Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 3 2018


(upbeat music)

- Hi, everybody!

Today let's make some delicious side dish with seafood.

It's pollock. These guys.

Two large pollock. One and a half pounds.

You can get this at a Korean store,

frozen section. Semi-dried pollock.

In Korean we call this "kodari."

I'm going to braise these two guys today

with Korean seasoning sauce and really make some salty,

delicious, savory side dish and it goes well with rice.

This side dish is called Kodari-jorim.

I can make so many different kinds of dishes with pollock.

When it's fresh or dried. This is semi-dried.

Semi-dried means that after the

fishermen catch, and then they dry in a sunny, breezy place.

And then it's a little semi-dried.

The texture of the flesh is a little firmer

and more chewier and really tasty.

So when you braise this kodari, the semi-dried pollock,

you need to know how to handle this,

otherwise it may turn really fishy or sometimes bitter.

We need to learn how to clean very nicely.

Whenever I handle my fish I always

put some newspaper.

On the newspaper I am just working

and then later all these things, some dirty stuff,

I wrap it up and then throw away.

Let's open.


So first let's just remove all fins here from this guy.


And this tail.

Okay and then this guy, too.

So nice! And next inside we gotta check out in the gill.

You guys know that through the gill they are breathing,

so there is always some dirty stuff that's stuck in there.

So we need to remove the gill.

It looks like really smooth, but it still has

little, tiny scales, so I like to remove.

Much, much getting clean if you do this.


You see?

Like this.

Tip of this head part, I always just cut it off.

You see, this gill is connected.

You can remove it this way.


So grab this, pull it out.

But inside I like to remove all this stuff.

I'll use my spoon here.

I will just cut it in half.

You see that?

Some black kind of film.

You should remove this.

This is bitter, also.

So here there's lots of black stuff, like thin paper.

Very nice.

So this fish, pretty clean now.


I still need to wash.

In Korean cooking, when you cook fish

we always eat, also, fish head.

Fish head has a lot of, a lot of delicious stuff.

Around here there is some nice, delicious meat here.

Especially the part that's connected to gills,

that part, the meat is very tasty.

So my next one, same.

You will see, really tiny scales, you will find.

You see?


Still here's some leftover gill.

Black kind of paper, thin paper.

One of my friends asked me, a long time ago,

"Oh, whenever I make this kodari-jorim

"Why it always turns a little bitter?"

So I gave this tip:

"You have to remove the black paper from the inside."

"What, was it?

"I never remove that part."

So this is a very good tip.

Cut it off around two and a half inches.

Put it here.

Let's wash everything and this, we throw away.

Throw away, easy!

A nice wash.

We are going to use the cutting board again.

Pollock is well-handled.

Can you do that?

Easy, isn't it?

So, really this is like only $5.99, kind of cheap,

but you can make four servings,

you know, for all your family.

A really tasty side dish you can make at home.

I will just use this pan

and vegetables I'm going to use; radish, or daikon.

This is daikon and then onion and green onion

and red chili pepper and then also garlic.

Garlic's unskippable. (laughs)

And then one by one, when I prepare them, I will just add here.

So first let's cut it up, this radish.

This is daikon.

I use daikon but you guys can use Korean radish, too.

I just washed it already and dried.

You can use a peeler, but this is

a nice-shaped peeler, I use this.

When it's cooked I love this radish taste,

very soft and sweet.

You guys are interested in what it is?

I got this when I traveled to France, Nice.

At the time I needed to buy some peeler because

my peeler was broken and this one I found.

So when I came home and I used this,

really beautiful pattern, I couldn't believe.

I was so excited about this.

I had never seen such a thing before.

But when I came to New York and then I went

to a kitchenware store later, I found out that

this kind of stuff already existed.


This is about eight ounce. Eight ounce.

Cut this around a quarter inch.


Let's put in the bottom of the pan, radish, nice, beautiful.

Next, onion. Onion around five ounce, we need.

So I'm going to slice this and put it over here.

This amount is around five ounces.

Spread this evenly, it's going to make this sweet.


So next I'll make some seasoning sauce.

