Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 5 2018

So what do you guys think? Are you ready to hear?

[ Cheering ]

Only one brewer can come out the winner of "Beerland."


My name's Meg Gill, and I love beer.

Oh, that's a great beer. -Yeah.

Oh. Wow.

Meg: So I'm heading on an epic beer adventure

to find out how beer is bringing people together...

Beer is self.

If it's good, people are going to come.

Meg: meet amazing homebrewers

and to give one of them a chance to brew their beer

at my brewery, Golden Road.

You're the winners of "Beerland."

This is "Beerland."


I'm here in L.A., where the winning homebrewer teams

from across the country have come to compete

in the finale of "Beerland."

Look at all the beer...

All the beer. beautiful, sunny California.

Tomorrow, one of their beers will be selected to be brewed,

canned, and distributed by my brewery, Golden Road.

-Great! -[ Laughs ]

-Well, hello, guys. -Hey!

-Hi, Meg. -Hey!

-How you doing? -All these talented brewers

in one place.

I appreciate you guys entering the contest, coming out here.

I know it's a lot of work.

Was it pretty surreal that a beer that you guys brewed

is then served to this many people?

Does it -- Does it kind of make it real for you?

-Yeah! -Of course!

We all want to win. But actually --

What we want -- What we want is just to go ahead

and say you're going to brew all of our beers.

-Yeah. -Yeah.

Well, honestly, all your beers were amazing,

and, you know, we would love to brew them all,

but we can only pick one,

and that's what makes it so exciting.

-The stakes are high. -We'll see.

Big day tomorrow. Cheers.

-Cheers! -Cheers!


Meg: Today,

one of these homebrewers will get their chance

to break into the beer industry,

but it's been a long journey to get to this point.

I started in Alabama, where I was introduced to

Alabama surfing by a renaissance hillbilly named Willy Bob.

Willy Bob: Well, hillbilly doesn't exactly mean dumb.

They have college degrees. They're educated people.

Willy Bob blew me away with his Peach Hefeweizen,

a perfect summer beer.

If I win, my life will change a whole lot.

Seeing my name on the side of a beer to everybody back home,

they'd be so proud of me.

Meg: My next stop was in Detroit, where father-son team

Sean and Adrian were using beer to rebuild the city they love.

100% of the work that we do right now is nonprofit work,

and beer is, like, the thing that everyone is interested in.

Meg: They brewed a delicious German-style Helles Bock

using all Michigan ingredients.

Sean: We already know that people in Detroit love our beer,

and honestly, I-I really think good beer is good beer,

so I'm confident L.A. is going to love us.

Then I headed to Beervana, AKA Portland, Oregon,

where I found a homebrewer unlike any I've ever met before.

I was diagnosed with ALS,

so I started to round up people to help me.

It keeps me connected, engaged with life.

Mark and his team brewed an American blonde

that stood out in a city known for its craft beer scene.

It's way more complex than the usual American blonde.

Unfortunately, Mark couldn't make it to L.A.,

but his brewing partner, Cody, came to represent their beer.

Cody: It's a little bit stressful being put under

the pressure of being the representative for our group,

but I-I feel pretty confident.

Meg: My last stop was in Florida, where local lifeguards

Michael and Johnathan are using seawater in their beer.

You use seawater in your beer?

We do.

We try to put a little bit of the local stuff in every beer.

Meg: Their brewing operation was super impressive,

and their blueberry, mango, and habanero beer

was packed with flavor.

I'm a little nervous right now, anxious.

I can't wait for everybody to try the beer

and see if they like it.

We know what Florida people like.

Now, will it translate over to the California styles?

-We hope so. -Hope so!

Meg: Now I've brought all these winning homebrewers to L.A.

for 1 final day of tastings.



To determine the winner today, I've brought in L.A.

beer enthusiasts who will taste the beers and cast their votes.

Oh, wow.

I like the, like, a -- a subtle aftertaste, like...

I also brought in three judges to taste-test these beers

with me and give their expert opinions.

Thank you, guys, for coming in to judge.

-Yeah. I'm excited. -Thank you!

Exciting day!

Meg: Liam, one of our head brewers here at Golden Road.

Farideh, a culinary director at Munchies.

And Dailey, a homebrewer who made it

to the "Beerland" finale last season.

I'll take all of their feedback into account,

but the final decision is up to me.

What are you looking for this time around?

Some damn good beer.

Does it matter if it's true to style, innovative?

You know, there's true style,

but there's new styles being created all the time.

As long as it's great beer, I'm down.

Meg: Today, the judges and I will be looking

for four main things from the beers.

Appearance: The beer's appearance includes its color

and clarity, head size and retention.

Flavor complexity: How do all these ingredients come together

in the tasting?

Aroma: Smell is hugely important

when evaluating the execution of a good beer,

and it's integral to the taste.

And aftertaste: How do the flavors of the beer finish?

All right. Let's go change some lives through beer.

-Let's do it. -Yes.

-Cheers. -Cheers.

-Y'all doing all right? -Hi!

-Hello, Willy Bob. -Hey! What's going on?

-It's good to see you again! -Good to see you, my friend!

We got the Slow Pound Peach Hefeweizen here, huh?

-That sounds sexy. -It's supposed to.

Well, I smell it from here.

-Yeah. -Right on.

-Cheers! -Cheers, y'all!

-Cheers! -Cheers, guys.



Meg: We're at my brewery, Golden Road, where,

today, one of these homebrewers will get their chance

to break into the beer industry,

and we're about to taste Willy Bob's peachy Hef.

Willy Bob: The beer that I'm making is a Peach Hefeweizen,

and in the brew process,

you add peaches in the secondary for aroma and flavor.

It's just delicious.

It's like the perfect hot-weather beer.

It tastes like you're biting right into a fresh peach to me.

-It's -- Yeah. -It was very --

I could drink that all day long. Yeah. Yeah.

It was a little sweet for me.

-Cheers. -Cheers, guys.

The peach -- peach aroma, man.

Dailey: Mm.

