Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 3 2018

I got you babe.


What did you do?

Try watching without WIFI, bitch!

Ugggh Josh.

Mhmm you're so funny!

What babe? Did you just say Josh?

Are you talking about my best friend Josh?

Oh my God, yeah don't stop!

Let's hear more about this then.

I gotta pee!

You're sleeping in here tonight!

~blood curdling scream~

What? What? You okay?

Oh it was a nightmare! But now that you're up do you mind getting the light?

~loud fart noise~


Why? No! Stop it! Get me out of here!

What is wrong with you?

Not now babe, I'm just getting to the good part.

Babe, I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling it.

Babe, I'm really tired.

I think I just got my second wind!

For more infomation >> Struggle of Sleeping Next to Your BF | CoupleThing - Duration: 2:02.


3kg Blazing Chicken Wings Challenge w/ ISAAC H-D!! - Duration: 10:15.

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Very very excited tonight been wanting to eat with this

guy forever right here we've got Australia's own the legendary Isaac HD!

He has his own channel he has so many records around Australia it's frickin

ridiculous! I've already mentioned him in a couple of the previous videos but

tonight I am going for overall win number 494 I got win 493 earlier today

that 1kg burger but tonight we are at Soho on Darby we're taking on their

Three Kilo Wing Challenge now we've basically got 45 minutes to finish three

kilos this massive bucket of wings and then we've got two beers we have the

options of either Corona or Budweiser he went with two Coronas, and then I love

the two Budweiser's we've got 45 minutes to finish we already paid 30 Australian

dollars for this challenge but if we win we're going to get a $50 bar tab which

we will both definitely use after this, and we will get sweet t-shirts and we'll

be I think the 16 and 17 people up on their Wall of Fame this challenge is

only available on Thursdays but are you ready? I'm ready! I'm excited let's get

this challenge started!

The burger was many hours ago it's well digested now I got plenty of room

for these wings, I know he's hungry and we're gonna celebrate this occasion

of finally meeting up and doing a challenge together by skolling one of

our beers to begin but then we'll move on to the wings he's more of a speed

eater than technique guy so keep your expectations low when you're

watching this for me and we'll see what happens, well you ready? I'm ready!

A, "Win Before You Begin" mug! there we go alright one two three look

That is stupid!

All right that's sucked we've got buckets to put our bones

They are hot wings, but not too hot. Going down real nice.

Yeah sorry, it's a very messy challenge but

is delicious one. some of the best wings I've had!

9 minutes and 20 seconds he's dominated his over there he's got less than a kilo

left I'm probably halfway through my bucket but he's almost done with his second

beer as well, but they're starting to get spicy but they're definitely delicious!

To all you single ladies out there if Randy Santel is ever in your town,

be sure to message him and hit him up, wings aren't the only thing he eats and devour!

How am I suppose to eat after that?!?

And if you're pretty young ladies you can always come over to Isaac-HD's channel

These wings are more of a technique but you should see him throw down sandwiches,

hotdogs, and stuff like that be sure to check out other videos on

this channel all the links are down in the description! Thanks Randy!

Boom 14 minutes and 37 seconds!

Absolutely delicious but extremely difficult to eat, such a technique

food, yeah definitely but yeah so he's going to get the $50 bar tab

which he can probably start on now and have it done with the way a drink before

I get finished but I've got about a kilo left, let's get them down

Got yourself a tequila and water Randy! Oh my god! Randy's most

favorite drink, tequila, and a very large tequila shot!

Almost done! One more or two more come on

Randy let's go down leave no doubt. yep!

26 minutes let's go Randy come on

So like twice the time is this man over here very good job - I suggest you like

the wings No delicious yes yeah very chewy but really started it off with a

bang with that beer chug at the beginning but awesome awesome challenge!

We both had to pay 30 bucks for our meal but we'll each get the $50 bar tab we'll

get sweet t-shirts and we're number 16 and 17 to be on their Wall of Fame so

thank you - Isaac HD for dominating the challenge

along with me great to finally meet him I know he was one of the first people

using and I helped him in my friend Jamie the Lemon

Blossom both get a trip to the United States a couple years ago as part of a

meat pie contest, using tips and stuff but obviously the student

is the teacher today but overall win number 494 and my exception of the day

so it was an awesome day! More tomorrow! Thanks to Isaac, thank you to Soho

and Darby here in Newcastle for the awesome challenge and thank you guys for


For more infomation >> 3kg Blazing Chicken Wings Challenge w/ ISAAC H-D!! - Duration: 10:15.


How to Kill Superman | NowThis Nerd - Duration: 7:08.

Hey guys, I'm Kya and y'know, I'm not the biggest Superman fan.

That big blue boy scout is just out here tryna mess up my plans to conquer Earth.

I've thrown bricks at him, bombs and every kind of laser beam

but he just won't stop coming at me.

I'm not about to give up yet, though, and neither should you.

Because we've compiled a guide for criminals, conquerors, and comic fans everywhere who are dying to know

How to Kill Superman

Let's start with the basics.

Kryptonians evolved a dense cellular structure to survive on their harsh home planet,

and Earth's yellow sun grants them vast superhuman powers and makes them virtually invulnerable.

The key word being "virtually."

We're gonna get into more obscure means to kill the Man of Steel,

but first we're gonna address that old standby,


Kryptonite... Yeahhhh...

This radioactive rock was formed in the destruction of Krypton, and it comes in several different varieties,

but if you're out for blood, your best bet is that green stuff.

It's been used to kill Clark on more than one occasion.

Now, I don't want to cover too much 'Elseworlds' stuff here,

Because it's hard enough dealing with the actual Superman.

But I have to talk about a 1961 "imaginary story" called "The Death of Superman."

Lex Luthor has a change of heart in prison and decides to use that big bald brain for good.

He discovers the cure for cancer, and in return he gets paroled and becomes BFFs with Superman.

You cure cancer, then I guess you get out of jail. Cool.

Of course, the cure was just a ruse, and Lex blast Supes with Kryptonite rays until he dies in agony as all his friends watch.

Ding ding ding ding ding...

This is why you don't mess with Lex Luthor.

He'll spend millions of dollars to make Holly Hunter drink a jar of pee,

and he will literally cure cancer and save a billion lives just to kill Superman.

And now God bends to my will!

Green K is just as deadly outside of the comics, too.

Darkseid uses it to kill Clark in the last episode of 'Super Friends,'

And a whole island of the stuff stops his heart in 'Superman Returns.'

Plus it definitely softened him up for Doomsday in 'Batman v. Superman.'

But what if you don't have access to Kryptonite?

Cause that shit is rare, expensive, and extremely dangerous to humans.

Well, I've got a question for any wannabe Superman slayer:

Do you believe in Magic?

When the music is singing, and hey hey...

At the end of the day, Superman's a creature of science.

He can withstand the physical forces of the universe,

But when it comes to the supernatural he's as weak as any mortal.


Superman's weakness to magic is why Shazam always gives him a hard time,

and how Wonder Woman's sword is sharp enough to cut his skin.

Occasionally, Clark has faced magic powerful enough to kill him.

Like when C-list villain Dr. Light brainwashed him into suicide by magic wand,

Or when some jabroni named Count Crystal murdered Superman and sent his ghost to Hell.

When it comes to villains these guys aren't exactly heavy hitters,

and honestly it feels like any random Ravenclaw could kill Supes without breaking a sweat.

But if you're just a muggle like me,

you can always make him suffer with a

Shock to the System

Superman is one tough cookie, but he's not a god.

You were never a god.

His body can handle a lot, but saving the world can take a toll on you, and sometimes it can be fatal.

He might come down with a bad case of Virus-X, basically Kryptonian leprosy.

Or he can be poisoned by the very sun that gives him his powers.

In 'All-Star Superman,' another Elseworlds story too good to ignore,

Clark absorbs a fatal amount of solar radiation during his decades on Earth.

So after saving the world one last time, he flies into our badly damaged sun and becomes one with the star.

No one can repair the sun but me, Lois. I'm turning into pure energy.

It doesn't even have to be that dramatic.

Sometime, Kal-El's body can just… burn out.

2016, the last time he died, was a very rough year for Superman.

He was corrupted inside a fire pit on Apokolips,

so he dosed himself with Kryptonite chemotherapy.

Then, after getting his ass kicked by a fake Kryptonian god, the strain became too much.

Superman exploded in a blast of green light and his body turned to sand.

Cool. I'm so upset about it, oh no.

He dying in lame ways because he's a lame guy!

He exploded into sand! Can we talk about this? Whatever.

But don't worry, that wasn't the "real" Superman.

The one that kicked the bucket was the rebooted New 52 version.

The classic Clark was still running around in secret, and soon both versions were combined into one character with the same history and memories.

It's just some comics bullshit, don't think too hard about it.

But it does mean the current Superman remembers his most famous and least complicated death of all,

getting Punched Really Hard.

Sometimes that's all it takes.

Even the Golden Age Superman,

arguably his most powerful incarnation ever,

was beaten to death by a superpowered fanboy in 'Infinite Crisis.'

But the most infamous death of Superman was the 1993 saga of the same name.

When planning the event, DC didn't want the honor of Superman's death going to yet another mad scientist or magician,

so they created Doomsday, a character who could destroy Kal-El with his pure, brute strength.

This killer from primordial Krypton was bred by scientists to be the ultimate organism.

They sent him out into the wastes to die again and again, cloning a new body after each death.

That sucks! Can you imagine if your existence was just you dying and dying and dying until you become... whatever?

