Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 14 2018

Hey, I'm Vonsky

and I just drove over 2000 miles in a truck

thru 7 states from Chicago to L.A.

This is what happend after my arrival in Los Angeles

and my adventures!

We're in Venice & I will show you my new neighborhood

Venice because...

these canals look like the canals in Italian Venice

damn holes

We're on our way to the beach

We're at Venice Beach!

Wearing a mask

because as you can see - there's a lot of smoke

There are about 6 fires in southern California right now

you can literally feel smoke over here

some people actually wear those masks

You can also play mexican Pelota at the Venice Beach

As you can see...

Street workout

People making photoshoots and tourists making pictures...

Sunday sunset

Just wanted to make a quick tour again where I recently live durring my stay in LA

You probably heard about Vader's 6

Thanks to him there's a Muscle Beach at Venice

There's no only GYM at the beach

there are also some graffiti walls over here

even palm trees are sprayed

Sprayed palm-tree:

...and the beautiful sunset.

And the Pacific Ocean

Two months ago there was Atlantic Ocean

...and now Cali and Pacific Ocean by truc

I dedicate this part of the vlog to crew from Tarchomin neighborhood in Warsaw




So as you can see there's also a drum club every sunday

A weird jam session

Just like in Warsaw downtown

kind of hippie street musicians

Beautiful sunset!

Behind me: Santa Monica pier

Its december, winter time. Even though its warm now

about 28 celcius degree

even though its warm, sun sets really early

I have Chicagoan time on my watch...

5:10pm, sunset - 17:10

We'll see what we will see

Join us on our FB group and Instagram

Vonsky, Vonsky Kanał from Santa Monica, CA

For more infomation >> Venice Beach - Moja dzielnia w LOS ANGELES, USA [English subtitles] - Duration: 12:27.


Were you just lucky or was it your karma? - Sadhguru 2018 - Duration: 11:53.

welcome back to a continuing conversation with sub Co Vasudev tell us

you you you experienced the sense of your boundaries expanding it's my

paraphrasing if I I'm sure an inadequate paraphrasing of something much more sort

of profound and we won't get stuck in in semantics split blissful happiness or

whatever what happened then what did you feel you know we're told that you know

what the Buddha attained enlightenment under the tree and and he had to go

through you know several years of extreme rigor and anguish and and and

and austerity and what-have-you so in some senses you were lucky probably I

don't know what better karma money that work that it happened every aspect of

your life and he neither conducted joyfully cleverly are in a very hard way

a full and joyful and ease and and happened apparently more easily for you

Dawa have under mentally this is happening to any human being if it this

associates his intellect from every kind of identification but that again is is

is you know I I understand what you're saying I mean I have no idea how to do

it I mean I tell myself that's what I should do every morning nothing happens

and and you know obviously I haven't had the right preparation the right

technique or the right training you know so very often these are concepts as you

yourself said that you know you can you know spirituality teacher scriptures can

spout these but until you really sort of truly know what experience it to

internalize it practice it it doesn't really happen it happened for you what

happened then what did you feel you know we we told that you know Christ spent

how many years struggled till the time that he was on the cross for Ramakrishna

never quite made it and kept saying ma ma ma till the time he was he was dying

the Buddha wondered whether he should go out and share it with the rest of the

world or not would they understand that any of these sort of questions come up

what question up to you you're unique I asked a

million questions rather what I went and constantly got into trouble with

everybody because I asked the oddest possible questions so what is most the

oddest when you ask and I've got into the most trouble jealous my mother was a

housewife I was totally dedicated to her husband

and children absolutely that kind of person she's totally devoted to

everything that we are but at the same time in the Indian household they are

not given - I love you kind of expressions you know it's just there's

no question of your mother telling you I love you it's just it's there all the

time nobody even thinks about it so one particular moment of something that

happened somehow she overstepped that and expressed a little bit of hard love

and allusion to me ah I just asked her if I was born in the next house he said

this house would you still do this tears welled up in her eyes and she went away

for some time then she came back and I was sitting there I knew I said

something as usual I asked a question which unnecessarily disturbs people and

she came and she just fell at my feet and touched my feet and she was still in

tears and she went away I thought that's good for her at least you know some

whatever illusions that you have about your love affairs and this something

broke I'm just saying questions like this I

always question just about everything these questions were not for fun for me

they were a 100 percent genuine and very very intense within me if I had a

question I couldn't sleep the whole night even as a kid I was heated up the

hall and actually followed the Enlightenment experience I'm saying

these questions happen much before when I was very young what happened after say

there are two aspects to me this is a little difficult to explain in the sense

my memory has always been like this that even things that happen when I was just

3-4 months of age are still in my memory not some great earth-shaking even simple

things the local gossip that is happening somebody came in what kind of

clothes they are wearing simple ordinary talk whenever I express you know this

lady was saying this my mother wouldn't believe me you said he was just three

months of age how could you know son you got me tantalize what happened after

after this this this momentum and the Chamundi Hills what happened after it

was over and you experienced this did this happened and and I'm driving back

and I'm so logical am somebody was been on European philosophy you know Camus

Kafka Dostoevsky this kind of stuff which is all logically extreme and as

spirituality is not the last thing I've never heard about it when I apply my

logical mind the only thing that my mind could tell me was maybe I'm going off my

