Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 2 2018

One day, I was trying to drink tea

I put the kettle on to boil water

And then, I thought about you for a while

I closed my eyes for a while

When I inhaled

the honey like scent

on my cheeks

a couple of tears fell down

I didn't know why

I felt this way

Although it was weird

Although it was a little sad

I somehow cried

Because it was so sweet

Because it was so sweet

One day, I just took a train

I leaned my head on the window and fell asleep

Actually, I thought about you a lot

until your clear face

became blurred

Ah –

On my cheeks

a couple of tears fell down

I didn't know why

I felt this way

Although it was weird

Although it was a little sad

I somehow cried

Because it was so sweet

Because it was so sweet

Because it was so sweet

Because it was sweet

For more infomation >> [MV] OOHYO (우효) _ Honey Tea (꿀차) - Duration: 4:06.


PÍSNIČKY V REALITĚ | Vánoční nálada | Deny&Teri - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> PÍSNIČKY V REALITĚ | Vánoční nálada | Deny&Teri - Duration: 3:33.


NELLY.COM - FILTER S03E10 - Duration: 5:30.

-Hi! -Hi!

We've had a chat with the PR team.

-The paparazzi snaps... Not great. -Not great. They're everywhere.

As you know, the series is about you two as a young successful "it" couple.

Therefore, it's super important that we all stand united against media.

-Of course. -We've made a deal with invited media...

...not to bring up what happened. You don't have to answer any questions.

Probably for the best.

I expect that we all do everything we can to make it a fun and inspiring evening.

Of course.

OK. But clearly not like this.

I don't care how bad things are between you privately.

Tonight, you are the happiest couple in Sweden.

Nothing to do with this "mystery man" actually happened.

-That's right. Out of sight, out of mind. -Exactly. Let's go for that.

-Nelly? Are you OK with that? -Yes. Definitely.

-Adrian? -Roger that.

Great. It's going to be a fun evening. Let's go!

-Who is he? -Please.

I don't understand how you could stoop so low.

No... Me neither.


Hi! How are things?

-How are you two? -Good.

-Hi! Welcome. How does it feel? -Really good.

Yeah, great.

-Nelly! -How are you?

-Look this way. -Hold it.

To the left.

-Nice! -Thank you!

-Hi! Any feelings about the series? -It feels great.

-Nelly, who's the man in the pictures? -No comment.

-Why did you cheat on Adrian? -I can't comment on that.

-Because you cheated? -No, I didn't... It was...

Listen... Nelly and I have an open relationship.

Technically speaking, she didn't cheat on me. But this is a private matter.

So I would ask you to respect that. Next question.

That's not true. We've never had an open relationship.

Honey, I just told them how it is.

-Can we please...? -That's enough.

Adrian and I are not "the perfect couple". I don't even know what that is.

We have been living together without true love

just to keep appearances up... for ourselves and for everyone else.

So, yes, I was...out on a date with another guy,

who gave me butterflies in my stomach.

-And yes, I did...cheat. -Wait...

But so did you a while ago... and in quite a nasty way.

And to be honest, that doesn't matter. Our love had gone cold long before that.

I'm not perfect.

I feel bad every day.

I feel anxious, I can't sleep...

I don't know who I am.

I guess I've tried to be the person that I think everyone else wants me to be.

But that's over now.

From now on, I'm just going to be myself.

And who that is...

...I'm going to find out.

Subtitles: Jenny Gregory

For more infomation >> NELLY.COM - FILTER S03E10 - Duration: 5:30.


【MUKBANG】 [High Calorie] That's Plenty OF Cheese!! Simple Jumbo "Takoyaki"!! [4000kcal] [Use CC] - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [High Calorie] That's Plenty OF Cheese!! Simple Jumbo "Takoyaki"!! [4000kcal] [Use CC] - Duration: 3:31.


NELLY.COM - FILTER S03E09 - Duration: 5:41.


-Hi! Welcome. -Hi! Thank you.

-I've booked a table. -Name?

-Nelly Amundsen. -Right. A bit private?

Your company is already here. Follow me.

Thanks. - Hi!


-Hi! How are you doing? -Good. How are you?

Not too bad.

-I'm glad that you got in touch. -Yes. I just thought... would be fun to meet up. -Yes.

-And then I realised it was here. -OK, so you were...

-Thanks! -Thanks a lot.

-No milk? -No. You?

-No. -So...cheers.


What about you? How come you got in touch?

So... Last time we met I had a boyfriend.

I mean, I still have a boyfriend, but it's been quite rocky...for a long time.


I'm going to break up with my boyfriend, but I can't do it right now.

It's kind of complicated.

And then I contacted you when I was feeling a bit extra brave...


I don't know. Maybe I should have waited. I probably should have waited.

-No... I'm glad you didn't wait. -Are you?

But of course I understand...

I know what it's like when you're stuck in a relationship...on paper,

but your heart's not in it.

I was very happy when you got in touch.

-Were you? -Of course.

There's something about you that's just...

You surprise me every time we talk.

I'm very curious to find out more about you...every time we meet.

-This is where I live. -It looks really cosy.

I'm just renting a room.

Do you want to come up? If not, there's a nice bar around the corner.

Or do you have plans for the evening?

I should probably go home...I think.

-OK. -But thanks for today.

-I had a really good time. -Me too.

-Thank you! -Thanks.

Have a...

-Let's be in touch. -Definitely.


-Hi! -Hi! I've been calling you.

My phone is dead. Did something happen?

Nelly kissing unknown man Her lover?

Subtitles: Jenny Gregory

For more infomation >> NELLY.COM - FILTER S03E09 - Duration: 5:41.


Andres Iniesta | Iconic Players - Duration: 7:17.

Ah, Andres Iniesta.

I know that he is one of the world's best ever players – of course, we all do – but,

until recently, I never quite knew how he did it.

Leo Messi's majesty is apparent in everything he does – from the defenders strewn in his

wake like confetti, to the startling swerve he applies to his free-kicks.

But Iniesta's greatness has always seemed more prosaic.

Most statisticians find it hard to quantify him, given that he doesn't score too many

goals or provide too many assists.

He dribbles without flourish; his passing is clean and elegant as a minimalist painting.

The roots of his genius are as elusive as he is on the pitch, and that is why I have

long found him so fascinating.

Fortunately, I am far from alone in this.

Iniesta is so bewitching that his nickname is "the Illusionist".

You slide in to tackle him, only to realise that you may has well have been flailing at

a hologram.

There's a YouTube compilation which records each of his four appearances in the UEFA Champions

League final, and he had a strong claim to be man of the match in each game.

Yet he doesn't score in any of those finals – from which, of course, Barcelona emerged

victorious – and he provides just the one assist.

He has masterminded some of football's finest heists, but his fingerprints are rarely found

at the scene.

I loved Iniesta's play, but I didn't fully understand it until I saw him in the flesh.

Four friends and I had bought tickets to see Barcelona play Valencia at the Camp Nou, and

before the game most of our excitement was around seeing Messi.

