Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 18 2018

- And was this your card?

- You never gave me a chance to pick.

- Ah, I always forget something.

Yo, F, your late for game night.

- Sorry, you wouldn't believe how many

rubber necker's there are on the road today.

- Was there a bad accident?

- Yeah, I got rear-ended in a hit-and-run.

- Wait, you were in the accident?

Way to bury the lead, F.

- Seriously, did you get a look at the person?

Can you describe 'em?

- She was an older woman, white hair, very funny.

- How do you know she was funny?

- 'Cause it was Betty White.

- You were in a hit-and-run with Betty White?

Why didn't you start with that?

- I started with what I thought

was the most interesting part.

There are a ton of people on the road today.

Back me up here, Aika.

- Try again, bitch.

- Raika.

- He knows.

- That's not the most interesting part.

- Take it easy.

I just had a gun pointed at me.

- Someone pointed a gun at you?

- Yeah, Betty White.

- Why didn't you report her?

- Not gonna report somebody I know.

- You know Betty White?

- That's the most interesting part.

- How can I not know my foster mom.

- Oh, no, that's the most interesting part.

Why did your foster mom, who is Betty White,

point a gun at you?

- Right?

I mean, so what I stole her car?

Anyway, I was stuck behind this guy

who had his blinker on for like, two miles.

- You're out of your fucking mind.

- Okay, this is the worst.

Here F, cut the deck.

- Can't, fake arms.

- What?

- Hey, if you think I look beat up,

you should see the shark.

- I know I'm gonna regret asking this, but--

- Libra.

- Shut up, no she's not.

- No, your third arm.

- Grant, I can't possibly be your first Martian friend?

- Your Martian?

Don't you think that's an important detail to mention?

- Ha, I'm sorry.

I didn't realize race was such a big issue for you.

- This is so telling, honestly.

I always knew this was an issue for you.

- No, that's--

- No, I felt it in the room.

This entire night, I was like

"something feels off" and it's you.

- I don't feel like game night anymore.

You two need to get your priorities straight.

- Oh, we need to do more work and straighten our priorities.

- Don't you even...

- Oh, I don't even.

Now I don't have to do anything.

- Well, anyway, let's see if my accident was on the news.


- [News Anchor] And the suspects are still at large.

And now for our main story,

there's a ton of people on the road.


- Told ya.

- Shut up.

- Hi, I'm Rafael from College Humor.

Click here to subscribe.

Click here for more fun stuff.

And if you could just click here,

it would really satisfy my OCD.


Thanks a lot.

That really hit the spot.

For more infomation >> Leaving Out the Best Part - Duration: 2:32.


Men Tweeze Their Own Eyebrows For The First Time - Duration: 2:36.

- [Both] Tweeze those brows, tweeze those brows.

- [Man] Yeah!

- My girlfriend tweezes my eyebrows,

it's like a weekly thing we do.

I actually find it really therapeutic.

- I've never used one of these.

Usually I'm like, oh what's this, move that out of the way.

- I don't know how this is done.

- No, this is fleek, though.

- This is, this is, the fleek?

- All right, let's do this.

Cheers, let's go.

- We've got stencils here.

- My eyebrow doesn't look anything like this.

Oh, this does not look good.

This looks like I need to tweeze

a lot of it. - Wait, this is bad.

- I may just wing it, and just do it freehand.

- Brave.

- I'm just gonna grab and pull, like.

- It's what I'm good at.

- [David] Oh, oh.

- Ow, phff, okay.

I mean ... - I'm getting

some little hairs here.

- This is actually kind of not bad.

- Oh, oh, oh.

Geeze, it hurts.

- Okay, that one hurt.

That was like a bigger hair.

- I don't know what the hell I'm doing.

Just like I don't know what I'm doing with my life.

- Like, I feel like I'm scared over here.

- Agh!

- Ow.

- Ahhhh.

- Ugh.

- [Indy] Ow, oh.

- All right, here we go.

- Maybe if I start getting some of these bigger hairs

that are more problematic looking.

- 'kay, all my hairs are bigger and problematic looking.

Where are your hairs that you're putting down?

- They're here.

- Look at mine.

You see mine everywhere?

(Chelly laughing) - Oh damn!

- I don't feel like this is that bad.

- [Indy] Pulling, ow, ow.

- Ah.

- Oh, lord.

- It's getting red.

- Is it?

- Yeah, is that a thing?

- Mm, maybe, I dunno.

- No stop, stop, stop.

- Agh!

- This is actually starting to look pretty solid.

- This is, I think I'm starting to look good.

- Yeah, it actually is. - Right?

- Your arch game on point.

- I do feel a little more glamorous.

- I have two brows now.

- Oh yeah. - Pretty good.

- Look, it looks like I've done literally nothing, and look.

(David chuckling)

This is absurd.

Oh, I do have a tiny arch, like real tiny.

- It's 'cause you're making it, man.

You make your arch.

- This wasn't that painful.

I think if guys are scared, or anyone's scared of the pain,

it's really, like, negligible.

- Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna tweeze my eyebrows again.

I mean, at least by myself.

- Take your hairs and throw it in the air (laughing).

- Like confetti?

- Yeah (laughing) mine could be like confetti.

- It's too much.

- Dude, look at this.

- Oh, that's too much, that's gross.

- Here's all my, anybody want my DNA?

Oh wow, it came all the way...

- It's, yeah,

you got lots. - It's everywhere.

- I mean, I got hairs too.

- Guys, if you need some Chelly DNA, yeah.

(upbeat music)

(soft whooshing)

(metal creaking)

For more infomation >> Men Tweeze Their Own Eyebrows For The First Time - Duration: 2:36.


Com certeza voltei pro Brasil...!! 空港で早速「ブラジルに帰ってきた!」と実感[Vlog#60] - Duration: 4:52.

Hi, it's Harumi!

Now I'm back in Brazil.

Today is Jan. 17th..

I was in Japan for a month.

I couldn't upload videos as much as I wanted

and here I am in Brazil again!

Yesterday late at night..

I arrived in Brazil

and there were some things that I felt

"well, I'm really back in here again".

People often say that there's a different smell.

In every country there's a different smell.

In Brazil..

I only know Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro..

ahh and Iguasu as well..

this time it was Rio.

Regarding to Rio, I actually don't feel that much of different smell..

but..the climate is a lot different..

It's summer time here so

it's so hot! It's a bit humid, too.

Because I came from Japan traveling through Europe,

winter to summer.


Hot, isn't it?

I felt it's hot here..


Oh yeah, beeps!

Car horn

When we were in Japan Bruno was saying

he doesn't hear car beeps.

In Japan we rarely beep, aren't we?

But here in Brazil

it's so usual using car horns.

I went out of the airport

and in just a few minutes until got in the bus

I already heard so much noise

"beep beep!"

And so I felt "ah, I'm really back here."

And...ah, toilet.

When I go back to Japan the first thing that I notice

is the cleanness of the toilets

and I feel that I'm in Japan.

I feel relieved.

But here..toilets aren't clean

so...I know that I'm back in Brazil.

So I mentioned 3 things

that aren't very pleasant

but there is something good, too.

The thing that I feel happy that I'm back here is..

for example for us like this traveling with two little kids

at the immigration..

well how do you call it, where you show your passport..

passport control..?

Without asking for anything

people who're working there find us

and let us go first.

In Brazil people are nice for parents with little kids,

pregnants, elder and handicapped people.

Everyone's very kind for those who need help.

That's my impression.

At bank or any other places you go

there's a priority service for them.


good when you are that person.

You feel grateful.

On the other hand when you're not in those situations

sometimes there're so many priority people

and never comes your turn

and you may feel frustrated

if your position changes.

But...this culture, the kindness for people who need help

I think Brazil is more ahead than Japan.

Well, I think that's it for today.

I just wanted to tell you that I'm back in Brazil,

and I have some video that I was filming in Japan,

some videos not that special though..

there're some..

so I want to edit and upload them.

Ok, then!

Bye, everyone!


Ah! Happy New Year!

For more infomation >> Com certeza voltei pro Brasil...!! 空港で早速「ブラジルに帰ってきた!」と実感[Vlog#60] - Duration: 4:52.


Making 9 Christmas Projects with Legacy Staff - Legacy Woodworking - Duration: 3:50.

