Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 14 2018

Letter School best handwriting app Lower case letters z to a Learn writing Alphabet abcdefghijklmnop

For more infomation >> Letter School best handwriting app Lower case letters z to a Learn writing Alphabet abcdefghijklmnop - Duration: 11:35.


How George Lucas Helped Influence The Last Jedi - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> How George Lucas Helped Influence The Last Jedi - Duration: 4:21.



For more infomation >> 3 NAJLEPSZE PRANKI NA BLACHARACH 5 - Duration: 11:49.


Testigo graba un enorme OVNI brillante dejando la luna - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Testigo graba un enorme OVNI brillante dejando la luna - Duration: 1:33.


American President Donald Trump Talks About Pakistani Girl Zainab Ameen - Duration: 3:33.

justice for zainab

For more infomation >> American President Donald Trump Talks About Pakistani Girl Zainab Ameen - Duration: 3:33.


Star Wars Actors Who Make Less Than You Think - Duration: 5:57.

When George Lucas created Star Wars, the nerdy, independent filmmaker had no idea that it

would turn into one of the most popular film franchises of all time.

But more than four billion in box office receipts and counting, the series has been nothing

if not lucrative.

And the actors that contributed to his visionary universe?

Well, some of these stars aren't exactly rolling in the dough, despite playing key roles in

the hugely successful sci-fi films.

Daisy Ridley

As the fledgling Jedi Rey, actress Daisy Ridley is the star of the new Star Wars trilogy,

which first captivated audiences with The Force Awakens and took the franchise to new

heights with The Last Jedi.

And if you take a quick stroll down any toy aisle, it's almost impossible to avoid Ridley's

character or her lightsaber-wielding battle poses.

Even though she's undoubtedly the anchor for a trilogy that reinvigorated Lucas' 40-year-old

universe, according to Celebrity Net Worth, Ridley is worth only $6 million.

That seems crazy low, especially when you consider that actress Felicity Jones was reportedly

paid a seven-figure salary upfront just for playing rebel fighter Jyn Erso in Rogue One.

May the Force be with Ridley on the next round of salary negotiations!

John Boyega

Another vital character of the New Trilogy, John Boyega's Finn has brought a sense of

wonder and humor to the Force.

Boyega has been able to channel his newfound fame to land prestigious new projects, like

the starring role in Pacific Rim: Uprising.

But he still isn't quite raking in the big bucks just yet.

The British star is reportedly worth just $6 million, even after securing a prominent

place in one of the biggest movie franchises of all time and leveraging that experience

into other leading roles.

Adam Driver

When Girls actor Adam Driver was picked to play the Vader-like villain in The Force Awakens,

it seemed like an odd choice.

But Driver delivered as the tormented Kylo Ren, and his hooded mask and unusual lightsaber

have become synonymous with Star Wars.

You'd think being a new generation's version of Darth Vader, and an HBO star, would come

with a sizable fortune.

Think again: Driver's net worth is said to be just $8 million, even though you'd be hard-pressed

to find a young Star Wars fan who doesn't have a Kylo Ren lightsaber at the ready.

Gwendoline Christie

Actress Gwendoline Christie was already known to fans for her portrayal of Brienne of Tarth

on the hit HBO series Game of Thrones, so when it was announced that Christie would

play the mysterious silver Stormtrooper, Captain Phasma, her geek credentials were already

well established.

But despite playing a sizable role on the massively popular Game of Thrones and a bankable

villain in the new Star Wars trilogy, Christie's net worth reportedly rings in at just $3 million.

Lupita Nyong'o

If you didn't realize Lupita Nyong'o is in The Force Awakens, don't feel bad.

She plays the entirely CGI character Maz Kanata, a spiritual successor to Yoda for the new


Nyong'o also has the distinction of pulling double duty for Disney by starring in the

Marvel Cinematic Universe's Black Panther.

However, having huge roles in both of the House of Mouse's blockbuster franchises doesn't

necessarily mean a huge payday.

Nyong'o has a reported net worth of just $5 million, which is a drop in the bucket by

Hollywood A-list standards.

That said, this talented young actress' bottom line will likely keep climbing as the Oscar-winner

continues to take over Tinseltown.

Anthony Daniels

For 40 years, Anthony Daniels has played the iconic golden droid C-3PO, as well as voiced

the character in radio shows, video games, and cartoons.

One would assume that four decades as one of the most recognizable robots in sci-fi

history would mean big bucks for Daniels.

Alas, the actor is worth only $8 million.

That's nothing to sneeze at, but by comparison, the late Carrie Fisher, who played Princess

Leia, was worth an estimated $25 million.

Then again, when it comes to being an absolute boss in space, you can't beat Princess Leia.

Diego Luna

When Rogue One debuted in 2016, fans were bowled over by the prequel film's original

narrative and heavy servings of old-fashioned Star Wars nostalgia.

It was a critical success for Disney, but many of the film's stars aren't rolling in

the revenue.

Mexican actor Diego Luna, who's been working professionally since his teens, has a net

worth of just $4 million, and he was reportedly paid in the low six-figure range to star in

Rogue One as Cassian Andor.

That's a little shocking considering Cassian is easily the second most important character

after Felicity Jones' Jyn Erso.

Ben Mendelsohn

Australian actor Ben Mendelsohn has been in the business since the early '80's, but even

after appearing in The Dark Knight Rises and the Netflix Original Series Bloodline, Mendelsohn's

net worth is just $3 million.

His performance as Rogue One's main villain Director Krennic didn't help much because

he was reportedly paid in the low six-figure range.

However, Mendelsohn is taking a page out of Nyong'o's book and will play another villainous

role in Captain Marvel, another massive Disney franchise, so count on his fortune to improve

even more in the very near future.

Alan Tudyk

The incomparable Alan Tudyk has been appearing in small yet memorable roles in movies since

the '90s, and his TV credentials include fan-favorites Firefly and Arrested Development.

Tudyk has also been a voice actor since 2002, which made him the perfect choice to give

life to the snarky robot K-2SO in Rogue One.

However, Tudyk's crazy busy schedule has earned him a net worth of only $2 million, despite

decades of credits to his name.

Mark Hamill

Even after all these years, when people think Star Wars, they think Luke Skywalker.

As the star of the movies that started it all, you'd assume Mark Hamill's iconic role

as the farm boy turned Jedi Knight would be the ticket to a massive fortune.

But even after reprising the legendary part in the newest trilogy, Hamill is worth just

$18 million.

That's a sizable fortune, but it pales in comparison to his original co-stars.

Harrison Ford, the actor behind the swashbuckling smuggler Han Solo, is worth $230 million!

However, at the end of the day, Hamill will always be Luke Skywalker, and there's no amount

of money in the galaxy that can top that.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Star Wars Actors Who Make Less Than You Think - Duration: 5:57.


3 Year Bananas - Growing dwarf banana trees in your garden - Duration: 12:42.

growing bananas in your backyard is a very rewarding experience in today's

episode we look at a three year journey for growing our dwarf banana plants from

planting till harvest so let's begin in June in June of 2014 we planted our

dwarf banana plant this is the dwarf Rajapuri banana plant now you can also

get other dwarf varieties like the Cavendish or other varieties from your

local garden stores we got ours from Home Depot and fast forward a year in

July 2015 you can see that the plant is well established and one thing you do

need to note is that you need to choose a nice sunny location for your banana

plant at least 6 hours of Sun a day and in about a year you will see that the

banana plant has started producing its first bud, which will produce a bunch of

bananas now in the first year you need to make sure that you are providing

adequate nutrients to the plant you can use a all-purpose fertilizer a balanced

fertilizer or you can use a high nitrogen fertilizer as well because

bananas need a lot of nitrogen to produce these big leaves which in turn

will produce good bananas and as you can see here in August of 2015 the plant has

started producing a lot of bananas as you can see here and it will keep

producing bananas for some more bunches before it will stop producing bananas

and around September you can see that the production of the bananas is almost

complete and at this stage what you can do is you can harvest the bud of the

plant because once you harvest the bud the bananas will still keep growing on

the top so the bud or the flower itself is very much edible and here we're going

to look at the harvest of the flowers what you do is just chop off the bottom

part of the stem where the banana bud was produced and you will notice

that just on top of the banana flower or the banana bud

the bananas actually were very small and literally stopped producing so you can

just see how your banana production goes and then you will know when to

harvest your bud and the bud is very delicious the flowers are very delicious

and in my previous video that I posted about growing bananas have posted a

recipe as well and in October 2015 you can see that the bananas have started

growing larger and they will continue to grow larger now you can either let them

grow larger on the plant and if you have moderate temperatures the bananas will

keep growing on the plant or you can start harvesting your fruits now the way

I harvest the fruit is just harvest one by one some of the bunches that are

produced starting with the largest ones but you can even start at the bottom as

I'm showing you here it is just easier to harvest the fruits at the bottom and

you can either eat them raw or you can ripen them they ripen very quickly on

the shelf the only maintenance that you need to do for your banana plants is

pruning and this is more for aesthetic purposes once the leaves turn yellow you

can chop off the leaves from the sides and although it's just a lot of work

it makes your plant look a lot more beautiful as you can see here these

leaves that are yellowing and becoming brown can be removed and this doesn't

really have any effect on the fruits now you can see here fast forward a

couple of months more and the fruits will keep getting a little larger on the

plant and they haven't ripened yet because we've had some cold days during

this time during the winter season and let's talk a little bit more about

the fertilizers so if you have a well-prepared ground with a lot of

manure that's the best thing you can do for your banana plant mix in a lot of

compost a lot of manure and banana grows pretty much in any kind of soil we have

a naturally sandy soil here in Southern California where I live and it produces

great banana plants as you can see here you can see a hint of ripening on the

plants and they will still keep getting larger as they grow on the plant and

here you can see that we continue to harvest the bananas the fruits as time

goes on and once again they will ripen very well when kept on the Shelf now if

you want you can even harvest the entire bunch if you can consume that many

bananas but they usually all ripen at once so it's better if you just keep

harvesting one by one each bunch and that way you get a steady supply of

bananas right from your backyard and these homegrown bananas are

absolutely delicious and although this time we ripened our banana of the tree

we will soon see how you can even ripen your bananas on the plant and here you

can see it's a beautiful looking harvest the bananas are very nice and with just

a dwarf tree you are able to harvest a lot of bananas now with bananas

once the lifecycle is complete you have to remove and chop off the tree because

one plant produces one and only one cluster of bananas so here you can see

that the tree is pretty heavy so I just use a saw to first chop off the tree in

parts so I would start with the top part of the tree and once that is done I

remove the bottom part of the tree and once that is done this will give more

space for the other trees to grow around the main plant now what you're gonna see

here is how I use the stem of the plant now after you chop the tree off the

banana plant is still useful because the tender and the center part of the stem

is very delicious it can be used in a variety of recipes there are some

delicious recipe recipes that you can use the stems for so the way you use the

stem is first you start removing the sides the thick parts of the trunk and

that takes quite a while and it's a tedious process but what you do is you

just keep going and keep removing the layers finally you will reach what is

the middle and the tender part of the stem as you can see here we're now

almost approaching the center part of the stem and it will be a little tiered

as you can see here you'll have some larger areas and some smaller areas now

this part of the stem is very delicious and as I mentioned you can use it in a

variety of dishes you can google some recipes for the keyword here and you'll

get a lot of dishes for this plant now while we were doing this there was

another plant that was growing right next to that and a couple years later

you can see that it has produce some buds and flowers and some

bananas so that one banana plant that we removed made way for the other plants to

grow now in May 2017 we were actually planning to go on vacation so I set up a

drip irrigation system for the fruit trees and banana plants are really

thirsty they need a lot of water so make sure that your banana plants are getting