This is a really tasty beer.

I don't get into any of, like, that typical Hefeweizen stuff

on the nose, like, the banana and the clove,

and definitely, the peach is forward in the spirit,

which I think is probably intentional.

How much fruit was that? I'm assuming --

It's about six peaches per gallon.

-Okay. -But these were softballs.

-Solid peaches. Yeah. -They were big.

And your general fermentation temperature?

About 70 degrees. I cheated, though.

I had a -- I had a floor, uh, event

that was coming up in my house, and I just sat it on top of it

and cranked the air down and left it.

-[ Laughs] -It works!

-That's not cheating. -It works.

However you can get there. That's not cheating.

That's an engineering solution.

Farideh, what do you think of the beer?

It's not as fruity as I was expecting it to be.

I almost want to, like, cook with this little bit.

I want to, like, add it to, like, a peach jam or something.

I'd have that on, like, a pork sandwich, like,

a pork-and-peach sandwich...

-Mm. -Yeah!

...and drink this with that would be fucking awesome.

Judges' final word for Willy Bob?

It doesn't say Hefeweizen to me, but it does say peach,

and it's a very, very delicious beer.

Yeah. Congrats.

We do a lot of fruit beers here at Golden Road.

Right. Yeah. We use a lot of fresh fruit as well.

And you have to be really careful about your balance of it.

Deliciously made beer, really great process, very impressed.

-Cheers, all. -Well-done!

-Thank y'all so much! -There you go.

There you go. Oh, put it -- Yeah, do that. There we go.

Slow Pound!

Willy Bob: Their faces were really hard to read.

The feedback they gave me, uh, where I missed

a little bit of the Hefeweizen,

the peach read through a little bit differently,

and they tasted more of, like, a wheat beer

than they did a Hefeweizen beer.

I think I knew they liked it.

I feel like I got what I wanted out of this beer.


Sean: The beer we're making is a Helles Bock,

and we brewed it using Michigan ingredients,

Michigan malts and Michigan hops.

Adrian: I think this is a really good beer.

It's got a full body flavor, and it's a little malt-y.

It's all around a great drinking beer.

I grew up on German beer.

That's one of the best Helles Bock beer that I ever had.

I love it. I love it. I love it. Strong taste.

-All right. -Very nice.

-You're up, bud. -Hey, Sean.

-How you doing? -Good to see you. Hello, Adrian.

Super talented brewers but also amazing community givers.

They are rebuilding Detroit through beer.

-Cheers! -Cheers. Cheers. Cheers.

-Cheers, all. -Cheers, fellas.

Liam: Fantastic.

I want to ask the other homebrewers,

have you brewed this style?

I've never brewed this style.

I have, but I screwed it up.

I'm a big fan of bocks, big fan of German style.

A regular bock will be a lot darker than this,

so while it may not seem that it's actually a pale beer,

this is a lot more pale than a regular bock beer.

It's not an overly powerful maltiness,

and the hoppiness that you've got

really balances quite well with it.

It's actually very refreshing.

Meg: Farideh.

I want to compare it to, like, the chicken of the beer,

which I know sounds a bit weird.

I feel like this is a really classic, like,

I could drink it with a lot of different dishes.

Yeah. I think, as experimental as --

as you're saying these hops are,

I'm surprised at how, like, traditional it tastes.

The hop profile is, like, right on the money for a German beer.

It doesn't taste weird or -- or overly bitter or overly floral.

It feels, like, right -- right there.

All right, guys. Final word.

-Liam, go. -I possibly could've look -- uh,

looked for a little less haziness

with a longer lagering,

generally what we're looking for in a lager,

but it's homebrew, and I understand.

This is delicious, and even, like, cooking with it, too,

I feel like this is, like, a -- a nice cookable beer, as well.

I agree with, uh, Liam that it --

it should be more clear. It's just a cosmetic thing.

Cheers. Cheers.

-Cheers, all. -Cheers, fellas.

Adrian: Well, the judges gave us very good compliments,

and I was, like, "Wow! They really like our beers."

Sean: We're up against some really stiff competition here,

so I don't want to put the cart in front of the horse here,

but I think we stand a pretty fair chance of winning this.

Tough thing about a spicy beer,

it will blow their socks off or make them throw up.


Meg: The judges and I have two more beers

to try before we decide the winner.

Next up, Cody, who's filling in for Mark from Portland.

Cody: Our main goal with this beer was to really try to create

a balance between a -- a blonde and a pale ale.

We really wanted to create a nice

crisp and refreshing summertime beer.

So, yeah, I think we're gonna be able

to give these guys a run for their money.

I wish it were a little bit more fruitier, but I love it.

It's really, really clean

and smooth like you were talking about.


-Hi there! How you doing? -Hey, Cody. Good to see you.

-Good to see you again. -You've got, like, a really

unique brewing process that you guys follow in Portland.

Yeah, my brew partner, Mark, he's got ALS.

He's pretty much bound to a wheelchair.

Mark is not here today, and Cody is the representative.

He compensates for his brain power

and his sense of humor, I would say, if I can interrupt.

Absolutely, to an evil-genius level, so, yeah.

Yeah. Mark is an evil genius, for sure.

Absolutely, so to be his hands and, like, really,

an extension of his brilliant brain

has really just been a pleasure and a privilege, really.

I think we're ready to try the beers. Let's drink some beer.

All right, I would love to hear you guys', uh, reaction to this.

Our main goal with this beer

was to really try to create a balance

between a blonde and a pale ale.

Uh, it's a little bit too hoppy to be a proper blonde.

It's a little light to be, uh, an actual pale.

Cheers, guys. Let's have a beverage.

-Cheers! -Cheers. Yeah.

Meg: Cheers.

So, Farideh, what do you think?

Blondes are one of my favorite kind of beer.

Not to be cliché, but I really want to drink this beer

when I'm, like, at a ball game, like, watching the Orioles play.

I want a fucking hot dog when I drink this beer.

-What does the anarchist think? -It's not just a typical

light Pilsner, but it's also not some palate-busting IPA.

