Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 20 2018

what's going on guys Stevie here thought I would just do a

quick video today discussing you know fire emblem switch and whether or not

we're gonna be seeing any news about it anytime soon some of you asked me about

you know more recent leaks that have come out whether I believe those and I

guess you just want to hear my thoughts about that kind of stuff so first and

foremost it is just over exactly one year since we actually received any news

about fire emblem switch the original Nintendo Fire Emblem direct took place

on January 18th 2017 and since then we've got some kind of cryptic interview

stuff that happened which I'll go over later but for the most part we know just

about nothing so honestly though I kind of like that I think it's more

interesting this way I think it's more fun to have it a completely open and

blank slate instead of knowing exactly what's coming or even having a trailer I

mean it was really cool how they came out last year with echoes like right out

of the blue and I also like the fact that we weren't just basically waiting

for the game to come out wondering it was gonna be good instead it was just a

huge surprise and a very pleasant surprise at that and Echoes turned out

really really well I think so I kind of like the strategy that they're going for

with this and I'm kind of glad we haven't heard anything yet but I do

honestly feel like within the coming days probably within the next month or

two I'd say I think we're gonna hear something about it especially if it's

gonna be coming out this year we don't know if it's gonna be delayed or

anything but it does seem like it's coming out really really fast but

they're definitely keeping things very very close to the chest with this one

and I'm actually kind of glad that we don't have any you know concrete leaked

information cuz I think that kind of you know spoils that a little bit and kind of

ruins the experience that's what happens with you know all the Pokemon games

everything gets dumped before the game actually comes out and everybody already

knows everything and that kind of in my mind you know destroys all of the hype

so I'm kind of glad that the hype is still there and we'll probably get some

amazing trailer or something out of the blue hopefully and it'll blow us away

and I kind of get the feeling that now that I'm actually sitting here making

this video it's probably gonna come out pretty soon after this cuz you know

it'll just invalidate everything that I say or something so anyway a couple of

weeks ago we got another fire album switch leak or potential leak.

Last November-ish I had a video where I discussed with Mangs the fire emblem

sort of vampire emblem gothic horror leaks and at this point that's pretty

much 99% confirmed fake you know there's just too many red flags with that you

know the creator was just kind of going back and forth with people and you know

changing the story adding more details every now and again really randomly kind

of fangirling and geeking out about stuff and honestly it just kind of

seemed like that whole leak was just designed to please as many people as

possible and I don't honestly think I mean I would hope that the next fire

emblem game would do that but it just seemed like wishful thinking to the

extreme so I'm not shocked that that was fake but it was really fun you know

having Mangs on and discussing that with him and I think that that would have

been a cool game in and of itself if we got that game and if they pulled it off

successfully it's definitely a cool theme for Fire Emblem I think but anyway

with this theme this is a proposed Fire Emblem pirate theme basically with the

title of Fire Emblem Mutiny with a launch date of May 4th 2018 which for me

personally I think that's kind of soon we've definitely seen games before like

echoes echoes was announced you know January 18th of last year we

got it in May it was May 19th that it came out so it's possible so I guess

that's kind of where they're you know if this is fake where they're coming up

with that and basically it says there's also gonna be a Fire Emblem mutiny

special edition with hazir and bontessa amiibo soundtrack CD and coin also

released on 5 for 2018 so Fire Emblem with a pirate theme I think I mean I

don't have a problem with the pirate theme I think pirates are cool a lot of

people have bad memories and mental scars of the guide and boat maps and

stuff like that so I think if they were to do that they'd have to really work on

that and spruce that up so people didn't hate it because you know early game

Celica's story there's a lot of pirate ship battles and well I don't hate it

it's definitely you know not the best so I think if they were to go that way

they'd have a lot of work and they'd have to convince a lot of people that it

would be good but overall I do think that the pirate theme can work with

Fire Emblem it is possible and these names are a little bit weird maybe a

little bit too weird for Fire Emblem even though fire emblem does tend to have

some out there names they do kind of tend to rein it in though and keep

things you know fairly you know still fantasy ask but still kind of more

simplistic so bontessa that's that's just kind of a weird one for me so

Hizir and Bontessa are not the main protagonists in mutiny hazir sibling

Preveza is hazir was banished from their Kingdom

for saving the life of a pirate which is bontessa Hizir looks like a mix of

Xander and Hector but with a tan I mean that's that's a red flag already for me

because it's like Xander and Hector like what does that even look like and

they were also sharing the Xander sort of pirate costume the DLC image from

Fire Emblem Fates you know to go with this leak which I think it's kind of weird I

mean clearly the character is not gonna be Xander but I don't know the Xander

and Hector that kind of sounds like they're taking like the new you know the

fans of faiths mixing it with that old the old-school fans with Hector and kind

of put it together I mean once again it's possible but I don't think so bontessa

looks like Syrenne from The Last Story with the picture included if you

do take a look at the picture it is actually you know a pretty cool looking

character but bright pink hair and a red cape okay and fireable mutiny will open

the direct and basically all this was contingent upon you know the direct

happening in a couple of days which this is before we got the Nintendo Direct

mini so this didn't actually really reveal anything about fire most switch

or anything but another thing that's interesting about this leak is that it

actually came out like one or two days before it proposed that a Nintendo

Direct would happen when this information would be proven true and of

course that came and went we did end up getting the Nintendo Direct mini none of

this is in it of course so that's pretty much confirmation on it's fake but it's

an interesting idea and I do find it a little bit weird that the creator you

know put effort into making this there were more games in the list which I

think also did introduce some red flags cuz they're a couple of weird things in

there that people had kind of issues with that didn't seem real or were like

wishful thinking once again but why would you put forth like all the effort

to make something like this and then just have it be invalidated in like two

days maybe because they were worried about the real Nintendo Direct coming

out you know within the next week or so but that's just like that's one thing

that I don't get about these leaks it's like maybe the person wants attention if

it's a particular person on the website that's making and releasing these leaks

but aside from that like you're just wasting your time and you know maybe

it's fun to be a troll sometimes but yeah like are you really trolling people

you're kind of trolling yourself because it's just all fake and you're wasting

like potentially hours trying to you know do mental gymnastics and come up

with what would be realistic for them to release in this Nintendo Direct so

anyway that's most likely definitely fake so moving on from that something

that I thought would be worth mentioning is that there is a popular fire emblem

twitter account that I've been following for a while now he goes by the name

Oscar it's a really good person to follow on Twitter there's always

fire emblem news and little tidbits and snippets here and there that I think are

really cool always interesting thoughts and stuff the only complaint that I

would have is that this person you know pretty much constantly retweets some of

their old stuff all time which is kind of annoying but for the most part really

really good stuff coming out of this Twitter account and this user actually

said that in the past they had a contact at Nintendo or intelligent systems

somebody that you know obviously has ties with other people and we're able to

predict some things in the past that turn out to be true obviously I can't

confirm that so I don't really know but this time around apparently they are

hearing some things and he hasn't really revealed anything thankfully I'm kind of

glad that he hasn't he basically said that we would be hearing some news about

fire he'll switch pretty soon and it does seem about right I mean the fact

that it's past the one-year anniversary of the last time we heard it you know

for the main Nintendo Direct we only had a Nintendo Direct mini last time we had

a fire emblem direct because of all the games coming out for Fire Emblem and

everything that was happening we could see another fire on them direct in the

coming days that's possible basically this Oscar person said that in

the Nintendo Direct mini fire emblem would not be there because it just didn't fit

or I think thematically or something like that he was saying basically it

just didn't it didn't mesh with that direct so obviously it's not gonna be a

part of that maybe that means that there will be a fire emblem direct I don't

know the fact that they're just not doing it on the one-year anniversary

exactly I mean that's not a problem we'll probably end up seeing it within

the next month or so I think I really do believe that especially if we are gonna

be seeing it this year. So originally Oscar had revealed that perhaps the new

fire emblem information would be revealed in the mini or whatever was coming but he

did go on to correct that later and say that you know the reveal isn't happening

on the 18th and it doesn't belong there either and the broadcast on that day

will be for other things but he did go on to say that there is another in

February where it would belong though along with a green dinosaur and an RPG

involving slimes so perhaps that would be when we were getting the normal

Nintendo Direct maybe it won't be a Fire Emblem direct this time maybe there's

not enough fire emblem stuff going on behind the scenes to warrant

a Nintendo Fire Emblem direct I don't know but we'll just have to wait and see

so the only actual little snippet of information that we have for fire emblem

switch is actually a blurb from an interview with Mr. Kusakihara of

intelligent systems he's a lead developer on the fire emblem series and

basically all he said was that characters in fire emblem switch will

have more realistic proportions and movements during battle just like

fire emblem echoes I mean that much is pretty much obvious we kind of know

that's gonna happen they're probably gonna continue with the echoes kind of

style of doing things as far as you know more realistic proportions I mean it's

not a leap to assume that they're gonna continue doing what they've done in

terms of you know upgrading battle animations and the models and everything

and everything is being more realistic in terms of how they attack and what

they're fighting with and stuff so not even really a big blurb there to go off

of just not very much at all but that's gonna do it for this short video just

want to have a quick conversation with you guys definitely let me know your

thoughts in the comment section down below I'd love to hear them.

when we do actually get the real Fire Emblem direct or the real Nintendo Direct that reveals

the game I will be sure to update you guys and make a video about that so

don't worry about that. Join us on discord for further

discussion of course also be sure to follow us on Twitter because we'll keep you

guys posted about the news there and I'll see you in the next episode

For more infomation >> Pre-Nintendo Direct Fire Emblem Switch thoughts, Fire Emblem Mutiny "leak", What to Expect in FE16? - Duration: 10:18.


Как это делается ✦ Пять производств, которые несомненно вам будут интересны ✦ 119 ✦ LUCKY - Duration: 10:13.

