonna be able to implement in my business and

start to see success and starts a copy there

I'm resorts because you know what success leaves Clues guys and so that's

why being an omastar mind attending Maximizer is super important

so I encourage you if you're the entrepreneur if you're in the industry

of business if you're an internet marketer affiliate marketer Network

market it doesn't matter what it is I highly encourage you to get to

mastermind get to conventions get to UM company events to retreat do what you

can so that you can be surrounded around other like-minded people and so that you

can grow in your business and grow as a person so that's it for today guys I

hope you guys got value if you're interested in learning more about what

I'm doing that allows you to travel the world like being in Costa Rica in the

middle of the winter time then let me know and also leave my email address and

I'm also gonna give you guys a link that you can be able to sign up under get

more details from me and more updates from what I'm doing and my travels and

and the things that I'm doing to bring my business to the next level so with

that being said I'm Gabe you can see guys if you like this video give it a

thumbs up share with people that you think will get value from it and don't

forget to subscribe where I'll be bringing you some tips and tricks on how

to be a boss entrepreneur and a beast in life so I will see you guys on the next


For more infomation >> What Is A Mastermind Group And Why Masterminds Are Important - Duration: 3:37.


THE $50 A NIGHT 5-STAR (ALL-INCLUSIVE) RESORT in MEXICO ! HOW ? (Gringo in Puerto Vallarta Vlog) - Duration: 12:03.

Ladies and Gentleman

Welcome to Puerto Vallarta

What is going on members of the Barrio

It's Jon coming to you from Puerto Vallarta

Adriana and I have decided to take this 5 day vacation

At the Now Amber All-Inclusive Resort

And you probably read the title and you're wondering

How the heck did we get a $50 a night rate.. that's $50 per person

Per night

At a 5 star

All-Inclusive resort

We're going to get to that

At the end of the video

So stay tuned

It's a pretty good technique

But in the meantime why don't I show you guys around the resort

And take you more or less through a day in the life here

We're going to begin with

A tour of the room

And we're on the 14th floor here

Hi guys

Plenty of closet space

We're going to begin with

The bed area

Nice king size here

Very comfortable

Lots of pillows

We just had the room cleaned in fact

Pretty big TV here

Nice desk to get some work done

You can see Adriana sitting

Right here..

And how are you enjoying your stay?

We've been here for 2 nights now.

It's amazing

So relaxing

And I enjoyed the view of course

And I enjoyed the pool

And I really recommend it

There is a seperate bathroom area.. we could close this in theory

But we're not going to

We've got a bathtub With the little hot tub jets if necessary

Two different sinks

Quite luxurious I must say

Bathrobes, where would you be without a bathrobe

At a 5 star resort?

And a seperate shower

With plenty of space

If you want to sit

And a seperate toilet

Now onto the balcony view from the 14th floor

My favorite part of the room

We've watched 2 sunsets in a row from here

Quite beautiful I must say

If you come to this hotel

Make sure that you ask for a high floor room

We are all set to head to the pool right now

I do want to note that this is not a luxury travel channel

However, when I have the opportunity to travel in luxury

For a budget price

For a moderate price

I am never going to say no to that

And that's kind of the theme of this video

We have made it to the pool area

And the beach

There are 3 pools here

One for kids only, one for adults only, and then one huge pool

Which has my favorite thing

A swim-up bar

Their is actually a waterslide here

This is the kids pool

I have yet to try it

It says 12 and under only..

I think i'm a little old..

Over here is the poolside grill

Where you can eat lunch just about all day if you want.

Outside of the main dining room

Behind me here are the beach chairs

Of the resort

And their are enough beach chairs

Where I don't think you have to come at like 7 or 8 in the morning

Just to reserve a spot..

Which is a real problem at a lot of all-inclusive resorts

You have to go super early

Or every single good spot is taken

Here it's not super crowded

At least today

It's not really an issue

What I love best about this beach

Are the mountains in the distance here

It kind of reminds me of Hawaii just a little bit because of that.