Hey, in this Legacy video we are going to check out a few project samples

of what the Legacy staff built last year for Christmas on our CNC systems.

If you stick around, you'll also see how you can participate in upcoming training webinars

that teach how these projects are designed and programmed for your CNC.

"Intro Music"

Let us kick things off with Mitch,

he helps with updating the website, prototyping upcoming CNC projects and assists in answering sales questions.

He built a hammerhead walking cane for his grandfather.

The Handle was customized with inlay of his grandfather's initials.

Mitch started using Legacy's CNC equipment only 9 months ago.

Next, Tracy, our resident conversation CAM programming expert,

Website designer and webinar instructor,

built these stunning Brick Pattern Sienna Pens.

He also designed and built this new original Legacy project, the Ice Bucket Wine Glass Display.

Being Christmas, he themed it around a snowflake design.

In the future, we will be introducing other themes for this project.

Then there's Cody, Legacy's manufacturing shop foreman.

He built some of the toy box benches that were shown back in November.

He v-carved the kid's names in the back panels so they wouldn't fight over which one was theirs.

He also built some beautiful Deer Head Mounts along with some 3D carved "Thank You" plaques

for family and friends.

Let's not forget about Cindy who runs Legacy's order status, purchasing and shipping & handling.

She made some of Legacy's most popular projects, the stackable gift boxes.

It was originally her idea to show this project as a gift box.

She resized them down to 9" x 18" and v-carved custom quotes along the sides.

Next, we have Chad.

He used to be the main technician for technical support and now leads our Quality Check for

machine testing and calibration.

He produced a variety of Christmas decorations for family and friends.

Everything from gingerbread houses, presents, to elves.

Every part was cut out with the CNC and then hand painted to make these awesome decorations.

Now everybody knows John,

or at least you will if you're planning on purchasing a Legacy CNC machine.

He runs the sales department.

He built this slick wooden platter, but instead of 3D-carving it,

he used cutter profiles on this double-sided part to speed up the cutting process.

Last is myself, obviously, I produce videos but I also train all our customers

that come to Legacy's facility for the 2 days of training.

I redesigned and built this hollow spiral candlestick.

I find that watching the hollowing process never gets old.

As a CNC manufacture, we take great pride in our staff

and how they thrive to be active woodworkers even though their responsibilities are something else entirely.

You can see that having these capabilities as a woodworker is extremely fulfilling

and can improve your business or hobby.

To learn more about our CNC systems and to join our Legacy community click the link above.

If you are interested in how these projects were designed and programmed,

Legacy is offering a 4 week no cost guest pass to participate in upcoming training webinars.

Just click right here to sign up and don't forget to check the guest pass option.

To see our last video about Legacy's Story click over there.

Press that subscribe button to receive notifications on new videos, and when you can take advantage of free training courses.

As always, thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Making 9 Christmas Projects with Legacy Staff - Legacy Woodworking - Duration: 3:50.


Kevin Opens Up About Being Bullied Over His Weight | Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian | E! - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Kevin Opens Up About Being Bullied Over His Weight | Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian | E! - Duration: 1:53.


CLEANING MOTIVATION for When You Don't Like to Clean - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> CLEANING MOTIVATION for When You Don't Like to Clean - Duration: 6:35.


"Life Stuff" -Geek Days #2 - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> "Life Stuff" -Geek Days #2 - Duration: 3:50.


Roman Reigns STEROID ACCUSATIONS! | WrestleTalk News Jan. 2018 - Duration: 4:22.

Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News - I'm Oli Davis.

Drew Gulak, Wrestling Hero When you're as into professional wrestling

as I assume you all are - because you're watching a video on professional wrestling

news right now - it's easy to lose sight of just how crazy and bizarre the business

and medium are.

But, occasionally, something punctures the wrestling bubble where you step back with

a big grin on your face and observe, 'that's awesomely stupid'.

For Raw viewers this week, it was when Kurt said "Oh god those trucks are worth $12


But for Kevin Owens, it was when he saw Drew Gulak boarding a plane.

"I just saw @MojoRawleyWWE walking towards the gate at the airport next to someone whom

I assumed must have been some sort of big time Texas oil tycoon...

As they got closer, I realized it was @DrewGulak wearing a giant cowboy hat.

Good morning!" Owens followed up the tweet with a picture

of a Drew in the wild!

It turns out the Cruiserweight Division's unsung hero had actually gone full Texas,

as Ariya Daivari revealed more of Gulak's look:

"To back up @FightOwensFight tweet...this is what I had to look at for 2 hours at dinner

last night."

And Drew himself hinted at a future cattle ranch owner career on Instagram.

Gulak's promos and character work on Raw and 205 Live is amongst the best in WWE, but

because audiences have been conditioned not to react to Cruiserweights, he rarely gets

the reaction he deserves.

So let's take a moment to savour the Master of the Powerpoint Presentation.

But while Drew's been shooting like a Cowboy, a top WWE star has been accused of shooting

something else… Roman Reigns Steroid Accusation

In a YouTube interview posted last Thursday 11th January, filmmaker Jon Bravo spoke to

Richard Rodriguez, a Miami gym owner arrested last February and charged "of heading a

$10 million international steroid production and distribution ring."

Of the 50 alleged customers the United States Attorney's Office has in their case against

him, Rodriguez has named three: actors Josh Duhamel and Mark Wahlberg...and WWE superstar

Roman Reigns.

"I'm just trying to clear my name and just make people well aware that there's

a lot more people out there that were involved…

One of them in particular is a very famous wrestler by the name of Roman Reigns."

While Rodriguez's accusations are made without corroboration, and as such should be taken

with skepticism, his interview has received so much mainstream attention since its release,

Joe Anoa'i (Roman's real name) has issued a statement in reply:

"I have never heard of Richard Rodriguez or Wellness Fitness Nutrition.

I learned from the mistake I made nearly two years ago and paid the penalty for it.

Since then, I've passed 11 tests as part of WWE's independent drug testing program."

The mistake Reigns references is his Wellness Policy violation in June 2016, for which he

was suspended by WWE for 30 days.

But according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, that violation was for the athletic performance

enhancer Adderall - not steroids.

Although WWE never confirmed what the substance was.

A representative for Mark Wahlberg has also denied Rodriguez's claims, issuing the statement,

"These accusations are completely false." Discount Code: 'WTTV' As a special treat for the SWAFT Nation, if

you visit and use the discount code WTTV, you'll get a free DVD or autograph

in your first box!

WrestleCrate is a monthly mystery box full of loads of wrestling goodies, which has items

from the biggest promotions in wrestling.

Has a Royal Rumble result been leaked?

Click the screen now for more great wrestling videos.

For more infomation >> Roman Reigns STEROID ACCUSATIONS! | WrestleTalk News Jan. 2018 - Duration: 4:22.


How religion turned American politics against science | Kurt Andersen - Duration: 3:51.

In 2008, the big Republican presidential candidates were asked: "How many of you believe in Darwinian

biological evolution?"

Two-thirds or three-quarters said, "I do."

In 2012, the same question was asked, same group of people—Republican presidential

candidates—and it was already down to a third.

In 2016, the 17 main candidates for the Republican nomination were asked: "Do you believe in


One, Jeb Bush, brave Jeb Bush, said he did—"but," he said, walking it back even as he said it,

"I'm not sure it should be taught in our public schools, and if it is, it should be

taught along with Creationism."

So from 2008 to 2016, that was the change and that change is—I don't believe all

those people believed what they said; I don't think all of them disbelieve in evolution,

just some of them—but they were all obliged to say yes to falsehood and magical thinking

of this religious kind and that's where it becomes problematic.

America has always been a Christian nation.

That meant a very different thing 100 years ago or even 50 years ago than it means today.

I grew up not going to church very often at all and not with much religious education,

but all of my friends were weekly, regular churchgoers of various kinds.

Christian Protestant religion became extreme, it became more magical and supernatural in

its beliefs and practices in America than it had been in hundreds of years and more

so than it is anywhere else in the developed world.

So you have that happening.

At the same time, not coincidentally, you have the Republican Party, beginning certainly

about 30 years ago, becoming more and more a party of those religiously extreme Protestants.

