Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 16 2018

Why Do narcissists Abuse Those They Say They Love?

For some people, or maybe you, It seems weird that someone actually can be so abusive to

their loved ones.

However, when it comes to narcissists, it is actually common for them to abuse, humiliate,

and devalue them.

Of course it is hard to understand how someone who confess their love to you can turn into

an abusive one, especially abusing your relationship.

When it's happening, your whole world seem to crumble, and your heart is breaking.

Often times, people feel traumatized and confused after their romantic relationship with narcissist


They are wondering, we were so in love as if the world belong to both of us, but now

he cheated on me, devaluated me, embarassed me, how can I trust someone ever again?

People who has been abused by their narcissistic partner may questioning and regretting how

they could have made such a big mistake, in result, they also wondering on how they can

avoid making it again in the future.

What I can tell is, there are actually so many reasons why it happens.

Most people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder are easy to predict, most of them

have similar personalities and behaviors.

Once you know them for quite sometimes, you'll realize that they tend to follow the same

relationship pattern again and again.

And, that's something that you can learn on early stage to determine whether a new partner

is a narcissist by paying close attention to their behaviors towards you, then you can

decide everything after that.

Now, we back again to the question on why do narcissists abuse those they say they love,

here is the list of reasons why narcissists like to abuse others.

#1 - Low empathy

Being empathetic is one thing that anyone should consider.

Typically people learn from time to time about empathy towards others.

However, some people who we know as narcissists fail to recognize the need of having high

empathy towards people.

They only care about themselves, and that is why they cannot understand and feel the

pain and happiness of others.

What they seek is only their happiness without knowing that the process may harm others.

#2 - Lacking of whole object relation

Whole object relation is basically an understanding of relation between objects.

In this case, the objects are human being: you and I, she and he, they and we.

Narcissists cannot understand that the quality of between the objects are not always good.

They only want to get what they like from others.

They dislike qualities from others, and they will not see it from different perspective.

They just do not understand that each object has its own bad or good things from it.

#3 - Lacking of object constancy

In addition to failure in recognizing whole object relation, narcissists also lack of

object constancy.

It is basically a self-control mechanism.

In any kind of relationship, sometimes a person gets too emotional.

However, object constancy makes sure the person to stay at positive side of the spectrum regardless

of negative feeling you have such as anger, disappointment, desperation, and frustration.

Such self-control actually helps to reduce the risk of hurting others both physically

or mentally in heated situation.

Unfortunately, narcissists are lacking of this quality, making them violent in any conflict.

All in all, that's the reasons why narcissists like to abuse others.

So, Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

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Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Why Do narcissists Abuse Those They Say They Love - Duration: 3:59.


Apne ghar ki hifazat ka wazifa | Ghar ki barbadi se bachane ka wazifa | wazifa for protection - Duration: 5:48.

Apne ghar ki hifazat ka wazifa | Ghar ki barbadi se bachane ka wazifa | wazifa for protection

For more infomation >> Apne ghar ki hifazat ka wazifa | Ghar ki barbadi se bachane ka wazifa | wazifa for protection - Duration: 5:48.



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How to enable do not disturb mode (Hide alerts) for a particular contact only in iPhone - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> How to enable do not disturb mode (Hide alerts) for a particular contact only in iPhone - Duration: 1:40.


Iron Man Falls / Snow Scene | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:34.


- Sir!

All right, kill the alarm. I got it.

That's the emergency alert triggered by the power dropping below 5%.



It's snowing, right? Where are we, upstate?

We are five miles outside of Rose Hill, Tennessee.


Jarvis. Not my idea.

What are we doing here? This is thousands of miles away!

I gotta get Pepper. I gotta...

I prepared a flight plan. This was the location.

Who asked you?

- Open the suit. I...

I think I may be malfunctioning, sir.

Open it, J.

That's brisk.

Maybe I'll just cosy back up for a...

I actually think I need to sleep now, sir.

- Jarvis.


Don't leave me, buddy.

Stark secure server

now transferring to all known receivers.

Pepper, it's me.

I've got a lot of apologies to make and not a lot of time.