It does have a unique quality to it while,

at the same time, being imminently quaffable.

Drinkability -- fantastic.

That lacing is some of the best lacing I've seen on a beer.

Thank you very much.

It's a magnificent, uh, protein, obviously, uh,

build that you've got in the beer.

From a homebrew standpoint, it's really difficult to do that,

even from a, you know, homebrew low-carb standpoint.

-Just delicious, really great. -Thank you very much.

Hops are beautiful.

Well, Cody, I think Mark will be very happy.

-Cheers. -Cheers.

-Yeah. -Cheers!

-Here's to you. -[ Laughs ]

Cody: I'm feeling really confident today.

The judges seemed to really like everything,

not a lot of criticism, which I was surprised about,

so I've got super high hopes, and hopefully,

I'll be able to to give Mark the great news soon,

so, uh, we'll see what happens.


Johnathan: This beer that we're doing, the Mango War,

it has mango, blueberries and habaneros.

Michael: And it also has saltwater in it.

It's a really interesting beer.

Soon as you pour it, CO-- it mixes with CO2,

comes out and gives you a good aroma.

The interesting thing about is, like, Mango War

because, you know, they're, like, really deadly,

uh, jellyfish.

This thing is deadly also because

it's so delicious, you know.

Hey, fellas.

-Hi! -How you doing?

-Good! -Thank you guys for being here.

I guess I'll ask. Like, w-why do you homebrew?

We brew good beer, and we do a lot of charity events

where we bring our beer to share,

and we use that as a forum to get our word out

on the things that we like,

especially our clean water project, stuff like that.

These guys actually brew with saltwater

from the Atlantic Ocean... -Really?

...that -- on the beach that they're on.

-Wow. -Really?

Can we try it? Pour it for us. Let me try it.

You want to try it? Here we go!

Meg: Let's give it a whiff.


Dailey: Goddamn.

So, Farideh, what's your first feedback on the beer?

Honestly, I want to drink this with seafood, like, right away.

I like the after spice.

It's not, like, too spicy on the tongue,

but that blueberry on the forefront, it's good.

I don't get a lot of mango, to be honest.

-It's really good. It's easy. -All right. Thank you!

It's a good drink.


A place for everything and everything in its place.

Like, this, uh, this beer is just

boop, boop, boop, boop, boop... -Yeah., lining them all the fuck up.

Goddamn it.

We wanted the blueberry nose...

-It's right -- Yeah! Shit! -...and the spice taste...

and then the mango on the finish.

-Yeah. Yeah. -And they did -- they did

what they said they were going to do

with this beer, right? -Yes. Yes.

-Boom, boom, boom. -All the senses.

-Yeah, it's great! -We even put a little bit

of honey malt in the beer to give it that Florida color.

Ah, yeah, like, motherfucking honey malt. Yeah.

Looks like the Florida sun. Think you lined them up and knocked them down.

-This tastes great. -Liam, man.

Tough thing about, uh, spicy beer is that, fr--

from a marketing standpoint,

you're cutting out most of the population because,

even though most people don't think it's spicy,

it will blow their socks off or make them throw up.

I love the blueberry nose.

It's out of this world, better than most blueberry beers

I've ever smelt. The mango I don't get.

Habanero could be backed off a bit.

Other than that, I think it's a great beer.

-Well, we love it, guys. -New man down.

-Cheers! -Cheers, boys.

-Cheers. Way to go. -Thanks very much.

Thank you!

Michael: Well, when the judges were tasting our beer,

they wanted a little more mango.

They thought the blueberry was good.

They, uh, thought the habanero was good.

Johnathan: Um, they're all pretty hard to read.

I really couldn't tell you which way the judges

are going to -- going to go with that.

-A lot of stuff going on. -We have -- We have no clue.

Meg: Now that the crowd has finished voting

and the judges and I tasted all four beers,

it's time for me to choose a winner.

So, guys, those are some damn good homebrews.

I have no idea what -- what the outcome is going to be.

Meg: We're here at the finale,

and we've tasted all four homebrews.

Now it's time to make my final decision.

Those are some damn good homebrews.

-Damn good. -We have a peachy Hef.

Then we've got the Helles Bock.

We've got the Sticky Betty,

and then we've got the Mango War.

You guys got to interact and meet these brewers.

We got a final decision now.

I mean, I could tell from your expressions

that you love the beers.

I didn't get a lot of negative feedback from all of you guys,

and so I have a feeling it's going to be tough.

I think I'm really leaning towards...

I don't know. I kind of like the mango.

I think that I was surprised by the Mango War.

I'm not a big spice person, but I liked the amount of spice

it had on the end I like that one a lot.

-Mango War. -Okay. You're in.

I think each of them have li-little,

small technical tweaks that could be made

to improve, like, with, uh, to me, the -- the peachy --

Dailey, beer always can get better.

Peach -- Peach -- Yeah. Okay. Very well.

-The... -What was the best beer?

I mean, well, in that case then,

what I really want to drink another one of would be the --

the Mango War.

All right. So we got two -- two Mango Wars.

I really appreciate the attention to style

that Sean and Adrian did,

but I think I'm gonna have to go with, uh,

with Willy Bob's Peach Hefeweizen.

-Peachy Hef. -Yeah.

It's a perfect blend of beautiful f--

fruit blend with one of my favorite styles,

great mouthfeel, very easy to drink,

not too high on the ABV.

All right.

I didn't get, like, the, like, the typ--

the typical stuff off of the what we would call a Hef

from the peach at all.

Trust me. I'm a -- I'm a classic styles person.


But as soon as you call something a Peach Hefeweizen...

-Mm-hmm.'s no longer a Hefeweizen.

-Okay. -It is a fruit beer.

Mm-hmm. And I think the fruit characteristic

came out of it perfectly.

So, guys, I have the crowd vote in my pocket.

I haven't looked at it, waiting for you guys to cast your vote.

Are you ready to hear about the crowd vote?

-Yeah. For sure. -Sure. Would love to.

