Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 16 2018

ENERGY UPDATE � Freedom � Go Now � Take Charge Of The Situation

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,


These family/group energies of what has been shared about so much of recently, are not

�going away� until we reach self empowerment with-in these connections, within ourselves.

Where we are now needing to find new ways to reconnect or communicate with very new

and different boundaries.

It is not �something� we can push aside or push down now, it is still there/here as

we are still in a massive transition with this and this will continue for as long as

it needs to as it is linked with our *new* abundance flow!!

NEW ABUNDANCE Let me share that again, what we are going

through with family/group energies is connected and linked to our *New* ABUNDANCE.

To come into our self empowerment = Abundance which comes in ALL forms, ways, means and


PAST 24 hrs In the last 24 hours there were some negative

energies/entities that many needed to deal with in the astrals/Multidimensions in real

dreams � playing on like old doubts or fears from childhood (in this lifetime).

Of being �chased� and very fear based.

This too is all part of our self empowerment.

LOSS OF FAITH and TRUST What has come up with many recently and now

it is time for me to share this � that deep deep and very deep within souls have lost

faith in God, the Divine, Source and this means themselves as well.

One may not realize this as this is quite �deep-seated� and even with those souls

who have a very strong link to the Divine.

RE-CONNECTING WITH HIGHER SELF Many are also now with this new paradigm energy

with 2018, needing to re-connect with their Higher Selves/Spirit.

So much has been occurring in the Human so many changes and adjustments and with the

new 2018 energies to do with personal and family/group energies that a new re-connection

is now being formed by many.

FEELING/NEEDING TO get off FB more Many feeling to get of fb to spend more time

with themselves in the flow, our flow not others energies�as this is part of new boundaries

for ourselves to then choose to come on say fb in moments and then leave again.

As many are now more so feeling the negative energies/entities that come through fb and

are more discerning with their energy

ASCENSION DOES NOT �FIT INTO A BOX� Many are still coming from their �head�

in �trying� to fit ascension into a box�of if they do all methods and clearings and so

on, why are they still feeling not at Peace all the time�this is an unrealistic view

of living in the flow�yes we can have peace within internally, through so much turmoil

going on energetically with others�yet to �expect� that once I do this and that

method, all �should� be fine then, is not realistic.

No, it does not �work� like this.

We are not �robots� with programs that are set and this method or that will �fix

this� and stay in place all the time so-to-speak.

It is learning that we do need to self monitor constantly where this then becomes a natural

flow in doing so.

Monitoring our thoughts and shifting them�remember it takes �21 days to form a new habit�.

Of doing so consciously.

Before one jumps into �Oh I do all of that� please take a moment to feel, process and

filter for oneself.

Do not jump in and automatically �think� one is doing all of this and �gets this�


As there is always more, there are many layers and levels.

As a wise person �knows� and feels fully that the more I grow, the more I realise what

I don�t know � yet ;-).

Of checking in with oneself deeply in ones feelings and not �coming from one�s�


FAKE ENLIGHTENMENT There is so much �Fake Enlightenment�

occurring and this is �not new�, yet it is sort of �new� in a way of a new level

of this, with so much information being shared.

Of where souls have a strong link to the Divine yet at the same time, so much disharmony in

their lives.

This is an in-congruence of Spirit and Soul.

This is where the being very real now comes in.

For souls to really �own up� (if they so choose or will do so at this point in time

in their lives) to what they are feeling deeply in really facing their TRUE selves � or


Or reaching a place of a FINAL SURRENDER in TOTAL TRUST to the Divine and also really

finally trusting themselves deep within as well!

This is shared with so much unconditional love and never any judgment.

NEW BIRTHING TUNNELS Many are now in the process of coming out

of their New Birthing �tunnels�.

And for so many this new birthing process has come with growing or releasing �pains�.

As there has been such massive Betrayal like no other time, all at once like this so recently.

And so hugely elevated due to the Family/Group energies that came for healing again, like

no other times in the past.

And this is taking time, a little time for each of us that are feeling and transmuting

with family and others so very deeply.

As �part of� our New Birthing of a very new YOU.


Of what we many not want or like to do, yet we are very much NEEDING to do for Soul and

Spirit Survival energetically and for our sanity�s �sake�.

This is and has been an extremely tough and challenging time for so many who are again,

transmuting so very deeply in Spirit and Soul.

Of releasing and letting go of old family/group �dynamics� that has been quite challenging

and painful in a way with others�yet when we do so, this allows us a NEW FREEDOM like

no other!

As there is freedom within and then there is freedom within this with family/group energies

as well.

These following cards came up at this time, which just flows beautifully with all that

has been shared:

FREEDOM Walk away from restrictions and be free!You

have the power and the right to change your life so that you experience more freedom.

This card signifies that your soul is crying out for more freedom, especially as it involves

your life�s purpose.

Perhaps it�s time to take a break so that you can think clearly about your desires and

available options.

The universe always supports the desire for expansion, creativity and freedom.

Say yes to freedom and the universe will say yes to to you.

-It�s time to leave a situation that you�ve outgrown-Question the validity of any rules

that you�ve imposed on yourself-Allow the universe to support you while you make desired

life changes-Be assertive and so no to anyone who�s overstepping boundaries with you-

GO NOW It�s time for you to go, either away from

a toxic situation or toward something desirable.

This card signals that it�s the right time to make your move.

The conditions are ripe and perfect, and the universe is posed to support your move.

-Quit your job-Leave a toxic relationship-move to a new location-Start a new project without

delay-Take a vacation-No more excuses-just do it_

TAKE CHARGE OF THE SITUATION You have the power to heal and alter the course

of this situation.

It�s time for you to take charge and assume a leadership position.

First decide what you want.

Be clear about the conditions that are acceptable or unacceptable to you.

