Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 19 2018

Hello I'm Emma from mmmEnglish

and in this lesson, I'm going to share ten advanced

English words that you're probably mispronouncing!

Now before I go on, this video is created for

my audience, people who are learning English

as a second language.

Many of the words that I'll be sharing with you today

will be pronounced slightly differently

depending on the English accent used.

So you'll hear them in my Australian accent

but just be aware that there can be slightly

different ways of pronouncing the same word.

The words that I'm sharing today are appropriate for

advanced level English learners and of course,

any ambitious intermediate level learners as well.

But the words that I'll be sharing are often

mispronounced by native English speakers too.

So if you're a native English speaker

don't go anywhere, you might find this lesson useful

and interesting as well.

So ready to get started?

Okay the first word,


It is hilarious to think that this word

is so commonly mispronounced

and very often by native English speakers.

Pronounce. Pronunciation.

So there's the verb pronounce,

which means to say words and sounds.

Did I pronounce that correctly?

And then there's the noun, pronunciation,

which means the way that a word is pronounced or said.

My pronunciation is improving,

not my pronounciation is improving.

It's often mispronounced

because there's a different vowel sound used in the

stressed syllable in each of these words.

Listen to the difference.



Ow, ow.







It's actually a hell of a lot easier to pronounce

than it looks!



Kay - like the letter K

and -Os,


And not chaos or chous.

It's much easier than you think!


And this is a noun, it's used when a situation

is really confusing or messy.

There's no order, there's no control at all.

The accident on the freeway this morning created

chaos for commuters.

But this word can extend into the adjective, chaotic.

You can describe a situation as chaotic

and the same pronunciation rules apply.

It's much easier to pronounce than you think.



It became very chaotic outside the station.

So we can extend this even more

into the adverb chaotically.

So that's describing how something happened.

It happened chaotically.




Not spe-cif-i-cal-li.



There are four syllables, not five.

This pattern is one that occurs often in English.

Often when an adjective that ends in C like specific

becomes an adverb by adding the suffix -ally or just -ly.

So there's lots of examples of this.








and chaotically, which we mentioned earlier

which is a really good example

of this same rule that applies.



So the preferred pronunciation is pre-sti-jus,

not pre-stee-jus.

The shorter vowel sound.

Prestigious is an adjective that's used to say

that something or someone is of a high status.

They're very honoured, very respected and admired.

Brighton Grammar is a prestigious boys school.

She won the prestigious Archibald Prize.

Again the problem here comes from the root word,


where the stressed vowel sound is actually different.

Prestige and prestigious.

We have the longer e vowel sound in prestige

and the shorter

vowel sound in prestigious.



Not mis-chiev-i-ous, there is only one I here.

It's mischievous

and it's often spelt incorrectly too.

Pronounced and spelt incorrectly.

So this is an adjective that describes a person,

usually a child, who is having fun by causing trouble.

They're cheeky, it's kind of silly behaviour.

It's not really a negative thing.

Jack is quite a mischievous child.

Note that the noun mischief is also mispronounced

sometimes as mischeef.



Now mischief is behaviour that causes trouble

or disruption but not serious harm to other people.

Just a bit of fun.

He's always getting up to mischief.

Now for any of you athletic types who like to run

and swim and cycle,

triathlon is often mispronounced

and miss spelt

as triathalon.

Now this is probably because of the pronunciation of


After he ran the marathon, he started training

for the triathlon.



I'm guessing that if you're the athletic type

and you care about your health and

you're probably eating healthily

most of the time,

but natural foods, whole foods

can also be quite difficult to pronounce.

Think about the word quinoa.


I'll have the pumpkin and quinoa salad please.

Or acai.

For a long time I actually pronounce this word as aseye.

But I recently found out that I've been pronouncing it

completely wrong!

It's acai. The stress is on and it's emphasising

the third syllable or the last syllable.

Both of these words, since they're not originally English

words are completely butchered

by native English speakers.

By butchered I mean completely mispronounced

and ruined.

It seems that English speakers everywhere

are confused about how to pronounce some of these

super food names, so don't be surprised

if you hear it being pronounced incorrectly

by native English speakers.

It's very common.


Genre is quite a sophisticated word, genre .

It's used to group a particular style or category

of film or literature or art.

What's your favourite genre?

That genre of music was really popular in the seventies.

Now in French, where this word, originates where it

comes from, the spelling is identical

but the pronunciation is completely different.

dzon, dzon.

Now that's a pretty pathetic French accent

but my point is that if you're a French speaker,

this is a false friend,

the English pronunciation is different

even though it looks exactly the same.



The first sound is the dzh

sound that you hear in the middle of words like

vision or measure.

and it's a tricky sound to make.

It's a voiced sound.

Now for all of the coffee fans out there, it's espresso

not expresso

and I know that I don't need to tell my

Italian students that.

But this seems to be a really common mistake

for native English speakers and English learners alike.

The letters S pronounced as X.

This is a really mysterious one for me,

why native speakers, why?

It's espresso

not expresso.

I skip breakfast most mornings

and just get by on an espresso.

Perhaps the confusion comes from the word, express,

these two words have kind of come together.

I can't express how important morning espresso is!

I'm going to escape to the country,

not exscape to the country.

This one is especially tricky, not exspecially tricky.

Well how did you go with that list

of advanced English vocabulary?

Perhaps you've been mispronouncing

one or two of them

or perhaps as a native speaker, you've just realised

that you've been mispronouncing one of them

like me with acai.

Now there is no better way to practise and improve

your pronunciation than with a native English speaker

and you can do that with Cambly.

The teachers at Cambly are native English speakers

from the, US from the UK, Australia, Canada

and they can give you specific and personal feedback

helping you to fix those pronunciation problems

and communicate clearly in English.

So use the link in the description below

to get a free 15 minute lesson with a native speaker.

You could even practice the list of words and examples

from this lesson.

Awesome to have someone listening to you

and telling you what you need to do to improve.

If you enjoyed this lesson then please subscribe,

comment, say hi, I love hearing from you!

In fact, what other English words

are difficult for you to pronounce?

I'm sure you have a list of them somewhere.

Make sure you try out this video right here

to learn how to pronounce 10 English words

that I think you're mispronouncing

and watch this playlist down here

to practise your pronunciation and English expression.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you next week.

Bye for now!

For more infomation >> 10 (Advanced) English Words You Are Probably MISpronouncing! | Pronunciation & Common Mistakes - Duration: 13:44.


Will It Slime? Satisfying Glitter Slime Clay ASMR Mixing | OSVchannel - Duration: 4:19.

Will It Slime?

Satisfying Glitter Slime Clay ASMR Mixing

Don't forget Subscribe to see more (◠‿◠✿)

For more infomation >> Will It Slime? Satisfying Glitter Slime Clay ASMR Mixing | OSVchannel - Duration: 4:19.


Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 799 - Duration: 15:46.

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Two princesses and a baby

Hold on I have to get James my surprises are both with the birthday twins of course it is

They're more in the kitchen I'll go get them hey I know what'll cheer you up

I'm your twin. You're my twin wherever you may be you're always stuck with me

Kevin's grades, it's our royal twin song. We made it up when we were little kids. I had it first. Oh. Why don't you?

Where are the birthday twins?

Happy birthday you two

mmm breakfast, you'll just have to wait and see see you at the party I

Have to take Rex for a walk and here we are more goldenberry pancakes are served. It's his birthday, too

Enjoy your breakfast Princess amber

My card my party even my pancakes mmm sharing can be hard just

Once of my life I'd like to have a birthday wormy how I despise birthdays

The king always makes me put on a magic show for the children

I need you to cast a spell that gives James a different birthday, so today will just be my birthday

Oh, I'm sure I could cast such a spell

How about that one? No, that's a shrinking spell this one sleeping spell

Losing my patience

Spell really I never need a spell to lose my pay James

Baileywick wants you and amber to pick out games for your party. Just a couple more throws okay here Rex

Ever mr.. Saavik, hey amber we have to go pick out our party games now. Oh before we go Cedric. What did you do?

You're supposed to make him two months younger than me


As much trouble as I will I just need to find the counterspell

It's really important that we get the spell book back maybe you can help mr.

Cedric find Rex and by that you mean, maybe amber we need to stay with us until mr. Cedric undoes this head

Why don't we take him with us? There'll be plenty of toys to keep him busy?


Really must get myself to the gymnasium

I'm gonna need some backup

Choose the party games myself in the jewel in the tiara James would never let me pick this

Special day amber help me calm him down problem solved now back to picking out my games

Great James is just as much trouble big or small I think he's kind of fun

Come on it's time to pick out my birthday cake oh

Look at all these lovely cakes. I'm going to need total concentration to choose my favorite may I have some privacy


James wants to chuck a cake

Sharing your birthday with James and both of us, maybe get cleaned up come on

Crystal ball do your job help me find that pesky dog oh?

Wait a minute wait wait

You're supposed to find a buried treasure. Not me

Nice try buddy boy, but I'm smarter than I look. Nope it's gone. Oh oh I got it

Let's fetch the dog a bone. How is that gonna? Help us find a spell book because dogs love to bury bones

I'll be taking that spell book now. There you go

Look it

It's even James it's a drawing over great

Oh, but we don't have to change him back right away if you still want to have the party all to yourself Princess amber

No, brother to share it with

No, we have to find him

They've looked everywhere, where is he oh?

Maybe he's in the throne room come out come out wherever you are James. Are you?

Here oh

I should never have asked Cedric to do that spell. I was just being selfish here goes. I'm your twin

You're my twin. We stick together through thick and sin

No matter what I do


Tried-and-true if I never find you

What if I might win no more I give all the kingdoms treasures?

And find you we have fun, right

Means happening today, well you just hug me but other than that nope hey you got my present oh

Yes, and I love it. Thank you brilliant

Better luck next time. I do not remember choosing this game. Oh, I have your present

Here you found my okay

Oh wow, what is it a brand new invention?

it's like a unicycle but with two wheels hmm we call it a


Looks like it's been a pretty good birthday after all good hello

Amber can I take a ride on your unicorn number James


So fear in elvenmoor

Why wait till then

Thank You coach name

What are those together feathers if you lose your way your feather will point the way back to my feather?

Which I'll keep right here

I've never seen a tree like this before it's so shiny

Where are we I'm Sophia clover

How did we get here hi through the magical elvenmoor do it of course it hits you from the human world?

because elfin wood is the land of fun if you like to frolic love to laugh and

Lead the way, I wish we could but it gives you a warning before it moves

What kind of warning its chimes a few minutes before it zips away to its next stop, but it just got here

Oh, let me at least show you one thing. I just know you're gonna love okay. Oh whoo

I think I already found it, but those carrots

But it's nothing compared to the silver spray stream witness over space green afonso


Can we divert the road around it had a ground is too uneven it will put us back months

We must cut the tree down Sion, No


Don't get it Alfonso it looks like a normal stream. Oh, but it's not I'm showing him around

Do you know the humans who are building the road through the Whispering Woods?

