(Episode 6)
(Aji 3, Remote Access)
Hi, Aji 3.
I love you, master.
How may I help you?
- Come home. - Yes, master.
It's a remote control system.
Three-Part Baton asked for it.
So did you sleep well?
Yes, master.
You don't ever sleep. You just got recharged.
What's the weather like?
It will be sunny today.
The maximum temperature is 5℃.
Isn't it a great day to go out?
KOSPI index.
Today's KOSPI index is 2,530.67.
It's 1.87 lower than yesterday.
I recommend you keep...
your blue-chip stocks and sell some of the rest.
It's really convenient.
The sun is shining so brightly.
Why don't you go out to the park?
Forget about going outside. You deserve a scolding.
Aji 3.
What used to be there?
A castle made of playing cards.
Why is it not there anymore?
- You cleared it away. - Yes, I cleared it up.
Because a beagle made a mess of the place.
Shall I...
build another one?
It took me 15 years to build that one.
15 years?
My dad and I started building it together when I was young.
I kept adding more layers until now.
That's why...
when you toppled it over, I was very angry.
But look.
The sun...
shines brightly through that window.
I like to sit under this window.
I'd always thought the hall was so dark.
I never thought it was because of the castle.
I want you to input...
my current face and emotions.
Aji 3.
You brought back the sunlight for the rest of my life.
Your master is very pleased right now.
Stick to being a psychotic jerk. You're giving me whiplash.
Make sure you clean every corner.
The most expensive thing here...
is you.
You cost the most.
Go hide. You must not come outside.
Butler Sung.
Tell Doctor Hong and his team...
to stay inside their building and not come out.
Why aren't you hiding?
Oh, okay, master.
I used to come here to play with you so often.
Get to the point.
Why did you cancel the deal?
I'd like to know seeing as I'm the CEO.
You're the CEO?
You should be glad you weren't dismissed.
What's the reason?
Mergers and Acquisitions is when you...
buy something worth 10 dollars for 50 cents and sell it for 5 dollars.
It's stupid to buy a 1-dollar item for 50 cents and sell it for 60.
got that stupid with Daeyang Shipbuilding.
It wasn't a loss.
We barely covered the labor costs.
By trying extremely hard.
Martin offered to pay double the price.
Oh dear.
Is it still off?
The more you open your mouth to speak,
- the less you deserve to be a CEO. - Hey.
- I have my limits. - Don't hold back.
I never told you to hold back.
Not even once.
Aji 3.
Do you know who they are?
(Two Billion Profit)
The left is KM Financial's Chairman Hwang Do Won.
The right is KM Financial's CEO Hwang Yoo Cheol.
They are both gentlemen...
Who says they're gentlemen?
That's fake news. Delete it.
Aji 3.
Input this. Those two people...
are your master's archenemies. The worst of the worst.
It's a long story. Just input that.
If you ever cross paths with them,
you must hide. You can't let them see you. Hide well.
Those two people...
might know you're a robot, and if that's the case,
they might destroy you.
Aji 3, can you make coffee?
Of course, I worked at cafes for...
Two coffees in the garden for us.
Social Contribution Team will hire a new head.
CEO Hwang Yoo Cheol will handpick someone unknown.
He's being stupid again. I'm going to break up the team.
- Next. - Next is...
about what you told me to do in secret.
Chairman Hwang used his corporate card at a hotel two days ago.
- And? - Bold Group's CEO,
Martin, is staying there right now.
What's my brother doing here?
Shall I find out more about Martin?
He should be in court.
What's he doing with that nasty jerk?
Bring it over.
What's wrong with your hair?
The wind is too strong.
Aji 3. Don't you know?
I didn't see her last time.
You should say hi now that you've met.
Aji 3, meet Jo Jin Bae, Head of Investigations.
- Hello. - Hello.
She feels so familiar and lifelike.
Stay there.
Please let me go inside.
Did you find a way to sue President Jo?
No, you told me I didn't have to anymore.
I said that one issue had been solved.
I didn't mean I wouldn't not sue her.
I apologize, sir.
Oh dear. Do you think you'll last...
with that kind of a performance?
I'm really sorry.
Why are you bowing to him?
I shall look into it right away.
Don't do that. Don't bow to a jerk like him.
That's fine.
She has something that's mine.
If I don't get it, I'll sue her.
Leave it for now.
Yes, sir.
- You can go. - Okay.
Is someone in there?
Can you fix something for me?
Why you little...
Shall I input Jo Jin Bae as a friend or foe?
I don't know. I'm testing him.
Don't file him yet.
Why not? I can tell right away.
Can you?
What kind of a person do you think he is?
He's honest, hard-working, determined,
- really warm-hearted... - You're right.
- What? - That's what someone said.
Who said that?
(Jo Jin Bae's X-File)
I don't know if the person is a spy or a white knight.
(Honest, hard-working, determined...)
But that's what other people say.
No one knows what he'll be like around me.
Get stripped.
We're going out. Wear that.
Go on.
I have to change.
I know. Go ahead.
I can't until you leave.
I'll stay in case you dislocate an arm.
Please leave.
You showed me everything.
Sun Hye, is everyone there?
We're coming over. Be ready.
Turn right here.
Is this it?
