Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 16 2018

10 Body Language Mistakes You Need To Fix Now

Body language is no doubt one of the most powerful communication tool you have to master,

whether you are on a date, a job interview, at a conference or a party, or just interacting

with someone else.

At least 58% of your success depends on your body language alone.

So, how can we master to make the most of our body language?

First of all, we need to understand some of body language mistakes that we possibly do

on our encounter, then start to fix it on a daily basis to make

it our habits.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 10 body language mistakes that we need to

fix as soon as possible so we could use the most of our body language on a daily basis.

If you find this information is helpful to you,

make sure to like this video and subscribe to this channel so you won't miss any of our

interesting updates in the future!


Failing to nod or smile

Nod or smile is the first thing most people would notice, it can be used as powerful nonverbal

cues to let someone know that you are actively listening.

Smiles put those around you at ease.

While some people won't pay attention to the position of your legs and arms, everybody

will react to the signal conveyed on your face.

Besides, smiling makes you feel good yourself!

So, try to perform the perfect smile in your everyday encounter.


Poor legs and feet position

The position of your legs and feet are more subconscious and therefore, more difficult

to control.

Yet it can convey your insecurity and give away your state of mind or hidden intentions.

The way you place your legs when sitting can also reveal something about your personality.

People choosing position 1 (knees together, feet apart) project an image of somebody childish,

insecure, and dreamy.

Position 2 (Crossed legs) may reveal a defensive, distant, or closed-minded attitude.

Position 3 signals dominance and significance.

However, it also reveals arrogance and is often inappropriate and impolite in formal


Position 4 (Parallel legs) is a neutral position, making you look open and calm.

Position 5 is more common for women and makes them look more feminine and attractive.


Not mirroring others

Mirroring allows you to build rapport with others.

It also develops trust and allows you to engage in deeper conversations.

Research shows that although men find mirroring harder than women,

women are more influenced by mirroring and find men who repeat their gestures or posture

more attractive.


Incorrect position of fingers and hands

Rubbing of palms or placing the fingers of one hand over the fingers of the other hand

to form a "steeple" should be used with caution.

They may give the impression that you are trying to deceive another person or impose

your thoughts rather than convince them.

This is due to our believe that doing that is a sign that someone has an ulterior motive

behind it.



Fidgeting with your hair, hands, phone, or any other object can be distracting for your

communication partner and prevent them from focusing.

You, on the other hand, will appear weak and distracted, although a recent study shows

that fidgeting helps one to retain information better.

Don't look at your phone or watch while talking to somebody, especially someone you

just know or one that you need to give respect, because it is rude and shows that you are

not interested in the conversation.


Inappropriate eye contact

This is the reason why we need to perform an excellent eye contact.

Avoiding eye contact makes you look unprepared or unprofessional in a business meeting and

insecure or insincere during a date or at a party.

On the other hand, according to the body language expert Carol Kinsey Goman, too much eye contact

could seem rude, intimidating, and hostile.


Weak handshakes

You know, handshake is a certain thing any interviewer will use to determine your character.

A firm handshake is important.

Someone with a weak handshake can be viewed as lacking authority and confidence.

Although, if your handshake is too strong, you may be perceived as aggressive.

One of the worst handshakes is called a "wet fish handshake",

a weak handshake with cold and sweaty hands that gives the impression of a person who

is weak in character and cold in nature.


Crossed arms

I have mentioned it before in my previous video.

Standing or sitting with crossed arms is a defensive position,

which can give the impression that you are neither impressed nor interested.

Holding your arms parallel to the body, on the other hand, shows that you are open for


Even better, holding your hands back shows your superiority, power, and confidence.

However, according to some research, crossed arms indicates greater persistence when dealing

with difficult tasks.

So, keep in mind that you need to be careful in this situation.


Exaggerated gestures

When a person is moving their hands wildly, it signals a lack of confidence and professionalism.

It's no surprise that nervous movements such as cracking your knuckles, playing with

your hair, or biting your nails and lips make you look anxious and insecure.

Yet the absolute lack of gestures can be harmful as well and signal a loss of interest.

So, monitor your hand and arm movements in every important encounters.


Poor posture

Standing with your shoulders drooped makes you look insignificant, weak, and unconfident.

If you slouch in your seat or lean too far back, it signals to others that you are too

comfortable and disinterested in what you are doing.

If you are still not convinced, there is scientific proof that slouching can lower your mood and


Well, that's the 10 body language mistakes you need to fix as soon as possible in order

to make the full use of our body language.

Really cool information isn't it.

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Ten Body Language Mistakes You Need To Fix Now - Duration: 6:56.


How to say I LOVE YOU in Osaka Dialect. Japanese lesson done different! - Duration: 3:00.

Ready go: MAIDO!

It's CathyCat! ...

.... I am Hayappe yehah.

Sorry let's do that one more time.

Maido this is Cathy Cat - And Hayappe.

Hayappe where are you from? - Osaka.

That's why today it's another Osaka Dialect Lesson.

Today I want you to remember a whole phrase.

Not a word but a whole phrase! - Sure girl.


Once you know it, you will use it all the time. - Alright.

Honma Sukiyanen!

Got it girl? - It means I really really like you.

I really love you.

That's right.

That's not a phrase that you'd use on a daily base dude.