That's my dad's real road crew then I must speak with you about something very important. Let's go


Wait where's the door it moved, but I thought we had time oh

Sorry about that

The wonders of elvenmoor can be that's all just follow the path and stay on the path

if you want to get back in time to save the tree you must not get sidetracked by all the

Merriment elfonzo. This is no time for games

You must help them to the door while I go warn the others of course you can count on me Alfred

Because those are mine genius

Makes a guy want to do the cocktail

By even the smartest elf could be so swept away by the thought of taking a

Bubble right Thank You forgets all about what he's supposed to be doing

The door we have to get there the door before they cut down the tree. Don't worry, so we'll float right to it

How do you steer this thing you don't it's all

It does we have to get down The Doors

Just up ahead, but these bubbles don't come down until they want to Sofia then we'll have to pop them

That my friends is bubble writing, let's get to the door before it moves I

Know there's lots of fun stuff here guys, but we'll never get home if we keep missing the door well

I won't get off the path again Sofia. I promise I promise

To okay before we start chopping down this tree. We got to figure out, which why we wanted to fall and

Down of course we wanted to fold down Oh

What are those oh, there's throw a pebble Oh Cho wait wait

What the dude I can't leave him behind

It's not your fault clover. We'll just get back on the path and head to the doors fast as we can

But where is the path? Oh, it's back the way. We came, but which way is that? Here's the door?

Okay clover let's go home bye Alfonzo fit well friends

Because that's not the real door I don't understand

We're in the groove of illusion the magic here shows your what you want to see most in the world only. That's it

My dad gave me this together feather in case. I got lost it points the way back to him

We have to follow the feather no matter what his oxen will pull the tree down easily young guys stay

very well get on with it then I

Think he's trying to tell me something

We have to cross that it's the way the feathers pointing but cross and I spin and mushroom field is

impossible the only way it's the hope we have to cross the mushroom field now I

Guess we're doing this looks like it

No matter which way you spin

Just can't wait any longer gentlemen hold down that tree all right

You in that tree we were in elvenmoor dad the land of the elves

This tree magically takes you there you can't put it down. Yes your majesty

That's good to work

Sophia thank goodness you made it back before the tree was taken down

It was all because of it together feather it showed me the way back to you

I know how to get back, but let's leave one together feather here. Just in case okay

Let's picnic and elvenmoor here we go

The derry-o the farmer in the Dell

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 799 - Duration: 15:46.


North Korea WARNING: Kim Jong-un MUST realise Donald Trump would 'obliterate' regime - Duration: 4:08.

North Korea WARNING: Kim Jong-un MUST realise Donald Trump would 'obliterate' regime

has refused to end their nuclear programme, but have come to the negotiating table to speak with South Korea ahead of the Winter Olympics.

  Fears have been raised that the rogue state could be using the Pyeongchang games to buy time to put more time and cash into its nuclear development.   Speaking exclusively to Express.

uk, East Asia expert Gordon Chang has warned that Kim Jong-un believes the US is "no obstacle", ramping up fears.

  He said: "I don't think that North Korea would ever want to attack the US, mainly because they know that missiles have a return address, in other words, we know where they come from.

"And the United States would completely obliterate North Korea.  "The regime doesn't want that, but what it is counting on is that the United States does not have political will.  "You have got to remember that although we think the US military is fearsome, the North Koreans don't look at it that way.  "They say yes, of course, the US has more ships or planes and has a more capable military but they believe that the US political system is incapable.

And by the way, the Chinese view us this way as well."   .

Mr Chang added, from his conversation with back in November, that North Korea do not regard the United States a threat as he revealed 's plans.  He said: "The Kim regime has reached out and killed Americans and there has been no American response.

"Clearly they have taken that to heart. So I am concerned that Kim Jong-un thinks that he holds the upper hand.

Indeed he has been talking about 'final victory' more frequently, and that is North Korean code for taking over the south. "So apparently he doesn't think that we are much of an obstacle in his way."     .

North Korean athletes are expected to walk out with South Korea with a unified Korean flag.

But, despite the recent diplomatic talks between the countries, Secretary Tillerson said the threat of a war with North Korea is now growing.  He said: "With respect to whether Americans should be concerned about a war with North Korea, I think we all need to be very sober and clear-eyed about the current situation.

"We have to recognise that the threat is growing."  . President said that he was open to holding talks with North Korea at the "appropriate time" and under the right "circumstances".

Mr Trump was praised by the South Korean President for playing a key role in the start of diplomatic talks for the first time since 2015.  The talks came after both Mr Trump and Kim Jong sent warnings to each other in their New Year's address boasting about the size of their "nuclear button's" which sit on both of their "desks". .

For more infomation >> North Korea WARNING: Kim Jong-un MUST realise Donald Trump would 'obliterate' regime - Duration: 4:08.


This former Navy pilot, who once chased a UFO, says we should - Duration: 1:32.

This former Navy pilot, who once chased a UFO, says we should take them seriously

By Martin Finucane

David Fravor is a recognizable type. Affable, neatly dressed, with a men�s regular haircut

and semi-rimless glasses, he�s a retired military man who works as a consultant in

the Boston area. He could be standing in front of you in a Starbucks line and you wouldn�t

notice him at all.

But the story he has to tell is literally out of this world.

Thirteen years ago, the Windham, N.H., resident was a veteran US Navy pilot at the controls

of an F/A-18-F fighter jet flying off San Diego when he sighted an unidentified flying

object and tried to intercept it.

�I want to join on it. I want to see how close I can get to it,� Fravor, 53, said,

describing his thinking as he began

the pursuit.

For more infomation >> This former Navy pilot, who once chased a UFO, says we should - Duration: 1:32.


Austin's public toilets solving public urination, bacteria problem - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Austin's public toilets solving public urination, bacteria problem - Duration: 2:39.


BREAKING! Marine Patrolling US Border Has A Terrifying Warning For Every American In Border States - Duration: 7:34.


Marine Patrolling US Border Has A Terrifying Warning For Every American In Border States


To all of you out there who think those of us who supported, and voted for, then candidate

Donald Trump because we are xenophobic and racist, here is your wake up call.

A former United States Marine Patrolling the Mexico-Texas Border has a chilling message

for you and all Americans.

"In an interview with Dennis Michael Lynch, a former U.S. Marine who served in the Middle

East is now an active member of a border group that patrols the southern border.

He is a former bomb expert trained by the Department of Defense.

Known to his pals as "Talon," he shared his thoughts about the "other than Mexicans"

that have been coming through the border for years.

"The Chinese and Middle Eastern people coming through the border are not coming here to

cut our lawns and wash dishes.

They hate us with a passion," said Talon.

When referring to the Muslims who hate the U.S. he said, "We are the infidels and they

think we deserve to die."

DML asked him how long until another 9/11?

Talon answered, "I'm shocked it hasn't happened yet.

Let me tell you that once they figure out how to get a nuke through the border, we will

lose a U.S. city."

There are congressional reports that reveal the drug cartels work with terror groups from

the Middle East."


this isn't news to those of us already living in border states.

We see what's coming in on a daily basis.

Our cities are being overrun by gang crime like never before.

The best of the best doesn't just walk across our borders.

These aren't children with "Divinity in their Eyes" as Nancy Pelosi calls them.

Since President Trump's inauguration, there has been a sharp decrease in illegals crossing

the border illegally, but we won't be secure until the wall is built and we are able to

stop them completely.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions sent official letters to the 9 different cities, counties

and the whole state of California ordering them to stop the madness and let The Department

of Homeland Security and ICE do their job.

If not they will be punished by ceasing to send these 9 entities federal funds.

I know my home state of California can't survive long on its own although liberals

and loony politicians actually believe it can.

Maybe legalizing Marihuana in this state wasn't such a great idea after all.

These people walking over our border are not coming here for better job opportunities at


These people cannot stand America and will do everything they can to destroy us and our

way of life.

The left knows that the only way to destroy America is through political correctness coupled

with multiculturalism.

If you have not read The Communist Takeover of America-45 Declared Goals, I suggest you

look it up.

The number one stated goal is, U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to

atomic war.

We have seen the left use this argument before when stating the reasons for open borders

and acceptance of illegals and Muslims.

The argument they use is that these people who desire to kill us can be averted if we

just coexist with them.

Of course, that is absolute insanity, but we have seen that this tactic has worked over

the last several years.

That is why we need to be on constant alert and push back against this dangerous rhetoric.

We are aware that dangerous people have made their way into America and until they are

found and deported pose a real threat.

That is why we need President Trump's border wall to be erected and ICE agents to be allowed

to do their job properly.

Those that stand against Trump's plans to protect our nation should be held accountable

for their actions.

We need to stand up against these leftist scum and demand that this wall is built sooner

than later.

To all you Liberals out there, please, stop with the finger pointing and accusations.

This isn't about being bigoted, Islamophobic, Xenophobic, or whatever "phobic" you want

to invent next.

It's about our very survival of as a nation, as a culture and as a people.

If you need to, pretend the bad people slipping in through the border are Christians and Jews.

I'm sure if they were you would have no issue whatsoever in building a wall to stop

them, but please to play with our security and very existence only because you believe

in the madness that is Political Correctness.

what do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING! Marine Patrolling US Border Has A Terrifying Warning For Every American In Border States - Duration: 7:34.


A.R.T. lights being tested - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> A.R.T. lights being tested - Duration: 2:22.


SPENDING $100 on a CLASH ROYALE RIP OFF!! - Duration: 10:06.



What's going on guys my name's eclipse and today? We are back on

Great royal wars that is the app's name, so yeah, we're back on great royal wars in yesterday's video

I said if you guys can break 5,000 likes that I would be spending

$100 on this ripoff if this video gets

5,000 likes let's do it, let's spend $100 on this game, so I don't know how this is gonna go

I'm gonna be losing $100

So please if you enjoyed this video show some love leave it a like sub share it to your clan mates

Just just make me feel honored and holy crap

I got a clan invitation from chunky butt and he's inviting me to my clan. I know the way also in yesterday's video

I told you guys to make a clan

I know the way

So let's come on over to the clans and let's just search this so I know I'm just gonna search that right there

And oh my god you guys crushed it. Thank you guys so much for just for being amazing

I didn't expect this many clans

I was expecting one to two clans to be full, but just look at this you guys absolutely blew my mind

Let's click this first one

14,000 trophies this is for the YouTube eclipse channel go subscribe to them and as you can see these people

3,000 trophies mr

bootleg actually plays this game so shout-out to you man are there any room in some of the other ones this one Amon is

Pretty small so let's figure out. How we can leave this clan. Oh wait wait wait. There's 40 members in this one, okay?

