Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 2 2018

Things are changing.

A hard time is coming for mutants.

They're coming.

Let's go get em.

We need people like you.


You've heard of the X-Men.

Aren't they an urban legend now?

They left something behind.

Whether you like it or not, you're like your father.

Get down!

This isn't why the X-Men chose us.

Fall back!

I'm tired of hiding.

This will change everything!

The Gifted two hour season finale, January 15th on FOX.

For more infomation >> The Gifted 1x12 "eXtraction" / 1x13 "X-roads" Promo (HD) Season 1 Episode 12 Promo Season Finale - Duration: 0:31.


이달의소녀탐구 #245 (LOONA TV #245) - Duration: 0:55.



(Someone is familiar and someone is not familar!)

(Yves who looks comfortable!)

(Chuu who looks not comfortable at all!)

(And HeeJin & a blurred girl)

(Don't be worry. It's a camera adaptation training!)

HaSeul: You need to talk more~ Chuu: Ah, really...?

Chuu: The weather is nice~

Chuu: I...

Chuu: like singing... Yves: Close up~

(It's another adaptation training!) Chuu: I'm 19 years old...

Yves: (Demonstration) I'm 19 years old, Yves!

(She looks really comfortable now)

'You guys are good at pretending to be friendly"

Yves: (Nope) She's my real friend.

(The girls are cheering up Chuu and a blurred girl) All: Fighting!

(And Kim Lip gives her a cheer, too!) HeeJin: Can you do well today?

(Anyway, let's start the photo shooting!)

#NowPlaying "LOOΠΔ/Chuu - Heart Attack"

For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐구 #245 (LOONA TV #245) - Duration: 0:55.


Then Mittai || Childhood Rasgulla Recipe || Honey Candy - Duration: 3:10.

Then Mittai

Then Mittai

Then Mittai

For more infomation >> Then Mittai || Childhood Rasgulla Recipe || Honey Candy - Duration: 3:10.


WATCH LIVE: The National for Monday January 1, 2018 - Duration: 1:04:39.

For more infomation >> WATCH LIVE: The National for Monday January 1, 2018 - Duration: 1:04:39.



For more infomation >> BREAKING!!! JOHN MCCAIN FINALLY DID IT! So WRONG on EVERY LEVEL! RESIGN NOW! - Duration: 5:21.


Trailer (English Lyrics) - Duration: 0:29.

Yeah I know that I let you down

Yeah I know that I let you down






Yeah I know


that I let you down


Traduzida por (eu)

For more infomation >> Trailer (English Lyrics) - Duration: 0:29.


The year with the Swedish Royal Family (2017) - Duration: 58:32.

♫ One and two and three and four, buff!

♫ Ho aj aj aj aj buff ♫ Ho aj aj aj aj buff buff

♫ Ho aj aj aj aj buff!

Children often ask clever questions. They see things that we don't see.

That is why it is so much fun to discover things together with the children.

They pay attention to things that you wouldn't have seen otherwise.

–We all have so much fun, right? –Yes, so much fun. Look, how large!!!

–Wow, so many jellyfish! –This is one of those.

There's something inside. A caterpillar.

I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son,

and of the Holy Ghost...

It is good to have a bit to do.

I do not want to sit idle.

–What should it be? –A blanket, eventually.

–There are many hours to wait. –Yes, when you get a lot done.

–Have you been here before? –No, but I must see them once.

I left home at two in the morning and had a coffee when I arrived.

I was just going to go down over the day.

Yes, it's so big. My life's dream.

You become almost a little touched. Why?

They do so much.

I think that everyone in our royal family...

I have always respected them. It is such a nice family.

They don't blow up They are so humble.

You notice that the royal children want to be more like the people are.

It must be respected.

Here's the quick jolt. Early mornings.

You should be flexible. And a little cool.

How big is the media's interest for the crown princess's 40th birthday?

There is a lot of press. Yesterday we were at the royal palace.

Here at Solliden, we see almost a greater international interest.

An international press car stands here. It is great fun.

–How is it going? –It probably goes...

It comes to get good seats.

We get people coming from all directions.

Training is useful in the day.

–You ran properly. –You shall have the fitness.

–I ran in the grass with heels. –I have sneakers.

I wanted to look like Daniel. He usually has these shoes and chinos.

I have looked at them.

Ugh, this is terrible... No, that was just plain fun!

Thank you for being so many who have come here today.

For you have chosen to be here at Solliden today.

It is very nice, and something I really put value on! Thank you!

It was a great celebration. I was so happy and touched–

–that so many people wanted to celebrate with me and make the day special.

Both in Stockholm and in Öland–

–there were many who were pleased for me with greetings and gifts.

The crown princess said before she doesn't feel like being 40.

How old does the crown princess feel?

I don't know...

I don't feel 40. I remember when my dad turned 40.

It felt like he was much older than I am today.

The crown Princess' wish is to have more time.

What for the time, and the time to what?

Time for the most part. I want to do so much.

From being more with the kids–

–to do more, make more of a difference for Sweden.

To get more done.

It is a battle of time. But I am not alone.

There is a question that most people are thinking about sooner or later.

What is the meaning of life? What does the crown Princess think about it?

The sentence is enough to try to live my life.

It is easier said than done.

How does one want to live his life?

Much is holding you back. Many opportunities are provided, but do you take them?

People don't think of what they sacrifice for us.

They do not have the same freedom as we. They always have someone with them...

They sacrifice their lives for us.

It's so big.

It never goes to get enough paid for it.

I usually say to people.

They can't go to the kiosk and buy a sausage.

They can't do something spontaneously. Their whole life is structured for them.

What should people keep in mind. Maybe it is envy.

Has the Crown Princess ever felt trapped by the role?

What should I say... It puts restrictions on life–

–but it also opens huge opportunities.

It is a giving and taking.

At Solliden this summer, a woman said, who wanted to celebrate the birthday–

–the crown Princess sacrifices her life. It feels like that?

I believe in this and want to do what I can to contribute to Sweden.

I can bring light to the things, I can show up Sweden.

I try to do it with the walks I have started with.

To walk through our landscape.

It is a way to remind ourselves what we have around the corner:

Our amazing country with huge resources, which are absolutely free.

They are waiting to be used and discovered – that we take care of them.

We do not really visit them. Many haven't had the opportunity.

I hope now that more will realize it is not so difficult.

Not so much is required–

–for we shall see the value of what we have around us.

Look, the calves were cute! Now they come to say hello.

Take it with your thumb and forefinger...

–Now it's just time to let them go. –Be prepared!

Can I try? Now, when I have a chance...

How do we do now, then? Oh well, thank you so much!

Would someone else try?

Come on now!

Just for your sake!

One, two, three!

You may keep each other in hand...

Hear ye! What have I got off the stick?!

It was amazing! – Bravo!

Welcome to Indonesia!

Welcome, to the king and the queen to Indonesia!

We are on a state visit in Indonesia for some days.

It has been interesting.

We have visited many institutions and got to meet very good people.

We had an interesting conversation with the president of the republic, and were received nicely.

Then everything rolls on as usual at the state.

You shall be prepared. What unites Sweden and Indonesia?

What is important for the two countries?

And for the Swedish delegation who is with us.

What are we meeting? What interests do they have? What do they think is important?

And you should know a lot about the country.

For example, they speak 400 different languages.

It is good to know as much as possible before you go.

How does everything work in such a humid and hot country?

Many years ago, when I was younger and less experienced, someone told me:

"Think of it this way: The other person is warmer than I am, at least as hot."

Then one lowers its own temperature.

To think "Wow, how sweaty I will be!", will not be good.

You should think about how hot the other must be. Then the temperature goes down.

Margareta Thorgren: It is always a lot of information about the visits.

There are things that happen, not just around the actual visit–

–but in general in Sweden and in the world.

So, during the trips we have to work with a lot of questions.

During a flight, you can discuss many other things at the same time.

Ajir! Hey, old man! Are we going for a ride?

There will be a lot of work. It comes to find moments to get new energy.

On horseback, I am thinking, of course as always on the job–

–but you can solve the problem on the back of a horse.

How often must you stop news from reaching the royal family?

You have to protect them often?

My job is often invisible.

I handle things that might be a crisis.

It may be a trifling matter.

But if you don't handle it right, or quickly enough–

–things that are false can become truths.

That is why it is so important to be available–

and to dare to take the decision fast.

And that we act and are honest in the communication.

Otherwise, it is easy for something to build up and become a crisis.

His luxury yacht and aircraft are pulling the Swedish royal family in the leak.

It is good that you look at a person's financial dealings.

But this has nothing to do with the court.

Bertil Hult is the royal family's private friend, and therefore he doesn't need to be reviewed.

To use the good friends' mode of transport is not strange.

Now we are out in the mountains.

Here in the neighborhood of the Abisko–

–I have received a gift of the county board and the tourism association.

It is a project to help people with different problems.

That those with problems of movement or sight should be able to get around this.

It has set up bulwarks–

and made the doors wider, so that wheelchairs can get into.

It is very well prepared, and nice.