What are long eggs and how do they produce

How to make candy caramel

How to make bottle caps

How in Turkey do bricks

How to produce aluminum

Thank you for watching!

And if you liked the video do not forget to put like,

and to not miss the new video click on the bell.

And of course if you are not subscribing to the channel yet!

For more infomation >> Как это делается ✦ Пять производств, которые несомненно вам будут интересны ✦ 119 ✦ LUCKY - Duration: 10:13.


BUY THIS CARD BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE... (FIFA 18) - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> BUY THIS CARD BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE... (FIFA 18) - Duration: 10:44.


Upcoming Gameplay Goals | /dev diary - League of Legends - Duration: 3:49.

Hey everyone, I'm Jess—AKA Safelocked,

and I'm the lead gameplay producer for League of Legends.

That means that I direct the in-game experience

with the help of our designers, engineers, artists, QA

and all of our teams

so we can make League better for you guys.

Today, I want to talk about some of the opportunities

we're thinking about for Gameplay in 2018.

We have a couple ideas we want to try out early in the year,

so I just want to share them with you and get your thoughts.

First things first: over the past few months

we've been able to see a lot of you guys experimenting with Runes Reforged,

which has been really fun to watch.

Some of you are having fun with super cheese builds,

some of you are finding new effective builds daily,

and you keep surprising us with some of the stuff you're discovering.

The team has been working on updating Runes for a really long time,

so it's great to finally see it in your hands.

Going forward we want to keep supporting runes,

and make sure it's still providing you engaging options in the pregame.

As you keep getting more comfortable with the system, we'll focus improvements on

areas which aren't getting as much use.

As an example, right now we're not seeing a lot of players

get excited by the Resolve path.

It'll probably always be hard for Resolve to stand out,

since it's fundamentally a tank playstyle,

and that just doesn't spark as much interest as more aggressive paths

like Domination or Sorcery.

We're thinking about ways to solve this,

specifically by adding a better option for bruisers within the Resolve path

based on feedback we've heard from you guys.

Inspiration is another path that stands out.

We were always expecting it to be a bit of an oddball, niche path.

That said, some of the keystones in Inspiration

are confusing and difficult to succeed on

so we'll likely be revisiting some of them

and making some more attractive options.

We're already looking into Unsealed Spellbook

you guys have had a lot of conversations about it, and we have too.

There's a lot of hoops you have to jump through to use it effectively

so we'll see what we can do about it.

So, the second thing I wanted to talk about

is revisiting our patch cadence for gameplay changes.

What we're planning on doing is having a big gameplay patch

every four weeks, followed by a smaller patch two weeks later.

So the big gameplay patch would have systemic changes

like item and rune changes, along with some gameplay updates

and the usual balance stuff.

The patches after that would be focused on smaller changes

and addressing anything weird that pops up

like totally busted champions.

We hope this will let us spend more time on your balance changes,

which in turn will hopefully lead to higher quality changes

that are more digestible for you guys.

We'll revisit this plan if it's not really working out,

and give you guys a heads up when we do.

The third thing I wanted to talk about is position diversity

by which I mean being able to take the same champions

into multiple positions successfully.

Currently most champions are pretty tied to one position

and this is something we've dabbled with in the past,

but it hasn't always turned out great.

Now, though, Runes has given us more confidence

that we can try out bigger systemic changes in a way that works.

So we're working on building a framework for champions

that we think can work in multiple positions, and throughout the year

we'll see if we can unlock an additional position or two for more of them.

You'll probably see us making two different types of changes.

Firstly, we're looking into itemization options

to open up some new possibilities and builds.

For example, we're looking into a new item that might

open up possibilities for team comps without marksmen.

The second type of change you'll see is direct champion kit changes

designed to openup additional playstyles, similar to the changes

we made to Ekko to support him in both mid and jungle.

In December, we actually shipped a couple of these changes with Zyra and Morgana.

Both of them have been mainly limited to support and sometimes mid

for a while now, and we wanted to open up the jungle for them as well.

Our idea is that we can try them out as test cases

for champions that can be healthy in a few roles at the same time.

So far we've been pretty happy with the results,

other than Morgana coming in a bit overpowered.

We're trying to be really careful with these changes.

We don't want to force a champion out of one position and into another.

We're really trying to open up more options for players to try.

These are just the first things we're going to be focusing on in gameplay early in 2018.

We'd also really like to hear your thoughts on where you think we should focus.

We'll continue posting on the Nexus, and if you like these kinds of videos,

we'll try and do more of it as well.

Thanks for watching, and let us know what you think!

For more infomation >> Upcoming Gameplay Goals | /dev diary - League of Legends - Duration: 3:49.


Eric Drops UNFILTERED Response On Dad's 'Racism,' Stuns Millions As He Talks Trump & Color - Duration: 41:10.

Eric Drops UNFILTERED Response On Dad's 'Racism,' Stuns Millions As He Talks Trump

& Color

A video of Eric Trump is rocking news headlines after he was asked to comment on President

Donald Trump's "racism."

Now, the clip has gone viral after Eric's unfiltered response is stunning millions of


President Donald Trump (left), Eric Trump (right) (Photo Credits: YouTube/Donald Trump

Speeches/Mass Tea Party) Eric Trump is not usually one to speak out

of turn or make off-the-cuff remarks without careful thought.

Perhaps that's why a recent comment is getting a lot of attention.

During a recent interview with Fox News, Eric was asked to address the elephant in the room

and respond to the ridiculous accusations coming from Democrats that suggest his father

is a racist.

Fox and Friends host Brian Kilmeade first opened the conversation about President Trump

by saying, "He said some things about race and that people are calling him a racist for

the last five or six days."

Then, Kilmeade asked, "I know you don't agree with that, but is there anything you

could bring to this conversation that is important?"

Eric didn't waste any time and didn't seem to care about sugar-coating his response.

"My father sees one color," Eric Trump responded.


Before leftists could get themselves worked into a tizzy over Trump's "greed," Eric

elaborated, explaining, "That's all he cares about, he cares about the economy.

He does not see race, he is the least racist person I have ever met in my entire life.

It's total nonsense, and you know what, at the same time they're saying that, they'll

never report that African-American unemployment is the lowest it has ever been, the lowest

it's ever been in this country."

Eric Trump didn't stop there.

He had the floor and was going to drive his point home.

"They won't give him any credit for that, and by the way, he campaigned on that.

But then, they'll go out and call him racist," Eric said, according to ABC News.

Then, he threw his own question back at Brian Kilmeade and the other hosts.

"It's very sad, it's a race to the bottom, they stoop very very low, and the reason they

do this is they don't have their own message.

What is the message on the Democrat side right now?"

he asked.

Eric Trump is right, and his question is valid.

Democrats only have one message right now, and it is "resist Trump."

That isn't serving their constituents or winning over anyone who might be on the fence.

Eric went on to pose a few more very painful questions for liberals in front of the millions

of viewers watching Fox and Friends on Wednesday, January 17, 2018.

"Who are the front-runners?

What do they stand for?" he asked.

"They don't stand for anything, they're being obstructionists they've wasted a tremendous

amount of money.

They come out no matter what he did, if he was to solve cancer tomorrow they would criticize

him for it, I mean, it's very, very sad."

The truth is that liberals are terrified that their great hope took a colossal nosedive

in the last presidential election.

They had all of their eggs in Hillary Clinton's basket, and now, they are divided and leaderless.

President Donald Trump has done more for our country in a year than former President Barack

Obama did in eight.

When it's time for another presidential election, it won't be a difficult choice.

Trump will only have to ask the American people one question to be re-elected, and it was

first made famous by former President Ronald Reagan: "Are you better off than you were

four years ago?"

The only answer to that will be a resounding, "yes," and the rest will be history.

Eric Trump is a credit to his father, and his answer to the accusations of "racism"

against our president was nothing short of epic.

Democrats have "stooped" to name-calling and attempts at labeling because they believe

it "freezes" their target.

This time around, they can't freeze anyone, especially not Donald Trump.

Let's continue to support our President and his efforts to put America first in order

to make her great again.

Green might be the favorite color of every American soon enough, as we see more of it

in our own pockets, thanks to President

Donald Trump.

For more infomation >> Eric Drops UNFILTERED Response On Dad's 'Racism,' Stuns Millions As He Talks Trump & Color - Duration: 41:10.


CNN's Doctor Diagnoses Trump With 'Heart Disease' On Live TV, Regrets It Seconds Later - Duration: 41:10.

CNN's Doctor Diagnoses Trump With 'Heart Disease' On Live TV, Regrets It Seconds


Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a CNN contributor, diagnosed President Donald Trump with "heart disease"

on live television Wednesday amid the media firestorm surrounding the president's yearly


This, despite the fact that Donald Trump is not one of Gupta's patients, and the president's

own doctor stated emphatically that he is in excellent health.

However, Gupta regretted his decision seconds later when karma caught up with him.

President Donald Trump (left), Dr. Sanjay Gupta (right) (Photo Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty

Images News/Getty Images, Screen Capture/YouTube) Trump's physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, took

questions from the media for 45 minutes after releasing the results of the president's

annual physical, during which time he stressed that President Donald Trump is in excellent

physical condition.

However, this was apparently not good enough for Dr. Gupta, who saw fit to issue his own

diagnosis after never having examined Trump.

Specifically, with regards to Trump's heart health, Dr. Jackson said, "His cardiac health

is excellent.

And so, I think, with all the other things in place — he doesn't have, really, a

family history of premature cardiac disease, he doesn't smoke, he doesn't have diabetes

— a lot of the traditional risk factors he doesn't have."

Jackson added, "And so I think those things, in combination with the excellent cardiac

results that we got from the exercise stress test, I think, are very reassuring."