Yeah, we're gonna chill in this clan right here

I am gonna say hi though, and it's also request for some let's request for some pumpkin guys


That seems like a great idea and now it is time for the moment that that I'm dreading and the moment that you guys came

Here for we're gonna be spending

$100 on this ripoff and should I buy the legendary trio as well, I mean it's only three dollars

And I get three legendary cards if I'm spending a hundred like I might as well. Just go all out so uh

Where is the can I not purchase? Oh here we go a hundred dollars

15400 M R olds

Let's get it let's get it and come on please our purchase was all set

Oh my God look at that

So let's screenshot that right there click faiths thumbnail you guys know how it is and let's also purchase these three

Legendary's like it's three dollars. I already spent a hundred

Okay, this has been officially the worst purchase of

2018 so far but we got the eye frit

I don't know what that guy is we got shooting stars, and we got dwarf kings. Okay, so far so good now

I'm just gonna open up as many chests as I possibly can in this video, and then once I waste all my gems

We're just gonna go see all the new cards

We have and I may do a battle or should we say?

Battles for another video so here goes nothing the first chest this is round one enchanted

Cube this chest opening doesn't help that I'm in like the first arena

So I'm gonna be getting the worst possible cards

I can get in this game, but we got a sprite a dwarf shooter in javelins. Hell. Yeah, dude. This is so legit

We are gonna be the world's best a level 1 player in this game think about it me spending

$100 is making the creators of this game so damn happy like I'm literally giving this game so much

Publicity right now to free games. I'm spending money

I have active users creating clans like we are making this company's day

So you know if you haven't hopped on the bandwagon yet?

you might as well download the game join in I know anyway clan and get started like we are creating a

Revolution here guys watch me just quit clash royale on my channel and turn into a great Royal Wars channel

That would be absolutely sick

That would be so lit, but let's continue so we got ourselves the ripoff which we got some pumpkin dudes um

I don't even know this is Shrike

I got so Shrek with a big bomb chicken man

And oh she is pretty and still I have no idea how to pronounce her name elven Archer

Is's I feel like there's a lot of leftover s's in there. I can it. Just be an elven Archer as' that makes more sense

Continuing on though more chicken mining javelins, and I kind of screwed this up because like cracker cat is in realm one

I really wish I could have like played this game more and got a bit higher because like I'm just gonna be getting the same

Cards at this point you guys don't even care. How many chests

I open up like I'm sure you just wanted to see me spend the $100 so once we finish this chest up right here

Let's go see all the cards we have access to and then I'm thinking we go and do some battles with our really

Overpowered cards like that just seems like a good idea to me old people in the clan are on awesome

So let's head on over. Thanks. Dude. You are the best. Oh the battle deck look at all of these cards

we can upgrade it feels good to be rich ah

Actually, it's more like poor now because we we just we we wasted money on on this game so coming on over to our collection

We have range chicken men, which are spear goblins regular goblins um

Let me see what this is stars fall from the sky dealing damage to everyone in a wide

Affected area damage to towers is reduced

I have no idea what this is I'm assuming a zap spell this right here our arrows a fireball. What is this lady?

Ah the sprite would be the baby

dragon gotta love the baby

Dragon the chicken coop is the goblin spawner and one thing that I find funny is they even have the same

Rarities from clash Royale like they didn't make up new names. They didn't put certain cards and different rarities

They literally just took everything from CR and just renamed and texturized it okay after that we have the IFRIC

This is one of the legendary cards we bought for three dollars. Honestly. I have no idea what legendary

This is so I'm just gonna pull up the clash Royale on my phone

Maybe I'll figure out then but I'm drawing a blank right now guys. I think this is an original card

I honestly lost faith in this game, but they have original legendaries

So this game as through the roof even better like I was looking at clash Royale on my phone

You can't really see it that well, but there's only one legendary card for five you like sir

And that's the graveyard so I have no idea what this I for it is and then moving on to this one this would be

The lightning spell and to finish it all off

We have another legendary the dwarf King sort of like the barbarian king, but this guy is seven elixir

I'm not too sure what he is

And I think this may be another original card Oh

Upgrading these cards this deck is four point three blocks. We are level two now. This is gonna be so brutal

I'm just gonna like level up all these cards

And then we're just gonna go in straight up smack some people this is gonna be brutal. I am a level four already

Some ice just fell off my window now, and is this right here would be the final battle deck

We came up with I have two of the legendary cards in there

This is just gonna be so good level five versus level two are their remotes in this game

He started off with a fireball

Apparently people still use random fireballs in this game now this dude right here the dwarf King

I believe he is sort of like a tank true point he spawn in other units one. Okay. That's crazy

Holy crap those were really fast, but we have the dwarf King pushing up right there

You didn't use some arrows barely did any damage so behind the dwarf King we're gonna get a sprite down

No, don't get sprite confused with sprite. This girl is pretty much like the baby dragon

Let's also get the witch town right there

This guy is trying to fireball us, but his tower can't even destroy the guys the king is spawning

This is just so unfair right now

He's pretty much like a barbarian Hut spawner that moves and spawns a lot a lot of troops

Oh this poor dude pretty much. Three crowd. I'm gonna send that fire Cuban over there and would you look at that first battle?

It's over with we we straight-up killed it the dude didn't stand a chance

I feel like a big bully, but that was awesome another level too poor date

Ayt this guy's got a youtube channel

What's up, let's see if we can find it if I can we'll throw it up on the screen somewhere over here

But date a I'm sorry. We're about a we're about to fully like you. Oh, what is that guy?

We got the pumpkin ogre coming in so let's get our insurance and chant races or what whatever they're called now

That dude is about to get rekt that guy spawned in some chicken dudes and over there

Oh God his Giants going crazy

But look at that that was a mighty fine defense if you ask me and let's check out what this

Ifrah does this is one of our new legendaries

and he has

Less health than the king guy I made sure to check that out before battling and let's just see how good these people all are

Now let's get ourselves the baby dragon down, and if I can save up for a witch as well

This is just gonna be game over

These poor people they just they can't stop me. I don't know what they were expecting but here

We are locked onto that King tower

Innocent level two against jamming level five and people say this game is free-to-play

Oh, it is. It is not guys. This is a $20 value for five dollars

75% off if you guys can crush the support on this video again who knows?

We may come back and just buy this like if this video does well against screw it

We're coming back tomorrow and buying this bad boy. Let's check out the clan chat though. I said Danks apparently

No, one is online so I think we're just gonna be wrapping up the video here

I had some fun recording it and hopefully you had fun watching it, but guys this has pretty clips

Thank you all for watching. I don't I don't know what that hand gesture was but peace out

For more infomation >> SPENDING $100 on a CLASH ROYALE RIP OFF!! - Duration: 10:06.


Not only women: 'Me too,' says young man from Oklahoma - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Not only women: 'Me too,' says young man from Oklahoma - Duration: 3:30.


Dallas Fuel vs Houston Outlaws ft EFFECT Jake | Overwatch League Highlights OWL Week 2 Day 2 - Duration: 13:38.

he resurrected and now Resses back and forth again no deaths have really been

permanent so far but the set above his defense is perfect you do not want to

let them set up on the pirate ship at a certain point in time if they keep

holding this defense in this situation they might even abandon the strategy. If

they will have to change things up eventually. We're ticking past the

two-minute 40 mark and they haven't made hardly any progress at all in fact it's

actually the Muma territory now he's got the shield on the points like "this

is my payload now you're not getting anywhere near it." There's nothing more

uneventful than a Orisa verse Orisa. You're just kind of barely the crack

shields then linkzr! Are much in his favor now already shots landed and here we go the

trade supercharging gets picked off immediately though that's not gonna help

and Cocco is down they've lost the tank Dallas Fuel already a man down and

EFFECT is under so much pressure right now. Linkzr just can't seem to miss.

but Seagull alleviates that pressure by taking out Linkzr around the other side

of things Linkzr gets resurrected though, EFFECT will take down Fanny for

trying to even resurrect his fallen teammate this is the big shifting phone

here Chipshajen has brought out the tank mode is he actually on find any targets

doesn't matter he still blocked off the choke point and sure enough there's the

scatter arrow boy blank on Mumma takes him out of the fight immediately and so

it's just trades frags back and forth but Huston seem like they're coming out

ahead here Jake with the kill on Mickey that's a big one and it's gonna force

the res but there's so much damage coming in from Jake an enormous tire

over the top post Valkyrie take Stone cousin and Siegel and they will

stabilize their flag over Texas tonight but this is a huge joint for Houston to

be able to first hold on junker ton which they're 5 seconds away from doing

already they do mash you get the red so that's something here for Dallas to work

with the d'emic as well it's one of the wrinkles in the strategy that you first

saw in that defense is that the defending team will rotate around and

see if they can catch them off guard but it has been the links or show Segal out

of the mix Matt will take down Coco now who do they res up lucky for them effect

has taken down raucous but I don't think it's enough somewhere that's big final

able to win that duel business link sir but not before links are done to the

damage manages to get the pigs to start everything off strong here in for

Houston Brett on the side creeping just to try to get out here in touch if he

can the tire will come in and chips now out of this fight

oh that's so big-league sir drops Costa no no resurrect Aaron this is going to

be the easiest first map reduced outlaws what way can they capitalize on it yeah

you have to wait Phil to commit comes in and already trading frags left and right

effect balls maggoty get caught by cool man no space there Mickey

going for the big saw no he sinks it right into the corner what a

self-destruct yeah they were able to take down the opposing mercy they're

making up pressuring everybody out cool Matt will finally fall nobody blaster

kills for him as they do try to clean this top some good stall out

reinforcements are coming back on the point for Houston but it might have

reached that tipping point wanted to find those squishies but it wasn't meant

to be and Segal already getting caught out here by cool Mack will Matt decide

to back up and change with the kill in fact two of them chips and goes down as

well and that pretty much has to put a stop to things here for Dallas they're

gonna have to fall back and reset there's a lot of established synergy

courts in to take the fight on to the point they want to fight outside of it

first that's a great time pod cool man with the self-destruct is fine so much

time delay things here for Dallas on the high ground at least and we still have

over there it is Jake putz down to high value target Kutta is

no more that heals the bridge the wreck everything is out the window here for

Dallas that's so important because their own mercy was down Benny was out of that

