Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 21 2018


Uh, can I help you?

Do you know de wae?

Huh? T-to where?

You do not know de wae.

I don't know the way to what? I work here.

You do not know de wae.

The way to what?

You do not know de wae!

The way to what??

You do not know de wae.

Knuckles, what are you talking about?

Do... you know... de wae?

Do... I know... de wae... to what?!

(angry clicking oh my god stop i'm scared)


Uh... I'm sorry...

I didn't know it was like that.

Uhh, yeah. "De wae." It's right over there.

HEHEHEH. Get a load of this guy!

(destructive burp) Ugh...

(clicks away merrily)

My honky! What's up, mayne???

Shut up, Knuckles.

(clicks into the scene like a badass)


My queen! There you are!

I have finally found you!

(panicking on the toilet. Good stuff)

(kawaii clicks)

(screams like a widdle bitch)

Why are you running away?

Alright, so... uh...

We've had some complaints about you, and, uh...

First of all, you're not really that funny.

And we kind of need to get you off the premise.

(clicks disapprovingly)

And whatever happened to your singing career?

I mean, I think people liked that a little bit more.

My brodahs! You know de wae. Assemble!

(an angry mob of Ugandan Knuckles show up. oh lawdy LAWD)

Heheheh! What're you guys gonna do?

Spit on him, brodahs!

(hocks loogie)

(they all beautifully hock loogies in unison)

Yeah, yeah. Spit's not so bad.

Jizz on him, brodahs!

(they yell with great anger in the background, and rightfully so)

Wait, what?!

(they attack him in a mob)

Who's got thumbs and has a problem with your attitude?!


(delivers the finishing blow)

Hey guys! Mugi here. Just a quick update:

I'd like to let you guys know that I'm still working on my co-owned weekly webcomic, Dino Dynamic.

Illustrated by me and written by Alex Avast who has voiced Zeena and Anne Frank in my cartoons

For those who are new to Dino Dynamic,

It's a weekly comedic slice-of-life webcomic featuring the dinosaurs of Manzul Island

and their many zany adventures.

There are tons of new comics so go check them out! The link is in the description.

Also a huge thanks to my good friend JessePajamas for the music.

And RecorderDude, also known as RecD, for being the primary voice of Ugandan Knuckles

He's an awesome musician too! A link to his newest original song is at the end of the video.

(clicks unexpectedly)

Comedy gold. I watch Rick and Morty. Very funny show.

My intellectual humor is from Rick and Morty.

For more infomation >> Sonic Meets Ugandan Knuckles - Duration: 2:44.


Japanese CULTURE SHOCK!! What surprises foreigners who come to Japan?! - Duration: 10:08.

It's so noisy inside and everybody smokes and it's a very special atmosphere.

-Ah, Pachinko! -Maybe.

I think yeah, that was really surprising.

The French girl behind you is very happy.

Hey guys, it's Cathy Cat! And today we are going to ask the culture shook again!

We're gonna ask the culture shock question to foreigners

who've come to Japan to find out what really surprised them, when they touched down in this country.

So let's go and ask, foreigners in Japan!

What surprised you the most in Japan? What made you go like, what!?!

Like something that, "we don't have that in France".

Anything that gave you...

Mario Kart in the streets!

Mario Kart!

Mario Karts on the streets. Yeah, definitely!

Where did you see that?

We've seen that at Shibuya this morning.

And also Yoyogi Park.

Close to Yoyogi park, the first day.

And it was so so so crazy! We would like to try also, but we don't have our...

international licenses, drivers license.


Maybe next time.

Can you explain it to people, what you actually mean with Mario Karts in the street?

It's just people of the Mario Kart game.

They are dressed up like, the same way the people are within the game.

And they're just drive the Karts in the city

and another thing which surprises is this game with all the small. How do you call?


You know, the video games with the very small balls

and it's so noisy inside and everybody smokes and it's a very special atmosphere.

-Ah, Pachinko! -Maybe.

It's like a kind of gambling in Japan.

Exactly, yeah.

The mood in general.

The mood in general in Japan.

Everything seems really cool

and you have a great atmosphere everywhere and...

the crew, the people everywhere. And...

And the lights!

And, I don't know. It's a big...

Big atmosphere here, it's very crowded.

Yeah, the airport the train station.

So big, confusing!

It's not as big back home?

No. Our train system is nothing like this here.

What's different?

Just those busy and less trains, isn't it?

Less. Yes, it's only much smaller.

The lack of English.

I've traveled all around the world

and that's what I found a bit of a challenge

is the lack of English.

And of course I'm in Japan so, I get that.

But the lack of English

I've found really, surprising.

Given so many, like we know a lot of Australians that come here are English, and...

So I just, yeah... That sort of shocked me that the language barrier has been so difficult for us.

The food.

Yes, the food. It was like so different from what I thought.

I was like, oh sushi!

But I'm like, Takoyaki. And I'm like, oh wow there's like, cooler stuff

and more yummier stuff.

And loads of food here, right?

The variety.

What surprised you?

More definitely the rules and the manners and everything.

The tricks, that's definitely it.

What surprised you personally the most when you came to Japan?

The crazy light, the crazy fashion, the crazy toilets?

What surprised to you the most?

Yeah, exactly! Crazy toilets!

Yes, only the crazy toilets. Because actually, we travel a lot, so...

I would think what's it, what is in the word. But yeah, toilets were like a surprise for me.

What surprised you the most?

Technology, and a lot of buttons too!

Did you try some of them out? Pushed some of the buttons?

Yes, yes.

I was funny.

We where just shopping for assets, just put

and you can also control their speeds.


Speed of the water.

Speed of the water, power of the water.

Anything else that surprised you in Japan?

Yes. It's certainly surprising that their rooms are too short.

-Too small, yeah. -So small, so small.

-But I love it. -You like it? -Yes.

It's very crowded.

Even if it was a Monday evening and a lots of people on the street walking, going to the restaurants.

So really...

It's alive, yeah. The city's alive.

So people live here like, from the morning till the night.

And, they're on the streets

and they're more outgoing, compared to Poland.

In Poland at 6pm, there's nobody on the street. So no people.

Here you can go at 1 a.m. and see crowds. Yeah, so it's very nice.


Mayo. They put mayo in everything.

-Oh, mayonnaise? -Yeah!

-It's French, mayonnaise is good! -NOOO!

That people don't smell.

At the end of the day nobody smells bad.

Yes. So I really like Japan for the smell.

Because there is no bad smell.

Yes. Everyone smells good, or not doesn't smell at all.

Yeah. Because in the trains in France in Paris, it smells very bad.

Like piss.

Sorry! Rude words!

But, it's horrible!

It's I think is the fact that Japan really loves France.

Like, I wasn't I wasn't aware of that.

But like, there's always...

For example, in here. There's like five...

Salon Crêpe!

There's like, ten crepe stores

and there's like a French thing everywhere.

I think yeah, that was really surprising.

The French girl behind you is very happy.

Also learned that apparently like, France loves Japan. So it's like the perfect love.

Here in Tokyo, there are so many different like

departments or there's so many different districts.

I thought it was really

amazing how you just shift from this the city like structures or high-rise buildings

and then suddenly you have something like a garden, and then you have something like a shrine.


And then you have little department stores of people that like

Have been here for at least. I don't know 50 years or something.

It's such a huge difference and such a big contrast.

I think it's very amazing.

The convenience.


I think yeah, maybe. I believe that they live in small houses

but everything is very convenient

and they make use of that space very well.

And maybe we are not used to that very much in China

because usually we have a larger space. Yeah.

So be convenient and space efficient?

Yes. Yes!

Okay, thank you so much. Those were all the questions!

Thank you!

So, culture shock!

A very very popular topic that we have here

and this time people we're not just only talking about the Japanese toilets.

Which always surprises people

also the crowds of people the large size of the train stations the amazing

punctuality of the trains and also being out and able to go out at night

Actually, Tokyo especially Tokyo and the bigger cities in Japan.

Oh my god! They never sleep!

The trains do actually stop quite early, which surprised me, in a certain way.

They're great, they're super on time. But they do stop quite early.

Around eleven, twelve is when you need to get your last trains.

But! Afterwards still, the city doesn't sleep. The convenience stores are open 24 hours.

Even at 3 O 'clock in the morning you can still go to nice ramen restaurant and have some really tasty ramen.

So seriously, the city never sleeps. Tokyo never sleeps.

I'm sure Osaka and all these cities. They don't sleep.

Obviously on the countryside, that's a different story.

Other things that people were surprised by is actually Pachinko. Which is a kind of

gambling thing, here in Japan.

It's not officially gambling because gambling is illegal.

But it's kind of laid away around.

Very very, very very rough environment wouldn't advise you to to just go there.

But if you wanted, like

if you curious about it, there are loads of game centers here in Japan

which are amazing, can if so much fun!

You can do everything from fighting games to taking pictures together to using crane games, love them!

Fantastic thing. I'm so glad they exist!

And Mario Kart. Yes, there's a big thing!

I think the company that actually does the Mario Kart thing is called Marie Karts

or very close.

But they didn't actually ask Nintendo for

like, you know, is it okay if we use your characters for this?

So there is, i think there's a bit of a lawsuit going on there

so hopefully when you come to Japan they still exist

otherwise not sure what's gonna happen with them.

But it's got actually kind of funny

because it's actually aimed at foreign tourists, who would like to do it.

Other culture shocks is some things that you take for granted in your country

might not exist here or might be very very expensive.

So for example, cottage cheese is one of the things that you can't find in every supermarket.

Free-range eggs is a thing you can't find in every super.

But so things, you'll think are just gonna be there

but they might not be there! So just be aware of that.

Especially when cooking is quite off hard, so we might have to chuck your cooking book away with the

ingredients that you know in your country and just get yourself another one here in Japan.


the Director just hid away behind the curtain, so yeah.

Oh! And people, what really surprised me

they're incredibly patient

and they're really really good for the rules and that's actually why the city works.

So stand in line when you line up for the train

do not cut in line, big thing!

Also. What surprised me the other day

I was at Disney, and people actually stood in line for 40 minutes

To get to the vending machines

because it was SO busy, there were so so many people

and that's the point when other people would have gone on the roof and gone like

how can we not like, get our space at the restaurant and at vending machines? (angry noise).


No one did that. Everyone was like, okay. You know, we're our big crowd. It's very hot today.

Can't be helped, okay?

Let's all just stand in line and see that we got our drinks. Very interesting.

So very very mannered.

Thinking very much about the social balance and making sure that everyone is okay.

Yeah, so that's a couple of things!

So what culture shocks can you add to the list that is now in the box below?

Leave us comments, looking forward to reading your comments and more culture shocks.

Hey, what's that? It doesn't go with my outfit.


Hey! I know you getting bored. I was talking too much, was I?

Okay, okay!

So! Wish you a lovely day. Catch you soon on Ask Japanese. Bye!

Stop it!


For more infomation >> Japanese CULTURE SHOCK!! What surprises foreigners who come to Japan?! - Duration: 10:08.


The Movement - Cool Me Down ❤️ (New Song 2018) - Duration: 4:13.

Purchase the new single "Cool Me Down" at

The sun is rising on an East coast morning and I'm driving.

To see the waves hit the sand on the shore so I can dive in.

Oh, yeah...

Road so hot, I can see the heat rising, man I'm sweatin.

You know I gotta get in.