Right girl, that's a phrase to use when you tell is straight out.

If you use the normal Kanto, Tokyo language it would be "Tottemo suki desu"

It sounds so stale. - The way you sound it sounds stale.

He didn't put any love in that sentence. - I can't girl. Not in the Tokyo lingo.

But girl, in the Kansai dialect, I can push all my heart into it.

Push the fully size of your heart into your sentence girl.

Honma ni suki yanen.

Sparkle sparkle sparkle, it's a girl's manga.


Nice one. - This could be in a manga story.

How would it feel if someone said that to you.

Damn I would be happy right.

When you proposed to your wife you said. - "honma sukiyanen"

Hey you put your heart in it. - No I didn't really.

Suddenly your aura came out. - Suddenly my sweat came out.

He is blushing. - That's a given.

So that's how to say....


What did we learn in this class? Honma sukiyanen.

(after a 3 minute laughing fit)

That was...

Honma Sukiyanen.

Which you can use to say I love you in Osaka Ben!

It's a different intonation and has a different power than saying it in formal Japanese.

I hope you like that and learned something

If you want to confess your feelings in Osaka.

Let us know, what other words you would like to know in Osaka ben.

In the Osaka slang. Looking forward to your comments.

Please leave us lots of comments and maybe write us a scenario

where you might be able to use those words that we just taught you.

We also have other videos where we teach you more Japanese.

If you are curious about that check the links

So that's it for today. Thank you very much and...


For more infomation >> How to say I LOVE YOU in Osaka Dialect. Japanese lesson done different! - Duration: 3:00.


Boys VS Girls : On Birthdays | feat. Nakuul Mehta - Duration: 6:05.

Who's? Mine?

Hello mom, it's my birthday today?

Okay listen, on Monday we'll go to Bandra to shop

I will be busy after Tuesday

On the 21st let's invite the newspaper guy and the milkman. No one should feel bad right?

I have a lot of cash too

This is just 50 rupees, we won't even reach the end of this lane

Bro, Vadapav bro, What about the party?

Listen… don't make any other plans. You have to be there at my party.

You'll be there right?

Yes get her along she gives nice gifts.

But please don't get Disha. I hate her gifts and I hate her too.

Hey, where are you? Everyone's waiting for you.

You wanted to treat us right?

Hey, look at this. Priya's gift is so good. It's so pretty.

Aren't these the bangles Shruti's mom gifted Shruti on her birthday?

I'm never inviting her again

Hey dad, it's my birthday today.

I was thinking if you wanted to buy me a car?


Ola money is fine too

Actually, I didn't have the money to buy shaving cream

Oh my god! 300 people wished me on my birthday?

Whom should I reply to now?

I think I should thank everyone on one post

Varun hasn't called me yet. My life is over

Oh finally Varun wished me.

Hey babe, It's my birthday today.

You didn't call so I thought I'll call you up

Hey babe, It's my birthday today

You didn't call so I thought I'll call you up

Subscribe right now guys.

We made this video because it was my birthday on 13th Jan and it's his birthday on the 17th I.e tomorrow

This reminds me of my favourite song

If it's your birthday too then share this video and let us know what you think of it.

If you do everything, everything will be fine

For more infomation >> Boys VS Girls : On Birthdays | feat. Nakuul Mehta - Duration: 6:05.


Mal Wants Ben to Become an Evil Prince - Part 31 - Descendants Reversed Disney - Duration: 10:11.

Disney Doll Story

Is it possible that Ben doesn't love me?

But that's impossible.

What about true love's kiss or the enchanted rose or

Then why does Ben never say he loves me?

I don't know. Maybe that is the ways of the Isle.

Am I being too evil if I make him say he loves me?

I don't know.

Ben is not a true villain.

Maybe love means different things where he comes from.


Up here?

Do you need help?

Mouse. mouse.

Zap it. Zap it.

There too many mice in this house.

It's infested.

Well, it's Lady Tremaine's house.

Mice seem to love this house for some reason.

I could use magic to clean up this entire place in seconds.

Will you do that for me?

Because this is taking forever.

Let everything return to its original place.

Cool. I gotta learn to do that someday.

Why did you want to see me?

Go on a unicorn hunt with me.

I need to fix your mother's magic wand.

Ben. If I was not the daughter of Maleficent and you were not the son of King Beast, do

you think things would've been different?


If you can't stand me, if you can't even bare to be with me for one minute,

No, that's not at all.



Mal. I've been trained to bring down Auradon since the day was born.

You, Maleficent, Evil Queen, all of them.

I didn't expect this to happen.

Expect what?

You and me. This wasn't in the plan.

It makes everything so much harder now.

Don't do it. If you love me, don't do it.

Your mother is terrifying my people.

I can't let this go on.

I'll take care of my mother.

No. Mal. Our relationship will end in tragedy.

A very sad ending for both of us.

The legend has it that only a good person can see a unicorn.

I've never seen one myself, so I don't know if I can catch one for you.

Lonnie and Jay saw one here, so I know it's here.

Why don't we just ask Feybelle?

Look. It's a unicorn.



I don't see it.

It's magnificent.

It's so magical.

Jane. Jane.

How will you break the spell of the enchanted rose?

Isn't it ironic how Ben's father had to find a true love to break his curse but.

Yeah, Ben is cursed because he found one.