After hundreds of thousands of years, Doomsday evolves into the ultimate killing machine and winds up imprisoned on Earth.

I feel bad for Doomsday!

Ohh, he's just misunderstood!

For months, the comics built him up as a mysterious figure smashing his way out of confinement,

and after escaping he annihilates the entire Justice League with one hand tied behind his back.

He carves a path of destruction towards Metropolis, where Supes is determined to hold the line.

The two slug it out in one final battle, and after a 'Rocky II' style double KO, both combatants lie dead in the streets.

If he dies, he dies.

It didn't take Kryptonite or a curse to kill the Man of Steel,

just a whole lot of punching.

Supes would be back on his feet soon, though,

thanks to a Kryptonian regeneration matrix at the Fortress of Solitude.


While his body healed, his soul was rescued by Pa Kent,

who had a near death experience of his own and convinced Clark to head away from the light.

I miss you son.

I miss you too, Dad.

Supes emerged from the matrix with an edgy black jumpsuit, a triumphant new mullet, and a shitload of guns.

And once his powers returned, the one true Superman was back again, less than a year after he died.

Most comic fans weren't surprised, but a lot of people believed the hype.

I mean, that issue was supposed to pay for my college education, and now it's worth less than toilet paper.

But I think people wised up by the time 'Batman v. Superman' came around.

The second we saw Doomsday, I think everyone knew the deal.

I'm surprised they even kept Henry Cavill off the poster for Justice League.

Either way, DC isn't gonna let one of their most famous heroes rest in peace for long.

It hurts to admit, but I might never be rid of this big blue bonehead.

But that's okay.

I guess we need someone to fight for truth, justice and the American way.

For more infomation >> How to Kill Superman | NowThis Nerd - Duration: 7:08.


Top 10 Hardest Riddles Only A Genius Can Solve - Duration: 8:25.


Welcome back to the Most Amazing Youtube channel on the internet!

I am Your Most amazing Host Rebecca Fegate….and if we have any geniuses watching…come through

because today we are taking about the Top 10 Hardest Riddles that only a genius can


Before we get into this video, If you feel like a bit of a budding genius, you may like

our sister channel Life's Biggest Questions..

Okay feel free to pause after I ask the riddle then play when you think you have the answer….10


Melanie is trapped in a room.

The room has only two possible exits: two doors.

Through the first door there is a room constructed from magnifying glass.

The blazing hot sun instantly fries anything or anyone that enters.

Through the second door there is a fire-breathing dragon.

How does Melanie escape?

Wait until night time….Melanie!

It sounds so simple!

Although to be totally fair…does she have a time keeping device… because that is pretty


9 - The More You Take, The More You Leave Behind – What Am I?

Foot Prints!

This next riddle comes from Harry Potter at the Goblet of Fire, and I guess if you love

Harry Potter as much as I do, then you will already know the answer…

Shout out to my Slytherin sisters!

Okay….so when Harry is in the maze during the Tri Wizard Tornament the sphynx says to


First think of the person who lives in disguise, Who deals in secrets and tells naught but


Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend,

The middle of middle and end of the end?

And finally give me the sound often heard During the search for a hard-to-find word.

Now string them together, and answer me this, Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss

So this is beautifully written and I love it!

We can decipher this verse by verse…

First think of the person who lives in disguise, Who deals in secrets and tells naught but


– so…probably a SPY

Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend,

The middle of middle and end of the end?

– D And finally give me the sound often heard

During the search for a hard-to-find word.

– eeeerrrr?

Now string them together, and answer me this, Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss

---- urm…could it be a blooming Spider!

Riddle number 7, get ready for riddle number 7…

I'm always there, some distance away.

Somewhere between land or sea and sky I lay.

You may move towards me, yet distant I stay.

While it kind of sounds like the riddle is describing my cold dead emotions, the answer

is actually…The Horizon…of course you can keep chasing the horizon forever….unless

of course you believe in the flat earth theory.

A riddle that may not have made sense 50 years ago… wrap your head around this at number

6…..I have keys but no locks.

I have a space but no room.

You can enter, but can't go outside.

What am I?

I am a blooming Computer Keyboard aren't I!

That is clever.

5 - Getting wet…but also not wet at number five…what mystery is this….

You can see me in water, but I never get wet.

What am I?

Urm….well you can't be a fish because they're pretty wet…urrrrmmm...really think

about it.

What other things can you see in water… your own face!

YES that's it… the answer is reflection!

4 - I cover what's real; hide what is true, but sometimes bring out the courage in you.

What am I?

So…the answer is Makeup, but I don't totally agree…this riddle makes makeup seem like

fake news…but I would argue makeup accentuates what is real.

I enjoy this at number three…….I begin with T, I end with T and I have

tea in me…what am I?




Sing I'm a little tea pot.

I don't know why I just did that, but I feel a strong affinity to tea.

Probably because I am British.


Epic at number 2….Riddle me this…….Mountains will crumble and temples will fall, and no

man can survive its endless call.

What is it?

It is Time!

As we know, time will erode everything in the end, but it will continue being time…although

what even is time without someone to observe it anyway….deep.

Speaking of time….

I think its time to get to number one…..

Okay, get your thinking hat on at number one because it is kind of mind boggling….

You ready?



You walk up to a mountain that has two paths.

One leads to the other side of the mountain, and the other leads to certain death...Oh


The twins know the path that leads to the other side.

You can ask them only one question….one lies and one tells the truth, and you don't

know which is which.

So, What do you ask…

Think about it for one second……….

OKAY…so….You ask each twin: What would your brother or sister say?.

Why? ….because.... for example, say the correct path is on the left side.

If you ask the liar "What would your sistter say?"

Well, the liar would know her sister was honest and she would say the left side, but since

the liar lies, she would say right.

If you asked the honest twin the same question, she would say right, because she knows his

brother will lie.

Therefore, you would know that the correct path was the left!

ALTHOUGH what if the liar realized that all along….. ahhh… well….

Dying has to be better than thinking about this question for too long.

ANYWAY that was the top 10 hardest riddles only a genius can solve….are you a genius?

Did you solve these riddles?

If so…good on you, you are a certified Most Amazing Genius.

Let me know how many of these you got right in the comments section below.

For now, I am your Most Amazing Host, Rebecca Felgate.

Don't forget to check out Life's Biggest Questions… also make sure you hit the thumbs

up button if you liked this video and I will see you major babes next time.

Want to continue on your Most Amazing binge?

I don't blame you.

Why not check out the Top 10 Hardest Words to pronounce and the Top 10 Puzzles You Can't


For more infomation >> Top 10 Hardest Riddles Only A Genius Can Solve - Duration: 8:25.


Funny hamster packed the cheek pouch up to the limit! - Duration: 2:03.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Funny hamster packed the cheek pouch up to the limit! - Duration: 2:03.



The very torn up football you see here

is not mine, but I found it and so I decided to use it

[Billie Holiday 🎵]

Martin Tyler 〰 Škrtel here, Ooooh Yeeeeeeees!

Welcome to Manchester United, Anthony Martial!

[Watch Me Whip (beat drop)🎵 ]

[Mans Not Hot (2Scratch Remix)🎵]

[Massala x mute - HLLW (Bass Boosted) 🎵]

[Panda (Thugli Trap Remix)🎵]

[Melanie Martinez - Carousel (KXA Remix)🎵]

[Billie Holiday 🎵]

For more infomation >> AMAZING SHOOTING SESSION! - Duration: 3:08.





I found something SHOCKING about my 'Step Mum'... - Duration: 9:05.

For more infomation >> I found something SHOCKING about my 'Step Mum'... - Duration: 9:05.


Allied Race Unlock Requirements! - Duration: 2:00.

Hello and welcome guys, So, in this video we will be talking about

the requirements you will need to complete in order to create an allied race once they

become available.

You will need to get exalted with the Highmountain Tribe and completing the Ain't No Mountain

High Enough Achivement, you get this achievement by completing the storyline ín highmountain.

These are the 2 pre-requisites you will need to do if you want to unluck the Highmountain

Tauren which is one of the allied race for the horde.

Our 2nd allied race are the Nighborne and you will need to get exalted with the Nightfallen

and completing the suramar storyline which a lot of people hate for some reason, but

it wont take you as long as it did in the past, so don't worry if you haven't completed

it just yet.

Now lets look at the allied races for the alliance and our first race are The Void elves

which requires you to complete the storyline on argus and getting the Achievement Your

Are Now Prepared!

You will also need to get exalted with Argussian Reach which shouldn't be too hard considering

you will be able to do world quests and get reputation tokens once in a while.

The light forged Draenei also requires you to finish the Achivement You are now prepared

and get exalted with Army of the Light which is the 2nd faction on argus.

However This one should be even easier to get exalted with because you can do world

quests on Antoran Waste and Krokuun.

One more thing, if you want to level up an allied race you will need atleast one level

110 character on your realm which also was the case with the death knights and demon

hunters when they were first added to the game.

If you want to check if you have done all the pre-requisits for the allied races I would

highly suggest you to check out wowheads Attuinement tracker, I will leave a link to their website

down in the description.

So that was the video for today guys if you enjoyed it make sure to give it a big thumbs

up and consider subscribing to my channel to keep up with my latest videos.

See ya next time.

For more infomation >> Allied Race Unlock Requirements! - Duration: 2:00.


President Trump suggests Huma Abedin be jailed ! - Duration: 3:18.

President Trump suggests Huma Abedin be jailed !