It will probably be appreciated.

–Have you been here before? –I have been in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden.

But I've never been out in the fall market.

–Came here with the scooter? –No, by helicopter.

As many as possible to get to experience it here.

But one should not venture out alone, there must be at least two.

The mobile phone has no coverage on here. You might forget it.

In the town, it can easily be found, but it's not possible here.

You have to think about it before.

It creates a little bit of excitement and experiences.

I would like to express that mine and the royal family's thoughts–

–go to the victims of this despicable deed.

Fellows that have been damaged and the killings.

We are all upset of what has happened.

It is at the same time hopeful–

–to see the love that people has shown to one another.

I feel an emptiness, a huge sadness.

But still a strength in any way...

The community has shown a tremendous force. We want to resist this.

The Swedish society is based on tremendous trust and fellowship.

It will make us stronger

–How do we overcome this? –Together. Thank you.

How should we in Sweden relate to the terror?

There is only one thing. We all stick together against all forms of terror.

It is so terrible. We should feel the support of each other.

We help each other, if something happens.

Above all, we must always have your gaze directed forward.

Sweden has long been and will continue to be–

–a safe and peaceful country.

Now we are in Gothenburg, where the Swedish School of Nurses have their annual conference.

I'll just go and introduce myself, and then also talk a little bit.

How does it feel, being in front of so many?

Half of all of the country's nurses are gathered here, so you get a little nervous–

–but they do such an important job

–for they are here for our children to give them support.

It feels urgent. I am happy to be here.

Although I would sit there and listen.

–How does the Prince prepare for the speech? –Now I'm here standing with you.

I should go through my notes.

Please stand up for His Royal Highness Prince Daniel. – Welcome!

This occupational group probably gets not that many attention.

They may perhaps not hear how important they are–

–for children and young people, and for us as a society.

Dear nurses! You make a big difference.

You receive our children.

Imagine if we all could make the effort –

–to see the surrounding area. Give each other a glance, a smile.

"I see you. Hello!"

Sweden would be better if we saw each other in the eyes, not over the shoulder.

This is about–

–all children and young people's chance to find the joy of movement.

All participants in the Special Olympics School Day have a medal–

–for all of us here to dare to challenge ourselves and sometimes face certain restrictions–

–but still have fun. A superb day!

The Hovdam is called "lady-in-waiting" in English.

So she is "waiting" and sees what needs to be done.

She sees how she can help me.

She is the invisible power available, but not still.

To be a lady in waiting is not easy. You may not interfere, but should be.

To help without being noticed.

You learn, of course, about each other.

Ladies in waiting have an important task.

She is like the oil in the machinery.

–Good morning! –Good morning.

We shall see if anything happened in the day.

–Good morning, Your Majesty. –Good morning.

–I'm hanging it out there. –Yes, thank you.

Now we get to see what we have here. We have several questions.

This applies to Alzheimer's disease. This is the case of an exhibition next year.

This is my office, as I moved into it in 1976.

There is an anecdote circulating here.

The first thing I asked was: "Where is my typewriter?"

It was not then. We had many wonderful, older offices.

I was the only lady. It was a new beginning.

But I got my typewriter and built up my office.

I will also remember how it was difficult in the beginning, in 1976.

It was a difficult time.

"A lady-in-waiting, do you really want it?"

A young person would have a lady-in-waiting I thought it was not modern.

But I knew it was important.

I needed someone who helped me, I understood it.

But I didn't want to have encounters with each other and get criticism for it.

I thought: "I'll choose someone who everyone wants to talk with."

"A lady-in-waiting who can do everything."

And it was a nurse. Everyone wants to talk with the nurses.

Everyone has something to ask to them.

So all my first ladies-in-waiting were nurses.

It was a "bingo!", as they say today.

They were not only interesting to speak with.

They could give me a lot of input.

And they saved some people at the big dinners.

In the town hall, there was someone that put something in their neck.

We just heard that awful sound.

Then the lady-in-waiting went there. She dived down and rescued the person.

She buttoned up all the buttons and got up the legs...

And on an airplane, when they asked for a doctor...

There was no doctor, but my lady-in-waiting was there. So they have made efforts.

–How does a typical workday look like? –Some of those are not enough.

It is not nine to five. Not really.

We do the office work here–

–but we also get different visits.

We have meetings, sometimes one after the other.

Thankfully, I have nice employees that help me–

–but it is very intense. A week has seven nights.

On four or five of them we are away on engagements.

We do them with joy. It is both interesting and important.

But it is not nine to five.

I'm going to show you one thing.

Speaking Of Childhood... This is "Eyes wide open".

It is a project that Princess Madeleine has developed.

It is not her eye, but I see it in a different place.

Of Times Square and projected on the large buildings.

There it is: "Against the sexual abuse of children"

Therefore, to talk about the exploitation of children, here's Princess Madeleine.

It was cool to see your daughter–

–stand and speak about sexual exploitation of children in Times Square.

It was a good initiative. She is talented and committed.

–How is it living in London? –Good! We like it very much.

London is easy to like.

There are a lot of parks, the staff is friendly. It suits us.

Chris works here, so it is natural to stay here. We are very pleased.

How is it compared to staying in Sweden?

Well, they miss their family and all the friends.

And Sweden's countryside, the food... The list can be long.

You miss a lot from Sweden, but it is closer to home from London

–than from New York city, where I lived before.

It is nice to know you can jump on a flight

and come home pretty quickly. But London is not Stockholm.

Sweden is the warmest on my heart.

We are enjoying London right now and moving home may come later.

We are now at the Southbank Centre, where I have "room for children".

We have a library with books arranged according to themes and characters.

So it is easy for the kids to find the books.

Books about the moon and the stars are at the top.

Then they're graded downhill to what is on the ground.

Here you can find books–

That you perhaps wouldn't find otherwise.

There are toys here too.

To move between games and books–

–is great motivation for the brain. It is a fine library.

It is important to stimulate children to read.

To increase their curiosity.

At home, we always try to have books to read.

One can easily take up a book and talk about it.

My children are still so small...

Leonore has not really had the patience, but now she starts to get it.

It becomes a very intimate moment with the parent.

Or with another adult, that you you don't talk about it everyday.

But to sit down together in an armchair–

and talk about a book is incredibly important.

–Is there a favorite book? –For me or my daughter? Both?

Pippi is at the top of the list.

It's to the point that Leonore wants to sit on all the tables.

"We do not sit on the table," I say. "Pippi does it," she says.

We do as Pippi with us.

When the Queen had children of her own...

Did the Queen's commitment to questions about children became stronger?

When our children were small I wanted to, of course, protect them–

–but then, no one talked a lot about children's rights.

Now we also have #metoo. The discussion has become like an avalanche.

All sectors tell us about it–

–but then, 20-25 years ago, no one talked about children's rights.

I thought that was sad, and the kids had it difficult.

It did hurt a lot.

There I was thinking a lot on when we were at the Southern theater...

The theatre was packed.

It was a lot of attention.

The female artists wanted not to suck off the male star.

Which brawl it was! It was in the script that they would do so.

At a special meeting, the star says: "I have a key role to think about."

He is supported in this by the male director.

It is a terrible theme. It was very rough.

There were many who were told. to sit there and listen...

It was tough, I thought. It shook me really.

I thought it was disgusting.

And disgraceful.

Many, like me, had never been able to imagine that it was the way it was.

It is good that you now show this may not happen.

To exploit the defenseless girls...

That someone in an important position exploiting girls or boys...

It was a hard decision to go there together with the crown princess?

Difficult in a way that I don't want to take a political position.

I do not want to interfere in politics.

But this was a human issue–

–so therefore, I wanted to step up.

Quiet, as it is called. Silent, but be there.

This is the world's longest table. It is in the Guinness book of records.

168 to 170 people sit around it.

It is nice. Setting the table is not easy. The glasses are in perfect line.

The flowers are not more than, but it becomes beautiful in the evening.

For photos of the dinner are invited many of which are in Sweden.

They have done something important for Sweden. As thanks, we invite them to dinner.

How has the year been for the Prince Couple?

It has been great.

Exciting and instructive.

And we had a son. It's now wonderful.

What does his big brother think about it?

He is really warm with Gabriel. And it is not a problem of course.

Every morning he wants to run to his little brother–

and say "Brother!" or "Gabbe!"

Pretty early on he wanted to come forward to Gabriel and kiss him–

and was very curious.

–You have moved too. Tell me! –Yes, finally, we stay at Solbacken.

Prince Bertil and Princess Lilian's house.

It is the start for our family and our life in the future.

It is absolutely amazing!

The history with Prince Bertil and princess Lilian feels very well.

It sits in the house. It already feels from its beginning as a loving home.

To have children of your own – how has it affected the work of the foundation?

The foundation came to life after our wedding.

We felt very strongly–

–that instead of tangible gifts, we wanted to...

...that people would add the resources on something, so we could do something good.

So we started prinsparets foundation.

It gave us a good start and we're now working actively with it.

The foundation has two different legs: dyslexia and harassment.