Yeah. All right. Wow.

51% on Willy Bob's Slow Pound.

And 31% on -- on Mango War.

The L.A. beer-drinking crowd agreed with you.

They did.

And these guys were -- were second with the Mango War.

-Second. -And those are -- those are --

The problem is, those are my top two.

You guys are split.

The crowd is a bit split, so thank you, guys.

Super tough decision.

I've made up my mind, ready to tell the winner.

-Cheers. -Cheers.

Thanks, Meg.


Meg: All right. We're going to bring out our homebrewers,

so, uh, give it up!

[ Cheers and applause ]

That's right!

All right!

[ Cheers and applause ]

They're all out.

They all -- all smiles, all look happy, all look confident,

but, you know, only one brewer

can come out the winner of "Beerland,"

and we're so excited because all the beers were so good.

It's hard to make a well-made beer,

and you all did it, so just a big round of applause

for how amazing the beers were today.


[ Applause ]

So there were two beers that stood out from the crowd

and the judges of the top one and two beers.

The crowd vote, the top beer was Willy Bob's Peachy Hef.

His Slow Pound Hef. So...

[ Cheers and applause ]

Tuscaloosa and all of Alabama will be very proud,

uh, uh, of you, Willy Bob.


And then the -- the judge vote was actually the Mango War beer

from Florida.

[ Cheers and applause ]

From the com-- complexity of execution,

with all the ingredients that you guys put in the Mango War,

uh, the judges were really impressed, uh, with that beer.

So what do you guys think? Are you ready to hear the final?

[ Cheers and applause ]

This was a super tough decision.

From a beer perspective, all the beers were awesome,

but, you know, the execution of the Mango War

was over the top for me.

You guys, you're the winners of "Beerland."

[ Cheers and applause ]


Nice job, Johnathan.

-We feel excited. -Oh, my God. It's so unreal.


I can't even think of words to say, actually.

I -- I see it on TV all the time where people say,

"Uh, I can't think straight," and now I feel it.

To have our beer brewed here, I think it will be able

to get it out to a lot more people

and maybe help more charities

and do what we've been doing all along, hopefully.

-It's simply amazing. -Amazing.

We did our best, and we -- I felt we --

we represented the craft beer scene in Detroit.

I have no disappointments. We made a lot of great friends,

and we had a lot of great beer here.

Cody: So, now that the competition is over,

I think we can all, like, breathe a big sigh of relief.

Uh, first thing we're going to do is have some drinks,

just need a beer, maybe two, maybe eight.

I don't know. No.

Willy Bob: This doesn't put any dampener on anything.

I'm Charlie in the Chocolate Factory.

I'm just happy to be here.


For more infomation >> Los Angeles: The Finale - BEERLAND (Full Episode) - Duration: 22:55.


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For more infomation >> Phim Hoạt Hình Hay Nhất - CON CỌP MẮC BỆNH TÒ MÒ ♥ Khoảnh Khắc Kỳ Diệu Mới - Hoạt Hình Mới Nhất 2018 - Duration: 12:27.


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SZA is such a kween yas!

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Pocket Shelter Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Pocket Shelter Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:55.


Another Side Of The Story - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Another Side Of The Story - Duration: 4:41.


Tampa Housing Market Predictions 2018 - Duration: 3:07.

Hi everyone. This is your Tampa Bay Realtor Lance Mohr and in this video I

want to do a prediction for the 2018 Tampa housing market. Now if you've been

following my channel over the years a lot of you know I'm not really into

predictions I don't like to do predictions but I just get asked the

question all the time how do you think the housing market is going to do in the

future how do you think it's going to do for next year so let me give you a

prediction and one I think the 2018 housing market in Tampa is going to be

like I think it's gonna be good a matter of fact I think it's gonna be real good

and there's two reasons why I say this reason number one is there's no reason

right right now that think it's not if you look at the statistics and you know

I do the statistics every single month so if you look at them there's really no

dip it's continually a seller's market prices are just continually going up

homes are getting sold it's real tight matter of fact we're on the in the first

week of January I cannot believe how many calls have gotten from buyers I've

never gotten this many calls in 20 years of real estate from actually buyers and

sellers to look for homes and list their homes so that's reason number one the

second is what I think is really probably the most popular reason and the

most known reason for the housing market and that's consumer confidence when

consumer confidence is good the housing market is really good when consumer

confidence is bad the housing market is bad and right now consumer confidence is

at an all-time high and I've been in business in the real estate business and

mortgage and real estate and actually even before that when I bought my first

home in California at 23 I've always followed the real estate market I've

always studied the real estate market and it's always heavily heavily gauged

on consumer confidence so I think it's going to be a really good year now of

course there's always you know the unseen things that we don't know that

could happened in the world but as of right

now I think the real estate market is going to be really strong and tamp I

actually think it's going to be really strong throughout pretty much the entire

United States it's going to continue to be a seller's market and you know I

don't know I hope this helps you this is just my opinion I'd be curious to see

what your opinion is if you think it's going to be a good market at an average

market a bad market what you think so leave your comments below if you have

any questions for me or if I could help you out don't hesitate to contact me and

I wish you a blessed 2018 both to you and your family have a wonderful day


For more infomation >> Tampa Housing Market Predictions 2018 - Duration: 3:07.


GTX 650 Test in 11 Games at 720p - Duration: 9:11.

GTA 5 80fps - 100fps Not sure why it was blurry

For more infomation >> GTX 650 Test in 11 Games at 720p - Duration: 9:11.


Do These Two LESS To Supercharge Your MTBing Flow And Efficiency | DailyGroove 028 - Duration: 4:59.

- In this Daily Groove, I help you

become a more efficient mountain biker.

Hi Groovers, Chris Carter here.

Welcome to Daily Groove number 28.

I'm gonna help you mountain bike

with a lot more efficiency.

Efficiency, that's not a very sexy-sounding word, is it?

Not like speed or flow.

But I'm gonna help you get very excited

about becoming more efficient, because the rewards are huge.