As a Navy Rear Admiral and White House physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson's opinion should have

been all the proof the media needed that Donald Trump is fit to serve as President of the

United States.

Unfortunately, though, the press will seemingly do anything to insinuate that Trump is in

poor health, be it physical or mental, including impugning their own integrity by offering

a bogus diagnosis by a doctor who has never even examined Trump in person.

Enter Sanjay Gupta, who said on live television that President Donald Trump has heart disease:

CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta diagnosed President Donald Trump with heart disease, directly

contravening the assessment of his physician Dr. Ronny Jackson.

Maggie Haberman of The New York Times reported that Gupta said on CNN that, based on the

numbers, the president has heart disease.

The only problem with Gupta's diagnosis is that Trump's own doctor seems to disagree

about the state of the president's cardiac health.

[Source: IJR]

Social media users were appalled that Gupta would do this, and they let him have it via


"Fake doctor from fake news CNN Sanjay Gupta even after being told the president's mental

and physical health is excellent still trying to create fake news," wrote one social media


Fake doctor from fake news CNN Sanjay Gupta even after being told the president's mental

and physical health is excellent still trying to create fake news

— John brannon (@Johnbra11445958) January 16, 2018

"Well if Sanjay Gupta says so, it's probably right.

And if Doctor Oz confirms Gupta's TV diagnosis, then it will really be legit," joked another.

Well if Sanjay Gupta says so, it's probably right.

And if Doctor Oz confirms Gupta's TV diagnosis, then it will really be legit.

— James Hasson (@JamesHasson20) January 17, 2018

Someone else tweeted, "Hadn't anticipated this, but probably should have.

CNN Dr. Gupta's diagnosis will help keep partisan fight over [the] basic state of president's

health, fitness for office going despite Dr. Jackson's report."

Hadn't anticipated this, but probably should have.

CNN Dr. Gupta's diagnosis will help keep partisan fight over basic state of president's health,

fitness for office going despite Dr. Jackson's report.

— Byron York (@ByronYork) January 17, 2018

CNN's chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, said Wednesday that he believes tests

reveal that President Trump has heart disease.

Gupta said dating back to 2009, Trump started to have "these tests that are actually looking

for the presence of calcium in the blood vessels that lead to the heart."

"Steadily, up until just this past week when he had it performed again, those numbers

have gone up," he said.

"When they get to a certain range … that means he has heart disease."

[Source: The Hill]

I suppose it only makes sense that the leading proprietor of fake news would feature a fake

doctor to give a fake diagnosis of the president's health.

Since Gupta took the liberty of assessing Trump's heart condition without ever seeing

him as a patient, we're going to take the liberty to diagnose him with Trump Derangement

Symptom (TDS), which seems to be spreading like wildfire across the media.

I'm starting to think it's contagious.

For more infomation >> CNN's Doctor Diagnoses Trump With 'Heart Disease' On Live TV, Regrets It Seconds Later - Duration: 41:10.


Homeland Season 7 "Swore to Protect" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:31.

Praise the lord.

Welcome to the resistance.

Our country is under attack.

I swore to protect it.

We've got armed citizens patrolling the border.

Take cover! Take cover!

We've been betrayed!

I will end this.

Unlock my computer, or I will kill you!

If machine gun fire breaks out, that is on us.

We have to go.

We have to go, right now.

For more infomation >> Homeland Season 7 "Swore to Protect" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:31.


BOOKS I NEED TO *FINALLY* READ IN 2018 | 2018 TBR - Duration: 9:50.

Hi guys. Today I thought I'd talk about my TBR top priority books. That was just not a sentence.

That was kind of like Yoda talk. These are the books that are currently at the top of my priority to get to on my TBR

out of the books that I own because if I did this video with the books that I don't own, it would be

incredibly long. Also I'm desperately trying to stop buying books and

desperately trying to get through my current TBR. So basically these are the

books that I don't necessarily need to get to right here and right now.

There's no rush on reading them but if I don't read them by the end of the year

I'm going to be incredibly mad at myself.

The first book is a book that has been on my TBR for what can only be described as forever

and that is 'Uprooted' by Naomi Novik and I bought this when it was first released. Actually I was given it

for Christmas when it was first released and I have not touched it since because

there was a lot of hype surrounding this book when it first came out

and I ended up getting kind of intimidated by it. So I decide to let

the hype die down and wait it out a bit before I picked it up and I haven't

touched it since and it is now what two years later. When did this come out?

Nope, three years later. It's been three years this book has been sat on my shelf.

Which is probably still the most beautiful book I own and I have not read it and

I've decided that this year I absolutely have to because the hype has definitely

died down now and I can't even remember what this book is about. Which is kind of

exactly what I was hoping would happen but I was just hoping it wasn't gonna

happen three years down the line. All I can remember about this as it is a fantasy.

I think about a wizard, that I think kidnaps a child or something.

I may be completely and utterly wrong but I'm excited to go into this without any

expectations whatsoever about the plot. I still have kind of expectations about

whether or not I will enjoy this. Although since it has been quite a while,

I have now heard both good and bad things. Which is definitely kind of

lowered my expectations a little bit. Which again, was what I was hoping would happen.

I will be so, so mad at myself if I don't pick this up in 2018 because then it will just get beyond ridiculous.

The next book I most definitely need to read before the end of 2018 is 'Crooked Kingdom' by Leigh Bardugo.

And this is the sequel to 'Six of Crows' which I finally read last year. I read it a couple of months ago.

And basically I just don't want to leave this as long to read as I

did reading 'Six of Crows' because I had wanted to read that for

absolutely ages and I kept putting it off and I don't want to keep putting

this off. One because I absolutely loved 'Six of Crows' but also because I feel as

though if I leave it too long, I will end up forgetting what happened in 'Six of Crows'

and I would just lose it and I don't want that to happen.

This is probably the one out of all of the books I have here that I want to get to the soonest.

Simply because I don't want to leave too much time between reading 'Six of Crows' and this.

Next I have 'The Knife of Never Letting Go' by Patrick Ness and

this sounds super interesting. I've always been incredibly intrigued by the

premise of it but the reasons that I want to read it now is because the film

is coming out soon and that it's kind of the main and only reason that I

want to read this as soon as possible because I want to get through it before

the film or at least know what I think about the story before the film and yeah

there is a much more of a reason. Other than I would a read the book before I watch

the movie but it does sound really interesting and I have been very

intrigued by this premise for years. So I've finally got the push to actually pick it up.

The more I'm looking at this outfit in the viewfinder, the more I realise I

look like a character from Rugrats. I just look like a three-year-old. Anyway, that's not the point.

The next book I have is 'Brown Girl Dreaming' by Jacqueline Woodson

and this is a memoir written in verse, following Jacqueline Woodson as she grew

up as a black girl during the 1960s and the 1970s. I just think it sounds

absolutely fantastic. I've only ever read one other book in verse and I keep

meaning to read more of them because I absolutely loved it and this just sounds

like something I should absolutely love and also it has deckled edges, which

instantly makes me fall completely and utterly in love with it. I haven't heard

too many people talking about it but the things that I have heard have been

absolutely superb. So I'm very much looking forward to this and I have a

feeling I will probably be getting to this quite soon because I am very, very excited to pick it up.

Next I would very much like to read 'History Is All You Left Me' by Adam Silvera

because honestly, I've realised how ridiculous it is that I haven't read anything by Adam Silvera yet.

I've been putting off his books because I have heard so many stories about how utterly heartbreaking

and devastating his books are and I am someone that tends to stay clear of

books that are gonna make me incredibly sad and emotional

but I have only heard the most amazing things about his books and about his

writing and I know that I need to stop putting them off because I'm sure I will

absolutely adore them. This is the only one that I own, so this is the one that

I'm gonna pick up and I'm slightly nervous but also very, very excited to

read this and to finally read something that he's written.

I just gotta mentally and emotionally prepare myself first because I have a

feeling if the rumors are true, this book is probably gonna break me somehow.

Next I have 'This Savage Song' by V.E. Schwab, which I know next to nothing about.

Other than it has monsters in it, it is by V.E. Schwab and there is a character in it

called Kate, which is my name. So instantly I want to pick it up.

Those three things are enough for me to want to pick this book up. I read 'Vicious' by V.E. Schwab

last year and it was one of my favourite books of last year and I'm just

desperate to read something else by her and this is the only other book that I

currently own that she's written and I'm just very much intrigued because I

can't remember the last time that I read a book with monsters in it. I read things

with fairies and dragons and fantasy animals but I can't remember the last

time that I read a book with monsters. So I'm very intrigued by this. I've heard

great things and I'm looking forward to picking it up because it sounds like it

could be an incredibly interesting read.

Next I have 'Talking as Fast as I Can: Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls & Everything in Between' by Lauren Graham

and Lauren Graham played Lorelai Gilmore in Gilmore Girls and Gilmore Girls is

one of my favourite TV shows of all time and I'm currently re-watching it for

the first time, since I watched it the first time and I'm basically essentially

gonna read this once I finished it and reward myself for watching far too much

TV because that is how my brain works but I'm really excited to read this

because I absolutely love Lauren Graham. She's just essentially Lorelai Gilmore.

When you watch her in interviews she is basically the same person, which I always

find so interesting and I'm really intrigued to see how she comes across in

her writing and hopefully finding out a little bit of what happened behind the

scenes of Gilmore Girls and just learning a little bit more about Lauren Graham

because she seems like a really lovely person and I'm very much looking

forward to reading this and hopefully I will be able to do it soon but

considering that I am only on season 3, it's going to be a little while.

Next I have the 'Stone Glass' trilogy by Maria V. Snyder, which is the companion

trilogy to the 'Poison Study' trilogy. Which I read back when I started BookTube

and absolutely loved it but that was I think about two years ago.