So... First off, I'm so sorry I put you in harm's way.

That was selfish and stupid, and it won't happen again.

Also, it's Christmastime and the rabbit's too big.

Done. Sorry.

And I'm sorry in advance

because I can't come home yet.

I need to find this guy.

You gotta stay safe, that's all I know.

I just stole a poncho from a wooden Indian.

Let's get you comfy.

You happy now?

For more infomation >> Iron Man Falls / Snow Scene | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:34.


Why You Should Put All Your Eggs In One Basket - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> Why You Should Put All Your Eggs In One Basket - Duration: 6:40.


Lie Witness News – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Edition - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Lie Witness News – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Edition - Duration: 2:38.


Living and Walking by Faith - Duration: 22:08.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for

me. I know my God has made the way for me.

KENNETH: Turn to II Corinthians, Chapter 4, the 13th verse.

Now, here the apostle Paul, he says--the 13th

verse, he said, "We--" Now, he's talking about all of them

in the church at Corinth plus himself. "We having--"

Jesus said, "Have faith in God." "We having the same

spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed,

and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore we

speak." All right. Now look and listen to what Jesus said and

see if He's not talking about exactly the same thing Jesus is

talking about here in Mark 11:23. "For verily I say unto

you, Whosoever--" This a spiritual law. "Whosoever," any

breathing human being can use it. AUDIENCE: Yeah. KENNETH:

"Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and

be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt--" where? In his

head? AUDIENCE: No. Heart. KENNETH: No. In his heart.

His--your spirit is your heart. "--shall not doubt in his

heart," in his inner man, "but shall believe that those things

which he saith shall come to pass--" believe what? Believe

that those things which he says shall come to pass, "--he'll

have whatsoever he saith." AUDIENCE: Yes. Yes. KENNETH:

Now, let me read that again slowly, and listen to it like

this: "--shall not doubt in his heart," his inner man, "but

shall believe that those words which he saith shall come to

pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith." AUDIENCE: Amen. Yep,

yep. KENNETH: So where is the faith? Believing what you say

comes to pass. Now, what is the ironclad guarantee of it coming

to pass, just like you desired it to come to pass? "All of the

promises of God in Him," in Jesus, in Christ," are yes--"

AUDIENCE: And amen. KENNETH: "--and amen." AUDIENCE: Amen.

Hallelujah! Yes. KENNETH: So you start with that promise, or you

start with a Bible fact. "Himself bore our sins in his

own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sin, should live

unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed." That's

not a promise, that's already happened. AUDIENCE: Amen.

KENNETH: That's a Bible fact. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Boy,

I'm telling you, you can--you can hang your helmet on that.

AUDIENCE: That's right. Yes. Amen. KENNETH: Well, you can

stand on that, see? AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Now, that needs

to be, then, what I'm saying-- AUDIENCE: Yes. Exactly. KENNETH:

--is to say that. Don't try to make something up. Say what He's

already said. AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. That's right. That's

right. Amen. KENNETH: Wow. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Now,

this is what John was talking about in I John, in the 5th

chapter, when he said, "We know if we pray anything according to

his will, we know we have the petition that we desire." Well,

what is His will? His Word. What kind of person would God be to

promise something that it wasn't His will for you to have?

AUDIENCE: Right. KENNETH: See, that--that's foolishness.

Religious foolishness is what it is. And it comes from actually

not knowing what God said to start with. You--being you take

the Bible literally. Well, of course. (Laughter) Otherwise

what's the use in it? AUDIENCE: That's true. KENNETH: "Well, it

looks good in my nightstand." Well--(Laughter) We won't go

there right now. (Laughter) "Therefore--" When you see

"therefore" always stop and see what it's there for. (Laughter)

I wasn't smart enough to think that up. I got that from Brother

Hagin. (Laughter) "Therefore I say unto you--" So the very

principle of faith, where it comes from, how it's released,

and what you have to believe for it to come to pass, Jesus

immediately used it. "--he shall have whatsoever he said.

