Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 20 2018



Another day in world of tanks! 27!



OH **** NO!


Danger danger...


Grosstraktor will return!










Oh, banana!

Come here!





F***K YOU!

A few moments later.

- Come here! - Come here!

Oh, if it's a fight you want it's a fight you get!

Come here!



Oh ****!

You are already dead!


Steady steady!

Come here!





Do you think this is some kind of game?



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For more infomation >> Another Day in World of Tanks #27 - Duration: 11:31.


Trump v Murphy [QF] PREVIEW 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> Trump v Murphy [QF] PREVIEW 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 5:52.


Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr5 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 35:43.

For more infomation >> Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr5 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 35:43.


Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr9 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 17:35.

For more infomation >> Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr9 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 17:35.


Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr3 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 31:39.

For more infomation >> Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr3 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 31:39.


Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr4 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 26:22.

For more infomation >> Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr4 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 26:22.


Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr2 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 18:36.

For more infomation >> Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr2 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 18:36.


Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr10 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr10 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 10:28.


Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr8 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 10:43.

For more infomation >> Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr8 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 10:43.


15 Thoughts an Introvert Has at a Party - Duration: 3:56.

15 Thoughts an Introvert Has at a Party

Being introverts is not easy especially when it comes to social gathering like parties.

Simply said, Introverts and parties probably are as smooth as oil and water, in other words,

they are not getting along together.

So, if you're a real introvert in the core, you'd absolutely rather spend your night alone

at home, watching nettflix and reading some book than going out to the party and getting


However, if this time is the party you should attend to, even if you don't really want to

go, all the weird thoughts will immediately flooding in your mind.

In this video, we've been compiled 15 thoughts that introverts usually have at a party.

Let's check it out.

#1 - We've been talking too long

Even though you just only ask how their day was and whether you enjoy the weather, they

will think that it's been hours of talk.

This expression indicates that introverts actually have hard time in talking to others.

#2 - How long do I have to stay?

Believe it or not, this question is even raised before entering the venue.

introverts cannot stand too long with people especially those who they rarely talk to.

#3 - Is 'x' minute enough?

They calculate everything from talking, drinking, going to bathroom, and walking away from party.

It is to ensure that they actually spend time more on counting instead of enjoying the party.

#4 - Ah a friend!

Introverts seek someone they know especially those who invited them at the very first place.

After that, they will be so happy especially if they are accompanied.

#5 - Oh no! someone's approaching him, or her

When a friend is noticed, introverts may not have a turn to approach him, or her.

It's simply because other people are taking a head start.

#6 - Maybe, I just have to stand near the person

They want attention from your friend, but he is distracted by more extroverted guy.

#7 - What if I walk away?

It seems that universe does not allow introverts to meet other people.

however, it also does not allow introverts to walk away from crowd.

#8 - I probably need to take some more time

Introverts take time to think before doing something.

That also includes deciding whether to stay or walk away.

#9 - Wait, whats wrong!

While thinking, you may notice something that will you note for change.

#10 - It is like forever here

Though it is only 30 minutes, introverts do not like being in a crowd too long.

They do not feel comfortable.

#11 - I think I know him

This is the moment when you embrace yourself and start to be more active.

#12 - Finally a conversation

It is difficult to start, but this person really can help me stay in a conversation.

#13 - What's wrong with me?

You don't know why you feel exhausted, and it is actually introvert hangover.

#14 - I'm exhausted but i'm really proud

Meeting and talking to people are great achievement.


#15 - Finally it is almost over

The party is over, and you can recharge yourself.

it is better than anything.

All in all, that's the 15 Thoughts an Introvert Has at a Party.

So, Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 15 Thoughts an Introvert Has at a Party - Duration: 3:56.


Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr6 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr6 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 9:27.


Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr7 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 8:22.

For more infomation >> Trump v Murphy [QF] Fr7 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 8:22.


Trump v Murphy [QF] Intro 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Trump v Murphy [QF] Intro 2018 Masters {HD1080p} - Duration: 2:12.


古力娜紮穿深V長裙出席活動!手一直捂住胸防【走*光】!但沒想到身旁的高層居然起生理反應!尷尬死了! - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> 古力娜紮穿深V長裙出席活動!手一直捂住胸防【走*光】!但沒想到身旁的高層居然起生理反應!尷尬死了! - Duration: 2:28.



For more infomation >> 5 SYTUACJI, W KTÓRYCH GRACZE GRAJĄ JAK SILVER! (CS:GO - AKCJE, MOMENTY) - Duration: 4:38.


Mobile Legends WTF Moments 34 - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> Mobile Legends WTF Moments 34 - Duration: 10:19.


Как Отличить Kитайца Корейца и Японца от Кореянки? 한국인 중국인 일본인을 어떻게 구별할까?|минкюнха|Minkyungha|경하 - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> Как Отличить Kитайца Корейца и Японца от Кореянки? 한국인 중국인 일본인을 어떻게 구별할까?|минкюнха|Minkyungha|경하 - Duration: 8:14.


【IN Vietnam】 Jungle Cruise Mekong River!! & Hold The Python Snake !! [CC Available]|Yuka Kinoshita - Duration: 4:51.

right now I'll be going on the Mekong river

~ On a Boat! ~

I've ate/drank this in the morning

its was coconut juice look at all the coconuts here


lots of bees

plenty of yummy honey to be had from this

tiny dog


found a big fish

can I eat it?

it appears we can drink some tea here .... honey tea?

yum yum... its an kumquat and honey flavored tea



I'll now make some tea

this is honey



then add tea

mix well and its ready


its cold and slippery

the scales are so pretty

so pretty

whats its name?

does it not have a name?


such smooth movements

coconut caramel


using coconut shells to make the caramel


the scrap pieces

while listening to vietnamese music...

I'll be eating fruit pineapple, watermelon, mango, papaya, dragonfruit

this is eaten with salt

and unbelievably this tea is hot

vietnam has crazy hot weather and in this hot weather you drink hot tea

and now we will be going down the river

my hat my hat

Let's go !!

wow... the river is so close

such a nice view its got fruit

it feels like I'm in the south

the.... the way you're holding it.... is a bit weird

like this? yup yep

this is so tough

I'm only getting in the way here

For more infomation >> 【IN Vietnam】 Jungle Cruise Mekong River!! & Hold The Python Snake !! [CC Available]|Yuka Kinoshita - Duration: 4:51.



So ladies and gentlemen I am sitting here speaking with one of fine coin team members

Hello, can you hear me I can hear you. Thank you, Mike. Oh, you're welcome. What's your name? Please introduce yourself?

Okay, yeah first. I want to thank you for having me here

It's an honor to have a chat with you, and I want to thank your community for the support you guys are the best

Thank you, and I'm one of the

members of fine code and

I'm the marketing director, and I will be here to answer all your questions

And I hope you have a blast awesome awesome forward to it. What's your name? My name is Lucas?

Okay, Lucas, so obviously Lucas. I did a review on your platform

Yesterday, and there's a few questions. I don't want to ask you tell me about fine coin


With the community we should you know heads we wanted to we wanted to give people the power to reach financial freedom and

passive income by investing their assets for substantial returns we want to help our

community to manage their assets in an easy and sustainable way and

We saw that this niche is not yet exploited in a way

How in the perfect way how we?

With all vision in our mind everyone. We'll explain it a little bit further down the line, but but yeah, this was our

Vision when we started the project?

So in other words you built this because you were tired of the fight lending

Platforms that you have invested on is that what you're telling me

Exactly. Yeah, you have been in this space for for quite a while already

And you see that there are so many problems with this platform servers. They just keep your money and

Etc and this is exactly what we are tired open

And we just want to we just want to flip the market upside down and create a new standard. How people should be treated

Treated basically awesome so if you got tired of the lending platform

Model why is your domain just registered recently?

