Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 3 2018

Hello everyone, I'm Breor, and welcome back to Goodgame Empire.

The last time I made a time-lapse video and uploaded it to YouTube, you guys seemed to

really enjoy it, and so I thought I would do the same again today.

Time-lapses can be pretty entertaining content, and, for those of you who want to get a better

idea of what I'm doing, on average, when I'm logged in, you can slow down this video

and check out the details.

As an added bonus for this particular video, I've also included a clip of me defending

against a PVP attack.

It should be noted that the clip was not recorded at the same time as the time-lapse, but I

thought inserting it would be a fun way to make this video more entertaining nevertheless.

You'll get to see that at about the half-way point, but first let me explain to you what

I was working on in the hour I recorded this video.

As you're about to see in the video, the Battle for Berimond was running while I recorded

this, and so obviously I was involved and hitting watchtowers as fast as I could.

Berimond wastes a humungous amount of tools, but take one look at the gallantry title perks

and I think you'll agree with me when I say participating is worth it.

I expected the event to be relatively easy due to players being busy over the holiday

season, but boy was I wrong!

The event was the most competitive in recent memory, and the red team almost made it to

the capital, but, even if we had, we wouldn't have been able to defeat it, since Goodgame

Studios temporarily loaded it with over a million defenders.

Apparently, this is because a glitch causes massive server instability if the capital

is defeated, and so we've not been given a fighting chance (at least for the moment).

Anyways, for participating in Berimond I unlocked the temporary ability to recruit Imperial

Knights and Imperial Marksmen, and I also vastly increased my food production in green.

In addition to working on Berimond, I also needed to finish the "King of Shadows"

adventure quest chain so I could finally collect my Artifacts of the Shadow King commander


I have the set now, and I think it's interesting enough to make a video about, so stay tuned

for that in the next couple of days.

During this time-lapse I finished the eighth quest and started working on the ninth quest

as well.

Beyond all that, another thing I've been working on is leveling up more of my robber

barons in all of the kingdoms.

Goodgame Studios made some changes to the maximum-level RBC and it's much easier now,

so leveling up more of my robber barons will help me keep my troops fed when the nomad

or samurai camps aren't around.

Having more maximum-level towers in Everwinter, the Burning Sands, and the Fire Peaks will

help me loot more time skips, which, as you all know, are a lot more valuable now that

they're harder to come by.

Alright, let's talk defense.

As you can see, this wasn't a weak attack by any stretch of the imagination, but it

wasn't a perfect attack either.

The attack was fairly strong on the flanks, which meant I knew I wasn't capable of holding

more than one section of the wall, but the presence of coin troops in the center led

me to believe I had a pretty easy gate defense on my hands.

So I headed to the equipment overview to swap out my Kala castellan for my special gate

castellan, which I think you guys have seen in previous videos.

If not, the combination is fairly straightforward: start with the five-piece spring or winter

set as a base, and add two kala gems to get the two-piece kala set bonus, which adds a

lot of gate strength.

After I was finished moving around my equipment, I transferred defenders into the castle where

I was being attacked.

As you can see from the number of horns, my alliance was being massed at the time, and

so I couldn't rely on receiving much support.

To the credit of my alliance leaders, I was texted that I had an incoming, and I think

it's pretty impressive that they managed to keep track of all that.

Next on the menu was tools.

I played it safe by using all lime-bombs and melee defenders.

With my gate castellan putting up 621 troops on the wall, I think it would be pretty difficult

indeed to overcome a defense like this, especially if I was defending a single flank instead

of the center.

With a few other things, such as my wall-space build item and my castellan look, taken care

of, I waited out the last few seconds before I could obtain the report.

I don't know if you guys caught it earlier, but I actually did make a mistake when moving

around my equipment.

I forgot to swap out the kala weapon with the spring weapon, and so my castellan wasn't

quite as powerful as it could've been, but I don't think it hurt me too much.

Alright, let's take a look at the report.

The kill ratio here was better than a 2-to-1, which is generally the standard by which I

gauge success.

Taking a look at the details of the report confirmed that my center-defense held, and

that it wasn't actually all that close either.

You can see in the report I'm using mostly coin defenders on the wall, which is not a

particularly good practice.

You can imagine how, with veteran ruby defenders, this castellan can hold the center against

almost any attack.

