New 16 Spinosaurus Dinosaur Toys Giant Surprise Box Jurassic World, Jurassic Park Unboxing
Jurassic Park Animal Planet like Papo Spinosaurus dinosaurs and set them up in
our awesome Jurassic Park dinosaurs okay it's great to see you again today I have
a nice good sized box full of Spinosaurus toys these are from Jurassic
world Jurassic Park Animal Planet like Papo
wow they have some really cool ones let's go ahead and check them out
okay let's get started checking out the spine the sores I don't have as many of
these close to as the t-rex but they still are okay our park is all set up to
welcome our Spinosaurus wow this park looks very similar to how Jurassic world
the fallen kingdom would look because there's an exploding volcano on both
sides which is wiping everything out check out that poor Dino and it's gonna
make our dinos flee for their lives so we have to hurry up introduce the
okay so here is our first dinosaur guys today we're just gonna do a quick
introduction of the dinosaurs if you want to see these unboxed and also
battles parody stories with them go ahead and check out my Jurassic world
playlist at the end of this video or check out my playlist on my channel so
this is the Animal Planet one if you push down his arm he lights up here he
roars unfortunately his mouth is not moving well it is a very annoying he
does have a third claw now I don't know why they gave the Spinosaurus a third
claw ah they must have been looking at the spinal Raptor toys that would have a
third claw because it's a mix of a Spinosaurus in the Raptor so I think
Animal Planet made a huge mistake there another Animal Planet spinosaurus and
then we have another big colorful Spinosaurus again from Animal Planet
so Animal Planet does like their spinosaurus characters this one if you
push the arm his mouth does open and close and he roars it's not very loud I
think I need new batteries
and then his spine here also dies light up you can see it's like red seed
through here so his lights off red there
okay so this guy is a very colorful Spinosaurus I do like this and then
Jurassic Park spinosaurus okay and our next one is a weird one this is a
Jurassic for Jurassic Park spinosaurus puppet I've found it looks like a
regular dinosaur head but it is a puppet but it is so hard plastic you can't it's
so small I can't put my fingers in and even if a child did the plastics hard to
the point they will not be able to do anything with it so you can stick this
onto a dinosaur's body and have like a huge head well that's about the only
thing you can do it Jurassic world final round okay so here is a cool one this is
a spinal rafter if you ever played the Jurassic world the game by ludia this is
one of the characters you could make by combining a Spinosaurus and a
Velociraptor so it's called a spinal Raptor
I really like the colouring they gave this the only mistake that Mane is
so I'm not really sure I think that's a mistake because I think it should have a
third wall this guy's action feature if you pull
his tail he moves his head back and forth also there's two color variants
there's this one and I'll show you another one that's like more of like a
greenish brown color these ones are
venture Park and then our next one is kind of a weird-looking one this is uh
adventure wheels you could buy this I believe in like Walmart or Kmart this
one if you pull the arm he does open his closes mouth auntie roars his lies also
light up but it is kind of annoying roar this is a very inexpensive dinosaur toy
then the king of the spinosaurus toys jurassic park animatronic spinosaurus
and we have the king of the spinosaurus toys this is the animatronic spinosaurus
ah the only bad thing is his leg has gotten loose to the point where this guy
has a hard time standing up with off falling over so I'm really disappointed
in that as you can see he does sort of lose his balance there so I'll have to
work on that but this one is the coolest he's got three different action features
if you push his tail here
he lifts his head anti roars then you could push the wounds on his side he
like yells
and then he also does have a spot here on impact
and he also loses in there
so this guy truly is awesome his entire body here's rubber except for his legs
and arm which are plastic so that makes it much more realistic looking if you
can see here the guy's got like glass eyes really cool looking tongue over
there he's got realistic looking wounds here his spine here is also all covered
and rubber which makes it look a lot more realistic his tail is all rubber
here it does move around there and here is a good lock you have like a big open
wound on this side and this is where the speakers at so I've seen this guy go up
to $600 or so really cool looking Dino you can get your hands on that it's a
class Papo spinosaurus and then we have a really cool papal Spinosaurus this one
is about as realistic of a dino as you're gonna get I mean take a look at
