Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 2 2018

Ameer se ameer hone k liye nayab wazifa ap zindgi main zror kren | wazifa for dolat

For more infomation >> Ameer se ameer hone k liye nayab wazifa ap zindgi main zror kren | wazifa for dolat - Duration: 17:20.






hey welcome back and January's first this video

Happy New Year first off we're going to be looking at Taco Bell's Illuminati

commercials they come out about two weeks ago now right off the bat right

off the bat we're gonna go ahead and point out that of course we have the

pyramid the triangle referencing the all-seeing eye of course you know what

that is there's a powerful we're willing to pay attention to what's going on in

the dollar it looks like we have symbolism I'm seeing a pyramid

connection to the dollar and now we already know for a fact that probably

more than likely Taco Bell is correctly connected with the Illuminati

because it unlocks a world of 20 decadent menu items from breakfast to

late night 20 decadent dinner items oh my god

do you know what this means Justin dollar age 20 items fruit is there a

significance in the 20 items for a dollar I know that seems ridiculous to

checkout but is it really very interesting when I when I googled

Illuminati in the number 20 on the 20th of January in 1782 we have something so

8 off for here Kannagi the most effective recruiter for the Illuminati

on the 20th of January 1782 he tabulated a new system and grades order for the

Masonic s-- class 1 the nursery consisting of Nova Kate in Manorville

and aluminous minor class to the Masonic grades the three blue lodge grades of

apprentice companion and master were separated from the higher Scottish

grades of Scottish novice in Scottish Knight class 3 the mysteries the lesser

mysteries were grades of priests and princes it's very interesting that not

very much into the commercial do we find very peculiar things so number 1 January

and the number 20 just happens to point out to the biggest and highest recruiter

for the Illuminati in history we already do see that the pyramid is there and we

know that the pyramid stands for the Eye of Providence which symbolizes the deity

by which they believe that they have the authority over everyone to choose what

we do in life like order tacos let's go ahead and point out the mcm-l x11 which

is which is great for its its Roman numerals looks like 1992 it's very

interesting 1992 what does 1992 have to do with Taco Bell

1990 the Taco Bell foundation unveils teen supreme program partnering with

Boys and Girls Clubs of America this is very interesting

so we have something pointing to recruit the Illuminati recruiter and then we

have young children's foundation from Taco Bell in 1992 does this mean that

the Illuminati is recruiting young children somehow through Taco Bell

there's also a 1990 non-commercial let's see if we got anything in that

supreme me was the main slogan of that 1992 commercial from Taco Bell supreme

me does that have anything to do is that a trigger word

let's look up Illuminati trigger words upon looking through the altars and

triggers lists don't see supreme on that list oh how the rabbit hole just keeps

keep digging deeper it's very interesting it's very interesting

there's probably multiple ways to go about it now there's no secret that Taco

Bell has his hand in higher corporate dealings whether or not this has

anything to do with Illuminati we can't just go ahead and assume because it does

seem like the illuminator loves to hide things in plain sight here's some of the

biggest secrets and symbols hidden in plain sight

we got the Washington Monument is a satanic symbol that is right it is all

ballistics obliques I can't say it I'm southern okay have been built since

ancient times but why did Robert Mills in the Washington National Monument

since I choose this shape to memorialize of America's first president we have the

pentagram with the White House and its apex this is the surrounding map around

the White House it is a pentagram we have the Pennsylvania Maryland avenues

as aligned to specific days which is crazy a falling in June and December the

solstice marks the longest and shortest days of the year very crazy the grounds

of the Capitol building form an owl I mean it's many different things like

this I will leave this I know you guys like stuff like this someone leave this

in the description so you guys can check this out it's very interesting what is

right under our noses and if you go and household items that the Illuminati

likes to put in their nose you'll find that stuff there too I do love this new

Illuminati commercial from taco taco bell the bell loominatee if my question

for you is is this just fun and games is it a big joke or is this much much more

I really wish I had my Illuminati glasses

I really feel weird without him we do have the fidgets spinner of truth let's

get into theories I'm thinking that the Illuminati loves to put things in plain

sight I'm thinking it's a smart move for Taco Bell to be making a commercial like

this I'm also thinking it could be filled with trigger words and alter

words don't know what that is trigger words and alter words are specific

phrases or words that are that they say that we met have even been programmed in

our brains from a young age to just and it just alters our personalities maybe

it makes us want to go to Taco Bell but who can say for sure I am more

interested in what you think about all this because from this video I'm sure

there'll be other things spun out of it so run shouldn't leave your creative

and/or interesting responses in the comment box be as always brothers and

sisters I will see you in the next video this is a very interesting commercial it

was fun to talk about it and is there trigger words that make us

do specific actions no idea but I know you guys are ripping in Gregan are you

Gregory and repin and if not it's really easy to be a part of the rip squad I

gotta do is go back to the subscribe button turn on the notifications and be

in the comment section after every single video because I'm gonna be there

Greg the cat is gonna be there and the whole entire rip squad is gonna be there

I'll see you there now I got to go to Taco Bell and I'm hungry



"Thank You For an Amazing 2017" | Jo Koy - Duration: 2:32.

2017 was so amazing and I cannot thank each and every single one of you guys enough

Thank you for making my dream a reality

And I can't wait for 2018 to start

Cause I'm gonna make you guys laugh even harder...

Get ready...

I love you guys and keep laughing!


You know how much a comedian makes in the Philippines?

A chicken and flip flops!

F*ck that! F*ck that... I don't even like flip flops

I love you Samuel L. Jackson!

It's a video... I thought you were taking a picture

This is my mom

Like, Jo Koy is my nickname that my Ate Evelyn, my mom's sister named me

I don't know where my aunt comes with any of these names!

Jabbawockeez are up... Let's go

Everyone's been asking, are you gonna come to the Philippines?

Philippines... I'm comin'!

I'm comin' back to the motherland!!

Marami Salamat Po

Mahal Kita

So... Many... Tacoma's!!!

The whole island is comin'... that will make you guys laugh Mahalo

And I'm gonna make you guys laugh...


Let's do it this way... The other prom picture

I want you to yell as many lifeguard things as you can


Stop drowning out there bro!

Do not grow a man bun! I repeat, do not grow a man bun!

What about the P.F. Ching's...

P.F. Ching's..?!

What the heck?!

Please, do your P.F. Ching's in character

John Koy...

John Koy is one of the biggest names, and I don't even know his name!

It took me 28 years to get to where I am now

When you really love something, and truly believe in it

Everything else just falls into place

I love you guys, I love Hawaii...

All the love you guys give is just unreal

When it's organic, it just comes from the soul

I cannot help...

Palling in love...

With you..


That's right!! Manny sings a 99 on Magic Mic Karaoke

You want to challenge me? I dare you!

Beat 99... I'll give you an autograph signed picture of my nephew, Jo Koy

Good luck, everyone


God I'm good...

For more infomation >> "Thank You For an Amazing 2017" | Jo Koy - Duration: 2:32.


Improve your Vocabulary: English word pairs about TIME - Duration: 9:42.

If you're lost, you can look and you will find me, time after time.

Hey, everyone.

I'm Alex.

Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this lesson on some common word pairs or expressions with time.

So, not just the word "time", but different expressions we use to indicate time, or different

expressions or word pairs we use to talk about how long something takes, or when something happens.

So, first we're going to look at five, and then we're going to look at another five,

and each time we go over one of these word pairs I'll give you an example sentence, and

I want you to, you know, see if you can guess the meaning of this expression from the context,

and then I will tell you the actual definition of, you know, what this expression or this

word pair means.

So, let's not waste any more time and let's begin.

Number one: "then and there".

The sentence is: "I was hired then and there."

Now, if you know the meaning, obviously, of "then", at that time;

and "there", in that place - it means at that moment.

Okay? So at that exact moment.

At that moment.

So, imagine you go to a job interview in this case and the interview goes very well, sometimes

the person who does your job interview says:

"Okay, we'll... We'll call you back and we'll let you know."

But sometimes if they know that you're the right person for the job, they will tell you

when... They will ask you, actually: "When can you start?" and they will hire you on the spot,

they will hire you then and there, in that moment.


So that's what "then and there" means, at that moment.

Or: "She kissed me then and there.", "I was hired then and there."

Next: "sooner or later".

Sooner or later.

"You'll have to do it sooner or later."

So, most of us I think don't like washing dishes or we don't like doing the laundry,

and we just look at it in the corner, you know, telling ourselves: "Okay, we will do it.

Not now, later. Later."


And maybe, you know, somebody will tell you:

"Okay, can you...? Can you do it now? Because you will have to do it sooner or later."

And in this case it means eventually.


So, to say something a little more serious: "Sooner or later we're all going to die."

You know, it's going to happen.

It's going to happen.

That's not the happiest memory or the happiest image, but you know, I think you get the meaning.

Sooner or later.

"Wait and see".

Very simply: "Let's wait and see what happens."

This just means let's be patient.

Be patient.


So, if you are watching a movie with a friend and your friend wants to know what happens

next in the movie because you have seen the movie before, and your friend's like:

"Oh, what happens next? What happens next?"

And you just say: "Wait and see.

Okay? Just wait and you will see what happens next."

So, just be patient.