Maybe more than two years ago and this has been on my TBR for that long.

When I read the first trilogy, I absolutely loved it and wanted to dive

straight into this but I didn't and that was my problem. Aecause then I ended up

kind of forgetting what happened and thinking that I needed to re-read it

before reading this and then I didn't re-read it and two years later this still

has not been read. So I'm hoping that because this is a companion trilogy, I don't

necessarily need to remember absolutely every detail of the first three books.

But I'm very much hoping that I will read this and that I will enjoy it as

much as the first trilogy. Also I'm just really intrigued to see how I will read

it and how I will enjoy it. Considering it is two years later and I've definitely

kind of grown in my reading over those two years. So I'm intrigued to see what I

will think of this and hopefully, fingers crossed, I will actually read it.

I then have 'An Ember In The Ashes' by Sabaa Tahir and I have been wanting to read

this for absolutely ages, as I keep saying with all of these books but this

is one specifically I've been meaning to pick up for so long. I have the first two

books and I don't know why I haven't gotten to them yet but I know that the

third book is coming out in a couple of months I believe, or at least it is

definitely coming out this year. So I feel as though this year will be the

perfect time to start this series and I'm hoping that I will enjoy it as much

as everybody else has done. Despite the fact that I don't really know what it is about.

But the things that I have heard and the vague reviews I've heard

of it have only been incredibly positive and have only very much intrigued me

because I have heard the most fantastic things about this series and about these

characters and this story. I'm looking forward to finally, hopefully picking

this up and also I'm hoping that this might be one that might kick me back

into reading fantasy because I've kind of been going off it a little bit

recently. Which is essentially why all of the books in this TBR are are fantasies

but I've heard great things and I'm looking forward to hopefully, finally

picking this up in 2018. And lastly I have 'Runaways: The Complete Collection, Volume 1.'

Which collects together issues 1 to 18. I had to include a graphic novel

in this because I absolutely love them and I'm definitely hoping that I will

read more of them in 2018. I've heard great things about this. It just seems like so much fun.

And also I'm just very excited to read something from Marvel

where I don't know any of the characters in it because I've read a lot of the

Avengers stuff but I've not read any that is totally new to me. So I'm really

excited to be able to go into a Marvel comic just not knowing any of the

characters in it and I'm hoping that this is one that I'm just gonna be able

to sit through and binge read from start to finish. Also it has just been adapted

into a TV show. So I'm really intrigued to be able to read this and then go

straight on into the TV show. So I'm hoping this is one that I'm going to be

reading very soon. So those are the ten books that I own that are currently

as of right now, the top of my priority to get to this year and I would absolutely

love to know if you have read any of them and what you thought of them and

whether or not you would recommend reading them soon. I'd also genuinely

really love to know which books are on the top of your priority to get to in

2018 and if there is a single book that you are absolutely desperate to finally

read this year. I will leave the links to my Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Goodreads, Blog

and Snapchat in description box below. So feel free to follow me on any of those

if you would like and I just hope you're having the most wonderful day. Bye!

For more infomation >> BOOKS I NEED TO *FINALLY* READ IN 2018 | 2018 TBR - Duration: 9:50.



For more infomation >> I MISS MY EX PRANK ON BF (GONE WRONG) - Duration: 8:31.


URGENT: After Forcing Gov't Shutdown, 2 DAMNING Videos Surface That Could END SCHUMER'S CAREER - Duration: 4:05.

URGENT: After Forcing Gov't Shutdown, 2 DAMNING Videos Surface That Could END SCHUMER'S


New York Sen. Chuck Schumer led the fight to shut down the government over immigration,

but two videos from the past are coming back to haunt him after his true feelings on the

topic are revealed.

It's no secret that Schumer isn't a fan of the President, but going so far as to shut

down the government over people who aren't even supposed to be here is taking things

too far.

Schumer admitted as much during an interview with ABC back in 2013, when he said such a

move would cause "chaos."

Check it out:

"In 2013 Chuck Schumer argued it would be 'governmental chaos' to shut down government

over amnesty for illegals.

#Hypocrite #DACA #ReleaseTheMemo".

"They are playing with fire," said Schumer, "and we are happy to negotiate, but we don't

want to negotiate with a gun to our heads"

Speaker Boehner comes in and he says, basically, it's sort of like this; someone comes into

your house and takes you wife and kids hostage then says, 'let's negotiate over the price

of your house," explained Schumer.

"You know, we could do the same thing on immigration," he said.

"We believe strongly in immigration reform, so we could say we're shutting down the

government, we're not going to raise the debt ceiling until you pass immigration reform."

"But it would be governmental chaos," he said.

That's interesting to say the least.

It's amazing what five years and a new President will do to these guys, isn't it?

Now, if you find that video hypocritical, wait until you watch the next one, where Schumer

admits even the left's Orwellian language regarding illegals is damaging to our nation,

and that people who enter the country are, in fact, illegal aliens.

The kicker?

He says, verbatim, "illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who enter

the U.S. legally."

No B.S.

Watch this:

"People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens," he said.

"Illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who enter the U.S. legally."

Here's the best part; Schumer harshly criticized the use of the phrase "undocumented worker"

instead of "illegal aliens," because "we convey a message that their government is

not serious about combatting illegal immigration."

"Which the American people overwhelmingly oppose," added Schumer.

what a change in heart old Upchuck has had, isn't it?

Not too long ago, he opposed both amnesty and open borders, but one he and his party

realized they were basically like free voters, he jumped on that bandwagon fast than people

fell in love with the Dallas Cowboys after they won three consecutive Super Bowls.

Since Facebook has been killing the reach of pages like ours, make sure you spread this

around to show it to all the liberals out there who are calling out opposition to amnesty

and DACA, then let them try to explain why, just five years ago, it wasn't.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> URGENT: After Forcing Gov't Shutdown, 2 DAMNING Videos Surface That Could END SCHUMER'S CAREER - Duration: 4:05.


I Completed Three Things Off My Bucket List - Duration: 15:24.

(upbeat music)

- Oh my god.

It's the intro.

This is so exciting.

Oh, hi, I'm Megan and recently I completed six items

off my bucket list in six days.

And now I just want to give someone else the opportunity

to live their best lives.

The point isn't to complete your bucket list.

It's just to get a running start.

This week we're gonna go on an adventure with Ryann Graham.

He's a video producer here at BuzzFeed

and the most joyful, smiliest person you will ever meet.

Come on in, Ryann.

- Aw, That was really nice.

I didn't know what you were gonna say.

Did you put your feet in this?

- Not all of 'em.

So, if you were to cross off three things

from your bucket list, what would they be?

- First, I would love to go drag racing.

I'm a bit of a control freak so it would be

really hard for me to be in a passenger seat

going 100 miles an hour and just trusting and letting go.

The second thing I want to do is stay

in an actual haunted house, but I think there's

something about being in something that has

actually experienced tragedy or something scary.

Like, I don't know.

Could you imagine being taken over by a ghost?

- I prefer not to.

- My third thing, not to be confused with drag racing,

is to dress and perform in drag.

That's probably my ultimate bucket list item, honestly.

- I mean, if you're not busy this week

I think we can make that happen.

- Really?

- Drag racing tomorrow?

- Oh, tomorrow?

But we have to finish all these first?

- Oh, yeah, they were very expensive.

- Alright.

More fries.

(upbeat music)

- What a beautiful day to scare the shit outta Ryann.

Today we're at Exotic Racing in Montana

where Ryann with be in the passenger seat

of a vehicle going over 125 miles per hour.

But what he doesn't know

is when he's gonna be taking off.

So, I've told the driver to basically pretend

like he's gonna take some time to show him the buttons.

Let me show you what these things do, and then boom.

He's gonna take off, scare the shit out of Ryann.

'Cause that's what this is all about, right?


Why is this on your bucket list and

why must you do this before you die?

- I'm a little bit of a control freak.

After today, I'm hoping that this feeling of letting go

and trusting bleeds into other areas of my life.

I don't know.

It'll be fun or I'll die.

Either way, what's the worst that could happen?

Stop, you're making me nervous.

Stop it, Megan.

- Let's do it.

- Alright, let's go.

- Do people crash?

- You know, if I told you no I'd be lying.

You ready?

- As ready as I'll ever be.

- So, what we have here in front

of us is a 1.2 mile road course.

- I thought it was gonna be straight away.

- Not at all.

- Whoa!

Okay. Okay.

Okay, okay.

Holy crap!

Oh my god.

I got this. I got this.

- Hang on. Hang on.

- Whoa, we're not, holy shit!

Oh, this is so fun, but so scary.

Oh my god, we're going like 120, 130?


(car horn honks)

(Megan laughs)

- [Megan] He looked horrified.

(camera shutter clicks)

- What did ya think, Ryann?

- That was so fun.

Holy crap, wow!

This was like this coolest thing

I think I've ever done in my life.

It was such a freeing experience.

I had to just be in the car and let it happen.

But if that's how day one was

I can only imagine how day two

and day three are gonna be.

Thank you so much.

- Of course.

Let's go on to day two.

Let's go!

Take the helmet, just take it.

So, Ryann is really jazzed

to stay somewhere haunted tonight,

but what he doesn't know is that I've booked us

the most notoriously haunted room

in the most notoriously haunted boat in America.

The Queen Mary.

- Are we ready to go yet?

- Yep.

- [Megan] Alright, take a step up, up, yep, there you go.

Do you remember saying that being

afraid made you feel alive?

- Yeah. - That's what you're

looking for? - Yes.

- Yeah, okay, just remember that.

- Holy crap.

That's the Queen Mary.

- Why is this on your bucket list?

Why do you want to be haunted so bad?

- Something about being around ghosts and being scared,

that fear is like so thrilling that it makes you feel alive.