So I hope you enjoyed this PVP segment, now back to the time-lapse… and I'll turn

you over to the music from here.

Thanks for watching this video.

Time-lapses like this are relatively easy content for me to make, but I'm also working

on two more informative videos that should hopefully be released later this week!

Stay tuned to the channel, and, if you enjoy my content, don't forget to subscribe.

For more infomation >> Goodgame Empire - Timelapse (+PVP Defense!) - Duration: 8:11.


Collab Speedpaint #1 | Ice and Fire (Zane from Aphmau) | ft: JettNight - Duration: 8:02.

Please forgive me. the video exported in a low resolution, so the footage is pretty bad

It is best to keep the video on a small screen really, and not on full or theatre

This video took forever to get done so i have no patience to wait another 4 hours for it to reexport and reupload

I hope you still enjoy this at least!

For more infomation >> Collab Speedpaint #1 | Ice and Fire (Zane from Aphmau) | ft: JettNight - Duration: 8:02.


IT'S OFFICIAL! Liberals Just Made It A LAW – TRUMP Is PISSED! - Duration: 4:49.


Liberals Just Made It A LAW – TRUMP Is PISSED!

Ever since President Trump was elected, the left has been doing their best to thwart his

America first agenda.

Instead of these "open-minded" individuals accepting President Trump and his plans to

put the country back on the right track they are still kicking and screaming like toddlers

being refused a toy.

That has been evident in the way that the left has been doing all they can to destroy

Trump and his plan to make America great again.

If they are not accusing Trump and his team of racism and bigotry, they are spreading

lies about Russian collusion and pushing for his impeachment without any real crime committed.

And, now these vengeful liberals have taken their contempt for Trump one step further

with a series of laws passed meant to tick off the commander-in-chief.

We all know the left would not slink away quietly after the election but would do their

best to try and destroy the nation with their liberal policies.

One state in the union that is dead set on returning to conservative principals is the

state of California which was evident in the new laws rolled out on January 1, 2018.

Just yesterday, California implemented more changes in their already socialist state that

would make Karl Marx proud.

In a snub to President Trump, the predominantly blue state has decided to ignore immigration

laws, increased the minimum wage, is allowing made up genders on documents, and has declared

that schools cannot determine if they will be gun-free zones or not.

Here is more from Daily Wire:

Schools will no longer be allowed to decide whether or not they're "gun-free zones":

Because the legislature has decided for them.

AB 424 says school administrators can no longer permit employees with concealed carry permits

to conceal and carry firearms on campus.

Which means the only people with guns on campus will be criminals and campus police, who more

often than not can only respond to shootings, not prevent them.

Not only has the state of California attacked the right of the people to protect themselves

on school property, but they have also made it illegal to have gun ammo shipped directly

to residents in the blue state.

A new law passed states that if a resident in California purchases ammo, it must be sent

to an approved firearms dealer with a federal firearms license, and the purchaser must pick

it up in person.

Then, beginning in 2019, that law expands to the purchaser submitting to a background

check for the ammo before being able to bring it home.

Here is more from The Daily Caller:

California's new restrictions on ammunition are set to take effect in January, making

it harder to purchase, sell and transport bullets.

Proposition 63 was passed in 2016 and makes it illegal to sell ammunition without a license

from the Department of Justice, NBC news reports.

Any ammo purchased over the internet would also be required to be sold through a licensed

dealer, who would then deliver it directly to the buyer.

The measure also prohibits driving ammunition across state lines and institutes background

checks for anyone looking to purchase bullets.

The law requires sellers to track ammo sales electronically and submit records to the DOJ

to be stored in the "Ammunition Purchase Records File."

Ammunition is defined by the law as "one or more loaded cartridges consisting of a

primed case, propellant, and with one or more projectiles," according to NBC News.

Exceptions to the law are granted for peace officers, licensed dealers, and collectors.

State gun owners must also now report any stolen firearms within five days or face a

fine from the state.

The National Rifle Association sent a letter to California Attorney General Xavier Becerra

and the California Department of Justice last week asking for a stay of the law, citing

"serious concerns" over "procedure."

The letter argues a delay in the law's implementation would not be unprecedented and claims it would

be "impossible" for every California ammunition vendor to comply with the new regulations

in time for the Jan. 1 deadline.

