Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 12 2018

• What diet involves injecting a pregnancy horomone?

What weight loss technique involves invasive surgery on your TONGUE?

Now, quick tip: don't do ANY of these – just eat healthy foods and enjoy your life.

But that being said, here are 10 potentially fatal ways people have tried to lose weight.

10 –Tapeworm diet • The tapeworm diet isn't so much about

what you eat.

It's about what the parasite you've purposely lodged in your gut eats.

• This is an idea that dates all the way back to Victorian times – back when female

beauty standards were modelled after what women look like with tuberculosis.

• Basically, the idea is that you swallow a pill that contains a tapeworm egg.

Then the tapeworm eats part of what you eat, so it doesn't get digested as fat.

• The only problem is that tapeworms are HARMFUL PARASITES.

They grow to be about 30 feet long, and they attach themselves to your intestines – often

causing intense abdominal pain, and occasionally causing death.

9 –One food diets • One of the more extreme diets is the one-food

diet, which is exactly what it sounds like – eat one food, and ONLY eat that food.

• Steve Jobs once found himself trying an all-fruit diet, and Ashton Kutcher got himself

hospitalized trying to do the same.

• Of course, those weren't even true "one food" diets.

That would be more like, "you can only eat bananas for a month."

• Also known as the "Mono Diet," these types of diets usually tell you to pick one

food, and then you can eat as much of it as you want.

Thing is, these diets do tend to cause rapid short-term weight loss.

• But that's because of malnutrition, not actual health benefits.

No one food is balanced enough to give you everything your body needs to operate.

You might lose weight, but side effects 8 –Feeding tube diet

• The rush to lose weight before a wedding is a common problem.

Often times this leads to some pretty intense diet and exercise regimens.

• One particularly trendy fad involves not eating food at all.

• The "feeding tube" diet costs sixteen hundred dollars for 10 days – and it means

you get to walk around for those 10 days with a feeding tube in your nose.

• The tube delivers a mix of nutrients and protein to your body at a rate of about 800

calories a day, which throws the body into a starvation state.

• You might lose weight on it, but you might also have infection of the lung, kidney failure

and erosion of the nose and throat.

So that 10 pounds had better be worth it.

7 –Sleeping beauty diet • You know how sometimes you get really

tired at night, but you know you shouldn't eat anything that late, so you just go to


• Well, this is an incredibly extreme version of that.

Women take sedatives to sleep as much as 18 hours a day, so that they have less time during

the day to eat, and don't get as hungry.

• Thing is, the body STILL NEEDS FOOD.

Sleep is good for you, but it doesn't replace food.

• The diet is promoted by pro-anorexia forums, and dieticians have warned it can result in


6 –Last Chance Diet • The Last Chance Diet was a book published

in 1976 by Doctor Robert Linn, which advocated an extreme "liquid protein diet" for rapid

weight loss.

• And like with many "extreme" diets, reports trickled in of people losing up to

10 pounds a week on the diet.

• But then people started dying.

In fact, the FDA discovered that 60 people had died on the "Last Chance" diet, most

of them from heart failure stemming from malnutrition.

5 –The cigarette diet • Not eating enough is already an unhealthy

choice in the first place.

But some people actually double-down on that by smoking cigarettes to curb their appetite.

• This is actually a common diet technique among Hollywood actresses, who are under constant

pressure to control their weight.

It is often known as the "Coffee and cigarettes" diet.

• A number of actresses – Katherine Heigl, for one – are often seen ordering a small

salad for lunch, and then chain-smoking through the whole meal.

4 –Tongue patch diet • One of the toughest parts of dieting is

being able to say "no thanks" to food.

• One controversial plastic surgeon attempted to fix that problem, by sewing a patch into

the tongue that makes it excruciatingly painful to eat anything.

• In fact, after the surgery, the only thing that doesn'tcause extreme pain is a specific

800-calorie liquid diet offered ONLY by the doctor who performs the surgery.

• So that's rather convenient.

3 –ABC diet • You might think something called the "ABC

Diet" involves eating only foods that have been chewed by somebody else.

• But no, it stands for the "Ana Boot Camp Diet."

This isn't as much a "diet" as it is an introduction to anorexia.

It involves cutting food intake to an average of 200 to 600 calories a day, with some days

of fasting thrown in for good measure.

• There is no real stated health benefit, it's just marketed at impressionable people

– especially young girls – who are desperate to lose weight.

The risks of malnutrition from this "diet" regularly cause long-term physical and mental


2 –Cotton ball diet • You've probably heard of a "juice

cleanse," where people resort to only drinking juice for a period of time.

• But a juice cleanse doesn't include solid food.

So some people decided to add cotton balls – despite the obvious fact that cotton balls


• The idea is that people soak the cotton balls in juice to give them flavor and some

nutritional value, but also curb the appetite by taking up room in the stomach.

• Obviously, there's a bunch of ways this can kill you.

One of the most obvious is intestinal blockage – cotton balls aren't food, so they can't

be digested properly, and they end up blocking your digestive tract.

• And if that doesn't get you, the toxicity might.

After all, cotton balls aren't pure cotton – they are often made from harmful artificial

fibers that are processed with bleach.

1 –HCG diet • In 1954, British doctor Albert Simeons

proposed the HCG diet.

• HCG is a horomone produced in early pregnancy that is often used to treat fertility issues.

However, this doctor said that injecting it, along with eating a 500-calorie-a-day diet,

would help people lose 1-2 pounds a DAY.

• Supposedly the HCG supplement was supposed to curb appetite and kick the body into weight-loss


• After years of study, we've discovered that the plan does help lose weight – but

only because of the starvation diet.

The HCG doesn't help with weight loss, and it definitely doesn't curb your appetite.

• The FDA has used the words "dangerous," "illegal," and "fraudulent" to describe

the diet – which is still being pushed today through pills and supplements.

For more infomation >> 10 Dumbest Diets That Nearly Killed People - Duration: 6:44.


The Little Mermaid - Duration: 3:46.


[underwater noises]

[ominous music]

All right, Ursula, what do I need to do?

So, here's the deal.

I will make you a potion that will turn you into a human

for three days.

Got that?

Three days.

Now listen, this is important.

Before the sun sets on the third day,

you've got to get dear old Princey

to fall in love with you.

That is, he's got to kiss you.

He's got to what?

Kiss you.

Kiss me?

That's how love work, sweetheart.

Well, I don't know if that necessarily means

he's fallen in love with me.

Well, I know that, Ariel, but it's not just any kiss--

It's the kiss of true love.

So, like, open-mouthed?

No, gros!

Oh, gross!


It's just a nice, sof, true love peck,

like your mom gives yu before bedtim,

except a little longer because it's from a boy

and it's true love.

Ursula, people kiss each other all the time,

and it doesn't necessarily mean they're in love.

Okay, that's ridiculous.

Why would anybody do that?

Their mouths are touching.

You're an evil temptress

and you don't understand how kissing works?

Okay, well, it's just me and these creepy seaweed people

all day, all right?

So I'm a litte out of practic,

except with the seaweed people.

[gurgling noise from seaweed person]

Ursula, haven't you ever kissed a real person before?

[nervous laughter]


You've never-- how old are you?

Okay, well, as shocking as this may be,

you don't get a lt of right-swips

when you're a plus-sized half-octopus.

Maybe if I were a centaur...

Ursula, do you have any friends?

Do you get out at all?

This isn't about me, okay?

You want to be human, don't you?


So are you in or no?

I just think it's unrealistic

to expect two people to fall in love in three days.

You have your looks--

[music starts]

Your pretty face.

And don't underestimate the importance of body language, ha!

Okay, what is that?

What do you mean by "body language"?

It's-- [clicks tongue] You know...

No, I know.

But do you know?

[underwater noises]


So, since we both know, I don't have to get into it.

Just humor me.

Well, it's-- [stammering]

And then you just know!

Okay, it just feels like all of your advice

is something out of a BuzzFeed article.

Well, I did read all 19 ways o know whether he's into you.


Okay, look, I need help, oka?

I don't have a lot going for me.

I mean, look at you!

You're a size tw.

I've got whozits and whatzits galore!

Ursula, I think you look... okay.

You want thingamabobs?

I've got 20!






And leave your voice in the shell by the door!


[seaweed person growls]

Not now, Harold.

Thank youst for watching that sketchest.

We wouldst appreciatest if thou wouldst subscribst--

Subscribest to our channelsp.

And liketh.

And if t'would you comment, t'would be amazingst!

For more infomation >> The Little Mermaid - Duration: 3:46.


The Most Bizarre Rick And Morty Fan Theories - Duration: 11:04.

Adult Swim's hit animated series Rick and Morty is chock full of sophisticated ideas,

vulgar weirdness, and, well….

"High concept, sci-fi rigamarole!"

...which makes it one of the twistiest and time-bendiest shows on television, fostering

hundreds of ideas about the show's alleged secrets... some far stranger than others.

Hold on to your brain buckets and try to keep up with these seriously bizarre Rick and Morty

fan theories.

Not the real Morty

Let's start off by flipping your whole world upside down and saying that the Morty Smith

we've been watching lately isn't the Morty we started off with.

This notion is part of a larger Rick and Morty "Master Theory", which postulates that Rick's

original Morty got trapped inside one universe: a tragedy seen during the opening credits

of each episode, when Morty falls over and is almost eaten by giant frog creatures.

Left to fend for himself in a world of monsters, this Morty grows to resent Rick and orchestrates

the events seen in "Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind" in order to take down all Ricks

in all universes.

We see something like that happen in the season three episode "The Ricklantis Mixup," in which

Politician Morty becomes President of the Citadel of Ricks.

Sick with power, President Morty assassinates a number of members of the Shadow Council

of Ricks, and in a slow-motion sequence of legal documents and floating corpses, it's

revealed that he's none other than Evil Morty.

With how often Rick calls Morty disposable, we may have called dozens of Morties our own

by now.

"Most timelines have a Rick and most Ricks have a Morty.

This place is a real who's-who of who's you and me."

And honestly, is there that much difference between one Morty and another?

"We both know that if there's any truth in the universe, it's that Ricks don't care about


Not the real Rick

Beyond our Morty not being true-blue, our Rick might be an alternate version as well.

One theory is that Rick ended his life when Beth was a child, explaining why he was "missing"

from her life for 20 years.

The Rick that viewers know now would have been alive in a different dimension, separated

from Beth and his ex-wife.

Unfortunately, this Rick royally flubbed up his timeline and needed a quick remedy.