adequate water and that'll really help your banana plants grow very well I

noticed that once I put the drip irrigation system in place my banana

plants were a lot more greener and we're producing much better than when I was

hand watering them and you can see here this is the second plant that grew and

it has produced some really good banana clusters as you can see here which will

go on to form some good fruit and once again we are going to be harvesting the

buds first the buds and the flowers will be harvested first so that the rest

of the bananas can continue to grow on the tree and this is a question that has

been asked by some of my viewers is whether the harvest of the bud causes

any problems in the fruit growth and the answer is no I have never seen any

problems with growing fruits once the bud is harvested now fast forward to

November 2017 you can see that some of the fruits have started ripening and

these fruits have ripened on the tree and they've ripened pretty quickly you

can see here you can literally remove the fruits from the tree and these

fruits that have ripened on the tree these are absolutely delicious very

sweet very delicious bananas and they've reached the full size of their growth

and well by growing bananas at home this is something that you can achieve you

can ripen fruits on the tree eat them fresh a right off the tree and that's a

big win for you because the bananas that you get at the store have all been

harvested while they were green and they've been ripened using ethylene

gases and warehouses so not only a natural way

of ripening bananas but what you see here is the best way you can grow and

eat some really delicious bananas at home and you can even harvest the entire

bunch and they're so fragile that you can see they're just falling off the

tree but if you're a little more careful you

will be able to harvest them in bunches like you see here and once again this is

the dwarf rajapuri banana and I'm also growing the dwarf Cavendish banana which

would be ready for harvest in maybe a year or two but this banana plant that

reaches about six foot in height is a really good way to grow delicious

bananas at home and you can see here the harvest looks absolutely gorgeous and

it's also absolutely delicious and eventually over a period of time you

will see that all the bananas on the plant will ripen very quickly in fact in

a matter of days because each ripening banana releases natural gases ethylene

gases that ripen the entire bunch and once again once the banana is harvested

you need to make sure that you remove the tree this is very important for the

lifecycle of the banana plant so that the other trees around it have room to

grow and once you are done harvesting the banana there's really no point in

keeping the trunk or the tree alive you don't have any benefit by doing so and

what we will also be doing once again is harvesting the tender part of the stem

the center part of the stem and this is how you do it you just once again open

up the plant and then try to you know remove the layers and go towards the

center of the stem now banana is a plant that doesn't have any insects and nor

does it have any diseases very easy to grow in your home garden so I really

hope you try out growing banana plants you can easily grow them and zone 9 or

above and if you're in other zones you might want to plant it in a container

and then keep it either in a greenhouse or take it indoors and you can still

grow these dwarf banana plants easily at home so there we have it folks that was

our episode on growing bananas if you like this video do give us a thumbs up

if you grow bananas yourself do let us know in the comments below what are the

challenges you faced growing bananas and what advice or comments would you have

for our fellow viewers we'll see you again soon happy gardening

For more infomation >> 3 Year Bananas - Growing dwarf banana trees in your garden - Duration: 12:42.


BREAKING News!!! TRAITOR Just Announced His Run For SENATE! THROW HIM BACK IN GITMO!!! - Duration: 8:29.


TRAITOR Just Announced His Run For SENATE!


Now we have officially seen it all!

This is the definition of insanity.

Chelsea Manning.

The same Chelsea Manning who was imprisoned for leaking classified government documents

appears to be running for the U.S. Senate.

Federal Election Commission documents show Chelsea Elizabeth Manning of North Bethesda

Maryland has filed paperwork to run as a Democrat, of course.This is a move that would put her

against two-term Democrat Senator Ben Cardin in the state's June Democrat primary ballot.

Cardin is Maryland's senior U.S. senator, and the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign

Relations Committee.

Although media has tried to contact her/him/it Manning did not immediately respond to a request

for comment.

Nor had she released any statement announcing her candidacy as of midafternoon Saturday.

Via The Blaze:

Bradley Manning is still a traitor.

And he's also still a man.

The Democrats have, for several months now, been in a state of convulsive rage over WikiLeaks.

They tell us that WikiLeaks is in league with Putin.

They tell us that WikiLeaks subverted our system and destabilized the very foundations

of our democracy.

WikiLeaks stole the election.


So on and so forth.

With this in mind, it seems a little odd that right in the midst of this apocalyptic hand

wringing over WikiLeaks, the president would choose to commute the sentence of a guy who

went into a war zone, stole reams of classified files, and gave them to WikiLeaks.

Bradley Manning didn't merely release email correspondences between DNC officials where

they complain about Bernie Sanders and talk about spirit cooking.

These weren't embarrassing revelations about a political party.

These were hundreds of thousands of secret documents relating to national security, appropriated

during a time of war, and "leaked" indiscriminately with no regard to how it would undermine our

war efforts and even less regard for the lives it put at risk.

The Democrats apparently want us to believe that humiliating Hillary Clinton is a far

worse crime than jeopardizing the safety of our troops, intelligence officers, and allies.

The word "outrageous" does not even begin to describe what's going on here.

It would appear self-defeating as well.

Why would the Democrats — who have almost unanimously applauded this move, by the way

— suddenly decide to undermine their own case against WikiLeaks?

Shameful hypocrisy has never slowed them down before, granted, but even by their standards

this is a rather extreme case of it.

They must know that they've made it impossible for anyone to take them seriously the next

time they whine about email leaks and "election hacking."

It so discredits them, makes so little sense, makes them look so utterly foolish, renders

their own arguments so fantastically irrelevant, that you may conclude that the entire Democrat

Party has gone into a state of collective psychosis.

That's not a bad theory.

Not too far from the truth, either.

But there is, you might say, a method to this madness.

And you can understand the method once you understand that, in the world of modern leftism,

the letters "LGBT" override anything and everything.

At the very top of the progressive Victimhood Hierarchy sit the members of this elite club.

Any opportunity to advance their cause must be exploited.

Any time the Great Cause and some other concern collides, the Cause wins out.

These are the priorities of leftism nowadays.

Its only one priority, really.

Nothing — and I truly mean nothing — is more important than its sexual agenda.

So, Bradley Manning, a traitor to the United States who gave assistance to the enemy, a

convicted spy who would have been put in front of a firing squad not too long ago, will now

be a free and celebrated man for one single reason: he pretends he's not a man.

Because Manning "came out" as "transgender" after committing his act of treachery, he

became a hero to the Left.

A trans hero, specifically, which is the most heroic kind of hero.

That's why he will be getting out of prison.

For that reason and no other.

The Left admitted upfront that it wants Manning out of prison solely because he cross dresses.

Before his commutation was announced, the media wrote story after story describing the

"bleak life" of a "woman" in a men's prison.

They insisted that it's an injustice to force a woman to remain incarcerated with


And they're right, that would be an injustice; but no such injustice had actually occurred.

Bradley Manning was a man when he entered prison.

He's a man now.

He'll be a man when he leaves.

He'll be a man until he dies and even still afterwards.

Complaining that a "transgender woman" wasn't transferred to a women's prison

is like complaining that a lunatic who thinks he's a polar bear won't be transferred

to the local zoo.

As per usual, Manning had already been given enormous privileges thanks to his "transgender"


The government was bending over backwards, going to extraordinary lengths, to accommodate

his delusions:

She can now wear female prison undergarments, including a sports bra, and "subdued cosmetics."

In early 2015, she was permitted to get speech therapy to feminize the tone and pitch of

her voice and began cross-sex hormone therapy prescribed, Mr. Strangio said, by an endocrinologist

brought in from the military's Walter Reed hospital.

Since then, Ms. Manning wrote, she has developed breasts and curvier hips.

"There have been significant changes since I've been taking the hormones, and I am

happy with them," she said.

But, citing security risks, the military rejected the recommendation of an outside psychologist

who said she should be permitted to further feminize her appearance by growing her hair

longer than male military standards.

Mr. Strangio is helping her challenge that restriction.

But this wasn't enough.

It never is.

We were using tax money to facilitate the sexual fantasies of a traitor, but still the

Left was not satisfied.

They never are.

Manning's "transgender" status shouldn't merely entitle him to privileges in prison,

they demanded.

It ought to entitle him to a get-out-of-jail-free card.

The laws against espionage ought to be suspended in his case.

Let other spies and traitors face the just consequences, but not Manning.

He's better than them.

He's more important.

He's at the top of the Victimhood Hierarchy.

Let him out and next we'll complain of persecution if he isn't immediately named Nobel laureate,

Medal of Honor recipient, and honorary Wheel of Fortune champion.

Obama was happy to oblige, to the extent that he could.

And now this will stand as one of the most deranged and despicable things he's done

as president, which is saying something.

An impressive grand finale to a shameful presidency.Manning, who is a transgender formerly known as Bradley

Manning, was convicted by a court-martial back in 2013 of leaking hundreds of thousands

of classified documents to WikiLeaks and sentenced to 35 years in prison.

A sentence that then President Barack Hussein Obama was more than happy to commute.

Manning was released from a military prison last year after serving seven years for something

she should have hung for.

Don't you all just miss the old days?

The days when a man was a man and a woman was a woman.

The days when you knew how to address a person without them having a fit over it.

And to top it all off now this traitor will be running for the United States Senate?


Can we please once again start electing people who have the qualifications for office, not

because of their skin color or sexual preferences?

Let's leave aside the fact that this individual is severely disturbed and confused.

She is a traitor and should not even be allowed to run for a public office which gives you

the ability to handle classified information.

For more infomation >> BREAKING News!!! TRAITOR Just Announced His Run For SENATE! THROW HIM BACK IN GITMO!!! - Duration: 8:29.


بريطاني يتحدث اللغة العربية بطلاقة | British guy speaks fluent Arabic | Jana vlogs - Duration: 11:49.

What's up?

Greetings Jana's Friends

What's new with you? I hope you're all doing well

Today, we're doing a video with Arabic Mike

I'm Arabic Mike

My name is Mike, I'm from Britain


Before we start the video

Don't forget to like the video

Let's see how many likes we can get

We also want you to comment down below

If you could learn one language, what would it be?

Mike decided to learn Arabic

Arabic is the best language

In the whole world, in my opinion

I studied Arabic

Today I'm with Jana

I'm really happy to be here

We're going to talk about the Middle East and the Gulf

And of course, about the Arabic langauge

Now I'm going to ask Mike questions about his life

And about the Arabic language

And he's going to try to answer

In Arabic and in English

When he can

هذا ليس ما إتفقنا عليه

He speaks Arabic, but of course

His English is a lot stronger, like me really

I studied, at first

Arabic in school

This was the first time

التي أصبحت مهتم في اللغة العربية

And during this time

I lived in the Gulf, in Kuwait

And in Dubai

And during my time at these countries

I learned Arabic more, and improved my skills in the Langauge

Sometimes I study it more and sometimes less

Right now, I learn a lot from you

Because you're speaking Arabic

From my videos?

Yes, exactly

تعلمت اللغة العربية لمدة 10 سنوات الآن

منذ أن بدأت، أجل

عشر سنين

لكن حقا، ربما آخر خمس سنين

أنا دائما أبحث عن فرص لأتدرب عليها

وكون لدي قناة يوتيوب ساعدني كثيرا

لأنها أعطتني سببا أكبر لأتعلم العربية

ولأساعد الغير

الذين كانوا في موقفي ويقولون اوه إن هذه لغة رائعة ويودون تعلمها

أنا مسرورة لأنك تطرقت لهذا

A lot of you always ask me how to learn Arabic

And a lot of you watch my videos with subtitles

I always subtitle my videos

So if you want to learn, you can also learn from Mike

He has a channel where he teaches Arabic, so subscribe to him

I want to know, for the person who's trying to learn Arabic

How should they start learning Arabic and improving their Arabic?

In the beginning I learned phrases

And I searched on YouTube, there was nothing

لم يكن هناك شيء

وعندما يتجمد

كنت أتعلم بعضها من الكتب وما شابه ومن الدورات

وقلت حسنا، سأصنع فيديو أنا أريده

الطريقة التي سأتقدم بها

هي التحدث

في كل مرة تقول شي خاطئ

هنا يحدث التعلم

إذا، الخطوة الأولى

تعلم بعض المصطلحات

أعتقد أنه لابد أن تتعلم الأبجدية، شخصيا

الجميع يخالفني الرأي لكن

الآن وقد تطرقت لهذا الموضوع

[Arabic alphabet]

يمكنك تهجؤها

في الإنقليزية، هذه ليست القضية

الإنقليزية لغة صعبة جدا للتعلم

لمتحدث أجنبي

خذي الكلمة : Knife (سكين)

ليست منطقية أبدا

الطريقة التي نتهجأ فيها الكلمات

العربية منطقية أكثر

ترى الكلمة


تقرأ الحروف

وتراها ويمكنك نطقها تماما

هذا منطقي أجل

لم أفكر بهذا حقيقة

Of course, in Arabic there are some letters

That are impossible to pronounce for English people

Like you guys saw in my video where I taught my friends

How to pronounce 'marhaba' [hello in Arabic]

The letter ح to them is very difficult

They don't know the difference between ح and خ

Was it hard for you when you started?

