Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 21 2018

How To Know If an Introvert Cares About You: 7 Little Signs To Understand More About Introverts

Being an introvert, they have a series of deep thoughts on their mind that people often

not realize.

And, the way they engage in conversations and relationship is somewhat different compared

to most people.

It's not that understanding an introvert is really hard, instead, if you know a little

more about your introverted partner, you will realize immediately after seeing a few signs.

Moreover, if they care about you, they will try to show some signs just like anybody else,

although introverts may be a little bit discreet about their feelings.

So, ever wondering whether your introverted friend actually cares about you?

there are some signs that they do.

Pay attention to their responds on something, and appreciate their actions.

You will be surprised on how they actually can maintain a good relationship.

#1 - Accepting your invitation

Introverts do not usually go out with people.

they also do not want to go to certain events unless there is a clear indication that they

will be fine.

If an introvert accepts your invitation, unconditionally, it means that she, or he cares about you so


It is something that you should not neglect, and if you are a friend, be sure to appreciate

his, or her effort.

#2 - They Push Their Boundaries For You

Introverts are tend to keep themselves on their comfort zone, they're not likely to

sacrifice their alone time just to try new things out to eat, or doing activities they've

never done before.

Introverts enjoy their alone time because that's the only way they can be their true


If you get an introverted partner who are willing to leave their comfort zone for you,

then there's a sign that they cares about you.

#3 - They call you and answer your call

Introverts do not like to talk since it is exhausting.

They also feel insecure because talking through the phone is not considered meaningful.

That is why they prefer talk in person especially with someone interesting.

If introvert actually calls or even answers your call, it is a big sign that she, or he

respects and cares about you.

#4 - They open to you

Introverts have so many layered guards protecting them from revealing their true self.

It is true that not all introverts behave that way.

However, most introverts really do not want to share what in their minds is because they

are afraid of being judged apart of many other concerns.

If introverts are willing to share story to you, it is definitely another good sign that

she, or he is paying attention to you.

#5 - They Want to Know the Real You

If by some point you notice that an introvert try to dig more about your dreams, passions,

and desires, there's a signs that they're showing their care about you, and they want

to support you.

If you ever get to the point when you and your introverted partner can pass the small

talk and start a real conversation often, means they're truly interested in you.

On this point you can let them see the color of your soul, then most likely you'll realize

that they care about you even without you realizing.

#6 - They put their things away

Introverts are attached to unanimate objects around them.

Smartphones, books, and notes are some examples of their beloved companion.

If they keep them away when near you, you are the beloved companion replacing those

dead things.

#7 - Verbal affirmation

In the last stage, introverts actually can say they like you loudly.

Sometimes, you think it is weird, but it actually a fruitful effect of failing to keep what

is hidden for some time.

All in all, that's some tips on how to know if an introvert cares about you.

Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How To Know If an Introvert Cares About You: 7 Little Signs - Duration: 4:13.


Star Trek: Breen Confederacy - Duration: 7:32.

Far from the center of Alpha and Beta Quadrant politics, the mysterious species known as

the Breen hail from a planet of the same name and over the centuries expanded their territory.

Known as reclusive and territorial, most of the other species in their region of space

have little knowledge about them, with even official intelligence reports containing false


One of the many mysteries surrounding their species revolves around the refrigeration

suits they are always seen wearing, leading many to speculate that their homeworld must

be a frozen wasteland, and thus require the suits when travelling outside their planet.

However Wayoun, a high level official in the Dominion once remarked that the temperature

on the Breen homeworld was actually quite comfortable, yet they still wear the suits

and refuse to reveal why.

A courageous warrior race, the breen have no blood or liquid circulatory system, and

their thoughts and emotions could not be detected by empaths.

Though they largely avoid contact with other species, they were know to occasionally raid

the ships of neighbouring powers, taking their contents and enslaving their captives.

The Romulans came to distrust the Breen so much they developed a common saying, "Never

turn your back on a breen."

Fiercly territorial, the Breen did not tolerate violations of their space, and so during the

Klingon Second Empire, when Chancellor Mow'gra sent a fleet of warships to conquer their

homeworld, the expedition was never heard from again.

By the 24th century, they were known as the Breen Confederacy, and had developed highly

sophisticated technology, able to mobilize a large military force in a relatively short

amount of time.

Known as great negotiators, they eventually started to trade with nearby powers like the

Cardassians and Ferengi, developing limited diplomatic relations, with a Breen pilot even

participating in a interpecies Palio held at the Federation outpost Deep Space 3.

They also had dealing with the Maquis during their rebellion against the Cardassian Union,

supplying them with cold storage units.

When the Federation, Klingons and Romulans joined together to fight against the Dominion-cardassian

alliance threatening the Alpha Quadrant, the Breen remained neutral for some time, while

in secret conducted subspace communications with the leader of Dominion forces, negotiating

the terms of a possible alliance.