The left is doing all that they can to water down our Second Amendment rights and will

not stop till they disarm the country.

For the state to prevent gun owners from protecting themselves and the ones they love on school

property is a clear violation of our right to bear arms, and it needs to stop.

However, the issue is that the people in the state of California voted for these laws,

and now it will take a miracle for them not to be enacted.

Of course, President Trump can speak out against these atrocious acts, but until the people

of California get sick of it they will continue, and, if we are not careful, it will spread

to the rest of the country.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> IT'S OFFICIAL! Liberals Just Made It A LAW – TRUMP Is PISSED! - Duration: 4:49.


SEC Shorts - It ain't cheap being a Georgia fan this season - Duration: 1:06.

*horn honk*

Hey man go Dawgs!

Go Dawgs!

Now I know you're going to that Notre Dame game right?

Oh wouldn't miss it. 1200 on StubHub.


I just got a good feeling about the dawgs this year.

Hmm me too!


See you later!

*fire crackling*

How bout them Dawgs, baby!

Ha ha yeah!

We're going to the ship!

Please tell me you are going to Atlanta.

Bought tickets to every game this season you think I'm gonna miss this one?

3500 on StubHub.

4000 lower bowl. Best year of my life!

Incredible. Hey you want some sewer rat?

Naw my wife's doing leftover nutria I'll probably just go have that.

Say no more. Say no more.

Let's finish this thing off strong, baby! Go Dawgs!

Sic em sic em! Woof woof woof.

Ha ha you old dog.

For more infomation >> SEC Shorts - It ain't cheap being a Georgia fan this season - Duration: 1:06.


Best Advice To 22 Year Olds Who Want To Be TV Writers by Jeffrey Davis & Peter Desberg - Duration: 10:18.

Film Courage: …Right and if I was going into pitch this to someone and I was pitching

it to the two of you and you both said "Ahhhh…we don't like this and this and this."

So would the workable and open response from me [i.e. the writer pitching my script] be


I can come back and change it and can we meet again?"

Jeffrey Davis: It depends.

First of all…Oh, I'm sorry.

Go ahead.

Peter Desberg: I would not say that.

I would say "What parts of it didn't you like?

How would you like to see it done?"

Because if they haven't started the creative collaboration, maybe I can start it?

And so if they say "Well I see it working much better for a younger market and I'd

like to make these characters mid-teens."

I'd say "Oh wow?

I hadn't thought of it that way."

Then you could do this and this and this…The more I can get you involved.

Jeffrey Davis: There's another trick that we learned from someone who is not in the

book, my mentor who is in his nineties now, but sharp as a tack.

And he used to go in and pitch television, like ongoing series.

By the way, you are never going to go to a pilot meeting and have one pilot idea and

you are going to have someone who is more powerful than you or you're not going to

get anywhere and you're going to have an agent who got you in the door unless you are

very lucky and I'm not sure that's luck because you do need someone looking out for

you and protecting you.

But the other thing that Peter's always said (and I think this comes from his science

background) is try to find out what kinds of things that producer, that executive likes.

Because if you go in and you pitch them westerns and they hate westerns, you're dead before

you open your mouth.

And that's maybe more for movies.

I don't know.

Peter Desberg: But just to follow that idea, if you have an idea for a western and you

know that they've made a movie about an orphan and that really touched their heart

then you make sure you have an orphan in your western so that you have a way to connect.

Jeffrey Davis: Or if you are like me and you're trying to find out what directors they admire

and then find a western that director made.

So for example, you know they like Martin Ritt and they think Martin Ritt is the greatest

director, find some way in I guess is what we're saying.

And the other thing is, when they say "no," move on.

Don't argue.

Peter Desberg: Never get defensive, never argue.

Jeffrey Davis: Because you never want to go in with one idea.

If you're going in with one idea, you're asking…unless obviously, Aaron Sorkin, they

are going to come there.

I mean, there's a group of people they go to.

Pilot writing is in my experience (and I think it's the same as it is now), is almost never

done by beginners.

They want to go…and it makes sense for them right?

So for example, you pitch this to a showrunner, the only way you're going to get it made

(and I'm not talking about you in reality, I'm talking about you as this person who

hypothetically pitched this), you're going to want somebody who really knows that they

are doing or they will bury you and they will make a bad deal with you.

You want somebody who has got some chops and some power.