Discovering a universe in which a version of himself was dead, our Rick jumped into

that timeline, and the rest is history.

We've even seen something like that happen in the series, so any Rick is possible.

And if this Rick's been gone for 20 years, how can there be a picture of him holding

Baby Morty, who's only a teenager now?

And how can he actually remember holding Morty?

Plot hole, or secret hint that things are even more messed up than we know?

The universe switch

It's time to unpack the Rick and Morty theory known as "The Ticket Theory," which connects

the episodes "Mortynight Run" and "Total Rickall" to suggest that the latter episode is happening

in a universe that isn't the one our usual Rick and Morty operate in.

According to the theory, the universe swap happened when Rick and Morty picked Jerry

up from the Jerryboree.

"Uhh, that's a Blipz & Chitz ticket."


"Way to go, Morty."

"Eh, whatever."

The shocker here is that the ticket Rick and Morty are given at the beginning of "Mortynight

Run" is numbered 5126, but they took home a different Jerry.

"Hang onto this.

The number's your dad.

If you lose it, we're not going to be able to get him back."

The audience actually follows the original Jerry into his new universe and leaves the

original Rick and Morty behind.

How else would you explain the arrival of Mr. Poopybutthole a few episodes later, who's

treated as though he's been there all along… at least as far as this universe is concerned?


Amen to that!"

One and the same

Rick and Morty share a number of similar qualities, and even the same voice actor, but they can't

actually be the same person, can they?

According to one theory, they 100 percent totally are.

As Rick and Morty are walking through the Citadel, you can spot what appears to be a

combination of the pair in the same physical body.

While he could be an odd alternate dimension Rick-Morty, the theory suggests that he's

actually an older Morty and younger Rick.

As far as the blue pants go, it's pretty simple.

"Is that…"


I used to wear blue pants."

Lastly, there might be a surprising link between Diane Sanchez, Rick's ex-wife, and the staff

member of Anatomy Park, Annie.

Both ladies look surprisingly similar.

Annie grew close to Morty during their adventure together, but Rick ended up shrinking her

and trapping her in a container.

"What the hell, Rick?

What the hell, man…

I liked her!"

The theory hints that Morty, now as Rick, freed Annie later in life so they could be


Baby Cronenmorty

The creepy, oozy Cronenberg creature from "Auto Assimilation" was a standout, even compared

to the giant praying mantises and deformed beasts that ravaged the Earth in "Rick Potion

Number 9".

But the pint-sized monster could hold a harrowing significance if you consider this next theory.

The only time Rick and Morty viewers have ever seen Rick genuinely connected to anyone

has been with baby Morty.

"You're crying?

Over a Morty?"

"No, I'm just allergic to dips---!"

"Ugh, pathetic."

This makes it all the more heartbreaking to speculate that the Cronenberg creature from

the episode is actually a baby Morty from a different dimension.

Though the moment is passed off as Rick trying to test his invention, this theory suggests

that he obliterated the baby Cronenberg, who he actually shows affection for, as part of

a "contingency plan."

In another universe that got Cronenberged, baby Morty became a victim of the Cronenberg

plague, so Rick put him in stasis until he could find a cure.

Rick's final act of mercy was to euthanize the Cronenberg Morty, as the only "cure" was

to kill it.

After all, the problem got so bad that Rick had to abandon an entire planet because he

couldn't, or wouldn't, fix it.

Beth's real mother

Mum's the word for this theory, which argues that Beth's mother is actually the hive-mind

entity Unity, seen in the season two episode, "Auto Assimilation."

What if Rick's previous fling with Unity led to one of the entity's hosts, "an Earth-like

humanoid," getting pregnant?

Unity eventually left Rick—but not before separating from the pregnant host that would

become Beth's mother.

Which makes for a really, really weird situation to raise a child in, seeing as how Beth's

mother wasn't in control of her body when she met Rick or conceived a kid with him.

The theory supposes that Beth's real mother, now in control of her own body, would force

Rick to leave so she could bring up Beth by herself.

"I don't know if you can appreciate what it means to grow up without a father…"

Unity being Beth's real mother would also explain why it was so protective of Morty

and Summer when they visited its planet.

Treating them to endless hamburgers and sending in a special force team to rescue them wasn't

just because they're Rick's grandchildren; it was out of a deeper maternal instinct to

keep them out of harm's way.

Thanks, grandma.

Rick's self-awareness

The idea that Rick knows he's a part of a television show is one that has long circulated

throughout the Rick and Morty fan community, but does Rick's self-awareness go deeper than

simply acknowledging his two-dimensional existence?

Think about it: Rick understands that the only reason he's "alive" is because of a creator:

Dan Harmon, to be exact.

This notion grounds itself in the photo seen hanging on Rick's wall, which is a drawing

of Harmon.

Or maybe it's just a picture of Abradolph Linkler.

But only the smartest man in the universe would have a legit pic of God, right?

That is, if he's not in total denial.

"There is no god, Summer.

Gotta rip that band-aid off now, you'll thank me later."

The theory also explains why Rick drinks almost constantly and easily breaks the fourth wall.

"See you next week everybody!"

"I don't get it."

As a man of science, Rick turns to alcohol because he's unable to reconcile with there

being an actual God.

He knows he's being watched and understands that once people stop tuning in to Rick and

Morty, his world is destroyed forever.

Keeping the series alive is the only way to keep himself alive.

"Me and Rick and Morty running around!

Rick and Morty time!

All day long, forever, a hundred days, Rick and Morty forever, a hundred times."

There's something about Tricia

To Summer Smith, her classmate Tricia Lange is little more than her shiny brunette locks

and nice body, but she may be far more mysterious than she lets on.

What if Tricia is actually a Galactic Federation agent, just like Summer's old pal Tammy, sent

to dimension C-137 to spy on Rick to gain new intel after the falling-out and betrayal

that took place at the end of season two?

"In a lot of ways, what I really am… is a deep cover agent for the Galactic Federation

and you guys are a group of wanted criminals."

Knowing that they can no longer spy on the Sanchez-Smith family by befriending those

close to Rick, the Galactic Federation instructed Tricia to spend time with Summer's boyfriend

Ethan and become best friends with Morty's crush Jessica, allowing her to gather information

without seeming suspicious.

The theory notes that Tricia's vulgar language is exactly how Tammy spoke when she was working


And though the theory doesn't mention this, it might be worth noting that Tammy and Tricia

are voiced by the same person.

Rick's real plan

Another popular Rick and Morty theory postulates that in the season three finale, Rick intended

to kill Morty, not Jerry.

The theory points to a particular moment in the episode that happens just after Morty

steals Rick's portal gun and takes Beth, Summer, and Jerry to a secluded cabin to hide from

Rick while he trashes the White House.

Though Morty believed his hiding spot to be unguessable by Rick, he ends up at the cabin's

doorstep, gun in hand, to greet everyone.

Beth, worried that she's actually a clone of herself, guesses that Rick brought the

gun to end her life.

Rick quickly clarifies.

"Beth you crazy bitch, you're my daughter.

I brought this here to kill Jerry."

"Jesus Christ."

That was just a cover-up for his true intentions.

The real threat isn't Jerry, but rather a Morty with his own portal gun.

Or even worse, an evil Morty with a portal gun, especially since Morty's been getting

smarter and smarter as the seasons progress.

When Rick sees the family is fine, he just shifts his anger towards Jerry.

Because really, he's Jerry.

"So take your attitude to the Men's section of K-Mart, cuz you need to cut me some slack...sss."

Too weird for words

And then there are the fan theories that are just too bizarre, or too unlikely to ever

be considered canonical.

For example, there's the insane idea that Rick's real ex-wife might be, get this, Miss

Frizzle from the Magic Schoolbus series, based on the idea that both fictional characters

explore the weirdest areas of space and the human body.


"F--- em.

F--- those people.

F--- this whole thing, Ethan."

And what about the idea that Rick purposely abandoned his daughter to cause her to act

recklessly, get pregnant at a young age, ruin her life, and pop out a couple of brainwave-jamming


Sure, except Rick could probably just clone or kidnap whatever kind of Morty he wanted…

because he's Rick.

Fidget spinners?

In one half-baked theory, they're just this reality's version of the Gooble Box.

And ice cream?

It's basically the Rick & Morty version of the answer to every question in the universe,

because, well, they talk about it a lot.

"Well, why don't I get Beth and we'll go out for ice cream?"

"Jerry, this was the most romantic weekend I've ever had."

"Thanks to Coldstone Creamery."


I was gonna hop over to the Gloppy Drop system and get some ice cream."

"Fun facts about this one!

It's got giant telepathic spiders, 11 9/11s, aaaaand the best ice cream in the multiverse!"

And Galactic Federation Agent Tammy?

In one bonkers theory, she's actually Rick's long-lost, dimension-hopping granddaughter…

based almost exclusively on the fact that Tammy has a similar hair color to Jerry.

Whoever came up with this one, well…

"In reality, you're as dumb as they come."

Pretty dumb.

"You know what?

Too bad!"

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Most Bizarre Rick And Morty Fan Theories - Duration: 11:04.


Cuphead: The Untold Story of Maja Moldenhauer - Duration: 10:55.

The story of Cuphead is well documented, and has proven to be one of the most beloved Cinderella

stories in the recent history of gaming.

Two brothers, big fans of oldschool animation, took it upon themselves to hand-draw an entire

2D arcade shooter, in tribute to their favourite cartoons.

As popular as this tale may have become, it doesn't tell the whole story of Cuphead.

In truth almost no game is the work of a single developer, or even a pair of dedicated brothers.

Working behind the scenes on Cuphead were many other artists, programmers, and other

team members who are often overlooked when the history of this game is told.

As much as Chad and Jared Moldenhauer deserve praise for their creation, there is one woman

without whom the game could never have been completed.

Maja Moldenhauer, Chad's wife, single-handedly drew the inks for literally every frame of

animation in the entire game.

What's even more impressive is that Maja managed this while also devoting herself full

time to her family.

Over the course of Cuphead's development, Maja inked animations while caring for her

daughter, while pregnant with her son, and even while recovering immediately post-partum.

This is the story of how one stay-at-home mother managed to draw the entirety of a complex

video game, all while juggling a pair of children.

Maja Moldenhauer, much like her husband, has always been a fan of tough-oldschool video


Her first gaming memories involve playing Super Mario Brothers on the Nintendo Entertainment

System, along with her older brothers, and her childhood was filled with time spent jumping

across platforms and solving puzzles in games like Donkey Kong, Contra, and one of her personal

favourites, Adventures of Lolo.