However, with a species as reclusive as the Breen, suddenly entering into the largest

inter-species conflict in recent history, some have speculated that a larger plan may

have been at work.

Capable of changing shapes and assuming the identity of other species, the Founders, who

ruled the Dominion, may have sent an infiltrator to enter Breen society, possibly replacing

someone high up in their government to rally their species to war.

In line with this theory, the Federation officers Worf and Bashir actually encountered an imprisoned

Breen, sharing a cell with others who had been kidnapped and replaced by changelings.

And while this Breen died in captivity, his impersonator may have continued on, influencing

their government for some time.

However, in 2375, after months of secret communiations, Thot Gor of the Breen Confederacy, travelled

to Cardassian space to finish negotiations and sign a treaty of alliance.

On route he captured a pair of Starfleet officers, presenting them as a gift upon arrival.

Yet at this point in the war, the Dominion had lost control of the wormhole and could

not receive reinforcements, leaving them in desperate need of more soldiers and ships.

And so the Breen were able to demand a great price for their support, annexing a number

of Cardassian planets, and were eventually even promised control of Earth and Romulus

once the war was won.

As a demonstration of the power of the Breen and the commitment of their warriors, one

of their first actions was to organize a direct attack against Earth, targeting Starfleet

headquarters, in an attempt to strike fear into the heart of the Federation.

Although most of their ships were lost in the attack, the Breen were not afraid to die

in battle, with Thot Gor remarking that is was a small price to pay for such a great


The Breen then led the Dominion to another victory in the Second Battle of Chintoka,

using energy dampening weapons to drain enemy ships, leaving to be easily destroyed.

Although many alliance ships were lost, including the USS Defiant, a single Klingon ship survived,

as it was immune to the Breen weapon due to an engineer making an adjusting to their ships

warp core to deal with a containment problem.

General Martok then order all ship in the Klingon fleet to make a similar adjustment,

and so for a time the Empire stood alone, fighting on the front line against the Dominion,

while their allies upgraded their ships to withstand this new technology.

Although the war was now turning in favour of the Dominion, they soon suffered another

major set back, when Legate Damar, leader of the Cardassian Union openly rebelled against

their Gamma Quadrant masters.

Damar was furious with the generous terms given to the Breen when they entered the Dominion,

having been forced to sign a document allowing for the annexation of Cardassian territory

to their new allies.

Deciding he could no longer stand by while they became a conquered people, he rallied

his allies into rebellion.

Unfortunately, the movement was eventually betrayed and their forces destroyed, however

it was successful in distracting the Dominion and forcing them to waste resources, giving

the Federation Alliance time to equip their ships to fight against the Breen.

Seeing that there was no way to quickly end the war, the Dominion then chose to pull back

all forces into Cardassian territory, returning the galaxy to pre-war borders.

However this was a tactical withdrawal, designed to shorten their supply lines while extending

those of the enemy and giving them a smaller area to keep secure while they rebuilt their

army and fleet.

The Federation alliance saw how this prolonged stalemate would benefit the Dominion, and

so decided to make a final united push into Cardassian Space, to end the war once and

for all.

The Breen, fighting alongside the Jem'Hadar and Cardassians stood a good chance of winning

this battle, however with Legate Damar still alive, and stirring the citizens of Cardassia

to further rebellion, the Dominion unwisely chose to enact a severe punishment, killing

two million of their citizens in the bombing of Lakarian city.

But rather than terrify the Cardassians into submitting, it stirred them further to anger,

leading to rioting in the streets, and causing the Cardassian Fleet to turn against the Dominion

as they fought in the Battle of Cardassia.

The unexpected attack caused chaos in the Dominion Fleet, forcing them to withdraw to

Cardassia Prime and prepare for a last stand.

Meanwhile, Dominion headquarters was being attacked by Damar's rebels, and while their

leader died in the attack, his forces took the building and captured the Female Founder.

Nevertheless she was prepared to order the Breen and Jem Hadar to fight to the death,

and make the Federation victory as bloody and bitter as possible.

Yet she changed her mind after linking with Odo, a member of her species who had sided

with the Federation.

Odo promised that if she surrendered, he would go to the Gamma Quadrant and deliver the cure

to a terrible disease devastating their people.

Although the Breen were willing to die for victory, they also seemed willing to honor

the terms of their defeat, with their representatives witnessing the final signing of a peace treaty,

ending the war.

For more infomation >> Star Trek: Breen Confederacy - Duration: 7:32.


Trump Doctor Press Conference Cold Open - SNL - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Trump Doctor Press Conference Cold Open - SNL - Duration: 4:46.


Jessica Chastain Monologue - SNL - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Jessica Chastain Monologue - SNL - Duration: 3:24.


Your Best Shot is a Mistake? Fashion Portrait with a COOL MagMod Hack - Duration: 6:59.

Pay attention!

Sometimes your best shot presents itself as a mistake and if you are not paying attention

you will fix the mistake and wind up with a less creative, less exciting, less interesting


I'll show you an example from a recent shoot where this happened to me.

