Let me help you.
You just sing, I'll take care of the rest.
Look at that girl. She's cute.
Now that's someone worthy of me.
You got him, Minerva. He likes you.
<i> You sure we'll get something</i>
<i> -out of him? </i> <i> -Easy as pie.</i>
We had a small problem with Lucero's thing.
I know how we'll fix this.
I need someone to come through on what they promise.
You could become the first man to export national talent.
You're a good negotiator.
<i> I met with a wealthy</i> <i> friend </i>
-so he'd go sing in America. -He's going away?
I didn't know who he was until recently.
But I was captivated hearing him sing.
That prince has a princess.
Kiki's going to die when she finds out
I'm presenting Jose Jose with a gold record.
Let me present it to him.
Your dreams and mine don't go hand in hand.
I'm going to London.
<i> I can't live without you,</i> <i> Lucero.</i>
<i> Please forgive me.</i>
I'd like to thank all my Mexican brothers and sisters
that live in the US.
Thanks to them, my first tour there was a success!
Thank you, folks!
Jose, our listeners deserve the truth,
so that's why I'm asking:
Do you have proof of the supposed success of your tour?
Of course.
All the sellouts.
How do we know those aren't just rumors
to promote you or RVG?
Because I don't like deceiving my fans.
I always tell the truth, it's how I was raised.
We have it on good authority
that your label had to give away thousands of tickets
to achieve those sellouts because apparently
Americans have never heard of you.
Listen, friend.
Read any of the American press coverage.
Also, come to my next concert.
I mean that.
-Last question. -No, that's quite enough.
Who do you work for, anyway? Go take a hike!
I'm Alfonso Lira, and no, you don't know me.
But you will because I plan on following your every move.
I'd like to tell all the naysayers such as yourself
that I'll soon be receiving a gold record,
something you can't make up or give away.
Excuse me.
Thank you.
<i> The nerve!</i>
I can't believe he called him a liar to his face.
Don't listen to them. That's reporters.
They're leeches latching on to others' fame.
What a way to earn a living.
This industry isn't easy. That's why I was so happy
to meet you the night of the festival.
You're a breath of fresh air.
Likewise, Liza.
Thanks for inviting me to your café.
It's a shame you couldn't come sooner.
But anyway, let's toast to our meeting,
-even if we do it with... -Coffee!
-One coffee, please. -Pocho, coffee for my guest.
I'll have my usual cinnamon tea.
Thanks. How do you do it?
Your organize your shows, you run a café,
and you're a mother.
What's your secret?
There is no secret. I just love what I do.
Princess, you were amazing in rehearsals.
I can't wait to see you shine in Caracas.
What's with all the bags?
We're going on tour, but we're coming back.
You're going to kill me, Mau, but I'm not going to Caracas.
I'm so sorry.
Fanny insisted that I give you a chance.
And now you're leaving me high and dry?
I know, but I was asked to present an award in LA.
A gold record!
I can't pass up this opportunity
to attend an event so many industry people will be at.
So you're going to skip an entire tour abroad
for one night in the spotlight?
Mau, you and I both know I'm Kiki's understudy.
The chances of me acting are minimal.
But whether or not you act, we're still paying you.
Next time, remind me to decrease your salary
as much as I can.
Dear, time passes, and beauty's got a shelf life.
I have to strike while the iron is hot.
What if when you come back I'm old and fat?
But it'd be unfair for the rest of the company...
I know, I know.
That's why I started packing my bags myself.
I know you wouldn't have the heart to fire me.
It's terrible to have you only to lose you.
Love you, Mau. Thanks.
I know you understand.
I must take advantage of this.
Alright, alright.
As a child, I always dreamt of traveling, flying,
seeing new places.
And I understand now that ever since I've known Pepe
our problems most of the time were misunderstandings.
That's why you want to study international affairs.
I love how you think big picture.
Big or small, it's my dream.
And it breaks my heart that my dream
doesn't overlap with Pepe's.
Hold on.
Would you rather remain by his side a frustrated woman?
Or discourage Pepe's dreams?
Well, there's the answer to all your doubts.
Go to London and become the best diplomat in the world.
It's the least I can do for Pepe.
The truth is, he's my only love.
The only one who always believed in me.
Gonzalo, how many times have I told you
not to go drinking in your father's workshop
with those bums?
They're my friends, Mom.
Besides, why do you have a shrine to Dad
when he left you for his other family?
A shrine?
I don't respect what he did while alive,
but I do respect my love for him.
The problems I had with him were ours and nothing more!
The workshop is sacred, and you respect it.
End of story.
And who'll respect me?
You treat me like a child.
I feel like a freeloader
-in this house. -Nonsense!
You just enjoy not doing anything, that's all.
I don't do anything?
You only have eyes for Pepito.
I have a tryout with Necaxa,
plus, I'm working on something on the side.
Really, sweetie?
It's the truth.
But all you do is judge when I want you to be proud of me.
I don't want you cooking for others anymore.
I didn't know, honey. Forgive me.
I swear I didn't know.
All set.
Signing Jose Jose for a tour of Latin America is good business.
But it's a package deal that includes
the most handsome manager in the industry,
and you can't put a price on that.
Well, what you can't put a price on is Pepe's voice
and stage presence.
Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic...
That tour's going to be a smash.
His voice is the least of it.
Other than that, Jose's got nothing on you.
Absolutely nothing.
Now you've really thrown me for a loop, Ms. Rodriguez.
Call me Lorena.
But I'm sure you worked so hard to be treated formally.
Why not address you as such?
Then allow this Ms. Rodriguez to invite you to lunch.