The main thing is that all children and young people shall have the right to be themselves.

The probability is–

–that our children will have dyslexia.

They are very likely to surf on the web.

It becomes part of their reality.

So we are trying, of course do something for our children also.

Even before they were proposed.

How did the Prince notice his dyslexia?

I got my diagnosis when I was in fourth grade–fifth grade.

How was it before that?

It was tough, as for all the others with dyslexia.

When I read or wrote it was always wrong.

I felt that I was different from all my buddies.

I heard several people tell me...

Man trying to find a in a funeral.

When you heard the other scroll in the book, leafing through it also.

You figured out which piece you would read aloud, and read on it.

You were not listening to what the others read. It was tough.

But it was very nice to obtain a proof of–

–that I was not stupid, but there was an explanation.

But at the same time, it was nice and it was hard–

–to obtain evidence that I was different than others.

Now we ask His Royal Highness Prince Carl Philip to look up to the gates.

How was it into adulthood to publish it here?

I've felt it several times... When I have given a speech among other things.

I have received many comments–

–about what I have said.

Especially on the Swedish sports gala–

–when I would read out the numbers and I was wrong.

Then it was nice to be able to tell everyone that I had dyslexia.

–Have... –Yes, have dyslexia.

Welcome to the Open castle 2017!

How does it feel today to have dyslexia?

I am reminded, of course, that–

–as soon as I shall read or write or give a speech.

But it is not as noticeable.

The more you practice, the better one becomes at it.

I have chosen to see it as a strength instead.

I have developed other skills.

You may, for example, find a strength in creative environments.

You see things differently, perhaps in a better way.

Everyone is different.

Japan is fascinating. Here, I will always be happy to return.

This purpose is to bring questions about the world's survival

and our ability to get food.

We're talking about sustainable fisheries and the fishing industry.

And if the balance of nature and the seas. Right now it is so bad–

–that we must act to save the many stocks, which are endangered today.

Why just Japan?

Japan has some of the world's largest fishing companies.

We had important conversations with people from the Japanese fishing industry.

They told me that they want to be with affect–

–that the situation in the oceans is improved. They see their role as a key player there.

It felt great!

See how we treat our planet today.

Look how we treat our environment. We see earth's resources as infinite.

They're not.

So we need to teach our children to protect the fantastic things we have.

There is only one planet. We need to seize our resources.

Look, now, we are ahead of the game.

♫ Ho, aj aj aj aj buff ♫ Ho, aj aj aj aj buff buff

♫ Ho, aj aj aj aj buff!

Askö is a research laboratory in Sörmland, sweden.

We were there with Estelle. It was fun to show her Askö.

–It is how many at any time. –Jellyfish! Finally!!! Hello, jellyfish!

She is so interested in nature–

and asks a lot about the sea and fish.

It felt natural to take her and she thought it was exciting.

To get really close to nature–

–together with anyone who can tell me about what she sees–

–and how it all fits together...

I can be a part, but not so much as those who work with the questions.

We got to learn lots about seaweed, shrimp, jellyfish, and other things.

It is easy to get the children interested.

It is so gratifying to show her this brand new world.

So she'll see what is happening under the surface.

Here come the new small branches. –Wow!

This seaweed is old enough one, two, three, four years old.

The two of you have almost the same age.

A seaweed can be 40-50 years old.

Here are the dots, Estelle.

Why should we talk with children about our environment?

It is among the most important things we can do.

Ranging from to give them the opportunity–

–to learn about nature and the environment for their own part...

There is a huge world of amazing things.

The children will grow up and manage our environment and nature.

We must take care of our planet together–

–so it is important to have an interest and commitment.

–Thanks so much! –Hey!

If we do not care about what we have, we will not take care of it.

There is a jellyfish!

We'll see you next time, jellyfish! Jellyfish! Jellyfish!

Did you understand that the pliers can be as old as mother is now?

–Huh?! –I know...

For more infomation >> The year with the Swedish Royal Family (2017) - Duration: 58:32.


And I Quote- (2017 remake) - Duration: 0:59.

I actually forgot to work on this... heh, like I started working on this last night at 2am UuU

Man, I am a good friend

here we go

My parents are yelling at me that I am using too much of the internet at once! How rude!

Ug, uploading three vids at once to youtube is taking forever! I might have to end my skype call and close discord after I beat this webkinz game :/


I love how creative I was so I didnt have to draw hands

Voltron nerd


LOL my foot is broken

I'm so glad nun of my friends use captions... oh wait, Oh Im in trouble nowwwwwwwwww //runs//

Why are you still here? Click on something :P

For more infomation >> And I Quote- (2017 remake) - Duration: 0:59.


✅ How to Install Windows Millennium in VirtualBox on Windows 10 | SYSNETTECH Solutions - Duration: 15:57.

How to Install Windows Millennium in VirtualBox on Windows 10 | SYSNETTECH Solutions

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos related to How to Install Windows Millennium in VirtualBox on Windows 10 !!!

For more infomation >> ✅ How to Install Windows Millennium in VirtualBox on Windows 10 | SYSNETTECH Solutions - Duration: 15:57.


Wolverine Bar Scene | X-Men (2000) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:57.

You want something new, honey? Or are you sticking with water?

I'll have a beer.

Ellis Island, once the arrival point for American immigrants,

is opening its doors again.

Preparations are nearly completed for the United Nations World Summit.

The event promises to be the largest single gathering of world leaders in history.

The event promises to be the largest single gathering of world leaders in history.

Leaders will discuss issues ranging from the world's economy and weapons treaties,

to the mutant phenomenon and its impact on our world stage.

American legislators contend that debate over mutant issues

should be the primary focus of what is, on the surface at least, a diplomatic affair.

- You owe me some money. - Stu, let's not do this.

No man takes a beating like that without a mark to show for it.

- Come on, this isn't worth it. - I know what you are.

You lost your money. You keep this up, you lose something else.

Look out!

Get out of my bar, freak!

For more infomation >> Wolverine Bar Scene | X-Men (2000) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:57.


Park Hyung Sik And Park Seo Joon Share Photos From Birthday Meet-Up With BTS's V - Duration: 1:52.

Park Hyung Sik And Park Seo Joon Share Photos From Birthday Meet-Up With BTS's V

Park Seo Joon and Park Hyung Sik recently met up with BTSs V to celebrate the idols birthday on December 30, and they shared some sweet photos from their gathering!. Park Seo Joon posted two photos on his personal Instagram account.

One was of a birthday cake with lit candles being held out to V with the caption, Happy birthday, while the other was a photo of the trio with the caption, I captured the moment of glory of being with the worlds most handsome man and the most handsome man in my heart.

-Review of our meet-up.. Park Hyung Sik uploaded the same photo of the trio, but in black and white, and also captioned his photo, And we ended up meeting on the 30th.

It was an honor to be with the worlds most handsome man and the most handsome man in my heart. It was a fun moment of Park Hyung Sik and Park Seo Joon calling each other the most handsome man in their hearts while also referring to V topping the 100 Most Handsome Faces of 2017 list.

Park Seo Joon, Park Hyung Sik, and V became friends while working together on the drama Hwarang, and have maintained that close friendship ever since. Park Seo Joon and Park Hyung Sik also attended BTSs concert in December to show their support for V.

For more infomation >> Park Hyung Sik And Park Seo Joon Share Photos From Birthday Meet-Up With BTS's V - Duration: 1:52.


Importance of Hiring a Good Mortgage Lender - A TRUE Story - Duration: 2:47.

Hi everyone, This is you Tampa Bay Realtor Lance Mohr. In this video I want

to talk about hiring a really good loan officer in the importance of doing that

I want to give you a real-life scenario that happened to one of my buyers this

week to really drive home the point on how important it is to hire and make

sure you get a really good loan officer an honest company

all right so I had a buyer call me up and what happened I just got back from

vacation and I found out that there was a problem with the loan the lender that

he hired actually screwed up and it was being delayed three days and he wasn't

they were not using the builders lender so what happened is the Builder was

charging them $300 per day for every day they did not close and so he was getting

hit with a $900 bill the good thing is they had a really good loan officer a

really good company and they basically stepped up to the plate and paid that

and you might be thinking to yourself well yeah of course they should and

you're absolutely right they should but I've been on the end where I've seen

these lending companies not they're just like hey we're sorry this stuff happens

it's not our fault we'll get the loan done as quick as we

can and there's situations especially in this market right here that we're in in

a seller's market where if you don't close on time and there's a backup offer

that's better than yours on a pre-owned home they might just cancel the contract

and they let it expire and take the other offer or if you're working with a

builder or if it's on a relocation company there's a per diem every day if

you don't close and it could wind up into hundreds if not thousands of

dollars so you need to make sure the lending company that you hire is good is

reputable is honest and someone who's going to do the right thing always ask

for references the best place to start is your real estate agent if they've

been in the business a while they should have a really good relationship with a

really good loan officer and mortgage company I hope this helps please give me

a thumbs up if you like these videos and if you have any questions at all don't

forget to leave them in the comments below have a wonderful day


For more infomation >> Importance of Hiring a Good Mortgage Lender - A TRUE Story - Duration: 2:47.