Gaming wasn't Maja's only interest – she had a keen love of watersports, particularly

jetskiing, which was something she did whenever she could in the beautiful lakes of her native


This was something that she shared with her husband, Chad, when the two met, fell in love,

and were married.

Maja had a lot of plates to spin.

She had earned a degree in biomedical sciences, and was working in the banking industry when

she and Chad first got married.

She was also passionate about health and fitness, and as a creative outlet, maintained an exercise

and lifestyle blog.

None of this, though, compared with the challenge, and the joy, that Maja experienced following

the birth of her daughter.

Her life changed entirely, as she focused on providing the best possible upbringing

for her child, giving her plenty of time, and making sure that she was supported in

a loving and fulfilling family environment.

This meant sacrificing her career, but it was important to Maja to spend as much time

with her daughter as possible.

Plus, Maja was soon to find herself taking a leap into a completely different field.

For years, Chad and his brother Jared had contemplated making a video game, and with

Maja on board, the family began making plans to finally create the game that the pair of

brothers had been dreaming of for years.

Maja was not a traditionally trained artist.

She didn't have any qualifications or schooling in professional artwork, but she was happy

and eager to get involved with Cuphead nonetheless, drawing all of the inks for the game.

She worked closely with her husband on this project – Chad would draw the initial pencil

sketch for each frame of animation in the game, and Maja would place a layer of clear

plastic paper over the top to draw the ink lines that would appear in the final game.

This proved to be a lot of work – each static image needed to be inked multiple times, in

order to create what animators call the "boil".

Even when the game's characters, Cuphead or Mugman, were standing still, they still

needed to show some signs of movement in order to emulate the style of old cartoons and make

the game's artwork feel alive.

Each frame of animation would take twenty minutes in total to create – first it needed

to be sketched, then Maja would ink it, and then it would be photographed in a makeshift

studio before being coloured digitally and added into the game.

There was a lot to do, and as the scope for the game grew, so too did the amount of work

that Maja had to do.

Other artists were brought in over time, but Maja was alone in generating the final inks

for each frame of animation, often drawing the same thing over and over to give the game

plenty of personality and style.

Initially, there were to be around fifteen thousand frames for the full game, but before

long, the team found themselves working on fifty thousand frames instead.

This was going to take a lot of time to get absolutely perfect, but the whole team, Maja

included, were adamant that they would not cut corners.

All the while, Maja was balancing her duties as an artist with care for her daughter.

Other activities, such as her blog, had to be put on hold, as she focused on caring for

her family, and sneaking moments whenever they were available to ink frames for Cuphead.

This pressure was alleviated when Maja and Chad's daughter first began attending preschool,

but not for long – the young family was growing, as a new arrival was on the way.

Even while pregnant, and sometimes while feeling absolutely horrendous, Maja continued working

on Cuphead whenever she had a spare second.

She burned through pages at an incredible rate, managing over a hundred and twenty frames

on a good day, as she continued to push to complete the entire game.

Finally, after a lengthy period of discomfort, Maja gave birth to her second child, a beautiful

baby boy.

She was in awe of him, wrapping him close, and making sure that he was provided with

all the love and attention he needed.

Nevertheless, there was a game to make.

Two days after her son's birth, Maja was back at work on her drawing board, inking

yet more frames of the game's animation while her baby slept.

This would become a new staple in Maja's work balance going forward: while her children

were awake and alert, she would do what she could to give them the time and attention

they deserved.

When they slept, she would power through as many frames of animation as she could.

This naturally meant sacrificing a lot of sleep, which was a precious commodity with

a newborn, and even as her son got older.

Not that she would complain: Maja absolutely loved the chance to spend so much time with

her children, and every day, she was so pleased to be able to see them grow.

Maja's family was her greatest joy, and she loved enjoying their company more than


As for spending time as a married couple, Maja and Chad passed on having date nights

in fancy restaurants – instead, when their schedules allowed, they'd spend time together

on the couch, playing video games and simply enjoying one another's company.

Their kids weren't quite old enough for games just yet, but Maya was eager for the

point when she'd be able to introduce them to the kind of fun that they could all have

together while playing.

Maja did, however, let her son watch the E3 video presentations that shared Cuphead with

the world.

The nice thing about making a game with a cutesy, colorful art style was that it proved

perfect for holding a small baby's attention.

The Moldenhauer family grew, and as they did, their game drew closer to completion.

These days were filled with a mix of creative activities – when not inking, Maja carved

pumpkins with her children, or encouraged her daughter's own artistic pursuits through

the medium of finger painting.

As the game progressed, Maja got the joy of listening to the developing soundtrack for

the game, and she'd often play it while inking, for extra inspiration.

Finally, Cuphead was released, and Maja breathed a sigh of relief.

She'd done it; she'd managed to finish a truly challenging task, but more importantly,

she'd done so while also doing her best as a mother.

She'd had to sacrifice a lot to find a work-life balance that felt right, but she'd been

able to work from home, she'd given her daughter and her son all the attention they

needed, and her little family was stronger than ever.

Cuphead went on to become an international bestseller, picking up numerous awards.

After so many years, Maja wasn't interested in resting on her laurels, and she quickly

threw herself back into work as the team continued to build beautiful hand-drawn animations for

future projects.

The moral of the story is that it is possible to have a good balance of all the things you

want in life.

The world of games development, or of any creative medium, can be grueling.

You can be required to put in a lot of time, effort, and resources in order to succeed.

You can feel the need to sacrifice the things that are the most precious to you.

Maja Moldenhauer proves that it's possible to succeed in creative endeavors while still

making time for the other important things in life.

Just as Maja made sure to always make time for her family while drawing for Cuphead,

you too should always make sure that you don't neglect what matters most while you strive

to achieve your goals.

Spend time with your loved ones; give them the attention they deserve.

Make sure that you focus on your own personal mental, physical, and emotional health, so

that you don't find yourself becoming overworked and stressed.

Yes, you may need to give up some things, and organise your time so that you can achieve

a balance between all of your competing priorities.

Take courage from Maja Moldenhauer's example.

If you're careful, and if you focus on what really matters, you can live a balanced, fulfilling

life while still throwing everything into creating artwork that you can be proud of.

It can be difficult – just like playing Cuphead – but it is possible to succeed,

if you really try, and if you're willing to not let a few setbacks get in the way of

your eventual happiness.

For more infomation >> Cuphead: The Untold Story of Maja Moldenhauer - Duration: 10:55.


Between The Scenes - Trump's "Shithole Countries" Remark: The Daily Show - Duration: 1:08.

- What I'm saying is like,

the thing with the shithole countries,

like he doesn't even, he doesn't hide it.

I don't know, part of me prefers it to be honest.

I go like, "At least he's blatant about it," you know?

Although it goes against like

what he says in front of the cameras,

where he says, "I want this immigration policy

"to be a bill of love, it's about love folks,

"it's about love."

And then in private he's like, "These shithole countries,"


"Why do we want people from these shithole countries?

"We want people from Norway!"


And you know what's funny is

Norway is like one of the richest countries per capita

in the world, those people have a great time.

I bet Norwegians are like,

"Why would we want to come to your shithole country?"




They're like, "We got free education,

"we got free healthcare,

"and our president is not Donald Trump."


"We're gonna stay where we are."


(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Between The Scenes - Trump's "Shithole Countries" Remark: The Daily Show - Duration: 1:08.


The Moon Is About To Do Something It Hasn't Done In More - Duration: 2:11.

The Moon Is About To Do Something It Hasn�t Done In More Than 150 Years

By Alex Harris

Call it whatever you like�a blue red moon, a purple moon, a blood moon�but the moon

will be a special sight on Jan. 31.

Three separate celestial events will occur simultaneously that night, resulting in what

some are calling a super blue blood moon eclipse.

The astronomical rarity hasn�t happened for more than 150 years.

A super moon, like the one visible on New Year�s Day, is the term for when a full

moon is closest to the Earth in its orbit, appearing bigger and brighter than normal.

On Jan. 31, the moon will be full for the second time in a month, a rare occasion�it

happens once every two and a half years�known as a blue moon.

To top it off, there will also be a total lunar eclipse.

But unlike last year�s solar eclipse, this sky-watching event isn�t going to be as

visible in the continental United States.

The best views of the middle-of-the-night eclipse will be in central and eastern Asia,

Indonesia, New Zealand and Australia, although Alaska and Hawaii will get a glimpse, too.

For the rest of the U.S., the eclipse will come too close to when the moon sets for the

phenomenon to be visible.

Because of the way the light filters through the atmosphere during an eclipse, blue light

is bounced away from the moon, while red light is reflected.

The eclipsed moon�s reddish color earned it the nickname blood moon.

For more infomation >> The Moon Is About To Do Something It Hasn't Done In More - Duration: 2:11.


Right Angle: Rolling Stone Warns Us About Nazi Amerikkka - Duration: 17:58.

Well I'm sitting in a hair salon getting my hair cut because those of you who've been

watching me lately realize that I get my hair cut once

a day and as I was leaving, lying on the on the table there was a copy of Rolling

Stone magazine formerly a huge glossy magazine and now looking very much like

the you know Dubuque, Iowa car trader that you might find outside

of the 7-Eleven in Iraq. But they had a segment on their own movies of the

year and I just had a little tiny bit of time to kill so I thought I would take a

look at it and I just wanted to present to you this attitude which we talk

about all the time on the part of the elite who are so absolutely outraged

that their script was rejected or at the very least resuscitated and produced

with the addition of a talking dog. They do not like what's going on in

America and they're not afraid to show it. So it's been a long time since we did

a lightning round guys with back and forth with relatively quick answers so I

thought we might do this. So here's the here's the review written by Peter

Travers in Rolling Stone of the top ten movies of the year and I've marked like

five or six of them or something and forgive me for using my eyeglasses but I

have lost my eyesight in service to my vices. Okay so here we go.

Dunkirk he doesn't have anything particularly marked to say.

By the way that the title is "Movies of the Year" and then directly below that

"In 2017 Hollywood took on the past through today's scary present.

No wonder we want to Get Out #oscarshatetrump."

There's a - Has he seen declining ticket sales? People are leaving their house less, you idiot Rolling Stone

person. Well we'll get to that. Sorry. Number two on his list of great movies was Get Out.

It's a horror movie written by Jordan Peele, who's - Key and Peele were hilarious on Comedy Central

if a little biased. Here's what he wrote though. It's basically,"Daniel Kaluuya doesn't know what he's in

for when his girlfriend Allison Williams takes him home to white suburbia.

