Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 20 2018

How to make Mobile Screening Machine from Cardboard

For more infomation >> Amazing RC Screening Plant - How to make Mobile Screening Machine from Cardboard - Duration: 14:19.


World's Most Dangerous Drug - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> World's Most Dangerous Drug - Duration: 4:53.


BREAKING NEWS!!! IT HAPPENED! Trump Just BANNED Them ALL!!! HELL YEAH!!! - Duration: 25:42.




When you have an unapologetic president like Donald Trump, things get done in record time

and he does what needs to be done without making excuses for it.

He's not concerned who he offends and doesn't feel that he has to answer to anyone but the

American people who voted for him.

His supporters are really happy to have a leader who makes good on his campaign promises

and more importantly, has made America great again already in his first year in office.

However, proving that he can't be swayed from his path of progress and isn't going

to let anyone try to force him off track he just banned them all in one sudden announcement

that's already been met with massive liberal outrage.

Trump's rightful despise for "certain" people has been no secret.

He's let the country know their time is limited and now it's just run out after

one overstepped his bounds and tried to get in Trump's way.

He immediately paid a brutal price for it and so did everyone else like them who get

banned in a sudden sweeping move they weren't prepared for.

The heated relations between President Trump and the mainstream media have just reached

a boiling point in the Oval Office.

Accusing him of their favorite claim used against him, earned CNN's top reporter and

White House correspondent a boot out the door and an order to not return.

There really couldn't be a more embarrassing and enraging action to receive and Acosta

earned it.

According to Fox News:

President Trump kicked CNN star Jim Acosta out of the Oval Office Tuesday after the network's

senior White House correspondent badgered him with racially charged questions.

Acosta has made a habit of grandstanding and interrupting when Trump and his surrogates

are available to the media.

Tuesday was no exception, as Acosta yelled, "Mr. President," three times before finally

getting Trump's attention.

"Did you say that you want more people to come in from Norway?

Did you say that you wanted more people from Norway?

Is that true Mr. President?"

Acosta frantically shouted.

"I want them to come in from everywhere… everywhere.

Thank you very much everybody," Trump responded as Acosta continued to bark questions.

"Just Caucasian or white countries, sir?

Or do you want people to come in from other parts of the world… people of color,"

Acosta shouted.

Trump then pointed directly at Acosta and simply said, "Out!"

A Trump staffer in the background can be heard saying, "Jim, thank you," before the CNN

star presumably exited the room.

Democrats will twist this response to mean something it was not, by saying that Trump

can't take the heat and just bullies people out of his office.

The fact is, he's the Commander-in-Chief and he deserves some respect from the press

if they want to receive respect in rerurn.

Acosta got what he had coming to him when he acosted Trump with his questions that served

no other purpose but to corner him into saying what he wanted to hear that CNN would inevitably

slam him for later.

Like clockwork, Acosta took his "punishment" to Twitter to berate the president and use

the reaction for exactly what is expected of this liberal reporter.

His entire intent was to push a narrative about Trump that's to say he's a mental

midget with a rage disorder and acts irrationally in the moment.

His immediate followup proves it:

"Acosta then took to Twitter, accusing White House aides of obstructing him from asking

questions," Fox News addded, with his followers referring to this move as Trump's "latest


That is to say this is a frequent issue when in fact it's the liberal reporters like

Acosta who have outburst issues.

His history in Trump's White House has proved that and it was about time he got kicked out.

Fox News explains:

Acosta has been among the most outspoken critics of President Trump and is a significant part

of CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker's apparent anti-Trump programming strategy.

Trump has famously dubbed CNN "fake news" and pointed directly at Acosta and called

him by the disparaging moniker in the past.

Last December, Acosta was shut down by White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders when the

liberal reporter tried to hijack a press briefing.

Acosta told Sanders that journalists make "honest mistakes" but that doesn't make

them "fake news" before attempting a question.

Sanders quickly cut him off.

"When journalists make honest mistakes, they should own up to them.

Sometimes, and a lot of times, you don't," Sanders said as Acosta tried to interrupt.

"I'm sorry, I'm not finished," she said.

"There is a very big difference between making honest mistakes and purposefully misleading

the American people… you cannot say it's an honest mistake when you're purposely

putting out information you know is false."

Acosta has also gotten into combative arguments with other members of the administration including

Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller.

Meanwhile, CNN has been mocked for a variety of anti-Trump segments, such as focusing on

the president's soda intake amid unfolding breaking news related to a terror attack in

New York City.

It's about time that someone puts the mainstream media in place and Trump is the man to do


He welcomes question and coversation with his opponents but not combative attacks from

reporters like this.

Acosta needed




and got it.

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS!!! IT HAPPENED! Trump Just BANNED Them ALL!!! HELL YEAH!!! - Duration: 25:42.


A fun weekday VLOG - Duration: 11:50.

Hey hey! We're going to play Albi in preschool today.

Who's Albi?

He's a snowman.

And there's loads of snow today.

Can I see the snow. Is that a lot of snow?


Is it allowed to eat breakfast lying on the table?


How are you doing without the pacifier?

It's good.

What are the nights after Harry quit the pacifier.

Much better than expected. He sleeps deep all night. He was sucking the baby binky in his sleep before.

I don't think he was in deep sleep before. He's calm and quiet when he asleep now.

Come on Harry, we're going.

He's funny. What's he up to now?

We're leaving now.

I get some help. It's great.

I'll scrape this window.

Thank you, bye bye. Give me a kiss.


Have a great day.


It's lovely with snow!


We're happy for this weather. We haven't had much snow in Stockholm this winter.

There's been snow on the ground once, we filmed a vlog then. It's been cold and no snow since. Boring.

Bye my darlings.

Bye bye!

I'm going to work now. Have fun in the snow. Bye!

I'm going to work at Stockholmsmässan today. It's an interior fair called Formex. Join me!

It's a lot of interior. And this is my colleague Anna.

There's Ernst.


The brand Marius is behind me. If you've seen our vlogs from the mountains you know that me and Axel were

dressed in Marius underclothing. They're great. We will have a contest with Marius on our Instagram.

I'm on my way to the island. I have to tie up my boat to the dock. I was given the boat last summer.

It's a 23 foot sailing boat. It will stay in the water this winter.

But it's been stormy weather to I have to tie it properly.

I walked backwards and accidentally tore this stand with cards down. Very embarrassing.

I have to pick them up. What if the camera would have been on as it happened.

You will remember us now.

For sure!

It's 3 PM and Axel picked me up from the fair.

Was it good?

Yes, a lot of interior. We have things to learn there.

Yes, for sure.

We're going to pick up the kids early today. We feel that the weekdays pass too quickly.

We haven't got time for much Monday-Friday.

We want to do something fun outdoors.

And it's snow.

So we're going sledding

Let's reply to a 'question of the day' whilst we're in the car. Quite a few have asked;

What days do you post videos?

We posted videos Tuesday and Friday during autumn. We posted more frequently over Christmas holiday.

We haven't come back to our video routine this year.

Both of us have hectic times at work so it's hard to promise Tuesday and Friday right now.

This vlog will be posted Saturday. We will post two videos a week.

Maybe we can promise exact days a bit further on.

We've picked up these to nugget's and we're going to the park.

There's a nice sledding hill here.

We have to be careful.

Look at me. It's slippery here.

It's 4:30 PM. There are a few kids here, but we're the only grown up's in this park.

Looking good.

I have snow under my jacket.

That happened to me as well. But it's fun. This makes you 10 years younger.

Yes absolutely.

I don't want to wear my woolly hat.

Why not? Are you warm?


Walking up the hill makes you hot.

The sledge is broken. Look here.


Are you tired?


Are you tired?

Yes, I'm done.

Are you tired?


We're back home.

Has it been a fun evening?


We've received a package by mail.


Oh, it's big.

Are you kidding me?


What's inside?

Open carefully.

It's a bell.

Really? No it's not.

Oh, that's beautiful.

The Swedish Family. Love from Mehdi, Nour and Aya. These are gifts from our home country; Iraq.

Thank you! I know exactly who you are because you've won a contest on our Instagram.

We posted the prize to you.

What did they win?

Moomin stuff. We will have a new contest next week so don't forget to check our Insta account.

Thank you for watching this video. Leave a thumb up or down. Subscribe. Comment.

Do what ever you like.

Keep posting questions and take care until next time. Bye! Bye!

For more infomation >> A fun weekday VLOG - Duration: 11:50.


GOT7 ganteng hadir V Live Year End Party 2017 - Duration: 0:57.

GOT7 ganteng hadir V Live Year End Party 2017

GOT7 dijadwalkan untuk menghadiri acara V Live Year End Party 2017 siang kemarin telah tiba di Vietnam. IGOT7, sapaan para penggemar GOT7 berbondong-bondong mengunjungi bandara untuk menjemput sang idola tercinta.

Melalui beberapa postingan fans, banyak IGOT7 yang datang menunggu GOT7 di luar bandara.

Hujan yang sempat melanda tidak membuat IGOT7 mengurungkan niatnya untuk melihat sang idola.

Ini terbukti ketika GOT7 keluar dari bandara, teriakan fans terdengar dengan sangat jelas.