There has to be dark magic that is stronger than love.

Nothing is stronger than love. Nothing.

there has to be a way.

There is always an equal and opposite magic.

What kind of dark magic will you conjure up?

How far do you think I should go in the name of love?

Mal. That's a recipe for disaster.

A tragedy in the making.

It's right there.

Take off the horn please.

It's not going to let me take it.

Well, I need it.

We need it.

Ok. Unicorn.

It's alright.

I need your horn.

What happened to the sword? Oh no.

The entire wall is gone.

Who would do this?

The sword is gone.

Where did it go?

Who would take the sword?

Mal. Mal. It's me.

What? You mean you took down the wall.

No. I mean I was able to wield that sword.

You? But why you?

I don't know.

I don't know what it means.

But but that doesn't make sense.

You are my best friend.

You can't be my archnemesis.

Just because I could wield that sword doesn't mean I'm your archnemesis.

Maybe I was meant to do something else with it.

No. That sword hates me.

It was screaming for my blood.

Mal. What is it all mean?

I don't know but we need to find that sword.

Jane. Jane.

I don't think it wants to lose its horn.

Where is it?

I'm going to blast that unicorn.

Show who is the boss around here.

No. Uma. Don't.

It's bad luck to harm a unicorn.

Show me where it is.

I don't believe in luck.

I'm going to catch that unicorn.

No. No. Let me handle it.

Couldn't have gone too far.

The missing wall is still here inside the castle.

It might be buried in the garden.

Ben said he came to Auradon to bring down me and my mother.

What do you think will happen to me in his world?

Don't even think about it.

We would be locked up somewhere.

Live out rest of our lives in misery.

I can't live in his world, but he can live in mine.

Ben can live as an ordinary guy, but not as your husband.

Certainly not as a king.

Maleficent will never allow it.

But what if King Beast becomes evil?

You are going to turn him into a villain too?

If King Beast and Belle become evil king and queen, if Isle becomes evil, then Ben becomes

an evil prince.

How will you do that?

I will make Ben evil prince.

That's the only way.

Found it.

Unicorn. Unicorn. Here.

Can you fix my mother's broken magic wands?

That wouldn't work.

Feybelle? Ha. Feybelle.

That magic wand can't be fixed with a unicorn.

What do you mean?

Then how can I fix it?

You have to figure out why it was broken in the first place.

Isn't it obvious?

Maleficent was more powerful.

No. Magic wand is an extension of yourself.

Hold it.


Do you feel something.


When you are ready to hold it, it will fix itself.

What? that doesn't make any sense.

How does a broken magic wand just get fix on its own.

Trust me.

If you have enough inner strength and if you believe in yourself, the magic wand will fix


Do you feel anything?

Anything at all.

I don't know.

Let me touch it.

It definitely hates me.

It has a lot of magic.

Incredible amount of magic.

What is this?

It's King Beast's sword.

Can I try it?


It's so heavy. I can't even lift it.

I can lift it fine.

I wonder if Ben can hold this sword.

Ben. this is your father's sword.

Can you wield it?

Ok. I can try.

It's so heavy.

How strange.

Even Ben can't wield this.

But why you, Evie?

Why you?

I don't know.

It has to be Ben. The sword must be meant for Ben.

Didn't you say the one who wields this sword will bring you down?

Maybe. Evie.

Cut down that rose for me.


How did it go?

Feybelle said the magic wand will fix itself when I'm ready.

When is that?

Go back and get the unicorn.

No, that's not how good magic works.

Trying to figure out good magic will make me go insane.

She said I need to believe it.

Believe that it's possible.

It worked. Ben.

It worked.

A sword strong enough to cut through Maleficent's magic?

Ben. You can get out of here now.

Mal. Maleficent can't know about this.

Yes. I know.

She would be furious.

This sword is dangerous.

It can't stay here.

Ben. I know this sword is meant for you.

I think you need to become a prince to wield this sword.

How can I be a prince?

Auradon doesn't recognize my dad as a king.

Ben, you have to believe in yourself that it's possible.

This castle. Me. You.

You have to believe that it's all possible.

For more infomation >> Mal Wants Ben to Become an Evil Prince - Part 31 - Descendants Reversed Disney - Duration: 10:11.


RGV's God, Sex and Truth Trailer | Mia Malkova | #GodSexTruth | Ram Gopal Varma | M M Kreem - Duration: 3:28.

I as a woman,

am not my eyes,

not my mouth,

not my breasts,

not my cunt

and not my asshole.

I am a conscious being

and each and every part of my body is a nature given asset

designed for various functions including sexual desire

very damagingly

they employed moral and religious interpretations of natural God induced feelings

to suit the prevailing social needs of that time

and one of them was to ensnare a woman's sexuality.

It should never be what it is.

It should always be what it could be and what it should be said, Ayn Rand.

"could be" is an aim while "should be" is a destination.

A woman is not a property,

and any who think otherwise are just slave drivers.

A woman to be restricted to just one man is being barbaric

to the very existence of her sexual being

because she is being restricted from being herself

it's only the world of porn which offered me that ultimate heaven

I thank God for creating Sex

and creating me as a woman.

For more infomation >> RGV's God, Sex and Truth Trailer | Mia Malkova | #GodSexTruth | Ram Gopal Varma | M M Kreem - Duration: 3:28.