Three garlic cloves.

When I make this I usually don't use a lot

of hot pepper flakes, only one tablespoon

hot pepper flakes for this and I use soy sauce.

So add the garlic here.

I'm going to add, soon, hot pepper flakes and soy sauce,

but I like to cut it up, all everything.

This is green onion, large green onion, "dae-pa."

And red chili pepper.

You can use either green chili pepper or red chili pepper.

So this is for garnish later.

All cutting's done and I will use it later.

And then let's make this seasoning sauce with garlic,

hot pepper flakes, one tablespoon.

This is dark soy sauce, three tablespoons.


I'm using rice syrup, but if this is not available,

use sugar. Sugar or honey.

I'm going to use one tablespoon.

Very simple.

Drizzle here.

We need to add water, one cup cold water

so that we can use every drop of seasoning sauce.

And put this in the edge like this.

And cover, let's cook.

20 minutes over medium heat.

(upbeat music)

20 minutes passed, let's open.


So radish is like this.

So we need to cook longer.

Because from radish all delicious

stuff comes out and also onion.

And you see the, a lot of broth on the bottom?

Just ladle this and pour over this.

And then let's add some green onion.

This green onion should be well mixed with this broth.

And red pepper, also.

Red pepper's flavor should be absorbed.


And cover again and turn down the heat to low

so that all this delicious stuff

from the broth is going into fish.

So fish is tasty, also, radish is tasty.

Radish is cooked very nicely and very soft and sweet.

That's my favorite part.

We used all this green onion, but this is for garnish.

(upbeat music)

So, 10 minutes passed.

Wow, really delicious smell.

I'm going to turn up the heat to high heat.


So put some broth here and put it over top.

So radish is very soft.

So until all broth is almost gone.

I'm going to keep doing this, about one or two minutes.

Okay, done, let's turn off.

You can put this pan on the table directly

and then with a few more side dishes,

and of course, rice.

It's going to be a really delicious meal.

But also, you can put this in a plate.

This is freshly made kimchi.

It's going to be my lunch today.

Sesame seeds and my rice.

When you share this pollock always prepare individual

small plates so that you can take some here.

So one chunk of fish here

and then you can eat it.

While you are eating still there's bone,

so we need to remove the bones.

So you need something like this, a plate.

And also, this is for everybody for bone collecting.

So all fish bones should go here.

I'm going to show you how I filet this.

All of my western friends who are not familiar with

Asian fish dishes, they were so freaked out.

"What, how can I eat?

"There's bones, bones together."

But, Koreans and also other Asian cultures,

we need to cook with bones because from

the bones there's delicious stuff comes out.

But when you eat it you can easily

remove the fish bones, just like me.

Radish. With the spoon it easily comes out.

You see?

And here, too.

This is fish bone, so just put it there.

A nice chunk of delicious fish.



Really delicious, pollock fish flavor,

I love that kind of special, unique flavor.

And also, the texture is very flaky.

Awesome, I like to eat more.

I made this kimchi yesterday.

I will show you head.

So head...

Head is usually like this.

There, that part, connected to gill.

Really this part is a very delicious part.

Tiny rib, I'm eating, like this.

A little messy, but delicious, that's the way,

usually we make

a lot of stuff, all of my siblings eat together this.

We use hands and fingers and then after

eating even we lick our fingers.

Nobody says that disgusting, you know, really tasty.

And also this part, you see?

I'm going to show you there's more meat here.

Flip over and this part it has a lot of meat.

See here?

What a flaky fish.

Here, too.

Never throw away the head.

Small head has a lot of meat between all these bones.

So tasty, and also with family members, using your fingers.

But if you feed your small baby,

you need to really look carefully,

so the small fish bones are all removed.

This way we enjoy the braised pollock.

Also, radish is so tasty.

Today we made braised pollock with radish.

Enjoy my recipe, see you next time.


For more infomation >> Braised semi-dried pollock (Kodari-jorim: 코다리조림) - Duration: 18:12.


Huma Abedin Gets DEMOLISHED By President Trump! YES! - Duration: 2:51.