Therefore I say unto you, Whatsoever thing you desire--"

now, wait a minute. We just got rid of the mountain that we

don't desire. So we kicked the mountain out, now we're going to

bring in here what--what we do desire. (Audience Agrees)

"Therefore I say unto you, what things soever you desire, when

you pray, start believing." AUDIENCE: Amen. Yes. Oof!

KENNETH: Now, hold your place there and let's go over to the

20th chapter of John's Gospel. John, Chapter 20, Verse 24,

20th chapter of John's Gospel. John, Chapter 20, Verse 24,

"Thomas, one of the twelve...was not with them when Jesus came.

The other disciples therefore said to him, We've seen the

Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands

the print of the nails, put my finger into the print," or in

the hole, "thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe."

Now--now, what--what has Thomas said? Thomas said, "I won't

start believing unless that happens." AUDIENCE: Yep.

KENNETH: But now here Jesus said, "When you pray, start

believing." AUDIENCE: Yes. Amen. Amen. KENNETH: You release your

faith then. AUDIENCE: Amen. Not after you see something, feel

something. Because if you're waiting to see something, feel

something, it's--it's--it--you know, tomorrow never comes.

(Audience Agrees) AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: You keep pushing

it away from you. Look at it again. "Whatsoever thing you

desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you

shall have them." But it's dependent on something. "When

you stand praying, forgive if you have ought against any: that

your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your

trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your

Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses." Now,

He has already--now--hey. I used to tell the kids when they were

little, "Get your catchers out because I'm about to say

something." (Laughter) He's already forgiven us our

trespasses. He's not holding our trespasses against us. AUDIENCE:

Right. Thank You, Jesus. KENNETH: But He can't do

anything about it if you won't forgive. (indistinct responses)

He can't. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: You're resisting

forgiveness. AUDIENCE: Amen. Amen. Yeah, yeah. KENNETH: You

can't resist forgiveness here and receive it here. AUDIENCE:

That's right. Amen. KENNETH: No. Spiritual things--help me say

this, Lord. Spiritual things are not linear the way we think. God

is not there. God is there--forgiveness is a

is not there. God is there--forgiveness is a

spiritual thing. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: If I won't forgive you,

I'm resisting God's forgiveness for me. AUDIENCE: Amen. That's

right. KENNETH: But the moment I forgive and I repent--can you

see? I forgive, I repent. Glory to God. Now, how do you--turn

over to I John. This is another thing that the Mark 11:23, 24,

over to I John. This is another thing that the Mark 11:23, 24,

25 rule applies right here. You can't walk in Mark 11:22, 23,

and 24 by feelings. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: "Well, I

just don't feel like He heard me." Your feelings don't have

anything to do with it. "Well, I just feel like I don't have any

faith." You can't feel faith. AUDIENCE: That's right.

KENNETH: It's a spiritual force. You can't feel it. Now, there

are times when it--when a force becomes tangible like the

healing anointing. There are times it's perceptible and warm,

warmness particularly. It's part of the fire, part of the glory.

But you don't judge it by feelings. AUDIENCE: That's

right. That's right. KENNETH: You judge things by what God

said about them. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: Thomas said, "I will

not. I will not do it. Unless I can see it and feel it, I won't

believe it." Abraham said, "Be it done unto me as you have

spoken, according to your word." AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: So now,

you cannot receive Abraham's blessing with Thomas'

faith-- (Audience Agrees) --because there wasn't

any faith there. Now, natural human faith and spiritual force

any faith there. Now, natural human faith and spiritual force

of faith are completely two different things. Now, I John

1:7, "If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have

fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his

Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we

deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." Now, look at

this. Here is a--here is a covenant promise: "If we confess

our sins, he," Jesus, "is faithful and just," or

righteous, "to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all

unrighteousness," as long as we don't feel guilty anymore.

(Laughter) Doesn't say anything about your feelings. It said

He's faithful and just to forgive you when you confess it,

and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. So if He

cleansed you from all unrighteousness, what's left?