Stay tuned!

Hey gang!

My name is Joe Edelman and my mission is to help photographers like YOU to develop a solid

understanding of the HOWS & WHYS behind great photography so that you can achieve your goals

as a photographer.

The process of making great photographs of people requires a lot of multi tasking.

You have to pay attention to your gear, your lighting, proper exposure, depth of field,

composition - oh and there is that issue of engaging and directing and often times entertaining

your subject.

If you're lucky you'll have enough bandwidth left over to be creative.

You know ironically, as much as we humans think we're great at multitasking, research

has proven that we really aren't.

So with that said, I want to show you why it's important to slow down and pay attention,

even to your mistakes.

My plan here was to shoot a simple headshot to you a new lighting hack that I worked out.

I scheduled this shoot with Monae very last minute and she was kind enough to agree but

didn't have time do anything special with her hair and asked if I would be ok with kind

of an urban look with the knit cap.

I agreed and set-up my lights with the intent of doing a shot that looks something like


I know - basic portrait - pretty girl - simple lighting - nothing special.

I had Monae sitting about four feet in front of a white wall and I placed a Godox AD200

Pocket Flash on a stand behind her to light the wall and another AD200 as my main or key

light above her and on camera left.

The key light had the modifier hack that I'll share soon.

I wanted to shoot at f/5.6, so I took a few meter readings and powered my key light to

1/64 power.

Then I turned on the background strobe and without metering just took a test shot.

It just happened that the background strobe was set to full power and the resulting test

shot was what you see here.

From a technical standpoint this image is what we are taught is a mistake - but from

a creative standpoint I think it looks really cool.

You know I am partial the backlight concept.

So at this point my SOS kicked in.

I realized that while my lighting hack that I intended to do the video about was cool

- this was cooler with the outfit, hair and color combination and I had to explore it.


SOS is Shiny Object Syndrome - it's a real thing - Google it.

I realized pretty quickly that I wanted a bit more contrast than the overblown background

was going to allow so I dialed the background light back to 1/4 power and still at f/5.6

got this look which has a real crisp commercial feel, but still also a fashion feel.

Part portrait - part fashion = fashion portrait.

As I always do, I then proceeded to work the shot with some simple variations on camera

angles and a few variations on hands.

All of these are done with this really simple two light set-up using the Godox AD200's.

You could accomplish this same look with speedlights or studio strobes.

The secret is the close proximity to the white background and the fact that the background

is about 4 stops brighter than my subject so it creates a lot of spill or flair which

helps give the shot this glowing dreamy look.

I used a MagMod MagBounce as my modifier for the key light in this shot.

I'll be sharing a video in the next few weeks about the MagMod gear and all the cool things

you can do with it.

This MagBounce is designed to give you a soft light with a very wide spread by bouncing

the light off the silicone dome.

But you know me - I don't like rules and I love to experiment with light, so I decided

to use it as a flash diffuser with the flash shining through the MagBounce.

Yup - I placed the AD200 about 2 feet above Monae and aimed it straight at her.

Then I placed the MagBounce on the strobe - backwards - with the open part of the dome

aimed towards the ceiling.

You can see in this portrait version that I showed you, I get a nice small catchlight

and subtle light falloff on the camera right side of Monaes face for a nice soft shaping

of her face.

I'll share more about this hack in an upcoming video.

I will tell you that I am really enjoying the MagMod modifiers and I'll share some cool

tricks for using them.

Pose is a four letter word and you know I recommend avoiding four letter words.

Generally when I shoot portraits or headshots my goal is to keep my subject relaxed and

not looking stiff.

So usually I do the work.

I'll change my camera angles shooting high, low, left or right depending on which is their

good side and at most I'll have my subject do very subtle turns or tilts.

In this particular case since I decided to follow my SOS and go for more of a fashion

portrait I did incorporate some arms and hands to make things a bit more dramatic.

When working with hands - be really careful not to make claws with the hands.

Elegance is important.

If you struggle with helping your models achieve elegant hands in your photos - be sure to

watch this video and take notes!

The link is in the description below.

The final images required very little post production beyond the usual color, contrast

and sharpening and of course removing of blemishes - I say this just as reminder of the importance

of great hair and makeup.

You have heard me say WORK YOUR SHOT many times.

The idea being that it is foolish to assume that your first set-up is the best set-up.

The moral here is that in addition to the need to work your shot - you should always

be aware and looking for opportunities to create something beyond your original idea

- beyond the rules and beyond your comfort level.

You don't have to be the most creative person in th world to be a great photographer - but

you do have to keep your eyes open - always look for opportunities and be brave enough

to explore them when they present themselves.

That's all I did here and in this case I am pretty happy with the result.

In case you are wondering - THIS is my favorite from the set.

If you want a closer look at the images - you can see all of them on my website - the link

is below.