But black culture isn't the only thing being co-opted in the year's most exciting

directorial debut. Jordan Peele juggles scares and laughs to skewer racial

hypocrisy in an America that refuses to get woke. Steve, what is the

living hell of America that refuses to get woke today?

I don't know. I really don't.

The fact that a movie like Get Out could be made it speaks volumes

to how far we've come. It really doesn't - doesn't it though? - I don't know

if you've seen it but it is by turns scary and laugh out loud funny.

I just, I adored that movie and to try and make political hay out of it just shows

how desperate they are. That's it. Also shows how unwoke you are.

Well.. Woke up damn you. Okay number three Scotty:Call Me By Your Name.

Here's - I'm gonna have to read this one in its entirety - homophobia has no place in Luca

Guadagnino's epic romance set in Italy in 1983. What a musical prodigy Timothee

Chalamet and his father's handsome assistant, Armie Hammer

I know Armie Hammer - experienced the thrill of first love and the gutting

pain of its loss. An artistic triumph that insists empathy is the best

antidote to intolerance. Are you as shocked as I am Scott that - do you think

Let me rephrase that: do you think America is finally ready for a movie about gay

people or is it just too early at this point for us to simply not just leave

the theater in a violent rage?

You know as far as I don't know when this started

but I remember remarking at some point a decade or two ago how it was notable

that every show suddenly had a gay character in it. You know it was just

like and it wasn't just that you know it was like they were making a big deal

about the fact that every show had a gay character in it.

And you know it was a part of a process that was intentional on the part of Hollywood to

normalize what used to be considered to be aberrant or harmful behavior.

And it's been going on forever and ever so this ain't, you know this is not the

breaking of Brokeback Mountain here. That you know if if they want to make it seem

like this behavior is normal then stop pointing at it and drawing

attention to it in that way. It's just why isn't it just a movie about a

relationship? Why aren't they making them you know,

why is it a big deal that he's homosexual? Yeah I think Peter Travers if you're

watching and I know you are, an artistic triumph that insists empathy is the best

antidote to intolerance would be the story of a young gay man who admits that

he's a conservative and watch what happens to him, watch what happens to him then.

Steve back to you: this is from Three Billboards Outside of Ebbing Missouri

the review by Peter Travers. The end of it says "McDormand and McDonough, a match

forged in fire, catch the helplessness and fury we're all feeling right now.

It's a bit grand isn't it? "That we're all feeling right now."

I'm gonna grant him the editorial excuse of saying when he says that we're all feeling right now

he's talking about the hundreds and hundreds of readers of Rolling Stone

magazine. How is your helplessness and fury meter now Steve?

Is it pretty much pegged? I would have to be woke to watch that movie because I fell asleep

during your description of it. Thank you very much. Thanks very much.

Yeah you need - What is this conjugation of this verb "to wake"?

I don't get that. Woke is an expression Woke is an expression for those people that are

fully aware of the racial social and horrible injustices institutionally

built into this horror of AmeriKKKa that we all live in.

So they're ironically misconjugating the verb?

Well it's the short version of "if you're not outraged you're not paying attention" so you're "woke."

It's you're paying attention in your outrage about everything you see all the time.

It's a made-up word for a made-up problem.

Okay here's what he has to say about The Post, which as you know is the story of The Washington Post.

It's the story of the media writers of magazines defending America from the onrushing

Hitlerian concentration camps that Nixon had ready for anyone who disagreed

with him. Here's what Peter Travers writes at the end of that: "any

relationship to Trump's war against free press is purely intentional." Wah wah wah...

See what I did there? "Streep could be headed for Oscar number

four as a woman spoiling to be heard over an army of patronizing men.

Spielberg speed is of the essence direction speaks with relevant power to

the past, present, and a chilling future." These people are writing and thinking

like the sweet meteor of death is visible in the heavens above us and the

shadow grows in front of our eyes you know by the moment.

And Bill this is the last great thing that's happened in journalism you know and it's 1973 all

over again. That's right. The press is still wearing

that around their neck as the great laurels of bringing down a corrupt man

which you can make the case they did.

Butat that point they got off the train and no more seeing of it.

Tell you what, it's great to see it's great

to see a tribute to the newspaper that came in second on breaking the story.

Awesome. Okay.

Guillermo del Toro, Shape of Water gets this treatment from the progressive left.

It's about a guy - basically it's about a woman who basically falls in love with

The Creature from the Black Lagoon.

"The result speaks volumes about what we

choose to label alien." What we choose to label alien. I choose to label alien

something that is from outside of our particular cultural standards or

something along those lines. Was this Mermidon an illegal alien?

What was this?

He was - I didn't see the movie but - he - let me rephrase that -

I was too busy seeing The Greatest Showman twice.

I was told from the - I could clearly make out from

the trailer that this particular Creature from the Black Lagoon was fully woke.

And therefore deserveth not our censure. Steve what do you what do you think about that?

Oh boy, okay. I have a rule of thumb, Bill. Never see any movie that either the trailer or the

reviews say that "it speaks volumes about" or that "it is a scathing indictment of."

Yeah that's right, that's right. Which means that you're now

basically watching a two-hour long visual policy paper.

You know, I heard all the complaints about the new Star Wars movie which I quite enjoyed because

you know I want to see people battle with lightsabers, I want to watch

spaceships blow up and all the rest. And I want to do this in the dark with my

popcorn not being woke all the time. All right.

I would go to see a movie that speaks volumes about entertainment and is a

scathing rebuke to boredom.

We're almost there folks. Number eight, Detroit

these were the entire paragraph he wrote on it.

Director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal take an incendiary look at the 1967

Detroit race riots still alive and toxic in the police brutality and systematic

racism of today. Audiences stayed away, big mistake.

Detroit is hard to take, it's also impossible to forget.

What apparently is possible to forget - who did I ask last - Me. Yes Scott what apparently

is it is possible to forget is that the ruin of Detroit has been caused by

something like seventy years of uninterrupted Democratic rule.

I'm pretty sure the movie leaves that out. Certainly this review does.

When you think of this

idea of the systematic racism that simply can't be washed out of American cities

where Democrats have basically ruled for 50 60 70 80 years and where the murder

rates rival you know, Honduras.

Well I think the movie is doing poorly for the

same reason that Detroit eventually did poorly and that is that the entire

operations being run by union labor. So I think that's why

it's these it's the screenwriters guild and the Actors Guild and though you know

all the Lollipop Guild and all the other ones and the Lullaby League.

You know, Don't forget the film actors guild. You know at some point - and we

testify to this in two episodes recently - that you know Hollywood is capable of

making an entertaining picture and at some point they will realize that your

message gets across best when you don't pull out a bugle and announce that

you're about to give a message. They won't get that. They will never get that.

Okay two to go very quickly. His review of Ghost Story closes with "Here's an ar-

here's an ardent ambitious challenging experiment that restores our faith in

film as an art form." Steve: "restores our faith in film as an art form."

Is he speaking for himself? Is he's speaking for the country?

I saw a movie recently

that restored my faith in a very small group of filmmakers using film as an art

form but in terms of our faith in film as an art form, my regard for

filmmaking has never been lower and I consider myself to be one once.

Matt Damon. You and your one word two word answers.

You mock me with thy wit.

Here's the last one.

This is the one actually folks to be honest with you.

These are by the way cheaters that's why they run so crooked.

This was the one that made me want to cover this for for this Right Angle episode.

And the last one is the review of Darkest Hour, the Winston Churchill story.

And this is what Peter Travers wrote in Rolling Stone magazine about

Darkest Hour: "Gary Oldman gives the performance of the year as Winston

Churchill in a film that digs into the political repercussions of the battles

on the beaches of Dunkirk in 1940.

Joe Wright's film with its bristling

interior energy is a provocative companion piece to Nolan's epic and tops

2017 with two cinematic takes about a world on the brink of catastrophe.

Sound familiar? Does that sound familiar to what?

To America! To his audience. What does it mean on the brink of

catastrophe? The Germans were conquering France! This is my

entire point of doing this episode. This is what these people think.

They think that the election of Donald Trump is Hitler on the Channel with

waves of bombers coming overhead. You know it is just absolutely insane

it is delusional and it is the reason that Rolling Stone is bankrupt

and that Hollywood is following soon after.

But and let me say Bill as you

well know that of most movies that are trying to capture some sort of

historical moment are telescoping that into the present and so you know they

don't just tell a story of something that happened in 1940.

They are actually trying to say something about the current day.

And that's true of movies that I would think are terrific and movies that I think are are terrible.


And you know that's just part of the art form, that's what writers do.

They want to say something about their times and they do it by telling a story about

some other time. That said, I can't I can't help but think

that they're shooting themselves in the foot.

It's not just the writers at Rolling Stone it's the whole industry that they become sycophantically

and symbiotically related to is the whole industry and the political

cronies that are tied in with that industry.

All have been drinking the same

kool-aid and they have all deluded themselves into thinking that middle

America is going out there and droves to see The Shape of Water or you know any

of these movies.

Frankly the only one on this list that you've said that we've

talked about today that I want to see is the Churchill one.


And as as our viewers know it's because I just finished reading three volumes of

Churchill. I'm a history buff. Until you said this today I

have no idea what The Shape of Water was about other than it was the title of a

film and I think that I'm probably more typical than the average Rolling Stone

reader of America at large. As I do too. I saw out of the corner of my eye at a

restaurant and having a much finer time than I would have ever watching the show

I saw a little bit of the Golden Globes and I saw

without hearing the people "Oh me?!" and walking up to the podium and

clutching the dear you know golden calf and thanking everybody

for validating them and I look at these people who I associate with

and who frankly I used to be one before I became a better person.

And I look at them clutching these golden statues and I think to myself here for 20 seconds is

a relief from the emptiness and the hollowness that they feel all their

lives and their cynicism and their defects and their terrible terrible

terrible black hole of need that lives inside them and can never be filled and

and Travers is of this stripe. I think it's just ironic that he would that he

would basically refer to this Churchill movie as a warning for our times.

The one thing that I can assure you with a great deal of confidence certainly Scott can

we read the same book and Steve knows history as well: if Winston

Churchill were here today beholding the Donald Trump presidency I don't know how

much of a fan of Donald Trump's he would be but I do know this.

Winston Churchill hated socialism with every cell in his body and

Churchill would have looked at Donald Trump and said this is the man who is

stopping the tyranny of the mind control freaks that make up the Left.