The universe responds when you�re clear about your aims and intentions.

The ascended masters will support your leadership role.

-Talk openly and honestly about your feelings-Make a decision instead of passively waiting-Give

yourself permission to do what you feel is right-Don�t wait: take action now-Be your

own authority figure.

PEACE In this situation, choose the path of peace.

As you think about your various options and possible outcomes, which brings the greatest

feelings of peace to your body and mind?

*I would like to personally add here, this is about FEELING into the various options


-Listen to your heart�s truth-There is always a peaceful alternative to conflict-Your peacefulness

elevates your energy and helps you to MANIFEST your desires-

*With this I will add, that this many be something new we are needing to bring in with new boundaries

to create a new peace within ourselves in a new way of a new birthing, for a NEW ABUNDANCE*

Ascended Masters

THIS IS SO WORTH IT No matter how challenging this has been and

is for us all, THIS IS SO WORTH IT.

This is US relying upon OURSELVES finally energetically�to look after ourselves, to

realise how WORTHY we really are.

For us to see, feel and OWN and ACKNOWLEDGE our WORTHINESS!


As always I am right here with you.

As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our

Soul through our emotions from personal experience.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

For more infomation >> ENERGY UPDATE – Freedom – Go Now – Take Charge Of The Situation - Duration: 9:47.


1 Week Old Update + Postpartum ⎮ ASL Stew Life - Duration: 9:08.

Hello, I'm Jill.

This is ASL Stew Life!

(cat meow) ♪♪♪

Hello, welcome. Long time no video.

Obviously if you're following our social media,

that means that you know our son, Mikko, was born.

Let me show you.

Hopefully he stays asleep.


Anyways, Mikko doesn't have a sign name yet,

but we'll do that in the future.

He was born January 5, 2018.

So.... today's Saturday, so last Friday.

By the time I put this up it will be 2 weeks.

But anyways, 1 week and 2 days old because

I'm filming this on Sunday.... yeah.

So he has been growing really well.

He was born 7 pounds, 15 oz. So almost 8 pounds.

Then during the hospital stay he lost weight.

Meaning he left the hospital at 7 pounds, 4.5 ounces.

So lost quite a bit.

But I'll explain more of that later in the birth vlog what happened.

But he's fine.

Now he has gained weight back and he is up to 8 pounds.

So, yeah he is 8 pounds exactly two days ago I believe.

We went to the doctor and he weighed 8 pounds, so great!

So, what has been going on the first week?


long story short... I'm not going to explain too much in detail,

but I'm not able to breastfeed.

I tried.... I'll explain more later, but it didn't work.

So right now he is using formula.

Not what I had planned, but that's okay.

What's important is he's being fed

and it's what's best for him and our family.

So if you don't like that, then I'm sorry.

Don't leave a comment. I don't want to hear it to be honest.

It's been struggle enough for me.

But anyways, if you have any tips related to bottle feeding,

umm let me know. I'd appreciate it!

He's a great sleeper.

Right now typically he sleeps more during the day.

Overnight he drags it out and is awake quite a bit.

So sometimes overnight I don't really get any sleep.

But right now Jenna's home for about a good month.

So until about the beginning of February.

So that means she typically sleeps overnight.

I let her sleep unless I really need her.

Then I try to sleep during the day

or if he sleeps overnight I'll sleep at the same time with him.

So I try to get it when I can.

Trying to get used to having broken sleep and whatnot.

Other than that he's pretty much a normal baby.

Eat, sleep, poop, pee.

You know, that kind of routine.

Newborns don't really do too much, so not much to explain.

He already has a "new" routine that he likes to do.

He pees while we change his diaper.

So I think I've been peed on at least

two or three times already and pooped on... on my hands. (laughs)

Jenna's had it happen a few times.

Recently we've been trying to open his diaper...

wait... and then put the new one in,

but then he'll pee.

So we're going through diapers quite a bit more often than we should.

Hopefully I can cloth diaper soon

because that will save a lot of money there

especially because we're paying for formula.

That's quite expensive.

We already talked that out with his pediatrician

to find a good, cheap brand that is still healthy for him.

I looked online and it said that the Kirkland brand,

or the Costco brand you can buy for much cheaper.

Our doctor said it is the exact same one as Similac.

Literally they just label the cans differently.

So there's literally no difference.

It's healthy. It's been tested, approved, everything.

So that's all good.

Right now we're using the Enfamil,

but then we'll switch over and hopefully he can tolerate that.

Now for me, physically postpartum, 1 week.

Umm.. I've had a lot of issues

because the birth itself was very, very hard.

You'll see later in the birth story.

But it was pretty awful for me.

Long story short, I had a 2nd degree tear

plus I had an episiotomy.

It's not what I wanted, but he was having issues so I had that.

So quite a lot of stitching down there, and quite a bit of pain.

I think...

there's just a lot of recovery for me

trying to rest as much as possible and do what I can.

I'm moving okay.

If I need to, I can use my Dermaplast spray.

But most of the time I'm doing okay.

Umm, I've had a little bit of uterine contractions.

Sometimes If I stand up, or even if I'm sitting,

I'll feel this tightening pain. I'm assuming that's that.

I'm not sure.

I'm not sure exactly how that works if I'm not breastfeeding.

Typically that's what helps to shrink down your uterus.

So hopefully it will work.

To be honest that's about it.

There's not too much to update.

Hopefully you liked the video.

Oh, let me know any other information you want to know,

but do remember I'll have the birth story which will explain a lot

of what happened before, during the hospital, and all of that.

Most of the pictures and updates will be on Instagram.

So definitely follow me on Instagram.

I'll have the link down below.

Umm yeah, that's about it!

Hopefully you enjoyed this video.

If you did, click LIKE, remember to subscribe.

Hit the notification bell so you know when the next video comes out.