As always, I hope that gives you some ideas, so take this idea and run with it - go create

and show me what you come up with.

Until next time, Please hit that thumbs up and subscribe so that you don't miss any

videos and don't keep all this cool stuff to yourself - please share it with your photography


Remember - photography is not a competition - its a passion to be shared.

Now go pick up that camera and shoot something because your BEST shot - it's your NEXT

shot, so keep learning, keep thinking, keep shooting.


For more infomation >> Your Best Shot is a Mistake? Fashion Portrait with a COOL MagMod Hack - Duration: 6:59.


Crashing Season 2 (2018) | Teaser Trailer | HBO - Duration: 1:45.


Tony looks like a sex slave on his day off.


You look like a mime who got fired.


Hey, are we going to the hole for your birthday, or what?

-Yeah, that's the plan. -What's "the hole"?

JAY: Burlesque joint.

You're a man of God. You cannot come to this.

PETE: I wanna try something new.

All you gotta bring is an umbrella and a towel,

and you're good.

♪ My heart burns ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm tired Of the same old stuff ♪

PETE: In my college, we didn't have parties.

Sometimes we'd swing dance.

Find excuse to touch a lady's waist.

I'm starting to see why your wife left you.

I feel like I sinned, which is weird,

'cause I don't even know if I believe in that.

Sounds to me like you are expanding your mind.

♪ Oh-oh-oh-ohh ♪

-I'm new at all this. -What's your name again?

-My name-- -Nobody cares. Shut up!

I cannot let you stay at my place.

-I-- -I've heard about you.

-Come on. -Really?

MAN: Just try not to fall down a manhole,

you fuckin' bumpkin.

♪ Oh-oh-oh-ohh ♪

Wanna talk to you about representation.

I'd love a manager. Colbert is looking for writers.

-If we could-- -Yeah, we could submit.

You know those guys?

No, but I'm good at guessing email.

Star quality. Some people are just born with it.

Or maybe they get it later. I don't know.

(SIGHS) I don't think so.

Dorky dad at a barbecue. That's kind of your essence.

I kind of love that.

I'm not really manly--

Just treat it like an acting exercise.

Can you just fuckin' try to guy it up?

-Sure. -There you go!

Oh, Jordan... best of all time.

Babe Ruth, but black and lean and jumpy.

Why do you always do that?

-PETE: Am I ruining it? Yeah. -Yeah.

♪ Oh-oh-oh-ohh ♪

For more infomation >> Crashing Season 2 (2018) | Teaser Trailer | HBO - Duration: 1:45.


BITFINITE - UPDATE !! - Duration: 3:24.

What's going on get people

This is Mike again with an update on between eat obviously you're looking at the fresh new

Look that they just came out with they fix their website

They changed the look, and I think it looks beautiful

So they're definitely moving in the right direction the reason I wanted to bring you this update today is because they sent us a telegram

Message that is very important, and I want to share that with you

It says hello everyone our early lenders incentive is finally here

here is how early lenders will profit okay every coin purchased in the ICO with a price range of 0

75 cents to $1 15 will already be worth

$6 in our lending platform, that's an instant 6x guys

That's fantastic we will maintain this price until the exchange launches at which point the lending value will be equal

To the value on the exchange so that's what they're anticipating it's a new way of trying to hold the value around six dollars

That's the starting point and then it goes up from there

Right we have chosen this price because we believe it's a fair starting price along with the token return

it says here the first thousand investors that lend will get their full principal back and


so you have a thousand EFC you want to lend them you will get thousand BFC bad guys and

The original amount of BSc you invested not in dollars, so you won't lose the token you will get the token back which is

Fantastic that way you can enjoy a daily interest

But also the advantage of being able to enjoy the positive price changes we expect in the near future so look

What do you do when you buy a token you hold it?

Why because you want the value to go up, and then you try to sell it on the exchange to get the return?

But what if you hold the and you collect interest on it?

That's a brilliant idea isn't it so many people are gonna?

Do this many people are gonna jump on it if you err amongst the lucky wants to do it

Congratulations. I don't think I'm gonna be able to get in because there is going to be a lot of traffic trying to get the

First thousand investors in addition to that the first 500 investors that make a loan will be able to terminate

Their loan after a period of just sixty days guys you will get your tokens back in 60 days

And you will collect interest on top of it our web staking pool will be live by

26 so you can start staking by them you can stake your coins and collect

BFC tokens on more news regarding the exchange our promotional activities

Lottery platform and marketplace will be released soon. It is amazing what they're doing I like it

They are updating us they are moving in the right direction

I don't think it was a mistake getting in bit Finny as a matter of fact

I'm glad I got in bit Finny, and I'm glad I invested with them because I see a lot of potential with this platform

Anyways guys. This is just a quick update

So we can keep you in the loop plenty more updates coming soon

Stay tuned do not miss them hit that subscribe button if you're not a subscriber hit that battle right next to that subscribe button

And until next time stay safe

For more infomation >> BITFINITE - UPDATE !! - Duration: 3:24.