rocker maybe I'm just losing my balance when I

shared this with the closest of my friends the only questions that came to

me was did you drink something did you take some drug this is the kind of

things that came so I knew there was no point talking to anybody not even asking

my mind the questions because it always came up with the wrong thing so I became

like - one was absolutely bursting with an exuberant experience another was

totally confused and wanting to find an answer there there was no answer and I

it was very clear to me no matter how much I racked my brains I wouldn't find

an answer so this experience started repeating itself I sit here and I think

it's two minutes seven eight hours of just gone this within about six weeks

time the kind of chain that happened within me was so dramatic what happened

within I can never put into words but physiologically the kind of changes that

had happened my body were clearly visible for people around me like what

one thing my wife's changed dramatically for no reason and the shape of my eyes

if you look at the pictures you can distinctly see the very shape of my eyes

and face have changed not because of this neglect is it

neglect it isn't that a part of our tradition that you don't you know you

don't shave you don't cut your hair not a tradition just that there is a belief

that you know if you let your hair growth and something happened it's just

that every may ability to do that every male naturally these things happen to

him uh-huh most people are removing it I don't know why I didn't find a good

enough reason to do that at least for the the you know the physiological

changes that happen and then what did you then decide that I now must make

this available to other people a mature one that of Alpha Kappa which is

something that I don't want anybody to believe because I wouldn't believe it

and it was I believe they tell me a whole a flood of memory came to me

lifetimes of memory which completely my mind logical mind did not want to agree

with come to terms with this was before or after this is after because in

traditional literature it sort of precedes the you know sort of I don't

know the karmic clearing maybe out I came the wrong way I don't know no but

you know that I didn't know your living your living experience and that is myths

and legends or will believe you will follow your path tell us it's before

that I didn't know anything but as weeks proceeded every day became such a

phenomenal thing for me that I just want to sit because I don't want to move

around and miss the whole thing I just want to sit in one place so was there

ever a point of of completion that you know it started with this unbounded

experience yes and then I go and as I said then you say okay now this process

is complete and I'm now ready for the world about the Deer Park in about six

weeks six weeks of time it became like a living thing till then it was like

spurts I don't want to miss it I want to see what it is confusion mind and

experience struggling with each other because I had invested too much on my

logical mind I had invested too much in defeating everything that's around me

and but now it was trying to defeat me so it was a big struggle for some about

six weeks in six weeks it became like a living experience then there was no

confusion this is when a whole flood of memory just descended on me the weight

of the memory was little too much little too much and it was so illogical and

against everything that I stood for all these years

so is that process complete now very complete so what is the impulse to

action just spontaneous it just just happens because you the impulse to

action is mostly people's longing you see hungry faces I think it's natural

for a human being if his humanity is in action if his humanity is still

functioning if you see a hungry face to feed them is very natural ah so you

heard my longing to talk to you 50% of the population assure you you know the

de'longhi see a sick person the long-range inertial that was the wisdom

is is you know it's an extremely powerful what I'm seeing this is natural

in every human being he kills it with the psychological process with his ideas

with his identifications why should I do this who the hell is he all these things

if you don't have a psychological process it is very very natural for you

if you see a hungry person to feed if it's possible if you see somebody in

distress to do something it's very natural for a human being so all I am

doing is in natural human expression that every human being should be doing

is there anything left yourself about fifty fifty years of living something

more but you see some something different not really the way I am made

if I sit here and close my eyes I can sit here like this till I fall dead no

need for action but at the same time I'm all action

because it still needed I would like to see a day when I will be an employee

then I can just sit that fool thank you very much this is a great landing and a

great blessing thank you truly


For more infomation >> Were you just lucky or was it your karma? - Sadhguru 2018 - Duration: 11:53.


Le AirPods per SPORTIVI - Zolo Liberty+ recensione ita - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> Le AirPods per SPORTIVI - Zolo Liberty+ recensione ita - Duration: 8:21.


The Sims 1 - Momentka / Highlight - Hrajeme na Kytaru / Playing the Guitar [CZ/EN] - Duration: 3:23.



She's watching the TV and she doesn't give a fuck. xD

This is too realistic!! xD

The voice is too modulated, I can't hear what I'm saying. :-/

Wow, he's great at playing it. And he's me! :D

Well me, this is great! I didn't know about this (it being in the game like that).

Which one of you can play the guitar better.

We can start a folk duo! (joke)

Well, we know who's better at playing a guitar. xD

She likes it a lot, which means it gives her a ton of fun, and that's good.

That means that I don't have to force her to do it.

When is he going to arrive? At 3?

Well look at that.

For more infomation >> The Sims 1 - Momentka / Highlight - Hrajeme na Kytaru / Playing the Guitar [CZ/EN] - Duration: 3:23.


#FIXTravels: Singapore Never Seen Footage! - Duration: 24:03.

For more infomation >> #FIXTravels: Singapore Never Seen Footage! - Duration: 24:03.


I Can't Believe This is Seoul - Duration: 7:07.

I was searching if there's any place to go.

Take a look.

You see that?

Seems like it snowed last night, and I didn't know that 'cuz I slept early.

See that?

You have this in Seoul.

I guess now it's covered with snow 'cuz it snowed.

It's in the Olympic Park, and it'll be fun to check it out.

I wanna see how it is after snow.

but snow has melt a bit.

But always be closing.

You gotta close it if you made a start.

Does that make sense?

Someone asked this yesterday.

Where these are from.

If you look at the name,

I remember it was Thorogood.

Goodbye old clothes.

Now I think there won't be any snow.

I dunno why but I love this place.

I always love spacious places like this.




And Coffee Bean.

I want a place with no people.

Comments on this video were exceptionally long.

For today, I'd like to talk about it a little bit.

Many people said 'I've been wathcing your videos'

I was surprised.

And of course I was really grateful, too.

Kids got curious of the camera.

"I'd like to hear some off-the-camera talk"


Interviewing foreigners was like that.

That's something others can do and maybe they can do better.

If I can't make great videos with daily normal topics,

as one of my subscribers said,

I think there's no problem quitting.

There were a lot of great comments.

A lot of things necessary to me.

Maybe I need to integrate all these to know what I should do.

I got my battery back.

I realized I didn't have much things to answer to the comments.

I just gotta remember them.

I've always thankfully read all the comments.

And I tried to reply to every single comment even though it could be late.

That was what I was trying to do.

But I want to try making videos everyday.

Also curious if it's really possible.

While I'm doing like this, I might not be able to reply to comments.

But I'm still reading all of them,

so I wanted to thank all of you in advance,

and even though I can't do it,

for important comments, because my videos are made everyday,

I can write comment in my videos.

Not writing the comment, but

I can talk about it in the video.

Thank you for your understanding.

Where is that 'Lonely Tree'?

There are always lazy people who refuse to hang out in the weekend.

They might actually like it if they come out,

but still says 'Nah I prefer home'

I'm the kind of person.

Look at it.

The Thumb.

It's recommendation.

Like it!

People are standing in line from the entrance.

Not sure if you see that.

It says 'Apink'

The queue continues from there to here.

Everybody here is holding the same thing on his/her hand.

Do you see that pink thing?

Queueing in 5 columns.

And they're selling MD.

This is what everybody is wearing.