And you claim you've been working on this project for a year explain that yeah, okay, yeah

I mean just now we came up with and we spent quite a while researching and

finding the perfect first perfect fit that would represent our vision and

We have been working on the project on a local host and testing testing the code testing the environment and everything

over there, so that's also the reason why it was registered just now I

Can see how that gives a little bit of bad wide right?

But no you shouldn't worry about that because as you can see mo

Everything is working as it should almost everything and we had a problem with emails yesterday

But we fixed it in a couple of minutes, okay?

Tell me about your team. Who are you guys how many of you? What what do you guys do?

We are a team of 10 people and six developers and four marketeers and

The cool thing about us is that we have

several years of experience

Both in crypto industry and a central preneur, so we have built our own businesses in different industries

For example I own several stores and and an agency


developers are are

have their own software development companies, and they are connected with financial industry and

So we we basically know how to build good and sustainable businesses

And that's what we want to do with fine communis well

Okay, your internal exchange when you log in it says under construction yet, you can see the internal exchange

Is it done or is it not? What's the story yet? So it I was fully developed

we just have to test to test it with the actual market right and

The same as it was with a platform. We had it on a local servers. We tested every single

But it's not yet. Fully ready in terms of

Tests and and the best way how to run test is with actual humans and actual community

participating and giving their feedback and

That that will be ready after the ICO is over three days after the ICO is over. What what they subside

February 16 16 to figure it all right so yesterday want to launch my video your registration

Broke basically people couldn't register. They clicked on it. It said

Error message and stuff like that see I look at it as if a platform is not ready. It's not ready

It's not ever gonna be ready so tell me what the story is there buddy, okay?

Yeah, so first of all yeah. Thank you so much

That your community was is the is the best these guys

Showed us such a such a loving support and for that we really appreciate it, but yeah as I said before


It's hard to be ready for everything and or developers spotted this issue within seconds

we got on top of faith, and we'll fix it the problem was with our emails and

We or email servers and most of the email servers out there are capable of sending 1000 emails per hour

Right and so when more than that people sign up

when more than thousand people try to sign up at any given hour

You have an issue with that

what we did we connected another email server and so now our capability is to send 2,000 emails per hour and

Now we know that there is this this issue and we closely monitor it

So whenever we reach the threshold we can connect another email server straight straight up. I got you, okay

I forgot to ask you where you guys from we're actually from all over to Europe

Romania Estonia

Netherlands, we are all over the place we are

remotely based team that meets once in a while to discuss the future plans and


reworked from from

From our own offices ok how many members. Are you anticipating to join fine coin and the reason I'm asking you

This is because I want to know what your marketing plans are so how many members are you anticipating?

Having in fine coin, and what are your marketing plans ok? Yep, so as you saw yesterday. We added more than

5,000 new users and

That's just amazing and we want to keep growing we want to keep developing and so our aim is to add

100,000 new users by around the 10th round and

we believe that the best marketing plan is communication and being transparent with with our community and

When they see what we are doing when we communicate?

Clearly and when they know exactly what will be your next steps

That's that that's how we grow together

You know and I think that's in a sense the best marketing strategy there could be

Ok now you allow people to withdraw their deposits if they change their mind

During the ICO is that correct exactly and that's completely aligns with your vision right we say that we want to create this

System that helps people to manage their assets, but if we block their assets inside our system that doesn't align

You know and so from from the day one when you transfer the money if you don't like something about us

Whatever it is. You can reach out the money at any given point we don't want to create any blocks

anything we

Want to open the system up for anyone who wants?

And if there is something you don't like tell us that and we will try to improve, right

But if you want to take your money, you're free free to do that. No okay now your competition is going to be strong

It's gonna give you guys a kick in the ass

How are you gonna stand out? Yes, so this this alliance with the communication plan even though. I'm the head of marketing right?

I'm on telegram 24/7 talking with people engaging with everyone and collecting their feedback

Everyone in our team is doing that we want to know what how we can improve and our community is the best

Source of inputs right so we learn together we grow together, and we develop together

That's that's I think what sets us apart. I understand Lucas, but a lot of other lending platforms are doing same for them

So you know if everybody's communicating and everybody's given support? Why should I choose my coin? You got somebody else?

First first of all our platform is already developed right. We've spent this year

Writing every piece of

Code that there is for staking for lending for exchange

there are

some things that we still have to test, but that helps us to actually stick to the

deadlines right we have developed our roadmap, and so we have the outline and

That's basically

ability to deliver

And that's gonna be one thing that will set us apart

Ok so the next question. I want to ask you are you planning or regulating the token price, so you won't crash?

Explain how you're gonna do that to me

Yeah, so

We all know that this is a problem right big. Whales come and try to dump their coins and

rest of the community suffers

So this is a problem that we all know it exists and at the beginning for for three days

I think and we will have to set a maximum of

1,000 fine coins that you can sell in order to prevent this from happening right it might seem like a

Intrusion in people people's assets, but in this way we want to protect our community from from these

Whales that might dump the coins?

So we also have back a plan to prevent a potential disaster

We gameplay implemented a trading bot that sets the safety net for our community

Members and protects protects their money and investment, okay, can you explain how that bar is going to work? So yeah, it basically?

monitors to market right it sees the jumps it sees the highs and lows and

so it learns along the way and

When there are when there are pipe spikes in the price?

These safety nets activates right and so it it basically

helps people to

Basically protect people from these dumps and pumps when when that might occur okay?

So you're tiny?

You're telling me the bot is only designated to monitor fine coin

at the moment


But we plan to expand further

This is one for business development

This is our business development timeline for

actually building a sustainable business, okay, so this this boat will be

Different exchanges, okay, how are you gonna? Make money generate money to pay back the

community and interest

So when we have clear roadmap developed right, and we actually stick to it, and we deliver

That's one thing we expect will drive the price, and we and will drive the demand for

for for our coin and one thing that

will help us to do that is basically ability to learn from other landing platform mistakes and the point of which is bid connect and

These guys did amazing work and wait

Pad for other landing platforms right of course made several mistakes along the way

But that gives us the opportunity for you to learn from these mistakes and do better, okay

Tell me about your servers. Yes, so

This is something. They're a little bit proud of because

We have 11 dedicated servers hosted in inside the tier 4 data Center that basically means

We can handle more people than any land any other landing platform out there

It's we are a little bit over prepared and this was an expensive

infrastructure to build but

What we have seen from other landing platforms it was

really, necessary because when these


Occur during - during the ICL. It's a must to make sure that our

community members are able to buy the coin and

This was one thing that we wanted to make sure we don't we are not making mistakes with this one

You know okay, so you're promising not to crash you're promising not to have any issues during the IC o---- is that correct

Yeah, yeah exactly and if we do and the servers

Scale horizontally so for the next round we can connect another server, or as many as we need to ensure that

This doesn't happen again. You know okay awesome

do you have any surprises planned any bonuses any anything that you're gonna surprise your community whoever's gonna lend with you and

Participate in your IC oh yeah, yeah, so I think sticking to deadlines

It's quite a surprise already in the landing you know but but yeah, we want to delight

The people who who trust in us

We want to delight or community and so we will

Sit down and think of something definitely and you will be the your community will be the first to know fantastic fantastic

We're looking forward to it last question. I want to ask you and I always ask this question

I don't know who you are. I don't know where you come from you speak

You speak okay? You speak like you know what you're doing, but tell me why I should trust you

Tell me why you're not a scammer. That's trying to take everybody's money. Yeah. Thank you for the question

this is one thing we want to clarify and



By explaining this we want to show our

Community that we are transparent and they are welcome to come with their questions to us, and we'll be happy to answer

One thing we do to combat this this argument is that we allow full control over

One's assets right if there is something wrong with us

You will be the first one to know and you can take your money

And you're free to go at any given point if you

At some point you have this this doubt in your head

Just yeah, you're you're free to go nobody's holding you and that's that's one thing that I think

Scam coins got wrong right they they took took people in and just lock them in

their exchange in their platform, so this is what we are doing differently and

our advantage and or advantage is bitcoins bit connect failure with your research in what kill the company and

as we are

Experienced entrepreneurs will we will build a better business that has a real-life applications?