Tak lupa mereka juga meneriakan nama GOT7 dengan lantang.

Sementara itu, V Live Year End Party 2017 diselenggarakan di Vietnam pada 19 Januari 2018 pukul 1900 wib.

For more infomation >> GOT7 ganteng hadir V Live Year End Party 2017 - Duration: 0:57.


War technologies №106. Laser "war". Varta Novator - Duration: 18:25.

Anton Duhnovsky translation

For suggestions and remarks on translation, please contact us:

War technologies

Past year Russia sells ammunition on 14 billion dollars, and company Disney cartoons on – 55. At least here good overhead evil

Also from release you will know

What known about StateDefenceOrder for 3 years?

Which new missile tested on complex S-125М?

How many fighters soon accepts on board Varta Novator?

Are able to cross pistol Glock and «Kalash»?

And why to Estonia arrived planes from USA F-16?

Rarely who knows, that in 1989 in part of Javoriv training center formed one over-usual section.

His techniques were equipped with fatherlands laser imitators of shooting Bezstrashniy (Dis-fear-able), and also with systems of injuring targets «Pylniy» (Dusty)

What changed in sphere of battle imitation for maybe 30 years – make known ours Genadiy Salivon

Training systems, in which uses laser ray already few decades use police and militaries of world. Interaction shooting-ranges, about which War Technologies already told, not far ago showed up in studying centers and institutes of Ukraine

Try to use such technique on own-self already long ago able even civils. Such systems united in common name LaserTag. It is team game, where each participant gets weapon – Tager and vest or cover with data-pads

In time of shoot from tager, if hit in cover triggered data-pads on same cover, them light up and goes slightly vibration un same cover, weapon in this time notify gamer about loss

Before game instructor activates gamer with special remote control. And tager programmed for sure scenarios of game-play. Some times, not very realistic

Able to increase amount of lives, able to add amount of ammo, able to add variant of vulnerability and so on. In lasertag uses line of additional set ups. These are control points, universal points, which add live, removes

LaserTag considered as kids toy, even not cheap. Against it technologies, which used in game, use also militaries, but not all countries can afford it to their selves

LaserTag – bright example of, how military technologies come into civil life. Yet at an end of 70-s on arms of USA came Many-purpose complex laser system of injuring targets. In English abbreviator - MILES

In it impulse of laser radiates in time of shot by black ammunition. With it uses staff armament. It is gives more realistic feel of battle

Working on, how to better save own-self, in mean closer to battle action think about it, how to survive, whom to help. All like in real battle actions

MILES developed for imitation of battle actions with straight clash on level from platoon to brigade on distance till 10 km. Equipments set up not only on ammunition of soldier, but on technique – APCs, tanks, artillery

In time of exploitation of system showed it is mistakes. For example, she doesn't work in fog conditions, smoke or dust. Data-pads not calculate thickness of armor, but simply register hits

In 93 in United states begin to develop renewed system MILES 2000. Apart from removing mistakes orderer requires, that system calculates injures of targets on square and level of injuries

Means, if it is tank, so fully he destroyed or just can not move. And main demand – record of all action of militaries for further analysis, as whole sections, so and each fighter

It is such mini-computer. On him signed who killed me, who kill I. Which I got number. On gun there date-pad in which a laser

In time of shot with black shot in target it begin to beep. If bullet goes beside, or very close, so sound is short-timed

Today MILES uses in maybe all training of NATO countries armies. And in Ukraine also

And so Sweden company SAAB developed own imitations of tactical battle BT-46 and BT-47. She can not only set on soldier and ground vehicles, but also on helicopters

Raising of infantry BT-46 is, that she signify, what namely wound get soldier. It is allows together with battle sub-sections train also medic brigades

Alike properties got also American system Simunition. In her also uses staff ammunition. But injuries marked not by data-pad, but paint

With it uses special ammo with lesser charge of power and special bullet. Gun equipped with lighter breech-block, distance of shootings limited with 300 meters

Such system maximum models battle actions, more perspective, true looking. Only thing is not such cheap, ammunition again

In Simunition uses only light shooting guns. So she more goes for anti-terrorist sub-sections and police. So future of army behind computer systems of battle acts modelisations

On tank biathlon Strong Europe Tank Challenge-2018 will go platoon from operative commandment «Zahid» (West) on battle machines «Oplot» of first version

Remember, past year against Abrams's, Leopards and Le Clerks in competition performed modernized Т-64BV. By this begin digest of weaponry news by week

In RNBO proved State defense order on 2018-2020. Became known, that anti-tank missile complexes increased in 4 times, unmanneds in 4,5, anti-sniper complexes in 10 times

Same-time Chief of GenStab Victor Mujenko ordered to army – prepare to exploit Javelins. Courses for operators of thee complexes begin from 15 of January

President Petro Poroshenko ordered to finish tests of complex «Vilha» (Alder) in this year

Constructors bureau «Pivdenne» (Southern) develops new super-sonic winged missile, what accelerates to 1700 m/s

And «Luch» and «Radionix» provided tests of new missiles 5V27D-М2 with range to 20 kilometers for complex S-125М Pechora

Engineers group «Arey» (Ares) working in new battle machine Dana on territory of one among military parts cause of occupation of factory Atek

And military expert Sergiy Zgurec says, that MinDefense ordered ten AVs Dozor-B (Observation-B). Remember, same as these party already one year pass controlled exploitation in Descendant-storm armies

In MinDefense put changes to Statement about intelligence honorable decorations «Fire arms» and «Cold arms». From now by them able to award only once

From 15 of January by these will be honored exclusively actualу military servants and free from military service in відставку* or reserve with right to wear military form

Daily Uman's company Meta send to NatGuard for tests station of video-spotting SVPP-12. Time of its expansion – 15 minutes, and change position able by 3

Height of colon with equipment more than 12 meters. Control leads remotely. Station will be complete from 1 February and work on Lugansk side

Producer of shoes, company Salomon, presents his first military-field boots, by standards of USA armies. Top of combat-boots Guardian by 160 dollars made of nubuck, and sole from material Contagrip. Pair weights 1416 grams

And in Massachusetts institute develop nano-fiber in 10 times thinner and stronger than kevlar

Company Century Arms shows submachine-gunАК-Draco NAK-9, to which attaches magazines from pistols Glock

Vietnam begin licensed production of Russian high caliber sniper rifle OSV-96 «Zlomshik» (Breaker), which developed in middle of 90s

And company Magpul presents rifle Pro-700 with fold stock

Romanian company Romtechnica and European part of General Dynamics deal about common production of APC Movag Pirania V 8х8. Price of contract 895 million euros

First 36 machines send to Romania already this year. Then Buharest factory might produce by license 191 APCs

To Japanese port Sasebo arrived drop-ship transport-doc USS Vesp, capable with fighters F-35B. It is wide up number of abilities for squadron of these planes

That time, in India calculate, that purchasing third aircraft-carrier goes for 10,9 billion dollars. And 57 planes F/A-18 Hornet added to it costs more 14 billions

MinDefense USA give to company Sikorsky Aircraft contract on building 17 helicopter UH-60ЕМ Black Hawk for Saudis Arabia

Marines of Southern Korea get two helicopters MUH-1 and one KUH-1 of own production

And Jamaica order 10 machines of company Bel and 4 planes Dimond DA-40 CS

American corporation Boeing presents concept of striking unmanned plane with speed of flight 6200 km/h

On airbase Emari, what in Estonia, arrived 12 fighters F-16 of NatGuard USA for participation in international training

And AF of China provide first trainings with participation of fighters 5th generation Chengdu G-20

On exposition «Arms and security-2017» presenters of company «Ukrainian armor-technique» tell us, that soon presents armored pick-up

So we were in readiness, to film for you exclusive. At the end of the year AV Varta Novator show to forces, and we became first journalists, which him over-drive

Ukrainian spetsnaz needs light, fast, pass-trough AV. Same messages from fighters and commanders gets producer in way of exploitation huge Varta, serie production of which goes over «hundred»

So born idea of battle chassis, on base of what able to build machines of different purpose. Logically, that from Varta Novator gets line of technical solutions, about it not all

Lights remain previous from varta, here we see special places for tanks. Here at us placed spare tire, it is special fastening for spare-tire new system was developed, powered up bumper

Cargo part not armored, placed behind. Here placed stuff boxes. Further we see special holes for evacuation forward from doors, means keys placed. Further redesigned embrasures

Glasses without tabs straight on frames of armor, tank, leg-step for comfort enter to machine. Way off for heat placed here. Mirrors uses as on varta's, but with other side for wide observation of automobile

Hood not armored, armored only at perimeter. Optics remains previous from Varta. Appeared on hood special latches. Winch in same place holding, as in automobile Varta

This machine Ukrainian on 50%, rest components – foreign. All them of military purpose, and some of NATO examples. About it, calculating further for workings, with options Novator completed minimally

Here is fire extinguishing system, autonomous heater, conditioner, two drive cameras, inner white light, red and blue colors

Developed by producer or arm-chairs equipped with 5-point belts of security. On case of accident or over-drop, inside in the middle additionally skeleton of safeness