So one thing that has happened and one thing that has led, I think, the Republican Party

to accept fantasy and wishful untruth more and more into its approach to policy—whether

it's climate change or the idea that a secret Muslim conspiracy is about to replace our

constitutional judiciary system with Sharia law, or any number of other simply untrue

tenants of republicanism—all these things which were nutty fringe ideas as recently

as 30 years ago are now in the Republican mainstream.

I think there's a connection.

I think once you have a political party, more and more of whose members believe in religious

and supernatural fantasies of a more and more extravagant kind, it stands to reason or to

unreason that you will have a party that is more and more inclined to embrace the fantastical

in its politics and policy.

Believe whatever you want in the privacy of your home, in the privacy of your family,

in the privacy of your church, but when it bleeds over, as it inevitably has done in

America, to how we manage and construct our economy and our society, we're in trouble.

For more infomation >> How religion turned American politics against science | Kurt Andersen - Duration: 3:51.


Learn Colors with Colorful Bird Xylophone Soccer Balls Funny Animals Videos for Kids - Duration: 4:00.

Suti Channel

Suti Channel

Suti Channel

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Colorful Bird Xylophone Soccer Balls Funny Animals Videos for Kids - Duration: 4:00.


Bloopers That Make Us Love Guardians Of The Galaxy Even More - Duration: 4:06.

Marvel's two Guardians of the Galaxy installments are action-packed, exciting, and even meaningful.

Best of all, they're really funny.

Usually that humor is intentional, but sometimes, it's a complete accident.

Which is great, because these bloopers make us love Guardians of the Galaxy even more.

Rooker books it

You think walking and chewing gum at the same time is hard?

Trying walking and talking!

Sure, it sounds like something you do every day, but as actors Michael Rooker and Tom

Proctor prove here, it's not always as easy as it seems.

"He was cargo!

And you're always going soft on him!"

"And you!

Walked us right off the set!"

"Yes, I did!

And I'm gonna do it again."

A blooper from a galaxy far, far away

Kurt Russell is a living legend, but even legends sometimes screw up their lines.

Like in this blooper, where Russell accidentally gives a shout out to the franchise that inspired

much of the space action in Guardians of the Galaxy.

"Well, even where I reside out past the edge of what's known, we've heard tell about the

man they call Star Wars."

"We could be in trouble."

Dance-off in space

In the theatrical ending to the first film, Chris Pratt's Star-Lord uses the threat of

a dance off as a diversion.

But in this awesome outtake, Lee Pace's bad guy Ronan the Accuser accepts the challenge,

leading to the epic showdown we've all been waiting for.

"It's on!"

Wire work gone haywire

The Guardians of the Galaxy movies take place on various planets with varying levels of


To make it look realistic, the actors have to strap themselves in for some wire work.

Sometimes the results are amazing.

And other times, this happens.

"I think we got it."

Rocket to the gag reel

Groot and Rocket Raccoon are the result of the combined magic of CGI, the voice work

of stars Vin Diesel and Bradley Cooper, and motion capture.

And thank goodness the movies used real-life human stand-ins for the tree man and his trash

panda buddy, because how else would a blooper featuring these two characters even be possible?

"I told you, you can't fit!"




Here's a blooper-stuffed take that made its way into the final cut of Guardians of the


While dealing with a rare goods dealer known as the Broker, Yondu frustrates and upsets

the guy by mumbling a bunch of gibberish.

It's a little more than co-star Sea Gunn could handle, and director James Gunn kept the result

in the film.

"The high-end…"


"It's a tight-knit…"


"The high-end community is a tight-knit…!"

More nonsense!

It's apparently no sweat for Michael Rooker to make up his own real-sounding nonsense

words in a pinch.

But give the guy some comic book/science-fiction movie dialogue heavy on the technical side,

and he just can't get the words out without stumbling.


"Craglin, we need an extraction at…




Lee Pace loses his place

Prior to joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Lee Pace worked primarily an actor in more

straightforward dramas.

Those roles didn't necessarily prepare him for the bonkers role of Ronan the Accuser,

as this blooper of Pace struggling to nail the role shows.

"Wait, one more time, what was that?

There, and then turn?"


Becomes the only law!

Wait, that's not right, is it?"

Chris Pratt doinks around

Finally, the encounter between the Guardians of the Galaxy and the alien ruler Ayesha drives

much of the conflict in the second film.

But it could have all gone very differently if Star-Lord had gotten his way.

He didn't, but at least the effort left us with this amazing gem.

"I personally control half the DNA by doing something I call doinking."


Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Bloopers That Make Us Love Guardians Of The Galaxy Even More - Duration: 4:06.


Hypatia, The Most MYSTERIOUS Stone in the Solar System - Duration: 4:55.

In the western part of Egypt lies the Great Sand Sea which covers a whopping 28,000 square

miles and spills into eastern Libya.

One region of this vast desert is littered with yellow glass, whose origins many scientists

believe to be otherworldly.

While investigating this glass field, small stones containing diamonds were discovered

that challenge all preconceived notions about the formation of our solar system.

In 1996, Dr. Aly A. Barakat was exploring an area of the Great Sand Sea that is abundant

in desert glass.

Known as the Libyan Desert Glass Strewn Field, this 2,500 square mile region is covered in

pieces of yellow glass that perplexes researchers.

It is very similar to Trinitite, the glass formed in the New Mexico desert underneath

the first atomic bomb explosion that was nicknamed "Operation Trinity."

This glass was very important to the ancient Egyptians, as evidenced by its use in jewelry

that adorned the mummies of the Pharaohs, including Tutankhamun.

Barakat's 1996 exploration collected a few pieces of seemingly unspectacular stones that

were surrounded by this mysterious yellow glass.

These stones have been named after Hypatia, Hypatia was a famous female astronomer and

mathematician in Alexandria, Egypt during the 4th and 5th centuries AD.

Upon further analysis of the noble gas and nitrogen isotopes, it was announced in 2013

that these stones were extraterrestrial in origin.

This was followed by a 2015 announcement stating that the Hypatia stones were not from any

known comet or meteor impact.

What really made the scientists sit up and take notice was the revelation that the stones

were almost pure carbon with very little silica, the opposite of what is observed in every

other meteor or comet fragment analyzed to date.

Furthermore, the shock diamonds have unusual nitrogen isotope ratios unlike those found

on earth, leading researchers to believe they were formed before the mysterious impactor

entered our atmosphere.

"We can think of the badly mixed dough of a fruit cake representing the bulk of the

Hypatia pebble, what we called two mixed 'matrices' in geology terms," said lead researcher Jan


"The glace cherries and nuts in the cake represent the mineral grains found in Hypatia 'inclusions'.

And the flour dusting the cracks of the fallen cake represent the 'secondary materials' we

found in the fractures in Hypatia, which are from Earth."

This baking analogy gets even stranger due to the presence of a few exceedingly rare


Pure metallic aluminum was found, aluminum is never found in this form on the earth and

is thought to be extremely rare in our solar system.

An even more astounding discovery was an alloy of phosphorus and nickel that contains no

iron, this has never been observed before.

Kramers went on to say, "Even more unusual, the matrix contains a high amount of very

specific carbon compounds, called polyaromatic hydrocarbons, or PAH, a major component of

interstellar dust, which existed even before our solar system was formed.

Interstellar dust is also found in comets and meteorites that have not been heated up

for a prolonged period in their history."

The South African professor believes the data is telling him that the formation process

must have happened very far from the warmth of a star like our sun.

These are regions of our solar system that currently we know very little about.

"Hypatia was formed in a cold environment, probably at temperatures below that of liquid

nitrogen on Earth.

In our solar system it would have been way further out than the asteroid belt between

Mars and Jupiter, where most meteorites come from.

Comets come mainly from the Kuiper Belt, beyond the orbit of Neptune and about 40 times as

far away from the sun as we are.

Some come from the Oort Cloud, even further out.

We know very little about the chemical compositions of space objects out there.

So our next question will dig further into where Hypatia came from," Kramer concluded.

What if this yellow glass was formed by Hypatia exploding with the force of an atomic bomb

leaving only tiny pieces of itself as clues for future researchers, in that case, where

is the crater?

It turns out that one potential candidate for the crater created from the event that

produced all of this nuclear glass, was too big to be seen except from space.