Peter Desberg: Can we slip in a little bit of pedantry for just a moment?

Film Courage: Oh, please…that's my favorite.

I don't know what it means but this sounds good.

Jeffrey Davis: It comes from academia, like pedant.

Peter Desberg: One of my favorite books is called 'Thinking Fast and Slow.'

It's probably the smartest book I've read in the last 30 years.

And it basically has the thesis that we have two modes of thinking.

One where we get very, very rigorous and think very hard and deep.

And the other is we think intuitively.

And we make just about all of our decisions intuitively.

And what's kind of interesting is that when we are forced to think deeply, which we don't

like to do, because it's hard.

Not only are we thinking deeply, but we are cranky as we're doing it because it takes

a lot of our resources.

And we're kind of skeptical as we're doing it because we are forced to think hard (it's

not in our regular way of looking at things).

So when I am pitching something, how can I keep this so they are intuitively accepting

everything that I do.

I don't want to put them in a place where they have to go contrary.

So if I made some controversial statement "You know, I've got this idea for a horror

film because we know that everybody secretly always wants to do terrible things to the

people around them."

And somebody says "Wait a minute?

I never want to secretly do terrible things to the people around me?"

The minute that I've got them at that point, I've lost them.

And I have to now find instances and we have to negate them and we're arguing instead

of finding something they are going to agree with right away.

And saying "You know, most of us like the easy way out when things are really pleasant.

And so we make decisions and are "Yeah…I do that."

Then they are cruising along with me and I've got a better chance.

The minute I make them skeptical, I've got a really tough mountain to climb.

The fellow who wrote this book (Daniel Koneman) is a Princeton psychology professor who won

the Nobel Prize for Economics.

It's a brilliant book and I get no royalties from it, which hurts me.

But I praise it anyway.

Thinking Fast and Slow.

But it just makes that really good point that anything that you are saying to somebody that

seems like it's within their realm of possibility that they can accept without arguing, you've

got an easier sell, then if you're stopping and saying "Well imagine this."

I can't see that ever happening.

Film Courage: I just want to come back to something that you said and it was "They

will bury you."

Can you go into what that means?

Jeffrey Davis: What I mean by that is that what a lot of people don't want to see (I

can't say all people) who are experienced is an inexperienced person (especially a young

person in their early 20's) coming in and doing something that is above their skill


They know what you don't know.

They've been doing it…even junior executives who have a very short lifespan.

And you will always want to dial up.

You will always want to bring somebody with you who knows more than you do and can believe

in you and help you.

Those are also great partnerships.

I'll give you an example, (I also told Peter this this morning), I had a student two years

ago and I also told him "I'm going to look like the hero of this and I'm really


This is just my job."

Peter Desberg: He's the hero in all of his stories.

Jeffrey Davis: Somebody has to make me the hero somewhere.

I'm the villain everywhere else.

Peter Desberg: He can start with "How are you?"

Film Courage: Should I start Wind Beneath My Wings [Bette Midler song]?

Jeffrey Davis: Start with how are you and people say "Sorry, busy today."

I think that the best example of this is I had a student two years ago who was the best

joke writer at 21-years old and had done a lot of improv and very young.

But she could work on (which is what you want in "A Room"), she could work on other

people's scripts and would say "You know, this would be a great joke."

And they would all come from character and conflict.

And she said to me in the beginning of the year (because it was a 2-semester course),

she said to me "I'm going to come out of here at 22 and I'm going right on to

a television series as a writer."

And I said to her "I hope not."

And she got really mad at me.

And I said A) You won't be ready B)

They will eat you alive and C) They'll resent you.

So what you need to do is pay your dues.

And they found this or she found this program that Second City in Chicago had started a

grad program in Herold Raimus name (in his memory).

And she applied and she got in.

And she just graduated in May I think or I think she had 6 months to go?

She's got one more semester.

And she is like a different kid because she took her time.

So I guess to go back to your question, you don't want to put yourself in a position

where you will get pummeled because they will pummel you.

They have so many people to see and they are looking for things that they can sell.

It's still a business, no matter what it's on.

Even PBS, people go "Oh British television.

It's so high quality."

It is but it's supported on the BBC so we'll see things like THE CROWN and DOWNTON ABBEY

and things that like which we rarely see here.

Except now we are seeing it here on Netflix.