And various event!

The fan culture.

I'm impressed how effective they are in the field.



I really like it.

I can spiritually feel that I'm getting closer to the 'Lonely Tree'.

It's right there.

I walked so much.

It's different from common famous tour places of Seoul.

Also, what I feel is also different from when I see something grand.

How should I put this?

It's so freaking holy.

I don't know when it starts but kids are excited.

They're darn good!

Today I came to Olympic Park to see Lonely Tree.

I wanted to see that covered with snow.

But maybe 'cuz I was late...

it's gone.

Yeah I was late.

But better late than never.

See you tomorrow!

For more infomation >> I Can't Believe This is Seoul - Duration: 7:07.


OH - Duration: 0:10.

Who has a large penis and hangs up?

[hangs up]



mother fucker

For more infomation >> OH - Duration: 0:10.


4-3-3 Predicted Liverpool Line Up Vs Man City : Salah Return To Boost The Reds ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:43.

This weekend's match provides the German with another opportunity to further his fandom

at Anfield when his team faces league leaders Manchester City.

The task will not be an easy one however with the Citizens in unstoppable form and unbeaten

in the league.

Pep Guardiola's men were 5-0 winners the last time the two sides faced each other with

Liverpool ending the match with 10 men and a humiliating scoreline.

Klopp's challenge will be even more difficult with Philippe Coutinho finally making his

long-awaited move to Nou Camp this January.

The Brazilian had been linked with a move to join Messi and company since last summer

but Liverpool's stubborn stance delayed the departure of the Brazilian.

However, he has finally made his move leaving Klopp an important man short in his attack.

There are injury problems for Klopp to deal with as well with Daniel Sturridge unsure

even though he is recovering from his illness and injury.

Alberto Moreno who has recovered from his injury will continue training with the first

team but will most certainly not start.

With Jordan Henderson also unsure of a starting place, Klopp will have a real headache to

pick his team.

Here is how he is expected to start Sunday's game.

Formation: 4-3-3


Simon Mignolet is expected to keep his place as Klopp's first choice in between the sticks.

Young Joe Gomez is expected to start at right back with Moreno's injury meaning that Andrew

Robertson will start at left back.

While Joel Matip is expected to be one of the centre-backs, there is a fifty-fifty call

between Virgil Van Dijk and Ragnar Klavan to be his partner.

However, if Klopp's press conference was to be believed, Klavan could be the one poised

to start.


Emre Can is expected to be the holding midfielder with Henderson out and he will be supported

by Adam Lallana and Georginio Wijnaldum going by Liverpool's midfield options.


With Mohamed Salah cleared to play the big match, he will surely be the man up on the

right-hand side with Sadio Mane on the left and Roberto Firmino up front, as the Brazilian

waits for his disciplinary hearing.

For more infomation >> 4-3-3 Predicted Liverpool Line Up Vs Man City : Salah Return To Boost The Reds ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:43.


"Which Class Should You Play?" - Sith Sorcerer / Jedi Sage | Star Wars: The Old Republic - Duration: 6:25.

Hello guys and welcome back to SWTOR Central!

In this video i'll be taking you through the classes, Sith Sorcerer and Jedi Sage so

you can decide if either one is the class you want to play, out of the 16 in total that

you can choose from!

We'll be going over combat playstyle and story!

But don't worry, there won't be any spoilers!

Let's start with combat playstyle.

A good place to begin is with what the Sorcerer and the Sage can actually do.

These classes wield a single lightsaber which is more of just "force user" facade thing,

as the amount of times you'll actually use your

lightsaber with this class is zero.

Unless you happen to run into cutscene that has you cut

someone down with it.

These classes are ranged.

Which means they focus on using their abilities from a distance.

The majority of their move set have a big distance of how far away you can

use an ability from.

The sorcerer and sage also have a two barrier abilities, which are typicalll

referred to as "bubbles" which are used for absorbing damage.

The first one can be used often for some defensive bonus.

As these classes use light armour and depicted as "Squishy".

The second ability is a barrier which lasts 8 seconds.

During that time you take no damage at all from any enemy.

To top this off, you'll also be able to use an ability called "Phase Walk" this

ability allows you to drop a marker, so to speak,

and teleport back to it within a certain range.

This can be an incredibly usefel ability for getting out of danger in an instant.

Let's move onto Discipline paths.

These are what decide what kind of Sorcerer or Sage you are.

You have 3 choices, 2 of them are focused on dealing damage.

While the other is focused on healing.

For the Sorcerer, your options are Lightning, Madness and


Since these classes are "mirrored" this means the Sage has the same options, but they

have different names and different animations.

Your options for the sage are Telekenitics, Balance

and Seer.

Let's start with the Lightning Sorcerer, this path takes you down one that will have you

feeling like Darth Sidious.

Casting nothing but abilities that involve lightning.

From Thundering Blast to Lightning Flash, your dark side fantasy

will be lived with this path.

This one is the use of burst damage.

You'll be able to deal a lot of damage in bursts every now and then.

Moving onto Hatred, this one is the Sorcerers adaptation of the Hatred Assassin, using

near the same abilities from a range.

You'll have access to Death field and Force leech.

Which are health sucking abilities.

This spec focuses more on dealing damage over time and can also apply their damage to

a group through the use of what we call a dot spread.

This is done when you use Death Field.

Next up is Corruption, this path leads you into being a healer.

You'll be able to use several healing abilities to keep your group members alive

or any other heal'able person, including yourself of course.

The sorcerer healer is said to be one that is recommended for new players, with it's

easy going and simplistic learning curve.

Now as mentioned before, these classes are mirrored, meaning the Sage has the same paths

to choose but they have different names and different


Let's go in the same order.

Telekinetics is the mirrored version of Lightning.

This path will have you feeling like the Satele Shan you see in the "Hope" Star wars the old

republic trailer.

You'll have access to awesome force waves with names such as turbulence and

telekinetic burst.

As seen with the Lightning Sorcerer, the Telekinetic Sage is focused

on burst damage.

Next up is Balance, which is the mirrored version of Madness.

You'll be able to apply damage over time debuffs to your

enemies and spread them to others.

This path also feels a little bit more mobile.

Lastly, we have the Sage Seer.

This is the mirrored version of the Sorcerers Corruption path.

