Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 19 2018

Hi Kids,

Today Funny Clown Bob will present you a live video with Construction vehicles.

In this video for kids you will learn construction vehicles rc Excavator / backhoe in funny video for kids with farm animals.

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For more infomation >> Funny Clown Bob | Construction vehicles Excavator Backhoe & Farm Animals in Funny Video for kids - Duration: 3:35.


Hawaii talent shines in new big-screen blockbuster - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Hawaii talent shines in new big-screen blockbuster - Duration: 0:37.


Woman of Steel 4 | Episode 54 | Telemundo English - Duration: 19:26.


Want to know who else is in on this?

It's someone... on the inside.

I can deliver him to you.

But not for free.

Every minute that goes by,

I'm thinking that I want to waste that guy.

Then let's do it!

We've got a ---- ton of people at the ranch.

What is it? Gringo?


Doctor! Nurse!

I don't know how you survived,

but I swear you're dying today, ------------.



Talk to me, honey!

Talk to me!

What's wrong?


What's wrong?

We were talking and he started feeling sick.

-Please leave the room. -I can't leave!

You need to let the doctor work.

Let me see him.


Mom, nothing bad can happen to my gringo.

I know you sent him my way so he'd look after me.

He can't leave me.

He promised he'd be with me.

We all need to calm down.

This isn't what I want. I don't want any bloodshed.

We should all head home as if nothing happened.

As if nothing happened?

Need I remind you of what you did to my wife?

Did you lose your ----- and your memory, Jose Angel?

-Should I refresh your memory? -Salvador, please!

Carmencita, get away from him! That man is a monster!

-Step aside. -No.

I can't let you kill him. He saved my life.

He ------ mine up.

Stay out of this, Carmen.

Shut up! I'm saving your life.

If you come with us, we can protect you from Indio Amaro.

Carmencita, we should go before we make the boss distrust us.


Think it through.

I can't... betray the boss. He'll kill me.

To the car!

Get in!

Do it, man!

Shoot those ------- dead!


After them!


Come here!

-Let's go! -Follow them, man!

Don't let them get away!

Get in, honey.

Please be careful!

Come on! After him!

Don't let him get away!


Thank you.

My client's name is Aida Franco.

I once helped her sister Rosario

leave an ICE detention center in Texas without being charged.

How'd you pull off that miracle?

Who'd you bribe?

There are some honest people left in the world.

Rosario and Aida came to the US as illegals.

What happened?

Were they defrauded by a coyote?

No. That's not it.

This is the only good coyote I've ever met.

Sometimes she even works pro bono, like us.

A woman working as a coyote?

That's right.

Women are warriors. You're fighters.

Some brave the desert,

some are braver still and help others get across,

and some, like you, are indispensable when it comes

to protecting these women's rights.

I don't know if I can help.

I'm in the middle of suing and don't have time...

That's precisely why I think you can help me.

My client's bosses are friends with the governor.

She worked in a ranch in Falfurrias

owned by the Joneses.

That name ring a bell?

Of course it does.

They own every ranch and farm in the state.

Being friends with the governor

helps them pass every evaluation.

I can't stand the level of corruption in this country.

But tell me something I don't know.

You're one tough cookie, huh?

You don't even trust yourself.

There's nothing particularly special about this case.

I'm sure you can handle it.

Tell your client to wait and be very patient.

She needs to respect the process.

It's very difficult for illegals to be granted reentry

even if their children and spouses are US citizens.

I'm sure you know that too, don't you?

I don't have time for this. Excuse me.

One doesn't leave their homeland just because.

One doesn't cross the desert for the thrill of it.

They know they could die.

Women are raped.

Men are kidnapped and forced to work as mules.

You know all that.

What you don't know is that my client has a three-year-old son

who was born in the US.

She doesn't have a visa.

She didn't come here as a tourist.

She was running away from the violence in her country.

Her family was killed by the drug trade.

Her brother was killed while they were on their way here.

She was pregnant at the time.

You must realize that Mexico isn't an option for her.

Guess where they sent her after she was deported.

She and her son haven't left their house in Mexico.

We know it could take years for her case to be settled.

That woman won't see her son graduate

because she'll be killed.

Her son won't get to go to school

because his life has been threatened.

Believe me, we're being patient,

but if my client testifies against her boss,

it'll help your case, it'll help me,

and she'll be helping herself.

What would you do?

You're a mother too, aren't you?

Speed up! I can't shoot from here!

I knew that bastard was alive!

I told Bebote, but he wouldn't listen.

He's come for our baby! He wants to kill him!

He wants our baby!

Tell Chava that this baby that's growing within you

is my last gift to him.

The cherry on the sundae.

I pray he names him Jose Angel, so he'll never forget me.


Please don't let him take our baby!

Rosario, he's not taking anyone with him!

But he will die for crossing my path again!

I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

I didn't believe Chayo when she told me

because of the pregnancy and Marcelo...

You ------ up, period.

Never keep anything from me again.

I wouldn't have believed it, anyway.

Especially after how I left him.

You had the ----- to rape Rosario,

so you're going to lose them!


Step on it! Don't let him get away!

I'm going to kill him.

But first, he's going to lead me to Indio's ranch,

so I can destroy that bastard too.



Speed up, damn it!

If they find the ranch, Romero will kill us all!

He'll hang us from the walls!

How could you rape her, Jose Angel?

How could you do that, you bastard?

You're like everyone else who's raped me!

-Calm down! -Let go!

Now's not the time!

I know this is very confusing, but I can explain.

Hurry up, -----! Hurry!

Look, the Aceros aren't the angels you think they are.

If they catch us, they'll kill us all.

They have blood on their hands.

Please understand.

Speed up!

I can't believe you'd humiliate me like this!


Let go! Don't touch me!

I've done so much for you, Erick.

And you repay me like this? By sleeping with Tuti?

Hear me out. Nothing happened.

And you're trying to lie to me?

Did she lose her panties after she sneezed then?

You're having sex with Tuti,

something you can't seem to to do with me.

Josefina, I've had enough of your lectures.

You know me very well.

I've never lied to you.

You know what you got yourself into when you got with me.

You know I'm Erick 'Rooster' Quintanilla...

Erick... please!

Listen to me.

Do you think I'm jealous?

Look at me.

What happened?

What happened to us?

When... did you stop being attracted to me?

When did you stop caring about me?

You think it doesn't hurt that you can do it with others,

but not with me?

What happened to us?

You make a very interesting case.

Yes, but there's something missing.

That's where you come in.

How can I help you?

You know all about me, my personal life.

I took the liberty of investigating

before proposing we work together.

I don't want to meddle, but...

Gregory and Laura Jones are shameless.


What do you know about them?

They contributed to the governor's campaign.

Like him, they're also untouchable.

They continue to sell industrial quantities of what they produce

with cheap and illegal labor.

My client was one of their laborers.

She was probably one of Jones' mistresses.

He pays them two or four bucks an hour

and seduces them with promises of a better life.

They're desperate to make their American dream come true.

Sometimes, I'm ashamed to be an American.

Know what you should really be ashamed of?

That horrid thing you call coffee.

Is it so hard to make a decent coffee?

You have a nice smile.

Must be hard to have a stern face all day.

You don't mind if I do away with the formalities, do you?

You're right about the coffee.

The coffee and the migrants are the only things

that keep me awake.

I'm suing the governor

because I won't stand for their mistreatment.

You know what? I'm interested in Aida's case.

When can I talk to her?


Could you please tell me what's wrong with Daniel?

I'm his wife, damn it!


What's wrong, Vicenta?

Daniel was fine and then he wasn't.

He passed out in his bed.

Hadn't he been moved from the ICU?

I'm here to take his statement.

I don't know, but that bitch Indira tried to kill him,

and right now he's fighting for his life.

He's going to be fine. He's strong.

He's not! He's dying!

No, he won't die.

Calm down.

How can you...?

Miss, could you tell us how Daniel is doing?

You're not related to Mr. Phillips.

I really can't tell you.

Hey, wait up.

Hold up!

How can you say that?

I'm his wife!

Do you need a piece of paper as proof?

Haven't you noticed that I'm worried sick about him?

When he leaves that bed, because I swear he will,

we're going to have a baby! Why can't I see him?

Do you need a piece a paper, a court document?

What do you need?

Vicenta... calm down. Let her do her job.

The patient had a setback. He needs another transfusion.

Please save him.

I put a lot on the line to get you this call.

No one can know your son's number.

Much less you.

I'm not doing this out of compassion.

I just want you to tell me everything you know.

<i> Nicolas!</i>

What do you want? How'd you get my number?

Where are you?

I had to talk to you. I needed to see you.

You lied to me again.

Don't call me again. Just stop.

No, no... this is just a misunderstanding.


I promise I'll explain everything when I get out.


No, Nicolas. Please!

I kept my word.

Now it's your turn.

I'll send you my files on my client and her bosses.

I don't need a file on the Joneses.

I know them well.


We're ahead of the game then.

You know, I really like...

What's it called?

Your boldness.

We're alike in some ways.

We both work pro bono

and we don't like to talk about our private lives.

I admire that a lot.

Why should I talk about my personal life?

You did your research.

You know more than me.

No, just what I need to.

I know of your accolades, where you went to school,

and your most memorable cases.

And about my son and my past.

I don't understand why you're so interested in this case.

You're not Mexican.