So I just think it's always a good idea to dial up.

Don't try to be (when you're young), don't go in and pretend to know things…get people

to mentor you I think is the best advice I've ever been given and is the best advice I could


And take your time.

You want to be in it for the long haul.

You don't want to have a gold strike and be done by the time you are 25.

This girl, if she had done what she had in her head, she would have been finished at

25 (I think).

If you look at Orson Wells career, his later career (even though he made some great movies),

he didn't have the career he had at 26.

He was too young, but he was a genius, so that doesn't really count.

For more infomation >> Best Advice To 22 Year Olds Who Want To Be TV Writers by Jeffrey Davis & Peter Desberg - Duration: 10:18.


Mora Ne Pailan | Instrumental | Punjabi Folk Songs | Live Performance | Fauladi Indians | USP TV - Duration: 4:50.

Moraan ne pailan...

Pa layiyaan babul chham chham rove...

Moraan ne pailan...

Pa layiyaan babul chham chham rove...

Na ro babul...

Mereya dhiyan dhan ne paraye...

Sadi suno ek...

Benti sanu door na veyayo....

Dooran de parbat...

Door ne sathon mileya na jaave...

Dooran de parbat...

Door ne sathon mileya na jaave...

For more infomation >> Mora Ne Pailan | Instrumental | Punjabi Folk Songs | Live Performance | Fauladi Indians | USP TV - Duration: 4:50.


How do Americans view 'fake news' today? - Duration: 9:35.

JUDY WOODRUFF: In President Trump's first year in office, he tweeted about fake news

and fake media 174 times.

That is an average of once every two days.

Over the weekend, he said he uses social media because -- quote -- "It is the only way to

fight a very dishonest and unfair press, now often referred to as fake news media.

Phony and nonexistent sources are being used more often than ever" -- end quote.

Well, we explore how many American people view the role of the press and how the term

fake news has been co-opted and even weaponized, you might say, by politicians, with Margaret


She's media columnist for The Washington Post.

And with Craig Silverman.

He's the media editor for BuzzFeed News.

Welcome to both of you.

Margaret, I'm going the start with you.

You set out to get a sense of what people think about the media.

You went back to the place where you grew up, Western New York state, and you talked

to people.

Tell us a little bit about what you found.

MARGARET SULLIVAN, The Washington Post: Well, Judy, the reason I did that was because I

had heard such dramatically different things from readers at The Post and other people,

whether it was on social media or in e-mails, some of it very, very critical, some of it

very abusive.

And a reader actually wrote to me and said, you need to get out into the -- get out of

that Washington, D.C., bubble and go out into, you know, sort of regular America or the Rust

Belt or the Heartland.

And I decided that would be a good idea to actually spend some time and talk to people

about their level of trust in the media and how they're informed and whether they believe

it, or whether, like one poll has it, that people, some large number of people, think

that the news media actually makes things up about the president.

JUDY WOODRUFF: And you found some reassuring responses, but also some pretty disturbing



I mean, I found that people in general do think they have access to credible news and

credible information, but they have their complaints about the news media, too, particularly

the blending of news and opinion and the fact that there's a kind of -- they see a kind

of a pettiness or a snarkiness or kind of an above-it-all arrogance in the news media

that they don't feel speaks to them very well.

JUDY WOODRUFF: They were commenting, I think, among other things, about cable news commentators.


JUDY WOODRUFF: And just the reporting that they get on their Facebook feed, for example.


I mean, people get their news in all kinds of different ways.

And that's one of the problems.

When we say the news media or when we poll people about the news media, what are we actually

asking them about?

Are we asking them about Facebook or FOX News or The New York Times or something else?

JUDY WOODRUFF: So, Craig Silverman, BuzzFeed, you have done a lot of thinking over the last

several years, and writing about fake news.

You use the term a lot.

What have you seen?

We quoted President Trump and his -- he's using that term again, but what do you see

when you -- today, compared the what you originally thought when you started using the term a

few years ago fake news?

How do you see the meaning of the term and what the distinctions are?

CRAIG SILVERMAN, Media Editor, BuzzFeed News: Originally, for me, it was a term used to

describe a very specific type of completely false, deceptive content that was spreading

primarily on Facebook by people who wanted to earn money from the traffic that went back

to their Web site that had the fake story.