President Donald Trump on Tuesday suggested that Hillary Clinton's longtime aide, Huma

Abedin, should be jailed after the State Department's release last week of classified emails found

on the laptop of Abedin's estranged husband, Anthony Weiner.

"Crooked Hillary Clinton's top aid [sic], Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding

basic security protocols.

She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents," the president wrote

on Twitter.

"Remember sailors [sic] pictures on submarine?


Deep State Justice Dept must finally act?

Also on Comey & others."

The emails to which Trump referred, released last week in response to a Freedom of Information

Act lawsuit filed by the conservative group Judicial Watch, were the same batch uncovered

during the final weeks of the 2016 presidential election.

The FBI's disclosure to Congress that it was examining the emails in relation to its

closed investigation of Clinton's use of a personal email server during her tenure

as secretary of state offered Trump a powerful line of attack in the 2016 campaign's closing

days, and Clinton has blamed her loss in large part on the FBI's resurfacing of the email


A spokesperson for Clinton did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The FBI's review of the emails discovered on Weiner's computer revealed nothing to

change the bureau's assessment that Clinton's home-brew email system did not rise to the

level of criminal charges, but their release has nonetheless prompted fresh calls from

Trump and his allies for continued probing of Clinton and her team.

The president has long suggested that Clinton was given preferential treatment because of

her status as a prominent political figure.

Tuesday's tweet was not the first time that Trump has compared Clinton's case to that

of Petty Officer First Class Kristian Saucier, who pleaded guilty to mishandling classified

information after using a cellphone to take pictures of the classified engine room aboard

the nuclear submarine he served on and then destroying a laptop, memory card and camera

after learning he was under investigation.

Trump has also previously lashed out at former FBI Director James Comey, whom the president

fired last year over the bureau's handling of an investigation into Russian meddling

in the 2016 campaign and the possibility that the Trump campaign colluded in those efforts.

The president's suggestion that the Department of Justice probe his political enemies breaks

with a longstanding tradition that the department operate free from political influence.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> President Trump suggests Huma Abedin be jailed ! - Duration: 3:18.


I love you. Here's $1 | Family Feud - Duration: 0:59.


























For more infomation >> I love you. Here's $1 | Family Feud - Duration: 0:59.


Block of Cheese Cake | Food Network - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Block of Cheese Cake | Food Network - Duration: 1:50.


Did Miles Jupp mistake a hippo for his wife? - Would I Lie to You? [HD][CC] - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Did Miles Jupp mistake a hippo for his wife? - Would I Lie to You? [HD][CC] - Duration: 4:22.


Trump, Bannon feuding about 2016 campaign meeting - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Trump, Bannon feuding about 2016 campaign meeting - Duration: 4:31.


California officially becomes first 'sanctuary state' - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> California officially becomes first 'sanctuary state' - Duration: 4:51.


Kim Jong Un's final goal might not be war with America, former Navy Seal says - Duration: 9:50.

For more infomation >> Kim Jong Un's final goal might not be war with America, former Navy Seal says - Duration: 9:50.



Hey guys, it's Emily! For today's video we are talking the most disappointing /

worst books that I read in 2017 so first thing I have a little bit of a cold so

my voice is a little wonky and this I'm not talking exclusively about books that

I hate it's also a mix of ones that I was just kind of disappointed by that I

had higher expectations for books that I may have really really liked except for

one or two things in them that have me like oh no that's what we're talking

about here I hate that I have to say this it just drives me freaking crazy

but my opinions are my own if I do not like a book that you like that's fine if

I criticize a book I'm not going to bash the offer that's out of the way let's

get this started my hair is up it's time to get down to business

it's time to get the dislikes going first off I have the grace of kings by

Ken Lou this is an epic fantasy series set in a ancient China equivalent kind

of world it's really cool the world type is referred to as silk Punk so kind of

like steampunk but instead of being inspired by Victorian London the cool

crazy Technology stuff going on is inspired by ancient China so like you

have people flying around on kites and things like that it's awesome I love

that I did not love a lot of other things in this book first off there were

very few women for the first half of the book I was like what is in the other

ladies I wasn't huge on that eventually we do

get some more female characters and lude to some kind of interesting things with

China subvert some gender stereotypes at least that's what I took it as but I was

very frustrated by the fact that this is a 600 page book and it's taking 300

pages to meet a compelling female character like we have a cast of

characters it's not like we only have one perspective we've cast of characters

as so few ladies I just I'm not crazy about that that's not what I want to

read and then the other thing is that it's an extremely exposition heavy book

lose writing is beautiful I adore his short story collection - paper menagerie

it's a fabulous one of my favorite books here so that's kind of funny don't be on

my disappointed list and also probably my favorites list

I love his writing style I loved his prose there's just a lot of exposition

so a lot of showing rather than telling I was not

crazy about this book I wanted to love it so so much so I'm not continuing with

that series but I am definitely going to pick up Lou's work in the future because

I do still love his writing next I have a boy Snowbird by Helen oyeyemi you like

the graces Kings this is like a three star read for me it was on its way to

being like four and a half five stars I absolutely loved it

but then in like the last 50 pages or something it's just this ridiculous

terrible plot twist that is very transphobic I was I hated it I was so

angry when I read that and I was like I loved all of this book and now this is

what you're giving the reader I'm I think from an artistic perspective it

was lazy and just not great plot set up from a more moral perspective like don't

treat a trans character like that it was treated like this plot twist reveal

thing and I no no no I don't like that no thank you

next I have the ones that future King by th wait I want preface by saying I

understand that it was written in a different time however as someone living

in 27 2018 its 2018 that's kind of terrifying but as someone living in 2018

I don't really want to read a children's book in which a white guy is right and

down the n-word maybe maybe no no thank you I understand where people hold this

the Sunday classic I understand its place in the fantasy canon I didn't like

it I thought some parts were funny I thought the racist bits were just so

jarring so odd when I say a character use the n-word

I think it's Arthur is like swimming in a river and he's like transformed into a

fish and a fish says the n-word I'm sorry what there were also a bunch of

racist references to Native Americans yeah I just I know no thanks no thank

you another two-storied for me was the old

girl out of it by Jesse Klein this is an essay collection and I was expecting to

really like this because I do like some of Jessica Lange's comedy work she's a

comedy writer she's just done a couple of TV shows that I really liked this I

was not crazy well there was this angle of like I was

so weird and quirky as a kid I wasn't like those other girls mmm just red

flags everywhere for me I hate that line of thinking and it was right on the line

of being very girl Bashi it went over a couple times and then sometimes it was

like interesting and subverted that but a lot of times it was just like a little

girl Bashi and i just wasn't into it there were also a lot of weird leadless

insensitive jokes to things like eating disorders and aids and I was like don't

don't turn that into a punch line and it's literally a throwaway punch line

but those were not big setup jokes that were trying to be I don't know

subversive or something they were like one line throw away things that had no

point in the greater context of a particular chapter so no thanks

next I have the dark teller by Stephen King mrs. book 7 in his Dark Tower

series is the final installment and I didn't like it that much

this book is kind of controversial because some people don't like the very

very end like the last hundred or so pages cuz it gets super super meta I

really like that I liked that a whole lot

it was everything else that I didn't like and what you were talking about a

book that is like a thousand and sixty some odd pages that's a lot of stuff to

not like I thought it was boring I thought King was trying to be too meta

in those areas like I liked the meta in the end but for most of the book it kind

of felt like he was trying to incorporate like all of his works into

one I was iffy on when he wrote himself into the story was it to one book about

two books ago I was like I don't know I feel about this yeah I didn't like it at

all in this final version I just there's so much of this I didn't like but that

final end sequence which I loved I just loved it so that ended up being a two

story for me it was mostly one star though I forgot to mention

what book that one like best whoa is it why a fantasy best fantasy

of the year which is not true as a court of wings and ruined by Sarah J Maas I

judge my books on very different scales like a good romance Yamla fiction is not

judged on the same scale it's like literary fiction so I'm not trying to be

super snooty when I say that I didn't really like the court of leagues and

ruined I am saying that compared to other similar things and like my

reaction when I was reading it it's not enough so I absolutely loved a court of

mist and fury I just loved it so so so much I totally acknowledge like all the

flaws that this series has like I'm not trying to defend that but when I was

reading it I'd really really liked it and I didn't really have the same

reaction with a court of things in ruin I found it addictive so I wanted to find

out what's happening but while I'm reading it there were a lot of like

ireally things I was like dust and there was so much - ex machina where you would

have these weird plot fixes that weren't set up nicely so we're all coming out of

left field and I was like wait yeah just felt very and I look at it

felt very haphazard and a little bit lazy and all honesty the way that

sexuality was handled was not great the end of the day I did still kind of have

some fun reading it so I ended up giving this three stars

I just forgot to say it when I was talking about three star books but I'm

probably gonna be too lazy to edit it back in there so a little interjection

if you will and lastly we have a book that comes as no surprise what you've

all been waiting for what I've been waiting for the most hated book of the

year probably know definitely my most hated book of all time and that name is

the bronze horseman by Polly assignments I hate this book I hate it I gained it

so so much this is a book set in World War two in Leningrad and we follow the

worst people in the worst relationship of all time for like 800 pages it's a

trash fire it's awful it's awful I hate it so so so much I read the whole thing

because I had such high ratings everywhere that I was like okay I'm I'm

just missing something I just had to wait for it to happen but

no I just read 800 pages of a dumpster fire I I hate that boy so much it's so

bad that writing is weird and repetitive the plot is weird and repetitive the

relationship is gross the people are so shitty in this book I just I hate them

and you can have compelling but unlikable characters no these are not

compelling also unlikable so so I didn't see I was feeling kind of opinionated

this yeah don't worry I'll be talking about my favorite book soon but I

thought we'd get these negative Nancy ones out of the way

thanks so much for watching if you like this video give it a thumbs up hit

subscribe to see more my face you can find me on Twitter I possibly lit and on

Instagram I possibly litter it and I will see you next time

For more infomation >> WORST/MOST DISAPPOINTING BOOKS OF 2017 - Duration: 9:26.