Huma Abedin Gets DEMOLISHED By President Trump!


The President once again demolished anti-American liberals that gave their best to overmine

him and make him resign in his first year of Presidential mandate.

On Tuesday, he bashed Huma Abedin for her really bad scandal when she forwarded highly

sensitive data and passwords to a private, unsecured laptop which was leaked later.

"Crooked Hillary Clinton's top aide, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic

security protocols.

She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents.

Remember sailors pictures on the submarine?


Deep State Justice Dept must finally act?

Also on Comey & others," President Trump tweeted on Tuesday.

As we reported many times before, Hillary's aide Huma Abedin has forwarded several emails

including passwords and other sensitive data via her Yahoo mail which was completely unprotected

and several times hacked mainly from Russian hackers.

Via The Daily Caller:

"Huma Abedin forwarded sensitive State Department emails, including passwords to government

systems, to her personal Yahoo email account before every single Yahoo account was hacked,

a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis of emails released as part of a lawsuit brought

by Judicial Watch shows.

The U.S. later charged Russian intelligence agent Igor Sushchin with hacking 500 million

Yahoo email accounts.

The initial hack occurred in 2014 and allowed his associates to access accounts into 2015

and 2016 by using forged cookies.

Sushchin also worked for the Russian investment bank Renaissance Capital, which paid former

President Bill Clinton $500,000 for a June 2010 speech in Moscow.


Long-time Clinton confidante Sid Blumenthal sent Clinton an email in July 2009 with the

subject line: "Important.

Not for circulation.

You only.


The email began "CONFIDENTIAL…

Re: Moscow Summit."

Abedin forwarded the email to her Yahoo address, potentially making it visible to hackers.

According to The Daily Caller report, the three email accounts Abedin used were,, and"

These new revelations came in a package with the 'doc dump' released by the State Department

on Friday and were widely long waited by the American People to show some more truth.

However, in Weiner's laptop were founded more than five highly classified information

that Huma just forwarded like it is an ordinary photo.

How unprofessional and low IQ is that?

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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U.S. responds to warming inter-Korean ties - Duration: 1:57.

It's the start of the new year and many people are looking at ways to give back or do a little

"charity therapy."

There's a quick and easy way of helping out... giving blood.

Our Park Hee-jun dropped by a donation center in Seoul,... where she met with some people

who cherish the gift of life and the gift of sharing.

It's the start of a new year.

Many people are busy making New Year's resolutions and thinking of the changes they want to make

in their lives.

But some are already making changes that bring warmth to others and could even save someone's


(standup) ed: Mark "Here at the Gangnam Blood Donation Center,

people are kick-starting the new year by donating their blood for people who desperately need


By donating blood, they're improving the lives of others, while doing something amazing for


People beginning their day by donating blood.

After going through some simple blood tests, they step into the clinic to begin their donation.

The center makes a lot of effort to make sure donors don't feel as if they are in a hospital


Some people are scared of needles, but nurses try their best to help the donors overcome

such fears.

This man is donating blood for the fourth time,... and regularly donates to help the

great number of people who need transfusions.

(Korean) "I realized that I hadn't done much to help

other people.

I saw on the news that there was a serious blood shortage, so I came to offer my help."

By investing a little bit of time and blood, they are contributing to securing blood supplies

that have dropped considerably in recent years.

They are also literally saving the lives of others in their community.

(Korean) "Donating blood is an act of kindness that

anyone can do easily and that can help other people.

I came here to donate my blood because I wanted to help those around me who are in need."

Blood banks see shortages especially in the winter, due to the cold temperatures and schools

having winter breaks-- meaning less donations from young people who make up a large proportion

of the donors.

But by making voluntary blood donations, these people are helping to reduce that shortage,

and are inspiring others to do an act of kindness for those in need.

Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.

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South Korea offers talks to North Korea over PyeongChang 2018 - Duration: 2:31.

Good morning, after a brief break from the cold... bitterly cold air has moved back into

the nation, Seoul is waking up to a chill,... you will need to wrap up extra warm as the

wind chill is making it feel even colder than the actual temperatures.