Trump's immigration comments spur outrage - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Trump's immigration comments spur outrage - Duration: 6:10.


Tuyển Tập Những Ca Khúc VPOP Mới Nhất Tuần 2/2018 | iTV Music - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Tuyển Tập Những Ca Khúc VPOP Mới Nhất Tuần 2/2018 | iTV Music - Duration: 2:46.


The National for January 15, 2018 - Bystander Dead, Marijuana, North Korea Summit - Duration: 1:04:38.

For more infomation >> The National for January 15, 2018 - Bystander Dead, Marijuana, North Korea Summit - Duration: 1:04:38.


☆다시마튀각ㅡ작게 자르지 않고 아주 간단하고 빠르게 튀기기. 설탕이 밀가루처럼 척 달라붙어 더욱 맛있어요.☆★Fried Kelp(KR sub)★ - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> ☆다시마튀각ㅡ작게 자르지 않고 아주 간단하고 빠르게 튀기기. 설탕이 밀가루처럼 척 달라붙어 더욱 맛있어요.☆★Fried Kelp(KR sub)★ - Duration: 4:33.


尋找駕駛真諦.法拉利 Fiorano Circuit 夢想之旅 - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> 尋找駕駛真諦.法拉利 Fiorano Circuit 夢想之旅 - Duration: 2:06.


Where you go in the case of a real missile alert - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Where you go in the case of a real missile alert - Duration: 2:00.


Ocean rescues in Carmel during big swell - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Ocean rescues in Carmel during big swell - Duration: 2:58.


MLK remembered in Seaside, Santa Cruz - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> MLK remembered in Seaside, Santa Cruz - Duration: 2:07.


Mass Effect Andromeda | Voice Actor, Jules de Jongh as Cora | BIOWARE VOICES - Duration: 2:59.

(start sound, dog barks)

- Cora Harper is a favorite in Mass Effect Andromeda.

And I honestly think her character has enough depth to be a lead.

- But her warmth, strength and Asari commando training

aren't the only things setting Cora apart.

The voice that gave this character life

belongs to the one and only Jules de Jongh.

- This is me when I was a child.


You're me!

- Jules has a hefty resume,

extremely impressive and widely expansive.

In terms of games, just to a name few,

she's was the original Triss in The Witcher,

- The king has placed me under his, um,


Tell me,

Where's Alvin?

- Mirror's Edge 2008,

- Once the city used to pulse with energy.

Dirty and dangerous,

but alive and wonderful.

- Quantum Break

- and my game of 2017 Horizon Zero Dawn.

- Your kids may also be familiar with her voice as Emily in Thomas & Friends.

- (laughs) I'm sure I'll be fine Thomas.

- And if you take a peak at her website,

you'll get to hear demos as girls,

- Tell me you're lookin' for your lost puppy or offer me some candy?

- Boys,

- From where I'm standing, absolutely perfect!

- Women,

- I know you miss Jersey Maxwell,

but we had to move to LA for my career!

- and even elderly characters,

- He was a most difficult child.

incapable of instruction suited to his station in life.

Thanks for watching guys! See you next time on BioWare Voices.

For more infomation >> Mass Effect Andromeda | Voice Actor, Jules de Jongh as Cora | BIOWARE VOICES - Duration: 2:59.


Water Main Break Forces Residents Out Of West Mifflin Senior High-Rise - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Water Main Break Forces Residents Out Of West Mifflin Senior High-Rise - Duration: 2:30.


056 Carla & Hanna - Duration: 15:59.

Do you need something? You know, you aren't the only patient here in this wing.

No, thank you, I'm fine

Do you think we'll be back by dinnertime?

I'm sure I won't. I'll be going to see Hanna in the hospital.

Do you think that's wise?

What's that supposed to mean? Hanna is sick!

Ever since the accident, you've been spending all your time with her! You're neglecting your work.

Not to mention that we hardly ever appear together as a couple anymore

This is an exceptional situation!

Yeah, you don't have to tell ME that! Tell your father. Don't you think he's going to start getting suspicious?

Well, that may be. But it can't be changed right now! I forgot my car keys.


Nice for the chance to see you again

== Father. == Have you forgotten about the meeting with the Monet Foundation?

Oh no!

== Mhm. No one ever listens to me. == Did you say something, Mr. von Beyenbach?

Oh - no, no, Count Lahnstein

So, Carla?!

That will be difficult. I have another important commitment.

This meeting is extremely important

I'll be right there

[Please wait]

"Please don't be mad. Can't pick you up."

"See you tomorrow. I love you. Carla."

You said somebody was going to pick you up

No. Could you call a taxi for me?

Yes, all right

Thanks, thank you

== You'll be all right. == I'll have to be.

Are you all right, are you hurt? Tell me, did she let you go, or how did you get away?

Get away? From whom?

My God, I can't believe you're here! You wouldn't believe how worried I've been. I know what that woman is capable of!!

Charlie, slow down! What woman? What are you talking about?

TANJA! Tanja von Anstetten!

Tanja WHO?? I spent a few days in the Canary Islands!

It all just got to be too much for me, and so I climbed onto the next plane

I'm sorry, I probably should have called

== Uh, but this Tanja von... == Anstetten.

... what does she have to do with me??