I don't think it is.
An accident occurred 10 minutes ago.
We're taking an alternative route.
That means we'll take longer to get there.
Why didn't you just ask me?
This section is often congested.
Did you just...
get irritated?
Turn right 300m ahead.
Turn right.
It's my company.
Oh dear. There must be an error in the GPS.
- Who are they? - Take it back.
KM Financial should honor their promise to support entrepreneurs.
- Honor it. - Honor it.
I think they're protesting. What do you think it's about?
"Host the last stage of the entrepreneur competition"?
What a joke.
Why isn't security doing anything?
We're a democracy.
People have the right to voice their opinion.
Why are you siding with them?
You should side with your master.
A true robot sides with justice.
The Head of the Social Contribution Team embezzled funds.
By taking a rebate from people who wanted funding.
Is that justice?
(Fully booked)
We haven't met in a while, Director Ye.
Who's she? Your new secretary?
(Ye Ri El's father, Shoot)
The photo of two schoolkids?
He's that girl's dad?
Did you consider investing in Geumho Steel?
I buy and sell companies. I do not invest.
There are always exceptions and variables.
I am very grateful that you sided with me...
when it came to making business decisions.
Geumho Steel must choose between bankruptcy or a sale.
Your late father chose to expand the company.
You have turned into a man who consumes the company.
I'm sure that...
my father would be relieved if he saw me now.
Ri El will fly in tomorrow. For good.
I see.
Excuse me.
Is your father dead?
My mom too.
15 years ago.
In a car crash.
Hey, Kim Min Kyu.
- What? - What's with the long face?
It needs some ironing.
Is this the Friend Mode?
It's a nice day. Try to smile.
There's no point in trying not to.
That's it, my friend.
I'll smile for you.
Not for anyone else.
- Why? - I want to seem intimidating.
So they don't mistreat me.
Who is it?
Who dares to mistreat you?
Bring them all. I'll beat them all up.
Aji 3, which is coffee?
This is soy sauce.
This is cocoa.
- This is coffee. - Good.
What's the headline today in The Science magazine?
Flubber, a viscoelastic material that has...
This is the Santa Maria team's robot development program.
Right before Daeyang's Chairman Park died, he met them...
and got this when they asked for funding.
What exactly is it that you do?
You should've told me this existed.
I apologize.
Your father didn't want to put too much of a burden on you.
Who else knows of this?
Me, your father, and you.
What's the likelihood of Kim Min Kyu's knowing?
Legally, Santa Maria belongs to KM Financial.
There's no reason Director Kim would keep quiet about it.
It would be a great weapon to use against us.
- We did it. - Santa Maria!
I said we'd fix it.
- We did it. - We did it. We did it.
Santa Maria did it.
Well done, all of you.
The service people said they'd take a few days.
By the way,
why do you need this kind of a machine at home?
It's for my employer's safety.
Don't even mention it.
Food waste is nothing.
He got hurt by shards of broken glass.
Once, an employee of a company that my employer sold...
sent a small ax in the post.
How dare he...
People he had let go even sent...
a voodoo doll to curse him.
That's when we got this machine.
Only boxes that are cleared...
are allowed into the house.
Why is it so itchy?
Is my heart about to sprout?
Ri El will fly in tomorrow. For good.
I'm in a taxi.
Don't tell him I'm here. I want it to be a surprise.
Aji 3, stay right here.
You can't come outside this time either.
Okay, master.
Is someone here?
Ri El.
My first love.
This house is just like how it used to be 15 years ago.
It's as if this place wasn't affected by time.
Long time no see, Min Kyu.
Long time no see, Ri El.
How do I look? Do I seem more mature?
(Ye Ri El, 28)
You seem very mature.
Her work experience is very impressive.
By the way, I got appointed as the team manager...
of your company's Social Contribution Team.
So you're the team manager that got recruited by Yoo Cheol.
But to be honest, I decided to work here for another reason.
What do you think that is? Why don't you give it a guess?
I don't know. What is it?
My dad wants me to get married to you.
It's obviously because you're rich. You know that, right?
My answer to that proposal is...
Why not?
It's never bad to have a lot of money.
And plus, I know you very well.
It's better to get married to you than to be miserable...
by getting married to some other rich guy. Don't you agree?
Let's make a deal. You can give me money and honor.
Then you can be the heir of my father's shares.
But even if this is a marriage of convenience,
we should still go on a date.
Let's go on exactly three dates.
If I confirm that I can kiss you, I'm up for this marriage.
What about you?
- Are you okay? - I'm sorry.
You should go now. I have an appointment.
I'll call you.
Master, are you okay?
If you're ever put in a situation where you can't recognize me,
go into that room that I forbid you to enter and open the drawer.
You'll find a syringe inside.
Then follow the emergency procedure and give me an injection.
I hope you'll always recognize me...
regardless of...
how I might change.
(I Am Not a Robot)
Why did the skies leave me...
so many reminiscent memories?
He may or may not be a pervert, but he must not want to send you away.
I'd like to officially introduce myself.
I'm Jo Jin Bae, Ji A's older brother.
I thought that guy was a psycho and a nasty jerk.
You should meet his level and try hitting on him.
My gosh, you're so adorable. My goodness, how adorable.
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