Don't ya know I gotta get in the lovin ocean, c'mon.

Atlantic water come and cool me down.

Pull me under, spin me around now.

Atlantic water come and cool me down.

It's alright now, all is right now.

Ya come and cool me down in the morning.

Ya come and cool me down every night.

Oh, yeah...

The sun is setting on a west coast evening and I'm driving.

I see the path up ahead. I've been working, I've been striving.

Oh, yeah...

Life so rough, I've been stressing every day. You know I'm sweating.

You know I gotta get in.

Don't ya know I gotta get in the lovin ocean, c'mon.

Pacific water come and cool me down.

Pull me under, spin me around now.

Pacific water come and cool me down.

It's alright now, all is right now.

Ya come and cool me down in the morning.

Ya come and cool me down every night.

Oh, yeah...

Atlantic water come and cool me down.

Pull me under, spin me around now.

Pacific water come and cool me down.

It's alright now, all is right now.

Ya come and cool me down in the morning.

Ya come and cool me down every night.

Purchase the new single "Cool Me Down" at

For more infomation >> The Movement - Cool Me Down ❤️ (New Song 2018) - Duration: 4:13.


Toxi taxi - Los Redondos (L'etoile Disco, San Carlos, Santa Fe, 20-06-1992) CC - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Toxi taxi - Los Redondos (L'etoile Disco, San Carlos, Santa Fe, 20-06-1992) CC - Duration: 4:05.


Five Sneaky Things Narcissists Do To Take Advantage Of You - Duration: 12:12.

5 Sneaky Things Narcissists Do To Take Advantage Of You

Narcissists often use sneaky things in order to manipulate and taking advantage of people

around them.

If it's happening to you, then better to prepare everything before it can consume you even


In this video, I'm going to share with you 5 sneaky things narcissists do to take advantage

of you.

If you find this information is helpful to you,

make sure to like this video and subscribe to this channel, so you won't miss any of

our interesting updates in the future!

Posted by Shahida Arabi, the author of the book 'POWER: Surviving and Thriving After

Narcissistic Abuse', here are 5 sneaky things narcissists do to

take advantage of you:

Number 1.

The Idealization-Devaluation-Discard Phase

Narcissists and those with antisocial traits tend to subject romantic partners through

three phases within a relationship.

The idealization phase (which often happens most strongly during the early stages of dating

or a relationship) consists of putting you on a pedestal,

making you the center of his or her world, being in contact with you frequently, and

showering you with flattery and praise.

You are convinced that the narcissist can't live without you and that you've met your


Be wary of: constant texting, shallow flattery and wanting to be around you at all times.

This is a technique known as "love-bombing" and it is how most victims get sucked in:

they are flattered by the constant attention they get from the narcissist.

You may be fooled into thinking that this means a narcissist is truly interested in

you, when in fact, he or she is interested in making

you dependent on their constant praise and attention.

The devaluation phase is subsequent to this idealization phase, and this is when you're

left wondering why you were so abruptly thrust off the pedestal.

The narcissist will suddenly start to blow hot and cold, criticizing you, covertly and

overtly putting you down, comparing you to others, stonewalling you,

emotionally withdrawing from you and giving you the silent treatment when you've failed

to meet their extreme "standards."

Since the "hot" aspect of this phase relies on intermittent reinforcement in which the

narcissist gives you inconsistent spurts of the idealization phase throughout,

you become convinced that perhaps you are at fault and you can "control" the narcissist's


You are mislead into thinking that if you just learn not to be so "needy" or "clingy,"

the narcissist will reward you with the loving behavior he or she demonstrated in the beginning.

These are words that narcissists often use to demean victims when abuse victims mourn

the loss of the idealization phase or react normally to being provoked.

It's a way to maintain control over your legitimate emotional reactions to their stonewalling,

emotional withdrawal and inconsistency.

Unfortunately, it is during the devaluation phase that a narcissist's true self shows


You have to understand that the man or woman in the beginning of the relationship never

truly existed.

The true colors are only now beginning to show,

so it will be a struggle as you attempt to reconcile the image that the narcissist presented

to you with his or her current behavior.

Even though the narcissist can be quite possessive and jealous over you, since he or she views

you as an object and a source of narcissistic supply,

the narcissist is prone to projecting this behavior onto you.

The narcissist makes you seem like the needy one as you react to his or her withdrawal

and withholding patterns, even though the expectations of frequent contact

were established early on in the relationship by the narcissist himself.

During the discard phase, the narcissist abandons his or her victim in the most horrific,

demeaning way possible to convince the victim that he or she is worthless.

This could range from: leaving the victim for another lover, humiliating the victim

in public, blatantly ignoring the partner for a long period of time,

being physically aggressive and a whole range of other demeaning behaviors to communicate

to the victim that he or she is no longer important.

Although, "normal" relationships can end in a similar this manner as well,

the difference is that the narcissist often makes it clear he or she intends to hurt you

by giving you the silent treatment, spreading rumors about you,

cheating on you, insulting you and disrespecting you during the discard phase.

Unlike "normal" partners, they ensure that you never have closure, and if you decide

to leave them, they might decide to stalk you to show that they still have control.

Number 2.


While healthy relationships have room for respectful disagreement and consideration

of one's feelings, with the narcissist, gaslighting and constant

emotional invalidation become the norm.

Gaslighting is a technique abusers use to convince you that your perception of the abuse

is inaccurate.

During the devaluation and discard phases, the narcissist will often invalidate and criticize

your emotions, and displace any blame of his or her abuse

as your fault.

Frequent use of phrases such as, "You provoked me," "You're too sensitive," "I

never said that," or, "You're taking things too seriously" after the narcissists'

abusive outbursts are common and are used to gaslight you into thinking that the abuse

is indeed your fault or that it never even took place.

Narcissists are masters of making you doubt yourself and the abuse.

This is why victims so often suffer even after the ending of a relationship with a narcissist,

because the emotional invalidation they received from the narcissist made them feel powerless

in their agency and perceptions.

This self-doubt enables them to stay within abusive relationships even when it's clear

that the relationship is a toxic one, because they are led to mistrust their own

instincts and interpretations of events.

Number 3.

Smear campaigns.

Narcissists keep harems because they love to have their egos stroked,

they need constant validation from the outside world to confirm their grandiose sense of

self-importance, and fulfill their need for excessive admiration.

This is why they are clever chameleons who are also people-pleasers,

morphing into whatever personality suits them in situations with different types of people

to get what they want.

Beware of people who seem to shape-shift suddenly before your eyes into different personas,

this is a red flag that they are not authentic in their interactions with you and others.

It is no surprise, then, that the narcissist will probably begin a smear campaign against

you not too long after the discard phase, in order to paint you as the unstable one,

and that this is usually successful with the narcissist's support network which also

tends to consist of other narcissists, people-pleasers, empaths, as well as people

who are easily charmed.

This smear campaign is used to accomplish three things:

1) it depicts you as the abuser or unstable person and deflects your accusations of abuse;

2) it provokes you into responding, thus proving your instability to others when trying to

argue his or her depiction of you; 3) serves as a hoovering technique in which

the narcissist seeks to pull you back into the trauma of the relationship as you struggle

to reconcile the rumors about you with who you actually are by speaking out against the


The only way to not get pulled into this tactic is by going full No Contact with both the

narcissist and his or her harem.

Number 4.


Healthy relationships thrive on security; unhealthy ones are filled with provocation,

uncertainty and infidelity.

Narcissists like to manufacture love triangles and bring in the opinions of others to validate

their point of view.

They do this to an excessive extent in order to play puppeteer to your emotions.

In the book Psychopath Free by Peace, the method of triangulation is discussed as a

popular way the narcissist maintains control over your emotions.

Triangulation consists of bringing the presence of another person into the dynamic of the

relationship, whether it be an ex-lover, a current mistress,

a relative, or a complete stranger.

This triangulation can take place over social media, in person, or even through the narcissist's

own verbal accounts of the other woman or man.

The narcissist relies on jealousy as a powerful emotion that can cause you to compete for

his or her affections, so, provocative statements like, "I wish

you'd be more like her," or, "He wants me back into his life, I don't know what

to do", are designed to trigger the abuse victim into competing and feeling insecure

about his or her position in the narcissist's life.

Unlike healthy relationships where jealousy is communicated and dealt with in a productive

manner, the narcissist will belittle your feelings

and continue inappropriate flirtations and affairs without a second thought.

Triangulation is the way the narcissist maintains control and keeps you in check,

you're so busy competing for his or her attention that you're less likely to be

focusing on the red flags within the relationship, or looking for ways to get out of the relationship.

Number 5.

The false self and the true self.

The narcissist hides behind the armor of a "false self,"

a construct of qualities and traits that he or she usually presents to the outside world

to gain admiration and attention.

Due to this armor, you are unlikely to comprehend the full extent of a narcissist's inhumanity

and lack of empathy until you are in the discard phase.

This can make it difficult to pinpoint who the narcissistic abuser truly is, the sweet,

charming and seemingly remorseful person that appears shortly after the abuse,

or the abusive partner who ridicules, invalidates and belittles you on a daily basis?

You suffer a great deal of cognitive dissonance trying to reconcile the illusion the narcissist

first presented to you with the tormenting behaviors he or she subjects you to.

In order to cope with this cognitive dissonance, you might blame yourself for his or her abusive

behavior and attempt to "improve" yourself when you have done nothing wrong,

just to uphold your belief in the narcissist's false self during the devaluation phase.

During the discard phase, the narcissist reveals the true self and you get a glimpse of the

abuser that was lurking within all along.

You bear witness to his or her cold, callous indifference as you are discarded.

This is as close you will ever get to seeing the narcissist's true self.

The manipulative, conniving charm that existed in the beginning is no more, instead, it is

replaced by the genuine contempt that the narcissist felt for you all along.

See, narcissists don't truly feel empathy for others, so during the discard phase,

they often feel absolutely nothing for you except the excitement of having exhausted

another source of supply.

You were just another source of narcissistic supply, so do not fool yourself into thinking

that the magical connection that existed in the beginning was in any way real.

It was an illusion, much like the identity of the narcissist was an illusion.

It is time to pick up the pieces, go No Contact, heal, and move forward.

You were not only a victim of narcissistic abuse, but a survivor.

Owning this dual status as both victim and survivor permits you to own your agency after

the abuse and to live the life you were meant to lead,

one filled with self-care, self-love, respect, and compassion.

Well, that's the sneaky things narcissists do to take advantage of you.

Really cool information isn't it.

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Five Sneaky Things Narcissists Do To Take Advantage Of You - Duration: 12:12.