Righteousness. (Audience Agrees) Amen. (Audience "Amens") "Yeah,

but I just--(Mumbles)." Shut up, righteous. Quit acting like

that. "Well, you mean I ain't supposed to feel guilty?" "Well,

I feel guilty for not feeling guilty." (Laughter) That's when

you have to school yourself in the faith. This is what He said,

this is it. I see it. I see it. I believe it. It's the Word of

God. Isaiah 43:25 backs it up, glory to God. Colossians, the

first three chapters, backs it up. Praise God. He blotted

our--our sins. And the 103rd Psalm, all--all of these words

back that scripture up. So, I believe that in the name of the

Lord Jesus Christ. "Well, I confess Jesus, uh--uh--" Come

on, come on, come on. Don't you start trying to skirt around

this. Call it by its nasty name. AUDIENCE: Yes. Amen. KENNETH: In

order to live and walk by faith, to have any kind of success in

the kingdom of God, you're going to have to get brutally honest

with God, and you're going to have to get brutally honest with

yourself. (Audience Agrees) AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Not

condemning yourself, just honest. "I've been skirting

around this thing all this time. It's not my problem. It's sin."

AUDIENCE: Amen. Yep. KENNETH: I lied. Do you

know the Scripture's telling the church at Ephesus,

"Stop lying to one another"? AUDIENCE: Yeah.

KENNETH: Just get really straight. You start getting

straight with Jesus and straight with yourself, you'll

be surprised how much stuff, fire, purging fire, can start

blazing on the inside of you. And I want you to know, the more

courage it builds up in there, and you get to where you can

say, "Sir, I did it. I repent. By faith I receive my

forgiveness, and by faith I believe I receive my cleansing

from that unrighteousness. Thank you very much." AUDIENCE: Amen.

Praise God. KENNETH: And shut up. AUDIENCE: Yes. (Laughter)

Amen. KENNETH: Anything else you got to say, say it in tongues.

(Laughter) Just say it in the Spirit. (Applause) Just begin to

praise and worship. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Begin to praise

and worship-- AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: --instead of,

"Oh, I just wish I had the--oh." When you start that, "I don't

know. I just--" (Laughter) --you're just saying to

Jesus, you know, "I know what You said, but I don't

believe it." AUDIENCE: Yes. Amen. KENNETH: Boy, it's getting

quiet in here. (Laughter) It does when you start talking

about sin, it kind of has a way, doesn't it? Well, there's the

answer to it in Mark 11:23 and 24 and 25. Right there. It

may--now, if this was something that was ongoing and you came

under conviction of the thing, and finally dealt with it,

particularly in the area of forgiveness and unforgiveness

and so forth, and you just, "Well, I forgive her by faith."

(Laughter) "Jesus said to, and I'll do it." See, forgiveness is

not a feeling. (Audience Agrees) It's an act of obedience.

(Audience Agrees) This is an order. It's not optional. All

right. Let's close this like this: This is the faith of God.

Look with me in Romans 12. "I beseech you therefore, brethren,

Look with me in Romans 12. "I beseech you therefore, brethren,

by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living

sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable

service. Be not conformed to this world: but be ye

transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove

what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of

God. For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every

man that is among you--" Now, he's writing this to the

believers in Rome. "--not to think of himself more highly

than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God

has dealt to every man the measure of faith." Now, He's not

dealt to every human being the measure of faith because the

Scripture says all men don't have faith. "Deliver us from

wicked and unreasonable men: for all men have no faith." All men

among you, every born-again child of God has been dealt the

measure of faith. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Now, how did it

come? "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."

So, every person that ever accepted Jesus as Lord and

Savior, the moment they received him, they were recreated and

became a new creature, new species of being, not just a

forgiven sinner. You're born again. AUDIENCE: Amen.

KENNETH: Now, every one of us received the measure

of faith. Every one of us got exactly the same

measure of faith. Now, there are those that

did absolutely nothing with it. And there are those of

us that have done something with it and continue

to live by--and you know, the apostle Paul said, "Your faith

grows exceedingly," ever increasing, always increasing,

always growing. Well, Jesus talked about, you know, "Why is

it you have no faith?" Then He said to others, "Why is it you

have so little faith?" So if you've got a little faith--if

you've got a half faith, that means you can have a--you're

full of faith. That means you could be half full of faith. You

could be--you know. Well, it's measurable is what I'm saying to

you. So, you have the--a measure of the same faith

with which God created the heavens and the earth.

ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth

Copeland Ministries. And remember Jesus is Lord.

For more infomation >> Living and Walking by Faith - Duration: 22:08.


BREAKING!!! They Just OFFICIALLY SNUBBED TRUMP!! Rot in HELL! - Duration: 27:06.



Rot in HELL!

News outlets have been abuzz over the recent engagement of Prince Harry and American actress

Meghan Markle.

The next question people have been asking is who is going to get invited.

Because of Prince Harry's friendship with the Obama's it's been speculated that

the former President and First Lady will be invited.

However, reports also indicate President Trump and First Lady Melania will not be invited.

Royal insiders have said that while no formal guest list has been created or released yet

and that their is no reason why they would be invited.

The insider further argued that the current President might not take kindly to the snub

given his cancellation of his trip to England next month.

The Daily Mail reported,

"In other US-UK developments last night: – UK officials privately expressed their

hope that the President could come to Britain at some point this year;

– Ministers are examining the idea of him visiting Scotland instead;

– The President's claim that the lease on the old embassy in Mayfair had been sold

for 'peanuts' was supported by documents showing the US received nearly £200million

less than thought.

Mr Trump said he had called off the London trip because he disagreed with the decision

to sell off the old embassy cheap.

But observers suggested he did not want to run the gauntlet of protests.

London mayor Sadiq Khan was among those on the Left who commented yesterday, saying it

was clear that Mr Trump had 'got the message that many Londoners' did not want him here.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has also said he should not be invited.

Boris Johnson took aim at both men last night, accusing them of putting Britain's relationship

with America at risk.

He labelled Mr Khan a 'puffed up, pompous popinjay'.

Downing Street appeared to back his stance, with a source saying: 'We agree that any

risk to the crucial US-UK relationship is not in our country's best interests.'

The row over the visit, which sparked headlines around the world yesterday, threatens a new

crisis in Britain's relations with the Trump administration.

There is now no date for a visit by the President, who has been in office for a year.

Royal Household sources made clear that Prince Harry's nuptials were not a state occasion

and would be, by royal standards at least, a more low-key, family affair than the wedding

of his parents or brother.

'Although the wedding is being attended by the Queen, it isn't an official, state


It is a family event,' the source said.'Unless the President was a close personal friend,

which he is not, there would be no protocol, no reason for him to be invited.

Harry and Meghan have made clear that this is very much an occasion and a celebration

for their close family and friends.'

Downing Street said it was a matter for the Royal Household.

Previous royal weddings of those low down the succession list have not been attended

by US presidents.

Richard Nixon was not present at the November 1973 wedding of Princess Anne to Captain Mark


Ronald Reagan was not present at the July 1986 wedding of Prince Andrew to Sarah Ferguson.

And Bill Clinton was not at the June 1997 wedding of Prince Edward to Sophie Rhys-Jones.

But it does leave open the question as to whether Barack Obama, who was interviewed

by Prince Harry for broadcast on Radio 4 only last month, is likely to be asked.

Harry now counts him as a close personal friend and his instinct would certainly be to do


Michael Wolff, the US journalist behind a controversial book on Mr Trump, warned earlier

this week that he 'doesn't like being snubbed'.

The Mail revealed yesterday that Mr Trump had scrapped his plan to make his first visit

to UK as President next month to open the new £1billion US embassy in Nine Elms, south

of the Thames.

Sources suggested he was unhappy about the arrangements and the scale of the visit.

Then, a few minutes before 5am, Mr Trump confirmed the story, tweeting that he had cancelled

his trip because he was 'not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps

the best located and finest embassy in London for "peanuts", only to build a new one

in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars'.

He denounced the decision to move the embassy from Grosvenor Square as a bad deal, adding:

'Wanted me to cut ribbon-NO!'

US ambassador to the UK Robert Johnson said he agreed that the embassy's old location

on Grosvenor Square was 'perfect' but that a move was forced by security concerns

following the September 11 terror attacks.

