Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 4 2018

If you have acne, you know this topic has been done to DEATH already.

But there's SO MUCH FUCKING INFO that even if you've already heard it all, you probably

still have no idea what to do, and you probably still have acne.


So today I'm here to give you a very simple list of SPECIFIC things you should do - these

are what I consider the MOST IMPORTANT things that everybody with acne needs to be doing.

#1 Diet.

Now you're probably thinking "oh THANKS Zeus, I've totally never heard THIS tip before.

Eat Healthy!

Thanks for the fucking insight bro!"

But wait.

I'm gonna tell you SPECIFICALLY, EXACTLY which foods to eat, and exactly which foods to avoid,

including an EXACT LIST of the food I personally eat in a typical day.

AVOID: dairy, super sugary shit, processed foods, greasy food, junk food, soda, candy,

fast food, and sugary cereal!

Also, if you're eating packaged food - for example, a bag of chips, or a frozen meal

- and you look at the Ingredients list on the back and it takes you more than like 5

seconds to read it - that's too many fucking ingredients and you should probably stay away

from it.

I also recommend drinking water that's as clean as possible - I actually discovered

this recently: if you live in the US, the requirements for water treatment are pretty

lax, meaning in most places if you drink water from the tap there are tons of chemicals and

toxins in it.

Now for most people they don't really notice a difference, but for dudes with sensitive

skin, that's exactly the kind of bullshit you need to avoid!

So I highly recommend getting a water filter for your tap.


The 5 things you definitely NEED to be eating are: Green Tea because it has tons of antioxidants

that prevent the effects of environmental stressors on your body, Fruits, Vegetables,

a Vitamin D3 supplement, foods that are high in Omega 3 fatty acids to help reduce inflammation

AND a probiotic supplement.

Probiotics are good bacteria that populate your gut and help optimize your bodily and

immune functions, so they can also be helpful at reducing inflammation - aka the big ass

inflamed things on your face known as pimples.

They sell these at practically every grocery store.

One of the most important factors determining whether or not you'll break out is your


If you eat a shitty diet, it'll translate to shitty skin, it's simple.

Now I'm not saying you need to switch up your diet so you're eating NOTHING BUT FRUITS,

VEGETABLES, AND TEA - but, making sure your diet is at least CENTERED AROUND these things

is the easiest way to clear up your skin.

# 2.

Cleanse your face

This is something that a lot of guys struggle with - even me.

For most of my teenage years I barely used anything for my face because it just seemed

like such a fucking hassle, plus you never really know which products work and which

ones are bullshit, so even if you do use products you usually only got mild results anyway.

However, consistently cleansing your face is probably the most important thing you can

do to prevent acne.

Throughout the day, the oils and sweat from your face build up and clog your pores, along

with all the dirt and pollution in the air.

If you don't cleanse your face, you're letting all that shit build up, and that leads

to breakouts.

Now I know exactly how it is, no dude wants to take time out of his day to wash or moisturize

his face, it's something you forget about easily when you're in a rush, AND even if

you want to you're not even sure what to buy because there's like 10 trillion different

versions of products and moisturizers that all claim to be "THE #1 DOCTOR RECOMMENDED


How can every product be #1?

That doesn't even make sense.

Now lately, the product I've been using is Tiege Hanley.

Tiege allows me to do the minimum amount of work, while getting epic results: It's simple

as fuck, it literally adds just TWO minutes to my morning routine and it makes my skin

noticeably clearer and healthier.

Right after I brush my teeth, I use the Tiege facial cleanser to make sure my pores don't

stay clogged and to make sure my face stays clean.

Then I just put on the serum, eye cream, and moisturizer and boom I'm done.

And the reason it's so simple is because when you get the kit, it comes with EVERYTHING,

and each of the bottles tells you exactly how much to use and in what order so you literally

just read it once and then know when to put which product on.

I actually really like that feature, because it really simplifies the process, and you

don't have to struggle with reading tiny little directions and figuring it out yourself, nor

do you have to try a bunch of different stuff and experiment with this product and that

product and when to use it and all that.

You also don't even need to worry about going out and buying it, because it's subscription-based,

so you subscribe to it once, and you get it delivered to your door every month.

Throughout history, men have searched for the long-lost Holy Grail, believed to bestow

supernatural abilities upon any one who drinks from it.

Many kings and queens died in their quest for it.

A group called the Knights of Templar was created and their sole purpose was to search

for the Grail and return it to their kingdom.

They were never successful ........ until now.


Yeah, WELL, I don't know if it actually bestows supernatural abilities on you - but, its ability

to completely clear up your acne is so good that it's practically supernatural.

If you want to check it out I'll have a link and a Based Zeus certified discount code

in the description.

# 3.

Don't touch your face

Now this is an obvious one but let me really break it down for you guys so you fully understand

what I mean by this.

DO NOT touch your face.

Throughout the day you touch all types of germ-filled stuff like other people, door

knobs, hand rails, and more.

So when you touch your face without washing your hands, you're putting all that bacteria

and dirt all over it, leading to clogged pores and a breeding ground for breakouts.

Also, this goes without saying but you'd be surprised by how many dirty dudes I see

walking out of the bathroom without even looking at the sink!

WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN, especially after using the bathroom, don't be disgusting.

It only takes 20 seconds to wash your hands with soap and water and ensure your hands

are clean, and you're reducing the amount of gross shit you come in contact with.

Seriously, I was at the gym last night and judging by the sounds, some dude was in the

stall taking a MASSIVE shit.

Then he came out, and just walked right out of the locker room!

Didn't even wash his hands!

I was staring at him like .....That's disgusting.

If you don't wash your hands after you take a shit, what the fuck is wrong with you?


What is wrong with you.

It's scientifically proven that you touch your face hundreds of times a day whether

you realize it or not, so you might as well make sure your hands are clean if you're

gonna be touching it without realizing it.

Also, from a general hygiene standpoint you SHOULD be washing your hands after you use

the bathroom because if not, you'll be more likely to get sick and you'll be literally

touching your own shit and putting it on your face and everywhere else!

Holy shit, that sounds so disgusting when I put it like that.

But it's true.

And it really is disgusting.

Holy shit.

Pun intended.

[OUTRO] Click the link in the description to check out the skincare product I recommend

- Tiege Hanley - RIGHT NOW!

And be sure to use the coupon code BASEDZEUS20 when you checkout and you'll get a huge discount

on your order!

For more infomation >> HOW to INSTANTLY ELIMINATE ACNE ... FAST! | How to Get Rid of Acne & Pimples - Duration: 7:06.


Dirty Bomb: Welcome to 2018! - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Dirty Bomb: Welcome to 2018! - Duration: 2:58.


🤗 [#8] 5 NAJWIĘKSZYCH [NIE FAKE] DONEJTÓW na Polskim YouTube! | ZairoxTV - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> 🤗 [#8] 5 NAJWIĘKSZYCH [NIE FAKE] DONEJTÓW na Polskim YouTube! | ZairoxTV - Duration: 6:34.


Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez Sweating It out Together| Pilates Workout Class - Duration: 2:26.

Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez Sweating It out Together| Pilates Workout Class

Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez Sweating It out Together| Pilates Workout Class

For more infomation >> Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez Sweating It out Together| Pilates Workout Class - Duration: 2:26.


#CAFÉCOMLUIZA - Sobremesas veganas com minha irmã! | Luiza Scandelari - Duration: 9:17.

Luiza: Hello!

Julia: Hello

Luiza: I'm here with my sister

Luiza: This is Julia

Luiza: some of you guys know her from my insta stories

Luiza: My sister is vegan

Luiza: So everything I make with her is...vegan!

Luiza: We're gonna make two recipes today

Luiza: Two healthy/Vegan desserts!

Luiza: The first will be a chocolat pie

Luiza: Julia made the base this morning

Julia: The pulp of a young coconut, which is creamy

Julia: because the old coconut you get the milk and the rest of it

Luiza: The meat of green coconut, coconut water, coconut nectar

Luiza: That I brought from Ny

Luiza: Which you can replace if you like, by honey, agave, or any natural sweetener

Luiza: The filling it's gonna be that mousse

Luiza: For those who do not remember, I did an avocado mousse in my video about

Luiza: "What I eat in a day"

Luiza: So we will basically do that smoothie again

Luiza: But with a firmer consistency

Luiza: And we gonna put it over that base

Luiza: It's gonnal be a chocolat pie

Luiza: We will use these two avocados

Luiza: they are already ripe

Luiza: This one is black already

Julia: Actually it is going to be one avocado and a half, because this one looks half rotten

Luiza: No, but maybe it can be good when we open it

Luiza: Let's test, OK

Luiza: take the skin out

Luiza: Why did you cut it like that?

Julia: Because I want to take the black part

Julia: I'm not gonna use it

Luiza: Why not? It's good! Look!

Julia: So smell it

Luiza: Okay!

Julia: Taste it!