Part of me hopes you get possessed so I can be like.

That way I can interact.

- Let's just go take the tour.

- My name is Commodore Everette Hoard.

This ship carried 2.5 million passengers back and forth

across the Atlantic, in war, in peace.

A lot of those guys that went over

on this ship did not come home.

Some of their last memories were scratched

into the hand rails all the way around the top of the ship.

- I don't like that.

I don't like any of this.

- This ship has a wonderful, happy presence about it,

and a lot of people do have experiences.

I hear people talk.

I heard one speak in 2011.

- What did they say to you?

- She said, "I'm so cold.

"I'm so very cold." - Did you get her a blanket?

- [Commodore] We're gonna go to cabin B340.

- [Megan] That's where we're sleeping tonight.

- Oh, good.

If there's anything that will happen,

it'll be in B340.

We're going further and further beneath the sea, now.

- [Ryann] I don't like this.

Are you doing that on purpose?

- [Camera Man] Oh I don't know.

But I was getting a strobing effect

on my camera too and I was just like--

- [Camera Man] Yeah, I didn't realize that's what it was.

- [Ryann] Ooo, was that doing that upstairs?

- [Camera Man] No.

It was just happening by that thing.

- So, you wouldn't stay in this room

is what you're telling me.

- No.

When I would go in there, there were so many reports

of incidents happening in the cabin

that they finally stopped renting it out to people.

People had reported lights turning on and off,

water starting, water stopping.

- No, no, no.

- Oh, did you hear that?

What is that?

- [Megan] Don't. (laughs)

- No. (Megan screams)

- Oh my god, Everette did it.


- The thing is neither of us tried to protect each other.

Is there a number to call if anything happens?

- Not mine.

- Alright, let's go in.

- Okay, um...

- Oh, you're gonna go in there right now?

- Yeah.

- I'm needed on the bridge.

- Okay, bye.

- Ooh, I don't like this.

Oh, okay, okay.

It's just a little creepy.

Oh, that can't be a thing.

That freaked me out.

Is this, okay, I feel like I can stay here.

It don't smell like new.

It smell like death.

- [Megan] What are those doors?

- I don't know.

See now, if something pops out at me, I swear to god.

- [Megan] This is just a (gasps) oh my god.


- I didn't know.

I didn't know what was gonna be in there.

- What?

- No, that was a real noise.

Hold on.

Cause it like, it came from over here.

You mean you don't hear that like knocking?

Megan, stop playing.

No, literally.

Wait, wait, wait.

Okay, maybe, I swear I heard a knock.

- If you fall asleep I'm waking you up.

- Okay, this is home.

This is gonna be home.

- I hate you.

- Alright, crew, so it's just gonna be me and Megan.

- And the ghosts.

- And the ghosts, and all the ghosts.

Like review the footage immediately.

- But don't tell us what you saw.

- Oh my god, no, tell me.

Let's do this.

- [Megan] Do we have to sit on the floor?

- Yeah, what?

You can't do this on the bed.

- [Megan] The floor feels dangerous.

- Come on.

Is anyone in this room with us?

I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.

- I think you're moving it.

- Are you gonna scare us tonight?

What? Look at you.

(both laughing)

- Dear ghostie, are you living a happy life?

- Stop.

You're doing that. - You're doing that.

You, stop.

You know you're doing that.

- I'm not doing that.

Oh my god.

We're done.

For my mental health we're keeping the light on.

- Let's do this.

- Okay, good night.

- Good night.

(suspenseful music)

- What is it?

- [Megan] I want to scare them.

(knocking at door)

(rapping at door)

Yeah, I think I scared the shit outta them.

- It's funny 'cause we thought we were gonna

find ghosts, but we end up becoming the ghosts instead.

I slept surprisingly well.

It was cool to get to be here

and have those moments of fear and just like

get over and conquer it.

- I'm really glad that you're getting to check

this off your bucket list and I'm really glad

that I never have to come here again.

So, today Ryann is being transformed into a drag queen,

but what I haven't told him is

that he's gonna perform for all of our coworkers tomorrow.

But we'll tell him that later.

Alright, Ryann, I've brought in the one and only,

most wonderful LA queen.

- Anita Procedure!


- Hey, how are you?

- Oh, it's so good to meet you, Ryann.

- It's good to meet you. - Hi, darling.

- Cause I feel like there's so much confidence

- 'Cause I feel like there's so much confidence

you have to have when you're performing drag

and being a drag queen, and I feel like

I don't know if I necessarily have.

I was closeted for so long in my life

that it's a part of me that I feel like

I want to explore and push more.

- Today is part of your drag training.

We are going to be going over walking in heels,

We are gonna be going over walking in heels,

for your performance tomorrow.

- My performance?

- I'll leave you guys to it.

- It's gonna be great.

It's a little kick ball change.

It's a little one two step in front of your coworker, okay?

It's a little one two step in front of your coworkers, okay?

- Alright, let's get to it. Let's get rehearsing, honey.

- Alright, let's get to it.

Let's get rehearsing, honey.

Custom made from Milan.

- I've never like walked walked in heels.


- I've never like walked walked in heels.

- Let's go for it. Let's do a little strut.

- Let's go for it.

Let's do a little strut.

Don't look down, don't look down.

- Oh okay. - Don't second guess it.

(upbeat music)

Yes, bitch.

Don't take out the equipment, girl.

Give it to them.

Give it to them.

Yes, bitch.

Keep going.

I did not tell you to stop.

Okay, so now that you are armed

with all the knowledge you need to pound a runway, honey.

We gotta get you an outfit, girl.

So, let's take a look at our beautiful rack of clothing

that are definitely not from Goodwill

and see what we can find you.

(bright music)

Bring it in.

- Okay. - Hit me.

Move that bus.

- Is this it?

- Oh, bitch, that one is it.

- This is gonna be the perfect outfit

for drag queen Ryann.

- It's got your essence.

- Yes. It does.

The only thing I'm worried about there's just

a whole lot of...

- A little too much essence.

- Yes.

- We are gonna teach you about tucking, girl.

Come with me, come on.

- Okay.

Okay, so how does this work?

- [Anita] Basically, you wanna get your balls in your ass.

- [Ryann] What?

- [Anita] And then your dick between your ass.

You like, you get in there.

- [Ryann] You get in there.

You listen.

You put that down.

- [Anita] And now you're a lady.

She's tucked and ready.

- Yeah. I feel like a lady.

- Okay, so here we are.

We are in the dance studio.

It's time to go over your routine for tomorrow.

Yeah, let's play it.

(party music)

Yes, girl, yes.

That's it, okay.

- I'm gonna do it.

- I believe in you.

You're gonna do it, girl.

- Ya'll, it's five p.m.

So, we're gonna take a break,

meet back tomorrow for your performance.

Let's go home.

- Alright, I'm out of here, girl.

Let's go.

- So, I'm here.

I'm ready to get this face beat.

- [Anita] So, we've kind of been

putting together your look, but how do you feel

about your drag persona, like what kinda girl is she?

- [Ryann] I want it to be someone

who is very confident and very like...

I mean, I don't want to say like bitchy,

but just like, mmm, just very I guess fierce.

- [Anita] Are you a good bitch or a bad bitch?

- [Ryann] Somewhere in between.

(party music)

Okay, eyes are officially closed.

- [Megan] Keep your eyes closed.

- Okay, they're closed.

- Stay there. - Okay.

- Stay there.

- I'm like shaking.

- [Megan] Alright, open 'em.

- Oh my...

(laughs) Yes!


Ooh, yes.

I do look wealthy I'm not gonna lie.

I look fucking good.

(party music)

- I know it's me, but this is like another side of me.

This is Samore.

This is Samore Dollahz, honey.

- [Megan] Is that your drag name?

- Yes. Samore Dollahz.

It came to me in a dream last night.

She's quite wealthy if you didn't know.

She bought this fur just to throw it away.

I am ready to go perform for my coworkers.

I'm gonna go serve the children,

feed them, bless them, really.

(party music)

- Hello, hello, hello, BuzzFeed.

How ya'll doing?

(audience shouts)

Oh, yeah, don't be shy around me.

- How're you feeling

- I'm so nervous but also so excited.

- Good luck.

- I've had the privilege of transforming Ryann

into a motherfucking drag queen, ya'll.

(audience shouts)

It has been so much fun.

So, this is one of the things on his bucket list,

and I am so excited to announce the world wide premiere

of his new persona, Samore Dollahz.

(audience shouts)

(cash register bell dings)

(techno music)

(audience shouts)

♪ Girls on top ♪

♪ Looking hot ♪

♪ Hot hot hot hot ♪

♪ Ooh, tease ♪

♪ Text me ♪

♪ Watch me dance ♪

♪ Watch me move ♪

♪ Push me under ♪

♪ Feel the truth ♪

♪ Higher, higher ♪

♪ Keep just moving higher, higher ♪

♪ Tell me, higher, higher ♪

♪ Keep it moving higher ♪

(audience shouts and applauds)

- [Anita] Work bitch.

Work, work, work, work, work.

- This was one of the coolest things

I've ever done in my life.

I feel like I can do anything.

Like I'm on top of the world.

I feel like I can go on and live my best self

from here on out.

I'm so happy.

Thank you so much.

- Yay! I'm so glad.

Alright, well, go do it.

Go live your best life.

- [Ryann] Okay.

- [Megan] Wait, wait, come back.

(record scratches)

There's a million other people who haven't

even started their bucket list.

And I'm gonna go find them.

We've more work to do people.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> I Completed Three Things Off My Bucket List - Duration: 15:24.





The Most Satisfying Video In The World 😱 Faster Workers 2018 😱 Try Not To Get Satisfied Challenge - Duration: 11:57.