She's probably asking herself the same thing right now

Yes, but Lars, it all jibed so perfectly, and then that plan to meet in the parking garage...

Oh man, you could have called me

Yeah well, you've got enough on your hands

But it would have been no problem for me to pick you up, hm?

It was also no problem for me to take a taxi!

How's it going downstairs anyway?

== Super, great. Oops. == Oh, God.

We're coping wonderfully

You're worse than nurse Petra

I'll take that as a compliment

Where is Carolin?

With Arno and Elisabeth

You know what? Leave her with me. That would be fun for me, and then I wouldn't feel so useless.

Nonsense, that would be way too stressful. You just rest up for now.

You just finished having dialysis, that's not exactly nothing

Please, tell me when you need something. I'll get everything for you.

== Do you want some water, shall I cook-- == Stop treating me like I'm terminally ill! I'm getting sick of it!

== Hanna made it through the surgery just fine, so you don't need to worry. == Bistro Schneider, McNeal here, can I help you?

== Is she doing better then? Is she back home again? == Mhm.

And she doesn't blame you whatsoever, she told me that herself - and asked me to tell you that, too, hm?

That may be, but... I would never forgive myself if that fall somehow caused her lasting damage

Right, but it all went well, and I've educated myself - I mean, you can live just fine with only one kidney

Is that some kind of threat, Mr. Deckert?!

Uhm, listen, do you know where my car is? I thought I'd left it parked on the embankment.

You know, that was another thing about it - when the police came and found your car along the banks of the Rhine...

== ... of course I immediately thought of Tanja. == Yeah, but this Tanja has nothing to do with it.

No, just forget about her

Oh right, your car

They said you should contact this place


Charlie. I'm the one who's sorry.

== See you later, bye. == Ciao.

Yes, goodbye

That was Tanja von Anstetten's lawyer

She's going to sue you for slander

So what. Lars is back again. He'll bail me out of it.



== HEY, LARS! == Hey hey hey.

Where were you so long?

Yeah, I heard there was wild speculation about whether or not I was still alive

== Next time I'll let you know. Promise. == Important thing is you're here.

Take care, are you doing all right?

Well, not really

== So, is he doing all right? == He looks more or less alive.

Where was he anyway?

No idea, go up and ask him yourself!

== Who? == Lars is back.

After all, Hanna had to have the operation on account of me

It was an accident. It wasn't like you shoved her down the stairs on purpose.

Anyway. I'll be downstairs, okay?

We'll talk later


Thank God, I...I...

What do you want?

Let me just talk to you for a minute, please

What I did... I'm sure is unforgivable

But I'm really incredibly sorry

Please believe me

I seriously mean that

Oh Lars, please, say something!

Man! For most people I'm still a potential groper!

I'll stand up in the main auditorium and say it over the microphone!

Vanessa, forget my reputation. There are other things that have happened that can't be reversed so easily.

Hanna, I know

YEEES!! Oh sorry, we're leaving!

== Everything okay? == No.

Can I do something?

Yes, here... they gave me a prescription for a particular tea. In case you happen to go shopping, then...

I'll get it for you, sure thing

I'm so sorry about yesterday. I feel so stupid.

You know, I thought once I got home, then everything would be okay, but...

... I feel really sick and I'm just so wiped out

And then we're all treating you like a delicate eggshell. That isn't making you feel any better.

I'll quit the nurse Petra number

Hahaha, okay

== Hello. == Hi.

Hanna, I'm so sorry, I really wanted to come pick you up yesterday, but...

This is brand new on the market. A mobile dialysis machine.

So you don't have to constantly be going to the clinic

Leonard is coming by later and will explain everything to you

Other people put unsightly cardio trainers in their bedrooms

Yeah, and they can throw them out again anytime they want

And their life doesn't depend on it

Hanna, I'm sorry, but you have two options

Either you make friends with it

Or you conform your life to the appointments at that clinic

I deliberately didn't ask you. I know you.

We'll get through this!


I'm sorry, but I have to go now

My father has noticed that I've been gone quite a bit lately

I'm slowly running out of explanations

I'm going to meet him at the office

But we'll see each other later. I promise.

I love you

Where the devil were you?! How are you doing?

Don't tell me you were worried about me

Not that exactly. But I know now that Vanessa's insinuations were nothing but fabrications

Yes, I know. Cold comfort.

I'm sorry. I was very unfair to you.

But Hanna believed you from the very beginning

How is Hanna anyway?

I'm sure she'll be glad to see you

After the bad news, she can really use some cheering up

What bad news?

You don't know yet?

The operation went well

But Hanna's other kidney was evidently also injured...

== What? == ... and will fail in the near future

Lars! I was beginning to think I was hearing voices now, too.

Hello. Uhm...

Thank you! Come on in.

== See you later. Bye. == Ciao, Carla.

I wish I could undo everything that's happened

Oh Lars, I should have listened to you

I should have gone straight to the doctor, then maybe they could have done something

Are you coping okay?

Well, there are more pleasant things, but...

Yes, I'm coping

I'm sure Carla's taking great care of you


I was much too hard on you

Lars, I can understand it


You fell in love with her. Tough luck for me.

No reason to hate you.

On the contrary

Pretty creepy

Having my blood channeled out of my body...

