Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 4 2018


- [Narrator] Milk,

it's the elixir all mammals feed to their young.

Deep inside the National Zoo in Washington, D.C.,

a team of scientists are devoted

to unlocking the wonders of the white gold

to help animals like baby Fiona,

but more on that later.

Welcome to the world's largest collection

of exotic animal milk.

- OK, let's get to it.

- [Narrator] Meet Doctor Michael Power.

Can I call you Mike?

- Sure.

- [Narrator] OK, Mike.

What do you do here?

- I'm the curator of the Exotic Animal Milk Repository

at the Smithsonian's National Zoo.

It's the largest, by a species count,

number of samples of milk in the entire world.

(light music)

We have samples that have been collected

from all over the world

that we keep in frozen storage.

- [Narrator] Animals like?

- Armadillos, bats, giraffe,

giant ant eater,

Asian elephant,

African lion,


tigers, sea lions,

and zebra.

- [Narrator] I hate to ask,

but how do you get the milk?

- [Michael] Well I'll Batang show you.

Batang is a critically endangered Bornean orangutan.

So this is the classic collaboration

between a scientist and the animal care staff.

Their incredible work and effort to be able

to training the animals to be able to accept this procedure

to where they voluntarily donate samples.

- [Narrator] So now that we know the how,

we have to ask,


- The exotic mammal milk repository serves two

critical purposes.

One is basic science and simply trying to understand,

in a sense, the origin of milk,

and the other is a very practical, pragmatic purpose

in the fact that we have to occasionally hand-rear animals,

and therefore we have to come up

with a milk replacer formula.

- [Narrator] OK,

so when a baby can't be fed by their mother,

you guys help come up with the formula

that's as close to the mother's milk as possible.

- Have you heard about baby Fiona

at the Cincinnati Zoo?

(TV static)

- Is the baby hippo,

who has stolen the hearts of people all over the country.

- Baby Fiona was born six weeks premature.

She's a Nile hippo,

and no other baby hippo hand been hand-raised

in North America.

And so we needed to put together a milk formula

to be able to feed her to have her grow.

So we worked together

with the Exotic Animal Milk Repository at the National Zoo

to come up with a formula to feed baby Fiona.

- [Narrator] So how's Fiona doing now?

- [Barbara] Milk is almost removed from her diet.

We are very happy that baby Fiona is happy and healthy,

and growing very well.

- [Narrator] Awesome.

Back to Mike.

- So, what's next?

- The milk repository has samples from over 180 species

of mammals and that sounds pretty impressive,

until you realize that there's anywhere

from 5,000 to 6,000 species of mammals.

So we have only sampled maybe 3% of the mammals.

It's still only a tiny tip of the iceberg

compared to what we could be learning.

(light music)

For more infomation >> Saving Baby Animals With the Milk Lab - Duration: 3:14.


Criminal Minds - It Wasn't Leland - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Criminal Minds - It Wasn't Leland - Duration: 4:33.


Kahey Ko Tujh | ਕਾਹੇ ਕਉ ਤੁਝੁ ਇਹੁ ਮਨੁ ਲਾਇਆ | Bibi Harroop Kaur - Duration: 22:09.

ਕਿਤੁ ਬਿਧਿ ਪੁਰਖਾ ਜਨਮੁ ਵਟਾਇਆ ॥ "How have you changed the course of your life? (ਯੋਗੀ ਪੁਛਦੇ ਹਨ) ਪ੍ਰ. 27: ਕਿਸ ਤਰੀਕੇ ਦੁਆਰਾ, ਹੇ ਪੁਰਸ਼! ਤੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਜੀਵਨ ਦਾ ਰੁਖ ਬਦਲਿਆ ਹੈ? ਕਾਹੇ ਕਉ ਤੁਝੁ ਇਹੁ ਮਨੁ ਲਾਇਆ ॥ With what have you linked your mind? ਪ੍ਰ. 28: ਤੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਇਸ ਮਨ ਨੂੰ ਕਿਸ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਜੋੜਿਆ ਹੈ?ਕਿਤੁ ਬਿਧਿ ਆਸਾ ਮਨਸਾ ਖਾਈ ॥ How have you subdued your hopes and desires? ਪ੍ਰ. 29: ਕਿਸ ਤਰੀਕੇ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਤੂੰ ਆਪਣੀ ਉਮੈਦ ਅਤੇ ਖ਼ਾਹਿਸ਼ ਨੂੰ ਮੇਟਿਆ ਹੈ? ਕਿਤੁ ਬਿਧਿ ਜੋਤਿ ਨਿਰੰਤਰਿ ਪਾਈ ॥ How have you found the Light deep within your nucleus? ਪ੍ਰ. 30: ਕਿਸ ਤਰੀਕੇ ਨਾਲ ਤੂੰ ਪ੍ਰਭੂ-ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ ਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਅੰਦਰੋਂ ਪਾਇਆ ਹੈ? ਬਿਨੁ ਦੰਤਾ ਕਿਉ ਖਾਈਐ ਸਾਰੁ ॥ Without teeth, how can you eat iron? ਪ੍ਰ. 31: ਦੰਦਾਂ ਦੇ ਬਗ਼ੈਰ ਬੰਦਾ ਲੋਹੇ ਨੂੰ ਕਿਸ ਤਰਾਂ ਖਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ। ਨਾਨਕ ਸਾਚਾ ਕਰਹੁ ਬੀਚਾਰੁ ॥੧੯॥ Give us your true opinion, Nanak.""||19|| ਹੇ ਨਾਨਕ! ਤੂੰ ਆਪਣੀ ਸੱਚੀ ਸੁਚੀ ਰਾਏ ਦੱਸ।

For more infomation >> Kahey Ko Tujh | ਕਾਹੇ ਕਉ ਤੁਝੁ ਇਹੁ ਮਨੁ ਲਾਇਆ | Bibi Harroop Kaur - Duration: 22:09.


IELTS Reading: Read faster & remember more - Duration: 5:21.

Oh, what a great book.

Thank you, Jessica Whitehead.

Are you doing an IELTS exam or will you be doing an IELTS exam in the future?

Special shoutout to Pedro, thank you for helping me on this, and rock your exam.

You're going to do it, boy.

If you're studying IELTS, there's one section in the test that is difficult.

They're all difficult, but it's the reading section.

So, when you're doing your test, you have to read the passage quickly, you have to get

all of the wonderful information, and then you have to answer the questions.

So, what I want to help you do is something really cool called speed reading.

When I was in grade 2, my teacher taught me something that was amazing.