And so this was a specific kind of actor, a malicious actor out there, who was doing

it for money.

And yet now, here we are, roughly a year past the election or so, and the term has really

been, I think, co-opted.

And it's almost like a jujitsu move that Donald Trump has done where people were saying fake

news was one of the things that kind of got him elected, and maybe people had been tricked

by these stories.

And he felt like that undermined the legitimacy of his election, so he decided to take the

term and sort of make it in his own image.

And so he uses it today to criticize reporting that he doesn't like, to criticize mostly

mainstream outlets that he thinks are too hard on him.

And I think, frankly, at this point, the term in some ways has become almost meaningless,

or at the very least it means whatever your side thinks it does.

And so it's become very politicized.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Well, there is no question that one example of fake news, or stories

that are deliberately put out there purposely, lies, information that people know is not


We have one example.

And I think you referred to this in your writing.

It showed up as a tweet last year by man named David Clarke quoting Hillary Clinton, and

here it is now.

It's just -- it's just -- it's clearly made up.

There's no truth to it, and yet it got an enormous amount of follow -- pickup.


And, you know, there's that quote, which is Hillary Clinton supposedly saying that Democratic

voters are stupid, and there was also a completely fake quote attributed to Trump saying that

Republicans were stupid.

And so you see this coming, frankly, from all sides.

And in the case of Clarke, you have somebody who is a pretty prominent Trump supporter,

someone who at one point was expected to maybe get a job in the administration, and he's

out there pushing completely fake information.

And in the context that he shared that completely false quote, he was also complaining and calling

real reporting fake news.

So, he's branding something that's completely fake as real and actual reporting as fake

news, and that kind of typifies some of the stuff we see today.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Margaret, I want to come back to the people you talked to in the Buffalo


What did they say the news media needs to do to begin to regain their trust in this

world where fake news, that term is thrown around all the time?

MARGARET SULLIVAN: Well, they would like to see more substance and less superficiality.

They would like to see the separation of news and opinion.

They would like to see less snarkiness and more of a kind of a respectful attitude.

And while they might not put it just this way, they'd like the see more transparency.

They'd like to understand what goes on behind the curtain and sort of how the sausage is

made, which is something that we have never really wanted to show.


MARGARET SULLIVAN: But I think, these days, we have to do that, and we have to own up

to our mistakes in a much more transparent way, so that people can understand how we

do our job and that we're trying to do it as best we can.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Craig Silverman, are those the kinds of things that you think could begin

to earn and to regain the trust of the American people?

CRAIG SILVERMAN: I think the last point is one that's particularly important right now

when it comes to the inevitable mistakes that journalists acting in good faith will make.

You know, journalism is not a perfect exercise.

It's a human endeavor, so we will make mistakes.

But if you're not willing to be honest about it and transparent about it, then I think

the people who are trying to brand real journalism as fake news are given a leg up, because they

can say, see, they made this mistake and they won't say anything about it.

So, I think that's really, really important.

And to Margaret's point about helping people understand the process of journalism, I do

think that's important.

People consume a lot of journalism, but they don't necessarily have an understanding of

how it's produced.

And for a long time, we took it for granted that maybe people trusted us and assumed we

acted in good faith.

And I think we have to demonstrate a lot more and be a lot more transparent.

And, sometimes, that means really making a hard admission about something where we fell


JUDY WOODRUFF: Do you think, Margaret, that this also is going to involve more work on

the part of the news media?

Frankly, I feel that, generally, reporters work pretty hard.

But in order to distinguish between information that we know we can back up and information

that is just out there, that is so easy to write a report or repeat, whether we back

it up or not.

MARGARET SULLIVAN: Well, we have to do a kind of -- I don't know whether it's harder, but

we have to do a different kind of work, which now has to do a lot about with fact-checking

and with presenting.

When an interviewer, whether it's the president or someone else, says something that we know

not to be the case, we have to be ready to counter it in real time and very clearly with

credible and verifiable fact.

JUDY WOODRUFF: I mean, for example, Craig Silverman, today, the president tweeted that

this was the safest year ever in American aviation because there were no deaths from

commercial aircraft crashes.

In fact, this has been the case for the last number of years.

CRAIG SILVERMAN: Yes, and he took credit for it.