It wasn't until 2007 when Egyptian space scientist Farouk El-Baz and geomorphologist Eman Goneim

analyzed data collected by orbiting satellites that they discovered what they believe to

be a 19 mile diameter crater that could very well explain the origins of the desert glass

and Hypatia stone fragments.

They named the formation they discovered the Kebira Crater, but due to its remote location,

there has been little additional research done.

For more infomation >> Hypatia, The Most MYSTERIOUS Stone in the Solar System - Duration: 4:55.


No More Madonna After What Trump Did To Her For Trashing His Son! - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> No More Madonna After What Trump Did To Her For Trashing His Son! - Duration: 3:02.


I Tested The Most Expensive Mascara At Sephora - Duration: 2:47.

- It's your girl,

she's back,

lashes on attack.

I don't know where that came from but...

(elevator music)

Today I'm trying the most expensive mascara

you can find at Sephora.

There's nothing very special about my eyelashes.

They curl which is cute,

but there's just not a lot of them.

It's like a very bare forest.

There are some trees there,

but I don't know if you'd qualify it

as a camping ground,

you know?

Why is this heavy?

This feels like a box of jewelry.

This is my first red bottom that's not even a shoe.

It's my first Christian.

This is so bougie,

I love it.

This is an anniversary gift you give for first year.

You're like,

honey I love you,

here's a 70 dollar mascara.

It's solid metal.

This is the best packaging on the planet.

I guess we'll go straight into it.

Here we go.

That first coat.

It's working like a regular mascara.

I go straight up,

just to get that formula on there

and then to really get into that roots

and for it to lift,

I'll do a little wiggle.

It's a lash wiggle.

It's a liggle.

I like them to be lengthy,

but I also like them to look full

and a little chunky.

So I'll put a little bit too-

more than usual.

I feel like this is how all mascaras work

and there's not a huge difference

besides like wands and packaging at this point.

The formula's going on smooth

and effortlessly.

It's holding very true

and just coating each lash very nicely and evenly.

I'm still waiting for that 70 dollars to kick in.

So my right eye's done.

This side of my face,

70 dollar mascara.

This side of my face.

We also have a way cheaper Sephora mascara.

Lashcraft length and volume.

This is from the Sephora collection.

And this is significantly cheaper

than Mr. Christian.

We're gonna try this little nugget out

on my left eye

and just compare the results.

These ones are more separated

and they're lengthy,

while these are just on the clumpier end

and they're a little bit more chunky.

I finally have a full face on.

70 dollars is definitely a lot of packaging

and it's a lot of the utility of the actual wand.

Formula wise,

they are very comparable in a sense that

they both just lathered my lashes in a thick,


black lacquer coat.

I love me a good splurge,

but I feel like something like a mascara

you don't really need to splurge on

because I know I can get the same result

with a mascara half of this price.

I feel especially bougie.

This eye probably wouldn't wink at people with

but be like, hey.

(rhythmic music)

For more infomation >> I Tested The Most Expensive Mascara At Sephora - Duration: 2:47.


Avengers Office Hours 1 | Stolen Sandwiches - Duration: 2:49.

- I think you all know why I called this meeting.

Wanda? - Hm?

- Something you'd like to share?

- No.

- So you're just rolling your eyes for fun then?

No, no, look at me, Wanda?

This is serious.

You think I like doing this?

I don't, but I have to.

You could say I run a pretty tight ship around here.

The public thinks we're out there

fighting crime 24-seven but that's not true.

Sometimes, our greatest battles

take place right here in the office.

Who's been eating my (beep) sandwiches?

My name is written, in bold, on them.

- I don't like sandwiches.

- Why must you brand your food?

- I'm not pointing any fingers but I would be lying

if I said I don't have any suspects in mind.

- Is there a reason you're looking at me right now?

- I'm not.

- Then what are you looking at?

- Not you.

- I didn't eat your sandwiches.

- I'll be keeping my eyes open, people.

- Maybe you should install one of those security cameras

to help catch the thief.

- Suck up.

- No, that won't be necessary.

I trust that the culprit will come forward

on their own and I trust you guys.

I trust no one.

Bruce, big man Bruce!

That's what we call him.

- No, we don't. - Stop talking.

Bruce, my man, what are you working on?

- Just some basic filing for the recent--

- That's great. - Okay.

I tried to avoid confrontation

whenever I can for obvious reasons.

I once hulked out over a stolen pencil sharpener.

- So, you don't like sandwiches.

- No.

- Who here does?

- Tony, I really don't want to get in the middle of--

- Just name someone, anyone.

- I don't feel comfortable--

- Name one. - Do I have to say--

- Name one. - Please leave me--

- Don't be a little bitch, Bruce.

- Thor, Thor likes sandwiches!

- Hm, Thor.

- I'm being unjustifiably accused of sandwich theft.

- What?

- Tony thinks that I stole his meal and I did no such thing!

I demand justice!

- Get out.

- It's lunch time so the thief

should be coming in any minute now.

We'll get 'em, we'll get 'em.

(static) What was that?

Oh, that was weird, but we're back.

It's just a waiting game now.

(phone rings) - Okay,

Clint just put the cameras on a loop.

We're good.

- Excellent.


- Did you leave me one?


♪ Simgm productions ♪

♪ Simgm productions ♪

♪ Simgm productions ♪

♪ Simgm productions ♪

For more infomation >> Avengers Office Hours 1 | Stolen Sandwiches - Duration: 2:49.


How Data Drives Innovation and Human Performance - Duration: 3:02.

- Ground reaction force data, joint kinematics,

underfoot pressure, thermal cameras, high speed video.

The bridge between data and performance is really that with

the right information we can make better decisions.

(intense music)

Hi I'm Keith Stern and I use data to help athletes

break records.

At the top level runners, there's only a few seconds

between the person that finishes first

and the person that doesn't podium finish at all.

So any small change can really make a big impact

down the road.

My job here is to work with the rest of the Reebok

Innovation Team to help bring data into the design process.

- Hi, my name's Dan Hobson, I'm the VP of Innovation.

There's a lot of information to take into consideration.

On campus here, we built a crossfit box and lived with

the athletes, monitoring how they were working out,

what they were eating, how they were recovering

and making that understandable for the design team.

Keith Stern is testing the product,

he's gathering data.

The amount of data he can compile with his team is vast.

- A lot of our testing on athletes starts here

in the human performance engineering lab.

The force plate treadmill is actually a split belt treadmill

so that we can record forces from the left and right foot.

(intense music)

The mechanical impacting machine simulates what we see in

ground reaction force data and then look at the performance

of the material over time.

Through high speed video we can track how much your foot

is moving in certain areas.

A lot of the times we can't see with the naked eye

what's going on in those really fast movements.

So slowing it down, the transfer of knowledge is way easier

than graphs and charts and numbers.

It's really easy to understand: how the shoe works with

that person can make a big difference in their running form.


Future of data collection in athletic performance is

something that's really important.

There's a growing field of smart sensors,

sensors could be woven into this technology that

we're developing with Flexweave.

Flexweave is really a method a weaving materials together

and allows us to combine structure, durability,

into a single package that's also still lightweight

and breathable.

The same types of things that we record in the lab

we can then record on foot in the field.

- So if you have those smart fibers in the Flexweave,

if you wanna track heart rate or distance or put GPS in it

you know into those fibers you can weave that into

the fabric.

- The more data we have the better we can make decisions on

what types of material advances are actually making

an improvement.

Providing that performance benefit, even if it's just comfort

to get people up and active, that's what really

important to me.

(gentle music)

For more infomation >> How Data Drives Innovation and Human Performance - Duration: 3:02.


The Best Cheap Pizza in NYC || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 7:46.

- My name is Prez, and I work at Thrillist.

Around these parts, I'm known as the 5 Dollar Lunch Guy.

Every episode, I'm gonna put you guys on to

the very finest New York grub for $5 or less.

Oh, hey, new mission? OK.

Oh, you didn't. Pizza!

I've been waiting for this one since Episode 1.

Pizza, it's the one that you guys

have been calling for since the beginning.

Whether it's you guys in the comments or the people

that we've spoken to in the streets.

Now, everybody has their own favorite joint

that they swear by.

And there are a million, million pizza joints

all over the city that serve an amazing slice

for under five bucks.

But I feel if I were to take you

to just any old joint, that would just be wrong.

So we're gonna go to a real establishment:

Patsy's Pizza in East Harlem.