Imagine being able to ride further on the same energy,

or being able to ride the same trails with less effort,

or being able to blast down those enduro runs

with a lot more agility and dynamic ability,

because you're able to channel

a lot more of your effort and energy

into the things that really matter, that help you

ride with a lot more control and success and fun,

with a lot less wasted energy,

or being able to get up those steep climbs

a lot more easily, climb after climb after climb,

or being able to get up that really gnarly long climb

that you struggle to get up, or perhaps

you've never gotten up it before.

Imagine being able to get up that climb

a lot more easily.

That's pretty exciting, isn't it?

Now the problem that most mountain bikers

have when they think about becoming more efficient,

is they take what they think they're doing really well

and they just do more of it.

So they might think of, right,

I'll just cut those lines, I'll just ride

tighter lines more often to bring some efficiency,

some straightness into my trails.

I might just start pedalling more smoothly,

focus on my pedalling motion

to bring in some efficiency there.

I might just pedal a bit more than I usually

do, here and there, try and catch the moments

to pedal more, to lift up my speed,

or I might brake less.

I might start braking less and try and carry

more speed into things, to try and lift that efficiency.

All that doing more, doing more, doing more.

Now some of those things might work, but the challenge

that you'll have is when you start to do more stuff

and start to try harder on things,

is a lot of mountain bikers start wrestling

that handlebar a bit more,

up hills, down hills, and everywhere in between,

starting to wrestle the bar more,

using a lot of their upper body, a lot of their arms,

wrestling and bracing to the bike.

And that takes a lot of effort and energy

that you could be using somewhere else.

What I want you to do is think different.

Instead of adding more to get some efficiency,

I want you to think about taking a couple of things away.

I want you to take away the pressure

and tension from your upper body,

because this here, this pressure, tension,

this effort, this is effort and energy

that you could be using somewhere else.

I want you to use it in your hips

and in your dynamic ability,

and/or in your legs to power those pedals.

How are we gonna do that?

We're going to focus on two things.

We're going to focus on control over your balance,

and control over your posture.

So, balance, I want you to constantly

think about chasing that feeling of being balanced

on the bike as you ride,

whether you're on the saddle or off the saddle,

going up, down, anywhere in between.

Chase that feeling of balance

so that you are balanced at every instant

as the trail changes.

The second thing I want you to do is focus

on getting control over your posture

by hinging at the hips to support your upper body.

Add those two things together,

and you won't need to lean on the handlebar.

A lot of the time when we're leaning on the handlebar,

why is it?

Because we're out of balance

or because we've got a bit of bend in our spine,

and we've gotta lean on the handlebar

and use our arms as support to hold our upper body up.

All we end up doing is wrestling with the bike,

wasting a lot of energy here,

fighting for lines, struggling.

I want you to get rid of all that.

Support your upper body, get in balance,

and then you can take this energy from here

and send it to your hips and your dynamic movement

and your agility,

and also send it to your legs as well when you're pedalling.

And what ends up happening?

You start riding a lot more efficiently.

Now there are a lot of things

that you can add to your riding,

to become an efficient rider,

but while you're doing those I want you to think

of taking two things away:

the tension and pressure that's in your upper body,

particularly your arms,

and also in your thoughts as well.

And two of the key ways that you can do that

is get control of your balance,

and get control of your posture.

I want you to ride with a lot more control

and be able to do more with less effort,

by thinking smarter and riding in control.

So take this to the trail and have fun with it.

And share it with a friend too, to help them

mountain bike better.

For more infomation >> Do These Two LESS To Supercharge Your MTBing Flow And Efficiency | DailyGroove 028 - Duration: 4:59.


Mans Not Hype By:Warren Eli :OFFICAL SONG - Duration: 1:56.


2 Bape jackets on the floor, minus them I'm dead

Everyday mans on GOAT, looking for deals

See your girl in the park, that girls a hypebeast (what?)

If the boost goes "squish squish squish", you know you're copping

Little man hypebeast (my guy), he's got some supreme

Big man boost god (my brother), he's got some yeezys

I cop cop cop Ultra Boosts, them shoes are fire

Pure fuego, you know I've gotta keep them clean though

Tell her mans not hype, tell her mans not hype

That girl told me "put on some yeezys"

I said "babe, mans not hype" (never hype)

Said mans not hype, said mans not hype

That girl told me "put on some yeezys"

I said "babe, mans not hype" (never hype)

Hop out the 4-door, looking for yeezys, I saw 1,2,3, and 4

Chilling in the Flight Club store

Them yeezys cost 44 (hunnid)

Let them know

When I cop them

They're gonna sit on my wall!

Tell her mans not hype, tell her mans not hype

That girl told "put on some yeezys"

I said "babe, mans not hype" (never hype)

Said mans not hype, said mans not hype

That girl told me "put on some yeezys"

I said "babe, mans not hype" (never hype)

Man can never be hype, man can never be hype

That girl told me to put on some yeezys

I said "babe, mans not hype" (never hype)

Man can never be hype, man can never be hype

That girl told me to put on some yeezys

I said "babe, mans not hype" (never hype!)

For more infomation >> Mans Not Hype By:Warren Eli :OFFICAL SONG - Duration: 1:56.





Hawaiis Kitchen: Hoku's (2) - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Hawaiis Kitchen: Hoku's (2) - Duration: 4:54.


Jurassic Park Augmented Reality - Universal Orlando Resort - Duration: 2:15.

>> Alright folks, listen up, gather around

and prepare yourselves for serious filmik fun

as American Express makes you the star

of your own movie magic scenes.

When I start counting down

just stand near that marker

and then act your heart out.

As each scene unfolds all around you.

Music: Jurassic Park theme

For more infomation >> Jurassic Park Augmented Reality - Universal Orlando Resort - Duration: 2:15.


Hannity: The media are addicted to hating Trump - Duration: 20:47.

For more infomation >> Hannity: The media are addicted to hating Trump - Duration: 20:47.