Luiza: Man, I would say that looks good, but then I saw the color of that one

Luiza: It's a beautiful color!

Luiza: Do you think it's not good?

Julia: Taste it!

Luiza: So people, look, I'm gonna use this one

Luiza: I'm gonna blend it

Luiza: So basically we used an avocado and a half, ok

Luiza: We'll blend this avocado with coconut water

Luiza: But we don't wanna put too much coconut water, right ?!

Julia: We gonna put about 200 ml

Julia: If we think that we need more, we use more!

Julia: It depends of what you like! If you want more liquid, you put more water

Luiza: And the coconut water is sweet already

Luiza: You can make it with nut milk or regular milk as well

Luiza: I brought this from USA, Pumpkin Spice

Luiza: I'm addicted!

Luiza: I'm putting in everything, in my coffee, pancakes, smoothies

Luiza: Obviously, we gonna put it here too

Julia: First we gonna put the cocoa, I put about four spoons, so

Julia: I like a lot!

Luiza: And we gonna keep tasting it

Luiza: Guys, I like a lot to keep tasting my recipes, I usually just use my eyes to imagine the portions

Luiza: And we gonna put a pinch of vanilla extract as well

Luiza: Which is optional

Julia: A pinch ... (laughs)

Luiza: Oh no, it's liquid!

Luiza: A drop or two!

Luiza: I told you a drop, but I think I put about fifteen, but that's okay

Luiza: I'll put another half cup of coconut water, and see what happens

Luiza: As you saw my half cup is also in my imagination

Luiza: I imagine a cup, then I put the liquid on it

Luiza: Man, we forgot the coconut nectar

Julia: True!

Luiza: Guys we forgot to put the coconut nectar!

Luiza: Where's it?

Luiza: Two tablespoons, if you like more sweet, you can add more

Luiza: If not, I hope you didn't added the coconut nectar yet

Luiza: Otherwise you gonna eat very sweet

Julia: You gonna put it by "your eye" or you gonna use a spoon?

Luiza: I'm gonna use eyes

Luiza: Ready!

Julia: So good!

Luiza: Yeah? I trust you!

Luiza: The mousse is already here, look!

Luiza: Oh, smells so good!

Luiza: It's good, right Vi?

Luiza: Is that good?

Luiza: Now, we supposed to leave just like that

Luiza: But we had another idea

Luiza: We gonna mix our home-made peanut butter

Luiza: With a little bit of our coconut milk

Luiza: I'll put two tablespoons of peanut butter

Vicenzo: I like ...

Luiza: You like it?!

Vicenzo: Yes, I like peanut butter

Luiza: Look the consistency, it's much more lighter and creamy!

Luiza: Gosh, it's so good!

Julia: No, I want to taste it!

Luiza: Man, we can make like snickers you know, let's create a treat using this

Vicenzo: Is this very good?

Julia: Wow!

Luiza: So good man!

Luiza: Vi! Come on try it

Luiza: Look at the camera!

Vicenzo: I liked!

Luiza: Did you liked a lot or a little?

Vicenzo: A lot!

Luiza: Ok, put there

Luiza: Oh I thought you was going to write down my name

Luiza: OHH like those German pies! You mix it making lines

Luiza: Wow!

Luiza: But you have to make a continuous stuff

Luiza: If you keep doing the line and then stop, it's gonna look a failed painting

Luiza: Put everything at once

Luiza: All the way

Julia: No

Luiza: Everything

Julia: it's gonna mess it up

Luiza: No it's not

Julia: It will mix...

Luiza: Guys, make this one, really!

Luiza: Julia, wtf?

Luiza: not cool!

Luiza: Do it smooth

Luiza: Like ballet!

Vicenzo: I liked that one

Luiza: Very good right Vi?

Luiza: Oh, I can not, this fork is too large

Julia: Ready! It's pretty!

Luiza: Wow, this is so good!

Julia: So we gonna place it in the freezer about one hour, until through consistent

Luiza: We gonna leave it in the freezer as long as possible, I think we don't have that much time

Luiza: But okay, let's try

Luiza: Guys, now we gonna make the second dessert

Luiza: Very easy and fast, in my head, okay

Luiza: Because we never made this dessert

Luiza: I have no idea about portions, I'm just gonna use my eyes

Luiza: So, here we have the old coconut meat that we took it out from the coconut

Luiza: This is like.. a cup?

Julia: It's a small coconut!

Luiza: But it's a little less, cause I ate some last night

Luiza: So now I'm gonna add three tablespoons of almond flour

Luiza: a lemon's juice

Luiza: This one is the sicilian lemon

Luiza: He's a little softer and sweet

Luiza: We bought two lemons

Luiza: So let's see if you are one or two

Luiza: This one is supposed to be basically a coconut honey with lemon

Luiza: I will also put a pinch of ginger

Luiza: The tip of the spoon!

Luiza: One tablespoon of this coconut oil here

Luiza: A vanilla shot here

Luiza: Now coconut nectar

Luiza: This nectar is very good, it has very low glycemic index

Luiza: And it's very tasty, I love it!

Luiza: I think we will by the juice of the other lemon also Julia

Luiza: We will put the juice of the other lemon before crashing

Luiza: A pinch of salt also rose

Luiza: you will pass the blender to the mixer

Luiza: Because I was dizzy in fact, have done in the blender

Luiza: I should have done in the mixer from the beginning

Julia: Yeah, if you have a very good blender in your home ...

Luiza: I will transfer here to the pot

Luiza: We ta still thinking what we will do

Julia: From here this spoon

~ vacuo

Luiza: My god Julia, proves it

Julia: Wow!

Luiza: It is not very good guy ?!

Luiza: You know what's for us to do?

Luiza: Make a syrup of coconut oil with cocoa, hard to stay on top

Luiza: We decided that we will make sweets!

Luiza: So, we ta making ball

Luiza: And she already is well on the same consistency

Luiza: And we'll make a chocolate panties

Luiza: That will only coconut oil, mix with cocoa and coconut nectar

Luiza: rt It placing two tablespoons of coconut oil soup

Julia: I'll put a couple of tablespoons well filled, cocoa

Julia: And the coconut nectar is like the right people

Julia: I'll put some coconut water to become more liquid, was very creamy

Luiza: Guys, did not need chocolate, seriously, that here already ta very good

Julia: Say that after you prove it!

Luiza: Oh, this one was ugly guy, I eat

Luiza: Guys, now I'll put it here in the freezer to give a hardened

Julia: To give a cold, so when you put the chocolate harden in time

Luiza: You know Brigadier spoon

Luiza: And it's very easy, just coconut oil, cocoa and something to sweeten

Julia: If you do not have coconut oil, only to try to make coconut water also

Julia: What is perfect

Luiza: Guys, we do not want to wait half an hour

Luiza: Because we want to end soon

Luiza: A TA already geladinho, face

Luiza: I want to pack to take photo!

Luiza: Guys, look how wonderful!

Luiza: Now the pie, let's put the pie here too

Luiza: He recorded his fart!

Luiza: I have already put the pie on the plate here

Luiza: finished, look how beautiful!

Luiza: I'll leave the recipe here in the video description, I hope you enjoyed

Luiza: All replacements too, I'll leave here

Luiza: We used the most natural ingredients and most basic possible

Luiza: E type lasted forty minutes to finish

Luiza: And it's all vegan and is very good, serious

Luiza: And we always make these sweets here at home

Luiza: And that's it, now let's take our picture

For more infomation >> #CAFÉCOMLUIZA - Sobremesas veganas com minha irmã! | Luiza Scandelari - Duration: 9:17.


Wehmütig? Sylvie Meis fand Zeit mit Charbel "wunderschön" - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Wehmütig? Sylvie Meis fand Zeit mit Charbel "wunderschön" - Duration: 1:42.


Stupid driving mistakes #147 (January 2018 English subtitles) - Duration: 11:23.

oh you are not a good person blyat!

that something like a Spanish curse


crazy, blyat!

debil (idiot) blyat!

blyat debili (idiots) blyat! about his assistants

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (he really said it, the microphone was on)

January 1 night, Russia celebrates the New Year, all drunk

slightly awkward way to turn. sorry bro, but I continue to party!


he is not visible, he does not see him


December 31, Russia Volgograd Region., What the heck is there no snow and green grass growing? What's wrong with the weather this year?

is everything normal? all is well?

ebat! what are you doing?


haha blyat!

recorded in video! crazy racer! (maybe it's their friend)

further the driver has told, that its car is not damaged, and the counter car has received damages, but has refused claims. He said that he does not have insurance, that the situation is controversial and both can be guilty. We decided to disband without drawing up documents

friendly kick in the ass

(file saved)

hook from left

You are all right? oh blyat!

on the radio horoscope for the day: sign of the zodiac lion: try not to show your exclusivity and beauty in front of others, they will envy and intrigue you.