fights they need to equalize the healing potential on the other side of things

now links are just gonna be able to run wildly no kills from that tactical visor

at all huge tire from him picks up three and links are eventually finds his

hearts horn and it started off because of this he gets pressured down decides

it's time to let it rip quite literally climbs a wall finds his targets

interesting because that's gonna force things out cool man he will be able to

find a pic on KOCO and there's the trance buying time both zenyatta is

using their Ultimates here trying to keep their teammates alive as best they

can raucous good positioning from him could

just rain the orbs and and he's just walking over this battlefield calling

out the targets making sure that his team are focusing and Jake he's more

than happy to oblige a lot of harmony on this point but a lot of discord in the

Dallas ranks as they get taken down one by one the tanks who died very early in

this fight come in late and gets to all of the primal rage instead he's just

gonna play bouncer again the supports are denied access fantastic work though

caught by link sir at least with the follow up on chips the backline is dead

for Dallas they have no sustain they need the get kills where are they gonna

happen though Segal does manage to find links are in the end so that's up being

killin effect is still alive on that point maybe they can turn it here Dallas

but the supports are still alive and sure enough Rockets get the trance at

the end this should spell disaster for Dallas there's no way they can keep up

on it and the wick is burning hex don't think they even got 33% which would be

one of those markers and call it a tick that will not revert it's very close

they did not there to translocate back to the health pack he'll be able to stay

alive and there we go the moment's hesitation on my part but league's are

certainly didn't hesitate on his side he could've got the follow but he has to

reload never mind both support says this is a disaster for

Dallas they are falling apart link sir couldn't have better sight

lines if he was mind controlling these supports they seem to go wherever he

wants them to it is like the sniper rifle now let's go hide and they aren't

even waiting this is gonna let him sprint back in I mean that is something

that Rockets on Sombra has in his toolkit he can't move a bit quicker than

others Mickey will get some the DMACC on cool Matt Jake though with the trade and

there it is link sir again out the open dogs get found by Siegel though but the

damage is done Jacob Annie reign supreme right now they

won't rest that back up and as they try to finish out this point remember they

don't even finish they do just British like that because they only needed 33

Jake is gonna have blade up soon enough which is why you stick with this we'll

see if they can have a little bit different of resultant last time that's

nice to pick off Costa from links right off the start rock is style it but

they're single again catches Jake Boyk is there with the resurrect immediately

but Siegel looking to follow up and again takes down Jake singles having a

field day right now he's got something against Kenji I feel like Jake please

overwatch like an old-school NES to have that mercy want to have that res in play

the Valkyries so powerful and here it is Jake was looking for the opening he's

got the track and played it's time to hack and slash effect not able to get

the flashbang off it he just murders the backline Jake that

is fine or indeed if you have to use Ultimates whole Hawk was also pushed

into there to cool Matt flying down we'll take a little dip down to grab it

but that's a nice tire takes out point who had Valkyrie up and in progress

a seagull has been a real positive here for Dallas he just seems to have an

impact every single time shining down Jake and now find you the keep rag on

the mercy taking the resurrect out of the play but somehow Houston are still

finding kills despite all of that Jake once again with the dragon is Jake right

now reflecting bullets back in their face getting the slash as well he's just

staying sober Bob at Siegel again he has been chased thorn and Siegel just

looking to connected eventually he will shake yet again thighs to the hand of

the grenades the question is is it an office raucous as a lone up top just

throwing shapes out he does hit some head shots that's gonna make them think

twice about coming in custom very low will get pressure down there's the

communication that's on display from Houston as the supports and to the diva

combo finish out that fights Houston they're sweaty does hit that early hick

hook they're they're unable to finish it yes they do find the finish there Matt

and raucous now out of it this is a fight that by the numbers Dallas should

win they should be able to carry it for and Mickey missing hooks though he is

gonna be able to take a breather however and get back up to full HP but moments

doing a fantastic job of just staying alive eventually Mickey will mail them

to death it's like I can't even really weigh in on this business if such as an

internal bias going on that starts off mickey out of the fight

that is a huge blame that comes through gets the tire and the tire caster again

a late Valkyrie brings two back to life and they're not even even after that

Bank on well really just not staying sure Houston and for a second there I

thought that was gonna be the reason they have nowhere to go

he can't pack in a traffic police the good dent in the bumper still they're

keeping this presence on the point constantly contesting and there's the

plane coming through putting the pressure on MoMA finds effect already

and he survives as well it's gonna force the whole hog here at a Mickey looking

for kills and he connects immediately with rockers get the man making the

difference Mickey's had some great play here so far

they gonna bust out the blade while valkyrie is in progress costa out of

this fight and there goes Mumma and jake combining for three the valkyrie from

point that's been in this pocket for quite a while comes to fruition and they

will clean up this fight attack finally having an impact so that was a great

post bomb finally getting rid of MoMA she's been doing a fantastic job staying

alive so far and being just poor and constantly in Dallas aside but in fact

he's stay alive getting caught out and thought she had to suicide on to the

point they will not be able to touch it and Houston we have a victory over

Dallas he's got to coordinate with chips here because it's not just him he's gone

my goodness you see timing on the kill feed but that little icon next to him is

chips they discarded Jake in the sky they absolutely need that time to bring

in the Thunder already there we go turns out you just needed some fins in

here I mean you had links are over on Houston downside right what do we need

to do we need to turn it around here bring you in our own fin verse link sir

two of the best players on their respective teams looking for the squishy

targets and effect I thought he dodged I thought he got out

in the nick of time but Jake still connects and Jake what the follow-up

manages to get the DMACC on Mickey the pressure getting poured on here in

Houston to do tastic job and L took take is going back

to his faithful rat he will lay down the overwatch spray so people know he's evil

but yeah that seems to be the angle they want to take and said they're gonna dive

onto Jake still no kills in this fight just yet links are challenged Mickey

then taken out oh very quick what the transcendence there's chips I had to

make sure that Jake couldn't pick anybody off keeps his team alive and

both teams actually using their transits but Jake right back into it it sure a

Hogs down ship saying but Mickey will trade the frag right back there's no

more terrifying sound as a saniana than a rip tire you just try to hit a charged

volley of orbs to try to take it off but it's a very big ask in that situation

the Valkyrie out for Dallas brought them up to life at his 4v5 right now next

kill might decide this fight solid work between Ramon Cole Matt right now to

start picking up the backline I like it you lose MOA fair enough he'll get back

quick enough on the Winston but cool Matt really keeping the pressure on it

later fine side shot on effect if they are putting up one hell of a fight a

little bit careful jumping around like that out in the open when there's a

scoped rifle at work Mickey trying to push the point forward just a little bit

here trying to create some space for his team and he's actually gaining some

decent ground right at the end as well only five seconds left before we kick it

into overtime but Jake once again reclaims the payload

and Mickey just doing the best that he can to turnfight I'm here for his

teammates to get back into this there's gonna be a tire that could just end this

map right now he's looking for the supports in the back line it does get

taken out by a fact but it's a zoning tire risk damage boosted Rockets do a

lot he has not been able to clean up any fight is distributing that damage a

little too much and Jake will go down effect finds the target that he needs

and the rest of the outlaws will fall in turns it's not every day you see

somebody cleaning house to shrapnel I would say could be the opposite we kind

of dirty but it works there's two places you don't want to fight in a basement

and or to and in a hallway and I convolve

legs there you will be able to stay alive on this keeping the pressure on in

fact though doing massive damage to quick hills for him and the important

one is on Bonnie taking him out of the fight and again this is looking very

good here for Dallas they have really turned it around

they have getting used well so we'll see I mean Houston they need to take

advantage of this open oh they know they're a great spot for the belt

because you can resurrect Jake which is why he has the freedom to use that

barrage knowing he'll be brought back to life however Mickey took out Bonnie

during that fight Bonnie and Jake out of the fight to the outlaws have the bodies

on the point to bring this back they just might mama he will be forced back

he's getting dangerously low right now drops behind cool man who's been d-max

as well and so Dallas again buying valuable time we're past the 3-minute

mark here for Houston and if they can get the kill on moment this would be big

again just the kill feed filled and positioning forcing Dallas backwards but

they did a great job at sticking together Dallas and effect drops out of

nowhere doesn't get the kill but that was so close Jake just had heart attack

Jake the escape artist right there and I would beg to differ that he didn't get

anything out of that dragonblade sometimes you can consider it a success

if you force out a transcend which a man fight so the support Ultimates now both

being used for Dallas fuel but on the other side of things Houston had to use

all of theirs as well everyone kind of throwing alts willy-nilly here speaking

of throwing off smack drops a bomb over top and takes down to two and that's a

coset is out of the fight as well and they're running out of space here Dallas

they need to keep some kind of presence in he's gonna be a great focus target

Rockets already go into town with the heavy pulse rifles picking up the kill

on time Oh who's not long for this world what a luxury to be able to instantly

flex on to a third TPS caliber of rock as he has played more

DPS years that he has support heroes and the overwatch league

Houston outlaws or oh the Dallas fuel the sweep

now let's definitely did not expect this result coming into this series you were

thinking there's gonna be a bit more competitive between the two

For more infomation >> Dallas Fuel vs Houston Outlaws ft EFFECT Jake | Overwatch League Highlights OWL Week 2 Day 2 - Duration: 13:38.


TOP 10 Must-Try SWEETS in a JAPANESE Convenience Store - Duration: 12:55.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 Must-Try SWEETS in a JAPANESE Convenience Store - Duration: 12:55.


Todrick Hall On His First Time In Drag | First of All - Duration: 3:23.

My first-

well, I don't know if we need to talk about that.

We will- I-

is this, uh, for a mixed audience?

My first kiss was from someone named Paul,

but if you're down south, we can just refer to her as Paulina.

And it wasn't a great kiss, if I'm just being honest.

It was kind of like it happened and I was like, "Whoa."

It wasn't a mutual kiss. I just was kissed on the lips.

But then I got my first real kiss at a duck pond,

which doesn't sound romantic, but it really was.

It was beautiful, on some, like, Noah and-

what's the girl's name from The Notebook?

Noah and...

[off-camera] Rachel McAdams?

Rachel McAdams. Um, it was like that.

It felt like a moment, like, when I'm a bird.

If I'm a bird, you're a bird type of thing.

It was really cool.

First Instagram page I ever followed was Beyoncé.

And fun fact: twice a year, I get really in my own head

and I unfollow everyone,

but I've never unfollowed Beyoncé ever because

I think that is a blasphemous thing for anyone to do.

Trolled? Like people talking about me?

Day one. When I first made my first video.

To be fair, my outfit was hideous.

First big account that ever followed me back was...

I mean, the biggest account that ever followed me back

was Taylor Swift,

but then she unfollowed everyone,

so that was kind of a depressing day for all of us,

but um...