At first yes

بعد مدة

تأتي معك

والطريقة التي أصف بها للناس دائما هي

أنك تتنفس على زجاج

وحين تفهم هذا

أصعب حرف سيكون غالبا ع

ع صعب

كلما تمرنت عليها وكلما قلتها

حينها تصل لأن تسمعها

In your experience, what's the hardest thing about learning Arabic?

When it comes to Arabic

There's a Gulf dialect, Egyptian dialect

Jordanian dialect

Moroccan dialect

When I speak to Arabic people

And I might not know where they're from

I could not understand anything

If they're Moroccan or Algerian

I don't understand them at all

I understand Egyptian, Lebanese

That's all I know in Egyptian 'Don't thank me for doing my duty'

لأني شاهدت فلم أبطال خارقون بالمصرية مرة

هذه النقطة الجيدة حقيقةََ

أفلام ديزني تكون بالمصرية

Disney movies, when they translate them in Arabic

They're always in Egyptian dialect, and the songs are translated in Egyptian too

Even all of my relatives

They sing Disney songs in Egyptian

To us, it's normal and we understand it

But if you were trying to learn Arabic

And there's loads of dialects you have to understand

It's really difficult

Okay now, I want to ask, when you travelled to Dubai and Kuwait

How was it living there?

What was the difference between living there and the UK?

I love Kuwait and Dubai and I love the Gulf area

And I'm a teacher, I taught in Britain

For two years

And then I travelled to the Gulf

أود ان أعود لها غدا

وأود زيارتها مجددا في المستقبل القريب

مجددا في الكويت

حقا أحببتها

أود الذهاب للسعودية أيضا

لكن يبدو أنهم لا يريدوني هناك

الطعام؟ أجل

لا تعرفين مجبوس الدجاج؟

ما هذا؟

فليخبرها أحد في التعليقات

من أين؟ من أين هي؟

طبق كويتي

دياي هي الطريقة الكويتية لقول دجاج

حسنا؟ إنهم يقولون ال ج بصوت ال ي

أجل أجل يقولونها

لذا يقولون مجبوس دجاج

وهو طبق كويتي بالأرز والدجاج

ها انتي ذا، علمتك شيء أنا

دبي مجددا، مكان رائع

حديثة للغاية

كل شيء يعمل

الجميع يحترم الآخر

الجميع مقرب

تشعر وكأنك في مجتمع متقارب

العائلة تبقى معا

الجميع في الكويت

سوف يرون وهم مع عائلاتهم

أيا كانوا ، إخوة إخوات آباء

All the family is together

ومجتمعين هكذا

يقضون جميع نهايات الأسبوع


جميعا يتسكعون

إذا، أحب العيش في الشرق الأوسط

أود العودة هناك

وأنوي العودة هناك

وربما يوم ما سأعيش في السعودية

I want to ask you now, why did you decide to learn Arabic

There are so many languages you could have learned

And they might have been easier for you

لماذا أخترت أن تتعلم اللغة العربية؟

أحب التحديات

العربية بالنسبة لي

كانت مشابهة أكثر للغرابة


ومتحدية أكثر

وتقابل أشخاص دائما

نعم أنا أتحدث الفرنسية

لا شيء

من يهتم؟

ليس أنا

العربية بلا شك هي اللغة التي أستمتعت فيها أكثر، وسمعها لطيف

يوجد شيء شاعري فيها

إنها جميلة

لديك نص مختلف تماما

ويمكنك كتابته، لا يوجد شي أكثر إثارة من كتابة النص العربي

فقط انغمارها

وأن تكون لديك القدرة لتقرأه

الناس لا يتوقعونها أيضا

أجل هذا صحيح

لديك عامل المفاجأة هذا

إن أمكنك أن تتواصل مع شخص غير منتبه

وتتحدث العربية لشخص يتحدث العربية

يعني الكثير بالنسبة لهم

أجل هذا صحيح

وتصنع هذا الترابط بينكم فورا

أول دولة عربية ذهبت إليها

أظن المغرب

قبل سنوات

ولن أنسى أبدا

النظرة على وجه ذاك الرجل

إسمه كان محمد

وكان فوق جبل

يبيع عبوات ماء وشاي

في حينها كنت أعرف عدة جمل هذا فقط

لكن النظرة على وجهه

حينما قلت :

Greetings, how are you? Are you good?

I'm from Britain, my name is Mike

إبتسامته وصلت إلى هنا

وكان سعيد جدا

حتى أنا سعيدة وأنا أسمعك تقول هذا

وبالنسبة لي، أيضا أشعر بهذا الدفء منهم

إن كان أي شيء سيحفزني لتحسينها

وأكون أفضل وأفضل

The way Arabs are portrayed in the Media

Does it differ from your experience in these countries?


الناس العرب عامة

الذين قابلتهم

في الأردن المغرب عمان

عمان بالتأكيد

مكان رائع

الناس العرب

هم أشخاص لطيفين



وسيفعلون أي شيء لك

صدقا، هذه الحقيقة

وذهبت إلى عدة بلدان عربية الآن

أنا لست محظوظ

هي ليست صدفة

حين تذهب لعطلة في عمان

أو تذهب للتونس، المغرب

أي جزء في العالم العربي

سترى بنفسك كيف

هم مرحبين ولطفاء وجميلين الناس هناك

من جميع الأنحاء

لا لا هذا صحيح

Let's talk about the difference between the Arabs you've met

And English/British people

Because we discussed it in my last video

The stuff that I said

أنتم تحبون الطوابير

إذا رأيت طابور سأنضم إليه، كنت أريده أو لا

أعني، ألا تفعلون هذا؟

تصل سن ال18 وتغادر ببساطة

هذا صحيح للغاية

وحصل لي هذا أيضا

توجد العائلة الشاذة

التي تقول : ابق في المنزل

لكن هذا غريب للغاية

في الثقافة العربية لن يهتم أحد

وسيرونه شي غريب إن لم تفعل

ماذا فعلت؟

كم شقة بغرفة نوم تباع في المملكة المتحدة الآن؟


الجميع يود العيش بمفرده

هذا غريب

في الثقافة العربية، حتى وإن تزوجت

أنت تبحث عن شقة بالقرب من أهلك

ستشتري شقة في نفس المبنى مع أهلك

لأنك تريد أن تكون قريب هكذا

إذا التوقيت

في أي وقت نسقنا هذا؟

الساعة الرابعة تعني الخامسة تعني السادسة

وهذا ما أحاول أن أشرحه لأصدقائي دائما

إن كنت تريد أن تقابلني في الساعة السادسة

قل لي الساعة الرابعة

لا تقل لي الساعة السادسة

لأني سأظهر الساعة التاسعة

كنت تقول سابقا، أنك لست شخص يحب الصباح


وهذا نادر جدا جدا لشخص بريطاني

اقترحي أني حقيقة عربي

أعتقد أن هذا سبب حبك لها هكذا

لأنك تستطيع النوم

وكأنه يوجد مغناطيس في الشرق الأوسط

وأنا أجر له

الشيء الآخر الذي أحبه في العيش في الشرق الأوسط هو

لا تظهرون في الساعة الثانية

لأن الجو حار صحيح؟

صحيح هذا صحيح

إنه مختلف تماما هنا

نحن نعمل بجدية

أنا أعمل من التاسعة للسادسة


هل يمكنك أن تتخيل إخبار أحد أن يعمل من التاسعة للسادسة في الشرق الأوسط

سيضحكون في وجهك حرفيا

الأشخاص العرب الذين أعرفهم هم جيدين لكن متأخرين للغاية

ينامون ل3 أو 4 ساعات

وفي السادسة أو السابعة صباحا

يستيقظون لأنهم أخذوا قيلولة ل3 أو 4 ساعات

وثم يأخذون قيلولة بعد العمل

وهو مثل أن يكون لديك يومان في يوم

وأعتقد أن هذا ذكي للغاية

أنت تضاعف عمرك الإفتراضي

ثقافة العمل المتأخر كاملة

ليست شيء أيضا

العمل متأخرا هو العمل حتى الساعة 2:30

هذا حقيقي

وهذا سبب وجود الكثير من الإزداحم في أوقات الذروة

لأنه لا يوجد شخص واحد باق في العمل

وأيضا لأنكم تحتاجون 3 سيارات لكل

وهذا شيء يوجد في الخليج خصيصا

وهذا شيء يرونه مفاجئ عندما يأتون لبريطانيا

ليس فقط العرب، بل حتى أصدقائي الأمريكيين

تعيشون في صناديق صغيرة

لديكم منازل صغيرة

تقودون سيارات صغيرة

إذا في الكويت

هذا فاجأني حقا

ليس بطريقة جيدة

عا دة أفاجأ بطرق جيدة

سألت مجموعة الطلاب لدي

في أي وقت تذهبون للنوم

وكنت أتوقع إجابات مثل التاسعة أو العاشرة

والوقت المتوسط كان ما بين منتصف الليل والواحدة

وهؤلاء الأطفال في ال12 أو ال14

ينامون متأخر جدا

بلا شك هذا سبب كونهم يفعلون هكذا في الفصل

الشيء الآخر الذي أحبه في العيش في الشرق الأوسط

لديك تقريبا 12 ساعة نهار و12 ساعة ليل

أجل طوال السنة

وهذا يناسبني لأنه

اللإستيقاظ من السرير في الساعة السابعة

في صباح ثلاثاء

في لندن في يناير

إنه الأسوا

إنه أسوأ شيء على الإطلاق

It's pitch black darkness

I get dressed and get ready and everything

And it's still dark

I leave the house, still dark

I get on the train, still dark

Just when I get off the train

Which is another hour between when I get on and off

You get a little bit of daylight

You know that it's there because it's light, but you don't actually see the sky or the sun

It's all just grey clouds

The depressing kind of grey

All day, and then 4pm rolls around and it's dark again

Okay, you've reached the end of the video

Thanks to Mike

You're welcome

If you wanna see Mike's channel, I'll leave a link in the description below

Don't forget to leave a like on this video

And we wanna know from you, what do you think the difference is between Britain and Arab countries

Subscribe here, and to Mike

And I'll see you soon, bye


For more infomation >> بريطاني يتحدث اللغة العربية بطلاقة | British guy speaks fluent Arabic | Jana vlogs - Duration: 11:49.


Laff Mobb's Laff Tracks - Growing Up on Goodwill (ft. Mike Head) | truTV - Duration: 1:08.

you know what I'm saying?

I'm addicted.

I'm there, like, three, four times a week.

I shop at the Goodwill so much, one time

I accidentally bought some of my own clothes.

[ Laughter ]

"This is a nice jacket.

They usually don't have my size."

What is it, $6?

I'll take it, give it here.

I grew up on that kind of stuff!

I didn't have no, like, real Polo shirts

when I was growing up. My polo man was fake as hell.

He was on the wrong side,

first of all.

He wasn't even real.

I just had a little Mexican dude

sitting on a donkey. That was it.

He had no polo stick in his hand, he just had a leafblower.

He'd be sitting there, just...

[ Laughter ]

It's like, "Mom, this is

a Marco Polo.

Where the hell

did you find this?

For more infomation >> Laff Mobb's Laff Tracks - Growing Up on Goodwill (ft. Mike Head) | truTV - Duration: 1:08.


Another Trump Lie Busted: Tax Cuts Aren't Going To Get You A Raise - Duration: 4:08.