Usually when you read something, you take your little finger and you read along like this.

So my teacher taught me at the young age of eight to get a bookmark, and instead of reading

each word, you're going to read one whole sentence with an eyescape.

So, instead of reading word by word with your little finger, you're going to put a bookmark

on the sentence and you're going to focus on the sentence.

This allows you to read something much faster.

So, put your little finger away and grab a bookmark or a piece of paper.

So, number six is: Use a bookmark.

It helps you absorb the information faster.

Another thing that you can do or not do is when you're reading: "The pizza was a wide

pizza with ham and pineapple.

It was the most exiting flavours, it was..."

Don't read out loud.

Two reasons: One, there're other people around you that you're probably disturbing, and there's

probably been a scientific study that if you move your lips, you're doing extra work and

you're kind of wasting time.

Try and close your mouth.

Don't: "Ra-ra-ra-ra" under your breath, don't move your lips.

Just absorb it and read it.

This helps you go through it faster and ultimately get that high score that you've all been looking for.

Another tip is to pay attention to important key words.

So, these are going to be things like dates and times, numbers, and proper nouns.

So, please tell me you know what a proper noun is.

A proper noun is a place or a person.

It starts with a capital letter.

So, one really, really good thing you can do is you can take your little highlighter

and circle the important words.

When you come back to the reading section or when you've read it, it sticks in your

brain more.

This is good for practicing, too.

Some articles and some things have special punctuation.

So, dashes.

Dashes are a little line here and a little line at the end.

There's a very, very good reason why they've used dashes, and that is they're telling you

that this information is really important.

It's giving you something extra or something that changes the idea about the sentence.

So, the information between dashes or even between commas is put there for a reason,

and it's probably got some wealth of information, maybe the answer to question number seven.

Some readings that you have not necessarily on IELTS, but a newspaper if you're reading

something for fun...

Do people read for...?

Yeah, they do read for fun, Ronnie. Okay.

Is a special font.

So, if the words are bold which means they're bigger; or if they're written in italics which

means, like, handwriting; or if the words are underlined - this is going to give you

some really strong information that it's important because they made it like this.

When you first begin your IELTS test in the reading section, always read the questions

first, then you'll know what information you're looking for.

If you just read it willy-nilly without thinking

about the questions, you've wasted a lot of time.

So read the questions first, then go back and get the information that you need.

And about paragraphs, this is a tricky thing that they do.

I want you to read the first sentence, it's called the topic sentence.

The topic sentence has...

We'll say "the meat" or the importance of the paragraph.

Maybe in the middle of the paragraph they've got some information and it's useless, really,

because maybe the idea has changed.

So, the best thing you can do is read the first topic sentence, skim the rest of it,

and concentrate on the last, because maybe the idea has changed halfway through the sentence.

If you're going for your IELTS, good luck.

It's hard, but you can do it.

For more IELTS tips, stay tuned. Bye-bye.

For more infomation >> IELTS Reading: Read faster & remember more - Duration: 5:21.


Criminal Minds - When The Rain Comes - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Criminal Minds - When The Rain Comes - Duration: 2:03.


신유 결혼 그대를 사랑합니다 - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> 신유 결혼 그대를 사랑합니다 - Duration: 8:01.


Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 43 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 16:10.

Then you decide. When will we let them go?

When I tell you to. Wait for my instructions.

You must be Mr. Romero, the lawyer.

Nice to meet you.

Salvador Acero... son of Sara Aguilar.

About time we met.

Everything's ready, Indira.

Today we settle our scores.

You'll avenge your son and I'll avenge the love of my life.

Welcome to the US, sir.

Look who's here! It's Owl.

Easy. Don't move.

The guy says there was a cop there,

but the narcos killed him.


I know you and Daniel are still having issues over Mr. Romero.

We might not have gotten what we wanted,

but he worked fast and he's been really nice to us.

The only issue's that Daniel doesn't know

that Romero defended you.

If he finds out, he'll kill me.

Get it?

Now that you'll be living with us, I can't lie to him.

I won't lie to you, sis.

I met Romero.

I'm good at reading people and I don't trust him.

His smile seems fake and he knows too much about us.

That's not good.

He has information

from that time Heriberto Roca kidnapped me.

I don't know, Vicenta. Daniel's never trusted him.

Don't tell me you're all ganging up on Mr. Romero.

It's not that simple, Aida.

There must be a reason why Daniel doesn't trust him.

If Daniel says we need a new lawyer,

then we'll get a new lawyer.

Besides, these are difficult times.

There's no time to make new friends.

We can't trust anyone, Mr. Romero included.

Help me out here, honey.

Check this out.

This says that Phillips started working for ICE again

four months ago.

And he isn't wasting any time.

He rescued his former boss' son

and he's been looking everywhere

for a former colleague of his who's missing.

Oh, please.

Fours months playing a hero, the bastard.

But boss, that's good for us.

A lot of his people don't like him because he's a sellout.

Stay on him, Azuceno.

That bastard has to pay for coming between Vicenta and me.

I had to walk into that disgusting detention center

to help her friend Aida.

I'm getting sick of playing a White Flag lawyer.

Boss, but it's working well.

Working well? For who?

For you? Answer me.

How's it working well

when Vicenta's turned her back on me?

Just say the word and I'll send the gringo on his merry way.

No, I have something special for him.

Let's call it a romantic revenge.

Romantic? You're weird, boss.

Excuse me while I get the door.

Hey, man. Come in.

About time my package arrived.

Here you go, kid.

Watch out, boss.

Mexico-US Border

There's a ton of coke

and one and a half tons of methamphetamines.

It's a tough blow.

Well, take these three idiots inside and book them.

Pick up and classify the evidence and file a report.

Excuse me, what about the other one?

He's with Ayala, but I'll handle it.

Great. Let's go.

When will they talk about the polls?

Relax, woman. Soon.

Triple R said I'd win.

All I know is this.

My polls only went up because Debora was murdered.

It's sad how tragedies win elections.

I don't know why you're so surprised.

This family's been plagued with tragedy.

Sweetie, this might be hard for you to understand,

but tragedies have brought this family closer.

I hope Rooster wins, Chava.

Otherwise, I don't know what's gonna happen.

Easy, Chayo.

Triple R's really good at his job.

I think he'll win.

I hope so. Maybe you can help me.

The Matamoros mayor must be good for something.

The polls aren't important.

The important thing is to be ready for the elections.

You do know that if Rooster wins,

Indio will be on the hunt

and we'll really be in the spotlight, right?

I just want to know what the polls say.

Killing Indio Amaro has never been an issue,

but when I'm mayor, I'll have a license to kill.