You're not American either.

Why do you care about migrants?

It's not just work. There's a personal involvement.

Is that so?

Are you involved with Aida Franco?

Love isn't the only motivator.

There's also revenge.

I want to make pay those who hurt others.

In this case,

there are many evildoers we'd both like to take out.

Isn't that right?

If that's the case, let's get to work.

I'll see you and the girl in my office.

Josefina, I...

I don't know what to say.

When I'm with you, my mind goes blank.

As does your body.


What's wrong with me, Erick?

Tell me!

Why can't I be enough for you?

Isn't my body... good enough?

Don't you like it? Aren't you aroused by it?

I have feelings, too.

And it cuts deep every time you reject me.

I've tried to understand, to excuse it.

We've been through a lot and you're hurting.

But I am too.

I can't help it.


I... I don't know what to say.

I love you.

You know I love you.

I think about you and I want you.

I always have and I always will, but...

I don't know what happens when I'm with you,

when it's just the two of us.

I just can't perform.

I don't have an answer for you.

Yes, you're very supportive, but you're always nagging me.

That has an effect too!

Don't you see?

You're always, "Erick this, Erick that."

Maybe that's affecting me!

I don't have the answers!

Maybe you have the answer!

That's it.

Get closer.

Come on. Get closer!

What are you doing, Chava? Be careful!


Come on, ------!

What's your problem?

Be careful with those guns!

Speed up, damn it!

Give me the gun.

You can't drive and shoot at the same time.

Aim at their tires!

I'm not your father.

But I'm the closest thing you'll have to a brother.

We're nothing alike, Jose Angel.

The Feds aren't after your mom and you're not a junkie.

Who'd want to be with someone like me?

I trust you.

I won't be around to keep an eye on you all the time.

I know that we always argue

and that we never agree on anything,

but I'm going to miss you, bro.

I'll miss you and everyone else here.

You've been the only family I've ever had.

Ma'am, that's a tango I'd rather not dance.

If you let me, I'll show you something else, babe.

Come on, man. What are you going to do?


-Don't lower your weapon! -I've nothing to lose!

Be a man and shoot!


Kill me! That's what you want anyway!

I've nothing left in this life!

Kill me!

The truck, Bebote!

Jose Angel!

The truck, Bebote!

The truck, Bebote!



For more infomation >> Woman of Steel 4 | Episode 54 | Telemundo English - Duration: 19:26.


GIANT COTTON CANDY in Harajuku, Japan! - Duration: 1:10.

Wowwww! Guys we just bought this giant, giant candy.. Cotton Candy? Fairy floss thing in Harajuku, its amazing!

Woah Woah! Don't destroy it!

Go Ian go! Go Ian go! Okay, Here we go!

*funny taking a bite noise*

(It's a sugar volcano! ) Woaaaahhhh

If you're in Harajuku you should try this!! Yaaasssss!

For more infomation >> GIANT COTTON CANDY in Harajuku, Japan! - Duration: 1:10.


Estéril Con Hijos😡😱🤔 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:44.

For more infomation >> Estéril Con Hijos😡😱🤔 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:44.


S.W.A.T. - GPS Switch - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> S.W.A.T. - GPS Switch - Duration: 3:06.


A Mother's Emotional Warning On The Flu - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> A Mother's Emotional Warning On The Flu - Duration: 3:07.


КОНКУРС! Закажи любой товар на 10$ с АлиЭкспресс! YouTube КОНКУРС! - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> КОНКУРС! Закажи любой товар на 10$ с АлиЭкспресс! YouTube КОНКУРС! - Duration: 1:58.


What's Free To You? [Book Review] - Duration: 4:59.

What's free to you?

What's free to me? Same thing it is to you, you tell me.

(Laugh) It's just a feeling…it's just a feeling…


So I read A State of Freedom by Neel Mukherjee and it's a book that takes place in India

and contemplates the feelings of displacement told in five independent parts, with some

overlapping going on in between.

"The paper money has disintegrated into wet confetti."

The book opens with a story of an ex-pat taking his son to see his homeland, but everything

and everyone seems so foreign, from the monuments to the traffic, to the beggars.

Then the next part,

There's the adult son who returns from London to his parent's home in Mumbai

or as his family still calls it, Bombay

and is putting together a book of culinary traditions with the help of the cooks and house servants, much to their chagrin

because he's blurring the lines between master and servant or us and them.

[What you doing baby? That's the white people job. We know you white but that's not your job no more. You with us baby, yeah.]

And we follow one servant's migration from her humble beginnings to her captivity and

her journey home, in what was the most engaging chapter for me because the writing was so

cohesive and so heartfelt.

After reading the synopsis, I thought this was going to be a book purely about immigration

in the general sense of moving from place to place or nationality to nationality, and

I guess in some ways it is, but it reads as a marginal experience.

Instead what I found in this book was a sense of mental immigration; it expanded my thinking

on the ideas we have about ourselves and whether we enslave ourselves or free ourselves to

the possibilities of our lives.

Can we migrate between the roles of servant and master, by evaluating who or what we serve

for whatever desired outcome be it money, companionship, or a sense of purpose?

Can we migrate between roles of compliance to roles of rebellion or resistance, by evaluating

how we respond to injustices in our communities?

The circumstances we're born into are no doubt difficult to change let alone escape,

but what the stories in this book suggests isn't so much how we change or escape these

physical boundaries, but that we can change our minds about who we are and who we become

in spite of them.

["Do you know me now?"]

This wasn't an easy read.

I thought the writing was hard to follow at times and had thoughts of DNFing it, especially

during the chapter of the vagrant and his bear.

I really wasn't fond of that chapter with its graphic detail of the bear being made

to dance with a rope through his nose, and even though the books' themes

were elucidated between this particular relationship.

I guess you can say I found it ...unbearable.


But when the story returned to the village where the house servant Milly was from, and

her friendship with Soni began to unfold, I was drawn back in like water to a rice grain.

It was really quite palpable this human need to be free, whether from the shackles of our

environment, or the shackles we fasten ourselves.

From the bear and the bear master, to the house servant Milly being held captive, the

effects of enslavement are manifold and the price for freedom is sometimes skin, and sometimes

just changing your mind.

"The paper money has disintegrated into wet confetti."

I really enjoyed the exploration of how we learn the mechanisms of enslavement whether

we're doing the enslaving or becoming enslaved.

And so I ended up going down this rabbit hole of thoughts on mental slavery… like people

who are enslaved to the idea, or the pursuit of money, and it's in human's nature to sacrifice

people or being good to people.

Or when you're enslaved to people, or the pursuit of people and companionship, it's

in human's nature to sacrifice all else, work, money, sense, and before you know it

you're incessantly checking his social media and scrolling through his likes on Twitter

ad nauseam.


But as human beings, can we truly achieve a state of freedom?

Is freedom a fleeting thing, a state of being, or just a concept?

Do we even really want freedom?

I know that freedom for me is when I don't have to do my hair, or when I'm lost in a book, or even when I'm dancing

because I'm just moving through my body, not stuck in my head thinking about how to get something or someone, or having

to run away from problems.

I can just…be.

So, what's free to you?

Let us know in the comments what freedom feels like, looks like, whatever "free" means

to you and if you think it's something that's achievable.

As always thanks for watching, until next time remember to read or be read.

I'll talk to you soon. Bye.

I'll tell you what freedom is to fear!

I mean really no fear.

If I could have that, half of my life.

No fear.


For more infomation >> What's Free To You? [Book Review] - Duration: 4:59.


Do You Drool When You Sleep? You Are Very Lucky Then And We Will Explain Why! - Duration: 2:05.


Do You Drool When You Sleep?

You Are Very Lucky Then And We Will Explain Why!

Sleeping is an essential process for our body.

If we want to have an efficient and active life, we need to have a good night's sleep

each time our day ends, avoiding sleeplessness or preventing insomnia.

It happens that those people who fail to properly reconcile a good night's sleep, are affected

their brain functions in a very negative way.

Despite the great pleasure and the immense need we have regarding the hours of sleep,

we will not be able to spend in our bed as long as we please.

People need to go out to work or study and perform during the day.

Those who have not slept enough and have fatigue during the day can feel discomfort in the

body, bad mood or a health problem due to lack of energy.

So often the body seeks to make a new sleep cycle and you end up sleeping on your desk

or on the bus.


It happens that after a great rest, you wake up and feel that the area where your head

rested, has drool.

Many believe that this must be a taboo given that on several occasions they have come to

mock someone for this action.

Nevertheless, you should feel fortunate to come from a certain group of people.

The habit of drooling when sleeping is a sign that the dream was rather positive and that

the body is resting very well.

There are a number of phases of sleep, nevertheless, it is called REM or rapid eye movement to

the phase that allows you a peaceful and deep sleep.

When you drool, it means that the REM phase is being uninterrupted, so you do not have

any sleep issues, you do not have interruptions or disturbances of it.

In this way, you can sleep and rest your body as few do.

If on the other hand, you do not drool, it can be a sign that your sleep habits are affected

during the night and rest is insufficient.

Remember that for a great personal and professional development is necessary to rest.

If you have a sleep disorder, do not hesitate to see a trusted doctor.

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For more infomation >> Do You Drool When You Sleep? You Are Very Lucky Then And We Will Explain Why! - Duration: 2:05.