In recent weeks, we've seen lots of different corporations, AT&T, Bank of America, insurance

companies, Nationwide, Boeing, all announce that they're giving their employees these

one-time bonuses, Comcast as well, of $1,000 just because the Republicans passed their

tax cut package for the wealthy and for corporations, and they're gonna show us exactly how well

trickle down economics works.

So, everybody, most everybody, at these companies is gonna get a thousand dollars because that's

what you get from these tax cuts.

Walmart today announced that, you know what, they're increasing their starting wage to

$11.00 for every employee in every store, all throughout this country.

You're starting at $11.00, you're getting a bonus if you qualify for it, which most

people didn't catch that part, and we're gonna start giving you benefits.

Well, here's the thing.

None of these either have anything to do with the tax cut package, or they're not long-term

and sustainable.

In the case of Walmart, the reason they're raising their wages has nothing to do with

the tax cut package, even though they say it does.

It has everything to do with the fact that their competitors, specifically Target, just

announced that they were increasing their starting wages and the benefit packages for

their employees, and Walmart was suffering from a very severe shortage of employees throughout

this country because they weren't competing with other places who were paying their employees

decent wages, so they decided to react to the market and raise their wages.

Had nothing to do with tax breaks because they could've done this at any point in the


They had the money.

The little Walton children who are still the main shareholders of Walmart each pocket billions

of dollars every single year in profit.

They had the money to do this from day one.

They just chose not to, and they want to give the credit to Donald Trump and the Republicans,

even though that is completely dismissed from reality.

These other companies, AT&T, Comcast, Boeing, Nationwide, Pfizer, these companies that are

giving people one-thousand-dollar bonuses, what is one thousand dollars spread over 12

months, because that's basically your raise.

That's all you're getting, and what's even worse about it, it's just a one-time thing.

Your paychecks are not going to increase every time you get them.

Your paychecks are probably gonna be no different today than they were at this point last year.

They're not raising wages, and many have announced that they have no plans to increase wages,

and that these bonuses, yes, were a one-time thing, and many of the companies that actually

gave out these bonuses are laying off workers later in the year, so even if you got your

thousand dollars because of the tax cut, you're gonna find yourself unemployed in the next

three months.

These companies are trying to convince us that this tax cut worked and that it's gonna

trickle down to the rest of us, but it's all a façade.

None of it is true.

Watch what these companies do over the last few months once people stop paying attention.

The fact that they gave these bonuses out right after the tax cut passed, before they

ever even got any savings, proves that it had nothing to do with the tax cut, but they

want us to think that it is, and in two, three months when they think that we've forgotten,

things are gonna go back to being just as bad for these employees as they always were

because they're not gonna get raises, and many of these same companies have announced

that they're not going to spend these savings on workers or expanding their businesses,

and instead they're gonna use this money and redistribute it amongst their shareholders.

The average employee is going to end up with nothing.

For more infomation >> Another Trump Lie Busted: Tax Cuts Aren't Going To Get You A Raise - Duration: 4:08.


After Getting Massive Tax Breaks, Big Pharma Ending Research Into Alzheimer's Treatments - Duration: 3:47.

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, has announced that as soon as they pocket all that money

from the Republican tax cut, they're going to stop funding research into projects like

Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease because, well, they don't need to be spending money

on that if they're already getting huge profits just in tax savings from the Federal Government.

Now, what Pfizer is actually saying is, their official line, the statement that they're

making is that we've got other projects in the pipeline, in the R & D pipeline and these

are kind of sucking up a little too much money, so, we're gonna go focus on some of these

other diseases out there that we wanna cure.

Again, they're only doing it because they're getting a huge tax break and they don't wanna

spend any money because they're gonna redistribute that amongst their shareholders, not their

employees, but, also because they understand that, you know what? Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

those are typically diseases that affect the elderly. People who don't buy the medications

for those illnesses and diseases for years and years and years and years.

So, instead, we're gonna go focus on diseases that maybe you get as a child and keep through

your whole life and have to take a pill every single day for 80 years because that's gonna

put even more money in our pockets.

Everything that this company is deciding to do here is about money. They do not care about

curing Alzheimer's or Parkinson's or even making those people's lives better with better

medication. They care about their next blockbuster drug. They care about the next disease that

they're going to invent so they can invent a pill that'll treat this imaginary disease

that, hey, you probably have because it's imaginary.

They don't care about curing people. They don't care about providing affordable medications

to people. They care about that next paycheck, that next blockbuster drug and when it turns

out that that drug has killed a hundred thousand people in this country and the lawsuits start

filing, they'll settle it for a fraction of the profits that they made off that drug.

That is what they do every single time.

When you look back at some of the biggest pharmaceutical litigation in the history of

this country, pharmaceutical giants getting popped for hundreds of millions, sometimes

even a billion dollars, they still made a profit off the drug. They still took home

more than they pay out in lawsuits, so, it's a win-win for them. Yet, they lose a little

of that massive profit, but, not enough to make the drug unprofitable. That is their

M.O. and now that they're getting these massive tax breaks and pulling even more money from

literally doing nothing, they're pulling the funding for research programs on Alzheimer's

and Parkinson's because they don't care and now they feel like they don't even have to

pretend to care.

As long as they keep funding those Republican politicians and some of the Democrats as well,

even though big pharma's money typically goes overwhelming to Republicans according to Open

Secrets, as long as they keep doing that they know they're taken care of. They pump out

a few different blockbuster drugs each year, let the real heinous, horrible diseases that

destroy people's lives and families, let those go untouched and unnoticed because they're

not profitable enough. And all they gotta do is keep writing campaign checks to Republicans

and their bread will continue to be buttered.

For more infomation >> After Getting Massive Tax Breaks, Big Pharma Ending Research Into Alzheimer's Treatments - Duration: 3:47.


The Sims 4: Fairies in Sims 4! (Mod Showcase) - Duration: 3:01.

Hello guys this is onlyabidoang and today I'm going to show you a wonderful brand-new

mod which allows you to become the winged majestic but mischievous creature, fairies.

Yeah, so this mod is created by a modder under the username Nyx.

You can check out the download link of the mod in the description.

So first and foremost, to play as a fairy, you have to become the fairy.

There are two ways of becoming one.

First is by creating one directly from create a sim.

Just take a look at the "Fairy" trait under the Lifetime traits category.

Once you selected it, your sim won't have fairy features such as wings just yet.

But after you finished creating the sim and played it directly, you can finally see those


Another way to become a fairy is by buying a new object introduced by this mod called

"Fairies's Tree" which can be found on build mode.

You can do two types of interaction there.

The first is the "Contemplate the tree" which will result on the sim taking a closer

look on the tree, nothing special.

But the second interaction called "Plead the fairies" will have your sim pleading to the

tree resulting in them becoming a fairy!

Do note that after turning into one, you cannot turn back to human unless you use cheats or


Another note is that children and below cannot become a fairy.

Now let's take a look on their characteristics and abilities!

First of all, they will have fairy wings, long pointed ears, and colourful sparkles

appearing near their wings.

They will have a high-pitched voice.

They will usually go anywhere by flying to their destinations, but there are some occasions

where they wouldn't such as when feeling bored, uncomfortable, energetic, or if they

didn't have the default walk style, so make sure your sim have the default walkstyle.

Like in the sims 3, they can do a self-interaction called "I can fly".

The fairy will fly around playfully which will increase their fun need.

Their fun and social need will drain slightly faster, so be sure to have some fun and socialise.

They can also occasionally get a +3 playful moodlet, or a +4 bored moodlet.

Since they are a mischievous creature, they can increase their mischief skill much much


Finally, children, childish and insane sims will get a really happy moodlet when fairies

are around.

And that is it for the fairy mod for now.

I said for now because the creator of the mod is still planning on improving the mod

and adding more new features in the future such as magical abilities, etc. so be sure

to tune in on the mod.

I might also even showcase the mod once more if the update is out.

Thank you so much guys for watching , if you like this kind of contents, be sure to subscribe

to the channel to stay tuned.

You can also comment down below on mods you'd like me to showcase next.

See you later!

For more infomation >> The Sims 4: Fairies in Sims 4! (Mod Showcase) - Duration: 3:01.


DEFEATING DONKEY KONG ZOMBIES! (Black Ops 3: Custom Zombies Mod) - Duration: 43:16.

For more infomation >> DEFEATING DONKEY KONG ZOMBIES! (Black Ops 3: Custom Zombies Mod) - Duration: 43:16.


Fake 2PM - Minjun's Birthday Gift - Duration: 2:01.

Junho is in Busan

It's too cold!

It's not this!

For more infomation >> Fake 2PM - Minjun's Birthday Gift - Duration: 2:01.


Holly Hunta - Used To - Duration: 3:50.

Just take it Take it slow, babe

We'll wait for the right time, right time

Just know when We don't have to hide

I'll make you all mine, all mine

I could be the one to hold you You know we won't fall through

Don't you see that I'm so far from What you're used to

I could be the one to hold you To tell you I need you

Promise I could show you more than What you're used to

I could be the one for you

Just take it Take it slow now

Our bodies in line, in line

Colourful, unfamiliar Come close, take your time

Come close, unwind

I could be the one to hold you You know we won't fall through

Don't you see that I'm so far from What you're used to

I could be the one to hold you To tell you I need you

Promise I could show you more than What you're used to

I could be the one for you

I could be the one x 4 (I could be there)

What you're used to

I could be the one for you

Ohh ooh

What you're…

Used to...

For more infomation >> Holly Hunta - Used To - Duration: 3:50.


Favourite Books of 2017 [CC] | The Book Life - Duration: 13:14.

My hair's gone completely flat and all I can smell its sour cream and onion

Pringles. Happy 2018. Hey guys it's Sarah Jane welcome back to my channel today

I'm here to bring you my favorite reads of 2017. Now just a little disclaimer

before we start just because these books are my favorite reads of the year

doesn't mean it's a bad thing if you didn't like these books... wait that doesn't

work in reverse does it? Funny that. My 2017 most disappointing books video is

linked down below that one isn't in order but my favorites is. So let's get going

with my 10th favorite book of the year. At number 10 I have oh I'm gonna stop

doing this. A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. Discovery of Witches

is an adult paranormal romance all about witches demons and vampires and I really

enjoyed this book now there were things about this book that I knew I shouldn't

like there were things that were kind of whispering in my head as I was reading

this book but I kind of still loved it anyway and even though I have massively

fallen out of love with this trilogy which you'll see if you watch my most

disappointing books of the year go check it out obviously after this one please

don't be a quitter we've only just begun. But this book I enjoy purely on an

entertainment level it was a book that I was excited about it was a book that I

was really loving and I just fell for this book hook line and sinker so while

I'm not in love with the second book at all and I don't think this is going to

be one of the most favorite trilogies of all time or anything like that I did

really enjoy this book so it's one of my favorites at number 10. Coming in at

number 9 is Spiders Bite by Jennifer Estep this one's a bit of a surprise to

be on this list if I'm totally honest with you because I didn't give this book

a massively high rating at the time I did enjoy it but I wouldn't say that I

was head over heels in love with it but with that being said it is the book

series that I am most keen to carry on with in 2018.

This book is an urban fantasy book this is an urban fantasy book about an

assassin named Gin and I just really really enjoyed this book it was very

entertaining and while there was some things I didn't like about the book I'm

not gonna do it again, I'm gonna do it again. There there were some annoying

things in this book about the main character who kept going mmmm every time she

was referencing to the love interest, there let's carry on. I say every time

I'm sorry. Now according to Goodreads I gave

book three out of five styles which just goes to show that you can't always trust

star ratings because your opinions change over time there are books that

you read and you pretty much inhale and you think that you love them and then

there are books that you read and you're like yeah that was good maybe a little

bit average and then you end up loving it later on the more that you think

about it and this is one of those books so I'm not gonna change my rating I'm

not gonna suddenly make it higher than what it was because I think three stars

is fair but I still really really enjoyed this and I know I'm so keen to

carry on in 2018 I'm including it in this list and if you don't agree I don't

care. Favourite book number eight is... Spellbook

of the Lost and Found by Moira Fowler Doyle this is a why a standalone magical

realism book all about Olive and her best friend Rose you start to lose

things which starts off as small items such as hair clips and jewellery but soon

it becomes much clearer that Rose has lost something bigger that she won't

talk about. How did I get that in one go? I really enjoyed this book and I wasn't

actually expecting you to this is probably one of the most like surprising

books of the year I found this book to be very interesting there was a lot of

mystery in the book and I couldn't figure out what was going on which when

that actually happens that does tend to make you enjoy the book more because if

a book's predictable then chances are you're not gonna enjoy it as much. I

found this book to be very enjoyable it's very atmospheric

and this book actually has some diversity in its well in terms of

sexuality. Favorite book number seven of the year is drumroll these are more jazz

fingers than drumrolls. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling

obviously. I really to stop doing this because it is very dangerous. This is the

third book in the Harry Potter series and I know I know I still haven't

finished the Harry Potter series yet but I'm getting there.