We will have to find a better balance between staking rewards and optimizing the landing

landing platform and

along the way, how

That we learn these things we will also involve our community

That we can learn

receive feedback from them and grow together

Ok awesome now if the community wants to reach out to you you have your telegram group and you have

24/7 support is that correct

Exactly. Yeah, when you try to answer all the inquiries within minutes if the demand is really kind within a couple of hours

Okay fantastic

Well Lucas. I want to thank you for for this interview

I want to thank you for showing up and answering all the questions. I wish you guys the best of luck

Thank you, Mike the same to you have an awesome day. You too. Well guys like always

I thank you so much for watching

I appreciate you hit that subscribe button if you're not a subscriber hit that Bell so I can keep these videos coming your way

And until next time stay safe

For more infomation >> FINECOIN - FINE COIN ICO INTERVIEW - HEAR WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY !! - Duration: 17:26.


Loud Toyota Hilux from Novorossiysk. LOUD SOUND - Duration: 15:16.

Hi, everyone. LOUD SOUND here.

And today we're having a usual unusual review.

Unusual 'cuz I'm sitting on a motorcycle.

No, hydrocycle. No, quadricycle.

What's the correct name with the 'cycle' in it. I mean, if not snowmobile?


We'll have this project on in a while. It's just come in for an install.

It's the first snowmobile you're doing, right?

We'll sure listen to it, take a tide. But it's not gonna be soon. 6 months sounds right?

Or a week? How long will it take?

Well, today's review is about this Toyota Hilux. Which is no surprise since it says it in the video title.

The car's come down from Novorossiysk.

This is the third car the owner has brought to us. The first two were a Hyundai Solaris and a Lada Niva.

The very Niva we compared to a Mercedes GL.

The video was pretty much an dumbass detector on YouTube.

There was a bunch of people who didn't get the joke and thought we were comparing them for real.

I mean, who would even think of it for reals?

While everyone knows Niva rocks.

As for the Solaris, there has been an incident.

Some guys from an aterlier in Novorossiysk made a post on Vk that Tigran had done lousy job.

Which he really did, tbh.

But it wasn't the saddest part.

I mean, we get such a huge number of explicitely shitty installs,

sometimes you jest feel a real urge to post this saying, Look, guys. This is holy fck.

This has been done by someone with no brain, no arms and no thing to do rith car audio.

But we keep it shush.

But should Tigran make one single misdo --

The wires were not laid tight there, right?

[T]: Nay, the wires were laid, but...

But the seatback wouldn't open?

[T]: A wire got unfastened 'cuz wasn't laid tight enough.

Despite all that, Dima seems to be content. He did send other cars to us, didn't he?

To those guys from Novorossiysk, we say hi.

It's just we've looked that atelier up, and those turned out to be, well... handy boys.

Now, let's get to the system. It turned out really loud which surprised me, tbh.

There is a bunch of star-components here which explains it. For one, T-34 tweeters.

Those are, let's say, clones or analogs of B&C's DE-35, the loudest on the market today.

'Cept these are 3 times cheaper.

There are Thai mid-range speakers SN6-200.

And there are brand-new Pride Solo 8 which we haven't had the chance to review yet.

But according to some people, those are the loudest 8" mid-bass - or low-playing mid-range - speakers.

And I am, in fact, willing to agree with them.

I briefly cross-checked them with the very Diamond 8 which we've reviewed recently,

which turned out to be louder and clearer in some frequency bands than Hertz SPL Show 200.1.

So, these Solos turned out even louder.

Which basically means they are the loudest 20 cm (8") speakers on the market.

We didn't cut back on amps, either, and picked some kickass AudioSystems.

So, let's move in closer.

And we're starting - where? Under the hood?

I have never opened a hood like this before. What's your bet, Tigran? Can I open it or not?

Dunno. I guess I opened something else.

[T]: You've opened the trunk lid.

I just pulled everything I found there. Whoa, it's so friggin' heavy!

Argh! You can pump up your biceps with it.

Hey, there's no stick or something?

I bet owners dream of gas springs.

The car's of 2017; 14,000 km (8700 mi) of milage. A brand-new car. And yet no gas springs.

Yeah, sure. It's like...

It's like iPhone. Someone says, 'You don't have this'. And you're like, 'I don't need that!'

If you have this conversation often enough, it'll turn out you don't need about 200 modern things.

Under the hood, we see Kicks fuses. This is getting ridiculous, Tigran.

[T]: 'Cuz noone has done anything better.

Than Kicx fuses? It's just Kicx is nototrious for burning off.

And a fuse's main function is to burn.

That's why Tigran chooses them.

[T]: So that they don't burn.

Hey, we're about to get sued by Kicx. They'll claim nothing burns with them.

Nothing of Kicx burns!

The wiring is not ПВ-3 as you might've though but SWAT 4 Ga which is actually a mishap here,

but Tigran doesn't know that yet. So I'm telling him.

I think, in this car, a sub set is in prospect.

You think this 4 Ga would suffice for the sub set, too?

[T]: No, we're gonna lay another cable.

Really? Well, you should've just laid a 0 Ga cable in the first place. Would be no need to add.

The cable runs through the body via these beloved by everyone - what are they called?

[T]: Fittings?

No, that's not it.

It should also be noted that the car has 2 stock batteries. There's the 2nd one.

I don't know the schematics. Are they in a single chain? Or is it done with fuses or relays?

Like, one chain for all of it? Really?

Hey, it is pretty tall, huh?

By the way, there's... Biatch!

[T]: A bit to the left.

We'll take a ride in this car now 'cuz we need to make a test-drive, right?

Tigran will be riding it, and I'm gonna film.

Okay, pretend you're leaving.

Whoop! Test drive, LOUD SOUND style.

Why did you turn it off so soon? Shoul've let the turbine cool down.

When I was listing components, I foregot to mention one very important thing.

We have a complete coupling here. There's two of each component in each door.

The cover has been completely remodelled. This is not a clip on panel on a part of the door.

Just like with Cerato, both the color and the texture have been picked in perfect marriage.

And, please, note the stitching. It's almost identical. Here's stock, here's custom.

The thread is a teeny bit thicker, if you take a really close look.

The stitches are so even some BMW guys could learn a bit here.

Some of them. Only some!

There are few of them, but sometimes we get BMWs whole re-coveries are something to cry about.

Let me stress it again, SOME of the guys. I don't mean that BMWs are poorly assempled.

Pride Solo 8 has an interesting peculiarity.

If you've seen the Solo 6 v.2 review, I called them the loudest 16.5 cm (6") speakers.

These also turned out the loudest.

The speakers are dependable, loud, the price is low. It's all cool.

But why did you stick the logo unevenly? Zoom in here, please, Tigran.

I wanted to ask Tigran why he installed those with logos uneven,

but then I realized that if you had the logo even, the screws wouldn't have fell in their spots.

So this is our little request to the producing party -

Please, rotate there. They turn out to be at this angle.

Minor stuff but still a point to make.

P.Audio. I guess you could call the SN series legendary.

Really loud and really quality at the same time cupboard speakers.

I used to have similar ones back in my BMW, 'cept those were 4"s.

This whole choir plays into the door which has been prepared at its best.

Really dense, heavy. Well vibroproofed.

This is the only way you can go with this number of mid-bass speakers.

Once we open the rear door, we can see... Tigran.

What the heck are you doin'?

[T]: I'm the lighting guy.

They troll us, you know.

Wht not? So simplistic. He grabbed a lamp and a sheet of paper.

And you get nice lighting. You can see, can't you?

Snakeskin, heat-shrink. All neat and pretty. I trolled this carpet a bit.

Tigran likes it, the client likes it. Everyone likes it but me.