Before kickoff, I was suitably childlike as I recorded the Argentine master exchanging

one-touch passes with Neymar and Luis Suarez.

But then came kickoff, and Iniesta made sense.

That evening, Barcelona played a game of terrifying freedom.

They lined up in a 3-4-3 formation, their defenders deployed not so much in a high line

as along a tightrope.

There was absolutely no margin for error.

Marc ter Stegen, their goalkeeper, was frequently at the edge of his area.

Meanwhile, the three centre-backs – Samuel Umtiti, Gerard Pique and Javier Mascherano

– did not huddle together, as do most in this formation, but stood so far apart that

they may as well have been repelled by each other.

Umtiti and Mascherano were close enough to either touchline that they may as well have

been wingbacks, whilst Pique guarded the centre, as lonely as a lighthouse on an ocean cliff.

What does this have to do with Iniesta?

Well, he's one of the few reasons that this system had any chance of working.

Because – and this is the key, I think, to his greatness – he is comfortable receiving

the ball absolutely anywhere on the pitch.

Early in the first half, Umtiti looked up and realised that he had only one passing


As ever, it was Iniesta, who was fifteen yards away: the only problem was that the Spaniard

had two men at his back, ready to dispossess him and then surge into the forty yards of

space against the now-outnumbered Umtiti.

But Iniesta, close enough to the touchline to grab a water bottle, didn't mind at all.

Receiving the ball, he faked right, as if to run off the pitch; and even though his

markers knew he couldn't dribble in that direction, they suddenly found themselves

staggering that way too.

They had as much control over their own movements as does a leaf in a gale.

Having conducted them thus, Iniesta swerved left, and played a short pass infield to build

another attack.

He did this all match.

On another occasion, Valencia's foremost forward – I think it may have been Dani

Parejo, their endlessly dynamic number ten – saw Iniesta get the ball from ter Stegen

less than ten yards from his own goal, and accelerated towards him.

Parejo knew that if he tackled Iniesta there, he'd be all alone with an unprotected goalkeeper.

But Iniesta is the master of the If.

Twenty years from now, retired centre-backs will be nursing pints in pubs and telling

each other how different their careers would have been if they had just closed Iniesta


They will know, though, that they were never near him.

Parejo knew that too; that even as he lunged in, his target had already gone.

Iniesta turned that way, then this, then that way again, and calmly rolled the ball to Umtiti.

And, of course, the attack began again.

The contest ended in a Barcelona victory, by four goals to two.

Messi scored twice, Suarez once, and Andre Gomes claimed a late tap-in from a sensational

Neymar assist.

Meanwhile, Iniesta's name was to be found nowhere in the post-match stats, even as he

was possibly the best player on the pitch.

Maybe this was oddly fitting – after all, when you walk past the world's most breathtaking

cathedrals, you won't find the name of the architect written on the side.

Two days after watching that match, still incredulous, I was trying to describe Iniesta

to a friend.

Messi had been all that I had hoped, I said, but there was something about Iniesta.

It was the way that he didn't seem to control the ball so much as absorb it.

A pass would come to him, sharp and fast and at knee-height, and it would instantly fall

under his influence.

If the ball is an angry toddler, then Iniesta's first touch is a lullaby.

"Iniesta, Iniesta", I told my mildly-amused friend, presumably sounding like those kids

who chant his name at kick-off.

"It's incredible, what he does.

It's like – it's like – imagine if Barcelona is a car that you drive on manual.

Well, Iniesta is the clutch.

Or you know when you go mountain climbing, and you can't climb straight upwards, because

there are no obvious footholds?

And you have to scramble left and right a bit, before you find an outcrop of rock you

can cling to?

Well, Iniesta is that outcrop."

That's what Iniesta does, once you understand him.

He makes you scramble for every description you can; yet no matter how flowery your metaphors

get, his genius is eternally simple.

With the exception of Xavi Hernandez, there may never have been a better player in history

at getting the ball and then delivering it – any time, any place, whether in his own-six

yard box or on the edge of the enemy's area in the ninetieth minute.

And his is a brilliance I will never forget; on a night when, armed only with a drop of

a shoulder and a first touch soft as cotton wool, he upstaged even Messi.

For more infomation >> Andres Iniesta | Iconic Players - Duration: 7:17.


कभी न ख़राब हो पनीर को ऐसे बनाएं और स्टोर करे /How to Make & Store Paneer l RealLife Realhome - Duration: 4:43.

In Today 's video I will show you how you can make homemade Paneer or Cottage cheese . Also how to store it for a week or month.

In a pot I will add 2 tbsp water so that milk does not stick to the bottom

Now I am adding 2 l of of full fat milk.

After first boil keep stirring and after the second boil switch off the flame

I am using lemon juice to curdle the milk. You can even use vinegar or curd

This is about 5-6 tbsp juice. Add slowly and keep stirring

You can see now that whey is separated . Milk has curdled. Now we will use a muslin cloth/ cheese cloth to separate it

Whey is very useful so dont throw it. You can use to make dough .

Now pour some fresh water on this paneer so that if there is any sourness because of lemon it goes away.Taste and check at this point

Now remove all the excess water by squeezing the muslin cloth. Once done put it a in a plate and make a circular shape by pressing with hand

Now put something heavy on top of it and keep in the fridge to set for about an hour. After that cut and enjoy

To cut Paneer pieces clean , take a glass of warm water and dip the knife. This will help in cutting the pieces clean

after removing from fridge it looks like this now.

Its ready to cut and enjoy

Now if you want to store in fridge for a day or two take a bowl of water and add 1/2 tsp salt. dip the paneer pieces. Cover the lid and keep in fridge.If you want to store for more than 2 days, change the water and you will be able to store upto a week

Now if you want to store for a longer period take the cubes and put them in a tray. Put in the freezer for an hour. After that the pieces will be frozen. Transfer in the freezer safe ziploc bag and keep it for 3-4 weeks. When needed take the pieces out and dip in lukewarm water before using

For more infomation >> कभी न ख़राब हो पनीर को ऐसे बनाएं और स्टोर करे /How to Make & Store Paneer l RealLife Realhome - Duration: 4:43.