Trump Calls on 'Deep State' DOJ To Act After Huma 'Puts Classifi - Duration: 3:32.

Trump Calls on �Deep State� DOJ To Act

After Huma �Puts Classified Passwords into Hands of Foreign Agents�

President Trump slammed Huma Abedin over reports that the longtime Hillary Clinton aide forwarded

top secret passwords to unsecured personal email accounts, which were then hacked by

foreign agents.

�Crooked Hillary Clinton�s top aide, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic

security protocols.

She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents.

Remember sailors pictures on the submarine?


Deep State Justice Dept must finally act?

Also on Comey & others,� President Trump tweeted on Tuesday

As The Gateway Pundit�s Cristina Laila reported, Abedin forwarded sensitive State Department

emails to her insecure Yahoo email accounts, which were later hacked by foreign actors.

Russian agents were reportedly among the foreign nationals that hacked Abedin�s emails.

Via Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller:

Huma Abedin forwarded sensitive State Department emails, including passwords to government

systems, to her personal Yahoo email account before every single Yahoo account was hacked,

a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis of emails released as part of a lawsuit brought

by Judicial Watch shows.

The U.S. later charged Russian intelligence agent Igor Sushchin with hacking 500 million

Yahoo email accounts.

The initial hack occurred in 2014 and allowed his associates to access accounts into 2015

and 2016 by using forged cookies.

Sushchin also worked for the Russian investment bank Renaissance Capital, which paid former

President Bill Clinton $500,000 for a June 2010 speech in Moscow.


Long-time Clinton confidante Sid Blumenthal sent Clinton an email in July 2009 with the

subject line: �Important.

Not for circulation.

You only.

Sid.� The email began �CONFIDENTIAL� Re: Moscow Summit.� Abedin forwarded the

email to her Yahoo address, potentially making it visible to hackers.

According to The Daily Caller report, the three email accounts Abedin used were,, and

Revelations of Abedin�s email activities came after a long awaited �doc dump,�

by the U.S. State Department last Friday, which released a portion of the files found

on disgraced former Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner�s laptop seized by federal authorities.

At least five emails found on Weiner�s laptop contained classified information.

For more infomation >> Trump Calls on 'Deep State' DOJ To Act After Huma 'Puts Classifi - Duration: 3:32.


Elif meets with Kerem - Elif Episode 638 | Season 4 Episode 78 (English subtitles) - Duration: 5:27.

So you came back with Vildan, huh?

You're here just as you were before.

I hope leaving your relatives wasn't hard for you.

You wanted to be back here, too, didn't you?

I did.

When Vildan took you away,

I was so mad at her. And sad, too.

But I'm glad that you're here.

Welcome back, kiddo.

I've missed you so much.

Reyhan, too. Both of you!

I've missed you too, Elif.

But I haven't see Reyhan yet.

I checked her room, too. She wasn't there.

Where's she?

Do you know, Kerem?

Is she out shopping?

She misses me, doesn't she?

S.. Sure she did.

Where's she? I want to see her right away.

She'll be so surprised when she sees me!

Look, I've even taken a picture of... Let me... just...


Why don't you answer my question?

Where is sister Reyhan?

My dear Elif,

your sister Reyhan...

is not here.

How is that?

Where is she?

Did something happen to her?

No, no, don't worry, it's not like that. She's alright.

Reyhan is...

Reyhan left the mansion, quit her job.


She's back at her village.

At her village?


Why did she leave, Kerem?

It was necessary she says.

I mean...

she left a letter before she's left.

You know, she was studying for university.

It must be tough for her, studying...

while working here.

I wish she hadn't left.

I wish.

It's her decision.

It seems that it was supposed to be this way.

On the way here,

I was so excited to see her.

I've been dreaming of that moment.

When I would see her,

I'd give her a big hug!

I was going to say "I missed you so much, Reyhan"!

She would hug me too.

She would caress my hair,

and call me "corn tag" again.

Maybe she'll return, Kerem?



Don't be sad because of this, alright?

I'll call you "corn tag" from now on.

I'm going to miss Reyhan so much, Kerem.

Me too.

For more infomation >> Elif meets with Kerem - Elif Episode 638 | Season 4 Episode 78 (English subtitles) - Duration: 5:27.


[ENG] 180103 Sunny's ghost story @ From You To Me - Duration: 1:20.


For more infomation >> [ENG] 180103 Sunny's ghost story @ From You To Me - Duration: 1:20.


Avengers Movie HOT News!!! Russo Brothers Tease a Major Infinity War Upgrade for Bucky - Duration: 2:54.

Anthony Russo has teased that the winter soldiers knew cyborgs are maybe wakandan

tech if that's the case Bucky is getting a much needed upgrade just in time for

Avengers infinity war when Hydra first captured Bucky in the 1940s they began a

decades-long process to turn him into their ultimate assassin as part of that

they used experimental cybernetic technology to replace Bucky's injured

arm he was given a powerful cyborg arm and was likely enhanced in other ways

too unfortunately for Bucky Captain America Civil War saw Tony Stark destroy

that cyborg arm nobody expected that to last Oh and as a result fans were far

from surprised when the trailer for infinity war showed Bucky with a

replacement arm answering fan questions about that arm it's sina weibo Anthony

Russo gave a not-so-subtle hint as to where it could have come from Russo's

comment certainly implies that Bucky's new arm is what condom tech and that's

sure to leave fans thrilled in the MCU what Condon science is centered upon the

fictional metal known as vibranium it's one of the strongest metals there is in

the comics only adamantium is harder most significantly vibranium has the

unique ability to absorb kinetic energy into itself Captain America shield is

made of vibranium which is why it essentially defies the laws of physics

when he tosses it suffice to say Iron Man won't be destroying Bucky's new arm

any time soon it will be a lot tougher allowing Bucky

to effortlessly deflect attacks Marvel's upcoming black panther film is set in

Wakanda and will introduce us to talas sister Shuri

in the MCU Sheree is wakanda's chief scientist it's safe to assume that the

winter soldiers new arm will be designed by Sheree and if so we can expect a lot

of bells and whistles trailers for black panther have shown Sheree wielding

gauntlets that appear to project sonic blasts they seem to be tapping into the

energy stored in samples of vibranium and releasing it as a powerful weapon

it's quite possible that Bucky's new arm will have similar offensive capabilities

given the skill of Genesis threat in infinity war every single one of the

Avengers is probably going to need an upgrade or two it's exciting to see that

Bucky won't be left out from that

For more infomation >> Avengers Movie HOT News!!! Russo Brothers Tease a Major Infinity War Upgrade for Bucky - Duration: 2:54.


Things to Do in Tucson for the Winter | EP36 Camper Van Life - Duration: 17:15.

This week we explore Tucson Arizona in the campervan and share our adventures

including a trip the Pima Air and Space Museum.

Leo you ready? We are all packed up ready to head to down to Tucson. Leo's really

gonna miss this place though, right buddy? all right you ready to get on the road

baby I'm ready all right let's do it

well we got into Tucson yesterday and we have a week packed full of stuff just

saw Star Wars and the last the last Jedi Kait absolutely loved it I'm torn I

loved it yeah I hated it I am an old-school diehard Star Wars fan

and I feel like I need to see this a couple more times to really really

figure out where I stand with it but I have to say this is the nicest movie

theater I've ever been to we paid $5.50 for a noon show of Star Wars

and they had the reclining seats they had beer there maybe we didn't see Star

Wars again okay I just want to get a beer at the theater maybe we could do a

WT our family meet up and instead of camping together we could just go watch

Star Wars I love it all right direction I do I have no idea where tamales are


Chile Relleno, Green Chile and cheese and the vegetable curry.