Now, the final two on the first board are very similar: "now and then", "from time to time".

Both of these, if you look at the sentences:

"I talk to him now and then.",

"She reads biographies from time to time."

What do you think these expressions mean?

Sometimes, that's right.

So, infrequently or sometimes.


Another word, maybe might be new for some of you guys: "infrequently", not frequently,

and these are interchangeable.


So: "now and then", "from time to time".

"We go to restaurants from time to time.", "We go to restaurants now and then.",

"I read mystery novels from time to time.", "I read mystery novels now and then."

-"How often do you call your mom?"

-"Now and then.", -"From time to time."


So, we have: "then and there", "sooner or later", "wait and see",

"now and then", "from time to time".

And now let's look at five more.

So, magic.



Okay, so the next five.

First: "quick and easy".

"The test was quick and easy."

So, something that doesn't take a lot of time, is not very difficult, basically let's just say

very easy.

Doesn't take time, doesn't take a lot of effort.

So, often, if you like to cook and you see recipes on the internet or in a cookbook,

you know, some of the cookbooks are called: "Quick and Easy Recipes".

So, a quick and easy recipe for pancakes, for example.


So something that doesn't take a lot of time and something that is simple, not complicated.

The final four are all very much related to making progress.

So, think about your own progress in English and learning a new language.

Now, to learn a new language you should go "slowly but surely".

So: "He's improving slowly but surely."

So, you're doing something slowly, it's not fast, like learning a language takes time,

but if you go watch videos or study your books or listen to movies, you will definitely,

like, surely...

Slowly but surely, definitely improve.

So this just means gradually.

You will gradually improve.


So let's go slowly but surely, slowly but surely.

Next: "slow and steady".

"Don't rush!

Just go slow and steady."

So, you see: "slowly but surely", "s but s", "slow and steady", "s and s".

Basically, they both mean gradually or without rushing.

So, I'm just going to write without rushing, not rushing.

And if you're sitting there watching me, saying: "What is 'rush'?

What does 'rushing' mean?"

To rush means to do something quickly, very, very fast.


So: "Don't rush. Just go slow and steady."

Steady, like calmly, at a regular pace.

Not, like, fast, slow, fast, slow, but the same pace.

You're very focused.


Next: "little by little" and "step by step".

Oo, baby.

You guys know what I'm talking about.

So: "Little bit little, we're getting there."

Same as here: "Slowly but surely", gradually, "little by little", this is also an Oasis song.

"Little by little", something, something.

I can't remember.

If you know, let me know in the comments.

And finally: "step by step".

"Just go step by step."

So, you take steps when you walk.


So if you do something step by step by step, you start at the bottom and you maybe keep

walking up, or you are at the beginning of a very long journey, a very long trip, and you...

How do you get to the end?

How do you reach your goal?

Step by step by step by step.

Okay? So, gradually.

So, those are a lot of expressions, 10 of them in fact, and if you'd like to

test your understanding of all of this stuff today,

as always, you can check out the quiz on

And I really, really recommend...

You know, these are very, very common things that we use in everyday conversation, so make

sure you master them, take your time, go slow and steady, slowly but surely,

and step by step you will see your English improve.

All right?

So once again, check out that quiz.

And til next time, thanks for clicking.

See ya.

If you-[hums]-time after time.

For more infomation >> Improve your Vocabulary: English word pairs about TIME - Duration: 9:42.


鄧紫棋開深V 炸乳貼林俊傑 - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> 鄧紫棋開深V 炸乳貼林俊傑 - Duration: 1:59.


The 7 best space moments of 2017!!!! - Duration: 16:28.

For more infomation >> The 7 best space moments of 2017!!!! - Duration: 16:28.


Prosperity and Priorities - Duration: 22:53.

CAROLYN MOREHEAD: The turning point is to believe the Word of

God, what it says, what it says He's going to do. I mean, you

can be a Christian--and I'm a prime example of that--a

Christian your whole life and still not live a

victorious life, only because you're not

actually believing what the Word says.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for

me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: God desires for you to be

blessed. Join Gloria Copeland and Pastor George

Pearsons on the Believer's Voice of Victory for a message on

prosperity and priorities. It matters who you put your

trust in and what you set your mind on.

GLORIA: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's

Voice of Victory broadcast. Pastor George is back

with us, and he's going to be talking about your

prosperity and my prosperity and his prosperity-- GEORGE: Mm-hmm.

GLORIA: --and everybody's prosperity that knows the Lord

Jesus Christ--hallelujah-- GEORGE: That's right. That's

right. GLORIA: --and is in the family of God. GEORGE: What a

blessing it is to be with you and what a blessing it is to be

blessed. GLORIA: Amen. GEORGE: We are blessed. GLORIA: We are.

GEORGE: And we are--this is our 302nd day of teaching

prosperity. GLORIA: 302nd day. GEORGE: And I have so enjoyed

being with you on all of these days-- GLORIA: It's been great.

GEORGE: --of teaching and-- GLORIA: I've enjoyed it. GEORGE:

We've grown. And, you know, people have-- GLORIA: We teach

ourselves. GEORGE: We really do. We really--we really learn so

much from this. And what we're talking about in this particular

series, Gloria, is your book, "God's Will is Prosperity." And

here's my original copy that you gave to me back in 1978. This is

the 40th year of the printing of this book. GLORIA: Praise God.

GEORGE: And the Lord led me to bring this back out for us to

teach it. And every day is a chapter. Every day we're going

through the essence of--of course, you can't go through the

whole chapter in a day, but the essence of what your chapters--

GLORIA: High spots. Yeah. GEORGE: --the high spots of what

your chapters are saying. And so we began yesterday with chapter

one, talking about-- GLORIA: Now, what year is it that's

going to-- GEORGE: 1978. GLORIA: So it's been out-- GEORGE: And

this is--this is our new year, the year of the Holy Ghost and

fire. Praise God. And Happy New Year, by the way, Gloria.

GLORIA: Happy New Year to you, George. GEORGE: This is our

first week of the broadcast for this new year. And what a

privilege it is to be with you. GLORIA: I believe our

prosperity's on fire. GEORGE: I believe our prosperity is on

fire. GLORIA: Hallelujah. GEORGE: Amen. GLORIA: For good,

increase. GEORGE: Amen. GLORIA: Hallelujah. GEORGE: That's

exactly right. It's time for increase. GLORIA: I'm going to

enjoy this. GEORGE: So we are--we're taking a chapter a

day-- GLORIA: Okay. GEORGE: --on your book. And we have produced

a 40th anniversary edition of the book which is going to be

offered at the end of the broadcast absolutely free. We'll

be sowing it to all that are watching. And so I was so

inspired with this because, as I went back and I read the book

again, Gloria, it is so relevant to where we are today, even more

so because of the economic situations and what's going on.

GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: Everybody needs to read this book. It--we

talked about it a little while ago about how this book was

produced at a time when you did not have a proliferation of

prosperity books on the market. GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE:

You know, they were not out there in wide expanse. But you

answered the call to write this book. And I'm so thankful for

that. GLORIA: Praise God. GEORGE: And you wrote the book.

I think you were still at the Green River Court house when you

wrote this book. And, I mean, when Gloria writes a book, she

writes a book. There's a picture of you at your typewriter,

writing this book. GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: And so everything that

we have--all of the thoughts, all of the things that we have

on paper here--and these outlines are available to you, Just go to the website and you can get these. But,

Gloria, you basically said everything that is in these

outlines. So let's dig into it. Today, we're talking about

chapter two, "Prosperity and Priorities." And we begin here

with Deuteronomy 8:18. It says, "But you shall earnestly

remember the Lord your God, for it is He Who gives you power to

get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He

swore to your fathers, as it is this day." GLORIA: Praise God.

GEORGE: What a great scripture that is. GLORIA: That is a

wonderful word. It is He. GEORGE: That is, man, oh, man,

one of my favorites. GLORIA: It gives you the power to get

wealth. GEORGE: Gives you the power to get wealth. GLORIA: So

you don't--might as well not spend any time thinking about,

"Oh, I could never do that." GEORGE: Hmm-mm. GLORIA: "I'm not

smart enough to do that." GEORGE: No. GLORIA: "I don't

have the education to do that." You've got God. Hallelujah.

GEORGE: He gives you the power to get wealth. GLORIA: Isn't

that something? I receive it. GEORGE: And you said, Gloria, in

your book, "God is so generous with us--" GLORIA: He is.

GEORGE: "--that He desires His children to have the best in

life on earth--" GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: "--in the same way that

you desire the best for your children." GLORIA: That's right.

GEORGE: So that's how He feels about us. That's His heart

towards us. And because of religious thinking, and doubt

and unbelief, people have rejected that-- GLORIA: That's

right. GEORGE: --and have not received it. GLORIA: Have you

ever known of families that had a lot of money and then their

kids come along and they just aren't--they're such screwballs

that they can't handle the money? GEORGE: (Laughs) Yes.

Yeah, yeah. GLORIA: So they don't have the power to enjoy

the wealth-- GEORGE: That's right. GLORIA: --that the

parents have laid up. GEORGE: That's right. GLORIA: But we're

not that way-- GEORGE: We are not that way. Not at all.