Reasons To LOVE & HATE Dragon Ball Super Episode 124 - Duration: 10:07.

all righty guys it is Qaaman here today and boy oh boy if you have not

seen Dragon Ball super episode 124 and you do not want to be spoiled I suggest

you leave now because this video will contain insane spoilers about the

torment of power so I'm gonna give you guys my warning and we're gonna continue

this conversation because boy oh boy there is a lot to talk about so now that

the warning is out of the way let's get this party started

so guys Gohan and dispo both loss and if you guys want me to be completely honest

with you I completely expected it to go this way if you guys remember I did a

livestream and for those who didn't tune in I did a livestream talking about what

do Gohan fans want out of the tournament of power and I gave my predictions as to

how Gohan was going to lose and I said to myself I could see Gohan lasting all

the way to the end with Goku or I could see Gohan fighting against an uber tear

character and going out with a bang by getting himself and that uber to your

character eliminated I originally predicted that that over tier character

was going to beat opal so I got the character wrong but the concept of what

I was expecting was right I said that Gohan was gonna go out taking an uber to

character with him we saw from this episode that this boat was even faster

than what we expected because not only was he giving hit problems with this

time-skip but he was also giving gold and Frieza problems so he's essentially

the perfect example of a glorified burner which is why I felt the dense

bull fight with Frieza was awesome and I'm gonna talk a little bit more that

later but talking about Gohan specifically guys Dohan lost and I think

that there are a lot of reasons as to why this episode should anger you and

why this episode should make you happy so I always like talking about the

positives first guys so let's talk about why you should be happy about this

episode well first of all all predictions aside Gohan went out like a

champ in the sense that although dispo is not as glorified as topo and jiren

have been in the torment of power because obviously those are the two

characters that everybody's looking forward to

I don't think you could really say defeating dispo in a fight is really

undercutting your character now yes I understand a lot of people don't care as

much about dispo as they do topo and jeering that's completely obvious and

discipline really didn't have a lot of development he was just the third

strongest guy of universe 11 because they just kind of left him around after

the hit fight so obviously there's not going to be that level of connection of

saying oh wow Gohan took out taupe or Gohan took out cheering like that's not

beer but he still took out one of the top of the top of the top of the top of

the top of the guise of the torment of power and I definitely think that that

is something that we should be happy for and also guys let's look at what Gohan

has done in the torment of power up until this point I don't think we can

say that Gohan didn't do anything did he do everything that we wanted to know and

I'm gonna talk about that in a second as to why this episode should anger you but

in terms of what Gohan did right I really enjoyed his moment with a booty

when Gohan had to defeat a character from universe 10 what a very similar

lifestyle to him with both a wife and a child that was one of the deepest

moments of Dragon Ball because Gohan is this loving good-hearted character and

he had to defeat another good character from what we presumed from oh boonie and

he had to defeat him in order for his universe to survive and in order for his

wife and child to survive so from that specific moment I definitely think Gohan

already had one of the best moments of the torment of power and then when you

couple this with the fight against universe 2 in universe 6

Gohan and piccolo did have a good time fighting against univer Universal six

namekians where piccolo had to defeat his own race and Gohan with a

simultaneous kamehameha with Goku had to put out both universe 2 and universe six

and Gohan was one of the key characters that led to the defeat of both universe

2 and 6 respectively so looking at it from that perspective you have a

character who had a deep moment you had a character who had multiple knockouts

in the tournament of power you had a character that was instrumental in

helping to defeat universe 11 because he took out one of the big characters that

was giving Frieza big time so from that perspective

loan I am happy with what they did with Gohan but I also have another side to

this coin guys and there's also reasons why I'm angry about this soap if I'm

gonna be completely honest with you guys what pissed me off about this would have

to be the fact that there was so much hype that was going up to Gohan and I

think that the expectations were not reached so in a way I'm satisfied with

the expectations but that doesn't mean that I'm happy with how they were

fulfilled looking at it from what we expected guys before the torment of

power we saw Gohan training with both piccolo Tian and Goku and we saw that

Gohan was talking about how he wants to get this new transformation that's going

to be even better than what Goku has and although as Dragon Ball fans we should

not expect other people other than Goku and Vegeta to get a major transformation

I still think it gave us a lot of hope and I think that when you look at all of

what Gohan fans have waited for and you guys know I'm being unbiased because

going on is my second favorite character in the series and being completely

honest with you guys I feel like the resurrection of f saga I feel like the

universe 6 tournament where Gahan was omitted I feel like the Zen exhibition

match where go Han you know went out in a similar fashion fighting against a

significantly weaker character and Levin de to prove that he's willing to fight

to the end I feel like all of that guys I feel like all of the build-up of

bringing Gohan back to fight because he was you know too busy you know working

at his his highly scholarly job and you know being a family man with both Fidel

and pan I felt like all of those moments just didn't add up guys I feel like

there was too much build-up for Gohan to be in the tournament of power and what

we got just didn't make the cut guys that's the one thing that pissed me off

and if I were to talk more specifically about moments I'm gonna be completely

honest with you I feel like the episode was kind of unnecessary with the way

that Frieza was having to defeat Gohan the same way

that piccolo had to defeat Goku and Raddatz at the same time when you go

back to that scene there are five members of universe seven that are

around now I understand that Frieza ran out of energy when he was trying to

tribe dispo with all of those energy beams and that was very interesting

you know sequence seeing that this boat was kind of trapped so his speed was

essentially useless but Gohan and 17 were fighting neck-and-neck with each

other in just the previous episode but all of a sudden it seems like everybody

else is kind of just absent and I understand that they're busy fighting

against hope one jeer and I completely see that but you mean to tell me for a

split second you were about to lose one of the top characters in the torment of

power and you have no interest in going over to at least assist in the very

least that you possibly can I like that Gohan went out like a champ and I like

that Gohan was willing to give his own spot in the tournament of power to take

out dispo because obviously if you do the math you have five characters from

universe 7 and you have three characters from universe 11 so if Gohan takes

himself out and you take out a member from universe 11 now you're kind of

shaping the odds even better in your favor so I understand that and I think

it was also so forced that you had to pick Frieza of all people to be the one

who was more than willing to blast Gohan out of the tournament of power like it

was like you couldn't have made Gohan go out like a champ in any other way you

had to make it the most devious character on universe 7 to take Gohan

out and I felt like it was like come on man like it didn't have to be such a

generic cliche I have to hold this bolt to take him out by the most evil villain

and Dragon Ball history that also happens to be my teammate it seems like

the writing was so carefully aligned that the stars said that Gohan tact had

to take out this bow and Frieza had to be the one to do it like it was just out

of place and it also felt like Dragon Ball super is like we gotta wrap this

series up in March we gotta take somebody else out let's take out Gohan

and if you guys want me to be completely honest with you I would've looked

more forward to seeing Gohan fighting against a character like jiren or topo

that would have been a lot better honestly and also if you wanted to make

a character expendable make Android 17 lose taking out this bolt or make Gohan

and 17 fight against this PO and you know 17 losses and go on survives and

I'm not trying to put Gohan above Android 17 but I just think that the the

build-up for Gohan was a lot higher than the build-up for 17 17 had two episodes

to recruit him and that was essentially it other than that we hadn't seen him in

years so he was just essentially just another strong guy that we needed for

the tournament of power but for Gohan this meant a lot more to both Gohan fans

and Dragon Ball fans and I definitely have mixed opinions about this episode

so with everything else said guys that has been my thoughts on Dragon Ball

super episode 124 in terms of my reaction with everything else said

please remember to rate comment and subscribe and remember as I always say

to have a great day guys and were you happy or angry about this episode I'll

be posting a pullet and seeing all of your thoughts

For more infomation >> Reasons To LOVE & HATE Dragon Ball Super Episode 124 - Duration: 10:07.



and action action how's it going YouTube welcome to Las Vegas Nevada I'm here

with none other than David Bracetty behind the camera and today I want to

talk about gym intimidation which by the way is the most common question and

topic I get every single day more than what's the best workout best nutrition

program how do I lose fat build muscle the most common question that I get

every single day is how do I overcome being intimidated at the gym how do I

stop worrying about what other people are thinking and before I even get into

like the fun stuff I want to preface by saying one very important thing don't

you ever ever let what someone might think of you stop you from doing what

you need to do to get healthy to lose fat to build muscle to achieve your

goals you should never let what someone might think or might judge get in the

way of you taking action to do what you want to do that is fucking insane when

you're 97 years old and lying in your bed wrinkly and stinky and pooping in

your diaper you're not gonna think wow I really I'm really glad I didn't go to

the gym because I thought really I was wondering what Joe f*ckstick was gonna

say about me when I was doing my deadlifts like don't ever do that not to

mention and here's really where we're gonna get in the thick of it no one

cares what you're doing no one cares most people are worrying about what

you're thinking about them most people are looking at you like oh my god like

what do they think like are they looking at me am i doing an exercise wrong do I

smell bad I forgot to wipe or I didn't wipe as well as I should have like everyone

is thinking what is the other one thinking about them and meanwhile

everyone just think about themselves they don't have time to be judging you

you don't have the time or the capacity to be worried about what what you're

thinking they're all like everyone's here just in themselves I'm in the

middle of a Las Vegas Strip filming a video a David Bracetty I have like

this weird hat I got an LA couple weeks ago no one cares

everyone is so focused on themselves it doesn't matter

don't ever worry about what anyone else is thinking about you and by the way

like if someone if someone is looking at you for like aside from the fact that

they're probably like daydreaming or not really just paying attention you can

always just say you know like hi like you're human being say hey how are ya or

you know you could like scratch your armpit and sniff it if you want to like

make something weird and funny but like don't worry about what's if someone's

looking at you if someone's being a creeper they're talking to you and like

you have your headphones in you're trying to work out if they're hitting on

you like you could always just say hey fuck off like you know a human being

just do whatever you need to do what you need to do and not worry about what

anyone else is doing or saying or thinking because number one they're

probably not really paying attention to at all and even if they are who gives a f*ck

go to the gym work out have fun say hello to people dance around make a joke

scream laugh dance around doesn't f*cking matter

go do you don't let anyone keep you from doing you need to do to achieve your

goals I love you I hope you liked the video give it a thumbs up if you do

leave a comment talk to you soon

For more infomation >> ARE YOU INTIMIDATED IN THE GYM? (WATCH THIS...MEOW!) - Duration: 3:23.


Pentagon: US Military On 'Stand By' For Nuclear War With North Korea - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Pentagon: US Military On 'Stand By' For Nuclear War With North Korea - Duration: 2:59.


BREAKING NEWS Out Of The FBI And DOJ - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS Out Of The FBI And DOJ - Duration: 3:05.


Patriots Fever Takes Over Foxboro - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Patriots Fever Takes Over Foxboro - Duration: 1:39.



For more infomation >> THE TEN VIRGINS - A NEW LOOK AT AN OLD PARABLE - Duration: 27:26.


BREAKING!! They Broke Federal Law!! TRUMP Just ORDERED Their ARREST!! - Duration: 30:00.


They Broke Federal Law!!


It's finally happening folks.

The lawlessness our nation has been facing is finally coming to an abrupt end thanks

to President Donald Trump and his administration!

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen confirmed today that her department has officially

asked federal prosecutors to do their job and look into the filling of criminal charges

against sanctuary cities and states that refuse to cooperate with federal deportation efforts

and Federal Laws.

This confirmation comes just days after the looney far-left state of California enacted

a new sanctuary law which went into effect on January first of this year.

The law severely restricts cooperation between state and federal governments, but of course,

it doesn't limit the help the federal government is forced to provide to California when their

disastrous extreme far-left ideals fail and they come calling.

So as our failure of an Attorney General Jeff Sessions hides in the back room, Nielson calls

these anarchist states and cities to task.

This unprecedented move follows the Justice Department issuing a stern final warning to

various sanctuary cities around the country.

These include Cook County, Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, New Orleans, Louisiana, New York,

New York and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania which are on the Justice Department's hit list

for failing to enforce federal immigration laws.