Now, while they have a few establishments

by the same name all over the city,

the one in East Harlem's been open since 1933,

and is one of the oldest in the city.

I mean it ain't close, but it's worth it.

Let's go.

So these are the rules of "Operation Five Buck Lunch":

It's gotta be good, 'cause nobody wants bad food for lunch.

No big chains, 'cause that's just too easy.

It's gotta be $5 or less.

And whatever I don't use today

rolls over into the next episode.

(lively music)

If you had to choose between New York-style,

Chicago-style, and thin-crust, which one would you go for?

- New York.

- New York-style? Why is that?

- I've had all of the above,

and there's no pizza in the world like New York.

- Oh I'm a big thin-crust fan.

- Really? - Yeah.

- Toppings? What are you going for?

- I do pepperoni and caramelized onions.

- I'm pretty open to anything on a pizza.

Especially Nutella.

- That's a first, that is the first I'm hearing that one.

What is absolutely unacceptable to put on a pizza?

- Pineapples.

- Definitely no pineapple.

Golden rule. - (laughs) Yes!

- I don't do the ham and pineapple.

- Pineapple.

- Do you have anything for those pineapple eaters?

- Yeah. Get a life. (laugh from off-screen)

- There you go.

- Pizza is a gift, why would you ruin it like that?

- Can't do it.

(shutter clicking)

(lively music)

Talking to people, you quickly learn

that pizza in this town is territorial.

But while we didn't expect everyone to agree

on a single place, I think we can all agree,

as New Yorkers and decent human beings,

you're not supposed to put pineapple on pizza.

Now with all of that talk, I'm starving.

Let's go eat.

(lively music)

- Here we are, in front of the legendary Patsy's.

Also Patsy's.

Also, also Patsy's.

Crazy, right? I mean this is a long pizza store, man.

Anyways, we are here, First Ave., 118th --

technically between 117 and 118, but you know what I mean.

Let's go inside.

Hey man, look at this beautiful, classic,

historic, New York slice. I mean, look at this char.

Look at this char, man. This is beautiful.

It's thin, like a razor almost.

And it's flexible where it counts, it smells amazing.

Make sure you get your fold in.

Of course you have your cheese and your sauce.

This seems to be more cheese than sauce,

but I guess we're gonna find out in the bite.

It's the quintessential New York slice.

This is what slices are supposed to taste like.

Not fancy with like pineapples,

or like all that weird stuff.

Just a plain slice -- you can't go wrong.

It's not too thin, it's crunchy where it matters,

and it's flexible where it counts, you know.

And the sauce is savory, it's a mild savoriness,

it's not too sweet, it's not that second-wave sweet sauce.

Mm, wow.

You know what's weird?

There are some people who eat pizza

and then throw away the crust.

Now people who do that,

it means you're not getting a good crust.

Like a charred crust is the best part, like...

Oh, another thing, always leave a little bit

of pizza when you're eating your crust

so that you're still getting it all together.

What they have in New York slices,

most times is a mother dough, or a mother yeast.

It's the yeast from which the original slice

of pizza that was ever made here, came from.

They continue to add on to that yeast to keep it alive.

Technically, this slice of pizza, is exactly the same

as it was almost over 100 years ago.

You're actually eating a piece of history.

Frank Sinatra, Yogi Berra, the Rat Pack, at some point,

came down here, to eat pizza, like,

that means they're doing something right.

The fact that like, they're the only place

to serve a slice out of a coal oven

means they're doing something right.

Last bite.

(claps) I'm set, I'm happy.

Let's go throw this out. I need some napkins.

Today's mission was pizza, finally.

Now while none of us are gonna agree

on anything regarding pizza in New York,

what you can agree on is that you can't replace

an establishment like Patsy's.

I mean it's kind of crazy to think that

that slice, as we know it, started here.

That was a complete mission as far as I'm concerned.

It's in budget, it's not a big chain, and it was delicious.

I'll see you guys next time. Peace.

(shutter clicking)

Thank you so much for watching my show.

If you guys love it, leave some love in the comments below.

Also, let me know what is your favorite place

to get pizza at.

Think I was gonna let you get away with that?

Tell me what you think.

Also, do you like pineapple on your pizza? (groans)

Anyways. Follow, like, share, subscribe,

if I haven't told you guys already.

And I'll see you guys next time, bye.

For more infomation >> The Best Cheap Pizza in NYC || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 7:46.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 160 Family Edition - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 160 Family Edition - Duration: 1:01.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Style Ambition - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Style Ambition - Duration: 0:58.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition - Duration: 1:01.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180d AMBITION Navigatie, Led-koplampen, Stoelverwarming, Cruise control Autom - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180d AMBITION Navigatie, Led-koplampen, Stoelverwarming, Cruise control Autom - Duration: 1:01.


Diferencias entre resfriado común y gripe - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Diferencias entre resfriado común y gripe - Duration: 5:11.


范冰冰出席參加活動,被路人隨手一拍,都可以美得不可一世 - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> 范冰冰出席參加活動,被路人隨手一拍,都可以美得不可一世 - Duration: 1:30.


Schwanger mit Baby Nr. 6? Tori Spelling mit rundem Bäuchlein - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Schwanger mit Baby Nr. 6? Tori Spelling mit rundem Bäuchlein - Duration: 2:18.


iPhone X - A New Light

For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


【ホンダ新型N-BOXスラッシュ最新情報】マイナーチェンジ1月19日発売!価格やスペック、燃費は? - 日産物語 - Duration: 20:25.

For more infomation >> 【ホンダ新型N-BOXスラッシュ最新情報】マイナーチェンジ1月19日発売!価格やスペック、燃費は? - 日産物語 - Duration: 20:25.


For more infomation >> 【ホンダ新型N-BOXスラッシュ最新情報】マイナーチェンジ1月19日発売!価格やスペック、燃費は? - 日産物語 - Duration: 20:25.


Fake News WSJ Lies About Trump, Then Sarah Sanders Unleashes Their Worst Nightmare - Duration: 26:53.

Fake News WSJ Lies About Trump, Then Sarah Sanders Unleashes Their Worst Nightmare

The Wall Street Journal intentionally lied and spread "fake news" about President

Donald Trump.

Too bad for them, things immediately blew up in the fake news outlet's collective

face as White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders unleashed WSJ's worst nightmare

— and she humiliated them in the process.

Fake News WSJ Lies About Trump, Then Sarah Sanders Unleashes Their Worst Nightmare

President Donald Trump (left), Sarah Huckabee Sanders (right) (Photo Credit: Eric Thayer/Bloomberg

via Getty Images, Win McNamee/Getty Images News/Getty Images)

It seems that the Trump administration is having to correct at least one fake news report

a day as the liberal media continues to put out flagrant mistruths in hopes of discrediting

the President of the United States.

However, Trump officials are getting smarter when it comes to dealing with these purveyors

of fake news.

The Wall Street Journal was the most recent to try this stunt, and things backfired in

spectacular fashion.

As we all know, liberals' heads have been exploding over North Korea — but only since

Trump took office.

Suddenly, the left seems to think the hermit kingdom stands a chance in a war against the

U.S., so they're afraid that Trump's confident comments are going to start WWIII.

The fact that North Korea would be instantaneously obliterated if they ever tried anything is

a topic for another day.

However, it seems that some people wish to use the tensions to muddy up the water when

it comes to the truth.

Proving just that, the Wall Street Journal recently released a report that claimed Trump

told them, "I probably have a very good relationship with Kim Jong Un."

Of course, they thought that there were no cameras around at the time and the only person

with an audio recorder was them — or so they thought.

As one would imagine, the article was released causing the left to get all stirred up yet

again over Trump and his relationship with North Korea.

Saying the usual "Trump is a liar" and that "Trump is going to get us all killed,"

it wasn't long before the left was eating their words.

At first, it started out small as President Donald Trump took to Twitter in order to refute

the claims.

"The Wall Street Journal stated falsely that I said to them 'I have a good relationship

with Kim Jong Un' (of N. Korea).

Obviously I didn't say that.

I said 'I'd have a good relationship with Kim Jong Un,' a big difference.

Fortunately we now record conversations with reporters," President Trump tweeted, adding,

"… and they knew exactly what I said and meant.

They just wanted a story.