College Girl Abducted At Gunpoint, Then Remembers Life-Saving Tip Mom Gave Her Years Ago - Duration: 4:23.

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College Girl Abducted At Gunpoint, Then Remembers Life-Saving Tip Mom Gave Her Years Ago

It was the most terrifying moment of her life.

Twenty-year-old Jordan Dinsmore had driven home from a late shift at Buffalo Wild Wings

and had just parked at her apartment complex when three young men jumped out from behind

some nearby trees.

They had a gun.

The men forced Jordan to the ground and took her purse and phone.

They threatened to shoot her if she screamed.

She hoped they would just take her things and leave, but then the situation got worse.

The men forced Jordan to unlock her car and then motioned for her to get in the back.

"I was pleading with them to just take my stuff and let me go, but they said that I

had to come with them," she said.

When the attackers realized Jordan's 2009 Scion had a manual transmission that none

of them knew how to drive, one ran away, but the others told her to get in the driver's


Little did she know this would prove to be her saving grace.

The young men told her to drive them to a nearby ATM.

She didn't pull up close enough to the machine, so she had to take her seatbelt off to reach


She decided not to put it back on.

Jordan withdrew the maximum amount of $300, hoping that would placate her abductors, but

they then told her to drive to their "auntie's" house.

There, they said, one of their friends was going to rape her.

Terrified, Jordan tried to figure out how to escape this nightmare.

She thought back to something her mom, herself a survivor of attempted assault, had told

her years ago.

"I thought back to my mom," Jordan said as she choked back tears.

"She was almost a victim of sexual assault when she was a college student.

But she fought back and fought the man off.

And I thought, 'I'm gonna be strong like my mom, and I'm gonna get myself out of


She remembered her mom telling her to keep a cool head, never let an attacker get her

out of a public space, and try to escape.

"If they get you out of the public eye, they're going to do something worse to you

and shoot you anyway," Jordan recalled her mom telling her.

She began to look for a way to escape.

"I was thinking somehow I have to get out of this," Jordan recalled.

"Can I crash the car?

No, because it might knock me out and not them.

Can I pull over or something?

I have to get away from them."

The men were telling her where to drive, but she pretended to be confused and purposefully

missed one of the turns they told her to take.

As the kidnappers shouted at her to pull over, Jordan slowed the car to about 35 MPH, threw

it into neutral, opened the door, and jumped out.

As the thugs frantically tried to figure out how to stop the car, Jordan jumped up off

the asphalt and began to run away as fast as she could, screaming for help.

"I just screamed, 'Call 911!

Call 911!

Someone just kidnapped me and threatened to shoot me!'"

Jordan said.

Thankfully, the first car she came across stopped and the woman driving immediately

called police and took Jordan to safety.

"The only reason I wasn't raped and most likely killed was because I kept my head and

jumped out of my own moving vehicle on a busy street to get away," Jordan said.

"Thank you to the kind woman who heard my screaming and stopped her car for me and to

Richland PD for responding instantly."

Thankfully, police were able to find and arrest the three suspects, 17-year-old Raquan Dejoure

Green and two 15-year-old males who cannot be named because of their age.

The three teens are believed to be behind a string of racially-motivated crimes specifically

targeting white people for armed robbery and assault.

"They made a statement that they did not like white people and they were only going

to rob white people," said Sheriff Leon Lott.

"This was a crime spree," he added.

"They would not have stopped"

Jordan, a criminal justice major at Midlands Tech in West Columbia, South Carolina, said

she plans to finish her degree and hopes to one day become an FBI agent.

After the calm and collected way she handled this terrifying situation, we think she'd

make a pretty good one!

For more infomation >> College Girl Abducted At Gunpoint, Then Remembers Life-Saving Tip Mom Gave Her Years Ago - Duration: 4:23.


After Watching This You Will Never Throw Away The Shell Of Watermelon Again - Duration: 1:57.

The watermelon rind is also high in citrulline, an amino acid that supports the health of

the muscles.

Moreover, the fiber in watermelons also helps weight loss.

Citrulline also soothes the nerves and treats anxiety.

The high water content makes it a potent diuretic and eliminates the excess water from the body.

The watermelon rind also boosts the immune system.

If you ask yourself how to consume it, we suggest chopping it into chunks, and adding

the rind to salads, or mix it with tuna or turkey breasts, and eat it twice daily.

Therefore, do not throw away the rind next time you buy a watermelon, and enjoy its numerous

health benefits.

For more infomation >> After Watching This You Will Never Throw Away The Shell Of Watermelon Again - Duration: 1:57.


Sangre de mi Tierra | Episode 37 | Telemundo English - Duration: 14:15.


Ever since I met you, my life has changed a lot.

For the better, of course!

And you've become very important to me.

You're exaggerating.

-No. -Yes!

No! No, no! I'm not exaggerating!

It's just that you're incredible!

Those eyes...

Those tender blue eyes...

Plus, your empathy with others.

But what I'm most crazy about is how brave you are.

You are such a brave man!

Roberto, what you do to me...

This is so embarrassing...

and I know I shouldn't be telling you this

because it sounds taboo

but not impossible,

but since I met you, not a day has gone by

that I haven't thought of you.

You've stolen my heart.


You have the gall to come here to talk to me?

It was wrong of me to come without notifying you,

but it's about work.

-You don't believe me? -Of course not.

Serena, I don't work at the winery anymore,

Juanjo doesn't work with the Montiels anymore,

and as far as I know, your only income comes from pole dancing.

What was so wrong

about proposing the Small New Wine idea?

Aurora, when it comes to Juanjo and you,

it'll never be about just work.

You can fool him with all your talk, but not me.

So please go.

I don't want you hurting me any more.

You know where the door is.

Who's the cutest nephew in the whole world?

Yeah, I'm talking to you.

Answer me.

Come here, Emilito.

Serena's right.

I shouldn't have come.

I don't want to strain things between you two.

-I'm sorry. -Wait, let me talk to her.

No, just pretend I never came.


thanks for everything, but I have to go.

No, you can't just go.

After this huge meal?

Besides, you drank champagne.

What if you fall asleep while driving?

I don't want that

-on my conscience. -No, relax.

Why don't we go upstairs and lie down for a little bit?

Sarita, it's fine.

I have to go back to the winery. Duty calls.

There'll be plenty of time for you and me to celebrate alone.

But right now, I have to go. Thanks for everything.


I can't believe this. What are you doing here again?

Please forget about me.

Dolores, I'm not leaving until you hear me out.

Come in.

Look, just say what you have to say and leave.

I'm dealing with lots of problems, I don't need more.

I still haven't found a job, and my brother,

who was supposed to help me,

went and disappeared.

That's why I'm here. I can help.

I can get you back your job

-at the winery. -Yeah, sure.

I can!

For starters, the circumstances of your hiring were irregular.

You were receiving a lower wage without insurance or benefits,

and only because you're a woman.

That's workplace discrimination.

The law is on your side.

You can and should report them.

I can't prove it.

Can't you?

Why'd Roberto fire you?

Because I reminded him of your rights after you got hurt.

They did the same to my sister.

They trotted out every excuse to fire her

when in the end, it's sexism.

My father doesn't believe a woman's work

is equal to that of a man's.

Oh, miss, I really don't know.

What if I just make things worse?

Dolores, your case is solid. Please sue Crisanto.

Demand what's fair.

Dad, that cask can wait.

Please come here. We need you.

I need your help applying the labels.

Sorry, honey, but I'm not taking part in that.

But we need you.

It's just us, and we can't count on Candido.

I promised Sandoval everything would be ready today.

The bottles have to be ready for when the new labels arrive.

This is your fault.

Juanjo's not here anymore, right?

And you created a huge rift in the family.

All because you're determined to sell this stolen wine.

This wine is not stolen!

-It's from Viña del Río. -Here we go again.

Your mother and I didn't break our backs

so you could become a criminal.

It was so you and your children

could own a family business!

And what have you done?

You've twisted it! That's what you've done.

-I did it for the winery. -No, you didn't!

It was your greed and need for revenge!

That's why you did it, Natalia.

When I was asked to vote for either you or Juanjo,

you know why I abstained?

Because you're my daughter,

and I thought that gesture would make you reconsider.

But no.

Greed got the better of you and you just kept going.

Please understand that this is a desperate measure...

This isn't how a businessperson acts.

Especially not me.

I'm used to earning my living honorably.

You know what?

Don't count on me for anything having to do with Viña Montiel,

you got that?

The relabeling continues.

Paco, I'm glad you're here. I've got the pictures...

Look who I found outside.



It's nice to see you.

Dolores is having serious money problems

and she's considering suing.

Her fear is that they come after her.

Well, not me, precisely.

My kids.

They need the money.

Don't worry.

Like Paloma said, you have your rights.

This lawsuit is fair.

I know, but I'm really scared of that engineer.

He's the devil incarnate.

His threats began on the very first day.

Whoa, hold on.

He threatened you? What would he say?

He told me I was forbidden from telling Mrs. Aurora

that I made less than the other employees.

Later, he threatened to fire me

if I kept bringing my kids to work.

He said they kept me from doing a good job.

You know that last one.

They let me go after I hurt my hand.

He says I got him in trouble by opening my mouth.

That bastard! All the more reason to sue him.

This can't go unpunished.

Yes, but I don't know what to do.

Don't worry.

I'll call my lawyer. He'll tell us what to do.