They're about to make the announcement.

Turn up the volume.

Here's your cut.

If you think I'm going to beg, get ready to be disappointed.

And if you think I'll tell you where to find Indio,

prepare to be even more disappointed.


There's an old saying that goes...

"A killer never begs for mercy."

Have you heard that before?

I don't expect you to ask for mercy

or to sell out Indio Amaro.

Then what do you want?

No! Not the fire!

It was Owl! Owl!

I've memorized every scar

and every mark you left on my son's body.

You tortured him, you son of a bitch.

You didn't care that he was just a boy.

Well, now I'm going to replicate your oeuvre.

We're going to have a lot of fun, partner.

<i> Let's turn to the latest polls</i> <i>for the Matamoros mayoral race.</i>

<i> According to the latest polls,</i>

<i> Erick "Rooster" Quintanilla</i> <i> leads by ten points.</i>


I told you that you had this in the bag!

I'm so proud of you.

Me too!

Wait for my signal.


Indio Amaro's really ------ now!

We're going after him with everything we've got.

He'd better be ready.


The future mayor.

Yes, sir.

It's show time.

Did someone change the channel?

No one's done anything.

<i> Hello, everyone.</i>


<i> To those of you</i> <i> who don't know me,</i>

<i> my name is Mario Casas.</i>

What the ----?

No, no...


Remember what you said about my son?

What's wrong?

Cat got your tongue?

I remember every single word you said.

Did you forget?

You told me my son had been eaten by buzzards and coyotes.

You said maggots were having him

and other migrants for dinner.

You even said you had a shovel

that I'd have to use to find him.

You made me think my son was dead.

I mourned him for two months, you ------------!

Two months! Day and night!

I had to bury an empty urn, you bastard!

Now you're going to pay,

but not before you tell me everything you did to my son.

What'd you do to Nicolas?

Tell me. What'd you do to my son?

We marked him on the inside and on the outside.

We made a man out of him!

He liked the taste of blood.

Well, so do I. [Jadeos]

I love blood.

Especially, if it's Indio Amaro's.

You tell him I'm coming for him.

Tell him death is coming.

I'll do to him everything you did to Nicolas.

Surprise. <i> - SORPRESA.</i>

<i> I'm sorry to interrupt</i> <i> the transmission,</i>

<i> but I have very important news</i>

<i> about the Matamoros mayoral</i> <i> candidate, Erick Quintanilla.</i>

<i> He's always saying that</i> <i> he will fight the narcos.</i>

<i> That he'll make the city</i> <i> a safer place</i>

<i> and change Tamaulipas' fate.</i>

<i> But he's a liar.</i>

What the hell is that bastard doing in my TV?

Rooster, something tells me this bastard

has something planned for us.

Or maybe...

<i> If Rooster Quintanilla</i> <i> were saying the truth,</i>

<i> he wouldn't be allied</i> <i> with Marcelo Doriga.</i>

Son of a bitch!

<i> This man is the head</i> <i> of Quintanilla's security</i>

<i> and he's a kidnapper.</i>

<i> He took my daughter Elizabeth.</i>

No, Mario. Please.

That's me! And Daddy.

Can someone take Elizabeth elsewhere?

Let's go.

-Change the channel, woman. -Yeah.

I can't. He's on every channel.

He's on national television.

Did this ------ just hack the entire country's TV signal?

Hell no.

Someone must've given him access to the relays.

Son of a bitch!

This is a blow for the entire family.

He's everywhere!


<i> Marcelo Doriga's</i> <i> a former DEA agent.</i>

<i> A fugitive on the run</i> <i> from the US government</i>

<i> who kidnapped my daughter to</i> <i> sell her in the US.</i>

<i> This bastard is the head</i> <i>of a child-trafficking network,</i>

<i> which is being protected</i> <i> by both sides of the border.</i>

Son of a bitch!

I'm helping him and he's ------- me over.

<i> Doriga allied himself</i> <i> with his daughter</i>

<i> and my ex-girlfriend, Andrea.</i>

<i> A drug-addicted nymphomaniac</i> <i> who cheated on me,</i>

<i>became pregnant, and tricked me</i> <i>into thinking I was the father.</i>

<i> Meanwhile, the real father's</i> <i> a fugitive on the run</i>

<i>from the Venezuelan government.</i>

<i> His name's Domingo Alvarado</i> <i>and he's been running for years.</i>

<i> These people are criminals</i> <i> of the worst sort.</i>

<i> They're drug addicts,</i> <i> kidnappers, murderers,</i>

<i> and corrupt politicians</i> <i> and they're being protected</i>

<i> by the infamous</i> <i> Acero-Quintanilla family.</i>

<i> How can they be expected to</i> <i> bring peace </i>

<i> to Matamoros and Tamaulipas</i> <i> when they're the problem?</i>

Since we'll be staying for a while longer,

tell the hotel manager to redo this horrible room.

A king can't live in a pigsty.

Yes, sir.

Don't worry. You're right.

I'll finish this and I'll go talk to him.

They'll fix this room.

Will you look at that?

That's too bad.

She was hot.

Mom, did you see the look on Indio Amaro's face

when he learned I was your son?


Of course you did! You must've had a laugh too!

I wonder what'll happen once he learns the rest of the story.

What'll happen when he finds out he's sitting

on a throne that's rightfully mine?

When he finds out I'm taking his crown.

You're so empty-headed. You don't know anything.

You've got the wrong intel.

Can you believe this idiot thinks

Teca Martinez didn't have any other heirs?

That worked out for you, right?

I mean, if Teca Martinez had had kids,

you wouldn't be running the Tijuana Cartel.

That's right.

But he doesn't have any.

His bloodline is extinct.

Which makes me king.

This idiot...

Put tape on this.

He thinks Teca Martinez' grandson is dead.

This idiot thinks I don't have a father.

But I did have a father...

And he was a king, a titan, and an emperor.

It's time the heir takes his throne.

The throne left behind by Teca Martinez

after Salvador Acero killed him.

It's time I avenged your death...


For more infomation >> Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 43 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 16:10.


Cousin Luke vs Chris Curtis - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> Cousin Luke vs Chris Curtis - Duration: 6:41.


GH 01-03-18 Elizabeth / Franco (2/2) - Duration: 4:49.

thing that could ever happen

to this painting is I destroy it.

-Wrong. -What are you doing?

Kiki, don't do that. Give it back.

No, not until you promise not to destroy it.

Why shouldn't I destroy it?

Because it means something.

It doesn't mean anything good.