BREAKING!! HE DID IT! Here's Trump's HISTORIC Accomplishments In Just His FIRST YEAR! - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!! HE DID IT! Here's Trump's HISTORIC Accomplishments In Just His FIRST YEAR! - Duration: 6:16.


Watters' World 01/20/18 11PM | January 20, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:39.

For more infomation >> Watters' World 01/20/18 11PM | January 20, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:39.


Saturday Evening Weather: Winter Weather Advisories for snow and blowing snow Sunday - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Saturday Evening Weather: Winter Weather Advisories for snow and blowing snow Sunday - Duration: 4:03.






Без этого ты НИКОГДА не накачаешься - Duration: 12:15.

For more infomation >> Без этого ты НИКОГДА не накачаешься - Duration: 12:15.


Natalie Imbruglia - "Torn" Cover (@RosendaleSings & Matthew Maimone) - Duration: 3:46.

I thought I saw a man brought to life

I thought I saw a man brought to life

He was warm, he came around and he was dignified

He was warm, he came around like he was dignified

He showed me what it was to cry

Well you couldn't be that man I adored

You don't seem to know, don't seem to care

What your heart is for

No, I don't know him anymore

No, I don't know him anymore

There's nothin' where he used to lie

Conversation has run dry

That's what's going on

Nothing's fine, I'm torn

I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel, I'm cold and I am shamed

Lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed

Into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

You're a little late

I'm already torn

So I guess the fortune teller's right

I should have seen just what was there

And not some holy light

But you crawled beneath my veins and now

But you crawled beneath my veins and now

I don't care, I have no luck

I don't miss it all that much

There's just so many things

That I can't touch, I'm torn

I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel, I'm cold and I am shamed

Lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed

Into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

You're a little late

I'm already torn


There's nothing where he used to lie

My inspiration has run dry

And that's what is goin' on

Nothin's right, I'm torn

I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel

I'm cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

You're a little late

I'm already torn


I'm already torn

For more infomation >> Natalie Imbruglia - "Torn" Cover (@RosendaleSings & Matthew Maimone) - Duration: 3:46.


他位列纳粹三大名将之一,杀人无数,为何战后却被无罪释放 ☠️ 365 读史 ☠️ - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> 他位列纳粹三大名将之一,杀人无数,为何战后却被无罪释放 ☠️ 365 读史 ☠️ - Duration: 5:15.


அகதிகள் முகாமில் பலவந்தமாக கற்பழிக்கப்படும் பெண்கள் குழந்தை பெற்றால் உயிரோடு எரிக்கும் கொடூரம் - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> அகதிகள் முகாமில் பலவந்தமாக கற்பழிக்கப்படும் பெண்கள் குழந்தை பெற்றால் உயிரோடு எரிக்கும் கொடூரம் - Duration: 1:07.


ஆசிரியை காதலை ஏற்றுக் கொள்ளாததால் இந்த மாணவன் எடுத்த விபரீத முடிவை பாருங்க | Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> ஆசிரியை காதலை ஏற்றுக் கொள்ளாததால் இந்த மாணவன் எடுத்த விபரீத முடிவை பாருங்க | Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 1:07.


時過境遷:謝霆鋒王菲淡定夜跑 張柏芝復出 - Duration: 16:36.

For more infomation >> 時過境遷:謝霆鋒王菲淡定夜跑 張柏芝復出 - Duration: 16:36.


曾志偉開發布會否認性侵藍潔瑛,動真格要起訴,造謠的人慘了 - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> 曾志偉開發布會否認性侵藍潔瑛,動真格要起訴,造謠的人慘了 - Duration: 5:13.


54歲藍潔瑛精神恢復現身綜藝,一改邋遢形象,網友:美出新高度 - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> 54歲藍潔瑛精神恢復現身綜藝,一改邋遢形象,網友:美出新高度 - Duration: 3:31.


[第10號玩家] 全境封鎖 1.8 #18/01/20 - 白區SOLO刷國土金去哪刷? 1小時出50國土!? - Tom Clancy's The Division 多人連線 1080p 最高畫質 - Duration: 56:50.

For more infomation >> [第10號玩家] 全境封鎖 1.8 #18/01/20 - 白區SOLO刷國土金去哪刷? 1小時出50國土!? - Tom Clancy's The Division 多人連線 1080p 最高畫質 - Duration: 56:50.


大B哥:我賭博最慘的時候欠一千多萬,只有古天樂幫我,不需還錢 - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> 大B哥:我賭博最慘的時候欠一千多萬,只有古天樂幫我,不需還錢 - Duration: 3:14.


大B哥:我賭博最慘的時候欠一千多萬,只有古天樂幫我,不需還錢 - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> 大B哥:我賭博最慘的時候欠一千多萬,只有古天樂幫我,不需還錢 - Duration: 3:06.