Now Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was always one of my favorites

of the films so it doesn't really surprise me that I love this book as

much as I did when I was growing up I read the first Harry Potter book and

thought it was quite good and then I read Chamber of Secrets and I really didn't

like it and I didn't carry on so I'm glad I read this one because this one is

just perfect. Reading Prisoner of Azkaban really

helped fuel my love for the Harry Potter books because I was a little bit worried

that maybe like I've missed the train because I haven't read them as a child...

the Hogwarts Express train! I'm not funny I'm pretty funny no I'm not funny. I was

just really worried that I missed my chance that maybe I'll

wasn't gonna see the magic and when I read this book I realised that I did

love the books as much as I loved the movies it just made me so happy and it

just reconfirmed to me that I am a Slytherin.

that mug right there that's from 2015 Sarah Jane and that Sarah Jane didn't

understand herself fully she felt she was a Slytherclaw who was mostly in

Ravenclaw but oh how she was wrong I judge her. Only a little bit. I also

think this is one of the most beautiful Harry Potter covers I have ever seen I'm

just in love with it. Coming in at number 6 we have Spectacle by Rachel Vincent

this is a dark mythical fantasy yet contemporary world where fantasy and

mythical creatures are put on display and treated much how people used to treat

animals in circuses and actually still how society still does treat some

animals. The first book was dark mythical magical and disturbing all at once and

it was darkly beautiful I absolutely loved it I wasn't sure if I was going to

love the second one as much as I did but I really did and I just adore this world.

This was a book that I just literally didn't know what was gonna happen next

the book still when I think about it leaves me like open mouthed and I just

cannot wait for the third book I absolutely love this trilogy and I have

a feeling it's going to end up in one of my most favorite trilogies of all time

so if you haven't read it read it. The next book that's one of my absolute

favorites of the year is The Graces by Laure Eve. This is a book that I

absolutely love it's been months since I read it and I still can't stop thinking

about it this is a book that is so atmospheric it's literally drenched in

atmosphere and it's full of mystery and intrigue and I just love it.

Just like everybody else and her small town River is obsessed with the Graces

all the witches are they not which is nobody really knows. I have a review for

this book linked down below I absolutely adored this book I just feel like it was

a slow book but it was a slow book that I loved like not in spite of that

almost like because of that it was a slow burn I was slowly getting poured

into the glamour of the Graces and I was becoming obsessed with the Graces which

I found was a really interesting thing because the whole book is about people

who are obsessed with the Graces and I was becoming obsessed with the Graces. I

love it I love it I love it Laure Eve has such an amazing writing style, I absolutely

adore her and also I think she is one cool badass.

Met her at YALC, heard her speak at YALC, and basically I want to

her when I grow up except I am grown up and I'm going to be 30 in a few weeks.

But you know what I mean. love love love this book. Now we're into

the top five. At number five we have .. can't remember what this book is called, brains gone dead.

The Beauty of Darkness by Mary E Pearson this is hugely hugely surprising me

because when I read the Kiss of Deception by Mary E Pearson and I felt that it

was quite average I didn't really love it I felt like it was an OK fantasy book

but I wasn't really pulled in and then I read the second one then I read the

third one for Tome Topple and I am in love. I'm not gonna talk about this

book that much because this is the third book in the trilogy but this is a

fantasy series all about a princess named Lia who is betrothed to a prince

and she doesn't want to marry him so she goes on the run and then she is pursued

by the prince and also by an assassin. The story goes on from there and I know

a lot of people who absolutely love Kiss of Deception but if you read the

Kiss of Deception and you wasn't really loving it you were kind of on the fence

about it I do encourage you to carry on because this world is absolutely

incredible. I love this book I love this book and I'm so excited for A Dance of Thieves.

My next favorite book is actually a poetry book and this is stripped by Cara

Alwil Leyba. Now I absolutely love poetry books such as the princess saves

herself in this one, milk and honey the chaos of longing, but

with that being said I feel like those books aren't really for me, there's a lot

of heaviness in that poetry and I think it's amazing that these things are being

spoken about but that doesn't mean that they are topics that I can personally

relate to this poetry book is pitched as a poetry book for all women on the edge

of change and I feel like this is a poetry book for those who for those

people who want to embrace who they are be their true unapologetic selves it's for

those people who are fighting for the life they want who realise their own

true self worth and this poetry book really really inspires me and I just

absolutely adore it. Burn down your walls it's breathtaking inside. I love it I

absolutely love this book. Now we're up to my top three favorite books of the

year I'm not gonna be giving any of these books fancy intros and throwing them up

in the air because they're all hardbacks so at number three we have Strange the

Dreamer by Laini Taylor. It was impossible of course but when did that

ever stop any dreamer from dreaming? This is a book I haven't yet got around

to reviewing I absolutely adore this book it's so beautifully written it's so

intricate it's so stunning it's mesmerising line by line and I

absolutely adore it. This story follows Lazlo Strange who

is an orphan who's always been obsessed with the hidden city of Weep as a

librarian Lazlo Strange didn't think he was ever going to be able to find out

what happened to the lost city of Weep but when an opportunity presents himself

he decides to take his life into his own hands and find out what happened.

Lazlo wants to find out what happened to the lost city of Weep and he also wants

to find out who the blue-skinned goddess is that's been appearing in his dreams.

This book is absolutely stunning it was a little bit slow to start and I think

when I was reading I was feeling like I wasn't really getting what I

wanted I know some people love the fact that it's slow and I can see why but for

me personally I just wanted a little bit more a little bit sooner but once this

book got going I fell for it hook line and sinker and I'm absolutely dying for

the next one. At number 2 we have uprooted by Naomi Novik.

So uprooted was gifted to me on my birthday in January 2016 I hadn't got

around to reading it I finally have and I see why everybody loves it because I

do too. So our protagonist Agnieszka loves her family home she loves her

village she loves her life but her village is on the edge of a very

corrupted wood and the villagers rely on the wizard known as the Dragon to keep

them safe. Every 10 years he takes a girl from the village to serve him they

always come back different and they never want to stay in the village after

he's released them and the story starts when Agneiska is picked to be his latest

servant. If you haven't got this book yet I thoroughly encourage that you do so

have a spoiler free review link down below and I just love this book it has

so much magic it has so much beauty it has so many beautiful lines and I just

love that this book is a really wonderful standalone that you can just

lose yourself in and it's so atmospheric I love Adneiskha and the dragon I love

their push and pull to each other I love they kind of hate hate to love I just I

just adore them I adore them I love this book and I'm so so glad you guys

really pushed me to read it. I'm so happy. And now it is time for the book that

Sarah Jane of the book life decided was her number one book of the year and that

book was. Feversong by Karen Marie Moning what a surprise. so Feversong

was the ninth and final book in the the series this was the first time that

the later books in the Fever series really captured the magic of the earlier

Fever books for me. For me I adore the first five Fever series books but then

the books kind of went off on this little spin-off and then they kind of

came back and for a while I wasn't really too sure where the series was

headed but this book was absolutely stunning it was... it was dark and it was

exciting and it followed the characters that I've loved so long and it was just

the most perfect conclusion to the Fever series I didn't know if this book or

this series could be concluded in a way that I would have felt completely happy

with but I just I just adored adored this book. The very back of the book says

Barron's was right there is a monster inside me and she's beautiful and I feel

like this really sums up the Fever series as an arc because Mackayla Lane is

a protagonist that is a very feminine she's very girly and she's

unapologetically so you know she's she's a rainbow in the face of darkness and

the fever series as I'm sure you guys know because I talk about it all the

time is an urban fantasy adult Fae book, and it's a it's a series, there Darkfever

Bloodfever, Faefever, Dreamfever, Shadowfever, Iced, Burned, Feverborn and

Feversong. And I love this series you guys know I love this series but I'm

also not blinded by my love for this series and the last couple of books I've

loved them but this one for me was just absolute perfection and I adored it. I

can't tell you much more because this is the ninth book in the series but I am

going to be doing a whole series review and updated review very very soon I'm

very excited about it. So that's it those are my favorite books of the year I hope

you guys enjoyed this video what was your most favorite book of the year let

me know in the comments down below if you liked this video and you would like

to subscribe that would make my day happy 2018 to you and I will see you

guys again soon bye!

For more infomation >> Favourite Books of 2017 [CC] | The Book Life - Duration: 13:14.


Will It Slime? Slime Kit Test #227 - Satisfying Slime ASMR - Duration: 10:32.

Will It Slime? Slime Kit Test #227 - Satisfying Slime ASMR

For more infomation >> Will It Slime? Slime Kit Test #227 - Satisfying Slime ASMR - Duration: 10:32.


Michael Waltz on personal preparedness, North Korea threat - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Michael Waltz on personal preparedness, North Korea threat - Duration: 3:36.


Clyde McBride's Guide to Life 🔮 | The Loud House | Nick - Duration: 1:22.

So, you think you can help me?

Did Napoleon have a Napoleon complex?

Clyde McBride's guide to life.

I got this!

[music playing]

You've got your choice over Gannet beet mash, stewed apricots

or gluten free rice meal.

- Eugh! - Eugh!

[music playing]

All my childhood memories gone, forever!

Let it out, buddy, the first step of healing

is to honor your feeling.

[music playing]

♪ When someone is wrong, Don't make a note ♪

♪ The truest friend Should never ever gloat ♪

Clyde, I get it!

[music playing]

Your microwave is broken, leaving me as cold as my burrito!

I can heat this up for you in a jiffy.


I thought you said a jiffy?

[music playing]

Are you OK keeping an eye on the kiddies?

I've got the three C's, caring, confidence and cat treats!


Woops, guess I should have spelled that.

Time's almost up, but we've made some real progress!

I think my work here is done!

For more infomation >> Clyde McBride's Guide to Life 🔮 | The Loud House | Nick - Duration: 1:22.


Testigo graba un enorme OVNI brillante dejando la luna - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Testigo graba un enorme OVNI brillante dejando la luna - Duration: 1:33.


CONTRO [Making Of Audio] - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> CONTRO [Making Of Audio] - Duration: 4:10.


Great YouTube Gaming Channels Run by Women - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Great YouTube Gaming Channels Run by Women - Duration: 10:01.