Both are so in a hurry that they pretend that nothing happened

yop tvoyu mat nahuy! (your mother is a port courtesan)

hey, where are you going in the car? pizdez!

pizdez blyat!


tvoyu mat!



she wants to start to butt? can we give way?

she shows us her fingers. What a wretch. Husband: is she stupid?

Well, give her way. it's just a stubborn woman

wife: dear do not be rude husband: hey you fool? this is my lane

I think if she was there before you, then you have to give way. many people think this way

she's an idiot. Yes

you can not drive here?

you can not go any farther (you do not have enough space?)

and why are you behaving this way on the road?

she: because you are a man you have to give way to a lady he: so what? There are no women and men behind the wheel, the rules are the same she: it does not matter he: you do not respect road traffic participants?

she: You probably live here recently, because everyone here knows and respects me. he: no, I live here a long time

she: in our area it is customary to give way to women

He: I travel around the rules of the road, I stopped and gave you time for you to leave me the way

she: the rules of the road do not apply to roads within the residential quarter. These rules nobody observes

he: the Russian Federation government approved the rules

it is here one lane, because the second is not used he: there are no two lanes here

it: this line is not used he: this line is blocked by parked cars but is used

she: ok I do not know the rules, but who allowed you to wave my hands and do gestures? he: respect the road user

she: I now call my husband and he will beat your face with fists the size of your ass, do you like it? he: call my husband, I'm not afraid

he: if you do not respect other participants of road touring, then do not demand respect for yourself she: who allowed you to show me gestures?

she: I can be a complete idiot, but this is my right to be so.

he: your right she: who gave you permission to behave this way?

he: if you do not respect the participants of the road, do not demand respect for yourself drive on

he : Go ahead what do you want?

he: you behave not culturally, but you require a cultural attitude to you from other people

she: I have a video he: me too

she: I do not have words and I want to swear he: me too

she: your girl should be ashamed of you. he: ok, drive on

For more infomation >> Stupid driving mistakes #147 (January 2018 English subtitles) - Duration: 11:23.


Tamar & Vince Season Finale | Misster Ray's Reality Wrap - Duration: 3:43.

Misster Ray: You're watching this week's "Reality Wrap."

Let's get things started with the season finale

of "Tamar & Vince."

Okay, has this not been a dramatic-ass season?


We see that Vince done had a car accident.

Now, I read the blogs.

I read the Shade Room and Bossip.

I didn't know Vince had a car accident.

He must have made the local news.

It still look like you got a little gout.

Yeah, it's still swollen right there.

And it's swollen right there where the breakage is.

I think you should wait a couple days till you fly.

I have to get back to work, Tamar.

To see who? I got to go

to a meeting in Chicago that I have, and I have to go to --

Who?! For my company.

Well, we see that Tamar is in the studio with EJ and James.

They're having a little KiKiAndTea moment.

And she's basically letting them know

that Vince was in a car accident.

And she also is now hesitant about moving out of their house.

Even though he's acting like he's okay,

like, it doesn't feel right to me.

I don't want him to think just because we're fighting

and arguing, I don't have his back...

I can see that. I mean, before the accident,

it definitely sounded like the right move to make.

-Right. -Yeah.

You know? It just doesn't feel right.

This week's #GetYoLife moment --

We finally see a successful, flawless performance

from our girl Tamar.

There's no issues with sound.

The dancers where they need to be.

I mean, it just went over effortlessly.

And, Tamar, you did this yourself without Vince.

Tamar: I'm making sure I'm taking matters

into my own hands today

and letting my tour manager know what needs to be done

so I can pull off a flawless show.



Vince actually stepped back, and you let your tour manager

step up and work with you.

So I see something good going on here.

Mars versus Venus.

They haven't been on the same page all season.

It's finally coming to a head.

Vince feels that Tamar doesn't want to record

anymore albums because the recording process

stresses her out.

But Tamar says that Vince don't see it her way.

Lot of things that going into her making her music

that stresses her out.

That's not what it is,

and that's not what I said it was.

Like, he's in, like, total denial about

what's going on with us.

And that is a huge problem.

This week's #Affirmation, Tamar says they need

to earn the ring back, that she doesn't feel

that they deserve it, that he ain't a good example

of what a husband is and she ain't a good example

of what a wife should be, and they're not the best example

for Logan, and they got to work their way back

to happiness.

You go through things, but you always find yourself

back to each other, you know what I mean?

And I just feel like right now,

Vincent and I are not a good example of a married couple.

Now, this affirmation also came to me

when Tamar was in New York at the album release party.

Tamar: It's not a place that you go.

It's not nobody you date, it's not nobody you marry.

The bluebird lives within.

Your happiness is yours.

And as you see as the season ends, guys,

Tamar is officially out of the house.

Tamar: I called him. He didn't answer the phone.

And I texted him, and he didn't call me back.

EJ: Wait.


Talk about a season finale cliffhanger.

Let's keep this conversation going, guys.

Tweet me @MissterRay and use the hashtag #TamarAndVince.

And as always, you're watching "Reality Wrap"

right here on on WeTV.

For more infomation >> Tamar & Vince Season Finale | Misster Ray's Reality Wrap - Duration: 3:43.


5 Ways to Improve Your Mind Before Yoga - An App That's Healthy For You - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> 5 Ways to Improve Your Mind Before Yoga - An App That's Healthy For You - Duration: 1:09.


Father John Misty on Austin City Limits "I Love You Honeybear" - Duration: 6:07.

(audience cheering)

- Are you doing okay?

Are you doing okay?

There's like, a 10-year-old girl right up front who's...

I'm starting to feel concerned for.

Just like, "Mom, why did you bring me to this?"

(audience laughing)

She wanted to come?

I believe that.

How you doing?

(audience cheering)

Thank you guys very much.

This has been such a delight, thank you.

(audience cheering)

(smooth indie rock music)

♪ Oh honeybear, honeybear, honeybear ♪

♪ Mascara, blood, ash, and ♪

♪ On the Rorschach sheets where we make love ♪

♪ Honeybear, honeybear, honeybear ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ You, the world damn straight malaise ♪

♪ It may be just us who feel this way ♪

♪ But don't ever doubt this ♪

♪ My steadfast conviction ♪

♪ My love, you're the one ♪

♪ I wanna watch the ship go down with ♪

♪ The future can't be real ♪

♪ I barely know how long a moment is ♪

♪ Unless we're naked ♪

♪ Getting high on the mattress ♪

♪ While the global market crashes ♪

♪ As death fills the streets ♪

♪ We're garden-variety oblivious ♪

♪ And you grab my hand and you touch my face ♪

♪ And you say baby, look, it's just how we expected ♪

♪ Everything is doomed ♪

♪ And nothing will be spared ♪

♪ But I love you, oh honeybear ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Honeybear, honeybear, honeybear ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ You're bent over the altar ♪

♪ And the neighbors are complaining ♪

♪ That the misanthropes next door ♪

♪ Are probably conceiving a Damien ♪

♪ Don't they see the darkness rising ♪

♪ Good luck fingering oblivion ♪

♪ We're getting out, we're getting out now while we can ♪

♪ So you're welcome boys ♪

♪ Have the last of the smokes and chicken ♪

♪ Just one Cadillac will do ♪

♪ To get us out to where we're going ♪

♪ I've brought my mother's depression ♪

♪ You've got your father's scorn ♪

♪ And a wayward aunt's schizophrenia ♪

♪ But everything is fine ♪

♪ Don't give into despair ♪

♪ 'Cause I ♪

♪ Oh oh, 'cause I love you, honeybear ♪

♪ Oh ♪

Don't cross this line now.

♪ Honeybear, honeybear, honeybear ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

What are you drinking?

White wine.

♪ Oh yeah ♪

♪ Oh oh ♪

(audience cheering)

♪ Oh oh ♪

♪ I love you, I love you ♪

(audience cheering)

For more infomation >> Father John Misty on Austin City Limits "I Love You Honeybear" - Duration: 6:07.


Easter Eggs and References You Missed in Bright - Duration: 3:40.

Welcome to WickedBinge.

A place to get your fix of the best cinema and television.

Because we love your favorite movies and shows too.

With a budget of over 90 million dollars, Netflix's Bright is the most expensive film

project the company has invested in.

A movie that merges the arch-types of stories like The Lord of the Rings, with the buddy

cop dynamic of Bad Boys, Bright is a fun ride with a unique story.

But did you know there's a bunch of cool things in Bright that a lot of people missed?

Well, that's just fine, because we're taking a look at them today.

Hi, I'm Kyle with WickedFeed.

Get your badges on, because we're taking a look at the Easter Eggs and References in

Netflix's Bright.

Let's Get Started.


It makes sense that Bright reminds us of your standard medieval themed RPG game.

But did you know there was a game that intertwined magic, orcs and elves with futuristic combat

and shoot outs?

That game was called Shadowrun.

It was available for PC and Xbox 360, and could be played online.

Originally, the game started out as a tabletop game that intertwined magic, fantasy and cyberpunk.