Madame Tussauds arranged for Mr Trump to visit the embassy yesterday – in waxwork form.

Diplomatic staff and construction workers crowded around the model and posed for selfies.

British officials were last night still hoping the President could come to Britain at some

point this year.

Ministers even discussed a plan for him to meet the Queen at Balmoral instead of London.

But Mr Khan, who clashed with Mr Trump after he criticised his handling of the London Bridge

terror attack, said: 'His visit next month would without doubt have been met by mass

peaceful protests.

'This just reinforces what a mistake it was for Theresa May to rush and extend an

invitation of a state visit in the first place.'"

While reporters are attempting to make this new detail appear to be a huge snub the real

question people need to be asking is why should President Trump care?

He doesn't have a personal relationship with the royals, he has never expressed a

desire to create a close relationship, and he has American business to take care of.

He hardly has the desire or the time to be concerned with whether or not the royal family

invites him to the wedding.

This is literally one of the most irrelevant news stories that the left is choosing to

report and write on.

They are only doing it to try and make the President look bad when in reality their are

far worse things to be concerned about.



you agree.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!!! They Just OFFICIALLY SNUBBED TRUMP!! Rot in HELL! - Duration: 27:06.


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it was a world I knew nothing about really

knew ballet fascinated me but it was only pictures of ballet it was only

books it was only stories that I'd become aware of suddenly I was at a very

young age ripped out of Tasmania and pushed into a career that I didn't

realize at the time would last the rest of my life I went straight from the

ballet school into Australian but I company so it's been my lifetime and

it's been a lifetime involvement with the Australian Ballet because somehow no

matter where I was in the world or what I was doing there was always a



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Bangla Waz 2017 Abu Sufyan Abedi Al-Quadri বিষয় কবর ও হাশর Part - 1 - Duration: 10:02.

Bangla Waz 2017 Abu Sufyan Abedi Al-Quadri বিষয় কবর ও হাশর Part - 1

For more infomation >> Bangla Waz 2017 Abu Sufyan Abedi Al-Quadri বিষয় কবর ও হাশর Part - 1 - Duration: 10:02.


រំដួលដងស្ទឹងសង្កែ, ចម្រៀងមនោសញ្ចេតនា, khmer old song collection 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 32:50.


For more infomation >> រំដួលដងស្ទឹងសង្កែ, ចម្រៀងមនោសញ្ចេតនា, khmer old song collection 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 32:50.


[★FULL인터뷰]데뷔 10년 우영의 감회 즐겁고도 아팠죠- 스타뉴스 2008년 혜성같이 등장 훤칠한 외모와 탄탄한 근육질 몸매를 앞세운 퍼포먼스는 당시 2PM만이 소화했던 - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> [★FULL인터뷰]데뷔 10년 우영의 감회 즐겁고도 아팠죠- 스타뉴스 2008년 혜성같이 등장 훤칠한 외모와 탄탄한 근육질 몸매를 앞세운 퍼포먼스는 당시 2PM만이 소화했던 - Duration: 7:20.


Mobb Deep Type Beat

For more infomation >> Mobb Deep Type Beat


For more infomation >> Mobb Deep Type Beat


Après avoir commencé à consommer uniquement ces 2 ingrédients, je n'ai plus jamais... - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Après avoir commencé à consommer uniquement ces 2 ingrédients, je n'ai plus jamais... - Duration: 6:26.


For more infomation >> Après avoir commencé à consommer uniquement ces 2 ingrédients, je n'ai plus jamais... - Duration: 6:26.


Peterhansel gagne la 8ème étape; Le Qatar Nasser Al Attiyah n'écarte pas ses chances - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Peterhansel gagne la 8ème étape; Le Qatar Nasser Al Attiyah n'écarte pas ses chances - Duration: 3:52.


For more infomation >> Peterhansel gagne la 8ème étape; Le Qatar Nasser Al Attiyah n'écarte pas ses chances - Duration: 3:52.


Dynamic Brushes - Manga Studio 5 / Clip Studio Paint - FR - Duration: 21:47.

For more infomation >> Dynamic Brushes - Manga Studio 5 / Clip Studio Paint - FR - Duration: 21:47.