The Most Satisfying Video In The World

For more infomation >> The Most Satisfying Video In The World 😱 Faster Workers 2018 😱 Try Not To Get Satisfied Challenge - Duration: 11:57.


Nickel Hunting - 2 Buffalos and an Error Coin? - Duration: 9:11.

you see that everyone that's $500 and search times that yield it absolutely

nothing but whatever we've got a Bank of America box of nickels here and we're

gonna hunt that

hey everyone it's Rob from Rob finds treasure and we've got a Bank of America

box of nickels now I don't know why it's taped up this way I don't know if the

box was dropped and got shattered I thought maybe when she was bringing it

up to me maybe it was customer wrapped rules and then I was nervous but you can

see through the top there is machine wrapped rules in here so I don't think I

can open this live for you there's a lot of tape on this so what I'm gonna do is

get it open and we'll take a look at the Enders together I'll be right back

all right everyone I've cut around here let's take a look inside together not

seeing anything uh awesome but I do see that it is circulated nickels and that's

a great start let's crack into these rolls and we'll loop you to find

anything cool second rolling guys just pulled out a 1959 and the last second to

last coin of the roll is a nice 1947 Denver so that roll yielded two coins

worth keeping and let's get back to the hut all right guys third roll spilled it

out this is an odd coin looks like it's gonna be another one of those foreign

coins let's just double check to make sure you it's a five cent euro cent ooh

that's a different front for me that is really cool it's a Portugal coin see how

it says poor to go that's pretty cool

five-year-old what here's this coin looks like it's a 2012 I didn't know

where to find the date on this guy I've never seen one of these got a 2 0 1 to

2012 all right pretty cool find it's my first

four into the box and I've never seen a Portugal coin Portuguese coin I guess

awesome let's get back to the hut all right sixteen throw the box let me

show you a beautiful spill so I dumped the coins out and as I'm crinkling the

paper the last end I guess it got caught and it catches and look what goes in the

back looks pretty toasty yeah it looks pretty toasty does it look like it has a

mint mark I guess you could have one there maybe there is something there off

to look under the loop could be an S or D but before we get ahead of ourselves

let's see if there's a year on it there is 1929 let me look under the loop

and see if I could see a bit mark hold on one second

yeah there's no mint mark but we got ourselves a 1929 philadelphia buffalo

nickel in the box in the sixteenth row at the end of the roll it's in rough

condition but I might give it a little bit of soap and water possibly just to

freshen it up other than that we'll take it got our first buffalo nickel awesome

let's get back to the hood on roll number 28 and we got ourselves a 1940

Philadelphia so only our second 42 the box so I mean I got a buffalo a which is

nice and we've got 10 in the 50s in a Ford also no 2009 kind of a cool box

kind of a different box so far loaded with 50s got a buffalo just over halfway

in and let's get back to the huntin very next roll right towards the end of the

roll we got a 1940 another Philadelphia Mint so good to see a few 40s coins in

the last few rolls let's finish out this roll to get back to the box

okay guys 30 second roll the box it just slid down as I pulled that coin away

we've got ourselves a second buffalo nickel again it looks like it could have

bit more maybe it's just the coloring off to look under the loop but let's see

if it has a year it does 1936 and I believe it's gonna be

in 1936 Philadelphia yeah it appears to be a Philadelphia just some

discoloration there another beautiful coin we'll take it that's two buffalo

nickels so now we've got a 29 and a 36 alright let's get back to the hunt roll

number 45 got ourselves a 1949 Philadelphia it's only over fourth 40s

of the Box to go along with 12 from the 50s of four and 209 s and of course a

couple of buffalos let's keep going and see what else we can get roll number 47

we got ourselves in 1942 doesn't really have the silver look though and I've

never gotten a silver in a B of a box and I still haven't but you know what

it's a 42 Philadelphia I'll take it because we don't have one

in today's box and now we do and it gives us our fifth 40 s coin well let's

get back to the hunt okay guys I wanted to show you this coin because I wanted

to get a little help here now there's nothing wrong with the front of it

really other than the rim being a little thick on the left side let me flip it

over I have my macro lens on here and let me ask your opinion on what you

think about the back of this coin

you can see here there is an extra piece of metal or something was impeding the

planchette when it was in the dike the reason why I know that is if you look

right here with the pillar is you can see clearly that it was died with that

extra metal or that impediment in the die and it pushed whatever that was

through and still got part of the stamp

it runs across the whole entire back of the coin it was definitely something

there extra that impeded the way that it was minted in my opinion now the coins

not in great shape and I don't know what that means but it's almost like there

was a piece of fabric or maybe a leaf or some kind of soft material that was

blown into where the die was and when it pushed down it blocked it and that's why

you have a raised surface there or there was some extra metal in there and it

pressed it into it I don't know what that is just seeking your guys's

feedback what could that be do you think that happened during the minting process

as I suspect it did or am I just seeing things

alright everyone we finished that box of nickels we ended up with two 2009's a

coin from Portugal we ended up with 1350s coins and we got a 53 of 54 and

350 fives a nice look at 56 here alongside another 56 of 57 of 58 and for

59 s we also got five coins in the 40s to 1940s a 42 of 47 and a 49 we got two

good-looking buffalo nickels in 1929 Philadelphia 1936 Philadelphia and then

of course that coin I just showed you that 1973

that appears to have something that was pressed into the back and I think that

was done during the minting process but I'm not entirely sure looking for some

feedback hope you enjoyed this hum with me if you did please give the video a

thumbs up leave any comments below for me I appreciate it and as always thanks

for watching

For more infomation >> Nickel Hunting - 2 Buffalos and an Error Coin? - Duration: 9:11.


What Can I Put HTV On? - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> What Can I Put HTV On? - Duration: 4:35.


Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge agrees short-term deal with Inter Milan ● News Now transfer #LFC - Duration: 2:14.

Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge has agreed personal terms with Inter Milan as they look

to secure the 28-year-old on a loan deal this month, according to Calciomercato.

The Italian football outlet report that the Italian giants are now in talks with Liverpool

over the deal, but are not willing to meet the Reds' current demands.

Calciomercato claim that Liverpool are open to letting Sturridge go out on loan to Italy,

but are demanding that Inter pay £35million to sign Sturridge permanently in the summer.

It is said that Inter are not willing to pay that amount due to Sturridge's poor injury

record, his age, and the fact that his contract only runs until the summer of 2019.

It has been obvious for a while now that Sturridge is likely to leave this month as he goes in

search of an unlikely World Cup place with England.

It is however known that Jurgen Klopp still rates Sturridge highly and would like to keep

him at the club, so it is no surprise that they are demanding big money for him.

If they can somehow get Inter to agree to a loan-to-buy deal at £35million, then Liverpool

will have committed daylight robbery.

Sturridge is still a great player, but the money being suggested is way too much for

a player that has been on the sidelines for the majority of the last three seasons.

Inter are obviously well aware that £35million is too much money for Sturridge.

But, they seem to be keen on a deal, and it may be that the two clubs reach a deal at

a slightly lower price.

At this point it looks unlikely that Liverpool will let the 28-year-old go out on loan without

agreeing a price for a permanent sale, so Inter have some work to do.

Expect this one to drag on right until the last minute.

For more infomation >> Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge agrees short-term deal with Inter Milan ● News Now transfer #LFC - Duration: 2:14.


What Can You Put Adhesive Vinyl On? - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> What Can You Put Adhesive Vinyl On? - Duration: 6:17.


Using Contour in Cricut Design Space - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Using Contour in Cricut Design Space - Duration: 4:27.


China claims fresh military build up on India border is 'JUSTIFIED' after armed standoff - Duration: 3:25.

China claims fresh military build up on India border is 'JUSTIFIED' after armed standoff

Beijing fired back after being accused of aggression following the construction of what appears to be a military base after an armed standoff saw tensions rise between China and India over the disputed territory.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesmsn Lu Kang said: "China is exercising its sovereignty in its own territory. Its legitimate and justified.

"Just as China will not make comments about Indian construction of infrastructure on Indias territory, we hope other countries will not make comment on Chinas construction of infrastructure on its territory.".

The competing countries recently settled a 70-day standoff after Indian soldiers intervened to stop the advance of a road which was being built towards the disputed Doka La region.

The neighbours both claim sovereignty over the Doklam/Donglong region, which is extremely remote but strategically important. Indian troops stopped Chinese workers from completing a road which would encroach on its claim resulting in the armed standoff between soldiers from both sides.

The incident was only resolved when both sides agreed to withdraw ahead of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modis high-profile visit to China.

The tension over the region was thought to have subsided until shocking satellite images revealed a massive military build-up on the Chinese side. Mr Lu said: You must be quite clear.

Donglong (Doklam) always belonged to China and is always under Chinas effective jurisdiction. There is no dispute in this regard.".

The pictures show that after the advance of the road was halted what had been constructed was fortified. Gun emplacements and helicopter pads have been identified as well as a massive complex of buildings.

However, the Indian Army do not consider the imposing Chinese build up to be a "serious" issue. Army chief General Bipin Rawat said: They have carried out some infrastructure development, most of it is temporary in nature.

"But while their troops may have returned and the infrastructure remains, it is any bodys guess whether they would come back there, or it is because of the winter they could not take their equipment away.".

For more infomation >> China claims fresh military build up on India border is 'JUSTIFIED' after armed standoff - Duration: 3:25.


ALASKA Y EL ÁRTICO. ¿OLEADA OVNI? Algo está sucediendo. - Duration: 27:07.

For more infomation >> ALASKA Y EL ÁRTICO. ¿OLEADA OVNI? Algo está sucediendo. - Duration: 27:07.


iPhone X - A New Light

For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


Sentant une forte fièvre et constamment pleurer - sa mère a réalisé l'erreur du docteur - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> Sentant une forte fièvre et constamment pleurer - sa mère a réalisé l'erreur du docteur - Duration: 6:25.