As usual they've got it absolutely backwards.

Not that that's news to anybody I just thought I'd give you an update.

Here in Los Angeles it's raining. Steve talked -

mentioned in our, just before we taped the show, that it's my James

Brown - James Taylor - I'm the hardest-working man in show business.

Beg your pardon. That's my James Taylor moment out here in Los Angeles I've seen fire and now I've seen rain.

This is what - the arrival of rain in Los Angeles presages the

arrival of Kudos season, a two month-long orgy of self-congratulation

of people who were once banned from polite society and if this review is any

indication for damn good reason as well. I'm Bill Whittle this is your Right Angle

team, thanks very much for joining us. We'll see you next week.

For more infomation >> Right Angle: Rolling Stone Warns Us About Nazi Amerikkka - Duration: 17:58.


How Dr. Phil's Virtual Reality Tool Can Help Former Addicts Transition To The Real World After Re… - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> How Dr. Phil's Virtual Reality Tool Can Help Former Addicts Transition To The Real World After Re… - Duration: 3:39.


2018 Ram 1500 | Features Rundown | Edmunds - Duration: 2:09.

SPEAKER: I'm Edmund's senior writer Carlos Lago

and here's a feature rundown of the 2018 Ram 1500.

For 2018, the Ram 1500 gains a new tungsten top trim,

a standard review camera on all models,

and some improved tech features.

In the full size pickup class, capabilities, features,

and performance are reasonably comparable.

The Ram 1500 does set itself apart

from the rest with a more refined rear suspension.

The downside is the Ram's tow rating, which

isn't as high as class leaders.

That said, it's still very capable.

While your needs and budget will dictate

which model is right for you, we're

partial to the Rebel trim that has

an optimal blend of off-road performance

and on road comfort.

We also suggest adding the optional protection and luxury


Like its rivals, the Ram is available in a regular cab,

quad cab, and crew cab body styles,

with either a 5 foot 7 inch bed or a 6 foot 4 inch bed.

There are also a staggering 11 different trim levels

to choose from.

The crew cab Ram is our pick for its spacious rear seats.

They're as accommodating as the front seats

and are comfortable for hours on end.

The Ram gets high marks for it's Uconnect infotainment system

that's packed with features and it's easy to use.

We also like that there are plenty of pockets and bins

to store all your personal effects.

The standard audio system isn't impressive

but if you upgrade to the 8.4 inch touchscreen,

you get Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

Besides having an attractive layout,

the interior also makes use of better materials,

giving the Ram a more premium feel

compared to the competition.

The Ram 1500's top competitors include the Ford F-150,

Chevy Silverado 1500, and the Nissan Titan.

Bottom line, the Ram 1500 certainly

has its strong points, especially when

it comes to interior space and materials,

but this is a highly competitive segment

and you can't easily ignore its chief rivals.


For more infomation >> 2018 Ram 1500 | Features Rundown | Edmunds - Duration: 2:09.


Attorney Offers Advice To Family Torn Apart By Mom's Excessive Drinking - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Attorney Offers Advice To Family Torn Apart By Mom's Excessive Drinking - Duration: 2:57.


I want one! PC GAMING on a 65-inch 4K HDR 120hz G-Sync TV | The Tech Chap - Duration: 3:24.

I don't have the room for it and I probably won't be able to afford it - but I want one

of these.


4K. 120hz.

HDR and G-Sync - these are the ultimate gaming TVs - or what Nvidia call BFGD - which I'm

told does not stand for Big F****** Game Displays So they're not actually TVs, they don't have

tuners built in, although they do have HDMI 2.0b and DisplayPort 1.4 connections so you

could technically hook up your satellite TV box as well as your PC - or you could watch

4K HDR movies from netflix or amazon video on it.

But really this is meant for gaming - and while even the fastest PC's are unlikely to

get 120fps at 4K in graphically intensive games - it's futureproof, and you can still

take advantage of the high refresh at lower resolutions, and with G-sync built-in there's

no screen tearing or stuttering, and of course you've got HDR - although only a handful of

games actually support it.

The other big advantage is response time and input lag - gaming on a big screen TV is cool

but usually they have a lot higher response times than PC monitors so it's not ideal for

serious or competitive PC gaming - but nvidia say these new displays will have comparable

timings to monitors, so maybe 5ms or so response times - which would be awesome.

So Nvidia is working with Acer, ASUS and HP on these big gaming displays, with 3 models

expected to launch later in 2018.

Right now they're pre-production, designs aren't final, there are some screen issues

- it's still early days for this new type of display.

They all use VA panels, currently the same panel is in all three, and have a quantum

dot film - like Samsung's TVs, that allow them to reach their peak 1000 nit brightness

for the best HDR.

They use full-array backlighting and are calibrated to the DCI-P3 colour gamut so should be pretty

colour accurate too.

There's simply nothing else like this right now - gaming monitors only really go up to

32", or in some cases 40" - but mosts lack all the bells and whistles these offer.

As you'd expect these things will be expensive, there's no word on pricing but I'd wager at

least 3 grand - considering the new generation of top-end ultrawide monitors cost the better

part of 2 thousand.

But I don't know for sure, so we'll have to wait to see.

Sitting down to play Destiny 2 on these things was absolutely incredible - it's genuinely

a WOW experience.

But I'm not sure exactly where and how I would use it.

I could replace my TV with it, it lacks a tuner or a TV user interface, but it has the

Nvidia shield built-in - which now also supports G-Sync.

Or maybe I could replace my desk monitor and just sit further back and maybe use wireless

peripherals - that way I could play games, edit videos and do all my PC work on it.

Or Maybe like having a VR headset, I should have a separate sort of cinema gaming room

where I can wall-mount this and play that way.

Where and how will be different for everyone, 65-inches is a big screen, but it's an exciting

proposition and I'm really looking forward to trying one out in my own home.

Would you consider buying one - and where would you put it, or what would it replace?

Let me know in the comments.

Don't forget to like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video.

A big thanks to Corsair and for bringing me out to CES, and i'll see you guys

next time right here on The Tech Chap.

For more infomation >> I want one! PC GAMING on a 65-inch 4K HDR 120hz G-Sync TV | The Tech Chap - Duration: 3:24.


Rain Will Stick Around Through Saturday Morning - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Rain Will Stick Around Through Saturday Morning - Duration: 3:50.


BREAKING: He Was Just THROWN IN PRISON!!!! - Duration: 10:10.


A Marine is in jail for doing what American Citizens have a right to do according to our


The Marine defended himself, his friends, and most of all – his family.

An armed criminal tried breaking into the Marine's home, was warned to leave, and

that's when things escalated to an absolute disastrous level that should not have happened

if the criminal obeyed laws and had any sense of moral decency.

This sad situation should never happen in America.Marine Joey Nelson was at home enjoying

family time with his fiance, child, and a few close friends one night.

It was a cozy evening that many would love to have.

Just some good old fashioned downtime that allowed friends and family to relax and enjoy

each other's company.

But as the evening progressed they were startled by what was described as violent pounding

on their front door.

It was someone trying to force their way into the residence.

People were scared.

This didn't sound like someone delivering an Amazon Prime package.

This was violent, scary, and worrisome.

Nelson did what many red-blooded Americans would do, and he grabbed his gun to protect

his friends, family, and himself.

No one knew what was on the other side of the door as it pounded violently trying to

get in.

It was horrifying and like something out of a brutally violent scary movie.

Nelson told the pounding intruder to leave immediately, but nevertheless, they persisted.

That's when things turned violent and the night went terribly sour.

Nelson warned the intruder that he was armed he should leave, but didn't seem to get

any luck.

Nelson braced for the worst as he became proactive in his self-defense.

He opened the door to find 39-year-old Michael Wilson from Detroit Michigan standing there.

Wilson brandished a gun and started shooting at Nelson, who was shot in the hip.

Nelson returned fire while telling all the people in residence to run for cover downstairs

and call 911.The cops arrived and assessed the situation.

In what appears to be the wrong side of justice, the homeowner was charged with assault with

intent to commit murder, assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder,

assault with a dangerous weapon and felony firearm possession.

If convicted, then Nelson faces up to life in prison.

A judge set his bond at $150,000 and scheduled his next court appearance for next week Thursday.

Wilson, the man who was trying to break into the home, who also shot the homeowner first,

was only charged with carrying a concealed weapon, a felony punishable by up to five

years in prison.

Wilson's bond was set at $5,000 and scheduled his next court appearance for Thursday of

next week.

Now we must review the Castle Doctrine and hope that it helps our sturdy Marine from

being found guilty of anything.

It's a shame he's in this position when all he did was protect his castle, family,

and friends.

Via FreeAdvise Legal:

What is the Castle Doctrine?

The Castle Doctrine is a self-defense theory which gives a homeowner the right to protect

his home with the use of deadly force.

The Castle Doctrine originally emerged as a common law theory.

Since then, a majority of states have implemented some statutory version of the Castle Doctrine.

If a defendant successfully presents a Castle Doctrine defense, then he is completely exonerated

of any wrongdoing.

Read on to learn more about the proof required to assert a self-defense theory based on the

Castle Doctrine.

History of Castle Doctrine As mentioned, the Castle Doctrine first began

as a common law theory.

This means that it wasn't a written law, but rather an understanding everyone had of

the rule.

Under common law, a person could use deadly force to defend their home, but only after

using every reasonable means to avoid the danger.

Some states still use the common law version of the Castle Doctrine, but most states have

passed statutes to codify (or write down) the common law rules.

The rules were passed so that everyone would understand what is required or expected of

them before resorting to the use of deadly force.

Even though the Castle Doctrine statutes differ by state, many states utilize the same basic

requirements for a Castle Doctrine defense.

Current Requirements of Castle Doctrine The statutory definition of Castle Doctrine

is far more formal than the common law version.

States place limitations on where, when, and who can use deadly force, and the extent of

force allowed.

As with any self-defense theory, the burden of proof for a Castle Doctrine defense is

on the defendant.

The first component of a Castle Doctrine defense is that a person must be inside of his home.

Home or habitation in Castle Doctrine statutes tend to be interpreted very strictly.

The structure must be the place where the person regularly resides, like a house, apartment,

or mobile home.

The defendant must be inside the structure.

Some defendants have attempted to use the Castle Doctrine to defend the use of deadly

force in their front yards.

Courts have rejected this and said that the statute is very clear: in order to use the

Castle Doctrine, the person must be in the home.

The second component is that the victim must be attempting to commit or have committed

an unlawful entry into the defendant's home.