Franco, when you got back from New York,

all you wanted was a clean slate

so you could get back to your art, but it has been months,

and you haven't painted a single thing.

I've been busy.

Or maybe whatever it is that's bumping around in your past

is still bumping around in your present,

and this painting reminds you of it.

I think the two of you have some unfinished business.

Finn's a close friend. You know, I care about him,

and of course, I have feelings about what's happened to him.

Of course you do.

[ Phone ringing ]

I had Finn plant a-a bug in Cassandra's phone.

And it was a-a simple, straightforward bug

because he's not an experienced operative, so obviously...

But a simple, straightforward bug

is just so much more easy to detect.

And that's what Cassandra did.

And she realized she was being betrayed,

and she targeted Finn.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

I have to take this.


[ Sighs ]



I don't know all the details of what's going on,

but I do know something about Finn.

He pretends to be impervious to everything.

He views the world as one big, ironic joke.

I know.

But I saw how hurt he was when Hayden walked out of his life.


He is susceptible to the same feelings we all share.


No, wait, just hear me out.

Life is random and it's uncertain,

and what gets us through are the people who we connect with,

the ones who matter.

And if you and Finn have a chance at happiness together,

maybe you should go for it.


No, I'm still like this paintg so much,

I want you to have it.


I think your karmic boomerang is here for a reason,

and only you can figure out what that is.

By the way, that bag is full of Christmas gifts

for you and your family.

"You and your family."

I hope you realize how lucky you are

to have Elizabeth and her kids here with you

and not three time zones away.

I'm a lucky guy. I tell myself every day.

Then whatever's haunting you,

whatever it is that you're dealing with,

deal with it

before you lose the best thing that ever happened to you.




Anna: Hey, Elizabeth. Are you done in here?

Can I -- Can I stay in here? -Oh, yeah.

He just drifted off to sleep.


[ Monitor beeping ]



Open up your present.

Oh. Thank you.



Best present ever!

You're my best friend ever, ever, ever!







If you were my best friend...

why did I try and kill you?

-Elizabeth. -Yeah?

I'm gonna head out.

See if you can convince Anna to go home and get some rest.

I'll see what I can do, but she doesn't want to leave his side.

You should rest. Whatever you have to say

can wait. -No, you don't understand.

There's something I need to tell you.



I killed her.


For more infomation >> GH 01-03-18 Elizabeth / Franco (2/2) - Duration: 4:49.


Post Falls Police to carry American flags to honor deceased veterans - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Post Falls Police to carry American flags to honor deceased veterans - Duration: 2:02.


Amazing Footage of a Flickering Spacecraft or UFO Caught on tape! 2018 - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> Amazing Footage of a Flickering Spacecraft or UFO Caught on tape! 2018 - Duration: 6:44.


Gift from strangers give Sacramento boy a chance to grow up - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Gift from strangers give Sacramento boy a chance to grow up - Duration: 2:14.


Roma and Julya - Duration: 7:13.

- May be one more drink?

- No. Gotta' go home.

Doppio, please.

- Good weather today, eh? - Stifling.

People in St. Petersburg are considered to be cold and sharp, just like the gusts of wind from the Baltic sea.

And their hearts are considered to be closed for drying like Summer Garden always is.

And this is, of course...

And this is, of course... true.

The story of the greatest love in St. Petersburg...

... is something like a weather forecast...

... it's like when you step on a lego piece or a beer lid...

... it's like a cheap sleeping train, going nowhere...

... or like a canon that is fired at noon ...

... with you instead of a cannonball.

St.Peterburgers' private life resembles a folding bed.

But in the middle of a white night even the bridges in this city get together for a few minutes...

... just in order to be opened again till the morning light.


CHAPTHER ONE where nothing happens, but it seems that something good can happen

- May be one more drink?

- No. Gotta' go home.

- My name is Roma.

- I'm Julya.

- Roma, there is a lingonberry in your beard.

- There are stars in your eyes.

- Julya, sorry, that was... really vulgar.

Marry me.

At least, tonight.

And what about the ring?

Well, I'll go?

CHAPTER TWO where something happens, but it's not exactly what we wanted

- May be one more drink?

- No. Gotta' go home.

- I'm telling you... If you're pumping natural gas, it does not matter if you help children or not...

You're JUST pumping natural gas. - No! Come on!

- Just think about it: gasmen - philanthropists!

- By the way, have you finished this child-support project for them?

- Sure! Put 300% margin there!

Will change it to 400% on Monday.

Will drop an e-mail: "Sorry, guys, there was a mistake in calculations!"

Dickheads! - Got problems, buddy?

- May be one more drink?

- No. Gotta' go home.

LAST CHAPTER where we all can think it over and - have a drink

A white night is short...

... you can not fit a proper full-scale tragedy into a white night.

No matter where you start a love story in St. Petersburg... ends with a Monday.

- On this June evening FC Zenit, St. Petersburg, lost to Spartak, Moscow.

Oh! And it was snowing that night too.

For more infomation >> Roma and Julya - Duration: 7:13.


Employee fatally shoots armed robber at U-Haul store - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Employee fatally shoots armed robber at U-Haul store - Duration: 1:58.


Các Anh Tây Quẩy Nhạc Sơn Tùng - MTP | Giải Trí Việt - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Các Anh Tây Quẩy Nhạc Sơn Tùng - MTP | Giải Trí Việt - Duration: 0:56.


Acupressure Points to Relieve Knee and Joint Pains - Duration: 2:10.

Acupressure points to relieve knee pain knee pain is varied chronic pain for any

person acupressure points for knee pain or effective to heal the pain caused by

different issues with these acupressure points your knee pain will run away

faster than other techniques one coughs nose point cuffs nose point ease

situated at outside of your knee cap on both legs just below the kneecap in the

outer indentation you need to apply full pressure with your fingers on cuffs loss

point for two to three minutes on each leg and massage gently you can get

relief in knee pain knee stiffness and edema by applying pressure on cops loss

point a regular basis to sunny side off Mountain point sunny side of mountain

point is very effective when the knee pain is high the sunny side of mountain

point is situated below the kneecap and on flint ahead of the shine bone on inch

below of cuffs nose point apply mild pressure with your fingers for two to

three minutes and massage area for a few minutes on

both legs on everyday basis to renew extremely pain strains and muscles and

muscle tension Three Mile Point three-mile point is one of the most

popular acupressure points for knee pain the three-mile point can be spotted at

inch below the sunny side point just one centimeter away from the shine bond

apply mild pressure on three mile point with fingers and hold the pressure for

two to three minutes applying pressure on acupressure three

mile point on every day will result in improving tone the muscles and reduce

the knee pain follow this ultra pressure points one by one in alternative days

mostly apply pressure on these acupressure points in your free time for

effective results thank you for watching this video

like and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Acupressure Points to Relieve Knee and Joint Pains - Duration: 2:10.