Hopefully the next one should be a vlog.

Which will include some pre-birth plus that first week.

It's very, very random to be totally honest.

Mentally just haven't been there

and I haven't been doing that great the first week.




that's one thing I guess I should add in.

This week I've gone through the breastfeeding journey

and trying to do that and failing.

Has made this week really mentally the worst time ever of my life to be totally honest.

I feel like a big failure and

it's just been really hard to let go of that dream of wanting to breastfeed.

But my body, my breasts just didn't develop

and they won't provide the milk that he needs

and it's overly frustrating trying to do that and pumping and everything.

So it just didn't work.

I already spoke with the pediatrician and got her medical opinion

and I trust her very much.

She's a great doctor!

That's why the next vlog will be very random.

Just a few short clips.

You know, I'm trying.

Hopefully I'll improve and get better with the vlogs from now on.

But just be patient with us.

Because if I'm mentally not there, we're not gonna vlog.

Just to be honest, but anyways that aside.

Umm, yeah if you want to support this channel,

you can do so through our ASL Stew merch store.

We have shirts and stickers there.

Hopefully we will open that up soon.

Right now it's closed just because of baby.

But hopefully we'll get that open soon again.

Or you can do monthly which is Patreon.

Monthly donation and there's cool perks for that.

Or a one-time any amount donation through Ko-fi.

We really appreciate all of your support.

Thanks and see you in the next video. Bye!

Let's show you Mikko!


For more infomation >> 1 Week Old Update + Postpartum ⎮ ASL Stew Life - Duration: 9:08.


Jelani Cobb: 'It's impossible to avoid the conclusion that Donald Trump is racist' - Duration: 8:31.

JUDY WOODRUFF: As we have been discussing, President Trump reportedly used vulgar language

to describe some immigrants to this country, comments prompting backlash from both the

right and the left.

The comments also raise questions about President Trump's own long history with race and how

that affects the national conversation happening now.

Peter Wehner is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center here in Washington.

And he served in the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations.

He was also a senior adviser to President George W. Bush.

And Jelani Cobb is a professor at Columbia University School of Journalism.

And he's a staff writer for "The New Yorker" magazine, where he covers race, politics and


And we welcome both of you back to the program.

Pete Wehner, I'm going to start with you.

As a lifelong conservative, how are you interpreting what President Trump said?

First of all, do you believe he used those words that he's alleged to have used, and

what do you take away from it?

PETER WEHNER, Ethics and Public Policy Center: Yes, I do believe that he used the words.

I don't think there is much question about it.

Republicans like Lindsey Graham have confirmed that he used it.

And this is all part of a piece with him.

This is the latest link in a long, malicious chain for Donald Trump, a chain that's connected

by racist sentiments toward Mexicans, toward Muslims and toward African-Americans.

In terms of what it says about him and how I interpret it as a lifelong Republican, it's

extremely painful, it's revealing.

And what it says about Donald Trump and about Trump supporters is that they are racist or

that they find great appeal in racist sentiments and expressions of racial division.

You know, Donald Trump is appealing to the worst instincts of America and, unfortunately,

his supporters are responding to it.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Jelani Cobb, on this Martin Luther King Jr.

Day, how are his words being received, and are we learning something new about him from


JELANI COBB, Columbia University School of Journalism: Yes, I don't think we're learning

anything new.

There seems to be a cycle in which we hear something outrageous, something inflammatory,

something that is undeniably racist, and we say, at this point, it's impossible to avoid

the conclusion that Donald Trump is racist.

And then we move on to another series of outrages, and then maybe a month or two months later,

we come back and say, OK, this definitively establishes that Mr. Trump is racist.

But there are never any consequences to this.

What happened in -- and what he said regarding Haiti and countries in Africa is not revelatory.

We have understood what these sentiments were during Charlottesville.

We understood how he viewed the world when he said that Judge Curiel could not execute

his duties as a judge because he was Mexican.

He is actually Mexican-American.

And we understood this from the comments he made about the Central Park Five.

There's a long list.

And so we haven't learned anything new in regards to this.

As it pertains to Dr. King, it's almost tragically ironic.

I don't think -- there have been a number of people who have raised the question of

his fitness for office.

And we can debate about that, but one thing that I think is clear is he is not fit to

address the legacy of Martin Luther King.

I think the most respectful thing that he could do at this point would be to say nothing.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Well, in that regard, Pete Wehner, saying nothing or whether he says

something, how much damage is being done to the country, to the American people right


PETER WEHNER: Oh, he's doing tremendous damage . He's doing it to the political and to the

fabric of the country.

He's really trying to get people to go at each other's throats.

And he's also touching on what is the original sin and the besetting sin of America, which

is race.

We have always had a difficult relationship with race, but we have never had a president

who has tried to exacerbate those tensions.

We have had presidents who have imperfectly tried to heal the breach, but here we have

somebody who seems to take great delight and takes great energy in dividing us by race.

And that has huge consequences on our country.

I think a lot of Trump supporters think in terms of checking policy boxes, but politics

is about things much deeper and much more important than that.

And in that area, Donald Trump is worse than we have ever had.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Jelani Cobb, can one person, even if that one person is the president of

the United States, literally set back race relations in this country?

JELANI COBB: Absolutely.

And that's what's happening here, both legislatively and socially and culturally.

It's one thing -- we're talking about Dr. King.

In 1961, John F. Kennedy invited Martin Luther King to attend his inauguration, and Dr. King


But then, several weeks later, he gave a speech, and in the speech, he talked about what Mr.

Kennedy could do to address matters of race.

And some of them are things that you would expect, the legislative concerns he had about

civil rights and so on, but he then, in this letter, took pains to point out the social

and moral authority of the office of the presidency.