I'll be honest I am much more of a pool person

Than a beach person

I do not think that is the nicest beach in Mexico

We actually went to an all-inclusive resort last year

On a similar deal in Playa Del Carmen

I think Quintana Roo does have better beaches

But I am loving the chill vibe in Puerto Vallarta

It's not really a huge party scene here

This is mostly families

A good place to come.. and just unwind for a little bit

Adriana and I are big fans of sitting in the shade

I'm really not that into tanning

As you can see by my pastie white skin

Why don't we go check out the swim-up bar

Their is a drink that i'm really in the mood for

Alright time for some alcohol it's after 12 o'clock

They let you take your drinks into the water

I love that

What is more luxurious than having champagne in a pool

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon

On a monday?

I don't know tell me in the comments?

We are walking to lunch right now

What have you thought about the buffet so far?

It's really good

I'm surprised

It's not normally not that good at this kind of resort


But i'm pretty impressed

Here we go for the buffett

Hope you guys are hungry

You can eat healthy at an all-inclusive resort..

It is not a myth

You just need really good will-power

The amount of bread that these guys have is absolutely incredible

While I haven't been to a ton of all-inclusive resorts in my life

I will say that the buffet is normally

Where they fail

And you have to go to the restaurants to actually get quality food

The buffet here has actually been better

Then some of the restaurants

I've eaten at

Very very cool.

Very impressive actually

Alrigh guys we're going to take a break

After lunch

And we're going to come back.. to show you the best view

Of the entire resort

During sunset

Alright guys I am fully refreshed right now

After a shower

Just got to relax

Stayed out of the sun a little bit

I hope I don't look sunburned

They did refresh our mini-bar

I wanted to show it to you guys

I forgot to during that first tour

And you can call them whenever you want

To get more beer

More sodas

And more nectar de naranjas

This stuff is really good

Alright as you can see

I am wearing a bathrobe right now

Which they provided

Which I think is amazing

But we have to go downstairs

We're going to be going to dinner after

And there is a dress code

Why don't I get..

A little bit nicer looking

Much better

Alright we're going to head downstairs

Right now to check out

One of the most beautiful sunsets

You may ever see

We are in the lobby right now

Which leads to the outdoors

And the seats

To watch the sunset are this way



What do you prefer

Sunsets.. or sunrises?

Sunsets..i'm not a morning person


So you can just stay up all night then

Salud.. salud

It is dinner time

We're going to be going to this Italian restaurant

We're going to be showing you guys what it's like

To go to an a la carte restaurant

At an all-inclusive resort

It's a little bit different than going to the buffet

A little fancier

I'm dressed up

We're going to see what this Italian spot is all about

Pretty fancy...

The great part about this is that their is no price for anything

Because it's all-inclusive

There's bruchetta

And some sort of tomato salad

Feeding the camera?

My fans..

Hashtag Team Adriana..

It's like a little house

This is the little thing where you have.. the?


Yeah, chimney

Going to a restaurant at an all-inclusive.. is usually fun

Although nothing here yet has really blown me away

Now it's time for me to get into the details

Of how exactly we booked this place

For $50 a person, $100 a night

For a 5 star all-inclusive

If you made it this far in the video

I'm going to tell you exactly how we got this

All-inclusive resort

At such a cheap price.

And if you fast forwarded to here. I'm going to track you down

Because you were supposed to watch every single minute

Before this moment

No.. i'm just kidding

That's fine

Here's what we did.. every year

Has Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales

Now for the last 2 years my brother and I have

Been taking full advantage of this

On Cyber Monday

They have specials

Where you can get

Up to 90% off..

On certain resorts

What we did for this resort, Now Amber

We made 2 bookings

We made one booking on the 50% deal

And then another booking on the 90% deal

We combined those two offers

To five complete nights

Which came out to a little bit over

100 dollars a night

For a resort that would normally cost

Well over 300 dollars

A night to stay at

It's considered a 5-star resort

Would I actually pay full price to stay here?

The answer is 100% no

I am not normally the type of traveler

That likes to go to an all-inclusive resort

Honestly guys

I do get kind of bored here after a few days

I think the service here has been great

I think the concept is great

But it's not really for me..