The series involved different races such as humans, orcs and elves and had many similar

themes to Bright.

Orc Love Song The song that Jakoby refers to as the orcs

love song is actually a real song that you can listen to called Hammer Smashed Face.

The song is by Cannibal Corpse.

An American Death Metal band from Buffalo New York, who at one point, were the top-selling

death metal band of all time.

Other Creatures As large ins cope as Bright's story seems

to be, it makes sense that a lot is glossed over throughout the movie.

In fact, it's suggested that there may be more types of creatures in the universe than

the ones that are focused on.

At around 50 minutes in, you'll notice a dragon flying over Los Angeles.

In fact, when Jakoby and Ward first arrive at the police station, there's actually a

police officer of another species standing guard.

What is he?

A Centaur!

The Dark Lord The evil entity in Bright is referred to as

The Dark Lord.

In the classic trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, Sauron is also referred to as the Dark Lord.

Although it's clear the two stories don't take place in the same universe, the title

in Bright is likely an homage to the classic book series by J.R.R.


Those Eyes In the stripclub scene, a woman is seen blinking

a nictitating membrane essentially a third eyelid seen in certain reptiles, sharks and


Will Smith's character in Men in Black sees the same blinking happened on an alien he's

chasing during one of the beginning chases that ultimately leads to him being recruited

by the MIB.

Shrek is Love Toward the end of the movie, when Ward is

confronted by a gang of Orcs, he tells one to take his fat, Shrek-looking ass and drive

home to Fiona.

This is an obvious reference to the Shrek series by Dreamworks.

Interestingly, this may indicate that Will Smith is a fan of the animated film series,

as he's referenced it in the past in the film I Am Legend.

Did you enjoy Bright?

What was your favorite thing about it?

Did we miss any cool easter eggs or references?

Let us know in the comment section below.

Thanks for watching.

What lists and countdowns do you want to see next?

Be sure to like this video, subscribe and hit that notification bell so you get notifications

whenever we upload.

But most importantly, stay wicked.

For more infomation >> Easter Eggs and References You Missed in Bright - Duration: 3:40.


Sleep Can Repair Your Brain, But Only If You're Doing It Right - Duration: 2:49.

Popular opinion is that you should get eight hours of sleep a night, but it might not actually be the

number of hours you sleep, but the quality of your sleep that matters.

Scientists aren't totally sure why we evolved to sleep.

When we sleep we're unconscious to the world leaving us vulnerable to predators, but every

species that has been studied in detail sleeps, so there's something beneficial to it!

Not sleeping well isn't just annoying, it's linked to poor overall health, lack of focus,

memory loss, and Alzheimer's disease.

We've talked about sleep a lot.

Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of sleep, non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye

movement (REM) sleep.

Together they encompass the stages of sleep that are vital for feeling rested in the morning.

If sleep is cut short we don't go through all these phases.

This can lead to anxiety, depression, fatigue, physical pain, and sleep disorders ranging

from insomnia to hypersomnia, which is sleeping too much.

Bad sleep can even stop us from forming memories.

A new study looked at dendrites, branching outgrowths from neurons that carry electrical

signals from synapses to the cell body.

Activity in dendrites increases during sleep.

That increase is linked to short and repetitive brain waves called spindles.

These spindles peak at the beginning and end of a non-REM sleep cycle, the latter-end is

marked by slow wave activity in the brain.

During that peaking you're in a deep-sleep phase.

And without it, your memories suffer.

So it's that deep-sleep phase right before REM sleep that we really need.

The slow waves are associated with the most prominent brain activity during sleep.

They help transfer memories from the hippocampus to the prefrontal cortex where they are consolidated

and stored.

These slow waves are also linked to attention in wakeful hours, heart health, metabolic

regulation, and overall cognition.

By the way, missing out on that deep sleep can be as simple as having anxiety.

When we're stressed, our bodies are primed to respond to situations by waking up.

When you're stressed the amygdala's "fight or flight" response doesn't totally shut


This means, you can't enter that deep sleep restorative phase!

Without this restorative sleep, we don't restore our brain to a baseline condition.

And over the years this adds up.

The link between poor sleep and Alzheimer's isn't from a few bad nights, it's from

YEARS of poor sleep that doesn't allow the brain to properly repair itself.

So what can you do?

A lot of research points to sleep hygiene as a simple place to start.

The same way you shower to clean your body you want to clean your sleeping space.

Establishing healthy sleep habits like avoiding caffeine in the afternoon, not napping late

in the day, keeping screens out of the bedroom, and exposing yourself to light patterns that

mimic your circadian rhythm.

Of course, the stresses that are keeping your brain from fully relaxing are less simple

to fix, but worth working on it if means healthy sleep for a healthy life.

If you like this video be sure to subscribe for more Seeker, we've got a so many videos

on sleep!

Click here to watch.

You'll sleep better at night.

And speakin of…

Did you know, some birds can sleep while flying by keeping part of their brain awake!

I wish I could do that.

For more infomation >> Sleep Can Repair Your Brain, But Only If You're Doing It Right - Duration: 2:49.


3D in Windows 10 Tutorial: Presentations that pop in PowerPoint - Duration: 8:31.


Hi there, I'm Garrett Brown,

a Program Manager at Microsoft Office.

Today, I'm gonna show you how to bring your PowerPoint

presentations to life using the power of 3D.

Are you looking to make your presentations more engaging?

Then you'll wanna pay attention.

Now let's get started.

As you can see, we're building a presentation about volcanos.

I've pre-filled the first couple pages.

But now I want to add a 3D model here.

I'm gonna go to the Insert tab > 3D Models > Online Sources.

This is gonna take us to Remix 3D, our online 3D community.

In this case,

I already know what the model is that I wanna search for.

It's dinosaur volcano.


Go ahead and search.


And there we go, this is the model that I want.

So I'm just gonna double-click, and

it'll automatically enter it for me.


Now that you've got your model inserted,

you've gotta get it to the right angle.

In Office, there's two different ways that we can do this.

One is to go to a Format tab and

choose from this Preset gallery on the Format tab.

This gallery offers a lot of common angles.

Simply find the angle you like and click.

It's that easy.

The other option is to grab the 3D rotation handle in the middle

of the model and rotate it to find the perfect angle.

I like that for now, so I'm going to resize my model.


Now let's add some animations.

It's so simple that it can be done with one click.

To do that, we're gonna use the Morph transition.

I have a model on one slide, I'm going to copy it.


And I'm gonna move to the next slide, and

I'm gonna paste it in.

Now it's pasted in exactly

the same place, so I can make any movements and

Morph will seamlessly transition it between the two.

So for this one, let's just move it a little bit.

Now I'm gonna go up to the Transitions and

I'm gonna select Morph.

You'll notice that Morph plays a preview for you.

You can also go up to the Preview tab and

select it any time to see what it's gonna look like.

That's great.

So rotating the model through Morph is great and

gives me the effect that I want.

But now I need to talk about different parts of the volcano.

To do that, we're going to create some labels.

I'm going to paste my model in.


And now I will add labels.

So let's do a little bit of a rotation here.

And I wanna label the ashes and

I wanna label the lava and the crater.

So I'm gonna go back to the Insert tab > Shapes, and

go down to the Callouts.

So you'll notice down here there's a whole bunch of

different callouts.

I'm gonna choose this one,

callout line, and simply drag on the screen and insert.

The nice thing about shapes in Office

is they're easy to adjust.

If you wanna move this line so

that it's touching the box, simply drag and release.

Now this is the wrong color, so

I'm gonna go ahead and change the fill to be white and

change the outline of the whole shape to be orange.

Now let's add some text.


Now my textbox was a different color before, so

my text also was a different color.

I'm gonna go ahead and change that to match the outline.

I can easily drag the shape to reduce the size so

that it fits the text better.

And then I'm gonna drag this, move it up here.


And make it look nice.

The nice thing about creating labels is once you create one,

you can simply copy and paste to insert more.

I've gone ahead and created some additional shapes.

And I wanna show you an amazing tool,

one of my favorite tools in Office.

It's the selection pane.

So if I go to the Home tab,

choose Select, I can choose a selection pane.

This pane is gonna show me all the objects on my canvas.

And I can easily hide them by clicking on this icon

or show them.

I've gone ahead and

already created another label that you can see there.

I can also drag items to move them.

So you notice when I drag that,

it brought it above the ash plume.

Now that we've done the exterior, let's go ahead and

move to the interior of the volcano.

Once again, I'll copy my model, and I'll paste it in.

Now I'm gonna rotate it so

that I can see the other side of the model.


By creating a 3D model that had both an exterior and

an interior of the volcano, I'm able to use the same model for

my entire presentation.

Which gives me great transitions and

allows me to have the same look and feel for the entire deck.

Because I'm going to use another morph transition,

I'm gonna copy and paste this to the next slide.

On the exterior of the volcano,

I chose to simply rotate around the model.