World leaders offer New Year's greetings - Duration: 2:48.

It's January 2nd here in Korea,... but many of you -- our viewers outside of Korea -- are

still probably enjoying New Year's Day.

To mark the start of 2018, world leaders have been spreading some New Year's cheer.

For a run-down of what they had to say,... here's Park Soyun.

As is customary at the start of every year,... the world's top leaders have offered New Year's

greetings to their respective countries and beyond.

U.S. President Donald Trump touted the successful 2017,... while repeating his "Make America

Great Again" in 2018.

(English) "Happy New Year everybody...

We are going to have a great year, it's going to be fantastic 2018.

We are off to a very good start with the great tax cuts... getting rid of the individual

mandate, which was very very unpopular as you know.

We are going to have a tremendous year.

The stock market I think is going to continue to go up, companies are going to continue

to come into the country."

Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged that China will abide by international rules.

He said he seeks a "new era" for China and will continue to support the United Nations.

And Russian President Vladimir Putin touted his country's achievement.

(Russian) "We are together in our day-to-day lives.

Unity, friendship, unconditional love to Russia multiply our forces for decent deeds and high


I to heartily thank everyone for believing in themselves and our country, for labour

and its results."

Over in Europe,.. French President Emmanuel Macron proposed to start a "French Renaissance"

and warned against falling prey to nationalism.

He also underscored the importance of a United Europe, saying France "cannot succeed without

a strong Europe."

German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged to swiftly form a new government and to fulfill

the needs of all German citizens.

Like Macron, Merkel also emphasized that the EU should stick together more than ever as

Britain prepares to leave.

And the leader of the Catholic church,... Pope Francis,... called for refugees to be

supported around the world.

(English) "I would like, once again, to give voice to

these brothers and sisters who invoke for their future a horizon of peace...It's important

that everyone, civil institutions, educational, welfare and ecclesial realities, commit themselves

to ensure refugees, migrants and everyone a future of peace."

With heightened tensions and uncertainties around the world, the leaders hope their messages

ensure that 2018 gets off on the right track.

Park Soyun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> World leaders offer New Year's greetings - Duration: 2:48.


My New Year Routine || How To Plan Your Resolutions, and Be Successful in 2018 - Duration: 10:42.

hello beautiful people and welcome back or welcome to my

channel if you're new here. if you are new here, hey what's up my name is "Danielle Jordan"

and in this video I'm going to be sharing with you guys my new year's

goals for 2018 how I'm planning for those goals and just how I'm spending it

the first day of the year. so I really hope you guys are excited for this video, I

plan on doing a lot more like this this year so if you're into it make sure you

let me know if you're not also make sure to let me know and without further ado

let's get into it. so since I'm going to be staying home all day I decided to

stay super super comfortable so on top I'm wearing the shirt from brandy and it

just says Metallica, no I do not listen to Metallica kind of wish I did just so

I could wear the shirt and not get a bunch of questions but I do not. and

these sweatpants are also from brandy melville and there are the comfiest

things in the entire world. but no more procrastinating let's get to

work. yes it is January 1st and I still have my Christmas tree in the background.

so I'm sitting here with my computer and I am ready to take the first steps in

creating my 2018 goals and the first thing that I'm going to be doing is

creating a checklist the reason I'm doing goals as opposed to resolutions is

because I feel like resolutions are a bit more inclined to be broken and I'm

not really sure if that's just a me thing or that's just the general

consensus that everyone feels but I just feel like resolutions are a bit more

vague I don't know if that's just like a me theory but if you guys feel the same

way make sure let me know but right now I'm going to create a running checklist

this is something that I can add to you throughout the year if I think of

anything else that I want to achieve but this is going to be my initial list so

I'm gonna create this and then your number serve because I'm open to you

all right so I think I finished my list of goals right now there aren't a bunch

of things on it which i think is good because it's just filled with really

obtainable goals I'm not adding in a bunch of fluff and things that I just

don't think I can get done realistically so the first thing is to get a summer

internship and I had one this past summer and it was one of the best

experiences of my entire life I loved working so much and that's that's

something that a lot of people can say and I just had the most incredible

summer and met a lot of incredible people and learned so much the second

thing is to expand a business outside of YouTube and I definitely think that

YouTube as great as it is it's definitely fleeting and I would love to

at least start expanding and creating some sort of business that can stem off

of my YouTube channel it might not flourish this year and that is totally

fine but as long as I have something in the works I think that's all that

matters the next goal that I have for myself is to study abroad and my study

abroad application status comes out on January 16th which is super

nerve-wracking so I'm keeping my hopes up for that one I'm hoping for the best

and I'm crossing my fingers now I'd appreciate if you guys did the same this

one might be a little bit more of a reach mmm but I think we can do it my

next goal is to reach 75 thousand subscribers this year and just get more

YouTube opportunities as a whole I am lucky to be a part of a great management

company and I'm very very appreciative for them but I think the larger I grow

the more opportunities I'll get so that's what we're hoping for in 2018 and

the last thing kind of just goes along with study abroad but it is to travel

more and I already covered that so right now this is my tentative list of goals

for 2018 so now that I've written out all of my goals it's time for step two

and I cannot take any credit for this next step because I did not come up with

this but one of my friends here on YouTube Hannah Ashton she has an

incredible YouTube channel and she makes videos all about productivity and how to

be a girl boss how to start a business and she just puts out a lot of really

really good content and one of her most and videos was her planning all of her

2018 goals and in that video she was nice enough to create a Google Doc for

her viewers and on there she asks you a bunch of questions and it's like how I

keep myself accountable of my goals how I keep myself reminded of my resolutions

all of that cool stuff and then she allows you to split up your year into

four quarters and then decide which goals you want to achieve during which

quarter and set yourself a completion date I think that this is a really

really good way to keep yourself accountable of all of your goals and

also stay really really motivated throughout the year because it's easy to

stay motivated in January but what about in June so I really really like the

concept of this Hannah thank you and if you don't mind I'm gonna link your

Google Doc down below for all my viewers to save so I'm going to get started on

this and separate all of my goals out into quarters and then I'll catch up

with you guys afterwards

spin my tambien thank you and thank you you my father being the lovely person

that he is he decided to pick me up some Duncan so if you guys were curious my

order is the iced caramel latte from Duncan it's amazing and it's just like

the only thing that I order from there going this one's really good and then I

got a side of hash browns because how could you not I love the Duncan hash

browns so I'm going to eat that right now drink that right now and move on and

to my third tip so if you guys didn't know I am a very sentimental person I

love collecting memories and just finding different little ways to

remember certain days and certain events and that's part of the reason why I

started vlogging because I just think it's so much fun that I can look back on

events like my prom on my graduation or just a little like days then I hung out

with my friends and I can literally relive all I am a sucker for anything

sentimental so I'm going to be doing two things this year the first thing is

something that I've done multiple times in the past and I am a huge fan of and

that is a memory jar I just think this is such an amazing thing to do every

year and I decided to do one for 2018 of course and while we're on the topic of

being sentimental I want to share an app with you guys because my roommate motley

actually shared this with us and it was such a cute idea so

throughout our entire first semester of sophomore year my friend Molly decided

to use this app one second a day and literally recorded one second of every

single day of our first semester and at the end of the semester she put it to

music and played it on our TV and it was so adorable I love it so much it's just

so cute and I thought it was such a cute idea Wow let's just say cute one more

time shall we so yeah those are just two things that I wanted to share with you

guys hopefully I'm giving you guys a little bit of inspiration on how

to spend you were 2018 and make sure that you make a lot of memories and keep

a lot of memories so I'm going to move this party back into my room for those

of you who are curious I am in my guests room right now sometimes I like a

switch-up of scenery and it's a cute little room personally my mom hates the

green walls but I don't hate it I think it's kind of cute this is now almost

four o'clock and the day starting to wind down a little bit and I have been a

super productive and I'm super super proud of myself the last few things on

my list pertain to cleaning up my life a little bit because I consider myself a

pretty organized person and there's not a lot of toxic things in my life so

there's not too many things to clear out but my desktop of my computer and my

closet are two things that are always really really cluttered so I decided

what better time to clear everything out then the top of the new year and if you

guys are into music and like following people on Spotify my Spotify is a link

down below make sure to go follow me on there I'm very proud of all the

playlists in particular my November one so that's what we're going to listen to

right now right just want some answers in Matthew but I'm not gonna never say

it too much

so this is the pile that I ended up with it wasn't anything too big but I figure

it's enough and my mom is going to my grandma's house right now so she's going

to be taking all this over there where we usually donate our clothes either to

other family members or to Dominican Republic so or Big Brother Big Sister so

it's been about an hour since I've spoken to you guys and I am getting

started on editing this video this was my final thing on my checklist because

my initial plan was to film it and post it on the same day

I don't know how possible that's gonna be considering I have an image in my

head so I want to come out and that could take a while so I am going to get

set around editing this right now and I decided to end off the video so I really

hope you guys enjoyed this video as much as I enjoyed making it I thought it was

so much fun and it's definitely different for my channel so if you guys

liked it make sure you let me know if you hated it also make sure to let me

know and I'll never do a video like this again if you don't want me to and in

case I haven't said it Happy New Year let's make 2018 our year I am so

prepared to make this year my year I'm just so ready because 2017

though it was a great year was not my year I into Noah's coma as well as I

wanted it to but this year is gonna be my year and I hope you are thinking the

same way stay productive stay happy and remember that I love you and I'll talk

to you guys very very soon bye

For more infomation >> My New Year Routine || How To Plan Your Resolutions, and Be Successful in 2018 - Duration: 10:42.