Saloon of novator enough compact different from spacy Varta, so unnecessary equipment and ammunition necessary to hide in cargo section

With my growth 178 I'm slightly beaten behind and forward, about it – not critical in time of entering

First information about new one showed in 22 of December, when machine showed up to National guard of Ukraine. Same by her technical task were created new example. Then commander of NGU drive Novator near two hours

I'm especially test her on pass-through in complicated conditions. This machine deserves attention, and analogs to her among technique of fatherlands production yet do not exist

Pleasant, that such AV develops same in Ukraine. With this forward for her awaits much tests

Exists line of questions, which they sounds. It is in first order question that touch centralized pumping of tires. At start in TechTask this was not. Now this question rises up

Were asks touching improving of cargo section. Was told remark, but we fully agreed with it: about fastening of back wheel

In end of December Novator show up to Forces of special operations, and in January commander of FSO, general-lieutenant Igor Luniov personally over-drive AV

Was marked passing ability of example, but sound also remarks. Partly, about no filter-ventilation equipment, sweating of windows when passing ford, low placed exhaust tubes, and also not handy embrasures

Btw, same was on first prototype Bars-8 and from them deny on further versions

To AV «Varta Novator» formed such recommendations: - needs enlargement of passenger section from 4 to 8 fighter with installing full-size doors in stern of automobile;

for leading fire from PKM, AGS, ATM, MPADS and necessary additional equipment around hatch or removable mechanic turret of not slimy platform

needed to increase maximum weight on roof from 550 to 1500 kilograms

needed to place storm area on roof and hood of automobile, and also equip Novator with more perfect thresholds for short-time transporting of personnel's or fast evacuation

provide mechanic control of light-seekers replacing electrical

install additional boxes (fastening) outside for transporting property and ammunition

Novator built on popular among worlds brands of AV producers chassis Ford 550. To KRAZ Spartan with this base were questions, so here chassis made forward

We by our-selves work on, our constructors bureau provide calculations, gave recommendations and our production realize these recommendations

All elements of this chassis enforced. They made forward, modernized, placed more tight, more higher requests to each element

Factory tests shows, that we enough sure pass all obstacles of tank track

Engineers of company reach ideal load on each axis 50 on 50.Equipped mass of Varta Novator 6,5 tones and there are significant reserve of weight to lift up

As you see on present moment in luggage section placed 1,5 tones of sand. Automobile pass with this weight more than 1500 kilometers on tests and shows himself as prohibited better and achieves positives feedbacks from different head-commanders of sections

Such way developer makes higher requirements to product on sage of tests. Says, with this ballast Novator on average asks 21-23 liters of diesel

Ford 550 with cab and naked frame accelerates to hundred by 7,5 seconds. Sure after getting armor this signs decreases, and maximum speed of novator limited to 120

Btw, past year canadian-emirates company Straight Group presents analogical pick-up, what got name Gepard(Cheetah)-ASV

If compare both examples, so Novator got crew lesser on 3 fighters. But ukrainian machine lighter than Gepard and got bigger cargo capacity. And it is, considering significantly higher level of protection B7

Bot AWDs equipped with identical engines powered near 300 horses, and also automatic transmission, which can work in hand regime. Maximum speed of Novator and Gepard identical – 120 kilometers

But Ukrainian on two tanks of 80 liters pass on 100 kilometers lesser. Roofs of both examples allow lead fire from hatch, or mount replacing it turret or battle module

Comparing to Varta, this pick-up got better protected elements of chassis and not single-type armor

For example, lower part of capsule higher than requirements of technical task and holds explosion of two grenades. And doors lesser protected, so enough easy

We use Sweden armor Armax, with it different solidness. For example bottom use 560's, say so thicker, won't tell all ours know-how. Armor at right, left got different thickness in different zone

We understand, that there are zones, where possibility hit in bigger, there zones, where lesser. In whole we answer to PZSA declared or to 4th or 5th, but where possibility of hitting bigger, we place on stage higher protection

In plans of «Ukrainian armor-technique» on nearest time pass intelligent tests and get permission to exploitation of product

By two month producer promise create more 9-placed version with lesser cargo section. So Novator – more job cipher, and with final name, to AV will help final orderer

Next time you will know about method of preparing of Bars and best producers of tactical equipment. And for today that's all. Watch us!

To find all parts of programm with english subtitles - search in Youtube: TV Show "War Technologies"

For more infomation >> War technologies №106. Laser "war". Varta Novator - Duration: 18:25.


What Foods are Poisonous to Birds? | Budgie Care - Duration: 2:31.

Foods Poisonous to Birds

There are several foods which should never be fed to your budgie because they are toxic

to birds.

This includes avocado, fruit seeds and pits, uncooked beans, chocolate, mushrooms, tomato

leaves and stems, and rhubarb.

Many fruit seeds and pits are toxic to birds, so you should always remove fruit seeds or

cut away parts of fruit that touched the pit before giving any fruit to your budgie (strawberry

seeds are okay).

You should also avoid giving your budgie any dairy (milk based) products, as birds cannot

digest the lactose in dairy.

Only limited amounts of spinach, chard, or beet greens should be fed to your bird no

more than leaf per week.

These greens contain oxalic acid, which bind to calcium in the digestive system and can

cause deficiencies.

Don't feed your budgie onion or garlic.

If you're sharing with your budgie, small amounts of garlic or onion in your food is


You shouldn't feed your budgie any more than very limited amounts of any kind of salty

food, sweets, or any foods known as "junk food".

Never let your budgie consume coffee, soda, caffeinated beverages, or alcohol.

For more infomation >> What Foods are Poisonous to Birds? | Budgie Care - Duration: 2:31.


Blue Bloods - My Case - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Blue Bloods - My Case - Duration: 1:41.


Birthday Song | Video For Toddlers | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies | Song For Children - Duration: 12:44.

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to You

For more infomation >> Birthday Song | Video For Toddlers | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies | Song For Children - Duration: 12:44.


Blue Bloods - Bad Intel? - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Blue Bloods - Bad Intel? - Duration: 2:13.


Sen. McConnell to Dems: What did you accomplish? - Duration: 15:55.

For more infomation >> Sen. McConnell to Dems: What did you accomplish? - Duration: 15:55.


José José | Capítulo 05 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 16:39.

You're going to kill me, Mau,

but I was invited to present an award in LA.

What a woman.

One nail drives out another.

Enjoy your night instead.

We have a lot to talk about.

This is my recording. You haven't even heard it!

Think we can squeeze some tickets to the US

out of this dummy?

I'm going to school in London.

Are you crazy? You ingrate!

My mom kicked me out. May I stay here?

Of course.

You have the most beautiful skin I've ever seen.

The night I sang "El Triste"

is a memory I've held all my life,

but I can still feel my first night with Anel

as if she's been stuck to my skin since then.

Good morning.



I won't let you go.

I'd run the risk of you never coming back.


There's no turning back.

As soon as I get my visa, I'm buying a ticket to London...

And starting a new life.

Without Pepe.

And with your dreams ahead of you.

I know Pepe will meet another woman...

if he hasn't already.

Yes, yes. Two coffees.

Yes, yes.


Weren't you leaving?

I'm starving.

Aren't you?

I ordered some juice and coffee,

along with something in English that I hope is good

because it was the most expensive thing on the menu.

What about your flight?

I still have time.

If not, I'll change it.

Why? You kicking me out?

I should,

but now I want to see if breakfast is any good.

What if I'm leaving the love of my life?

Should I stay with Pepe and be the woman he needs?

Will he be the man you need?

He's my first love.

For years, I dreamed of getting married

and starting a family.

And living happily ever after.

Trust me, real life isn't like that.

You have it all.

The café, your music, your husband, kids...

And sometimes I miss being single.

Freedom, time for myself...

Do you regret it?

Not at all,

but I can't help feeling slightly jealous of you.

I don't know how to stop feeling so miserable

about leaving him.

When are you going back?


I have to get back to the theater.


You're an actress?

I try to be.

Don't say that.

I may have a gold album,

but I'm still the same guy who used to sing at dive bars.

I'll be cockier after I win an Oscar,

but in the meantime I'll keep working...

What do you do?

I don't know much about theater, but I like it a lot.

-Really? -Yes.

Want to see my script?

I'm in a Mauricio Garces play.

It's not bad.

It's very much his style,

but it's okay for a beginner.

What character do you play?


-Did you memorize all this? -No way.

It's really long.

Let's get to work.

I'll help you memorize it.



I'm leaving.

I can't stop my life or worry about what could've been.


Do it.

Prove to yourself that studying International Relations

is your life project.

Of course. Yes.

I'll go live in London, meet new people...

and find a way to be happy.

Of course. Do it.

You have all the tools to succeed.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news,

but I had to tell you.

Oh, Alberto.

Everyone told me not to chase waterfalls.

The higher the climb, the harder the fall.

Well, now I'm sure of that.

He's going his way and I...

I want something different.

I want to be the most important person in his life,

not just an accessory.

I don't want to be the one next to the soccer star.

I'd prefer a husband who sells tamales

but gets excited to see me.

I'd rather that than be with an absent celebrity.

Why are you so quiet?