GLORIA: --in Jesus' name. GEORGE: "God--" Gloria Copeland

said in her book, "God is not against a man having money."

GLORIA: No. GEORGE: "He's against money having the man."

GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: He's not opposed to His people

being rich, but He is opposed to them being covetous. GLORIA:

That's right. GEORGE: And that's what the topic of this chapter

is all about, Gloria. You talk about this prosperity and

priorities, prosperity and priorities. And you use this

Luke 12:15 in the Amplified, "He said to them--" Jesus said to

them, "--Guard yourselves and keep free from all

covetousness--" GLORIA: Yeah, yeah. GEORGE: "-- the

immoderate desire for wealth, the greedy longing to have

more." So you--the Scripture plainly tells us to guard

ourselves from that and to keep the priorities in mind when

we're talking about prosperity. GLORIA: Amen. GEORGE: Then you

quoted Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and

his righteousness; and all these things--" GLORIA: Praise God.

GEORGE: "--shall be added unto you." GLORIA: I remember when I

saw that in the Scripture and I needed-- GEORGE: That was big.

GLORIA: --everything added to me. I though, "This is just

great. I receive it. I take it. Hallelujah." GEORGE: Oh, what a

day that was. GLORIA: Tulsa. GEORGE: That was in Tulsa, in

that house in Tulsa. GLORIA: Yeah. No--nothing much in it,

just odds and ends, just--but I found that scripture and I took

it. GEORGE: And the priority that you're talking about in

your chapter is "Seek first the kingdom of God." GLORIA: That's

right. That's the key. GEORGE: That's what we do first. GLORIA:

That's how you do it. GEORGE: I believe the Amplified talks

about, "And seek His ways and, His ways of doing things--"

GLORIA: Doing, yeah, and being right. GEORGE: "--and being

right --And seek first the kingdom of God and His

righteousness." GLORIA: Mm-hmm, His way of doing things. GEORGE:

His way of doing things. And all these things shall be added to

you. GLORIA: That's the key right there. GEORGE: So that's

the priority. You seek the kingdom of God first. GLORIA:

That's right. GEORGE: You seek the things of the kingdom of

God. And I quoted here Brother Copeland, "True prosperity is

the ability to use the power of God to meet the needs of

mankind." Now, if anybody out there has heard disparaging

things about Brother Copeland concerning prosperity and

thinking he's greedy, look at his definition again.

"True prosperity is the ability to use the power of God

to meet the needs of mankind." And it-- GLORIA: That's

what he believes and that's what he does.

GEORGE: That's right. And, Gloria, true

prosperity is having every need met. Now, to--for folks that are

watching us right now, that are struggling in their finances,

that's a powerful definition. GLORIA: Prosperity's available?

GEORGE: Prosperity is available-- GLORIA: You can take

it. GEORGE: --for every need, and they can take it. GLORIA:

Through the Word of God, you take it. GEORGE: Yeah, they can

take it. They can receive it. So true prosperity is having every

need met. So let's go to page two, Gloria, if we could, and

take a look at this. In Matthew 6:24, it says, "Be careful where

you put your trust." GLORIA: Mm-hmm. GEORGE: And it says, in

the Amplified translation, "No one can serve two masters; for

either he will hate the one or love the other, or he will stand

by one--stand by and be devoted to the one or despise and be

against the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (deceitful

riches, money, possessions, or whatever you have trusted in)."

GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: Gloria said in her book, "You

are meant to serve God, not money. There's no middle

ground." GLORIA: I agree with her. GEORGE: You agree with her?

(Laughs) And then, Gloria, you said, "Trusting in riches will

only go as far as riches will go." What a statement. GLORIA:

Yeah. GEORGE: What a statement. GLORIA: Riches won't get you

healed. It won't-- GEORGE: It won't, no. GLORIA: --it won't

make you happy. You might enjoy it for a season, but then you'll

overdo it and mess up and buy the wrong thing and-- GEORGE:

That's right. GLORIA: --get on stuff you ought not be on.

GEORGE: That's right. GLORIA: But, with God-- GEORGE: Yeah,

yeah. GLORIA: --if you serve Him, serve His Word, then you're

safe. GEORGE: Then you're safe. Yeah. GLORIA: You know what to

do. You know to sow. GEORGE: That's exactly right. GLORIA:

You know to tithe. You know to obey the written Word-- GEORGE:

Yes. GLORIA: --and that makes you a candidate. GEORGE: Yeah,

you're a candidate for prosperity. GLORIA: Ha. GEORGE:

I like that. I like that. GLORIA: Yes, amen. GEORGE: We

look at Luke 12 here, it says, "But God said to this man--"

This was the man that was storing up the riches. He said,

"You fool! This very night--" GLORIA: So he wasn't a

candidate. GEORGE: "--they will demand your soul of you; and all

things that you prepared, whose will they be? So it is with the

one who continues to lay up and hoard possessions for himself

and is not rich in his relation to God, this is how he fares."

GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: So that--that is the--that is the

priority that we have. The--and you said the laws of prosperity

will work in the life of any believer who is obedient to

God's Word. So we have to be obedient. GLORIA: And the

blessing in the Scripture from the Old Testament all the way

through is-- GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: --dependent on your

doing what God says. GEORGE: Yeah, exactly. GLORIA: The

blessing comes. GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: The curse came if they

disobeyed God. The blessing came if they did what God said.

GEORGE: Right. GLORIA: And that's just the same way it is

today. If we obey God, the blessing will come. GEORGE:

Right. GLORIA: Glory to God. GEORGE: Well, it goes along with

these two scriptures here. GLORIA: We sow, we tithe, we do

other things that God tells us to do, the blessing will

manifest. GEORGE: It goes along with these two scriptures,

number four and five on point B. GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: In

Deuteronomy 29:9 in the Amplified, "Therefore keep the

words of this covenant--" GLORIA: That's a key right

there. GEORGE: "--and do them--" GLORIA: Yep. GEORGE: "--so that

you may deal wisely and prosper in all that you do." GLORIA:

That's the key. GEORGE: There's the priority. GLORIA: Mm-hmm.

GEORGE: There's the priority, "Keep the words of this covenant

and do them, so that you may deal wisely and prosper in all

that you do." And then Isaiah 1:19, it says, "If you are

willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land." I

like that. GLORIA: Now, what else does the Scripture say? I

think it's in Proverbs-- GEORGE: Hmm. GLORIA: --that it says,

"Prosperity ruineth the fool." GEORGE: Oh, yes. Oh, yes.

GLORIA: So God's not going to prosper a fool that-- GEORGE:

Oh, absolutely not. GLORIA: --doesn't do what He says--

GEORGE: No. GLORIA: --and lives in sin and lives under the

curse. People don't get blessed under the curse. GEORGE: Yeah,

yea. GLORIA: You're going to get blessed under the blessing.

GEORGE: So we're finding out here in this chapter that you

wrote, "Priorities--Prosperity and Priorities," the priority

is--the priority is, "Seek first the kingdom of God." GLORIA:

That's right. GEORGE: The first one. The first--the first

priority is to keep the Word of God first place in our life.

GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: "Seek God first, and these

things will be added to you." So the priority is the Word. You

can't have prosperity without the Word. GLORIA: No. GEORGE:

You can't have prosperity without obedience to the Word.

GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: You can't have prosperity unless

you are--you are keeping-- GLORIA: This says, "Prosperity

ruins a fool." GEORGE: Yeah. So who's-- GLORIA: So God's not

going to ruin you, fool. GEORGE: No, no. (Laughs) Fool, what's

the matter with you? GLORIA: Uh-huh. GEORGE: No, it's not.

It's not. So we have to make--we have to make a quality

decision-- GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: --that we will give the Word of

God first place, we'll make it final authority in our lives. I

mean, that's the very foundation of what you and Kenneth have

taught me through all these years, give the Word of God

first place. GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: And the results

will be forthcoming. You make it final authority in your life. No

matter what you're going through financially right now, you go to

the Word. You give it first place. You read Deuteronomy

8:18. He gives you the power to get well. You have to believe

that. You have to receive that. You have to accept that. And

that's the same thing that Terri and I had to do when we were

believing God for a debt-free house. GLORIA: That's right.

GEORGE: We had to keep that Word before our eyes, in our mouth,

in our ears. We had to keep that before us at all times because

the pressure was intense. But we kept that Word, and you know

what? GLORIA: You got a debt-free house. GEORGE: We got

it. GLORIA: And you enjoy it every day. GEORGE: And we enjoy

it every single day. GLORIA: Praise God. GEORGE: It's a

blessing to us. GLORIA: Yeah, a blessing. GEORGE: It's a

blessing to us. And so, in the last five minutes here, Gloria,

look at point C. GLORIA: Okay. GEORGE: And what you said in

your book--you have to set your mind on the Word. GLORIA: Yeah,

that's right. GEORGE: To prosper, you've got to set your

mind on the Word. GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: In the Amplified

Bible of this Colossians 3:1-2, "If then you've been raised with

Christ to a new life, thus sharing His resurrection from

the dead, aim at and seek the rich, eternal treasures that are

above--" GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: "--where Christ is, seated at

the right hand of God. And set your minds--" GLORIA: This is

the key. GEORGE: "--and keep them set on what is above (the

higher things), not on the things that are on the earth."

GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: That's a powerful scripture,

Gloria. GLORIA: That's the way it works. GEORGE: We've got to

keep our minds set. GLORIA: Seek first, first, first-- GEORGE:

Yep. GLORIA: --number one, the kingdom of God-- GEORGE: Yep.

GLORIA: --and His righteousness--Amplified says,

"(His way of doing and being right), and all these things

will be added unto you." GEORGE: They'll be added to us. GLORIA:

That has been proven out in-- GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: --person,

family after family after family. GEORGE: Yes, ma'am.

GLORIA: And then, you know, people can be raised in the same

family. GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA: And some of them discover the

Word's way. GEORGE: Right. GLORIA: And they go on and be

blessed. The same children-- GEORGE: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

GLORIA: --the same family, the other children in the same

family just go on and seem like things just don't work out for

them. GEORGE: Sure, sure. GLORIA: Well, the Word is the

key. Doing what God says is the key to the blessing. You can't

be disobedient and be blessed. GEORGE: No, you can't. GLORIA:

It just doesn't work. GEORGE: No, you can't. And you said

something very important here in number three. You said, "Make an

irrevocable decision to serve God's Word--" GLORIA: Yes, amen.

GEORGE: "--and make it first place in your life." GLORIA:

That's right. GEORGE: That irrevocable decision that the

Word of God has first place, it's the first priority, it's

number one. Whenever we have a need, we go to the Word first.

GLORIA: It's the key to prosperity. It's the key to

healing. GEORGE: It is. GLORIA: It's the key to the blessing.

GEORGE: It is. GLORIA: All the--all that is in the

blessing. GEORGE: Yeah, it's the key. GLORIA: And obeying has

always been the key to the blessing. GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA:

In the Old Testament, if they obeyed, they were blessed. If

they disobeyed, they were cursed. The enemies ran over

them. They had this problem, that problem. GEORGE: Yeah,

yeah. GLORIA: But I choose--I like to be blessed. GEORGE: I

do, too. And I'll take-- GLORIA: So that's where I'm going.

GEORGE: --I'll take--I'll take the blessing. You quoted here

Mark 4:18. It says, "The one--and the ones sown among the

thorns and others who hear the Word; then the cares and

anxieties of the world and distractions of the age, and the

pleasure and delight of the false glamour and deceitfulness

of riches, and the craving and passionate desire for other

things--" GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: "--creep in and choke and

suffocate the Word, and it becomes fruitless--" fruitful

"--fruitless," yes. GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: And so we

have to make the decision, the irrevocable decision that we're

giving the Word of God first place. And it says here we are

to, "Seek first the kingdom, and His righteousness," by the Word

of God. GLORIA: And that in the Amplified says, "His way of

doing and being right." GEORGE: "His way of doing and being

right." You said, Gloria, "Once you decide to do whatever you

see in the Word of God, you have placed--" GLORIA: That's right.

GEORGE: "--yourself in position to receive great financial

blessings." GLORIA: That is the truth right there. GEORGE: Oh,

that is so good. GLORIA: That is a key. GEORGE: You said, "The

Word of God will produce just as far as you dare commit to it."

GLORIA: That's the truth-- GEORGE: What a powerful

statement. GLORIA: --what happens. GEORGE: And so once you

decide--let's go back to this statement. "Once you decide to

do whatever you see in the Word of God, once you make that

quality decision, 'I'm going to do what the Word of God says.

I'm going to believe the Word,' then you've positioned yourself.

You've placed yourself. You've gotten in a place of

qualification to receive great financial blessing." Now,

Gloria, in a moment here, we're going to look at a feature

that-- GLORIA: Now, George-- GEORGE: Yes? GLORIA: --let me

just throw this in. GEORGE: Go ahead. GLORIA: When I discovered

that in the Scripture in this translation that Ken's mother

had given him, I had never-- GEORGE: Yes, yes. GLORIA: --had

an easy translation to read, you know? GEORGE: Right. GLORIA: We

were living in a house with a rented roll-away bed and a

coffee table Ken made in shop, and maybe a couple old pieces of

furniture from Vinita's house. (Laughs) GEORGE: Yes, yes, yes,

yes. GLORIA: And was it this table? I had a table like this

that I got at the Goodwill or the Salvation Army. And I put it

together and painted it and that was our dining room. (Laughs) It

was just about this size. This may be the table. I don't know.

Anyway, it's doing the Word, it's just doing what He says.

GEORGE: It's doing the Word, yeah. GLORIA: And that opens the

door to the blessing. GEORGE: And that's what happened. That's

what happened. GLORIA: Anybody can do it. He's no respecter of

persons. GEORGE: You opened yourself up for the greatest--

GLORIA: Yeah, that's right. GEORGE: --financial blessings

you've ever imagined. And-- GLORIA: That's true. GEORGE: And

this feature that we want to show, Gloria, this is about a

lady. And I heard this testimony a few months ago, and then I had

the team follow up-- GLORIA: Good. GEORGE: --because it was

just stunning. This lady is a partner with the ministry. She'd

been going from paycheck to paycheck, could barely, barely

make it by. And she took the Word that she heard from this

ministry. She began to apply it. And now she is a multi--well,

why don't you just watch the feature and find out. GLORIA:

Oh, let's see. A multi what? Let's see. (Laughs)

CAROLYN MOREHEAD: My name is Carolyn Morehead, and

I'm from Yorktown, Texas. We never really

had a lot of money. We just were living from

hand to mouth, or however you want to say it. We were on

food stamps and welfare. They called it the AFDC back then. I

think I was getting $300 a month. And that $300 a month,

you know, even that long ago, still didn't go very far. But I

decided I'm going to take $30 out of that and put it in a

coffee can. And when I get to a place where I can either give it

or--because I wasn't going to church anywhere--so I did that,

and God turned things around. We were--we were overdrawn at the

bank. And, you know, every paycheck you'd get brought that

up to zero, you know, that kind of thing. (Laughs) And--but

after when I started tithing, everything started turning

around. I never went without. And--but it just was--you know,

but I--and I always continued to tithe. But it just wasn't the

money to do a whole lot of anything else. In 1990, I became

church secretary at the local Assembly of God church here in

town. And, of course, the position is a volunteer, just

like most small churches, you know. But in--in 2009, the

pastor wanted to pay me to be up there a few days a week. And so

we were doing that for a little while. And--but, you know, of

course, the church at the time couldn't pay a whole lot, so

it's not like you could live on that. And I was getting

concerned about my financial condition at that time. I

remember Kenneth Copeland saying, "You're not working for

a living; you're working on assignment." And when I decided

that I'm going to--I'm going to quit, you know, thinking about,

"Oh, I've gotta do this. Oh, I gotta do that. Oh, I gotta work

here, go--you know, make that money," you know, and all this,

when I just relaxed in that thought, "This is what I'm

supposed to be doing," that's when things--it quit being a

pressure. The turning point is to believe the Word of God, what

it says, what it says He's going to do. I mean, you can be a

Christian and--and I am a prime example of that--a Christian

your whole life and still not live a victorious life, only

because you're not actually believing what the Word says.

After that decision, things started opening up. And by the

time--the year's end, I had finances come in from 11

different places. The Eagle Ford Shale opened up in this area,

and leases were being made all over the place. And at first,

they started out small, oil companies leasing land. But I

remember telling my dad one day, you know, that they would lease

my property for--I think he was getting 125 an acre for the

lease. I said, "They're going to lease mine for $400 an acre."

And he laughed at me because that was not happening anywhere.

And I told him that they'd called and wanted to lease my

property for $450 an acre, and he never said a word. He got off

that tractor--ha-ha--walked in the house and never said a word,

because it was--you know, because I had told him, but

he--he laughed at me when I told him. I'm a firm believer in--in

if a--if a ministry is helping you to grow, that you support

that ministry. I can't produce all of the material that--you

know, that KCM produces or--or Moore Life Ministries produce. I

can't do that. But I can--I can put my seed in there. And I want

to put my seed in good ground. I really enjoy the way that they

seem to not be able to exhaust the prosperity, the "ability to

thrive" message. They--they can't exhaust it. Before I ever

had any money, I would tell people, "One of these days, I'm

going to have more money--so much money that I'll be looking

for ways to give it away." And that's where--that's where I'm

at now. And it's a blessing to me to be able to do that.

ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth

Copeland Ministries. And remember Jesus is Lord.

For more infomation >> Prosperity and Priorities - Duration: 22:53.


Granblue Fantasy Skill Formula You Must Know- Super Easy! - Duration: 7:23.

So guys, you are using double Agnis and Ecke Sach

Each Ecke Sach gives you a 17% chance to land a critical hit

Hey wait … why 17%, why it is not 5% or 30%?

How did you get that 17%?

Where does it come from?