Very often

I will try to do this.. maybe once a year

We did it last year in Playa Del Carmen

I'm really enjoying Puerto Vallarta so far

We're actually going to be going out tonight

But I filmed so much today

That I'm not going to turn that

Into part of the vlog

Sorry guys

I'm sure there's plenty of good Puerto Vallarta nightlife videos

Out there that are probably much better

Than anything I could have filmed

Alright i'm curious

Tell me in the comments

Have you been to an all-inclusive resort before?

What were your thoughts on it?

If you are new to this channel

Make sure to subscribe

We're going to be heading back to Guadalajara

In a couple of days

And basing the rest of the month

From there

There'se a lot of great content coming out

Guys, thank you so much for watching

Until next time..

Now I need to hold this pose

So i'm going to leave my sandals right here..

And come back..

For more infomation >> THE $50 A NIGHT 5-STAR (ALL-INCLUSIVE) RESORT in MEXICO ! HOW ? (Gringo in Puerto Vallarta Vlog) - Duration: 12:03.


Escape da Corrida de Ratos - Alcance a liberdade financeira. Reach Financial Freedom - Duration: 5:40.

Escaping the rat race is the farthest thing from an average mind.

Sadly only a few from the majority of the population figured out how to escape the rat race.

Those that did escape understood how their time is precious.

They understood the way we spend our time defines who we are and how we live.

Take a look of how many people get themselves into this so-called rat race.

This may very well be your very current life being depicted here.

Here we have a child who is born, raised and in couple years later goes to school.

The proud parents are excited because the child excels. Gets fairly good grades and it accepted into a college.

The child graduates. Perhaps goes to a graduate school and does exactly as programmed.

Afterwards, looks for a safe and secure job.

This child, now as an adult, finds that job, maybe as a doctor

or a professor or joins the army or works for the government.

But now as an adult money is finally being made.

Having money to burn, the young adult goes to places where other young people like to hang out.

They meet people, they date and sometimes they get married.

Life is wonderful now because today both of them work with decent income.

They feel successful. Their future looks bright and they decide to buy a house.

A car.

A television. Take vacations and eventually start to have children.

They achieved the perfect life bundle and it seems perfect.


without realizing it, they've caught themselves in the discrete notorious rat race.

And so comes the greater demand for money that grows bigger every month and every year.

The happy couple decides that their careers are vitally important and begins to work harder,

seeking promotions and raises. The raises come and so does another child

and a need for a bigger house. They work harder, become better employees and

become even more dedicated. They go back to school just to get more specialized skills

so they can earn more money. Maybe they take a second job.

Their incomes go up, but so does the real estate taxes on their new large home.

And their Social Security taxes and all the other taxes.

They get their large paycheck and wonder after a while where all that money went.

Now the children reach five or six years of age.

The need to save for college for that increases as well as the need to save for their retirement.

Exhausted. Having to wake up early. Get up to work. Finished at 9:00 to 5:00. Punch out. Come back home.

And crash and repeat. For this is the same cycle for about five days a week.

Wishing along that next weekend would just come faster.

This is the life of an average educated hard-working person. This is the path of the rat race.

Trapping the happy couple for the rest of their working lives. Working for the owners of their company.

For the government. Paying taxes and for the bank paying off a mortgage and credit cards.

What's astonishing, most families work from January, to mid-May for the government.

Just to cover their taxes.

Perhaps the biggest surprise is that they advise your own children to the

only study hard, get good grades and find a safe job or a career.

Many of times leaving them with little financial education so that kids will work hard all their lives.

This rat race continues on into another hard-working generation.

Despite of all of that is there a way to escape the rat race?

According to one of Robert Kiyosaki's book called "Rich Dad Poor Dad",

Yes, there is! This man who has been living in financial freedom

explains that there's hope for those that are tired, who are willing to get out of the rat race.

I'll say this there isn't a magic formula to jump out of it, but

there are proper skills that will be required to prove your proficiency of both accounting and investing.

Arguably two of the most difficult subjects to master.