But now I wanna get close in on the magma chamber.

To do that, I'm gonna use the pan and

zoom feature from the ribbon.

I go to the 3D Format tab, select Pan and Zoom.

This allows me to grab the model, move it around

within the bounding box or grab the magnifying glass

on the right-hand side, and zoom out or zoom in.

For our purposes, I'm going to zoom in.


I'm gonna change the angle,

and zoom in a little bit more.


Once again, I've created a label for this slide.

And I'll turn it on using the selection pane, and

move it to the right location.

Let's wrap up our presentation by inserting model once more and

zooming out.


We're gonna add some more labels, but this time,

let's delay when they come out.

So for this, I'm gonna duplicate this slide


And I'm going to go back to the original one.

Now, I've already created these labels.

And I'm going to first show the magma chamber.

Now we'll go to the next slide, and

I'll show the throat of the volcano.

And finally, on the last slide, I'll show the lava flow so

that I can work my way out of the volcano as I'm talking.

Now this one's in the wrong place, so

I'm gonna go ahead and move it.


There, now let's check it out.

I'm gonna slide up to the very top of my presentation.

I select slideshow in the bottom corner, and

you can see we start at the beginning of the presentation.


Each time I click and advance,

my transactions are handled automatically for me.


You can see how it zooms in.


And zooms back out,

giving me a presentation that's sure to impress everyone.

And that brings us to the end of our demo.

Today, we learned how to use 3D in PowerPoint to take your

presentations to the next level.

I hope you found the ideas you saw inspiring.

I can't wait to see how you use 3D in PowerPoint.

Thanks for watching.


For more infomation >> 3D in Windows 10 Tutorial: Presentations that pop in PowerPoint - Duration: 8:31.


Trump has to create some fear in North Korea: Joe Lieberman - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> Trump has to create some fear in North Korea: Joe Lieberman - Duration: 8:40.


Thomas Müller: "Heynckes was the Perfect Solution"👌 | FC Bayern Press Conference in Doha - Duration: 2:33.

In Germany we are fortunate enough to have a winter break at all.

It's a great moment to clear your head, to spend some time with the family.

Looking at the bigger picture, that makes a huge difference.

If you look at what's happening in England, where I believe they play even more often around Christmas time

than usual, you can only imagine how tiring that must be.

How can Sandro Wagner help the team?

He's another option.

Especially when Lewy is a little under the weather, needs a break or when the coach considers

taking it slow would do him good.

In the past I've sometimes played in his position.

I can help out, but it's not a position

that accentuates my strengths.

Playing with my back turned on the goal isn't really my thing, so his arrival

is a relief for me, too.

I always go into the game thinking that nobody but us

could possibly win.

I understand that that's not true, but thinking that there's no way

Bayern could lose helps a lot. To me, that's the only right attitude.

You always have to believe in yourself. And just like in the past years,

I think this season, we're capable of anything.

The coaching market wasn't necessarily full of people you'd look at and say:

'I could see him coaching Bayern Munich.'

So Jupp Heynckes was the perfect solution.

Especially in retrospect. It didn't only give the club time, it was

it was also very easy for his coaching team to settle in.

He knew the workflows and even some of the players.

And because he didn't need much time to adapt, it was easy

for us to get back on track after his arrival.

For more infomation >> Thomas Müller: "Heynckes was the Perfect Solution"👌 | FC Bayern Press Conference in Doha - Duration: 2:33.


10 Places Frozen In Time - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> 10 Places Frozen In Time - Duration: 7:45.


Burden of Truth - Official Extended Trailer - Duration: 2:41.

Go to Millwood. Block this injunction.

No filter. No conscience. The perfect lawyer.

There's something you're not telling me.

Okay. Let's go over it again.

If this injunction is upheld

all vaccinations will be open for litigation.

The work you do is too important.

We cannot let that happen.

Wow. So you'll just say all that to the judge.

It will be far better.

No filter. No conscience. The perfect lawyer.

Go to Millwood. Block this injunction.

Actually I'm sending Alan.

Joanna and I have too much history there.

There's a reason that we left when you were a kid.

I was born there remember. I know what it's like.

This would be huge for us.

Let me do this for you.

Your honor. I'm here to intervene in the petition

to have my clients vaccine clinic shut down.

Joanna Hanley.

William Crawford.

We went to school together.




Our girls are sick.

The evidence doesn't support the claim.

Which side are you on?

Nobody wants you here.

How does it look?

Well you look like you're from Millwood.

With the number of cases are growing

and our vaccines actually caused this...

It didn't.


You didn't get the HPV vaccine.

So I guess that's it.

This absolves my client.

Something else is making these girls sick.

You have to figure out what it is.

Joanna the girls need you.

We can't win this without you.

Nobody knows how to make us better.

She doesn't care what really caused this.

I'm watching their lives fall apart.

Last time I was here I was those girls age.

It's tragic.

But it's not your job to fix it.

It's your entire career.

You really want to throw it away for Millwood?

These people are counting on me.

You think it's connected to Southvale?

What's Southvale?

It's the old McEuen farm.

They donated toxic land to a school.

Someone put it there. Deliberately.

Dad what happened here?

There's something you're not telling me.

I'm not the enemy.

Don't make this personal.

It's already personal.

You said this case was unwinnable.

That you have to be crazy to take it.

Everybody off the field!

If you believe in this Joanna,

so will they.

For more infomation >> Burden of Truth - Official Extended Trailer - Duration: 2:41.


Woman Says She Lost Over 120 Pounds On The 'Keto' Diet | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Woman Says She Lost Over 120 Pounds On The 'Keto' Diet | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 6:28.


Shopping During The Storm At Queens Center Mall - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Shopping During The Storm At Queens Center Mall - Duration: 2:39.


White Out Conditions On Mass Pike In Natick - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> White Out Conditions On Mass Pike In Natick - Duration: 2:16.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 200 Family Edition Trekhaak Stoelverwarming voor Automaat - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 200 Family Edition Trekhaak Stoelverwarming voor Automaat - Duration: 0:54.


LITTLE NIGHTMARES | STAY A LIVE - Duration: 2:22:12.

For more infomation >> LITTLE NIGHTMARES | STAY A LIVE - Duration: 2:22:12.


Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez Sweating It out Together| Pilates Workout Class - Duration: 2:26.

Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez Sweating It out Together| Pilates Workout Class

Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez Sweating It out Together| Pilates Workout Class

For more infomation >> Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez Sweating It out Together| Pilates Workout Class - Duration: 2:26.


Justin & Selena work up a sweat at couple's workout in LA |Ringing in 2018 together in Mexico - Duration: 2:25.

Justin & Selena work up a sweat at couple's workout in LA |Ringing in 2018 together in Mexico

For more infomation >> Justin & Selena work up a sweat at couple's workout in LA |Ringing in 2018 together in Mexico - Duration: 2:25.


謝賢當街摟女友親密拍照,幫忙拍攝的卻是她,網友:真和諧! - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> 謝賢當街摟女友親密拍照,幫忙拍攝的卻是她,網友:真和諧! - Duration: 3:03.


Train Like A Warrior -Coming ...

For more infomation >> Train Like A Warrior -Coming ...


For more infomation >> Train Like A Warrior -Coming ...


Peugeot 207 1.4 VTi Cool 'n Blue - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTi Cool 'n Blue - Duration: 0:48.


For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTi Cool 'n Blue - Duration: 0:48.


Pourquoi Bernard Tapie n'a pas acheté la villa de Johnny Hally­day à Marnes-la-Coquette - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi Bernard Tapie n'a pas acheté la villa de Johnny Hally­day à Marnes-la-Coquette - Duration: 2:31.


For more infomation >> Pourquoi Bernard Tapie n'a pas acheté la villa de Johnny Hally­day à Marnes-la-Coquette - Duration: 2:31.


Volkswagen Transporter 2.0 TDI L1H1 T800 DC, Airco / Cruise Control / Parkeersensoren / Trekhaak / N - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Transporter 2.0 TDI L1H1 T800 DC, Airco / Cruise Control / Parkeersensoren / Trekhaak / N - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Volkswagen Transporter 2.0 TDI L1H1 T800 DC, Airco / Cruise Control / Parkeersensoren / Trekhaak / N - Duration: 0:54.


Born in the wrong century - O'Hanlon's Heroes - Duration: 49:46.

For more infomation >> Born in the wrong century - O'Hanlon's Heroes - Duration: 49:46.


For more infomation >> Born in the wrong century - O'Hanlon's Heroes - Duration: 49:46.


Gossip News su Ambra Angiolini, Emma Marrone e la ex di Gianluca Vacchi - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Gossip News su Ambra Angiolini, Emma Marrone e la ex di Gianluca Vacchi - Duration: 5:29.


For more infomation >> Gossip News su Ambra Angiolini, Emma Marrone e la ex di Gianluca Vacchi - Duration: 5:29.