Via Fox New:

What are sanctuary cities and why are they so controversial in the illegal immigration


As the new year kicked off, California officially became a "sanctuary state" – a designation

that means the nation's most populous state will limit just how much local law enforcement

officials will cooperate with federal immigration authorities.

The law was signed by Gov. Jerry Brown in October but didn't go into effect until

Jan. 1.

It, in part, bars police from asking people about their immigration status or participating

in some federal immigration enforcement activities.

"These are uncertain times for undocumented Californians and their families, and this

bill strikes a balance that will protect public safety, while bringing a measure of comfort

to those families who are now living in fear every day," Brown said when he signed the

bill into law.

President Trump has promised to crack down on so-called sanctuary cities and signed an

executive order nearly one year ago that moved to strip federal grant money from cities that

"harbor" undocumented immigrations.

A federal judge permanently blocked in December as he said the Trump administration lacks

the authority to impose new conditions on spending that have already been approved by


He said Trump's executive order violated the Fifth and Tenth Amendments.

What are sanctuary cities?

While the exact specifications can vary, sanctuary city policies overall limit just how much

local law enforcement officials comply with federal immigration authorities.

San Francisco, for example, passed an ordinance in 1989 that prohibits city employees, funds

or resources from assisting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in enforcing federal

immigration law unless it's required by state or federal law.

It also passed an ordinance that limits when law enforcement officials can give ICE notice

that an immigrant has been released from a local jail and prohibits law enforcement officials

from cooperating with detainer requests from ICE.

Berkeley, near San Francisco, is reportedly the original sanctuary city.

It passed a resolution in 1971 that protected sailors who wanted to resist the Vietnam War.

It's difficult to nail down a concrete number of just how many cities are considered to

be a sanctuary for immigrants – some cities have an ordinance or policy in place; others

do not.

Aside from cities, five states – California, Oregon, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Vermont

– have enacted laws that limit how much police can contribute assistance to federal

immigration agents, according to the New York Times.

The Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) argues that counties – not just cities – should

establish sanctuary policies for undocumented immigrants.

How are they viewed?

The debate about sanctuary cities intensified in July 2015 when Katie Steinle, 32, was killed

as she strolled along the San Francisco waterfront with her father.

Steinle was fatally shot by a man with a criminal record who had slipped into the U.S. multiple

times illegally.

A California jury acquitted the man accused of shooting Steinle of the more serious charges,

including murder, involuntary manslaughter and assault with a deadly weapon.

Jose Ines Garcia Zarate was only convicted of being a felon in possession of a firearm.

While he is expected to be deported, the Justice Department is considering bringing federal

charges against him.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions addressed a roomful of federal prosecutors and law enforcement

officials last year and criticized cities, like Philadelphia, that are "giving sanctuary"

to criminals.

He asked them to "reconsider the harm they are doing to their residents."

ILRC argues that local law enforcement jurisdictions do not have a "legal obligation to assist

with civil immigration enforcement, which is the responsibility of the federal government."

"A local decision to offer resources to federal immigration enforcement authorities

is completely voluntary," the legal organization said in a 2016 report.

ILRC called Trump's threat to restrict federal funding of sanctuary cities "purely retaliatory

in motivation."

Many mayors of these cities have also bucked the threat and continued to affirm protection

for immigrants.

"We are not going to sacrifice a half-million people who live amongst us, who are part of

our communities, whose family members and loved ones happen to be people in many cases

who are either permanent residents or citizens," New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat,

said last year.

Illegal Alien Sanctuary Map

This is what we as Americans have been waiting for decades.

The lawlessness and the fact that our own government, the very government we pay for

dearly with our blood, sweat, and tears are finally being brought to the realization that

they work for We The People, not for every reject that decides they will have a better

life here in the states and takes it upon themselves to come into our nation to take

advantage of our kindness and generosity, which borders on insanity.

Let's hope California officials decide to fight this and end up in Federal Prison, now

that would be a great day for all American Citizens.

Please share if you want to see these lawless politicians

behind bars…

For more infomation >> BREAKING!! They Broke Federal Law!! TRUMP Just ORDERED Their ARREST!! - Duration: 30:00.


Justice With Judge Jeanine 01/20/18 9PM | January 20, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:08.

For more infomation >> Justice With Judge Jeanine 01/20/18 9PM | January 20, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:08.


Australia vs England Cricket Live ODI Match Streaming Today 21st January 2018 - Duration: 1:11.

Australia vs England Cricket Live ODI Match Streaming Today 21st January 2018

For more infomation >> Australia vs England Cricket Live ODI Match Streaming Today 21st January 2018 - Duration: 1:11.


Shop Update January 20 2018 - Duration: 6:36.

Hello and welcome to donald vlogsifys wood shop. I'm your host Donald Matthews also known as Donald Vlogsifys


many many many other names that are unmentionable here

This is just gonna be a shop update... the video for this week. uh...

Because I really haven't been able to get out here a whole lot.

We've had snow


I've been working quite a bit

And plus my roommate she's got a cold. I'm still trying to get over to one I had a couple of weeks ago

I've still got that cough and mess.


Things just have'nt come together as well as I wanted them to.


about all I got done is gluing these 2x4's up for that work bench and...

That's why.... I still got one more to go here. To be glued together and

That's why this is just an update because I mean unless you want another video of me just gluing wood together

it's not gonna be that exciting a video.

I do want to mention just for full disclosure? I guess you'd call it.

I'm loosely basing this workbench on

The one Paul Sellers is building. He's got a series going up. I'll put a link to them up here

The base of it... the bottom of it pretty much gonna be done the same way

he's doing his. The top is pretty much the same except. I'm not gonna be putting that bay or

well for the tools and stuff in the middle. I'm just gonna make it one flat piece across there. so...

Just some full disclosure. Check him out

Hey'll show you how to build a real work bench. ummm...

What else? uhh... in the next few days...

I got to glue this thing up down on the floor, so I'm not gonna be able to get to my saw

But hopefully the next couple of days

I'll get cutting some wedges and doing some segment turning.

Dave Gatton...

of garage worx cnc

Kinda sponsored me here. He's uhh... uhh... I guess you can say he's my new sponsor. He cut some wedges...

for my wedgie slid for me

And for that I'm very grateful

He's gonna be selling these for $40 a set, I believe

I'll put a link down in the description to his website

to the page with these on. And what these are...

is here on the wedgie sled....

They pre.... set....

The angles you need for cutting your wedgies.

Just push it down in there like that and your angle is preset for the wedges you need

You got.... let's see what he's sent me here.... 36 segments cut at a 10 degree angle,

And of course you can move these around and get different shapes you know in your


Got a twelve segments at a 30-degree angle,

24 segments at 45 degree angle, 20 segments at 18 degree angle and

16 segments at a twenty two point five degree angle

Dave, I'm very grateful, I'll get on that

Get these things cut and turn something from it very soon, I promise you. In the meantime check out his website...

The links below in the description this is his

Channel on here on YouTube, but check them out if you're interested in doing that

For your wedgie sled

There ya go. Dave's the man talk to. uh

What else

Other than that that's about it. I'm gonna glue this up get it set.

Probably be tomorrow before I get to anything else out here.

This is got kind of a bow to it, so I'm gonna have to.... uhh....

plane in the middle a little bit, so we'll get... I get this stuff done. I'll be back next week

Hopefully anyway

Thank you for watching, please give me a thumbs up share my videos.

Check out my Facebook Twitter Instagram those links are down below in the description um

Please subscribe if you're not already subscribed

Have a lovely day have a lovely night. Have a lovely week. Have a lovely whatever your lovelyin'....

Have a lovely life because life is short, and it's meant to be enjoyed


For more infomation >> Shop Update January 20 2018 - Duration: 6:36.


Dog Saves LI Woman From Danger - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Dog Saves LI Woman From Danger - Duration: 0:50.


Charlotte Hornets vs Miami Heat Full Game Highlights 20 January 2018 - Duration: 16:06.

For more infomation >> Charlotte Hornets vs Miami Heat Full Game Highlights 20 January 2018 - Duration: 16:06.



concealer please me and guess what you guys I can't

and then another huge I score you got a welcome back today we

have an amazing Dollar Tree haul featuring the items that we picked up

from our latest come with me to Dollar Tree trip if you guys want to check that

out it's in the description box as well as in the comments first up in the

bag I have some more Valentine's Day items and you guys on those are got

a for Christmas so I'm gonna deck it out with some super cute valentine's day finds

Dollar Tree of course I picked up some floral pieces some beautiful pink colors

like these right here I think these are tulips

oh no they're roses and I guess these are roses too with little sequin hearts

and then this right here I'm thinking the put a nice little flower pot or vase

actually so with these beautiful pink roses that I got from Dollar Tree I'm

gonna make a wreath using this it's just a foam heart and I was thinking about

doing this for the front door I also picked up some red roses Dollar Tree

I grabbed I think six of these I just love how they hang over and they

look just really magical don't they looks like some type of little or

something at this Dollar Tree I found some really nice kid toys like brand

name stuff little mystery packs so you guys know I was excited in there if you

haven't checked out that come with me in a Dollar Tree video you have to you're

missing out next up I have some super cute things for and this

right here I think it's gonna look a really cute hanging from the front off

the top part it just says welcome with little hearts this is one of the reasons

why I really love a Dollar Tree because you don't have to spend a lot of money

to do little projects like decorating a

for Valentine's they grab some kitchen towels for the kitchen because I

just wanted to do like a little small accents of Valentine's Day at this

Dollar Tree brand name and amazing selection of a which is a brand name hair

accessory company I'm sure they make other stuff as well but check out this

3 pack headband set or whatever you want to call it wanna tell you guys this is

like a score you guys know I love wearing some headbands

another brand name item is this clip so I guess you slide your hair

through this loop and then you sort of it in place with the comb

and then I also picked up this one right here is the exact same thing and just a

different color these little items are super nice to have on hand for yourself

or if you're like me you have like a little gift basket closet and I was

thinking about showing you guys how I organized all of the Dollar Tree items

that I keep because you all know that I donate a lot and I give a lot to watch

your friends and family and then another huge find at this Dollar Tree was the

sleek and I know I've seen this brand name of somewhere before

they had three different brushes so this one right here is the like the

style boar bristle boar bristle brush and it's an it's this firm but it does

have some softness to it so I picked this up for Papa Bear and then I'll show

you guys the other two when I stumbled upon them but the next one two three

four five six I think six eight six things it's something that I've never

seen it three before it's surprise they're

collectible mystery charm bags you guys you can collect lip gloss lip balm

shimmer charm surprises them or just reading off the pack I cannot wait to

open these up for you guys because I'm going to do another Dollar Tree toy

unboxing video moving away from the Dollar Tree toys really please how

amazing is this picture frame tell me this is not something you can find it

like Hobby Lobby or even Marshalls and these are absolutely gorgeous and

they have a little bit of weight to them but they're still light enough that you

can hang on a wall or something no we're not opening these right now we're gonna

do it later next moving back to some toys this is another huge score you guys

I found charm you yes you guys you can collect over

60 of these charms looked at the chance because you can see that you get three

here and then you get a mystery one in the backpack I know that I picked up all

different ones so I'm really excited to find out what the mystery one is going

to be and of course I'll feature this in my next Dollar Tree toy unboxing video

so make sure you subscribe if you're into this sort of thing or if you have

kids because I always give away stuff in those type of videos you were talking

you want to show them that one oh you can see that you can make cute little

bracelets like this and of these are good to keep if you're into this

sort of thing or to giveaway to bring family or complete and guess

what you guys I found more mini mixes at Dollar Tree found more to pack mini

mixes from Dollar Tree oh my goodness I'm so excited I picked up one two three

four five six it's hiding in here somewhere

I'm like super excited to open those for you guys anyway moving on to the next

big amazing score I have not seen these since we watch the Dollar Tree in San

Antonio Texas who remembers that video Beauty benefits makeup is back Dollar Tree and my Dollar Tree has a full display if you guys are new I'm doing a