পৃথিবীর যে জায়গাগুলোর সৌন্দর্য সীমাহীন, কিন্তু কেউ যেতে সাহস করেন না - Duration: 3:35.

Amazing Places In The World That Nobody's Allowed To Visit

Please subscribe if you like the video

Vatican Secret Archives, Vatican City, Italy

North Sentinel Island, Andaman Islands

Surtsey, Iceland

Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway

Metro-2 (Russia)

North Brother Island – Bronx, New York

For more infomation >> পৃথিবীর যে জায়গাগুলোর সৌন্দর্য সীমাহীন, কিন্তু কেউ যেতে সাহস করেন না - Duration: 3:35.


Remix 2018 l รวมเพลงตื๊ดๆ สายย่อ โครตมันส์ เปิดในผับ 2018 ใหม่ล่าสุด , Party club Thai , NONSTOP KH - Duration: 23:43.

Remix 2018

For more infomation >> Remix 2018 l รวมเพลงตื๊ดๆ สายย่อ โครตมันส์ เปิดในผับ 2018 ใหม่ล่าสุด , Party club Thai , NONSTOP KH - Duration: 23:43.


iPhone X - A New Light

For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


Khi Người Dân Ở Nha Trang Nghe Tin U23 Việt Nam Vào Bán Kết - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Khi Người Dân Ở Nha Trang Nghe Tin U23 Việt Nam Vào Bán Kết - Duration: 3:05.


For more infomation >> Khi Người Dân Ở Nha Trang Nghe Tin U23 Việt Nam Vào Bán Kết - Duration: 3:05.


Remix 2018 l รวมเพลงตื๊ดๆ สายย่อ โครตมันส์ เปิดในผับ 2018 ใหม่ล่าสุด , Party club Thai , NONSTOP KH - Duration: 23:43.

Remix 2018

For more infomation >> Remix 2018 l รวมเพลงตื๊ดๆ สายย่อ โครตมันส์ เปิดในผับ 2018 ใหม่ล่าสุด , Party club Thai , NONSTOP KH - Duration: 23:43.


For more infomation >> Remix 2018 l รวมเพลงตื๊ดๆ สายย่อ โครตมันส์ เปิดในผับ 2018 ใหม่ล่าสุด , Party club Thai , NONSTOP KH - Duration: 23:43.


Bryson Tiller x Drake - Heartb...

For more infomation >> Bryson Tiller x Drake - Heartb...


Natalie Imbruglia - "Torn" Cover (@RosendaleSings & Matthew Maimone) - Duration: 3:46.

I thought I saw a man brought to life

I thought I saw a man brought to life

He was warm, he came around and he was dignified

He was warm, he came around like he was dignified

He showed me what it was to cry

Well you couldn't be that man I adored

You don't seem to know, don't seem to care

What your heart is for

No, I don't know him anymore

No, I don't know him anymore

There's nothin' where he used to lie

Conversation has run dry

That's what's going on

Nothing's fine, I'm torn

I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel, I'm cold and I am shamed

Lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed

Into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

You're a little late

I'm already torn

So I guess the fortune teller's right

I should have seen just what was there

And not some holy light

But you crawled beneath my veins and now

But you crawled beneath my veins and now

I don't care, I have no luck

I don't miss it all that much

There's just so many things

That I can't touch, I'm torn

I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel, I'm cold and I am shamed

Lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed

Into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

You're a little late

I'm already torn


There's nothing where he used to lie

My inspiration has run dry

And that's what is goin' on

Nothin's right, I'm torn

I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel

I'm cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

You're a little late

I'm already torn


I'm already torn

For more infomation >> Natalie Imbruglia - "Torn" Cover (@RosendaleSings & Matthew Maimone) - Duration: 3:46.


How To Know If an Introvert Cares About You: 7 Little Signs - Duration: 4:13.

How To Know If an Introvert Cares About You: 7 Little Signs To Understand More About Introverts

Being an introvert, they have a series of deep thoughts on their mind that people often

not realize.

And, the way they engage in conversations and relationship is somewhat different compared

to most people.

It's not that understanding an introvert is really hard, instead, if you know a little

more about your introverted partner, you will realize immediately after seeing a few signs.

Moreover, if they care about you, they will try to show some signs just like anybody else,

although introverts may be a little bit discreet about their feelings.

So, ever wondering whether your introverted friend actually cares about you?

there are some signs that they do.

Pay attention to their responds on something, and appreciate their actions.

You will be surprised on how they actually can maintain a good relationship.

#1 - Accepting your invitation

Introverts do not usually go out with people.

they also do not want to go to certain events unless there is a clear indication that they

will be fine.

If an introvert accepts your invitation, unconditionally, it means that she, or he cares about you so


It is something that you should not neglect, and if you are a friend, be sure to appreciate

his, or her effort.

#2 - They Push Their Boundaries For You

Introverts are tend to keep themselves on their comfort zone, they're not likely to

sacrifice their alone time just to try new things out to eat, or doing activities they've

never done before.