I'd say we made a false panel here but there's no need in it

because, first of all, it's all behind the rear seatback.

And second of all, there might be more amps in here, so it's gonna be redone anyway.

So they both convinced me.

But I still don't like it. So write in comments if you like it.

The X-series amps. I don't know how many dosens of these we've installed.

They've grown really popular lately.

Very powerful amps with some nice sound in the output.

The settings are not that rich but for our objective, that's enough.

We've kept completely the stock screen, the stock HU.On top of it, stock tweeters in the doors.

And there are the stock rear speakers left. So we can use the stock system

which is almost intact, with the exception of the front speakers.

This TV, despite the fact it has this big nice screen, and it does even look nice, can do buttcus.

No TV, no navigation in there. It's just... pretty. That's all.

We can see this divine dashboard. Toyotas tend to have flawed ones.

There are pros and cons. The pro is, it's really good-looking.

The con is, if you own an expensive Toyota, you know your dash is the same as in the cheap ones.

If you own a cheap one, tho, you know that your dashboard is the same as that in a 200's.

Is it the same?

[T]: They're the same, yes.

[T]: Maybe some minor differences.

The HU is detached, hence it's in two spots.

In the glovebox - let's say, the upper glovebox there's the HU's body,

and the panel is right here, below the screen.

It's fastened with Tigran's favorite method. I'm even kinda scared to look there.

But it doeshold solid.

Can I tear it off, Tigran? Huh? Huh?!

[T]: Sure.

Oh, no, look, it holds.

So, this is Pioneer 80, one of the best processor-equipped HUs in the medium price range.

That is 10-12,000 rub.

Below that, there's Pioneer 580, Alpine 92.

In the meduim sector, this HU has never had a competition. Still doesn't.

In the upper segment, there's Pioneer 99. But nothing to replace this one.

Burr-Brown DACs are in there, like in the 88.

The settings are as follows: the sub set is off until a subwoofer is intalled.

The mid-bass shares this band with the mid-range speakers.

And let me answer your question - Why didn't we split them in two until we get a sub?

Well, because we didn't.

It would be much ado, additional wiring. Plus, the sub channel would have to be HPF-ed.

It's more convenient this way.

And it's more habitual to me - to have mid-ranges and the mid-bass on the same channel.

The mid-ranges are filtered somewhere here, in the middle, from the amp.

The mid-bass speaker are LPF-ed from the amp, as well.

Now, I'll show the filterng that's done here.

The band is limited at 125 Hz on the lower end, and 8 kHz on the higher one.

Tweeters pick up sameplace, at 8 kHz.

The filtering is with max order. Time delays are also set here.

And we've slightly finetuned it with the equalizer.

As for the sources, there's Bluetooth, USB, CD. Pretty much all you can think of.

Including aux.

An interesting project we got here.

Unfortunately, we couldn't take the car out for a spin which would've been really interesting.

Here, we have 3 directions - it's music (we're about to turn it on).

But the off-road and loading capacities are out-of-limits for us today.

Maybe Dmitriy, the owner, joins us later,

and we'll load a dead bear in the trunk and take off to the mountains for a ride.

So now, all we have left is to turn on the music.

Unfortunately, I don't know yet if it's copyright protected.

If it is, check out the listening on our second channel.

If it's not, well... Have a blast.

Bye, everyone. Live LOUD.

Just in case, don't clip it at 100 Hz. You really don't want that!

So they go and clip, and then bring speakers for warranty services ''Cuz Alex did it, too!'

That is not gonna help! Clip it at 125 Hz!

100 Hz is a very dangerous choice.

This is very loud, guys!

Very loud.

[A like for the bananas]

Alright! We almost witnessed a mid-bass-cide.

Max, what are you doing here?

[M]: Someone dumped me here. Hey.


Check out this detailing?

So I asked them what ceramics they covered it with. They said, you know what? None.

So it burns for no obvious reason.

How d'you like it?

[M]: Yeah, 'cuz the small ones are definitely not complying with it.

I've just almost filmed a speaker-cide.

The filter menu was on, and I started scrolling thinking it was the volume.

So I just pulled the mid-basses down to 30 Hz.

[T]: Okay, let me stop it, so you can look at it.

No need. I trust you. You're gonna screw it anyway. What's the difference.

For more infomation >> Loud Toyota Hilux from Novorossiysk. LOUD SOUND - Duration: 15:16.


Мать всех бомб GBU-43/B массовый артиллерийский боевой удар - Вооруженные силы США - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Мать всех бомб GBU-43/B массовый артиллерийский боевой удар - Вооруженные силы США - Duration: 3:13.


Jay Chou - The Promised Love - English subtitle - Duration: 4:17.

The Promised Love Jay Chou

Your reply is a mess

Right at this moment

I recall the white dove by the fountain

The sweetness falls scattered

There's ineffable feeling tugged in my heart

But, I love you still

You just went on singing

And pretended nothing has happened

The time has passed and went by

Our love was put to test

You started feeling cold and tired and I cried

You were engulfed by sadness when you left

And you wrote them down on the post card

That this is the end for some love and it truly hurts

What happened? Did you grow tired?

What about the promised love of ours?

I get it now. It's over.

Love's gone and so are our dreams.

I recount those happy and sad moments

The feeling of love we used to have is so strong

And I still remember it

You're no longer waiting

For our promised love

I was wrong and my tears have dried

I let go and I regretted it

But, the melody of our past continues playing from the music box

How should I stop it?

Your reply is a mess

Right at this moment

I recall the white dove by the fountain

The sweetness falls scattered

There's ineffable feeling tugged in my heart

But, I love you still

You just went on singing

And pretended nothing has happened

The time has passed and went by

Our love was put to test

You started feeling cold and tired and I cried

You were engulfed by sadness when you left

And you wrote them down on the post card

That this is the end for some love and it truly hurts

What happened? Did you grow tired?

What about the promised love of ours?

I get it now. It's over.

Love's gone and so are our dreams.

I recount those happy and sad moments

The feeling of love we used to have is so strong

And I still remember it

You're no longer waiting

For our promised love

I was wrong and my tears are dried

I let go and I regretted it

But, the melody from the music box continues

How should I stop it?

What happened? Did you grow tired?

What about the promised love of ours?

I get it now. It's over.

Love's gone and so are our dreams.

And I still remember it

You're no longer waiting

For our promised love

I was wrong and my tears are dried

I let go and I regretted it

But, the melody of our past continues playing from the music box

How should I stop it?

The Promised Love Jay Chou

*Subtitle by QueenJaeZ*

For more infomation >> Jay Chou - The Promised Love - English subtitle - Duration: 4:17.


[YENİ] İntro WolfTeam Ve Metin2 Çekilişimiz Var Oha A*K 5000 BİN JOYPARA VE METİN2 EP ÇEKİLİŞİ - Duration: 0:11.

For more infomation >> [YENİ] İntro WolfTeam Ve Metin2 Çekilişimiz Var Oha A*K 5000 BİN JOYPARA VE METİN2 EP ÇEKİLİŞİ - Duration: 0:11.


【ペット動画】癒される!!!ガムが歯に挟まって取れないフェレット!!#2【かわいすぎ!】 - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> 【ペット動画】癒される!!!ガムが歯に挟まって取れないフェレット!!#2【かわいすぎ!】 - Duration: 1:47.


My Sketchbook Talk + Outside Sketch | ออกไปวาดรูปข้างนอกกันเถอะ (cc Eng) - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> My Sketchbook Talk + Outside Sketch | ออกไปวาดรูปข้างนอกกันเถอะ (cc Eng) - Duration: 5:10.


Beautiful, anticipazioni 22-27 gennaio: Katie minaccia Quinn - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Beautiful, anticipazioni 22-27 gennaio: Katie minaccia Quinn - Duration: 3:51.