Dollar Tree makeup challenge video for Valentine's Day so I'm gonna do a big

Dollar Tree makeup call for that so I'm just gonna quickly show you some of the

makeup from the Beauty benefits line I picked up a ton you guys usually

comments about why are you buying so much stuff and

just take a minute to realize that this is my youtube channel this is what I've

decided to do to help consumers see what's available at Dollar Tree another

discount so okay first thing up we have this eyeliner pencil right here which is

going to come in handy for maybe brows and

I have this eye shadow here and evening I like to stick with some

really nice neutral colors and then I have this lip gloss right here we have a

blush they has so many so many color options you guys you have to check out

that come with me videos I have another lip gloss right here I have this a

beautiful cosmetics brush pack and I really like the pattern on here found

some new socks and taller tree these are ankle socks and they remind me

of like the athletic socks by the way I'm still waiting on one of my

Dollar Tree toy unboxing haul video winners okay one of you all

we're still waiting on you okay so in this next bag we have this super few

little pouch which says treat yourself another vintage style hat this one is

made really well you guys made in you put them over your

alright like we have some more charm you collectibles I was just so excited I'm

these guys I have this cute a little ponytail holder for sorry thank you

I found this beauty a sponge from Dollar Tree and I probably will be using this

for the make up challenge either this or the wedges that they sell I found some

really cool stamps in there some wooden stamps and the section with the stickers

have some more of these a surprise mystery charm packs looks like I have

three of them and this a I have my favorite makeup wipes love these things

another score I can't even get it out look at this beautiful braided

headband you guys $1 these things are like five to seven dollars at Target CVS

Walgreens all that stuff but you guys in that come with me to Dollar Tree video

okay you can give how cute are these a little flowerpot accessories

does the other brush that I was telling you about and have one more hiding

somewhere another score the same sort of braided headband but this

one isn't a beautiful and a cream color looks like we have another

mystery pack as well as another charm you collectible I have some more

makeup from Beauty benefit and another cute another cute flowerpot a little

accessory this one is a turtle I found some new stickers and these stayed that

they can be used on your cell phone cases so I was really excited about that

some more makeup and guess what you guys I found a new makeup okay so all of this

is technically new but this one is really new this is a stick from

LA Colors in a I have never purchased this before and I

don't think I've seen this in any dollar trees before it and I also picked up

this other one in medium right here you okay no you're not okay yeah the makeup

oh if you've tried these la color contour sticks as concealer please

me let me know in the comments so you can help out other people and then I

found this I've never seen this before it's metal nail art super

cute right paint heads because you guys know she has a little

activity now that she got for Christmas and these fit perfectly

perfectly in and then she also has another one like

an art pad it's all the way over there but it's like construction paper this is

more like a slightly gloss paper speaking of crafty items you guys

another amazing score I found that Dollar Tree at this last Dollar Tree

trip all of this stuff is from that one Dollar Tree okay it's the big one and

Victorville California I found Apple Barrel paint this stuff is

like 179 when not on sale to $2 to 49 and Hobby Lobby and Michaels I picked up

all the colors that I thought I might need went back to some makeup this is

all so new to me we have some LA Colors conceal correct products over here they

had some other colors but I got there too late so anyway I picked up this

lavender colored one and each color is supposed to target a specific area so I

think green is to redness orange is for dark spots and yellow is for

brightening all their good stuff you have a bunny lip lacquer one of

you all sent Bonnie Bell smells for six dollars oh my goodness

here's the last brush right here then the last thing in the bag is another

ponytail holder this one is any beautiful gold and cream cut out these

beautiful wood wall decor pieces this is probably my favorite one you are

my sunshine it just reminds me of the beach and I just love the full I

don't know where this is going but it's going somewhere they had some other ones

at Dollar Tree and of course I shared that with you in the video so on

over to check it out but these are the two that I picked up thank you very much

alright last big bags have some more beautiful flowers we have some more

stickers the ones that you can use for yourself

I found this armband I'm not gonna use this an armband and I'll show you

guys what I use it for when I show you guys my fitness videos featuring lots of

dollars and stuff we have some more charm collectibles I cannot wait to open

these especially the charm use I grab this little sketch board

and I'm about to give it to her right now looks like I have a tool or

mini mixis packs and then I just have some of this floral wire and then I have

tons of Beauty benefits makeup in here oh that's where the lip pencil came from

feel like a burgundy and like a true red lip pencil and then this is lip gloss

mascara another eyeshadow palette another lip gloss a a bronzer

could be a blush for some people and I have this foundation of pressed powder

and oat and one more set in acrylic paint this one is just in have

another stamp a little cupcake ladybugs plant little accessory piece ladybugs

and this that I don't remember putting here in my car so anyway Papa

bear's coming home he's been gone for 24 hours so we're excited to have him back

and that's my Dollar Tree haul I hope you guys enjoyed give it a big thumbs up

don't forget to subscribe of course and check out my Dollar Tree hauls and come

with me to Dollar Tree videos I opened up you guys his friends and family mail

in my last video so you have to check that one as well

say bye bye we love you guys so much take care bye

hello can we get started with the dollar tree no

okay show it to him tell it what it is so I charm you collectibles help me put

everything back in the bag it's right here there you go

For more infomation >> AMAZING DOLLAR TREE HAUL! NEW FINDS! BRAND NAMES! - Duration: 15:17.


Appliance Repair Meridian ID 208-573-0196 Appliance Repair Meridian ID - Duration: 1:31.

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For more infomation >> Appliance Repair Meridian ID 208-573-0196 Appliance Repair Meridian ID - Duration: 1:31.


BUT NOT FOR ME (Ira & George Gershwin ), by Ben Besekov, Martin Roy & Fog-Nielsen - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> BUT NOT FOR ME (Ira & George Gershwin ), by Ben Besekov, Martin Roy & Fog-Nielsen - Duration: 8:31.


歷經5代終於國產,豐田新款轎車聯手凱美瑞打壓本田,銳志繼任者 - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> 歷經5代終於國產,豐田新款轎車聯手凱美瑞打壓本田,銳志繼任者 - Duration: 2:09.


iPhone X - A New Light

For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


Sonic Meets Ugandan Knuckles - Duration: 2:44.


Uh, can I help you?

Do you know de wae?

Huh? T-to where?

You do not know de wae.

I don't know the way to what? I work here.

You do not know de wae.

The way to what?

You do not know de wae!

The way to what??

You do not know de wae.

Knuckles, what are you talking about?

Do... you know... de wae?

Do... I know... de wae... to what?!

(angry clicking oh my god stop i'm scared)


Uh... I'm sorry...

I didn't know it was like that.

Uhh, yeah. "De wae." It's right over there.

HEHEHEH. Get a load of this guy!

(destructive burp) Ugh...

(clicks away merrily)

My honky! What's up, mayne???

Shut up, Knuckles.

(clicks into the scene like a badass)


My queen! There you are!

I have finally found you!

(panicking on the toilet. Good stuff)

(kawaii clicks)

(screams like a widdle bitch)

Why are you running away?

Alright, so... uh...

We've had some complaints about you, and, uh...

First of all, you're not really that funny.

And we kind of need to get you off the premise.

(clicks disapprovingly)

And whatever happened to your singing career?

I mean, I think people liked that a little bit more.

My brodahs! You know de wae. Assemble!

(an angry mob of Ugandan Knuckles show up. oh lawdy LAWD)

Heheheh! What're you guys gonna do?

Spit on him, brodahs!

(hocks loogie)

(they all beautifully hock loogies in unison)

Yeah, yeah. Spit's not so bad.

Jizz on him, brodahs!

(they yell with great anger in the background, and rightfully so)

Wait, what?!

(they attack him in a mob)

Who's got thumbs and has a problem with your attitude?!


(delivers the finishing blow)

Hey guys! Mugi here. Just a quick update:

I'd like to let you guys know that I'm still working on my co-owned weekly webcomic, Dino Dynamic.

Illustrated by me and written by Alex Avast who has voiced Zeena and Anne Frank in my cartoons

For those who are new to Dino Dynamic,

It's a weekly comedic slice-of-life webcomic featuring the dinosaurs of Manzul Island

and their many zany adventures.

There are tons of new comics so go check them out! The link is in the description.

Also a huge thanks to my good friend JessePajamas for the music.

And RecorderDude, also known as RecD, for being the primary voice of Ugandan Knuckles

He's an awesome musician too! A link to his newest original song is at the end of the video.

(clicks unexpectedly)

Comedy gold. I watch Rick and Morty. Very funny show.

My intellectual humor is from Rick and Morty.

For more infomation >> Sonic Meets Ugandan Knuckles - Duration: 2:44.


For more infomation >> Sonic Meets Ugandan Knuckles - Duration: 2:44.


Pentagon: US Military On 'Stand By' For Nuclear War With North Korea - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Pentagon: US Military On 'Stand By' For Nuclear War With North Korea - Duration: 2:59.


For more infomation >> Pentagon: US Military On 'Stand By' For Nuclear War With North Korea - Duration: 2:59.


Trump: Make America Fat Again! - Duration: 6:47.



















































































































For more infomation >> Trump: Make America Fat Again! - Duration: 6:47.


For more infomation >> Trump: Make America Fat Again! - Duration: 6:47.


Bryson Tiller x Drake - Heartb...