STYLISH Logo Design Tutorial 2018 | Illustrator Logo Design - Duration: 6:14.

today to kick off the first logo design tutorial 2018 I have a stylish logo design

for you guys in Adobe Illustrator what is up people welcome back to Satori

graphics the home of graphic design content right here on YouTube a few days

ago I posted an image and Instagram of a logo design and I asked you guys if you

wanted to see a tutorial of that style of logo the resounding response was that

yeah you want to see that kind of logo design in a tutorial so that's what

we're going to do today learn how to make this stylish logo design in Adobe

Illustrator so if you guys don't already follow me on Instagram go ahead and give

me a follow so you can keep up to date with story graphics on and off of

youtube the first thing we're going to be doing for our stylish logo design is

to make a black background I like to use a more smokey kind of charcoal black

instead of jet black as it seems more professional my honest opinion once

you've made a rectangle for the background

lock it down in place

press T to locate the type tool and in type a letter the font I'm using for

today's illustrator logo design tutorial is on screen right now I'm using a K as

the initials for my stylish Lego and we want to change the color of one letter

so we can see the difference between the two we want to align them perfectly as

we're going to cut out a part of one of the letters and then join them together

for our Lego design shape ones even lined everything press P on your

keyboard to access the pen tool if you press ENTER the pen tool symbol will be

replaced with a cross I find this a lot easier to use when I'm making pen tool

paths we want to make a path that will cut out a part of one of the letters

that we're not going to use it it's all going to make sense soon when I show you

how it's done I want to cut out the left side of the

letter K so once you've made your path press V to access a selection tool and

hold down shift and select the letter and a shape

in the Pathfinder window use some - production like so bringing it the

letter to the front and then press a to locate the direct selection tool you can

then tidy up any messy parts of the logo symbol on your stylish logo design

select both shapes and then merge them together in the Pathfinder window this

will be the lettering of our logo design in today's illustrator tutorial with the

logo lettering selected add a gradient here I've gone for three color gradient

with dark grey of both sides and a very light grey in the middle the direction

is 90 degrees and it's a fairly straightforward simple gradient for this

Lego design as you can see that looks pretty neat but we can add one more

finishing touch to make a Lego design look really stylish but first use a

direct selection tool to tidy up any anomalies on your Lego design

we go to add shading that would really set off a design so take the pencil and

draw in an area that can act as shading giving the illusion one part of the logo

design is overlaying the other

use a direct selection tool to make sure the pen tool path is exactly in place on

top of your Laker design

copy the color code or the background will control or command C and then paste

into the gradient colors on both sides

you then lower the opacity of one side and change the direction of the gradient

this may take some time to get a direction and the blend of the gradient

perfect for your stylish local design but once you're happy with their you've

completed today's Illustrated tutorial

now all you need to do is add some logo type of your choice and your logo

designs finished

so there was a stylish local design tutorial in adobe illustrator hope you

will found it useful needed enjoy today's video if you did give it a

thumbs up and also leave a comment in description below don't forget to

subscribe for weekly graphic design tutorials just like this one and

tomorrow I've got a bonus video that's a Q&A for you guys on this channel so have

a great day wherever you are in the world and until next time design your

future today peace

For more infomation >> STYLISH Logo Design Tutorial 2018 | Illustrator Logo Design - Duration: 6:14.


Taking a leaf out of our ANCIENT HERITAGE - Duration: 4:33.

Whenever I hear about

a farmer committing suicide,

That day

I am not able to eat


then I end up sitting before

Lord Shiva for few hours

(And communicate to him) that

our Ancient Heritage

of Shiv Yog Sanatan

Can help

in fulfilling the needs of all farmers

So what is stopping me

to spread

this knowledge?


you have already given me power

You have given me knowledge

But now help me to reach to every farmer


this is true

Our Indian tradition has the

knowledge that can

help the world

Yoga that started

from India

is now

worldly accepted

What we got from outside

had few limitations

The Green Revolution that

was accepted by the

Agricultural Scientists & Colleges

Which consisted of extensive

use of chemical Urea

& DAP,

which were considered as manure

Then when the crops got infected,

the farmers

were suggested to spray

the pesticides

Which further

resulted in

barren land

The earthworms

that are good for the humidity

of soil we killed them

All the small

insects like butterflies,

beetles, bugs, etc.

that help in pollination were all killed.


resulted in increase of expenditure for the farmer.


Now the framers have to

buy hybrid seeds,

which are very expensive.

Not only that

They have to buy expensive

fertilizers and pesticides

Farmers cannot afford such expensive products,

so they are offered loans

But Science could not understand this

Though they all wanted to do good,

they all had good intentions

Be it Government

or Agricultural institutes

What they were taught, they had put it forward

For more infomation >> Taking a leaf out of our ANCIENT HERITAGE - Duration: 4:33.


Diggers Kids Toy Truck and Learn Vehicles with Construction Coloring Pages Mixer Truck for Kids - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Diggers Kids Toy Truck and Learn Vehicles with Construction Coloring Pages Mixer Truck for Kids - Duration: 4:57.


Hanging with my new host sister (and eating lots) !! | Not Vlogmas #1 - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> Hanging with my new host sister (and eating lots) !! | Not Vlogmas #1 - Duration: 10:42.


Liverpool Klopp responds to Nike's Coutinho advert suggesting will join Barcelona ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:17.

Speaking after Liverpool's win at Burnley, Klopp commented for the first time on the

fresh twist in the transfer saga.

Jurgen Klopp insists he is uninterested in Nike's advert suggesting Philippe Coutinho

will join Barcelona.

Speaking after Liverpool's win at Burnley, Klopp commented for the first time on the

fresh twist in what looks likely to be the transfer saga of 2018, report the Liverpool


Sportswear giants Nike, who manufacture Barca's kits, advertised club shirts with Coutinho's

name on the back,

despite the fact that he remains very much a Liverpool player for the time being.

Coutinho was the subject of three failed bids by Barcelona in the summer and has been linked

with a move to Camp Nou in January.

A listing, which has since been deleted, on the Nike website read: "Philippe Coutinho

is ready to light up Camp Nou."

The Brazilian is sponsored by Nike and wears their boots.

Reports on Monday suggested Liverpool would demand an "astronomical" fee to sell Coutinho

in light of Nike's error, with suggestions that legal action could even be considered.

As yet there has been no official response from the club, or from Nike, but Klopp was

asked about the situation at his post-match press conference at Turf Moor.

"I heard about it," he grinned.

"I can't tell you about it though because for different reasons I couldn't be less

interested in anything in the world.

If Coutinho's future remains a concern, – he missed the Burnley game with a sore thigh,

and could be absent when Everton visit Anfield in the FA Cup on Friday

– then there is better news in the £75million signing of Virgil van Dijk, who is eligible

to make his Reds debut in that fixture if selected.

For more infomation >> Liverpool Klopp responds to Nike's Coutinho advert suggesting will join Barcelona ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:17.


COMO VIVER EM PAZ COM TODOS (Família, Casamento, Marido, Relacionamento) - #76 Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> COMO VIVER EM PAZ COM TODOS (Família, Casamento, Marido, Relacionamento) - #76 Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:28.


IF YOU LAUGH RESTART THE VIDEO! 😂😆 - Duration: 10:13.
















For more infomation >> IF YOU LAUGH RESTART THE VIDEO! 😂😆 - Duration: 10:13.


Anti-Krise: Kim & Kanye busseln gut gelaunt ins neue Jahr! - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Anti-Krise: Kim & Kanye busseln gut gelaunt ins neue Jahr! - Duration: 1:38.


మకరసంక్రాంతి రోజు మీ రాశిని బట్టి ఇలా చేయండి Makara Sankranthi Chirravuri Foundation lakshmi pooja - Duration: 11:15.