Was I terrible?

No, you did great.

I'm just really late for my flight.


What about our goodbye?

Is this it?

Thank you.

Slow down!

I don't under...

I don't understand a word!


He's not in the hotel?

Mr. Alvaro is an excellent musician,

the best I've ever heard.

I don't think you know many musicians.

You're too young.

Plus, boleros don't sell anymore.

They're out of style.

Yes, I'm aware that it may not be trendy,

but there's still a market for that kind of music, sir.

I assure you.

Plus, we don't need to record an entire album.

Just one single would bring in profits.

He's too old, Pedro.

I don't think we can sell him.

Forget about how he looks.

Listen to him.


I don't have to.

I've already made up my mind.

How can I get you to give him a chance?

If you prove that there are still people

who want to listen to him, I might reconsider.

I hadn't heard from you.

I thought something happened to you.

You sound like my grandma, man!

Well, show some respect!

I don't care what you do,

just tell me not to wait up!

Chumo, you're the one who got me thinking of Anel.

Oh, oh...

So you were with Anel.

How'd it go with that knockout?

Gentlemen don't kiss and tell.

I can only say that it's been a while

since I had so much fun.

Where's your beau?

Tell me all about it!

Talk to me. Come on.

What happened?


It wasn't like that.

Why not?

What happened?

He couldn't deliver.

You couldn't deliver?

Yes, he delivered, but there weren't any gifts,

none of that stuff.

It was different.

Hold on.

Either you're losing your game or you're in...


Don't even say that word. It's forbidden.

No, honey.

You and I made a deal.

The word isn't forbidden.

Actually falling in love is forbidden.

I forgot to even ask for her number.

I feel terrible.

Don't beat yourself up.

What's done is done.

If you enjoyed yourself, what difference does it make?

I must really be an idiot.

First you're guilty, then you're sorry.

You didn't give a damn about her last night,

and now what?

Tell me something.

How many men have you been with?

Should I bring out a calculator?

It wouldn't be a bad idea.

That way, I could add them all and start to understand

why the hell you decided to fall for some crooner.

He's a loser.

Sorry, but I doubt he's more of a ladies man

than any of the others.

It wasn't the sex.

Oh, no.

He isn't even good in bed?

Of course he is!

He's amazing.

But it was more important than that.

Blondie, you can agree with me.

Men only listen to you before they get you in bed.



Well, Jose was different.

We talked about stuff afterwards.

We even rehearsed my play together,

as if we'd known each other forever.

Don't you think he's special?

No way. You're crazy.

In the name of the Father, the Son,

and the Holy Spirit.

Love-struck demon be gone!

-Stop that. -Express exorcism.

What do I do now?

Go find him.

Some other hussy might come along and snatch him up.

Do you have any water?

-Juanito, how are you? -Good, and you, Pedro?

What'd you think of Pepe? Wasn't he great?

Third place, though...

We deserved first, don't you think?

I completely agree.

That song, "El Triste,"

is the best I've heard in many years.


This song here is exclusive for your station.

-What do you say? -Really?

I'm going to play it

as soon as we get back from commercials.

Hold on a sec.

Let's wait until the fugitive nun leaves.


Are you ashamed of being seen with me?

Of course not, baby.

You know how my mom is, though.

Your family has to meet me,

especially after what happened yesterday.

Your brother makes a lot of money.

They won't mind if your lady lives here with you.

My lady?

We could even live in your room.

Come on.

She left. We can go now.

So when are you introducing me to your family?

Give me some time.

I promise I'll do it this week.

Can I have money for breakfast?

I'm really hungry after all that lovin'.

Sure, babe. I'll get you some now.

I've got it over here.

Damn it!

Now it's really going to hit the fan.

Relax, Chumo. What's wrong?

Mrs. Rodriguez wants to cancel the tour.

Pedro just called!

What? Why?

What do you mean why? Because I didn't sleep with her!

I didn't go to her hotel!

-Can she do that? -Of course not!

Even so I won't let her.

What are you going to do?

I'm going to Mexico.

You'll have to go to Caracas alone.

I'll catch up with you in Puerto Rico.

Okay, but please calm down.

Everything will be fine.

That tour can't be cancelled. Over my dead body!

You can't let your fans down.

You're the one who faces them!

I'm going to call a cab. See you downstairs.

Calm down.

I'll be right down after this call.

She's going to hear it from me.

Over my dead body is she canceling!


Anel Norena's room, please.

<i> One moment, please.</i>

<i> She's not</i> <i> in her room.</i>

<i> Care to leave</i> <i> a message?</i>

No, don't worry. Thank you.

I couldn't even give him my phone number.

It was too good to be true.

I don't know what's with you, honey.

The Anel I know

would be at the hotel looking right now.

I know.

I feel like a high schooler.

I'm embarrassed to look for him, though.

I don't know what he's done to me.

When will anything work out for me?

I'm eating.

No, honey.

You're gorging.

You always do this when you're depressed.

You eat like there's no tomorrow.

Anel, go see him at his hotel and be done with it.

Beloved listeners of 88.3,

we have a surprise for you.

Yes, it's an exclusive.

It's the release of a song we'd only heard live before.

Its recording is hot off the presses.

Listen to this.


Sir, put on 88.3 AM, please.

Margarita, 88.3 please.

I told you there was still a market for this music.

And not on just any station,

<i> but the city's main one.</i>

-Hello. -Hello, how are you?

I'm good, thanks. How are you?

I'm looking for Mr. Jose Jose's room.

Let me just check that for you.

Give me a moment, please.

He just checked out.

You sure?

Yes, I'm sure.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

What happened?

He already checked out.

He didn't even leave a message?

No, nothing.

I don't know what's happening to me.

I feel like I lost something very important in my life,

and I barely even know him.

Oh, cutie...

Long distance to Mexico, please.



<i> Is that you, Lucero?</i>

<i> It's Pepe.</i>

For more infomation >> José José | Capítulo 05 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 16:39.


Gobierno federal se acerca a un cierre tras rechazo del Senado a un acuerdo presupuestario - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Gobierno federal se acerca a un cierre tras rechazo del Senado a un acuerdo presupuestario - Duration: 2:22.


Sangre de mi Tierra | Episode 38 | Telemundo English - Duration: 15:03.


I don't like this, Dad!

You should've asked for my opinion

before naming Juanjo president of the company.

Don't I get a say?

You're right, son. Maybe that was rude of me.

We decided what was best for the winery.

-You didn't think of us! -Let me talk to my father!

I don't think you value my work.

I've always been here.

My CV is impeccable

and I'm more deserving of an opportunity

to replace my mother as president than Juanjo.

I do value what you do here.

Juanjo offered to run the winery

while your mother was losing her head

over the Viña Montiel project.

Juajo took the initiative

and saved us from being ruined by that project, Luis.

What did you do?

You stood idly by, remember?

I'm sorry, but he was following his mother's orders.

That's a stupid excuse, Ana.

He knew how it would all end, but he didn't do anything.

It's a good thing you want to run the winery,

for you to put yourself out there,

but, like Juanjo, I want you to present a viable project.

Otherwise, you'll remain in your current post.

This is a business.

See, honey?

Everyone's against you here.

I'm certain Natalia has no idea this is happening.

She wouldn't agree with this.

Juanjo's president and he does whatever he wants.

What's worse, everyone supports him.

Please close the curtains! Close the curtains!

Juanjo and Aurora are casting me aside.

That's unfair!

They want to carry on with the Small New Wine project.

Listen, it's going to fail.

You can't stay in bed and pretend this isn't happening.

Maybe it's time for you to pitch a new idea.

Yes, that's what Dad said, but I can't do it alone.

I need you to help me go up against them, Mom.

I can't, Luis.

I lack the strength.

It's time for you to spread your wings and fly on your own.

Let me rest.


Don't move!


One more...

Paco... is everything okay?

I'm sorry.

My mind was elsewhere.

What were you saying?

We're all aware of the winery's financial situation,

so as a partner in this project,

I'd like to foot the rest of the bill.


No, no, no. Never.

You can't touch your savings. We could ask for a loan.

I wouldn't be using my savings.

Roberto and I have a joint account.

I'd use money the Castañeda Winery owes me.



Did you bring Emilito with you?

No, Mom. I'm here to talk to Dad.


I'll bring some coffee.


I'm here to talk about my severance pay.

Now's not a good time to ask for money, sweetheart.

I'm not asking frivolously.

I'm asking for what's rightfully mine

after a wrongful termination.

Damn it!


I'm adhering to the law here! I'm not asking for extras!

I don't understand what seems to be the problem.

It seems everyone here knows about their rights,

but you don't give a damn about anyone else's rights, huh?

-What are you talking about? -Dimas.

He can't breathe because of you.

He needs a very expensive machine to breathe

and who knows how many medicines.

The winery is paying for all of his expenses.

We don't know when he'll get better

or if he'll ever recover.

So don't come hassling me for money.

Because of your carelessness, because you were not focused,

my friend almost died.

He helped me start that winery.

How could Juanjo end my deal with Natalia just like that?

I've already explained that Juanjo's in charge now.

He had to make some important decisions, that's all.

Oh, yeah? What about me?