New Power Rangers Top 10 Megazords Super Ninja Steel Blaze Megazord Dino Super Charge Unboxing - Duration: 16:05.

Wow guys keep watching as we take a look at the top 10 biggest awards from Dino

New Power Rangers Top 10 Megazords Super Ninja Steel Blaze Megazord Dino Super Charge Unboxing

we're excited to see you today I have another super ninja steel

Megazord this is blade Megazord six Zords combine

onto this one he looks really cool let's go ahead and check out the back the

weird thing about these packages is the back looks like the front of the old

ones because usually you would have the window with the figure on the front of

the box but now you have it on the back with the instruction so here is six

swords you could combine here you've got the Falcons or Rana Zord tortoise sword

the pandas or the Tiger Zord and the Serpent's

and then it says command your Megazord shoots ranger darts out of the chest you

can clack all three of them which this is the third one so I will have all

three and then they have a motorcycle one that looks like which you could

attach to him which I did by the motorcycle one but I did not review it

yet so anyways with further ado let's go

ahead take this guy out of the package and see what we got cool so it does

actually come with the Falcons or here okay now they are all one here okay

that's cool I thought they were separate one to bet device so all the Zords

actually come with it there you've got the Falcon the serpent the Rana

and the tighter

let's go ahead and free this guy okay guys here he is good package in my

opinion this is the coolest of the Megazords from the super ninja steel one

they don't really compare to the Dino super charge those ones were a lot

cooler but out of the super ninja steel this one is the coolest one really cool

option is it's got six missiles here so ah it's got this like turn knob in the

back if you go ahead and turn it it will fire off all six missiles let's go ahead

and check that out

so anyways that's a cool option ah like like I showed you I mean they do just

snap in here and then when you turn it

mechanism in there that actually fires it so anyways let's go ahead and take a

look at all those orbs that are attached to this guy so to do that we're just

gonna simply go ahead and you can actually before going to catch them

let's check out the articulation and different points on this guy so uh

articulation 360-degree movement on both his arms here his headpiece here will

pop on and off and you have like a face here so you must use this face when you

add different stuff to it so you can turn the face up like that or down and

then you put the headpiece back on over there

leg movement you do got movement on the leg so about there

it does not turn this thing on the front here turns and this one does not

we've got like tank treads in the back here must be a cool lizard this is the

part that fires it and then when you're not firing it you can simply go ahead

and close it and then the Falcons or just attaches to the guy's head right

over anyways let's go ahead and take this guy apart and check out the

different swords that he comes with okay so down here you've got the Tiger Zord

simply go ahead and flip it like that and that's it I mean I don't know a

little bit dissapointing there here you've got the Panda Zord go ahead flip

it this top piece does spin around there so pandas work there I did the Zords

I think the falcons ort is the coolest so you could like move him out his head

moves up and down

and out so really cool Falcon to her and then we have the prana Zord here which


on the sidelines and the serpent Zord here becomes a motorcycle it

and then the main body piece becomes is some type of a tank sword you take the

top off here pull this head piece up lift up the back leg stomps the end here

you got a tank okay then just put them back together simply go ahead flip these

pieces down flip the head piece down put this head off piece back to get there

and then you're going to go ahead


okay catch it to either side I believe some want to change the Panda to one

side side it should not make a difference

same with the Serpent and the piranha we could change that to either side and

then the Falcon is simply go ahead move his head his wings forward there and he

attaches right here to the baby's head okay so there is our Megazord all put

back together and he is ready to fire his missiles although as you can see I

have one missile missing they often off the table and I have not been able to

find it yet so word of caution when you play with this guy watch where the

missiles are playing

those top 10 biggest with her totally awesome and this

you seen his Godzilla destroys New York which I will

guys if you are interested in seeing any of these Megazords unboxed and also

battles the stop-motion the animation check out the Power Rangers playlist at

the end of this video today's secret word is sword go ahead and put that in

the comment section down below the video I know you watch the whole yo here's

your true member of my club I love making these videos for you guys

Thanks click the subscribe button below for a

bottle fun video also click the bell button to be notified every time I make

a new video click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to

see even more go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Power Rangers Top 10 Megazords Super Ninja Steel Blaze Megazord Dino Super Charge Unboxing - Duration: 16:05.


For more infomation >> New Power Rangers Top 10 Megazords Super Ninja Steel Blaze Megazord Dino Super Charge Unboxing - Duration: 16:05.


[★밤TView]해투6 에일리X거미 환상의 하모니 소름- 스타뉴스 엔터테인먼트 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> [★밤TView]해투6 에일리X거미 환상의 하모니 소름- 스타뉴스 엔터테인먼트 - Duration: 3:16.


For more infomation >> [★밤TView]해투6 에일리X거미 환상의 하모니 소름- 스타뉴스 엔터테인먼트 - Duration: 3:16.


Feed The Forge: Air Freshen...

For more infomation >> Feed The Forge: Air Freshen...


Gwiazdy "M jak miłość" w "Koronie Królów" - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Gwiazdy "M jak miłość" w "Koronie Królów" - Duration: 1:43.


Mazda MX-5 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 160 GT-M LED/LEDER/NAVI RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mazda MX-5 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 160 GT-M LED/LEDER/NAVI RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 1:01.


Seat Arosa 1.4 Stuurbekrachtiging APK t/m 5-2018 - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Seat Arosa 1.4 Stuurbekrachtiging APK t/m 5-2018 - Duration: 0:54.


C∆LM {meme} happy new year!! - Duration: 0:44.

I mean look at this... THIS IS so BAD!!

Okay I'm sorry if I'm anoying I will stop :-\

It's just I'm new to this thing

Anyways it's was fun doing this

Have a good day/night!

For more infomation >> C∆LM {meme} happy new year!! - Duration: 0:44.


Miles + Bass | Hurts Like Hell - Duration: 3:17.

I mean, he and Monroe, what were they like together?

They were best friends.

I've known him longer than anybody.

All the years...

I'm choosing to have faith in him right now.

...all the times I was in trouble, you never left my side, you never ran.

Bass, give me the gun.

Before you do something stupid.

If you're dying, I'm dying with you.

I did that for you.

Everything I have ever done...

...was for you.


Shake my hand.

Say goodbye.

Bass, you gotta go.

Forget it.

Don't argue with me.

What are you gonna do if you see Miles?

What do you mean?

Standing orders have always been to bring him in alive.

I'm just wondering why that is.

It's for both our names.

Monroe and Matheson.

We'll start using swords.

We'll be like pirates.

I think the way we handle this is you let me kill Miles.

I can do this.

You think I can't?

Run, Bass.


I said run.

I mean, what the hell would I be without you?


I'm trusting you.

You tried to kill me once before.

But you couldn't pull the trigger.

You look tired, brother.

I am tired...


What if Monroe's in our way?

What if I gotta go face to face with him?

What then?

Hey, Bass.


I got nothing left, I got...

...I got nothing.

Well, you got me.

I asked for you.

What do you want, Bass?

I'm not gonna hurt you, Miles.

My family. My problem.

And you're m family. That makes it my problem.

Everyone else wants me to go to hell, you...

Not you.


Are nothing to me.

We had some goo times, didn't we?


Yeah, we did.

We're still brothers.

That's never gonna change.

Look at you, you're happy to see me.


Because Miles trusted me.

That means something to me.

You're my best friend.


For more infomation >> Miles + Bass | Hurts Like Hell - Duration: 3:17.


HOW to INSTANTLY ELIMINATE ACNE ... FAST! | How to Get Rid of Acne & Pimples - Duration: 7:06.

If you have acne, you know this topic has been done to DEATH already.

But there's SO MUCH FUCKING INFO that even if you've already heard it all, you probably

still have no idea what to do, and you probably still have acne.


So today I'm here to give you a very simple list of SPECIFIC things you should do - these

are what I consider the MOST IMPORTANT things that everybody with acne needs to be doing.

#1 Diet.

Now you're probably thinking "oh THANKS Zeus, I've totally never heard THIS tip before.

Eat Healthy!

Thanks for the fucking insight bro!"

But wait.

I'm gonna tell you SPECIFICALLY, EXACTLY which foods to eat, and exactly which foods to avoid,

including an EXACT LIST of the food I personally eat in a typical day.

AVOID: dairy, super sugary shit, processed foods, greasy food, junk food, soda, candy,

fast food, and sugary cereal!

Also, if you're eating packaged food - for example, a bag of chips, or a frozen meal

- and you look at the Ingredients list on the back and it takes you more than like 5

seconds to read it - that's too many fucking ingredients and you should probably stay away

from it.

I also recommend drinking water that's as clean as possible - I actually discovered

this recently: if you live in the US, the requirements for water treatment are pretty

lax, meaning in most places if you drink water from the tap there are tons of chemicals and

toxins in it.

Now for most people they don't really notice a difference, but for dudes with sensitive

skin, that's exactly the kind of bullshit you need to avoid!

So I highly recommend getting a water filter for your tap.