For more infomation >> మకరసంక్రాంతి రోజు మీ రాశిని బట్టి ఇలా చేయండి Makara Sankranthi Chirravuri Foundation lakshmi pooja - Duration: 11:15.


VIENNA/NOW Top Picks: 7 most impressive Churches in Vienna - Duration: 2:35.

A lot can be learned about a city,

both past and present, by visiting its churches.

Right now I'm standing in front of Ruprechts Church,

which is the oldest church in Vienna.

The church is located inside of the historical inner city

as well as on top of the ancient Roman settlement.

Into this day, it still holds services as well as musical concerts.

With that, here's our pick of some of the most outstanding

and culturally significant churches in Vienna.

Saint Rupert's Church is dedicated to Saint Rupert of Salzburg,

patron saint of the salt merchants of Vienna.

This beautiful church has been rebuilt and altered many times in its history.

Minoriten Church is one of the oldest and artistically

most valuable churches in Vienna.

It is built in French Gothic style, the foundation stone was laid in 1276.

With its powerful dome, Church of St. Charles is one

of the most important Baroque structures in Vienna.

An elevator goes up to the dome,

so that visitors can get a close look at its famous frescoes.

Church concerts are performed here on a regular basis.

The neo-gothic Votive Church was built as a token of gratitude

for a failed attempt to assassinate Emperor Franz Josef.

The most outstanding exhibition piece is the Antwerp Altar which is considered

to be the most important surviving artwork of this genre.

The Church of the Most Holy Trinity is better known as Wotruba Church

as it was the only architectural work by the famous sculptor Fritz Wotruba.

The outside walls consist of 152 modular cubes cast in concrete

and arranged in an irregular pattern.

Church of St. Leopold, also known as the Kirche am Steinhof,

is an architectural masterpiece and considered one of the most important

Art Nouveau churches in the world.

This stunning building designed by Otto Wagner is a Viennese landmark.

This is one of Vienna's most impressive sacral buildings.

The construction of the St. Francis of Assisi Church celebrated

the 50th anniversary of the reign of Emperor Franz Josef.

For more infomation >> VIENNA/NOW Top Picks: 7 most impressive Churches in Vienna - Duration: 2:35.


354# Rose Food-best organic fertilizer ( जैविक कल्चर खाद )for Rose plants during in winter - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> 354# Rose Food-best organic fertilizer ( जैविक कल्चर खाद )for Rose plants during in winter - Duration: 6:28.


Azir Montage #4 - Best Azir Plays | League Of Legends - Duration: 10:06.

Azir Montage #4 - Best Azir Plays | League Of Legends

Azir Montage #4 - Best Azir Plays | League Of Legends

Azir Montage #4 - Best Azir Plays | League Of Legends

Azir Montage #4 - Best Azir Plays | League Of Legends

Azir Montage #4 - Best Azir Plays | League Of Legends

Azir Montage #4 - Best Azir Plays | League Of Legends

For more infomation >> Azir Montage #4 - Best Azir Plays | League Of Legends - Duration: 10:06.


Rap Buồn Tâm Trạng Hay Nhất 2018 | Rap Nghe Đi Rồi Thấm ( Phần 45 ) | Người Con Gái Đa Tình - Duration: 2:01:15.

For more infomation >> Rap Buồn Tâm Trạng Hay Nhất 2018 | Rap Nghe Đi Rồi Thấm ( Phần 45 ) | Người Con Gái Đa Tình - Duration: 2:01:15.


🔥2017年除了神曲Despacito,還有其他什麼熱門歌曲? YouTube 2017年熱門新歌Top 100 | Most Viewed Songs Published in 2017 - Duration: 23:57.

For more infomation >> 🔥2017年除了神曲Despacito,還有其他什麼熱門歌曲? YouTube 2017年熱門新歌Top 100 | Most Viewed Songs Published in 2017 - Duration: 23:57.


124... - Horror Short Film Official Teaser HD | Naveen N R | Endurance Studios - Duration: 1:03.

Of all the stories I have penned

This story disturbed me a lot

For more infomation >> 124... - Horror Short Film Official Teaser HD | Naveen N R | Endurance Studios - Duration: 1:03.


Kia Stonic - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Kia Stonic - Duration: 0:49.


クレヨンしんちゃん アニメ 2017 Vol 39 - クレヨンしんちゃん 雪だるまを作る - Duration: 12:33.

For more infomation >> クレヨンしんちゃん アニメ 2017 Vol 39 - クレヨンしんちゃん 雪だるまを作る - Duration: 12:33.


Snowboard Frontflip (Tamed...

For more infomation >> Snowboard Frontflip (Tamed...


For more infomation >> Snowboard Frontflip (Tamed...


124... - Horror Short Film Official Teaser HD | Naveen N R | Endurance Studios - Duration: 1:03.

Of all the stories I have penned

This story disturbed me a lot

For more infomation >> 124... - Horror Short Film Official Teaser HD | Naveen N R | Endurance Studios - Duration: 1:03.


For more infomation >> 124... - Horror Short Film Official Teaser HD | Naveen N R | Endurance Studios - Duration: 1:03.


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For more infomation >> Ford Explorer 2016, le parfait baroudeur pour la famille - Duration: 9:21.


For more infomation >> Ford Explorer 2016, le parfait baroudeur pour la famille - Duration: 9:21.


Jurassic World (2018)

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Reacting to Logan Paul's vlog about the suicider found in Aokigahara forest! AJUTOR pt SINUCIGASI! - Duration: 19:24.

Hello, Internation!

What's up?

I will make a reaction vlog.

It's my first reacting vlog

and I will make it, on a subject that I am particularly interested in,



I personally experienced the effects of what happened in this video.

I will react to a video, posted last night,

on the New Year's Eve,

by a famous youtuber, Logan Paul,

whom I follow on YT,

because I like the way how present his life.

This guy chosen to spend the New Year's Eve, in a unique way,

namely, in the Japanese Suicide Forest!

Let's see how the video started,

and as the video unfolds, I will react to him.

When I seen the title of this vlog,

"We found a dead body in the Japanese Suicide Forest!"

I thought it was a clickbait, for sure!

And, because I am personally interested in the matter of suicides,

I was determined to give dislike to this vlog,

I wanted to write him a rough message and tell him that he crossed the line,

and to unsubscribe from his channel!

Yes, if this vlog was clickbait, I was determined to unsubscribe from Logan Paul

even if I really like him, I like how he presents his life, but all have a limit!

And this is where I cross the line!

But, just from the start, I saw that the things are real!

And I decided to look forward and see if he really discovered a dead body, a suicider, in the Suicide Forest?!

Logan, let me disagree.

Just what you said, that no one on youtube has ever seen or experienced, what you just saw!

What you have seen now, at the age of 22,

I saw that, when I was only 14 years old,

in my home,

where I found my dad, hanged!

Yes, I was only 14,

I was on the summer vacation.