Screw me, right?

You left me hanging.

Many of my clients bought the Montiel wine online.

What should I do now? Smile in their faces?

I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

I promise we'll reimburse you.

Like Juanjo said, we'll foot the bill.

Yes, you will! Of course you will!

You know what else, Paco?

Crisanto won't like to know Juanjo's running the winery.

I couldn't care less about what Crisanto thinks.

He has no say over what happens at the Montiel winery.

That banner looks great, sweetie.

Why the big fuss? Is this game important?

Of course!

It's the state high school final.

Crisanto, please cheer Rafa on for me.

Of course, man.

I'd love to be there, but I'm really sick.

Are you finally ready, ladies? Damn, you act like women!

Wish me luck, Dad.

You don't need it, son.

Do your best.

God bless you! I hope it all works out!

Your blessing.

Where's my kiss?


Take care.

See you later. Call if you need me.

Score a lot of goals!


Oh, Dimas.

Do you remember if you brother kept in touch with a friend?


He never spoke of anyone in particular,

but I never met any of his friends.

Do you know if Wilmer had an address book, computer, tablet?

You know what?

He had a tablet he'd let my kid use.

It should be around there.

Hey, that box belonged to Wilmer!

I think the Small New Wine project

is very attractive and very interesting,

but... it's a very risky investment.

It could be a huge success or an absolute failure.

Yes, but we've yet to find the formula for success.

However, fortune favors the bold.

You're right about, Aurora.

No risk, no reward.

That's right.

However, I'll tell you what really worries me.

I'm worried about what your father will think about...

your partnership.

I'm meeting with him this afternoon.


please don't mention any of this to him, okay?

At least, not now. We'll find a way to tell him.

Incoming call from... ROBERTO

Excuse me. I have to take this.

Here's your copy.

-Thank you, Serena. -You're welcome.

No, I'm still at the zoo.

Well, I finished up sooner than expected.

Stay there.

<i> I'll pick you up</i> <i> and help you with Emilio.</i>

No, let's meet at home.

You were right. It is cloudy.

See you around, Aurora.

Kisses. Bye.

I'm leaving too. I'll call you later.

Is everything okay?


I'll walk you to your car.

Call if you have any questions.

-See you. -Bye.

-Sure, Juanjo. -Thanks.

What's this? What happened?

Ask your son.

Another player almost broke his legs

and that dummy didn't do anything.

His whole team was fighting for him!

They defended him!

He stood by like an idiot while everyone else fought.

They were acting crazy!

I asked them not to fight. Why would they lose their cool?

Come on, Leo! Your dad is right!

How disappointing. You let the team down.

You're a coward!

I'm so disappointed!

I've always told you men don't sit idly by.

I was the one who was humiliated

when I saw you fighting with all the other idiots!

Including you!

You can both go...

Watch it!

-What? You gonna hit me? -Watch it!

-Think you're tough? -Enough, Leonardo!

-Hit me! -Go to your room!

To your room!

We'll talk about this later.


Go cool off.

Did you see how he treated me?

-Enough. -Sure, but did you see that?


I think you overdid it with your dad.

No, he did! I won't forgive him this time!

How could he jump in the fight as if he were a kid too?

He had the best intentions! He was defending you!

I didn't ask him to!

No one attacked me! You saw it!

I'm sure Rafael and I will be kicked out of the team,

and it's all my dad's fault!

I'm sick of his macho man crap!

Of having masculinity and bravery be measured

by how violent one is! That's not who I am!

I'll never be the man he wants me to be!


This is a great time for us.

Recio sales are going back up

and Emilio is still selling well.

The projection for sales states...

demand will grow in the coming months.

That is great news. Did you print out the reports?

Of course.

Of course!

I'm always prepared.

Here you are.

The first one is for El Recio.

I'm sorry for making you wait,

but there've been issues at the winery.


You'll feel better once you hear the good news.

Should I tell him?

I got an interview with Desiderio Gonzalez,

the first Mexican wine producer in Napa.


I asked once and he told me to kick rocks.

We invited him to our grand opening and he didn't show.

He's very closed off.

Maybe with you.

He agreed to Paloma's request in a heartbeat.

Not even on our best day do we have an iota of Paloma's charm.

You're right. You're quite charming.

We already set a date for our meeting.

The only downside is that we're meeting in Fresno,

so I'll have to spend the night outside of Napa.

So what? Is that a problem for you?

No at all. I can do whatever I want.

But with all the problems at the winery,

will you be able to make it?

I could go in your place, Paco.

I'm thrilled to know you're very happy about this.

Well, should we get the check?

No way!

We have to toast to our success!

-Crisanto! -I'm a dumbass!

-Hold on. -It's fine.

Rinse it with water in the bathroom.

-It could stain if you don't. -You're right.

-Go on. -Okay.

-Ask for the check and pay it! -Relax, it's my treat.


For more infomation >> Sangre de mi Tierra | Episode 38 | Telemundo English - Duration: 15:03.


Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 55 | Telemundo - Duration: 17:27.




-Bebote! -What is it?

How is my wife, Doctor?

How's my baby? Everything alright?

I'm sorry, but unfortunately we lost the baby.

Ayala is among the worst.

He's been doing whatever he wants at his post.

He's allowed the entry of tons of cocaine and methamphetamines

belonging to Indio and partners of the Tijuana Cartel.

So not only is Jose Angel Godoy alive,

but he's one of Indio Amaro's men?

I'm thinking you and me should get married.


I like you.

I'll help you with anything you need for Aida's case.

If your head is screwed on right on this side of the wall,

then you're on my side too.

We have to keep looking.

We'll find that bastard.


We're three miles away.

Attention, everyone.

Be prepared. We're getting close.

We're not leaving without Jose Angel Godoy's head.

Or without his boss' head, that bastard Indio Amaro.

What's that?

What the hell is that?

It doesn't take a genius

to figure out those are tire tracks.

Thing is, they look deep.

It was probably made by a bulletproof vehicle.

We also don't know if Indio Amaro's setting us up.

Think about it.

Mr. Romero was right. It's much better than ours.


-I thought you'd stood me up. -How are you?

We had business in McAllen, but we're here now.

This is my friend Aida.

-Nice to meet you, Aida. -Likewise.

I'm sorry to drop a bomb like this on you,

but things took a turn for the worse in your case.

The judge learned Vicenta had helped you cross,

so Mr. Romero sought my help

after she signed a power of attorney...

I can explain.

What? A power of attorney?

I signed it so I wouldn't hurt your case.

I don't understand.

What do you mean I have to wait?

What power of attorney did you sign for Romero?

Just something to remove myself from your case.


I'm sorry, but I thought you were on the same page.

I did too.

What do you mean you're hurting my case, Vicenta?

What power of attorney is she talking about?

You live in Mexico with Vicenta, right?

-Yes. -That's the problem.

I thought she'd told you.

So it's your fault I'm stuck in Mexico?

That's it. Good job. Lower, lower!

I got a call from the States. Ayala got caught.

On the one hand, that disloyal traitor deserves it.

He tried to screw us over

and I'll never forgive him for that.

On the other hand... Damn it!

Now we can't use the Los Indios crossing.

I'm up ---- creek without a paddle, damn it.

We should kill him.

If we don't, he'll sing and hand us over.

The cops already know everything he has to say.

They know he's working with me.

He's worthless.

In any case, he doesn't know where we are.

-No one does. -Romero knows where we are.

Because he made it here himself.

And that's why it wouldn't be good if our location got out.

Or am I wrong?

What's your problem, Owl?

Are you still thinking about taking that Colombian out?

Right now, we need the ----- to do what needs to be done.

-Sometimes I think... -No, no. Stop it.

If you know what's good for you, you'll shut up.

We need Romero a lot more than we need our -----.

Our contacts at the border are done for.

Don't start, Owl, or you'll end up worse.

Watch it.

Move it!

Yes, yes!

Let's have a really cool wedding!

I'll hire Colombian musicians and foot the bill.

We'll hire the most expensive mariachi band.

I'll wear a gorgeous white dress.

We'll have lots of guests and the works!

In any case, we already had our wedding night, so...

No, no, no...

Don't get it twisted.

I saved you, but that doesn't mean I want to bed you.

Well, I do want to bed you, but...

Tuti, we're family!

You're my nephew's mother.

That's it?

Is that all I am?

Don't you care about me at all?

Yes, I do care about you, Tuti.

I care about you, but don't pressure me.

Of course I care about you!

I trust you! You're my partner!

The trust I placed in you means I care about you.

We work together.

But one shouldn't mix business and pleasure.

Haven't you heard those are as different as chalk and cheese?

I've never understood that saying.

Hey, why was Jose Angel Godoy, alias Pepote, at Indio's?

The Colombian?

Yeah, him.

I don't know. He was there before me.

I think Mario Casas took him there.

Mario Casas, the Argentine? You know him?

In name only.

I'll never get to meet him because he was killed.

He was killed?

Such a shame!

How'd he go? Was it a natural death?

That's just awful.

He was a hottie!

I don't know.

President Roca said Indio killed him,

but I know it was the Acero's.

Well, he asked for it.