You'll be taken down the path of a healer, being able to keep your

group members alive and yourself.

As mentioned before, this path can be very new player friendly

and you should try it out if you're thinking about healing for the first time!

Now let's talk about story.

Now, seeing as the Sith Sorcerer and Jedi Sage have the same story as the

Sith Assassin and Jedi Shadow, i'll just give you the same information as I did before.

Each class has it's own story focus

point, for the sorcerer this is power and dark side artifacts.

The story takes you on an epic adventure of exploring the dark side

and it's history.

You start out as a slave who has been sent to the

sith academy for training, you'll undergo trials to prove your

worthyness to become an apprentice to a powerful Sith Lord, beware

though, you're not the only one competing for this opportunity!

From shocking people during conversations to

choosing dark sadistic dialouge options.

It's difficult to REALLY

tell you about the story without spoiling the majour plot, so i'll

say this.

After experiencing the story to the end and seeing how things

play out when the most powerful sith are watching, you'll be left

with some pretty intense goosebumps and a state of awe

leaving you wanting so much more!

As for the Jedi Sage's storyline, well... let's just say that it's not the crowd favourite.

This storyline has you focused on healing powers and force enlightenment.

But don't let me fool you, you'll still be engaging

with dark side users in combat along with the typical

bad guy boss fight at the end.

Emphasis on the healing rituals though.

When you start out, you're recognised as a Jedi with potential and are given a Master

to exploit that.

Things quickly turn south though and you'll be left on your own adventure, choosing between

the light and the dark.

If you love playing as the bad guy, the Sorcerers storyline will rock your


The Sage's however probably won't effect your world.

Then again i'm bias for the Sorcerer!

Try them both out!

Okay ladies and gentleman, I hope that this video somewhat helped you decide whether or

not you want to play the Sith Sorcerer or Jedi Sage.

If you're a new player of star wars the old republic then I highly

recommend you subscribe and turn on notifications.

This channels main focus is star wars the old republic news and guides.

So you have a lot to gain if you are a new player!

As always thank you very much for watching and I will catch you guys, in the next one!

For more infomation >> "Which Class Should You Play?" - Sith Sorcerer / Jedi Sage | Star Wars: The Old Republic - Duration: 6:25.


Go Go Disney Cars 3 Transforming Into Spider | Crocodile Toy, Tayo The Little Bus | Toys For Kids - Duration: 27:10.

Please "SUBSCRIBE" channel! Thank you!

For more infomation >> Go Go Disney Cars 3 Transforming Into Spider | Crocodile Toy, Tayo The Little Bus | Toys For Kids - Duration: 27:10.


How to use GET PASSIVE - (TERRIFIC lesson on GET - every single POINT!!!) - Duration: 6:20.

hello everyone how are you today this is Marc I'm doing great thanks for asking

he got stuck in traffic going to work this morning the puppies are getting fed

by the vet assistant they will get fired if they don't follow orders in this

lesson we're going to look at get passive so stay tuned let me tell you

first that I have a lot of lessons on get so if you wish to watch all those

lessons you may click here get by itself means buy receiver or obtain understand

fetch experience become pay attention to become come go make progress catch or

learn let's look at some examples can you get me a glass of water get in this

case means fetch another example the police got the burglar after intensive

investigation got in this case means catch so caught in the past the second

point is get plus adjective if you add an adjective after get it means become

so become and thus it becomes reflexive so for example Justin got asleep after

watching a movie so get asleep so become asleep

Justin got asleep after watching a movie or another example you'll get fat if we

eat all that so become fat now another usage is as a phrasal verb so get plus

particle gossip can get around fast gossip can get around fast get around

means become known if you wish to watch a lesson on phrasal verbs you may click

here now fourth point is get plus ready so

prepare yourself this is what it means prepare yourself like for example let's

get ready to go out let's prepare to go out let's get ready to go out or another

example why don't you get the dinner ready for us in this case we have get

plus something plus ready so why don't you get the dinner ready for us now the

fifth point and this is what the lesson is made for the passive get

we use it informally and be careful because it can slightly change the

meaning of a sentence is used with dynamic or action verbs and if you don't

know what a dynamic or a stative verb is you may click here to watch that lesson

you know that to make a passive we need the verb to be plus the past participle

right in this case we replace the verb to be with get so get plus past

participle let's take a look at my examples he got punished for his ill

conduct so in this case we have the past simple passive see he got himself

punished as opposed to he was punished for his ill conduct so in the first case

we have like a kind of he got himself punished so it was his fault that he got

punished he got punished he got himself punished instead of he

was punished for his ill conduct so the the meaning can change can slightly

change another example they will get fired if they don't follow orders this

is the future simple passive as opposed to they will be fired if they don't

follow orders they will get themselves fired so it's their fault right it's their

fault and they are probably not coming on time for work or they have

other problems and they get themselves fired so the other example was so the

puppies are getting fed by the vet assistant so in this case we have the

present continuous passive as opposed to the puppies are being fed by the vet

assistant beware like I said before only with dynamic or

action verbs so nothing was known about the lesson you cannot say nothing got

known you cannot say it why because no is a stative verb or a state verb now

I'm going to ask you to write the passive get in this sentence they've

been injured while playing rugby so I repeat they've been injured while

playing rugby yes you can type your answer under this video if you have any

comments or requests type them also there if you wish to share the lesson

you may do so if you haven't subscribed to my channel please do so having said

that I wish you all the best don't forget we have the community

section so use it and have a nice day and see you next week with a new lesson

take care bye bye

For more infomation >> How to use GET PASSIVE - (TERRIFIC lesson on GET - every single POINT!!!) - Duration: 6:20.


Korea inches closer to top five exporting countries - Duration: 0:51.

Korea is inching closer to becoming one of the top five exporting countries in the world...

in terms of global market share.

That's according to a report released by the Hyundai Research Institute on Sunday,... which

said the global market share of Korean exporters had surpassed its all-time-high of 3-point-6-percent

in September last year,... not far behind that of the Netherlands, which ranks in fifth

place with four-percent market share.

It said Korea's booming semiconductor exports have contributed a large part of that,...

but projected that price increases would be limited during the latter half of this year.

The report advised Korea to turn to new industries to raise its competitiveness and lessen its

reliance on semiconductors.