Walking across a person's front yard will not qualify.

There must be some actual evidence that the victim was at least attempting an unlawful


The Castle Doctrine will not apply to a person who was in the home lawfully, but the defendant

decided to force out.

Similarly, the defendant cannot be the first aggressor of the confrontation with the alleged


For example, if a defendant's neighbor comes over for a casual visit, but the defendant

decides to assault the victim after the otherwise consensual conversation turned ugly, the defendant

as the first aggressor could not use the Castle Doctrine as a defense.

Many states, like Indiana, prohibit the use of force against peace officers as well.

Proving that the victim was engaged in an unlawful entry is critical to a Castle Doctrine

defense because the unlawful entry will affect a defendant's right to use deadly force.

The third component of the Castle Doctrine is proving that the use of deadly force was


Many states follow Florida and Mississippi, and actually have a presumption in their Castle

Doctrines that if a person is entering a home unlawfully, that he is doing so with the purpose

to commit an act of force or violence.

This means the defendant's burden of proof regarding the use of force is reduced because

he doesn't have to put on more evidence of reasonable.

Some states do not have this presumption.

Instead of proving just an unlawful entry, a defendant would also have to show that he

was in actual danger of death or major bodily injury from the person trying to enter his


These states do not authorize the use of deadly force to protect only property.

In these few states, if a defendant does not prove he was in real danger of physical injury,

then he can not claim or use a Castle Doctrine defense.

The last major component, and most contested, of the Castle Doctrine is the duty to retreat.

Older common law versions of the Castle Doctrine required some duty to retreat or avoid the


However, after writing their own Castle Doctrine statutes, many states no longer require defendants

to run from their home or to another area of their home before using deadly force.

The states are split on the issue of this duty because of the number of incidents of

people using deadly force on what turned out to be serious misunderstandings of the Castle


To the extent possible, any person should know and understand the duty to retreat laws

in their state before using deadly force.

How to Use the Castle Doctrine In order to invoke a Castle Doctrine defense,

a defendant must first offer some evidence showing that it fits the situation in which

he was involved.

As mentioned, this is the defendant's burden, not the prosecution's burden.

Putting on evidence is only the first step in using the Castle Doctrine.

After presenting evidence, a defendant must request an instruction in a jury charge on

the Castle Doctrine theory of self-defense.

Jury instructions are the set of rules and law that the jury receives that tells them

what they can and cannot do.

Without the jury instruction on the Castle Doctrine defense, the jury has no way of exonerating

a defendant in their verdict.

Because the Castle Doctrine is a defensive theory, anyone seeking to use it should remember

that the burden is on them.

Some law enforcement agencies will acknowledge or preserve evidence when they see that the

Castle Doctrine applies.

However, not all law enforcement agencies are this straightforward.

Out of an abundance of caution, anyone charged with a home invasion shooting should at least

consult with a criminal defense attorney to insure that evidence and testimony critical

to their Castle Doctrine defense is preserved.

A criminal defense attorney can also insure that the same evidence reaches a jury in the

form of a proper instruction.

When did the American legal system move in the wrong direction so severely that it protects

the criminals who attempt to break into our homes and murder us?

How can the man who saved his friends and family be the one who might find himself in


Hopefully charging him was nothing more than the protocol for the situation and a judge

with a rightful mind finds that all charges should be dropped against the Marine.

Not only did this man protect and serve his country, but also his family, and there's

no reason why he should be punished for this.

The intruder deserves a firm kick into a cell for what he did to that family.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: He Was Just THROWN IN PRISON!!!! - Duration: 10:10.


Anne Elise Parks' Weather Update - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Anne Elise Parks' Weather Update - Duration: 1:45.


Five on 2 Forecast - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Five on 2 Forecast - Duration: 3:26.


First (small) Potato Harvest for 2018 - Duration: 4:28.

how's it going everyone and welcome to my small backyard gardening YouTube channel

so here I'm all about trying to help you guys grow as much of your own organic

produce for as cheap as possible and if at all during this video you like it

then make sure you consider subscribing which is just straight down below or in the

bottom right hand corner but today I'm going to be harvesting some potatoes so

I don't even know what variety these are I just done they've just been growing

wildly over along here so I just planted two just buy one of the peach trees and

back in August or so and so they've been going for about four and a half months

they probably can grow on for a couple more weeks maybe even a month or so but

they're starting to get in the way a bit and I do want to plant some other things

there so today they're coming up so we'll head straight there and get

straight to harvesting okay so I've got one plan here one plant behind me here

and you see they're nice big leafy growth so time to dig them up and see

what we got underneath

under the second one there would be green potato there a couple of greenies

obviously I didn't put the mulch down stick it up that's that's a nice one

it's a good keeper so this is it that's from one plant and then that is from the

other so this one was okay there was a lot of small ones and a few of them

started to go a bit green you can see along here but this one didn't do as

well at all these boys were quite green as you can see it was this one this is a

decent sized potato and that's got no green parts on it which is nice but I'm

yeah definitely didn't put enough mulch down and probably didn't plant them as

deep as I could could of when I planted them but I'm over old that's not it's

not the worst but it is definitely definitely not as good as what I've done

in the past I also remember I didn't really water

these heaps and there were a lot of sliders in its early stage when it was

just sprouting and they were just chewing away out the leaves and stems

but oh no that's not too bad so here we'll see see see what we can do with

these is my potato harvest 2018 so wasn't that great and definitely not as

good as I've had before but that's right I'll probably put those in what I can

use those that aren't green probably in a soup with some zucchini I've been

getting a lot of zucchinis lately so that'll probably make a nice little

couple of meals but I was if do you want to see an agile decent

potato harvest of mine a couple of years ago I'll leave a link in the YouTube

card which you can check out if you haven't seen that other than that I'll

pretty much end it there so thanks for watching guys if you liked that make

sure to leave it a big thumbs up and if you have any comments suggestions or

questions or you just want to say g'day pop it down in the comment section below

get back to as soon as I can and lastly if you I did like that and you want to

see more videos just like that and make sure you subscribe there'll be a link

down in the bottom right hand corner in also in I just straight below you can

click on that just to stay updated so whenever I post new video here on

YouTube you can come on and suss it out so thanks for watching guys and hope

you're all having a crack over week and I will catch you all next time

For more infomation >> First (small) Potato Harvest for 2018 - Duration: 4:28.


Carving Carousel Characters In Westchester County - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Carving Carousel Characters In Westchester County - Duration: 1:56.


Let's Make A Deal - Lucky Numbers - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Let's Make A Deal - Lucky Numbers - Duration: 2:08.


Video: Temps droppings, water main breaks still a problem - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Video: Temps droppings, water main breaks still a problem - Duration: 2:17.


Mother, Daughter Burned In Lawrence Fire - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Mother, Daughter Burned In Lawrence Fire - Duration: 2:01.


Hampton Roads cities get a 'B' for snow storm response - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Hampton Roads cities get a 'B' for snow storm response - Duration: 2:22.


Chevrolet Camaro 3.8 Convertible B / Zeer mooi / Youngtimer / Elec-kap... - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Camaro 3.8 Convertible B / Zeer mooi / Youngtimer / Elec-kap... - Duration: 1:00.


HOT NEWS!!! Green Lantern Corps. Movie Not Dead Yet Confirms Writer - Duration: 3:37.

there hasn't been any concrete movement on Green Lantern Corps for quite some

time and with the recent DC films shake up after the box office failure of

Justice League many have wondered whether the movie will ever see the

light of day while promoting his new sci-fi TV series Krypton at the TCA

winter tour today Green Lantern Corps writer David s Goyer confirmed this

project is still in the works when asked when more updates may be made

available though the writer stated he isn't sure when we'll find out more back

in July new character breakdowns surfaced for Green Lantern Corps which

described the project as Lethal Weapon in space that report claimed that the

studio is seeking actors between 39 and 54 Hal Jordan who is described as a

former military test pilot and is now a veteran of the Green Lantern Corps Jon

Stewart will be quite younger with a studio seeking african-american males

between the ages of 21 and 30 with a breakdown revealing that prior to

joining the Green Lantern Corps he was a sniper in the military the last update

on this project was later in July when Tyrese Gibson confirmed talks with DC

films to played John Stewart although he added that it's possible the studio may

go in a different direction his potential involvement started a fan

campaign to cast the actor as Jon Stewart but if the casting breakdown is

accurate it's possible that the 39 year old actor might be a bit out of the age

range of what the studio is looking for there had also been rumors that army

hammer was in talks for Green Lantern and Shazam although the actor stated

that he hasn't heard anything from the studio or his agents since that report

surfaced Zachary Levi has been cast as Shazam although there have still been no

casting announcements for Green Lantern Corps

another report from March claimed that Warner Brothers wants David s Goyer to

direct Green Lantern Court although that was never confirmed either David s Goyer

was brought on to rewrite the script in January 2017 when

it was confirmed this story will feature both Hal Jordan and Jon Stewart when the

first DC EU lineup was announced back in October 2014 the two movies slated for

2020 were cyborgs April 3rd 2020 and Green Lantern Corps July 24th 2020 there

has been speculation that the cyborg movie may not happen after that project

was not featured in a DC presentation at Comic Con experience in Brazil with a

number of other projects not featured such as Gotham City sirens the Deadshot

solo movie Harley Quinn solo movie Black Adam or a rumored Deathstroke solo movie

the Green Lantern Corps project was in fact featured at the Comic Con

experience so that's also a good indication that this movie will in fact

happen in 2020 it remains to be seen when the studio will announce a director

or when casting will finally begin for Hal Jordan Jon Stewart and other iconic

characters from the Green Lantern comic books

For more infomation >> HOT NEWS!!! Green Lantern Corps. Movie Not Dead Yet Confirms Writer - Duration: 3:37.



If your pay as an average worker it is at the slow speed of a bicycle going at 10km/h,

the CEO pay would be at the maximum speed of a CF-18 going at 2400km/h.

Wow, that's a big difference...

Yes, and that is the wealth gap between the CEOs and the average Canadian workers.


$10.4 million CAD, that is what Canada's 100 highest-paid CEOs made in 2016,

according to a report by the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives.

Okay, but is there any problem with that?

It's 209 times of the average income that year, which was about $50,000 CAD.

Okay, but what's wrong with that?

By about 11 am, on January 2, Canada's 100 highest paid CEOs have already taken home

what the average Canadian worker will make all year.

Hey, what's the matter with you?

Nothing, what about you?

I don't have any problem with these guys making money, I mean they just deserve it.