[Teaser] 「君の声が見える 5」1月26日(金)20時~韓国放送スタート!Mnet Smartで日韓同時配信! - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [Teaser] 「君の声が見える 5」1月26日(金)20時~韓国放送スタート!Mnet Smartで日韓同時配信! - Duration: 0:31.


Hawaiis Kitchen: Hoku's - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Hawaiis Kitchen: Hoku's - Duration: 5:05.


78 years ago, the B-24 Liberator took its first flight here's how it helped bring down the Nazis #4 - Duration: 10:47.

78 years ago, the B-24 Liberator took its first flight here's how it helped bring down the Nazis #4

In April 1944, Allied bombers returned to Ploesti.

On the first mission alone, nine groups of B-24s and four groups of B-17s dropped almost 1.2 million tons of TNT on the city.

The columns of smoke they left behind could be seen tens of miles away.

We really clobbered them that day, said Bill Harvey, a bombardier on a Liberator.

Airstrikes continued over the next few weeks, bookended by a May 31 bombardment carried out by 428 B-24s.

The strikes dealt serious blows to the Nazi war machine.

German planes were grounded and panzers stopped in their tracks.

B-24 liberators of the US Eighth Air Force operating under the Northwest African Air Forces bomb Bastia Corsica, France, on October 2, 1943.

Hits were made on a large merchant vessel and three small merchant ships.

At home, more and more planes rolled off the assembly line.

Hours before the D-Day landings on June 6, 1944, Roosevelt was given production numbers showing 10,000 B-24s had been built between 1940 and 1944.

By the time of Normandy landings, the Liberator was already the most mass-produced plane of any kind in history.

Yes, the Nazis and Fascists have asked for it, Roosevelt said.

And they are going to get it..

President Franklin D.

Roosevelt witnesses the establishment of the first Yugoslavian combat unit in the US Army Air Force with the commissioning of four B-24 Liberator four-engined bombers and their delivery to American-trained Yugoslavian combat crews, watching from his car at Bolling Field in in Washington, DC, October 6, 1943,.

B-24 crews called their plane the Flying Box Car, Spam Can in the Sky, and Old Agony Wagon.

Among those crews were airmen who would become famous after the war, like Jimmy Stewart, Clark Gable, Walter Cronkite, and Andy Rooney.

At Fords Willow Run plant, 1912 Olympic gold medalist Jim Thorpe and 1936 Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens both found work.

B-24 Liberator, set afire by heavy flak over the Weiner Neustadt Aircraft Plant in Austria during a bombing raid, November 2, 1943, nears a church with a 5-foot-by-13 foot hole eaten in its fuselage by flames.

Smoke trails behind.

The ship plunged to earth shortly after photo was taken.

I was a ball turret gunner on a B-24 Liberator.

My first experience in a ball turret was in combat.

It was not exhilarating.

It was terrifying, said one B-24 crewman.

All just flak.

Flak — thats what killed most of our people.

In the ball turret, you had a good view.

It was hell.

You could see the bombs land.

We werent sending enough of the bombs down as far as I was concerned.

I didnt care what we did to the people on the ground.

They were shooting at me and I wanted them gone..

Of the 416,800 Americans killed in combat during World War II, 79,265 of them were airmen.

B-24 Liberator bombers from the 15th Army Air Force sweep over snow-capped mountains en route to a highly successful air assault on enemy aircraft factories at Wiener Neustadt, south of Vienna, Austria, on April 12, 1944.

By the end of the war, the Ford company, other manufacturers in Detroit, and the whole of the American war industry had produced a staggering amount of material.

The US built 324,750 airplanes during the war, more than Britain and the Soviet Union, the second- and third-biggest producers, combined.

Of those planes, 18,482 were Liberators, and 8,685 of them were built at Fords Willow Run plant.

This B-24 Liberator of the 15th Allied Air Force completed 105 missions throughout Africa, the Mediterranean, northern Europe, and the Balkans.

Bomb-loads dropped and German planes bagged complete the imposing score painted on the Chung-a-lug by the proud crew members on an airfield in England, May 31, 1944.

The number of people involved in making it, in servicing it, and in flying the B-24 outnumbered those involved with any other airplane, in any country, in any time, Stephen E.

Ambrose wrote in The Wild Blue. It would be an exaggeration to say that the B-24 won the war for the Allies.

But dont ask how they could have won the war without it.

Staff Sgt. Alva H.

Allen, of Los Angeles, California, puts the finishing touches on the B-24 Liberator bomber Texas Kate before it takes off from its Pacific base for a flight against the Japanese on June 11, 1945.

Despite its capabilities and performance, the B-24 was already technologically obsolete by the end of the war.

The Army had started testing its superbomber, the B-29 Superfortress, in summer 1943.

The B-29 had a better range and could carry a bigger payload than the B-24, and its pressurized cabin let it fly at higher altitudes.

On August 6, 1945, a B-29 dropped the Little Boy atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

Three days later, another B-29 dropped the Fat Man atomic bomb on Nagasaki.

Japan surrendered on September 2.

Flames sweep out of the fuselage of a B-24 Liberator bomber of the Army 15th Air Force after it was mortally hit by a ME-109 German plane during a mission over the synthetic-oil refineries at Vienna, Austria, July 7, 1944.

The bomber broke in two before taking its final plunge.

The entire crew was seen to bail out safely.

For more infomation >> 78 years ago, the B-24 Liberator took its first flight here's how it helped bring down the Nazis #4 - Duration: 10:47.


Why Fasting Fights Aging

For more infomation >> Why Fasting Fights Aging


For more infomation >> Why Fasting Fights Aging


HSN | Beauty Report with Amy Morrison 01.04.2018 - 08 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Beauty Report with Amy Morrison 01.04.2018 - 08 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


For more infomation >> HSN | Beauty Report with Amy Morrison 01.04.2018 - 08 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


[한글 가사] 라나 델 레이 - West Coast (LIVE) - Duration: 4:32.

Down on the West coast, they got a sayin'

"If you're not drinkin', then you're not playin'"

But you've got the music

You've got the music in you, don't you?