He badmouthed them on TV. I saw it.


don't you ever talk about the Aceros

as if they were your friends.

They're the enemy, Tuti!

The enemy, period!

You're either with me or against me.

I can forget we're family.

Tuti, for goodness' sake!

Focus on helping your girls do a good job.



Don't ---- up again.




I wanted to get married!

I wanted to wear a white dress!

Listen, I can explain.

What's there to explain?

You kept me from leaving with Gregory, you said you'd help,

and now my case is stuck because of you?

-You betrayed me! -No, no.

I didn't betray you.

I found out about this recently through Romero

and I signed the power to help you.

-Why didn't you tell me sooner? -Again with that?

Why am I hearing it from a stranger?

Aida, I'm here to help you.

Help me? How?

I don't trust you! I don't know who you are!

The Aceros are all like that!

They're all cheaters and liars! You're all liars!

Lower your voice! Remember where you are!

I won't!

I won't shut up! I'm sick of you!

No wonder Debora left that house!

If she hadn't returned, she wouldn't...

That's enough!

The Aceros protect their own! We're protecting you!

I've had it! You lied to me! You and Mr. Romero lied to me!

-Shut up and sit down. -Aida, please!

Please hear me out before you make up your mind.

You have two options. You already know one of them.

You can stay in Mexico and wait to be pardoned

or to be granted residency since your son is a citizen.

We don't know when that'll happen.

What's my other option?

For you to return to the US to work for the Joneses

so you can prove you were abused.

What? Why would I do that?

If you're abused, you can be granted a visa.

You can qualify for a U visa.

So you're asking me to testify against Gregory, my gringo?

Given everything he's done,

that sounds like the best option.

It's great to see you're all here.

Are you working on the case?

What case?

Vicenta's or mine?

I heard you two betrayed me.

You did things behind my back

and now you want me to say Gregory mistreated me!

I'm just so confused!

I don't know what to do.

I don't believe you at all!

Speed up, Bebote. We're almost there.

Pancho Villa and his men are coming for him.

That's right. He's as good as dead.

Manuel Ramiro...

This is for you, son.

That's them, man. That's them!


What is it?

The Acero-Quintanilla just got through

the first security ring.

Come on! Are you sure?

I'm sure.

They come in three vehicles and they're armed.

How'd they find the area?

That doesn't matter.

What matters is that they won't make it to the ranch,

much less make it out alive.

Have Team Alpha welcome them.

Yes, boss.

They're dead, boss.

Get ready.

The Acero-Quintanillas are on their way.

Let's give them the welcome they deserve.

Betrayal... is a very heavy word, Aida.

Especially when used against Vicenta

who's helped you and your son so much.

She didn't tell me that because of her my case is stuck

-and that I could lose. -You won't lose.

She's offering you a great option.

Testifying against Gregory?

Is that my option?

I don't want to.

I know it'll be difficult to see them again,

but they're the reason why you were deported

and why you're on the street.

You really don't hold a grudge against Gregory?

I do.

I'd set his ranch on fire and beat him up.

Do you know what he's done to my people, to other migrants?

He's exploiting them,

he makes them work from sunrise to sunset.

He doesn't give them water and pays them two dollars a day.

Is that fair?

That's called exploitation.

No, no.

I swear Gregory isn't like that.

He's different.

Aida, hear me out.

There are hundreds of people like the Joneses

who take advantage of people like you.

People who're broke when they enter the US.

He pays them two dollars, gives them a room to stay,

and gets rid of them when they're no longer useful.

It's not your fault you fell in love, but please use your head.

I know he wasn't good to me, but I know he loves me.

And I love him too.

Get ready.

We're screwed.

If we're screwed, then we all get screwed together.

-What are you doing, Rooster? -Take cover!

Hand me another one, Rooster!


Take cover!

I knew it wouldn't be easy!

Those bastards work for Indio Amaro!

They're going to kill us!

It's bulletproof!

No, man.

They don't work for Indio Amaro.

They're well trained.

If they don't work for Indio, then who do they work for?

They're going to kill us! Let's go!

Go, go, go!

-Move the car! -I can't!

What should I do?

----! Keep shooting!

Don't stop firing!

They can't stay in there forever!

Wait for the right time.

<i> What's going on?</i> <i> Did you kill Rooster?</i>

No, boss.

Rooster Quintanilla and Salvador Acero are here.

They brought two other trucks filled with thugs with them.

Don't let them get any closer.

Kill them and make sure you make a mess.

Pump them so full of lead,

no one will be able to recognize their bodies.

Yes, boss.

<i> Fire! </i>

I'm heading over.

Let me kill that bastard. Salvador Acero owes me one.

No! Hold on!

They're doing just fine on their own.

They don't need you there.

Let's see if Romero's people can walk the walk.

Hang tight.

Would you do this to Daniel?

Don't go there.

Our situation is very different.

When we went to help you,

he didn't care about you and he didn't try to defend you.

He's already told you he won't get divorced.

Isn't that enough?

Why are you protecting him still?

If the woman I loved were going through something like this,

I'd leave my job, house, ranch... everything

and I'd take her somewhere safe.

If you testify against the Joneses,

we could destroy them

and you could be helping my suit against the governor.

Your case could help repeal the sanctuary cities law.

I don't have her knowledge, I can't think that far ahead

and I can't explain it like she can,

but we have to take Gregory and the governor down,

so they'll stop taking advantage of the migrants

who, like you, cross the border.

Have you thought about Juan Pablo and his future?

I can't.


I'm sorry, but I can't do that to Gregory.

If that's my only option...

I'll stay in Mexico.

I can't.

I can't.

Get us out of here!

These fools are going to kill us!

The road is blocked! We can't leave!

They're kicking our asses, Bebote!

Get us out!


-Hand me a grenade! -Okay!

Take cover.

-Chava! -Take cover!

Let's go that way!

Come on! Go, go!

They executed them!

They executed our ------- men!

Oh well, Chavita.

That's the nature of the business.

Right now we have to find Indio Amaro's ranch

so we can kill everyone there in retaliation.

It's best if we return

-to the safe house. -No way!

I'm not going back.

We're not going back without that ------- ranch's location.

-They're going to kill us! -I don't care!

I died the day Jose Angel left me without heirs!

I won't go back without Jose Angel Godoy's head!

I don't care if I go back in a body bag!

Keep driving.

It's straight ahead.


For more infomation >> Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 55 | Telemundo - Duration: 17:27.


Flu deaths in California have hospitals concerned - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Flu deaths in California have hospitals concerned - Duration: 1:30.


Metro Braces For Hundreds Of Thousands Of Riders For LA Women's March - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Metro Braces For Hundreds Of Thousands Of Riders For LA Women's March - Duration: 2:37.


East Bay Car Crash Shears Hydrant Causing Mudslide That Floods Homes - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> East Bay Car Crash Shears Hydrant Causing Mudslide That Floods Homes - Duration: 2:02.


Pagar por conducir, el plan que contemplan en Nueva York para enfrentar la congestión - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Pagar por conducir, el plan que contemplan en Nueva York para enfrentar la congestión - Duration: 1:56.


☆겨울 백김치ㅡ이대로만 하면 겨울에도 빨리 숙성되고, 톡톡 튀는 청량감을 느끼며 아주 맛있게 드실 수 있어요. 자신있습니다!^^☆★White Kimchi(KR sub)★ - Duration: 18:51.

For more infomation >> ☆겨울 백김치ㅡ이대로만 하면 겨울에도 빨리 숙성되고, 톡톡 튀는 청량감을 느끼며 아주 맛있게 드실 수 있어요. 자신있습니다!^^☆★White Kimchi(KR sub)★ - Duration: 18:51.


守护团名!T-ARA与前经纪公司MBK展开商标权争夺之战,粉丝气愤! - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> 守护团名!T-ARA与前经纪公司MBK展开商标权争夺之战,粉丝气愤! - Duration: 2:39.


Learn how to use No and None correctly! (2018 blog update!) - Duration: 4:09.

everyday English no and none

one of the ways we use the word no is as a determiner that means not one not

any not a we use know with a noun please listen to the following examples

in Canada there are no stores open on Christmas Day this means there aren't

any stores open

after I got to the hotel I looked at my suitcase I had toothpaste but no

toothbrush this means I didn't have a toothbrush

it was 1:00 a.m. when I left the party so there was no bus service I had to

take a taxi home this means there wasn't a bus

the sign said no dogs allowed this means there can't be any dogs here

none is a pronoun that means not one of a group of people or things not any we

use none without a noun please listen to the following examples

the donuts were gone when I got to work this morning they were none left the

word any donuts

English expression jack of all trades master of none a jack of all trades is a

person who has dabbled in many skills but hasn't become an expert at any one


do you know what dabble means dabble is a verb that means to take part in a

sport and activity etc. but not very seriously

she is a talented musician but happy to just dabble this means she has musical

talent but she just plays music for fun she is not very serious about it

so a jack-of-all-trades is someone who has a basic level of understanding of

many skills but is not a master at any one of these things

none is a pronoun so it can be used by itself as an answer to a question

how much money do you have none I spent everything I had at the

coffee shop

remember we use low with a noun and we use none without a noun

thanks for watching click here to visit my blog post that support to this video

I hope you have a great day

For more infomation >> Learn how to use No and None correctly! (2018 blog update!) - Duration: 4:09.