the head of this Spinosaurus these are all individual teeth really small evil
looking eyes I mean this guy is super realistic he doesn't have any moving
parts but if you want to set up some type of a display this would be awesome
and he even has what nostrils here actual
holes here for breathing so it was really cool and then here's a look at em
all over awesome Jurassic Park 3 spinosaurus okay guys I once again I do
apologize for not making brand new videos I mean these are new videos of my
older dinosaurs you guys have already seen I do want to show you the different
collections but the main thing is I am getting ready for the New York Toy Fair
Mattel has invited me to take a look at their Jurassic world 2
dinosaur toys from the fallen Kingdom so those are gonna be really cool so I
am super excited this is a Spinosaurus one that came from a Spinosaurus game so
this one you mount mount to dinosaur and you push the botton this dinosaur flips
all around kicking out his leg and bobbing his head the point of it is to
knock the other dinosaur and to beat them so this is a Jurassic world 3
Spinosaurus Jurassic Park Spinosaurus and then I have a cool roaring Jurassic
Park Spinosaurus this one if you push it down he opens his mouth and he roars
this one is JP 39 from sight beat he's like a gray-green and almost like a
bluish light bluish light gray color really cool drastic world final and then
here is the other spinal raptor I was talking about same action feature if you
pull his tail he moves his head and opens and closes it big wound here this
guy's like a light green orange brown color scheme where the other one was
like blue and red so our really evil looking dinosaur flaws spinosaurus and
then this is a knockoff Spinosaurus from a Chinese company called claws FL Ozzy
the thing about this is I did not realize it's almost the same color as
the Apple one so if you could see here they pretty much copied the papal one
which you know I I did not realize when I bought it it's almost identical to the
papal one you can see the coloring is a little bit different
but the other ones I bought from flaws they have cap copied a lot of papal and
schleich ones the other ones were totally different colors so if I would
have realized it I would not have bought this guy because they look almost the
same with these guys side to side
lights in sounds finder storage okay then we have a white in psalms
spinosaurus i bought this guy on ebay straight from china uh he is really
bleep cheap like plastic but it's cool his light feature so if you turn him on
here his spine here lights up his eyes light up he makes a weird roaring sound
i do not like the roaring sound so I disabled it but ah I do not recommend
you disable it like I did I basically stuck the pin in to the
holes here until I severed some that didn't not like so the chances are I
could have broken this guy but ah I mean his sound was annoying to the
point where you could not listen so now I think he's a lot
he does booth open and closed his mouth his tongue lights off eyes light up his
spine lights up and his tail tomi spinosaurus and then I have a
little Tomy spinosaurus here mouth does open and close his tail turns his legs
move what his arms do not oh this one's really cool he does come in and doubles
sat with the Spinosaurus and t-rex Jurassic world's finest Oran Park and
then I have a couple of little Spinosaurus dinos this one is a
Spinosaurus from Jurassic world his action future pushing down and then this
is a small one from Jurassic Park this is one of the I think the Dino hunter
series they usually come with a small figure in the package ok so now comes
the fun part we're gonna go ahead on and set up our
dinosaur zoo with all these Spinosaurus dinos the first one we're gonna do is
the big guy in the back there the big huge animatronic Spinosaurus then we
will put the Animal Planet one off to the side there
and the other animal planet one we're gonna put back here by the volcano then
we're gonna get some of these other ones this light up one I'm gonna set off to
the side these cold ones the ones I have really liked Papo and the flaws ones
we're gonna go ahead and set these guys up right over here almost like they're
fighting each other and then we have our little jp3 one I'm going to go ahead set
him up in the back there
over here the Jurassic Park one the two Jurassic world and am a tronic one I
mean that spinal Raptor ones we're gonna set one up right over here and then we
will set the other one up right back behind this one and then we got the
three little ones we're gonna go ahead and spread out all the way in the front
here so they are not hidden okay if they will stand up let's take that one I love
making these videos with you guys I have over a thousand videos the majority are
Jurassic world Jurassic Park Godzilla King Kong so go ahead and check
those out or wait till the video ends check out my playlist or go to my
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