For more infomation >> Korea inches closer to top five exporting countries - Duration: 0:51.


The New Mercedes CLS is Worth €120.000 NEW FULL Review Interior Exterior Infotainment - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> The New Mercedes CLS is Worth €120.000 NEW FULL Review Interior Exterior Infotainment - Duration: 10:10.


How to Lighten Skin on Hands and Feet in Just 5 Min - Duration: 1:48.

you can easily whiten your feet at home by using natural ingredients with low

cost these home remedies instantly show results by brightening your skin tone

and it also exfoliate your skin it removes your dead skin cells and make

your skin younger brighten and softer here we have three steps to whiten your

feet naturally one free cleansing for this remedy we need a bucket of warm

water two tablespoons of baking soda two tablespoons of salt 1/2 lemon and 2

tablespoons of any shampoo add all the ingredients one by one through the warm

water and mix well now dip your feet completely in bucket for 10 to 15

minutes it will help to clean feet now remove your feet from bucket and clean

with a cloth to scrub your feet to make this scrub take 2 tablespoons of baking

soda and 1/2 lemon into your bowl and mix well now with the help of toothbrush

scrub this solution on feet for 3 to 5 minutes and finally wash your feet with

same water before you so could your feet 3 whiten your feet after completion of

feet cleaning and scrubbing final procedure whitening your feet is

important for this we need plain yogurt a plain yogurt may makes skin brighter

and softer apply yogurt to full feet by massaging slightly and leave it for 20

minutes finally wash your feet in normal water and pat dry you can see amazing

results in life thank you for watching this video like and subscribe for more

For more infomation >> How to Lighten Skin on Hands and Feet in Just 5 Min - Duration: 1:48.


Thai Pongal 2018: Theresa May's message - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Thai Pongal 2018: Theresa May's message - Duration: 1:15.


Origami - Cube in subway tickets - Duration: 6:04.

Origameasy - Origami

12 Subway tickets

Prepare the 12 pieces

Subscribe !

and Like !

For more infomation >> Origami - Cube in subway tickets - Duration: 6:04.


Homemade Water For Cures Diabetes In Weeks - Duration: 4:28.

is drinking coconut water safe for diabetics coconut water is one of the

best natural drinks abhorrently available around us is it safe for those

with diabetes to have coconut water what is so unique about this drink coconut

water is fresh sterile and devoid of artificial sweeteners and preservatives

it is therefore safe for all to consume coconut water without worrying about any

health risk this drink is also an excellent

electrolyte replenishment it is rich in two essential rods potassium and sodium

along with calcium phosphorus zinc manganese iron copper and fundamental

amino acids coconut water also contains natural sugars like fructose 15% glucose

50% and sorrows 35% there are many contractor E opinions

about coconut water for diabetics many think coconut water is healthy because

it is natural but there are contractor e opinions on this it is not advisable for

every diabetic to consume coconut water regularly points out doctor judge so it

is better to make it an occasional indulgence if you are already struggling

to keep your blood sugar under control in fact if you are a diabetic and

suffers from a chronic kidney condition it is better to stay away from coconut

water coconut water is also rich in potassium so if you suffer from kidney

diseases or have any other condition that makes potassium levels rise in your

blood consumption of coconut water could be a

disaster while potassium is an essential nutrient which helps in various

functions of the body including enhancing new health and keeping the

heart healthy and excess of it can lead to dangerous

complications unlike irregular heart rhythm or even

total kidney failure with the diabetic patients whose kidney functions are not

up to the mark drinking coconut water regularly can be fattened okra with rice

water cures diabetes the seeds and peel of wara have anti-diabetic properties

which led to stabilize the blood glucose levels whereas a moderate amount of

healthy whole grains such as brown rice or white rice instead of processed

grains may reduce the risk of complications like diabetic neuropathy

firstly prepare rice water by boiling rice in a bowl now strain this water

into a glass or jar and keep aside take four medium sized okra parts cut both

ends of parts

and make okra into small pieces place the okra pieces into your glass

uncover them with the rice water allow war crowd to sit in rice water woven I'd

space okra pieces before removing from the rice water finally discard the

pieces and gut down the water do this once in a day to reduce the efforts of

existing diabetes or to keep diabetes at bay as a pre diabetic person it takes

almost no effort on your part and could potentially save your money in reducing

the need for expensive treatments thank you for watching this video like and

subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Homemade Water For Cures Diabetes In Weeks - Duration: 4:28.


Arsenal squad revealed as Jack Wilshere recovers from injury for trip to Bournemouth ● News Now●#AFC - Duration: 1:55.

Midfielder Jack Wilshere could feature for Arsenal in their Premier League trip to Bournemouth

on Sunday.

Wilshere limped off during the Gunners' Carabao Cup semi-final tie at Stamford Bridge with

an ankle issue, but may be fit for the clash on the south coast.

The England international has been in good form of late for Arsenal, and his inclusion

in the squad will be a boost for Arsene Wenger's men.

Aaron Ramsey is also back in the squad following a hamstring issue, but Mesut Ozil (knee) was

rated as only "50-50" by manager Arsene Wenger.

Alexis Sanchez is expected to play a part despite ongoing speculation about where he

will be playing his football at the end of the transfer window.

Arsenal could have a few problems at the back with both Nacho Monreal (ankle) and Laurent

Koscielny (Achilles) still sidelined, but Sead Kolasanic could return.

French striker Olivier Giroud is also still ruled out due to a hamstring problem.

Provisional squad: Cech, Ospina, Mertesacker, Kolasanic, Holding, Mustafi, Chambers, Debuchy,

Bellerin, Nelson,

Maitland-Niles, Willock, Wilshere, Elneny, Ozil, Ramsey, Iwobi, Sanchez, Welbeck, Walcott,


For more infomation >> Arsenal squad revealed as Jack Wilshere recovers from injury for trip to Bournemouth ● News Now●#AFC - Duration: 1:55.


Awake for Entire Night | Stretches | Spending Time with Kids | Merry Christmas | DPVLOG #008 - Duration: 4:27.