Today, I'm going to teach you how to calculate your skill bonus in this video, in a very

simple way

This is one of the most important things you must learn before you move from Magna to Primal

build, so that you could be flexible, switching your weapons in and out, when you want to

create a weapon grid that suits you fighting style

Trust me, those experts would be so angry when they find out this video, because usually

it takes you a few hours to read their articles and guides, and you can't even understand

1% of what they are trying to say

This is just so terrible

So please stay with me for the next few minutes, and you will be able to calculate your skill

bonuses, like critical rate, double attack or triple attack rate on your own, you don't

have to ask around anymore or rely on any crappy weapon calculator

Koon is going to show you a short cut

But first of all I need to emphasise, skill bonus is not damage bonus, they are two very different things

In this video, you will only learn how to calculate your skill bonus, not damage bonus


Ok, now you're using a 3-star Agnis, 120% boost to several types of fire skills

You are also using 3-star Shiva and normal Ecke Sach

We only need to consider 3 things here- Ecke Sach, Agnis and Shiva

5% Critical Bonus from normal Ecke Sach at skill Level 10, you can find all these figures

from Wiki ok, a Fixed Base or a Fixed Modifier plus Agnis' 120% bonus to normal weapon

Fixed Base plus Shiva's bonus to normal weapon, and this is how you get 11% Critical rate

per Ecke Sach, when you are using normal Ecke Sach, Agnis and Shiva

Ok, now I know you have a question in your head

Shiva has a 140% elemental damage bonus, why is it 0% in this formula

If you still remember what I told you just now

Skill bonus is skill bonus, damage bonus is damage bonus

Shiva only affects elemental damage bonus, he has nothing to do with normal Ecke Sach's

weapon skill, that's why we don't take Shiva into consideration, when we are calculating

normal weapon's critical rate

Is that clear?


If you use Ecke Sach and two Agnis, you only need to consider Agnis and Ecke Sach in your formula

5% Critical Bonus from normal Ecke Sach at skill Level 10, Fixed Base plus two Agnis'

bonuses to normal weapon


The critical rate is 17% per Ecke Sach when you are using double Agnis as your summon combination

Primal grid calculates the chance of proc individually, based on each normal weapon

in your grid, so if you are using five normal Ecke Sach and double Agnis

You have five 17% chances to land a critical hit, but to make it easier to understand,

people always say you have 85% critical rate in total

This is so stupidly easy

Are you sure you want to spend a few hours reading those wall of text?

Come on guys, you can call me a demon or an angel, but if you really want to create a

guide, please make it simple, so that people could understand what you are trying to say

We are not scientists, we don't have a Phd title, most of us….. just want to play a game

Ok, so what about Colossus plus Shiva and Ancient Ecke Sach?

The formula goes exactly like primal grid

5% Critical Bonus from Ancient Ecke Sach at skill Level 10, Fixed Base plus Colossus'

100% bonus to magna weapon, Fixed Base plus Shiva's bonus to magna weapon, and the Critical

rate is 10% per Ancient Ecke Sach, when you are using Ancient Ecke Sach, Colossus and Shiva

Alright, how about double Colossus?

You only need to consider Colossus and Ancient Ecke Sach in your formula

5% Critical Bonus from Ancient Ecke Sach at skill Level 10, Fixed Base plus two Colossus

bonuses to magna weapon, and the critical rate will be 15% per Ancient Ecke Sach

Magna grid calculates the chance of proc based on a total sum

So if you are using 5 Ancient Ecke Sach in a Colossus plus Shiva grid, you will get 50%

chance to deal a critical strike

These formulas are applied to all other grids, summons and skills

Ok now, time to give you guys a test

If I want use Athena's spear in double Agnis grid

How do I form a formula for triple attack rate?

Yes… first you need to consider 4.6% Triple Attack Bonus from the spear at skill Level 10

Fixed Base plus two Agnis bonuses to normal weapon,

and the TA rate (NOT Crit) will be 15.64% per spear

That's it

It's so easy

That's all you need to know

It is also worth to mention that, both double attack and triple attack rates are capped

at 50% proc chance, so when you are setting up your weapon grid, please do not let your

double or triple attack rate go over 50%

Anything more than 50% is wasted

Meanwhile, there is currently no cap on critical hit, so you can go all the way to 100%, but

anything more than 100% is also wasted

Alright, that's all for today

I have put all my references under the video description, feel free to take a look

Frankly speaking, I was so frustrated, when I was looking at Granblue Fantasy's damage

and skill formulas, because none of the guides on the internet goes straight to the point

I believe not just Koon, but there are a lot of players, who are facing exactly the same

problem, when they want to look for a proper guide

Time is money, time is life

So please, subscribe to my channel, share this video with your friends

With just a few clicks, you can help to save their time, their lives, so they could have

more quality time with their family and their loved ones

Know yourself, know your game and play like a pro

This is Koon, I'll see you again


For more infomation >> Granblue Fantasy Skill Formula You Must Know- Super Easy! - Duration: 7:23.


Melania Trump Braves The Cold In Heels As Trump's Family Back To DC After A Weeklong Mar a Lago - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Melania Trump Braves The Cold In Heels As Trump's Family Back To DC After A Weeklong Mar a Lago - Duration: 2:55.


South Korea, U.S. working closely for joint response to North Korea: U.S. State Dept. official - Duration: 2:09.

Pundits and experts have been reading between the lines of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's

New Year's speech.

The verdict is that it was pro-South Korea... and very clearly anti-American.

While the analysis goes on and we await the next developments,... the U.S. State Department

has come out,... saying Seoul and Washington are closely cooperating on a unified response

to the North.

Lee Ji-won has more.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's New Year's speech sparked a flurry of speculation and

analysis worldwide, especially within the U.S.

Amid concerns Kim is attempting to drive a wedge between the alliance with his 'pro-South

Korea, anti-U.S. stance',...

Voice of America reported Tuesday that an official from the U.S. State Department said

it's working closely with Seoul on formulating a joint response to the North.

And to South Korea's welcoming of Kim's comment on his willingness to send athletes to the

PyeongChang Olympics in February,.. the official said the U.S. is certain the South will host

a safe and successful Winter Games.

This comes as Kim warned the U.S. that the entire mainland is within the range of his

nuclear weapons,... while, expressing North Korea's will to take part in the PyeongChang

Games and that they sincerely hope the event is held successfully.

Many watchers say the young leader's two-track approach is a ploy to shake the South Korea-U.S.


While most of the U.S. media sees Kim's willingness to join the Olympics as a gesture of reconciliation,..

Bloomberg reports that it puts ties between the two countries to the test.

The New York Times also reported that Kim's words are merely aimed at alleviating international

sanctions and to brew discord between South Korea and the U.S.

South Korea and the U.S. share one goal of denuclearizing Pyongyang,.. but have different

ideas on how to achieve it.

President Moon Jae-in wants talks and negotiations,.. while U.S. President Donald Trump continues

to emphasize sanctions and pressure.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> South Korea, U.S. working closely for joint response to North Korea: U.S. State Dept. official - Duration: 2:09.


President Moon discusses Kim Jong-un's proposal for talks during first Cabinet meeting of 2018 - Duration: 0:58.

And staying at the top office,...

President Moon held his first Cabinet meeting of the year earlier this morning.

At the meeting, the President again said he welcomes a proposal from the North,... and

encouraged related ministries to help restore inter-Korean talks ahead of the 2018 PyeongChang

Winter Olympics next month.

Adding that it's not just a matter between the two Koreas,... but also an international


President Moon also asked that the foreign ministry take necessary measures with South

Korea's allies in handling North Korea related issues.

Reflecting on some of the accidents the country suffered in 2017,... including the recent

fire in Jecheon that took 29 lives,...

President Moon promised to make the country safer and bring in more policies related to

security and safety.

For more infomation >> President Moon discusses Kim Jong-un's proposal for talks during first Cabinet meeting of 2018 - Duration: 0:58.


Technical Glitch At Major US Airports Delays Holiday Travelers Nationwide - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Technical Glitch At Major US Airports Delays Holiday Travelers Nationwide - Duration: 0:21.


『Eng Sub』福州腊八粥 太好吃了 简单食材 巧妙搭配 沁人心脾 LaBa porridge【田园时光美食】 - Duration: 5:03.

Hi everyone

I'm going to make LaBa Porridge today

LaBa is not here yet, but since my daughter is going back to work early

I've made some for her

This recipe is from my hometown Fuzhou

It's also my daughter's favorite

It's simple with few ingredients

Red date, dried Longan(soaked in the water)

Walnut, peanut, brown sugar

It's different from the ones in Northern China

The combination is perfect

Very refreshingly, not too sweet

Sweet glutinuous rice

It's a type of long rice

You've bought it before. The round one should be better

It''s my fault. Next time, we will use the round ones

There's an important ingredient, water chesnut

I didn't find the fresh one in this season

So I'm using canned ones

In FuZhou, there are fresh ones

Some people don't even peel it

It's red and beautiful as a decoration

You put it all over the porridge

We will just pretend that these are fresh ones

Sweet and refreshing

Let's get started

We will boil the peanuts first

I've added 1000ml of water

About 4 times the amount of the rice

There will be some foam when it's boiling

Have you had the FuZhoun Peanut soup?