Blue House welcomes Pyongyang's wilingness to send delegation to PyeongChang games - Duration: 0:43.

South Korea's Presidential office of Cheong Wa Dae has welcomed North Korea's proposal

for talks,... ahead of the PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games set to kick off next month.

Here's the Presidential Office spokesman.

(KOREAN) "The successful and peaceful hosting of the

PyeongChang Olympic Games will contribute to the peace and unity of not only the Peninsula,

but of the region, and of the world."

The Presidential office noted that it has long been saying it's willing to talk with

the North concerning the reconciliation of the two Koreas and peace on the Peninsula,

anytime, anywhere, with by method.

For more infomation >> Blue House welcomes Pyongyang's wilingness to send delegation to PyeongChang games - Duration: 0:43.


BREAKING NEWS! The ROYAL Wedding IN JEOPARDY!!! - Duration: 38:57.



For the past month, American actress Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been making the

rounds on the talk show circuit gushing about their love for each other and planning their

spring nuptials.

These two smitten kittens have been seen all over London professing their love for each

other, but while on the surface it looks lovely there is trouble brewing below the surface.

Markle has struck a wrong chord with the royal family, and if she does not shape up soon,

the fairy-tale wedding she was hoping for may end before she knows it.

The majority of people enjoy following the Royals since they captivate the imagination

of what it must be like to live as real-life royalty.

Some little girls grow up wishing that they will have the chance to meet a prince, marry

him and live in a far off castle being waited on hand and foot, which is why when Prince

Harry asked for Meghan Markle's hand in marriage women around the world swooned.

However, as it turns out the impending nuptials between Prince Harry and Markle seemed doom

by his betrothed's present and past actions, and if she does not get her act together she

will be back in Hollywood.

It appears that Queen Elizabeth is not a huge fan of Ms. Markle and has made no bones about

it to her grandson.

Over the Christmas holiday, Markle made a public spectacle of herself when she created

a "fake racism" scandal when Princess Michael of Kent wore a "Blackmoor" brooch

that the B-rated actress found "horrendously racist."

The fake story was published on Page Six, the Hollywood gossip rag stating that she

wore this pin on purpose to offend the biracial actress.

Princess Michael of Kent caught flak from Meghan Markle for wearing what she deemed

a "racist brooch."

That disgusting display of disrespect rubbed the Queen the wrong way as well as the fact

that Markle has not removed from her Twitter page she is an activist and outspoken with

hatred of President Trump, In fact, Markle's hatred for President Trump is so immense that

she has forbidden that Trump be invited to her nuptials but had the audacity to ask if

Barack and Michelle Obama could attend.

Thankfully, the Queen put the kibosh on the Obama's attending the royal affair, but

that has not stopped many in the inner circle wondering if Markle is worth all the trouble.

The Royals as everyone knows have an image to uphold, and there are strict rules for

anyone who enters this world.

In fact, one rule of being a royal is that you cannot voice your opinion politically

no matter what your personal feelings are.

So when you have Markle who happens to be a vocal Trump hater that does not sit well

with the monarchy plus, there is the issue with Markle's family life, and the many

divorces her family has had.

In light of these issues, the Queen has stepped in and has told Prince Harry to get a prenup

before walking down the aisle, and that did not sit well with soon to be spoiled princess.

OK! magazine reports that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had a massive fight after the

Queen demanded the prenup which made the American actress livid.

According to the alleged inside source, the engaged couple is moving ahead with wedding

planning, but they hit a significant hurdle concerning the prenup.

According to the report in OK!, MSN followed up stating that, "The magazine reports that

Queen Elizabeth has seen 'too many royal marriages end in divorce' and doesn't

want her grandson to 'take any chances with his reported $40 million fortune.'

That's led to tension between the spouses-to-be, with a source sharing, 'Meghan can see where

the queen is coming from, but at the same time, she's insulted that it would even

cross the queen's mind that Meghan would have an ulterior motive for marrying Harry.'"

According to the publication, the insider claims that the actress "loves Harry, and

money is the last thing on her mind."

However, it also adds that "Queen Elizabeth is nonetheless pressuring her heir to make

sure the family's money is protected," and consequently, "that means Prince Harry,

and Markle are clashing over the situation."

Markle appears to be in it only for the notoriety and does not seem to be willing to comply

with the Royal demands.

Not only is Markle smug and arrogant, but her entire family is one scandal after another

starting with her very own father who abandoned his daughter to live in Mexico and has a long

history of addiction.

Then her half-brother Thomas Markle Jr. was taken into custody after allegedly holding

a gun to his girlfriend's head.

That doesn't sound like royal material, right?

Markle Jr. was eventually charged with unlawful use of a dangerous weapon, menacing, and domestic


Now, don't get me wrong everyone has a past, but when you are marrying into royalty, you

better be squeaky clean.

Regardless if Markle loves Prince Harry or not this entire relationship spells bad news

for the whole royal family, and if Harry were smart, he would get out of it now.

H/T [Page Six, Baby Gaga]

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS! The ROYAL Wedding IN JEOPARDY!!! - Duration: 38:57.


Inside Folsom Prison 50 Years After Johnny Cash Made It Famous - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Inside Folsom Prison 50 Years After Johnny Cash Made It Famous - Duration: 3:57.


Winter Skin Polish at Home| Skin Polishing for Smooth,Radiant & Glowing Skin in Urdu/Hindi By Rani G - Duration: 7:16.

Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> Winter Skin Polish at Home| Skin Polishing for Smooth,Radiant & Glowing Skin in Urdu/Hindi By Rani G - Duration: 7:16.


Octopus Fried Rice - Tasty and Mouth-watering Fried Rice - Baby Octopus Fried Rice - Duration: 8:54.

Soak the long grain basmati rice in water for 20 to 30 minutes

Add ginger, garlic, bay leaves, cinnamon, cardamom and cloves in water and let it boil.

Pour the boiling water on the octopus

Remove the octopus after a few seconds.

Cook the rice

Clean and cut the octopus into small pieces.

Add chili powder, turmeric powder and salt to the octopus and let it marinate for 20 minutes

Drain the cooked rice.

Wash and cut the vegetables.

Add oil.

Adding ginger and garlic paste.

Add the marinated octopus and cook it for few minutes

Add onions and place the octopus on the edge of the pan where there is no heat

Once the onions are cooked add mushrooms

Add bean sprouts

Add salt

Add chopped cabbage, carrots and beans.

Add fried rice mix and pepper powder

Add the eggs.

Now mix all.

Add the boiled rice and mix it well..

Finally add spring onions and serve.

For more infomation >> Octopus Fried Rice - Tasty and Mouth-watering Fried Rice - Baby Octopus Fried Rice - Duration: 8:54.


3 shootings mar New Year's Day in Hartford - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> 3 shootings mar New Year's Day in Hartford - Duration: 2:06.


Seta Ice ft. Young Yuze - Santa Mierda (Shot by @HeadProd) [Trap Argentino] - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Seta Ice ft. Young Yuze - Santa Mierda (Shot by @HeadProd) [Trap Argentino] - Duration: 3:04.


BREAKING NEWS! The ROYAL Wedding IN JEOPARDY!!! - Duration: 38:57.



For the past month, American actress Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been making the

rounds on the talk show circuit gushing about their love for each other and planning their

spring nuptials.

These two smitten kittens have been seen all over London professing their love for each

other, but while on the surface it looks lovely there is trouble brewing below the surface.

Markle has struck a wrong chord with the royal family, and if she does not shape up soon,

the fairy-tale wedding she was hoping for may end before she knows it.

The majority of people enjoy following the Royals since they captivate the imagination

of what it must be like to live as real-life royalty.

Some little girls grow up wishing that they will have the chance to meet a prince, marry

him and live in a far off castle being waited on hand and foot, which is why when Prince

Harry asked for Meghan Markle's hand in marriage women around the world swooned.

However, as it turns out the impending nuptials between Prince Harry and Markle seemed doom

by his betrothed's present and past actions, and if she does not get her act together she

will be back in Hollywood.

It appears that Queen Elizabeth is not a huge fan of Ms. Markle and has made no bones about

it to her grandson.

Over the Christmas holiday, Markle made a public spectacle of herself when she created

a "fake racism" scandal when Princess Michael of Kent wore a "Blackmoor" brooch

that the B-rated actress found "horrendously racist."

The fake story was published on Page Six, the Hollywood gossip rag stating that she

wore this pin on purpose to offend the biracial actress.