The thing is, the tour coincides
with the gold record presentation,
and there's organizing transportation, the luggage...
Fine, after the tour.
Or before, if it's in the cards.
A shame we have to go to LA too.
Oh, right. Los Angeles.
I've got the invitation somewhere.
I wasn't planning on going, but now...
Come in, Maria.
-It's so nice to see you. -Margarita.
-You look great. -Thank you.
Please sit down.
How are you?
Very well. You know, pushing forward.
How about you?
What are you doing here in the city?
Tending to some matters related to the convent.
You know you can stay here. Consider it your home.
God bless you. You've always been so generous.
But I have to return to the convent today.
Since I was in the neighborhood, I thought I'd stop by.
When are you going to take your vows?
Remember, I have to be there.
I promised your mom, may she rest in peace.
What's wrong, dear?
Is something troubling you?
Just some issues with the convent.
Is it very serious?
Well, the gardener was fired in a really shabby manner,
and as God is my witness I cannot remain quiet.
You've always been a supporter of noble causes.
You did the right thing.
So what happened?
Did you have problems with the congregation?
No, nothing to worry about.
And since I'm in a hurry, I have to go.
Okay. Godspeed.
Thank you.
Just remember, this is your home,
and you'll always have something to eat
-and a roof over your head. -Thank you, Mrs. Margarita.
-Excuse me. -Goodbye.
No, it's too old. I don't want it.
It's wrong for my skin tone.
Definitely take the red one away.
-Yes? -Will you listen to me now?
I told you I'm moving out. I'm an adult now.
I heard you, but you're talking nonsense.
I'm responsible for you and your brothers.
And you're showing it by going away on a trip.
What about me, Mom?
Aren't you going to the country club dance?
What dance?
Don't you remember?
I told you I was introducing you to my girlfriend there.
Elias, I don't know if I'll make it,
but you can introduce her to me whenever you like.
Forget it.
I'll introduce her to my grandparents.
At least I love you.
Think of the future, Pepe. Don't get stuck on the past.
Yes, but I had to say goodbye to her.
You can't fit anything in there.
From LA, we're going to Caracas.
It's going to be at least two weeks.
What are you talking about, Chumo?
I forgot to tell you the tour is international!
It's a long tour of Latin America!
We got it!
You could at least thank me.
It was incredibly hard to get.
I know, Chumo. Thanks.
Things are finally going how we hoped.
Thanks to your voice.
What would my father think of all this?
He'd have to eat his words
after seeing how successful you are.
How successful we are.
Sometimes family...
I have to call Veracruz! Can I use your phone?
No need to ask.
Go on, before Juanita roughs you up.
Hey, I'm no pantywaist. I call the shots in the house.
After Juanita and Mom, of course.
Imagine, Juanita and my mother.
I'm always kept in check.
I'm going to make that call.
You can visit whenever you like, but you can't stay.
Not until you're certain this is your calling.
As God is my witness, all I've ever wanted and still want
is to serve Him.
There are many ways to serve our Lord.
And your temperament might not be the most suitable
for taking vows.
You should reflect and pray a lot, Maria.
Only in God will you find forgiveness.
Isn't the convent the best place to reflect, repent,
and find God?
God is in us and all around us.
Look for him within you.
I get the feeling my life's about to change.
It sure will.
Will? It already is!
I wish I could've seen the world with Lucero,
but we went our separate ways.
The past is staying here. The future's bright.
My first gold record, Chumo.
Thanks to you.
Good morning, gentlemen.
Good morning.
We're flying to Los Angeles on Flight 4367.
Of course. May I please see your passports?
California, here we come!
This way.
I don't like commercial...
-Fine, I get it. -I like private planes better.
I know you do.
Good morning.
Please pass me your ticket.
Here you are.
Please tell me I have a window seat.
Of course.
I can't have an aisle seat. He can sit there.
After you.
Goodbye, miss.
Oh, you're spying on me, aren't you?
Of course not, Margarita.
I just didn't want to interrupt.
It's so nice to see you.
-Clear something up for me. -What's that?
What were the last words spoken
during the first ever telephone call?
"Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you."
spoken by Alexander Graham Bell.
I was racking my brain and it wouldn't come to me.
Oh, Margarita.
I really missed you, Lucero.
I didn't dare come after what happened with Pepe.
The fight was with him, but you and I are still friends,
-aren't we? -I'm the one who missed you.
I always want you in my life.
You were going to leave without saying goodbye,
-you bad girl. -No. Never.
I think you're the only one I'll be saying goodbye to.
My parents, not so much.
Guess who's presenting you with the record?
Who's that?
Anel Noreña!
The redhead who was in Mauricio Garces' movie.
-She's a beaut. -My Lucero's a beaut.
And no, never heard of her.
No? Wait till you see her.
You'll be hooked.
One, two, three.
And now...
For the past.
For the present.
And for the future, which is most important, dear.
Well, don't keep me in suspense.
It's the actress in me, Jorge.
That's why I like you so much.
Call me Jorja, girlfriend.
-Everybody does. -Oh yeah?
Girlfriends already, huh?
You know what I'm feeling?
That we're going to be soul sisters.
Now enough chitchat because time is money.
If we're going to be girlfriends,
tell me about your life.
No, how boring.
We've all got sad, painful pasts.
That's it.
Shall we?
This one?
Start on the left.
The wheel of fortune. You're going on a trip.
That's easy.
I'm going to Los Angeles next week.
Yes, but if you notice, there's a crank here
which represents...
A turn of fate.
Your world's going to be turned upside-down in LA, girl.
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