We will see, my friend…

Canada's top 100 CEOs saw an average pay hike of 8% in 2016.

Okay, but what about the average worker, like my father?

Wait, let me check…

Okay, okay, okay...

Okay, okay, in 2016, the average worker pay rose by 0.5%, it's like a $228 bump.

Wow, that's not a lot...

Anyway, this is the first time in the last decades that the average pay

of the top 100 CEOs in Canada has topped the mark of $10 million CAD.

And with the new minimum wage of $14 in Ontario, a worker would have to work

1.1 month to actually match what the CEO would make in a one hour.

I told you, I don't have any freaking issue with people making money.

And you think that they deserve that much money?

Of course they do!

And what if I tell you that the base salary only makes 11% of their total compensation?

Okay, elaborate, please.

Yes, you need to understand that the composition of the CEO pay completely changed in the last decades.

It relies, in one way or another, on the ups and downs in the price of the company's shares

to the point that it represents 86% of the total compensation.

Okay, what do you mean by that?

So, CEOs are typically granted a bonus.

It's worth twice the value of their salary.


It's usually related to whether or not the company stock price goes up.

And this is the same thing that goes for their share, which was worth $3.4 million CAD in 2016.

It's basically three times the average CEO cash salary.

Any other way to earn money?

Yes, CEOs are also awarded stock options.

So, they buy their company's shares at a locked-in price to immediately sell them at a profit

for whatever the stock market is paying.

Yes, but I still don't see why they would not deserve that money because if actually the price of the

company's share is increasing, this would mean that it is because of their good performance.

Very good point, my friend, but let me explain, just a little bit, about stock prices.

Yes, please explain because I don't see why they would not deserve the compensation

that they receive based on stock prices.

So, you must understand that the stock prices represent the expectations

of how a company will do and not how the company actually did.


So, Canadian CEOs are paid based on what the shareholders think of a company in the short term,

but they are not being paid based on whether they increase the profits organically,

such as, for example, creating and marketing a good product.

You probably think that working hard to increase profits will increase the share price.

Of course, yes!

It's a preconceived idea to say that only good performance causes stock

prices to increase because there is a much easier way of raising stock prices.

But then, how?

You just have to hype up the expectations.

It's very well known process in the business community.

Hype up the what?

Okay, according to Roger Martin, hyping up the expectations means...

So, while the CEOs fail to meet the expectations, which is bad for the development of the economy,

they still earn much more money.

Yes, in the world of the CEOs, we absolutely love short-term stock price volatility…

And not long-term growth, that's not fair at all!

In the report, they sum up this idea very well...

The more dips and peaks, the more opportunities to sell and lock.

Oh my god, that's very scary!

Not only does this strategy allow CEOs to make much more money, and especially money that they

don't deserve, but it's also a parasitic strategy.

It impedes companies in investing in the real economy, to grow, to build talented workforces.

Okay, but we need to reform that.

Yes, my friend, and Roger Martin said that executive compensation should be entirely unrelated to share

prices, but it should be totally tied instead to real accomplishments in the management of the company.


By the way, we should not claim that it is inevitable and normal that Canada's top-100 CEOs

earn that much money, and especially money that they don't really deserve.

It's time to say goodbye to free-market capitalism.

Please, don't forget to share this video on any social media.

This was Blabla Canada, the alternative media by and for the common mortals.

For more infomation >> DO CANADA'S CEO'S DESERVE THAT MUCH MONEY? - Duration: 5:27.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


TRICOT : Snood au point de riz - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> TRICOT : Snood au point de riz - Duration: 6:38.


For more infomation >> TRICOT : Snood au point de riz - Duration: 6:38.


Rajasthan Tourism

For more infomation >> Rajasthan Tourism



For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 330D HIGH EXECUTIVE M SPORT AUTOMAAT / NAVI-GROOT / AIRCO-ECC / CRUISE CTR. / LE - Duration: 0:54.


The Incredible Hulk - LEGO Marvel-thon! - Duration: 1:44.

Hello, just2good here,

and continuing the LEGO Marvel-thon,

the next film is The Incredible Hulk,

from June 2008.

Sorry for any background noise,

they're doing construction work around me.

Either way, this one came a mere month after Iron Man,

and heck, Tony Stark even appears in the post credits.

This was still when the Marvel Cinematic Universe was finding a consistent tone,

and you can tell with this one -

it lacks much humor and is more of a character examination of Bruce Banner.


I really didn't like this one on re-watch.

It felt to me like the 2003 Hulk movie -

unnecessarily dreary and boring.

At least that one had style to it,

no matter how crazy that one was.

In the end, I didn't take much from this movie.

I saw it in theaters and I didn't remember it since,

and I don't think I'll remember much from it in a few weeks.

Edward Norton as Bruce and Liv Tyler as Betty were fine,

but I wasn't attached to them.

I think Ruffalo does a better job

of making you feel for Bruce Banner as a tragic hero.

The Abomination was another weak villain.


I did like William Hurt's Thunderbolt Ross,

and I remember that he does come back in Civil War which is neat.

As I touched on before,

LEGO didn't make sets on this movie but Megabloks did a few,

but they didn't exactly capture scenes from the movie.

I think if LEGO did do sets on this film,

we'd see a final showdown set with Hulk

and the Abomination fighting on some rubble,

and Thunderbolt Ross and Betty in a helicopter

all together for a sixty dollar set -

and it would be one that I would say is overpriced,

because sets with bigfigs usually cost a lot.

And then for a smaller set,

there would be one that is forty bucks,

with one of those jeeps with the sound wave weapons,

a glass fascade to break, the abomination's human form,

Ty Burrel's character,

and a Bruce Banner minifigure that can turn into the Hulk,

which would also be included as a big fig.

Anyways, I encourage you guys to rewatch along with me,

and let me know what you think in the comments below.

I'll see you guys later.

Peace out.


For more infomation >> The Incredible Hulk - LEGO Marvel-thon! - Duration: 1:44.


Nightcore- We Don't Sleep at Night (Male Version) Sub Esp - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Nightcore- We Don't Sleep at Night (Male Version) Sub Esp - Duration: 2:55.


First (small) Potato Harvest for 2018 - Duration: 4:28.

how's it going everyone and welcome to my small backyard gardening YouTube channel

so here I'm all about trying to help you guys grow as much of your own organic

produce for as cheap as possible and if at all during this video you like it

then make sure you consider subscribing which is just straight down below or in the

bottom right hand corner but today I'm going to be harvesting some potatoes so

I don't even know what variety these are I just done they've just been growing

wildly over along here so I just planted two just buy one of the peach trees and

back in August or so and so they've been going for about four and a half months

they probably can grow on for a couple more weeks maybe even a month or so but

they're starting to get in the way a bit and I do want to plant some other things

there so today they're coming up so we'll head straight there and get

straight to harvesting okay so I've got one plan here one plant behind me here

and you see they're nice big leafy growth so time to dig them up and see

what we got underneath

under the second one there would be green potato there a couple of greenies

obviously I didn't put the mulch down stick it up that's that's a nice one

it's a good keeper so this is it that's from one plant and then that is from the

other so this one was okay there was a lot of small ones and a few of them

started to go a bit green you can see along here but this one didn't do as

well at all these boys were quite green as you can see it was this one this is a

decent sized potato and that's got no green parts on it which is nice but I'm

yeah definitely didn't put enough mulch down and probably didn't plant them as

deep as I could could of when I planted them but I'm over old that's not it's

not the worst but it is definitely definitely not as good as what I've done

in the past I also remember I didn't really water

these heaps and there were a lot of sliders in its early stage when it was

just sprouting and they were just chewing away out the leaves and stems

but oh no that's not too bad so here we'll see see see what we can do with

these is my potato harvest 2018 so wasn't that great and definitely not as

good as I've had before but that's right I'll probably put those in what I can

use those that aren't green probably in a soup with some zucchini I've been

getting a lot of zucchinis lately so that'll probably make a nice little

couple of meals but I was if do you want to see an agile decent

potato harvest of mine a couple of years ago I'll leave a link in the YouTube

card which you can check out if you haven't seen that other than that I'll

pretty much end it there so thanks for watching guys if you liked that make

sure to leave it a big thumbs up and if you have any comments suggestions or

questions or you just want to say g'day pop it down in the comment section below

get back to as soon as I can and lastly if you I did like that and you want to

see more videos just like that and make sure you subscribe there'll be a link

down in the bottom right hand corner in also in I just straight below you can

click on that just to stay updated so whenever I post new video here on

YouTube you can come on and suss it out so thanks for watching guys and hope

you're all having a crack over week and I will catch you all next time

For more infomation >> First (small) Potato Harvest for 2018 - Duration: 4:28.


Malillany Marín, maravillada de interpretar a Sarita | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Malillany Marín, maravillada de interpretar a Sarita | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:11.


Nine Ways to Care for Introverts - Duration: 4:11.

9 Ways to Care for Introverts

Do you have an introverted friends or partner?

Sometimes it can be difficult to decide how to care for introverts.

In order to understand more about your introverted, in this video I'm going to share with you

9 effective ways to care for introverts.

In this case, whether you're an introvert or an extrovert, anyone can use these tips

on how to care for introverts.

Likewise, if you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video

and subscribe our channel so you won't miss any interesting update in the future guys!

So, here are the tips on how to care for introverts.


Respect Privacy

This is important for any person, but especially for introverts.

As they get energy from being on their own for a bit, it's important that people respect

this need.

Make sure you are also tuned in to their non-verbal cues, as they are less likely to openly tell

you they feel like their privacy is being invaded.


Do not embarrass them in public.

While sometimes it might only be meant as a joke, introverts generally prefer not to

be the centre of attention.

Don't embarrass them in public, even as a joke.

They don't usually appreciate that.


Give them space to observe in new or challenging situations.

Introverts have a bigger than average tendency to watch before they act.

In caring for introverts it's important that you give them the space and time to do


It'll make them more comfortable and appreciate your thoughtfulness.


Don't demand instant answers.

Introverts usually like to think about their reply for a bit.

Particularly when they also have anxiety, such as social anxiety, it's important to

give them a chance to think and not demand instant answers.


If you really care for introverts, do not interrupt.

As a general rule for manners, interrupting is not very nice.

But if you really care for introverts thoughts, don't interrupt them, because they are not

likely to repeat themselves to get their point across.


Reprimand them privately

While most people are generally open to constructive criticism, introverts prefer to receive this

in private.