Introverts enjoy their alone time because that's the only way they can be their true


If you get an introverted partner who are willing to leave their comfort zone for you,

then there's a sign that they cares about you.

#3 - They call you and answer your call

Introverts do not like to talk since it is exhausting.

They also feel insecure because talking through the phone is not considered meaningful.

That is why they prefer talk in person especially with someone interesting.

If introvert actually calls or even answers your call, it is a big sign that she, or he

respects and cares about you.

#4 - They open to you

Introverts have so many layered guards protecting them from revealing their true self.

It is true that not all introverts behave that way.

However, most introverts really do not want to share what in their minds is because they

are afraid of being judged apart of many other concerns.

If introverts are willing to share story to you, it is definitely another good sign that

she, or he is paying attention to you.

#5 - They Want to Know the Real You

If by some point you notice that an introvert try to dig more about your dreams, passions,

and desires, there's a signs that they're showing their care about you, and they want

to support you.

If you ever get to the point when you and your introverted partner can pass the small

talk and start a real conversation often, means they're truly interested in you.

On this point you can let them see the color of your soul, then most likely you'll realize

that they care about you even without you realizing.

#6 - They put their things away

Introverts are attached to unanimate objects around them.

Smartphones, books, and notes are some examples of their beloved companion.

If they keep them away when near you, you are the beloved companion replacing those

dead things.

#7 - Verbal affirmation

In the last stage, introverts actually can say they like you loudly.

Sometimes, you think it is weird, but it actually a fruitful effect of failing to keep what

is hidden for some time.

All in all, that's some tips on how to know if an introvert cares about you.

Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How To Know If an Introvert Cares About You: 7 Little Signs - Duration: 4:13.


Your Best Shot is a Mistake? Fashion Portrait with a COOL MagMod Hack - Duration: 6:59.

Pay attention!

Sometimes your best shot presents itself as a mistake and if you are not paying attention

you will fix the mistake and wind up with a less creative, less exciting, less interesting


I'll show you an example from a recent shoot where this happened to me.

Stay tuned!

Hey gang!

My name is Joe Edelman and my mission is to help photographers like YOU to develop a solid

understanding of the HOWS & WHYS behind great photography so that you can achieve your goals

as a photographer.

The process of making great photographs of people requires a lot of multi tasking.

You have to pay attention to your gear, your lighting, proper exposure, depth of field,

composition - oh and there is that issue of engaging and directing and often times entertaining

your subject.

If you're lucky you'll have enough bandwidth left over to be creative.

You know ironically, as much as we humans think we're great at multitasking, research

has proven that we really aren't.

So with that said, I want to show you why it's important to slow down and pay attention,

even to your mistakes.

My plan here was to shoot a simple headshot to you a new lighting hack that I worked out.

I scheduled this shoot with Monae very last minute and she was kind enough to agree but

didn't have time do anything special with her hair and asked if I would be ok with kind

of an urban look with the knit cap.

I agreed and set-up my lights with the intent of doing a shot that looks something like


I know - basic portrait - pretty girl - simple lighting - nothing special.

I had Monae sitting about four feet in front of a white wall and I placed a Godox AD200

Pocket Flash on a stand behind her to light the wall and another AD200 as my main or key

light above her and on camera left.

The key light had the modifier hack that I'll share soon.

I wanted to shoot at f/5.6, so I took a few meter readings and powered my key light to

1/64 power.

Then I turned on the background strobe and without metering just took a test shot.

It just happened that the background strobe was set to full power and the resulting test

shot was what you see here.

From a technical standpoint this image is what we are taught is a mistake - but from

a creative standpoint I think it looks really cool.

You know I am partial the backlight concept.

So at this point my SOS kicked in.

I realized that while my lighting hack that I intended to do the video about was cool

- this was cooler with the outfit, hair and color combination and I had to explore it.


SOS is Shiny Object Syndrome - it's a real thing - Google it.

I realized pretty quickly that I wanted a bit more contrast than the overblown background

was going to allow so I dialed the background light back to 1/4 power and still at f/5.6

got this look which has a real crisp commercial feel, but still also a fashion feel.

Part portrait - part fashion = fashion portrait.

As I always do, I then proceeded to work the shot with some simple variations on camera

angles and a few variations on hands.

All of these are done with this really simple two light set-up using the Godox AD200's.

You could accomplish this same look with speedlights or studio strobes.

The secret is the close proximity to the white background and the fact that the background

is about 4 stops brighter than my subject so it creates a lot of spill or flair which

helps give the shot this glowing dreamy look.

I used a MagMod MagBounce as my modifier for the key light in this shot.

I'll be sharing a video in the next few weeks about the MagMod gear and all the cool things

you can do with it.

This MagBounce is designed to give you a soft light with a very wide spread by bouncing

the light off the silicone dome.

But you know me - I don't like rules and I love to experiment with light, so I decided

to use it as a flash diffuser with the flash shining through the MagBounce.