My mother have died just six months before

and after exactly 6 months, my father decided to end his life and to leave this world,

and to leave his only child, alone in the world!

So, now you understand why I'm so interested on this matter,

and why I was determined to unsubscribe from your channel,

in case it was just a joke to you and there was no dead body in the forest!

I saw that you was very shakend, you did not know how to react,

in fact, you have reacted in your one way, through laughing.

And you have right about it.

Everyone reacts differently.

You found, a suicider, a hanged man, in a forest,

who was a stranger to you.

I found my dad!

You called the police.

When I discovered my father, the first thing I did was that I tried to save him,

I did not know from how long he was dead,

so I went into the kitchen, got a knife and I cut the rope!

He was hanged

from the door, up there.

Even today, I can not figure out how he could tie a rope to the door and hang himself?!

But, I think when you really want something, you do it!

So therefore, I also have, something to say on this matter!

I saw that the guy you found in the forest, hanged himself right on the New Year's Eve!

And, I know for a fact, that his family will be

very sad, devastated, because this guy ended his life and he left, not just this world but also his family!

Because, you see, a suicidal person never thinks about others,

I mean, at the people close to him!

By definition, a suicider, is the most selfish person in the world!

It is the definition of selfishness!

He only thinks of him!


I have a huge problem!

That I can not handle it!

What is the solution?

Just end my life!

To hell with this life and this world!

Ok, everyone does whatever they want,

Just that our choices and our deeds have consequences for those close to us,

Especially when you die!

I saw that Logan gave advice to those who are in trouble and who are thinking of committing suicide and he has says the following:

Yes, he has right!

If you are in a bad situation, you must talk to someone!

With anyone, it does not matter who!

With your family, your friends, mother, father, dog, cat, with a stranger from the street, with me!

You can talk to me!

I mean, at how many problems did I have in my life,

I had, and I have, a lots of motives to suicide!

But I'm still here!

I live my life, I'm happy!

So, I know few things about problems and about how to get over them!

If you don't have someone to talk to, then talk with me!

If you are determined to suicide,

because you don't want to talk to no one or the talks don't help you!

I want, just two things, to tell you!


choose a ordinary day!

Not a holiday!


if your family still has to cope with your loss,

and be sad for the rest of their lives,

at least

not to be on a holiday and ruin them that day!

In this case, this guy who committed suicide on New Year's Eve,

made his family a double 'joy'!

Besides losing him, all their life, on the New Year's eve, they will remember this loss

and all the fun is gone, just like that!

Besides the fact that he is gone, their joy on the New Year's eve, it's also gone!

And the second thing!

Also, very important!

Which I tell from my own experience!

My father has not left any suicide note!

Even today, I do not know why he chose to leave me!

I don't know!!

I don't know what reasons he could had!

Yes, ok, my mother died six months before

yes, ok, he was sick, I don't remember exactly what illness he had,

but I know that he was operated and surgery was successful!

He was better!

He was healthier.

He don't had any reason!

Father, you don't had any reason to leave! Do you hear me?!

Do you hear me?!

Are you up there? Where are you? I don't know!

I don't care!

Now he's talking to you, the 14 years old boy that you have left!

Not the man, 35 years old, that I became!

Because now Im' fine!

Now I'm standing on my own two feet!

Then I needed you, and you left me!

And, not even, did you tell me why?

You have not even left a farewell note!

So, any future suicider, without any chance of rescue,

who looks at me at this point,

do not forget to leave a suicide note for your family!

Where to say to them, why you have chosen to leave this world

why did you choose to leave your family!

So that your family knows your reason and, besides the fact that they will be sad for the rest of their life

and they will have to live with your loss,

at least they will know why you left,

and they will not think about why!

At least you resolve this problem, WHY!

As Logan said, suicide is not a solution!

But that is know to everyone and only those who commit suicide don't know.

I saw on tv, all kinds of reasons.

And I noticed that the main reason is love!

That they committed suicide because of love!

Because broke up with his girlfriend or his boyfriend!

When I see something like that, I get crazy!

Ok, I understand, love is very important to you!

I'm not in love, at this point


I know one thing, a very important one!

That is:

Life is not only about love!

Life is a mix of experiences!

Life is about:








and so on!!

Life is a mix of events and experiences!

And we don't need to put in front of all, just one of this things!

Although I saw that most of us, do it!

For some, love is the most important thing in life and forget about other things

for others, work is, and forget about the rest,

for others, fun is, and forget about the rest!

Why is this, such a big deal?!

Because when the thing that you love the most, that defines you, for which you live,

if you live just for one thing, no matter what it is,

work, love, fun etc.

if you have a serious problem regard that thing and you can't handle it,

Then you think that your life is over, your world is crashed, your life is worthless,

and, if you can't solve that problem,

you choose the easy way and end your life!

Alo! Alo!

Do you hear me?!

Snap out!

Come to your senses!

Life is complex!

You have so much to do, that you can not even imagine!

Ok, you don't have a girlfriend, or boyfriend, at this point!

Don't matter!

Focus on the other things that you have!

Focus on the family, on the friends,

on the work, on the fun,

on the hobbies etc etc


That, if you forget the fact that, there are hundreds of millions of women or men, in the world,

We are 7 billions people on this earth!

She is not the only woman, not the only man!

It is not the great love!

It was, now it's over,

move on, go further and look for another love!

If love is such a big deal for you!

You will definitely find it!

You just have to look for it, just look around you!

Maybe it's even closer than you thought! You can not know!

It is very much to discuss on this issue, it is very complex!

That is all I want to say

First of all, if you are determined to commit suicide,

do not forget these two things:

1. Choose a ordinary day!

that is not a holiday!

2. Leave a suicide note!

For your family to know exactly why

you have chosen this way!


Suicide is not a solution!

At any problem, and do not forget what I'm telling you now!

For any problem, there is a solution!

In fact, there are many solutions, not just one!

You just have to find it! Thats all!

If you alone, you can not find it, no problem, ask for help!

From the dog, from the cat, it doesn't matter from whom, just ask for help!

And, certainly, you'll get it!

You will surely find it, you just have to look for it!

Thats all!

And don't forget!

If you kill yourself, you solved your problem,

but you left behind a lot of problems,

that the closest people will face, that is, your family!

Your family! Don't forget about them!

Or have you already forgotten about them?

That being said, I stop this vlog.

That's what I had to say about this matter.

Wich is very important to me!

And I'm very glad that Logan Paul, such a famous youtuber, with so many views,

had this experience of suicide, and thus brought the subject to the attention of the public.

And now I can do my part and bring my contribution to this matter that affects all those who are left behind!

For more infomation >> Reacting to Logan Paul's vlog about the suicider found in Aokigahara forest! AJUTOR pt SINUCIGASI! - Duration: 19:24.


Latest mehndi design of 2018| आसान सरल मेहंदी डिजाइन| Henna Mehndi Trends| - Duration: 1:11.

Like our facebook is in the description box.