Down on the West coast, I get this feeling like

It all could happen, that's why I'm leaving

You for the moment, you for the moment

Boy Blue, yeah you

You're falling hard, I push away, I'm feelin' hot to the touch

You say you miss me and I wanna say I miss you so much

But something keeps me really quiet, I'm alive, I'm a lush

Your love, your love, your love

I can see my baby swinging

His Parliament's on fire and his hands are up

On the balcony and I'm singing

Ooh baby, ooh baby, I'm in love

I can see my sweet boy swaying

He's crazy y Cubano como yo, l-love

On the balcony and I'm saying

Move baby, move baby, I'm in love

I'm in love

I'm in love

Down on the West coast, they got their icons

Their silver starlets, their Queens of Saigons

And you've got the music

You've got the music in you, don't you?

Down on the West coast, they love their movies

Their golden gods and Rock n' Roll groupies

And you've got the music

You've got the music in you, don't you?

You push it hard, I pull away, I'm feeling hotter than fire

I guess that no one ever really made me feel that much higher

Te deseo, cariño, boy it's you I desire

Your love, your love, your love

I can see my baby swinging

His Parliament's on fire and his hands are up

On the balcony and I'm singing

Ooh baby, ooh baby, I'm in love

I can see my sweet boy swaying

He's crazy y Cubano como yo, l-love

On the balcony and I'm saying

Move baby, move baby, I'm in love

I can see my baby swinging

His Parliament's on fire and his hands are up

On the balcony and I'm singing

Ooh baby, ooh baby, I'm in love

I can see my sweet boy swaying

He's crazy y Cubano como yo, l-love

On the balcony and I'm saying

Move baby, move baby, I'm in love

I'm in love

For more infomation >> [한글 가사] 라나 델 레이 - West Coast (LIVE) - Duration: 4:32.


For more infomation >> [한글 가사] 라나 델 레이 - West Coast (LIVE) - Duration: 4:32.


Kendrick Lamar, SZA - All The Stars (Lyrics) [Official Audio] - Duration: 3:57.

SZA is such a kween yas!

For more infomation >> Kendrick Lamar, SZA - All The Stars (Lyrics) [Official Audio] - Duration: 3:57.


Firsty! - Duration: 9:55.

Hey guys welcome to the first video on my channel.

This is how I will be communicating with you all.

So lets play murder.

Ugh just 5 percent chance.

I'm so laggy.

So I guess I should say stuff now probably.

I wonder if I'll be murderer hmm...

Just 5 seconds ugh this is taking forever what do you'll think.

We be starting...

So what I guess I'll just say stuff now.

I want to go ride the tram that sounds fun what do yall think hmmm.... anyone watch good shows.

I just realised i need gold to ride the train...

yeah i spelled realised wrong want to go.

Time to ride the train...

Ohhh weee the murderer is getting their sword.

For those of you who can't read I apologize

And by that I mean learn to read.

Ohhhh just riding on the tram so much fun in the sun I want to eat chirtsmas buns.

What do you think of my song do you like it...

I hope you do.

This round was freakishly fast like eating cake in 5 minutes fast.

Alright next round(duh its next wrong don't be dumb tracker) shut up parenthesis.

Lets start next round now....

Hmm making subtitles is pain to a trackerez can you guess where I got that from.

Fire just like from that cul... I mean no cult definitley.

Still 5 percent chance as murderer... When will my odds end.




Innoncent again.

Next video will be me complaing about how I want to be murderer (in real life or in game) probably should word that better though.

Ooo hay.

Just running around see what life has in store.(gum and milk)

I love gooolllllllddddddddd

who beith thai detective(how about you ask in chat).

More gold yippeeee

These rounds are less then 30 seconds.

How am i mistyping gg (bc you suck).

Well new game.

Im loaded in horay (shut up).

Its still 5 percent chance ughhhhhhh.

Im always gonna be innoncent aren't I.

Lets see where to go where to go.

Just exploring


I hate parenthesis guy who added him.

Bob:Srry it was me...

ME:Bob you're fired.

Oh end portal

Welp I'm dead(idiot)


nOW WHAT (idk get a life)


new game

How about...


Im alone...

ohhh 100 percent chance as murderer

Guess I'll do some parkour.

hmmmm parkour master

Ignore all discord

(I love silence)


(Talk about unproffesional)


I'm bored.

I need friends.


Say hi to samu!

(bye samu)



was that offensive (yes it was)

More friends

Not a lot to say when not in game so,,,



Lots o people.

... INNOCENT LIKE ALWAYS!!!!! (rage quit?) shut up.

See that guy

I didnt

Murderer be feisty.




Is that murderer

welp shot 10/10

No time for next round.

or is there?

hmmm start is kinda boring.

ohhh mystery

hmm nope.

Ill take 2

... welp once more.

No time for other game.

I'm typing in chat(duh.)

Just want to say thank you so much for watching my first video.

And don't forget to like and sub (they know they hear it)

I have no mic so they can't hear it BOOM!

What should my fanbase be called....

How about the ... stingerz

(sounds lame)

Anyways thank you so much for watching...

And bybybyyeyeyeyeyyeyeeyeyye

For more infomation >> Firsty! - Duration: 9:55.


[한글 가사] 라나 델 레이 - West Coast (LIVE) - Duration: 4:32.

Down on the West coast, they got a sayin'

"If you're not drinkin', then you're not playin'"

But you've got the music

You've got the music in you, don't you?

Down on the West coast, I get this feeling like

It all could happen, that's why I'm leaving

You for the moment, you for the moment

Boy Blue, yeah you

You're falling hard, I push away, I'm feelin' hot to the touch

You say you miss me and I wanna say I miss you so much

But something keeps me really quiet, I'm alive, I'm a lush

Your love, your love, your love

I can see my baby swinging

His Parliament's on fire and his hands are up

On the balcony and I'm singing

Ooh baby, ooh baby, I'm in love

I can see my sweet boy swaying

He's crazy y Cubano como yo, l-love

On the balcony and I'm saying

Move baby, move baby, I'm in love

I'm in love

I'm in love

Down on the West coast, they got their icons

Their silver starlets, their Queens of Saigons

And you've got the music

You've got the music in you, don't you?