And what is interesting about a tweet like that, where, you know, what he's saying is

accurate, but the piece that a lot of people seized upon in the media was him sort of taking

credit for this thing, I have been really tough on the airlines and I have really wanted

to make this happen.

And so what happens inevitably is, given the context of saying, you know what, nothing

actually has been different in this area under Trump, I think a lot of his supporters will

look at that and say, oh, you're taking a cheap shot.

And so it's an important piece of context, but it's a piece of context in a highly polarized

environment that is actually going to feed some of the perceptions people already have

of media.

And so there's some times where you're doing your job, and you're correct in doing it,

but inevitably in this environment it's still going to be interpreted in certain ways.

And I think journalists have to kind of accept that and think about, well, what are other

ways for me to demonstrate my credibility?

JUDY WOODRUFF: Yes, we are in a new time, and we just have to keep working hard at this

every single day.

Margaret Sullivan, Craig Silverman, thank you both.


For more infomation >> How do Americans view 'fake news' today? - Duration: 9:35.


AG Jeff Sessions Hit With Catastrophic Blow – Heads Are About To ROLL - Duration: 30:44.

AG Jeff Sessions Hit With Catastrophic Blow – Heads Are About To ROLL

Over the past few weeks, the FBI has been exposed after it was confirmed that multiple

members of White House Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation were Democrat operatives

who had a bias against President Donald Trump.

Despite the fact that the FBI has been caught literally conspiring against the president,

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has done very little to stop them.

Now, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has finally had enough and is calling out

Sessions for not taking action.

Mad World News reported that it's been confirmed that FBI agents have been manipulating investigations

to Hillary Clinton aids with shady business, effectively allowing Democrats to continue

breaking the law while they focus all their energy on taking down Trump.

While appearing on "Fox & Friends" on Saturday, Huckabee said argued that without

a prosecution against Huma Abedin, "we're all going to lose patience with the attorney


Huckabee stated that if Abedin is not prosecuted, "I think we're all going to lose patience

with the attorney general.

I love Jeff Sessions.

I think he's a great guy.

But he's got to do the job that he's there to do, and that's to universally enforce

the law.

And when I say universally, without regard to who a person is, if they're the highest

person in the land, or if they are the lowest person in the land."

Huckabee went on to mention Lois Lerner, Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page as people

who should be held accountable as well.

Strzok was a top member of Mueller's investigative team before it was revealed that he had been

exchanging anti-Trump texts with his mistress Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer who was also involved

in the investigation.

Ohr was demoted from his position at the Department of Justice after it was revealed that his

wife had been hired to probe Trump for opposition research firm Fusion GPS.

Lerner has yet to be held accountable for going after conservative groups during her

time as head


the IRS.

For more infomation >> AG Jeff Sessions Hit With Catastrophic Blow – Heads Are About To ROLL - Duration: 30:44.


Daily Blast LIVE Access | Tuesday January 2, 2018 - Duration: 44:51.

For more infomation >> Daily Blast LIVE Access | Tuesday January 2, 2018 - Duration: 44:51.



For more infomation >> "SUCKA ALERT"...PRETTY LATINA SEEN HIM COMIN',JUDGE GOES IN HARD ON HER *** THO - Duration: 9:37.


PBS NewsHour - Full Episode - Duration: 56:56.

For more infomation >> PBS NewsHour - Full Episode - Duration: 56:56.


City Of LA Proceeding With Caution For Legal Marijuana - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> City Of LA Proceeding With Caution For Legal Marijuana - Duration: 3:50.


Perfect Mobile Cottage Tiny House on Wheels for 1 Person or a Couple - Duration: 2:08.


For more infomation >> Perfect Mobile Cottage Tiny House on Wheels for 1 Person or a Couple - Duration: 2:08.


The Party Crasher - Duration: 43:03.

For more infomation >> The Party Crasher - Duration: 43:03.


Frozen Fighters | Cold Weather Training - Duration: 1:30.

Marines' deployments can take them to any climb or place.

You know, just like within our Marine Corps Hymn.

And unfortunately a lot of those areas may be cold weather type environments,

and the skills that it takes to survive and sustain within those environments.

It's very important, it's hard to learn when you're actually you know knee-deep in snow,

so a lot of preparatory training events like this really will help the Marines out in the long run.

They hiked out into the training area here, provided overwatch,

set up some clandestine hide sites you know with the overwatch of certain target locations,

and practiced their reporting procedures back to both the the ROK COC and our COC as well.