I don't know.

I freaked out when Kehlani followed me

because I love her.

I, like, lost my mind.

And I just found out last night that Winnie Harlow follows me

and I love her.

So I'm constantly surprised by the people who follow me.

Ariana Grande.

I don't know.

Just really, really cool people.

One day Beyoncé's gonna follow me.

Or Blue Ivy.

One of them is gonna follow me.

Does Blue Ivy have an Instagram?

First time I did drag, I was 2 years old,

and... I'm kidding.

The first time I did drag, really, I felt

was in front of RuPaul when I was promoting Kinky Boots.

That was the first time I felt like

I was really ever performing in drag.

I'd played women characters before,

but the first time I really felt like I did drag

was when I dressed up as Lola from Kinky Boots

and lip-synced for my life on the stage of RuPaul's Drag Race.

It was the scariest thing I've ever done.

[off-camera] Possibly the best?

Possibly the best.

My first big paycheck was for What the Funny.

I don't have to say how much it was, right?

[off-camera] You can if you want to.

It was, like, so many zeros, it was ridiculous.

I don't want to intimidate people who are watching this.

But it was really, really cool because I finally had a budget,

so I put every dime that I made into my videos.

I'm horrible at managing my money,

so I ended up buying lots of Louis bags,


trips to Hawaii

for people who didn't really deserve to go to Hawaii.

Priorities. You gotta have 'em.

I thought I should've been rich like 5 years ago,

so I don't know when it's going to happen, but um,

every dime that I make goes into either making a video,

or buying clothes so that I can look more fashionable.

And you're welcome.

For more infomation >> Todrick Hall On His First Time In Drag | First of All - Duration: 3:23.


Skiers and snowboarders enjoy snow on the mountain - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Skiers and snowboarders enjoy snow on the mountain - Duration: 2:03.


Trump takes credit for the good economy. Here's what economists say - Duration: 10:00.

JUDY WOODRUFF: But first: This weekend will mark a full year since President Trump was


It has been a week of good economic news, which he touted today, including the Dow Jones

average quickly cracking the 26000 mark and Apple announcing that it will bring huge overseas

profits back to invest in the U.S., paying tens of billions of dollars in taxes.

How much of that credit should go to the president?

Our economics correspondent, Paul Solman, posed that question for his weekly series,

Making Sense.

PAUL SOLMAN: Unemployment 4.1 percent, down from 4.8 when President Trump took office,

GDP growing at more than 3 percent, faster than the last two Obama years, the stock market

hitting new highs nearly every day.

And President Trump says it's a function of his policies.

Here is in Pennsylvania this afternoon.

DONALD TRUMP, President of the United States: At the center of America's resurgence are

the massive tax cuts that I just signed into law, with tremendous tax relief for working

families, for small businesses, for big businesses that produce jobs, for just about everybody,

tremendous numbers.

And you are already seeing what is happening.

PAUL SOLMAN: And so the question, does the president deserve the credit?

At the annual Economists Convention in Philadelphia last week, I started with some of his toughest


AUSTAN GOOLSBEE, Former Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers: If you look at the trends

of job creation, of growth of the economy, of the stock's market appreciation, there's

not a very notable break on January 20.

PAUL SOLMAN: That's AUSTAN GOOLSBEE from the Obama White House.

Lisa Cook served there too.

LISA COOK, Former Obama Economic Adviser: We set in motion what we see now.

You can't create an economy overnight.

PAUL SOLMAN: Now, for the full-on defense of Trump's policies, we were trying to secure

an interview with the head of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, Kevin Hassett.

But, though he was at the conference, no luck.

So, instead, we turned to longtime American University Professor Bob Lerman.

BOB LERMAN, Economist, American University: On policy, I would give him maybe a B-minus

to a B.

PAUL SOLMAN: Lerman calls himself a moderate or market economist.

He likes much of what Trump is doing for the economy.

BOB LERMAN: I think the corporate reforms make sense.

I think he's been pro-energy.

Now, you can argue against it on environmental grounds, but I think that several steps will

expand output in the energy field.

PAUL SOLMAN: And that means jobs.

BOB LERMAN: And that means jobs, and usually good jobs.

PAUL SOLMAN: And how do the naysayers reconcile their low marks with a high-grade economy?

Nonpartisan former International Monetary Fund chief economist Olivier Blanchard:

OLIVIER BLANCHARD, Former International Monetary Fund Chief Economist: Other things are going

on which explain why the economy's doing well.

PAUL SOLMAN: But what, besides momentum, are those other things?

For the companies in the Standard & Poor's 500 stock index, says Blanchard, start with

their earnings from elsewhere.

OLIVIER BLANCHARD: More than half from the S&P 500 actually come from outside the U.S.

And the world is in much better shape.

Europe is in much better shape than it was a year ago.

The U.S. stock market has done well because the rest of the world is doing well because

uncertainty in the rest of the world has decreased and because of the tax cut, because no matter

what pre-tax profits you make, if you get a tax cut, you get more post-tax profits.

PAUL SOLMAN: But that's a key part of what Trump's taking credit for, that the tax cut

has both spurred the stock market and will lead to more investment, more higher-paying


More than 70 financial institutions, airlines, AT&T, have announced employee bonuses or raises.

Fiat-Chrysler announced a billion-dollar investment to build Ram trucks near Detroit, currently

made in Mexico.

Even Wal-Mart hiked its minimum wage.

But then Wal-Mart is also closing 63 Sam's Club stores.

So what matters is the net effect in the long run, argues Austan Goolsbee, because, in the

nearer term, for individuals, say:

AUSTAN GOOLSBEE: The tax bill is a small temporary cut to taxes for a small number of middle-class

people, and a very large permanent tax cut of high degree of windfall handout.

It is not geared towards the people that elected Trump.

It is piling on of the continuing income inequality trends that have been there for a long.


AUSTAN GOOLSBEE: It's not as though President Trump created that.

They have been going for decades.

PAUL SOLMAN: Republicans, Democrats.

AUSTAN GOOLSBEE: I just don't understand the argument that, let's try to steer the tax

code to pile onto the trends that have already been disturbing.

PAUL SOLMAN: And here's another long-term economic negative, says libertarian economic

historian Deirdre McCloskey: the president's aversion to trade.

DEIRDRE MCCLOSKEY, Economic Historian: Trashing the North American Free Trade Agreement, stopping

the Trans-Pacific thing, all this is nuts from an economic point of view, in my opinion.

PAUL SOLMAN: That's because, to almost all economists, voluntary trade benefits sellers

and consumers alike.

As to Trump's trumpeting the liberating effects of deregulation, in the long run, Clinton

adviser and Nobel laureate Joe Stiglitz asks:

JOSEPH STIGLITZ, Professor of Economics, Columbia University: Why do we have these regulations?

Because we want to breathe clean air, we want to be able to drink water, we want to be able

to be sure the food we're eating is safe.

We don't want the banks to engage in the kind of risk-taking that could risk our entire


The question is, what is the cost that we're going to be faced with stripping away the


PAUL SOLMAN: So, that's why you give the Trump administration such a low grade for its first


JOSEPH STIGLITZ: I think there are a lot of other things that disturb me even more.

The long productivity of our society depends on science, innovation, research.

And he's been slashing research budgets.

Long-term, to me, that is devastating.

PAUL SOLMAN: And in addition to tax cuts, trade, deregulation and science, what about

the long-term cost of not building the infrastructure the president promised, says Professor Cook?

LISA COOK: I really thought that we were going to invest in long-term growth, and I haven't

seen that.

PAUL SOLMAN: But the idea behind the tax bill is that companies will now invest in America,

as opposed to overseas.

LISA COOK: Well, why not invest broadly in America through infrastructure?

These coal jobs that possibly may never come back, what can take their place with the skills

that the coal miners have?

Construction, the building of bridges, the repairing of bridges.

We still have the worst grade from the civil engineers with respect to infrastructure.

PAUL SOLMAN: And, finally, if that weren't enough piling on, what's the cost of increased

uncertainty, Austan Goolsbee asks?

AUSTAN GOOLSBEE: I took at face value the arguments made by the business community for

at least half of the Obama administration that the single worst thing that you could

do to business formation and investment was to add uncertainty.

There has in modern memory not really been a president who's added as much uncertainty,

geopolitical uncertainty, regulatory, a whole bunch of policy uncertainty, more than what

President Trump has.

PAUL SOLMAN: But if uncertainty is so bad, how come consumer confidence is the highest

it's been since the dawn of the millennium?

TREVON LOGAN, Ohio State University: I was very uncertain as an economist about what

would happen with the economy, but it seems as if consumers are able to divorce many of

their concerns about America's political state from its economics.

PAUL SOLMAN: Though he still worries about the long-term, Ohio State economist Trevon

Logan acknowledges the good economic news in the here and now.

For example:

TREVON LOGAN: The numbers just released show African-American unemployment is at its lowest

rate ever, and white unemployment as well is at one of the lowest rates that it's ever

been, so we're near full employment.

PAUL SOLMAN: So, then why so much negativity from economists?

BOB LERMAN: I think in part because people have taken a very negative view of him personally.

PAUL SOLMAN: You're a Republican?

She is.

And Rhonda Sharpe is also a president of the National Economic Association, founded in

1969 as the Caucus of Black Economists.

Our last interviewee, she had been listening to all the anti-Trump talk at the economics


And it worried her.

RHONDA SHARPE, National Economic Association: I think that he probably has the ability to

reinvent himself in ways that we haven't seen other politicians.

I think the big question is going to be which way that goes, and if folks who are very opposed

to him will recognize that they have an opportunity potentially to influence some of that.

PAUL SOLMAN: So, are you worried that in kind of reflexively opposing him, people make it

harder for him to change direction and be more bipartisan?

RHONDA SHARPE: I think both the reflexive response to him not only makes it difficult

for him, but I think it also makes it difficult for anyone who wants to be a part of that.

PAUL SOLMAN: Part of the bipartisanship that Sharpe at least thinks may still be possible.

For the "PBS NewsHour," this is economics correspondent Paul Solman, reporting from


For more infomation >> Trump takes credit for the good economy. Here's what economists say - Duration: 10:00.


Famous artwork starts conversation about mental health - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Famous artwork starts conversation about mental health - Duration: 1:03.


3 Important Lessons From Producing Over 30 Films by Tosca Musk - Duration: 5:13.

Film Courage: Looking at your IMDB [page] you have 31 or so producing credits.

I'm sure there are going to be more by the time of this video releases.

Which production taught you the most?

Passionflix co-founder Tosca Musk: Wow!

Well, I learned a lot on so many of the different movies that I've done, so it depends on

what did I learn?