Down on the West coast, they love their movies

Their golden gods and Rock n' Roll groupies

And you've got the music

You've got the music in you, don't you?

You push it hard, I pull away, I'm feeling hotter than fire

I guess that no one ever really made me feel that much higher

Te deseo, cariño, boy it's you I desire

Your love, your love, your love

I can see my baby swinging

His Parliament's on fire and his hands are up

On the balcony and I'm singing

Ooh baby, ooh baby, I'm in love

I can see my sweet boy swaying

He's crazy y Cubano como yo, l-love

On the balcony and I'm saying

Move baby, move baby, I'm in love

I can see my baby swinging

His Parliament's on fire and his hands are up

On the balcony and I'm singing

Ooh baby, ooh baby, I'm in love

I can see my sweet boy swaying

He's crazy y Cubano como yo, l-love

On the balcony and I'm saying

Move baby, move baby, I'm in love

I'm in love

For more infomation >> [한글 가사] 라나 델 레이 - West Coast (LIVE) - Duration: 4:32.


Tampa Housing Market Predictions 2018 - Duration: 3:07.

Hi everyone. This is your Tampa Bay Realtor Lance Mohr and in this video I

want to do a prediction for the 2018 Tampa housing market. Now if you've been

following my channel over the years a lot of you know I'm not really into

predictions I don't like to do predictions but I just get asked the

question all the time how do you think the housing market is going to do in the

future how do you think it's going to do for next year so let me give you a

prediction and one I think the 2018 housing market in Tampa is going to be

like I think it's gonna be good a matter of fact I think it's gonna be real good

and there's two reasons why I say this reason number one is there's no reason

right right now that think it's not if you look at the statistics and you know

I do the statistics every single month so if you look at them there's really no

dip it's continually a seller's market prices are just continually going up

homes are getting sold it's real tight matter of fact we're on the in the first

week of January I cannot believe how many calls have gotten from buyers I've

never gotten this many calls in 20 years of real estate from actually buyers and

sellers to look for homes and list their homes so that's reason number one the

second is what I think is really probably the most popular reason and the

most known reason for the housing market and that's consumer confidence when

consumer confidence is good the housing market is really good when consumer

confidence is bad the housing market is bad and right now consumer confidence is

at an all-time high and I've been in business in the real estate business and

mortgage and real estate and actually even before that when I bought my first

home in California at 23 I've always followed the real estate market I've

always studied the real estate market and it's always heavily heavily gauged

on consumer confidence so I think it's going to be a really good year now of

course there's always you know the unseen things that we don't know that

could happened in the world but as of right

now I think the real estate market is going to be really strong and tamp I

actually think it's going to be really strong throughout pretty much the entire

United States it's going to continue to be a seller's market and you know I

don't know I hope this helps you this is just my opinion I'd be curious to see

what your opinion is if you think it's going to be a good market at an average

market a bad market what you think so leave your comments below if you have

any questions for me or if I could help you out don't hesitate to contact me and

I wish you a blessed 2018 both to you and your family have a wonderful day


For more infomation >> Tampa Housing Market Predictions 2018 - Duration: 3:07.


Kate Middleton, Prince William and Harry, caught a lot of attention when they recently graced the - Duration: 2:56.

Kate Middleton Prince

William and Harry caught a lot of attention when they recently graced the world premiere James Bond movie the British royals Kate

Middleton Prince William and Prince Harry

Caught a lot of attention when they recently graced the world premiere of the latest James Bond movie Spectre in London on Monday evening

While all of the Royals appeared stunning the Duchess of Cambridge became the talk of the town

When royal watchers noticed that kate ditched her bra and went braless while dressed in a blue gown

Did Kate Middleton failed to follow a royal protocol?

Well the 33 year old Duchess seemed to be showing her rebellious side when she went braless

while wearing an aqua blue Jenny Packham gown on Monday at the London premiere of a Daniel Craig Star movie Spectre

While the Royals might be raising their eyebrows with Kate's chosen ensemble

E-news noted that Prince William's wife turned heads as she boasted the look of Hollywood limb when she her husband and brother-in-law

Prince Harry walked down the red carpet

During the event held at the Royal, Albert Hall the Brit rolls chatted with Spectre director Sam Mendes

And the film's producers

They also talked with the Elissa cast including Daniel Craig who had expressed his excitement for the Royals to see the movie

Christoph Waltz, Naomi Harris

Lisa do Monica Bellucci Stephanie Sigmund and Ben Whishaw the royal trio also met the members of the Cinema and Television

benevolent fund


which supports those who work behind the scenes in British motion pictures as well as

representatives from two more charities Save the Children and shelter box

It's just fantastic to see everybody out tonight Craig told reporters. I'm not overwhelmed

I'm very excited

And I can't wait for people to see the movie

While the spectre cast appeared dapper and gorgeous Kate Middleton was an attention stealer with her sheer gown

According to Us Weekly the mom of two was totally a standout as her halter dress enveloped in a sheer overlay

Flaunted her toned back in arms on display

To complete her red carpet look the Duchess accessorized with a crystal embellished belt and dazzled casas clutch

She also borrowed her mom Carol Zach with marine Robinson's pollution burglar earrings and completed it with her tried and tested Jimmy Choo platform sandal

Meanwhile Spector his third Bond film chosen for a royal film performance

Which highlights iconic movies in the attendance of the royal family since it began in?

1946 Daily Mail reported each royal film performance screening helps to aid the see TBF

Other movies that have been featured for a royal film performance included Titanic in

1997 Star Wars Episode one in 1999 and dr

Seuss How the Grinch Stole Christmas in 2000 most recently

2015's the second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Was also given the honour and attended by Kate Middleton's father-in-law Prince Charles and Camilla parker-bowles

Duchess of Cornwall

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