Sangre de mi Tierra | Episode 26 | Telemundo English - Duration: 16:16.

Boss, they're going to kill us.

Boss, why are you slowing down? They're going to catch up!

Put your head down!

Tamaulipas, lower your head!

I think they're gone.



Hold on.

Aurora Castañeda?

I'm her husband. .

Please sign for me.

-Here? -Yes.

Thanks very much.

Thank you.

-Have a nice day. -Thanks.

<i> "The wine you created</i> <i> in Mendoza</i>

<i> is considered one of the</i> <i>ten best in Argentina this year.</i>

<i>Congratulations, and thank you,</i> <i> dearest Aurora.</i>

<i> Matias Rosso."</i>


Who was that?


A package was delivered for the old homeowners,

but they took it back, honey.

I'll be right back.


Hi, it's great to hear from you.

<i> I'm so grateful you called.</i> <i> What a lovely surprise.</i>

<i> You've made my day.</i> <i> Bye.</i>

Who was that?

Who was who?

The phone rang, and you answered it

and spoke for a long time.

Who was it?

It was a survey.

What was that little chuckle about?

What's your problem?

What was that little chuckle about?

Can't anybody laugh in this house?

And I smiled, which is different!

I just found it amusing that the poor man

was trying all morning to get anybody to answer his questions

and I'm the first.

I don't believe you!

Then don't believe me.

Look, Roberto, if you think I'm sleeping with that person

or I like him or know him, you're wrong!


I can't even talk to you anymore

without having to put up with your damn sarcasm.


What are you going to do?

Are you going to run?


Let me show you what love is, Juliet.

That's it, guys! Keep it up!

At this rate, we'll finish before we thought.

That'd be a blessing.

Let's go over here.

Hey, watch it with those grapes, fool!

Sorry, boss. It won't happen again.

What's up? You there?

Did you get him?

What do you mean he escaped?

Son of a bitch!

Let's go!

Hey, where are you going?

What's going on? What about the grapes?

Where are you going?

Juanjo, something just happened at the vineyard.

It's crazy.

<i> Please listen to me first.</i>

I'm in a hospital ER.

The hospital? Did something happen to you?

Did something happen to Juanjo?

No, I'm fine. It's Tamaulipas.

Edgar's men followed us, and they shot him.

This is crazy.

They all ran off here. They're gone.

I told you.

They found out about everything.

Edgar found out and this is what happened.

Please send me any documents you have on Tamaulipas.

<i> The cops are on their way, and</i> <i> I'm afraid he'll be deported.</i>

Of course. We're on our way.

Wow, that was...


It was otherworldly.

Had you ever felt anything so intense?

So incredible?

No, I've never felt like this.

So happy.


This is the best moment we've ever shared.

I love you...


And I adore you, my Juliet.

How's it going? Are the pictures ready?

Yeah, I'm working on them. I've just started editing them.

This one, for example, needs more light and less contrast.

-Right? -Yeah.

Yes, it's very nice. I love them.

When you finish...

I'll send them to you.


So that's what we'll do.


I don't know what's going on,

but the Montiels haven't sent us any grapes in hours.


-Why's that? -No idea.

<i> Natalia, it's Crisanto.</i> <i> I'm here with Dimas.</i>

<i> What's going on</i> <i> with the grapes?</i>

<i> You were doing great.</i> <i> What's the holdup?</i>

I had to stop, Crisanto.

I don't have any workers.

No workers?

What about the pickers you'd hired?

<i> They left.</i>

<i> They took off</i> <i> without saying a word.</i>

It appears they're undocumented,

and don't ask what I'm going to do because I have no idea.

So Natalia hired undocumented workers.


Look at that.

And she claims to be so prim and proper.

If she's audited, she'll be fined through the roof

for that crime.

Why does it seem like you're taking pleasure

in what happened to Natalia?

What do you want? For me to cry?

Roberto, why are you like this?

I'm surprised because you didn't used to be like this.

You used to be generous and considerate.

I am considerate.

I just don't feel like being it with the Montiels, that's all.

What did they ever do to you?

They're the family's enemies.


They're my father's enemies, not ours.

Well, I stand in solidarity with your father.

Could it be you hate the Montiels

because you hate Juanjo?

Yes, that's exactly right.

And I've got plenty of reason to.

Roberto, I was telling you the story of a poor harvester

who was hurt...

In fact, it's we who are affected by all this

because those were our grapes.

Yes, it's true, it will affect our production.

Hi. -<i> HI.</i> ¿CÓMO ESTÁS?

How are you?

Hello. Fine, ma'am.

I'm going to keep working, okay?

Are you happy at work?

Very happy.

Very happy. Thank you.

How are the kids? Did you enroll them in school?

No, not yet. I'm working on it.

I left them in the motel room.

I don't want them being a bother here.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to keep working.

Have you seen the file on the report I did yesterday?


Excuse me, sir. Mr. Crisanto sent these to you.

How are your kids? Fine, thanks.

Aren't you scared to leave them at the motel?

No, not really.

They behave themselves and know how to take care of themselves.

Excuse me.

Dolores, are you upset with me about something?

No, ma'am. Of course not.

Why would I be upset with you?

You've been very kind to me.

I just want to concentrate on work is all.

Don't take it the wrong way. Excuse me.

Come in.


No, no, no.

I have passport.

Juanjo, please tell them. Tell them not to take me away.

Relax, they're not taking you anywhere.

This is Susan and Ernesto. They're here to help you.

We're familiar with your situation.

We know you came here illegally in 2014

and with a fake passport.

Entering the US illegally is very serious

and entails immediate deportation.

However, you could remain

given you were a victim of mistreatment

and human trafficking.

Now, in order to be granted that visa,

you have to cooperate with the authorities

and report the person who mistreated you.

I'd have to report Edgar?

Yes, you would.

I know that makes you very nervous,

but if you want to remain here, it's what you have to do.

What do you want to know?

The truth.

Tell me everything about you.

How'd you get to the United States?

My name is Tamaulipas Cuenca, and I'm from Chiapas.

I entered the US with the help of a coyote.

Almost all of us worked as harvesters,

and we still owed $7,000.

And the coyote sold your debt to this Edgar fellow.


Later, Edgar showed us passports and visas

with our names on them! He promised to given them to us

after we worked a year and a half for him.