For more infomation >> Sentant une forte fièvre et constamment pleurer - sa mère a réalisé l'erreur du docteur - Duration: 6:25.


Call of Duty: Black Ops in 2018 (Gameplay) DodgerHD - Duration: 8:32.


For more infomation >> Call of Duty: Black Ops in 2018 (Gameplay) DodgerHD - Duration: 8:32.


For more infomation >> Call of Duty: Black Ops in 2018 (Gameplay) DodgerHD - Duration: 8:32.


Living With A Local Family in India - Duration: 9:58.

We are here in India visiting our friend Sooraj

in a small village call Karingarnnoor

here around Sooraj house the exotic nature surrounds us

We see a river and

many people comes here to take a bath or they bring animals to wash them

you can find beautiful hills and there is no more

houses around, is just nature close by

is beautiful

Just behind the house we can see a small forest with rubber trees

the trees have white cut on the trunk and a small bowl hang below it

we didn't understand why but soon it become clear

in the morning the local person comes

he makes a new cut on the tree

and from this cut the white substance

trimmed down to the bowl

it looks very smooth what he's doing

and he's gone quickly

after two hours the man's come back with a bucket and start collecting

the white substance that is called robber

and it's amazing that nature

provides us this kind of substance

this substance is put into a rectangle bucket

and left to dry

and when it's dry they bring it here

to this machine room where

they squeeze it using these two machines

to take out all the water creating a

really thin layer of the rubber

after that they take this layer and put it

again to dry for a couple of days until is totally dry

after they just give it

to the shop and select by the weight

and they actually pay good money for it

but let's come back to Sooraj house

we were walking around getting to know the environment

we are playing with cameras

we spend time with Sooraj family

and sometimes animals appear

you see it?

No, where?

Here, a bat

you just scare him

no he comes back

never see a bat before

not so big and not on the trees

because in Poland we have like a

small one like maybe like this

I think he's somewhere there

There! Look, look, look, look!

it eats actually banana

there on the leaves


men, so cool, so huge

We are in Sooraj garden

here is his home

and the garden it's really nice

we have banana

pepper tree

and these is a pepper and now i will eat it

oh yeah, now I feel but it's not ready yet

it will be black

but it's not so strong as the real pepper

but still don't want to really eat it


and we have ahhh

papaya here which is

up there on the tree

these one

these is the coffee tree

here yes this one

and we have coconut

everything close to the house

so you go out and you take banana

you plan the tree you take coconut

So when the time to eat comes

Sooraj mom turn on the fire

and start cooking amazing dishes

in her kitchen that combines the

old style with the modern style

she just give us so many food

and she is spoil us

with so many different kind

of Kerala dishes

sometimes we help her cooking some of the dishes

but normally all the time she was cooking

all by herself because it's part of her tradition

here we have the pleasure to eat with our hands

and we try so many different traditional dishes like

coconut chadney, pachadi, tapioka, toren, pulisheri, avila and thiyal

Soooo now we arrived to ayurveda hospital

because already a few days I had pain

while urinating which was so irritating

before maybe one year I had as well

urine tract infection and I treated it with antibiotics

right now I wanted to try

natural medicine which is Ayurveda

I bought four medicine in the pharmacy of the hospital

and after it we got invited to the snake room

Anti venom! What is Anti Venon? Poison

poison... medicine against poison

I have to say I'm not a fan of

zoo or any places where the animals

lives in the cage but in this case

keeping the snake is important for many people life

because this is where the antidote

against snake poison is created

just keep distance man

same cobra, but babies, babies

like Sooraj, jump

almost a face

bite so hardly, but is not poison

I don't wanna touch it

huy, how many? two

I'm trusting you, not poison

still man do you wan to carry, nooo!!!

but they can bite right now my finger, yeah?

you want to carry Basia?

too many, two!

This snake don't bite, is like a pet snake

yes, this one I can carry

now I'm holding the snake

but is a pet snake

touch the skin, is so nice

selfie, selfie

The time in Sooraj place goes super fast

we play badminton with all his friends

and we learn how to play carrom game

I never played this before

is really interesting and is just using your fingers

Also we have the opportunity to record

all the seven seas Royal Enfield bikes team

and that was amazing we have so much fun

I never drive my drone for so long and from a

huge distance, I just was just on the bike

following the drone getting a little bit

scared that it's gonna or lose the tracking

or something because I was on the

bike for a few kilometres and the drone was following us

well really fun!

without hitting me

We visited Kollam beach

very peaceful, nice place to relax

and we are observing so many

animals around for example these four dogs

running around after each other

playing and the birds and we saw

eagles, so many eagles but we couldn't

unfortunately recorded

and of course we started to play with each other

and I end up with mud on my face

We are here in Varkala beach

and is so beautiful this place, really nice

but the only problem that they have

is the trash

the beach is really clean

but just the outside, like the walking path

as you can see

like people throw everything here in the ground

like so much trash and everything

from the babies

I've been asking they know that it's a

problem but actually they don't do nothing about it

they just throw it for them is just so normal

is not that bad other places are worse

Today we have a new bike

from Rajesh friend

we don't know who is this owner of this bike

we just drive the bike

the white bird

you can see there is a eagle there

so we are gonna burn this our trash

that we being creating

so we have this hole here

we're gonna try to make some fire

let's see how it goes

I think is not that easy

just take the plastic, maybe

First time that I'm burning my own thrash

my own shit, burning there

here you don't clean your butt with paper

you clean it with the water

how do you call that

like a shower for

yeah like shower you just pushhhhh

and you clean your ass like that

is really good better than toilet paper

almost finished

we burn maybe 90% of our trash

Basia is trying the last try there

burned everything until the last part

what I learn I've learned

the toilet paper is rubbish

so let's make the environment more clean

and not just toilet paper anymore

use water!

Thank you so much

for taking care of us for three weeks here

you save a lot of money for us

and we learned a lot, yes

like living like that so simple life but

is another kind of life

and it's good to just try it

to see how people just live

and yeah we've been doing a lot of things

hopefully new videos are coming

and peace you find it in simple places like this

Sooraj family's coming here almost everyday,

to say hello to us and

everything after school

For more infomation >> Living With A Local Family in India - Duration: 9:58.


For more infomation >> Living With A Local Family in India - Duration: 9:58.


Comment devenir plus discipliné ( Partie 1) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Comment devenir plus discipliné ( Partie 1) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 4:17.


For more infomation >> Comment devenir plus discipliné ( Partie 1) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 4:17.


Comment devenir plus discipliné ( Partie 2) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> Comment devenir plus discipliné ( Partie 2) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 8:19.


For more infomation >> Comment devenir plus discipliné ( Partie 2) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 8:19.


Comment devenir insensible sur le plan émotionnel ( Partie 5) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Comment devenir insensible sur le plan émotionnel ( Partie 5) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 4:21.


For more infomation >> Comment devenir insensible sur le plan émotionnel ( Partie 5) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 4:21.


Voici les 5 aliments qui provoquent les crises cardiaques - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> Voici les 5 aliments qui provoquent les crises cardiaques - Duration: 7:56.


For more infomation >> Voici les 5 aliments qui provoquent les crises cardiaques - Duration: 7:56.


Meek Mill x ASAP Rocky x Bi...

For more infomation >> Meek Mill x ASAP Rocky x Bi...


Mazda 2 1.5 Skyactiv-G GT-M - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mazda 2 1.5 Skyactiv-G GT-M - Duration: 0:55.


Seat Leon 1.6-16V Airco/APK t/m 11-2018 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 1.6-16V Airco/APK t/m 11-2018 - Duration: 1:01.


M jak miłość: Kiedy i JAK UMRZE Hanka Mostowiak - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość: Kiedy i JAK UMRZE Hanka Mostowiak - Duration: 2:10.


Dominika Ostałowska, Marta z „M jak miłość" zostawiła dziecko i zniknęła bez wieści - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Dominika Ostałowska, Marta z „M jak miłość" zostawiła dziecko i zniknęła bez wieści - Duration: 2:58.


Pojedynek w M jak miłość - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Pojedynek w M jak miłość - Duration: 2:42.


Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET 5Drs. DYNAMIC - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET 5Drs. DYNAMIC - Duration: 0:57.


Wielki mural i mecz w Kargowej poświęcony pamięci rok temu gwiazdora "M jak miłość" - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Wielki mural i mecz w Kargowej poświęcony pamięci rok temu gwiazdora "M jak miłość" - Duration: 3:06.


Christopher Nolan Retrospective: MY TOP MOMENTS - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> Christopher Nolan Retrospective: MY TOP MOMENTS - Duration: 9:21.


Allison and Moon: Covered [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - Duration: 3:23.

I guess I'm just a tattoo that you covered up

like the one that's on your hip.

I'm the one you got when you were drunk on wine spilling from your lips.

Convinced that you wanted it...

Oh, wouldn't it be cute?

'Cause when it comes down to it...

When it comes down to it...

When it comes down to it...

When it comes down to it...

I caught myself on your anchor chain

that you covered up with clothes.

But in the back of your brain I'm still there even if nobody knows.

It's just a cover up.

So I hope

that the next tattoo you get is just temporary.

Use a sponge next time,

and some water,

so you can was them off


And don't tell them

that they're permanent.

Oh, wouldn't it be cute?

'Cause when it comes down to it...

When it comes down to it...

When it comes down to it...

When it comes down to it...

You'll catch yourself in the anchor chain

that you covered up with clothes.

But in the back of your brain

I'm still there even if nobody knows.

You'll catch yourself in the anchor chain

that you covered up with clothes.

But in the back of your brain

I'm still there even if nobody knows.

It's just a cover up.

And it's beautiful.

You're right.