I've made a lot of movies and I think that the ones that have taught me the most are

I made a movie called HAVENHURST (that one taught me a lot).

It was a horror to me, it was horror film.

It was very difficult and I realize there are many things that I will not do again,

so that's a great thing to learn.

Great movie, the movie ultimately ended up being very good, but the experience for me

as a producer was not a great one.

The things that I've learned the most, I mean I've made a lot of movies.

I think ultimately the best lesson that I've learned which is from making the Passionflix

movies is that I need to enjoy the experience from start to finish because it is very hard

to make a movie and it costs a lot of money.

And if you're not enjoying it, then there is no reason to do it.

So I learned that from making these movies prior to this (prior to Passionflix) realizing

that (from hindsight) I did not enjoy making a lot of those movies and I do enjoy making

the Passionflix movies.

They're fulfilling, they make me happy, I can't wait to make the next one.

Whereas prior to that I was not enjoying them, it was more of a job.

Not to say they were bad experiences, I made some great movies and I really enjoyed the

people and fortunately now with Passionflix I get to bring so many of those people on

to my productions.

But sometimes when you are working for other people and you're getting notes from them,

they're not necessarily the notes that I would probably…how can I say this?

Sometimes their interpretation of what the movie should be is not my interpretation of

what the movie should be and that is filmmaking.

I mean that's the creative process.

I don't necessarily want to show women in a certain light and so I didn't enjoy that

specific film.

And now I get to show a woman in the light that I like to show them, so it makes me happy.

I just like to have positive experiences in film, I think that's the important thing.

The Tiki Bar TV which was a podcast that I did (a video podcast that I did) was a perfect

example of making something and really enjoying it every single time you made it because it

was funny and the people were great and so now I get to do that again.

Please do come to one of our sets when we make the next one.

We are laughing and joking and having the best time.

The crew that I have on all of my movies are almost the same crew for the last year.

They just come, they transplant back, they all come to my new sets because we have great

experiences and it's just so much fun.

Film Courage: Environment is so important.

Tosca Musk: Environment is vital.

Especially it's high-pressure, it's time-sensitive, and you have to be creative within these confines.

And we don't have the luxury (yet) of being able to say "Oh, we'll just do it tomorrow.

We'll just pick it up and let's just lengthen the time frame of this movie."

We need to shoot these movies in 15, 16 days and we need to get them out and we have fans

that we release the movie on one day, the next day they say "Where's the next movie?"

It takes 5 months to make a movie at minimum!

And so we are trying very hard to get them out as quickly as possible.

So we need to make the experience fun and we need to make sure that we are all in this

positive, creative environment so that we can create the best movie.

Film Courage: Sure and too if you are doing sensitive scenes with the actors to have it

where you feel safe [on set].

That's what I was saying [earlier], I felt that when I watched the [Passionflix] behind

the scenes footage, just kind of a feeling of being safe.

Tosca Musk: Thank you!

Yeah, it's very important that the actors are comfortable on our set and my crew is

extremely respectful and every single time we come to any of these scenes, I have a conversation

with my actors, I need to make sure that they are comfortable.

We will rehearse everything, we will then move forward with more.

The sets are closed and we're constantly talking about where a hand should be, what

it should be.

This is not just willy-nilly "Go ahead and try things!"

We're very specific on where the camera is, what we'll do, where we are following

hands and what I want those hands to do.

And I have to make sure that both my male and female actors feel comfortable with what

I need to portray.

For more infomation >> 3 Important Lessons From Producing Over 30 Films by Tosca Musk - Duration: 5:13.


Walmart to Combat US Opioid Crisis by Passing Out Free Dispose Rx Packets - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Walmart to Combat US Opioid Crisis by Passing Out Free Dispose Rx Packets - Duration: 0:58.


Trump vs Obama: Who should get credit for improving the economy? - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Trump vs Obama: Who should get credit for improving the economy? - Duration: 5:58.


Evening Forecast for January 18 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Evening Forecast for January 18 - Duration: 3:21.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 160 BlueEFFICIENCY Business Class/Airco/Trh/ Inr&Gar.mogelijk - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 160 BlueEFFICIENCY Business Class/Airco/Trh/ Inr&Gar.mogelijk - Duration: 0:57.


Jueves,18, de Enero de 2018 2ª Semana del Tiempo Ordinario - Ciclo B - Duration: 2:12:13.

For more infomation >> Jueves,18, de Enero de 2018 2ª Semana del Tiempo Ordinario - Ciclo B - Duration: 2:12:13.


[FREE] TRAVIS SCOTT / LIL UZI VERT / TRIPPIE REDD "Astro" Rap/Trap 2018 Instrumental - Duration: 4:37.

Don't forget to subscribe for weekly new content

For more infomation >> [FREE] TRAVIS SCOTT / LIL UZI VERT / TRIPPIE REDD "Astro" Rap/Trap 2018 Instrumental - Duration: 4:37.


iPhone X - A New Light

For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


Perovskia 'Denim 'n Lace' Russian Sage | - Duration: 1:01.

this is Heidi from garden crossings and in front of us here I have the Perovskia 'Denim 'n Lace'

this is a Russian sage it's a beautiful summer bloomer a great

cut flower here we have it planted in the garden you'll notice there's a nice

beautiful hibiscus in the background the denim and lace gets to be about 24

inches tall and about 18 inches wide it's a little bit more columnar than

what it is round it's got these beautiful purple flowers on it the ones

in front of us here are just about out of bloom so the color you're seeing is

pretty much just from the seed pads that are left but still even at that even

though it is almost out of bloom it still has a lot of color and adds nice

contrast in this garden this is Heidi from garden crossings with Perovskia 'Denim 'n Lace'

For more infomation >> Perovskia 'Denim 'n Lace' Russian Sage | - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Perovskia 'Denim 'n Lace' Russian Sage | - Duration: 1:01.


Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL* - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL* - Duration: 0:42.


For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL* - Duration: 0:42.


New SCOBY, Making Kombucha for the First Time - Duration: 10:01.

So, last year, I remember seeing kombucha scobys for sale on Craigslist.

So I was like, hmmm..., I wonder if somebody is selling some right now.

I found one in town.

I sent her a message.

She had her phone number on there.

I had Josh go with me to her house and I got a scoby.

I have a decent size scoby with liquid.

A good amount of liquid.

It smells super very vinegary.

I think it should work real nice.

And over here is the stuff I bought last year to start making kombucha and I never did.

I got this two gallon mason jar. (nope... it's only 1 gallon)

I have these old coffee filters without any use for them, so I'm going to use these as

my lid.

Some pure cane sugar.

Because that's the cheap stuff I have right now.

And some tea.

It was $5 for the scoby.

I have one gallon of water in my pot.

I'm just going to bring it to a boil.

Hmm... let's decide. How many tea bags should we use?

It says for one gallon, use 4 to 6 tea bags. I'll use 6.

I'm listening to an audio book: smoke gets in your eyes by caitlin doughty

...pause my book...

I'm going to let that steep for a little while.

And while that is going, I'm going to wash this thing so it's nice and clean.

That looks so disgusting... that much sugar.

I'm just going to stir it up and make sure it gets nice and dissolved.

Then you have to let this tea cool down completely to room temperature before you do anything else.

My tea is cold so I'm going to pour it into the pitcher.

I've got bone broth going in my instant pot here. It's still at pressure so I'm going to try not to hit it.

Cool! It just dropped.

This is getting full. It's only one gallon.

(new scoby first batch 1/16/18)

hey dummy... that's still hot

Now I'm listening to my favorite podcast: Criminal

24 hours later

I wanted to update you on my scoby.

This is my laundry room. I got it back here.

I don't know if you can see that. At the very bottom is the scoby. It kind of fell down.

I think it's normal. Maybe it just needs to get used to it's new environment. I don't know.

I tried not to touch it. I slid it back but it's pretty much just sitting here.

I don't have the doors on right now. I need to paint everything in here still.

It's just kind of tucked in this corner. It's pretty dark back there.

But there is this door and it has a dog door. So it's kind of cold right here.

And one of the layers came out/broke off because it's just old.

It's extra cold now. so it seems like... I wonder if it's too cold in here.

Maybe I should wrap it in a towel. Would that help? Haha

almost 48 hours later

So, it's back here in the corner.

I moved the kombucha to the corner of the kitchen here.

I'm thinking in the future, if I'm going to ferment stuff... I'm going to want that back shelf for my other fermenting stuff like veggies, sauerkraut... I'm not sure.

I haven't actually done anything of that yet. I think that will work out well for that space.

Or I'm going to use it for the dog stuff. Which is what it was before.

I put it here hoping it will be a little warmer. I was worried there wasn't enough air flow and it was too cold by the back door. So I'm putting it there for now.

The other thing I'm concerned about is that I used too much liquid.

My vessel was only one gallon, not two like it thought when I started.

I ended up putting all the tea in there not thinking it would be a big deal. I'm concerned it's too much liquid for that little scoby and little amount of starter liquid I had.

It might just take a little longer to get the fermenting/brewing process going.

This is my first time, I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing.

So, we'll see how it turns out. If you have experience making kombucha and you noticed something I should do different, I'd love to hear it.

I guess I'll just keep you updated.

Like maybe next week... after a full week, see how it looks, taste it... I guess that's what you're supposed to do. And then decide where to go from there.

The scoby is still on the bottom. And from what I've read online it doesn't seem like it's a big deal. Kind of a normal thing.

You do what a scoby to form on top.

We will just wait and see what happens.

The only other thing I found were these kombucha/fermenting heating pads. They are like these little round mats that have a little bit of heat.

Or a belt... it's like a heating pad that wraps around to help keep it warm.

And there are these thermometer things that stick on the side of the jar. Maybe in the future we can invest in something like that.

For now, we're just going to play around and see if it works.

music by silent partner

For more infomation >> New SCOBY, Making Kombucha for the First Time - Duration: 10:01.


For more infomation >> New SCOBY, Making Kombucha for the First Time - Duration: 10:01.


PSG-Dijon: Etait-ce bien malin de siffler Neymar pour ne pas avoir laissé le penalty à Cavani? - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> PSG-Dijon: Etait-ce bien malin de siffler Neymar pour ne pas avoir laissé le penalty à Cavani? - Duration: 6:38.


For more infomation >> PSG-Dijon: Etait-ce bien malin de siffler Neymar pour ne pas avoir laissé le penalty à Cavani? - Duration: 6:38.


Hotline Miami 2:Wrong Number|EP#1|como ser un buen SONIC - Duration: 11:46.

For more infomation >> Hotline Miami 2:Wrong Number|EP#1|como ser un buen SONIC - Duration: 11:46.