The Wall Street Journal stated falsely that I said to them "I have a good relationship

with Kim Jong Un" (of N. Korea).

Obviously I didn't say that.

I said "I'd have a good relationship with Kim Jong Un," a big difference.

Fortunately we now record conversations with reporters…

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 14, 2018

…and they knew exactly what I said and meant.

They just wanted a story.


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 14, 2018

Since the left is blinded by their own bias, though, they once again called President Donald

Trump a liar, choosing to pick sides with the liberal rag and, of course, the side that

fits their agenda to take down the president.

Too bad for them, they chose wrong, and none other than White House press secretary Sarah

Huckabee Sanders was about to unleash their worst nightmare.

According to IJ Review, it seems that the Trump administration has had enough of publications

taking Trump's words out of context or completely misquoting him and have decided to ensure

that this is no longer able to happen.

In fact, Sarah most recently obliterated the claims by WSJ, releasing a White House recording

of the interview, and boy, does it make the Wall Street Journal look bad.

After calling the publication "fake news," Sanders then made it perfectly clear that

Trump said, "I'd," as in "I would," not "I" as in "I do," have a very

good relationship with Kim Jong Un — a very big difference as Trump pointed out.

— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) January 13, 2018

Here is the official audio showing WSJ misquoting @POTUS

— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) January 14, 2018

What's more, it's not just a simple misquote of I'd vs I. Trump even says "probably,"

leaving no doubt what he meant.

Yet, WSJ is still in "denial."

We have reviewed the audio from our interview with President Trump, as well as the transcript

provided by an external service, and stand by what we reported.

Here is audio of the portion the White House disputes.

— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) January 14, 2018

With egg on their faces, the Wall Street Journal is doubling down on their claims, releasing

their own recording, saying that they stand by their report.

Too bad for them, it made them doubly look bad, and social media users, even some people

who don't like President Donald Trump, didn't hesitate to let them know it.

Hate to weigh in on such a ridiculous controversy but it only took me two listens to hear that

he pretty clearly said "I'd."

And no one has ever accused me of being sympathetic toward Trump in any manner.

— hunteronthehill (@hunteronthehill) January 14, 2018

You know, I honestly listened to this audio without the intention of defending the White

House, but I think they're right.

It sounds to me like Trump said "I'd," not "I."

— Stormy Griswold (@HashtagGriswold) January 14, 2018


@WhiteHouse is right.

He says "I'd" not "I."

Second, intonation increases when he references Kim, indicating a difference from the other

two in what he's about to say.

Third, he then says "I would –"….

— A.J.

Delgado (@AJDelgado13) January 14, 2018

The fake news industry has their hands full with President Donald Trump, and now that

he's learning how to deal with them, things are only going to get harder for those hoping

to propagate lies.

As for the Wall Street Journal, they just shot themselves in the foot.

There's nothing worse than someone unwilling to admit they messed up, especially when you

call yourself the "news."

The Wall Street Journal just lost all credibility.

It's time for Americans to stand up to the lies and demand accountability.

For more infomation >> Fake News WSJ Lies About Trump, Then Sarah Sanders Unleashes Their Worst Nightmare - Duration: 26:53.


For more infomation >> Fake News WSJ Lies About Trump, Then Sarah Sanders Unleashes Their Worst Nightmare - Duration: 26:53.


3 règles simples pour se débarrasser de la graisse du ventre rapidement - France 365 - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> 3 règles simples pour se débarrasser de la graisse du ventre rapidement - France 365 - Duration: 2:58.


For more infomation >> 3 règles simples pour se débarrasser de la graisse du ventre rapidement - France 365 - Duration: 2:58.


Looking for Gorillas in the Gabon jungle - O'Hanlon's Heroes - Duration: 49:47.

For more infomation >> Looking for Gorillas in the Gabon jungle - O'Hanlon's Heroes - Duration: 49:47.


For more infomation >> Looking for Gorillas in the Gabon jungle - O'Hanlon's Heroes - Duration: 49:47.


8 herbes à utiliser pour améliorer la santé de vos poumons - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> 8 herbes à utiliser pour améliorer la santé de vos poumons - Duration: 8:25.


For more infomation >> 8 herbes à utiliser pour améliorer la santé de vos poumons - Duration: 8:25.


💵 Pani Fazilet i jej córki, odcinek 30, napisy PL // SEZON II 💵 - Duration: 2:36:56.

For more infomation >> 💵 Pani Fazilet i jej córki, odcinek 30, napisy PL // SEZON II 💵 - Duration: 2:36:56.


For more infomation >> 💵 Pani Fazilet i jej córki, odcinek 30, napisy PL // SEZON II 💵 - Duration: 2:36:56.


New 16 Spinosaurus Dinosaur Toys Giant Surprise Box Jurassic World, Jurassic Park Unboxing - Duration: 17:17.

New 16 Spinosaurus Dinosaur Toys Giant Surprise Box Jurassic World, Jurassic Park Unboxing

Jurassic Park Animal Planet like Papo Spinosaurus dinosaurs and set them up in

our awesome Jurassic Park dinosaurs okay it's great to see you again today I have

a nice good sized box full of Spinosaurus toys these are from Jurassic

world Jurassic Park Animal Planet like Papo

wow they have some really cool ones let's go ahead and check them out

okay let's get started checking out the spine the sores I don't have as many of

these close to as the t-rex but they still are okay our park is all set up to

welcome our Spinosaurus wow this park looks very similar to how Jurassic world

the fallen kingdom would look because there's an exploding volcano on both

sides which is wiping everything out check out that poor Dino and it's gonna

make our dinos flee for their lives so we have to hurry up introduce the


okay so here is our first dinosaur guys today we're just gonna do a quick

introduction of the dinosaurs if you want to see these unboxed and also

battles parody stories with them go ahead and check out my Jurassic world

playlist at the end of this video or check out my playlist on my channel so

this is the Animal Planet one if you push down his arm he lights up here he

roars unfortunately his mouth is not moving well it is a very annoying he

does have a third claw now I don't know why they gave the Spinosaurus a third

claw ah they must have been looking at the spinal Raptor toys that would have a

third claw because it's a mix of a Spinosaurus in the Raptor so I think

Animal Planet made a huge mistake there another Animal Planet spinosaurus and

then we have another big colorful Spinosaurus again from Animal Planet

so Animal Planet does like their spinosaurus characters this one if you

push the arm his mouth does open and close and he roars it's not very loud I

think I need new batteries

and then his spine here also dies light up you can see it's like red seed

through here so his lights off red there

okay so this guy is a very colorful Spinosaurus I do like this and then

Jurassic Park spinosaurus okay and our next one is a weird one this is a

Jurassic for Jurassic Park spinosaurus puppet I've found it looks like a

regular dinosaur head but it is a puppet but it is so hard plastic you can't it's

so small I can't put my fingers in and even if a child did the plastics hard to

the point they will not be able to do anything with it so you can stick this

onto a dinosaur's body and have like a huge head well that's about the only

thing you can do it Jurassic world final round okay so here is a cool one this is

a spinal rafter if you ever played the Jurassic world the game by ludia this is

one of the characters you could make by combining a Spinosaurus and a

Velociraptor so it's called a spinal Raptor

I really like the colouring they gave this the only mistake that Mane is

so I'm not really sure I think that's a mistake because I think it should have a

third wall this guy's action feature if you pull

his tail he moves his head back and forth also there's two color variants

there's this one and I'll show you another one that's like more of like a

greenish brown color these ones are

venture Park and then our next one is kind of a weird-looking one this is uh

adventure wheels you could buy this I believe in like Walmart or Kmart this

one if you pull the arm he does open his closes mouth auntie roars his lies also

light up but it is kind of annoying roar this is a very inexpensive dinosaur toy

then the king of the spinosaurus toys jurassic park animatronic spinosaurus

and we have the king of the spinosaurus toys this is the animatronic spinosaurus

ah the only bad thing is his leg has gotten loose to the point where this guy

has a hard time standing up with off falling over so I'm really disappointed

in that as you can see he does sort of lose his balance there so I'll have to

work on that but this one is the coolest he's got three different action features