I look better hidden...

covered up.

You'll catch yourself in the anchor chain

that you covered up with clothes.

But in the back of your brain I'm still there even if nobody knows.

You'll catch yourself in the anchor chain

that you covered up with clothes.

But in the back of your brain I'm still there even if nobody knows.

It's just a cover up.

A cover up.

For more infomation >> Allison and Moon: Covered [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - Duration: 3:23.


TAZanimated - Part 53 [The Adventure Zone MAP] (+ Process) - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> TAZanimated - Part 53 [The Adventure Zone MAP] (+ Process) - Duration: 1:11.


1930s Elegant Updo Tutorial - Duration: 4:26.

♫ Music ♫

For more infomation >> 1930s Elegant Updo Tutorial - Duration: 4:26.


Que Penso - Brooke Ion Navarrete - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Que Penso - Brooke Ion Navarrete - Duration: 5:07.



hi lovelies welcome back to my channel if you're new here thank you so much for

clicking on my video to watch it I'm Mrs. Jibril and I post weekly videos all

about motherhood so for today's video I thought I would share with you a little

story time about how my son got off the pacifier so I know this is definitely

something worth celebrating it's been enough to pacifier it now for almost five

months he actually celebrated his second birthday when he was off the pacifier

which is something I'm really really happy about so if you want to know how

my son got off the pacifier keep watching when my son was born I shared

my labour and delivery story with you guys a couple weeks ago if you haven't watched it

I'll leave a link in the description after my son was born obviously they put

the baby on your chest and then you start breastfeeding him

which I did however he latched for so long and the Midwife realized that he

was doing it more for comfort rather than hunger or anything like that so she

said maybe you should give him our fingers to suck on or we should put a

glove and then stick our fingers in his mouth to he can suck on that

alternatively we could use a pacifier obviously my mom is like you know

little Esmael is not going to be be sucking on anyone's fingers so we went and we got him a

pacifiers he's been using a pacifier for the longest time guys so from when we were

in the hospital and then he used it all the way up to when he was one so I kept

thinking I need to wean him off before he turns one so when he was nine months

we went to a doctor's appointment and I did ask his doctor about it and she said

that that's a really good time to get him off it what she suggested is we

collect all the pacifiers in the house throw them in the bin he'll have a

really rough night and then he'll get over it and that's not exactly what I did

when we came home from that appointment I took all the pacifiers and threw them and I

said he needs to obviously learn how to self-soothe without using a pacifier

I once his bedtime came he became very very cranky and he cried and cried

and cried for pacifier obviously both me and my husband felt really really bad I

was a bit firm and I thought okay let's just try to really get him off the

pacifier I think I was doing it more because a lot of people were making

comments about him using the pacifier and I started feeling like okay I just

need to get him off it because I was I felt like I was receiving a bit of

criticism that my son is using a pacifier because bear in mind guys I

was living in Kenya other time and in Nairobi not a lot of kids use pacifiers

so I felt a little bit of pressure because of that so I was like eh you

need to get off this thing ASAP so once he cried for a little bit my

husband felt really guilty I also felt really guilty because we're not really

for cry it out method we don't believe in that will be that kids shouldn't really

cry so much when they're small we take a more of a gentle parenting approach to

raising our son once we realize that he is really really dependent on it and he

loves it and he can't sleep without it my husband ended up rushing to the shops

and buying him a pacifier and bear in mind we used to the Avent pacifiers and

those pacifiers ain't cheap guys and every pacifier you have to kind of throw it after a month

or two because you don't want the kid to be using your for long period of time

and it was just too much effort to keep up with him using a pacifier not only

that they were like a little pricey but also the amount of like sterilization

that you have to do because he's constantly obviously throwing them and

you have to always sterilize and make sure that clean and

make sure he doesn't throw it somewhere and then pick it up and put it in his

mouth and all these things has to do a lot with the criticism are receiving

especially when someone says all you know your son's gonna be really sick

because of this and let a lot of anyways a lot of

unnecessary criticism. actually my son there was a time he was sick and like

it was so so uncalled for and one of the doctors in the hospital actually told me

that the reason he is sick it's because of the pacifier but actually it wasn't

he wasn't in the hospital because he uses a pacifier that it was something

completely unrelated but again he kind of jumped on you know because of oh I

think your son is sick because of the pacifier you need to.. and I was like oh my god like I can't

believe he's a doctor and he's saying this you know you can't blame a

child being sick because he is a pacifier it's not like using a dirty pacifier

and we used to always make sure his pacifiers were sterilised anyways I'm getting I'm getting a

little off track from the story time anyways we left him that day he was I

think it was nine months and then we were like okay we're not getting to it

again until he's one when he was one we tried again same thing we couldn't do it

and we failed the second time so by this time I was like ok this kid

is gonna be going to college with a pacifier if he gets off the pacifier is

gonna be sucking his thumb I used to have that issue as a child I didn't want

my son to like be sucking his thumb especially but that's something really

really hard to get them off because you know it's their fingers it's not like a

pacifier you can just take it out throw it and then try to you know wean them off it

with their thumb they can like hide somewhere and like start sucking it

so I was like really worried that he's gonna be doing that because I did it as

a kid and it was so hard for my mom to get me to stop and I remember like I

wasn't even like that that small I wasn't a two year old sucking my thumb like I

was a full like six year old sucking my thumb so I don't want my son to be like

like me in that aspect. long story short he kept using the pacifier until we moved to Australia

my mum was like ok we need to get him off pacifier we did the exact same thing we

collected all the pacifiers so like a ok cold turkey is the best method

we are going to throw it he's older now so hopefully he will just kind of have one

rough night and then he will completely forget that he's ever used a pacifier

oh boy were we wrong so we didn't even do this at bedtime we did it in the

morning so when it came around time for his nap

he became extremely extremely cranky he was crying he was just throwing a

tantrum my mum couldn't obviously him be firm

he's her grandchild and she definitely went and got him a pacifier

and we've continued using the pacifier and again at this time I was like okay

this kid is never gonna get off the pacifier because even when I'm trying to

be firm and being like I feel we're gonna need to do cold turkey we have to be

strong you know either my mom or my husband cave in and give him a pacifier so I was like ok when he's

old enough we're gonna do the book so there's a book that you explain to the

child you know that there is fairy or something coming to collect all the

pacifiers and has a little bag and then you put a the pacifier in the bag and then

the fairy comes and collects it there's like I've seen so many like extravagant

ways of getting children to be off the pacifiers to like take them to a shop

and tell them to pick any kind of toy they want in exchange of their pacifiers

and you know things like all little babies are gonna need these pacifiers in

poor countries and things like that but again you need to bear in mind that my

son he was like one and half he couldn't really comprehend even if I tell him

oh the fairy is coming to collect the pacifiers like he wouldn't really fully

understand what I'm talking about if you want to do that method you have to

wait until he's three. I started working in July last year and then he was still using the

pacifier all of a sudden he started refusing to use the pacifier and we were like ok

what's happening like he's been addicted to it he's been using it ever since he was a

newborn so all of a sudden he completely stopped using the pacifier. He completely

didn't want it every time we give it him he would literally throw it out of

his bed and just like that he got off the pacifier the moral of the

story is and no matter how hard you try to be wean your children off the pacifier

sometimes they wean themselves even though I was putting myself under so

much pressure to get my baby off the pacifier just like that he decided he

doesn't need a pacifier anymore and he outgrew it he weaned himself off the

pacifier without me having to do anything even though I tried to do the

cold turkey method any of you are watching this video to try to figure out

how to get your baby off the pacifier I know it's so stressful and you put so

much pressure on yourself as a parent just take it easy . sometimes your baby can just

wean themselves just like how mine did you.If you watch my video this far

please make sure to subscribe like you watched the whole thing and make sure to

come back next week because I post weekly videos if there's any other

topics that you want me to talk about do you leave me your suggestions I'm gonna

leave all my social media links below so you can follow me and you can send me

any questions you have any suggestions you have thank you so much again for

watching this video guys I'll see you next week bye

For more infomation >> STORY TIME: HOW WE WEANED OFF THE PACIFIER | MRS JIBRIL - Duration: 9:15.


Ariana Grande - Baby I - Duration: 3:17.

Ariana Grande - Baby I

Ariana Grande - Baby I

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande - Baby I - Duration: 3:17.


Ariana Grande - Right There ft. Big Sean - Duration: 4:06.

Ariana Grande - Right There ft. Big Sean

Ariana Grande - Right There ft. Big Sean

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande - Right There ft. Big Sean - Duration: 4:06.


DJANGO TUTORIAL 2.- User Authentication - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> DJANGO TUTORIAL 2.- User Authentication - Duration: 6:30.


Comment devenir plus discipliné ( Partie 2) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> Comment devenir plus discipliné ( Partie 2) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 8:19.


Crush Meets Up With Pharrell And Tyler, The Creator - Duration: 1:10.

Crush Meets Up With Pharrell And Tyler, The Creator

On January 20, Crush shared a photo of himself hanging out with Pharrell and Tyler, The Creator on Instagram.

Pharrell is a well-known global artist with multiple Grammy Awards, while Tyler, The Creator is a multi-talented rapper who is also actively promoting as a fashion designer, music video director, and more.

The photo shows Crush and his friend, producer Stay Tune, posing together with the two American musicians. Fans were quick to express their surprise at the photo, asking, Is this the second N. D?, Is this combination real?, and Crush, why are you there?.

Would you like to see a collaboration between Crush, Pharrell, and Tyler, The Creator?.

For more infomation >> Crush Meets Up With Pharrell And Tyler, The Creator - Duration: 1:10.


Ariana Grande - Honeymoon Avenue - Duration: 5:38.

Ariana Grande - Honeymoon Avenue

Ariana Grande - Honeymoon Avenue

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