But there is hope for learning how to achieve financial freedom by

changing your own perspective to that who has been successful.

As mentioned before in the book Rich Dad Poor Dad.

The majority of the people's lives are controlled forever by two emotions.

Fear and greed.

This will keep them to get up for work focusing solely on paying their bills in an ongoing continuous cycle.

Sadly, people will always believe this will always be their reality.

I highly advise you to check out the breakdown and quick explanation of

the Rich Dad Poor Dad in this animated book review I did here.

Escaping the rat race, Robert Kiyosaki's rich Dad mentored him with great lessons

Like focusing on investing into assets. Minimizing liabilities and understanding the difference

between active income and passive income. Realize this, you could be in the rat race.

That's preventing you to see the bigger picture of your life's potential.

Ask yourself how long will you be in the rat race? I say get out!

Your time is now!

If you enjoy what you just saw don't forget to drop a like.

Feel free to check more of my videos out on my channel.

Thanks once again. I'll see you guys later! :)

For more infomation >> Escape da Corrida de Ratos - Alcance a liberdade financeira. Reach Financial Freedom - Duration: 5:40.


A Comically Bad Intro - Duration: 0:49.

Hey there I'm James and welcome to my channel

I know why watch this marshmallow when there's so many great ones already

Well everyone has their own story to tell

And this is where I'm going to share some of mine

With YOU :)

I'll be telling you stories from my childhood

My days at school

You... can probably guess how much fun that was

Different jobs I've had

Places I've been to

How I've made a fool of myself in nearly all of them

Like the time when I was 17

And I got a spoon stuck in my mouth

(panic intensifies)


Here's the thing

I can't draw

But it's cool...

I'll keep on trying and maybe over time

I'll get a little bit better

So yeah, that's me

If you have any questions you can ask in the comments below (It's what it's for!)

If you subscribe (I mean, if you want anyway)

And hit that little bell

You'll hear when I post new videos

Catch you later

For more infomation >> A Comically Bad Intro - Duration: 0:49.


youtube says "goodbye logan paul" -F*CK LOGANG - Duration: 3:06.

Oh ma days, I'm not even gonna mess about, okay, so let me just get straight into it.

This whole thing with Logan Paul has been taken to another level.

We saw how PewDiePie was blasted for what he did, but the crap that Logan Paul is going

through is mind blowing.

I think I can dumb this down for everyone, basically YouTube makes billions of dollars

from advertising - and that money is coming from businesses large and small.

Back in 2017, many advertisers pulled their campaigns because they felt, YouTube wasn't

doing enough to make this platform safe and free from offensive content.

There's some things I'm not gonna mention because I wanna get into any trouble, but

YouTube decided to tidy up, and get serious.

And boy have they gotten strict.

It was just unlucky that Mr. Logan Paul became the next big controversy on YouTube.

As soon as this thing blew up, all eyes were on the bosses of YouTube - they decided to

use this opportunity to express just how actively they're making YouTube a better place.

So I think it was this morning when YouTube decided, they're gonna stop promoting him

on some of their services.

Logan was also part of a YouTube Red series called 'The Thinning' - which I think

has now been put on hold or something like that.

So basically, this guy is now gonna make a lot less than he used to.

At the time of making this video, I checked his channel, he still hasn't published another

video, and I'm not surprised - I mean, what are you supposed to do anyway.

Some people have called this entire thing really harsh, especially his loyal fans, and

I actually don't think it's that bad, but I highly doubt his career is over.

I can only imagine how depressed he's feeling, and the last thing anyone wants is another


A couple of days ago, Logan actually hired a security firm to guard him and his home.

He is seriously crapping himself.

I mean, who's crazy enough to go track him down and then smash his windows up?

In my other video, I guessed that this storm will pass and he'll just be back and making

even more money than ever before.

But I really don't know, even though his channel is actually growing - this entire

controversy is really sour.

Now make sure you destroy the subscribe button and then leave a nice little thumbs up on

this video.

Oh and I hope you like the gaming in the background, it took me ages to set this up, but it's

looking good.

So thank you for watching, my name is Major, and I'm a good person.

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