বাস্তব জীবনে বলিউডের সুপারহিট ১৩ জন তারকাদের ভাই বোন | Bollywood Celebs With Their Siblings - Duration: 4:37.

Bollywood Celebs With Their Lesser Known Siblings

1. Shah Rukh Khan's sister Shahnaz Lala Rukh

2. Kangana Ranaut's sister Rangoli Ranaut

3. Alia Bhatt's sister Shaheen Bhatt

4. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's brother, Aditya Rai

5. Anushka Sharma's brother, Karnesh Sharma

6. Parineeti Chopra's brother, Shivang and Saraj Chopra

7. Priyanka Chopra's brother, Siddharth Chopra

8. Deepika Padukone's sister Anisha Padukone

9. Sushmita Sen's brother, Rajeev

10. Akshay Kumar's sister, Alka Bhatia

11. Ranbir Kapoor's sister Riddhima Kapoor

12. Preity Zinta's brother, Deepankar Zinta & Manish Zinta

Hrithik Roshan's sister, Sunaina Roshan

For more infomation >> বাস্তব জীবনে বলিউডের সুপারহিট ১৩ জন তারকাদের ভাই বোন | Bollywood Celebs With Their Siblings - Duration: 4:37.


iPhone X - A New Light

For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


離婚十年的魏駿傑難逃渣男人設,如今更是發福到讓人懷疑人生 - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> 離婚十年的魏駿傑難逃渣男人設,如今更是發福到讓人懷疑人生 - Duration: 3:43.


For more infomation >> 離婚十年的魏駿傑難逃渣男人設,如今更是發福到讓人懷疑人生 - Duration: 3:43.



For more infomation >> J'AI EXPLOSÉ LA CARTE GRAPHIQUE DE CHEZ WISH... - Duration: 8:20.


For more infomation >> J'AI EXPLOSÉ LA CARTE GRAPHIQUE DE CHEZ WISH... - Duration: 8:20.



For more infomation >> ZOUK'N'ROLL FRANCKY VINCENT : « J'EMMERDE ROYALEMENT LES RAGEUX ! » - Duration: 4:40.


For more infomation >> ZOUK'N'ROLL FRANCKY VINCENT : « J'EMMERDE ROYALEMENT LES RAGEUX ! » - Duration: 4:40.


Train Ride Rotterdam Blaak - Schiedam Centrum! (with DDZ) - Duration: 11:11.

Train station Rotterdam Blaak

For more infomation >> Train Ride Rotterdam Blaak - Schiedam Centrum! (with DDZ) - Duration: 11:11.


For more infomation >> Train Ride Rotterdam Blaak - Schiedam Centrum! (with DDZ) - Duration: 11:11.


PHOTOSHOP : Comment inverser une image ? [Tuto] - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> PHOTOSHOP : Comment inverser une image ? [Tuto] - Duration: 3:00.


For more infomation >> PHOTOSHOP : Comment inverser une image ? [Tuto] - Duration: 3:00.


Le chien de Johnny Hally­day: Que devient Cheyenne depuis - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Le chien de Johnny Hally­day: Que devient Cheyenne depuis - Duration: 2:00.


For more infomation >> Le chien de Johnny Hally­day: Que devient Cheyenne depuis - Duration: 2:00.


YouTube TV

For more infomation >> YouTube TV


15 Thoughts an Introvert Has at a Party - Duration: 3:56.

15 Thoughts an Introvert Has at a Party

Being introverts is not easy especially when it comes to social gathering like parties.

Simply said, Introverts and parties probably are as smooth as oil and water, in other words,

they are not getting along together.

So, if you're a real introvert in the core, you'd absolutely rather spend your night alone

at home, watching nettflix and reading some book than going out to the party and getting


However, if this time is the party you should attend to, even if you don't really want to

go, all the weird thoughts will immediately flooding in your mind.

In this video, we've been compiled 15 thoughts that introverts usually have at a party.

Let's check it out.

#1 - We've been talking too long

Even though you just only ask how their day was and whether you enjoy the weather, they

will think that it's been hours of talk.

This expression indicates that introverts actually have hard time in talking to others.

#2 - How long do I have to stay?

Believe it or not, this question is even raised before entering the venue.

introverts cannot stand too long with people especially those who they rarely talk to.

#3 - Is 'x' minute enough?

They calculate everything from talking, drinking, going to bathroom, and walking away from party.

It is to ensure that they actually spend time more on counting instead of enjoying the party.

#4 - Ah a friend!

Introverts seek someone they know especially those who invited them at the very first place.

After that, they will be so happy especially if they are accompanied.

#5 - Oh no! someone's approaching him, or her

When a friend is noticed, introverts may not have a turn to approach him, or her.

It's simply because other people are taking a head start.

#6 - Maybe, I just have to stand near the person

They want attention from your friend, but he is distracted by more extroverted guy.

#7 - What if I walk away?

It seems that universe does not allow introverts to meet other people.

however, it also does not allow introverts to walk away from crowd.

#8 - I probably need to take some more time

Introverts take time to think before doing something.

That also includes deciding whether to stay or walk away.

#9 - Wait, whats wrong!

While thinking, you may notice something that will you note for change.

#10 - It is like forever here

Though it is only 30 minutes, introverts do not like being in a crowd too long.

They do not feel comfortable.

#11 - I think I know him

This is the moment when you embrace yourself and start to be more active.

#12 - Finally a conversation

It is difficult to start, but this person really can help me stay in a conversation.

#13 - What's wrong with me?

You don't know why you feel exhausted, and it is actually introvert hangover.

#14 - I'm exhausted but i'm really proud

Meeting and talking to people are great achievement.


#15 - Finally it is almost over

The party is over, and you can recharge yourself.

it is better than anything.

All in all, that's the 15 Thoughts an Introvert Has at a Party.

So, Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 15 Thoughts an Introvert Has at a Party - Duration: 3:56.


Another Day in World of Tanks #27 - Duration: 11:31.



Another day in world of tanks! 27!



OH **** NO!


Danger danger...


Grosstraktor will return!










Oh, banana!

Come here!





F***K YOU!

A few moments later.

- Come here! - Come here!

Oh, if it's a fight you want it's a fight you get!

Come here!



Oh ****!

You are already dead!


Steady steady!

Come here!





Do you think this is some kind of game?



Thank you all our Patreon supporters!

Head on over to our awesome and epic shop! And purchase some shirts and mugs!

For more infomation >> Another Day in World of Tanks #27 - Duration: 11:31.


Crazy robotshow in Tokyo | HelloRasmus - Duration: 9:45.

This was like being born into the ass of a unicorn -

or out of the.. I don't know..

Okay, showtime!

Oh, hey hello guys and welcome to Akihabara.

We're gonna go to something called a maid cafe.

I'm not really sure what it is, but our very good -

- friends at Japan Specialisten. The Japan Specialist.

They said go try this, so they booked it for us -

- and basically what is gonna happen now is -

- someone is gonna pick us up -

- and she's supposed to be a maid.

Oh, is it them over there?



That's my new name, salmon-man.

Guys, check out this place!

I don't know what to say.

I really like this place.

There are so many weird things that you can buy.

Like this, like this..

These two are our guides.

Our maids..

You guys are gonna show us around here.

All the cool places.

Okay, let's go!

Hello, how's it going?

Hi, hi..

This is this guy's shop and check it out -

- this is how he gets in.

He put the shoes here.


I'm not even tall enough for this place.

So this is a maid cafe.

A maid cafe where you have these really cute maids -

- serving you cute food.

There's a bunch of concept cafes here in Akihabara.

There's like a pirate cafe.

Ninja cafe, samurai..

Fat girls..

Fat girls?!


Okay, that's crazy.

Or demons..

She is the president.

She's the president?

Yes of this company.

Guys check it out, I'm becoming a maid..

Cutie face..

Like this?

This is so cute..

Oh my god, this is pokey heaven.

Everything is so cute.