And he said that that could be, you know, difficult to measure, that you couldn't come

up with a kind of easily quantified way to determine what that influence would be, but

it was absolutely important in terms of moving the goal -- moving the country closer to the

goal of equality.

And Mr. Trump has failed tremendously on those scores.

As a matter of fact, he's moved the country in the opposite direction.

To Peter's point, we have seen divisions stoked, we have seen animosity, we have seen hostility.

We have seen the still unfolding crisis in Puerto Rico and the way that he referred to

the inhabitants of the island stereotypically, saying that they -- quote, unquote -- "wanted

everything done for them."

And so I don't know how at this point we can even question the fact that we have had a

very retrograde movement coming out of the White House on these issues.

JUDY WOODRUFF: So, Peter Wehner, what can individual Americans do?

I know some elected Republicans today were quoting -- tweeting and quoting Martin Luther

King Jr.

Is tweeting enough, speaking out?

I mean, what should people be doing right now?

PETER WEHNER: Well, Republicans do need to speak out, but they need to do more than this

episodic criticism.

They have to make a comprehensive critique and really a comprehensive assault on Trump

and Trumpism and his racism.

And they just really haven't done it, with a few exceptions.

Former President Bush did it.

John McCain did it.

For the most part, they haven't done it.

Other Americans, look, they have to speak out for what is right and what is true and

what is best about America.

And they have to try and rally people and the better angels of our nature.

Sometimes, viruses create their own antibodies.

And my hope is that Donald Trump, because what he is doing is so ugly and so pernicious

and so malicious, that people, having seen this, will remember some of the characteristics

and virtues that are important to individuals and to a country and recover them.

But they have to check him at every point.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Jelani Cobb, what would you add to that?

What is the message, what should the message be today for individual Americans right now?

JELANI COBB: I think that Americans are compelled to think what Dr. King was saying, the fact

that he was talking about moving the country past the ills that we have seen wreak havoc,

wreak havoc in the world during World War II.

And his words are there.

I would encourage us not to go by what our leaders are saying or what the media, even

Pete and I are saying today, but to go to Dr. King's words themselves and to see what

he has to offer in terms of how we address the issues we have in 2018.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Well, we certainly appreciate both of you speaking to us on this Martin

Luther King Day.

Thank you Jelani Cobb, Pete Wehner.

JELANI COBB: Thank you.

PETER WEHNER: Thanks a lot.

For more infomation >> Jelani Cobb: 'It's impossible to avoid the conclusion that Donald Trump is racist' - Duration: 8:31.


How Does A Screenwriter Decide On A Television Format? by Daniel Calvisi - Duration: 3:41.

Film Courage: Can we talk about core formats and that's a term that is new for me.

So what should a writer know about creating story for each one and I understand in your

book [STORY MAPS: How To Write A GREAT Screenplay] you talk about the 1-hour drama or dreamed,

30 minute single-camera sitcom, 30-minute multi-camera sitcom, a 30-minute dramedy hybrid

or web series which is incredibly popular.

Daniel Calvisi: Well first things first, write something that you would want to watch.

Write a format that you love, that you would want to watch so if you prefer one-hour dramas

like Breaking Bad, Mad Men or something like that, then write one of those ideally you

would know those formats.

So if you love Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Good Wife then you would probably know a little

bit more about that format.

You've just internalized a little bit more about that format and ideally you want to

map out or outline out several episodes of your favorite shows before you tackle that

first pilot.

So you understand the structure a little bit more and you're not just writing freeform,

especially if you are coming from features because you really need to understand the

TV structure.

So write what you know and love and would watch.

The 30-minute dramedy, they tend to have more of a cultural viewpoint.

There's more diversity in the 30-minute dramedies and they're more set in a specific

world definitely more than like a multi-camera sitcom like the Big Bang Theory for example.

It's more of a subculture, it's more of a micro-culture and I guess you'd say a

personal viewpoint.

But the more personal you can get, the more specific you can get that applies to any format.

Film Courage: What do you see many people venturing into these days, like the web series


What has been the most popular in 2016-2017?

Daniel Calvisi: Well, there are more 1-hour scripted dramas than other formats.

Actually out there in the marketplace like on cable, on your TV, or on a streaming service

like Amazon or Netflix, so there are more of those.

But I really think you should write what you want to watch.

So it's really up to you.

There may be more 1-hours being made than any other format but in my opinion the most

interesting and unique and experimental form is the 30-minute single camera show, whether

it's a single camera sitcom or a single camera dramedy hybrid, there is just more

going on there.

There is more unique, creator driven than ever in that format and I would like to think

that networks are more open to it and streaming services are more open to it because it is

cheaper to create, to produce a 30-minute show than a 1-hour scripted show, certainly

like a 1-hour action show or a 1-hour period piece.

Those are going to be really expensive.

So it's cheaper and some of them come from web series, something like Issa Rae Insecure

started as a web series.

Difficult People was a web series.

So it's easier to get in the door with an established 30-minute series.

For more infomation >> How Does A Screenwriter Decide On A Television Format? by Daniel Calvisi - Duration: 3:41.


Jump Up, Super Star! (Super Mario Odyssey Cover) // ItsFanDubTime MUSICAL - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Jump Up, Super Star! (Super Mario Odyssey Cover) // ItsFanDubTime MUSICAL - Duration: 4:01.


Joven mexicano intentó defender a su hermana de una violación y acabó asesinado - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Joven mexicano intentó defender a su hermana de una violación y acabó asesinado - Duration: 2:01.


Trump should have used Hawaii false alert to tout US missile defense: Larry Korb - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Trump should have used Hawaii false alert to tout US missile defense: Larry Korb - Duration: 3:36.


Great Justin Model Tiny House on Wheels with Full Facilities For Sale - Duration: 3:28.


For more infomation >> Great Justin Model Tiny House on Wheels with Full Facilities For Sale - Duration: 3:28.