Pure peanut soup is so delicious

That's why cooking rice in this soup is so delicious

It's been 10-20 minutes

Now, I will cook the glutinous rice


Back then, it's difficult to find it

Dried Longan, it's been soaked

I'm adding in the water in

6-7 watercress

In the beginning, stir to make sure nothing sticks

The best method is putting in the rice when the water boils

It looks like it's boiling

Now I will add in some boiling water

Back then, people would bring it to other people's home

that's why it's usually really thick

But if you're eating at home, you can thin it out

So you can be flexible with the water level

Wait until the rice is almost translucent

to add in the dates, because I don't want it too mushy

Now the rice is transparent

You can add in the sugar

Black or red sugar is the best

It's all transparent

You want the rice to be nicely separated

You don't want it to be mushy

Use the remaining heat to continue cooking it

It will be nice and thick in a few minutes

It's all ready!

Look at how nice the texture is

Every year, you're always in school during LaBa.

She probably forgot the taste already

It's been a few years

In FuZhou, this LaBa porridge

is very different from the Northern Chinese version

There's a tradition that if you're age is related to the number 9

like 9, 19, 29 or multiples of 9

They have to eat this dish for good luck along with luck noodles


I'm not sure, I think it has to do with good luck

Maybe they don't like the number 9?

Daughters who are married will bring their parents a bowl of this

Back then, my friend LinXiu would knock on my door to remind me to make this dish

Back then there were no cars, so you'd see people on the bus with these dishes

or even on bikes

In little baskets

It's not like that in your hometown

I know how to ride bicycles

I can eat these everyday

Oh, it's too hot to eat these everyday

She can make them herselves now

Yea, she learned today

Every time, I would send her a picture of what I've made.

I really like the FuZhou version of this

Of course, that's where you're from!

Yea, but it's so good

Let me tell you

This taste especially good as a leftover

You would stir fry it in a pan and

back then there weren't any non-stick pans, so you would get thin layers of dried rice on the pot

It's like rice crackers

Leave some and we will eat it again tomorrow

It could be less sweet too

It's perfect

For more infomation >> 『Eng Sub』福州腊八粥 太好吃了 简单食材 巧妙搭配 沁人心脾 LaBa porridge【田园时光美食】 - Duration: 5:03.


Power lines down across Medgar Evers - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Power lines down across Medgar Evers - Duration: 0:59.


Hyundai Motor Group aims to sell 7.5 million cars in 2018 - Duration: 0:48.

Korea's largest automaker, Hyundai Motor Group, revealed its New Year's goal of selling a

total of some seven-point-five million cars in 2018.

Hyundai Motor and its affiliate Kia Motors announced on Tuesday that they aim to sell

nearly four-point-seven million and two-point-nine million vehicles respectively.

Although the exact figures haven't been released yet, industry experts have been speculating

that the group sold more than seven-point-two million cars last year.

The 2018 business plan aims to sell 300 thousand more cars than last year, but is 700 thousand

lower than the carmaker's initial target announced last January.

The cut down is attributed to falling demand in its primary markets including China and

the United States.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Motor Group aims to sell 7.5 million cars in 2018 - Duration: 0:48.


BOMBSHELL From Congress!!! HILLARY PAID THEM OFF With BRIBES! ENJOY PRISON!!! - Duration: 38:57.

BOMBSHELL From Congress!!!



In yet another bombshell revelation demonstrating how there is one standard for the Clintons

and yet another for the rest of us "little people," Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) revealed

email evidence that the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email probe was anything

but standard.

Emails from FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe state the probe was coded "HQ Special."

That term in and of itself is terminology used to indicate the probe in no way followed

standard investigative procedures, likely 'softening,' the Bureau's findings.

These bombshell revelations concerning just how deeply rooted the corruption is within

the Department of Justice and the FBI is truly astounding and it is becoming more and more

clear every day that there is one set of rules for some in Washington and yet another set

of rules for the rest of us.

Gaetz stated on Fox News' "America's Newsroom" Friday –

"We have email evidence from Andrew McCabe indicating that Hillary Clinton was going

to get an 'HQ Special,' a headquarters special.

The Judiciary Committee is engaged in an investigation, particularly as it relates to the handling

of the Hillary Clinton email scandal and any potential investigations of the Clinton Foundation

and the handling of bribes or other types of improper payments."

McCabe met with both the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees in closed-door hearings

on Thursday.

Gaetz explained a "headquarter special" was an indication that "the normal processes

at the Washington field office weren't followed and he had a very small group of people that

had a pro-Hillary Clinton bias who had a direct role in changing the outcome of that investigation

from one that likely should have been criminal to one where she was able to walk."

Gaetz went on to explain –"The Judiciary Committee is engaged in an investigation,

particularly as it relates to the handling of the Hillary Clinton email scandal and any

potential investigations of the Clinton Foundation and the handling of bribes or other types

of improper payments.

I think we have to ensure that never happens again, that the same processes that would

apply to any American would also apply to people who were running for president of the

United States.

We just want to follow the facts, we want to see if we've got the right systems and

processes in place for reporting and transparency so that the American people have confidence

in the FBI and confidence in the Department of Justice."

Then there was confirmation from the Wall Street Journal demonstrating that the corruption

went all the way to the top.

The Obama administration was not only aware of Hillary Clinton's private email server

issue, they were in close contact with the Hillary presidential campaign as early as

the beginnings of 2015 assisting in damage control.

This is from recently disclosed emails from top Obama administration officials as they

discussed potential fallout from the former Secretary of State's use of a private email


Email discussions included requests from the White House communications direction to her

counterpart at the State Department to see if it was possible to arrange for Hillary's

successor as Secretary of State John Kerry, to avoid any questions during media engagements

and press conferences about Hillary's email arrangements.

Top State Department officials even went so far as to assure Hillary's attorneys that

they had not advised Congress of any wrongdoing on Hillary's part regarding the use of a

private email account.

These previously unreported emails were obtained as part of a Freedom of Information Act (or

FOIA) lawsuit from Judicial Watch seeking records from Hillary's tenure as Secretary

of State.

The Republican National Committee only released a portion of the emails to the Wall Street


What was in the remaining documents is unclear.

The RNC has refused to release any additional emails stating that it will release only relevant

communications between the White House and the State Department.

Then there is McCabe himself.

His wife, a Democrat (naturally), ran for Virginia's Senate and received some funds

from groups tied to Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe.

Many have pointed to this as significant bias when those charged to investigate corruption

are receiving funds directly from the person most likely to be affected by the outcome

of the investigation.

In the real world, we call that bribery.

Deceased Justice Antonin Scalia rightly noted there is a great risk that the people most

eager to join a special prosecutor's staff are those who are burning to take down the

person under investigation, and these texts certainly raise that concern to a significant

degree with combined with revelations of political donations and former associations.

It is unclear just who decides what is or what is not relevant with respect to these

communications or just what else is being hidden by Hillary's minions.

It seems every day we find out more just how much corruption is in Washington and how deep

it goes.

For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL From Congress!!! HILLARY PAID THEM OFF With BRIBES! ENJOY PRISON!!! - Duration: 38:57.


U.S. gun crimes continue into 2018 - Duration: 0:44.

2017 has been a year racked by mass shootings in the U.S., and a series of violent gun crimes

on the last day of the year has added to the grim tally.

A 37-year-old man fired more than a hundred rounds on sheriff's deputies in Colorado,

who were responding to a noise complaint.

The ambush left one officer dead and four others injured.

The suspected was also shot and killed.

Meanwhile in New Jersey, a 16-year-old boy is in custody after he fatally gunned down

his parents, sister and a family friend.

The teenage suspect's brother and grandfather managed to escape unharmed.

For more infomation >> U.S. gun crimes continue into 2018 - Duration: 0:44.


A New Year's Day bundle of joy, baby Harper makes her appearance - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> A New Year's Day bundle of joy, baby Harper makes her appearance - Duration: 1:35.


The Gateway Bug - Movie - Duration: 1:24:24.

For more infomation >> The Gateway Bug - Movie - Duration: 1:24:24.


Beyond the Farthest Star - Movie - Duration: 1:59:42.

For more infomation >> Beyond the Farthest Star - Movie - Duration: 1:59:42.


Free fut points: how-to

For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


IOC welcomes N. Korea's interest in participating in 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 1:50.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un made clear in his New Year's address that the North is

highly interested in participating in the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

And the wheels are turning with both the IOC and the PyeongChang 2018 Organizing Committee

saying that they relish the North's interest.

Park Ji-won has more.

The International Olympic Committee welcomed North Korea's interest and willingness to

participate in the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics, held this February in South Korea.

In a media interview,... the IOC spokesperson Mark Adams said the IOC will closely cooperate

with the organizing committee for the PyeongChang 2018, the Korean government, and North Korea's

Olympic Committee.

And the head of the PyeongChang 2018 Organising Committee, Lee Hee-beom, said it is a positive

sign from North Korea,.. and a New Year's gift.

IOC President Thomas Bach said in his New Year's message that the IOC will keep monitoring

the situation closely to ensure the safety of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics,...

stressing his support for the Olympic message of hope and peace,... and looking beyond political


On Monday,... North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said in his New Year's address that the North

wishes the success of the Winter Olympics in South Korea,... saying his country is willing

to take the measures necessary for sending North Korean athletes to the South.

Kim also suggested the two Koreas could meet immediately to discuss the required steps.

North Korea didn't participate in the 1988 Seoul Summer Olympics in South Korea.

Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> IOC welcomes N. Korea's interest in participating in 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 1:50.