For more infomation >> Bryson Tiller x Drake - Heartb...



and action action how's it going YouTube welcome to Las Vegas Nevada I'm here

with none other than David Bracetty behind the camera and today I want to

talk about gym intimidation which by the way is the most common question and

topic I get every single day more than what's the best workout best nutrition

program how do I lose fat build muscle the most common question that I get

every single day is how do I overcome being intimidated at the gym how do I

stop worrying about what other people are thinking and before I even get into

like the fun stuff I want to preface by saying one very important thing don't

you ever ever let what someone might think of you stop you from doing what

you need to do to get healthy to lose fat to build muscle to achieve your

goals you should never let what someone might think or might judge get in the

way of you taking action to do what you want to do that is fucking insane when

you're 97 years old and lying in your bed wrinkly and stinky and pooping in

your diaper you're not gonna think wow I really I'm really glad I didn't go to

the gym because I thought really I was wondering what Joe f*ckstick was gonna

say about me when I was doing my deadlifts like don't ever do that not to

mention and here's really where we're gonna get in the thick of it no one

cares what you're doing no one cares most people are worrying about what

you're thinking about them most people are looking at you like oh my god like

what do they think like are they looking at me am i doing an exercise wrong do I

smell bad I forgot to wipe or I didn't wipe as well as I should have like everyone

is thinking what is the other one thinking about them and meanwhile

everyone just think about themselves they don't have time to be judging you

you don't have the time or the capacity to be worried about what what you're

thinking they're all like everyone's here just in themselves I'm in the

middle of a Las Vegas Strip filming a video a David Bracetty I have like

this weird hat I got an LA couple weeks ago no one cares

everyone is so focused on themselves it doesn't matter

don't ever worry about what anyone else is thinking about you and by the way

like if someone if someone is looking at you for like aside from the fact that

they're probably like daydreaming or not really just paying attention you can

always just say you know like hi like you're human being say hey how are ya or

you know you could like scratch your armpit and sniff it if you want to like

make something weird and funny but like don't worry about what's if someone's

looking at you if someone's being a creeper they're talking to you and like

you have your headphones in you're trying to work out if they're hitting on

you like you could always just say hey fuck off like you know a human being

just do whatever you need to do what you need to do and not worry about what

anyone else is doing or saying or thinking because number one they're

probably not really paying attention to at all and even if they are who gives a f*ck

go to the gym work out have fun say hello to people dance around make a joke

scream laugh dance around doesn't f*cking matter

go do you don't let anyone keep you from doing you need to do to achieve your

goals I love you I hope you liked the video give it a thumbs up if you do

leave a comment talk to you soon

For more infomation >> ARE YOU INTIMIDATED IN THE GYM? (WATCH THIS...MEOW!) - Duration: 3:23.



concealer please me and guess what you guys I can't

and then another huge I score you got a welcome back today we

have an amazing Dollar Tree haul featuring the items that we picked up

from our latest come with me to Dollar Tree trip if you guys want to check that

out it's in the description box as well as in the comments first up in the

bag I have some more Valentine's Day items and you guys on those are got

a for Christmas so I'm gonna deck it out with some super cute valentine's day finds

Dollar Tree of course I picked up some floral pieces some beautiful pink colors

like these right here I think these are tulips

oh no they're roses and I guess these are roses too with little sequin hearts

and then this right here I'm thinking the put a nice little flower pot or vase

actually so with these beautiful pink roses that I got from Dollar Tree I'm

gonna make a wreath using this it's just a foam heart and I was thinking about

doing this for the front door I also picked up some red roses Dollar Tree

I grabbed I think six of these I just love how they hang over and they

look just really magical don't they looks like some type of little or

something at this Dollar Tree I found some really nice kid toys like brand

name stuff little mystery packs so you guys know I was excited in there if you

haven't checked out that come with me in a Dollar Tree video you have to you're

missing out next up I have some super cute things for and this

right here I think it's gonna look a really cute hanging from the front off

the top part it just says welcome with little hearts this is one of the reasons

why I really love a Dollar Tree because you don't have to spend a lot of money

to do little projects like decorating a

for Valentine's they grab some kitchen towels for the kitchen because I

just wanted to do like a little small accents of Valentine's Day at this

Dollar Tree brand name and amazing selection of a which is a brand name hair

accessory company I'm sure they make other stuff as well but check out this

3 pack headband set or whatever you want to call it wanna tell you guys this is

like a score you guys know I love wearing some headbands

another brand name item is this clip so I guess you slide your hair

through this loop and then you sort of it in place with the comb

and then I also picked up this one right here is the exact same thing and just a

different color these little items are super nice to have on hand for yourself

or if you're like me you have like a little gift basket closet and I was

thinking about showing you guys how I organized all of the Dollar Tree items

that I keep because you all know that I donate a lot and I give a lot to watch

your friends and family and then another huge find at this Dollar Tree was the

sleek and I know I've seen this brand name of somewhere before

they had three different brushes so this one right here is the like the

style boar bristle boar bristle brush and it's an it's this firm but it does

have some softness to it so I picked this up for Papa Bear and then I'll show

you guys the other two when I stumbled upon them but the next one two three

four five six I think six eight six things it's something that I've never

seen it three before it's surprise they're

collectible mystery charm bags you guys you can collect lip gloss lip balm

shimmer charm surprises them or just reading off the pack I cannot wait to

open these up for you guys because I'm going to do another Dollar Tree toy

unboxing video moving away from the Dollar Tree toys really please how

amazing is this picture frame tell me this is not something you can find it

like Hobby Lobby or even Marshalls and these are absolutely gorgeous and

they have a little bit of weight to them but they're still light enough that you

can hang on a wall or something no we're not opening these right now we're gonna

do it later next moving back to some toys this is another huge score you guys

I found charm you yes you guys you can collect over

60 of these charms looked at the chance because you can see that you get three

here and then you get a mystery one in the backpack I know that I picked up all

different ones so I'm really excited to find out what the mystery one is going

to be and of course I'll feature this in my next Dollar Tree toy unboxing video

so make sure you subscribe if you're into this sort of thing or if you have

kids because I always give away stuff in those type of videos you were talking

you want to show them that one oh you can see that you can make cute little

bracelets like this and of these are good to keep if you're into this

sort of thing or to giveaway to bring family or complete and guess

what you guys I found more mini mixes at Dollar Tree found more to pack mini

mixes from Dollar Tree oh my goodness I'm so excited I picked up one two three

four five six it's hiding in here somewhere

I'm like super excited to open those for you guys anyway moving on to the next

big amazing score I have not seen these since we watch the Dollar Tree in San

Antonio Texas who remembers that video Beauty benefits makeup is back Dollar Tree and my Dollar Tree has a full display if you guys are new I'm doing a

Dollar Tree makeup challenge video for Valentine's Day so I'm gonna do a big

Dollar Tree makeup call for that so I'm just gonna quickly show you some of the

makeup from the Beauty benefits line I picked up a ton you guys usually

comments about why are you buying so much stuff and

just take a minute to realize that this is my youtube channel this is what I've

decided to do to help consumers see what's available at Dollar Tree another

discount so okay first thing up we have this eyeliner pencil right here which is

going to come in handy for maybe brows and

I have this eye shadow here and evening I like to stick with some

really nice neutral colors and then I have this lip gloss right here we have a

blush they has so many so many color options you guys you have to check out

that come with me videos I have another lip gloss right here I have this a

beautiful cosmetics brush pack and I really like the pattern on here found

some new socks and taller tree these are ankle socks and they remind me

of like the athletic socks by the way I'm still waiting on one of my

Dollar Tree toy unboxing haul video winners okay one of you all

we're still waiting on you okay so in this next bag we have this super few

little pouch which says treat yourself another vintage style hat this one is

made really well you guys made in you put them over your

alright like we have some more charm you collectibles I was just so excited I'm

these guys I have this cute a little ponytail holder for sorry thank you

I found this beauty a sponge from Dollar Tree and I probably will be using this

for the make up challenge either this or the wedges that they sell I found some

really cool stamps in there some wooden stamps and the section with the stickers

have some more of these a surprise mystery charm packs looks like I have

three of them and this a I have my favorite makeup wipes love these things

another score I can't even get it out look at this beautiful braided

headband you guys $1 these things are like five to seven dollars at Target CVS

Walgreens all that stuff but you guys in that come with me to Dollar Tree video

okay you can give how cute are these a little flowerpot accessories

does the other brush that I was telling you about and have one more hiding

somewhere another score the same sort of braided headband but this

one isn't a beautiful and a cream color looks like we have another

mystery pack as well as another charm you collectible I have some more

makeup from Beauty benefit and another cute another cute flowerpot a little

accessory this one is a turtle I found some new stickers and these stayed that

they can be used on your cell phone cases so I was really excited about that

some more makeup and guess what you guys I found a new makeup okay so all of this

is technically new but this one is really new this is a stick from

LA Colors in a I have never purchased this before and I

don't think I've seen this in any dollar trees before it and I also picked up

this other one in medium right here you okay no you're not okay yeah the makeup

oh if you've tried these la color contour sticks as concealer please

me let me know in the comments so you can help out other people and then I

found this I've never seen this before it's metal nail art super

cute right paint heads because you guys know she has a little

activity now that she got for Christmas and these fit perfectly

perfectly in and then she also has another one like

an art pad it's all the way over there but it's like construction paper this is

more like a slightly gloss paper speaking of crafty items you guys

another amazing score I found that Dollar Tree at this last Dollar Tree

trip all of this stuff is from that one Dollar Tree okay it's the big one and

Victorville California I found Apple Barrel paint this stuff is

like 179 when not on sale to $2 to 49 and Hobby Lobby and Michaels I picked up

all the colors that I thought I might need went back to some makeup this is

all so new to me we have some LA Colors conceal correct products over here they

had some other colors but I got there too late so anyway I picked up this

lavender colored one and each color is supposed to target a specific area so I

think green is to redness orange is for dark spots and yellow is for

brightening all their good stuff you have a bunny lip lacquer one of

you all sent Bonnie Bell smells for six dollars oh my goodness

here's the last brush right here then the last thing in the bag is another

ponytail holder this one is any beautiful gold and cream cut out these

beautiful wood wall decor pieces this is probably my favorite one you are

my sunshine it just reminds me of the beach and I just love the full I

don't know where this is going but it's going somewhere they had some other ones

at Dollar Tree and of course I shared that with you in the video so on

over to check it out but these are the two that I picked up thank you very much

alright last big bags have some more beautiful flowers we have some more

stickers the ones that you can use for yourself

I found this armband I'm not gonna use this an armband and I'll show you

guys what I use it for when I show you guys my fitness videos featuring lots of

dollars and stuff we have some more charm collectibles I cannot wait to open

these especially the charm use I grab this little sketch board

and I'm about to give it to her right now looks like I have a tool or

mini mixis packs and then I just have some of this floral wire and then I have

tons of Beauty benefits makeup in here oh that's where the lip pencil came from

feel like a burgundy and like a true red lip pencil and then this is lip gloss

mascara another eyeshadow palette another lip gloss a a bronzer

could be a blush for some people and I have this foundation of pressed powder

and oat and one more set in acrylic paint this one is just in have

another stamp a little cupcake ladybugs plant little accessory piece ladybugs

and this that I don't remember putting here in my car so anyway Papa

bear's coming home he's been gone for 24 hours so we're excited to have him back

and that's my Dollar Tree haul I hope you guys enjoyed give it a big thumbs up

don't forget to subscribe of course and check out my Dollar Tree hauls and come

with me to Dollar Tree videos I opened up you guys his friends and family mail

in my last video so you have to check that one as well

say bye bye we love you guys so much take care bye

hello can we get started with the dollar tree no

okay show it to him tell it what it is so I charm you collectibles help me put

everything back in the bag it's right here there you go

For more infomation >> AMAZING DOLLAR TREE HAUL! NEW FINDS! BRAND NAMES! - Duration: 15:17.


So Sorry. - Duration: 0:06.

**in a creepy alley**



**fake ghost appears**

For more infomation >> So Sorry. - Duration: 0:06.


Cookie Lord Plays- Escape Game: Lost Cat Story - Duration: 29:12.

Hello I'm Sam the Cookie Lord!

And I'm playing this game that I found called Escape Game: Lost Cat


It looks really cute so I'm gonna try

I've never played this before I just saw it on google play store and thought

it would be cute

Sooo... Am I the cat?

So adorable

It jumped into a truck and it fell asleep

And the truck drove away. I think. Is that what's happening?

Aw poor cat it's lost :(

This feels like Warriors now

Aww so ciut owo

"Swipe around and look 360 degrees, look around and find out a variety of things"

"Tap to get item. Touch if you find something."

"You can see the collected files by tapping this."

"If you meet the conditions you can advance the time zone."

"Once advanced, it can not be restored."

"Advance the time after checking that there is nothing left to do."


So I guess I'm looking around then.