yeah okay thank you

You love your salsa. I do this is yours

so good I am stuffed if I had one tamale too many but I don't

think that's possible this is true I like the way you think

look what Kate picked up to go with my coffee this morning

a whole half a loaf of bread just for me this sourdough is absolutely amazing so

I have to go check out this bread place for myself and meet the man who made

that loaf I feel like the first time we came to Tucson we completely missed this

part of town we did so while these filters and bacterial cultures leaven

the bread takes about 24 hours start to finish to make the loaves processed I

learn about 27 years ago

because it makes the favorites thanks so much guys I really enjoyed meeting dawn

yeah that was a lot of fun I can really appreciate that the love and passion he

has for the bread thank you I'm surprised you haven't finished the half

loaf I picked up I'm working on it they've got a line outside Cheers

we haven't been up this early in a long time

I haven't had my coffee and even I decided I'd wait until after we did the tour

and Leo is not happy about being up

okay you started we'll just do a quick little briefing here okay this is the

facility underground this building here was not here when this was an active

duty site it was put in for the for the museum okay we're gonna go down 35 feet

to what we call the access portal after we get done with that we're gonna walk

down a short cable way into the launch control center then we're gonna walk

down 250 feet down to level 2 of the silo where you can actually see

we basically offer three tours the one you're gonna get today - the crew's

quarters then we offer one that you're going to get the regular tour then we

would take you down to level seven you can stand up underneath in this one look

up that's about a two-hour tour it's about 20 bucks then we offer our

top-to-bottom take you on every level of this silo it's a it's about a six hour

tour now I'm gonna talk about close by a nuclear detonation several more times

throughout the tour we're talking about a detonation outside of a mile anything

inside of a mile would be considered a direct hit and nobody here would survive

okay any question is up here guys you guys ready to do it yeah in 1977 they

allowed women in this this was the first combat job they allowed women to fulfill

in the Air Force

there were 35 below ground okay entire structure is covered in cleric

steel plate and butt welded together and grounded and would that maybe protect

all the electronics on the inside from electromagnetic pulse which is a lot my

pocket point of your detonation now when he built this place they built it to

protect against three different things glass shop and electromagnet folks we

talked about the appeal the bid was talking about the blast where you guys

are waiting dirty movie when they told you how much your store we three times

well did I beat together can withstand up to 1,000 psi overpressure let me put

that English away if you've got a stick built house and it gets hit by a

hurricane or tornado he's going to be flattened by the 70s eyeball pressure

this is a thousand so it's a pregnant main sponsor silly Iligan being in your

life okay Kate I want you to be the commander Joe you follow me right in

here you've been assuming the consistent commander's chair oh just like home I'm

commander well hit some windows in my house I'm used to that

Joe I'm gonna make you an honorary first lieutenant Kate I'm gonna make you an

honorary air force me oh now let me tell you what that does

for you guys okay it means you're gonna get paid what I get paid if you see here

it says volunteer so there's no papers this is the launch control center we're

going to go through all this thing we're gonna go through a simulated launch top

row lift top we got how many targets three three targets which one's lit up

to target to was the default target for this site for the 19 years it was on

active duty the kree's did not know the destinations of their targets they were

top secret then they're top secret today we still have a bunch of missiles in the

ground and no one part of United States could very well still be targeted

two and three think about it if he didn't know what the target was and it

was across the pond somewhere and we got a real-life launch order and you've got

a hand uncle a little over there you might not do your job so that's why they

kept the destinations to the targets away from the cruise this is how the

message comes down you ready ready okay so we get our incoming message in the

commander and deputy commander is gonna pick up their emergency action message

book just like this on the inside they're gonna start writing down

alphanumeric message at the end of the message the voice on the other end is

gonna say and I say again you and Joe are gonna swap books the message is

going to be repeated and you're gonna check each other's work if everything

matches 100% you got a ballot launch order all right you guys ready ready all

right left hands on the key three two one turn

all the way hold it hold it potent green light let go let go back in the day cost

10 million dollars to build aside like I said about 2.5 million dollars for the

missile the cost of the warhead was classified this is a real time to

missile it was number 10 off the assembly line from Martin Marietta to

Denver Colorado and misses the missile that anybody who worked in the tactician

system got their training on NASA liked him so much they bought 12 of them and

they used them for the Gemini program you've heard of Neil Armstrong

by this very first piece right on top of the talking to mr. Kim's you and I need

thank you thanks for coming guys I don't know about you but that was

pretty incredible I really enjoy the tour with Ken he was

a wealth of knowledge I don't know that tour gave me goose

bumps what about you yeah it's a really bone-chilling thought about you know why

these places were built what was meant and everything else I hope a lot of

people get to experience this and go on the tour because it gives you

perspective and an idea and glimpse of what I must have been like to live here

that Cold War era but also serve at a place like this the people that served

here you know I can't imagine their day-to-day activity and what they went

through mentally trying to prepare for what they had to do yeah I would love to

come back and do the six hour tour and just spend the day here and go through

every level and see it from top to bottom they did have pretty big living

quarters compared to the van yes the kitchen should have given them a wet

bath then they would have had something to complain about by the way yes I love

that it finally got cold enough for you to dig out your long sleeve sweater

I never thought I knew it gets chilly myself but we're in Tucson and it's

freezing it's supposed to get down to 35 tonight yes yep my kind of weather he

just wants to sleep outside all day why is that signing kilometres did we

accidentally drive into Mexico oh it

I thought we were

are you ready ready interstate 90 runs from cheese on snow

palace and the country's Molly continues my way that list

I embrace the metric system to make it more accessible to tourists coming from


good spot yep and I'm ready for coffee you know a lot of people ask us if we

enjoy band life we're happy we downsize yeah and I would say times like these

where we're at a Pima Air Museum and we know we want to spend the whole day here

have our home with us me you're making coffee come back for lunch hang out go

back again until they're closed yep we get to spend the whole day here

in our home think back to when we were traveling in the Class A yeah we brought

the Jeep here but if we wanted to have lunch we had to go back to the Class A

we just parked out on BLM the freedom of being able to have everything but that

to me is one of the core reasons why I love an life


like the tram tour started yeah yes she bombed or was in combat as a slurry

bomber fighting forest fires was owned by a private owner that hired himself

out with slurry tanks in the bomb bay so that they could drop flame retardant on

forest fires founders of this museum approached the airforce giad really be

nice if you you could loan us a b-17 and for display in our Museum and the Air

Force agreed with that but when they went to check their inventory they

couldn't find an inventory they said to keep their eyes open found this plane

sitting on the ground on the tarmac in Cody Wyoming and its fire bomber posture

if you will and ran down there owner/operator over by virtue of the

tail number suggested to the pilot owner how would you like to replace that ratty

old b-17 you're flying for a nice new clean c-54 transport and he said yeah

yesterday so that's how the Air Force got this airframe back it was a trade it

was a trade or a swap if you will being playing what is it b-36 a


let's go check out the b-52s I don't mean the band

next time we share our RV living tips to help you survive full-time RV life

Thank you guys so much for watching. If you enjoyed this please give it a thumbs

up, subscribe if you haven't already and make sure you ding the bell for

notifications of new videos. Also a big thank you to our #wtrfamily for all of

the support. If you'd like to learn how to join click right down here to watch

this campervan series from the beginning click up here in the corner and we will

see you next Wednesday bye

For more infomation >> Things to Do in Tucson for the Winter | EP36 Camper Van Life - Duration: 17:15.


100K PLAQUE UNBOXING + NEW IDEAS - Duration: 6:22.

Hey guys welcome to my living room I just thought we could chat today you

know we could chat a bit about how I just reached a 100K subscribers!!

I can't quite believe it and I wanted to share my unboxing video with

you guys it's just unboxed the plaque that YouTube sent me so let's take a look

So I had the box sent to my parents house because Chris and I have been moving around a lot

we never really know where we are going to be

So we just got home Christmas and yeah and I'm really excited to finally get my

hands on this thing oh my gosh this box has been sitting here for the last few weeks

I usually get Chris to do all my box opening so I'm not very good at this

OMG! It looks so legit okay there's a letter on the top and it says you've just

done something that very few youtube creators accomplish you had an

astonishing a hundred thousand people subscribed to your channel

So cool, that's so cool it is in the letter because it's sort of easy to forget what a big deal things are

you know you reach a number slowly and you think oh well I don't know you

just get used to things easily I guess, that's pretty cool.

Wow this is so nicely packaged

Wow Shayda Campbell congratulations on passing 100k subscribers

okay guys first of all I just want to say thank you so much obviously I

couldn't have done this without you guys the viewers and the subscribers it means

so much to me that this channel means so much to you and you've kept it such a

positive space and I always can't thank you enough for that you know what I

really noticed the most about growing this channel and building this space

what I've noticed the most about my journey is that it's really given me a

lot of credibility as an artist and if there's anything I want to do it's just

to extend that credibility back to you it's very difficult to know where you

stand as an artist it's difficult to even call yourself an artist let alone

know where where you stand in the art world and through building this channel

and this community I've really gained that credibility that you so desire as

an artist and the funny thing is I really consider myself a teacher I love

teaching and making these tutorials but because of that I now have all these

opportunities and offers as an artist that I otherwise I wouldn't have so it's

really because of you guys that I have those opportunities and the funny thing

is I'm still trying to develop my voice and my style as an artist so what I

really want is for you guys to feel and accept a little bit of that credibility

it's difficult to know whether you're just at the point where you're doodling

and practicing or you're at the place where you're you know trying to show

your work in a gallery or sell on Etsy it's hard to know where you stand it's

hard to have your voice heard and it's hard to

gather that confidence to show and share your work and I still feel that

constantly. I am excited about my work I want to be doing this but it's very hard

to keep your confidence up and it's hard to create art every day it's a very

that's a very abstract thing to have on your to-do list so in order to sort of

share that the credibility with you guys I have set up an Instagram account it's

called the tiny green gallery and it's going to be a creatives collective I'm

calling it so what we're gonna do is share our artwork on there I'll moderate

the account and please direct message me any art that you'd like to have shown

and share with the community go follow the account right now and the more

people we have on there the more chance that someone is gonna see your art we

can start a conversation we can share and who knows what could come of this so

follow the tiny green gallery on Instagram and message me photos of your

artwork now I do have a tutorial about how to photograph your art for social

media you can check it out in the card above I can sum up though in just a few

words the most important message of that video and it is light you want to

photograph your art on a nice bright day near a window and preferably on a plain

background or maybe just a few interesting props I always photograph on

simple stuff like white bristol board I have a grey jersey scarf that I get out

and shoot tutorials on because Jersey doesn't wrinkle so I don't have to iron it so

simple lots of light but do check out the tutorial for some tips and tricks

and follow the account the tiny green gallery and send me your artwork and

we'll start sharing and talking and who knows what opportunities will come for

all of us thank you guys again for a hundred thousand I can't believe it and

I have some really fun giveaways coming up in the new year so keep watching

for that and have a wonderful holiday season

For more infomation >> 100K PLAQUE UNBOXING + NEW IDEAS - Duration: 6:22.