We're in this really cool YoJoe, fidget spinner shop -

- and this guy has some moves!

What, high five!

Guys check this out, all these cool spinners.

You can customize your own, that's pretty cool.

I really really really really really really -

- really really love Akihabara.

Akihabara, Akihabara.

I like this place!

Stew on a can, in a vending machine..

Is it good?

It's very delicious?

I just had lunch so, maybe later..

Wow, there's so many t-shirts in here..


Oh my god.

Oh my god!

Holy bullshit!

Holy bullshit! I'm taking this, holy bullshit..

Okay, so a quick summarize maid cafes -

- it was kind of funny, but also kind of weird..

Now, we're just walking around here, in akockiakakiaah...

Blah blah blah blah blah..


Trying to, I don't know, buy some stuff.

I want some Pokemon stuff..

Let's go! Let's go!

It's a salmon man.

I love all these monsters.

These guys..

I love these..

I want to buy this buddy, but it's really expensive.

There's only one in the world.

But I have no money, so..

Okay, bye.

Oh hey guys, I didn't see you there..

We are on our way to -

- something pretty cool.

It's a robot theatre restaurant themed thing -

- with a show with robots.

The guys at Japan Specialisten, the Japan Specialists -

- they told me that this is a lot of fun.

We are entering the robot cafe show restaurant -

- gimmick thing, weird stuff, crazy thing -

- that's gonna happen in here.

It's gonna be a lot of fun.

Are you ready guys?!

Check out this hallway!

Oh my god!

Let's go!


The secret elevator.

This is very trippy..

Okay, this place never ceases to amaze.

This keeps on going..


How far are we underground right now?

I feel like someone just exploded a rainbow -

- into my eyes and the only thing I can see -

- is just like flashing signs and rainbows and -

- cute things and robots.

This was like being born into the ass of a unicorn -

- or out of the.. I don't know..

Okay, showtime!

That show was horribly amazing, fantastic, scary -

- and it kind of made me want to pee..

All in one thing!

Maybe drink one beer before going there -

- and just experience that.

That was insane.

I will see you tomorrow..

Okay bye!

Are you alive?

Okay, bye..

Oh, hello guys, we are about to take a train!

- it's called Shinkansen.

It's the very very very fast trains of Japan.

We're gonna meet a new friend.

She's a youtuber and we're gonna film a video -

- where I am gonna learn how to talk Japanese -

- but we're gonna do it in a crazy way.

I think I'm gonna be electrocuted, if I make mistakes.

Did you see that train?

That's a ninja train!

Do you have any fun facts?

It goes really fast right?

270 kilometers an hour or something.

This is where we're going!

Nagoya -

- because we're gonna meet with Tomoko.

- she's a youtuber and it's gonna be a pretty fun.

Tickets for these trains are kind of expensive -

- but the thing you can actually do is you can get -

- like a card in advance like which is..

It's a railway pass basically, and it's way cheaper -

- and you can use it all you want for a week.


This is a link in the description, if you want that.

Did we get that?

No we forgot to.

So, we paid, we paid a lot of money to go on this train.

Guys check it out!

Right over there, it's Fuji the mountain.

Oh hello Nagoya.

We are gonna find our Airbnb -

- and then we're gonna have some dinner!

It's so freezing cold right now, and it's weird -

- because only two days ago, it was like 18 degrees.

I was wearing shorts all day -

- also in the nighttime and right now I really -

- did not put enough clothes on -

- and I'm even wearing a fur!

Come on, Japan!

Holy smokes, we found an Airbnb.

This is really small.

My room in my apartment in Copenhagen.

My room is bigger than this whole apartment -

- but it's got it all, it's got the beds.

We've got the the kitchen, -

- the micro-wuppidi-bob-bobs and all the rest -

- of the things and there's a bathroom, so yeah -

- we've got it all..

Oh, hey guys meet my new friend Tomoko!

Tomoko is a youtuber.

You teach Japanese and today Tomoko -

- is gonna teach me some Japanese -

- but it's not gonna be in this video.

It's gonna be in another video so yeah -

- you have to go watch that too..

Now eat!

Eat some food..

Spicy chicken wings.

Sausage on a stick..

Okay guys, let's have some food.

What do you say before eating?

Let's eat!

Hey guys, we are at the airbnb

Tomoko and I..

Tomoko say hi!


We just filmed a video, check out my arm -

- it's hurting so much because we used these things -

- which give an electrical shock, so every time -

- I made a mistake, I got electrified by Tomoko..

My very very strict Japanese teacher.

Get ready for that video! -

- and now it's time to say goodnight, so goodnight!

That was a good trick huh?

It wasn't trick, I just dropped my camera so okay..


For more infomation >> Crazy robotshow in Tokyo | HelloRasmus - Duration: 9:45.


🐷 Опять 25... | РЕВЕРСНУТЫЕ №1♻ - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> 🐷 Опять 25... | РЕВЕРСНУТЫЕ №1♻ - Duration: 3:06.


【IN Vietnam】 Jungle Cruise Mekong River!! & Hold The Python Snake !! [CC Available]|Yuka Kinoshita - Duration: 4:51.

right now I'll be going on the Mekong river

~ On a Boat! ~

I've ate/drank this in the morning

its was coconut juice look at all the coconuts here


lots of bees

plenty of yummy honey to be had from this

tiny dog


found a big fish

can I eat it?

it appears we can drink some tea here .... honey tea?

yum yum... its an kumquat and honey flavored tea



I'll now make some tea

this is honey



then add tea

mix well and its ready


its cold and slippery

the scales are so pretty

so pretty

whats its name?

does it not have a name?


such smooth movements

coconut caramel


using coconut shells to make the caramel


the scrap pieces

while listening to vietnamese music...

I'll be eating fruit pineapple, watermelon, mango, papaya, dragonfruit

this is eaten with salt

and unbelievably this tea is hot

vietnam has crazy hot weather and in this hot weather you drink hot tea

and now we will be going down the river

my hat my hat

Let's go !!

wow... the river is so close

such a nice view its got fruit

it feels like I'm in the south

the.... the way you're holding it.... is a bit weird

like this? yup yep

this is so tough

I'm only getting in the way here

For more infomation >> 【IN Vietnam】 Jungle Cruise Mekong River!! & Hold The Python Snake !! [CC Available]|Yuka Kinoshita - Duration: 4:51.


Unusual behavior of birds. Abnormal weather. Climate Change Issue 97 - Duration: 19:40.

hello with you

information review of global climatic events

in the current issue we will see birds able to kindle fires

what is septon on and field

climate review for the week

How the blogger helped Liberia's students

social experiment about what unites us

Dear viewers remain aware of climate change in the world is even easier

for this, subscribe to our channel and also to groups in social networks

during wildfires in the north of Australia, a wild firefighter himself witnessed that when the fire was almost extinguished

a bird flying in its claws, a burning sprig

flew by the firemen and separated from them by 50 meters, the bird threw a branch into the dry grass and the fire flared up with renewed vigor

During the day the firemen extinguished several more fires in different places

the resulting

activities of birds that were carried by smoldering or burning branches

but why did the birds do it

studying the behavior of insects of birds and animals and other spiritual beings

scientists are engaged in many years and they note that the behavior of creatures varies depending on their number

scientists note that under the influence of some controlling superstructure of the creature in a large group

create and realize what one by one not only were not going to do but also did not know about it