Facebook Messenger Bots, ManyChat, Growth Tools, Building A Landing Page, Video 6 - Duration: 16:51.

In this video, video 6, in my series on

how to create Facebook Messenger Bots

with ManyChat, I'm going to show you,

click by click, how you can create a

Landing Page from scratch. Come with

me, look over my shoulder and I will show

you how you too can build a Facebook

Messenger Bot to build your audience and

build your business. Hi my name is Sue

Ferreira from Wisdom To Wealth Mastery,

where I help you take all that Wisdom

you got up here, take it out to the world,

using primarily, video, but also

cutting-edge tools, because the two are

pretty much interlinked these days.

Certainly ManyChat is a cutting edge

tool, so let's head over now to my page,

ManyChat page and we will build

this Landing Page. In my last video, video

5, I went through this Landing Page and I

showed you how all the pages link

together, as in a regular funnel, but in

this video I'm going to recreate this

page and show you how I put it together.

Let's go first back to Growth Tools and

in Growth Tools, let us pick a new Growth

Tool, Growth Tool #12. As I said in

the previous video, the first thing I do

is change the name of this growth tool. I

edit it, so that when I go back, I will

know which Growth Tool I'm looking at.

For simplicity, I'm going to call this

Landing Page Growth Tool "Five Easy Ways

Copy", because I'm just going to rebuild a

page that I've already got. Now that

we've named our Landing Page Growth Tool

for this video, let's come down here and

in video 5, you'll probably remember that

I showed you the 4 stages of making a

funnel, within ManyChat. There are these

these funny words, "Initial State" to begin

with, which is the Landing Page, the

Submitted State, which is where you ask

your visitor to take action. Then, there

is the "action taken", they go to this page

with opt-in actions, where they can

download, I don't know, whatever you offer -

a free video series, a PDF, a

complimentary call and finally, we go to

Setup, where you can get your URL, for the

page, and then, you can use that URL in

any location, to take one of your

visitors, into the funnel. Over here on

the right,

is the generic Landing Page "Initial

State", that will always come up with any

new ManyChat Landing Page. You will

always find the same three blocks. You'll

have the "Headline Block", the "Short

Description" block and then, the button to

take your visitor to the next page. All

of this is customizable. If we come over

here, to the left-hand side, where we set

up all our actions, you can see

immediately, here it says "show

description". At the moment, we are showing

the Description. If you don't want to

have the Description, and you just want

to show the Headline, you can turn off

Description and hey presto, it has gone

and you now have just a Headline, and a

much simpler Landing Page. Let's turn

on the "Show Description" again. Next on

the list, you have an option to have the

button down here, either as a "Send To

Messenger" button or with a Checkbox, and

you can edit the text inside here easily.

I always keep it on "Send To Messenger",

because you're giving the message then,

that you are sending them to Messenger.

Below button type is the area where you

can edit colors and as you can see here,

at the moment, we have background that is

white. Here is the background - it is white.

The Headline is in black and the

description is in grey. This is totally

customizable. If you wanted the headline

to be in purple, it becomes purple. If you

wanted it orange it's orange as you

hover over each one of these options, you

will see a mixture of numbers and

letters come up. For those of you, who

understand hex codes, every color has a

hex code, a 6-figure code, associated with

it. One two three four five six and hex

codes are usually preceded by a # tag.

Usually you will have three colors, that

represent you and your branding. Those

three colors have a hex code and the

chances are you have those hex codes

down in a notepad somewhere. If you

haven't, I strongly suggest you take down

your hex colors, because if you're doing

any work with ManyChat or almost programs

on the web, you're going to repeatedly

look for those numbers. It's

handy to have them in a convenient place.

Here we can change the button back

ground from blue to white, and we can also

change the button -

large, medium or small. I'll be honest I

prefer to have the background blue,

because it's kind of a classic Facebook

color and I prefer to have the button

Large, because hey, why wouldn't you have a

large button? Although this is the

generic page you will always have when

you start a new Landing Page, in ManyChat,

you also have an option to add an

image. In my landing page that I'm

recreating for you right now, I had this

image, so I will add this image, and by

default, it appears above all of the text.

You now have the option to put it

above the description or below the

description. Personally I like it in

the middle, above the description, because

it balances out the picture.

To edit the text, click the usual little

"edit pencil" button and you can edit your

text. Now, we have our Headline Text.

To see how intuitive it is to change the

Description, obviously you click the

Description Edit button and change your

text. With those few quick clicks, I

already recreated the landing page of

the funnel, that I showed you in video 5,

where I am giving away a free PDF about

the "5 Easy Ways To Use Video". If I wish, I

can continue to edit the color or maybe

I'll make it a little bit more orange,

like it is on my original funnel.

Again, I can change the color of the

Description. Oh, I don't know what I'll do

this time. Maybe make it purple, at this

point. We can save our work and you'll

notice up here to the right, it is still

in Draft Mode. That's the Initial Stage

of our Landing Page done. Once your

visitor clicks "Send To Messenger, they

will go to the second page, which is the

Submitted State. If you want to change

the color of your text, I would first of

all, click the Edit here, highlight your

text and go to - I think I'll have an orange

color or something like that down here

and the same for here. Let's just change

it, so when we make our background white,

we have - Here's our Description - when we

make our background white, we can see


Now we can come to "Background" and create

a white background. Once again, in the

funnel that I already created, I had an

image on this page, so let me pick out

this image, where we're going into a

bigger world, add it - I'm going to put it

above the Description, but below the

Headline. I'm changing the text to the

text I had on my funnel, and I'm going to

"Save". I'm going to make it a little bit

more customized. I'm also going to

change the Description. Keep your text

short, keep it to the point make it very

very clear what you're offering and

remember, to make it flow, from one to the

other. Finally, I'm going to edit my

button at the bottom here. I've changed

the text and I'm going to change the

color of the background to match the

water color in the goldfish bowl. "Save"