Princess Michael of Kent caught flak from Meghan Markle for wearing what she deemed

a "racist brooch."

That disgusting display of disrespect rubbed the Queen the wrong way as well as the fact

that Markle has not removed from her Twitter page she is an activist and outspoken with

hatred of President Trump, In fact, Markle's hatred for President Trump is so immense that

she has forbidden that Trump be invited to her nuptials but had the audacity to ask if

Barack and Michelle Obama could attend.

Thankfully, the Queen put the kibosh on the Obama's attending the royal affair, but

that has not stopped many in the inner circle wondering if Markle is worth all the trouble.

The Royals as everyone knows have an image to uphold, and there are strict rules for

anyone who enters this world.

In fact, one rule of being a royal is that you cannot voice your opinion politically

no matter what your personal feelings are.

So when you have Markle who happens to be a vocal Trump hater that does not sit well

with the monarchy plus, there is the issue with Markle's family life, and the many

divorces her family has had.

In light of these issues, the Queen has stepped in and has told Prince Harry to get a prenup

before walking down the aisle, and that did not sit well with soon to be spoiled princess.

OK! magazine reports that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had a massive fight after the

Queen demanded the prenup which made the American actress livid.

According to the alleged inside source, the engaged couple is moving ahead with wedding

planning, but they hit a significant hurdle concerning the prenup.

According to the report in OK!, MSN followed up stating that, "The magazine reports that

Queen Elizabeth has seen 'too many royal marriages end in divorce' and doesn't

want her grandson to 'take any chances with his reported $40 million fortune.'

That's led to tension between the spouses-to-be, with a source sharing, 'Meghan can see where

the queen is coming from, but at the same time, she's insulted that it would even

cross the queen's mind that Meghan would have an ulterior motive for marrying Harry.'"

According to the publication, the insider claims that the actress "loves Harry, and

money is the last thing on her mind."

However, it also adds that "Queen Elizabeth is nonetheless pressuring her heir to make

sure the family's money is protected," and consequently, "that means Prince Harry,

and Markle are clashing over the situation."

Markle appears to be in it only for the notoriety and does not seem to be willing to comply

with the Royal demands.

Not only is Markle smug and arrogant, but her entire family is one scandal after another

starting with her very own father who abandoned his daughter to live in Mexico and has a long

history of addiction.

Then her half-brother Thomas Markle Jr. was taken into custody after allegedly holding

a gun to his girlfriend's head.

That doesn't sound like royal material, right?

Markle Jr. was eventually charged with unlawful use of a dangerous weapon, menacing, and domestic


Now, don't get me wrong everyone has a past, but when you are marrying into royalty, you

better be squeaky clean.

Regardless if Markle loves Prince Harry or not this entire relationship spells bad news

for the whole royal family, and if Harry were smart, he would get out of it now.

H/T [Page Six, Baby Gaga]

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS! The ROYAL Wedding IN JEOPARDY!!! - Duration: 38:57.


Shin in Hindi #Crayon Shin Chan vs Shinko Chan vs Shiro Sleepwalkers [ 2017 All New Episodes ] - Duration: 5:14.

Shin in Hindi #Crayon Shin Chan vs Shinko Chan vs Shiro Sleepwalkers [ 2017 All New Episodes ]

For more infomation >> Shin in Hindi #Crayon Shin Chan vs Shinko Chan vs Shiro Sleepwalkers [ 2017 All New Episodes ] - Duration: 5:14.


Ten Most Beautiful Hottest Spanish Models| 2017-2018 | By Sports Support - Duration: 5:32.

Ten Most Beautiful Hottest Spanish Models| 2017-2018 | By Sports Support

Ten Most Beautiful Hottest Spanish Models| 2017-2018 | By Sports Support

Ten Most Beautiful Hottest Spanish Models| 2017-2018 | By Sports Support

Ten Most Beautiful Hottest Spanish Models| 2017-2018 | By Sports Support

For more infomation >> Ten Most Beautiful Hottest Spanish Models| 2017-2018 | By Sports Support - Duration: 5:32.


Top Beautiful Designer Kurta/Kurti With Tites Designs 2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION - Duration: 3:27.

Top Beautiful Designer Kurta/Kurti With Tites Designs 2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

Top Beautiful Designer Kurta/Kurti With Tites Designs 2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

Top Beautiful Designer Kurta/Kurti With Tites Designs 2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

Top Beautiful Designer Kurta/Kurti With Tites Designs 2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

For more infomation >> Top Beautiful Designer Kurta/Kurti With Tites Designs 2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION - Duration: 3:27.


Loveandskills Name (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Xo Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:38.

Their's a name higher than anyone's it is the name of God.You can cast out evil Spirits

by calling on the graceful one.

Go ahead drive those evil spirits away just call out his name God loves you and he cares

for you make sure you have time everyday to worship thank and praise him god is love.

Oh the power of the almighty one will take your breath away he shines in beauty and grace

praise praise praise =-) !

Guard the living all the time Lift up you voice to glorify the Lord as much as you can,

for there is still more.Extol him renewed strength do not grow weary for you can't fathom

him praise him.

For more infomation >> Loveandskills Name (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Xo Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:38.


[가수] 간호동 소장 Talkmonfloat .. 소장 15 일 첫 방송 OSEN = 박진영 기자 가수가 Talkmon을 소유하고있다. 2 일 OSEN 보험 DKO 뉴스 - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> [가수] 간호동 소장 Talkmonfloat .. 소장 15 일 첫 방송 OSEN = 박진영 기자 가수가 Talkmon을 소유하고있다. 2 일 OSEN 보험 DKO 뉴스 - Duration: 2:08.


Free fut points: how-to

For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


New Year Celebration: Subscribers win N100,000 in StarTimes Yoruba 'Watch N' Win' Promo|NVS News - Duration: 2:06.

New Year Celebration: Subscribers win N100,000 in StarTimes Yoruba 'Watch N' Win' Promo

Four lucky StarTimes subscribers have emerged winners in the December edition of StarTimes Yoruba watch and win promo with each subscriber taking home N25,000 each.

The promo is targeted at viewers of StarTimes language channel STYoruba (Channel 412 and 160), a popular Yoruba lifestyle and movies channel on that promotes the Yoruba culture and style.

It also showcases various movies from the Epic to comedy, romance and lots more.

Akinyemi Teniola, a stundent of Lagos State Polytechnic, Afolayan Bashirat, Olayemi Oladipo and Adebisin Babatunde all went home with N25,000 each.

More than 1,000 customers had participated in the December edition of the monthly reward program.

The January edition will see 20 subscribers take home N18,000 each.

To participate, stay tuned to ST Yoruba on channel 412 and 160 on StarTimes.

For more infomation >> New Year Celebration: Subscribers win N100,000 in StarTimes Yoruba 'Watch N' Win' Promo|NVS News - Duration: 2:06.


For more infomation >> New Year Celebration: Subscribers win N100,000 in StarTimes Yoruba 'Watch N' Win' Promo|NVS News - Duration: 2:06.


NYEve crash leaves infant fighting for life - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> NYEve crash leaves infant fighting for life - Duration: 2:06.


For more infomation >> NYEve crash leaves infant fighting for life - Duration: 2:06.


HSN | The Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman 01.01.2018 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | The Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman 01.01.2018 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


For more infomation >> HSN | The Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman 01.01.2018 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.



For more infomation >> SHOCKING!!! LARGEST American Company GOES FULL RACIST AGAINST WHITES!!! WATCH!!! - Duration: 8:50.


For more infomation >> SHOCKING!!! LARGEST American Company GOES FULL RACIST AGAINST WHITES!!! WATCH!!! - Duration: 8:50.


Renault Wind Gordini, tarif - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Renault Wind Gordini, tarif - Duration: 1:28.


For more infomation >> Renault Wind Gordini, tarif - Duration: 1:28.


[가수] 간호동 소장 Talkmonfloat .. 소장 15 일 첫 방송 OSEN = 박진영 기자 가수가 Talkmon을 소유하고있다. 2 일 OSEN 보험 DKO 뉴스 - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> [가수] 간호동 소장 Talkmonfloat .. 소장 15 일 첫 방송 OSEN = 박진영 기자 가수가 Talkmon을 소유하고있다. 2 일 OSEN 보험 DKO 뉴스 - Duration: 2:08.


For more infomation >> [가수] 간호동 소장 Talkmonfloat .. 소장 15 일 첫 방송 OSEN = 박진영 기자 가수가 Talkmon을 소유하고있다. 2 일 OSEN 보험 DKO 뉴스 - Duration: 2:08.


Boruto Naruto Next Generatio...

For more infomation >> Boruto Naruto Next Generatio...