... through a bunch of filters and membranes

Yeah... that must really be a strange feeling

Yeah, it's not exactly very pleasant

I had headaches, I felt nauseous. But...

... that was just the first time. And now I get pills, so... it's going to be tolerable somehow.

Hanna, I think you're really being very brave

If you need any kind of help, I'm always here for you, okay?

I never meant for any of this

We could be friends again, it would all be perfect, but now...

It's as though somebody wants to punish me

I can't do this!

I can't do this my whole life long

I might as well just have died right then!


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sob all over you

You don't need to apologize. Anyone else would feel exactly the same way.

It's all just been a bit much

Two weeks ago, I didn't waste any thought on my health

Yeah. And then all of a sudden everything's different.

Now I'm going to spend the rest of my life being dependent on this damn dialysis machine!!

Hey, you can't think like that. You're alive, and that's what counts the most!

Yes, maybe, yeah

But I'm going to manage somehow. No one else can help me anyhow.

I'll be able to do it

So, have you been able to cheer Hanna up a little?

Not really. She's having a very hard time coming to terms with her situation.

Did she say that?

She regained her composure again. Would you happen to have a moment?

Of course

I told Hanna that in the future I will accept your relationship

Hanna chose to be with you. I have no right to interfere.

I've been able to understand you, though

Hanna left you on account of me. Then Vanessa's little intrigue that almost cost you your job...

Still! Your cover-up engagement with Vanessa's father is your business alone.

No one will find out anything from me

But actually, I wanted to talk to you about Hanna. I'd really like to help her.

But to do that, you and I need to act in concert

== I have no problem with that. == Good, then I have the following proposal.

With a kidney transplant, Hanna could have her old life back

Obviously, I'm aware that I'm asking for a difficult decision from you guys

Lars is right

Neither a transplant operation nor a life with only one kidney is exactly free of hazard

So, please give yourselves some time to think about it

I don't need to. For Hanna I'll take that risk.

Yep, you can count on me too

And what about you?

You didn't even need to bother asking Vanessa to come here. Everyone knows she's the epitome of 'coward'.

Shut up!

OF COURSE I'll do it too

Florian's coming back from Milan tonight, he'll get tested too

Good, then initially we'll be doing some blood tests, and...

... should your blood type and a few other factors be compatible with Hanna's...

... then we would take a tissue sample from you, as well

How great are the chances that one of us would end up being a possible donor?

The chances aren't all that bad

Naturally, the ratio is much higher with blood relatives... i.e. parents and siblings

For more infomation >> 056 Carla & Hanna - Duration: 15:59.


Becoming a book blogger and novelist: Samantha's #MakeYourMark story | Acer - Duration: 1:05.

Reading has always been a passion of mine. I realized that I needed an outlet outside of work where I could be creative and read more.

I decided to take that love of reading public by making the blog and an Instagram where I could post my reviews and my recommendations.

When I find a book that I really believe people are gonna like and get them to read it and they're so passionate about it and their face is just lit up, it feels great.

I love that books encourage people to feel more empathy. And I think that's really important in our world. The way that authors can do that so seamlessly, is amazing. The authors are a big inspiration for me.

I have been writing my own novel on the side of my reading and my day job.

I would love that to go public, but, as long as it's something that I'm proud of, then I'll be happy with it.


For more infomation >> Becoming a book blogger and novelist: Samantha's #MakeYourMark story | Acer - Duration: 1:05.


Challenging yourself to get back to nature: Holly's #MakeYourMark story |  Acer​ - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Challenging yourself to get back to nature: Holly's #MakeYourMark story |  Acer​ - Duration: 1:04.


미공군 차세대 폭격기 LRS-B관련 업체선정에 들어가다 - 성 스캔들 - Duration: 8:24.

For more infomation >> 미공군 차세대 폭격기 LRS-B관련 업체선정에 들어가다 - 성 스캔들 - Duration: 8:24.


SAVE TONIGHT (Eagle Eye Cherry), by Bandit At Drop Inn - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> SAVE TONIGHT (Eagle Eye Cherry), by Bandit At Drop Inn - Duration: 4:54.


Proud Mary - In Theaters Jan...

For more infomation >> Proud Mary - In Theaters Jan...


For more infomation >> Proud Mary - In Theaters Jan...


A to Zoë, Father Teaching Alphabet to his Daughter - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> A to Zoë, Father Teaching Alphabet to his Daughter - Duration: 1:14.


For more infomation >> A to Zoë, Father Teaching Alphabet to his Daughter - Duration: 1:14.


Academy of Art University - W...

For more infomation >> Academy of Art University - W...


Flake: I'm 'in no way' comparing Trump to Stalin - Duration: 13:57.

For more infomation >> Flake: I'm 'in no way' comparing Trump to Stalin - Duration: 13:57.


M jak miłość: Natasza rozwiedzie się dla Kuby! - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość: Natasza rozwiedzie się dla Kuby! - Duration: 3:22.


Green Enough - Eat Better, Live Cleaner, Be Happier (All Without Driving Your Family Crazy!) - Duration: 1:40.

You're the Mom, the Boss, the one in charge.

You make the decisions and in many cases the money too.

You're the kisser of boo-boos and expert negotiator, director of operations, toy goalie, unpaid

chauffer and under-appreciated chef.

You want the best for your kid, right?