For more infomation >> Latest mehndi design of 2018| आसान सरल मेहंदी डिजाइन| Henna Mehndi Trends| - Duration: 1:11.


[ENG SUB] [RECIPE] 🍜how to make Kang's Kitchen Ramen(Kang Ho-dong) 이제이레시피/EJ recipe - Duration: 5:29.

Cut the pork in bite-sized pieces, and season with salt and black pepper.

Shred spring onion and onion.

Add some oil into pan and stir fry spring onion, onion, and chopped garlic to make garlic oil.

Turn off the heat and add pepper powder.

I'm going to make fried pork.

Add flour and water to the seasoned pork and fry the meat.

Shred cabbage and the white part of spring onion and cut the green part of spring onion too.

Put ramen soup and flakes to 700ml of water;

when it starts to boil, add the noodles.

Add shredded spring onion and cabbage and add 1 TSP of garlic oil when it starts to boi

You can add some more! Do as you like!!

Add an egg at the end.

This is ramen from Kang's Kitchen.

I wanted to make all the recipes from that show but this was the easiest one so I decided to make it first!

If you have some left fried pork, you can fry it again to make this dish!!!

Fried meat and the ramen soup go really well together!

I wanted to eat it again~ :)

I'll see you in my next video! Bye :)

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] [RECIPE] 🍜how to make Kang's Kitchen Ramen(Kang Ho-dong) 이제이레시피/EJ recipe - Duration: 5:29.


【MUKBANG】 [High Calorie] That's Plenty OF Cheese!! Simple Jumbo "Takoyaki"!! [4000kcal] [Use CC] - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [High Calorie] That's Plenty OF Cheese!! Simple Jumbo "Takoyaki"!! [4000kcal] [Use CC] - Duration: 3:31.


New Slasher! Before the Dawn - Roblox [Turn on Subtitles] - Duration: 6:15.

Hey Guys! Welcome to Before The Dawn Redux 1.9.1? yeah 1.9.1 I missed 1.9

And today a new update has come. Just like the title said. New Slasher. ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ)

Its the one (ง'̀-'́)ง

And only (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง

(̵̧̞̠͐̆ノ̵̭́̔◕̸̰̪̍̋̅͜ヮ̷̥̜͗◕̴͈̬͈̈́́͋)̵͔̭̭̈́͒̉ノ̴̭͈̮̋̋*̷̖̙̂͐:̴̛̲̹̝̎・̴̵゚̧̭̠̘́̉̒̒́͘✧̷͓̈́̕ ̷̘̑̓C̸̡̦̬͊͠å̶̢̊̐P̶̡̱̾̊͝Ṫ̵͘ͅa̸͙̋ï̷̗͕͍̈́̈́Ņ̸̮͇̋̍ ̸̣͛͒͐S̷̫̈́͜k̶͕͎͔̄̾u̶̖̇͆L̴͖͊̑͗L̴͔̹̀ ̴̭͍̆̐〆̴͇̦̈́ͅ(̴̢̨̙̎̑・̶̼̼̋∀̴̝̜̯́・̷̦̔̓@̵͚̤̝̽̐͂)̵͕̼̋̕

Oh my god its compete with the R15 animations (☞゚∀゚)

Before I go murder survivors..

oh god that looks menacing (ʘᗩʘ')

Yeah, before anything else happens. Thanks for Watching. Comment to Talk. Like if Possible. Press that Subscribe, Click the Bell. AND

Back to the killing

And whats so cool of this slasher is the ability and I might have seen like a suggestion of this slasher in the wiki

Targets ahead

The ability is...

C̴̲̫͑̿ノ̶̗̮͚͈̰̉̀̍̑͠p̴̗͈̥͎̠̩̅̓t̷̡̀̾͂͘͠ノ̸͔͉͒̾͂̈́̾́i̴̜̼͇͔͆́̀n̷̢͋͌ ̵̨̮̰̩̦̞̔̓S̶̢̡̖͍͙̻̈́̃̋̒͝ノ̴͔̼̽̃̾͐ノ̵̻́̒̿̓̐ノ̷̲̐͝L̴̛̼̥̣͎͌̌͐̓ ̴̖̫̘̈́͊C̷̮͚͉̅̔̓̂ノ̶̧̦̦̲̃̒͠ノ̸͍̖̎̍͆̊͝ ̵̯̪̬̝̾ͅS̷͓͚͕̲̯̓h̶̛͓̖̤̃̈́ͅǒ̸̳͓̟͚o̶̧͚͐ノ̷̙̣̮̼̈͠ ̸̡̫̲͉͎̅͛̽͌̃̽ͅŜ̴̮̦͍͛̚͠ノ̴̤͋͗̽͌̕͘ů̸̡̯̖͈͖̰́͒̂̑l̴͙̗̤̒̌͗̚͝l̴͈̯̔̕s̶̫̞͙͆̀͊̓͋̈́͜ ̷̛͔͉̿͂̑͊ṯ̵̩͎͔͍͊͊̑o̷̦̯̻͎̥͕̓̇̏̿̑̚ ̴̨̢̮͛̒̎̂t̸̬͕̣͈̳̓̈́̿̿̄͜à̴̜͎r̶̢̳͔̈́̕ノ̴̙̩̇̏̍̏̂ノ̵̟̍̆̅ţ̴̦̝̽͊̅͝ş̴̛̹̪̐́̓

seizure warning

I saw that coming

So far this is my favorite slasher because of how awesome it looks and the idea of its ability

You're almost dead hero (✿´‿`)

J̸̨̘͙̠̊̈̽͜ų̶̧̭͇̃̀̏̈̃s̸̤̜̰͉͔̝̄̔̈́ẗ̵̳̅̈̏ ̴̡͉̺̀̅͑͗͊c̶̈́̔̚͜o̴̢̢̟̩͉͊̀m̴͙̠͉̈́̍̾̀ȩ̵̠̬͇̳̃̇̄ ̶̹͉̯̰͈̇̓͑̆͋c̷͍̞̖͐͊̇l̷̞̝̠̂͂o̵̡͉̹̤̗͓͐̾̈́͒ṣ̴̙̋̑̓̈́̏ẽ̴̛̻̥̘̈́̉̈́͝ ̸̲͕̣̙́͝ͅa̷͔̻̞̯͂̂͑̓̔ņ̴̙̣̪̼͓̎̄̒d̷̢͋̑͘ ̷̻̥̌̆̀͂̍I̵͕̯̣̘̕'̶̡́͆́̃̕͝ḹ̴̢͖̬̭͜͝l̵̡̯͚̜̞̝͌̈́̅͝ ̵̮͇̯̭̾̈s̸̩̮̻̪͇̠̈́̈̃̇͝ḩ̴̟̦͇͈̫̑͐ǎ̵͓͔͎̀̌r̸̪̬͖̝̹̂̃ȩ̵̒ ̵̢̒͑̽̽͠m̷͉̮̺͛͠y̶͈̥̱̪̼̑̒͌̉̚̕ͅ ̸̡̲̀͌̂ĺ̷̮̦̟͕̖͓̏̿o̶̻͔̥̺͉̍͐̅́ͅó̸̲̥̘̥̏̐̑͗̈ṱ̶̤͐͑̆̽̕͝