Breaking News!!! 2018 Marvel Calendar Has New Peeks at Infinity War, Ant Man 2 and More - Duration: 3:35.

a 20-18 Marvel calendar reveals some unseen images from infinity war ad man -

and black panther the new year is upon us and it's almost time to see some of

2018 s most anticipated movies these new calendar images as well as some other

artwork that has leaked are teasing team-ups that Marvel fans have been

dreaming of for decades Avengers infinity war will more than likely

become the MCU Vegas movie at the box office after the trailer broke all kinds

of records these Marvel images come to us from a Russian calendar promoting

next year's Marvel movies in it we see new art for Black Panther Avengers

infinity war and Atman in the wasp with the team up movie pulling together

four of the guardians of the galaxy a number of key Avengers and Doctor

Strange ant-man and the wasp get their own page in the calendar as does black

panther which shows off striking images for both movies infinity war gets its

own page as well but it basically looks like a high school yearbook with some of

the mightiest superheroes to ever be created a new image for infinity war

popped up earlier this week featuring thorn meeting with the guardians of the

galaxy most fans are expecting Loki to die at the hands of Josh Brolin scoffs

in the opening minutes of infinity war there's plenty of evidence to back this

up including a bloodied and confused Thor showing up at the end of the

Infinity war trailer in front of the guardians of the galaxy the recently

released official image shows mantis tending to Thor who maybe puts up a big

fight against tunnels to save his people and is left stranded and alone where

he's saved by star-lord Gamora Drax rocket and team Groot in addition the

opening minutes of infinity war are expected to be brutal according to

Marvel head Kevin Feige both infinity war and black panther are topping lists

of the most anticipated movies of 2018 according to movie ticketing site

Fandango before appearing in infinity war chadwick

boseman will lead the charge st ally in black panther which comes out on

February 16th 2018 and is the second most popular movie in the poll the

landmark movie which features a black superhero a primarily african-american

cast and african-american director Ryan Coogler will make a powerful statement

the number one movie in the poll goes to infinity war for obvious reasons and it

really looks like Marvel fans are going to be in for a treat in 2018 Avengers

infinity war an Avengers 4 are going to be unlike anything that we have seen

from the MCU thus far and both movies promise to put an end to the MCU as we

now know it some characters will not make it out of the battle with tunnels

alive and new heroes will have to step up in the future with Disney's recent

acquisition of certain Fox properties the playing field just got a lot bigger

so we can expect some more movies of equal epic scope over the course of the

second decade of the MCU

For more infomation >> Breaking News!!! 2018 Marvel Calendar Has New Peeks at Infinity War, Ant Man 2 and More - Duration: 3:35.


Disney/Pixar Cars 3 Movie B...

For more infomation >> Disney/Pixar Cars 3 Movie B...


For more infomation >> Disney/Pixar Cars 3 Movie B...


« Tout le monde adore Brigitte Macron », quel est le secret de la première dame ? - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> « Tout le monde adore Brigitte Macron », quel est le secret de la première dame ? - Duration: 2:22.


For more infomation >> « Tout le monde adore Brigitte Macron », quel est le secret de la première dame ? - Duration: 2:22.



Snowboarding Dares Gone Wrong, Snowboarding Ski Patrol, ENJOY!

5:45 this is not the most typical setting that we would do an intro

without dart we're gonna do an intro darn tire it's very early so if I do any

shenanigans that I usually shouldn't do

get you some gas can't relate give it some gas so we're going snowboarding

today and I came up with a fantastic idea only time you think of an idea you

have to plug yourself in huh and we thought a fantastic idea

fantastic we're going to dystopian mountains and on those mountains we're

gonna give each other's dares to do there's will consist of embarrassment

and two we will probably do stuff that we've never done before like tricks on

the rafts tricks on the rails so Gary will fall a lot and it'll be funny

you're gonna fall a lot too we'll see about that

what are you talking about have you ever done an expert here I'm saying I'm an

expert so I guess the next time we see will be at the slope Aeneid mountains

it's gonna be beautiful okay we're back we missed you guys we

can't just leave you like that just talk to them man I missed a big film idiot

who said safety it works right so let's get all of the bears

so let's get all the bears up the list we go looking thing okay and landing I

fall and break something and this the end of their can Gary its Gary's fault


how do yours days have you put this on Gary's rough-and-ready and he's about to

hit that intimidating box my back boardslide style my back really hurts

you know that the absolute garbage I said a boardslide

stupid little pony my glove is gone next there is to jump off that ramp with no

one fall you can't even jump the same jump but you're all your clothes on

exactly that's the problem is the dead

that was not bad not bad at all naked boy how does it feel to make it but it

feels cold first see so red my hand slid I need my glove we need to find that


Oh Gary's the akan right now you didn't feel so good after I made him go down

naked and you felt nauseous and start throwing up and now he went into a

bathroom someone over there to throw up kind of suck is it my fault probably not

his immune system should have been better than that he should have warmer

clothes it's my fault I thought you just gonna destroy me

after this because I destroyed him at this point Gary's been gone for so long

I'm gonna sue that he's dead arrest the bees Gary how long can you

get 25 minutes but if you're watching this video to see a bunch of crazy

there's some times things don't go your way and your brother starts the acting

who probably dies gagging in the bathroom sink bathroom sink bathroom

Advil bathroom bathroom toilet the bathroom toilet I guess the least I

could do is say some prayers towards Gary's weight he's here

hey I might actually check up on him oh please seriously not that

expressive and thanks see you later yeah yeah yeah I won't let you down I promise

yeah I promise I won't I won't let you down I guess you see later on as tribute

to Gary's death alrighty bro I'm gonna pay tribute to the man who went naked

and started yakking all over the place so I stood as slow-firing Scott to my

right and I'll be getting pummeled with snow for the man who had naked and

started gagging cuz of me that's what I have to do he's my brother it's gonna be

tough I know it is but when your brother is yakking in the back you will face the

same pain as your brother will face because that is your brother and if your

brothers in pain then you will be in pain

never give up it's the strength within I'm not sure what to say anymore

but as long as I stayed in this once it will sound very good and while we're at

it mom don't leave the taquitos in the oven

too long you know I don't like burnt taquitos Gary just know that if you ever

need a yak bag ever again I will be your yeah bag I told you I'll pay tribute to

you and you know what I was gonna do this is what I did this is my tribute

I'm stop talking so what'd you think of my tribute I think the fact that you did

a tribute was more than expected this is true Eric is a different person in 2018

I'm kind of scared personally by the way this is the next day Gary yak for like

eight hours that day six times but now he's alive I'm not that good is

something still wrong with your perfect buddy I'm perfect I think you're perfect

give a like because likes are like medicine for Gary the more likes to

better you feel I want a kiss by kiss he meant like kiss the like button as I

meant subscribe okay I do a like subscribe like a lot we post Wednesdays

and weekends until next time that's

are you score all your monkey I'm a draft

For more infomation >> SNOWBOARDING DARES (GONE WRONG) :( - Duration: 8:34.


For more infomation >> SNOWBOARDING DARES (GONE WRONG) :( - Duration: 8:34.


Battle of the Sexes Movie

For more infomation >> Battle of the Sexes Movie


Elvis Presley - Hurt ( remixed version) [CC ] - Duration: 2:06.

I'm so hurt

To things that you lied to me

I'm hurt

Way down deep inside of me

You said our love was true

And we'd never, never part

Now you wants someone new

And it breaks my heart

Oh, I'm hurt

Much more than you'll ever know

Yes Darling, I'm so hurt

Because I still love you so

But, even thought you hurt me

Like nobody else could ever do

I would never, ever hurt you

No not you,

not you

For more infomation >> Elvis Presley - Hurt ( remixed version) [CC ] - Duration: 2:06.


17 shitty things I did in 2017 | Anette Laagstad - Duration: 12:56.

yes I am wearing a jacket inside

who the fuck even cares anymore

what up losers welcome back to my youtube channel

happy new year

so I've watched a couple of other people do this where they

basically take a year and review and talk about all the shitty things they've done this yer

you know what new year new chances to do new shitty things but

I would like to take this moment to tell everyone about some of the really just

horrible things I did in 2017

God knows I have enough to share

first shitty thing I did in 2017: I got myself evicted from a grocery store

a fucking grocery store

"Anette how do you get yourself evicted from a grocery store?" you ask

well here's how I figured out

so apparently in Norway you can't take razors down from like the shelf

we're talking just like regular razors.

because I guess they're considered a weapon or something

I saw something and I thought it looked interesting

and I wanted to take it out to look at it because I'm 5'8 not 6'3

I can't look at something that's like up here so I tried to take it down and as I pulled it off

the little ro d it was on there was just beeping and flashing lights

and I'm like what the FUCK is going on?

You know I'm on the verge of tears

there's beeping and flashing lights and people are looking at me and I'm

standing here with a razor in my hand and this woman comes up to me and I would

like to just tell you this is in a Norwegian grocery store where they have

to wear all green everything like most like citrusy green color and like plaid

pants that was what she was wearing and she looked like all her children hated

her and she has had four husbands who's all cheated on her.