Good afternoon vlog, it's one o'clock right now in the noon plane just woke up Merry Christmas

Vlog so as you might be seeing this this might be like for you it might be

Block number 0 0 8 DP blocks it'll still eat

But if you check out

This one the timestamp over here, which is like by default when I record this particular video on my phone

Whatever that by default time and date would be it would be there

So you might be wondering why it is 25th of December all of a sudden, which is like the next day

It's just because I was I am I was on I mean I am still awake

It's 6:00 in the morning have been working hard

for the entire night on a couple of things

recording a couple of videos 40g perform

Updating the content for trainees at busy port form and

Super pumped up. I actually gifted myself Christmas gift, which is like I bought

10 different domains, and I'm going to do a lot of things so I'm

Building a couple of websites as well, which would be later soon

Available to you guys. I will be

Just mentioning all those things

So it's hard. It's hustle

At times people ask

How do you manage

This is how you manage there is no fixed pattern

You can't have success over the night you have to have sleepless nights for that

That's that's the key you cannot have success over the night you have to have

sleepless nights for that success

Alexxa open daily warning affirmations

Hey welcome to this awesome daily morning affirmation skill. Here's your affirmation for today

I am so happy and grateful now that I see endless opportunities before me



For more infomation >> Awake for Entire Night | Stretches | Spending Time with Kids | Merry Christmas | DPVLOG #008 - Duration: 4:27.


Opel - Crossland X Test Sürüşü | X Çetesi'nin Küçüğü! (TEXp) - Duration: 13:19.

For more infomation >> Opel - Crossland X Test Sürüşü | X Çetesi'nin Küçüğü! (TEXp) - Duration: 13:19.


Wie man alles schneller lernt - 5 Tipps um deine Lerngeschwindigkeit extrem zu steigern - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> Wie man alles schneller lernt - 5 Tipps um deine Lerngeschwindigkeit extrem zu steigern - Duration: 7:28.


【税金】仮想通貨 最適な利確タイミングとは 半額を所得税でもってかれる! ビットコイン ネム リップル等主要通貨に限らない内容 最前線情報をホリエモン池上彰並にわかりやすく解説 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> 【税金】仮想通貨 最適な利確タイミングとは 半額を所得税でもってかれる! ビットコイン ネム リップル等主要通貨に限らない内容 最前線情報をホリエモン池上彰並にわかりやすく解説 - Duration: 3:47.


Proud Mary - In Theaters Jan...

For more infomation >> Proud Mary - In Theaters Jan...


For more infomation >> Proud Mary - In Theaters Jan...


Venice Beach - Moja dzielnia w LOS ANGELES, USA [English subtitles] - Duration: 12:27.

Hey, I'm Vonsky

and I just drove over 2000 miles in a truck

thru 7 states from Chicago to L.A.

This is what happend after my arrival in Los Angeles

and my adventures!

We're in Venice & I will show you my new neighborhood

Venice because...

these canals look like the canals in Italian Venice

damn holes

We're on our way to the beach

We're at Venice Beach!

Wearing a mask

because as you can see - there's a lot of smoke

There are about 6 fires in southern California right now

you can literally feel smoke over here

some people actually wear those masks

You can also play mexican Pelota at the Venice Beach

As you can see...

Street workout

People making photoshoots and tourists making pictures...

Sunday sunset

Just wanted to make a quick tour again where I recently live durring my stay in LA

You probably heard about Vader's 6

Thanks to him there's a Muscle Beach at Venice

There's no only GYM at the beach

there are also some graffiti walls over here

even palm trees are sprayed

Sprayed palm-tree:

...and the beautiful sunset.

And the Pacific Ocean

Two months ago there was Atlantic Ocean

...and now Cali and Pacific Ocean by truc

I dedicate this part of the vlog to crew from Tarchomin neighborhood in Warsaw




So as you can see there's also a drum club every sunday

A weird jam session

Just like in Warsaw downtown

kind of hippie street musicians

Beautiful sunset!

Behind me: Santa Monica pier

Its december, winter time. Even though its warm now

about 28 celcius degree

even though its warm, sun sets really early

I have Chicagoan time on my watch...

5:10pm, sunset - 17:10

We'll see what we will see

Join us on our FB group and Instagram

Vonsky, Vonsky Kanał from Santa Monica, CA

For more infomation >> Venice Beach - Moja dzielnia w LOS ANGELES, USA [English subtitles] - Duration: 12:27.


For more infomation >> Venice Beach - Moja dzielnia w LOS ANGELES, USA [English subtitles] - Duration: 12:27.


Le siècle magnifique Kosem épisode 1 - Duration: 2:32:26.

For more infomation >> Le siècle magnifique Kosem épisode 1 - Duration: 2:32:26.


For more infomation >> Le siècle magnifique Kosem épisode 1 - Duration: 2:32:26.


Emma­nuel Macron auteur d'un roman « un peu cochon » : le président nous avait caché ça - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Emma­nuel Macron auteur d'un roman « un peu cochon » : le président nous avait caché ça - Duration: 2:24.


For more infomation >> Emma­nuel Macron auteur d'un roman « un peu cochon » : le président nous avait caché ça - Duration: 2:24.


19살 고등학생 같은 '90년생' 29살 양요섭 '초동안' 비주얼 - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> 19살 고등학생 같은 '90년생' 29살 양요섭 '초동안' 비주얼 - Duration: 4:56.


For more infomation >> 19살 고등학생 같은 '90년생' 29살 양요섭 '초동안' 비주얼 - Duration: 4:56.


Remède naturel pour se débarrasser du mauvais cholestérol en 40 jours ! - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> Remède naturel pour se débarrasser du mauvais cholestérol en 40 jours ! - Duration: 6:52.


For more infomation >> Remède naturel pour se débarrasser du mauvais cholestérol en 40 jours ! - Duration: 6:52.


Comment trouver le job de ses rêves sur Internet ? - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Comment trouver le job de ses rêves sur Internet ? - Duration: 4:42.


For more infomation >> Comment trouver le job de ses rêves sur Internet ? - Duration: 4:42.


Pierre RABHI - un pas vers le MINIMALISME - Duration: 9:35.

For more infomation >> Pierre RABHI - un pas vers le MINIMALISME - Duration: 9:35.


For more infomation >> Pierre RABHI - un pas vers le MINIMALISME - Duration: 9:35.


Dakar-2018: Despres sonne le réveil de Peugeot - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Dakar-2018: Despres sonne le réveil de Peugeot - Duration: 4:35.