That's the great equalizer.

We all do.

So why does it feel like you need a degree in chemistry to be the best mom?

The supermarket is full of food with ingredients you know your grandmother didn't eat.

And the other products were created to make life more convenient but not necessarily any


There are plenty of hormone-disrupting chemicals inside the consumer products we buy every


These chemicals are linked to things like obesity, a drop in IQ, metabolical diseases

like diabetes, infertility, anxiety and depression, and yes...cancer.

These chemicals are not going to kill you overnight but when added up over time and

mingled around, they can contribute to chronic disease and developmental issues.

Being a mother in this generation is so much more complicated.

So, pick up a copy of Green Enough.

I'll help you figure out where the hormone disrupting chemicals are inside your home.

How you can slay them like the warrior princess you are!

All this with a step by step plan you can implement without going bonkers.

So pick up a copy of Green Enough today and let's get started!

For more infomation >> Green Enough - Eat Better, Live Cleaner, Be Happier (All Without Driving Your Family Crazy!) - Duration: 1:40.


Ten Body Language Mistakes You Need To Fix Now - Duration: 6:56.

10 Body Language Mistakes You Need To Fix Now

Body language is no doubt one of the most powerful communication tool you have to master,

whether you are on a date, a job interview, at a conference or a party, or just interacting

with someone else.

At least 58% of your success depends on your body language alone.

So, how can we master to make the most of our body language?

First of all, we need to understand some of body language mistakes that we possibly do

on our encounter, then start to fix it on a daily basis to make

it our habits.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 10 body language mistakes that we need to

fix as soon as possible so we could use the most of our body language on a daily basis.

If you find this information is helpful to you,

make sure to like this video and subscribe to this channel so you won't miss any of our

interesting updates in the future!


Failing to nod or smile

Nod or smile is the first thing most people would notice, it can be used as powerful nonverbal

cues to let someone know that you are actively listening.

Smiles put those around you at ease.

While some people won't pay attention to the position of your legs and arms, everybody

will react to the signal conveyed on your face.

Besides, smiling makes you feel good yourself!

So, try to perform the perfect smile in your everyday encounter.


Poor legs and feet position

The position of your legs and feet are more subconscious and therefore, more difficult

to control.

Yet it can convey your insecurity and give away your state of mind or hidden intentions.

The way you place your legs when sitting can also reveal something about your personality.

People choosing position 1 (knees together, feet apart) project an image of somebody childish,

insecure, and dreamy.

Position 2 (Crossed legs) may reveal a defensive, distant, or closed-minded attitude.

Position 3 signals dominance and significance.

However, it also reveals arrogance and is often inappropriate and impolite in formal


Position 4 (Parallel legs) is a neutral position, making you look open and calm.

Position 5 is more common for women and makes them look more feminine and attractive.


Not mirroring others

Mirroring allows you to build rapport with others.

It also develops trust and allows you to engage in deeper conversations.

Research shows that although men find mirroring harder than women,

women are more influenced by mirroring and find men who repeat their gestures or posture

more attractive.


Incorrect position of fingers and hands

Rubbing of palms or placing the fingers of one hand over the fingers of the other hand

to form a "steeple" should be used with caution.

They may give the impression that you are trying to deceive another person or impose

your thoughts rather than convince them.

This is due to our believe that doing that is a sign that someone has an ulterior motive

behind it.



Fidgeting with your hair, hands, phone, or any other object can be distracting for your

communication partner and prevent them from focusing.

You, on the other hand, will appear weak and distracted, although a recent study shows

that fidgeting helps one to retain information better.

Don't look at your phone or watch while talking to somebody, especially someone you

just know or one that you need to give respect, because it is rude and shows that you are

not interested in the conversation.


Inappropriate eye contact

This is the reason why we need to perform an excellent eye contact.

Avoiding eye contact makes you look unprepared or unprofessional in a business meeting and

insecure or insincere during a date or at a party.

On the other hand, according to the body language expert Carol Kinsey Goman, too much eye contact

could seem rude, intimidating, and hostile.


Weak handshakes

You know, handshake is a certain thing any interviewer will use to determine your character.

A firm handshake is important.

Someone with a weak handshake can be viewed as lacking authority and confidence.

Although, if your handshake is too strong, you may be perceived as aggressive.

One of the worst handshakes is called a "wet fish handshake",

a weak handshake with cold and sweaty hands that gives the impression of a person who

is weak in character and cold in nature.


Crossed arms

I have mentioned it before in my previous video.

Standing or sitting with crossed arms is a defensive position,

which can give the impression that you are neither impressed nor interested.

Holding your arms parallel to the body, on the other hand, shows that you are open for


Even better, holding your hands back shows your superiority, power, and confidence.

However, according to some research, crossed arms indicates greater persistence when dealing

with difficult tasks.

So, keep in mind that you need to be careful in this situation.


Exaggerated gestures

When a person is moving their hands wildly, it signals a lack of confidence and professionalism.

It's no surprise that nervous movements such as cracking your knuckles, playing with

your hair, or biting your nails and lips make you look anxious and insecure.

Yet the absolute lack of gestures can be harmful as well and signal a loss of interest.

So, monitor your hand and arm movements in every important encounters.


Poor posture

Standing with your shoulders drooped makes you look insignificant, weak, and unconfident.