this page and move on to the "Opt-in

Actions" to edit my opt-in message. Pretty

obvious again, come down here to edit and

copy and paste. When creating and testing

your Messenger but within ManyChat, it

will always pick up your own name from

Facebook, but when a visitor comes into

your bot, Facebook and ManyChat will

pick up the visitors First Name and will

put it in here. You have a drop-down

menu, where you can decide what names you

want to appear. Most folks will just

stick with First Name, but you can have

just a Surname. You can have their Full

Name put in, You could have a Page Name,

Page ID and Email. These are all of your

options, that you can use to put into the

place of collecting a name and

personalizing the message. I'm going

to take it back to First Name. If for

some reason, Facebook can't pick up the

First Name, then ManyChat offers you an

option of a fallback, so let's put in

"There", so instead of saying "Hi Sue", it

would now say "Hi There". You can use and

change emojis. The emoji button is

here and you can decide which emoji you

want to put in. We'll put in

another one - this little person gives you

the same drop-down menu, as you would

have up here. Remember I told you you're

limited in the size of the message you

can create within ManyChat. This

number "403" tells me I've only got

403 characters left to use,

before I'm not allowed to put any more

information into this ManyChat message.

As you add extra characters, you will

find the message numbers go down. I just

put in a couple of spaces, because spaces

count too, so back to 403. Watch that

number and think about your message. I'm

going to add a button now, that says

"Download PDF" and again you are very

limited in your button titles, as to the

number of characters you can put in. You

can see already, I've only got eight left.

so you have to be very circumspect.

Again, if you want to, you can add emojis.

I've got room for an emoji, so I will add

an emoji and now I only have 6 added

characters, that I could put into this

button. Another great feature of

ManyChat is now, you can see that I've got a

little red circle here and I've got the

red warning triangle up here. If at any

point, you haven't completed an action

ManyChat will let you know, by either a

red circle or a little red triangle.

As you approach the red triangle, a

pop-up will come up and tell you what

you haven't completed. It is telling

me that I have to specify a Reply

Message for the button. In other words,

I've just put in the title, but I haven't

put in an action. It also lets you

know over here, because it's got a red

circle around and again it'll say "please

specify a reply message for the button".

This is a great feature, because it keeps

you on track. I'm going to click here and

I'm going to get an option of sending a

message, opening a website. I could get

someone to call me. I can go to another

flow or I can select an existing step

that I've already got in the content. My

PDF is saved as a URL, so I'm going to

"open website. I have the URL. I am going

to paste it into here. The button has

changed to green and it tells me I have

a link. I'm going to an add an action

and this is where you can segment or

identify someone with a tag.

I'm going to add a tag. It says "enter tag". I

already have a whole lot of tags in here

so I click "5 Easy Ways PDF" and I am

done. I've added a question, as well in my

text up here, so let us add Yes/No boxes

below. "Add a button" once more. If I

just leave this, and I don't complete it

up comes ManyChat, with my little

warnings and I need to complete this box.

This time, I'm going to send a message.

I'm going to add my text and we're

beginning to engage a conversation. I'm

not going to take it any further in this

video, but now you can begin to engage in

a conversation. Now I have a button

"Yes, I use video" and a reply, but I also

want to have a new button. I will say

"No, Not Yet". If I click "Done", I would again

get the message to say hey "complete this

action", so I go back into the action.

Again I'm going to send a message and my

message is "No worries, most people aren't!"

We go back to the opt-in

message and now everything is okay.

ManyChat is happy with me, no little red

warning lights. In my previous video, I

talked about Flow Tools and there are

two ways, you can create and build out

this message. You can either do it here

in the Basic Builder or you will find

already - we now have go to Flow Builder

up here. If I click to go to Flow Builder,

you can see, while I was creating this in

the Basic Builder, in the Flow Builder,

ManyChat is building out my Mind Map.

You can click and drag these into

any position. It looks as though here,

I have added a message without linking

it to anything, so I can get rid of that.

I can bring this back into place and

now I can see how I'm building out my

message. Let's go back to Basic

Builder and see what else we can do here.

No doubt, you've been seeing all of these

different icons that are below the

message. I have been creating a simple

message, but if you wanted to, you could

add extra text, an image, a card, a gallery -

now, this is kind of neat, because you can

add a series of images and have your

visitor scroll through them, make a

decision on them. This arrow allows you

to move this particular action within


whole message. You could put it to the

top, if you wish to ,and obviously the "X"

shows you at any point, you can get rid

of any of these images. You can also add

a list, audio. Adding a video is very

handy. Within ManyChat, I could attach a

file and have a direct download. You

could add a delay and vary the time so

it looks like you are typing. The

default is set for 3 seconds but I could

make it look as though you were typing

for 5 seconds. Once again, ManyChat

gives me a little warning message,

because if I'm going to be looking as

though I'm typing for 5 seconds, I'd

better have a reply afterwards. My

reply can either be a quick reply here

or it could be any one of these

additions, or I can continue to another

step and choose the next step, if I wish

to very, very flexible. I'm going to

delete this option and leave it simple.

I'm going to delete that bit of the


Everything looks set, let us click

"Preview", preview message sent. Check your

Messenger. This message was sent to you

only, so now let's go to my Messenger and

hey presto, here is the message that I

have just sent to myself. We now know the

bot is working, so it's ready to go

public. Remember down here, with the 3

little blue lines always is your Main

Menu, your Main Menu items, where you are

showcasing your offers and further

engaging your audience. Going back now to

our page, we can click "Publish" and our

content is now published. We have

completed creating our Facebook

Messenger, a Landing Page within

ManyChat. One final, but very important step -

don't forget this one!!