What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong, Mom.

Tell me what's wrong. Do you have something to say?

Nothing's wrong,

and I don't feel like talking right now.

Well, I'm sorry, but I do want to talk.

So tell me what's wrong.

You really want to know?

Yes, I want to know.

Because of you, because of your ego,

everything went to ----!

Why the hell did I suggest using Crisanto's blend

for our wine?

I can't believe I went along with that stupid idea.

All it's brought us is misfortune.

I'm ashamed.

I can't look Dad or Grandpa or my brother in the eyes.

I just want to be done with this ---- so I can go home,

so I don't have to listen to you anymore, Mom.

I can imagine, buddy. Just be patient.

The doctors will discharge you when the time is right.

What matters is that you get better.

<i> I hope it's soon, buddy.</i> <i> I'm sick of lying in this bed.</i>

I've got everyone here washing the new tanks

and getting everything ready so we can create a new wine.

We're launching something new, Dimas,

and we'll celebrate it when you're discharged.

I'll call you back. Something's come up.

What are you doing here?

I thought you were done with this winery.

What's this?

A lawsuit for wrongful termination

and discrimination against Dolores in this winery.

Dolores? Who's that?

The employee you hired but paid below the going rate

and to whom you didn't offer benefits

-only because she's a woman. -Oh! That Dolores.

What do you have to do with this?

I'm supporting her and advising her in this

after the injustice she suffered.

She was fired after injuring her hand on the job

while performing a task in our winery.

That is clearly illegal.

What? Did you think you'd get your way

and not pay for this injustice?

What the ---- is your role in this?

You throwing this tantrum to defy your father?

I'm not defying you.

Take it as an opportunity to reflect and do the right thing.

If not, see you in court.

Why'd you call your brother's girlfriend to watch Emilito?

Where are you going?

I'm meeting Sandoval to discuss the Small New Wine project.

That project is a fiasco.

Don't waste your time on that, honey.

You'll eventually hit a wall.

Supportive as ever, darling.

Thank you very much.

I left you dinner in the fridge in case you get hungry.

I didn't see your missed calls.

I was at Carneros' vineyard, looking for the stock we need

for Viña del Río.

Plus, on my way back, I got a flat tire,

so that...!

Enough, enough. Spare me your life story.

Explain what the ---- this is.

Who does that witch Dolores think she is?

No, -------!

Who the ---- do you think you are?

You told me she quit,

not that you'd made her quit in retaliation

for demanding health insurance and demanding a fair wage.

Roberto, what were you thinking?

You didn't know that was illegal?

I... was trying to save money.

This woman was doing nothing and making money that we need.

I did what I thought best for the winery.

Well, you screwed up big time.

Not just because of the shabby way in which you fired her

but because you didn't give her severance pay.

I spoke to Negron. The lawsuit's as good as lost.

But something can always be done.

Yes, of course something can always be done.

You're going to find out where this woman lives,

and you're going to come up with a fair settlement.

You understand?

Offer her what you must to avoid going to court.

Yes. I'll take care of it.

Now, listen carefully, little Roberto.

You've been making lots of mistakes lately, haven't you?

It's one thing for me to entrust

certain decisions to you, but it's quite another for you

to take action behind my back,

making me look cheap and miserly,

especially to my daughter Paloma.

So I'm warning you.

That's the last time you fire anyone or do anything

behind my back and without consulting me.

Now get out of here.

Excuse me.

Close the door and get out.

For more infomation >> Sangre de mi Tierra | Episode 37 | Telemundo English - Duration: 14:15.


MKP 4.1 Season 2.9 (MUGEN) - Satan With Effect Update Playthrough - Duration: 1:18.

Every Day New Update For MKP please support my channel ''''' subscribe like and share'''''

For more infomation >> MKP 4.1 Season 2.9 (MUGEN) - Satan With Effect Update Playthrough - Duration: 1:18.


Song for Sam - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Song for Sam - Duration: 2:46.


[마마무] 서로 우쭈쭈하는 모음 (ENG SUB) - Duration: 5:33.

MAMAMOO love each other.


H: Ahㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

H: So cute~

H: Wheein looks like dough.

W: dough??

W: That's too much~

M: Unnie, Fly away!

M: Unnie, Fly!

M: Nice~ lol

M: Nice, Unnie.

M: You really looked like you actually flew away.

(Elbow cushion)

W: Good.

S: Good? right?

W: yeah, peace.

S: Byul, What's wrong?

S: Why? x3

W: Sadly, we couldn't eat pho...

W: It's too late…

W: That's the saddest news.

H: (so cute~)

M: news~

W: yummy?

W: !!!!! Must it be this?

S: But, The second place person has to pay the penalty.

M: That's a Penalty too...

S: That's a Penalty? yeah? H: X

H: (uncomfortable)

M: ㅠㅠ


H: What…


W: (Serious) What did you do?

W: I can't approve this from our team.

H: I can't approve.

(H: I can't approve…) S: (Walk on eggshells..)

S,M: (Embarrassed)

Three people love one person...☆

(Unnies' song) There was no more batteries!♪

(Suddenly, 'the battery' song started.)

(Please stop...)

W: But sadly!!

W: There is no more batte…♪

(disappointing) W: Why won't you sing with me?!!!

S,H: okay! lol M: again, do it again!

(Whee In, cute out pouting lips… ㅇ<-<)

S,H: okay! start! W: But sadly!!

(She does it, lol) There was no more batteries!♪

(Excited) W: So I couldn't pick up the phone..♪

Ml: Hwa Sa didn't do it!

H: hu???

(But moomoo knows.)

(But moomoo knows.) (The fact that she is not the only one.)


(shut mouth.)


I got horrible♪

and anxious mind♪

but you still watching me♪

H: How did you know? S: start.

(Happy ending..)

(beat board) warming up

MoonByul, success.

Solar, success.

Wheein, success.

S: I'm not afraid!!!

S: run!!!


W: (cheer up) Let's go!!!

M: (so cute..)

LOSER loner coward pretending to be strong

H: Someday, I will succeed. right?

W: yes~

W: nope.

H: lol

M: Our name is S, M, W, H.

M: Say it backwards.

(They were so passionate)

M: Ready.

M: Whee in, start!

S: Me!!! Let me ask you a question.

M: Don't turn your back on me. S: ah.. okay.

S: ten… In seven seconds.

(wash spit)

S: Say 5 words related to 'Christmas' in 7 seconds.

S: okay.

S: okay. x2



S: Why doesn't anyone answer?!

M,H: Ah!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ W: Please tell me when we should start.

S: Whyyyy!!!

S: start!



(She's going away)

W: (I'll sit down.)

W: (Angel, come here.)

If you like my video, please subscribe and click 'Like'

For more infomation >> [마마무] 서로 우쭈쭈하는 모음 (ENG SUB) - Duration: 5:33.


José José | Episode 04 | Telemundo English - Duration: 17:57.


Let me help you.

You just sing, I'll take care of the rest.

Look at that girl. She's cute.

Now that's someone worthy of me.

You got him, Minerva. He likes you.

<i> You sure we'll get something</i>

<i> -out of him? </i> <i> -Easy as pie.</i>

We had a small problem with Lucero's thing.

I know how we'll fix this.

I need someone to come through on what they promise.

You could become the first man to export national talent.

You're a good negotiator.

<i> I met with a wealthy</i> <i> friend </i>

-so he'd go sing in America. -He's going away?

I didn't know who he was until recently.

But I was captivated hearing him sing.

That prince has a princess.

Kiki's going to die when she finds out

I'm presenting Jose Jose with a gold record.


Let me present it to him.

Your dreams and mine don't go hand in hand.

I'm going to London.

<i> I can't live without you,</i> <i> Lucero.</i>

<i> Please forgive me.</i>

I'd like to thank all my Mexican brothers and sisters

that live in the US.

Thanks to them, my first tour there was a success!

Thank you, folks!

Jose, our listeners deserve the truth,

so that's why I'm asking:

Do you have proof of the supposed success of your tour?

Of course.

All the sellouts.

How do we know those aren't just rumors

to promote you or RVG?

Because I don't like deceiving my fans.

I always tell the truth, it's how I was raised.

We have it on good authority

that your label had to give away thousands of tickets

to achieve those sellouts because apparently

Americans have never heard of you.

Listen, friend.

Read any of the American press coverage.

Also, come to my next concert.

I mean that.

-Last question. -No, that's quite enough.

Who do you work for, anyway? Go take a hike!

I'm Alfonso Lira, and no, you don't know me.

But you will because I plan on following your every move.

I'd like to tell all the naysayers such as yourself

that I'll soon be receiving a gold record,

something you can't make up or give away.

Excuse me.

Thank you.

<i> The nerve!</i>

I can't believe he called him a liar to his face.

Don't listen to them. That's reporters.

They're leeches latching on to others' fame.

What a way to earn a living.

This industry isn't easy. That's why I was so happy

to meet you the night of the festival.

You're a breath of fresh air.

Likewise, Liza.

Thanks for inviting me to your café.

It's a shame you couldn't come sooner.

But anyway, let's toast to our meeting,

-even if we do it with... -Coffee!

-One coffee, please. -Pocho, coffee for my guest.

I'll have my usual cinnamon tea.

Thanks. How do you do it?

Your organize your shows, you run a café,

and you're a mother.

What's your secret?