If you slouch in your seat or lean too far back, it signals to others that you are too

comfortable and disinterested in what you are doing.

If you are still not convinced, there is scientific proof that slouching can lower your mood and


Well, that's the 10 body language mistakes you need to fix as soon as possible in order

to make the full use of our body language.

Really cool information isn't it.

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Ten Body Language Mistakes You Need To Fix Now - Duration: 6:56.


BREAKING News From DC!! TRUMP Just Made BORDER WALL DEAL! - Duration: 40:35.



Various ideas have swirled about who will foot the approximately $21 billion to make

President Donald Trump's most important campaign promise come true, all of which have

failed to work out – until now.

We've previously reported that the $14 billion seized from notorious drug lord Joaquin 'El

Chapo' Guzman would make a good dent in the building cost since he's responsible

for why we need the barrier anyway.

However, that cash can't be used for this project despite El Chapo having no need for

the money in prison.

Other ideas haven't worked out as well either, but now we're getting word of an unexpected

hero to our illegal immigration issue coming forward with the finances to take care of

the cost once and for all.

Although we wish that the ingenious idea of illegal El Chapo's cash covering a large

part of the expense, for the irony that it would be, Ted Cruz's proposition for this

wasn't a possibility.

As quickly as that idea was shot down, a surprise financier showed up overnight with the approximately

$21 billion needed to foot the bill and you won't believe where it came from.

Although the lengthy construction process is already underway, it could be finished

much quicker than originally thought after having solved one of the biggest challenges

it has faced to date.

"Building 'a big, beautiful wall' on the Southern border was Trump's signature

promise during his campaign, winning him support from advocates for hard-line immigration reform,"

Politifact reported.

Ironically, someone on the wrong side of that issue could be paying for it.

Breitbart reports:

President Donald Trump restated his promise to make Mexico pay for his big wall on the

Southern border, suggesting that they would do it by renegotiating NAFTA.

"They can pay for it indirectly through Nafta," Trump said in an interview with

the Wall Street Journal on Thursday.

"We make a good deal on Nafta, and, say, I'm going to take a small percentage of

that money and it's going toward the wall.

Guess what?

Mexico's paying."

He insisted that NAFTA was a bad deal for the United States and said that "nothing's

changed" about his campaign promise to renegotiate the deal.

"I can tell you I think the American market would go up if I terminated Nafta and renegotiated

a new deal," Trump said.

President Donald Trump restated his promise to make Mexico pay for his big wall on the

Southern border, suggesting that they would do it by renegotiating NAFTA.

"They can pay for it indirectly through Nafta," Trump said in an interview with

the Wall Street Journal on Thursday.

"We make a good deal on Nafta, and, say, I'm going to take a small percentage of

that money and it's going toward the wall.

Guess what?

Mexico's paying."

He insisted that NAFTA was a bad deal for the United States and said that "nothing's

changed" about his campaign promise to renegotiate the deal.

"I can tell you I think the American market would go up if I terminated Nafta and renegotiated

a new deal," Trump said.

He threatened to terminate NAFTA unless they could reach a renegotiation of the trade deal,

but said he was waiting until after the presidential elections in Mexico.

"I understand that a lot of things are hard to negotiate prior to an election," he said.

"They have an election coming up fairly shortly.

I understand that makes it a little bit difficult for them."

If NAFTA doesn't work out for paying for it or liberals stand in the way of allowing

that to happen, the financing problem could soon be solved if Alabama Senator Luther Strange

gets his way

Strange went on Fox News' Tucker Carlson to discuss his idea of where this much-needed

wad of cash could come from right now, and it's as ironic as using drug money to pay

for it.

Those who want immigrants in this country don't seem to have an issue with paying

for them to be here, so they should be okay with footing the bill to keep them in their


Strange explained to Tucker that the funds should come directly from so-called Sanctuary

Cities who don't follow the law.

In essence, this would be a fine for going against the President, not cooperating with

local police, refusing to turn immigrants in, and worst of all, actually preventing

people from fairly bidding on the border wall.

Sanctuary cities like San Francisco, California punish their citizens for participating in

bidding on the construction of the wall by banning them from doing any other work in

the city.

This is not a democracy, it's a dictatorship decided by liberals and since they aren't

stopping, Strange wants them to pay for the wall that's already written into law.

The Senator's simple solution is that cities who refuse to comply with the nation's law

aren't going to get the money that they expect from the government because it's

going to go to building the wall.

It makes perfect sense to not reward bad behavior with cash that could be used to ensure the

rule of law which our nation is built on.

Sanctuary Cities don't make their own rules and can't expect other people to pay for

it when it goes against what the president has already set.

Rather than defunding these defiant cities, divert the funding and let their laws be the

country's gain.

Along this same line of logic that Strange presented, costs of this wall could also be

met it America stopped or slowed the flow of funding to Mexico.

It only makes sense to use the money being sent over the border for the barrier between

us since we're also trying to block Mexican citizens from entering America illegally.

This isn't about keeping good people out and prevent people from wanting to seek a

better life and the American dream, it's only about preventing those from entering

the wrong way and wreaking havoc, compromising citizen's safety, and sapping off our resources.

If it's important to become a law-abiding American citizen and reap the rewards of living

in this country, there's an immigration to follow to prove those intentions.

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