This harks back to not liking to be the center of attention, and feeling embarrassed more



Teach them new things in a private environment

Again, this allows them to make mistakes without feeling like everyone saw.

As they are more easily embarrassed than average, the best way to care for introverts is to

give them the freedom to learn and make a mistake without feeling terrible over it.


Don't aggressively force them to make friends…

Of course, just because they are introverts doesn't mean that they don't like making


They just prefer doing it on their own terms.


Don't try to convert them to extroverts…

Variety is the spice of life!

Don't force them to be something they're not, same goes for extroverts to introverts.

Respect their personality, and everyone will be happier.

Well, that's the 9 ways to care for introverts.

What is your best way to care for introverts?

I'd like to see your opinions on this and please do share your thoughts and experiences

in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Nine Ways to Care for Introverts - Duration: 4:11.


Peugeot 2008 1.6 VTI Allure 16" LM, Cruise Control, PDC, Trekhaak - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 2008 1.6 VTI Allure 16" LM, Cruise Control, PDC, Trekhaak - Duration: 0:54.


Speedpaint FabySamer - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Speedpaint FabySamer - Duration: 4:14.


the school board called Children's Aid on me - Duration: 3:20.

one how's it going so today's video is a little bit of a shorter story since

there's really not much to this one

about the time the school board cuz they're a bunch of idiots called

Children's Aid our family because I was getting in trouble

so I come home one day and my mother says hey Kevin the Children's Aid ladies

coming come on I'm like what Children's Aid lady well the dumb school board she

says call children's aid because you were getting in trouble like I was like

okay so a day passes I'm sitting at school in class and the teacher tells me

to come out of the room and the children's area is there and this woman

she I swear to god she looked like she is fell out of the tree of ugliness and

hit heavy brows on the way down and then took her head and bashed it into the

tree ugly as woman I've ever seen this girl Jesus we go into an office and she

starts to ask me a bunch of questions like the most ridiculous questions you

can think of are you Mel nourished she says and I'm ill nursed no I'm not Mel

nursed you're asking me if I'm elder as clearly don't know what a male nurse

person looks like because I'm skinny cuz he thought I was no nurse like

you look at me you know

I'm not malnourished actually everything I eat quite frankly doesn't go to my

stomach there goes my ass and um we ended up talking for about 20 minutes I

don't remember anything else you asked me so but one thing she did tell me is

well when I was at your house there talking to your mother I looked in your

bedroom because I'm required to I'm like I didn't actually say this I probably

should have like you looked in my bedroom

like what that's just creepy

now that she left and nothing came of it the case went nowhere and I never heard

from Children's Aid since I've definitely heard about Children's Aid

since but I've never heard from them see ya that's the story and sorry there was

no video the first Friday of the you're nothing to make up for that maybe you'll

do a double upload next party or this Friday but have you ever seen this all

right bye-bye

For more infomation >> the school board called Children's Aid on me - Duration: 3:20.


A to Z of Queer Lit [CC] - Duration: 8:15.

Hi, YouTube. It's Kathy, and welcome to the A to Z of Queer Lit.

I saw this video first over on Adriana's channel, at Perpetual Pages, but I've seen other people

have also done it.

And basically it just looked like a really fun challenge.

What the challenge is is you're trying to go through the entire alphabet and get either

book titles or author names that happen to have that letter in them, and matching them

up, and giving book recommendations.

And then, of course, obviously, there's gotta be a queer element and it's lit, so all fiction.

I did manage to get a book for every single letter of the alphabet.

I've read 24 out of the 26 in entirety, and I've read the first 5 of 6 chapters of the

other two books, and I'll talk about those when I get to them.

If you follow me on Instagram, that might explain why this happened.

Basically, I've spent a lot of life knowing that make up is an art form, and I have not

learned that art form, so it's always really scared me, but in an attempt to get more colour

into my life, I bought myself some make up, and I'm trying it out.

This is actually the first time I used it, and I don't think that this part [lips] turned

out too badly.

This [eyes] needs work.

For A, we have Annie on my Mind by Nancy Garden.

This is a book from 1982 about two girls falling in love in New York, but I read this one late

last year and it's a queer classic.

For B, we have Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan.

This one is just adorable.

It takes place in this universe where high school is much kinder, and it's just an adorable

story of two boys falling in love.

Highly suggest the full cast recording if audio books are your type of thing.

For C, we have The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers.

This is a sci-fi novel, the first in a series that I absolutely adore, and it is full of diversity.

For D, we have Dreadnought by April Daniels.

This is the first in a series about a transgender girl who happens to get super powers.

For E, we have the first book on this list that I haven't read in entirety, and that

is Elsewhere by Kathryn Burns.

So this one has a little bit of a story behind it for me.

Back in December, I went to PodCon, and I was actually hosting the Let's Talk About

Books meet up, and I said that if people wanted to bring a book to exchange with another participant,

to do that.

Well, Kathryn Burns was one of the participants.

She showed up a little bit later and the book exchange had already happened, and she just

happened to mention that she was an author, and she had a couple of her books, and they

happen to be queer and talk about mental health, and I went gimme [grabby hands], now, now,


She was nice enough to do that and she was also nice enough to sign it for me.

Because I didn't want to put any books on this list that I hadn't read yet, I did make

sure to read the first five chapters of this last night in preparation for this video,

and I am really enjoying it so far.

So look for that in a Weekly Entertainment Wrap Up coming soon.

For F, we have Stranger Than Fanfiction by Chris Colfer.

This is a road trip novel about 4 friends who are going on a road trip before they go

off to college, and each of them has a secret, one of them being that he is gay.

This next one is the other book I haven't read in entirety, but I have read the first

6 chapters, and I absolutely adored them.

This isn't actually going to be published until September - is what the internet is telling me right now.

And it also doesn't have a cover yet, so I grabbed some fan art off the internet, and

that's An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green.

Hank Green started this book as a NaNoWriMo project, and then was posting chapters on

Patreon for people to give him feedback, and I was lucky enough to be one of those people,

and read some of the chapters, and I absolutely love this story.

It's about a bi girl named April May, and yes.

I just, I want it to be a real thing, and it's going to be a real thing, and I'm very

excited about it.

Moving on it H, that is for History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera.

Don't get me wrong; this book might break you if you're the crying type.

It's about a boy who's ex-boyfriend has died tragically, and he's still in love with him,

and now he has to deal with his ex-boyfriend's boyfriend.

For I, we have If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo.

This is an own voices book about a trans girl.

The cover model on this book is also a trans girl, and if you listen to the audio book,

it is read by a trans girl.

That last fact being something I picked up from Adriana, because I didn't know that.

For J, we have Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy.

I actually did a whole Buddy Read Book Review with my friend Paige about this book, and

we both absolutely loved it.

For K, I picked a novella called Knit One Girl Two by Shire Glassman.

This one is just a very adorable story about two geeky, Jewish women, and I just wanted

it to be a full-length novel.

For L, we have The Lotterys Plus One by Emma Donoghue.

I read this at the beginning of last year, and it's about two couples - two women and two men.

They find a winning lottery ticket when one of the women is about to give birth.

They decide to all move in together, all change their last name to Lottery, and raise many children.

Emma Donoghue wrote this book because we don't see many books with alternative parenting styles.

For M, we have Ash by Malinda Lo.

This is a queer retelling of Cinderella.

I just don't even need to say any more, do I?

For N, we have Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee.

This is about a girl whose whole family is super heroes, but she's getting to that point

where if she's going to get powers, they should have manifested by now, so I guess I'm not

a super hero.

And her having to deal with that.

For O, we have Otherbound by Corrine Duyvis.

You might know that name because she's the one that came up with the term "own voices".

And this book as a dual narrative, one in basically our world, and another in a fantastical

world that has magic, and a princess that needs to be saved, and also the only one that

can really save the princess is another woman.

For P, we have Pauline & Fran by Rachel B. Glaser.

I read this one quite a while ago, so I'm a little bit fuzzy on the details, but basically

they are in school together.

They go away on a trip.

Things get real intense.

And then you never really know if they're gonna get together again after that.

It's a really big "will they or won't they?" book.

For Q, we have Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde.

I did another Buddy Read Book Review with my friend Sarah on this one.

And it's just so cute.

This is another dual narrative that follows some friends who are going to a convention

together, and both of the friends end up falling in love with people, and it's wonderful.

For R, we have Radio Silence by Alice Oseman.

This one is about a girl who's obsessed with a very indie podcast, [she] actually does

fan art for it, and it just goes from there.

This was one of my favourite books of last year.

For S, we have Simon vs. the Homosapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli.

This was just an absolute delight, and I listened to it as an audio book, and it was highly enjoyable.

For T, we have Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters, which is actually the pick for this

month's read for my local book club.

Sarah Waters writes historical fiction which is based around lesbians, which just means

I need to read more of her books.

For U, we have Girl Mans Up by M-E Girard.

I read this one last year while I was in Boston for NerdCon: Nerdfighteria.

And it's about this girl who refuses to present as feminine because that's just not her.

I can't remember if they actually used anything like genderqueer or genderfluid in this book,

but I feel like that's what this character was.

For V, we have Orphan Number Eight by Kim van Alkemade.

This is another historical fiction, and it also centres around lesbians, and it was a

very enjoyable listen.

It has to do with this woman who finds out that when she was a child, she had medical

testing done on her against her will, because she was an orphan and they could just apparently

do that, and how that might have resulted in her poor health now.

For W, we have We Are Okay by Nina LaCour.

This is about a girl who basically runs away from her life when something tragic happens,

and it goes from there.

For X, we have Middlesex by Jeffrey Eudenides.

This one I read quite a while ago, so I'm hazy on all the details, and I have a feeling

that a lot of the language is out dated, because this is an older book, but this is about someone

who finds out that they are intersex.

For Y, we have Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire.

This is the first in a series that is a darling on BookTube right now, and I'm very excited

to read the third one, but anyway.

This one centres around a home for children who have gone off to other, fantasy worlds,

and then come back and have to figure out how to live in the real world again.

And last, but absolutely not least, especially if you listen to the audio book, is

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz.

Yes, the Z is at the very end of that one, and I'm counting it.

This is a discovering your identity story about latinx youth, and if you listen to the

audio book, it is narrated by Lin-Manuel Miranda.

So, listen to the audio book.

And there you have it. 26 recommendations.

If you've read any of these books, please let me know about it down in the comments

below, because I would love to talk to you about them.

On the way down to the comments, if you hit that Subscribe button, that would be very nice of you.

You can like and share this as you see fit, and I will see you next time.


[outro music]

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