There is no secret. I just love what I do.


Princess, you were amazing in rehearsals.

I can't wait to see you shine in Caracas.

What's with all the bags?

We're going on tour, but we're coming back.

You're going to kill me, Mau, but I'm not going to Caracas.

I'm so sorry.


Fanny insisted that I give you a chance.

And now you're leaving me high and dry?

I know, but I was asked to present an award in LA.

A gold record!

I can't pass up this opportunity

to attend an event so many industry people will be at.

So you're going to skip an entire tour abroad

for one night in the spotlight?

Mau, you and I both know I'm Kiki's understudy.

The chances of me acting are minimal.

But whether or not you act, we're still paying you.

Next time, remind me to decrease your salary

as much as I can.

Dear, time passes, and beauty's got a shelf life.

I have to strike while the iron is hot.

What if when you come back I'm old and fat?

But it'd be unfair for the rest of the company...

I know, I know.

That's why I started packing my bags myself.

I know you wouldn't have the heart to fire me.

It's terrible to have you only to lose you.

Love you, Mau. Thanks.

I know you understand.

I must take advantage of this.

Alright, alright.

As a child, I always dreamt of traveling, flying,

seeing new places.

And I understand now that ever since I've known Pepe

our problems most of the time were misunderstandings.

That's why you want to study international affairs.

I love how you think big picture.

Big or small, it's my dream.

And it breaks my heart that my dream

doesn't overlap with Pepe's.

Hold on.

Would you rather remain by his side a frustrated woman?

Or discourage Pepe's dreams?


Well, there's the answer to all your doubts.

Go to London and become the best diplomat in the world.

It's the least I can do for Pepe.

The truth is, he's my only love.

The only one who always believed in me.

Gonzalo, how many times have I told you

not to go drinking in your father's workshop

with those bums?

They're my friends, Mom.

Besides, why do you have a shrine to Dad

when he left you for his other family?

A shrine?

I don't respect what he did while alive,

but I do respect my love for him.

The problems I had with him were ours and nothing more!

The workshop is sacred, and you respect it.

End of story.

And who'll respect me?

You treat me like a child.

I feel like a freeloader

-in this house. -Nonsense!

You just enjoy not doing anything, that's all.

I don't do anything?

You only have eyes for Pepito.

I have a tryout with Necaxa,

plus, I'm working on something on the side.

Really, sweetie?

It's the truth.

But all you do is judge when I want you to be proud of me.

I don't want you cooking for others anymore.

I didn't know, honey. Forgive me.

I swear I didn't know.

All set.

Signing Jose Jose for a tour of Latin America is good business.

But it's a package deal that includes

the most handsome manager in the industry,

and you can't put a price on that.

Well, what you can't put a price on is Pepe's voice

and stage presence.

Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic...

That tour's going to be a smash.

His voice is the least of it.

Other than that, Jose's got nothing on you.

Absolutely nothing.

Now you've really thrown me for a loop, Ms. Rodriguez.

Call me Lorena.


But I'm sure you worked so hard to be treated formally.

Why not address you as such?

Then allow this Ms. Rodriguez to invite you to lunch.

The thing is, the tour coincides

with the gold record presentation,

and there's organizing transportation, the luggage...

Fine, after the tour.

Or before, if it's in the cards.

A shame we have to go to LA too.

Oh, right. Los Angeles.

I've got the invitation somewhere.

I wasn't planning on going, but now...

Come in, Maria.

-It's so nice to see you. -Margarita.

-You look great. -Thank you.

Please sit down.

How are you?

Very well. You know, pushing forward.

How about you?

What are you doing here in the city?

Tending to some matters related to the convent.

You know you can stay here. Consider it your home.

God bless you. You've always been so generous.

But I have to return to the convent today.

Since I was in the neighborhood, I thought I'd stop by.

When are you going to take your vows?

Remember, I have to be there.

I promised your mom, may she rest in peace.

What's wrong, dear?

Is something troubling you?


Just some issues with the convent.

Is it very serious?

Well, the gardener was fired in a really shabby manner,

and as God is my witness I cannot remain quiet.

You've always been a supporter of noble causes.

You did the right thing.

So what happened?

Did you have problems with the congregation?

No, nothing to worry about.

And since I'm in a hurry, I have to go.

Okay. Godspeed.

Thank you.

Just remember, this is your home,

and you'll always have something to eat

-and a roof over your head. -Thank you, Mrs. Margarita.

-Excuse me. -Goodbye.

No, it's too old. I don't want it.

It's wrong for my skin tone.

Definitely take the red one away.


-Yes? -Will you listen to me now?

I told you I'm moving out. I'm an adult now.

I heard you, but you're talking nonsense.

I'm responsible for you and your brothers.

And you're showing it by going away on a trip.

What about me, Mom?

Aren't you going to the country club dance?

What dance?

Don't you remember?

I told you I was introducing you to my girlfriend there.



Elias, I don't know if I'll make it,

but you can introduce her to me whenever you like.

Forget it.

I'll introduce her to my grandparents.

At least I love you.

Think of the future, Pepe. Don't get stuck on the past.

Yes, but I had to say goodbye to her.

You can't fit anything in there.

From LA, we're going to Caracas.

It's going to be at least two weeks.

What are you talking about, Chumo?


I forgot to tell you the tour is international!

It's a long tour of Latin America!

We got it!

You could at least thank me.

It was incredibly hard to get.

I know, Chumo. Thanks.

Things are finally going how we hoped.

Thanks to your voice.

What would my father think of all this?

He'd have to eat his words

after seeing how successful you are.

How successful we are.

Sometimes family...


I have to call Veracruz! Can I use your phone?

No need to ask.

Go on, before Juanita roughs you up.

Hey, I'm no pantywaist. I call the shots in the house.

After Juanita and Mom, of course.

Imagine, Juanita and my mother.

I'm always kept in check.

I'm going to make that call.

You can visit whenever you like, but you can't stay.

Not until you're certain this is your calling.

As God is my witness, all I've ever wanted and still want

is to serve Him.

There are many ways to serve our Lord.

And your temperament might not be the most suitable

for taking vows.

You should reflect and pray a lot, Maria.

Only in God will you find forgiveness.

Isn't the convent the best place to reflect, repent,

and find God?

God is in us and all around us.

Look for him within you.

I get the feeling my life's about to change.

It sure will.

Will? It already is!

I wish I could've seen the world with Lucero,

but we went our separate ways.

The past is staying here. The future's bright.

My first gold record, Chumo.

Thanks to you.

Good morning, gentlemen.

Good morning.

We're flying to Los Angeles on Flight 4367.

Of course. May I please see your passports?

California, here we come!

This way.

I don't like commercial...

-Fine, I get it. -I like private planes better.

I know you do.

Good morning.

Please pass me your ticket.

Here you are.

Please tell me I have a window seat.

Of course.

I can't have an aisle seat. He can sit there.

After you.

Goodbye, miss.

Oh, you're spying on me, aren't you?

Of course not, Margarita.

I just didn't want to interrupt.

It's so nice to see you.


-Clear something up for me. -What's that?

What were the last words spoken

during the first ever telephone call?

"Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you."

spoken by Alexander Graham Bell.


I was racking my brain and it wouldn't come to me.

Oh, Margarita.

I really missed you, Lucero.

I didn't dare come after what happened with Pepe.

The fight was with him, but you and I are still friends,

-aren't we? -I'm the one who missed you.

I always want you in my life.

You were going to leave without saying goodbye,

-you bad girl. -No. Never.

I think you're the only one I'll be saying goodbye to.

My parents, not so much.

Guess who's presenting you with the record?



Who's that?

Anel Noreña!

The redhead who was in Mauricio Garces' movie.

-She's a beaut. -My Lucero's a beaut.

And no, never heard of her.

No? Wait till you see her.

You'll be hooked.

One, two, three.

And now...

For the past.

For the present.

And for the future, which is most important, dear.

Well, don't keep me in suspense.

It's the actress in me, Jorge.

That's why I like you so much.

Call me Jorja, girlfriend.

-Everybody does. -Oh yeah?

Girlfriends already, huh?

You know what I'm feeling?


That we're going to be soul sisters.

Now enough chitchat because time is money.


If we're going to be girlfriends,

tell me about your life.

No, how boring.

We've all got sad, painful pasts.

That's it.

Shall we?


This one?

Start on the left.

The wheel of fortune. You're going on a trip.

That's easy.

I'm going to Los Angeles next week.

Yes, but if you notice, there's a crank here

which represents...

A turn of fate.


Your world's going to be turned upside-down in LA, girl.

For more infomation >> José José | Episode 04 | Telemundo English - Duration: 17:57.


Staying put? Henrikh Mkhitaryan posts cryptic update after Arsenal talks - Duration: 2:53.

Staying put? Henrikh Mkhitaryan posts cryptic update after Arsenal talks

Henrikh Mkhitaryan does not appear to be thinking about his looming transfer to Arsenal after posting an update on social media on how much he is enjoying training at Manchester United.

The Armenian is expected to move to the Emirates in the coming hours in a straight swap for Arsenal contract rebel Alexis Sanchez,.

though there had been suggestions he was not entirely keen on the move.

And he appears to still be clinging onto his life as a United player judging by his latest Instagram post, while suggestions he could be en route to north London appear wide of the mark.