There's people

There's this thing

I probably should've checked the instructions more carefully

I just read them *insert me deciding to just play the game here*

Nothing to do with the vending machine?

All right. Oh and now I can touch the vending machine

Okay, let's see... there's people over there. Oh this woman needs a key

*Forgets that the word Escape is in the title of the game lol*

Anything to do here? No?

There's a dog picture over there

This dog won't let me through


Anything to do here??? nope lol

Wait okay, I think I need to do the vending machine colors, okay, so


Green, blue, yellow..? Let's try that: green, blue, yellow

Green, blue, yellow, red? Is that it? No?

Don't think it did anything. Okay, how about blue, red, yellow, green let's do that

Blue, red, yellow, green

Did it do anything?

I don't think anything has changed. Okay, I'll look at that vending machine again

Okay um

Blue, red, yellow, green... Is that not what I have to do? Blue, red, yellow, green?

Maybe it did something but I just didn't see, lemme check

There's nothing over there

The dog still won't let me through

I can look at the side for some reason


Maybe..... *le thinking*

Maybe you have to do... *still thinking*

I don't know (Rip)

Let's try- well, I'm gonna try a green yellow, red, blue

Let's just try any combination see if anything works

Nothing's working let me get a hint

The order of buttons, people who..... Overflowing... Groan dog

*My brother loudly watching YouTube in the background*

Overflowing garbage cans

The order of the buttons of the flowerpot is related to the number of cans of the vending machine

*thinking intensifies*

*le realization*

Okay, so first it's red... So red, green, blue, yellow. Okay, I got it

Red, green, blue, yellow. I got the key :D

K I'm gonna give you the key

Yay, you got a key! Anything to do with the dog?

Anything else oh so garbage is gone

Okay, I can go to the uncle's house now. Hello there lady

There's a cat and a lock combination

There's stuff on the hole oh I got something

Do you need this? Do you need this??

I got a file


So this must be my grandmother? Uncle? (Uncle? XD)

She's asking stuff oh, and she's gone. Anything else I can click?

She must be a real cat lady look at all these cats


I don't see anything else I can do other than this combination

Don't really see any numbers in here

Um (I say um a lot lol)

Can't really click anything else. Hints?... Something about a baseball. I think.

Okay, I'll go back to the alley maybe she'll be there

Oh, there she is. Hello there lady. Anything else I can do here?

Still won't let me through

Oh now I can look at this

Oh okay, so

There's three flowers, *counts* six leaves *more counting* Okay so that means two (lol silly me its three),

six, five?

Let's try that two, six, five. Where's the house?


Two..... six..... five.....

Is that.. the answer? (no because it's three lol)

Or, maybe it's the leaves on the wall. *counts* No... I don't think it should be...


Have a let's try five, six, two.

Oh nevermind. I somehow got it. Okay.

Guess it was just really laggy. Oh now. I can use it for the dog and the dog will go away

Yeah to the bus stop, let's go

This person won't let me pass and they want a shovel

There's stuff here. File get, a book :0

There's a poster nothing else really. Anything here?

It's gotta have something to do with this then.

Items that kids want. Okay, he wants a

Shovel looking thing. Where would I find a shovel? Okay. Let me check the alleyway. Let me see if there's a shovel somewhere here

Do you have a- Oh, sorry lady. I knocked her over whoopsie daisy

There's no way I can help you?

Well uh whoops. You've got that.

Sorry there. Um, anything else I can do? Or is that it?

Is there anything back at the house I can do?

No, it's just uh- Oh, now there's something. It must have to do with the amount of kittens


Okay gonna have to go back then to the bus stop

No, that's the house um the bus stop is this way


So there's uh two tabbies three- uh, are these tabbys? Um

I'll just call them stripey cats three, uh... What were they called? Idk. Three... other cats.

What about one, what's one?

Poor lady um

Well let's head on over to her house

Okay, so there were two of those stripey cats

And that's just oh, okay. It's that. Oh my must be me okay. Now. I got the shovel

Now, let's head on over to the bus stop. *insert my confusion here*

And I can give you what you want

Okay to the park

There's a thing here

Do these do anything?

*time skip but there was an ad lol* It's evening now the kids are playing

Now you can look over here and look at a pig tail for some reason there's an elephant

This thing and

Yeah, why do we need to look at these?

Aw look there's a cute piggy there. Does that mean it has something to do the pig

Okay, you got it in here


Anything? I'm just spamming the click button

Can't really do anything else

Where are the hints... special playground, where the maps, combine... okay

Special playground?

Maybe something over here. There's something about a pig, but I don't see anything. I don't

really know what to do this pig?

(What am I saying? lol)

There's an elephant and a hippo

Does it have something to do the tail?

Nope apparently not

Don't know what to do here um, I just been spamming at this point. There's the kids in the background

Can go back to the bus stop

Is there anything else I can do here

No not really. Oh, I'm scratching it I got a map

And there are signs. Do I do anything with these?

Okay, I'll head back to the alley

The dog is obviously gone and the lady is still there..? Maybe she's at her house

Never mind, I just found a random piece of map

Then, over to the house. And she's at- oh nevermind that's the uncle

I need to give him...

Okay, turtle.. bunny...... tiger...?


Turtle, bunny, tiger? What's that supposed to mean?

What are these oh wow

Maybe I put them into their colors, okay

Is that what I need to do

Turtle bunny cheetah, Oh speeds

Is that what he's talking about?

slow medium fast

Is that what he's talking about?

Slowest to fastest?

Lemme see if there's anything else at the playground


Well the

pig is I don't know

are elephants slow or fast I forgot (rip)

Is there something I was supposed to do that I'm missing? Oh there's something here


Let me try piggy

Piggy is it piggy

This is a drawing of a pig here

It's all H H H....... Come on, is it piggy?

It's not piggy? No?

Well, I'm kind of stuck here

Hippos mouth but what about the mouth? Okay, maybe I'll go back to the bus stop.

I got...

Okay, well I'm not actually done so..

Can't really fix it yet

Ohhhh, okay

Four Kiwis, two oranges, and...

Eight strawberries.........?

Three strawberries?

Don't know I'll just try that okay. Thanks doghouse box thing okay to the uncle's house

This is pretty cool game hello there

Okay, so orange, okay so four Kiwis two oranges and insert strawberry somewhere else

No wait it was

Four Kiwis two oranges whoops


How many strawberries?

Three? I can't really see that uh

Six oh six okay?

Got a bunny

Did you want the bunny

No, that's thing else oh

These are all puzzles

That's just me fixing okay, uh oh

And is there anything else I can do here oh there's a

Cat who wants the fish well then what do I give you?

You want the turtle bunny cheetah? How do I do that then?


Yes, I would like to know what the maps are please

Okay, I'll head on over to the alley

There's something here. Five...

What's that supposed to mean

I was supposed to look here. Okay. That's how I get the one tabby cat okay



What's that thing is there like a nut? Is it a hair? I don't know what that is

Is it like a keychain or something? Is that what it is a keychain?

There's this thing again.

Can't go back to trees can't go back there

Okay, I'm going to go back over here

Maybe there's something else on the bus stop that I missed

I can now look at rocks

Okay now I got all the maps I can put it all together now

It's a police station, thank you

File get a stop sign

Hippo oh my gosh it says hippo

But then what about the hippo, oh is that is that the code? Literally just hippo?

Okay well, then I'll try to spell hippo

But piggy would also work wouldn't it?

Got the cheetah now this is progress but now what? Something with the piggy?

It's mov- Okay then. I have a collar now. Now what?

Can I do anything with this

Wasn't able to do anything with this yet

Okay, I'll go back now

There we go

Okay what now

Hint. Mean cat, changed course, how to use animals, okay

Got this thing, but I don't have enough pieces

There's apparently a mean cat where I don't see it

Okay, I'll head back to the alley

Maybe it's over here

Do you want this collar no ok then

Can I go in the manhole lol

Okay, I'll head back to the uncle's house

Do you want it? Anyone else want it? Do you want it?? No you just want the fish

Why'd that guy just randomly laugh?

What. I don't get what is happening

Are you trying to play a game with me, I'm confused, what is happening?

Think this goes here, and this goes here, but then where is little one at the bottom

Well I failed at playing whatever that was

Uncle's nine choices, I don't know what to do here, so I'm just gonna leave

Maybe there's something else here, nothing else, okay

Nothing else here, so

Okay, I'm gonna check the bus stop again.

Any cats here want a collar? Nope

Okay, then I don't know what to do with this. I'm just gonna head over to the park now.

Already did the pig thing so what do I do now oh and the swirly thing fell off

Okay, I don't know what to do now. I was probably supposed to not fail at that game that I did with that guy but

Okay, how to use animal panels um anything else helpful?

No nothing all right

Mean cat, change... What? I don't get it. Are you the mean cat, are you the mean cat?

Anything else do this garbage


There's a mean cat it won't let us pass because they're angry

There's people walking the dog

And the dogs over there now what

Now I'm confused

Change course...


Where I find those mean cats? I forgot what I clicked.

What exactly did I click?

I don't know I just clicked something um

How did I-

I forgot how I got to those cats did I like click here?

Okay, I have no idea what I did.

How do I get there

Well I think this game is nice, so I'm just gonna pause it here, until I figure out what to do

Bye -w-

For more infomation >> Cookie Lord Plays- Escape Game: Lost Cat Story - Duration: 29:12.


BREAKING NEWS Out Of The FBI And DOJ - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS Out Of The FBI And DOJ - Duration: 3:05.


Find time to do anything you love | Day 6 - Planning A Pretty Creative 2018 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Find time to do anything you love | Day 6 - Planning A Pretty Creative 2018 - Duration: 2:47.


BUT NOT FOR ME (Ira & George Gershwin ), by Ben Besekov, Martin Roy & Fog-Nielsen - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> BUT NOT FOR ME (Ira & George Gershwin ), by Ben Besekov, Martin Roy & Fog-Nielsen - Duration: 8:31.


Five Sneaky Things Narcissists Do To Take Advantage Of You - Duration: 12:12.

5 Sneaky Things Narcissists Do To Take Advantage Of You

Narcissists often use sneaky things in order to manipulate and taking advantage of people

around them.

If it's happening to you, then better to prepare everything before it can consume you even


In this video, I'm going to share with you 5 sneaky things narcissists do to take advantage

of you.

If you find this information is helpful to you,

make sure to like this video and subscribe to this channel, so you won't miss any of

our interesting updates in the future!

Posted by Shahida Arabi, the author of the book 'POWER: Surviving and Thriving After

Narcissistic Abuse', here are 5 sneaky things narcissists do to

take advantage of you:

Number 1.

The Idealization-Devaluation-Discard Phase

Narcissists and those with antisocial traits tend to subject romantic partners through

three phases within a relationship.

The idealization phase (which often happens most strongly during the early stages of dating

or a relationship) consists of putting you on a pedestal,

making you the center of his or her world, being in contact with you frequently, and

showering you with flattery and praise.

You are convinced that the narcissist can't live without you and that you've met your


Be wary of: constant texting, shallow flattery and wanting to be around you at all times.

This is a technique known as "love-bombing" and it is how most victims get sucked in:

they are flattered by the constant attention they get from the narcissist.

You may be fooled into thinking that this means a narcissist is truly interested in

you, when in fact, he or she is interested in making

you dependent on their constant praise and attention.