In preparing the issue, we found many facts that are inexplicable for official science

thanks to the scientists of Allatra, science knows that controlling the superstructure is a septon on and field

this is a common universal field thanks to which all the fundamental interactions in the material world take place

it underlies any phenomenon of the process of the object and their components

own septon and field are inherent in both the object of the macrocosm and the object of the microworld

it is this universal field that determines the behavior of complex systems

knowledge of the axis of who we are the field is the key to understanding the material world at all levels of its existence

because all the planets

galaxies, even the stones that we consider as inanimate matter are essentially alive, not to mention the

biological intelligent beings, each kind of matter has its own life

they also have the same atoms

electrons that move around the nucleus

all matter and the living and the lifeless are just different combinations

number of elements

which after a certain period of time thanks to a fret

is transformed into another state of matter no more than

man and in contrast to the same little animals of stone plants

able to choose between the finite world of matter and

infinite spiritual and for his actions he answers himself

he can be eternal because of his soul and maybe time as matter

that is, he was given a choice

In dust it will turn from a complete annihilation of the soul or go away for eternity

people think that everything is still ahead of them

but in fact, a person is much less time than it seems

life flies by in an instant and at this instant one has to make the right choice

dear viewers

interesting you to learn more about the behavior of a creature in nature

would you like to see in subsequent releases

Climate-control information on this on specific examples and make sure that the septone and the field exists

write about it in the comments and we'll tell about it

6th January


near the city or hida in the province of Almeria passed tornado Iran

in 8 kilometers southeast of the city sarah palin zahar in the province of Kerman Shah there was an earthquake of magnitude 5.1

from which 51 people were injured


Jammu and Kashmir state as a result of avalanches suffered 13 people


state of Victoria because of the high air temperature of 40 degrees Celsius

as well as strong winds, fires broke out

from the city of Karong we have a state of Victoria

evacuated the population of the state of southern Australia where a forest fire swept 12 acres of territory destroyed six houses

in the state of New South Wales from the abnormal heat which in some areas reached 47 degrees Celsius

thousands of gray-blue flying foxes and the largest bats died with a wingspan of up to one meter

Brazil in the municipality that summer passed the tornado netherlands

as a result of a flood on the river, the river was flooded with coastal territory

during the day on the planet was recorded

263 earthquakes of them 44 magnitude greater than 4

the maximum magnitude was 5.3

Jan. 7

Papua New Guinea

because of the eruption of the volcano to the product as a result of which the lava covered half of the homonymous island, 600 residents were evacuated

for the whole history of meteorological observations

the volcano erupts for the first time


as a result of a heavy snowfall, there was a

track 6 in the north-west of the city of Madrid four thousand cars hit the snowy captivity

in the city of the cordon in the province of barcelona in Catalonia, a tornado destroyed several buildings


The western Dvina river, leaving the banks and flooded the coastal areas of the city of Vitebsk

The water level in the river rose to a mark of five hundred and twenty-nine centimeters above the level of the water-measuring post

that usually happens in the spring the water level rose also in the rivers of the birch tree nowadays neumann Pripyat and Sosh


cyclone bolt link in international classification

Eleonor provoked a rise in the level of water in the Danube River by a non-Saar model that led to the flooding of coastal areas by

river model water level rose to a critical mark of 8.3 meters city area to him

The river is the rain town of kion and climbed to

8.35 meters in the city of Bon on seven point eighty-six hundredths in the city of Düsseldorf

seven by one-hundred and seventy-nine hundredths of a meter

France about the city of san gen de fruiting core department of the eastern pyrenees passed the tornado

Finland and up to the squally wind gusts which reached 30 meters per second

more than six and a half thousand houses were left without electricity

bad weather affected 16 cities in the west and south-west of the country


desert of sugar in the city n figure fell to 40 centimeters of snow

before snow here was observed in winter

2016 2017 and in


australia in penza state new south wales

The air temperature for the first time in 79 years reached a record plus 47.3 degrees Celsius

During the day, 312 earthquakes were recorded on the planet of them, 65 of them hastened 4

the maximum magnitude was 5.8

January 8, France in the department of the eastern Pyrenees and the county flag fell hail the size of a quail egg


heavy rains caused flooding in nine regions of the country

For four hours, half the average monthly rainfall was on the island

118 whole eight tenths of a millimeter

During the day, 327 earthquakes were recorded on the planet of them, 69 of them were in a hurry 4

the maximum magnitude was 5.3

an example of kindness and humanity

ben Taylor in his thirty-three years received a message in the facebook from joel of Liberia with a request to help

joel suggested sending expensive electronic equipment for sale in the local market and dividing the proceeds in half

similar letters often came from various Internet scammers and they would not have paid attention to them

But this time he decided to play up to the writer who replied that he has another

business proposals that may be of interest

as he would be engaged in photography, he suggested that joel try himself in this matter promised to pay for the photos he liked

this seemed to end the conversation

but to surprise ben the next morning he was waiting for some photos

taken apparently to an old phone of very poor quality

deciding to support the guy ban sent to the not expensive camera and

advised how to shoot to get better photos and Joel got it

the composition of a photo album of his best works, ben founded a crowdaming campaign and people from 40 countries

bought more than a thousand copies of the book

wishing to help

Beginning Libby Risk from a Photographer

ben has promised joel to share with him the earnings in half

his share he decided to give to the residents of Liberia I asked how we can help the children and he said

school supplies stationery backpacks and chairs

these are the things that children do not have the most to talk about

having received money john bought all the stationery backpacks and notebooks for children 5 local schools

so one heart opened to another in trust and kindness

helped change the lives of many people

each person can do a lot and if everyone does good within his capabilities

the possibilities of goodness become limitless me on January 9

australia in the city of sydney passed a violent storm thousands of houses were left without electricity

within three hours was recorded from

4600 Lightning Strikes

USA in the south of the state of California in the city of montesito, heavy rains caused debris flows as a result of which the

88 people

more than 500 tasks were damaged more than 20 thousand 500 people were evacuated

due to a low temperature of minus 20 degrees Celsius, the city of fallout froze the bay of the bazaar to the state of Massachusetts

also the Hudson River has been frozen to the state of New York

the state of North Carolina in the national park of the shalu travis you pack because of the low temperature of the air to -30 degrees Celsius

alligators fell into a hibernation in frozen in the ice cork covering the pond

China in the eastern province of Anhui both at nansen for chances collapsed blizzards

injured 2 million 400 thousand people

evacuated 3700 inhabitants damaged agricultural land

damaged three and a half thousand long

France abundant snowfall and descended avalanches cut off from the outside world of the village of ban waltz rar

In the Savoy region, within a period of 36 hours, 180 centimeters of snow fell

Switzerland in the city of Zermatt because of a severe blizzard 17 thousand people were cut off from the outside world

due to the violation of road and rail communication, the highest level of danger was declared

local residents for the first time faced such a bad weather in the region

russia on the island of Sakhalin because of a snow cyclone are violated in the movement of vehicles in

During the day, 342 earthquakes were recorded on the planet, 33 of them above 4

the maximum magnitude was 5.7

10 January


the state of uttar-pradesh where there is no central heating

the air temperature dropped to plus 2 plus 7 degrees Celsius

as a result of which they suffered

143 residents at the same time a number of regions plunged thick fog

Visibility in some areas did not exceed 15-20 meters


in the provinces of the paws of the Mendoza and for air temperatures rose to 40 degrees Celsius the fire covered 300 thousand hectares of forest

USA in the city of Peka combine these ashes passed a dust storm

columbia in the city was rich in the city, let's say that 11 thousand people were affected

France on the river suna flood occurred

Greece in the new blue on the penelope penelope dropped a hail the size of a quail egg

Honduras in the Caribbean Sea there was an earthquake of magnitude 7.6 points at a depth of 10 kilometers

caused the outflow of water from the coast states of Belize

in the county of the symbol on the island of the slomb came a landslide

during the day on the planet were recorded 349 earthquakes of them 69 magnitude hurry 4

the maximum magnitude was 7.6

11 January

Brazil in the vicinity of the city of Floriana Polis state of Santa Catarina torrential rains caused flooding

as well as the descent of landslides and mudflows

Haiti in the north-east of the country, torrential rains caused floods that resulted in injuring six people

dozens of houses are destroyed

Japan on the prefectures of Ishikawa nygata tayama and fukui collapsed

in a tight city on the island of honshu

snow cover has grown to record

134 centimeters and in the city of a nygate to seventy-eight centimeters 10 times higher than the norm

in the area of ​​the city bathroom due to bad weather on the tracks stuck train 6 by the passengers

between the prefectures toyama ishikawa

due to drifts about 1,200 cars were stuck on the road without being able to climb the hill