For more infomation >> Dakar-2018: Despres sonne le réveil de Peugeot - Duration: 4:35.


Metro Rotterdam on New Year's Eve 2017 - Duration: 12:14.

Metrostation Capelle Centrum

Metrostation Oosterflank

Metrostation Capelsebrug

Metrostation Dijkzigt

Metrostation Kralingse Zoom

Metrostation Slotlaan

Depot 's-Gravenweg

Metrostation De Terp

For more infomation >> Metro Rotterdam on New Year's Eve 2017 - Duration: 12:14.


For more infomation >> Metro Rotterdam on New Year's Eve 2017 - Duration: 12:14.


YouTube TV

For more infomation >> YouTube TV


How to Install Windows 10 on USB flash drive and Run without using Hard Disk (Portable Windows) - Duration: 19:13.

hello guys welcome to slow tech I am come back with a new exciting video

tutorial this guy commented on some of my video

and he or she I don't know solver that wants to install Windows operating

system on USB flash drive along with the multi boot support so I replied that I

will try to do this and now I did this successfully so I am going to show you

how to install and run Windows operating system from a USB flash drive for this

demonstration i am using virtual machine because i don't wanna mess with my

working windows for any experiment i prefer to use virtual machine so let's

start for this purpose you need USB flash drive minimum of 16 gigabyte

capacity 3.0 version is preferred these files i will put the download link in

the description below Windows installation ISO maze file VirtualBox

and that set I'm using Windows 10 for this demonstration to do this you need

first VirtualBox just download from Google

click on first link

and download for Windows host I already downloaded it so I'm

cancelling it and you need some VirtualBox extension back also I also

download it now install VirtualBox

click on install now click on finish

VirtualBox is opened now now we will install the extension back go to files

click on preferences click on extensions click on this + icon now select this

extension back click open click on Install scroll down and click on agree

installation is successful click okay so let's create a Windows 10 machine

I'm using 32-bit version for this demonstration because I have USB with

small capacity

allow the RAM as your system allowed to you create a virtual hard disk now click

on create select a VHD click on next select fixed-sized click on next now

here select the size mininum size 10 gb is required for 32-bit version and 16 gb

required for 64-bit version so i look at the size edge or USB pendrive capacity

allowed to you I have 16 gig pendrive so I am selecting

it 10 GB here you can set the location

I am selecting the videos because the word videos have correct or less than

eight it creates some problem while using these software's so I am using the

videos or now I can select documents where the characters in documents are

more than 8 click on save click creator

now start the virtual machine it is pretty same procedure of installing

Windows I am fast-forwarding it

here we are done with the installation now we have to transfer this folder into

the guest operating system so we can do this web and drive or USB or shared

folder whatever you like I am making its ISO files and I will

attach this is a file in this VirtualBox machine then I will copy the files from

is own to do this I need imgburn I downloaded already install it

installation is complete now run IMG one

click on right file and folder to disk select the folder from desktop click on

this icon now click here select the location I'm selecting desktop click on

save required files changes name click on save it yes yes

click okay you can choose whatever the wage you like to transfer files from

host to guest actually I am using this because I am working under VMware

Workstation and under we embark a station again a virtual machine

installed so some time is not work wire USB pendrive so I use the ISO image file

now click on devices select optical drives here

select the choose disk image go to desktop select required files ISO click

open now Open File Explorer open this ISO file select open

now copied these files and based on desktop close this window now

OpenBSD whc older open this post install folder open it install this registry

file Katie yes yes

copy the shortcut to desktop go back now here old fix windows 8 install this go

DX escape it to check disk 80s 80s click OK

install disable activation

install disabled high boot

install this install this hklm system

here run PS

I select inherited Overson if you have installed 64-bit Wilson in the guest

then you have to select run PS x64 you have option to install it if you want

you can install this to ETS ok now go back

close this open this serie disc driver and copy the content to copy it create a

new folder and name it any anything you want based here close this now right

click on Start menu and select Device Manager here on storage controller

update Microsoft storage space controller of the driver browse my

computer for driver software select this option let me pick from the list click

on have disk click on browse now browse for the folder that you created in

earlier steps this folder select this driver it open ok now next yes

select install this driver anyway it close close it select no here for right

now close it now shut down the guest

operating system shut down anyway now close it open this required file folder

and install easy to boot this is an application that makes your pendrive

bootable click OK close it now go ahead and insert the USB flash drive into your

USB port and select VM if you are doing this in VM otherwise you will be

prompted her that USB inserted in my case I am selecting removable devices

and then SanDisk Ultra

like this now in this no in this applications like do a pendrive as you

can see here now click on make a to be drive click ok

make sure you have backed up with your data from the USB flash drive because it

will erase the all data from the USB now click OK as you can see it is prompting

me and making sure that data is backed up

now installation is complete press any key to continue this is done and now

below this application and open this BHT whc folder here down this is the file I

am disc Insp open it click on yes

click on yes it is done click OK now click on USB w7 8 6

click on yes now click on browse button and select the windows 10 VHD file that

we created in VirtualBox we created in videos folder here it is wynton click on

open here it is showing me the error that the maximum 8 characters are

allowed in the target but there are more than 8 characters in the target so we

have to copy it some another location for example we can copy it in D Drive or

in C Drive in the root folder so that this error disappear click OK now

open the videos folder copy it and copy to see drive in the root folder paste

click continue

now close this and try to browser gain from the root folder of C Drive

now Aaron disappear click on go

click okay

click okay

now we are done with all the steps now this is my pendrive as you can see it

created two partitions of it now copy the no copy the VHD file from C and open

pendrive open iso folder open main menu and paste here it will take some time i

will come back when it is completed now

it is near to complete the copy process

copy is completed now close all applications and reboot your PC and boot

from the USB flash drive as you can see I am restarting my PC and press the f12

key for boot menu and here select the USB flash drive that we have installed

the windows this SanDisk as ultra for me

now here's some information is going on and here we go this is the bootloader

here we have to select Bintang Bhd the second option as you can see I have no

take good quality camera I'm doing this is my phone now select it and hit enter

now type hereby and hit enter as you can see Windows is loading it will take some

time depending on the speed of your USB flash drive I have 3.0 personal flash

drive so it will do very quick you will see

and you can see Windows 10 is running very fine let me show you it is running

from this pendrive here it is this pendrive and let me open that this PC as

you can see C Drive of 9 150 gigabyte and below here this is the e2b this is

my flash drive so thanks for watching if you have any query write down in the

comment box like the video if you like it dislike the videos it serves and

don't forget to subscribe

For more infomation >> How to Install Windows 10 on USB flash drive and Run without using Hard Disk (Portable Windows) - Duration: 19:13.