Mkhitaryan shared an image posted by teammate Anthony Martial of the eight-a-side team that won a mini-match in training today ahead of Saturday's Premier League clash with Burnley.

He was on the same team as the likes of Martial, Paul Pogba and Marouane Fellaini, and – far from appearing to be preparing to leave – looked in good spirits, writing: 'Fun times at training today.

' United's Sanchez deal is dependent on Mkhitaryan moving in the opposite direction according to the Armenian's agent, and the 28-year-old's lack of willingness to join Arsenal has caused some fans to fear it could cause the Chilean's transfer to collapse.

Arsene Wenger confirmed his intention to sign Mkhitaryan at his press conference on Thursday, and played down suggestions the playmaker's wage demands were causing a stumbling block.

Mkhitaryan is thought to have misgivings about dropping down to a side playing in the Europa League and his preference would have been to return to Borussia Dortmund.

As a result, Mkhitaryan is believed to have asked for a significant pay rise in order to move to the Emirates.

and wants the £300k-a-week salary Arsenal offered to Sanchez, while his agent Mino Raiola is notorious for getting his clients the best possible deal.

Mkhitaryan started the season in excellent form for United, recording five assists in his first three games,.

but he has not created a goal since August and has lost Jose Mourinho's trust.

For more infomation >> Staying put? Henrikh Mkhitaryan posts cryptic update after Arsenal talks - Duration: 2:53.


There's a musical based on Dwayne The Rock Johnson and it's heading to the UK - Duration: 5:19.

There's a musical based on Dwayne The Rock Johnson and it's heading to the UK

If you read the words 'puppet Dwayne Johnson' and don't immediately shoot up in your chair, you're either (a) a liar or (b) already standing up.

The Rock is everyone's hero, and the man we'd most like to be best mates with, even if his weekly routine looks pretty intense.

You'd give anything to watch a musical based on the former wrestler and current huge-armed man, and soon you'll be able to.

It's called The People's Rock, and it's showing in London from January 24.

Part of Vault Festival in Waterloo, The People's Rock is set in 2050 and features an 18-year-old girl named Tee who is obsessed with The Rock.

So far, so moderately exaggerated reality.

It involves a puppet version of Ol' Dwayne, though the creators of the show are quick to point out that – rather weirdly – no other puppets are involved.

"In the world that we've created, it's not the real Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, it's the teenage fantasy of him," the show's producer, Emma Shaw, told Metro.

"In the script we call him 'The Fairy RockMother.

' He appears when [Tee] needs him.

She explained the genesis of the show, saying:.

"It came about as all the best ideas do when we were taking the piss out of one of our friends.

She is obsessed with Dwayne Johnson, and had alarm clocks and cardboard cut-outs of him.

"We were making comments about it, and someone mentioned that this could be a good idea for a play, and it developed from there.

It was a group piss-take which turned into a 60 minute play with ten songs and a full cast.".

The synopsis reads as follows:.

"2050. The world is not as we know it.

Tee is 18, busy with friends, frustrated by family, and obsessed with celebrity, especially her hero Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.

"Tee has no interest in politics.

She doesn't think about the wars raging just beyond the wall which surrounds her home.

There is no democracy.

There is no religion.

There is no internet.

When The Rock is inexplicably erased from society, Tee is heartbroken.

"Why does no one else care? Why do they pretend he never existed? Why do they keep telling her to shut up?.

"Tee knows he was real and she won't rest until she discovers the truth about his disappearance.

Something's cooking and it smells like revolution!".

There is a political tint to proceedings, with the fictional world featuring an 'Emperor Trumpus' who we're guessing might borrow a bit from another real-life individual.

"We want to be relevant and talk about the way women engage with the messages someone like Donald Trump sends, but at the same time, its primary role is to be a piece of entertainment," Shaw says.

So this future either doesn't see Johnson elected president or, more worryingly, sees him enter the White House and then suffer the sort of unspeakable fate that leaves him reduced to a puppet form.

You can book tickets for The People's Rock right here.

For more infomation >> There's a musical based on Dwayne The Rock Johnson and it's heading to the UK - Duration: 5:19.


Top Foods During Pregnancy - List of Foods to Eat During PREGNANCY - Duration: 12:57.

Hello Friends, today we will talk about, Top foods during pregnancy.

Diet during pregnancy should be selected carefully because the food was eaten at that time are

the main source of nourishment for the growing baby.

Pregnant women need protein and calcium to build the baby's tissues and bones.

Extra folic acid is also required to protect against birth defects, and more iron to help

the red blood cells to carry oxygen to the baby in the womb.

For balanced and varied diet consult an experienced dietitian.

Now that you're expecting, you are trying to believe much more mindfully about what

you're feeding yourself because the foods you eat are the major source of nutrients

for your growing baby.

Throughout pregnancy, for example, you'll need protein and calcium for your baby's

tissues and skeletal parts.

You'll furthermore need extra folic acid to defend against neural tube birth defects,

as well as more minerals to help red blood cells supplying oxygen to your baby.

Best food during pregnancy - diet for pregnant women.



Add dark beans, white beans, pinto beans, lentils, black-eyed peas, and kidney, garbanzo,

or soybeans in your diet.

Try them in chili and broths, salads, and pasta bowls.

Besides providing protein and fiber, they are a good source of rich nutrients, such

as minerals, folate, calcium, and zinc.


Fortified breakfast cereal.

You can know the folate that it is important before conception and during the first few

weeks of pregnancy.

It needs for the Vitamin B that stays high with the whole nine months.

It is advised for getting 400 micrograms per day through vitamin supplements or fortified

foods, and another 200 micrograms through foods that are naturally high in folate, such

as asparagus and black eyed peas.


Whole grains.

Enriched, whole-grain baked breads and cereals are a rich source of folic acid and minerals

and have more fiber than white bread and rice.

Add whole kernels to your day: oatmeal for morning meal, a sandwich on whole-grain bread

to the midday meal, and whole-wheat pasta or dark rice for dinner.



Eggs are versatile and a good source of protein that presents amino acids you and your baby


They contain more than a dozen vitamins and minerals, encompassing choline, which is good

for baby's mind development.

However, be certain not to consume undercooked or raw eggs.



Blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are delicious snacks and flavor large in pancakes

and on top of cereal.

Edible seaweeds are crammed with vitamin C, potassium, folate, and fiber.



Bananas are rich in potassium that offers quick energy that can fight off pregnancy


You can take a banana and slice them up into cereal or just whip one into a breakfast smoothie

with yogurt, berries, ice, and a splash of orange juice.



Omega-3 fatty acids are good for your baby's brain and eyes, and fish is a great source

as well.

In addition to fatty acids it also provides protein and vitamin B. Try having salmon,

which is low in mercury, in grilled, broiled, or in salad form.

You can securely eat up to 12 ounces of low-mercury fish, such as salmon, per week.


Low-fat curd.

One cup of plain, low-fat yogurt has more calcium than milk, is high in protein, and

doesn't have the supplemented sugar like other flavored yogurts.

Dress it up with fruit or crunchy, whole-grain cereal.

Yogurt is very good for your baby as it helps in growing bones.

Because you need to keep yours strong and it helps in your muscles and nerves function.

A cup as it contains as much calcium as milk, as it is packed with protein and folate.

The yogurt helps to prevent stomach upset as it has yeast infections.

Blend yogurt with fruit into smoothie's layer with granola in a breakfast parfait,

substitute for sour cream or mayo in sandwich fillings.

It dips and salad dressings or else simply have it out of the carton.


Sweet potatoes.

Carotenoids are the cause of orange color in sweet potatoes.

This gives Vitamin A to our bodies.

Sweet potatoes are also a great source of vitamin C, fiber and folate.

Use this as a snack.



Avocados are rich in potassium, Vitamin C and Vitamin B6 that helps for baby's tissue

and brain growth as it eases morning sickness.

Avocados are delicious and are rich to get your vitamins.

Spread some ripe avocado on your whole grain roll as a healthy substitute for mayo.

You just keep in mind that avocados are high in fat and have the calories that makes them

filling and helps not to trouble gaining weight.


Green leafy vegetables.

Swiss chard, spinach, kale and other green leafy vegetables consist of rich nutrients

and vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin K are the important folate.



Nuts consist of full minerals and vitamin E. Walnuts are also a good source of protein

and fiber, which are beneficial to your baby and you.



Oats are full of fiber, Vitamin B, iron, and some minerals that help to crab that are packed

with fiber.

You just have your breakfast with oats in a bowl.

If you want, you can add oats, pancakes, muffins, cookies, cakes, and meatloaf.

It has plenty of variety of other whole grains to up your dose of a slew of baby that can

build vitamins and minerals.

There is another whole grain that can easily way to up your intake with air popped popcorn.

It can starchiness that helps to quell nausea.



Carrot ranks first in giving vitamin A that is most useful for development of the baby

bones, eyes and teeth.

Vitamin B6 and C are a good source of vitamins available in carrots.



Mangoes contain huge amount of vitamin A and C. It is packed with potassium, versatile,

that is perfect complement to savory and sweet dishes.

Use mangoes in soups or smoothies and enjoy eating.



It is Americas favorite cruciferous vegetable which is rich in vitamin A and C. These help

in building the baby bones as well as baby friendly folic acid.

You can mix this with any recipe like to toss into pasta or casseroles and seafood or chicken.



Foods such as cheese, milk, from age fries and yogurt are important in pregnancy.