South Korea

the city of Seoul, the air temperature fell to -16 degrees Celsius

the average temperature in the country reached minus 10 degrees Celsius

Kazakhstan to the city of Astana collapsed snow storm with gusts of wind up to 30 meters per second

in some areas visibility did not exceed 50 meters

russia in the Novosibirsk region and noticed with gusts of wind up to 27 meters per second injured two people

damaged several buildings without electricity left one and a half thousand inhabitants

during the day on the planet was recorded

416 earthquakes out of them 115 magnitudes over 4

the maximum magnitude was 6.2

good feet will sooner or later stumble

proud back bends

hair will grow gray

beautiful face will be covered with wrinkles and

only a good heart is like the sun

never changes and will carry warmth

William Shakespeare

12 January


The state of retirement after severe frosts on the Allegheny River began from now throughout the day on the planet was recorded

344 earthquakes of them 58 with magnitude over 4 the maximum magnitude was 5.3

Thirty-six volcanoes were erupted during the week during the eruption within a week

480 earthquakes within a radius of 20 kilometers from active volcanoes and at a depth not exceeding 20 kilometers

the most active were the volcanoes clearly its moth in California and also the zone of the fault will be turned away

also occurred 24 earthquakes in 30 kilometers of the Yellowstone caldera with a maximum magnitude of 2.4

In just a week more than 24 thousand 800 people became climate refugees

Consciousness always separates and in another way it can not exist

she always hangs on people different labels

divides the whole world into us and they are on the poor and the rich

urban and rural

local and recent arrivals who can be trusted from whom to hide

with whom we have something in common with whom we have nothing to do and on many other criteria

we are all people are dual in nature

but we can always choose whom to listen to the voice of consciousness in the head with its destructive programs

or the voice of the soul

bearing creativity and life

consciousness deceives us from the truth and the truth is that we are all people in the same spirit

we have one place of residence land

one nationality


help to understand who we are

can anastasia books new as well as the broadcast

consciousness and personality from the known dead to eternally living


an interesting social experiment rule TV-21 brand

showing that we have a lot that unites and all the divisions are artificial

in the experiment involved various social groups

which at first glance had nothing in common

the presenter asked questions who believe in life after death

who found the meaning of life who considers himself to be a happy person

Participants saw the boundaries disappear and the general notion of people

united by one aspirations by some values


humanity and love

Between us there is much more in common than what separates us and

let's always remember this

invest only in the fact that we are united and helps to become people with a capital letter

people's bond of survival

of humanity

For more infomation >> Unusual behavior of birds. Abnormal weather. Climate Change Issue 97 - Duration: 19:40.



For more infomation >> J'AI EXPLOSÉ LA CARTE GRAPHIQUE DE CHEZ WISH... - Duration: 8:20.


Les Roses SPA级呵护 ♥【AD】Body Firm Serum(Jessie!你叫外賣點太多了吧?!) - Duration: 5:08.

Yeah! I got my parcel

Yeah! Les Roses!

It make skin become smooth and loss weight

I don't think Sylvia have it



Urm.. Yes?

Since when you have Les Roses too?


This one?


I get it since last month

I try this before and my skin getting smooth

Why you ask me this? Eh? You have it too?

I thought I'm the one who have it first

I didn't expected that you get it so early than me!

You spoil my mood today

Fine! I want loss many weight than you! Prettier than you!

I don't give up!

Haiz! I'm tired! Why you so childish?

Why you always make me so mad? Don't you feel tired?

Eh? Who is the one said that want to loss many weight than me

Right? I wondering who?

No! It's not me!

I'm not that kind of person!

I'm a kind-hearted person. OK

Ok lah! I tired all of these! You are so childish

Forget it, I use Les Roses tomorrow

My mood is not good today. I want to order delivery KFC


KFC brother, I want to order

Give me many chicken wings

Give me 10 cans of coca-cola

That's right, yes!

Oh and! I want 5 burgers

And I want nuggets too! Give me 20 pieces of chicken nuggets!

Send to my place, ok?

Don't be late

Send to my place early. Ok bye

Hello everyone. I'm Sylvia

Welcome back to my Youtube Channel

Subscribe my channel

Join my giveaway contest

Check out the info box below

Today I want show you a product

It's about slimming

It's called Les Roses

For slimming

It's called Les Roses

Body Firming Serum

If you have big fat leg, double chin

Bingo Wings, cellulite

If you have these problem

You will need this

This Les Roses is just like SPA

Not hurt at all

Until you get your ideal body shape

Pregnant women also can use

Just apply on your skin and massage

No greasy , no sticky, no heat

Not itch, no reddish

The main effect of Les Roses are

Can burn fat, reduce stretch marks

Reduce fat lines, moisturize the skin

Tighten the skin, fair skin


Les Roses has hidden features

Can improve constipation, can regulate hormones

remove toxin from body and can eliminate edema

Les Roses comes from the Japanese German recipe

The main ingredient is

Grape seed oil, rose oil

Lemongrass essential oil, ivy extract

Algae extract, glycerin

Menthol Extract, Aloe Vera extract

I use Les Roses for several days

before start filming

I found that

Every time when menstruation come, my whole body become fat very quickly

My thigh is used to be 47cm and now 45cm

During menstruation come, my whole body and waist become huge

My waist is used to be 75cm, now 72cm

I love the result

Les Roses can be use like a lotion too

It can make my skin getting better and more tender

How to use, its very simple

Apply Les Roses every morning and night before go to sleep

Apply to the skin surface, gently massage the absorption on it

Very easy right?

Do not apply on the face

Les Roses is not suitable for face

Please wash your hand after use it

If you are interested in this product Les Roses

Please look for the online seller

by Wechat App

Tell her how many bottles you want, after you make the payment

She will send the product to your delivery address

If you are interested in this product, and want to sell it

You can become an agent. And earn money

If you are interested to become an agent

Please look for her now

That's all for today

See you in the next video, see you again

For more infomation >> Les Roses SPA级呵护 ♥【AD】Body Firm Serum(Jessie!你叫外賣點太多了吧?!) - Duration: 5:08.


Как Отличить Kитайца Корейца и Японца от Кореянки? 한국인 중국인 일본인을 어떻게 구별할까?|минкюнха|Minkyungha|경하 - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> Как Отличить Kитайца Корейца и Японца от Кореянки? 한국인 중국인 일본인을 어떻게 구별할까?|минкюнха|Minkyungha|경하 - Duration: 8:14.



Hi Guys ! I hope you're fine !

Today we meet each other for a new video

I told you on Twitter

that at this moment

I really want to make new soft toys

So, Today, we meet again

for a special DIY

A Squirtle Tsum Tsum Plush

I put the list of all the material you need to make this plush in the description

So you will be able to note on your shopping list

if you want to make this plush

I really hope you'll like it

and we find each other at the end of the video

First, I take a blue sock

of the material that I want

And I pad it with foam

Then, I cut here the extra

I sew all over the hole

When pulling on the line gently

It will close the hole of the sock

To finish, I made some stitching marks on the top

to close it well

Then, I will made the top of the shell

by tracing the contour of the sock

on a dark beige or brown felt

I measure the half of the plush contour

with a sewing meter (Text : Measure of the half of the ball breadthwise)

and I transfer it on the circle

Pay attention to put the same size on both side

Then, I draw a circle around the first circle by passing by both points

The shell wont recover the head

So I draw a line on the felt

at the place I want to stop the shell

I cut the form taking into account the second circle line

And the line I just draw

I put a drawing of the final form in the description

Then I put the shell on the sock

You can fold up the edges

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