For more infomation >> IOC welcomes N. Korea's interest in participating in 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 1:50.


Quand Johnny Hally­day évoquait les goûts musi­caux de ses filles : « Ce n'est pas ma musique » - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Quand Johnny Hally­day évoquait les goûts musi­caux de ses filles : « Ce n'est pas ma musique » - Duration: 2:36.


For more infomation >> Quand Johnny Hally­day évoquait les goûts musi­caux de ses filles : « Ce n'est pas ma musique » - Duration: 2:36.


La Contamanina - Concierto Sinfónico de la Institución Educativa Fe y Alegría N. 17 - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> La Contamanina - Concierto Sinfónico de la Institución Educativa Fe y Alegría N. 17 - Duration: 2:39.


For more infomation >> La Contamanina - Concierto Sinfónico de la Institución Educativa Fe y Alegría N. 17 - Duration: 2:39.


Bobbi Jene - Movie - Duration: 1:38:39.

For more infomation >> Bobbi Jene - Movie - Duration: 1:38:39.


For more infomation >> Bobbi Jene - Movie - Duration: 1:38:39.


Acheter une RENAULT Clio RS V6 3.0 255 ch - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Acheter une RENAULT Clio RS V6 3.0 255 ch - Duration: 5:13.


For more infomation >> Acheter une RENAULT Clio RS V6 3.0 255 ch - Duration: 5:13.


RENAULT La nouvelle Mégane Coupé Cabriolet arrive - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> RENAULT La nouvelle Mégane Coupé Cabriolet arrive - Duration: 1:37.


For more infomation >> RENAULT La nouvelle Mégane Coupé Cabriolet arrive - Duration: 1:37.


"Thank You For an Amazing 2017" | Jo Koy - Duration: 2:32.

2017 was so amazing and I cannot thank each and every single one of you guys enough

Thank you for making my dream a reality

And I can't wait for 2018 to start

Cause I'm gonna make you guys laugh even harder...

Get ready...

I love you guys and keep laughing!


You know how much a comedian makes in the Philippines?

A chicken and flip flops!

F*ck that! F*ck that... I don't even like flip flops

I love you Samuel L. Jackson!

It's a video... I thought you were taking a picture

This is my mom

Like, Jo Koy is my nickname that my Ate Evelyn, my mom's sister named me

I don't know where my aunt comes with any of these names!

Jabbawockeez are up... Let's go

Everyone's been asking, are you gonna come to the Philippines?

Philippines... I'm comin'!

I'm comin' back to the motherland!!

Marami Salamat Po

Mahal Kita

So... Many... Tacoma's!!!

The whole island is comin'... that will make you guys laugh Mahalo

And I'm gonna make you guys laugh...


Let's do it this way... The other prom picture

I want you to yell as many lifeguard things as you can


Stop drowning out there bro!

Do not grow a man bun! I repeat, do not grow a man bun!

What about the P.F. Ching's...

P.F. Ching's..?!

What the heck?!

Please, do your P.F. Ching's in character

John Koy...

John Koy is one of the biggest names, and I don't even know his name!

It took me 28 years to get to where I am now

When you really love something, and truly believe in it

Everything else just falls into place

I love you guys, I love Hawaii...

All the love you guys give is just unreal

When it's organic, it just comes from the soul

I cannot help...

Palling in love...

With you..


That's right!! Manny sings a 99 on Magic Mic Karaoke

You want to challenge me? I dare you!

Beat 99... I'll give you an autograph signed picture of my nephew, Jo Koy

Good luck, everyone


God I'm good...

For more infomation >> "Thank You For an Amazing 2017" | Jo Koy - Duration: 2:32.


Improve your Vocabulary: English word pairs about TIME - Duration: 9:42.

If you're lost, you can look and you will find me, time after time.

Hey, everyone.

I'm Alex.

Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this lesson on some common word pairs or expressions with time.

So, not just the word "time", but different expressions we use to indicate time, or different

expressions or word pairs we use to talk about how long something takes, or when something happens.

So, first we're going to look at five, and then we're going to look at another five,

and each time we go over one of these word pairs I'll give you an example sentence, and

I want you to, you know, see if you can guess the meaning of this expression from the context,

and then I will tell you the actual definition of, you know, what this expression or this

word pair means.

So, let's not waste any more time and let's begin.

Number one: "then and there".

The sentence is: "I was hired then and there."

Now, if you know the meaning, obviously, of "then", at that time;

and "there", in that place - it means at that moment.

Okay? So at that exact moment.

At that moment.

So, imagine you go to a job interview in this case and the interview goes very well, sometimes

the person who does your job interview says:

"Okay, we'll... We'll call you back and we'll let you know."

But sometimes if they know that you're the right person for the job, they will tell you

when... They will ask you, actually: "When can you start?" and they will hire you on the spot,

they will hire you then and there, in that moment.


So that's what "then and there" means, at that moment.

Or: "She kissed me then and there.", "I was hired then and there."

Next: "sooner or later".

Sooner or later.

"You'll have to do it sooner or later."

So, most of us I think don't like washing dishes or we don't like doing the laundry,

and we just look at it in the corner, you know, telling ourselves: "Okay, we will do it.

Not now, later. Later."


And maybe, you know, somebody will tell you:

"Okay, can you...? Can you do it now? Because you will have to do it sooner or later."

And in this case it means eventually.


So, to say something a little more serious: "Sooner or later we're all going to die."

You know, it's going to happen.

It's going to happen.

That's not the happiest memory or the happiest image, but you know, I think you get the meaning.

Sooner or later.

"Wait and see".

Very simply: "Let's wait and see what happens."

This just means let's be patient.

Be patient.


So, if you are watching a movie with a friend and your friend wants to know what happens

next in the movie because you have seen the movie before, and your friend's like:

"Oh, what happens next? What happens next?"

And you just say: "Wait and see.

Okay? Just wait and you will see what happens next."

So, just be patient.

Now, the final two on the first board are very similar: "now and then", "from time to time".

Both of these, if you look at the sentences:

"I talk to him now and then.",

"She reads biographies from time to time."

What do you think these expressions mean?

Sometimes, that's right.

So, infrequently or sometimes.


Another word, maybe might be new for some of you guys: "infrequently", not frequently,

and these are interchangeable.


So: "now and then", "from time to time".

"We go to restaurants from time to time.", "We go to restaurants now and then.",

"I read mystery novels from time to time.", "I read mystery novels now and then."

-"How often do you call your mom?"

-"Now and then.", -"From time to time."


So, we have: "then and there", "sooner or later", "wait and see",

"now and then", "from time to time".

And now let's look at five more.

So, magic.



Okay, so the next five.

First: "quick and easy".

"The test was quick and easy."

So, something that doesn't take a lot of time, is not very difficult, basically let's just say

very easy.

Doesn't take time, doesn't take a lot of effort.

So, often, if you like to cook and you see recipes on the internet or in a cookbook,

you know, some of the cookbooks are called: "Quick and Easy Recipes".

So, a quick and easy recipe for pancakes, for example.


So something that doesn't take a lot of time and something that is simple, not complicated.

The final four are all very much related to making progress.

So, think about your own progress in English and learning a new language.

Now, to learn a new language you should go "slowly but surely".

So: "He's improving slowly but surely."

So, you're doing something slowly, it's not fast, like learning a language takes time,

but if you go watch videos or study your books or listen to movies, you will definitely,

like, surely...

Slowly but surely, definitely improve.

So this just means gradually.

You will gradually improve.


So let's go slowly but surely, slowly but surely.

Next: "slow and steady".

"Don't rush!

Just go slow and steady."

So, you see: "slowly but surely", "s but s", "slow and steady", "s and s".

Basically, they both mean gradually or without rushing.

So, I'm just going to write without rushing, not rushing.

And if you're sitting there watching me, saying: "What is 'rush'?

What does 'rushing' mean?"

To rush means to do something quickly, very, very fast.


So: "Don't rush. Just go slow and steady."

Steady, like calmly, at a regular pace.

Not, like, fast, slow, fast, slow, but the same pace.

You're very focused.


Next: "little by little" and "step by step".

Oo, baby.

You guys know what I'm talking about.

So: "Little bit little, we're getting there."

Same as here: "Slowly but surely", gradually, "little by little", this is also an Oasis song.

"Little by little", something, something.

I can't remember.

If you know, let me know in the comments.

And finally: "step by step".

"Just go step by step."

So, you take steps when you walk.


So if you do something step by step by step, you start at the bottom and you maybe keep

walking up, or you are at the beginning of a very long journey, a very long trip, and you...

How do you get to the end?

How do you reach your goal?

Step by step by step by step.

Okay? So, gradually.

So, those are a lot of expressions, 10 of them in fact, and if you'd like to

test your understanding of all of this stuff today,

as always, you can check out the quiz on

And I really, really recommend...

You know, these are very, very common things that we use in everyday conversation, so make

sure you master them, take your time, go slow and steady, slowly but surely,

and step by step you will see your English improve.

All right?

So once again, check out that quiz.

And til next time, thanks for clicking.

See ya.

If you-[hums]-time after time.

For more infomation >> Improve your Vocabulary: English word pairs about TIME - Duration: 9:42.


Roblox BOI Animated - Duration: 0:15.