if you push his tail here

he lifts his head anti roars then you could push the wounds on his side he

like yells

and then he also does have a spot here on impact

and he also loses in there

so this guy truly is awesome his entire body here's rubber except for his legs

and arm which are plastic so that makes it much more realistic looking if you

can see here the guy's got like glass eyes really cool looking tongue over

there he's got realistic looking wounds here his spine here is also all covered

and rubber which makes it look a lot more realistic his tail is all rubber

here it does move around there and here is a good lock you have like a big open

wound on this side and this is where the speakers at so I've seen this guy go up

to $600 or so really cool looking Dino you can get your hands on that it's a

class Papo spinosaurus and then we have a really cool papal Spinosaurus this one

is about as realistic of a dino as you're gonna get I mean take a look at

the head of this Spinosaurus these are all individual teeth really small evil

looking eyes I mean this guy is super realistic he doesn't have any moving

parts but if you want to set up some type of a display this would be awesome

and he even has what nostrils here actual

holes here for breathing so it was really cool and then here's a look at em

all over awesome Jurassic Park 3 spinosaurus okay guys I once again I do

apologize for not making brand new videos I mean these are new videos of my

older dinosaurs you guys have already seen I do want to show you the different

collections but the main thing is I am getting ready for the New York Toy Fair

Mattel has invited me to take a look at their Jurassic world 2

dinosaur toys from the fallen Kingdom so those are gonna be really cool so I

am super excited this is a Spinosaurus one that came from a Spinosaurus game so

this one you mount mount to dinosaur and you push the botton this dinosaur flips

all around kicking out his leg and bobbing his head the point of it is to

knock the other dinosaur and to beat them so this is a Jurassic world 3

Spinosaurus Jurassic Park Spinosaurus and then I have a cool roaring Jurassic

Park Spinosaurus this one if you push it down he opens his mouth and he roars

this one is JP 39 from sight beat he's like a gray-green and almost like a

bluish light bluish light gray color really cool drastic world final and then

here is the other spinal raptor I was talking about same action feature if you

pull his tail he moves his head and opens and closes it big wound here this

guy's like a light green orange brown color scheme where the other one was

like blue and red so our really evil looking dinosaur flaws spinosaurus and

then this is a knockoff Spinosaurus from a Chinese company called claws FL Ozzy

the thing about this is I did not realize it's almost the same color as

the Apple one so if you could see here they pretty much copied the papal one

which you know I I did not realize when I bought it it's almost identical to the

papal one you can see the coloring is a little bit different

but the other ones I bought from flaws they have cap copied a lot of papal and

schleich ones the other ones were totally different colors so if I would

have realized it I would not have bought this guy because they look almost the

same with these guys side to side

lights in sounds finder storage okay then we have a white in psalms

spinosaurus i bought this guy on ebay straight from china uh he is really

bleep cheap like plastic but it's cool his light feature so if you turn him on

here his spine here lights up his eyes light up he makes a weird roaring sound

i do not like the roaring sound so I disabled it but ah I do not recommend

you disable it like I did I basically stuck the pin in to the

holes here until I severed some that didn't not like so the chances are I

could have broken this guy but ah I mean his sound was annoying to the

point where you could not listen so now I think he's a lot

he does booth open and closed his mouth his tongue lights off eyes light up his

spine lights up and his tail tomi spinosaurus and then I have a

little Tomy spinosaurus here mouth does open and close his tail turns his legs

move what his arms do not oh this one's really cool he does come in and doubles

sat with the Spinosaurus and t-rex Jurassic world's finest Oran Park and

then I have a couple of little Spinosaurus dinos this one is a

Spinosaurus from Jurassic world his action future pushing down and then this

is a small one from Jurassic Park this is one of the I think the Dino hunter

series they usually come with a small figure in the package ok so now comes

the fun part we're gonna go ahead on and set up our

dinosaur zoo with all these Spinosaurus dinos the first one we're gonna do is

the big guy in the back there the big huge animatronic Spinosaurus then we

will put the Animal Planet one off to the side there

and the other animal planet one we're gonna put back here by the volcano then

we're gonna get some of these other ones this light up one I'm gonna set off to

the side these cold ones the ones I have really liked Papo and the flaws ones

we're gonna go ahead and set these guys up right over here almost like they're

fighting each other and then we have our little jp3 one I'm going to go ahead set

him up in the back there

over here the Jurassic Park one the two Jurassic world and am a tronic one I

mean that spinal Raptor ones we're gonna set one up right over here and then we

will set the other one up right back behind this one and then we got the

three little ones we're gonna go ahead and spread out all the way in the front

here so they are not hidden okay if they will stand up let's take that one I love

making these videos with you guys I have over a thousand videos the majority are

Jurassic world Jurassic Park Godzilla King Kong so go ahead and check

those out or wait till the video ends check out my playlist or go to my

channel if you wanna see more fun videos go ahead click the subscribe button hit

the bell next to it to be notified new ones wow you guys are totally

awesome and I will see you tomorrow click the subscribe button below for a

lot more fun video also click the bell button to be notified every time I make

a new video click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to

see even more go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New 16 Spinosaurus Dinosaur Toys Giant Surprise Box Jurassic World, Jurassic Park Unboxing - Duration: 17:17.


For more infomation >> New 16 Spinosaurus Dinosaur Toys Giant Surprise Box Jurassic World, Jurassic Park Unboxing - Duration: 17:17.


Jeep Wrangler édition Chief 2017 : le JK nous quitte avec style! - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> Jeep Wrangler édition Chief 2017 : le JK nous quitte avec style! - Duration: 10:12.


For more infomation >> Jeep Wrangler édition Chief 2017 : le JK nous quitte avec style! - Duration: 10:12.


SOLDES -100% SUR 2018 - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> SOLDES -100% SUR 2018 - Duration: 4:50.


For more infomation >> SOLDES -100% SUR 2018 - Duration: 4:50.


Les voitures cool du film Blade Runner 2049 - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Les voitures cool du film Blade Runner 2049 - Duration: 2:36.


For more infomation >> Les voitures cool du film Blade Runner 2049 - Duration: 2:36.


Ford : une Mustang Bullitt pour les 50 ans du film - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Ford : une Mustang Bullitt pour les 50 ans du film - Duration: 2:55.


For more infomation >> Ford : une Mustang Bullitt pour les 50 ans du film - Duration: 2:55.


Alfa Romeo : la 4C aussi en version limitée Edizione Speciale - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo : la 4C aussi en version limitée Edizione Speciale - Duration: 3:31.


For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo : la 4C aussi en version limitée Edizione Speciale - Duration: 3:31.


Alfa Romeo : la version Sport arrive en France - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo : la version Sport arrive en France - Duration: 4:19.


For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo : la version Sport arrive en France - Duration: 4:19.


Voici comment détoxifier votre corps en seulement 2 jours - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> Voici comment détoxifier votre corps en seulement 2 jours - Duration: 5:55.


For more infomation >> Voici comment détoxifier votre corps en seulement 2 jours - Duration: 5:55.


Oubliez l'eau chaude au citron ! Voici 3 boissons qui font des miracles pour la perte de poids - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Oubliez l'eau chaude au citron ! Voici 3 boissons qui font des miracles pour la perte de poids - Duration: 5:56.


For more infomation >> Oubliez l'eau chaude au citron ! Voici 3 boissons qui font des miracles pour la perte de poids - Duration: 5:56.


Jean-Baptiste Guégan : l'incroyable succès du sosie vocal de Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Jean-Baptiste Guégan : l'incroyable succès du sosie vocal de Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 2:02.


For more infomation >> Jean-Baptiste Guégan : l'incroyable succès du sosie vocal de Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 2:02.


Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa


M jak miłość, odcinek 1347: Ciężarna Ala przyleci do Warszawy! - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość, odcinek 1347: Ciężarna Ala przyleci do Warszawy! - Duration: 2:18.


[ special Clip - Making fiim ] THEBOYZ - I'm Your Boy | Arabic Sub - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> [ special Clip - Making fiim ] THEBOYZ - I'm Your Boy | Arabic Sub - Duration: 4:22.


M jak miłość, odcinek 1343: Iza robi Arturowi awanturę - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość, odcinek 1343: Iza robi Arturowi awanturę - Duration: 2:34.


M jak miłość, odcinek 1343: Asia będzie żyć! - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość, odcinek 1343: Asia będzie żyć! - Duration: 2:34.