And she comes up to me and she said "did you do this?"

woman I'm the only one with the fucking razor in my hand and tears in my eyes, who the fuck did you think did this?

basically she told me in so many words that I had to get out.

second shitty thing I did this year was I made a tinder account.

that's not the shitty part

I made an actual like proper tinder account and I found this guy

I'm like I know you

you have a girlfriend

and I'm like okay maybe this is like an

old account and I swipe right just to check and I get a match

Boy you trouble

I screen shot it and I send it to his girlfriend

and I'm like hey what up better keep an eye on your man

and the next day they broke up

Honestly that wasn't shitty of me that was shitty of him

I was being a good person if anything

number three I totalled my car

and when I say totalled I mean there was

no way it was going to get repaired. I totalled my car and I ruined another

person's car for a couple of grand more specifically it was 37,000 Norwegian

krones you do the math I just know that my parents would not happy about it I

wasn't drunk I wasn't texting I wasn't doing anything illegal.

And I was like getting closer to the car I just remember

"you know what I'm dying now and that's ok"

this is smashing and then I was not dead and I got so angry

I'm like god dammit like I would rather be dead right now they'd have to deal with

the consequences of crashing and totalling my own car

RIP to my car we're never going to get a driving with Anette in that car again

Number four

I got shitfaced drunk at a work party

every year in the town city whatever there's something called elvefestivalen which

means River festival

lucky for us we were the like VIP place basically for people to go

it's so much to do

you're so busy

to congratulate everyone that basically this is over for this

year everyone that worked during the river festival weekend gets to come and

party and celebrate and there's an open bar

like half of the people here are bartenders basically

my happy ass did a lot of... just drank a lot I don't know how

much I had but I know I had too much and there was the one person that I just had

something.. A beef or something with and I wanted to tell him that I didn't like

him and I was just like constantly being like I'm gonna tell him who he is I'm

gonna fight him like I was so I just wanted him to know that I fucking

despised his ass.

my mum had to drive me home

when I get out my mom starts laughing I'm like what are you laughing for and I had

basically ripped my pants in the back so like underneath both my ass cheeks it

was just like a nice little rip.

The fifth shitty thing I did this year was telling

everyone that I had an upload schedule on youtube and then following it for

less than a month that's incredibly.. Just so shitty.

Being like "hey every Wednesday!" SYKE

this one isn't shitty towards anyone else but myself

I bought two like tubs of Ben and Jerry's ice cream and ate both of them why are

why are you doing that but like this your life whatever

I'm lactose intolerant.

And I know I'm lactose intolerant and I still fucking did it

I'm like maybe not today yes every day every day

I blocked my mom on all social media and you would too honestly

if you were getting the amount of notifications. Constantly sending you things

like mom please I can't keep up with this and she just keeps

and I'm like you know what? if you won't listen to me I will make you listen to me

and I blocked her on all social media and she's still mad about it.

I got shit-faced again

I get real angry and emotional when I'm drunk, and I had a fight with two of my friends

and I decided that I was going to walk my ass home

shout-out to my friend Hanne this time she drove me to the party

and she was supposed to pick me up at the party I just texted her and I said

"I'm walking home right now"

I was wearing converse. I didn't I could not for the life of me tie the shoes

I had my bottle of like schnapps basically

drinking from it as I want swaying in the streets

my friend's texting me and she's like "where are you I'm going to pick you up"

and I'm like "I'm walking!"

why is this so uncomfortable and I look down and I've walked out of my shoes

I have to walk back in my socks trying to find my fucking shoes

and then I put them back on and I'm like swaying

my friend finds me and the moment I sit down in her car I just start bawling.

And I'm like "I wanna go home!"

I watched something I'm pretty sure was a drug deal

well like something of that sort and I just think ignored it until after the fact

I was like "oh... that's little sketchy innit?"

so during my exam I drove to the side of an island basically

to get like some shots for my exam film

when I got there there was this guy who was like real like pole thin real raggedy looking

And I'm walking up with my god damn camera, lenses and tripod and all that jazz and I'm

just setting it up like to get some shots of the water and all that jazz and

he just looks at me and I'm lik smiling at him like

"what up fellow citizen

just don't mind me! Trying to get my average grade up!"

Another guy comes up to and I see them like looking at me and one of them takes like a tiny

bag out and the other one you start shaking his head and then they go back to

the other guy's car and they drive away and I'm just fucking filming and then I

sit down in my car to drive home and I'm like

"Hold on a second... did I just ruin someone's drug deal?"

I did not take my parents nor did I dress up for my own graduation.

I don't think I realize how important this was I guess I just thought it was like a bish bosh

get in get out get your diploma and like bounce

so I showed up in like stained jeans and sandals

everyone else is like having their parents everyone's wearing a bunad

which is like the traditional Norwegian like you only wear that on like Constitution day basically

and I'm.... well I'm glad I look like an asshole

I started my college application five days before the deadline

now this might not seem that horrible for some people

I had to make a short film

write a pitch for a TV show and also sell myself as like a great fucking student in five days

didn't get into college but that's like not on this.. it's like 11.5

basically I didn't get into college

I reported a guy I know to the police

again this wasn't as shitty on my part as it was on his because he was driving around without a license

and if he sees this or anyone else sees this and tells him

I might get in trouble with like some shady people for doing this but . also

like don't drive around without a driver's license like there's a reason

why you didn't get your driver's license

this wasn't shitty because I did it, this was shitty because I ignored it

I finally bit the dust and realized erm.... I don't have as perfect vision as I used to think I did

things that further away turns out aren't just supposed to be like blurry and unreadable

I used glasses when I was younger

when I was like in fourth grade and then I was like "fuck this! This is annoying

I have to pull them out of my bag? I can't be bothered"

and then we were like sitting during presentations and I'm like asking the people sitting with

"Can you read that?"

but my vision isn't terrible. It really isn't.

When it's really bright or if it's bad lighting or something like.. I can't

"Can you read that?"

they're like yes and I'm like

"whoa shit if for me it just looks like some black dots"

yeah I went around for 19 years just assuming that my vision was fine, when it wasn't

number 14 I cried between classes

I am the teacher!

media theory is really slow and I know it's really slow

media theory's basically analysing things like "have you seen this commercial before?"

and nothing I'm like "are you even breathing?"

and I get so frustrated like I'm trying my best and you're not like you not even looking at me!

I walked into the the teachers toilet which is like there's a one toilet that we have

it's just the teachers toilet. I sat there for like 20 minutes just crying.

I forgot a total of eight birthdays this year.

everyone in my family except like three people

The only peoples birthdays I didn't forget were my two best friends one of them because I wrote

it down in my planner the other 'cause her birthday's the day before mine.

My mum and my sister whose birthdays are five days apart

my (other) sister's birthday

whose the day after mine

I'm a mess I'm sorry and I'm a mess

I faked being sick so I didn't have to go to a family gathering

and then I sat at home eating McDonalds instead

most of my family doesn't like me

I was just like why do I have to go? like no one wants me here anyway

I had a lot more fun doing that than what I would have had going to that family gathering

that's for goddamn sure

The last shitty thing that I did this year

was I spent actual hard earned money cash

on tinder

you get like super likes every 24 hours or something but sometimes you just see

someone and you're like I want you to know that you're a cutie pattootie

So I spend money to buy super likes on tinder just so people knew that I really

like their face.

so those are some of the shitty things I did in 2017.

Please for the love of God leave me comments telling me some of the awful things you did

because I don't think I could stand it feeling so alone and so ashamed.

Doesn't matter what it was maybe you stole 10 pounds maybe you ran over your

grandmother's cat I want to hear about it

and you know I'll see you guys next time

For more infomation >> 17 shitty things I did in 2017 | Anette Laagstad - Duration: 12:56.


3kg Blazing Chicken Wings Challenge w/ ISAAC H-D!! - Duration: 10:15.

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Very very excited tonight been wanting to eat with this

guy forever right here we've got Australia's own the legendary Isaac HD!

He has his own channel he has so many records around Australia it's frickin

ridiculous! I've already mentioned him in a couple of the previous videos but

tonight I am going for overall win number 494 I got win 493 earlier today

that 1kg burger but tonight we are at Soho on Darby we're taking on their

Three Kilo Wing Challenge now we've basically got 45 minutes to finish three

kilos this massive bucket of wings and then we've got two beers we have the

options of either Corona or Budweiser he went with two Coronas, and then I love

the two Budweiser's we've got 45 minutes to finish we already paid 30 Australian

dollars for this challenge but if we win we're going to get a $50 bar tab which

we will both definitely use after this, and we will get sweet t-shirts and we'll

be I think the 16 and 17 people up on their Wall of Fame this challenge is

only available on Thursdays but are you ready? I'm ready! I'm excited let's get

this challenge started!

The burger was many hours ago it's well digested now I got plenty of room

for these wings, I know he's hungry and we're gonna celebrate this occasion

of finally meeting up and doing a challenge together by skolling one of

our beers to begin but then we'll move on to the wings he's more of a speed

eater than technique guy so keep your expectations low when you're

watching this for me and we'll see what happens, well you ready? I'm ready!

A, "Win Before You Begin" mug! there we go alright one two three look

That is stupid!

All right that's sucked we've got buckets to put our bones

They are hot wings, but not too hot. Going down real nice.

Yeah sorry, it's a very messy challenge but

is delicious one. some of the best wings I've had!

9 minutes and 20 seconds he's dominated his over there he's got less than a kilo

left I'm probably halfway through my bucket but he's almost done with his second

beer as well, but they're starting to get spicy but they're definitely delicious!

To all you single ladies out there if Randy Santel is ever in your town,

be sure to message him and hit him up, wings aren't the only thing he eats and devour!

How am I suppose to eat after that?!?