He'd send us to work the fields from sunrise to sunset,

seven days a week.

It's inhuman. I can back him up.

I saw how they were treated.

They housed them in barracks with armed men

and guard dogs to keep them from escaping.

They'd charge them for food

and apparently didn't give them any days off.

It's been three and a half years of backbreaking labor,

never getting enough to eat

and sleeping on the floor like animals!

Last night was the first time I slept in a proper bed

since I came to this country.

Fernando had scars on his back.

We have to gather evidence on Edgar and his men

so we can arrest them.

Do you have any scars?

I got this one for fainting in front of a gringo landowner.

I hadn't had breakfast that day,

and Edgar said it was my fault

the gringo had noticed we were all undocumented.

And the bastard gave me a beating.

For more infomation >> Sangre de mi Tierra | Episode 26 | Telemundo English - Duration: 16:16.


Woman Is Demanding Answers After Her Dog Was Attacked At Kennel - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Woman Is Demanding Answers After Her Dog Was Attacked At Kennel - Duration: 2:00.


Rocklin purchases abandoned golf course for $5.8M - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Rocklin purchases abandoned golf course for $5.8M - Duration: 1:46.


Аффирмации на каждый день от Наталии Правдиной. Аффирмация для счастья и изобилия✦Все по Фен Шуй - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Аффирмации на каждый день от Наталии Правдиной. Аффирмация для счастья и изобилия✦Все по Фен Шуй - Duration: 0:33.


Under Eye Dark Circles - Causes and How to Get Rid of Them - Duration: 6:35.

Hello Friends, today we will talk about, Dark Eye Circles.

Dark Eye Circles- Causes and What to Eat to Get Rid of Them!

Got dark eye circles? You're not alone! The last couple of years I've been haunted

by a familiar face. Mine. Yes, very familiar, but not quite right. I

need to do a double take. Who dat? And why they look so bloody tired?

I know I'm not alone on Shutter Island either. Many of us ladies start noticing a more tired

face peering back at us in our late 20's. The end of the glory days! All those hard

partying nights (and mornings… and afternoons…) are finally catching up to us, with these

dark circles under our eyes! We're paying for every bar-hopping celebratory Saturday,

every Netflix binge session – as we sacrificed our beauty sleep to watch one, nay, three

more episodes before bed, and every serious case of FOMA for… God only knows! Why couldn't

we have done ourselves a favour and skipped last call, closed the laptop, and/or just

put our damned selves to bed at a decent hour?! C'est la vie. Woulda, coulda, shoulda…

but we didn't, so it's time to roll with it. Hello dark eye circles, nice to meet you.

Will you staying for long? And while getting enough shut-eye is usually

the main culprit, those ghastly dark circles under our eyes can also be attributed to diet!

Luckily there's a a few ways to help slow down the trickle of time under our tired peepers,

and bring back that glow we took for granted! Quick fix? Change what's on the end of that

fork, girls (and boys)! 1. Eat more iron to eliminate dark eye circles

One common reason for seeing dark eye circles is low iron! Low iron results in our tissues

not getting enough oxygen- thus bringing more unwanted definition to the tiny veins under

our eyes. Some great vegan sources of iron include lentils,

tempeh, collard greens, swiss chard, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, squash and quinoa.

When you're suffering from an iron deficiency, your body will absorb as much as 35% of the

nutrient from your foods, vs only 10% when no deficiency exists.

10-15mg of iron (15mg for menstruating women) is needed daily to maintain a healthy diet.

2. Beautify dark eye circles with vitamin C

And while making sure to get enough iron in your diet is crucial for oxygenated tissues,

it's equally as important to consume lots of vitamin C! Vitamin C plays an integral

role in the synthesis of red blood cells and, when eaten with iron-filled foods, helps to

greatly increase the amount of iron being absorbed by the body. Not only this, but vitamin

C is important for defending our cells from free radicals and for rejuvenating collagen!

Very important for getting rid of dark eye circles!

There are also many delicious, readily available sources of vitamin C to choose from! Most

fruits are very rich in vitamin C, including papaya, oranges, strawberries, pineapple and

kiwi. Red bell peppers and chilli peppers are also very high in vitamin C, as well as

broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts and cauliflower. 3. Banish dark eye circles with a B12 supplement

Vitamin B12, which works alongside vitamin C & iron for the healthy functioning of red

blood cells, is tricky for vegans and vegetarians because it's most often obtained through

animal sources. When maintaining a vegan diet it's crucial to find food sources fortified

with vitamin B12- like nut milks- or to take a vitamin B12 supplement which provides at

least 10 micrograms daily. 4. Got dark eye circles? Eat your greens,

K? Vitamin K is used in the body for blood coagulation

and circulation. If you're seeing those dreaded dark eye circles- you might be skipping

the greens that get you the most K for your cash! Broccoli, brussels sprouts, leafy green

vegetables, and spinach, are fantastic sources of vitamin K, as well as sage, oregano and

thyme! 5. Think Vitamin A for angel eyes!

If you want to be remembered for glowing angel eyes, make sure to stock up on papaya, mangoes,

peaches, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash and cantaloupe! All of these vitamin

A-rich foods promote strong, firm skin. If sweeter foods aren't your thang try turnips,

beet and mustard greens, or green peas- all superb choices for your vitamin A needs! Eating

a vitamin A rich diet will help banish those dark eye circles!

6. Vitamin E, breezy, beautiful! If you want eyes that looks young, well-rested,

and refreshed, think about the entire face first. The stage must be equally as striking

as the stars they showcase! Vitamin E has long been touted as the miracle vitamin for

younger, firmer, more elastic skin and is essential for fighting the enzymes that break

down collagen. Want younger looking eyes without those big 'ol bags? Start incorporating

more vitamin E-rich foods into your diet like hazelnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, and swiss

chard. And now that you know what causes those dreaded

dark eye circles, you can start combatting the culprits by eating these vitamin-rich

foods! For balanced and varied diet consult an experienced

dietitian. Enjoy journey to health...!!

To stay up to date with my latest videos and amazing health tips, make sure to subscribe

to this YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button and do not forget to press the bell

icon to never miss another update.

Thanks for Watching.

For more infomation >> Under Eye Dark Circles - Causes and How to Get Rid of Them - Duration: 6:35.


Disney/Pixar Cars 3 Movie B...

For more infomation >> Disney/Pixar Cars 3 Movie B...


For more infomation >> Disney/Pixar Cars 3 Movie B...


Real Madrid boss Zinedine Zidane asks for Chelsea duo Eden Hazard and N'Golo Kante - Duration: 1:45.