For more infomation >> Dynamic Brushes - Manga Studio 5 / Clip Studio Paint - FR - Duration: 21:47.


Laurent Ruquier : Les Grosses Têtes dénon­cées au CSA pour s'être moqué des handi­ca­pés mentaux - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Laurent Ruquier : Les Grosses Têtes dénon­cées au CSA pour s'être moqué des handi­ca­pés mentaux - Duration: 2:16.


For more infomation >> Laurent Ruquier : Les Grosses Têtes dénon­cées au CSA pour s'être moqué des handi­ca­pés mentaux - Duration: 2:16.


រំដួលដងស្ទឹងសង្កែ, ចម្រៀងមនោសញ្ចេតនា, khmer old song collection 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 32:50.


For more infomation >> រំដួលដងស្ទឹងសង្កែ, ចម្រៀងមនោសញ្ចេតនា, khmer old song collection 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 32:50.


For more infomation >> រំដួលដងស្ទឹងសង្កែ, ចម្រៀងមនោសញ្ចេតនា, khmer old song collection 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 32:50.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


BMW1シリーズ次期型、初のウィンターテスト...「M」は直4搭載へ! - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> BMW1シリーズ次期型、初のウィンターテスト...「M」は直4搭載へ! - Duration: 3:18.


154 Tollard Drive, Rokeby - Presented by The Conor Canning Canning Team - Duration: 1:32.


What I find I have for you today! An</font>

incredible designer home in a perfect

position with some of the best water

views you'll see this year I can't wait

to show you through say come on let's go

have a look the open-plan living, dining

and kitchen space, it's simply superb; it's

the real hub of the home and it's filled

with natural light. As you make your way

down the hall three spacious bedrooms, a

main bathroom, that's been wonderfully

appointed and the master will be a huge

appeal with spacious walkin robe and

beautifully appointed ensuite.</font>

You're going to love the quality of the

finish in the kitchen, which is spacious

and features a butler's pantry making it

the perfect home for entertaining. What I

think I love most is that front deck

with its beautiful water views and all day sun.

It's been a pleasure to show you

this immaculate family home with some of

the best water views that you'll see

this year this one's going to be popular

guys so make sure you give me a call


For more infomation >> 154 Tollard Drive, Rokeby - Presented by The Conor Canning Canning Team - Duration: 1:32.


Intel Drone Light Show - 2018 CES Las Vegas - Duration: 4:25.

(Music: "Stargazing" ft. Justin Jesso by Kygo)

(Music: Intel's logo music entitled "Bong")

For more infomation >> Intel Drone Light Show - 2018 CES Las Vegas - Duration: 4:25.


Cartoons about Cars for children Colored Cars with Spider Man Learn Colors Cartoon Superheroes - Duration: 11:35.

Cartoons about Cars for children Colored Cars with Spider Man Learn Colors Cartoon Superheroes

For more infomation >> Cartoons about Cars for children Colored Cars with Spider Man Learn Colors Cartoon Superheroes - Duration: 11:35.


Steelgenix Microhomes Are Built To Stand The Test Of Time - Duration: 2:56.

SUPPORT US HERE : Tiny Homes :

Steelgenix Microhomes Are Built To Stand The Test Of Time

You probably aren't aware of this, but I actually live in a tiny house myself.

To be specific, it is an RV.

And let me tell you—living in one has taught me that moisture is a serious problem with

any tiny dwelling since it can easily get trapped and rot out wood and other materials

commonly used in tiny house construction.

Now and again a metal RV pulls into the park where I'm living and I feel a wave of envy.

So metal makes a lot of sense as a building material for tiny houses, and naturally I

got excited when I discovered the steel-framed pre-fabricated structures designed by SteelGenix.

The steel frames used by SteelGenix in construction offer several key benefits.

First of all, they provide strength and structural integrity.

Secondly, moisture cannot compromise that integrity.

Thirdly, both the steel frame and other components used in the houses are fire-resistant.

Because steel is easily recycled, it is also an eco-friendly building material.