All the listed items consist of rich calcium and nutrients, which are essential to babies.

Prepare food safely.

Staying in a good environment is very important for pregnant women.

At the same time maintain cleanliness while eating food.

Wash the fruits and vegetables before using them.

They may contain soil, which is having taxoplasma.

It can cause harm to an unborn baby.

If you are preparing raw meat, then wash your hands and utensils neatly.

Keep separate the chopping board for raw meats.

Nutrients during pregnancy.

• A proper diet during pregnancy must contain all the nutrients including proteins, fats,

carbohydrates, fats, iron, folic acid, calcium vitamin C and fluids.

• Cereals, whole grains, dals, pulses and nuts are the primary sources of proteins if

one does not eat meat.

• Vegetables and fruits provide vitamins, calcium, minerals and fibre.

• Meat, fish and poultry provide concentrated proteins.

• Water and fresh fruit juices provide the fluids required by the body of the pregnant

women • The best source of fat is vegetable oils

as they contain less saturated fat.

• Foods during pregnancy • Salmon is rich in high-quality protein

and a good source of omega 3 fats, which help in the proper development of the baby.

• Beans of all types contain the most fibre and protein of all the vegetables.

There are certain beans that are good sources of iron, folate, calcium, and zinc.

• Sweet potatoes are also a great source of vitamin C, folate, and fibre.

• Popcorn and other whole grains are high in fibre and nutrients, including vitamin

E, selenium, and phytonutrients which are plant compounds that protect cells.

Other whole grains from oatmeal to barley are also very high in nutrients especially


• Walnuts are one of the richest sources of plant-based omega-3s.

They are also a good source of protein and fibre.

• Greek yogurt typically has twice the protein of regular yogurt, which makes a good source

of calcium during pregnancy.

Calcium will help keep the bones of the mother intact while making a healthy skeleton for

the growing baby.

• Dark green, leafy vegetables like spinach are loaded with vitamins and nutrients, including

iron, vitamins A, C and K. • Meat is an excellent source of high-quality

protein and lean meats are still better.

Beef and pork stand out among meats because they contain choline along with protein.

One must be careful in eating deli meats and hot dogs as there is a risk of passing bacteria

and parasites, like listeria or toxoplasma from the meat to the baby.

• Colorful fruits and veggies ensure that the baby gets a variety of nutrients.

Each color group of green, red, orange, yellow, purple, and white fruits and vegetables provide

different minerals and vitamins.

• Bananas are rich in potassium and provide quick energy to get over the pregnancy fatigue.

It is helpful in easing nausea.

It can be taken in the form of smoothie with yogurt, berries, ice, and an orange juice.

• Whole-Grain Bread supplies more fibre iron and zinc than the traditional white bread.

• Oranges are packed with vitamin C, folate, and fibre.

Since they contain 90% water they help to meet the daily needs of fluid.

• Soy Foods include tofu, which is packed with proteins.

• Dried Fruits are a portable, tasty snack, giving energy whenever there is a craving

for sweets.

Dried fruits like apricots, cherries, and cranberries help to prevent urinary tract

infections • Oatmeal is complex carbohydrates, which

keep the body satisfied for long hours.

The oat bran also helps to lower the cholesterol level.

• Avocados are loaded with folic acid, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which help in the

development of the baby's brain and nervous system.

It helps to relieve the problems of morning sickness in women during the first semester.

• Mangoes are a tropical fruit packed with potassium and also contains Vitamins A and

C. It can be consumed as it is or blended into smoothies and cold drinks or taken as

desserts after meals.

• Red pepper is a super-source of vitamins A and C, with plenty of B6.

Red peppers can be added to salsa, stir fries and pasta dishes.

They can be grilled, roasted and served with sandwiches, and salads.

Conclusion—all the power pack foods given above contain an amazing amount of nutrients.

They are effective during pregnancy when efficiency is the priority because one is too sick to

eat much, when one is gaining weight very fast.

Enjoy journey to health...!!

To stay up to date with my latest videos and amazing health tips, make sure to subscribe

to this YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button and do not forget to press the bell

icon to never miss another update.

Thanks for Watching.

For more infomation >> Top Foods During Pregnancy - List of Foods to Eat During PREGNANCY - Duration: 12:57.


김정화 유은성♡결혼 몸매 동 서양의 미적인 면이 모두 잘 갖춰진 얼굴이랄까 - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> 김정화 유은성♡결혼 몸매 동 서양의 미적인 면이 모두 잘 갖춰진 얼굴이랄까 - Duration: 10:42.


iPhone X - A New Light

For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


Mathilde Seigner ivre au volant : elle n'a pas du tout appré­cié la blague de son ex Laurent Gerra - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Mathilde Seigner ivre au volant : elle n'a pas du tout appré­cié la blague de son ex Laurent Gerra - Duration: 2:52.


For more infomation >> Mathilde Seigner ivre au volant : elle n'a pas du tout appré­cié la blague de son ex Laurent Gerra - Duration: 2:52.


Ribe Camping, Ribe, Syddanmark, Denemarken (English subtitled) - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Ribe Camping, Ribe, Syddanmark, Denemarken (English subtitled) - Duration: 1:16.


For more infomation >> Ribe Camping, Ribe, Syddanmark, Denemarken (English subtitled) - Duration: 1:16.


First ride with new rear shocks - Duration: 2:44.

Chris here Open Roader channel and it's time for the first ride with the brand

new k-tech razor lite rear shocks let's do it

well it's the first ride with the brand-new k-tech rear shocks installed

I installed these without doing any modifications to them at all so I didn't

adjust the spring rate I didn't adjust spring height

I didn't adjust the dampening nothing just out of the box and straight onto

the bike now they're really soft I will say that but they are incredibly supple

compared to the stock Springs which I had completely cranked down to carry the

weight of my wife and I which it still wasn't enough the stock Springs were

incredibly rough and these are just supple and soft definitely too soft

they're gonna need some adjustment I'll have to crank them down some but on

these Italian roads oh my god it is so smooth and soft compared to what I've

been dealing with this is a huge improvement I would say this is the best

improvement I made to the bike since I bought it I'm really looking forward to

getting the forks done with the k-tech's so right now I would say this is my best

investment that I've made for the bike these Italian roads I mean I'm trying to



Something fell off!

so, yeah trying to not bottom out the suspension and bend a rim or pop a tire

on these rough roads is the goal and I'm really hoping that I can get the

suspension dialed in with this K Tech in the rear and then eventually do the K

Tech inserts for the front forks so stick around more to come here on the

open roader channel planning on some big rides later this year and all this

is part of gearing up for it so keep tuning in remember to like and subscribe

and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> First ride with new rear shocks - Duration: 2:44.


For more infomation >> First ride with new rear shocks - Duration: 2:44.


Mailman Coming - Baby Songs - Children's Songs-Tontic TV Animation-Tontic Band - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Mailman Coming - Baby Songs - Children's Songs-Tontic TV Animation-Tontic Band - Duration: 2:11.


For more infomation >> Mailman Coming - Baby Songs - Children's Songs-Tontic TV Animation-Tontic Band - Duration: 2:11.


Enrollment of new cadet officers in the Military Academy. - Duration: 3:43.

Enrollment of new cadet officers in the Military Academy

Welcome to the institution of manhood, the Military Academy

You have entered with your own competence

No one helped you, no one mentioned your name for special treatment

What was to your benefit was your work and competence

Let no one tell you they helped you get in

Whoever tells you they helped you enter, feel free to dismiss them

You have been through a long journey of psychological, sports, medical and written tests

You are the elite

Whoever among you thinks that enrolling in the army is just about gaining a star on your shoulder

I tell them to leave because they have no place in here

Never assume that the military life is a comfortable one

You have to expect exhaustion

I am making this road clear to you, once you enroll, you have to commit

You will become the ambassadors of the army in your villages, homes and societies

Your rite and confessions is now your military uniform

Congratulations and I hope you all graduate

because we need competent elements like yourselves

The future of the institution is in your hands

Hold your heads up high because you have entered the institution of Honor, Sacrifice and Loyalty

For more infomation >> Enrollment of new cadet officers in the Military Academy. - Duration: 3:43.


For more infomation >> Enrollment of new cadet officers in the Military Academy. - Duration: 3:43.


Meek Mill x ASAP Rocky x Bi...

For more infomation >> Meek Mill x ASAP Rocky x Bi...


Why Do I Need an Attorney If I'm Hit by a Drunk Driver? - Duration: 1:58.

If you've been hit by a drunk driver.

If you have the opportunity, to take photos, video, get all the information you can.

A lot of times these turn into cases where the drunk tries to leave the scene.

And it's very important to have witnesses, if you're able to do so.

If you can't, then we need to rely on law enforcement.

But you do need to hire somebody early to get the process started.

And to gather that information.

Does the prosecutor represent victims of drunk driving?

In a sense.

The prosecutor represents the state, and state and criminal actions are totally separate

from civil actions.

We have your best interests at heart, whereas the prosecutor may not have the time.

Or the resources to fully devote to your case, because they've got a large docket that

they need to move.

If a drunk driver is not prosecuted and/or is found not guilty in a criminal case, you

still have a civil case.

There is a different standard of proof that we need, which is lower than a criminal case.

So, there are many cases which don't get prosecuted.

Because of gaps in evidence.