Real Madrid boss Zinedine Zidane asks for Chelsea duo Eden Hazard and N'Golo Kante

The French manager has reportedly asked Florentino Perez to sanction the transfers. Spanish newspaper El Confidencial claim Zidane has regularly asked about Hazard but now wants to add Kante to his ranks as well.

Real Madrid have struggled this season and find themselves down in fourth in La Liga, 14 points behind leaders and rivals Barcelona.

Hazard's father last week claimed his son had stalled on signing a new Chelsea deal because he wants to move to Spain.

"What I can say about Eden is that he refused an extension of contract to be able, if necessary, to follow the interest of the Real, where he would see himself well," he explained to Le Soir.

"But, as I speak to you, there is no contact from Real Madrid.

"Eden is only one of the parties to the contract." Kante starred for Chelsea last season after making a switch from Leicester as they went on to win the Premier League title.

Hazard was also key to the Blues success and has continued on his good form this campaign. The reports claim Perez has declined to back Zidane over the Chelsea duo for now.

For more infomation >> Real Madrid boss Zinedine Zidane asks for Chelsea duo Eden Hazard and N'Golo Kante - Duration: 1:45.


For more infomation >> Real Madrid boss Zinedine Zidane asks for Chelsea duo Eden Hazard and N'Golo Kante - Duration: 1:45.


Genève 2018 : les présents… et les absents - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Genève 2018 : les présents… et les absents - Duration: 4:22.


For more infomation >> Genève 2018 : les présents… et les absents - Duration: 4:22.


Loreal Elvive Color Vibrancy Repair And Protect Balm Review - Duration: 3:47.

hey everybody welcome back to my channel so today's video is a haircare review

and it is on the l'oreal paris el vivre color vibrancy repair and protect balm

if you're interested in seeing my thoughts about it then please keep on

watching make sure you subscribe to my channel hit that notification bell I

upload a video every single day of the week and I don't want you to miss any so

let's go ahead and get started so I did receive this hair balm in Influenster

box for free and I've used it a couple of times it is a very nice thick and

rich like hair balm it's up basically it is deep conditioning and this is a post

color repair mask formulated by haircare experts for hair that's dry damaged and

distressed from color treating it has antioxidant and a UV filter and

ceramides and it's meant to help protect and repair the hair and I have it you

know I haven't dyed my hair in a little while that might be changing soon might

want to come back and see if it does but this really does a great job on making

my hair soft and shiny and protected I'm gonna go ahead and insert a picture of

my hair so I did blow-dry it after I used this in the shower but I'm going to

go ahead and insert a picture now of what my hair looks like after using this

so as you can see from that picture my hair was shiny it looked beautiful this

stuff is amazing you're supposed to use it twice a week I use about the size of

a quarter for my hair link my hair is about down to my shoulders and this

stuff is amazing I leave it on for three minutes and the great thing too is that

it rinses out so cleanly it makes your hair feel soft and protected and smooth

and you can brush through it very very nicely but it doesn't leave my hair

feeling greasy or gross I can even do it pretty close to my roots and my hair

doesn't look greasy so this stuff is amazing so if you are looking for a good

leave in you know like deep conditioning conditioner that you rinse out in the

shower I would definitely recommend the L'Oreal Paris lb color vibrancy repair

and protect balm I do know that they have a couple other different kinds that

aren't just towards color treated hair but yeah it is absolutely beautiful and

then it's also a huge tub it is a point five fluid ounces and it's just amazing

I absolutely love this but you guys yeah that is my short and sweet little

haircare review I absolutely love that they sent this to me it is absolutely

wonderful I like that you can find such a great hair product at the drugstore I

know a lot of really high-end hair care brands do offer like really nice deep

conditioning but this is probably my favorite my second favourite would

definitely be the 3 minute miracle from Ozzie but this stuff is amazing

absolutely love it but you guys thank you so much for

watching I hope you enjoyed this video if you did then please go ahead and give

it a thumbs up make sure you share this video I would love to get the word out

on this beautiful product and yeah you guys thank you so much for watching make

sure you follow me on my other social media my Twitter and Facebook is that

budget clan baby my instagrams that came out make up and I will see you guys

tomorrow for another video it's a great one you'll definitely want to come back

and watch it bye guys

For more infomation >> Loreal Elvive Color Vibrancy Repair And Protect Balm Review - Duration: 3:47.


For more infomation >> Loreal Elvive Color Vibrancy Repair And Protect Balm Review - Duration: 3:47.


Maxim Nucci, avant d'être reconnu dans le métier, il a eu du mal à faire oublier son passage - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Maxim Nucci, avant d'être reconnu dans le métier, il a eu du mal à faire oublier son passage - Duration: 2:58.


For more infomation >> Maxim Nucci, avant d'être reconnu dans le métier, il a eu du mal à faire oublier son passage - Duration: 2:58.


VIDEO. Tempête Eleanor: Une rafale de vent record de 150 km/h enregistrée en haut de la tour Eiffel - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> VIDEO. Tempête Eleanor: Une rafale de vent record de 150 km/h enregistrée en haut de la tour Eiffel - Duration: 2:36.


For more infomation >> VIDEO. Tempête Eleanor: Une rafale de vent record de 150 km/h enregistrée en haut de la tour Eiffel - Duration: 2:36.


Tutoriel - Accélérer la grossesse de vos Sims - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Tutoriel - Accélérer la grossesse de vos Sims - Duration: 4:23.


For more infomation >> Tutoriel - Accélérer la grossesse de vos Sims - Duration: 4:23.


Laurenţiu Gabriel Dumitru - Tramvaiul 1 - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Laurenţiu Gabriel Dumitru - Tramvaiul 1 - Duration: 2:05.


For more infomation >> Laurenţiu Gabriel Dumitru - Tramvaiul 1 - Duration: 2:05.


Feed The Forge: Air Freshen...

For more infomation >> Feed The Forge: Air Freshen...


Rocklin purchases abandoned golf course for $5.8M - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Rocklin purchases abandoned golf course for $5.8M - Duration: 1:46.


Laeti­cia Hally­day, sa maman Françoise toujours à St-Bart pour l'épauler (photo) - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Laeti­cia Hally­day, sa maman Françoise toujours à St-Bart pour l'épauler (photo) - Duration: 1:25.


min kyu & ji a; pinwheel - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> min kyu & ji a; pinwheel - Duration: 1:10.


NEM | XEM explained by Jason Lee | РУССКИЕ СУБТИТРЫ! Singapore fintech festival - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> NEM | XEM explained by Jason Lee | РУССКИЕ СУБТИТРЫ! Singapore fintech festival - Duration: 4:37.