. And these cold readings will hold on through Thursday.

A cold wave advisory has been expanded to more regions while a dry weather advisory

is also in effect, so those of you in Gangwon-do Province will be under a dry and cold wave


Take good care of your health

Checking on today's highs, Seoul will top out at the freezing mark, Daegu and Gwangju

will see highs a couple notches lower than yesterday at 4 degrees.

The skies will be clear for the Seoul area for the whole week, while Jeju and southern

provinces will see a mix of rain and snow this week.

With that, let's take a look at the international weather for viewers around the world.

While most regions in South Korea will see temperatures a couple notches lower than yesterday,

most cities in North Korea will have sub-zero afternoon highs but bright skies.

As for the rest of Asia, those in Japan will see winds picking up as we head towards lunchtime.

Meanwhile, Sydney will also see winds picking up as the day goes on...skies will be cloudy

with a high of 23.

Heading to North America, Montreal's extreme cold warning is over, but a storm is brewing.

As for South America, those in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo will have unstable weather conditions

with highs of 34 and 25 degrees.

Taking you to Europe,.. the UK is bracing for a very windy day under cloudy skies while

Thursday will be a wet one again.

Lastly to Africa, major cities will have mostly sunny skies with a high of 29 degrees in Cape


That's all the weather update for now.

For more infomation >> South Korea offers talks to North Korea over PyeongChang 2018 - Duration: 2:31.


South Korea, U.S. working closely for joint response to North Korea: U.S. State Dept. official - Duration: 2:10.

The markets in Korea were all smiles on the first trading session of 2018,... but the

Korean won jumped sharply against the greenback on Tuesday,... reaching an over three-year

high,... sending a chill down the spines of local exporters.

The local currency ended at 1,061-point-2 won against the dollar,... a move believed

to have been strongly influenced by the strengthening Chinese yuan and the North Korean leader's

surprise proposal for inter-Korean talks.

Experts here point to a potential dip in outbound shipments over the stronger Korean won this

year,... especially as South Korea's exports have been heavily weighted toward the semiconductor


They also say Korean exporters are most competitive in the global market when the local currency

is above 1,130 won to the dollar.

For more infomation >> South Korea, U.S. working closely for joint response to North Korea: U.S. State Dept. official - Duration: 2:10.


이달의소녀탐구 #246 (LOONA TV #246) - Duration: 1:01.

Yves: The tenth girl of LOOΠΔ is doing a photo shooting

Yves: I think our tenth girl has...

Yves: a kind of fruit face. That kind of vibe!

#NowPlaying "LOOΠΔ/Chuu - Heart Attack"

(Senior members standing in order of height and watching Chuu)

Kim Lip: Actually, Chuu is a friend of mine.

Kim Lip: We've known each other since before we entered a high school.

Kim Lip: And we were at high school together for 3 years.

Kim Lip: Cheer up, Chuu!

Chuu: My first turn of a photo shooing is done!

Chuu: Hey...

Chuu: How can I record it again?

'Just breathe in and say 'again' into the camera. That's all.'

Chuu: Ah, alright.

'You don't need to push the stop button" Chuu: Okay

(She is just doing as what PD told her...) Chuu: Again!

Chuu: Hello~

Chuu: Well, my fist turn of photo shooting is done!

Chuu: I"ve never done it befoe.

Chuu: So I was very nervous~

Chuu: But I was so happy~!

Chuu: Because many good people helped me to relax!

Chuu: Can I just do it and end up like this...?

Chuu: See you~!

For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐구 #246 (LOONA TV #246) - Duration: 1:01.


Can Democrats take back control of Congress? - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Can Democrats take back control of Congress? - Duration: 4:01.


BREAKING!! Trump Is ARRESTING Her! FINALLY!! - Duration: 30:44.



Thanks to the America-hating traitor that led our country for two terms, America's

enemies were able to operate right underneath our noses.