Officers are unavailable.

Or many many other reasons that we can still help somebody in a civil matter.

What's the difference between a civil remedy and a criminal remedy?

The criminal remedy is to satisfy the state's interests.

In law and society.

Whereas the civil remedy is to make you whole.

Has my experience as a prosecutor and a law enforcement officer affected the way I practice



There are things that I can do as a civil attorney that I couldn't do as a prosecutor.

There are different rules that apply to the state.

Gathering evidence versus our investigators and us as attorneys.

So, there's a lot more I can do.

Please give us a call or send us an email.

We're here.

We're ready to help.

Justice counts.

For more infomation >> Why Do I Need an Attorney If I'm Hit by a Drunk Driver? - Duration: 1:58.


EDEN - Icarus - Duration: 6:48.

So this is how I die now

Hands to the air

No, they can't stop the sky falling down, down

Guess I thought that I'd feel good somehow

All you know is up is high and I am feeling

you ain't going down, down

Disappearing through the silence

Screams fade and blur

Conversated with the smile, though

Life invisible

Guess I thought that I'd feel better now somehow

Any hour now


No, I can't escape this fall

Falling in reverse

Falling in reverse

So how you gonna scream my name?

And I gave all I got

I've nothing left to give you

I'm so burnt out and lost

Why's it all just feel the same?

And I got all I want

I had you where I wanted

I guess I don't know

How to live with a good thing

And not break it into nothing

Self destruction feels so close

So tell me how you want me here now

Keep crying on the phone

Yeah, that's all I seem to hear now

Keep lying through your teeth

Lie to me, lie with me now

I'm halfway there, but it's like,

"Shit, I haven't really been doing anything for the last year."

And I've been saying I've been doing a shit ton but like,

in terms of...

I don't know.

So tell me how you really feel now

Ain't been asked that in a while

Yet you still won't get them hear you out

Just keep at it, bro, these things always

seem to fix themselves somehow

Suck it up, some would kill just to stand

Where you're standing now


So how you gonna scream my name?

When I gave all I got

I've nothing left to give you

And I'm so burnt out and lost

'Cause fuck it, it all feels the same

And I got all I want

I thought that I'd feel something

guess I'll never know

How to live with a good thing

Fuck my life up for nothing, nothing

'Cause you don't care if I'm still bleeding

You just scream until you hear my name

So this is how I die now

Hands to the air

They can't stop the sky falling down, down

I thought that I'd feel good somehow

Disappearing through the silence

Screams fade and blur

Conversated with the smile, though

Life invisible

Guess I thought that I'd feel better now somehow

Any hour now

For more infomation >> EDEN - Icarus - Duration: 6:48.


🐻 Restless Modern - Chasing (Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:27.

📝 Restless Modern - Chasing Lyrics

I don't have a lot of time I waste it

I don't have that many friends I never go outside

Cut me off at my knees Show me what it is I need

I've seen it done You know I could be there

And I can do that And I could feel this

And everyone Will keep doubting me 'til

I prove them all wrong I hope that it's real

I've been working while you sleep, that's a night shift

Ten years, no money and I might quit I've been torn apart, but I'm okay

And there's nothing that left could kill me

Labels never sign the vision, I don't need that

I'mma do it by myself, where my team at?

I've been torn apart, but I'm okay And there's nothing that left could kill


I don't have a lot of time I waste it

I don't have that many friends I never go outside

Cut me off at my knees Show me what it is I need

I've seen it done You know I could be there

And I can do that And I could feel this

And everyone Will keep doubting me 'til

I prove them all wrong I hope that it's real

Save my life, give me something to go on I'll get to where I belong

Take my life, spend it all on fantasies Tell me I'm hallucinating

For more infomation >> 🐻 Restless Modern - Chasing (Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:27.


[Vietsub + Engsub] Dawn Arrival - Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka [Project DIVA Arcade] - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> [Vietsub + Engsub] Dawn Arrival - Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka [Project DIVA Arcade] - Duration: 4:41.


College Girl Abducted At Gunpoint, Then Remembers Life-Saving Tip Mom Gave Her Years Ago - Duration: 4:23.

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College Girl Abducted At Gunpoint, Then Remembers Life-Saving Tip Mom Gave Her Years Ago

It was the most terrifying moment of her life.

Twenty-year-old Jordan Dinsmore had driven home from a late shift at Buffalo Wild Wings

and had just parked at her apartment complex when three young men jumped out from behind

some nearby trees.

They had a gun.

The men forced Jordan to the ground and took her purse and phone.

They threatened to shoot her if she screamed.

She hoped they would just take her things and leave, but then the situation got worse.

The men forced Jordan to unlock her car and then motioned for her to get in the back.

"I was pleading with them to just take my stuff and let me go, but they said that I

had to come with them," she said.

When the attackers realized Jordan's 2009 Scion had a manual transmission that none

of them knew how to drive, one ran away, but the others told her to get in the driver's


Little did she know this would prove to be her saving grace.

The young men told her to drive them to a nearby ATM.

She didn't pull up close enough to the machine, so she had to take her seatbelt off to reach


She decided not to put it back on.

Jordan withdrew the maximum amount of $300, hoping that would placate her abductors, but

they then told her to drive to their "auntie's" house.

There, they said, one of their friends was going to rape her.

Terrified, Jordan tried to figure out how to escape this nightmare.

She thought back to something her mom, herself a survivor of attempted assault, had told

her years ago.

"I thought back to my mom," Jordan said as she choked back tears.

"She was almost a victim of sexual assault when she was a college student.

But she fought back and fought the man off.

And I thought, 'I'm gonna be strong like my mom, and I'm gonna get myself out of


She remembered her mom telling her to keep a cool head, never let an attacker get her

out of a public space, and try to escape.

"If they get you out of the public eye, they're going to do something worse to you

and shoot you anyway," Jordan recalled her mom telling her.

She began to look for a way to escape.

"I was thinking somehow I have to get out of this," Jordan recalled.

"Can I crash the car?

No, because it might knock me out and not them.

Can I pull over or something?

I have to get away from them."

The men were telling her where to drive, but she pretended to be confused and purposefully

missed one of the turns they told her to take.

As the kidnappers shouted at her to pull over, Jordan slowed the car to about 35 MPH, threw

it into neutral, opened the door, and jumped out.

As the thugs frantically tried to figure out how to stop the car, Jordan jumped up off

the asphalt and began to run away as fast as she could, screaming for help.

"I just screamed, 'Call 911!

Call 911!

Someone just kidnapped me and threatened to shoot me!'"

Jordan said.

Thankfully, the first car she came across stopped and the woman driving immediately

called police and took Jordan to safety.

"The only reason I wasn't raped and most likely killed was because I kept my head and

jumped out of my own moving vehicle on a busy street to get away," Jordan said.

"Thank you to the kind woman who heard my screaming and stopped her car for me and to

Richland PD for responding instantly."

Thankfully, police were able to find and arrest the three suspects, 17-year-old Raquan Dejoure

Green and two 15-year-old males who cannot be named because of their age.

The three teens are believed to be behind a string of racially-motivated crimes specifically

targeting white people for armed robbery and assault.

"They made a statement that they did not like white people and they were only going

to rob white people," said Sheriff Leon Lott.

"This was a crime spree," he added.

"They would not have stopped"

Jordan, a criminal justice major at Midlands Tech in West Columbia, South Carolina, said

she plans to finish her degree and hopes to one day become an FBI agent.

After the calm and collected way she handled this terrifying situation, we think she'd

make a pretty good one!

For more infomation >> College Girl Abducted At Gunpoint, Then Remembers Life-Saving Tip Mom Gave Her Years Ago - Duration: 4:23.


Bruce Willis Having His Nails Painted By His Six-Year-Old Daughter Makes Us So Happy - Duration: 3:08.

Bruce Willis Having His Nails Painted By His Six-Year-Old Daughter Makes Us So Happy

When we say the words Bruce Willis, what runs through your mind?.

His tough guy persona and leather biker jacket to match in Pulp Fiction? His iconic Yippie-Ki-Yay line from Die Hard? His Im confused but lets go with it stare when the kid in The Sixth Sense says sees dead people?.

Well, prepare to see the 62-year-old in a whole new light because a photograph has just emerged of the film star having his nails painted by his daughter.

Because, of course, theres nothing wrong with a mani-pedi once in a while.

Fans of the star - who is father to five girls in total, sharing three older daughters with ex-wife Demi Moore - couldnt help but gush about Willis.

THIS is a real epic man, a real epic dad! Too many men let their ego get in the way of being their best parent, commented one of his wifes Instagram followers.

Awww Bruce.

what an awesome dad you are! wrote another.

In a snap shared to Instagram by his wife, Emma Heming Willis, the Looper actor can be seen patiently waiting for his five-year-old daughter, Mabel Ray, to paint his fingernails and adorn his fingers with stickers.

nailart dadofgirls, Emma captioned the adorable post.

The post comes weeks after the actor was photographed in a christmas photo with his wife and two youngest daughters, Evelyn and Mabel.

In 2013, the proud father told the Mail on Sundays You magazine: I worship women, and I have always felt safer when I am around them.

Women are much smarter than men - I conceded that a long time ago.

Women should be in charge of everything - they should be the presidents of every country in the world.

Guys cant compete, they just kind of run through life messing things up..

Who are we to argue with Bruce Willis, right?.

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