For more infomation >> Hotline Miami 2:Wrong Number|EP#1|como ser un buen SONIC - Duration: 11:46.


BMW X6 3.0d xDrive High Executive M-Sport Automaat-8 | Comort Acces | Camera | Soft Close | HeadUp - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> BMW X6 3.0d xDrive High Executive M-Sport Automaat-8 | Comort Acces | Camera | Soft Close | HeadUp - Duration: 1:02.


Anna Karczmarczyk: Gwiazda M jak miłość dopiero teraz zdaje maturę - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Anna Karczmarczyk: Gwiazda M jak miłość dopiero teraz zdaje maturę - Duration: 2:10.


Beyonce & Jay-Z Reportedly Sent Kim Kardashian & Kanye West $21k Baby Gift: Feud Over? - Duration: 3:23.

Beyonce & Jay-Z Reportedly Sent Kim Kardashian & Kanye West $21k Baby Gift: Feud Over?

What does music's most prominent power couple gift fashion's most prominent power couple

when a new baby arrives?

Well, if you're Beyonce, 36, and JAY-Z, 48, it's a custom-made, diamond Lorraine

Schwartz bracelet, worth a whooping $21,000, according to The Sun.

That's right, Kim Kardashian, 37, and Kanye West's third baby — who arrived on January

15 — is about to be the most decked out infant, well… ever.

And, get this — Bey and JAY reportedly had the bracelet engraved with the number "3,"

to signify Kimye's third offspring.

"Beyonce and Jay could not be more pleased for them, they can't wait to meet the little

one, and have sent them this gift already," a source told the outlet.

"It shows they have all moved on from the past, and they are 'familia' once more."

Although all parties involved are reportedly thrilled about burying the hatchet, "Kanye

is over the moon as he has always considered JAY Z his 'big brother,' and Beyonce has

always been one of his closest friends."

Ironically, both power couples have three children each, and "it's only a matter

of time before the playdates begin," the source added.

Bey and JAY are parents to twins Sir and Rumi, who they welcomed in June 2016, and Blue Ivy,


Kim and Kanye are parents their daughter, North, 4, and son, Saint, 1, along with their

new baby girl.

While this report indicates that JAY-Z and Kanye's feud is over, JAY already hinted

that he wanted to bury the hatchet during an interview with The New York Times back

in November 2017.

"But, that happens," JAY admitted about there being tension with Ye'.

JAY explained: "In the long relationship, you know, hopefully when we're 89 we look

at this six months or whatever time and we laugh at that.

You know what I'm saying?

There's gonna be complications in the relationship that we have to get through.

And the only way to get through that is we sit down and have a dialogue and say, 'These

are the things that I'm uncomfortable with.

These are the things that are unacceptable to me.

This is what I feel.'

I'm sure he feels that I've done things to him as well.

You know what I'm saying?

These are — I'm not a perfect human being by no stretch.

You know."

JAY also said that he had recently spoken with Ye' [at the time] and that they would

always be good with each other.

"I love Kanye.

I do," he said, adding, "It's a complicated relationship with us."

As you may know, JAY and Ye's friendship took a hit back in 2016.

In October of that year, Kanye went on a rant during one of his concerts where he slammed

both JAY and Beyonce.

He claimed their kids didn't play together, and he revealed that there was tension between

him and JAY because of a TIDAL music dispute.

Ye' even said that JAY and Beyonce didn't even call after Kim's 2016 Paris robbery.

Just days after his rant, Kanye checked into UCLA Medical Center for an 8-9-day stay for

an alleged mental breakdown.

For more infomation >> Beyonce & Jay-Z Reportedly Sent Kim Kardashian & Kanye West $21k Baby Gift: Feud Over? - Duration: 3:23.


How to: Neon French Nails - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> How to: Neon French Nails - Duration: 5:23.


The Does And Don'ts Of Texting After A Breakup - Duration: 5:13.

Communicating with an ex is like walking across a minefield of emotions—the wrong word or

tone of voice can cause terrible offense or worse: a complete end to your relationship.

In this video I'm going to share with you some of the fundamental do's and don'ts

of texting your ex, so that you can prevent the worst from happening, and more importantly,

win back the woman you care about.

My name's Emily Raymond and I'm a relationship and breakup expert.

I'm here to share my expertise with you so that you too can benefit from the knowledge

I've gathered by getting back the girl.

To get some more hands-on insight into your relationship status, visit my free five-minute

quiz "WILL YOUR EX TAKE YOU BACK?" by going to


Let's get into it with my golden rules for texting your ex.

Rule #1: Do text with a purpose

Have you ever received a text that just says "Hey" or "What's up"?

If you have, I'm going to assume that it had the same effect on you as it does on every

other unfortunate person to get one: it pissed you off.

It's infuriating.

Think about it: the person who sent this text is so lazy they can't even include a "how

are you" or "what does your day look like tomorrow?".

It's the text message version of a grunt and a nod in your direction.

If this is you when you text, then STOP.

Right now!

Never send another text like that again, no matter who it's to.

I'm surprised you've ever gotten a response from anyone.

Every text you send should have a purpose—especially if it's meant for someone you're trying

to woo.

That said, texts are no place for long heart-to-heart conversations, either, so when you text, have

a goal in mind: you want to arrange a time to meet up, ask how she's doing, or see

if she'd like to speak on the phone.

In other words, texting is a medium that should facilitate a more intimate connection, not

just more texting.

So have a reason to connect before texting her.

Rule #2: Don't be disrespectful of her time

I'm not referring to texting her a bunch and expecting her to reply immediately—it

should be obvious that those are bad ideas—I'm talking about the time of day or night you

contact her and why there are good and bad times to do so.

I'll start with an example in the extreme: it's 2 am on Friday morning.

You went out for after-work drinks that have somehow evolved into pre-work drinks (whoops),

and you send your ex a text telling her you miss her and desperately want her back.

Oh—and the words are a misspelled drunken jumble.

I shouldn't have to explain to you why this is an extremely bad idea, you should be able

to figure it out for yourself, but for the purposes of you and your ex's future happiness,

let's break it down.

Not only is this an extremely unromantic way to proclaim your feelings; it's also showing

you at your most inconsiderate and irresponsible—this text says you don't respect her enough to

speak to her sober, in person, and having run your lines a couple of times, while also

revealing that you're wasted on a week night and have only a few hours to sleep before

showing up to play the role of professional adult… all in all, not a good look on anyone,

and definitely not the part of a romantic hero.

So be respectful of the time.

Especially now you're broken up, be conservative about the time of day you contact her—between

work hours is a good thing to aim for, as it implies that you don't expect her to

answer right away and there aren't the intimate connotations that come with a text sent late

at night or first thing in the morning just as you've woken up.

Rule #3: Do keep it short and sweet

Text essays are tempting when it comes to talking through a breakup with your ex, but

the thing with written messages is that your tone is sometimes hard to convey.

That means that when you text back and forth about a serious subject that makes you both

feel vulnerable, you continually risk being misunderstood.

The best way to avoid this?

By calling, or better yet, meeting her in person.

This brings us back to rule number 1: texting with a purpose.

Your text should be a medium to initiate conversation, not the conversation itself.

Rule #4: Don't double-text

What's worse than a text that says "what's up"?

Three texts in a row that do the same.

In fact, whatever they say, sending multiple messages to an ex without a response is simply

a bad idea.

Take the following example:


What's up?

Are you there?

Fine then.

Be like that.

Are you okay?

No matter how much time has passed between messages in this sequence of texts, your ex

is going to have one word come to mind when she reads them: CRAZY.

And no one wants to be the crazy guy who won't back off, right?

So if you are going to send you ex a text, decide what you want to say and make sure

you say it all in one go.

Then be quiet and let her get back to you in her own time—or not.

It might take a day, a week… it might never come, but the more patient you are the more

likely you're going to get a response—and one that's positive, rather than one that

says "Please leave me alone, you're scaring me."

That won't feel good for anyone!

There you have it: my golden do's and don'ts for texting your ex.

Visit and watch breakup guru Brad Browning's video for more insider

secrets on how to win back your woman.

For more infomation >> The Does And Don'ts Of Texting After A Breakup - Duration: 5:13.


TOP 10 Must-Try SWEETS in a JAPANESE Convenience Store - Duration: 12:55.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 Must-Try SWEETS in a JAPANESE Convenience Store - Duration: 12:55.


New SCOBY, Making Kombucha for the First Time - Duration: 10:01.

So, last year, I remember seeing kombucha scobys for sale on Craigslist.

So I was like, hmmm..., I wonder if somebody is selling some right now.

I found one in town.

I sent her a message.

She had her phone number on there.

I had Josh go with me to her house and I got a scoby.

I have a decent size scoby with liquid.

A good amount of liquid.

It smells super very vinegary.

I think it should work real nice.

And over here is the stuff I bought last year to start making kombucha and I never did.

I got this two gallon mason jar. (nope... it's only 1 gallon)

I have these old coffee filters without any use for them, so I'm going to use these as

my lid.

Some pure cane sugar.

Because that's the cheap stuff I have right now.

And some tea.

It was $5 for the scoby.

I have one gallon of water in my pot.

I'm just going to bring it to a boil.

Hmm... let's decide. How many tea bags should we use?

It says for one gallon, use 4 to 6 tea bags. I'll use 6.

I'm listening to an audio book: smoke gets in your eyes by caitlin doughty

...pause my book...

I'm going to let that steep for a little while.

And while that is going, I'm going to wash this thing so it's nice and clean.

That looks so disgusting... that much sugar.

I'm just going to stir it up and make sure it gets nice and dissolved.

Then you have to let this tea cool down completely to room temperature before you do anything else.

My tea is cold so I'm going to pour it into the pitcher.

I've got bone broth going in my instant pot here. It's still at pressure so I'm going to try not to hit it.

Cool! It just dropped.

This is getting full. It's only one gallon.

(new scoby first batch 1/16/18)

hey dummy... that's still hot

Now I'm listening to my favorite podcast: Criminal

24 hours later

I wanted to update you on my scoby.

This is my laundry room. I got it back here.

I don't know if you can see that. At the very bottom is the scoby. It kind of fell down.

I think it's normal. Maybe it just needs to get used to it's new environment. I don't know.

I tried not to touch it. I slid it back but it's pretty much just sitting here.

I don't have the doors on right now. I need to paint everything in here still.

It's just kind of tucked in this corner. It's pretty dark back there.

But there is this door and it has a dog door. So it's kind of cold right here.

And one of the layers came out/broke off because it's just old.

It's extra cold now. so it seems like... I wonder if it's too cold in here.

Maybe I should wrap it in a towel. Would that help? Haha

almost 48 hours later

So, it's back here in the corner.

I moved the kombucha to the corner of the kitchen here.