The devaluation phase is subsequent to this idealization phase, and this is when you're

left wondering why you were so abruptly thrust off the pedestal.

The narcissist will suddenly start to blow hot and cold, criticizing you, covertly and

overtly putting you down, comparing you to others, stonewalling you,

emotionally withdrawing from you and giving you the silent treatment when you've failed

to meet their extreme "standards."

Since the "hot" aspect of this phase relies on intermittent reinforcement in which the

narcissist gives you inconsistent spurts of the idealization phase throughout,

you become convinced that perhaps you are at fault and you can "control" the narcissist's


You are mislead into thinking that if you just learn not to be so "needy" or "clingy,"

the narcissist will reward you with the loving behavior he or she demonstrated in the beginning.

These are words that narcissists often use to demean victims when abuse victims mourn

the loss of the idealization phase or react normally to being provoked.

It's a way to maintain control over your legitimate emotional reactions to their stonewalling,

emotional withdrawal and inconsistency.

Unfortunately, it is during the devaluation phase that a narcissist's true self shows


You have to understand that the man or woman in the beginning of the relationship never

truly existed.

The true colors are only now beginning to show,

so it will be a struggle as you attempt to reconcile the image that the narcissist presented

to you with his or her current behavior.

Even though the narcissist can be quite possessive and jealous over you, since he or she views

you as an object and a source of narcissistic supply,

the narcissist is prone to projecting this behavior onto you.

The narcissist makes you seem like the needy one as you react to his or her withdrawal

and withholding patterns, even though the expectations of frequent contact

were established early on in the relationship by the narcissist himself.

During the discard phase, the narcissist abandons his or her victim in the most horrific,

demeaning way possible to convince the victim that he or she is worthless.

This could range from: leaving the victim for another lover, humiliating the victim

in public, blatantly ignoring the partner for a long period of time,

being physically aggressive and a whole range of other demeaning behaviors to communicate

to the victim that he or she is no longer important.

Although, "normal" relationships can end in a similar this manner as well,

the difference is that the narcissist often makes it clear he or she intends to hurt you

by giving you the silent treatment, spreading rumors about you,

cheating on you, insulting you and disrespecting you during the discard phase.

Unlike "normal" partners, they ensure that you never have closure, and if you decide

to leave them, they might decide to stalk you to show that they still have control.

Number 2.


While healthy relationships have room for respectful disagreement and consideration

of one's feelings, with the narcissist, gaslighting and constant

emotional invalidation become the norm.

Gaslighting is a technique abusers use to convince you that your perception of the abuse

is inaccurate.

During the devaluation and discard phases, the narcissist will often invalidate and criticize

your emotions, and displace any blame of his or her abuse

as your fault.

Frequent use of phrases such as, "You provoked me," "You're too sensitive," "I

never said that," or, "You're taking things too seriously" after the narcissists'

abusive outbursts are common and are used to gaslight you into thinking that the abuse

is indeed your fault or that it never even took place.

Narcissists are masters of making you doubt yourself and the abuse.

This is why victims so often suffer even after the ending of a relationship with a narcissist,

because the emotional invalidation they received from the narcissist made them feel powerless

in their agency and perceptions.

This self-doubt enables them to stay within abusive relationships even when it's clear

that the relationship is a toxic one, because they are led to mistrust their own

instincts and interpretations of events.

Number 3.

Smear campaigns.

Narcissists keep harems because they love to have their egos stroked,

they need constant validation from the outside world to confirm their grandiose sense of

self-importance, and fulfill their need for excessive admiration.

This is why they are clever chameleons who are also people-pleasers,

morphing into whatever personality suits them in situations with different types of people

to get what they want.

Beware of people who seem to shape-shift suddenly before your eyes into different personas,

this is a red flag that they are not authentic in their interactions with you and others.

It is no surprise, then, that the narcissist will probably begin a smear campaign against

you not too long after the discard phase, in order to paint you as the unstable one,

and that this is usually successful with the narcissist's support network which also

tends to consist of other narcissists, people-pleasers, empaths, as well as people

who are easily charmed.

This smear campaign is used to accomplish three things:

1) it depicts you as the abuser or unstable person and deflects your accusations of abuse;

2) it provokes you into responding, thus proving your instability to others when trying to

argue his or her depiction of you; 3) serves as a hoovering technique in which

the narcissist seeks to pull you back into the trauma of the relationship as you struggle

to reconcile the rumors about you with who you actually are by speaking out against the


The only way to not get pulled into this tactic is by going full No Contact with both the

narcissist and his or her harem.

Number 4.


Healthy relationships thrive on security; unhealthy ones are filled with provocation,

uncertainty and infidelity.

Narcissists like to manufacture love triangles and bring in the opinions of others to validate

their point of view.

They do this to an excessive extent in order to play puppeteer to your emotions.

In the book Psychopath Free by Peace, the method of triangulation is discussed as a

popular way the narcissist maintains control over your emotions.

Triangulation consists of bringing the presence of another person into the dynamic of the

relationship, whether it be an ex-lover, a current mistress,

a relative, or a complete stranger.

This triangulation can take place over social media, in person, or even through the narcissist's

own verbal accounts of the other woman or man.

The narcissist relies on jealousy as a powerful emotion that can cause you to compete for

his or her affections, so, provocative statements like, "I wish

you'd be more like her," or, "He wants me back into his life, I don't know what

to do", are designed to trigger the abuse victim into competing and feeling insecure

about his or her position in the narcissist's life.

Unlike healthy relationships where jealousy is communicated and dealt with in a productive

manner, the narcissist will belittle your feelings

and continue inappropriate flirtations and affairs without a second thought.

Triangulation is the way the narcissist maintains control and keeps you in check,

you're so busy competing for his or her attention that you're less likely to be

focusing on the red flags within the relationship, or looking for ways to get out of the relationship.

Number 5.

The false self and the true self.

The narcissist hides behind the armor of a "false self,"

a construct of qualities and traits that he or she usually presents to the outside world

to gain admiration and attention.

Due to this armor, you are unlikely to comprehend the full extent of a narcissist's inhumanity

and lack of empathy until you are in the discard phase.

This can make it difficult to pinpoint who the narcissistic abuser truly is, the sweet,

charming and seemingly remorseful person that appears shortly after the abuse,

or the abusive partner who ridicules, invalidates and belittles you on a daily basis?

You suffer a great deal of cognitive dissonance trying to reconcile the illusion the narcissist

first presented to you with the tormenting behaviors he or she subjects you to.

In order to cope with this cognitive dissonance, you might blame yourself for his or her abusive

behavior and attempt to "improve" yourself when you have done nothing wrong,

just to uphold your belief in the narcissist's false self during the devaluation phase.

During the discard phase, the narcissist reveals the true self and you get a glimpse of the

abuser that was lurking within all along.

You bear witness to his or her cold, callous indifference as you are discarded.

This is as close you will ever get to seeing the narcissist's true self.

The manipulative, conniving charm that existed in the beginning is no more, instead, it is

replaced by the genuine contempt that the narcissist felt for you all along.

See, narcissists don't truly feel empathy for others, so during the discard phase,

they often feel absolutely nothing for you except the excitement of having exhausted

another source of supply.

You were just another source of narcissistic supply, so do not fool yourself into thinking

that the magical connection that existed in the beginning was in any way real.

It was an illusion, much like the identity of the narcissist was an illusion.

It is time to pick up the pieces, go No Contact, heal, and move forward.

You were not only a victim of narcissistic abuse, but a survivor.

Owning this dual status as both victim and survivor permits you to own your agency after

the abuse and to live the life you were meant to lead,

one filled with self-care, self-love, respect, and compassion.

Well, that's the sneaky things narcissists do to take advantage of you.

Really cool information isn't it.

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Five Sneaky Things Narcissists Do To Take Advantage Of You - Duration: 12:12.


Where does Radiance of the Seas dock in Wellington NZ and is there a free shuttle? - Duration: 1:31.


G'day everyone we're in windy Wellington New Zealand on

board Royal Caribbean's Radiance of the Seas. Now when I was looking about what

happens when you get off the ship here I found the information really conflicting

and confusing so I thought I'd give you a quick. Radiance of the Seas

docks at Aotea Quay just down from Westpac Stadium. This is a working port so you

can't walk straight off the ship. So what that means is there's a free shuttle bus

that picks you up right off the ship and it takes you in to Wellington CBD. It's

about a block down from the cable car so you're right in the middle of everything.

Then when you're ready get the shuttle back to the ship again it's free and

back on board nice and easy. One thing to remember

though is when you're getting back on the ship in New Zealand you need photo

ID as well as your sea pass card. That's a really important one. So I hope you found this

helpful be sure to LIKE the video and also subscribe to my channel for more

videos like this from me.

For more infomation >> Where does Radiance of the Seas dock in Wellington NZ and is there a free shuttle? - Duration: 1:31.


How To Open Facebook Disabled Account Trick 2018 January 21 - Duration: 6:07.

How To Open Facebook Disabled Account Trick 2018 January 21

For more infomation >> How To Open Facebook Disabled Account Trick 2018 January 21 - Duration: 6:07.


Up In The Clouds | Drawing - Duration: 3:54.

you know when you get started on something and then you you forget everything else I

did that today I was got my DSLR and it came in and then I got so excited to

open the package and take a look at it that I forgot to eat I forgot to do my

dishes and then I just got lost in all the settings and with this camera I'll

do some photography I'll use that to make thumbnails and I'd like to use it

to go out of places the court myself growing and get out some I spend too

much time just you know cooped up in my apartment not going anywhere

but it's a nice camera it's gonna do pretty good and it does have a mic that

I bought with it they had these microphones everyones

been talking about but they're $300 so i wentahead and got the $30 one and it

has the same sound quality I watched some reviews over it and tested it and

it's really good but it'd be nice to get out some

especially yeah in the summer I don't really get out much

because I'm drawing so much and the entire winter I'm just stuck here because i

don't feel like going on a cold really hate the winter time yeah ,thats that and

today was pretty good I worked for about eight hours and then came home open my

package and then haven't done any drawing it today

I could have work on that because I make myself do a drawing every day so yeah

things are going pretty good I've got all those art supplies I need so far

I've got the camera I've got the audio now I can do way more drawings and this

coming week I have two days off work in a row so

like the day before I only work for hours and the day I go back only work

for hours so it's kind of like I have four days off I should be able to get

two videos done each day and each of those days I'm off i might be able to get three we'll

see I'm not sure yet depends how much I have going on

because I have to get this thing taken care of with my car because I hit a deer a while

back and that's just this is a lot of insurance problems and stuff had to go

through with that but it's all going I don't stress over a lot of things

too much anymore I just stay relaxed and enjoy things and take things as they

come so what do you seeing this drawing just the usual crazy abstract stuff I

draw doodley clouds I do a lot of those like clouds and I just love

drawing things with a lot of contrast but its relaxing and fun its enjoyable

never too stressed about making everything perfect it's why I really

enjoy doing that so just want to thank you all for listening thank you have a

good night

For more infomation >> Up In The Clouds | Drawing - Duration: 3:54.


GHOUL: Early Mechanics Test: Showcasing Inside (TURN SUBTITLES ON) - Duration: 1:41.

Behind me are the kagunes and stuff

They all have different color variations as you can see

this is binkaku I believe


these shards are for the ukaku

some with spikes

This is a ghoul detector for the CCG Building

overhere we have Npcs,

and thats about it


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