Hey everybody I redyed my hair as you can see here

Gotta go to school gotta go to school gotta go to schoooool

For more infomation >> Roblox BOI Animated - Duration: 0:15.


Hume Tumese Pyar kitna||Letest updated 2018|| - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Hume Tumese Pyar kitna||Letest updated 2018|| - Duration: 3:47.


ЛЮБИМЫЕ НОВОГОДНИЕ ФИЛЬМЫ на английском. ЧТО И КАК СМОТРЕТЬ || Skyeng - Duration: 12:30.

For more infomation >> ЛЮБИМЫЕ НОВОГОДНИЕ ФИЛЬМЫ на английском. ЧТО И КАК СМОТРЕТЬ || Skyeng - Duration: 12:30.


The Light of the Moon - Movie - Duration: 1:34:30.

For more infomation >> The Light of the Moon - Movie - Duration: 1:34:30.


Mariah Carey paid £3.5M to sing in the New Year (while Britney scrapes by on £280k) - Duration: 3:04.

Mariah Carey paid £3.5M to sing in the New Year (while Britney scrapes by on £280k)

She will sing in New York as the famous Time Square ball plunges to mark the start of 2018.

A huge technical malfunction led to embarrassment at last year's show, with Carey repeatedly stopping singing during the performance, and shown visibly upset as a pre-recorded track played in the background.

A row broke out between her and Dick Clark productions over who was to blame, with the singer claiming there were technical glitches such as a faulty earpiece - and producers accusing her of not rehearsing properly.

Now, after almost 12 months of peace talks – and a contract for more than £3.5million for just half-an-hour on camera – Carey, 48, has agreed to revisit the scene of last year's disaster.

She is not the only superstar after a 2018 payday, although she is getting 12 times more than her rival Britney Spears, who will be heralding in January 1 in Las Vegas.

Spears will be paid £280,000 for her singalong – the same fee she earns every night for her residency in the Planet Hollywood casino resort.

Elsewhere, country music icon Willie Nelson, 84, will lead New Year celebrations on stage in Austin, Texas while rock and blues guitar virtuoso John Mayer will count down the clock in concert in Los Angeles.

Both are commanding fees in excess of a million dollars – approximately £740,000 – at major venues, according to promoters.

Trumpeter Chris Botti, hip-hop sensation Cardi B and R&B veteran Macy Gray are also headlining New Year's shows across the pond, with Cardi B the biggest earner among them, commanding a fee of around £400,000 for a one-hour gig.

For more infomation >> Mariah Carey paid £3.5M to sing in the New Year (while Britney scrapes by on £280k) - Duration: 3:04.


Life of an Entrepreneur: Courage, Commitment & Consistency - Duration: 8:55.

Well, hey everyone. I think I'm live.

So, I'm Mary.

This is my very first Facebook Live. I...


I'm nervous about doing it, which is why I'm doing it.

So, I want to talk about a few things today.

The three topics are:

Courage, Commitment and Consistency.


my courage for today is doing this Facebook Live.

I know it's not the biggest deal in the world,

so many people do it.

And yet it does scare me.

I think, you know, I don't mind being on camera,

things like that,

but I'm more comfortable with things that I can edit

and stop and re-record, all that kind of thing.

But anyway, so here I am.

And welcome to anyone who ends up coming on.

I'll try to look and see. I'm on my iPhone,

so I'll see if anyone comes on, and if not, it's totally cool.


and the other thing about courage that I wanted to talk about from this year

and then I welcome everybody to share their experience as well

from this past year, or many years,

and what you plan on going into 2018 with.

So, one of the things that I did that was pretty courageous this year

was to leave a full-time job to start my own business.

And that felt really right for me

and it was a big leap of faith and it's been a beautiful experience so far.


So the topic of commitment for me today would be:

I'm committed to learning all I can, to be the best that I can be,

at the business that I'm doing,

which is captioning for videos

and optimizing videos on social media.

And there's a lot to learn that...

there's a lot to learn that...

I'm learning as I go, part of it,

because of things that clients might request,

which is a lot of fun for me.

It's funny. I'm an artist and I love doing painting and stuff

but I also love the very technological side.

It's fun to learn and grow in that way.

And so with consistency,

part of the consistency that I want is to make more videos,

because one of the things I'm really impressed with,

with anybody in social media,

is when they put out videos with value and content

that really helps others.

And so for whatever reason,

I'm very passionate about captioning and videos

and spreading the message and making things more accessible.

And...for whatever reason,

that's become a passion and purpose of mine.

And so I want to help -

like, I can't caption every video in the world anyway, right? (laughing)

So it's good if people become more knowledgeable

on how they can do their own, as well.

So that's something I want to do.

And I also learned that

when I search for information

through YouTube videos or whatever,

sometimes, the way in which it's presented

is very helpful to me and I can learn,

and sometimes I need things put in a different format

or really simplified.

And so I also want to be able to share the things that I learn

by putting it in that simplified format.

And for me, keeping things simple is actually very difficult.

I tend to think in the big, big scheme of things

and it's harder to narrow it down.

Which is partly why I was scared to do a Facebook Live,

because I know I can ramble from one thought to another

and I did -

I'm looking over here because I did write a few notes -

but I'm also trying to just be authentic

and share my thoughts with people. So...

And I see a couple people might be on.

I don't want to move too close and give you a big close up

so it's hard for me to read it.

My eyes aren't that great right now.

But I have a couple people watching,

so welcome and thank you for watching.


what else can I say...

Consistency...yeah... making videos and also

you know, I talk a lot about baby steps in my life.

There's things that are not innate for me to do

and some things come more naturally than other things,

and I think that's probably true for a lot of people.

And so I've been embracing baby steps

and taking it easy on myself in some of those areas.

However, moving into the next year, I think I might move up to toddler

and challenge myself a little bit more.

And one of those areas is about just physical exercise.

I - you might have seen back in May I posted,

maybe it was May or June, I posted that I went to the gym.

That was pretty cool.

Had a dumbbell in my hand. Awesome.

And I have a lot of trouble being consistent with my physical health,

but it has repercussions.

And it's my responsibility to take care of the gift of life that we have.

And so being healthier is a very good thing.

And that will help with everything.

It's, I find, you know,

courage, commitment and consistency

are all very interrelated. know,

to be consistent in showing videos,

that takes courage and commitment, right?'s interrelated.

What else...



Sorry, I'm just thinking.

Let's see...

Sometimes my mind draws a blank,

so this is where I brought a coffee

and I can just sit and think. We can just hang out for a second.

I got this mug from my parents last year at Christmas.

I love it. Thanks Mom and Dad!

I'm looking forward to the Holidays, seeing my family.

And I guess just the one thing I'll say about courage over the Holidays...

it can be a really fun time for a lot of people

and it can be a really hard time for a lot of people.

And that can be when you're around a lot of people

or not around a lot of people.

Because, you know, loneliness can be when you're on your own.

Loneliness can be when you're in a room with a hundred people (laughing).


I guess I'll just put out there,

if anyone is having a hard time, just have the courage to

maybe talk to someone about it and to...

just say you're having a tough time.

And it's also okay to just say, "Listen, I just need someone to listen.

I don't need the solutions or the answers."

Because sometimes people just want to have a safe place to

share how they're feeling. So I encourage that.

And what else...


How's everybody doing out there?

(singing) De do de dooo

I actually have a few people watching. This is kind of cool.

How are you guys doing out there?

You all set for the holidays? (laughing)

Alright...I feel like I had more thoughts.


Maybe, for today, that's all I need to say.

And, like I said, if anybody out there wants to share in the

comments and whatnot about

things this year they did that took courage...

And that can be a really simple thing.

Like sometimes courage is

going up and shaking someone's hand and saying hello (laughing).

It doesn't have to be some big grand thing, right? So...

And yes, this year was filled with courage for me

for big steps like leaving a full-time job.

And if anybody from there is, I don't know.

My last job I loved. I was there for over five years and...

You know, so right now my coworker is this guy...

because I'm working from home... this little guy (laughing).

But you know, I came,

the job that I left, I was in an office filled with

fantastic people that I do truly miss.

Like...the social aspect of being around a lot of people,

the funny little banters, all that kind of thing.

I do really miss it.

And at the same time, what's happened as I've left that world,

and now, you know, following the dream of being an entrepreneur -

that I have all these other interactions

that I didn't anticipate having, right?

So I knew I'd be in business and providing a service for people,

but as a result, it's opened up my world in a whole new way with...

inspiration of watching these entrepreneurs,

because many of my clients are entrepreneurs,

and seeing the courage, commitment and consistency

of what they do and how much I'm learning from them

and how much I get to grow in my business,

in the sense of learning and skills

because of what they ask of me, which is phenomenal.


what else...let's see...(humming)...

I have a lot of thoughts and I talk a lot and sometimes I have trouble

thinking of the next thought.

But I don't want to leave you hanging just to keep you on here.

So maybe I'll just say,

I hope everybody has a Very Happy Holiday!

Do something fun for yourself. Please enjoy....

enjoy time with family and friends

or reach out if you're struggling in any way.

And...I think that's it for me for today.

Have a good one everyone

and Happy New Year if we're not in touch before then.

Alright, see you in social media land or in person.

Alright, bye.

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