I'm thinking in the future, if I'm going to ferment stuff... I'm going to want that back shelf for my other fermenting stuff like veggies, sauerkraut... I'm not sure.

I haven't actually done anything of that yet. I think that will work out well for that space.

Or I'm going to use it for the dog stuff. Which is what it was before.

I put it here hoping it will be a little warmer. I was worried there wasn't enough air flow and it was too cold by the back door. So I'm putting it there for now.

The other thing I'm concerned about is that I used too much liquid.

My vessel was only one gallon, not two like it thought when I started.

I ended up putting all the tea in there not thinking it would be a big deal. I'm concerned it's too much liquid for that little scoby and little amount of starter liquid I had.

It might just take a little longer to get the fermenting/brewing process going.

This is my first time, I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing.

So, we'll see how it turns out. If you have experience making kombucha and you noticed something I should do different, I'd love to hear it.

I guess I'll just keep you updated.

Like maybe next week... after a full week, see how it looks, taste it... I guess that's what you're supposed to do. And then decide where to go from there.

The scoby is still on the bottom. And from what I've read online it doesn't seem like it's a big deal. Kind of a normal thing.

You do what a scoby to form on top.

We will just wait and see what happens.

The only other thing I found were these kombucha/fermenting heating pads. They are like these little round mats that have a little bit of heat.

Or a belt... it's like a heating pad that wraps around to help keep it warm.

And there are these thermometer things that stick on the side of the jar. Maybe in the future we can invest in something like that.

For now, we're just going to play around and see if it works.

music by silent partner

For more infomation >> New SCOBY, Making Kombucha for the First Time - Duration: 10:01.


Spring Semester Welcome from President G. Gabrielle Starr - Duration: 3:13.

Greetings to you all from a balmy January in Claremont.

It's been an extraordinarily exciting year so far with lots to see and do and the beginning

of classes is always a moment of excitement as everyone returns to campus and the place

really begins to hum.

We study, we teach, we learn, but our students and faculty are also recognized for their

leadership across a variety of fields.

After years of top-flight research in Pakistan on girls' education, Economics Professor

Tahir Andrabi will be spending the next year founding a school for Education in Lahore,

the nation's second largest city.

Mathematics Professor Ami Radunskaya was recently asked by Scientific American to share her

favorite theorem.

It's pretty great.

It's elegant in its reach and very mixy, which you can discover alongside her if you

google "Ami Radunskaya favorite theorem".

Just last week, at the American Astronomical Society's annual meeting in Maryland, Kate

Hartman, a Pomona senior, presented her research on determining the distance of stars.

The reach of Pomona's research is truly impressive.

Geology's Eric Grosfils recently received a $425,000 NASA research grant for his work

on volcanoes on Venus.

Professor Tomas Summers Sandoval's long-time research on Latino Vietnam veterans is going

to lead to a Los Angeles-area performance called "Vietnam Veteranos" this spring.

Our alumni are also reaching for the stars: George C. Wolfe, the famed director, last

week received a Directors Guild of America nomination for his work on "The Immortal

Life of Henrietta Lacks."

There's more to come.

In late February we will have our inaugural John Payton Lecture, with Professor Lorn Foster

hosting alumna and civil rights leader Myrlie Evers as she shares her knowledge and wisdom

with our community.

Even with all of this wonder and light, we have big challenges too.No one should face

sexual violence in any form and we have to work as community to continue to prevent it

at every step.

We need to manage our limited resources, build community and work to reinvigorate the greater

trust and the true value of higher education for this country and for the world.

And before senior thesis presentations and the all-too-fast arrival of Commencement,

we will be tasked with selecting the next class of Sagehens from a record number of

applications – more than 10,000.

Wherever my message finds you today, please know that my door is always open to you whenever

you are back on campus.

I'll see many of you at Family Weekend and Alumni Weekend and Commencement, but in between,

I'll be reaching out to Sagehens across the country and around the world.

Thank you to all those who have shared your hopes and dreams and concerns and stories

with me.

It is truly important as I come to learn about this extraordinary place.

And as we go into this new year together, be well, be strong, and be one Pomona together.

For more infomation >> Spring Semester Welcome from President G. Gabrielle Starr - Duration: 3:13.


Voldemort - A Origem do Herdeiro 1080p || Voldemort Origins of the Heir 2018 1080p LEGENDADO PT/BR - Duration: 52:41.

For more infomation >> Voldemort - A Origem do Herdeiro 1080p || Voldemort Origins of the Heir 2018 1080p LEGENDADO PT/BR - Duration: 52:41.


Ricky Martin Opens Up About Coming Out as Gay - Duration: 3:01.

Ricky Martin Opens Up About Coming Out as Gay

Ricky Martin knew he wanted to be a part of American Crime Story: The Assassination of

Gianni Versace because of the story they were going to tell, the cast and because he felt

he could in many ways identify with Gianni Versace.

"When you look at Gianni Versace's life you look at someone who was so powerful, someone

that was so revered, and yet at the same time a human being that struggled to come out,"

Trevor Noah said.

The singer visited The Daily Show With Trevor Noah and opened up about his own personal

struggles with coming out as gay.

"My friend, you have no idea how it took me a while.

The thing is that I was surrounded by friends that were telling me, 'Don't!

Don't come out that will be the end of your career.'

It was people that love me, people that mean well and people that were just victims of


You know, I grew up in this culture that told me that my feelings were horrible, that my

feelings were evil.

And if you add to that, you know, that I was like a heartthrob, like a sex symbol," Martin


"But you know, that's why everyone was telling me that it was going to be the end of my career.

It was extremely painful for me until I said, 'I can't take it anymore.

It's all about me now, it's not about what's happening outside, it's about what I need

in order to be happy.'

As fate would have it, two influential people entered Martin's life and gave him the strength

he needed.

"Then I had my kids, and I said, 'I have to come out.'

I mean, I'm not going to lie to these beautiful kids.

To lie?

No, that's not the point.

And you know, life works in cycles, it's very interesting.

Look at what I'm doing today, I'm talking on behalf of people that continue to hurt

and through acting," Martin said.

The 46-year-old star is extremely busy while raising his family, performing at his Las

Vegas residency and raising funds through his organization for hurricane victims of

his beloved Puerto Rico.

"Am I correct in saying, that you've helped raise over $5 million?"

Noah asked.

"[Yes] and we're still raising!

Unfortunately, Trevor, it's been more than three months, and there are still 1.4 million

people in Puerto Rico living without electricity or without running water.

Kids aren't going to school because obviously there's no electricity or running water in

the schools.

And me with my foundation and with an alliance that I want to create with Habitat for Humanity,

I just want to start building homes, that is the next phase," Martin explained.

"My foundation and hundreds of men and women that were volunteering since day one to make

Puerto Rico a better place is something that I'll always be so thankful for.

But I'm more thankful I am to every one of you that went and donated $5 here, $10 there,

$15, of course, big corporations as well [donated] but at the end of the day it was people like

you, all over the world that are hoping for the best for Puerto Rico."

For more infomation >> Ricky Martin Opens Up About Coming Out as Gay - Duration: 3:01.


Hotline Miami 2:Wrong Number|EP#1|como ser un buen SONIC - Duration: 11:46.

For more infomation >> Hotline Miami 2:Wrong Number|EP#1|como ser un buen SONIC - Duration: 11:46.


Moments of Michigan Meteor 2018 - Duration: 4:06.

I make animation for my news video. Watch

lightning some sort of midair explosion an enemy airstrike with a rumble that

shook the earth a bright burst of light illuminated the sky over South Eastern

Michigan on Tuesday night leaving locals wondering what in the world had happened

I went a turn and I noticed a ball of flame coming at an angle

Danny McEwen jr. told the Detroit News he said he was driving when it just blew

up into a bunch of sparks I didn't even know what to think it was kind of odd

how orange the sky was behind me and this blaze of flame out of nowhere

bystander videos captured the moment a white light appeared to explode in the

heavens the United States Geological Survey reported the equivalent of a

magnitude 2.0 earthquake NASA officials had a simple explanation saying a

meteoroid entered Earth's atmosphere about 8:08 p.m. it was definitely a

meteor bill cooke lead for nasa's meteoroid environment office at the

Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama told The Washington Post Cook said the

fireball was caused by a small asteroid about 1 to 2 yards in diameter moving at

28,000 mph when it entered into the atmosphere he said it heated up and

began to melt away producing the bright light that people saw at least once a

month or so Cooke said objects this size make their way into the atmosphere but

most people don't see meteors this bright he noted the usgs said the

meteoroid entered about 5 miles from New Haven Michigan here's how NASA explains

meteors shooting stars or meteors are bits of interplanetary material falling

through Earth's atmosphere and heated to incandescence by friction these objects

are called meteoroids as they are hurtling through space becoming meteors

for the few seconds they streaked across the sky and create glowing trails

meteorites are the pieces that land on the ground

according to NASA in the case of the Michigan meteoroid NASA's Cooke said the

probably meteorites on the ground in Southeast Michigan right now I'm sure

the meteorite hunters will be out in force NASA said Wednesday on its meteor

watch Facebook page that we have calculated that this was a very

slow-moving meteor speed of about 28,000 miles per hour this fact combined with

the brightness of a meteor which suggests a fairly big space rock at

least a yard across shows that the object penetrated deep into the

atmosphere before it broke apart which produced the sounds heard by many

observers it is likely that there are meteorites on the ground near this

region one of our colleagues at JSC has found the Doppler weather radar

signature characteristic of meteor Inuk material falling to earth pieces of an

asteroid lying near detroit let's see what the meteorite hunters find but

experts explained that finding those meteorites could be challenging it

exploded and the object itself didn't hit Michael gnarling

head of astronomy at the Cranbrook Institute of Science in Bloomfield Hills

told the Detroit News so we're talking about finding the debris field and

that's hard to determine there's still some debate about what path it took on

Tuesday and early Wednesday social media users posted videos from dashboard

cameras and home surveillance systems showing the moment the meteor burst into

light meteor scared the bejesus out of us one person wrote on Twitter then the

Michigan meteor even got its own Twitter handle

Bob Trembley a former outreach officer for the warm Astronomical Society and

volunteer NASA JPL solar system ambassador told the Detroit News that

although meteoroids are not rare the fireballs or Bowl IDEs are anybody that

saw it is lucky he said

For more infomation >> Moments of Michigan Meteor 2018 - Duration: 4:06.


I'm sick - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> I'm sick - Duration: 0:47.


Welcome to my Channel: My First YouTube Video! - Duration: 3:07.

Hey there!

Welcome to my channel!

When I make future videos, pls be sure to click on captions

This is how I'll communicate with you^^


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