Go right back to the beginning of your

bot. At the moment, our Landing Page

Messenger Bot is still only in "Draft

Mode". We may have published it, but it's

still only in "Draft Mode". We want to make

it "Active" and we are ready to go. We now

go to "Setup". Bere is our URL that we can

copy and remember, we can put this URL

anywhere in a blog, on your website. I can

paste this URL in anywhere and up will

come the Landing Page of our Messenger

Bot. There you are a Landing Page funnel

created so quickly and so simply. in a

very short time. If you liked this video,

please click the "Like" button below and

leave a comment. Leave a comment or any

question you have about building a

Landing Page funnel in ManyChat and

subscribe to my YouTube channel, because

then you'll get automatic advance

notification of when my next video about

ManyChat is coming up and Share this

video, because there are an awful lot of

people, who are beginning to realize that

messenger BOTS are a pretty neat thing

to use. to grow your audience and start

conversations with people who are

interested in what you're doing. To get

my Free Guide on how you can also build

your Main Menu in ManyChat, look in the

description below, because the link to

that guide is in the description

and it literally, like this, takes you

click by click, on how you can build a

Main Menu. In video 7, I'm going to show

you my favorite feature of ManyChat,

which is how to use Keywords, within a

Facebook post, so you can engage

people directly from a Facebook post,

into your Facebook Messenger, begin

to have conversations with them and

build a relationship.

See you in video 7. Bye for now

For more infomation >> Facebook Messenger Bots, ManyChat, Growth Tools, Building A Landing Page, Video 6 - Duration: 16:51.


On MLK Day, President Trump Battling Questions About Whether He's Racist | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> On MLK Day, President Trump Battling Questions About Whether He's Racist | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:23.


Comentarios de Trump acaparan discursos por el día de Martin Luther King | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Comentarios de Trump acaparan discursos por el día de Martin Luther King | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:47.


Rob's 6pm Full Weather Forecast - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Rob's 6pm Full Weather Forecast - Duration: 5:01.


Denuncian en México desfalco de fondos para víctimas de los terremotos | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Denuncian en México desfalco de fondos para víctimas de los terremotos | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:19.


Corte Suprema hará revisión de la "ley de los 10 años", que protege a inmigrantes de la deportación - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Corte Suprema hará revisión de la "ley de los 10 años", que protege a inmigrantes de la deportación - Duration: 2:13.


Un día para honrar al Cristo Negro | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Un día para honrar al Cristo Negro | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:04.


Los hijos de los indocumentados también tienen un sueño | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Los hijos de los indocumentados también tienen un sueño | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:10.


How To Fix BAD Undercut Hairline - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> How To Fix BAD Undercut Hairline - Duration: 2:43.


Kim Zolciak: Kandi Burruss Is Just a Lying B-tch! | STAR STORY - Duration: 3:40.

Kim Zolciak: Kandi Burruss Is Just a Lying B-tch!

Kim Zolciak-Biermann may not be a regular on The Real Housewives of Atlanta anymore, but that doesnt mean shes done bringing drama to the ATL.

Much to the chagrin of some of her castmates, Kim has been making appearances as a friend of the Housewives this season, and lately, her feuds from the show have been spilling over onto social media.

On Sunday nights episode, Kim claimed that Kandi Burruss once propositioned her for sex. Burruss took to Twitter to state quite bluntly that no such exchange ever occurred:.

I'm sick of these b-tches lying on me, she tweeted. @Kimzolciak I have NEVER wanted you or your box. And stop swearing on your kids while you're telling lies. Somebody's really reaching for a permanent peach here. This is my house.

You're just a visitor!. Yes, Kandi basically pulled rank, reminding Kim that shes been stripped of her Housewife status and is now just a lowly guest on the show.

Kim, of course, has never been one to back down from a fight, and she stuck by her claim. albeit not in terribly convincing fashion.

If anybody is lying it's you @Kandi You and your husband are full on swingers f--king all kinds of girls and can NEVER admit it. And bitch if it weren't for me there would be no house.

Remember I built this house! Zolciak-Biermann tweeted. If anybody is lying, its you?.

Thats something people who are lying say. Zolciaks claim came during a conversation with Sheree Whitfield, in which she asserted that Burruss and her husband, Todd Tucker, attempted to lure her into a threesome.

The elevator's not going to the top floor if you're willing to share your man, Kim remarked.

This all comes on the heels of Kims ugly feud with Nene Leakes, which has also delivered plenty of bonus drama on social media. Nene fired the latest shot in epic fashion last week, saying of Kim:.

I think if you cut her open, worms and slimy nastiness will come out of her. I think she is a slimy, nasty person for real.. Tell us what you really think, Nene!.

Both of these situations seem likely to get worse in the weeks to come, which is probably exactly what Zolciak wants.

In all likelihood, Kandi hit the nail on the head when she remarked that Kim is a woman who desperately wants a permanent peach. Watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online to relive all of this seasons wildly entertaining drama.

For more infomation >> Kim Zolciak: Kandi Burruss Is Just a Lying B-tch! | STAR STORY - Duration: 3:40.


Nonstop 2018 l แดนซ์มันๆ 2018 , Dance music boom bass party remix collection 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 20:51.

Nonstop 2018

For more infomation >> Nonstop 2018 l แดนซ์มันๆ 2018 , Dance music boom bass party remix collection 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 20:51.


2018 Women's Fashion Line

For more infomation >> 2018 Women's Fashion Line


For more infomation >> 2018 Women's Fashion Line


Nonstop 2018 l แดนซ์มันๆ 2018 , Dance music boom bass party remix collection 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 20:51.

Nonstop 2018

For more infomation >> Nonstop 2018 l แดนซ์มันๆ 2018 , Dance music boom bass party remix collection 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 20:51.