Birthday Song | Video For Toddlers | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies | Song For Children - Duration: 12:44.

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to You

For more infomation >> Birthday Song | Video For Toddlers | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies | Song For Children - Duration: 12:44.


War technologies №106. Laser "war". Varta Novator - Duration: 18:25.

Anton Duhnovsky translation

For suggestions and remarks on translation, please contact us:

War technologies

Past year Russia sells ammunition on 14 billion dollars, and company Disney cartoons on – 55. At least here good overhead evil

Also from release you will know

What known about StateDefenceOrder for 3 years?

Which new missile tested on complex S-125М?

How many fighters soon accepts on board Varta Novator?

Are able to cross pistol Glock and «Kalash»?

And why to Estonia arrived planes from USA F-16?

Rarely who knows, that in 1989 in part of Javoriv training center formed one over-usual section.

His techniques were equipped with fatherlands laser imitators of shooting Bezstrashniy (Dis-fear-able), and also with systems of injuring targets «Pylniy» (Dusty)

What changed in sphere of battle imitation for maybe 30 years – make known ours Genadiy Salivon

Training systems, in which uses laser ray already few decades use police and militaries of world. Interaction shooting-ranges, about which War Technologies already told, not far ago showed up in studying centers and institutes of Ukraine

Try to use such technique on own-self already long ago able even civils. Such systems united in common name LaserTag. It is team game, where each participant gets weapon – Tager and vest or cover with data-pads

In time of shoot from tager, if hit in cover triggered data-pads on same cover, them light up and goes slightly vibration un same cover, weapon in this time notify gamer about loss

Before game instructor activates gamer with special remote control. And tager programmed for sure scenarios of game-play. Some times, not very realistic

Able to increase amount of lives, able to add amount of ammo, able to add variant of vulnerability and so on. In lasertag uses line of additional set ups. These are control points, universal points, which add live, removes

LaserTag considered as kids toy, even not cheap. Against it technologies, which used in game, use also militaries, but not all countries can afford it to their selves

LaserTag – bright example of, how military technologies come into civil life. Yet at an end of 70-s on arms of USA came Many-purpose complex laser system of injuring targets. In English abbreviator - MILES

In it impulse of laser radiates in time of shot by black ammunition. With it uses staff armament. It is gives more realistic feel of battle

Working on, how to better save own-self, in mean closer to battle action think about it, how to survive, whom to help. All like in real battle actions

MILES developed for imitation of battle actions with straight clash on level from platoon to brigade on distance till 10 km. Equipments set up not only on ammunition of soldier, but on technique – APCs, tanks, artillery

In time of exploitation of system showed it is mistakes. For example, she doesn't work in fog conditions, smoke or dust. Data-pads not calculate thickness of armor, but simply register hits

In 93 in United states begin to develop renewed system MILES 2000. Apart from removing mistakes orderer requires, that system calculates injures of targets on square and level of injuries

Means, if it is tank, so fully he destroyed or just can not move. And main demand – record of all action of militaries for further analysis, as whole sections, so and each fighter

It is such mini-computer. On him signed who killed me, who kill I. Which I got number. On gun there date-pad in which a laser

In time of shot with black shot in target it begin to beep. If bullet goes beside, or very close, so sound is short-timed

Today MILES uses in maybe all training of NATO countries armies. And in Ukraine also

And so Sweden company SAAB developed own imitations of tactical battle BT-46 and BT-47. She can not only set on soldier and ground vehicles, but also on helicopters

Raising of infantry BT-46 is, that she signify, what namely wound get soldier. It is allows together with battle sub-sections train also medic brigades

Alike properties got also American system Simunition. In her also uses staff ammunition. But injuries marked not by data-pad, but paint

With it uses special ammo with lesser charge of power and special bullet. Gun equipped with lighter breech-block, distance of shootings limited with 300 meters

Such system maximum models battle actions, more perspective, true looking. Only thing is not such cheap, ammunition again

In Simunition uses only light shooting guns. So she more goes for anti-terrorist sub-sections and police. So future of army behind computer systems of battle acts modelisations

On tank biathlon Strong Europe Tank Challenge-2018 will go platoon from operative commandment «Zahid» (West) on battle machines «Oplot» of first version

Remember, past year against Abrams's, Leopards and Le Clerks in competition performed modernized Т-64BV. By this begin digest of weaponry news by week

In RNBO proved State defense order on 2018-2020. Became known, that anti-tank missile complexes increased in 4 times, unmanneds in 4,5, anti-sniper complexes in 10 times

Same-time Chief of GenStab Victor Mujenko ordered to army – prepare to exploit Javelins. Courses for operators of thee complexes begin from 15 of January

President Petro Poroshenko ordered to finish tests of complex «Vilha» (Alder) in this year

Constructors bureau «Pivdenne» (Southern) develops new super-sonic winged missile, what accelerates to 1700 m/s

And «Luch» and «Radionix» provided tests of new missiles 5V27D-М2 with range to 20 kilometers for complex S-125М Pechora

Engineers group «Arey» (Ares) working in new battle machine Dana on territory of one among military parts cause of occupation of factory Atek

And military expert Sergiy Zgurec says, that MinDefense ordered ten AVs Dozor-B (Observation-B). Remember, same as these party already one year pass controlled exploitation in Descendant-storm armies

In MinDefense put changes to Statement about intelligence honorable decorations «Fire arms» and «Cold arms». From now by them able to award only once

From 15 of January by these will be honored exclusively actualу military servants and free from military service in відставку* or reserve with right to wear military form

Daily Uman's company Meta send to NatGuard for tests station of video-spotting SVPP-12. Time of its expansion – 15 minutes, and change position able by 3

Height of colon with equipment more than 12 meters. Control leads remotely. Station will be complete from 1 February and work on Lugansk side

Producer of shoes, company Salomon, presents his first military-field boots, by standards of USA armies. Top of combat-boots Guardian by 160 dollars made of nubuck, and sole from material Contagrip. Pair weights 1416 grams

And in Massachusetts institute develop nano-fiber in 10 times thinner and stronger than kevlar

Company Century Arms shows submachine-gunАК-Draco NAK-9, to which attaches magazines from pistols Glock

Vietnam begin licensed production of Russian high caliber sniper rifle OSV-96 «Zlomshik» (Breaker), which developed in middle of 90s

And company Magpul presents rifle Pro-700 with fold stock

Romanian company Romtechnica and European part of General Dynamics deal about common production of APC Movag Pirania V 8х8. Price of contract 895 million euros

First 36 machines send to Romania already this year. Then Buharest factory might produce by license 191 APCs

To Japanese port Sasebo arrived drop-ship transport-doc USS Vesp, capable with fighters F-35B. It is wide up number of abilities for squadron of these planes

That time, in India calculate, that purchasing third aircraft-carrier goes for 10,9 billion dollars. And 57 planes F/A-18 Hornet added to it costs more 14 billions

MinDefense USA give to company Sikorsky Aircraft contract on building 17 helicopter UH-60ЕМ Black Hawk for Saudis Arabia

Marines of Southern Korea get two helicopters MUH-1 and one KUH-1 of own production

And Jamaica order 10 machines of company Bel and 4 planes Dimond DA-40 CS

American corporation Boeing presents concept of striking unmanned plane with speed of flight 6200 km/h

On airbase Emari, what in Estonia, arrived 12 fighters F-16 of NatGuard USA for participation in international training

And AF of China provide first trainings with participation of fighters 5th generation Chengdu G-20

On exposition «Arms and security-2017» presenters of company «Ukrainian armor-technique» tell us, that soon presents armored pick-up

So we were in readiness, to film for you exclusive. At the end of the year AV Varta Novator show to forces, and we became first journalists, which him over-drive

Ukrainian spetsnaz needs light, fast, pass-trough AV. Same messages from fighters and commanders gets producer in way of exploitation huge Varta, serie production of which goes over «hundred»

So born idea of battle chassis, on base of what able to build machines of different purpose. Logically, that from Varta Novator gets line of technical solutions, about it not all

Lights remain previous from varta, here we see special places for tanks. Here at us placed spare tire, it is special fastening for spare-tire new system was developed, powered up bumper

Cargo part not armored, placed behind. Here placed stuff boxes. Further we see special holes for evacuation forward from doors, means keys placed. Further redesigned embrasures

Glasses without tabs straight on frames of armor, tank, leg-step for comfort enter to machine. Way off for heat placed here. Mirrors uses as on varta's, but with other side for wide observation of automobile

Hood not armored, armored only at perimeter. Optics remains previous from Varta. Appeared on hood special latches. Winch in same place holding, as in automobile Varta

This machine Ukrainian on 50%, rest components – foreign. All them of military purpose, and some of NATO examples. About it, calculating further for workings, with options Novator completed minimally

Here is fire extinguishing system, autonomous heater, conditioner, two drive cameras, inner white light, red and blue colors

Developed by producer or arm-chairs equipped with 5-point belts of security. On case of accident or over-drop, inside in the middle additionally skeleton of safeness