For more infomation >> GST | INCOME TAX | DUE DATE Calendar - JANUARY 18 | COMPLIANCE CALENDAR | CA DIVYANSHU SENGAR * - Duration: 3:49.


ഞാൻ ഒരു ചെറിയ തേപ്പാട്ട് ആണ്| Nursery Rhymes for Children | Shemaroo kids Malayalam - Duration: 2:14.

I am a little teapot, short and stout

Here's my handle, here's my spout

When I get all steamed up, hear me shout

Tip me over and pour me out

I am a smart tea pot, short and stout

Would you like to see, what I can do!

I can flip my handle and my spout

Tip me over and pour me out...

I am a dancing tea pot, boom boom boom

Clap your hands and stomp your foot

When I get all pumped up, let's all shout

Hit the floor and check it out!

I am a little teapot, short and stout

Here's my handle, here's my spout

When I get all steamed up, hear me shout

Tip me over and pour me out...

For more infomation >> ഞാൻ ഒരു ചെറിയ തേപ്പാട്ട് ആണ്| Nursery Rhymes for Children | Shemaroo kids Malayalam - Duration: 2:14.


Laurenţiu Gabriel Dumitru - Tramvaiul 1 - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Laurenţiu Gabriel Dumitru - Tramvaiul 1 - Duration: 2:05.


우리은행 달력 인공기 논란이 논란|TKRTV - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> 우리은행 달력 인공기 논란이 논란|TKRTV - Duration: 5:59.


Genève 2018 : les présents… et les absents - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Genève 2018 : les présents… et les absents - Duration: 4:22.


Tutoriel - Accélérer la grossesse de vos Sims - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Tutoriel - Accélérer la grossesse de vos Sims - Duration: 4:23.


Welcome to my channel - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Welcome to my channel - Duration: 1:18.


Under Eye Dark Circles - Causes and How to Get Rid of Them - Duration: 6:35.

Hello Friends, today we will talk about, Dark Eye Circles.

Dark Eye Circles- Causes and What to Eat to Get Rid of Them!

Got dark eye circles? You're not alone! The last couple of years I've been haunted

by a familiar face. Mine. Yes, very familiar, but not quite right. I

need to do a double take. Who dat? And why they look so bloody tired?

I know I'm not alone on Shutter Island either. Many of us ladies start noticing a more tired

face peering back at us in our late 20's. The end of the glory days! All those hard

partying nights (and mornings… and afternoons…) are finally catching up to us, with these

dark circles under our eyes! We're paying for every bar-hopping celebratory Saturday,

every Netflix binge session – as we sacrificed our beauty sleep to watch one, nay, three

more episodes before bed, and every serious case of FOMA for… God only knows! Why couldn't

we have done ourselves a favour and skipped last call, closed the laptop, and/or just

put our damned selves to bed at a decent hour?! C'est la vie. Woulda, coulda, shoulda…

but we didn't, so it's time to roll with it. Hello dark eye circles, nice to meet you.

Will you staying for long? And while getting enough shut-eye is usually

the main culprit, those ghastly dark circles under our eyes can also be attributed to diet!

Luckily there's a a few ways to help slow down the trickle of time under our tired peepers,

and bring back that glow we took for granted! Quick fix? Change what's on the end of that

fork, girls (and boys)! 1. Eat more iron to eliminate dark eye circles

One common reason for seeing dark eye circles is low iron! Low iron results in our tissues

not getting enough oxygen- thus bringing more unwanted definition to the tiny veins under

our eyes. Some great vegan sources of iron include lentils,

tempeh, collard greens, swiss chard, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, squash and quinoa.

When you're suffering from an iron deficiency, your body will absorb as much as 35% of the

nutrient from your foods, vs only 10% when no deficiency exists.

10-15mg of iron (15mg for menstruating women) is needed daily to maintain a healthy diet.

2. Beautify dark eye circles with vitamin C

And while making sure to get enough iron in your diet is crucial for oxygenated tissues,

it's equally as important to consume lots of vitamin C! Vitamin C plays an integral

role in the synthesis of red blood cells and, when eaten with iron-filled foods, helps to

greatly increase the amount of iron being absorbed by the body. Not only this, but vitamin

C is important for defending our cells from free radicals and for rejuvenating collagen!

Very important for getting rid of dark eye circles!

There are also many delicious, readily available sources of vitamin C to choose from! Most

fruits are very rich in vitamin C, including papaya, oranges, strawberries, pineapple and

kiwi. Red bell peppers and chilli peppers are also very high in vitamin C, as well as

broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts and cauliflower. 3. Banish dark eye circles with a B12 supplement

Vitamin B12, which works alongside vitamin C & iron for the healthy functioning of red

blood cells, is tricky for vegans and vegetarians because it's most often obtained through

animal sources. When maintaining a vegan diet it's crucial to find food sources fortified

with vitamin B12- like nut milks- or to take a vitamin B12 supplement which provides at

least 10 micrograms daily. 4. Got dark eye circles? Eat your greens,

K? Vitamin K is used in the body for blood coagulation

and circulation. If you're seeing those dreaded dark eye circles- you might be skipping

the greens that get you the most K for your cash! Broccoli, brussels sprouts, leafy green

vegetables, and spinach, are fantastic sources of vitamin K, as well as sage, oregano and

thyme! 5. Think Vitamin A for angel eyes!

If you want to be remembered for glowing angel eyes, make sure to stock up on papaya, mangoes,

peaches, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash and cantaloupe! All of these vitamin

A-rich foods promote strong, firm skin. If sweeter foods aren't your thang try turnips,

beet and mustard greens, or green peas- all superb choices for your vitamin A needs! Eating

a vitamin A rich diet will help banish those dark eye circles!

6. Vitamin E, breezy, beautiful! If you want eyes that looks young, well-rested,

and refreshed, think about the entire face first. The stage must be equally as striking

as the stars they showcase! Vitamin E has long been touted as the miracle vitamin for

younger, firmer, more elastic skin and is essential for fighting the enzymes that break

down collagen. Want younger looking eyes without those big 'ol bags? Start incorporating

more vitamin E-rich foods into your diet like hazelnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, and swiss

chard. And now that you know what causes those dreaded

dark eye circles, you can start combatting the culprits by eating these vitamin-rich

foods! For balanced and varied diet consult an experienced

dietitian. Enjoy journey to health...!!

To stay up to date with my latest videos and amazing health tips, make sure to subscribe

to this YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button and do not forget to press the bell

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