For more infomation >> Nonstop 2018 l แดนซ์มันๆ 2018 , Dance music boom bass party remix collection 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 20:51.


1 4 Dance - Is This the Way

For more infomation >> 1 4 Dance - Is This the Way


On MLK Day, President Trump Battling Questions About Whether He's Racist | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> On MLK Day, President Trump Battling Questions About Whether He's Racist | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:23.


PAINT ROLLERS UNITE!!! [SPLATOON 2 #4] - Duration: 11:12.

For more infomation >> PAINT ROLLERS UNITE!!! [SPLATOON 2 #4] - Duration: 11:12.


Hulu Revives ER for the Streaming Era - Duration: 1:21.

Hulu Revives ER for the Streaming Era, If you were looking for a new show to binge-watch

so long you end up in the ER, have we got some satisfying news for you: NBC's hit

medical drama ER is now available on Hulu.

Created by author Michael Crichton, the series follows the doctors and medical staff at Chicago's

fictional County General Hospital from 1994 to 2009.

The show won 23 Emmys, earning a record-breaking 124 Emmy nominations in total.

"It was such an honor to be a part of this show.

I was lucky to have worked with so many writers, actors and directors all at the top of their

game," George Clooney said in a statement to Variety.

"Most importantly I've made friends for a lifetime.

I'm excited it will finally be streaming on Hulu."

Soon, all 15 seasons of the show that gave the world George Clooney will finally be available

for your streaming pleasure.

Okay, technically the lesser-known 1978 historical fiction mini-series Centennial gave the world

George Clooney, but after watching all 331 episodes of ER in a row, all non-ER information

will be forcibly pushed from your brain.

Happy streaming!

For more infomation >> Hulu Revives ER for the Streaming Era - Duration: 1:21.


Steven Spielberg: Oprah would make a brilliant president and I will back her - Duration: 5:29.

Steven Spielberg: Oprah would make a brilliant president and I will back her, The undeclared

but burgeoning campaign to elect Oprah Winfrey the next president of the United States has

received another boost, with the full-throated backing of one of Hollywood's biggest figures:

Steven Spielberg.

"I think Oprah Winfrey would make an absolutely brilliant president," the Oscar-winning

director told the Guardian on Thursday.

Spielberg, in London to promote his new movie The Post, said: "If she declares, I will

back her."

Speculation about a Winfrey presidential run in 2020 took off following Sunday's Golden

Globes awards ceremony, where the TV host and impresario delivered a barnstorming

and intensely political speech.

Afterwards her partner, Stedman Graham, told the Los Angeles Times: "It's up to

the people.

She would absolutely do it."

Spielberg, widely acclaimed as the most commercially successful film-maker in cinema history, was

effusive in his praise:

"She is crackerjack on the money on women's issues and I call her the ambassador of empathy.

And our country could use a dose of empathy right now."

Spielberg, who directed Winfrey in his 1985 film The Color Purple, said the actor-turned-TV-mogul

would be a unifying figure.

"She's been on the air for 35 years with all kinds of social outreach, building bridges

between different

ideologies and different points of view."

Asked if she has the skill set to be president, he replied, "Does our current president

have the skill set to be president?"

Pressed on whether Democrats should look to replace Donald Trump with a candidate with

governing experience rather than another TV celebrity, Spielberg said: "I think we need

a mindful, empathetic human being in the White House who understands people and puts people

ahead of their own ideas of power and self-aggrandisement – and I think Oprah has

already proved her capacity for selflessness."

He noted that previous presidents had often arrived in office having fulfilled no role

comparable to the US presidency.

"I think she'll learn on the job the same way Bill Clinton learned – a former governor

of Arkansas – or Barack Obama, a junior senator, learned on the job.

I'd much rather go for someone like Oprah Winfrey than a career politician."

Asked if his endorsement was serious, Spielberg said it was and that he'd "like the next

president to be a president of the people".

Spielberg was speaking ahead of a press conference in London for The Post, at which the film's

star Meryl Streep said Winfrey talked like a presidential candidate should talk, and

that she had the voice of a leader.

"Whether she is leading us to the candidate we need or whether she herself is a candidate,

she sets the bar pretty high on campaign talk."

Asked about the #MeToo and Time's Up movements Streep said we were seeing a "global seismic


She said: "As a movement it is pretty interesting to be involved because there isn't a leadership

hierarchy, we don't know who the top

dog is.

We have a hive, it is like a hive of bees, there are more and more coming in.

Everybody is making honey, everybody is doing the good work.

"It is a moving thing and that's good because it needs to fly, it needs to alight

on many different industries, many different enterprises ... government, military, the


The inequities and the imbalance of power isn't just in Hollywood.

The exploitation of women, their labour and their reticence to come forward... that goes

right through societies, not just in the United States.

"It is a growing thing and the most heartening thing for me is that it doesn't feel like

a one-off, I don't think we'll go backwards."

Streep added that the movie industry, of course, needed to be diverse; a sentiment echoed by

her co-star Tom Hanks who said, when it came to diversity, "television kicks movies'


"In television, which is probably better than it has ever been ... women are much better

represented than they are in motion pictures."

Hanks said he had worked with women directors such as Penny Marshall and Nora Ephron.

"I'm of the generation who, frankly, didn't give too much of a shit about the gender of

the person in charge."

The Post, which tells the story of the 1971 battle by the Washington Post to publish the

Pentagon Papers – detailing decades of US government dishonesty over the war in Vietnam

– and which champions the role of the press, is also set to be seen as a coded attack on

the Trump administration, which has made no secret of its hostility to what it calls "the

fake news media."

For more infomation >> Steven Spielberg: Oprah would make a brilliant president and I will back her - Duration: 5:29.


Nonstop 2018 l แดนซ์มันๆ 2018 , Dance music boom bass party remix collection 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 20:51.

Nonstop 2018

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