The 5 things you definitely NEED to be eating are: Green Tea because it has tons of antioxidants

that prevent the effects of environmental stressors on your body, Fruits, Vegetables,

a Vitamin D3 supplement, foods that are high in Omega 3 fatty acids to help reduce inflammation

AND a probiotic supplement.

Probiotics are good bacteria that populate your gut and help optimize your bodily and

immune functions, so they can also be helpful at reducing inflammation - aka the big ass

inflamed things on your face known as pimples.

They sell these at practically every grocery store.

One of the most important factors determining whether or not you'll break out is your


If you eat a shitty diet, it'll translate to shitty skin, it's simple.

Now I'm not saying you need to switch up your diet so you're eating NOTHING BUT FRUITS,

VEGETABLES, AND TEA - but, making sure your diet is at least CENTERED AROUND these things

is the easiest way to clear up your skin.

# 2.

Cleanse your face

This is something that a lot of guys struggle with - even me.

For most of my teenage years I barely used anything for my face because it just seemed

like such a fucking hassle, plus you never really know which products work and which

ones are bullshit, so even if you do use products you usually only got mild results anyway.

However, consistently cleansing your face is probably the most important thing you can

do to prevent acne.

Throughout the day, the oils and sweat from your face build up and clog your pores, along

with all the dirt and pollution in the air.

If you don't cleanse your face, you're letting all that shit build up, and that leads

to breakouts.

Now I know exactly how it is, no dude wants to take time out of his day to wash or moisturize

his face, it's something you forget about easily when you're in a rush, AND even if

you want to you're not even sure what to buy because there's like 10 trillion different

versions of products and moisturizers that all claim to be "THE #1 DOCTOR RECOMMENDED


How can every product be #1?

That doesn't even make sense.

Now lately, the product I've been using is Tiege Hanley.

Tiege allows me to do the minimum amount of work, while getting epic results: It's simple

as fuck, it literally adds just TWO minutes to my morning routine and it makes my skin

noticeably clearer and healthier.

Right after I brush my teeth, I use the Tiege facial cleanser to make sure my pores don't

stay clogged and to make sure my face stays clean.

Then I just put on the serum, eye cream, and moisturizer and boom I'm done.

And the reason it's so simple is because when you get the kit, it comes with EVERYTHING,

and each of the bottles tells you exactly how much to use and in what order so you literally

just read it once and then know when to put which product on.

I actually really like that feature, because it really simplifies the process, and you

don't have to struggle with reading tiny little directions and figuring it out yourself, nor

do you have to try a bunch of different stuff and experiment with this product and that

product and when to use it and all that.

You also don't even need to worry about going out and buying it, because it's subscription-based,

so you subscribe to it once, and you get it delivered to your door every month.

Throughout history, men have searched for the long-lost Holy Grail, believed to bestow

supernatural abilities upon any one who drinks from it.

Many kings and queens died in their quest for it.

A group called the Knights of Templar was created and their sole purpose was to search

for the Grail and return it to their kingdom.

They were never successful ........ until now.


Yeah, WELL, I don't know if it actually bestows supernatural abilities on you - but, its ability

to completely clear up your acne is so good that it's practically supernatural.

If you want to check it out I'll have a link and a Based Zeus certified discount code

in the description.

# 3.

Don't touch your face

Now this is an obvious one but let me really break it down for you guys so you fully understand

what I mean by this.

DO NOT touch your face.

Throughout the day you touch all types of germ-filled stuff like other people, door

knobs, hand rails, and more.

So when you touch your face without washing your hands, you're putting all that bacteria

and dirt all over it, leading to clogged pores and a breeding ground for breakouts.

Also, this goes without saying but you'd be surprised by how many dirty dudes I see

walking out of the bathroom without even looking at the sink!

WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN, especially after using the bathroom, don't be disgusting.

It only takes 20 seconds to wash your hands with soap and water and ensure your hands

are clean, and you're reducing the amount of gross shit you come in contact with.

Seriously, I was at the gym last night and judging by the sounds, some dude was in the

stall taking a MASSIVE shit.

Then he came out, and just walked right out of the locker room!

Didn't even wash his hands!

I was staring at him like .....That's disgusting.

If you don't wash your hands after you take a shit, what the fuck is wrong with you?


What is wrong with you.

It's scientifically proven that you touch your face hundreds of times a day whether

you realize it or not, so you might as well make sure your hands are clean if you're

gonna be touching it without realizing it.

Also, from a general hygiene standpoint you SHOULD be washing your hands after you use

the bathroom because if not, you'll be more likely to get sick and you'll be literally

touching your own shit and putting it on your face and everywhere else!

Holy shit, that sounds so disgusting when I put it like that.

But it's true.

And it really is disgusting.

Holy shit.

Pun intended.

[OUTRO] Click the link in the description to check out the skincare product I recommend

- Tiege Hanley - RIGHT NOW!

And be sure to use the coupon code BASEDZEUS20 when you checkout and you'll get a huge discount

on your order!

For more infomation >> HOW to INSTANTLY ELIMINATE ACNE ... FAST! | How to Get Rid of Acne & Pimples - Duration: 7:06.


5 Ways to Improve Your Mind Before Yoga - An App That's Healthy For You - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> 5 Ways to Improve Your Mind Before Yoga - An App That's Healthy For You - Duration: 1:09.


MIDDLE EAST ACCENT??? [ROCKET LEAGUE #29] - Duration: 9:20.

For more infomation >> MIDDLE EAST ACCENT??? [ROCKET LEAGUE #29] - Duration: 9:20.


PUBG AGAIN #2 - UNUSUAL LAG - Duration: 8:22.

Today new video on PUBG

Here we go for the second episode of PUBG again

I hope you will like it

Meanwhile, introduction

- F*ck, I'm out

We're all out, look that

Go farther, go farther

I don't know where we're going

- What is that sh*t?

- Some people around us

- There is one guy who has deployed his parachute like a fool

- Go all the way, you see the main street ?

- To the right, with the wires

- Try to go there

- What is this mess ?

There are people on me

I'm in the middle of anywhere

- Where did you go ?

I am in the middle of anywhere. There is nothing, I have nothing

I'm alone, alone in theory

It's lagging

Everyone is in Al Azahar


Look at the kills notifications


- He took a motorcycle and left, he thought well

I will wait to see the area

Punch, punch, punch

There's a guy here

It's lagging, sh*************t


- What are you doing ?

I killed a guy

So I don't have much life

It's wich one who lagging less, wich one who killed more

There is someone there

Sh*t, they're two, get move elsewhere

If I take a bullet, I die

There are so many people

- Try to hide yourself

I can do nothing

- Hide yourself

I'm hidden in a cliff

I see people downthere, it's an anthill

There is a 4x4 there

Will I try to go down or not ?

There are so many people, I see everyone

- Where are you ? Can you get around ?

I can do nothing because, on the right I know there are guys...

Sh*t, on the right there are two

- Try to go as far as possible , to the South

South is in the city

In fact, I can't because if I go down they see me and I see 5-6-7 guys who are waiting

And it's sheds so it's open

I see them

- Try to go as far as possible, I will try to find a vehicule

Yes but where ? On the right, there are guys and left too

- Are you gone ?

I try

I have so little chance to live

- I will pick you

- Go on this side, it's great

- I try not to get shot

- The guy tried to shoot me, but he didn't touch me

- They are so many

Have you got some stuff?

That's the end of this video

I hope you liked it

If so, don't hesitate to like and subscrite to the channel

Many projects are planned in the coming week

I will see you soon, bye guys

For more infomation >> PUBG AGAIN #2 - UNUSUAL LAG - Duration: 8:22.


2018 Inner Circle Look Ahead - Duration: 2:31.

- Hey, everyone.

So welcome back to my Inner Circle.

I am super excited to share with you the content for 2018.

I sat with this, I meditated on it,

I took into consideration all the amazing feedback

you gave me on what you wanted to see

for this next upcoming year

and with that, I came up with dedicating the year of 2018

to one of my favorite mantras

that I'm sure you've heard me talk about.

I have a mala line that I've actually dedicated

to this mantra and that mantra is be the light

and so with 2018, what I'm doing,

I'm doing it a little bit differently

and after the feedback I got from all of you,

you wanted to go more in depth into certain topics

and so what we're doing is I've divided the year

into four quarters and we're gonna do a deep dive

into four different universal topics

that tend to be the reason why people seek out my services

as a spiritual medium in the first place

and so the first quarter will be dedicated

to health and wellbeing,

the second quarter will be on relationships,

the third quarter will be on life purpose and career

and finally, the fourth quarter

will be on money and abundance

and so for three months at a time,

we will explore those topics.

The first month will be dedicated to intention setting.

So this is intention around your personal goals,

around that particular topic.

Intention really is about getting clear on what we want.

The second month will be on shifting,

so that shifting from darkness and fear into light and love

and then finally, that third month will be on manifesting.