Several weeks ago, Judicial Watch revealed that Hillary and her Muslim Brotherhood pet

Huma Abedin removed five boxes of "Muslim files" from the White House, after the duo

falsely claimed the box contained "personal materials" that were "unclassified"

in an effort to get Obama's dirt permanently removed from the White House.

But the time for terrorists running the White House is now over.

Now Trump is moving to have both Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton arrested, after more startling

evidence just emerged about what else they did while working for the Obama Administration.

Abadin's familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood has always raised suspicion, with the New

York Post even chronicling her ties to terrorists, where they ran an investigative piece about

her work at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs from 1995 through 2008, a Sharia Law

journal whose editor in chief was Abedin's own mother.

As Abadin did everything in her power to further the cause of Islam in our country, we're

now learning that Abedin forwarded top level intelligence, including State Department passwords

to Yahoo, where America's top secrets are now in the possession of hackers.

"President Donald Trump called for the imprisonment of former Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin

Tuesday morning," The Daily Caller reported.

"Trump referenced Abedin's use of an un-secure Yahoo email address — as first reported

by The Daily Caller News Foundation — and also called for an investigation into former

FBI director James Comey Sunday."

This is just a portion of new scandals surrounding Hillary and Huma to emerge in recent weeks.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton revealed far more sinister things at play with trying

to keep the American people in the dark about what was going on in Obama's Administration.

Fitton stated:

"We already know the Obama State Department let Hillary Clinton steal and then delete

her government emails, which included classified information.

But these new records show that was only part of the scandal.

These new documents show the Obama State Department had a deal with Hillary Clinton to hide her

calls logs and schedules, which would be contrary to FOIA and other laws.

When are the American people going to get an honest investigation of the Clinton crimes?"

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton

This isn't the first time that disturbing information has surfaced about Abadin and

her ties to America's enemies.

After Hillary's humiliating loss to Trump for the presidency, Wikileaks is now exposed

how the Hillary and Huma have been working in the shadows with some very powerful Republicans

in an active coup to get Trump removed as president.

In the series of emails discovered on Huma Abedin's computer several months ago only

identified "document 1078645," it was revealed how Hillary and Huma were working

with Republican traitors to get Trump removed from office, funneling money into the pockets

of several prominent Republicans to buy their alliance against the President.

The email detailed how funds were being funneled directly from Hillary's campaign to line

the pockets of the Super PACS of Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, and John Kasich in order to

buy their alliance against Trump.

Other emails reveal how Hillary bought off other key members of the Republican Party

by funneling funds from her Clinton Foundation directly to their bank accounts of 3 other

traitors, including Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Lindsey Graham, and known traitor John


This story just proves yet again that the Muslim Brotherhood should be labeled a terror

organization, especially in light of their declaration of "war on America" last week.

Huma needs to be investigated for her crimes against this country and thrown into prison

right along side her crooked puppet master, Hillary Clinton.

This is absolutely outrageous!

For more infomation >> BREAKING!! Trump Is ARRESTING Her! FINALLY!! - Duration: 30:44.


Israel Jiménez le envió un mensaje de apoyo a Jürgen Damm, tras el accidente con pirotecnia - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Israel Jiménez le envió un mensaje de apoyo a Jürgen Damm, tras el accidente con pirotecnia - Duration: 0:28.


Colder air arrives _ 010318 - Duration: 2:09.

정부, 고위급 남북 당국회담 9일 판문점 개최 北에 제의

The date is set,... but will North Korea take it?

South Korea has proposed the two Koreas hold talks at the border on January 9th -- next

Tuesday -- after the North's leader suggested he would be open to dialogue.

Seoul is still waiting for a response,... but should Pyongyang accept,... the talks

would be the first in over two years.

Our reporter at the unification ministry -- Kwon Jang-ho -- with more.

South Korea have been quick to grab the olive branch offered by North Korea.

One day after Kim Jong-un said that he is open to sending athletes to the Winter Olympics

in PyeongChang next month, Seoul invited Pyongyang to discuss it.

(Korean) "We make an offer to the North to open high-level

inter-Korean talks on the 9th of January at the truce village of Panmunjeom.

However, we also express that we are ready to hold dialogue at any time, place, or format."