Avengers Movie News!!! Avengers 4 Wraps, Russo Brothers Head Into Post Production - Duration: 3:06.

infinity war an Avengers 4 have officially wrapped production and now

the Russo brothers are heading into post-production to celebrate a giant

custom Thanos cake was made featuring the mad Titan collecting all six of the

Infinity stones one of which has not yet appeared in the Marvel Cinematic

Universe also shown on the rap cake our hands reaching up to stop Thanos looking

like the arms of Black Widow and another member of the Avengers breaking through

a cosmic barrier of delicious villainous cake the news comes after Karen Gillan

announced that she had finished filming scenes as nebula a handful of members

from the cast recently wrapped filming including Karen Gillan Chris Hemsworth

Scarlett Johansson Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen

Johansson may be returning to the big screen to play Black Widow in a

standalone movie which was announced as being in the very early stages of

development in addition Hemsworth doesn't seem like he's quite ready to

give up the role of Thor he has recently talked about being reinvigorated with

the character after working with takeaway Terry on Thor Ragnarok and the

two reportedly even discussed what a possible Thor 4 might look like infinity

war is the first of the two movies which comes out on May 4 2018 and the recently

released trailer looks stunning the trailer looks so good that it actually

brought director Kevin Smith to tears which is a good thing

infinity war in Avengers 4 are set to be the culmination of 10 years of the

Marvel Cinematic Universe that will usher in a new phase of the MCU and it

has been heavily hinted that some of the team won't make it through the immense

battle with phonos by the looks of things it doesn't seem like Thor or

Black Widow really have anything to worry about it was recently confirmed

that it Fellowship officially shows up at the end of Thor Ragnarok which looks

like the first five brutal minutes of infinity war may have to do with Thor

and Loki along with the rest of the Asgardians on the ship Marvel head Kevin

Feige has promised that the opening of the movie will show off the insane power

panos which only grows throughout both movies regardless of how it starts fans

are going to be in for some intense action with more superheroes stuffed

into one movie than has ever been seen the wait is almost over for infinity war

and now the Russo brothers have officially wrapped production on

Avengers 4 diving into a giant custom Thanos cake there's no word on when

post-production will start but it's rumored that they'll start pretty much

right away to meet the 2019 deadline for the movie as well as put the final

finishing touches on infinity war

For more infomation >> Avengers Movie News!!! Avengers 4 Wraps, Russo Brothers Head Into Post Production - Duration: 3:06.


Deadpool Movie News!!! Ryan Reynolds Shares Deadpool 2 Photo After Release Date Shift - Duration: 3:09.

we now have a brand new Deadpool to photo to go with a movie's new release

date it was announced recently that the highly anticipated Deadpool sequel has

had its release date bumped up by two weeks meaning you're going to see it in

May instead of June Ryan Reynolds decided to honor the occasion by sharing

a new photo from Deadpool - which shows off his swords which are inspired by The

Golden Girls taking to Twitter Ryan Reynolds shared the new photo which

features Deadpool suited up and ready to go looking at the bottom of the handles

of his signature swords we can see that the swords carry the names B and Arthur

in honor of the actress that the character of Wade Wilson is obsessed

with via her work on the Golden Girls Reynolds also confirmed the new release

date along with a familiar line from the first movie as well as the Deadpool

comics the good news for Deadpool fans is that Deadpool too will now be

released in theaters two weeks earlier than expected the movie was previously

slated for release on June 1st however that means it's also going to be facing

some very stiff competition as Avengers infinity war comes out just two weeks

before and solo a Star Wars story is set to arrive in theaters the following

weekend Slender Man though not nearly as big is also coming out on May 18th this

could potentially eat into the box office potential for Deadpool -

considering all of the other choices moviegoers will have a big part of the

success of the first Deadpool had to do with the release strategy the movie was

released in February and had little direct competition coming off of a truly

fantastic marketing campaign Deadpool obliterated box office records

and managed to a staggering 783 million dollars worldwide considering the

movie's 58 million dollars budget that represents an amazing return for Fox

there surely hoping for similar if not better box office results from the

sequel but as a summer release it's going to be a tall or

to expect the movie to make 363 million dollars domestically like its

predecessor managed the biggest determining factor will be if Deadpool 2

is actually any good or not with cable and Domino being brought into the fold

expectations are very high if the sequel is as good as everyone

hopes it may not matter how much competition there is people are going to

see Deadpool 2 this also means we're likely to see a new trailer for the

movie any day now since it's coming out in just over 4

months so be on the lookout for that

For more infomation >> Deadpool Movie News!!! Ryan Reynolds Shares Deadpool 2 Photo After Release Date Shift - Duration: 3:09.





Brooklyn Beckham - Moment From 1 Year Old Now // STARS STORY - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Brooklyn Beckham - Moment From 1 Year Old Now // STARS STORY - Duration: 4:46.


These Thing Happen To Your Body When You Eat Oatmeal Everyday | How To Lower Cholesterol Naturally - Duration: 2:37.

breakfast is the most important daily meal and if it contains oatmeal you will

experience numerous health benefits today's video will discuss the benefits

of oatmeal before you watch this video please take a moment to subscribe our

YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button then tap the bell icon

so you will be the first to know when we post new videos daily

this healthy nutritional powerhouse offers numerous benefits that will

significantly boost your overall health people have grown and harvested oats for

more than two centuries and used it as food and natural medicine it is an

effective alternative remedy for intestinal illnesses nerve issues skin

conditions uterine problems and so on if you can soon oatmeal for breakfast you

will prevent weight gain and obesity namely it will provide a feeling of

satiety and energize your body moreover oatmeal offers numerous other

health benefits as well and these are the most important ones one it is a safe

grain alternative for celiac disease sufferers or people who avoid gluten 2

it is high in fiber and prevents breast cancer 3 stabilizes blood sugar levels

and lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes 4 boosts the immune response 5 extends

life expectancy 6 lowers cholesterol levels 7 reduces the risk of

cardiovascular disease 8 lowers the risk of heart failure 9 whole grains prevent

childhood asthma you will make a healthy choice if you choose any kind of these

but there is no doubt that it would be best to decide for the less processed

one try to consume steel-cut oats and your breakfast will be a highly

nutritious and tasty pleasure you can add oats too yogurt smoothies

shakes and desserts like cookies and muffins

so you can use it as a grain replacement in all meals you can use oatmeal and

instead of klonoa in your favorite recipes and enjoy all its amazing

healthy properties have you ever know the health benefits of oatmeal let me

know in our comment section below if you like this video give it a thumbs up and

share with your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below

thank you

For more infomation >> These Thing Happen To Your Body When You Eat Oatmeal Everyday | How To Lower Cholesterol Naturally - Duration: 2:37.


Übernimm aktiv das Steuer über dein Erleben & deine Gefühle - Duration: 13:21.

For more infomation >> Übernimm aktiv das Steuer über dein Erleben & deine Gefühle - Duration: 13:21.


Free fut points: how-to

For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 - Black Panther Movie DLC All Achievements Revealed + New Characters! - Duration: 1:36.

Hey whats going on guys HiddenBlade here and I'm back with a brand new LEGO Marvel Super

Heroes 2 News Video!

So as you guys can tell from the title of this video, All of the Black Panther Level

DLC achievements have been revealed!

The Black Panther Movie is coming out on February 16, so I'm assuming that the DLC will also

be coming out on that day as well.

Alright, so the level is "Welcome to the Jungle"

And the first achievement is called "A Great Rescue, or Only a Drill" and this achievement

is of course unlocked once you complete the level.

The second achievement is called "All of them?

Are you Shur-i" And once you collect all the minikits in the level, you'll get the achievement.

The third Achievement is "Hero.



and you unlock this achievement after getting True Believer status.

We also get a blurry look at the the In-Game Model for the new Black Panther Suit, which

looks absolutely amazing!

The forth and final achievement is called "You can't be Rhino-Serious"

And the way you unlock this achievement is by getting Un-Alive'd by the Rhino Mech.

Now Hopefully, the Rhino-Mech is also a playable vehicle.

If its in the DLC, I assume it is going to be playable, but i guess we'll just have to

wait and see.

But anyways, the Black Panther Movie is upon us and I for one cannot wait to see it.

I've been watching all of the featurettes and trailers that Marvel have released and

man the movie looks incredible.

I have a strong feeling that Black Panther might be the best MCU movie to date up until

we get Avengers: Infinity War, Which is going to set the bar very high for comicbook movies

and movies in general.

But anyways guys, that's going to be it for me!

Let me know down in the comments below, if you're excited for the Black Panther Movie

and LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Black Panther DLC.

Make sure to LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE for MORE LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Videos!

Thank you all so much for watching and I hope to see you in my next video!

[LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Theme]

For more infomation >> LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 - Black Panther Movie DLC All Achievements Revealed + New Characters! - Duration: 1:36.


For more infomation >> LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 - Black Panther Movie DLC All Achievements Revealed + New Characters! - Duration: 1:36.


5 autochtones badass de la WW1 (Canada) - Nota Bene #26 - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> 5 autochtones badass de la WW1 (Canada) - Nota Bene #26 - Duration: 11:01.


For more infomation >> 5 autochtones badass de la WW1 (Canada) - Nota Bene #26 - Duration: 11:01.


Tout le monde devrait goûter cet amour — Everyone Should Taste This Love - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> Tout le monde devrait goûter cet amour — Everyone Should Taste This Love - Duration: 10:44.


For more infomation >> Tout le monde devrait goûter cet amour — Everyone Should Taste This Love - Duration: 10:44.


J'AI DESSINÉ UN MONSTRE MARIN - Masoni maroquinerie - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> J'AI DESSINÉ UN MONSTRE MARIN - Masoni maroquinerie - Duration: 3:56.


For more infomation >> J'AI DESSINÉ UN MONSTRE MARIN - Masoni maroquinerie - Duration: 3:56.


Il sera bientôt possible de conduire une Ford Mustang de plus de 700 chevaux - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Il sera bientôt possible de conduire une Ford Mustang de plus de 700 chevaux - Duration: 4:13.


For more infomation >> Il sera bientôt possible de conduire une Ford Mustang de plus de 700 chevaux - Duration: 4:13.


Le Mazda CX-7, des semaines de plaisir - Duration: 8:44.

For more infomation >> Le Mazda CX-7, des semaines de plaisir - Duration: 8:44.


For more infomation >> Le Mazda CX-7, des semaines de plaisir - Duration: 8:44.


Bonhams : six voitures de rallye au Grand Palais - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Bonhams : six voitures de rallye au Grand Palais - Duration: 2:47.


For more infomation >> Bonhams : six voitures de rallye au Grand Palais - Duration: 2:47.


YouTube TV

For more infomation >> YouTube TV


Koroniewska wróci do ukochanego - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Koroniewska wróci do ukochanego - Duration: 2:26.


HOW TO LOSE THE LAST 10 POUNDS - Duration: 6:28.

there you go. ACTION! how's it going YouTube welcome to Las Vegas Nevada on a

beautiful gorgeous night with David Bracetty behind the camera per usual and

I want to talk to you today about a conversation I had with a really

incredible young woman named Rebecca she lives in the UK and her and I hopped on

the phone because she want to contest my inner circle just to hop on the phone

and talk about her goals and what we spoke about was the last 10 pounds and

Rebecca she told me that for years for as long as she can remember she's wanted

to lose 10 pounds and there's been times when she's actually lost the 10 pounds but

she struggled to maintain it and she couldn't enjoy herself out with her

family and she was doing hours and hours and hours of cardio day after day and

she was meticulous with weighing and measuring her food and everything was a

struggle because she wanted to maintain these 10 pounds and then life would

happen and she gained it back and then she'd feel bad and like a failure and

all of her effort was then going towards trying to lose it again but then

sometimes just it wouldn't happen with her it's the holidays her life or

yadda-yadda-yadda I've been feeling maybe you relate to

this in some sense and I was listening to it I was just I asked her I was like

Rebecca what is your goal and she says I want to lose these 10 pounds and I said

ok let me ask you this let's say you lose these 10 pounds let's say you lose

them and you keep them off forever pretending that that it wouldn't even be

a struggle you can keep these 10 pounds off for life how would your life be any

better what would change in your life with those 10 pounds gone what would

happen on a day-to-day basis that would make your life better more

positive bringing more happiness help you bring others more happiness and

there was a pause on the phone and she said nothing nothing would change

and there was like a very like deep silence on the phone and this is the

first time ever spoken to her and she was coming to a really big realization

and the conversation that preceded was listen essentially Rebecca said this

this has been my goal I feel so attached to this goal because

it's all I've wanted I don't know what else to do I don't know what I was to go

for I don't know what else I should be doing and that was stressful for her she

didn't know okay well what what do I do now if I'm not trying to lose weight

what do I do if I'm not meticulous with weighing and measuring my food what do I

do if I'm not trying to get like do I still do a lot of cardio do I still like

like I have treat like can I have treats now and again like I don't want to gain

weight now that that came in remind like I'm not trying to lose am I going to

balloon up all these just like these thoughts came in I was so happy because

when you start having this type of a realization a higher level realization

that like your your goal isn't going to make you any happier even if you achieve

it now you can actually start to make progress because now you can say what do

I really want what is going to make a difference in my life how am I gonna be

a better person how am I gonna be better for me and others how can I bring myself

value myself joy myself fulfillment and to everyone around me and so we spoke

and we spoke and he spoke and essentially what Rebecca and I came to

was this isn't what everyone has to do but just to give you an idea we came to

an agreement that she was going to chase a strength related goal specifically a

deadlift goal she was going to deadlift a new personal record 100 kilograms by 3

repetitions that was going to be horrible

and we didn't set a year-long goal sit like a relatively it's a moderate goal

it's not like in a week but it's not in a year so three months it's 90 days in

90 days she's going to try and death at the 100k

by three and I asked her when this was all said nanos Rebecca do you feel a

sense of relief right now that you don't have to try and lose ten pounds and it

all almost sounded like she was she's getting emotional and she's like yes

like a huge wave of relief just like ah I don't have to worry about it anymore I

don't have to I'm not chained or shackled to this goal of ten pounds and

I think that is a very special very unique thing to happen especially

nowadays when so much of fitness is focused on how to lose weight and by the

way if you want to lose weight I support that I think a lot of people want to

lose weight and that's okay it's not a bad goal the question you need to ask

yourself is whatever your goal is is if you achieve it how will your life change

how will you be better how will you be happier

how will you be more fulfilled if you can honestly answer the question of if I

lose these ten pounds my life will be better go for it 100%

but if you really think about it your objective and you say if I lose these

ten pounds how will my life change and you can't think of anything that's good

because now you can chase something different and go for new goals and new

outcomes and be positive and not feel chain or shackled to one thing because

you feel like you have to I hope this video helps I hope you enjoyed it if you

did please give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you don't already love

you death have a good night

For more infomation >> HOW TO LOSE THE LAST 10 POUNDS - Duration: 6:28.