Yup - I placed the AD200 about 2 feet above Monae and aimed it straight at her.

Then I placed the MagBounce on the strobe - backwards - with the open part of the dome

aimed towards the ceiling.

You can see in this portrait version that I showed you, I get a nice small catchlight

and subtle light falloff on the camera right side of Monaes face for a nice soft shaping

of her face.

I'll share more about this hack in an upcoming video.

I will tell you that I am really enjoying the MagMod modifiers and I'll share some cool

tricks for using them.

Pose is a four letter word and you know I recommend avoiding four letter words.

Generally when I shoot portraits or headshots my goal is to keep my subject relaxed and

not looking stiff.

So usually I do the work.

I'll change my camera angles shooting high, low, left or right depending on which is their

good side and at most I'll have my subject do very subtle turns or tilts.

In this particular case since I decided to follow my SOS and go for more of a fashion

portrait I did incorporate some arms and hands to make things a bit more dramatic.

When working with hands - be really careful not to make claws with the hands.

Elegance is important.

If you struggle with helping your models achieve elegant hands in your photos - be sure to

watch this video and take notes!

The link is in the description below.

The final images required very little post production beyond the usual color, contrast

and sharpening and of course removing of blemishes - I say this just as reminder of the importance

of great hair and makeup.

You have heard me say WORK YOUR SHOT many times.

The idea being that it is foolish to assume that your first set-up is the best set-up.

The moral here is that in addition to the need to work your shot - you should always

be aware and looking for opportunities to create something beyond your original idea

- beyond the rules and beyond your comfort level.

You don't have to be the most creative person in th world to be a great photographer - but

you do have to keep your eyes open - always look for opportunities and be brave enough

to explore them when they present themselves.

That's all I did here and in this case I am pretty happy with the result.

In case you are wondering - THIS is my favorite from the set.

If you want a closer look at the images - you can see all of them on my website - the link

is below.

As always, I hope that gives you some ideas, so take this idea and run with it - go create

and show me what you come up with.

Until next time, Please hit that thumbs up and subscribe so that you don't miss any

videos and don't keep all this cool stuff to yourself - please share it with your photography


Remember - photography is not a competition - its a passion to be shared.

Now go pick up that camera and shoot something because your BEST shot - it's your NEXT

shot, so keep learning, keep thinking, keep shooting.


For more infomation >> Your Best Shot is a Mistake? Fashion Portrait with a COOL MagMod Hack - Duration: 6:59.


What does the little girl want from me?! | Araya | Part 6 - Duration: 20:44.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome back to Araya. Let's continue this game

I don't know which way should I go?

No, let's go back

It's really dark af

Where is he?

Go this way... Please please

Did I make it?

Oh shit

Chapter 5, Rama

Why don't you call the polices and SWAT?

Kill the monster!

Does Thailand have SWAT? Army? Or what?

Who is the boss?

Go to the point A. Where is - - Do you think I 'F' know where is that shit?!

At least, just give me the damn map or the guide arrow

Follow the arror

Wtf? Who is that?

Do you want me to go that way?

It wanted me to look at the note! The paper! Ok, now what?!

You wasted my time! I have to meet the boss at the point A!

Where is my gun?


Is it my imagination? Never mind

Don't jump off! It's not safe!

Don't move!

I just shook my brain. Now, my brain is hurt

It's really dark. Oh hell no

The lenses are foggy

Much better. Now, I can see clearly

That's a lot of blood. Oh shit

I have a bad feeling. Maybe, Jit will chase me later

The exit

Where is that come from?

Maybe, I should follow the blood trail

Honestly, I can't understand Thai language!

What is that over there?

Oh, it's just the wall. Oh my god...

Thank you

Please stop... Stop...

Leave me alone. I need to meet the boss

What do you want me to do?


What is that?

Do you want me to go this way?

Where are the seals? Wtf

Please don't kill me. You better not

It's empty

Two more left


One more seal

I only need to find one more seal

I guess it's not here

Now what?

I think I have four seals

Is it loading?

I was here before

You! The little girl! You!


What is that sound?

How can I find the key?


I see something

No, that's not what I want. Wtf?

I got the key. Let's go back upstairs

That's the point A. Wtf

A gear

No no no no no

That doll. No!

No! Throw it in the garbage!


That's a big one! That's a big one!

Who is daddy?

That's a big nope

No no no

No no no no no

No, everything is nope

I will continue this game for the next video. Thank you for watching. Please click Subscribe, Like, Share

or whatever that will help me a lot. See you in the next video

For more infomation >> What does the little girl want from me?! | Araya | Part 6 - Duration: 20:44.


Remix 2018 l รวมเพลงตื๊ดๆ สายย่อ โครตมันส์ เปิดในผับ 2018 ใหม่ล่าสุด , Party club Thai , NONSTOP KH - Duration: 23:43.

Remix 2018

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