Cho said through this opportunity he hopes the two sides can re-establish key communication

channels at Panmunjeom and discuss details of the meeting.

Pyongyang severed communication lines with Seoul in February 2016 in reaction to the

previous administration's decision to shut down the Kaesong joint-industrial complex.

If the high-level talks do go ahead next week, it'll also be the first such meeting since

December 2015.

The Moon Jae-in administration has offered talks before, in July last year, but the call

was largely ignored, with Pyongyang criticizing through state media Seoul's policy of sanctions

and pressure.

North Korea watchers have warned that the regime may make demands in exchange for its

participation in the Games, such as the lifting of sanctions.

When asked about whether any other inter-Korean issues would be discussed, Cho stressed that

this time the primary focus will be on helping North Korea participate in PyeongChang 2018,...

but that they hope for more in the future.

(Korean) "If talks do go ahead, we hope that this opportunity

can lead to re-opening further inter-Korean dialogue and restore that relationship."

(Standup) "If all goes well, it could be a big breakthrough

for the Moon administration.

But you never know quite what you're going to get with North Korea, and having been rejected

before, Seoul will likely move ahead with cautious optimism."

Later on Tuesday, Seoul said they had attempted to contact Pyongyang through the Panmunjeom

communication lines, but so far there has been no response.

Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Colder air arrives _ 010318 - Duration: 2:09.


Bury Used Tea In Your Rose Garden ll What Happens Few Days Later Will Surprise You. - Duration: 6:58.

king of flower rose

if you care rose plants you will get also bigger rose

button rose

how to increase flowering size in rose plants

used tea

used tea is best for rose fertilizer

if you add used tea into your rose plants your plants will grow well

it will increase rose flowering size

flowering in bunch

i will show you how to use tea and how much

best fertilizer

waste material

just wash and dry then use

now adding used tea

watering now

terrace garden

For more infomation >> Bury Used Tea In Your Rose Garden ll What Happens Few Days Later Will Surprise You. - Duration: 6:58.


Haferflocken fördern den Schlaf: 5 Gründe, warum du sie am Abend essen solltest - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Haferflocken fördern den Schlaf: 5 Gründe, warum du sie am Abend essen solltest - Duration: 5:11.


Disney/Pixar Cars 3 Movie B...

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For more infomation >> Disney/Pixar Cars 3 Movie B...


현대차 첫 서킷용 경주차 'i30 N TCR', 유럽 모터스포츠 대회 우승 - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> 현대차 첫 서킷용 경주차 'i30 N TCR', 유럽 모터스포츠 대회 우승 - Duration: 3:04.


For more infomation >> 현대차 첫 서킷용 경주차 'i30 N TCR', 유럽 모터스포츠 대회 우승 - Duration: 3:04.


I Feel Right

For more infomation >> I Feel Right


EMINEM Like Home Remake Cover ' Sorry I'm Bad ' - Duration: 3:02.

Check Soundcloud Link On Description

For more infomation >> EMINEM Like Home Remake Cover ' Sorry I'm Bad ' - Duration: 3:02.


이달의소녀탐구 #246 (LOONA TV #246) - Duration: 1:01.

Yves: The tenth girl of LOOΠΔ is doing a photo shooting

Yves: I think our tenth girl has...

Yves: a kind of fruit face. That kind of vibe!

#NowPlaying "LOOΠΔ/Chuu - Heart Attack"

(Senior members standing in order of height and watching Chuu)

Kim Lip: Actually, Chuu is a friend of mine.

Kim Lip: We've known each other since before we entered a high school.

Kim Lip: And we were at high school together for 3 years.

Kim Lip: Cheer up, Chuu!

Chuu: My first turn of a photo shooing is done!

Chuu: Hey...

Chuu: How can I record it again?

'Just breathe in and say 'again' into the camera. That's all.'

Chuu: Ah, alright.

'You don't need to push the stop button" Chuu: Okay

(She is just doing as what PD told her...) Chuu: Again!

Chuu: Hello~

Chuu: Well, my fist turn of photo shooting is done!