The New Mercedes CLS is Worth €120.000 NEW FULL Review Interior Exterior Infotainment - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> The New Mercedes CLS is Worth €120.000 NEW FULL Review Interior Exterior Infotainment - Duration: 10:10.


Pierre RABHI - un pas vers le MINIMALISME - Duration: 9:35.

For more infomation >> Pierre RABHI - un pas vers le MINIMALISME - Duration: 9:35.


Allways THALA SUPER.., but THALAPATHI...? - Nayan Open Talk | Aram | vijay | ajith | kalakkal cinema - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Allways THALA SUPER.., but THALAPATHI...? - Nayan Open Talk | Aram | vijay | ajith | kalakkal cinema - Duration: 1:24.


দেখুন ৫ জন বলিউড সেলিব্রেটি । যারা ৩০ বছর আগেই মারা গিয়েছেন । Celebrity Toppers - Duration: 2:02.

Bollywood celebs who died Under 30 age

Bollywood celebs who died Under 30 age

For more infomation >> দেখুন ৫ জন বলিউড সেলিব্রেটি । যারা ৩০ বছর আগেই মারা গিয়েছেন । Celebrity Toppers - Duration: 2:02.


Un père met son bébé en adoption. 24 ans plus tard, il apprend qu'elle était juste près de lui - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Un père met son bébé en adoption. 24 ans plus tard, il apprend qu'elle était juste près de lui - Duration: 5:01.


Dakar-2018: Despres sonne le réveil de Peugeot - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Dakar-2018: Despres sonne le réveil de Peugeot - Duration: 4:35.


Dungeon Siege 1 - Momentky / Highlights [CZ/EN] - Duration: 3:45.

... just to subsequently die like that...


... and she's rhyming!

Just in case.

No, I don't want to close the door, I just want to go INSIIIDEEE.

This is one badass witch.

The aspect of her that I like the most is the fact that she doesn't want to kill me.

Well, this was cool.

... how to go further and further.

*sings about a train going through*

Somebody is texting me on Skype, and I'm not even going to take a look.

Because otherwise it would be recorded in the video.

Perhaps it's a girl.

A girl you say?

Screw that.


Me talking about a girl and a girl is online, as I was just told by the skype popup window, and it's now in the video. Great.


... our party that will be transfered to the expansion pack. Yay.

Because you know what?


*DENIED sound effect*

Ok, fine, I can't go there, but otherwise I can! Arrgh.


Kill him! I know that you can kill him in time!

He's at 94, you have to make it in time!

Aaaand he's dead.


I told you that it was going to crumble undernearth you!

For more infomation >> Dungeon Siege 1 - Momentky / Highlights [CZ/EN] - Duration: 3:45.


Usain Bolt Workout Routine - Duration: 4:35.

Hello Friends, today we will talk about, Usain Bolt Workout Routine.

Usain Bolt Workout Routine, Physical Stats & Workout Tips

A natural gifted athlete, Usain Bolt was born on August 21, 1986 won 3 Gold medals at 2008

Olympic Games in Beijing, China.

This Jamaican citizen also became the first man in the history to win both 100metre and

200 meter races in the best record time.

He is being regarded as the fastest person ever.

Nicknamed as 'Lightning Bolt', Usain is considered to be the world's most marketable

athlete ever.

Usain Bolt is the proud owner of various awards, such as IAAF World athlete of the year, Laureus

Sportsperson of the year and many other.

Usain Bolt has an intensive workout strategy.

He makes sure that he works out six days a week which includes weight training, running,

footwork training and flexibility exercises.

Usain Bolt Workout Routine includes variety of exercises such as box jumps, frog leaps,

high knee skips, ankle rolls, step ups and many more.

He usually spends 3 hours daily for training purposes and thereafter goes for relaxation

and massage in order to ensure recovery.

Usain Bolt Physical Stats.

Usain Bolt Height: 6'5'' (1.96 m) Usain Bolt Weight: 86 kgs (207 pounds)

Usain Bolt Workout Routine Bolt's workout consists of 2 phases.

These are discussed below: Phase 1.

Under this phase there are a range of types of exercises which purely emphasis on building


Bunny hops.

5 sets of Bunny hops of 5 reps.

Box jumps.

4 sets of box jumps 8 reps.


3 sets of Bounding of 10 reps.

Chest Press.

2 sets of chest press machine of 10-12 reps.

Leg extensions.

2 sets of leg extensions of 10-12 reps.


2 sets of squats of 10-12 reps.


2 sets of Lunges of 10-12 reps.

Machine squat.

1 set of machine squat of 8 reps.

Seated chest press.

1 sets of seated chest press of 10 reps.

Stride outs.

10-15 stride outs for warm up.

Frog leaps.

2 sets of Frog leaps of 10-12 reps.

Phase 2.

The exercises mentioned below focuses on the joints of the body, thus strengthening them.

Cable knee drives.

3 sets of cable knee drives of 10-12 reps.

Hanging leg raises.

3 sets of hanging leg raises of 10 reps.

Ankle rolls.

5 sets of ankle rolls of 10-12 reps.

Explosive step ups with weighted barbell.

2 Sets of explosive step ups with weighted barbell of 10 reps.

Usain Bolt Workout Tips.


The Basic speed training is a mixture of drills, power increasing exercises and leg strength.


Focus is mandatory to ensure good training and fitness regime.


Make sure that your body gets proper rest so that you can be rejuvenated to the fullest.


The muscles need good healthy diet so as to avoid from fatigue.


Drink plenty of fluids to keep your body hydrated.


Have at least 6 short meals in a day.

If you have some other tips, please do share with other readers in our comments section.

To stay up to date with my latest videos and amazing health tips, make sure to subscribe

to this YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button and do not forget to press the bell

icon to never miss another update.

Thanks for Watching.

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