[ENG SUB] Hot Blood Youth (H.B.Y) - Ep1 (going out) - Duration: 8:15.

Hot Blood Youth going out Ep1

Jisan-ah come here~~

Look here~

Marco's facial expression!!

Player Kyuhyuk!!

*Don't get hurt*

544 points...?

This is very difficult;;;;

Am I cool?

Who are you going to catch now?

Ah... our... there is a thief

I'm going to catch a thief (?)

Are you going to catch a thief?


Hello I'm Marco...

Eating a supper

(these # are just sounds of boiling soup XD and #HBY)

Is it tasty?

#yep #tasty #reallyhot

*personal food preferences*

(thinking what he wants to show)

How does it taste?

I will taste one more time

Taro: Please show it

I saw something I shouldn't...;;

Cameleon: Eating like this is delicious~

It's tasty~

What it taste like?

Do you want to try?

Yes! Please give me one spoon~

(Camera's eating sound) Woah it's delicious~

What's that?

It's steel

Ah... That... Sorry...

Mr shrimp please say something~


The truth came out!!!

Wow... amazing

A very big hamburger (interesting)

Everyone "V"~~


Pick quickly!!!

The representative will buy

I like bread with cream!

"Ugimyeong!" (this is webtoon character I think?)

This... Can't be on screen

Because there is a Naver webtoon...

You shouldn't promote it here ;;

Marco (leader, main vocal, main rapper)

Please don't film me

(I'm PD!!)

Filming Marco... -What are you doing...


I'm following now

Continue walking

I will follow you

Claw machine game again...

Constantly losing...

Both failed

-I caught the tail -Fail

Did you see it?

Fail Fail

I'm Marco

I'll get into the rhythm...

From now... We

We will do "kkeutmalitgi" (game)

I will start!


"no"?...ok, Taro

"nobi" (it means "slave" XD)

"biji" (some kind of bean?)

BJ!? "Biji"?

"jirongi" (earthworm)

Next is Jisan

"ippal" (teeth)

Enjoy the fireworks We came together to watch and film it!

Sleep well everyone

Please wait for the next chapter -Marco PD

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Hot Blood Youth (H.B.Y) - Ep1 (going out) - Duration: 8:15.


The Sims 4: Fairies in Sims 4! (Mod Showcase) - Duration: 3:01.

Hello guys this is onlyabidoang and today I'm going to show you a wonderful brand-new

mod which allows you to become the winged majestic but mischievous creature, fairies.

Yeah, so this mod is created by a modder under the username Nyx.

You can check out the download link of the mod in the description.

So first and foremost, to play as a fairy, you have to become the fairy.

There are two ways of becoming one.

First is by creating one directly from create a sim.

Just take a look at the "Fairy" trait under the Lifetime traits category.

Once you selected it, your sim won't have fairy features such as wings just yet.

But after you finished creating the sim and played it directly, you can finally see those


Another way to become a fairy is by buying a new object introduced by this mod called

"Fairies's Tree" which can be found on build mode.

You can do two types of interaction there.

The first is the "Contemplate the tree" which will result on the sim taking a closer

look on the tree, nothing special.

But the second interaction called "Plead the fairies" will have your sim pleading to the

tree resulting in them becoming a fairy!

Do note that after turning into one, you cannot turn back to human unless you use cheats or


Another note is that children and below cannot become a fairy.

Now let's take a look on their characteristics and abilities!

First of all, they will have fairy wings, long pointed ears, and colourful sparkles

appearing near their wings.

They will have a high-pitched voice.

They will usually go anywhere by flying to their destinations, but there are some occasions

where they wouldn't such as when feeling bored, uncomfortable, energetic, or if they

didn't have the default walk style, so make sure your sim have the default walkstyle.

Like in the sims 3, they can do a self-interaction called "I can fly".

The fairy will fly around playfully which will increase their fun need.

Their fun and social need will drain slightly faster, so be sure to have some fun and socialise.

They can also occasionally get a +3 playful moodlet, or a +4 bored moodlet.

Since they are a mischievous creature, they can increase their mischief skill much much


Finally, children, childish and insane sims will get a really happy moodlet when fairies

are around.

And that is it for the fairy mod for now.

I said for now because the creator of the mod is still planning on improving the mod

and adding more new features in the future such as magical abilities, etc. so be sure

to tune in on the mod.

I might also even showcase the mod once more if the update is out.

Thank you so much guys for watching , if you like this kind of contents, be sure to subscribe

to the channel to stay tuned.

You can also comment down below on mods you'd like me to showcase next.

See you later!

For more infomation >> The Sims 4: Fairies in Sims 4! (Mod Showcase) - Duration: 3:01.


A Week of School After Winter Break - Duration: 5:00.

Woah, careful there with that backpack, don't you know that there are people who can't even afford one? How spoiled can you be? You need to learn how to be grateful for once in your life!


How was school sweetie?




When spring break gonna come

It'll get better

WAAAA! I WANT MY LIFE BACK * By life do you mean just laying on your bed and watching YouTube videos*

You don't have one







Honestly they should start school at like 1:00 pm or something

Honesty I'm getting so sick and tir-

Eh- eh- eh- g-goodnight I guess

OOOOOO! I have so much homework. I don't feel like doing it

OHHHH NO! You better do that homework unless you want to get your gluteus maximus beat

But mom, it's so much! * oh quit whining just wait 'till you get to high school or college and you'll be wishing you you still had that homework*


Don't forget that you still have dual credit this summer so don't even complain about the homework you have now

Yeah, they changed my mind actually

You're loss but you're the one who said you wanted to be a physical therapist as quick as possible and that takes work and

dedication to it

Becoming a physical therapist does take a lot of work

I guess I just have to deal with it

So I guess I will do my homework

Yeah, that's right sweetie work hard and you can get what you want. You can achieve anything if you just work really hard at it

I'm still not used to doing all this school stuff yet, because I haven't been doing them for almost month now

Yeah it takes time to adjust to things, but you'll get used to it soon

But why do they have to assign so much?

Are they trying to give me a seizure?

Honestly I have to get good to the junior high life before I go to the high school life


What was that noise?

Hey what was that noise

Tell me what that noise was right now, what was that I don't think I'm going to make it

Are you ignoring me? How dare you! I gave birth to you and this is the respect you give me! I don't know if I'm going to make through this week

I don't know if I'm going to make it... through this school year

I tell you good advice and you just ignore me? Seriously? You won't even tell me what that noise was?

How dare you ! You know how rude you're being right now? So much


For more infomation >> A Week of School After Winter Break - Duration: 5:00.


Secret Payoff of Being Introverted - Duration: 5:57.

The Secret Payoff of Being Introverted

Introverted individuals as a whole may at times come to be viewed by society as a shy,

weird, problematic, standoffish, reserved, and socially awkward bunch of people.

Some studies have pointed to introverts not having enough immune boosting properties to

ward off infection and pathogens in the environment, primarily because they tend to avoid large

gatherings and its perceived cesspool of germs.

Other studies point to a link between introversion, depression, and anxiety.

While these studies may point to a correlational link and nothing directly causal, it is unfortunate

that from a social and perhaps health viewpoint, introverts have come to be perceived this


In reality, we can learn a lot from their behavior, and keen level of introspection

and observation.

Let us examine the psychological health benefits of being an introvert, and why the unique

traits they possess could serve them well throughout life, and maybe in every chosen


Likewise, If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video

and subscribe to this channel so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the



Introverts truly listen.

Introverts can make good friends and confidants as they have mastered the art of truly listening,

making others feel heard, understood and acknowledged.


More action, less talk.

While introverts plan in terms of action, they engage in very little talk.

They can be truly more action-oriented than their extroverted mates, who at times just


Introverted individuals also seem more likely to complete goals they are working on, simply

because they actually get to it, and get into it.


Cautious or prudent.

While this can drive extroverts, or those in between, nuts, introverts think before


They analyze and ponder and usually end up executing decisions that they feel confident


Their lack of impulsivity can be a good thing.


Less obese.

Introverts tend to be more health conscious but, again, there are plenty of exceptions

to this rule.

The idea behind this theory is that they have more of a prudent personality in general,

and as a result more conscious of what goes into their bodies.



Introverts tend to be very creative, not just artistically, but also with regards to pursuing

opportunities that others may pass over for a variety of reasons.


Introspective and reflective.

Introverts take the time to reflect, with many of them reporting reflecting for a few

minutes at the end of the day.

This intuitively helps them to learn from their mistakes by trying to improve the next

day and gives them the inner confidence to see what they did right.


Great leaders.

Introverts can make great leaders with their good listening skills and high emotional intelligence.

This combination of traits can draw out the best qualities in their employees, keeping

them motivated and engaged.


They frown on people-pleasing.

While polite, introverts generally don't aim to please others, at the expense of their

own health, or resources.

They are able to naturally establish boundaries between work, social, and their personal lives.

This helps them to not over commit to certain obligations and then under deliver.

Usually they do the opposite.


They de-stress in times of distress.

Since introverts tend to reflect more than other types of personalities, they know what

to do when they feel stress coming on.

They listen to their bodies and minds, because they intuitively know that the two are inextricably



Enjoy solitude.

Introverts enjoy spending time by themselves.

Besides recharging when they feel drained, they truly enjoy their own company, because

they know themselves quite well, aren't afraid to be alone, and are at peace with


They also keep a small, but close network of friends, whom they trust by their side.


Dismiss noise.

Introverts find ways to decrease all of the mental and internal noise that consumes most

people daily.

This usually happens when they retreat into themselves, which others might call, going

into their shell.

This is a purposeful move.

Learn to emulate it.


Not all that concerned with what others think.

Even though everyone can fall prey to what others think, and it is perfectly normal,

introverts have projected a quiet, inner confidence that prevents them from getting trapped in

what other people may think of them.

Well, surely there are many more qualities to introverts than those stated on this video

that truly set them apart from others in a very positive way.

That being said, most people in this world are neither truly pure extroverts, nor truly

pure introverts.

Most fall somewhere in the middle, at times exhibiting different characteristics depending

on what is going on in their immediate environment.

Despite this notion, it should serve us well to learn from what makes this group so very

special and at times, very successful.

Doing so can enable you to slow down and live life more fully in the present, with the added

bonus of not being restrained by what others think of you.

This way, you can live the life you actually want.

So, Really cool information isn't it.

Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Secret Payoff of Being Introverted - Duration: 5:57.