Chuu: I"ve never done it befoe.

Chuu: So I was very nervous~

Chuu: But I was so happy~!

Chuu: Because many good people helped me to relax!

Chuu: Can I just do it and end up like this...?

Chuu: See you~!

For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐구 #246 (LOONA TV #246) - Duration: 1:01.


Em gái bị ruồi trâu làm tổ trên tay | Ghê quá đi mất - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Em gái bị ruồi trâu làm tổ trên tay | Ghê quá đi mất - Duration: 2:21.


111 第3組 夢疑 - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> 111 第3組 夢疑 - Duration: 5:52.



Hi Friends In this video you will learn a boat neck blouse cutting and stitching.

I have cut the blouse from the measuring blouse.

If I like the video, I'll forget to share and comment.

So see and learn

First of all, it is a blouse size measurement measurement and cutting the other blouse.

First total length will be measured.

Take the total length on your own?

For plus one inch margin.

Draw similar lines and draw straight lines.

Cutting the blouse hormone at 7:30 inches

7:30 Drawing on these lines

Just pull straight down the line.

This mark applied to vote bank 4:30.

I have marked 15 inches.

I do not measure the solders in this blouse. I have taken the measurements manually.

Here's the fourth part of the chest?

And pull the straight line

Take a measure of the blouse and mark it with your waist here.

Here the fourth part of the waist is to be installed for Plus 1 INCH Plus 2 inch extra margin.

The name of the chest of the blouse is also done.

The blouse is 38 inches, its fourth part is here to apply.

For 2 inches xtra margin.

Now they both pull the line.

Will drop down marks from half inch shoulder

Boat Nek Deep 2:30

Here's the safeguarding of BOAT

Here's the safe of Aramol?

Here are cutting your first back part.

Marks up to 4 inches for tax.

Mark at the top of the point

Just cut back part of the cut.

Apply similar marks to the other side.

Now the front of the blouse will do the cutting.

The side Jeep will be installed in the blouse so the fRONT will not have the BACK open.

Let's sit on top of the cloth.

From here we raise 1 inch in the waist.

And draw straight line

Now it is equal to its cutting.

And this is my saree cloth and net cloth. In this, there is a blouse which I have attached and attached it to the stitch.

Now let's fold it out and put it in 4 way and fold it straight in this way.

Cutting around 7 inches will be done here.

Cutting it from here

First of all, we will cut the cost equal to the fees.

Check the way to set the blouse, from where I'm going to cut.

If the joint is low on the side then the joint can apply.

Now I will cut it from here which will look like my net net.

To make a face from now on, do the lamp cutting on the front.

Now it will be useful to take a sleeve cut size measure.

Measure the side and mark it.

3 inch down and mark it.

Here you will mark 7:30 inches here.

And here's a sAFE sleeve, I have even told to do sleeve cutting in the video.

And make it cut

And do the cutting of the sleeve deep.

And apply it to the border sleeve

Attach the lining to the blouse.

Combine the two together on this joint.

After getting the lining, the two separate parts are separated by separation.

In this way I have sewed different parts and sewed them.

Now put tax in the blouse.

In front 1 inch and back part, 1/2 will put wide tax.

In this way I have put both the tex

Now sew the solder's seal.

Now you will put a sleeve in front and face back from back text.

Just put a urebi strip in the neck.

This strip will make sure to the top.

In this way, this strip has been found.

Now pack a right side of it.

Will keep left side open

Now in the bottom of the side you put a 1 inch wide strip that I have figured out.

Now, put the sleeve on the sleeve and the mall.

Now fix it by stitching the fitting on its other side.

Now you measure the waistline and chest with an inch tape.

Stamp the fitting and measure it.

Now you will put zip in it which will be applied to a single boot.

This zip is my hidden and then seal near the zip.

In this way your side chain has also been found.

And in this way your own blouse is also ready.

The boat is ready with the side jeep in the NAC.

If I liked the video, I would love to share and comment.

And you can follow me in link descriptions.

And do not forget to watch these videos too.

In this way a designer blouse is ready with the net.

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