That culminated into a company movement through mountainous complex terrain.

About 7 kilometres out into the field.

The Marines enjoying camaraderie and building up that brotherhood and stuff

competitiveness between the sports that you saw

whether it was a chicken fights the ski demonstrations.

Just working on that interoperability in and between our partner units.

Now we go together, the ultimate victory is just working on building that camaraderie that esprit de corps

between the United States Marine Corps and the 2nd ROK recon battalion.

For more infomation >> Frozen Fighters | Cold Weather Training - Duration: 1:30.


Carencro police collecting winter clothes for most vulnerable in the community - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Carencro police collecting winter clothes for most vulnerable in the community - Duration: 1:49.


Estos son los pronósticos de los astrólogos para el 2018: Atentados, desastres y un embarazo real - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Estos son los pronósticos de los astrólogos para el 2018: Atentados, desastres y un embarazo real - Duration: 4:27.


City responds to concerns over strict zoning laws in Old Town - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> City responds to concerns over strict zoning laws in Old Town - Duration: 1:55.


Wind Energy - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Wind Energy - Duration: 1:19.


Water line breaks - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Water line breaks - Duration: 1:07.


LADAKH EPISODE 05 Trip from Tandi to keylong - sarchu - Duration: 6:01.

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Nonstop Remix 2018 l​ Lắc Lắc Lắc,เต้นรำในคลับ Break remix thai 2018​,NONSTOP KH - Duration: 1:08:56.

Nonstop Remix 2018

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Disney/Pixar Cars 3 Movie B...

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KR STARS| [N컷] "뭘해도 화보" '로봇이 아니야' 유승호, 물오른 만찢 비주얼 - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> KR STARS| [N컷] "뭘해도 화보" '로봇이 아니야' 유승호, 물오른 만찢 비주얼 - Duration: 3:19.


For more infomation >> KR STARS| [N컷] "뭘해도 화보" '로봇이 아니야' 유승호, 물오른 만찢 비주얼 - Duration: 3:19.


Nonstop Remix 2018 l​ Lắc Lắc Lắc,เต้นรำในคลับ Break remix thai 2018​,NONSTOP KH - Duration: 1:08:56.

Nonstop Remix 2018

For more infomation >> Nonstop Remix 2018 l​ Lắc Lắc Lắc,เต้นรำในคลับ Break remix thai 2018​,NONSTOP KH - Duration: 1:08:56.


For more infomation >> Nonstop Remix 2018 l​ Lắc Lắc Lắc,เต้นรำในคลับ Break remix thai 2018​,NONSTOP KH - Duration: 1:08:56.


With a new Caterpillar Friend

For more infomation >> With a new Caterpillar Friend


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 CDI | Airmatic-pakket | Navigatie | Voorstoelen verwarmd | - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 CDI | Airmatic-pakket | Navigatie | Voorstoelen verwarmd | - Duration: 1:01.


Top 10 Vocaloids of 2017 (+Vocaloids of 2018) - Duration: 17:48.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Vocaloids of 2017 (+Vocaloids of 2018) - Duration: 17:48.


Purchase of 240 precision bombs, 131 Barak missiles approved - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Purchase of 240 precision bombs, 131 Barak missiles approved - Duration: 1:27.


Great Modern Tiny House 300 Sq Ft Farmhouse Eco Friendly - Duration: 3:05.


For more infomation >> Great Modern Tiny House 300 Sq Ft Farmhouse Eco Friendly - Duration: 3:05.


GlamGlow GravityMud Power Rangers GREEN FACE MASK! - Duration: 1:26.

"GlamGlow GravityMud Power Rangers MINI Tutorial"

*Intro Music*

*Background music only - no talking*

For more infomation >> GlamGlow GravityMud Power Rangers GREEN FACE MASK! - Duration: 1:26.


Michele Bachmann eyeing run for Franken's Senate seat - Duration: 2:39.

Michele Bachmann eyeing run for Franken's Senate seat

For more infomation >> Michele Bachmann eyeing run for Franken's Senate seat - Duration: 2:39.


Nonstop Remix 2018 l​ Lắc Lắc Lắc,เต้นรำในคลับ Break remix thai 2018​,NONSTOP KH - Duration: 1:08:56.

Nonstop Remix 2018

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