Grażyna chce się zabić - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Grażyna chce się zabić - Duration: 2:10.


Kai Pflaume: Schock-News nach 21 Jahren Ehe! - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Kai Pflaume: Schock-News nach 21 Jahren Ehe! - Duration: 3:33.


White House Refuses To Give Trump Psychiatric Evaluation As Part Of Yearly Physical - Duration: 4:18.

Amidst the growing calls for Donald Trump to be psychologically evaluated by professionals,

the White House did announce this week that Donald Trump would be undergoing his routine

physical any day now really.

Unfortunately, when White House officials whether or not this was going to include a

psychiatric evaluation, they said absolutely not.

They refused to go into detail about what this routine physical was actually going to

include, but they did make sure that everybody understood that no, we're not going to take

a peek inside the president's head, and I'm assuming it's probably because they don't

want to know the truth.

Now, there are varying degrees of mental decline, mental illnesses and things like that.

It could be that Donald Trump just has some kind of personality disorder, like narcissistic

personality disorder, and that's what driving the irrational decisions that he makes on

a day-to-day basis.

It could be something more severe, as Joe Scarborough continuously points out on MSNBC

every single day.

He has heard from people close to Trump, allegedly, that the president does have early stages,

either Alzheimer's or dementia, diseases that directly affect the brain's ability to function

properly, essentially.

So it could be something like that or it could be anything in between, but the bottom line

is that at this point in American history, most people agree in this country that there's

something not quite right about the president's brain.

But, we shouldn't be surprised that the White House is not going to make him undergo any

kind of psychiatric evaluation.

This physical that he's getting, or at this point may have already gotten, is done at

Walter Reed Memorial Hospital.

It's done my military doctors.

In the past, when presidents undergo this, which they usually do every single year, a

very abbreviated version of the results is released to the American public.

Doesn't go too much into detail, but occasionally it will tell us like, "Hey, he's got high


You know, he has arrhythmia maybe.

Nothing serious, but just keep on eye on it."

But other than that, we usually hear that the president is in great health.

Well, for the last year, we've seen reports from people concerned about Donald Trump's,

not just mental health, but his physical health.

The man does not get any physical activity, other than playing golf, which as most people

know is not a very strenuous activity.

He doesn't exercise in any way, he is sedentary most of the day, and he loves junk food and

fast food.

He is clearly overweight.

So when we get a report back that tells us that hey, Donald Trump is A plus, tiptop shape,

don't believe it.

You can look at the man and tell like, "No.

You may not have any very serious health problems, but there is absolutely no physical way that

your body is operating at 100%, trust me."

I think we can all pretty much agree on that, even if you're a diehard Trump supporter.

You don't look at don't at Donald Trump and think, "Well, that's a fine specimen of how

the human body is supposed to work."

The point is we can't necessarily trust what's going to come out of this Trump administration.

If we want to get him a psychiatric evaluation, it's going to have to come under the 25th


With all of the talk recently about Donald Trump's mental stability, the fact the 25th

amendment now is constantly trending on Twitter, it's about time that republicans in congress

step up and do what the American people want them to do.

And if there's nothing wrong with him, then nothing happens, but the fact that the republicans

are even too frightened to take a peek inside Donald Trump's brain tells us that there's

probably something in there that the public needs to know about.

For more infomation >> White House Refuses To Give Trump Psychiatric Evaluation As Part Of Yearly Physical - Duration: 4:18.


Germany vs. Turkey | Group A | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | PES 2017 - Duration: 26:15.

For more infomation >> Germany vs. Turkey | Group A | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | PES 2017 - Duration: 26:15.


Le Mazda CX-7, des semaines de plaisir - Duration: 8:44.

For more infomation >> Le Mazda CX-7, des semaines de plaisir - Duration: 8:44.


Bonhams : six voitures de rallye au Grand Palais - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Bonhams : six voitures de rallye au Grand Palais - Duration: 2:47.


Mediumship training: How to be a good medium with Medium Melinda Mae Miller - Duration: 2:48.

Mediumship training: how to be a good medium

For more infomation >> Mediumship training: How to be a good medium with Medium Melinda Mae Miller - Duration: 2:48.


Il sera bientôt possible de conduire une Ford Mustang de plus de 700 chevaux - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Il sera bientôt possible de conduire une Ford Mustang de plus de 700 chevaux - Duration: 4:13.


EPIC MINIGAMES! (Turn on captions) - Duration: 10:57.

Yo everybody!

Today I'm playing epic minigames

And it's not me that's playing the music, it's the game

So don't delete my channel YouTube!

I should stop the music before I get a copyright thingy

Into the game!

Ok I need to get the ball to the end, can't be that difficult, right?

Don't hit the cactus the ball might pop! Well it might not, maybe it a metal ball?

We can do this team and beat the blues!

I'm gonna try and get on top of it!

Yes I'm on it!

Well that didn't help at all

AH NO! Don't go that way ball!

Yeah we are totally gonna lose!

Yes that's it!

NO! I just sent it backwards, my team is gonna hate me!

Yup blue team won D:

Ok Aztec stuff, cool!

I'm guessing I jump along those logs

Lets do this! I want to win!


Ouch again

Okay next level!


And I'm dead D:

Ok need to get some balls on the red teams side!

Nice trumpet

I wonder how he got it

Ok leggo!

Uh.. it's so hard!

I can't get any of the balls!

It's just like that rolling game!

Yeah I'm gonna lose again, aren't I?

I can't get any on the other teams!

I bet my life I'm gonna lose

I shouldn't of said that because right now we're winning :o

And now we're not D:

UGH... Just can't get them over!

What do we do?

Go on this platform?

I guess so

It wont let me D:

And now its off!


Oh I get it now!

I'm meant to keep track of it!

I'm gonna go with everybody else!

I hope they're right or we're all screwed


Ok let's do it right this time!

I see you little platform :}

This one definitely

Yay they all joined me!

Aw poor little guy all on his own!

Is this last one? I hope so!

Dammit, I lost track!

This one

I've got this feeling that it's this one

I hope they think its this one too!

Oops, I tricked them to their death, and mine

Aw no! It's this one!

This one is so frustrating!

Yeah, my team is gonna lose!

I cant tell the future!

Ok I'm not doing that badly, yet

And then the other team turns it blue and that's the frustrating part

There's no hope

Yes I got one!

And another

And that one

And we lost by 14 clouds -facepalms-

Ok, patching up holes!

Wait how does hitting the holes really hard patch them up?

Ah no! It's flooding!

I don't wanna die young!

Or just die like this!

I wanna die really cool like a superhero!

Not die as a plumber!

I'm figuring out how to use a mic so maybe I could add my voice in but

doing captions is fine for now

Wait why is that guy shirtless?

I've only just realized that xD

The water level isn't that high yet

But I've still gotta be careful!

Ok 9 seconds left!







Ok powering a cannon!

Sounds simple

Here we gooooo!

Dat beat drop!

Almost there!


It exploded!

Uh.. red team wins :(

Going underground :}

I'm guessing don't touch the smoke?

Yep don't touch the smoke!

Ah no we're gonna hit the lava!

Or maybe not

It's harder this way!

I will survive :}

Yes I did it!


There's more

Now this is even harder!

Flyin! Soarin!


That must be the end

OOH infection!

This game is always fun!

Mainly because I always win in it!

This is a good spot I sometimes go to

It's very sneaky >:}

Did that guy seriously not see me!?

Woah! That was close! I dropped down to see a zombie stalking me!

Nobody goes in the sewers so I go in the sewers

It is kinda freaky when a zombie does find you

Doesn't seem to be any zombies around so I've won :}


Wait! I was the only survivor?

What do I do? I guess jump along here

Oh a black hole is gonna come!

I'm gonna get ready!


I'm sad now

I've played this before!

I only won once

Somebody already found it!?

Woah, that was quick!

Well that's the end of the video!

I hope you enjoyed!

If you did leave a like or subscribe!


or just goodbye!


For more infomation >> EPIC MINIGAMES! (Turn on captions) - Duration: 10:57.


Create & Save presets (شرح مونتاج) in Adobe Premiere Pro cc (How to) - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> Create & Save presets (شرح مونتاج) in Adobe Premiere Pro cc (How to) - Duration: 6:42.


NFL Divisional: Day 1 - Duration: 5:56.

Last night the NFL Divisional Round got underway and yup just about nothing went down.

Like at all.

Ya guys wake me up when that shit is over cuz yo boy Faxx Masheen!! was over here just

bored as shit.

The first match up between the Philadelphia Eagles and Atlanta Falcons produced fewer

points than Patrick Star taking a litmus test.

And at the end of it all I'm still wondering why the Eagles were wondering why people were

sleeping on them.

That boy Nick Foles done came out and played a fairly rather decent game no doubt.

Finishing off by throwing for 246 yards on 23/30 throws this dude really was out here

completing 76% of his passes.

Alright Nick Foles I See you my guy.

But don't get gassed.

This nigga was still out here over throwing open receivers on multiple occasions.

The score by the end of this should of been 35-10.

With Jay Ajayi racking over 98 yards of total offense this was a game for the Eagles to

win no doubt.

The Falcons themselves didn't do much to convince anyone that they could make it back

to the Super Bowl as their offense for the 2nd week in a row was anemic as shit.

One of the keys for victory for Atlanta coming in was to establish some offense on the ground.

But God Damn the homie Devonta Freeman by the end of the game had more carries than


Bubble Tape covers more yardage than this nigga just rushed for.

The Falcons wasted a good chance to get back on the right track as the Eagles gave them

plenty of chances to win this damn game.

Though Philadelphia's Defensive line created tough lanes for the offense to run through

my guy Julio Jones was still open to take 9 catches to the length of 101 yards on the


But no doubt when they needed the homie most he was collecting grass stains as money slipped

and fell on the last possession and missed an opportunity to score the game winning touchdown.

But I see you Philadelphia.

You dudes are finally back in the Conference Championship since Free & AJ were hosting

106 & Park.

But call yourselves the under dogs all you want.

Because come next week either the Vikings or Saints finna roast your ass like a mutha fucka

So the match up between the New England Patriots & Tennessee Titans did not go down as anyone


I'm mean shit who would of thought that the Titans would of gotten on the score board


But by the end of it all as expected the Patriots done roasted them niggas to send them into

the offseason looking to pick up extra hours at the office.

This game was no competition at all.

These Titans after an inspiring comeback win last week at Arrow Head Stadium done turned

around and executed a game plan that was sure to lose them this game.

What a waste of time.

The Titans were completely out classed in every phase of the game no doubt.

Marcus Mariota came out and did his best passing for 254 yards with 2 touchdowns and rushing

for 37 yards on 4 carries on the ground.

But with the way that the Patriots applied pressure all night finishing with 8 quarterback

sacks these niggas done turned my boy Mariota into the next spokes person for Icy Hot.

New England really had a great time busting the Titans ass.

With very little resistance Tom Brady stood tall in the pocket all night long as Tennessee

wasn't able to get to the guy not once all game.

With that being said it was nothing for Brady to attempt over 50 passes which led him to

337 yards with three touchdowns.

Hitting them with his precision passing the Titans had no idea of which ever way the Patriots

would come next.

Because especially in the 2nd quarter these dudes done hit up the Titans for 3 TD's

to break the game wide open.

And lets not forget the time Tom Brady threw for 5 touchdowns in one quarter against this

same team!

These dudes stay overwhelming the Titans.

Danny Amendola led the Patriots in receptions and receiving yards as Dion Lewis had a decent

game himself.

But perhaps nobody had an easier day on the field than the homie Brett Kern.

The Titans offense was so wack that this dude Brett had more punts than Rob Gronkowski had


But what you think?

Was this game even remotely entertaining to you?

Should have the Patriots at least drop 50 on Tennessee?

Was the Titans way over their heads on this one?

I mean I'm dumb mad that the Kansas City Chiefs done fell apart in last week's game

to lose.

Because judging by the fact they beat the Patriots in week 1 it would of been nice to

see them beat them again in the playoffs to speed up the process of the Patriots divorce.

But you already know I Don't Have An Opinion, I Just Spit Faxx!

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