CLEANING MOTIVATION for When You Don't Like to Clean - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> CLEANING MOTIVATION for When You Don't Like to Clean - Duration: 6:35.


An Entrepreneurs Life - Behind the scene #3 - Ideas to decorate a product box - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> An Entrepreneurs Life - Behind the scene #3 - Ideas to decorate a product box - Duration: 1:13.


Obama's Private Jet Grounded After Where He Was Caught Trying To Sneak Into - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Obama's Private Jet Grounded After Where He Was Caught Trying To Sneak Into - Duration: 4:38.


🐻 TELYKast & Lauren Vogel - Going Under (Villms & Medii Remix) (Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:40.

📝 TELYKast & Lauren Vogel - Going Under (Villms & Medii Remix) Lyrics

So here we are and I can't lie again I know I can't pretend anymore

I can't keep up, I gotta let you in There's no denying, you're what I want

Whenever you come around Breathing gets harder

Think I might drown Beneath your water

It's down for the count Nothing can save me tonight

Save me tonight

I'm going under I said it wasn't true but all I see is you,

and I've been treading water I feel I'm getting deeper, body getting

weaker Now I'm going, you wanna have it all

I'm ready for the fall You've got me dripping in your love

Don't wanna take me now, cause there's no getting out

You've got me dripping in your love

You've got the card Yeah, you're no good for me

It feels so bittersweet in your arms I like 'em tough, but you're a different

breed The type to come alive in the dark

Whenever you come around Breathing gets harder

Think I might drown Beneath your water

It's down for the count Nothing can save me tonight

Save me tonight

I'm going under I said it wasn't true but all I see is you,

and I've been treading water I feel I'm getting deeper, body getting

weaker Now I'm going, you wanna have it all

I'm ready for the fall You've got me dripping in your love

Don't wanna take me now, cause there's no getting out

You've got me dripping in your love You've got me dripping in your love

Just one taste it all comes back to me Pull me underneath your silent sheets

Just one taste it all comes back to me Pull me underneath your silent sheets

You've got me dripping in your love You've got me dripping in your love

For more infomation >> 🐻 TELYKast & Lauren Vogel - Going Under (Villms & Medii Remix) (Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:40.


the tallest skyscraper in california- wilshire grand center - Duration: 1:36.

wilshire grand center the skyscraper Largest in california

wilshire grand center is located in Wilshire Boulevard in the center of the

angels california exactly where was the original

wilshire grand hotel this skyscraper was finished the year

passed in June of 2017 It has 73 floors and a height of 335

meters if we have it with the glass crow

and the spire does count up to the height of the roof would be 285 meters

it is currently the tallest skyscraper of California beating us Bank Tower of

310 meters high that was the highest from california since 1989

wilshire grand center in its first plants has a podium with rooms

meetings and the pool intercontinental los angeles down town

floors 11 to 29 are from offices of the floor 31 to 68 are the 889 rooms

from intercontinental los angeles hotel down town on the 69th floor is the

Sora restaurant & Dekkadance in the level 70 is the sky bar in 71 there

another restaurand La Boucherie and in the last floor

73 is the outdoor bar

For more infomation >> the tallest skyscraper in california- wilshire grand center - Duration: 1:36.


How religion turned American politics against science | Kurt Andersen - Duration: 3:51.

In 2008, the big Republican presidential candidates were asked: "How many of you believe in Darwinian

biological evolution?"

Two-thirds or three-quarters said, "I do."

In 2012, the same question was asked, same group of people—Republican presidential

candidates—and it was already down to a third.

In 2016, the 17 main candidates for the Republican nomination were asked: "Do you believe in


One, Jeb Bush, brave Jeb Bush, said he did—"but," he said, walking it back even as he said it,

"I'm not sure it should be taught in our public schools, and if it is, it should be

taught along with Creationism."

So from 2008 to 2016, that was the change and that change is—I don't believe all

those people believed what they said; I don't think all of them disbelieve in evolution,

just some of them—but they were all obliged to say yes to falsehood and magical thinking

of this religious kind and that's where it becomes problematic.

America has always been a Christian nation.

That meant a very different thing 100 years ago or even 50 years ago than it means today.

I grew up not going to church very often at all and not with much religious education,

but all of my friends were weekly, regular churchgoers of various kinds.

Christian Protestant religion became extreme, it became more magical and supernatural in

its beliefs and practices in America than it had been in hundreds of years and more

so than it is anywhere else in the developed world.

So you have that happening.

At the same time, not coincidentally, you have the Republican Party, beginning certainly

about 30 years ago, becoming more and more a party of those religiously extreme Protestants.

So one thing that has happened and one thing that has led, I think, the Republican Party

to accept fantasy and wishful untruth more and more into its approach to policy—whether

it's climate change or the idea that a secret Muslim conspiracy is about to replace our

constitutional judiciary system with Sharia law, or any number of other simply untrue

tenants of republicanism—all these things which were nutty fringe ideas as recently

as 30 years ago are now in the Republican mainstream.

I think there's a connection.

I think once you have a political party, more and more of whose members believe in religious

and supernatural fantasies of a more and more extravagant kind, it stands to reason or to

unreason that you will have a party that is more and more inclined to embrace the fantastical

in its politics and policy.

Believe whatever you want in the privacy of your home, in the privacy of your family,

in the privacy of your church, but when it bleeds over, as it inevitably has done in

America, to how we manage and construct our economy and our society, we're in trouble.

For more infomation >> How religion turned American politics against science | Kurt Andersen - Duration: 3:51.


Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI 140PK DSG HIGHLINE PAN. DAK - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI 140PK DSG HIGHLINE PAN. DAK - Duration: 0:54.


Cómo hacer un Chroma Key con un iPhone y Videoleap - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> Cómo hacer un Chroma Key con un iPhone y Videoleap - Duration: 5:41.


Peugeot 208 1.2 E-VTI Automaat Blue Lease - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.2 E-VTI Automaat Blue Lease - Duration: 1:01.


Com certeza voltei pro Brasil...!! 空港で早速「ブラジルに帰ってきた!」と実感[Vlog#60] - Duration: 4:52.

Hi, it's Harumi!

Now I'm back in Brazil.

Today is Jan. 17th..

I was in Japan for a month.

I couldn't upload videos as much as I wanted

and here I am in Brazil again!

Yesterday late at night..

I arrived in Brazil

and there were some things that I felt

"well, I'm really back in here again".

People often say that there's a different smell.

In every country there's a different smell.

In Brazil..

I only know Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro..

ahh and Iguasu as well..

this time it was Rio.

Regarding to Rio, I actually don't feel that much of different smell..

but..the climate is a lot different..

It's summer time here so

it's so hot! It's a bit humid, too.

Because I came from Japan traveling through Europe,

winter to summer.


Hot, isn't it?

I felt it's hot here..


Oh yeah, beeps!

Car horn

When we were in Japan Bruno was saying

he doesn't hear car beeps.

In Japan we rarely beep, aren't we?

But here in Brazil

it's so usual using car horns.

I went out of the airport

and in just a few minutes until got in the bus

I already heard so much noise

"beep beep!"

And so I felt "ah, I'm really back here."

And...ah, toilet.

When I go back to Japan the first thing that I notice

is the cleanness of the toilets

and I feel that I'm in Japan.

I feel relieved.

But here..toilets aren't clean

so...I know that I'm back in Brazil.

So I mentioned 3 things

that aren't very pleasant

but there is something good, too.

The thing that I feel happy that I'm back here is..

for example for us like this traveling with two little kids

at the immigration..

well how do you call it, where you show your passport..

passport control..?

Without asking for anything

people who're working there find us

and let us go first.

In Brazil people are nice for parents with little kids,

pregnants, elder and handicapped people.

Everyone's very kind for those who need help.

That's my impression.

At bank or any other places you go

there's a priority service for them.


good when you are that person.

You feel grateful.

On the other hand when you're not in those situations

sometimes there're so many priority people

and never comes your turn

and you may feel frustrated

if your position changes.

But...this culture, the kindness for people who need help

I think Brazil is more ahead than Japan.

Well, I think that's it for today.

I just wanted to tell you that I'm back in Brazil,

and I have some video that I was filming in Japan,

some videos not that special though..

there're some..

so I want to edit and upload them.

Ok, then!

Bye, everyone!


Ah! Happy New Year!

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