As of right now, SteelGenix offers two different tiny houses: the Steelhaus and the Stealth


The Steelhaus

This house has a simple contemporary design with large windows and a glass door in the


The interior features a beautiful, sleek wood finish.

The cabinets and countertop in white stand out from the rest of the room, drawing the

eye to both, and from there, to the long windows drawing light onto the countertop.

The stovetop and microwave are visible on the left in this shot along with the full-size

fridge and freezer.

Beyond is a couch as well as a ladder leading up to a small but attractive loft.

Here we have turned to face the other direction.

As you can see, there is a second ladder leading up to another loft on the other side.

A lot of sleeping spaces have been packed into this little house.

The Stealth Microhome

Next up is the even-more-modern-looking "Stealth Microhome."

This steel-framed tiny house has some very cool features which you can see from the outside.

A fold-down deck can be extended along one side, revealing large glass doors.

There are plenty of other large windows and doors scattered around the rest of the structure

as well.

Here is what the "Stealth" tiny house looks like from the inside.

Parked in the right environment, the view through the windows (essentially the entire

wall) could be nothing short of breathtaking.

You can also see where the little kitchen is situated, and the ladder leading up to

the loft.

The small sitting area is bathed in light.

All SteelGenix tiny houses are designed to be energy-efficient.

If you want to go off the grid, they are solar-ready.

They resist fire, mold, and termites, provide clean indoor air, and are fast to assemble.

Learn more at the official SteelGenix website.

For more infomation >> Steelgenix Microhomes Are Built To Stand The Test Of Time - Duration: 2:56.


アキュラ、高性能な「タイプS」を10年ぶり復活へ…デトロイトモーターショー2018で発表 - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> アキュラ、高性能な「タイプS」を10年ぶり復活へ…デトロイトモーターショー2018で発表 - Duration: 1:45.


Bangla Waz 2017 Abu Sufyan Abedi Al-Quadri বিষয় কবর ও হাশর Part - 1 - Duration: 10:02.

Bangla Waz 2017 Abu Sufyan Abedi Al-Quadri বিষয় কবর ও হাশর Part - 1

For more infomation >> Bangla Waz 2017 Abu Sufyan Abedi Al-Quadri বিষয় কবর ও হাশর Part - 1 - Duration: 10:02.


Loving Vincent - Movie - Duration: 1:34:43.

For more infomation >> Loving Vincent - Movie - Duration: 1:34:43.


រំដួលដងស្ទឹងសង្កែ, ចម្រៀងមនោសញ្ចេតនា, khmer old song collection 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 32:50.


For more infomation >> រំដួលដងស្ទឹងសង្កែ, ចម្រៀងមនោសញ្ចេតនា, khmer old song collection 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 32:50.


Mourinho speaks on transfer as $55m signing of South American star nears - Duration: 2:04.

Mourinho speaks on transfer as $55m signing of South American star nears

Jose Mourinho was quizzed about the talk of the town on Monday night after the win over

Stoke City.

Manchester United moved to within 12 points of Premier League leaders Manchester City

after a 3-0 victory over Stoke City.

Before kick-off on Monday, the main story at Old Trafford was concerning the possibility

of a transfer deal for Arsenal star Alexis Sanchez.

The Red Devils are claimed to be closing in on a deal for the 29-year-old this month for

him to replace Henrikh Mkhitaryan.

As expected, Mourinho was asked about the deal for Sanchez which is reportedly set to

cost United $55million (£40 million).

"Not confident but also not, what is the opposite?


Just relaxed," said Mourinho on Monday

"We have a feeling that he is an Arsenal player, we have a feeling that he can stay

there, but also a feeling he can move and if he moves I think we have a chance but most

probably a player like him has other big clubs interested and who knows.

"I think him, Mr Wenger, [Arsenal chief executive] Mr Gazidis, they are the ones who

know what is going to happen.

"I am not going to speak about hypothetical situation.

Probably there are other clubs interested, also some other clubs are trying.

He's an Arsenal player.

If he stays it's great for Arsenal, if he comes to us, great for us, if he goes to another

club, great for them."

Reports have however claimed that the Red Devils have agreed personal terms with Sanchez

over the transfer.

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