My New Year Routine || How To Plan Your Resolutions, and Be Successful in 2018 - Duration: 10:42.

hello beautiful people and welcome back or welcome to my

channel if you're new here. if you are new here, hey what's up my name is "Danielle Jordan"

and in this video I'm going to be sharing with you guys my new year's

goals for 2018 how I'm planning for those goals and just how I'm spending it

the first day of the year. so I really hope you guys are excited for this video, I

plan on doing a lot more like this this year so if you're into it make sure you

let me know if you're not also make sure to let me know and without further ado

let's get into it. so since I'm going to be staying home all day I decided to

stay super super comfortable so on top I'm wearing the shirt from brandy and it

just says Metallica, no I do not listen to Metallica kind of wish I did just so

I could wear the shirt and not get a bunch of questions but I do not. and

these sweatpants are also from brandy melville and there are the comfiest

things in the entire world. but no more procrastinating let's get to

work. yes it is January 1st and I still have my Christmas tree in the background.

so I'm sitting here with my computer and I am ready to take the first steps in

creating my 2018 goals and the first thing that I'm going to be doing is

creating a checklist the reason I'm doing goals as opposed to resolutions is

because I feel like resolutions are a bit more inclined to be broken and I'm

not really sure if that's just a me thing or that's just the general

consensus that everyone feels but I just feel like resolutions are a bit more

vague I don't know if that's just like a me theory but if you guys feel the same

way make sure let me know but right now I'm going to create a running checklist

this is something that I can add to you throughout the year if I think of

anything else that I want to achieve but this is going to be my initial list so

I'm gonna create this and then your number serve because I'm open to you

all right so I think I finished my list of goals right now there aren't a bunch

of things on it which i think is good because it's just filled with really

obtainable goals I'm not adding in a bunch of fluff and things that I just

don't think I can get done realistically so the first thing is to get a summer

internship and I had one this past summer and it was one of the best

experiences of my entire life I loved working so much and that's that's

something that a lot of people can say and I just had the most incredible

summer and met a lot of incredible people and learned so much the second

thing is to expand a business outside of YouTube and I definitely think that

YouTube as great as it is it's definitely fleeting and I would love to

at least start expanding and creating some sort of business that can stem off

of my YouTube channel it might not flourish this year and that is totally

fine but as long as I have something in the works I think that's all that

matters the next goal that I have for myself is to study abroad and my study

abroad application status comes out on January 16th which is super

nerve-wracking so I'm keeping my hopes up for that one I'm hoping for the best

and I'm crossing my fingers now I'd appreciate if you guys did the same this

one might be a little bit more of a reach mmm but I think we can do it my

next goal is to reach 75 thousand subscribers this year and just get more

YouTube opportunities as a whole I am lucky to be a part of a great management

company and I'm very very appreciative for them but I think the larger I grow

the more opportunities I'll get so that's what we're hoping for in 2018 and

the last thing kind of just goes along with study abroad but it is to travel

more and I already covered that so right now this is my tentative list of goals

for 2018 so now that I've written out all of my goals it's time for step two

and I cannot take any credit for this next step because I did not come up with

this but one of my friends here on YouTube Hannah Ashton she has an

incredible YouTube channel and she makes videos all about productivity and how to

be a girl boss how to start a business and she just puts out a lot of really

really good content and one of her most and videos was her planning all of her

2018 goals and in that video she was nice enough to create a Google Doc for

her viewers and on there she asks you a bunch of questions and it's like how I

keep myself accountable of my goals how I keep myself reminded of my resolutions

all of that cool stuff and then she allows you to split up your year into

four quarters and then decide which goals you want to achieve during which

quarter and set yourself a completion date I think that this is a really

really good way to keep yourself accountable of all of your goals and

also stay really really motivated throughout the year because it's easy to

stay motivated in January but what about in June so I really really like the

concept of this Hannah thank you and if you don't mind I'm gonna link your

Google Doc down below for all my viewers to save so I'm going to get started on

this and separate all of my goals out into quarters and then I'll catch up

with you guys afterwards

spin my tambien thank you and thank you you my father being the lovely person

that he is he decided to pick me up some Duncan so if you guys were curious my

order is the iced caramel latte from Duncan it's amazing and it's just like

the only thing that I order from there going this one's really good and then I

got a side of hash browns because how could you not I love the Duncan hash

browns so I'm going to eat that right now drink that right now and move on and

to my third tip so if you guys didn't know I am a very sentimental person I

love collecting memories and just finding different little ways to

remember certain days and certain events and that's part of the reason why I

started vlogging because I just think it's so much fun that I can look back on

events like my prom on my graduation or just a little like days then I hung out

with my friends and I can literally relive all I am a sucker for anything

sentimental so I'm going to be doing two things this year the first thing is

something that I've done multiple times in the past and I am a huge fan of and

that is a memory jar I just think this is such an amazing thing to do every

year and I decided to do one for 2018 of course and while we're on the topic of

being sentimental I want to share an app with you guys because my roommate motley

actually shared this with us and it was such a cute idea so

throughout our entire first semester of sophomore year my friend Molly decided

to use this app one second a day and literally recorded one second of every

single day of our first semester and at the end of the semester she put it to

music and played it on our TV and it was so adorable I love it so much it's just

so cute and I thought it was such a cute idea Wow let's just say cute one more

time shall we so yeah those are just two things that I wanted to share with you

guys hopefully I'm giving you guys a little bit of inspiration on how

to spend you were 2018 and make sure that you make a lot of memories and keep

a lot of memories so I'm going to move this party back into my room for those

of you who are curious I am in my guests room right now sometimes I like a

switch-up of scenery and it's a cute little room personally my mom hates the

green walls but I don't hate it I think it's kind of cute this is now almost

four o'clock and the day starting to wind down a little bit and I have been a

super productive and I'm super super proud of myself the last few things on

my list pertain to cleaning up my life a little bit because I consider myself a

pretty organized person and there's not a lot of toxic things in my life so

there's not too many things to clear out but my desktop of my computer and my

closet are two things that are always really really cluttered so I decided

what better time to clear everything out then the top of the new year and if you

guys are into music and like following people on Spotify my Spotify is a link

down below make sure to go follow me on there I'm very proud of all the

playlists in particular my November one so that's what we're going to listen to

right now right just want some answers in Matthew but I'm not gonna never say

it too much

so this is the pile that I ended up with it wasn't anything too big but I figure

it's enough and my mom is going to my grandma's house right now so she's going

to be taking all this over there where we usually donate our clothes either to

other family members or to Dominican Republic so or Big Brother Big Sister so

it's been about an hour since I've spoken to you guys and I am getting

started on editing this video this was my final thing on my checklist because

my initial plan was to film it and post it on the same day

I don't know how possible that's gonna be considering I have an image in my

head so I want to come out and that could take a while so I am going to get

set around editing this right now and I decided to end off the video so I really

hope you guys enjoyed this video as much as I enjoyed making it I thought it was

so much fun and it's definitely different for my channel so if you guys

liked it make sure you let me know if you hated it also make sure to let me

know and I'll never do a video like this again if you don't want me to and in

case I haven't said it Happy New Year let's make 2018 our year I am so

prepared to make this year my year I'm just so ready because 2017

though it was a great year was not my year I into Noah's coma as well as I

wanted it to but this year is gonna be my year and I hope you are thinking the

same way stay productive stay happy and remember that I love you and I'll talk

to you guys very very soon bye

For more infomation >> My New Year Routine || How To Plan Your Resolutions, and Be Successful in 2018 - Duration: 10:42.


And I Quote- (2017 remake) - Duration: 0:59.

I actually forgot to work on this... heh, like I started working on this last night at 2am UuU

Man, I am a good friend

here we go

My parents are yelling at me that I am using too much of the internet at once! How rude!

Ug, uploading three vids at once to youtube is taking forever! I might have to end my skype call and close discord after I beat this webkinz game :/


I love how creative I was so I didnt have to draw hands

Voltron nerd


LOL my foot is broken

I'm so glad nun of my friends use captions... oh wait, Oh Im in trouble nowwwwwwwwww //runs//

Why are you still here? Click on something :P

For more infomation >> And I Quote- (2017 remake) - Duration: 0:59.


SCP-327 The Mermaid | object class: euclid | Aquatic / Animal / Humanoid SCP - Duration: 5:38.

SCP-327 "The Mermaid" object class: euclid

Item #: SCP-327

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-327 is to be contained within a 40m x 40m x 10m salt

water tank within Site-██.

The tank is to be cleaned on a weekly basis, or immediately after an algal bloom event.

The walls of the tank are to be soundproofed.

All staff interacting with SCP-327 or entering the containment are to wear sound-cancelling

headphones when not in direct conversation with SCP-327.

Any staff who report suffering the effects of SCP-327's properties are to be removed

from active duty until cleared by a staff therapist.

SCP-327 is to be fed 15kg of lettuce and assorted leafy vegetables each day, accompanied by

appropriate nutritional supplements.

English language instruction for SCP-327 has been approved, to be carried out by Drs. Amberly

and Watson.

Two hours per day have been allotted for this purpose.

Description: SCP-327 is a female specimen of a mammalian species resembling members

of the order Sirenia, specifically Trichechus manatus (West Indian manatee), measuring approximately

2.8 m in length and 450 kg in weight, and estimated to be between 25 and 30 years of


The subject bears anomalous bodily features: The flippers bear distinct fingers and a functioning

opposable thumb, and the skull and facial features resemble that of a human.