Hey hero, want to see my own gun. Its a literally skull and its LIT. ◔ ⌣ ◔

Literally ʘ‿ʘ

C̶̢͇͒ơ̷̦m̷͉̿́e̴͈̤̐͝ ̸͙̂̄h̷̫͌̈́ẻ̴̫͇r̸̞͐e̵̞͂ ̵͉̭͒̽:̴͉̈́͠Ḍ̴͗

A̷̪̝͝N̵͈̥̂͊Ḓ̸́ ̶̗́̏D̵̥͘O̸̖͝N̸̫̩͂̑'̵̖̓T̶̡̔ ̴̢͈͝R̶̨͒͠U̵̗̅͋Ň̶̹̦

I don't know any pirate speeches but all I can say is everything is going swimmingly

F̷̩̉i̷͓̒n̴̹̬̐̅a̸̮͑l̸͈̒ͅl̴̥͉̑̔ÿ̶̰́̈́ ̵̖͛̓n̸̮̋ó̷͕w̶̛̗̺̽ ̴̜̆Î̵̢̼͊'̵̟̊l̶̨̉̍l̶̲̝̾ ̸̗̪̉p̸̡̙̒̍u̶̖̎͠t̷͓͉̂ ̶̭͑̍y̴̟̖͑o̷̰͒ú̷͈̩̐r̴̩̰͐ ̷̳̇͜c̶̢̺͛̀o̵̤̾͒r̸̥̀p̵̡̊s̴̩̉ẽ̴͔͗ ̷̺͌ḯ̵̦̳n̴͋ͅt̵̩̺͆͋o̸͓̓̌ ̶̡̘̓t̵̘̀h̵͚̆͗͜é̵̮̩ ̵̻̚ͅo̴̗̮͒͆c̴̱̮̀͌e̷̊̅ͅa̸͓͘͜n̸̢̛͉̈́ ̵͉͈̈́́b̵͎̪͌̏e̸̙͊̅i̶̢̝͛̕n̴̼̖͑̕ḡ̷̮͍ ̶̻͗̀͜ḛ̸̃̆a̸͓̓͝t̵͕̃͝ȩ̶̕n̴̠̅ ̷̘̰͒b̴͍̈́y̵̘͎͌̄ ̷̼̙̈͝t̵̥͙̑h̵̦̹͗͠o̵̧͍͛u̴̢͎̿͝s̸̜̃͒a̷̳̗͂͠ǹ̴͈͝d̸̬̦̒s̸̡͂͑ ̶͙͐o̶̧̢̊f̸̢͓̓ ̸̟͋f̴̳̰̆i̵͖͎͆͠s̷̺̳͝h̶̠̃.̷͉̜̿̊ ̷̯͊̊W̴̩̜͘͝i̷̼̘̓͝t̴͇͉͆̕h̷͓͇̾̚o̶̪͆u̴͖͖͗̊t̴̼̋̈́ ̶̤͠ă̷̡͜n̴̼̱̿y̸̯̣͒̅ ̷̪͕̊m̵͙̱̾͗ḛ̸͘r̶͉̺̃c̵̛͍y̶̭̯̆

Where are the others? ಠ~ಠ

İ̵͎ ̸̯̕n̶̩̈e̷̪͑e̸̫̓ḑ̸͊ ̸͇͆m̴͇͝ỏ̶̳r̴̥͑e̴͖̊ ̷̺̊p̶̣̈́e̵͉͌ó̶͕p̶̫̉l̵̺͆e̷̙̋ ̵̏ͅẗ̵͉ȍ̶͍ ̴̥̍a̶̧̓d̵̰̽d̵̫̚ ̶̩̍i̶̖̇n̸͖̓ ̶̤͌m̷̠͘y̴̰͌ ̸͙̋s̸̮͋k̶̲̐ú̷̬l̵͎͆l̸͍̋ ̶͕͛c̴̠͗ó̵͜l̶̠͋l̵̫͌e̴͉̿c̸͕̿ṭ̵̏ĩ̸̝o̸̒͜n̷̠͊

This slasher might have a slower walk speed

But at least I have this skull ability

Where are you ಠ⌣ಠ

I̸̲̚ ̸͓̀n̵̠͝e̴̱͑e̵̲̋d̷̠̄ ̸̩͊s̸̢͝o̷̝͛m̵͍̒e̶̹̓ ̶̭͝ş̴͒ḩ̶͝i̵̬̚p̴̜̆m̴͉̏a̷̛̰ţ̷̉ě̷̪s̵͍̾ ̸̩͊b̶̬̌e̷̙̍f̵̖̔o̵̫͝r̵͕͋e̸̻͑ ̴͓̆I̵͈͝ ̸͙͂s̵̙̒ä̶͔́i̸̥̚l̶̖̓ ̵̰͐i̶̹͝n̸̹̈́t̴̨͐ó̸̗ ̵̝̇t̶̝̎h̷͈͘e̵̡͘ ̵͎̋s̵̪̈́e̸̱͆a̷̪̓ ̴͙̚o̸̝͝f̴̻̓ ̷̰̍ḑ̸͌e̸̱͂a̷̟͘t̴̺̀h̴̆ͅ

There's a wheel here you guys haven't got it yet. (>ლ)

Where are all at. I haven't killed a survivor yet. Just a hero

I̸ ̸s̵e̸e̴ ̷y̸o̷u̷,̸ ̵l̷a̷n̷d̸l̷u̸b̸b̷e̸r̴!̸

Skull go!!1

How much damage does that do?

doesn't seem to be a lot

Ả̷̮ḣ̷̩a̸̝̅̎ḣ̴̤ḁ̸͆͗A̶̦͋̓A̸͓̒͜Ȟ̷̢ă̴̢̏ä̸̧́ȁ̸̞͛ͅ ̸̮̾M̴̽̓͜O̸̡͈͐R̸̳͑Ḙ̴̹͠ ̶͍̻̽̽Ļ̷͉͆O̸͚͚͐͝O̶̝̽̾T̸̖͠

Still that wheel is waiting

I don't camp. ಠ‿↼

I guard ಠoಠ

A̴͙͒̄ǹ̷͍̪̆ÿ̸̱́͜o̷̭̭̽ń̸ͅe̵̠͋ ̷̭̈́ö̸̪́͘f̸̥͐ ̸̛̮̺̃y̵̋͜e̸̛͈̦e̵̯̫̾͘ ̶̥͕͐s̷̩͝a̶̭͔͝i̴̳̊l̸̢͓̄o̸̜̲͗̂r̷̬͔̀s̸͈̞̆ ̶͖͌̀h̸̦̯͐̐e̶͈͎̅͝r̷̤̬̒̇ȅ̷̬̳?̴̝̝̉!̶̭̂͜

Nothing but a truck


Fus ro DAH!!