And if you're pretty young ladies you can always come over to Isaac-HD's channel

These wings are more of a technique but you should see him throw down sandwiches,

hotdogs, and stuff like that be sure to check out other videos on

this channel all the links are down in the description! Thanks Randy!

Boom 14 minutes and 37 seconds!

Absolutely delicious but extremely difficult to eat, such a technique

food, yeah definitely but yeah so he's going to get the $50 bar tab

which he can probably start on now and have it done with the way a drink before

I get finished but I've got about a kilo left, let's get them down

Got yourself a tequila and water Randy! Oh my god! Randy's most

favorite drink, tequila, and a very large tequila shot!

Almost done! One more or two more come on

Randy let's go down leave no doubt. yep!

26 minutes let's go Randy come on

So like twice the time is this man over here very good job - I suggest you like

the wings No delicious yes yeah very chewy but really started it off with a

bang with that beer chug at the beginning but awesome awesome challenge!

We both had to pay 30 bucks for our meal but we'll each get the $50 bar tab we'll

get sweet t-shirts and we're number 16 and 17 to be on their Wall of Fame so

thank you - Isaac HD for dominating the challenge

along with me great to finally meet him I know he was one of the first people

using and I helped him in my friend Jamie the Lemon

Blossom both get a trip to the United States a couple years ago as part of a

meat pie contest, using tips and stuff but obviously the student

is the teacher today but overall win number 494 and my exception of the day

so it was an awesome day! More tomorrow! Thanks to Isaac, thank you to Soho

and Darby here in Newcastle for the awesome challenge and thank you guys for


For more infomation >> 3kg Blazing Chicken Wings Challenge w/ ISAAC H-D!! - Duration: 10:15.


Getting My Life On Track! - Duration: 1:50.

I used to struggle a lot with motivation, sense of self, and where I should go with

my life.

I've tried a lot of different artistic outlets like playing music, drawing, painting and

so on but nothing really stuck.

Then I fell into filmmaking and everything kind of changed.

I finally found something that I have a passion for and I can see turning it into a career

that I love.

I'm no longer satisfied sitting on the sidelines watching other people create great works of

art and admiring them for their talents and secretly being envious that they're doing

something they love, and I'm not.

So all of that's changing this year.

It's time to focus 100 percent of my effort on my passion.

And that's filmmaking.

For more infomation >> Getting My Life On Track! - Duration: 1:50.


Funny hamster packed the cheek pouch up to the limit! - Duration: 2:03.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Funny hamster packed the cheek pouch up to the limit! - Duration: 2:03.


evocatio ; medea + dean. - Duration: 2:31.

D: I can't explain it...

S: Just how bad is it?

D: Standing here right now,

Every bone in my body wants to call it...

desire or love...

But it's not that.

But when I'm near her...

I don't know, something happens.

You know that I want her,

but I don't think I can...

S: Why not?

D: No...


Because if she was then that means I'm-

S: That means you're what?




For some reason, she picked you

and I know you've also probably beaten yourself

up a million times over it but-

Do you honestly think...

you ever had a choice in the matter?

D: We need to talk.

M: This nightmare is over.

D: Funny you say that...

Truth is...

I was wrong.

M: But then why doesn't it feel that way?

D: I'm sorry.

I know you know what this is.

I've tried to fight it...

I've tried to beat it on my own.

And I- I can't.

I got no moves left...

Except you.

You knew that this world would be better without us in it.

What do you call this?

M: We both know it.

D: It's time we put a proper name to what we really are,

and we deal with it.

M: It's simple.

D: Nothing at all.

For more infomation >> evocatio ; medea + dean. - Duration: 2:31.


2018 Jaguar XJR575 First Drive Review | Everyone loves an underdog, right? - Duration: 6:49.

The number is right there, nestled smack in the middle against the windshield in red:


In case you missed it, there are another four red 575s stitched into the seat backs.

You might excuse Jaguar for the numerical ostentation, but with manufacturers taking

the horsepower arms race nuclear, the 6-year-old XJR sure could use a hook.

What better way to stand out than an engine output humblebrag?

The $122,400 Jaguar XJR575 gains 25 horsepower for 2018 thanks to software recalibration,

which helps scoot the 17-foot-long four-door to 60 mph in a claimed 4.2 seconds.

I'm gunning the XJR575 along the mountainous passes near the Alvão Natural Park in northern

Portugal to find out whether the upgrade is enough to keep this underdog relevant in the

fevered pitch of the high-dollar sedan market.

Glance at the Jag in profile, and you might doubt its athleticism.

Though nearly identical in length to a long-wheelbase BMW 7-Series and Mercedes-Benz S-Class (and

1.8 inches shorter than the Audi A8L), the XJR575's sloping rear window and rounder styling

lend it a somewhat lazier, more lavish appearance.

It's also long in the tooth, this design having been first introduced in 2009, but it wears

its age surprisingly well.

Frankly, you just don't see XJ-series Jags as often as their strong-selling competitors,

and that keeps them looking fresher, somehow.

In contrast, the Germans have kept their exterior lines purposeful and contemporary looking,

with more frequent redesigns furthering their cause.

Climb inside, and the XJR's premium trim lends a bit more modernity to the familiar cabin.

For starters, the diamond-quilted and perforated leather seats offer solid support, but they

might be a bit firm for long hauls.

Unlike other XJs, the XJR and R-Sport trims don't offer a massaging feature, an unfortunate

sacrifice that is available on most, if not all, of the competitive set.

The rear quarters do, however, offer enough legroom for serious stretching out.

Tall swaths of carbon fiber trim the door panels while another thin rim of carbon extends

around the dashboard, a design shorthand for sportiness despite the fact that the XJR is

only available stateside in long-wheelbase form.

An Alcantara headliner aids the high-end argument.

A few aging elements show cracks in the façade, among them the ungainly seams at the dashboard's

center and switchgear that's grown more than a bit long in the tooth.

At least Jaguar's controversial cylindrical shifter is pleasantly knurled, lending a feel

of specialness over the dials found in the non-R models.

New for 2018 is a larger, 10-inch multimedia touch screen that uses Jaguar's latest Touch

Pro software.

The system works adequately well, though it lags the newest interfaces from BMW and Mercedes-Benz,

and is far behind the upcoming A8L's advanced, dual-screen setup.

The digital instrument cluster is also a weak spot because of its less-than-razor-sharp

resolution and middling brightness.

Countering the arguments against the XJR's cabin is 4G Wi-Fi, an excellent 1,300-watt

Meridian sound system and unique touches such as the giant eyeball vents rimmed in soft

blue lighting, adding to the distinctive Britishness of this big-boned sporting saloon.

The Jag's supercharged 5.0-liter V-8 pulls hard from low rpms, delivering a plateau of

517 lb-ft between 3,500 rpm and 4,500 rpm.

Acceleration isn't as brutal as the monstrously quick 603-hp, 664-lb-ft Mercedes-AMG S 63,

but it's still strong and satisfying, aided by a smooth-shifting ZF 8-speed automatic.

Also pleasing is the finely modulated exhaust note, which betrays just enough of the engine's

mechanical soul without being intrusive or droning.

The XJR's rear-drive-only setup requires some restraint off the line, as dropping the hammer

can trigger the traction control system.

However, intervention is relatively unobtrusive when it does occur.

While the cabin is on the quieter side—a good thing—traces of wind noise do creep

in at higher speeds.

The Jaguar occupies a relatively large footprint but turns respectably well, thanks in part

to its relatively wispy curb weight of 4,156 pounds, which undercuts the big Bimmer and

Benz by several hundred pounds.

Aiding handling is a brake vectoring system that squeezes the inside calipers to help

rotate the vehicle.

As with the XF Sportbrake that I also tested on nearby roads, hustling the XJR through

corners at a spirited pace can trigger whiffs of brake pad odor, which could spell more

frequent pad replacement for folks who hustle the XJR regularly.

Regardless of the means, the big sedan achieves its ends with impressive responsiveness, though

the electric power assist steering can feel muted on-center.

Ride quality is controlled but generally smooth thanks an adaptive suspension system that

monitors vehicle dynamics 500 times a second.

By evaluating g-forces and pedal inputs, the system manages to strikes a solid balance

between crispness and comfort.

But don't bother switching the drive mode selector to Sport, which is indicated by a

checkered flag symbol: The ensuing throttle response feels unnecessarily jerky, making

the challenge of smoothly modulating right-pedal inputs not worth the trouble.

Brake feel is good, and the big red calipers deliver reassuringly strong stops.

With Jaguar's expanding SUV and crossover lineup drawing much of the brand's attention

these days, one can't help but wonder whether the aging XJ's future is in peril.

Especially when it comes to limited production, high-end, go-fast sedans, it's becoming harder

than ever to compete with the big boys such as the $138,800 BMW Alpina B7 and the $147,500

Mercedes-AMG S 63, not to mention the next-gen Audi A8L that will hit showrooms next fall.

And since buyers of these plush, powerful sedans are unlikely to scoff at $20K or so

in savings, the XJR575 faces a particular uphill battle.

However, Jaguar's flagship does offer distinctiveness within this competitive segment, one that's

hard to find elsewhere.

While every Tom, Dick and Harry on Wall Street is sporting a Benzo or Bimmer (not to mention

more premium offerings from Aston Martin, Bentley and Rolls-Royce), the Jaguar still

makes a niche statement with singular styling that's about as unique as its two exclusive

colors, Satin Corris Grey and Velocity Blue.

There may be excellent alternatives among big-ticket performance sedans, but few will

stand out in the crowd like the XJR575.

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