So this is all about executing those intentions

in this co-creative dance that we constantly do

with the divine.

So as always, I will provide meditations,

tools, channelings, Q&As and a lot of videos

to help you navigate your way through this process

and my hope is that in sharing all of these tools

in this sacred Inner Circle space

really is to inspire you and to empower you

to rise up into your power

to be the best you that you can be

and to encourage you to be the light.

For more infomation >> 2018 Inner Circle Look Ahead - Duration: 2:31.


Dr. Michael J. Zachek Discusses Sleep Medicine - Duration: 4:25.

Hi, I'm doctor Mike Zachek, I'm a pulmonologist, critical care specialist, and sleep specialist.

We're going to be talking about some of the problems today that people have with sleep

and one of the most important problems is we're not getting enough sleep.

You know, when people when to bed at ten o'clock at night and they got out of bed at six in

the morning, they got eight hours of sleep and people typically felt very well rested.

We don't do that so much anymore.

Unfortunately in this 24/7 world that we live in, we stay up late, we get up early, we try

and get as much done as possible and we wind up not getting nearly the amount of sleep

that we need.

That can really complicate our lives in a lot of different ways.

We aren't as careful about what we do.

Perhaps we don't concentrate as well as we should.

A lot of times people will experience medical problems simply because they don't get enough


What I do in this medicine world with sleep medicine is to find out if people have problems

other than just not getting enough sleep.

One of those is a common problem called obstructive sleep apnea.

Obstructive sleep apnea is simply, I snore and at times I stop breathing or my breathing

interrupts my sleep.

It sort of sounds like this.

(Snoring noises)

And then there's a brief pause, perhaps five or ten seconds and then.

(Snoring noises)

And the process starts over again.

Now, that's of course not normal and when people have sleep apnea it wakes them up very

briefly and the brain wakes you up to breathe.

When we're in the sleep center the typical complaints people have are I'm either too

sleepy or I can't sleep properly.

So too sleepy means to me look for certain medical problems that are associated with

either poor sleep quality making someone not sleep well at night and therefore being sleepy

during the day.

The flip of that is the person that says you know I lay down to try and go to bed and I

can't get to sleep, when I do fall asleep I wake up constantly, I feel like I'm never

rested, I have insomnia.

Now that's a rather important problem because insomnia affects up to 1/3 of people during

our lives.

Well we use things called cognitive behavioral therapies to help people to sleep better on

their own.

You always have it with you because it's in your brain, you've learned how to do these

tricks and it really helps people to sleep better.

When we see people in the sleep center we evaluate them with what we know as polysomnogram

or what would be in lay terms a sleep test.

Now sleep tests are very helpful for ferreting out problems like sleep apnea, finding out

if leg movements are causing sleep disruption, and sometimes evaluating people who are extra


There's a second test we do we call the multiple sleep latency test and it always follows the

night time sleep test and in that multiple sleep latency test or "MSLT" what we're giving

people are opportunities to nap.

What are we measuring?

We actually put a stopwatch on how quickly people fall asleep and we want to know if

they go into dream sleep.

Now often in the sleep center anymore we're doing a lot of home testing.

Home testing of course is less expensive, I tell patients it's not as accurate, it's

sort of like getting an x-ray instead of an MRI, but you get a lot of information from

an x-ray and if you break your leg, let's get the x-ray and put the cast on, we don't

have to fool with the more expensive test.

I would say that between 60-70% of our patients are now receiving home tests and if they prove

that there's a sleep breathing problem, we'll go ahead and issue the home test, we'll see

the patient the next day while the patient is waiting, we'll evaluate the test, I'll

give them the answer and begin therapy right that same day.

For more infomation >> Dr. Michael J. Zachek Discusses Sleep Medicine - Duration: 4:25.


How to unpublish a Facebook page 2018 - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> How to unpublish a Facebook page 2018 - Duration: 2:02.


New Power Rangers Top 10 Megazords Super Ninja Steel Blaze Megazord Dino Super Charge Unboxing - Duration: 16:05.

Wow guys keep watching as we take a look at the top 10 biggest awards from Dino

New Power Rangers Top 10 Megazords Super Ninja Steel Blaze Megazord Dino Super Charge Unboxing

we're excited to see you today I have another super ninja steel

Megazord this is blade Megazord six Zords combine

onto this one he looks really cool let's go ahead and check out the back the

weird thing about these packages is the back looks like the front of the old

ones because usually you would have the window with the figure on the front of

the box but now you have it on the back with the instruction so here is six

swords you could combine here you've got the Falcons or Rana Zord tortoise sword

the pandas or the Tiger Zord and the Serpent's

and then it says command your Megazord shoots ranger darts out of the chest you

can clack all three of them which this is the third one so I will have all

three and then they have a motorcycle one that looks like which you could

attach to him which I did by the motorcycle one but I did not review it

yet so anyways with further ado let's go

ahead take this guy out of the package and see what we got cool so it does

actually come with the Falcons or here okay now they are all one here okay

that's cool I thought they were separate one to bet device so all the Zords

actually come with it there you've got the Falcon the serpent the Rana

and the tighter

let's go ahead and free this guy okay guys here he is good package in my

opinion this is the coolest of the Megazords from the super ninja steel one

they don't really compare to the Dino super charge those ones were a lot

cooler but out of the super ninja steel this one is the coolest one really cool

option is it's got six missiles here so ah it's got this like turn knob in the

back if you go ahead and turn it it will fire off all six missiles let's go ahead

and check that out

so anyways that's a cool option ah like like I showed you I mean they do just

snap in here and then when you turn it

mechanism in there that actually fires it so anyways let's go ahead and take a

look at all those orbs that are attached to this guy so to do that we're just

gonna simply go ahead and you can actually before going to catch them

let's check out the articulation and different points on this guy so uh

articulation 360-degree movement on both his arms here his headpiece here will

pop on and off and you have like a face here so you must use this face when you

add different stuff to it so you can turn the face up like that or down and

then you put the headpiece back on over there

leg movement you do got movement on the leg so about there

it does not turn this thing on the front here turns and this one does not

we've got like tank treads in the back here must be a cool lizard this is the

part that fires it and then when you're not firing it you can simply go ahead

and close it and then the Falcons or just attaches to the guy's head right

over anyways let's go ahead and take this guy apart and check out the

different swords that he comes with okay so down here you've got the Tiger Zord

simply go ahead and flip it like that and that's it I mean I don't know a

little bit dissapointing there here you've got the Panda Zord go ahead flip

it this top piece does spin around there so pandas work there I did the Zords

I think the falcons ort is the coolest so you could like move him out his head

moves up and down

and out so really cool Falcon to her and then we have the prana Zord here which


on the sidelines and the serpent Zord here becomes a motorcycle it

and then the main body piece becomes is some type of a tank sword you take the

top off here pull this head piece up lift up the back leg stomps the end here

you got a tank okay then just put them back together simply go ahead flip these

pieces down flip the head piece down put this head off piece back to get there

and then you're going to go ahead


okay catch it to either side I believe some want to change the Panda to one

side side it should not make a difference

same with the Serpent and the piranha we could change that to either side and

then the Falcon is simply go ahead move his head his wings forward there and he

attaches right here to the baby's head okay so there is our Megazord all put

back together and he is ready to fire his missiles although as you can see I

have one missile missing they often off the table and I have not been able to

find it yet so word of caution when you play with this guy watch where the

missiles are playing

those top 10 biggest with her totally awesome and this

you seen his Godzilla destroys New York which I will

guys if you are interested in seeing any of these Megazords unboxed and also

battles the stop-motion the animation check out the Power Rangers playlist at

the end of this video today's secret word is sword go ahead and put that in

the comment section down below the video I know you watch the whole yo here's

your true member of my club I love making these videos for you guys

Thanks click the subscribe button below for a

bottle fun video also click the bell button to be notified every time I make

a new video click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to

see even more go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Power Rangers Top 10 Megazords Super Ninja Steel Blaze Megazord Dino Super Charge Unboxing - Duration: 16:05.


Power Rangers Legacy Wars #3: Ninjor Unlock + Gameplay - Duration: 1:52.

Yo wuss poppin my bs K-Chin Vlogs in the house and today we are unlocking Ninjor.

So uh we're gonna be showing out a little gameplay here we I'm singular not no one else. There's no one else here

Uh so I'm just gonna be testing out Ninjor

and his uh his moveset.

Interesesting thing is like

He's probably the only character in this game who can talk

See right there he just talked

Everyone else makes grunts and stuff.

(Unintelligible noise)

Hoping she can uhh use a breaker (What I mean is) a um Strike.

So I can use the uhhh

Block Attack.

Ayy, uh, so I just paused the recording and now she's unleashing a strike attack

So I think I can use the uh block attack right now

And there we go.

Well my bs that was it, this video

Like, comment, subscribe

Uh, hit the bell and remember you're watching K-Chin Vlogs, and I'm signing out peace out my bs.

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