A̷̝͐y̷̘͆e̵̮͂,̴͓̽ ̴̹̊ḁ̵͛n̸̲̓ō̶̗t̷̜̊ḧ̶̖́ë̶͖r̸̢̐ ̷̤͆s̶̗̏ȟ̵̤i̸̻̍p̸̲̎m̷̩͋a̸̰͒t̸̥̓e̵̬̍.̸͔̀ ̴̯̓M̷̥͋ỳ̸̯ ̵͔̋f̴̣̋i̸̖̔r̴̛̘s̴͍͂t̴̘͑ ̵̩̽ḿ̸̗à̸̖t̴̯͐ḙ̵̇ ̶̭̇w̸̙͘a̸̙͐s̶̞̽ ̵̝͊a̵̜̓ ̷̤̓h̶͈͝ë̴̟́r̵̖̾ỏ̵͇ ̴̻̃b̴͍͋ŭ̸͉t̴͚̿ ̶̖́n̵̛͔ơ̸̮w̵̳̅,̷̣͝ ̵͇̔I̵̜̔'̴̙̍m̶̳̓ ̵͖͐t̶̖̾h̸͉͌e̷̜̚ ̶̢͑h̷̺̎ẽ̷̺r̸͇͝o̷̤͋ ̷͉͊ń̷̥o̴̗͝w̵͚͑.̵̤͝

I see you (▰˘◡˘▰)

Skull Pokemon Go!!

um.. hello?


You awake?

Well that drowning text is fitting this slasher. Since its a pirate and I know you should have known that in the start.

I see you reviving your friend.

Come here!

Y̸̘̕ö̷͕́u̸͖̎ ̶̬͝c̸͔̀ả̸͔n̴͕̾ ̸̼͊b̴̲̓e̴͈͝ ̷͔͆t̸̻͘h̵͕́e̵̿͜ ̸͎̓s̵̝̏h̷̤͆i̶̞̊p̴̣̓'̴͖̾s̶̼͌ ̸̼̎ṃ̶̔ä̵͓́i̶̹̽n̴͚̒ ̶̨̄f̵͉̔r̷̹̀ö̶̦ń̴̰ț̸̏ ̶̟͝d̴̢̓ẽ̵̥c̷̻̆ȏ̴̱ŗ̵̽a̷̯͋t̶͍̿i̴̳̍o̵̟̓n̴͉̓

I'll sink your trucks into the Bermuda Triangle!


Y̶̹̏o̶̺̊u̵̻͘'̶̎ͅř̴̗e̷͉͂ ̷̟͝m̶̧̔y̴̱̅ ̸̗̈́n̶͎͆ḛ̴͗w̸̖͊ ̸̞͘s̷͙̊h̶̨̅ḭ̵̈́p̷͍͋'̴̺̆s̶̥͑ ̷̮͛ĉ̵̮a̵̽ͅr̵̛̮p̷̛͙e̸̙̎n̸̨͌ṫ̶̙e̸͍͑r̸̨̎

Can I destroy this and remove progress? no? Ok fine

That's all of 'em?

My ship is better than that truck.

My ship is made out of air, it moves as fast as the wind. ಠ‿↼

Well this round is about to end

Thanks for Watching. Hope you Enjoyed. Comment to Talk. Like if Possible. Press that Subscribe, Click the Bell. It will Help. AND

Captain JMC Skull Logging Out ಠ‿↼

For more infomation >> New Slasher! Before the Dawn - Roblox [Turn on Subtitles] - Duration: 6:15.


Dollar store haul! | Always Cindy - Duration: 4:09.

Hey all! welcome back to my channel!

I know it was a while since i uploaded video

lateste video was my makeup.

I bought some things today for New Year`s Eve and

some were in my room. So i was going to make a dollar store haul today!

I was close to dropping my bag

Yes i bought today is two oiece confetti cannon

it costs $ 4,44

I will open them on New Year´s Eve!

I may hold one a confetti cannon at home and one with my sister. we´ll see!

My sister wants it and i bought it before her!

No, i´m just kidding! Marble clock!

Just $1,12! Cheap! Marble clock costs $ 10,10.

It says Happy New Year on it! I used the sign language ASL! Happy New Year in swedish sign language.

Yes, i know quite a lot about ASL, because last summer i was in Gallaudet University! with a group of deaf from

sweden, so i know a lot about ASL.

I do not know if it´s good. But i try to see if it suits me or not. So if not, i do not know what to do with it.

so we´ll see! Will try it a little now.

Pretty good i think

WOW i have to say only!


WOW again!

Now i have a little make-up at home! In the past i only hve some make-up, Now a little more!

Makeup never ends buying!


it´s hard!

Hmm okay

It is so pretty!

Maybe i´ll use it for New Year´s Eve?

we´ll see.

Then i buy a drink! as i would drink in the car but i never drank that! haha

Drink is great! Taste was citrus and elderflower!

That´s all, No!! My white jeans are dirty!! thanks to dad´s car!

Hope you like this video!! see you guys in the next video!! Bye!!

For more infomation >> Dollar store haul! | Always Cindy - Duration: 4:09.


🔥2017年除了神曲Despacito,還有其他什麼熱門歌曲? YouTube 2017年熱門新歌Top 100 | Most Viewed Songs Published in 2017 - Duration: 23:57.

For more infomation >> 🔥2017年除了神曲Despacito,還有其他什麼熱門歌曲? YouTube 2017年熱門新歌Top 100 | Most Viewed Songs Published in 2017 - Duration: 23:57.


Renault Trafic 1.6 dCi L1H1 Comfort (NAV./Airco/Cruise/Tussenschot) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Trafic 1.6 dCi L1H1 Comfort (NAV./Airco/Cruise/Tussenschot) - Duration: 0:54.


Что делать, если задерживают зарплату? Куда жаловаться? / МОИ ПРАВА - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Что делать, если задерживают зарплату? Куда жаловаться? / МОИ ПРАВА - Duration: 2:19.


李小璐出轨风波后首现身遭围堵被喊"马蓉",网友:你救了何洁! - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> 李小璐出轨风波后首现身遭围堵被喊"马蓉",网友:你救了何洁! - Duration: 2:42.


124... - Horror Short Film Official Teaser HD | Naveen N R | Endurance Studios - Duration: 1:03.

Of all the stories I have penned

This story disturbed me a lot

For more infomation >> 124... - Horror Short Film Official Teaser HD | Naveen N R | Endurance Studios - Duration: 1:03.


Bad Habits - 7 Bad Habits Hair Thinning Habits – Healthy Wealthy - Duration: 3:25.

Bad Habits - 7 Bad Habits Hair Thinning Habits – Healthy Wealthy

Bad Habits - 7 Bad Habits Hair Thinning Habits – Healthy Wealthy

Bad Habits - 7 Bad Habits Hair Thinning Habits – Healthy Wealthy

Bad Habits - 7 Bad Habits Hair Thinning Habits – Healthy Wealthy

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