SCP-327 was hit by a boat propeller 5-10 years before retrieval, as evidenced by heavy scarring

on the head and back and traces of severe head trauma.

SCP-327 is sapient and capable of speaking simple English sentences, though it experiences

significant difficulty in doing so, both in pronunciation and comprehension of concepts.

SCP-327's anomalous effect is based around its primary vocalization, taking the form

of songs similar to that of cetaceans.

These vocalizations are regarded as highly unpleasant to listen to, and will result in

severe headaches and audio-visual hallucinations in humans, persisting for 6-12 hours.

Those affected will often report claustrophobia, an aversion to water and aquatic animals,

and occasionally sensations similar to that of drowning.

Other mammals will experience the same effects.

During vocalizations, algae and plankton within approximately a kilometer of SCP-327's location

will reproduce at incredibly high rates: the resulting algal bloom will cause considerable

oxygen depletion and neurotoxin levels in the area and causing mass die-offs of local

fish and mollusk life.

There are no anomalous properties present in the algae itself, and SCP-327 is immune

to all effects caused by its vocalizations.

Interviews with SCP-327 have revealed few concrete details of its origins, due to the

specimen's inability to adequately express the information.

SCP-327 has implied the existence of other specimens of the species to live in the Gulf

of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea: however, no anomalies resembling the descriptions have

been reported.

Addendum-01: Recovery Log: SCP-327 was recovered in August of 2008, after a series of inexplicable

mental illnesses amongst citizens of [REDACTED], Florida and reports of unexplained noises

in the area.

The area had been under Foundation watch for two weeks before it was reported that a "mutant"

manatee had been washed ashore by Tropical Storm Fay.

After investigation by Foundation agents, amnestics were distributed to the local populace

and the specimen was recovered without incident.

Addendum-02: Interview Excerpt ██/██/20██.

For purposes of readability, SCP-327's accent has been corrected in this transcript.

Dr. Amberly: Hello, 327.

SCP-327: H'lo, Docter Ambry.

Three-Twenty-Seven ready to answer questions again.

Dr. Amberly: Very well.

We were talking about the song yesterday: Could you tell me more?

SCP-327: Yes.

Song for fish and animals.

Song for plants.

Song for people.

Song for home.

Song is good.

Song not like this [SCP-327 hums for three seconds].

Song not like words.

Song is Song.

Song make things good.

Song not good now.

Dr. Amberly: And what happened to the song?

SCP-327: [Low rumbling noise in imitation of a motor] made it bad.

Dr. Amberly: The boat, then.

SCP-327: Yes.

It is okay though.

Bad song not hurt animals here.

You and Watson help Three-Twenty-Seven get good song back.

For more infomation >> SCP-327 The Mermaid | object class: euclid | Aquatic / Animal / Humanoid SCP - Duration: 5:38.


Jalan-jalan ke Blue Mountain - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> Jalan-jalan ke Blue Mountain - Duration: 7:01.


Yang Hyun Suk Shares His Thoughts On BIGBANG's Future(News) - Duration: 2:11.

Yang Hyun Suk Shares His Thoughts On BIGBANG's Future

On January 1, YG Entertainment founder Yang Hyun Suk shared a video taken during the after-party following BIGBANGs concert. This particular concert was meaningful in that it was possibly the last opportunity to see BIGBANG perform together for the next few years.

Most of the members are currently awaiting enlistment, with G-Dragon and Taeyang expected to enlist in the first half of 2018. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.

In the video, the founder thanked the concerts staff by saying, Today was the last day of the concerts.

Its true that all five [members of BIGBANG] did well, but I believe that the present day BIGBANG was made through a collective effort from all of the staff here today..

Yang Hyun Suk went on to tell the crew, In two to three years from now, BIGBANG will start again. And I believe they will last forever..

Yang Hyun Suk also posted a photo of T. Ps image that was projected during the concert, and shot of himself with T.

 He used song lyrics as hashtags, writing, I will sing this song as I return to you, and If I could see beautiful you again.

He continued to share that T.O.Ps appearance was one of his most memorable moments of the concert. He wrote, The most touching part [of the concert] yesterday, and See you again BIGBANG, as well as, BIGBANG consists of five members..

For more infomation >> Yang Hyun Suk Shares His Thoughts On BIGBANG's Future(News) - Duration: 2:11.


ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro (2018) Introduction !!! - Duration: 3:22.

ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro 2018 Concept Trailer Introduction With Phone Specifications.

ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro 2018 Concept Trailer Introduction With Phone Specifications.

The front and back of ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro 2018 will be glass (Gorilla Glass 6) and Aluminium Frame.

ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro 2018 will receive Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen.

The new ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro 2018 coming with 5.7 inches QHD+ screen.

The resolution of new ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro 2018 will 1440 x 2560 pixels and 18:9 aspect ratio screen.

The ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro 2018 will be protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 6 (the most powerful glass).

ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro 2018 will work performed under most updated OS Android 8.0 (Oreo).

The upcoming phone ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro 2018 will work on board under most powerful processor system Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 and Adreno 630 GPU.

The device will support MicroSD card slot, up to 256 GB.

ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro 2018 coming with 6/8 GB of RAM and 64/128 GB of ROM.

The new ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro 2018 will receive a 16MP rear dual camera, f/1.7, OIS, 3x Optical Zoom and LED flash.

Also, a 13MP front camera with f/1.7 sensor, 1440p, and Auto HDR.

The next flagship ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro 2018 will be equipped 3.5mm audio jack and will support USB type C.

The fingerprint scanner of ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro 2018 will be mounted in front of the panel.

ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro 2018 will support Fast battery charging and 4100 mAh non-removable Battery.

The price and release date for new upcoming smartphone ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro 2018 is not officially announced.

It is expected that the device will launch in the middle of next year and it will be priced around €860.

If you like this concept design of ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro based on latest leaks and rumors, please like or thumbs up, share and comment. For more updates stay tuned.

For more infomation >> ASUS Zenfone 5 Pro (2018) Introduction !!! - Duration: 3:22.


WE'RE GOING OVER THE MOON - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> WE'RE GOING OVER THE MOON - Duration: 5:41.


Top 5 Mickey Mouse Facts - Duration: 4:09.

What's popping lil' britches.

LuckyRabbid here and today we'll be yammering on about one of the most iconic cartoon characters

ever created.

Hell no I'm not talking about Bug Bunny!Its Mickey Mouse is the official mascot of The

Walt Disney Company.

Yeah that Disney the new Empire.

Anyway he was created by Walt Disney and his partner Ub Iwerks in 1928.

Today we'll be going over some interesting facts!

Mickey officially debuted with the short film Steamboat Willie, one of the first sound cartoons.

Or as Walt Disney would like you to think.

He wasn't just some flash in the pan.

Nope, this boy went on to appear in over 130 films.

Damn, that boy was out here slaving.

Well in this video I'll be listing off the Top Five Facts about Mickey Mouse that you

may or may not know.

Got a fact I didn't mention?

Leave it down below!

Drop it!

One thing I can't stand is mice.

I make sure to stock up on Decon to stop those little bastards in their tracks.

As we all know Mickey Mouse is well a mouse, but not just any mouse.

He's a huge rat standing at 2 ft. 3 inches tall and estimated to weigh approximately

23 pounds!

Whew...If I saw that in my house I'd have to whip out the heavy artillery.

One of would be going straight to hell in a blaze of glory.

I think we all know why old school cartoon characters wore those white gloves, but did

you happen to know that Mickey Mouse only has four fingers.

However do you know there are two reasons behind it?

The first was that Disney believed five fingers were too many for a mouse.

Hmm...I guess, but wearing clothes is fine though.

I mean have you seen Mickey's sneakers.

They say big feet big...ahem.

The second was to save the company money!

Yup, Old Walt was too cheap to animate an extra finger.

Animators have been hiding things in animation for decades.

Listen to this "Hidden Mickeys" started as a joke between Walt Disney and other Imagineers.

But word quickly spread and now people have made a game out of searching for Hidden Mickeys

in Disney movies and all of the parks.

You know people who do that must have too much time on their hands.

Read a book man.

Back at some hut in Missouri while developing his character, Walt Disney originally wanted

to name Mickey "Mortimer."


But Walt's wife, Lillian, convinced him to change it to "Mickey."

Thank god she was there...Mortimer is a horrible name.

However, Mortimer ended up being the name of a new character — Mickey's rival.

This slim hater always trying to screw my boy Mick.

Up out of here.

Like I mentioned earlier Mickey was one of the first characters in a sound cartoon, but

did you know that the very first words Mickey ever spoke in a cartoon were: "hot dogs!"


Hot dogs!

Well it had to be something, right?

Yeah, but hot dogs.

Yo, there's so many things about Mickey that are out there, but I'm leaving it here!

Thanks for tuning into the Lucky Rabbid where we do all things Disney except those live

action shows.

I ain't about that life!

But until next time SQUADDDDD!

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