Saloon of novator enough compact different from spacy Varta, so unnecessary equipment and ammunition necessary to hide in cargo section

With my growth 178 I'm slightly beaten behind and forward, about it – not critical in time of entering

First information about new one showed in 22 of December, when machine showed up to National guard of Ukraine. Same by her technical task were created new example. Then commander of NGU drive Novator near two hours

I'm especially test her on pass-through in complicated conditions. This machine deserves attention, and analogs to her among technique of fatherlands production yet do not exist

Pleasant, that such AV develops same in Ukraine. With this forward for her awaits much tests

Exists line of questions, which they sounds. It is in first order question that touch centralized pumping of tires. At start in TechTask this was not. Now this question rises up

Were asks touching improving of cargo section. Was told remark, but we fully agreed with it: about fastening of back wheel

In end of December Novator show up to Forces of special operations, and in January commander of FSO, general-lieutenant Igor Luniov personally over-drive AV

Was marked passing ability of example, but sound also remarks. Partly, about no filter-ventilation equipment, sweating of windows when passing ford, low placed exhaust tubes, and also not handy embrasures

Btw, same was on first prototype Bars-8 and from them deny on further versions

To AV «Varta Novator» formed such recommendations: - needs enlargement of passenger section from 4 to 8 fighter with installing full-size doors in stern of automobile;

for leading fire from PKM, AGS, ATM, MPADS and necessary additional equipment around hatch or removable mechanic turret of not slimy platform

needed to increase maximum weight on roof from 550 to 1500 kilograms

needed to place storm area on roof and hood of automobile, and also equip Novator with more perfect thresholds for short-time transporting of personnel's or fast evacuation

provide mechanic control of light-seekers replacing electrical

install additional boxes (fastening) outside for transporting property and ammunition

Novator built on popular among worlds brands of AV producers chassis Ford 550. To KRAZ Spartan with this base were questions, so here chassis made forward

We by our-selves work on, our constructors bureau provide calculations, gave recommendations and our production realize these recommendations

All elements of this chassis enforced. They made forward, modernized, placed more tight, more higher requests to each element

Factory tests shows, that we enough sure pass all obstacles of tank track

Engineers of company reach ideal load on each axis 50 on 50.Equipped mass of Varta Novator 6,5 tones and there are significant reserve of weight to lift up

As you see on present moment in luggage section placed 1,5 tones of sand. Automobile pass with this weight more than 1500 kilometers on tests and shows himself as prohibited better and achieves positives feedbacks from different head-commanders of sections

Such way developer makes higher requirements to product on sage of tests. Says, with this ballast Novator on average asks 21-23 liters of diesel

Ford 550 with cab and naked frame accelerates to hundred by 7,5 seconds. Sure after getting armor this signs decreases, and maximum speed of novator limited to 120

Btw, past year canadian-emirates company Straight Group presents analogical pick-up, what got name Gepard(Cheetah)-ASV

If compare both examples, so Novator got crew lesser on 3 fighters. But ukrainian machine lighter than Gepard and got bigger cargo capacity. And it is, considering significantly higher level of protection B7

Bot AWDs equipped with identical engines powered near 300 horses, and also automatic transmission, which can work in hand regime. Maximum speed of Novator and Gepard identical – 120 kilometers

But Ukrainian on two tanks of 80 liters pass on 100 kilometers lesser. Roofs of both examples allow lead fire from hatch, or mount replacing it turret or battle module

Comparing to Varta, this pick-up got better protected elements of chassis and not single-type armor

For example, lower part of capsule higher than requirements of technical task and holds explosion of two grenades. And doors lesser protected, so enough easy

We use Sweden armor Armax, with it different solidness. For example bottom use 560's, say so thicker, won't tell all ours know-how. Armor at right, left got different thickness in different zone

We understand, that there are zones, where possibility hit in bigger, there zones, where lesser. In whole we answer to PZSA declared or to 4th or 5th, but where possibility of hitting bigger, we place on stage higher protection

In plans of «Ukrainian armor-technique» on nearest time pass intelligent tests and get permission to exploitation of product

By two month producer promise create more 9-placed version with lesser cargo section. So Novator – more job cipher, and with final name, to AV will help final orderer

Next time you will know about method of preparing of Bars and best producers of tactical equipment. And for today that's all. Watch us!

To find all parts of programm with english subtitles - search in Youtube: TV Show "War Technologies"

For more infomation >> War technologies №106. Laser "war". Varta Novator - Duration: 18:25.


iPhone X - A New Light

For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


Kısaca - Yardımcı Ses "n" (A1) - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Kısaca - Yardımcı Ses "n" (A1) - Duration: 2:18.


For more infomation >> Kısaca - Yardımcı Ses "n" (A1) - Duration: 2:18.


Alpe d'Huez 2018 – Sophie Marceau: « je suis un clown, je n'ai pas peur du ridi­cule » - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Alpe d'Huez 2018 – Sophie Marceau: « je suis un clown, je n'ai pas peur du ridi­cule » - Duration: 3:16.


For more infomation >> Alpe d'Huez 2018 – Sophie Marceau: « je suis un clown, je n'ai pas peur du ridi­cule » - Duration: 3:16.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

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Guru Randhawa 2018 Nachle Na Video - Duration: 2:25.


For more infomation >> Guru Randhawa 2018 Nachle Na Video - Duration: 2:25.


Steamed Hams Any% Speedrun (00:00:11.342) (CURRENT WR) - Duration: 0:12.

Well, Seymour, I ma-




I'm pooped!

Ah, I see.

For more infomation >> Steamed Hams Any% Speedrun (00:00:11.342) (CURRENT WR) - Duration: 0:12.


Goodbye to Our house Our son and Australia - Sailing A B Sea (Ep.002) - Duration: 8:50.

In this episode of Sailing A B Sea we say goodbye to our house, our son Luke and

Australia to travel 18,600 kilometers to Spain.

Time to say goodbye. Bye beautiful house, beautiful mountain in the background.

Bye rain forest. It's been a great house, we've had some great times here and

wonderful memories. The end of an era the beginning of a new one.

Blessings to the house and to those who live in it.

So time to go? Yeah. All right well our chariot awaits, it's gonna whisk us down to Luke's place and on to

the airport. That's a lot of stuff eh? I mean a lot of the food stuffs, that's for Luke.

But yeah there's still a lot of bags.

Good job we've got the extra baggage allowance!

Departure day arrived and we loaded up our car with everything we owned and

drove an hour south to Brisbane to pick up our son Luke. The plan was that all

three of us would drive to the airport, Aannsha and I would get dropped off and

then Luke would drive off into the sunset in his new car. On the short drive

to Brisbane Airport we were chatting about nothing at all and throwing around

our usual family banter, each one of us reluctant to bring up the subject of the

final goodbyes that was getting closer as the kilometres passed beneath the

wheels of the car. Goodbyes are hard at the best of times, but this was a goodbye

that was unique. Usually it's the child that leaves the parents to go off and

forge their own paths and destiny. But this time it was as the parents, leaving

our son in his native country, to go off on our new path. It felt so wrong but at

the same time we knew that Luke had the life skills and confidence to walk his

own path and be master of his own destiny.

You excited? If you weren't behind the camera I would be. Think we're going to need 2 of them.

I think we are gonna need 2. Maybe yeah.

It's the big moment.

Been a long time coming. Wow look at that sunset!

OK Luke I don't want to do this.

Oh yeah, coz of the height.

You take care of yourself and keep in touch. Have fun. Follow your heart. Stop it.

Dude. What can I say? I love you. Take it easy.


Now get out of here. At 6:30 p.m. on Monday 18th December 2017 ours and our sons paths diverged.

It was one of the most emotionally heart-wrenching moments of our lives.

So there we stood, watching our son drive off into the sunset. As the car

disappeared down the ramp Aannsha and I turned to look at each other. There were

tears in both our eyes and spilling down our cheeks. Words were useless at this

point so we simply nodded knowingly at each other, as soul mates do and

started walking towards the doors of Brisbane Airport international departure terminal.

Well that was saying goodbye at the airport,

which wasn't too bad. Actually it wasn't as tearful as I expected it to be.

But it was very hard and

it's just difficult you know, not knowing when you're gonna see your son again, but

I think we've prepared him as best as we can to carve out his own path now. So

we're just gonna let the universe take control from here.

You know it's kind of very poignant because I'm really looking forward to this.

I'm really looking forward to the whole experience...

and just...

saying goodbye to Luke...

it's the hardest thing. So if you're looking Luke, I love you more

than the sun and the moon and the stars in the sky and I know you'll be fine.

Next time on sailing A B Sea we check out all the perks of flying business class

and 35 hours later arrive in Spain. Sea! We keep calling it the ocean, we're wrong

it's the sea. (enjoy the outtakes) Ah the life of a teenager, hanging out laundry and eating exotic food! Oh yeah.

Are these your bras? Yeah, (coughs, clears throat) I erm cross dress on the side as well. I gotta make money somehow. (laughs)

I've got to get used to using thing haven't I? Yep.

Oh it's actually recording! Hahaha I think I found, I think I've got an outtake! Hahahaha

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